#Gozer the Gozerian
sodaclown · 2 months
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Ghostbusters Villains
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nosferiusart · 27 days
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hacer curimomos p!teros de los cazafantasmas >>>>> estudiar para mis exámenes.
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inevitablemoment · 2 months
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In time, you will know what it’s like to lose. To feel so desperately that you are right, but to fail all the same.
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xgoddessoffandomsx · 2 months
Egon at Gozer
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manhattancrossrip · 1 month
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gozer the gozerian in my mlp ghostbusters au
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(During the final battle with Gozer)
Gozer: Okay, how many of the Ghostbusters do I have to fight?!
Egon: I'm the only one that matters. See, you messed with my daughter, and now I am going to FUCK YOU!
Gozer: ...
Winston: ...
Phoebe: ...
Podcast and the Mini Stay-Pufts: ...
Vinz: ...
Zuul: Well, this just got interesting.
Callie: It's "fuck you up," Dad.
Egon: Wait, what did I say?
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nkp1981 · 1 year
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BTS of "Ghostbusters", 1984
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tumble-tv · 22 days
Ghostbusters brainrot, because I can't stop thinking about it
This is just me talking about all the different units that make up the Ghostbusters business because I have zero self control. Long post, so there's more below the cut.
There's the motorcycle unit, which is pretty self-explanatory. They're mainly used for small busts or quotes since they can't carry a lot of equipment on them, really just a downsized proton pack and one, maybe two traps depending on the model of the bike.
Then we have the Ecto units, from Ecto-1 to Ecto-3. Ecto-1 is retired due to it's age and how hard it is to repair and update to the times, so there's actually only two Ectomobiles available. All Ectos have top notch technology, but are still 1959 Cadillac Miller-Meteors. They are custom made for the Ghostbusters so that they can keep their iconic car model but still be functional in modern times. They have a gunner seat (as much as the mayor hates it), pull out rack for the proton packs (fits up to four packs), proton cannon, folding ramp for the remote trap vehicle, and drone trap. The Ectomobiles can fit one gunner, one driver, one front passenger, and three back passengers. These units are used for pretty much any busts.
After the Ecomobiles, we have the humvees, which are really just Ectomobiles but bigger, scarier, faster, and tougher. They also have a Super Slammer Muon Trap on top, and instead of the gunner seat being on the side, they're on the top like a regular gunner seat on any other humvee. They can fit one driver, one front passenger, one gunner, and two back passengers. They are known as Ghost-1, Ghost-2, and Ghost-3. There is a compartment in the back seat that carries four proton packs.
After the Busters we have the Cleaners, who arrive after the Busters do their thing and clean up after them. Sometimes all they have to do it take samples of whatever the ghost left behind, and other times it's a full on biohazard cleanup. The Slimer would've been a biohazard level cleanup for example, as well as the Pink Slime, but a spot in the middle of your hallway that created a sense of dread and cold would be a sample level cleanup.
Of course we have the receptionists, because without them Ghostbusters would not exist. They mainly take calls and send out crews, but occasionally help out during major events like Gozer the Gozerian, the Pink Slime, and Garraka.
We have the Paranormal Research Center, where, with time, had been expanded into a full facility with different units for different types of research. They also have an actual functioning containment system, with hundreds of containment units. Each has a database of what ghosts are in each unit and their full file and date they were caught. Once a week a researcher heads down to the Ghostbusters headquarters to gather all of the traps that had been filled that week to empty them into their containment system. The only ghost currently held under headquarters is Garraka, as it's too dangerous to move that one. The basement is fully off limits without authorization due to its containment. The Paranormal Research Center also has their own emergency units available in case of a major event. This is also where the majority of training for new Ghostbusters is done.
There is an entire wall dedicated to their standard gear (flight suits, boots, gloves) in the truck bay. This wall is almost exactly what the turnout gear racks look like for firefighters. Each Ghostbuster has their own little cubby to hold their gear, as well as a shelf above to hold any extras they may need. This cubby also contains a specialized jacket for cold weather (the red jackets that are seen in Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire and are worn by Lucky and Lars) and a helmet (Pacific Helmets WR5, for example). We've seen the Ghostbusters get thrown around enough to have a concussion at least once, and Janine probably had them ordered after the second time the boys came back from a call with welts on the backs of their heads.
After years of being in that falling apart firehouse, they finally have it renovated to fit their needs (and definitely splurging on the fun stuff). Think a glorified firehouse. There's a bar (in Venkman's name), recreation room, kitchen, gym, ready room, and bunk room. An entire floor is dedicated to offices and conference rooms, although those conference rooms are usually used for Super Smash Bros tournaments and gaming because they have large TVs that are awesome for multiplayer games. The containment unit used for Garraka is never touched, and the floor it resides on is off limits without authorization, as stated above. Of course it was renovated in a way, but the unit itself is never touched.
This will definitely be reblogged with more as I come up with it, and feel free to add on!
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Honestly I’m not one to make a lot of headcannons but I’m tempted to try to make some.
Answer to @differentsublimephantom ‘s ask for ghost head-cannons
Muncher (mostly sad though):
Was a worker in Shandor’s selenium factory in the 30s/40s.
Had an accident at said factory that resulted in his death (not surprising)
Somehow died because of nails, don’t ask how, probably gruesomely. That’s why he spits nails at them.
He‘s only really harmful when he feels threatened otherwise he just eats metal.
Podcast came up with the nickname name Muncher because he „munches“ Metal. Phoebe found the name weird but gave in and used him when they caught him.
After getting released by Podcast he just returned to his manifestation point. They never tried to catch him again.
Gozer: Don’t have any at the moment.
Vinz and Zuul:
Definitely have a thing for each other. I mean, the way to bring Gozer into this world is making out with each other.
Both have human/ghost appearances but Gozer forbids them to show themselves like that.
They weren’t always demons. In around 3000 B.C. they were a couple who got sacrificed to Gozer as a human sacrifice, who made them their servants. (Tragic..)
Were also Gozer worshippers before their death.
Slimer (Frozen Empire Edition):
Staying in the Firehouse since 1989.
Just stole food from various places over the last thirty years
Loves cheetos, they’re his favorite snack
Trevor never tries to catch him again and eventually just buys extra snacks for Slimer.
Non human entity
Very mischievous but actually pretty harmless. Only attacked the Ghostbusters because it was under Garraka‘s influence.
Loves messing with the lab crew and especially Lars.
Lars plays games with it and occasionally gives him tennis balls.
Lucky called it that after it puked way to much Slime on them.
Normally friendly, but it’s better to keep it behind a glass if you don’t want to risk get puked at.
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sorens2015 · 22 days
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best team !
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tehjleck · 1 year
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gameraboy2 · 1 year
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Gozer the Gozerian by Glen Brogan
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Beautiful Smile 💚
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nokingsonlyfooles · 8 months
WTYP: The Shandor Building, Part 1 [take 2, the long post vs Tumblr's formatting]
[Do you like the colour of the fanfic? This is long and if you expand it you're gonna get the whole thing, because Tumblr hates you. Don't say I didn't warn you!]
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[Beware of strong language, mention of all kinds of death, gore, and Lovecraftian horror.]
Part 1: Hello and Welcome to Shandor Studios (it's weird)
[TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE: The moon was waning and a raven was tapping on my window when I discovered a heretofore unknown tier at the WTYP Patreon page. It was called "Pazuzu" and cost $6.66 USD. It had one listed benefit "bonus bonus episode." I unlocked a single unnumbered bonus episode titled "Ibo Shanor" and subtitled "train bad actually." Judging from the dialogue, it dates to summer 2023. Since it lacked any closed-captioning, I took the liberty of transcribing it, and coping most of the slides for your edification. (Not really, this is a work of fiction.) I have styled Ms. Caldwell-Kelly as "Alice" since she still seems to be using that in podcast land at this time. Please support WTYP!]
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[SLIDE: Shandor Studios, an art deco style building with some familiar-looking gargoyles perched on it, and poor JPEG compression, with an inset of the Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man. Captioned: Will the Real Ivo Shandor Please Stand Up?]
JUSTIN ROCZNIAK (R): Hello, and welcome to Well There’s Your Problem, a podcast about engineering disasters with…
LIAM ANDERSON (L) [chanting]: Studio! Studio! Studio!
R: …with slides.
L: Studio! Suck it, Discord!
ALICE CALDWELL-KELLY (A): It’s quite nice, actually. There’s a little break room, and somebody left us one of those edible arrangements, and a paperback Necronomicon…
L [distorted, too close to the mic]: My audio sounds amazing! This bonus episode is about Liam’s cool mic!
A [obligingly]: Yay, Liam’s cool mic.
R: It’s made of meat, though.
L: What, my cool mic?
R: No, the edible arrangement in the break room. They’re usually made of fruit, this one is made of meat. Raw meat.
A: Yes, I was wondering if that was an American thing. [laughter] I’ve never been to Massachusetts before!
L: It’s Innsmouth, Alice. Nobody’s ever been to Innsmouth. It doesn’t technically exist.
R: It’s not even on Google Maps.
A: Is it sort of a, er, township? Unincorporated township?
R: It’s more of a, uh, cult.
A: Like an MLM?
L: Like Christianity!
R: Well, a bunch of fish people founded it in the late eighteen hundreds…
L: Fucking fish.
R: …and let’s say they got up to some questionable activities.
A: Anything I should be worried about?
R: Well…
A: I did travel here by interdimensional portal and that’s just a bit… off-putting? It’s very convenient, but…
L: Swimming, having gills…
R: I took the train.
L: Just breathe air, you little shits!
A: Did they not offer you an interdimensional portal, then?
R: No, they did, I just said I’d rather take the train.
A: How was it?
R: Not bad. It was made of meat, though. The train. Smooth ride. Turns out meat is an excellent shock absorber, just not very practical. There was a flock of ravens trying to eat us the whole way.
A: That’s… a bit odd.
L: Brian Phelps.
R: Brian Phelps is made of meat?
L: No, Brian Phelps is a fucking fish. [shouting, too close to mic again] You’re not fooling anyone, Brian! God, I could go for some salami. Is there any salami in the meat bouquet?
R: There is definitely not any salami in the meat bouquet.
L: I’m gonna make myself a sandwich!
[scraping sound, footsteps, door opens and closes]
A: It’s nice having a studio, though.
R: It’s not bad. I like these chairs with the wheels. Good lumbar support. How was the portal?
A: Terrifying, but brief. Very brief. It materialised right under me in the dairy aisle of Tesco’s, then I was in this howling green tunnel for about five seconds, and then I was here. On the one hand, I didn’t have to show my passport or go through security, but on the other hand, I’m just slightly concerned I might have cancer. Or a prion disease. [nervous laugh] Or maybe I’ll turn into a fish person. Did you mean literal fish people?
R: Yes.
A: I suppose… Someone got very lonely and fucked a fish, or…?
R: Yes.
A: What? Are you being serious? What kind of a fish… Do you mean mermaids?
R: No. In fact, mermaids have a notorious design flaw when it comes to sexual congress with us human types. What you’re after, as a lonely sailor, is an animal known as the “reverse-mermaid,” which is widely regarded as a joke, and depicted as the head and torso of a fish, with human legs, and presumably genitalia, underneath… [drawing a reverse-mermaid on the slide, with the mouse, badly] But which is in fact more of an elder god by the name of Dagon, which does indeed have legs and genitalia, but is more of a fully-anthropomorphic monstrous fish. [drawing monstrous legs and feet] He’s a bit larger and taller. Here, I’ll put a “D” for Dagon. [draws arrow] And the rest of him is up there.
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A: As a lonely sailor myself, I don’t see how something like that is any more fuckable than a regular fish. Or a manatee. Frankly, I’d rather fuck a manatee. At least it’s a mammal.
R: Yeah, but you’d be violating the Endangered Species Act.
A [laughing]: I’m sorry, aren’t they endangered? We want them to fuck! You told me to save the manatees, well I’m out there doing it! And then I’m going to save the whales!
R: Debatable whether creating a race of half-human, half-manatee hybrids is saving the species…
A: Are you some kind of fucking manatee eugenicist? If the manatee and I are both consenting adults, and we fancy each other, then leave us the fuck alone! This is how evolution works!
R: In the mind of Donald Trump, yes.
[door opening and closing]
L: You guys… Is that supposed to be a fucking fish?
R: No. It’s the legendary reverse-mermaid.
L: Well, I only respect half of it! Here. The meat bouquet started screaming when I cut into it, so I grabbed some doughnuts. 
A: Oh, are there doughnuts? The meat bouquet has a way of…
L: You didn’t hear it?
R: The meat bouquet?
A: …of arresting one’s attention…
L [excited]: The soundproofing in here is fucking incredible!
A: Out of sheer, morbid curiosity, did the doughnut scream?
L: Doughnuts don’t scream.
R: Do the doughnuts scream in… in the UK?
A: …No, not usually. Perhaps, perhaps on the continent, but not usually in Britain. They’re very stuffy and well-behaved.
L: And transphobic.
A: Of course.
L: Do you want one of these?
A: Er, I rather think… I’d better not eat or drink anything until another portal opens up and sends me home. Just in case this is a Persephone sort of situation…
R: Probably a good idea.
L: Low blood sugar kills, Alice. [muffled, chewing]
R: You’ll wind up married to Hades and having to spend six months out of the year in Massachusetts.
L: I’m spending twelve months out of the year in this studio, I don’t care if it’s in Massachusetts. If I have to, I will marry Hades twice.
R: Nah, you see, that’s not legal in Massachusetts. You’d be in a bigamous relationship with yourself.
L: Well, then one of you has to do it. Daddy needs his new mic. These chairs are awesome too!
[rumbling, squeaking]
A: I’m already in a very committed relationship with the Mothman, actually. We go around collapsing bridges and making appearances just out of camera frame. It’s quite fun.
R: Alice is actually a cryptid wanted across several New England states.
A: Yes, I’d like very much to get back to it, and not get cancer or die! [nervous laughter] Ah, shall we get on with the episode?
L: I’m never leaving this studio. You will pry this microphone from my cold, dead hand.
A: Intros? Did we do intros?
R: It’s a bonus episode, they already know us.
A: Right…
R: But we do have [news drop] the God Damn News.
Part 2 will be another post, give me a minute and I'll link it...
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Trevor Spengler X Gozerian! Reader profile.
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• Your voice sounds like gozer but a bit nicer (you imagine what your voice sounds like.)
• you have purple lightning
• you and gozer are wearing the same thing
• you have black hair (your hair can be any style you want.)
• you don’t talk (unless you want to or asked something.)
• you and gozer almost look alike
Personality: Quiet, calm, nice, mysterious, protective of the ones you love, etc
things you like: humans, peace, kids, playing with your powers, etc
powers/skills: Telepathy, Agility, stamina, Electrokinesis-(electricity manipulation) Areokinesis-(air manipulation) Dark magic, shapeshifting, Immortality, intangibility, invisibility, inhuman agility, pyrokinesis-(fire manipulation) superhuman strength, high knowledge, chronokinesis-(plant manipulation) chlorokinesis-(time manipulation) cryokineis-(ice manipulation) Telekinesis and haemokinesis-(blood manipulation)
Age: 8,000
Classification: class 7
Occupation: Sumerian god/goddess of peace, to make sure peace and harmony stays on earth, make sure the human race lives on
Full name: y/n the gazerian
(A/N: this is just a profile to help people make more interesting fanfics, headcons, and imagines. this is a version of y/n you can use for Trevor Spengler X Readers whoever writes X Readers for Trevor can use this.)
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manhattancrossrip · 10 months
i cannot find the original post but take this thing I drew
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screenshot of the original post below
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