#Grain Farming Market share
businessindustry · 2 months
2032, Grain Farming Market Future, Size, Research 2024-2032
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The Reports and Insights, a leading market research company, has recently releases report titled “Grain Farming Market: Global Industry Trends, Share, Size, Growth, Opportunity and Forecast 2024-2032.” The study provides a detailed analysis of the industry, including the global Grain Farming Market share, size, trends, and growth forecasts. The report also includes competitor and regional analysis and highlights the latest advancements in the market.
Report Highlights:
How big is the Grain Farming Market?
The grain farming market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 5.9% during the forecast period of 2024 to 2032.
What are Grain Farming?
Grain farming involves the cultivation of cereal crops like wheat, corn, rice, and barley, and encompasses activities such as soil preparation, planting, irrigation, and harvesting. These farms, which can vary in size from small family-owned plots to large commercial operations, grow grains primarily for human consumption, animal feed, and industrial use. Grain farming plays a crucial role in global food production, providing a substantial portion of the world's staple foods.
Request for a sample copy with detail analysis: https://www.reportsandinsights.com/sample-request/2020
What are the growth prospects and trends in the Grain Farming industry?
The grain farming market growth is driven by several factors. The grain farming market is influenced by factors such as the expanding global population and rising needs for food, feed, and industrial uses. Advances in agricultural technology, including precision farming and mechanization, are enhancing market growth by increasing efficiency and productivity. Furthermore, shifts in dietary patterns, particularly increased grain consumption in developing nations, are driving demand upward. Nonetheless, the market faces challenges like climate change, water shortages, and fluctuating commodity prices, which could impede its expansion. Hence, all these factors contribute to grain farming market growth.
What is included in market segmentation?
The report has segmented the market into the following categories:
By Type
Dry pea farming
Bean farming
Wheat farming
Corn farming
Rice farming
By Application
Market Segmentation by Region:
North America
United States
United Kingdom
Rest of Europe
Asia Pacific
South Korea
Australia & New Zealand
Rest of Asia Pacific
Latin America
Middle East & Africa
Saudi Arabia
South Africa
United Arab Emirates
Rest of MEA
Who are the key players operating in the industry?
The report covers the major market players including:
Cargill Incorporated
Bunge Limited
Bayer AG
Corteva Inc.
UPL Limited
Seaboard Corporation
Syngenta AG
Nutrien Ltd.
Vilmorin Cie SA.
View Full Report: https://www.reportsandinsights.com/report/Grain Farming-market
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esoteric-chaos · 1 year
Lughnasadh Masterpost - Spoonie Witch Friendly
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Lughnasadh, this holiday typically lands on August 1st in the Northern Hemisphere (February 1st in the Southern Hemisphere). 
Lughnasadh celebrates the arrival of the late summer season and the abundance of the first harvest.
Usually it a harvest of grain and corn, but in other areas it’s a fruit and vegetables for harvest. You’ll see the days begin to shorten from here.
This is a holiday that is more easy to feel disconnect from as most aren’t out there Stardew Valley style on their grandfathers farm. We either have a small garden of our own or everything is store bought. Or those who are gluten intolerant they also may find it harder to connect.
Celebrating and honoring the harvest is important. Even if we are not personally gardening we are offering thanks for natures prosperity in keeping us fed and healthy with each bountiful harvest.
But after this correspondence list I will give you a list of ideas of how everyone can celebrate.
Light Brown
Dark Purple
Apple tree
(Anything within season)
Wheat, grains, bread
Squash & zucchini
Lamb/ Sheep
Tiger’s Eye
The Sun
Wine & mead
Spiritual meanings & intentions
Gathering, harvesting
Giving, donating, sharing, charity
Thankful & grateful
Ancestors & heritage
The folk
Gods / Goddesses / Spirits
Demeter – (Greek)
Ceres – (Roman)
Isis – (Egyptian)
Luna – (Roman)
Dana – (Celtic)
Tailtiu – (Celtic) 
Cerridwen – (Celtic)
Parvati (Hindu)
Pomona (Roman)
Lugh – (Celtic)
Taranis – (Celtic)
Adonis (Assyrian/Greek)
Attis (Phrygian)
Mercury (Roman)
Osiris (Egyptian)
And many other harvest Gods/Goddesses
Need some suggestions to celebrate? I got you covered.
High energy celebrations
Abundance rituals
Visit a harvest festival
Harvest your garden
Bake bread
Baking pastries
Make jam or preserves 
Visit a farmer’s market
Create a large meal for the folk
Deity offerings
Create a money bowl (try rice in it just trust me)
Low energy celebrations
Healing bath ritual
Light a candle in honor
Prayer to Gods/Goddesses
Eat some fresh vegetables 
No spoons celebrations
Create a digital manifestation board (Try Pinterest) 
Eating fall themed pastries
Drinking apple juice or cider
Thank the harvest when you are able to fuel your body for taking care of you
Remember that it’s okay if you cant do much while you are unwell. That you come first and you simply existing is a blessing.
How you celebrate the holiday does not matter. You can choose to do any activity that feels right. These are only suggestions and remember that you're enough no matter what.
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hi everyone! I wrote a story based on @deepwaterwritingprompts and it would mean a lot to me if you could look at it :) A small fire glowed in the distance like a jar of fireflies, sparks flying out in all directions as a pair of shadowy hands warmed over the flames. The traveler limped towards it with cloak pulled close, longing for the idea of a warm place to sleep. As they drew nearer the dark figure became more distinct, with golden skin that gleamed faintly in the firelight and dark hair spilling out from beneath a hood that dropped low over their face. The traveler approached cautiously, hands out to the side in a universal gesture of peace. “Might I partake in your warmth for a night?”
The shrouded head turned towards them, and the voice that emerged from somewhere within the shadows was deep and gravelly. “Sit, then. But I have no food to share.” The traveler sank gratefully onto the hard ground, feeling the warmth of the flames sink into their bones. They unslung their pack and pulled out a smaller cloth bag, withdrawing a slightly bruised apple. The stranger next to them held their own provisions, a small heel of hard bread that they gnawed at, mouth hidden somewhere beneath their hood. It seemed to have black specks embedded within, but the traveler was sure it was merely a trick of the light; for who would willing eat a diseased loaf? The pair ate in silence for a time, until the stranger tucked half their bread back into a small satchel and sat with their head on their hands, staring into the heart of the fire. The traveler noticed for the first time that they sat on some sort of weathered stone, edges run smooth. 
“Why have you come here?”
The traveler shifted. “Just passing through. You?”
“Oh, I live here. Always have.” The way their raspy voice caught in the words hinted at something deeper. 
“Does… does anyone else still live here?”
The stranger leaned forward. “No, they don’t.” Firelight flashed off bared teeth in a grin, feral as it can only be in the night. “You wanna know why?” The traveler flushed and wrapped their cloak tighter as they began.
“A long, long time ago, this was a village. A village of farms… a village with a mill. And every year…”
Every year, the miller would take one grain, a single misshapen grain, from the piles sent by all the farms to be ground, and bury it in a pit of smoldering coals. The villagers thought him crazy, until one year, the stand of a more prosperous farm at the market was manned by a younger child, with skin a light gold, hair the dusky shade of wheat sheaves, and eyes of deep rich amber. The farmers said that she had appeared the same day as their flour, a week after they’d sent it to the miller. She didn’t talk much, but when she did it was soft and breathy, the rustling of wind through grain. A year later, another child showed himself from a neighboring farm, with such similar features that the villagers grew suspicious. And then other farms brought forth their children, all near enough to be twins, and all appeared when they seemed to be around five; and all nearly exactly a year apart.
The children helped on the farms, and it was soon noticed that their mere presence led to a more bountiful harvest. But even these blessed children with their amber eyes could do little to nothing against disease. The grains were swollen and black, and though they tried there was little that could be saved. So the farms picked out the best kernels they could find and sent them to the miller as usual. But some of these were still discolored, and it was one of these that was laid in the bed of embers. And a week later, a child showed up on the steps of a farmhouse.
But they didn’t look like the others who had come to the farm.
This child’s eyes were coal black, with sclera tinted a faint sickly yellow, and gold skin mottled with patches of scaly darkness. Whispers abounded, claiming the child was a curse, a punishment from the heavens, but the farm at which they had arrived was run by a woman who was kindly yet stern and would tolerate none of these rumors around the child she called hers, the child she named Keres. Even if the comb passed easily and swiftly through their sibling’s soft downy hair while theirs grew patchy and was liable to fall out at the slightest tug, they grew up surrounded by a warm and loving environment. Until they were old enough to help with the fields. It was nothing dramatic, but the plots Keres tended produced less than any others, and the grass near their favorite bench outside the mill was perpetually prickly and brown. And yet no disease as bad had struck the fields in the seven years since, and one new sibling had come to their farm. And no one loved Thalia like Keres did. They were rarely seen apart, for even while Keres did their chores, you could see their sister’s bright eyes following every movement. And then one day, she got sick. None of the wheat children had ever been ill before, but Thalia was weak and pale, with dark bruises down her arms. Keres never strayed from their sister’s room. Not for months as she battled the sickness that gave rise to tremors within her. And it was Keres who held her in their arms as her chest fell for a final time.
Thalia’s headstone was carved from wood, lacquered to a rich honey color that matched her eyes, and it sat by the river. It was the first ever carved for a golden child, elaborate and beautiful. Keres stopped working, choosing instead to sit by the mill, to sit by their dead sister. And meanwhile their farm grew prosperous. And the other children of the wheat, the ones who would visit Thalia in her silent entombment and lay wreaths over her grave, began to weaken. They too grew pale and cold, and one by one they succumbed to the sickness, in a row of graves that stretched down the river.
The cloaked stranger paused, and seemed to draw further into themself. The traveler, lulled by the warmth of the fire and the cadence of their voice, lay down on the hard dirt. After all, the night was so cold…
“So many graves. And yet the river flowed…”
With the golden children sick and dying, the town began to suffer. Weevils chewed their way through the barley. Mold grew in the foundations of the houses. And Keres sat alone by their little sister’s tomb. Soon the other people of the town grew ill, and the fields ran wild with no one to tend them. Keres did their best to help, but what can one cursed child do? And Keres was sure now that they were cursed, that this was their fault. Haggard and weakened, the remaining villagers decided to take their sick and leave, find somewhere else. Among these was the woman whom Keres called their mother. And yet the child would not go, blaming themself for all that was going wrong. They had lived in the village for ten years.
And so Keres wandered the village, doing their best to keep it standing. And yet everything around them seemed to decay, and even the moss would grow diseased and fall to dust. The mill had long since fallen down, but Keres haunted it like a dark wraith among the wreckage of the rotten wood. The only thing that grew was mold, the tendrils creeping across the damp and rotting wood. The sun still rose and set like it always had, but Keres no longer went outside to marvel at the colors. They stayed inside, perched on the millstone, sleeping in uneasy fits and starts. And every day they would press their face to a gap in the wood and stare out at the row of bodies buried along the riverbank. My fault, they would think. All my fault. 
They lost track of the days, the months, the years, like a half-dead ghost floating across the ground with no sense of the time that passed, until the first traveler arrived. He had been just passing through, off on some quest or another, and sought shelter in the rundown buildings. Keres didn’t know it, but they hadn’t seen a human being in more than three years.
They tried to help the traveler, gave to him from the tiny stores of food and led him to the most intact buildings. He stayed there for but a night, but they awoke to find him coated in sweat and staring wide-eyed around him, screaming with horror about whatever imaginary terrors tormented him. His seizures ceased quickly, but they were the last movements he made before all his muscles went slack and fell into rigor mortis.
Keres dug his grave with their bare hands, black dirt accumulating beneath their ever-growing nails and knuckles covered in blood. He barely fit, and they planted a sapling over the body. They did the same for the next traveler, and the next, an orderly line of oak across the river from the tombs of the grain children. Their hands grew more callused than they ever had been on the farm, and their tattered clothes, already loose fitting, began to slip off their shoulders. 
Eventually, Keres stopped caring, and that was when the grain came. It grew everywhere but the old farms and the graves, flecked with black and knee-high at first, then up to their waist, until one day it towered over their head. They pulled out the last patchy strands of their hair, and it regrew in a soft black fuzz like the fur of a peach. They took to wearing a hood pulled low to keep their scalp warm. More travelers passed through, and Keres would share the warmth from the fires they built atop the old millstone, but would never give them the bread they made from the flour of the diseased wheat and the acorns of the corpse-trees. Eventually, they began telling their story. After all, they were all dead by morning.
The stranger looked upon the traveler and sighed, pulling down their hood and revealing jutting cheekbones that the firelight cast strange shadows on, giving them a blotchy appearance. The traveler laughed, faint and tired, from where they lay on the hard ground before closing their eyes. “Good story, kid.”
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sentenceme-leni · 2 months
Wednesday. Minimum 3 sentences.
Belle glanced in amazement as the man struggled with another sack of grain and added it to the small mountain already on the wheelbarrow.
This was the third trip she had seen him make around the village. The first time she had noticed him only because he was carrying a few hales of straw, and nowadays she always noticed straw. The second time, the man was hurrying across the meat section of the market, and Belle stared as she saw the three carcasses he was easily pushing through the street.
The man was young, yes. But he looked barely taller than her, and not overly muscled at all.
Curious as ever, Belle had followed after him.
Now he tilted his head from side to side, stretching what looked to be sore spots, after all that lugging around. Yet he still picked the wheelbarrow with one hand and easily started on his way.
He stopped right in front of Belle, giving her a polite nod. "Need me to cart your shopping, ma'am? I'll be back in a half hour at most."
Belle shook her head. "No, thank you." She couldn't stop herself from staring from man to wheelbarrow. Logic told her that there was magic at play, and her instincts also prodded at her. There was something familiar about the feel of it...
"Oh," she said at last. She smiled at the man, who by now looked impatient. "You are from the Dark Mountains, right?"
He peered at her, giving a slow nod. "Yes, ma'am." He eyed her from head to toes, and suddenly straightened and offered a low bow. "Lady Belle, you are!"
Belle smiled. It wasn't an appellation she used often, but it felt wrong to correct him. He already looked flustered enough. "Well met," she said. "I hope you are doing well so far from home."
He nodded. "Yes, mistress. My brother and I-" he patted the handle of the wheelbarrow "-we decided to see the world."
"I understand." She wanted to smile, but instead she glanced at the enchanted man in alarm. She trusted Rumpelstiltskin not to be cruel, but a man trapped as a tool! "And you're both all right?"
The man gave a hearty nod. "Yes, m'lady. Gerard and I, we trade places from one town to another. And we'll do until we save enough to buy ourselves a farm of our own."
A burden evenly shared among siblings, now that was something she could see Rumpelstiltskin come up with.
"I'll bother you no more, then." She smiled sweetly. "Is there any news you'll want me to send back home? We are returning in a few days."
He looked startled by the offer, but quickly shook his head. "No, mistress. We couldn't bother you!"
Belle didn't protest that it would be no bother. She had visited the towns around the Dark Castle often enough to understand she was seen as the lady of the land.
"Then I'll wish you a good day." She gave a slight curtsey, and bit back a smile at his hot blush. "Good bye."
He gulped before bowing again. "Thank you, m'lady!"
Belle started her way back to the mayor's house. She doubted that the two men had come to an arrangement already, but she was in a good mood and would make sure that the cooks prepared some of Rumpelstiltskin's favorite dishes for dinner.
The End
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naturalrights-retard · 8 months
Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky has appointed Satanic pedophile Marina Abramović to serve as ambassador to Ukraine and help rebuild the country’s schools for children.
The so-called “performance artist” is infamous for being part of the Wikileaks document dump that revealed she sent an email to Hillary Clinton, John Podesta and his brother Tony inviting them to a “Spirit Cooking dinner,” which is an occult ritual made famous by the notorious Satanist Aleister Crowley.
So why is Zelensky appointing Abramovic to a role involving children? The answer is darker than you could possibly think.
Before we dive in, subscribe to the channel if you haven’t already, and join the People’s Voice Locals Community for exclusive and uncensored content.
Needless to say, the internet was outraged following the news Abramović will be tasked with serving as an ambassador for children in Ukraine, the global capital of the child sex trade and adrenochrome factories.
They global elite really are flaunting their evil in front of our faces.
In 2016 The People’s Voice broke the bombshell news that Abramovic and Hillary Clinton were involved in Spirit Cooking, which refers to “a sacrament in the religion of Thelema which was founded by Aleister Crowley” and involves a Satanic performance during which menstrual blood, breast milk, urine and sperm are used to create a disturbing “painting”.
Another email from WikiLeaks showed HIllary Clinton returning the favor and inviting Abramović to her 2016 presidential campaign launch party.
Politico in 2015 provided a look at the Clinton campaign headquarters which included a picture of John Podesta’s office where a painting of two men cutting up and eating another person was hung on the wall.
We shouldn’t be surprised by Zelensky’s appointment of the world’s leading proponent of Spirit Cooking. After all, Zelensky and Abramovic keep the same company.
Abramovic is close friends with Jacob Rothschild and was photographed with him admiring his family’s 1797 painting titled “Satan Summoning His Legions.”
She is also close friends with Bill Gates and starred in a commercial for Microsoft.
Abramović also frequently hosts bizarre occult rituals with high-profile celebrities like Lady Gaga in attendance.
The list of confirmed Satanists close to Abramovic is endless. Here she is with Jay-Z who has never been afraid of promoting his brand of devil worship.
According to the Kremlin, Zelensky’s Kiev regime has been earning hundreds of millions of dollars per year by raising children in degrading factory farm conditions and selling them to the highest bidder on the international market – no questions asked.
It is understood that most of the buyers are VIP pedophiles and there is nobody in the world more connected with this world than the Spirit Cooker herself, Marina Abramovic.
As The People’s Voice reported in March this year, Russian soldiers made a series of hideous discoveries inside Ukraine, where children between the ages of 2 and 7 are being raised in factory farm conditions.
According to those on the ground in Ukraine, these children are sold as sex slaves to elite pedophiles and those who don’t find buyers are “carved up like discarded waste,” and their organs are harvested and sold for use at European and Israeli transplant centers.
Vera Vayiman, a whistleblower who worked with the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe, shared her testimony about what she witnessed in Ukraine. According to Vayiman, the children are shipped out of the country under a grain export code. Warning: this is very disturbing information.
Russian soldiers are claiming that they’ve made a series of hideous discoveries inside Ukraine, where children between the ages of 2 and 7 are being raised in factory farm conditions for the Satanic globalist elite.
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hisvictory · 6 months
↪    𝐖𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐓  : meta posting.   currently accepting, expect slow to post.
META + family! from @infernocte !
brandon ( bran by most ) gallows, is the second child and second son of fechin & rowan gallows, and is the younger brother of corbin by three and a half years. however only a few weeks after his first birthday, his father whomst loved both his wife and sons dearly, was murdered by a peace keeper when trying to steal grain from the stores, in order to survive a particularly harsh & barren winter. not long after his murder, did his mother fall into a deep and lasting depression; she no longer held bran and rarely did she interact with corbin. during this time their father's best friend, sollus, began to stop by regularly and stay for as long as he could, taking care of the children and providing for rowan as she could not. however this depression quickly turned, and took rowan's life— leaving corbin to find his mother's body strung up from the rafters of their den. he carried bran for two miles all the way to sollus' home, barefoot.
corbin and brandon are close siblings, shared trauma bonding them together. corbin aspires to be something other than a farmer in district nine, and makes the decision to start applying himself to further education when he is sixteen; though he works the fields sollus owns alongside the man every planting and harvest seasons respectively. bran too works on the farm, tending to crops every morning, noon, and night. he at only thirteen had expected to take over sollus' farm when the man passes in the hopefully distant future; content with getting his hands calloused and dirty.
sollus is closest to bran out of both of the boys, corbin three years older and having been traumatized by finding his mother's corpse, even going so far as to blame sollus for not doing enough, leaving a rift between them- though they acted cordial enough for bran's sake growing up. sollus by the time bran is fourteen, has taught him every trick of the trade— though leaves him mostly in charge of attending the markets and selling their grain and other products to the people of district nine, as well as occasionally peace keepers. this was once corbin's job, but was inherited by bran.
sollus and corbin, as stated before are separated by a rift created by trauma. corbin blames sollus for his mother's death, and sollus does not disregard that blame— carrying it too on his own shoulders. he feels as though he not only failed his best friend, but the wife of his best friend as well; though he refuses to fail the boys, no matter how difficult corbin could be in his younger years.
when bran was reaped at fifteen, his brother had just aged out of the pick. he could not volunteer. he could do nothing. this furthered corbin's rage, dropping his studies, and eventually when a rebellion formed, going so far as to join it for his brother's sake alongside sollus who did so as well, with no hesitation.
cecil fernsby, victor of the twelfth games and bran's mentor in the 67th games; a forgetful man. vera dreschner, victor of the fifty-first games and older sister/aunt of sorts that he gains after his victory of the sixty seventh games isak kapule, tribute of the seventy-fourth games, a little brother figure whomst he loses to the games. poppy burrow, fellow tribute of the sixty-seventh games, whomst he loses after being separated from during the games.
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ameymeti2001 · 1 year
Biofertilizers Market to Reach $3.22 Billion by 2029
The biofertilizers market is projected to reach $3.22 billion by 2029, at a CAGR of 11.5% from 2022 to 2029. This market is driven by the growth in organic farming & the rising demand for organic food, the growing concerns regarding environmental safety, the increasing government initiatives to promote the use of biofertilizers, and the rising investments from leading market players.
Furthermore, the growing adoption of fertilizers in emerging economies is expected to provide significant opportunities for the growth of this market. However, the high demand for synthetic fertilizers and the high production cost of biofertilizers restrain the growth of this market. In addition, lengthy product registration & approval processes pose a major challenge to players operating in this market.
The biofertilizers market is segmented based on microorganism type, crop type, mode of application, form, and geography. The study also evaluates industry competitors and analyses the market at the country level.
Based on microorganism type, the biofertilizers market is segmented into nitrogen-fixing microbes, phosphate solubilizing & mobilizing microbes, potassium solubilizing & mobilizing microbes, and other microorganism types. In 2022, the nitrogen-fixing microbes segment is expected to account for the largest share of the biofertilizers market. The large market share of this segment is attributed to the hazards of using chemical fertilizers, the rising number of initiatives by government agencies along with increasing awareness about the need for sustainability in modern agriculture, the rising adoption of advanced farming with drip irrigation and sprinklers, and the growing health concerns. In addition, nitrogen-fixing microbes are a more economical, ecological, and profitable solution to provide nitrogen to plants contributing to their increased adoption. However, the phosphate solubilizing & mobilizing microbes segment is slated to register the highest growth rate during the forecast period. The rapid growth of this segment is mainly attributed to their potential to improve crop quality and yield.
Based on crop type, the biofertilizers market is segmented into cereals & grains, oilseeds & pulses, fruits & vegetables, and other crops. In 2022, the cereals & grains segment is expected to account for the largest share of the biofertilizers market. The large market share of this segment is attributed to the increasing demand for organic cereals & grains, huge areas of land under organic cereals & grains cultivation, and the growing need to minimize cereal & grain losses due to synthetic fertilizers. However, the fruits & vegetables segment is slated to register the highest growth rate during the forecast period. The growth of this segment is driven by the rising demand for organic fruits & vegetables.
Based on mode of application, the biofertilizers market is segmented into fertigation, foliar application, seed treatment, and other modes of application. In 2022, the fertigation segment is expected to account for the largest share of the biofertilizers market. The large market share of this segment is attributed to the greater flexibility and control offered by fertigation when applying nutrients. In fertigation, nutrients are radially available to the plant roots, increasing the nutrients’ efficiency. It is an easy and safe method of applying biofertilizers. Fertigation offers higher uniformity in nutrient distribution than other organic fertilizer application methods, enhancing organic crop yield by up to 50%. Fertigation also offers improved fertilizer use efficiency (80–90%), saving nearly 25% of nutrients compared to other application modes. However, the foliar application segment is slated to register the highest growth rate during the forecast period. The growth of this segment is driven by the benefits offered by foliar application, such as the uniform application of nutrients and minimal to no fertilizer wastage and the higher adoption of this method in areas with water scarcity or drought.
Based on form, the biofertilizers market is segmented into dry biofertilizers and liquid biofertilizers. In 2022, the dry biofertilizer segment is expected to account for the larger share of the biofertilizers market. The large market share of this segment is attributed to the rising adoption of dry biofertilizers for lawn & garden applications, their long-lasting effects & high efficiency in all climatic conditions, and the wide & easy availability of raw materials. However, the liquid biofertilizers segment is expected to register the highest growth rate during the forecast period. The growth of this segment is attributed to the benefits offered by liquid biofertilizers, such as high efficiency & absorbability, ease of use, cost-effectiveness, and uniform application.
Based on geography, in 2022, North America is expected to account for the largest share of the biofertilizers market. The major market share of North America is attributed to the increasing demand for organic products, the increasing health awareness among consumers, the growing acceptance of biofertilizers among rural farmers, continuously growing areas under organic cultivation, and the high adoption rate of advanced irrigation systems, such as drip & sprinkler irrigation for fertigation.
Key Players:
The key players operating in the biofertilizers are Novozymes A/S (Denmark), UPL Limited (India), Chr. Hansen Holding A/S (Denmark), American Vanguard Corporation (U.S.), National Fertilizers Limited (India), IPL Biologicals Limited (India), BASF SE (Germany), BioWorks, Inc. (U.S.), Symborg Corporate, SL (Spain), Seipasa S.A. (Spain), Rizobacter S.A. (Argentina), Vegalab SA (Switzerland), Lallemand Inc. (U.S.), AgriLife (India), and Mapleton Agri Biotec Pty Ltd (Australia).
Download Sample Report:   https://www.meticulousresearch.com/download-sample-report/cp_id=5409?utm_source=Product&utm_medium=Social&utm_campaign=Product&utm_content=09-01-2023
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revelation19 · 2 years
Do you have any resources to recommend to know what foods are actually healthy? I feel like so many things that are good are spoken about as being bad and vice versa. Like a post of yours made me go research seed oils, which I've even had friends tell me are healthy. But I'm also learning the benefits of naturally fermented, whole grain breads, which a lot if people think are bad because carbs. Any guidelines or resources to help sift through cultural nutrition ideas or even faulty food science?
I mean, just eat real food.
Anything that is overly processed isn't going to be good for you. A good steak from an organic farmer, homemade bread from organic (not bleached) flour, organic fruits and vegetables, etc. That's all going to be way better for you than bowls of cereal pumped full of high fructose corn syrup and highly processed seed oils and stuff like that.
You also have to look out for stuff that is advertised as being "organic" and "whole grain" but is still highly processed. The USDA will slap the "organic" label on basically anything that was fed "certified" organic feed. So a factory farmed chicken that lived in a 1x1 cage its entire life but was fed "organic" feed will be labeled as "organic chicken." Same with "free range." That just means that the animals shared a cage. So instead of 1 chicken in a 1x1 it's 10 chickens in a 10x10 and they call that "free range." So really, it's best to find a farmers market or better yet a local farm if you can.
A great resource for all of this stuff, including finding local farmers and healthy and truly organic food producers in your area, is the Weston A. Price Foundation.
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aartichede08 · 2 years
North America Agricultural Chelates Market Share, Growth Strategy, Competitive Landscape, Size Estimation, Trends Analysis and Forecast 2028
Agricultural chelates are the ingredients applied to fertilisers to rise the efficiency of agricultural fertilisers. The fertiliser solution applied to these chelates will upsurge the crop's yield. In agricultural applications, several types of agricultural chelates are used, such as EDTA, DTPA, and EDDHA, etc. This farm chelates can chelate micronutrient fertilisers such as manganese, iron, zinc, copper, and others. The use of these chelates will improve the performance and productivity of micronutrients.
To know the scope of our report get a sample on https://www.axiommrc.com/request-for-sample/10515-north-america-agricultural-chelates-market-report
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The main factor driving the growth of the North America Agricultural Chelates market is the increase in demand for high-value crops such as lavender, gourmet mushrooms, and garlic owing to the rise in population and declining amount of arable land across the region. Chelate compounds plays a major role in helping the crop yields to overcome micronutrient deficiency. With the continuous soil degradation caused by the cultivation of high-yield crops and the growing incidences of micronutrient deficiencies such as low soil organic matter, it has become necessary for the farmers to add chelates iron micronutrients in the fertilizers to improve the quality of crop yields.
The exclusive COVID 19 impact analysis provides an analysis of micro and macro-economic factors on the agriculture North America agricultural chelates market. Also, complete analysis of changes on healthcare expenditure, economic and international policies on supply and demand side. The report also studies the impact of the pandemic on global economies, international trade, business investments, GDP, and marketing strategies of key players present in the market.
The study analyses North America agricultural chelates market based on type, application, crop type, and geography.
EDTA (Ethylenediamine Tetraacetic Acid), EDDHA [Ethylenediamine-N, N’-Bis (2-Hydroxyphenylacetic Acid)], DTPA (Diethylenetriaminepentaacetic Acid or Pentetic Acid), and IDHA [D, L-Aspartic Acid N- (1, 2-Dicarboxyethyl) Tetrasodium Salt] are the agricultural chelates included in this study. The EDTA segment is likely to be the fastest growing segment over the forecast period. This chelating agent enables high absorption of micronutrients in the plant and offers strong binding ability when used with essential micronutrients, such as copper, iron, zinc, and manganese, resulting in enhanced crop growth. Thus, there is a high scope of growth for the market.
The market finds application in soil, foliar sprays, and fertigation. The foliar sprays held a lion’s share in the market. Foliar spray is an agricultural technique, which contains the application of water and agricultural chelates through spray pumps, tractor mounted sprayers, drones, and airplanes. This process provides an opportunity to maximize the yield, minimize nutrient losses, and also reduce the environmental pollution.
Various crops included are cereals & grains, oilseeds & pulses, and fruits & vegetable. The fruits & vegetables segment is estimated to account for the largest share in market. The consumption of fruits and vegetables has witnessed a growing trend and is expected to grow in the forecast period. Furthermore, the increasing emergence of online grocery stores and the rise in veganism across the region will have a positive impact on the growth of the agricultural chelates market over the forecast period.
North America agricultural chelates market is studied across the countries of the US, Canada and Mexico. The US is leading the North America agricultural chelates market, owing to the presence of major key player in the county. 
The key competitors of this market include The Dow Chemical Company, Syngenta, The Andersons, Inc., ATP nutrition, Wilbur-Ellis company, Greensmiths, Inc., among others.
Buy now North America Agricultural Chelates Market Report https://www.axiommrc.com/buy_now/10515-north-america-agricultural-chelates-market-report
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gulfwaveagri · 4 days
The Excellence of Long Grain Rice
Long grain rice, a staple in global cuisine, stands out for its slender, elongated grains that remain distinct and fluffy when cooked. Known for its versatility, long grain rice is a preferred choice in a variety of dishes, from pilafs and salads to stir-fries and casseroles. Among the different types of long grain rice, Basmati rice holds a special place due to its unique aromatic qualities and elongated, slender grains. As one of the leading rice exporters in India, Gulfwave Agricom LLP takes pride in offering premium quality long grain rice, particularly Basmati, to meet the growing global demand.
Basmati rice, often referred to as the "queen of fragrance," is renowned for its distinctive aroma and delicate flavor. Originating from the Indian subcontinent, Basmati rice has a long-standing tradition of cultivation in the fertile regions of Punjab, Haryana, and Uttar Pradesh. The unique climate and soil conditions in these areas contribute to the exceptional qualities of Basmati rice, including its long, slender grains and characteristic nutty aroma. This aromatic rice is aged to enhance its flavor and texture, making it a prized ingredient in various culinary traditions around the world.
Gulfwave Agricom LLP, a prominent player among rice exporters in India, specializes in the export of high-quality Basmati rice. The company's commitment to quality is evident in its meticulous selection of rice varieties and adherence to stringent quality control measures. By leveraging advanced processing technologies and sustainable agricultural practices, Gulfwave Agricom LLP ensures that its Basmati rice retains its superior quality from the field to the consumer's table. This dedication to excellence has earned Gulfwave Agricom LLP a reputation as a reliable supplier of premium rice in the international market.
The export of Basmati rice from India is a significant contributor to the country's agricultural economy. India is one of the largest producers and exporters of Basmati rice, with a substantial share of the global market. The demand for Indian Basmati rice is driven by its superior quality, distinctive aroma, and versatility in various culinary applications. Gulfwave Agricom LLP plays a crucial role in this sector by ensuring that its rice meets international standards and satisfies the diverse preferences of consumers worldwide.
In addition to Basmati rice, Gulfwave Agricom LLP also exports other varieties of long grain rice, catering to different market segments and consumer preferences. The company's diverse product portfolio includes non-Basmati long grain rice, which is known for its firm texture and ability to absorb flavors well. This variety of rice is ideal for a wide range of dishes, including biryanis, pilafs, and rice salads. By offering a variety of long grain rice options, Gulfwave Agricom LLP ensures that it can meet the specific needs of its global clientele.
The success of Gulfwave Agricom LLP in the competitive landscape of rice exporters in India can be attributed to its focus on quality, innovation, and customer satisfaction. The company employs a team of experts who oversee every stage of the production process, from selecting the best seeds to implementing sustainable farming practices and utilizing state-of-the-art milling and packaging technologies. This comprehensive approach ensures that Gulfwave Agricom LLP's rice products are of the highest quality and meet the stringent requirements of international markets.
Furthermore, Gulfwave Agricom LLP places a strong emphasis on sustainability and environmental responsibility. The company adopts eco-friendly practices in its operations, such as using renewable energy sources, minimizing water usage, and implementing efficient waste management systems. By promoting sustainable agriculture and reducing its environmental footprint, Gulfwave Agricom LLP not only contributes to the preservation of natural resources but also aligns with the growing consumer demand for ethically produced and environmentally friendly products.
In terms of logistics and distribution, Gulfwave Agricom LLP has established a robust supply chain network that ensures timely delivery of its rice products to customers around the world. The company's strategic partnerships with leading logistics providers and its efficient warehousing and transportation infrastructure enable it to maintain a consistent supply of high-quality rice to international markets. This reliability in delivery, combined with its commitment to quality, has helped Gulfwave Agricom LLP build long-term relationships with clients and distributors across the globe.
The global market for long grain rice, particularly Basmati rice, continues to grow, driven by increasing consumer awareness of its health benefits and culinary versatility. Basmati rice is rich in essential nutrients, including fiber, vitamins, and minerals, making it a healthy choice for a balanced diet. Its low glycemic index also makes it suitable for individuals managing diabetes. The rising popularity of international cuisines that incorporate Basmati rice further fuels its demand in various regions, including the Middle East, Europe, North America, and Asia.
As a leader among rice exporters in India, Gulfwave Agricom LLP is well-positioned to capitalize on these market trends. The company's deep understanding of global market dynamics, coupled with its ability to adapt to changing consumer preferences, allows it to stay ahead of the competition. By continuously investing in research and development, Gulfwave Agricom LLP strives to innovate and enhance its product offerings, ensuring that it remains a preferred supplier of premium long grain rice in the international market.
In conclusion, long grain rice, especially Basmati rice, is a vital component of global cuisine, known for its unique characteristics and versatile applications. Gulfwave Agricom LLP, as a leading rice exporter in India, plays a significant role in meeting the global demand for high-quality long grain rice. The company's commitment to quality, sustainability, and customer satisfaction, along with its robust supply chain and strategic market positioning, ensures that it continues to be a trusted supplier of premium rice products to consumers worldwide. Through its dedication to excellence and innovation, Gulfwave Agricom LLP not only contributes to the success of India's rice export industry but also enhances the culinary experiences of people around the globe.Read More: https://gulfwaveagricom.com
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palmoilnews · 12 days
GRAINS-Wheat leaps to 10-month high as Russian harvest downgraded again CANBERRA, May 28 (Reuters) - Chicago wheat futures rose nearly 3% on Tuesday to their highest level since July, supported by increasing concerns that adverse weather in top exporter Russia is reducing yields and tightening global supply. Soybean and corn futures also gained. FUNDAMENTALS The most-active wheat contract on the Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT) Wv1 was up 2.8% at $7.16-3/4 a bushel at 0044 GMT after rising as high as $7.20. CBOT soybeans Sv1 were up 0.3% at $12.51-1/2 a bushel and corn Cv1 was 1.2% higher at $4.70-1/4 a bushel. U.S. markets including the CBOT were closed on Monday. Wheat prices hit a 3-1/2-year low of $5.24 a bushel in March as Russia exported record amounts of grain but have since surged 37%. Russian consultancy IKAR on Monday cut its forecast for Russian wheat production to 81.5 million metric tons and exports to 44 million tons. Only a month ago, IKAR predicted wheat production of 93 million tons and exports of 52 million tons. Some 1.5 million hectares of Russian crops have been damaged by frosts and the total figure may rise to 2 million hectares, the head of Russia's Grain Union said. Drought has also harmed southern cropping regions and weather charts showed little rain in the coming days. Soil in Siberia is waterlogged. The pace of sowing is the slowest in six years. Russian wheat export prices continued to rise last week. Meanwhile, in neighbouring Ukraine, traders union UGA downgraded its forecast for the country's 2024 combined grain and oilseed harvest to 74.6 million tons from 76.1 million tons. Speculators bought back huge numbers of short positions in CBOT wheat, corn and soybeans in recent weeks, helping push up prices. Elsewhere, the European Union crop monitoring service trimmed its outlook for this year's EU soft wheat and rapeseed yields while upping its forecasts for barley and maize. Cold temperatures across much of Argentina's farming heartland over the weekend will help slow a severe leafhopper insect outbreak that has damaged the country's corn crop, the Rosario grains exchange said. India is likely to receive above-average monsoon rains this year, the weather office said, retaining its April forecast and keeping alive the possibility of higher farm output. MARKETS NEWS World shares firmed on Monday as investors braced for a busy run of inflation data that could set the scene for a European rate cut as soon as next week and a U.S. policy easing within just a few months.
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market-r · 16 days
Plant Activators Market Trends, Share, Industry Opportunities, and Forecast By 2030
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This Plant Activatorsmarket report has been prepared by considering several fragments of the present and upcoming market scenario. The market insights gained through this market research analysis report facilitates more clear understanding of the market landscape, issues that may interrupt in the future, and ways to position definite brand excellently. It consists of most-detailed market segmentation, thorough analysis of major market players, trends in consumer and supply chain dynamics, and insights about new geographical markets. The market insights covered in Plant Activators  report simplifies managing marketing of goods and services effectively.
Data Bridge Market Research analyses that the plant activators market, valued at USD 754.71 Million in 2022, will reach USD 1,287.08 Million by 2030, growing at a CAGR of 6.90% during the forecast period of 2023 to 2030.
Download Sample PDF Copy of this Report to understand structure of the complete report @ https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/request-a-sample/?dbmr=global-plant-activators-market
Market Overview:
The market is expanding due to the development of farming technologies and the rising use of integrated pest management techniques. Fruits and vegetables were found to hold the largest market share because they can be excellent sources of essential nutrients like calcium, fiber, folate, iron, magnesium, potassium, and others. Additionally, an important trend in many regions is the rise in the number of nurseries. The market has expanded due to this factor and the availability of new technologies for spraying chemicals and activators.
Some of the major players operating in the Plant Activators  market are Syngenta Crop Protection AG (Switzerland), BASF SE (Germany), Plant Health Care plc (U.S.), Arysta LifeScience Corporation(U.S.), NIHON NOHYAKU CO., LTD (Japan), Certis USA LLC (U.S.), Gowan Company (U.S.), Futureco Bioscience (Spain), NutriAg  Group Ltd. (Canada), Eagle Plant Protect Private Limited. (India),  Excel Crop Care Ltd. (India), Jaivik Crop Care LLP (India), NACL Industries Ltd. (India), Koppert (Netherlands), Agrauxine (France) among others.
Global Plant Activators  Market Scope
The plant activators market is segmented on the basis of source, crop type, form, mode of application, and distribution channel. The growth amongst these segments will help you analyse meagre growth segments in the industries and provide the users with a valuable market overview and market insights to help them make strategic decisions for identifying core market applications.
Crop Type
Fruits and Vegetables
Citrus Fruits
Pome Frits
Root and Tuber vegetables
Leafy vegetable
Other fruits and vegetable
Cereals and Grains
Oilseeds and Pulses
Cotton seeds
Sunflower and Rapeseed
Turf and Ornamentals
Water-Dispersible and Water-Soluble Granules
Wettable Powders
Mode of Application
Foliar Spray
Soil Treatment
Other Modes of Application
Seed treatment
Trunk injection
Soil drenching
Distribution Channel
Browse More About This Research Report @ https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/reports/global-plant-activators-market
Table of Content:
Part 01: Executive Summary
Part 02: Scope of the Report
Part 03: Global Plant Activators Market Landscape
Part 04: Global Plant Activators  Market Sizing
Part 05: Global Plant Activators  Market Segmentation By Product
Part 06: Five Forces Analysis
Part 07: Customer Landscape
Part 08: Geographic Landscape
Part 09: Decision Framework
Part 10: Drivers and Challenges
Part 11: Market Trends
Part 12: Vendor Landscape
Part 13: Vendor Analysis
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factmrlokesh · 17 days
Plant-based Snacks Market Forecasted to Achieve US$ 80 Billion by 2033, with 8.7% CAGR
Plant-based snacks market are expected to have a value of US$ 34.6 billion in 2023 and US$ 80 billion by the end of 2033, growing at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 8.7%.
Foods like fruits, vegetables, grains, and tubers are examples of plant-based snacks. The consumption of plant-based snacks is being driven by the growing popularity of convenience foods and the rise in the number of vegan consumers.
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Natural food products are in high demand as customers become more health-conscious, despite their high cost and limited availability. Health-conscious consumers often prefer premium, sustainable, and healthy private-label products, presenting lucrative opportunities for food and beverage companies in the plant-based snacks market.
The appeal of plant-based snacks, such as fruit and nut snacks, grain-based snacks, and more, has broadened their audience and boosted sales. With rising per capita income, consumers have increased purchasing power, leading them to choose more premium products. They recognize the benefits of healthy, natural, or plant-based items and are willing to pay a higher price for these superior options.
Major Key Players in the Plant-Based Snacks Industry are:
Unilever Group
Nestle S.A.
Green Park Snacks
General Mills
Maple Leaf Foods
Conagra Brands Inc.
Blue Diamonds Growers Inc.
Eat Natural
Key Takeaways from Market Study
The global plant-based snacks market reached a valuation of US$ 34.6 billion in 2023.
Demand for plant-based snacks is expected to grow at a CAGR of 8.7% from 2023 to 2033.
The global market is projected to hit US$ 80 billion by the end of 2033.
North America holds a 36% market share in 2023.
Sales of plant-based snack bars are anticipated to grow rapidly, with a CAGR of 10.7% during the forecast period.
Competitive Landscape
A winning strategy to move ahead in the plant-based snacks market is to focus on innovation, offering a wide range of unique and flavorful products that appeal to health-conscious consumers who are looking for convenient and tasty snacking options. This can include investing in research and development to create new and exciting plant-based snack products that are both healthy and delicious.
By focusing on innovation, sustainability, and brand building, companies in the plant-based snacks market can develop a winning strategy that positions them for long-term success. Nestlé, Unilever Group, Soul Sprout, Oumph!, Quorn, and Green Park Snacks are among the top brands in the snacks industry.
Customers have widely consumed plant-based snack bars such as EPIC Provisions Rise & Grind morning-inspired bars, LARABAR Plant-based protein bars, and Nature Valley Wafer Bars introduced by General Mills in 2019.
At the Natural Products Expo West in the United States in 2019, Uptons Naturals introduced Jerk Bites made of wheat and protein. The vegan snacks are free of GMO soybean, trans fat, and cholesterol, and are a great source of protein and vitamin B12.
Market Competition
With the rising demand for plant-based snacks, manufacturers are focusing on cost reduction and increasing the availability of plant-based ingredients. Technological advancements and sustainable farming practices are contributing to making these ingredients more cost-effective and accessible.
Manufacturers are experimenting with innovative ingredients and flavor combinations to develop snacks that are both indulgent and healthy. By capitalizing on the plant-based diet trend, they position their products as healthier and more sustainable alternatives to traditional snacks.
For instance, Mondelez International launched the Fuse Fit snack bar in the Indian market in 2021.
Read More: https://www.factmr.com/report/plant-based-snacks-market
Growing awareness about environmental sustainability is fueling the expansion of the plant-based snacks market. As consumers become more mindful of the environmental impact of their food choices, they increasingly seek sustainable options. Compared to traditional snacks made with animal-based ingredients, plant-based snacks are perceived as more environmentally friendly.
Producing animal-based snacks demands substantial resources, including water and land, and significantly contributes to greenhouse gas emissions. Animal farming, in particular, releases large amounts of methane, a potent greenhouse gas that accelerates climate change. Consequently, the production of animal-based snacks is a resource-intensive and environmentally harmful process.
In contrast, plant-based snacks typically have a smaller environmental footprint, requiring fewer resources and generating lower emissions. This sustainability appeal attracts consumers who prioritize eco-friendly choices. As concerns about the effects of food production on climate change and biodiversity loss grow, so does the demand for plant-based snacks.
Plant-based Snacks Industry Segmentation
By Type :
Meat-alternative Snacks
Grain-based Snacks
Fruit & Nut Snacks
Plant-based Snack Bars
By Category :
By Source :
The plant-based snacks market is poised for significant growth as environmental sustainability becomes a paramount concern for consumers. The reduced resource requirements and lower greenhouse gas emissions associated with plant-based snacks make them an attractive option for those seeking to minimize their environmental impact. As awareness of the ecological consequences of food production continues to rise, the demand for plant-based alternatives will likely increase. This shift not only supports environmental goals but also reflects a broader trend toward healthier, more sustainable eating habits. Consequently, the plant-based snacks market is set to expand, driven by conscious consumer choices and a collective effort to promote a more sustainable future.
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tejas54 · 23 days
Quail Egg Market Growth Predictions: Future Outlook till 2031
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The comprehensive analysis report on global “Quail Egg market "Quail Egg market" trends encompasses a thorough study of the ongoing growth factors driving the Quail Egg market, the current market scenario, development status, and future opportunities. The market size of the Quail Egg segment is predicted based on a detailed analysis of types, applications, and end-use industry segments. The report incorporates effective strategies within the business framework aimed at improving the growth rate of the industry. Additionally, the forecast report on the Quail Egg market provides complete information regarding industry production, sales, consumption status, and market prospects, along with an in-depth Quail Egg market share analysis.
Get a Sample Copy of the Report - https://www.proficientmarketinsights.com/enquiry/request-sample/1588
The global Quail Egg Market size was USD 2011.31 million in 2024 and the market is projected to touch USD 2668.66 million by 2031, exhibiting a CAGR of 4.1% during the forecast period.
Global Key Manufacturers Covered in Quail Egg Market:
Russian Grain Ufa (Russia)
Kwetters (Netherlands)
YOHO FOOD (Hong Kong)
Toyohashi Uzura Cooperative (Japan)
Spring Creek Quail Farms (Canada)
Caillor S.A. (France)
Quail Egg market Segment by Type:
Quail Egg Market Segment by Application:
Supermarkets and Hypermarkets
Direct Selling
Get a Sample Copy of the Report - https://www.proficientmarketinsights.com/enquiry/request-sample/1588
Regional Analysis:
North America
Rest of the World (RoW)
Quail Egg Market Report Highlights: -
The report covers forecast and analysis for the market on a global and regional level.
The report includes the drivers and the restraints that affect the growth of the market.
The report discusses detailed information about the market opportunities.
The market is segmented on the basis of product and end-user industry which in turn is bifurcated on the regional level.
The key target audience for the market has been determined in the report.
The revenue generated by the prominent industry players has been analyzed in the report.
Key Questions Answered in The Quail Egg Market Report:
What will the Quail Egg market growth rate?
What are the key factors driving the global Quail Egg market?
Who are the key manufacturers in Quail Egg market space?
What are the market opportunities, market risk and market overview of the Quail Egg market?
What are sales, revenue, and price analysis of top manufacturers of Quail Egg market?
Who are the distributors, traders and dealers of Quail Egg market?
What are the Quail Egg market opportunities and threats faced by the vendors in the global Quail Egg Industry?
What are sales, revenue, and price analysis by types and applications of Quail Egg Industry?
What are sales, revenue, and price analysis by regions of Quail Egg industry?
Purchase this Report (Price 2900 USD for single user license) - https://www.proficientmarketinsights.com/purchase/1588
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chrissytinat · 25 days
A Reset - Planting the seeds
I know I've said a ton of times that I'm back, but I think this time I am.
Recently I've been sort of going through a bit of a reset. I shared a video I made for my channel talking about this. I called it "building my farm" because of Stardew Valley and how the intro to it hit me harder than I expected. I've started with the foundations to build the farm, creating a hub(which includes here and changing my username from Nanoficto92 to chrissytinat). ChrissyTinaT is my hub for all things creative. I know I've posted a lot of things on here already, but this is the main blog, so it makes sense to continue it here.
I've been thinking about the whole farm analogy more. I started with the foundations, now I'm working out what the seeds are. As much as I want to just be like I need money, success, stability, I need to break down what leads to those. So it's like splitting the farm into sections for veggies, grains, fruits, things like that(can you tell I'm not a farmer). It's what goes into those sections I need to focus on, not the bigger picture. What goes into success? What goes into creating that stability I want? What can help me earn more while the job market is absolute garbage?
Nixing the success section is a good start. Success should come from the culmination of everything. So I'm throwing in a self care section instead. Part of being successful, at least to me, is being happy and self care can play into that. I do need to be nicer to myself and care for myself a bit more.
So, I'm back. I'm here. I'm under a new username that's a hub for my creative projects(and I will be sharing some between blogs because I did make separate blogs before this for my comics and games).
Not sure what or how often I'll be posting, but I'm back to using this as a main blog.
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Technocracy’s war on food is persistent, crushing and totally mean-spirited. It has nothing to do with “saving the environment” or preventing global warming, but rather seeks population reduction and subjugation. The EU, an emerging Technocracy itself, is spearheading this assault on food and farmers in general.⁃ TN Editor
European farmers are furious over a bullshit plan by the European Union which would force then to be treated as industrial plants, similar to steel mills or chemical works, in order to force them to cut greenhouse gas emissions and other pollution, the Financial Times reports.
Greek farmer Takis Kazanas, 66, and his four sons run a 230-acre ranch with 300 cattle ranch in the mountains overlooking the Thessalian Plain. While the farmers already capture biogas from cow dung, and use homemade manure vs. chemical fertilizer, Kazanas is one of many farmers up in arms over environmentalist bureaucrats who want to impose crippling new rules on them in order to cut emissions by 55% by 2030 vs. 1990 levels.
“That’s what the EU says and that’s what I do,” says Kazanas, regarding the ‘earth-friendly’ measures he already employs. “Today, everyone blames cattle for methane production and pollution . . . I have a different opinion.”
The sheer scale of the transformation that the European Commission is asking for in its Farm to Fork strategy — halving the amount of pesticides applied by 2030, cutting the use of fertilisers, doubling organic production and rewilding some farmland — would be remarkable even in less urgent times.
Yet it comes as the war in Ukraine has upended global food markets, and as farmers face a cut in subsidies in the Common Agricultural Policy, the €55bn-a-year programme that has underwritten Europe’s food security since 1962.
The EU argues that the agriculture sector is badly in need of environmental reforms. One senior EU official working on climate policy calls it “our problem child”. -FT
According to Brussels, nitrous oxides found in fertilizer, as well as animal urine and poop, are a large part of the problem.
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One problem facing farmers is thin margins between organic producers who survive on local trade, to pig farmers whose profits are being whittled away by international competition. As the Times notes, “even a small increase in the price of feed can wipe out annual profits.”
After the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the EU almost immediately unveiled ‘Farm to Fork’ pollution targets. According to a senior commission official, “the debate has changed.”
The goals of the program, via FT, are to:
Cut the use of chemical and hazardous pesticides by 50% by 2030
Reduce fertiliser use by 20% by 2030
Lower by 50% the sales of antimicrobials for farmed animals and in aquaculture
Increase the amount of land devoted to organic farming to 25% in 2030 from 9.1% in 2020
Bigger livestock farms to comply with clean air and water regulations that apply to heavy industry
That said, farmers have banded together – and thanks to organized, well-funded campaigns, EU governments have softened their tone over what is becoming a new battleground over green ambitions.
In the Netherlands, the government recently paused a program which would shutter farms in order to reduce nitrous oxide emissions, after a Farmer Citizen Movement (BBB) won a surprising share of provincial elections in March. Poland, Bulgaria and Hungry, meanwhile, have temporarily halted imports of grain, dairy products, meat, fruits and vegetables from Ukraine after farmers were livid over Ukrainian commodities flooding the market and depressing prices.
Belgian MP, Tom Vandenkendelaere, says the pressure on farmers is insane.
“It is the number of policies hitting them at the same time. We need to slow down,” he said, adding that farmers are being made to feel vilified for simply doing their jobs.
“They feel their whole way of life is under attack … Farmers are asking, ‘Why does Brussels hate us?’”
Well, it is, and farmers are suffering.
EU environmentalists don’t care.
“It is a significant change for our farmers, but inevitably they will have to be part of the solution,” said Virginijus Sinkevičius, the EU’s environment and fisheries commissioner, who added: “Maybe that won’t happen overnight.”
And according to the office of European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen, “The commission is convinced that the transition to a resilient and sustainable agricultural sector, in line with the European green deal and its Farm to Fork and biodiversity strategies, is fundamental to food security.”
The farmers have their backs up against the wall
Belgium farmer Bram van Hecke, says he and his father and brothers are feeling squeezed – between policymakers trying to force them into untenable production and consumers who can’t afford inflated food prices.
“If you go to a bank saying I want to invest but my income will halve they are not going to give you a loan,” he told the Times. “Producing more is a viable business, while being extremely environmental might harm your business.”
Van Hecke says an EU directive requiring that farmers track the spread of ‘muck’ with GPS is already costing his family €10,000-€15,000 annually.
“The average land price in Flanders is €63,000 per hectare — we lose about 4 hectares to the nitrates directive. You can do the maths,” he said. “The government is saying we are going to increase your costs but there is no vision for helping increase income.”
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