#Great Langdale
vox-anglosphere · 1 year
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A public footpath traverses farmland in Great Langdale, Cumbria
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dopescissorscashwagon · 10 months
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Nice to have some colour contrast in Great Langdale with the Langdale Pikes as a backdrop.
📸 Rod Hutchinson
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Great Langdale from Side Pike - Lake District.
Can't beat a morning up in the mountains like this; feeling like you're the only person in the world. This was a stunning start to the day in the Lake District, standing on the edge of Side Pike overlooking the famous Great Langdale bathed in the first rays of golden sunlight. The majestic Langdale Pikes, including Harrison Stickle, Loft Crag, Pavey Ark and Pike of Stickle, can be seen central in the scene rising dramatically from the green pastures right up to the iconic peaked summits.
This photograph is a panorama composed of numerous landscape images stitched together in order to showcase the wide-angle vista from this viewpoint. It was a pretty dark and moody start to the day, but a sudden break in the clouds allowed this fabulous sunlight to emerge and illuminate the scene perfectly. I chose Side Pike for this point of view as it offers such an amazing vista of the valley and surrounding mountains, despite being quite a lowly summit itself.
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starlink-installer-uk · 9 months
Starlink Installation Great Langdale
Starlink Installation Great Langdale.This an installation of Starlink carried out by Andy and Ethan in a remote are if the lakes called Great Langdale on the outskirts of Ambleside.Customer had 2 properties one of which was a large house that is rented out as a holiday home along with some bunkhouses across the yard.Current internet was off Plusnet with about 2mbs which was causing all sorts of…
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spacetypo · 1 year
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Got to learn some mocap acting techniques at The Mocap Vaults in Montreal this weekend :3c
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“The Daffy Duck Program” a “could have been” primetime show for The WB circa 1997, was conceived by Paul Rugg and John P. McCann. So much fun working with them, Doug Langdale and Tony Cervone on this ill-fated gem. Sometimes you can only replay the great ones in your head.
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The little chapel emerges from the morning mist at Great Langdale in the Lake District.
The beautiful Lake District: BritainAndBritishness.com/LakeDistrict/
Bob Radlinski.
Cottages and Villages
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no-side-us · 6 months
Letters From Watson Liveblog - Dec. 8, 11
The Three Gables, Part 1 & Part 2
Not a liveblog really, more just a list of quick thoughts because I don't want to comment on this story bit by bit. Overall, I didn't think the story was very good, even if you did ignore all the racism (which you shouldn't, obviously).
The racism towards Steve Dixie, from the way his speech is written, comparing him to animals, describing him in "brutish" terms, etc., is all awful. There's also this consistent insult Holmes keeps making about his smell. It's honestly quite jarring when compared to other stories, especially in say The Yellow Face, which I felt was kinder. Not great or anything, but better. Apparently, there's also been debate in the past in the Holmesian scholarly community that this story isn't canon because of all this racism. Here's a link to a brief discussion about it I found.
The mystery itself is also sort of meh. Why is Isadora Klein so worried that the draft could be so catastrophic for her if the names are changed and the mother seemingly has no awareness of it. Maybe back then it was more believable that people would figure out the story was about her, but it seems doubtful. And if she really wanted it, there must be simpler ways than a weird all-encompassing legal buy-out.
Langdale Pike is in one paragraph and only described second-hand, but he's one of the bits I do like. It's another string to his bow of the various sources of information Holmes uses. Although he was too convenient a source when there should have been more clues pointing to Isadora Klein being the mastermind. At least, I'm assuming he's the reason Holmes knows it was her.
Another small bit I did like was Holmes considering points of discussion settled because Watson agreed with him, which was cute.
I also thought it was neat that Holmes was going up against a few people all working together rather than just one person. The gang working fast, having a person on the inside and well, Steve being used as intimidation, would have been nice to see in a less racist and more developed story.
Mrs. Maberley getting a round-the-world paid vacation is fine, and I guess it makes up for being robbed and chloroformed?
The ending is very abrupt. Holmes gives Isadora a warning and then that's it. I would have liked a small summary of how things went for everybody like in previous stories.
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Heads Up Seven Up Tag
Thanks for tagging me, @oh-no-another-idea! :D
Here's an excerpt from The Unfortunate Moth:
Thirty years ago the Pattons had owned a small security company selling locks, gates and burglar alarms to local businesses. Then Rachael Patton had married the wealthy Edward Langdale and convinced him to take over and expand her father's business. To paraphrase what had once been said about Jane Seymour, it had been a marriage of good luck and good sense — Rachael had the good luck to find an idiot willing to marry her, and Edward had the good sense to die shortly after their son's birth, leaving his wife in full control of the business. According to the coroner Edward had fallen into the lake by accident. Unkind people suggested Rachael had murdered him. Phil thought it was much more likely he'd committed suicide. Whatever the truth, Rachael was the undisputed owner of Patton-Langdale Security while her son was a child. And when he got old enough that she began to worry about someday having to hand the business over to him, he very helpfully solved that problem for her by running away to an island somewhere off the coast of Scotland and becoming an ornithologist. Phil had never met her cousin Jack, but she approved of him. His actions showed great common sense.
Open tag! :D
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catlove-2000 · 1 year
Hey there everyone, I have a annocement for potential writers out there but before I begin, let me bring some context to all of this so you can understand all of this better.
When a film becomes very popular and gets sequels, they usually get spinoff material to other mediums to make more money like TV shows, comic books, or video games and Shrek is no exception especially when it comes to its most popular character: Puss in Boots which is where The Adventures of Puss in Boots comes in.
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Running from 2015 to 2018, The Adventures of Puss in Boots is an American computer animated series by DreamWorks Animation that was developed and executive produced by Dave the Barbarian creator, Doug Langdale, that is kind of a prequel to Puss' 1st spinoff film from 2011.
The show sees Puss in Boots fight off an endless legion of invaders to protect the previously hidden village of San Lorenzo, after his actions unintentionally broke the spell that protected its legendary mystic treasure from the outside world. Subsequently, he must find a way to restore the protection spell that will cloak the town once more.
Since this takes place before either the 1st Puss in Boots film or even the Shrek films, that means well known characters from the franchise don't appear in the series to some fans' disappointment but that doesn't mean it wouldn't have characters that people won't love to the point of having a favorite which is where Dulcinea comes in.
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Voiced by Glee's Jayma Mays, Dulcinea is A sweet and innocent female white cat whom Puss falls for and follows to the town of San Lorenzo, starting off the plot. Now, characters who are positive can be a mixed bag since the writers always mixes positivity with stupidity.
However, Thanks to Jayma's performance and her character development, she is able to be a likeable female character that uses her smart and kindheart to solve things then beating the crap out of people like how many modern female characters are today.
Another thing that makes her work is the romantic chemistry she has with Puss which is very sweet and kind of heartwarming to the point, similar to Puss and Kitty, you are rooting for them to get together in the end.
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This is also thanks to Puss' voice actor for the series, Eric Bauza, who before this show or Looney Tunes Cartoons was only know for voicing characters like Stimpy in Ren and Stimpy Adult Party Cartoon and Lord Stingray in Superjail but this series proved how not only can he pull off a voice that unrecognizable from his own, similar to Mel Blanc, but can have great chemistry with anyone he works with either a well known voice actor like Paul Rugg and Jim Cummings or a well-known big name like Danny Trejo and Jayma Mays.
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However, unlike All King Julien which was nominated for a ton of awards and won some, TAOPIB was only able to won one award for Outstanding Casting for an Animated Series or Special and add that to being on a spinoff show to a film on a streaming service, the show wasn't as well known or talked about thanks to the sour reputation of those kinds of shows.
This also goes to Dulcinea that since most film franchises don't acknowledge other film related media, People prefer Puss to be with Kitty Softpaws who appeared both in the 2011 film and it's 2022 sequel Voiced by Desperado's Selma Hayek.
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Which to some people makes more sense. I mean not to slam Dulcinea but Kitty seems like the better match to Puss due to being more similar to him in terms of personality, appearing in the films first then the the TV show first, and her actress didn't appear in garbage like Epic Movie or the live action Smurfs films.
However, in my opinion, I prefer Puss with Dulcinea more. Now, I am not saying that Puss x Kitty sucks. I think they are also a great couple and the chemistry between Antonio Banderas and Selma Hayek is great but in terms to the Shrek franchise and it theme about opposites attracting like with Shrek and Fiona.
But since Puss and Kitty seem like the endgame if the ending of The Last Wish would suggest, It seems that Dulcinea was always going to be forgotten to the sands of Deamworks Animation history... or is she?
That's where my fanfic comes in.
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The Adventures of Puss and Dulcinea was my answer to this dilemma. Inspired by the The DragonSaver's GOTG fanfic, Half Worlders of the Galaxy, this fanfic puts Dulcinea into the events of the films either helping out or having cute romantic moments with Puss.
However, there is a problem with this. With Half Worlders of The Galaxy, that fic was written when the MCU was still loved and everyone wasn't acting like a wantabe Garth Enis taking pot shots at it every 24/7.
Shrek on the other hand....Well, Let's just say that the films between Shrek 2 and Puss in Boots weren't well received or worth remembering. Sure, Shrek Forever After had its moments but ending the film series with a plot inspired by Its A Wonderful Life isn't the most original idea.
That is where you come in.
I am looking for a co-writer or co-writers to help me develop my own version of Shrek the Third where I am going to write it as the last film in the Trilogy similar to others film trilogies like How to Train Your Dragon or Guardians of the Galaxy only everyone doesn't break up in the final film.
I decided to combine elements from Shrek the Third, Shrek Forever After, and Puss in Boots: The Last Wish into one plot with the 1st Puss in Boots film being a subplot in the past similar to films like The Godfather: Part 2.
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Of course, I need some help with trying to make all of this work without it becoming a jumbled up mess so I am looking for someone that a fan of not just the films but also the Netflix Series as well as hating using tired or problematic cliches, women in the refrigerator, that might ruin the fanfic as a whole.
I have doc that has the Synopsis for my version of Shrek 3 and some character ideas for the the story I attached on to this post. I hope they are good ideas to all of you but I am open to some suggestions to improve it if you want to help.
To contact me, DM me on either my Tumblr account, my Twitter account, or my Instagram account if you are interested in being apart of this.
You can also comment on this post as way to apply if that's more easier to all of you.
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vox-anglosphere · 1 year
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A stone farmhouse in the lush Lake District valley of Great Langdale
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dopescissorscashwagon · 7 months
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The Great Langdale Valley very much dominated by the Langdale Pikes.
📸 by Maureen Platts
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aghhtdraws · 2 years
ship name or not?
so I wanted to make a short post to get these thougs off my head but it'll get lost on my main so here it goes!
this doesn't really concern anyone who usually visits this blog for art, but it's more a thinkpiece related to the newer/younger tmnt Leo x Usagi ship (rottmnt x usagi chronicles respectively)
I’m seeing a lot of confusion (kinda) abt the tags to use and want to propose an alternative. How about “yuinardo” ? it sounds kind of funny (like the two characters), doesn’t sound like anything else (as far as my google search can reach), uses both their unique names and also capitalizes on how Rise!Leo is often called Nardo by his brothers as a nickname - among others, but that’s one of his most unique nicknames in the series and feels unique to Rise specifically. And Yui bc Yuichi - also just his name but a unique part of it.
I guess maybe the longer name could be something like "cityxfarm sword" bc those are the three consistent elements abt this younger ship. I know the latter is kind of uncreative but I can't think of anything better atm haha x'D
I was never around much for the 2003 leosagi ship bc- I was a baby on neopets and not online enough for that? 2003 tmnt was pretty new here and didn't air as often/quickly but also even in the later 00s, I did not really seek out fanfic relating to it bc - again, teen with not enough time lol, also social media and internet weren't really the thing they are now, so i wasn't really aware there could be fanfic of it. shipped and read other things. So maybe I don't know all my leosagi history. I kinda stayed away from the tmnt fandom in general bc it was mostly all angsty which I didn't really gel with anymore. alternatime ship names have always been a thing in all fandoms but I think right now we've been having the most versions of these two characters or this dynamic than ever before.
the 2018 Rise Leo x Usagi Chronicles has been getting more popular. ROTTMNT was a 2018 reiteration of the tmnt for animation that was really under-appreciated and has slowly become more appreciated as the fandom re-grew with the 2022 movie in august.
Usagi Chronicles is a spin-off/soft-reboot led by fans of Usagi Yojimbo, Stan Sakai's original comic about Miyamoto Usagi, but this time he is a great ancestor of a new character, Yuichi Usagi! and this Usagi is a creation of Doug and Candie Langdale (exec producers) + Khang Le (who I think designed/developed Yuichi's look?). So basically this is like a canon-supported fan-AU with an original character cast thematically based on the og comic cast (Usagi and his friends match Miyamoto Usagi and *his* friends) + the "Senso" Usagi comic as a worldbuilding point.
His naming is a bit confusing bc in Japan, Yuichi is usually a first name, but here in the show it feels like it's treated like a surname. But apparently, there was an intentional marketing move to have this be the opposite? So his real surname is Usagi, while his given name is Yuichi? There was a whole post about it, but I can't remember where else I've heard it.
Anyway, this series is my fave right now and I think it's fun in both it's lightheartedness and it's more touching moments and I love all the character and family dynamics and themes that it has. I think it's fun that people ship him and Rise!Leo because they are actually really similar in some personality aspects. I saw this show, realized there was crossover potential with Rise and thought, "oh, it'll be fun to do actiony scenes and stories with this kind of friendship!" Anyway, I'll do a deep-dive on that later.
Everybody likes this young version of Leo and then I guess at some point before 2021, other fans started making ship art/fic with Usagi? Often their own versions of Miyamoto Usagi, fitted for the Rise TMNT world bc the two never managed to have a crossover with this iteration bc of Nickelodeon pausing the show abruptly in 2020. I wasn't very online in 2018 so idk when else the ship happened, maybe when the finale of the show aired and the "unpausing" was finalized and fans realized there wasn't going to be a crossover? but now with the movie, more ppl have discovered that there's also a cartoon series for Usagi! And more people are slowly understanding/remembering maybe that this Usagi character has had previous iterations, ppl make their own versions/AUs for fun based on the newer Usagi show, or they don't watch the Usagi show and just make their own modern/ROTTMNT versions of Miyamoto Usagi in general.
This ship is a bit unique bc they are stated to be exactly the same age and they have very similar vibes as characters (goofs on the team + faux confidence + showoffs). When I first found that other people shipped this too, I just called it "2020s Leosagi" bc again, just the main thing abt them is that they're younger characters for a younger audience in their respective shows. + it's funny that there's almost a Leosagi friendship for every decade. I've also heard the term "cringe naenae babies" from friends but i don't really know what this meme means lol xD
I don't have beef or anything with the Leoichi/Leochi tag+name but it's sorta confusing for me personally bc it sounds both too short vocally and also like Leo's alone or something (Leo+ichi) I'm not fluent in japanese so I might b wrong, but just a thought. Leochi sounds similarly short.
then there's also the Usagi's who are complete OCs (w new names) and where do you fit those ships? and idk, I guess I just wanted to think abt this YuiNardo ship name more in-depth, just to think abt it , a bit for fun, bc I really do think it's a fun name but also make a new umbrella term, so maybe people would find it easier to tag stuff! but I usually don't interact with other fans in larger fandoms and ship fandoms like this so idk, this could easily be more confusing x3
Anyway, I think as fandoms and shipping go, it would be more fun to have multiple tags for different experiences, +these are different ships/versions of the characters so it feels like it would make sense. Just my fandom experience from previous years + for organizing/better finding + I feel like shipping should be fun, cuz in the end, this is just based from the og TMNT and Usagi creators being friends and making smth fun with these characters!
TL;DR - YuiNardo sounds like a funny/fun leosagi ship name for this younger iteration of the Rise!Leo-Yuichi Usagi friendship/relationship, and I wanna use it as the ship name going forward bc ships should b about fun and creativity, right? anyway, u can also use it if u want to! no pressure, just sorta putting it out there. - Aghht out!
Addendum(1.03.23): apparently, the Katanashipping tag was specifically for the 2003 ship - as well as the og Leosagi tag, bc that Leo x Miyamoto Usagi started it all. That makes sense! Sorry that I mis-tagged it originally! I did not know until finding the tags on tumblr and going thru them to the start of the tag - bc I'd been keeping away from the tmnt fandom for a long time after the 12 show + never saw it during the 03 show's run bc I wasn't online as much + social media didn't exist in the way it does now. I think everyone used Leosagi for that bc it made sense. I'll keep the tags for this post specifically in the hopes that more ppl will find it then and it'll give food-for-thought about this. Katanashipping of course doesn't make as much sense for the newer ship bc the shows have not had crossovers + while both characters seem like they are a bit obsessed w swords in different teen boy ways (preferring swords bc they are big and flashy), they are not as centered about the swords or swordsmanship as much as the 03 characters.
I know it seemed more like Leosagi was a catchall for all the Leo x Usagi ships, but now it makes more sense that it's not bc it's made searching for content harder. I like the "younger version" but i like the og too bc that's what I shipped as a teen (when the 03 show characters all just looked like Really Old Teens to me). I suppose that's just how the internet's sorta become - there'd shorter memory abt stuff, but fandoms especially as folks move on from shows they like and some of the history of fandom becomes lost. I've been on social media for so long now, I totally forgot how specific ship names could get. I guess that's why I suggested YuiNardo for the "new" version - it sounds unique. If ppl already shipped Rise Leo with their own versions of a younger Miyamoto Usagi and original Usagis, the "youngest" ship with Yuichi x Rise Leo needed it's own tag and that became Leochi/Leoichi (and w the earlier Rise Leo x Usagi ships, everyone must have used the Leosagi tag then too? Further investigation must be made about this...) now this Yuichi Usagi x Rise Leo version seems unique bc Yuichi is basically a canon fancharacter in a sense, as a descendant he is like a homage. But I like the character and I see that a lot of ppl continue to make their own versions or borrow elements of the Y!Usagi from SRTUC... but this means that almost all versions of Usagi depicted by fans are ALL fanon versions... and that's fine, I like how creative fans can get! But also that means we almost never see thr "full" show version of Yuichi Usagi in fanart (altho fanfic is a different matter, if only slightly). But that makes me a bit sad bc I think this version deserves to exist in our fanon and headcanons too, y'know? I guess my flaw in all this is that I actually lile SRTUC and its own og depiction of Y!Usagi bc he is a fun character for me while not many other ppl seem to like him. Like with so many other rare shows I like where fanon is louder than canon 😂
So, yeah Yui x Nardo. cute ship. if only there was more of it ^^; But a lot of the fanworks are still really interesting in their own rights. I think I'll keep using Yuinardo for the show versions and then Leochi for any other fans' versions. That makes sense, right?
Anyway, non-serious discussion over! Just some silly fan-stuff to mull over during school breaks and other free time.
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jabbage · 6 months
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dalt20 · 10 months
Tooning in 4. Dev Ross part 4 of 7
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DL: Yeah. Well the episode all’s Fahrenheit in love and war? Process of that episode?
DR: I believe that was a script doctor job. They weren’t please with..uh.. the first writers take on it, so i took it over and redid it.
DL: Well do you remember people like John Behnke, Rob Humphrey, and Jim Peterson? They were the creators of quack pack. They wrote for darkwing duck.
DR: Not really. I didn't interact with them
DL: Well but you know them right?
DR: Of them only. Our department was getting really big by then.
DL: Well you know Doug langdale? He was working the same time as you on DD, goof troop and bonkers. Also Aladdin.
DR: Yes, I knew him but barely
DL: Well, he went in to do great things. He’s working with Hollywood producer James wan on samurai rabbit for Netflix.
DR: Nice! I no longer follow any animation as I only work in live action now.
DL: Yeah! Well we’ll save that special project until the end of the interview. But don’t worry we’ll come back to it.
DR: No worries.
DL: The darkwing Duck episode, up up and awry. Process on that episode?
DR: Don't really remember anything about it
DL: Oh well it was your lowest rated darkwing episode on IMDb. 6.9 to be exact.
DR: Well, you can't please all the time.
DL: Time and punishment? Process for that episode?
DR: My inspiration was that Christmas movie where an Angel takes Jimmy Stewart forward in time to see the effects on his family and community if he committed suicide!
DL: Oh it’s it a wonderful life, eh?
DR: Right! Are we going to go thru every episode I wrote because I really don't remember... Tad and I would sit in his office and just throw around crazy ideas. He was fantastic to play off of. So many times we'd come up with concepts just by riffing. We'd talk about movies, books, look at comic books, the news...
DL: By note, yeah it would be redundant to just go over every darkwing Duck episode you wrote .
DR: Thanks! I would have to excuse myself then. I don't think about the old stories ever! A writer must stay current or die
DL: Writing for The little mermaid for Disney and CBS .
DR: Horrible experience.
DL: Why was that?
DR: I had come back to Disney after being lent out to Universal. I was assigned Little Mermaid but my story editors never came into the office so we couldn't riff on ideas like I used to with Tad. Their was hardly anyone around then and very uninspiring. No team work or comraderie. I was really unhappy so quit soon after. I went freelance then and only worked with Tad and Kevin Hopps. I worked a bit with two other story editors but again no teamwork there.
DL: Oh. Kevin hopps was a sitcom writer. He wrote for Norman lear.
DR: Yes! Great talent and great human being!
DL: I know. So, did you watch the original film?
DR: Which one?
DL: The 1989 film with Jodi benson? The classic box office success! Putted Disney in the map again and started the Disney renaissance.
DR: Yes, I did!
DL: Thoughts on the film?
DR: It was charming. Songs were fantastic! May I ask you a question?
DL: Sure, Go ahead!
DR: I don't want to sound rude, However, I wrote for Disney so long ago. I don't understand how my thought are even interesting on such old work. How my thoughts are even halfway interesting on why I wrote something. I'm curious as to what you will do with my answers.
DL: I’ll post on my blog. My job is to know about the writing process of the episodes of some shows.
DR: I'm not ungrateful, just wondering.
DL: As a interviewer. As of saying.
DR: Most staff writing processes are the same. We team up to throw around ideas to see what sticks.
DL: Hmm. Ok.
DR: I mean it will more interesting to talk more about the dtv films.
DL: We pitch ideas to our producers to see what interests them. They may like half of an idea from me and the only half from you and then tell us to construct a story out of the blended ideas. That's the way it works.
DL: Ok. Can I ask you about Aladdin : return of Jafar?
DR: That was totally a group think story. A dozen of us sat around and spit balled ideas. We agreed on one the broke up the story with each of us writing a section of the movie.
DL: Was it true that the film was a pilot for a tv series.but Michael Eisner didn’t know how to release the show, so he told you to make a pilot film?
DR: I don't remember.
DL: Well that’s what most people say. But it was the most sold video in 1994, next to the lion king!
DR: Right!
DL: Did you got a cut of the VHS sales?
DR: No! Staff writers only got salary. It's how most animation writers get ripped off. My films for Univeral made millions but I got nothing but a small fee for writing.
DL: Oh, I’m thinking about theatrical films. Now they get the money from the films.
DR: Depends! It depends on their agent!
DL: Yeah. So you wrote 4 episodes of cro for children’s television workshop/film Roman and ABC. Tell me what was cro?
DR: It was a show all about math.
DL: Oh. So how would your episodes work with a premise of cavemen and math?
DR: Vey difficult! You have to know the conceit of the show.
DL: Oh. What age were they approaching to?
DR: Very hard to write for!
DL: So how was CTW in general, The creators of Sesame Street?
DR: Loved them!
DL: Can you tell me about them.
DR: Just very smart and innovative thinkers. I love that! I love working for out of the box thinkers. They also appreciate crazy creators like me.
DL: well were you happy mark zaslove was the story editor on the show?
DR: Mark was brilliant but was a very tough boss. Very talented and very demanding.
DL: well did you feel upset when the show got canceled?
DR: No!! It was a very hard show to write for!
DL: Well apparently CTW got upset, that's why they created the cable channel noggin.Did you know that?
DR: No.
DL: well yeah. going back to disney, you wrote for bonkers and jungle cubs.
DR: Yes. Hated Bonkers.
DL: why? was it a roger rabbit ripoff?
DR: I believe so. It just wasn't a good concept. Character was horribly unlikeable. Not at all fun to write for.
DL: who was? bonkers or  lucky? or in season 2, miranda?
DR: Both... I didn't write on season two and barely on one. I shouldn't say both, definitely Bonkers. I think so. It was a bad ripoff.
DL: well question. why anyone make a show about a cartoon in a cartoon? that makes no sense.
DR: Exactly.
DL: thoughts on the president of Disney TVA, frank price? he was your boss on jungle cubs and return of jafar.
DR: No opinion. I had enough on my plate being a full time writer with three kids!
DL: oh. well moving on to jungle cubs, how was writing the humans must be crazy?
DR: I liked that show a lot but was freelance by then and only did 2 episodes.
DL: oh how did you feel about the jungle book characters but as babies, a la muppet babies?
DR: I liked them a lot. It is always fun to imagine what an adult was like as a child! I think that about people I meet!
DL: well did you like the orginal film?
DR: Loved it!
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Great Langdale in the Lake District, Cumbria.
A pictorial guide to the beautiful Lake District: BritainAndBritishness.com/LakeDistrict/
Featured photo credit: AJ Photography | London-based photographer instagram.com/lensereflection/ ✨✨✨
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