#Grilled Courgette
askwhatsforlunch · 2 years
Sausage Toast
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I love leftovers, but I find leftovers from a barbie all the more special. They have that delightful smokiness, and thus only need to be enhanced. And a beautifully charred sausage only needs a good slice of bread, a few grilled courgettes and a generous dollop of chutney to be sublimed in this simple but divine Sausage Toast, trust me!
Ingredients (serves 1):
1/2 tablespoon olive oil
a leftover grilled good quality pork sausage (about 100 grams/3.5 ounces)
leftover Grilled Zucchini
a thick slice fresh Sourdough
a heaped tablespoon Mango Chutney
In a small, nonstick saucepan, heat olive oil over medium-high heat. Once hot, add grilled sausage and Grilled Zucchini; cook, for a couple of minutes. Reduce heat to medium and cover with a lid. Cook, until well-warmed through, about 4 minutes more.
Generously spread Mango Chutney onto Sourdough slice. Top with hot Grilled Zucchini, and grilled sausage.
Enjoy Sausage Toast immediately, with dressed lettuce.
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coovieilledentelle · 15 days
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Une tarte inspirée du tian pour savourer les beaux légumes d'été. Mon astuce pour un plat bien parfumé ? Tartiner mon fond de tarte avec un peu de pesto de basilic ou de tomates (pesto rosso).
Pour 4 personnes, préparation 20 min, cuisson 40 min, repos 1 h : 1 rouleau de pâte feuilletée, 2 c. à café de pesto de basilic, 1 poignée de chapelure fine, 1 aubergine, 1 courgette, 2 tomates, 1 boule de mozzarella, 1 poignée de parmesan râpé, 1 filet d’huile d’olive, 1 pincée d’herbes de Provence, sel, poivre. Pour servir : crème de vinaigre balsamique (facultatif).
Préchauffez votre four à 200°C.
Lavez les légumes. Détaillez l’aubergine, la courgette et les tomates en tranches. Vous pouvez utiliser une mandoline pour couper des tranches plus fines si vous le souhaitez. Faites dégorger les tranches de légumes avec du sel pendant 1 h (pour que les légumes rendent moins d'eau à la cuisson). Rincez bien les légumes et séchez-les.
Égouttez et séchez la mozzarella avec du papier absorbant. Découpez la mozzarella en fines tranches.
Garnissez un moule à tarte beurré et fariné (ou tapissé de papier sulfurisé) avec la pâte feuilletée. Piquez la pâte avec une fourchette. Tartinez le fond de tarte de pesto, saupoudrez de chapelure.
Disposez les légumes sur le fond de tarte en alternant joliment une tranche d’aubergine, 1 à 2 tranche(s) de courgette et une tranche de tomate. Intercalez de temps en temps une tranche de mozzarella. Saupoudrez d’herbes de Provence, de parmesan, poivrez puis arrosez les légumes d’un filet d’huile d’olive.
Enfournez 30 min. Sortez la tarte du four, et baissez la température à 100°C. Démoulez la tarte délicatement et enfournez-la de nouveau, directement sur une grille du four, pour terminer la cuisson du dessous de la pâte et faire s'évaporer le reste d'eau des légumes. Laissez sécher la tarte ainsi pendant 10 min.
Pour plus de gourmandise, servez cette tarte avec un filet de crème de vinaigre balsamique.
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aliceinoakdale · 2 months
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Préparation dîner
Plan de travail, comptoir de Harrie et Felixandre Placard, sauce soja de Perisim Store de Awingedllama Tapis 'Monokuma' de Atomiclight Frigo, lave vaisselle de Littledica Chaises comptoir de Tuds Coussins de TheClutterCat Tableau de Budgie Évier de Ravasheen Savon de Woondymoon Liquide vaisselle de CharlyPancakes Chiffon de Pierisim Planche à découper de Myshunosun Mixeur manuel de Ddaengsims Machine à café (fonctionnel) de Littlbowbub Tasse de Sixam-cc Café de ATS4 Grille pain (fonctionnel) de Aira Céréales (fonctionnel) de ATS4 Étagères de Pierisim Guirlande lumineuse de PeanutButterJelly Verres de Taurus Design Peluche 'Monokuma' de Atomiclight Boîtes de conserves de Budgie Nutella de ATS4 Plantes de Awingedllama Pâtes de Perisim Figurine 'Bearbrick' de Ddaengsims Filet oignons, purée, riz de Pierisim Panier fruits suspendus de SimMattically Cuiseur de riz (fonctionnel) de Rex Riz de Ddaengsims Tablette recette Keto (fonctionnel) de Balkanika Maggi de ATS4 Huile de Sulainey Bougie de LilacCreative Tablette de Aira Post-it, stylo de Ddaengsims Boîte recettes (fonctionnel) de Littlbowbub Rouleau essuie-tout de Littledica Facture, enveloppe, stylo de Budgie Lait de Budgie Verres 'Kirby', cookie chat de Aira Croissant de Pied Piper Poêle de Puresims Micro-ondes de Pierisim Sac de Courses (fonctionnel) de Syboulette Machine à frappé (fonctionnel) de Pied Piper Four à pizza de Bbygal123 Poubelle de Max20 Sac isotherme de ATS4 Prise de Pierisim Veste accroché de Syboulette Porte de Felixandre Mur en pierre de Felixandre Papier peint de Harrie Parquet de Pierisim
Œufs de Budgie Viandes de Budgie Morceaux viandes de Budgie Bols de Littledica Gochujang de Oni Planche à découper courgettes de Pierisim Tomates de NynaeveDesign Carottes de SimCredible Oeufs de Ddaengsims Saladiers ingrédients, planche, rouleau pâtisserie, beurre de Syboulette Farine, pâte de Budgie Fraises de SIMcredible!
Table de Tuds Chaises de Peacemaker Rideaux de Pierisim Bouteille thé glacé de Sulainey Verres de ATS4 Bibimbap de Hydrangea Kimchi, Concombre, Baguettes de Ddaeng Sims Panneau en liège, message de Bbygal123 Cartes postales de Mlys Cartes postales, calendrier, ticket de concert, feuille, magnet de ATS4 Poster de Xureyon Poster 'Kuromi' de Simbin
Animation de Simsberry
Créateurs CC :
@harrie-cc / @felixandresims / @pierisim / @awingedllama / @atomiclight / @littledica / @tudtuds / @thecluttercat / @ccbybudgie / @ravasheencc / @wondymoondesign / @charlypancakes / @myshunosun / @ddaeng-sims / @simmattically / @littlbowbub / @imfromsixam / @aroundthesims / @aira-cc / @peanutbutterjelly02 / @taurusdesign / @atomiclight / @konansock / @balkanikabg / @sulainey / @lilaccreative / @piedpiperworld / @puresims / @syboubou / @oni28 / @bbygyal123 / @nynaevedesign / @simcredibledesigns / @peacemaker-ic / @hydrangeachainsaw / @mlyssimblr / @xureyon / @simbin99 / @simsberrry /
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picnokinesis · 2 months
What are your three favorite family recipes?
Oh man, okay so this has been in my inbox for AGES (I'm so sorry!!) because I was like damn, this is such a cool ask, but honestly I wouldn't say my family has any 'family recipes' so to speak, at least not anything that I'm aware of as something that's been passed down, y'know? I think this is mostly because my mum is a fantastic cook, and generally found/came up with her own recipes rather than doing anything my gran taught her haha. I learnt pretty much everything about how I cook from her, which is what I would describe as 'a vibes-based approach', where rather than precise measurements, she'll say 'oh a bit of that, a bit of this', and also ignore half of what the recipe says and do her own thing. She makes roux sauce without measuring anything and by pouring all the liquid in at once, and just whisking it like a mad thing to get rid of the lumps hahaha
So then, following on from that, I figured actually whilst I don't really have any passed-down family recipes (other than like, my mum's amazing quiche, which I do not know how to make myself rip), I do have recipes that I've made up, based on other recipes! So I'll quickly tell you about those!
Courgette Pesto Pasta Ingredients:
Pasta (I use 50g of penne per person)
1 onion (or half if you're only cooking for one person)
Mushrooms (like. a bunch. follow your heart)
Bacon (2 slices per person)
Lemon Juice
So you'll need to chop up everything before hand (or, if you're like me, time it with how long it takes the kettle to boil, but I have a gas kettle that takes 5-10mins to boil, and also screams at me). So: chopped onions, sliced mushrooms, sliced courgette, and cut the bacon into little squares. Then - kettle boils and pasta goes on. By the time you're done with cooking everything, the pasta should be about ready.
Put the courgette in a small pan, and add a lump of butter, some lemon juice and a bit of some of the boiled water left over from the kettle. The aim of the game here is that the water/lemon juice is gonna boil off and leave the butter behind to fry the courgette a little before adding it in with everything else, so only have enough liquid that it doesn't quite cover the top layer of courgette. Then whack that on the heat. Grab a wok, throw some oil in and start frying the onions. After a few, throw in the mushrooms. Then, add the bacon. I personally like my wok-fried food a little seared, so when it's getting crispy, the courgette will hopefully be beginning to fry in the other pan. At this point, I usually tip the courgette AND whatever liquid is left in that pan into the wok, and start frying it all together. By now, it should have been about five or ten minutes, so test the pasta, see if it's cooked. When it's ready, drain the pasta, turn the heat down on the wok and then add the pasta. Then mix in a healthy teaspoonful of pesto for as many people as you're making it for, and that's it!
Potential variations:
So my mum makes this one differently - no lemon juice, no courgette, no pesto. Instead, she cuts up a red bell pepper and adds that into the wok after the bacon, and adds in a ton of Philadelphia cream cheese for the sauce. It tastes incredible haha. I've also made a variation on this where it's the same as my mum's version, but I add in a couple of teaspoons of sun-dried tomato pesto as well, which was glorious. And then the other day I made up a new variation, which takes my version of the recipe as outlined above, but uses grilled vegetable pesto instead of normal pesto - and then, before serving, beat one egg per person in a mug, and pour that into the wok and stir it in throughout. That was AMAZING
Quail Egg Carbonara Ingredients:
Quail eggs (5 per person)
Pasta again
Single cream
Parmesan cheese (1 hearty tablespoon per person)
Bacon (again, two slices each)
Okay so you don't have to use quail eggs. However, I get quail eggs for free from work because we have like, six or seven quails HAHAH so we get a ton of eggs and most of my co-workers don't eat them so I make the most of it. This recipe is based on a recipe from a cook book that I have, but the proportions are kinda whack, so I riffed off it, and I use quail eggs because the yolk to egg white ratio works out better, I think? However, you can absolutely try and use a chicken egg - my mum tried this the other day and just used one chicken egg per person, and she said it was fine, just a lot more liquid than my version haha.
Anyway. This one is so simple. Make the sauce first: beat all the eggs together in a large bowl, then add a lump of butter and the single cream (I'm so sorry. It's like - okay, last time I made it, I wanna say I used about 100ml cream to cook for three people, and a healthy sized lump of butter. But it's a vibes based approach. Follow your heart) and then 1 hearty tablespoon of parmesan cheese per person. Yes, it's a lot. That's because this recipe is good for the soul. Anyway - important note, do NOT MIX the ingredients together. Just throw them into the bowl and let it stand. Put the pasta on to cook, and then fry the bacon in a frying pan (oh, the bacon and the mushrooms should be chopped). After the bacon is getting on, add the mushrooms. Again, we love these slightly seared. THEN. When the pasta is cooked - do NOT turn off the heat, but turn it down, and then drain the pasta and return it to the pan. Add the mushrooms, bacon and pan juices into the pan with the pasta, put it back on the low heat, and then pour everything in that bowl into the pan and mix it together. The og recipe was like 'turn the heat off, the heat of the pasta will cook the eggs!!' but I don't trust that lol so I do keep it on the low heat as I stir it for about a minute or so, and then I take it off the heat and serve it immediately. With more parmesan on top, of course.
The other three main things that I cook that are actually pretty decent/interesting come from some recipe books that I have, but they are: Sausage and Bacon Casserole, Chicken in Cider (this one is AMAZING and also so easy but looks very impressive haha), and Pork in Apple Gravy (also amazing, but less simple - you kinda make a roux sauce but use apple juice rather than milk!). I also like a lot of vegetarian food, so my mum and I work together to make a really lovely nut roast from an old recipe book, and also stir fry with cashew nuts fried in soy sauce, and I'm actually hoping to try and make a vegan version of that first recipe with pine nuts and cashews rather than bacon for my vegan friend who makes her own pesto at some point!
Anyway!! Hope the person who originally asked me this sees this lol, and if not I hope it's interesting for other people! I'm always interested in new recipes that don't involve spices because I'm very weak when it comes to heat in food (like......peppery sauces taste spicy to me RIP) so if anyone has any recommendations, send them my way!
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Grilled Courgette with Almond Pine Nut Pesto
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saintmeghanmarkle · 2 months
Sinners Recipe card Bingo by u/More_Bug_45
Sinners Recipe card Bingo Ok let us all toast a glass of Tig…. And to the saint’s new cooking shitshow endeavour.So for a bit of fun . Let’s put together a Bingo card of her features dishes. This narc is nothing but predictable so fairly confident we will have her card marked.Marry Me Roast chicken !🍗 Grilled Caesar salad with prawns 🍤 Creamy mush Zucchini (courgette) pasta 🥒Lemon olive oil cake 🍰 🍋 (the ex’s) Her fantastic bolognese?! (New addition she recently mentioned humbly how fantastic it was - copying the Wales’) 🍝 Some “vegan , sugar free , look at me I bake these for my kids because I’m such a good mother cookies” the organic free range sugar-free gluten-free taste- free waffles …🧇 using the gift the Queen gave Archie (Royal name drop!) Milk shakes , but with a twist for adults (cuz she thinks she’s so clever) 🥤🍷What else what else 😂 post link: https://ift.tt/LAKnjoH author: More_Bug_45 submitted: April 11, 2024 at 09:56PM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit disclaimer: all views + opinions expressed by the author of this post, as well as any comments and reblogs, are solely the author's own; they do not necessarily reflect the views of the administrator of this Tumblr blog. For entertainment only.
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ask-sebastian · 10 months
Hi handsome 🖤
If you could have any toppings on a pizza, what would you choose? 🍕
Hello gorgeous,
Any toppings? I feel like there is a naughty opportunity here that I shall pass up because I have yet to eat breakfast and am more interesting in thinking about pizza.
A perfect pizza to me is a very simple pizza Napoletana or pizza Margherita. If I am choosing one with toppings, it is always grilled vegetables: mushrooms, peppers, courgettes, etc.
Now I am really hungry.
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magpiefngrl · 10 months
saw your post about ask culture so here i am asking you... what are you most passionate about right now?
Thank you, anon, for being the change we want to see!
Right now the thought that consumes my mind is my original romance and, specifically, how slippery it feels. What I mean by slippery is that I'm trying to figure out what mood I want to go for, if it should be witty, or serious and aching, or lyrical, and I can't decide for the life of me. I don't have a handle on it yet, it slips through my hands like a live fish. It's like I've forgotten to write stories. I'm not much engaged in fandom anymore so I miss having people to whine about it. I think the real mental block is the idea that this is something I'll eventually ask money for--which means it has to be ~perfect.
I'm also passionate about going to the beach soon. I love days by the sea, LOVE, and I'm trying to see if I can go next weekend for a few days. Swimming, sunbathing, eating grilled octopus and meatballs and fried courgettes at the taverna, and not worrying about anything other than what book I'll l read is my idea of heaven.
Thanks for the ask!
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hol-eage · 1 year
tonight im having an expensive fancy ready meal veggie lasagna, because barely any ready meals are vegetarian and i have really bad executive dysfunction. hyperfixated on soup for dinner every day for like 3 months but hit the wall of safe food to bad food. i had veggies grilled on a stick but i think the courgettes were gone off :/ so i just nibbled halloumi and peppers..
otherwise, life is slow and good. now that i have a kitten i have less freedom but my brothers friends are visiting on sunday and then i have life drawings and then going to a lesbian night out with my friend in leeds (family are kitten sitting)
kitten wise, she has made such a positive impact on me, just the skin to skin touch alone, whew, she also gives me things to focus on and reasons to go out (training her to be okay alone for a couple hours a day, bc im disabled and at home mostly i dont want her getting an attachment disorder). i talk to her and dance for her and kiss her little forehead.
idk why im writing this all down, i guess i just havent been on here much and want to feel connected again
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foodies-channel · 6 months
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🍥 [i ate] it was ribeye steak grilled vegetables (aubergine, tomato, mushroom with a little thyme and courgettes with fries. It was very nice.
🍔YouTube || 🍟Reddit
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If I were on the Off Menu podcast:
Still or sparkling water: Still, obviously. Sparkling water tastes rank. One time when I was a kid, a friend's mum gave me sparkling water that had gone flat so I couldn't tell it was sparkling. I couldn't swallow it so I just spat it out all over my pizza.
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POPPADOMS OR BREAD?!?!?!?!: Usually I'd say bread - something a bit oily with olives in it and big flakes of sea salt - but I've got a big meal planned and I don't want to fill up. So i'll have a single poppadom and some mango chutney.
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Your dream starter: This is kind of academic because I'm ordering small plates, but the first proper dish I want going in my mouth is boquerones en vinagre. It's fresh anchovies marinated in vinegar and oil and seasoned with garlic and parsley and the best boquerones are made in Cambio De Tercio, a tapas restaurant in South Kensington. And to accompany that, I'd like a cold glass of gazpacho (cold tomato soup). I had this a lot in Cádiz and it's the most refreshing thing.
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Your dream main course: Ok, deep breath... I want the crunchy prawns we had at my wedding, the potatoes with aioli I ate in Valencia, an Insalata Caprese (tomatoes, mozarella & basil) made by my dad, deep fried courgette flowers, a small ramekin of my partner's courgette carbonara w. homemade linguini, grilled halloumi from Bar Mezze (a greek restaurant in Muswell Hill my family used to go to before it closed), taramasalata, tzatziki, baba ghanoush (cod roe dip, yoghurt/cucumber dip & smoked aubergine dip) and a big Turkish flatbread for dipping and sauce moppage.
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Your dream side dish: Again, academic because of the small plates but I'll go for the broccoli w. garlic and chilli from Boulangerie Bon Matin in Finsbury park. The broccoli's nicely grilled and not too oily or salty and the chilli gives it a real zing. Also, in my fantasy, my partner's sat across from me eating the wood roasted chicken from Moro in Islington and she's giving me little forkfuls to try.
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Your dream dessert: I'm not much of a dessert person but I'd never say no to a slice of my mum's chocolate birthday cake. It's nothing fancy (though the layer of grated dark chocolate over the top is a classy touch), but it's as delicious now as it was when I was a kid.
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Your dream drink: So before the meal even starts I'd like a Lychee Martini at the bar. Then with my boquerones, I'd like a glass of Pegoes, a Portuguese wine we had at my wedding that has an interesting banana-y taste. When the small plates arrive, I'll move on to a 3/4 pint of Mythos, a Greek beer perfect for hot days and oily food. Then with dessert I want a little glass of Sauternes, my favourite dessert wine. Then, if it's lunchtime I'll just have a homemade filter coffee, with plenty of milk.
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Your dream restaurant: I'll stick with the Mediterranean theme and imagine myself in a seaside town, where it's hot but you're cooled by the breeze and you can see the boats bobbing in the bay. Occasionally a moped revs past but otherwise all you can hear are the other diners and the waves lapping against the harbour. That, but with comfortable chairs!
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moonskyearth · 11 months
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00 wheat flour, water - raw pumpkin, grilled courgette, evo oil, salt, pomegranate vinegar, oregano - red wine (photo 1 and 2)
00 wheat flour, tomato sauce, egg - evo oil, salt, basil (3)
00 wheat flour, tomato sauce, egg - evo oil, raw pumpkin, grilled courgette, salt, pomegranate vinegar, oregano (4)
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mouza12 · 1 year
Good Recipes and Lifestyle for Diabetes
Diabetes is a chronic disease that requires daily treatment, including diet and lifestyle changes. Good diabetes recipes and lifestyle are important in managing the condition.  
 Diabetes is a chronic disease that requires daily treatment, including diet and lifestyle changes. Good diabetes recipes and lifestyle are important in managing the condition. 
  Good recipes for diabetes:  
 1) Pasta with zucchini noodles is a delicious substitution for regular pasta. Spiralize the courgettes into long thin noodles and brown them in olive oil and garlic. Salt and pepper the vegetables after adding them.  For added protein, top with grilled chicken or shrimp. 
 2) Grilled Salmon with Avocado Salsa: This is a healthy and delicious way to get omega-3 fatty acids. Season the salmon fillets with salt, pepper, and lemon juice, and then grill them until cooked through. Top with avocado, tomato, and red onion salsa. Serve with roasted vegetables or a salad.  
 3) Roasted Chicken and Vegetables: Roasting chicken and vegetables is an easy way to get a complete meal on the table. Roasted chicken breast with vegetables like broccoli, carrots, and peppers. Season with garlic, herbs, and a little olive oil.  
4) Greek salad with chicken: Greek salad is a refreshing and healthy meal option. Mix mixed greens, cucumber, tomatoes, feta cheese, and olives together. Increase the protein content by adding roasted chicken. 
 5) Lentil soup: Lentils are an excellent source of protein and fiber, making them a great addition to any meal. Saute onion, garlic, and celery in olive oil, then add lentils, diced tomatoes, and chicken or vegetable stock. Simmer until the lentils are cooked and season with salt, pepper, and herbs. 
Get access right now! Go here!
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hadaya · 2 years
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plantain, smoked tofu, goat cheese, grilled courgette breakfast salad 🧟‍♀️
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halaldudeinlondon · 1 year
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Dinner at mediterranean/greek restaurant Bacchanalia in Mayfair, where magnificent sculptures by Damien Hirst soar above you.
To drink, pina colada and Maenad (raspberry, eucalyptus, white chocolate, greek yoghurt, egg white) mocktails.
Tempura courgette flower with a spicy tomato sauce. Delicious!
Grilled chicken with crispy potatoes. Only the chicken is halal but there are plenty of fish and vegetarian options on the menu.
Grilled sea bream fillet with capers, olives and tomato.
Golden Apple dessert - caramel mousse, fresh apple compote, and crunchy milk chocolate.
Bacchanalia 1-3 Mount St London W1K 3NA [view map]
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russolover · 1 year
Imagine the plot twist of the courgette hater & lover being the same person !
it would be weird since they’ve been grilling each other 😭
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