#Sausage Toast recipe
askwhatsforlunch · 2 years
Sausage Toast
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I love leftovers, but I find leftovers from a barbie all the more special. They have that delightful smokiness, and thus only need to be enhanced. And a beautifully charred sausage only needs a good slice of bread, a few grilled courgettes and a generous dollop of chutney to be sublimed in this simple but divine Sausage Toast, trust me!
Ingredients (serves 1):
1/2 tablespoon olive oil
a leftover grilled good quality pork sausage (about 100 grams/3.5 ounces)
leftover Grilled Zucchini
a thick slice fresh Sourdough
a heaped tablespoon Mango Chutney
In a small, nonstick saucepan, heat olive oil over medium-high heat. Once hot, add grilled sausage and Grilled Zucchini; cook, for a couple of minutes. Reduce heat to medium and cover with a lid. Cook, until well-warmed through, about 4 minutes more.
Generously spread Mango Chutney onto Sourdough slice. Top with hot Grilled Zucchini, and grilled sausage.
Enjoy Sausage Toast immediately, with dressed lettuce.
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Pumpkin French Toast - Simply Scratch
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Sausage Mushroom Lasagna
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grimalkintoes · 4 months
tossing and turning under my heated blankie like a gas station tornado rotating under a heat lamp
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that1garrulousfan · 7 months
Recipe For Breakfast Hotdogs
Are you a hotdog lover? 🌭 Would you like to have a hotdog I made up for breakfast? Well here is that recipe:
-Hotdog sausage
-Bacon (optional)
Heat up a hotdog dog for 30 seconds in a mircowave. OR, wrap a bacon strip around it and grill it. 🥓
Then toast normal bread and butter it. Or use hotdog bread.🍞🧈
Then put your hotdog in your toast and eat it.
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departuresuk · 9 months
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Mizuna, Cheese, and Sausage Sandwich Toast Recipe Mizuna Japanese mustard greens add a peppery kick to these cheese and Vienna sausage sandwiches toasted in a sandwich maker until crispy. 1 bunch mizuna roots removed cut into 2-inch pieces, 2 Vienna sausages thinly sliced, 1/4 onion sliced, 1 tablespoon butter or as needed, 2 slices mozzarella cheese, 2 slices ham, 4 slices bread
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donewithnothing · 9 months
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marshkaden · 1 year
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Sausage Gravy I This recipe was taught to my mother many years ago while we were living in Nashville, and it has since become a household favorite. delicious, traditional sausage gravy. Her family and friends frequently ask for the recipe. Serve with toast or biscuits.
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thelcsdaily · 2 months
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Creamy Lemony Chicken Sausage Orzo
This one-pot meal is a great addition to any recipe book. This recipe might be your go-to on nights when your fridge is nearly empty or you just don't have the energy to prepare a fancy dinner. Here, orzo gets toasted in olive oil that’s infused with the flavors of lemon, garlic, and butter before cooking in a flavorful chicken broth amped up with tomatoes and dried oregano. When they simmer, the starch they produce gives the sauce a creamy texture that is reminiscent of risotto. It's a quick and easy dinner to prepare because everything is prepared in a single pot in less than an hour. Topped with fresh Parmesan and freshly ground black pepper.
“Eating is so intimate. It’s very sensual. When you invite someone to sit at your table and you want to cook for them, you’re inviting a person into your life.” — Maya Angelou
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askwhatsforlunch · 2 years
Bacon and Mushroom Toasts
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One one gets home after a long day, whether out in the cold, on the road or shopping (or, like yours truly, all of the above!), tired, chilled to the bones and rather peckish, these Bacon and Mushroom Toasts are a simple but warming comfort!
Ingredients (serves 2):
4 rashers smoked streaky bacon
1 tablespoon olive oil
200 grams/ ounces cremini mushrooms
1/2 teaspoon dried thyme
1/2 teaspoon dried oregano
1 garlic clove, minced
1/4 teaspoon fleur de sel or sea salt flakes
1/2 teaspoon freshly cracked black pepper
2 tablespoons good quality White Port
3 large slices Wholemeal Loaf
unsalted butter, softened
30 grams/1 ounce Mature English Cheddar
Heat a large nonstick skillet over medium-high heat. Add bacon rashers, and cook, about 2 minutes on each side until just starting to brown. Transfer bacon rashers to a plate, leaving their fat in the skillet.
Add olive oil to the skillet.
Dust cremini mushrooms, and cut them into thick slices. Add to the skillet, and sauté, coating in bacon fat and oil. Cook, shaking the skillet often, until browned, about 4 minutes. Add dried thyme and oregano. Stir in garlic, and cook, 1 minute more. Season with fleur de sel and black pepper. Cook, another minute.
Roughly chop bacon rashers.
Then, deglaze with White Port. Once evaporated, stir in bacon and crème fraîche until well-combined. Remove from the heat and let cool completely.
Preheat oven to 200°C/395°F. Line a baking tray with baking paper.
Lightly butter each Wholemeal Loaf slice on both sides and lay them onto prepared baking tray. Top each buttered Bread slice with bacon and mushroom mixture, spreading it out evenly. Generously grate Cheddar onto each laden Bread slice. Place baking tray in the middle of the hot oven, and bake, at 200°C/395°F, until cheese is melted and bubbly.
Cut one of the toasts in two and serve Bacon and Mushroom Toasts hot with dressed lettuce, Cherry Tomatoes and a small glass of White Port, if you fancy.
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thehandthatleads02 · 10 months
Just imagine…
In the mornings, you don’t wake up. You activate. Your eyes switching on at the precise time each day, just as programmed. It’s like a machine being brought out of sleep mode, immediately ready to carry out its preprogrammed tasks. You rise from bed and move to the closet, dressing in a tight spandex outfit for your workout.
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In the gym you begin your programmed routine. Cardio, getting your blood pumping. Your legs pumping against the pedals of the stationary bike like a well oiled machine. Your skin glistening with sweat as your pulse quickens. All this, and yet you feel no strain. The effort is meaningless, you merely execute your programming. Next is the weights. Your arms curl and pump the heavy weights, straining in ways you cannot feel. Your mind occupied by the kinetic feeling of the mechanical movements. Up, down. Up, down. Over and over. Your body screams for relief, but the feelings do not reach your brain. Squats, lunges, lifts, curls, crunches, running through the day’s routine one task at a time. Each action mechanical and automatic. Finally it is for your stretches. Your body bending and contorting to precise angles, muscles straining as your programming pushes you to the day’s goal. There is no thought, no resistance, no pain, there is only your programming. You merely execute it, like any other machine performing its task.
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Next is the shower. You strip the clothes from your body and step under the water, although you cannot feel it. Shampoo, scrub, rinse. Conditioner, scrub, wait, rinse. Shaving cream, razor, leg, long straight lines, rinse. Soap, loofa, scrub, rinse. Water off, towel. Hair done in the prescribed manner. Makeup applied with precision. Perfume splashed in exacting amounts. The same identical routine every day. Practiced, programmed, precise. No thought required. You dress in your uniform, nothing more than some revealing strips of gossamer fabric. One last visual inspection, and on to your next task.
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Into the kitchen now, to prepare breakfast. This is different each day, the week’s menu set out in an orderly fashion. Fruit, yogurt, toast, bagel, eggs, sausage, omelets, each recipe memorized and programmed in. You select ingredients and prepare them  to exacting specifications. Once the day’s items are perfectly seasoned and plated you arrange them on a tray and carry them to the bedroom.
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You place the tray on the bedside table in the exact position you did every day before, and just like that your morning tasks are complete. With the last of your programming processed, you assume your ready position. You take the blindfold from its place on the dresser and slide it down over your eyes, cutting yourself off from visual input. Even without your eyes it is trivial to find your way to the preprogrammed spot on the floor, and you sink to your knees with practiced precision. And then…. Nothing. Your programmed routine complete, you are at rest. In Standby. You are not patient, for that word is meaningless to you. You are programmed to wait, so you do. Motionless, thoughtless, at peace. Ready for me to wake and issue your next command.
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Sweet & Savory Breakfast Skillet
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petermorwood · 10 months
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As mentioned more than once, @dduane's Middle Kingdoms don't have potatoes. A frequent alternative is parsnips, and the fried cakes in that photo are the result of an experiment done earlier this week to see if parsnips can substitute for potatoes in our always-reliable potato cake recipe.
Yes, they can!
Here's @dduane's recipe.
First peel three regular-sized parsnips. then top and tail them.
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Chop them into chunks and boil them in about 2 pints (1 litre) of water.
Drain them and return to the pan: let them steam dry. Then, while still hot, mash them well with a hand masher and allow to cool completely.
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As mentioned further down, parsnips retain more water than potatoes even after steam-drying, so DON'T use a food processor or other power appliance for mashing or the result will be parsnip wallpaper paste. However, a processor is ideal for the rest of the recipe.
Put 2 cups (500g) all-purpose flour and ½ tsp salt into the processor bowl, blip the pulse switch to combine them then add 1½ tsp baking powder and blip again.
Now add 3 tablespoons butter and blip the pulse switch until the butter is completely worked in and the whole mixture has a cornmeal-y texture.
Now add the cooled mashed parsnips.
Process with the flour mixture, pulsing at first, then continuously, until the mixture comes together in a dough.
(If yours behaves the way our recipe did, no additional liquid should need to be added. The parsnips hold onto a surprising amount of water even after being steamed dry.)
Flour a work surface, roll the dough out about 1/3 inch (1 cm) thick, and use a sharp biscuit cutter to cut out into rounds. Then heat cooking oil in a frying pan to medium heat and put five or six of the cakes into the hot oil.
Fry until the cakes begin to rise a little (usually 4-5 minutes) and are going golden brown Turn and fry the cakes on their other sides for another 4-5 minutes. Test one for doneness: if necessary, turn the cakes once more and give them another 5 minutes or so.
Then cook the rest of the cakes in the same way. When they're done cooking, drain on paper towels until they're cool. Eat fresh or, to keep them, put them in a biscuit tin or other airtight container.
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They'll keep for a few days. The parsnip flavor mellows somewhat the day after you bake them.
Like their potato-cake cousins, they're very good split, toasted, buttered and topped with a slice of cheese or (and) salami. They also shine as an accompaniment to bacon or sausages; give the parsnip cakes a brief re-fry in the fat left from frying these, then serve alongside the fried meats, dressed with a splash of Worcester or HP sauce and maybe a dotting of Tabasco or similar.
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Our next experiment will be to make this recipe with the addition of some crumbled crispy bacon, grated cheese, grated onion or a combination of same.
The experiment after that will be to see if this can become parsnip bread in the same way as Irish potato farls. I think it will... :->
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lotstradamus · 2 months
do you have some favourite go-to recipes? i would love any of your recommendations!! xx
we eat the same few things on rotation in our house, as I do all the cooking, and I like a) one-pot meals, and b) pasta, preferably. most of these are fairly low effort but you get a lot of bang for your buck flavour-wise, and they're endlessly customisable!
also, listen, I don't do measurements. follow your heart and taste as you go.
the tiktok viral baked feta pasta from like 4 years ago ingredients: plum or cherry tomatoes, a block of feta (or boursin if you're feeling flush), garlic, pasta optional extras: spinach, cannellini beans, chili crisp recipe: whack your tomatoes, sliced garlic, and olive oil in a big dish. nestle your feta in there. I like to add a tin of drained cannellini beans at this point to bulk it out/cut down on the pasta/make the texture confusing, but you don't have to. stick it in the oven at like 180-200C for half an hour ish. after half an hour boil your pasta. retrieve your oven dish, stir everything up to desired consistency (I'm a chunk girl). you can add spinach while you do this for extra greenery, or a massive spoonful of chili crisp for heat and crunch, but it's good on its own. add the pasta and some pasta water if you need. voila. you simply cannot go wrong.
gochujang and hummus pasta ingredients: gochujang (this keeps forever in the fridge so it's a good kitchen investment), a tub of hummus, garlic, white onion, parm optional extras: parsley recipe: chop onion and garlic, sling them in a pan with butter and a splash of EVOO. when the onion is sufficiently sweaty and nice, add a dollop of gochujang (the bigger the dollop the spicier the end result) and stir it all in, followed by the whole tub of hummus. boil the pasta. add the cooked pasta to the pan, along with some pasta water, a shit load of grated parm, and garnish with parsley. my friend sent me a vegan version of this recipe about a year ago and I've made the non-vegan version roughly once a week since. it is so fucking delicious. butter bean thing ingredients: butter beans, garlic, red onion, tomato paste, cream/double cream/greek yog, lemon, sourdough/nice crusty bread optional extras: parsley recipe: throw chopped garlic and onion in a pan with butter and EVOO and really let them sweat it out. add tinned butter beans WITH THE JUICE. yes, I know. add in a few good squirty piles of tomato paste and stir, then let it all heat through. at this point start toasting your crusty bread of choice because I ALWAYS forget until the end and then I'm rushed. I recommend splurging for the good bread, slathered with melty butter. add whatever creamy thing you have to hand (the og recipe I saw said double cream, but I usually have greek yoghurt in and that does the job) to the beans, along with some lemon juice, garnish with parsley if you like and serve. use the bread as a giant spoon. you are welcome.
sausage soup/stew? casserole?? ingredients: celery, white onion, carrot, sausage/s, cherry tomatoes, tinned tomatoes, chicken broth, parm optional extras: creamy thing of your choice, spinach, orzo recipe: dice the celery, carrot and onion (mirepoix!), and throw it in a big big big pot with some EVOO. now: I get a pack of nice sausages and either mash or chop them depending on how much energy I have, but if you live somewhere with a butcher or whatever you can save your mashing arm and just get ground sausage. throw in the ground, mashed, or chopped sausage and cook for a bit. follow with a tin of chopped tomatoes and chicken broth. I usually put in about a litre. chop the cherry toms and toss them in. follow with a load of grated parm. if you have any parm rinds, throw em in and leave it to bubble away. this doesn't sound like much but it is so good. the longer you leave it the more flavourful it will be! towards the end I like to add in whatever creamy thing is in the fridge (double cream, greek yog, milk), along with lots of chopped spinach and a cup of orzo to really bulk it up. we can happily live on this for DAYS, especially if we have leftover fancy crusty bread from the gochujang pasta. oh and remember to take out the parm rind.
thai chicken curryish ingredients: chicken (thigh/breast), garlic, ginger, yellow peppers, spring onion, cashew nuts, rice, coconut milk, chicken broth optional extras: sriracha, coriander recipe: I love this one cos it is SO quick and SOOOO easy. cut chicken into chunks and brown it in the pot. whip it back out and throw in the chopped garlic and ginger (I have a tube of ginger paste in the fridge cos WHO has the time?) with a big glug of EVOO, then a cup of rice. jasmine works, but I've also used risotto rice. toss in the chopped peppers, spring onion and cashew nuts (if I have the energy I'll chop the nuts, but you can put em in as-is), then add coconut milk (a tin's amount, be that an actual tin or some of the melted stuff that costs 1/4 of the price - thanks Asian supermarket!) and chicken broth. put the browned chicken back in, give it all a stir, cover it, and stick it in the oven for like 25ish mins. here’s the NYT recipe if you need liquid measurements/an actionable recipe that isn’t me riffing. (as always, 12ft.io/ in front of the address to bypass the paywall.) serve it with sriracha squirted all over it (HIGHLY RECOMMEND) and coriander if you like it.
delicious little rice waffle ingredients: leftover jasmine rice, chili crisp, an egg, kewpie mayonnaise, sesame oil, spring onion, A WAFFLE MAKER optional extras: furikake recipe: full disclosure, you need a little waffle maker for this. mix the rice with chili crisp, a little sesame oil, and egg yolk. dollop it into the waffle maker and cook. garnish with kewpie mayo, sliced spring onion and some furikake if you have it, or just toasted sesame seeds if you have those, or neither! delicious little spicy umami snack, my beloved.
tuna melt of dreams ingredients: you know what's in a tuna melt recipe: swap the butter on the outside of the bread for kewpie mayonnaise and thank me later.
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glamatron3000 · 2 days
The Unofficial Malto Family Cookbook
I was inspired by the longing of @ihatebrainstorm for Alex's cooking to do a deep dive into just what Earthspark's best dad was making, so here it is! The Unofficial Malto Family Cookbook!
Just a note, I am in no way familiar with Filipino cooking (I mostly cook American, European, and Japanese-inspired food in my day to day) but I'd like to think I am a skilled practitioner of Google-Fu, so here's what I was able to find!
These dishes were either shown or mentioned, sometimes both, in season 1 and the first half of season 2. I believe I got them all, but I did pan through the episodes pretty quickly, so let me know if I missed any!
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First up is the main dish from episode 1, which already sent me on an adventure trying to identify because it was never named. After poking around a few Filipino recipe sites I managed to identify it as embutido, which is described as a Filipino meatloaf. Dot mentions that it is her favorite dish.
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The side dish of Dot's celebratory new job meal is lumpia, Filipino egg rolls! This dish appears regularly in the Malto family's meals, seen twice again in the first half of season 2.
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Okay, so technically this is probably just a store-bought dinner roll, but why not try to find if there's a Filipino recipe it could be? Our boy Alex seems like the type of guy to pull out all the stops when it comes to feeding his family. The closest I could find is pandesal to round out our episode 1 meal.
Breakfast Burrito
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In episode 2, we see Robbie lure Alex out to the barn with a picnic of breakfast burritos. Now surely there's also a Filipino style recipe for this, yes? Yes!
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In episode 3, we see Alex frying up a pan of sausage for breakfast. Could be store bought, but it's also possible that it's a traditional Filipino pork sausage called longganisa.
Here's our first one that was only mentioned and not shown. In episode 4, Alex tries twice to coax Bee into frying tortillas with his stingers. At first I thought he meant just regular flour or corn tortillas, but the way he was talking made it sound like a main dish and not just an ingredient. So after a bit of digging I found a dish called tortang, which is sometimes referred to as tortilla from what I can gather (citation needed -- I am a dumb American). Unlike the sort of tortilla you would use in a wrap or burrito, this dish is closer to an omelet. Those with more knowledge of Filipino cooking please feel free to correct me if I got this wrong.
Another only mentioned in episode 4, this is the dish Robbie would have picked to have for dinner for a week if he'd won the weekly chore race. Of course a child would pick a sweet dessert for dinner if he could.
Spam Steak
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Okay, this was another mystery for me, particularly because of the way everything is stylized in the show. In episode 5, we see Alex frying up another breakfast food. I thought maybe it was a kind of french toast, but the browning texture didn't look quite right for that. So I browsed through the breakfast section of the recipe website I've been using and the closest I've found is this crispy spam steak recipe. Apparently spam is pretty popular in the Philippines, so it's possible! Again, if anyone more knowledgeable has another option, please correct me.
In episode 7, Alex makes bagged lunches for Mo and Robbie's first day at school. While we don't know what's in those lunches, Alex did mention that he included his homemade snickerdoodles. Snickerdoodles originate from Dutch/German immigrants who settled in New England, and since there's a lot of Dutch/German heritage in Pennsylvania where the Maltos live, I'm fairly confident this is something Alex picked up in America. But just for fun, I did find an interesting Filipino/Mexican-inspired variant of this classic cookie, so you get a two for one deal with this one!
Unfortunately, Tumblr won't let me post more in a single post, so the rest will have to be in a Part 2 reblog!
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insimniacreations · 2 years
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Grocery Haul Oct 2022
The 10/31/22 updated version of My Grocery Shopping List mod. Please delete the old version after updating to the latest version.
The 10/31/22 updated version of the Custom Register. Please delete the old version after updating to the latest version.
Breakfast Sausage with Egg & Toast
Meatless Sausage Patties with Egg & Toast
Bai Brasilia Blueberry, Antioxidant Infused Beverage
Bai Antioxidant Infusion Costa Rica Clementine Antioxidant Beverage
Bai Antioxidant Infusion Beverage Kula Watermelon
Custom Ingredients (Get the custom ingredients HERE)
MorningStar Farms Veggie Breakfast Meatless Sausage Patties
Johnsonville Original Breakfast Sausage
Eggland's Best Grade A Large White Eggs
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