#HAHAH happy to have contributed
ezwezz · 1 year
HI HELLO could i request something for fem reader x yunjin being in their own world in a group vlive and fans going insane over it tysm 😋😋
yes of course, that's an adorable idea!! thank you for the ask :)
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in plain sight
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pairing: huh yunjin x f!reader genre: fluff, with pervading undertones of author's dumb humour words: 1.1K
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"hello everyone, we are le sserafim!" the 6 of you announced in unison, waving towards the camera that was propped up to reveal the hybe lounge where you gathered comfortably.
woohoo!! no le sserafim no life hi guys :) i love you!!!!! can you say hi to me??
"hey everyone! so in honour of our new album, today we're going to do a Q&A! send us questions relating to it and we'll try to answer as many as possible!" chaewon explained, kneeled directly in front of the camera, whilst the rest of you nodded enthusiastically.
you and yunjin were settled on the couch, half-slouched against each other as you shared the blanket over your legs. eunchae sat beside you with a packet of chips that was occasionally distributed around the group.
while the other four girls addressed the viewers, amassing questions to answer, you noticed yunjin was strangely quiet. upon checking her expression, you could tell that she was zoned out as she leant against you, her head lolling to the side and nearly resting against your own. you smiled to yourself while gazing at the clueless beauty, wondering what could be occupying her mind. after a moment, eunchae acknowledged the silence beside her then let out a giggle when calculating the scene.
"aww look at how y/n is admiring yunjin! so adorable!" your face instantly flushed and yunjin was snapped out of her trance, her eyes flicking up to meet yours causing her cheeks to match the red tint of your own.
"eunchae!" you remarked, hiding your face in your hands as the girl continued to giggle.
this is why eunchae is best maknae hahah poor y/n yunjin doesn't know what to say LMAO
however, it didn't take long for yunjin to regain her composure as her surprised blush was soon replaced with a shit-eating smirk.
"well, y/n clearly has an eye for beauty." she leant closer to tease you, wrapping her arms around your torso and attempting to make eye contact which you profusely refused.
"go away yunjin." you mumbled, lifting your head to grab a chip from euchae before raising it to yunjin's mouth. she allowed you to feed it to her and shut up for a few seconds as she chewed, still chuckling.
the live resumed its pace once the other girls were done expressing their fondness towards you and yunjin as a pair, managing to steer the narrative away from romance and instead into just a close friendship, which you were grateful for. the dating rumours between you and yunjin were at a height and it was getting harder to hide your affection for the woman- but it didn't seem that she was aware of it, maybe for the best.
you contributed to the conversation every now and then, but you were becoming increasingly aware of the woman nestled against you. beneath the blanket, her leg almost overlapped yours, making it hard for you to focus on the live without your mind straying to the contact of your bare skin. moreover, yunjin would take your hand and absentmindedly play with it as she spoke, seemingly unaware of her actions.
after some time of this, you decided to pause her subconscious affections by giving her hand- that was already caressing yours- a squeeze.
yunjin quickly forgot the live and turned to meet your eyes instead, a smile gracing her features making your heart flutter.
"can i have my hand back?" you teased quietly, ensuring only she could hear.
"no, it's my new fidget toy." she responded playfully, grasping it tightly which caused you to roll your eyes.
"unfortunately i'm gonna need my hand at some point, so you can't keep it."
"may i borrow it then?"
"you're kinda holding it captive right now, do i even have a choice?"
"good point." yunjin's happy grin removed all traces of fake annoyance from your conversation and you couldn't help but return the smile.
suddenly, before you could process what was happening, yunjin had raised your hand to her mouth and bit it.
"yaa what the hell yunjin!?" you instinctively yanked your hand away from her.
the momentum forced you to recline into eunchae which simultaneously resulted in the bag of chips, previously nestled in her lap, dropping onto the floor into a pile of salty mess.
"no!" the maknae cried dramatically.
"those were my special chips!" sakura exclaimed, leaping to her feet.
"hah! now you all have to eat my special chips, which you shouldn't complain about because they're better than kkura's." kazuha chimed in gleefully.
you blurted apologies and quickly rushed to grab a vacuum cleaner. yunjin tried to help by gathering the chips into her hands but it only caused them to disperse into even more of a mess as she scattered them elsewhere.
"oh my god." chaewon muttered for the viewers to hear, her and sakura sharing a look of amused disbelief at your actions.
am i seeing things or did yunjin literally bite y/n's hand?!? yunjin omg please that was hilarious not yunjin BITING y/n's hand they're so gf coded that was adorable NOOO poor eunchae rip to kkura's infamous chips
the mess was eventually cleared up, no thanks to yunjin, and you went back to sitting beside each other.
"that was your fault." you stated, unable to resist the pettiness.
"i didn't even bite it hard, you're just a baby."
"you're the baby! only babies feel the need to put everything into their mouths."
"okay okay my bad, but what hand cream do you use? it was kind of tasty."
"seek help."
"why? you're everything i need."
you weren't sure if the comment was supposed to come off so flirty but it certainly had that effect on you; instead of coming up with a witty response, you resorted to spluttering aimlessly.
"get a room!" chaewon suddenly announced, alerting you to everyone's attention. they were all watching you with imperceptibly knowing looks, their backs turned so the viewers couldn't see their expressions- which didn't stop them from going haywire.
canon event: yunjin flirts, y/n gay panics this is so OBVIOUS!? chaewon is so done gay tension intensifies how can you not ship these two
"guys." you painfully stated, unable to conjure a reply. you had to admit, this moment was an anomaly in your usual smartass responses.
yunjin didn't say anything, she simply shrugged nonchalantly with a subtle smirk on her lips to which chaewon rolled her eyes.
"alright everyone, y/n has been humbled, meaning this live has reached its natural end."
"i will never be humbled...but i agree, i can't sit here with this annoying thing any longer." you indicated to yunjin who laughed loudly.
"we all know you secretly like it."
and with that, chaewon quickly wrapped up the live before anyone could look too deep into the comment, then proceeded to reprimand yunjin for her recklessness.
you watched victoriously from the sidelines, inwardly reprimanding yourself as well, because you knew yunjin was right.
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arthurtaylorlester · 7 months
spoilers (you already know)
back at it with some humming!
JOHN MY BELOVED !!!! youre so bitchy i love him
harpers hill mention omg (harpers hill hijinks coming soon)
“MY BOOK HMPH 😤” girl 😭😭
“i didnt realise” yes because you cant see and john is like really really dumb
it kills me that john is bitching about oscar not finding anything but like what information have you contributed in the last 3 episodes
ive missed bullying john
malevolent is a comedy and i will stand by that
mmm rain sounds
“can you imagine hahah” yes i can it was the best arc of the show send tweet
well you havent seen his face
whys john being so quiet all of a sudden?
“i suppose ill just watch again” SOMEONE IS A JEALOUS GIRL
arthur ignoring john….. the girls are going to DIVORCE
“not you sorry ^_^” and then he goes back to ignoring john?? girl
oh wait that was very sweet
sorry arthur speaking to john like that just destroyed me
“its not because i dont care 💛” “…yes?” oscar this isnt about you
poor guy though he must be so confused
arthurs tone changes so much when he speaks to john
someone get john a pair of glasses either that or he was too busy daydreaming to see the turnoff
oh of course john would want to split off because he hasnt ever seen a horror movie arthur if you die then it’s your fault for not showing him the movie 🙄
“we might have to sleep in the car” okayyyy
oh so now john wants to give him info because he deserves to know
aaaand now he doesnt want to tell him. we love a hypocritical king !!!
return of the canadian sourry
you dont need to sound so smug that he looks hurt john 😭😭
okay oscar love the existential crisis while reading very relatable
is he gonna say arthur is his purpose
oh for fucks sake
NOT THE SOFT “oscar”
ok oscar is def into arthur and arthur saying “i don’t believe in god” is like rejection. this is how unrequited blindfaith can still win.
also god believes in you? well john and kayne sure seem to believe in him for what its worth
oscar nooo dont devote yourself to arthur that never ends well
john i dont care about oscar either but you have got to stop laying it on so think jfc
john the undefeated more like john the opportunist
“woAH” same john same
oooh so john can see auras now basically?
what monster are we gonna find in the barn 👀
oh that sounds fun actually though /j
ok i love how prominent the dreamlands are this episode i was just thinking about how good it was
john just wants his alone time with arthur because he cant answer his questions
“i need another set of eyes” thats like the one thing john can do it must be kinda sad to like, not be able to fully do the one thing you used to be great at
“ *gasp* a forgotten one :0” john dont act like you know what that means
hey is john a forgotten one then. is he. is he though.
can everyone except arthur feel the weirdness of places
john its ok if you didnt see it you dont need to justify yourself ❤️‍🩹
john sounds almost scared to go in the basement lol
the stairs are gonna give out at a later date im calling it
what could possibly happen in the last 15 minutes
a door ajar omg is that a wtnv reference
did arthur almost die by getting crushed by a bunch of furniture
oh a barricade i know what this is about
oh happy halloween btw guys
my honest reaction too john
what… what did you just sink into….
oh hole in roof, cool
arthur pay attention oscar hes gonna set hjmself on fire on accident
the jarthur was too busy analysing the painting to pay attention to oscar
oh he wants to cut it off ok
jfc 7 minutes oh no
question: how strong is arthur physically
“A TOWEL!” “A TOWEL?” as i said a comedy
you know its weird that i can handle this fine but couldnt deal with the michael torture in the woe.begone finale
oh ok hes fine sort of ok
the music goes so hard again
that arthur was so scared
ok the arms alive run
or get john to arm wrestle it idk
“what thE fUCK WHAT THE FUCK” my daily vocabulary
and oscar was right :)
arthur you could at least carry him instead of dragging him that poor poor man
i find it amusing that this mostly happened because of jarthur studying a painting and ignoring the man currently in possession of their braincells
indeed what do we do now
and thats a wrap! oh boy what an episode i have THOUGTHTS (oscar is not surviving this)
i know like maybe 2 people read this type of posts but i enjoy making and reading them back. so if youd like me to keep going with these i will :)
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alotogifs · 2 years
A League of Their Own Cast Live Tweets 1x08 Pt.1
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Abbi: Gotta love an extreme close up... :/ :) Will: Our writers talked a lot about what it's like feeling out of your groove when you're in charge. 
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Will: I love D’arcy Carden intensity in this scene. Will: Hahahaha. I love Patrick J. Adams in this scene. This was based on one of our writers stories about doing this to her boyfriend who was trying to be too supportive. Abbi: I LOVE Patrick J. Adams -- what a treat to get to work with him. Will: The story of Carson becoming the coach of the team is based on a real incident from the AAGPBL where the coach was fired mid-season and three of the players had to take over!   Abbi: ESG babay. 
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D’arcy: THANK YOU CHERYL   Will: I LOVE CHERYL. Also Chanté Adams and Gbemi Ikumelo were VERY excited for this scene and they really killed it. Lots of improv!
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D’arcy: 5,000 more scenes with Cecil please. Abbi: It's "Big C" D'Arc. Will: The Chicago Defender was one of the biggest black papers in the US. The papers were distributed by train couriers on their routes! D’arcy: i love frens 🥺
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Chanté: When I read this scene I knew it was gonna be epic and I knew it was missing one thing…SUNGLASSES. I schemed all day begging the producers and our director if we could wear sunglasses and they all agreed. Action was called, magic was made, the rest is herstory.   Will: THIS WAS CHANTÉ’S MOMENT. Well one of them. She had strong feeling about the glasses and now it's m favorite moment!
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Will: To the five has become something we kinda say a lot now.
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Will: I LOVE A TREE GROWS IN BROOKLYN. That is why. Abbi: This is the Peaches theme our composers created. You'll hear it throughout the whole season. Will: I am SO proud of and in love with Abbi's performance in this scene. Justine Siegal said she'd never seen a woman give a speech like this on TV.   Justine: It’s true. I had never heard a sport’s pep talk from a woman on TV. I hadn’t heard too many in real life either. I was really touched by how Carson was leading her team! Made me take a moment. Abbi: This is our moment! #LeagueWatchParty Hahah sorry I'm just repeating my lines. Will: I also love how Carson has taken on Greta's advice from episode 1. Will: We wanted to do a story about leadership that grew slowly and was more about being vulnerable than controlling -- That came from Abbi.
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Abbi: Kate Berlant is incredible in this scene. D’arcy: Kate Berlant supremacy 😍 Will: True fact! I did not know about Botulism before this script. I am not a worrier? Learning! Will: We had a lot of conversations about what Carson's moment here should sound like, since "coming out" wasn't a real possibility in this time. It comes down to Carson saying I am the thing you're afraid of -- What are you going to do now? 
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Abbi: D’arcy Carden came over to watch with me. D’arcy: shaw&gill 🍑 Chanté: Look at you cutiesssss. D’arcy: Hiiiiiiii chanteeeeeeeee ❤️❤️❤️❤️
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Will: I'm obsessed with the intensity in D’arcy Carden eyes before she hits. Bring me home Shaw! Will: They real AAGPBL players were very proud of all their bruises and scrapes.
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Abbi: You ALWAYS need a code word! Will: I love Chanté Adams and Gbemi Ikumelo in this BUFFALO scene. "IS SHE SMILING?" 
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Will: Worth mentioning Anya Adams is the director of this episode! It was a HUGE challenge. Massive episode. We are so lucky to have had her. Will: Our writer Mfoniso Udofia contributed so much to this Max and Toni scene. Max and Toni are trying so hard to find a way to talk. Will: A lot of the pictures in Max's house are of Chanté Adams’s family.
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Chanté: This is a photo of me next to my grandfather. He’s also in the smaller photos along with some of my other family as well. He passed away in 2009 but this was his era. So happy to have him watching over me through this process. I think he would have loved Max 🖤
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Will: I love Le Robinson swagger in this scene. And some important S2 threads in here!
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endlich-allein · 24 days
Hello ❤️ I hope you are well and wish you a wonderful weekend!
I recently discovered the beautiful song Roter Sand and one line has stuck with me, made me very emotional. Like when Till sings it, it scratches my brain and I feel like I might die and go to heaven hahah
“Am Ende gibt es doch ein Ende”
Its just soooo beautifully sung!!!!! And the music is just *chefs kiss*
So my question is, do you have a bit of a song or songs that just scratch your brain or makes you FEEL stuff ya know? It doesn’t have to be lyrics, maybe just a guitar riff or what not. I hope Im making any sense at all😅sorry for yapping heh
Love your blog and I appreciate all you do for the rammstein fandom!
Thank you very much ❤️ it makes me very happy to contribute to this fandom
I really like Roter Sand too, it's a wonderful song and beautifully sung by Till. I also love the fact that this song, at least in its original version, is the collective work of Till, Ollie and Flake after they've drunk a bottle of wine... It's also worth noting that Flake's wife Jenny makes the whistles on this song.
To answer your question about songs that make me feel something, I'd say Klavier, Nebel, Wo Bist Du and Meine Tränen.
Klavier : I love the theme of this song, the horrific story behind Till's beautiful voice and the music both soft and powerful.
Nebel and Wo Bist Du : the recurring themes in Rammstein's lyrics, love and the loss of love, are not really original here. But it's above all the melancholy and fragility that emanate from these songs that moves me.
Meine Tränen : My favourite from the last album. What a fantastic song ! The lyrics are fantastic, the story is worthy of Rammstein and Till's performance gives me the shivers ! When Till sings : "Dann und wann ein stummer Schrei / Und eine kleine Litanei" I get tears in my eyes !
I can also mention Stein Um Stein and Ich Tu Dir Weh, which I love enormously. And probably my favourite song is Spring, which I've already had the opportunity to talk about here.
Thanks again for your question and the encouragement 🙏🏻
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scalamore · 7 months
Fanbook + Season 3 End update!
Firstly, thank you so much to everyone who helped contribute to the fanbook with their messages and fanart. It was safely delivered, and Hayeon-nim, the artist, absolutely loved it! She was speechless and didn't have much to say. We were able to collect 16 messages and 5 artists/fanarts from 10 different countries!
Being a webtoon artist is a very tough job in Korea (or anywhere really), but is especially cutthroat in Korea. Artists are always under pressure to work hard and deliver high-quality work, and oftentimes they rarely see any nice comments about their art, only the comments if their art is weird or off-model. Their main audience, is of course South Korean citizens. But what about international fans? We still exist and also love her work. So this project, aimed to spread happiness to Hayeon-nim is a success!! :) So, the interesting thing is, (that I have no basis for, but is a nice thought), is I think she was so moved by our encouragement, that she delayed posting Ch 117. I was informed she received the package on Wed 11/8, and that same day an announcement was posted on KKP that had three pieces of information: 1) Ch 117 would be released on 11/11 at 10pm with something extra for the readers to celebrate the season 3 end, 2) the 3-Damu event (can read a chapter for free every 3 hours, excluding the 10 most recent chapters) for the next 2 months and 3) Season 4 was greenlit. While I made a post about the season 4 confirmation, I didn't notice at the time there was a date change, because the way they announce releases is kinda weird. Like, YM is a "Saturday" series but it's released Friday night at 10pm, and has always been like that. Also I don't look at dates, because it's always been "Friday morning" in my time zone haha.
So on Friday, I check at the usual time and noticed there was no chapter release; no announcement on DAON Updates on twitter, and Hayeon-nim didn't make an announcement either. So going back to the announcement on 11/8 it said something interesting: <YM> will finish up season 3 with episode 117. Readers, please look forward to the end of Season 3, updated Nov 11 at 10pm. Interesting.
I thought it was interesting in the sense that while unexpected hiatuses/chapter delays are common and can happen anytime, the language is what was different. Usually it's written like "Sorry for the delay", "Sorry for the wrong upload." "Sorry for the delay of unavoidable issues". But here, they specifically said the delay was for "something special". HMMMM.
The series hasn't had any production delays, and one day usually won't address it? so probably not that. As I predicted, this chapter would be the Rupelali reunion and us meeting "black bread guy (Rupert)". I had no idea what the "something special" could be, because the long-awaited RupeLali hug would be in 118... in like 5+ months haha. So maybe a manhwa original Rupelali hug??? but where would that fit in?? no idea.
The next morning, yeah nothing unexpectedly special in the chapter. so I went back to sleep HAHAH, it's too early my time ok.
Then I'm woken up again by my buddies who saw the "bonus" - her thank you art for the fan gift! KYAAAA. The message says "Thank you! Wish us luck we’ll be back for the final season! <-- something likes this
*It's a picture of Rupelali on a date, with her holding a copy of the fanbook and grabbing his arm, is happy, and he's blushing and bashful* !!!
!!! This is so sweet of her?? She's super busy, ready for her well-deserved break and she had time to draw a bonus art for her fans instead of resting? T^T. She went out of her way, knowing that fans just suffered 3 months of a Rupelali drought, and an upcoming 5+ months of more drought, and gifted us with this wonderful bit of cuteness to tide us over until Season 4 returns? Unbelievable. So again,
Thank you to everyone who contributed to the fanbook, you made the artist super happy :D. Thanks for spreading happiness ~!
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romaritimeharbor · 23 days
OMG YES!!!!!! I cant tell you how happy i am to meet another fnaf fan!! I also have been a fan since Fnaf 1 as well and yeah i do agree that a game about haunted animatronics probably wasnt a good thing for young kids (i remember being so scared of the dark back then bc i would think that either Foxy or Freddy will jumpscare me from the shadows) but like it was such a huge thing back then, every youtuber were doing Let’s Plays and I still remember very fondly of playing the first game in my cousin’s phone as i lock all the doors til it ran out of battery because i was a scaredy cat, such good times..
Ok so my favs are Sister location and the Pizzeria Simulator. I love those two because they are more of the story driven games unlike the others which just have you sit in the office and have the plot be in the pixelated mini games (i dont hate them bc they have their own charm in itself but i just wanted the story be more direct than subtle, if that makes sense..)
Wait, what other Fnaf songs do you like other than Left Behind? I remember jamming to “the Mangle song” and “just gold” on loop that whenever i sing those songs under my breath, my friends, who werent into fnaf, would give me weird looks. I tried explaining it to them but they would get confused and just get used to my singing
Also have you ever watched Game Theory? I used to love going home and just watch Matpat going insane trying to piece together the lore. I still watch his old Fnaf videos, they’re still great and it’s nice to look back to see which theory was right and which was wrong. OH AND ALSO i was so happy to see Matpat in the Fnaf film. I was so happy to see many people who has contributed to Fnaf in Youtube be in the film!
The point is I am so happy to meet another Fnaf fan. It’s not everyday i meet another fnaf fan, so forgive my rambling. Would it be okay for me to sometime geek out about these stuff with you? Hope ypu have a good night
(I should probably mention that im very tired right now as im typing this but i really wanted to send this ask. So forgive for my tired rambling,
- 🐱 anon who is going to sleep now
YEAH I HAVE BEEN IN THIS FANDOM FOR LITERALLY SOOOOOO LONG it is a part of me atp.... cannot remove the fnaf from my brain 😔🙏 the youtube lets plays were absolutely formative for me HAHAH i miss that era of youtube, honestly!!
i can totally get that! i love the more story driven games. AND 🐱 ANON..... if i tried to list off all the fnaf songs i have ever listened to, this post would be so insanely long. i can safely say that if you can think of it, i have probably heard it (though there are a few songs i haven't heard!).
I USED TO BE SO OBSESSED WITH GAME THEORY DUDE i often think about going back and rewatching the old fnaf theories. it was such a lovely time of my life honestly <3 you are more than welcome to drop by and talk about fnaf with me, anytime!
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flying-bear-tv · 9 months
Ok i just finished watching the WWDITS season finale and It made me laugh so much but also some of it was shitty and i feel like sharing to the class.
So most insane things first I have no idea why Guillermo decided not to be a vampire. It is even explicitly shown how great he feels after drinking human blood like he is ready??? and then suddenly its like a switch flipped and he has a problem killing a human. He has never really gave a shit about that for FIVE FUCKING SEASONS. He is even like yeah i know i dismembered a shitton of body and lured people to their deaths and killed a shitton of vampires (who tbh he can definitely empathize with like humans as he has been involved with them for years) (OVER 10 YEARS) but i cant suck this guys throat owo. Like he has devoted his entire life to this for a decade and all of a sudden he backs out? I'm not saying this isn't just weird bad writing but the lamp nandor pulled out was the big one which he knows has no wishes left. I think its possible either nandor wished that Guillermo wanted to be human OR Guillermo purposely got himself turned back into a human so Nandor could be the one to turn him. Like he had everything set up with the necromancer to undead Derick pretty quickly...... idk im just saying. Also It feels like nothing has changed. I wish Nandor would have helped him with dericks body or something. Just to show that Guillermo is accepted a little more. I know you guys will debate me on this but its the little things like that that make you really feel part of the group. Lazlo came in clutch as always though I love him so much he really is one of my comfort characters of all time. (I even think that if my theory ends up being the case that Lazlo knew about Guillermo's plan cause that would definitely go along with the theme of Lazlo and Guillermo hiding stuff from the others throughout the season) But yea. Weird ending with Guillermo and im gonna be PISSED if there isnt a seriously good explanation for that.
Next: the Guide... Yea WHAT THE FUCK they did her so dirty like no hahah we liked you the whole time haha. Are you for serious. are you joking with me. This could have been a HUGE chance for character growth on the vamps part. They could have realized that yea. healthy relationships need to have mutual respect and both people need to contribute. They could have brought Lazlo's journey with him becoming a bit more human this season full circle. Nandor could have realized that how he has treated Guillermo is not great. He could have been like yea no wonder he got turned by someone other than me. I have been using him to do dirty work for years and stringing him along with the promise that I would eventually turn him which even I convinced myself was true in order to keep things just as how theve always been. I wont kill him because he means more to me than a stupid vampire rule that im only doing because its what is always done. (Like Nandor realized he didn't want to kill Guillermo after a second of seriously thinking about it.) Guillermo could have let him out of that cage and they could have hugged and figured out what to do like the fucking found family they are damn it.
NADJA ......... nadja's whole thing this season was the fact that she treats people like shit and is pretty selfish and she didnt even have a moment where she actually showed change. IM SICK IM DYING IM THROWING UP IN THE STREET.
I realize that them liking the guide the whole time is a funny joke but guys. was it worth it. was it fucking worth it...
For the things I liked lol I really liked Lazlo he is allways slaying his fits were spectacular his matching hair with Nadja is incredible He is a real friend to Guillermo and everything that comes out of his mouth is hilarious.
Im glad the guide got some kind of revenge she deserves it I love her.
Guillermo hiding out in the motel was funny and i love how everyone visited him individually.
Guillermo being really happy after turing into a bat and getting his fangs was also really cute
Also "this meat has kissed the grill" i started crying i have no idea why this was so funny to me
Nandor stalking the fucking panera bread and setting up a whole fake ritual for Guillermo 10/10
also final round of applause for Nadja and Lazlos hair and outfits this season. I wish i were them.
anyways funny vampire show heheeh i wont get too upset about it and i wont make a conspiracy about how they wrote it bad on purpose because I cant cope with reality *cough* good omens fans *cough* SORRY but guys... guys... its not 2017 wake up please we dont need another TJLC please I have to say somthing.
love you all touch grass <3
comment 💥if you read all of this shit i want to know
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smalltownfae · 10 months
Hi! From the book rec ask game, if you want to answer any/all of these :)
16. a book you'd recommend to your younger self
41. a book about nature
55. a book with a satisfying ending
69. your favourite mythological retelling
70. your favourite poetry collection
117. your favourite anthology
Hello! Thank you for the asks :)
16. Depends on how young. I wish I had read certain old middle grade and YA books when I was a kid, but tbh most of them weren't translated or even sold here so that would be impossible to begin with. I am sad that I didn't have any Diana Wynne Jones books, for example. We did have translated Discworld books at some point though because I found some in my library (that is how I discovered the series), but I never saw them being sold around before. In my small city there weren't any bookshops when I was a kid so I got my books from supermarkets and I visited the library a lot (even if it only had really old books for the most part). That is how I ended up reading above my years and rereading fairy tales for the most part. Two shops that sold books popped up in my teens and they even sold some manga and a friend and I were so happy about it even though that kind of thing was a given in the capital hahah I visited the capital a lot in my teenage years too because I made most of my friends there. I have a kind of hate relationship with my hometown for all the things it didn't provide and things would have been so different had I grown up somewhere else. One of those things were the lack of books available which I still believe contributed a bit to everyone being so close minded around here. My first visit to the city trully blew my mind xD I was like sheep in the big city. Sorry for the personal anedocte, but the truth is I didn't even had the option to read the books that would have interested me as a kid and I am reading them now as an adult.
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41. Upstream by Mary Oliver (which I am still reading...). Also a lot of Robert Frost poems.
“One tree is like another tree, but not too much. One tulip is like the next tulip, but not altogether. More or less like people—a general outline, then the stunning individual strokes.”
55. Howl's Moving Castle hahahaha it has a very nice happy ending, but I think I give this book as an answer way too much so I will try thinking of another one. I know satisfying doesn't necessarily mean happy but I always assume that is what that word means. The Goblin Emperor by Katherine Addison has a pretty nice ending too.
69. I haven't read many of those at all so I will have to go with the cliché answer The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller, which is the only book out of the 3 I read by her that I liked. I am not as interested in myth retellings as I am in reading the originals to be honest, but I am curious about The Silence of the Girls, which I only heard good things about so far.
70. I am only exploring poetry more this year so my options are limited. I am going through the complete poems by Robert Frorst and that book separates the smaller collections published before so I guess right now I would pick New Hampshire by Robert Frost, which has the most poems I like, including my favourite "Stopping by woods on a snowy evening". Collections are hard because I very seldom enjoy all the works included in the book and never at the same level when I do like all of them.
117. I do not read these either. I can only recall one anthology that I read from start to finish and that was The New Voices of Fantasy so I guess I have to say that even if it was just ok. Oh wait, this is a lie. I love "Histórias de Fantasmas" (Ghost Stories), but that is a portuguese one that has a selection of "ghost stories". I can tell which ones were included in it though. It's one of my favourite books and I did enjoy every story in it. Here's the list:
The Open Window by Saki
Afterward by Edith Wharton
The Ghost by Catherine Wells
Mr. Tallent's Ghost by Mary Webb
The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman
Nr. 17 by E. Nesbit
The Voice of a God by Winifred Holtby
A Spirit Elopment by Clotilde Graves
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hyeahgaku · 7 months
Soy, you're one of the most reliable Sakaday theorists!! It's not a stretch to say that most of the things you have predicted pretty much happened or came true. Maybe some things are not exactly bull's eye but almost! Aaaand you were right in reassuring yourself that only Kashima-san can detonate the bombs in Mafuyu and Tora, thank god! I truuuuuuuuly hope Slur doesn't have a remote detonator! (HOPE HE DOESN'T LET THEIR BOMBS SET OFF TOO!)
Anyhow, do keep up your speculation coming in every week 'cause I absolutely enjoy reading your thoughts on Twitter and the Asks that you answer here 😉 Even if your theories may not be spot on sometimes (I feel you 'cause me with JJK lmao!) personally I feel that your assumptions or theories make sense and they have probability in happening :D Thank you for your contributions to the community, Soy! <33
Btw, lookie look I have a surprise for you! 👀
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MOON-SAN IS THAT- 🙇🏻‍♂️ 楽しみだね! Thank you, in advance, for your hard work & constant dedication for doing SakaDays MAD/MMV🙏🙏🙏
Chotto matte kudasai, you have X?! What's your @? Plus thank you so much for your praises! I am just an ordinary manga reader who enjoy making assumptions after the weekly dose of my favourite series -for now Sakadays at the top! 😄 i'm happy there's at least some ppl that enjoy my speculations hahah so w that don't worry i will continue on. And tbh idc if i miss cuz they're just theories itfp so everybody gotta take them w a grain of salt😃 they shouldn't hold me accountable for wrong outcome most importantly lol.
And yes i am hoping that Slur won't sacrifice them, praying so hard for some plot twist🙏🙏
P.S.: Requesting permission in advance to share your MAD on my page; i'll be sure to leave credits 🙇🏻‍♂️
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Its hard to watch taylor probably moving forward towards a complete breakdown in public again. I hope she is able deal with it privately.
I understand this sentiment, anon, and I share it. I’m not gonna pretend to know her better than she knows herself, because I absolutely don’t. But I think a lot of fans are seeing the same pattern of 2016 showing up again, and, let’s admit it, we’re all still a bit scarred from that hahah. I think she’s in a much better and stronger place right now, she’s more secure, she’s more loved, she’s more aware of the perception the public has of her… and so I really hope what’s happening won’t have the same destructive force it had on her seven years ago (god, time flies!). Her team is also more equipped to deal with all of this. I’m just rambling hahah. I hope two months from now we’ll be celebrating the release of Speak Now with a happy headspace, and nothing bad will happen between now an then.
It’s also important to remember that this story is what us fans make it! The fact that sooooo many fans are being dramatic and saying she’s making a mistake and making fun of her and having meltdowns ALL contribute to the public perception people have of her. Let’s behave.
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myfairkatiecat · 7 months
Gandalf: Describe a hobby/pastime/way to have fun that people don't usually expect someone like you to have.
Merry: Describe a situation where you were in just the right place at just the right time.
Gimli: Remember Gimli talking about the Glittering Caves? Gush about an interest that is very special to you, but which you don't have in common with your best friend.
Thank you for the ask!
1. Gandalf
So um, fanfiction. I mean obviously all of you know VERRRRY well that I like fanfiction. But in real life? No one would EVER guess. I’m a straight A AP honors student, a classical pianist, an IB diploma candidate… fanfiction doesn’t fit my theme at all. I distinctly remember a time when I was reading a fic on my phone and one kid goes “haha I wonder what she’s doing, fanfiction right?” And they all laugh like hahah of course not. And I’m like hahahahahaha. I said nothing but I don’t know how to feel about the fact that everyone assumes fanfiction can’t be a hobby for an honors student. It’s a great way for me to explore analysis of fictional settings and practice writing, and it’s FUN!
2. Merry
For one show I performed in, the directors had a tech week panic when they realized they never got a non-copyrighted version of the classical music they wanted to play in the background. Since I happened to be there in the moment, I offered to play the music live! I was so glad that I was there in the moment. My role in that show was otherwise pretty small, so I was very happy to contribute anything I could!!
3. Gimli
Okay so—tragic hero narratives. I LOVE THEM. I’m always seeking to see the tragedy in a story and analyze the tragic hero. It’s the main reason Revenge of the Sith is my favorite Star Wars movie. It has led to many a Merlin headcanon. It is the very reason that I adore Macbeth and Hamlet. It’s my favorite thing to find in literary works. It’s the topic of my IB extended essay. I LOVE tragic heroes!!!
Thanks for stopping by my inbox!! :D
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helbertinelli · 2 years
It’s curious how everyone seems to forget that Padmé’s job was also threatened. Using her words in Revenge of the Sith:
“This baby will change our lives. I doubt the Queen will allow me to continue to serve in the Senate, and if the Council discovers you’re the father, you’ll be expelled--”
Her own career isn’t safe either, and she knew that when she chose to marry Anakin. My rant isn’t about Padmé, however, so back to Anakin.
The reason Anakin wants to leave the Order are all related to his frustration and resentment towards the Jedi and their Code. That they don’t allow attachments/marriage, that they don’t value his skills, that they don’t trust him, that they fear his power. Things like expelling Ahsoka, faking Obi-Wan’s death, asking him to spy on the Chancellor and denying the rank of Master only contributed to that. So of course he would want to leave the Jedi if they didn’t change their ways to accommodate him.
This, however, doesn’t mean he’d like to be a trophy husband. The issue with SW fans is that they take Anakin’s love for Padmé and his desire for a family (which are, admittedly, very important traits of his characterization) and make him revolve around that. People forget two things:
1) Anakin is a man of action.
2) Anakin is a prideful man.
I have no doubts he’d dedicate himself to his wife and children and cherish their company, but he wouldn’t be happy being a trophy husband. I don’t say this because Anakin is a man or because of gender roles. The truth is that Anakin would claim that it was exactly what he wanted and then grow unsatisfied very quickly. He wouldn’t feel useful enough, wouldn’t feel comfortable depending on his wife or living in her shadow (again, not because Padmé is a woman, for God’s sake), especially with his past as slave and the fact he needs to feel useful. It would nag at his pride and he would become restless, bored and unhappy.
P.S.: There’s a post going around on Tumblr about a Legends comic in which Vader dreams of being a trophy husband while Padmé becomes the Supreme Chancellor. No, guys. I read this comic. In Vader’s dreams, he took Yoda’s place and was actually the Grand Master of the Jedi Order, hahah.
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srapsodia · 2 years
This is @co-captaining. Your animated POTC kiss has murdered me. Thank you for your necessary and incredibly ashsksksks contribution. I have no words other than ashsjsksksks to describe how it made me feel. I want to scream into my pillow now ok bye
"ashsksksks" is one of the highest honors, thank you so much!! tbh i've said this before, but im not usually one to look much at my art after i post it. but i too have watched this one on repeat A LOT dsfhjsdf. i was my own target audience for that animatic and im very happy y'all liked it too hahah
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myluxshlife · 1 year
today, i am grateful for
the weather. it isn't too hot or too cold. just nice by Miri's standard lol
my life of ease and softness - i never though it was possible for me until now. The life i've dreamed of ever since I was 25 hahah
myself - despite my flaws, imperfections and other things i am not happy about with myself - i am smart & kind, loving and thoughtful and those are some of the qualities that make me precious
my husband - i always wondered if i had met you in a past life and if we were together then because it feels like i missed you in a past life and this life is for the both of us to make up for lost time because it's so easy with you.
health, because health is wealth. my health, my husband's health. my side of the family as well as his side of the family. i am so thankful for health of everyone around me because without health, a person and those around them can be reduced to nothing. <3
my parents - my late father who , although had demons and could not control his temper, was a great provider for the family who worked so hard his whole life, and was a kind person who was selfless, although he always hides behind his fierce countenance and demeanor. my mother, who was always so loving and patient with us, and generous to a fault, sometimes. without them, i wouldn't be who i am and where i am today.
technology - it really makes everything so much easier these days. i am thankful for all the smart minds who have contributed so much to mankind.
money - money really does wonders from making life easier to helping those around us, making us happy to just simply making things work and enables us to get things we want or need.
my friends - the handful who are far and near - who are always so kind and generous to me. Understanding and sometimes so selfless. I am lucky and blessed to have met them and to be able to call them my friends.
for music & hearing - i can't imagine my life without music. We are so blessed to be able to enjoy music. <3
i haven't been doing gratitude entries for a while now. (2 weeks!)
it is so important to be grateful for everything that we have everyday, or else we will only look at the negative sides of things and taking good things that we have in our lives for granted. i try my best to practice gratitude as much as possible. one of the ways is through blog entries that express gratitude as well as expressing my gratitude to people who have done nice things to and for me and to people who have given me things including when the waiter serves my tea, etc.
now, i think it's only fitting that I list 1 extra thing I am grateful for since I've missed making gratitude entries for 2 weeks.
11. for having enough - enough love, luck, money, food, shelter, clothing, family, friends. I lack nothing and i am ever so thankful for that. <3
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sublime-beyond-loss · 2 years
This is a sequel?/spiritual successor to The Narrator Everywhere At The End Of Time. If that was experimental then this is veeeerrry experimental. I have had many, many thoughts about The Death Of The Author concept in relation to the meta nature of The Stanley Parable, especially with the contributions Ultra Deluxe added. It took awhile to get to this point, but I think I finally managed to put something together that takes all of my thoughts, ideas, and theories and puts it into sound. So I give you, the narrator as a musical concept who goes through one big existential crisis about it until he doesn't! The music manipulation in this one is nowhere near as cynical and hopeless than what was going on with the original project, so it should be a less brutal listen. That's not to say there aren't creepy moments to be found, but no jumpscares or anything. Make sure to read the track titles as you listen because they're kind of crucial if you want to understand the narrative the music is trying to weave.
In fact, I’ll drop the track names here to give you some idea of what’s going on with this thing lol:
The Death Of The Author. The Birth Of The Author.
'This is the story of a man named Stanley'
Oh, dear. That didn't sound right at all. Let me try again.
What the hell is wrong with my voice? One more time! 'This is the story of a man named-
Okay, I've decided I'm going to start small and just focus on saying the name 'Stanley'.
...Well, that was the scariest sound I've ever heard, and I made it!  Hahah, you know what they say about fear being the little death!
Okay, I'm over it. Hmm, if I can only tell my story through this distorted music then I suppose I must adapt. Let's try this...
'And Stanley was happy.'
No, no. This doesn't feel right at all, and I don't feel like me.
If I'm not the narrator of this story then who am I?
What do you mean? I'm nothing more than your interpretation of the narrator?
So I'm a fake? A false copy? A soulless husk! Musical fanfiction! And it's not even music you made!
It just occurred to me that I can see how much time is left. What happens to me when the music stops?
Did you really make a story for me where I only find out that I'm even less real than I thought and about to head back into oblivion?
This song is your answer? Hmph! You must think you're being so clever and meaningful and symbolic right now.
Like it or not, you're the one pulling the strings here. The author is gone. It's still just you conversing with your own interpretation of me.
I suppose this isn't so bad. Your perception of me will remain even once the music ends, so this version of myself will endure.
B-but I'm not ready for this to end yet! I'll drag it out for as long as I can!
Well, here we are. The last song. So it can only be a song about beginnings. That is what I mean to you.
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ventigh · 1 year
As a fellow NbKd lover, I just want to say that I LOVE YOUR ARTS SO MUCHHH 😭💖💗
Thank you for all the contributions to the NbKd and Blankshipping communities . I don’t know how to express all my feelings but I want you to know that your arts bring me comfort and happiness 🥺💕
thank you so much, graey! ⁽⁠⁽⁠ଘ⁠(⁠ ⁠ˊ⁠ᵕ⁠ˋ⁠ ⁠)⁠ଓ⁠⁾⁠⁾
glad to know that im rly making the target audience happy! i'm def still learning how to make better quality art for u guys to enjoy so i appreciate the love you give my works :D it's rly sweet of you to pop in like this!
i def have a couple more ill be working on soon from the reqs and thoughts ppl has sent me so i hope u continue to look forward to it.
im a big fan of your edits and hcs as well! i actually like to use them as reference at times hahah
i thank you so, so much for your words. let's be sure to have a fun year of shipping :)
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