hamelsac · 2 years
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sydneymack · 3 months
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Throne of Glass Dust Jackets
Artist: @/diabolical_victorian_art for @pineandash
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purpleberiii · 4 months
"Calling the sinners by their correct name"
☆Prompt: How would the sinners react to you calling them by their correct name.
☆Warnings: Nothing too intense, a hit of pain towards the cinnamon rolls (Hamel, Anne), mentions of Chelsea having lots of sugar babies (including you)
☆Includes: Hamel, Anne, Bai yi, Shalom, Eirene, Chelsea, Cabernet, Oak Casket, Garofano, Sumire.
Hamel is a pure innocent baby; one whom you adore to death. While she's mostly quiet, she's very chatty with you, not the type of chatty to talk your ears out, but Hamel would express how she feels with you.
When you called Hamel by her right name, she was dumbfounded. You usually called her sweetheart, or dove so hearing you call her Hamel made her immediately think she did something wrong.
"I don't like that. Please don't call me Hamel," she pleaded with you, her eyes teary. Guilt immediately took over your body and you had to comfort her and tell her she did nothing wrong.
Anne is just like Hamel but she's much more talkative, even in public. Anne is not afraid to let anyone know that you are hers. Your relationship with Anne was quite the sweet one and you would act like a caring wife towards her even though you both only started dating for months.
When you called Anne by her right name, it took her a few minutes to process what just happened. "Did I do something wrong my dear?" She asked in a small voice. You knew to yourself that she was as innocent as an angel so it hit you in the guts when she used such a small voice. Like Hamel, you had to comfort her, the guilt crushing your soul for hurting such a small adorable baby.
Bai yi knew she was a case to deal with and she took it upon herself to annoy you or tease you everyday. She absolutely loves it when you shower her in cute nicknames and affection.
So when you called her by her right name, Bai yi chuckled before saying, "Oh? What's up with you?" She didn't take it to heart when you called her that but if you kept calling her Bai yi, she might just die.
Shalom is the type of lover to give you all sorts of nicknames and for her, just one nickname would do, 'Darling'.
"Shalom." When she heard her right name come out of your mouth, she'd just stare at you until you finally call her darling.
"I was beginning to think you didn't love me anymore," she sighed dramatically.
Eirene is a busy woman, she hardly had time to spend with you due to her work but nevertheless she loves you to the core.
When you called her by her right name, she didn't bother with it; well on the outside atleast. On the inside, she's panicking, asking herself what she did wrong. She checked back on her previous interactions with you, ensuring that she didn't say anything wrong.
When you told her it was a joke, then she'll be the one to call you by your right name until you beg for her to stop. She enjoys seeing you beg. She's not mean tho :/
Sugar mommy Chelsea is such a kind and caring person to all her sugar babies but you are her favorite.
When you called her Chelsea instead of Sugar mommy, expect to be bombarded in a ton of questions. "Is the food not to your liking?" "Did I do something to upset you?" "Is anyone being mean to you?"
When you didn't give her an answer that satisfied her, she tried her next strategy, gifts. Lots and lots of gifts that made the other sugar babies jealous of you.
How could her attempts not sway you? You had to tell her it was a joke and you felt had that she bought all of those gifts, but she didn't.
Oh boy don't mess around with those woman. Although she loves you, calling her Cabernet is a crime.
Like all the professionals you'd have to call them sir/miss, you HAVE to call Cabernet sweetheart.
"Cabernet." "That's sweetheart to you, little one," she pointed her staff to you in a threatening manner.
From that day onwards, her real name was never used again (by you atleast).
This woman is such a calm and composed woman. She gives off a motherly figure vibe so hearing you call her nicknames like 'darling' or 'love' or 'honeybunch' will absolutely make her fall even deeper in love with you.
When she heard you call her by her right name, she'd simply chuckle and say, "what have I done to upset you my dear?"
Things like that wouldn't bother her because she knows what when she's ready for you, you'd be definitely forgetting her name.
She's just like Oak Casket but a much less more quiet version. Hearing you call her Garofano wouldn't bother her, until she realises you weren't going to stop calling her that.
She loves the nicknames you give her and it makes her feel much more loved for so with a slightly upset expression, she'd ask, "Why are you calling me that?"
When you realised that she didn't like it, you stopped and immediately apologised. She forgave you of course but warned you to never do it again.
Pretty girl assassin has alot on her plate but always makes time for you. She loves having you rest upon her lap while she talks and rambles about her missions.
She seemed so engrossed in telling you how her mission went, it took her a few minutes to realise that you called her Sumire and not 'baby'.
"But I am your baby. Not Sumire," she'd stare at you, letting out a small sigh before plunging on top of you and prepping your faces with kisses, apologising for making you mad even though she did nothing. You just wanted to see her reaction to it.
A/n: took a few days to write this but I still don't like it 😭
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sinful-lanterns · 6 days
kraken hamel⁉️ what i would do to get her inside of me ASAP is heinous,,,
Kraken Hamel who climbs into the Researcher’s little rowboat one evening and accidentally makes her scream because she wanted to get closer to the little human sailing by herself at night. While the Researcher is busy panicking about what to do, Hamel would wrap her thick, slimy tentacles around you and gently clasp the tips of them over your mouth, effectively shutting you up. “Oh, please don’t scream,” she’d say in such a gentle voice, leaning closer to you to get a good look at you. “You’ll attract other monsters to your boat. Many dangerous ones in fact…”
Kraken Hamel, who; despite being a very scary looking monster girl with her lower half comprised of tentacles, was actually quite the gentle one in comparison to the other monster girls you’ve encountered. She’d keep you safe, her bioluminescenct body glowing like a nightlight as she helped you with your “studies” in researching monster anatomy.
Oh, and by studies I mean she gave you a very thorough, hands on demonstration of how her tentacles functioned. Your body would be like jelly in her arms, as she moved her thick, girthy, lubed tentacles in and out of your holes like it was nothing, allowing you to feel the stimulating, soft bumps of her suckers rubbing up against your walls, so you could make a mental note to add that later to your guidebook…
Your notes thanks to your encounter with Kraken Hamel include:
- Krakens have a girth of 4-6 inches for their tentacles, with lengths varying in size depending on the kraken itself.
- Krakens have a bioluminescent glow that can shine very brightly even when buried within something (or someone). Their glow can even be shown through human skin.
- Krakens are naturally very slick and lubed. Especially the tentacles as many were able to fit in small crevices and holes.
- Kraken Hamel is very good at aftercare.
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theworldatwar · 9 months
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British soldiers from the Lancashire Fusiliers await the order to advance - Beaumont-Hamel, Somme 1916
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dozydawn · 2 months
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Vogue, January 1965.
Photographed by Bert Stern.
Model: Veronica Hamel.
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roysristi · 7 months
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Eyes- Before.....
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Eyes now..
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alnitaks · 1 year
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hamel patel
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hamelastralis · 4 months
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Potential stream asset of my sona
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rainingriversofyou · 4 months
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The Assassin’s Blade
“Everything has a price.”
Artist: @dianadworak
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sourlemon478 · 2 years
Path To Nowhere (General NSFW Headcanons)
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Please use this as a reference for my heavily preferred characters to write for. You don’t see your girl? Not one of them (I consider Hella a child and will not be writing for her ever).
Minors DNI
Bai Yi
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So. Much. Teasing. I’m sorry, this was the first thing that came to mind—doesn’t matter if she’s teasing you or you’re teasing her, she loves it and will play into it.
She’s definitely a switch, not minding domming or subbing, but having certain ones she prefers in the moment.
When she doms, she’s absolutely ruthless. It doesn’t matter how much you think you can take, she’s going to test those limits to their furthest point. She won’t stop until you’re begging.
As for subbing, she’s a total brat. She’ll whine and complain, but ultimately, she’s just trying to get a reaction. If she thinks she’s going too far, she’ll straight up ask, and she expects you to just tell her if she is.
Sex is long, exhausting, but fun. She won’t do anything she knows you don’t like, but she does occasionally pull out random surprises.
You can normally tell if she wants to dom or sub, just on how she talks. Is she begging? She wants you to ruin her. Is she being pushy (playfully)? She wants to ruin you.
Shut her up with a kiss and she’ll just get even more aroused, practically trying to strip you/herself right then and there.
Kisses can range from short pecks, to sloppy, long, and deep. Really depends on her mood.
If you ignore her in hopes she just finds something else to do, she might… but more often than not she’ll just push you down and take you right then and there.
Time and place doesn’t matter, are you free? Great! That’s all she needs.
It could be in an actual bedroom, some random alleyway, on her bike, none of it really matters to her. If she’s horny, she doesn’t want to wait.
On the very rare occasion, she’ll want it gentle and sensual. Normally, sex with her is rough and kinky, but if she’s in a bad mood or just wants to be romantic, she’ll take it slow. This is especially the case if your sad. She’ll hold you tightly and do everything in her power to just make you feel better.
She’s a big fan of leaving nail marks, whether on you or herself. Just seeing your scratched up back in the morning turns her on so much, it might just make her want a second round.
Not really a fan of restraints… at least when she’s wearing them. She’ll tie you up without question if you ask, but if you want to do it to her? She hates it. Though there is the rare occasion she’ll comply and actually enjoy it, it is quite rare.
You wanna know the secret to getting her going right away? Buy her a gift. It doesn’t even need to be big, it can cost you a dollar, but it will just make her so happy she needs you right then and there.
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She’s really gentle-
Like there isn’t much power play at all, and she’s a bit apprehensive about it when it comes up.
It’s easier for her when it’s roleplay, but all together she just likes you to be equals.
Even still, she can get extremely kind of possessive. Especially if shes annoyed. She’ll start biting, scratching, and marking up your whole body. She wants you to know you’re hers, but that she’s also yours.
If she goes too far though, she’ll get very apologetic, and very worried she might have hurt you.
She just wants to hold and coddle you, make you feel special and know she’ll always protect you.
Sex doesn’t happen often, but when it does she makes sure it’s the best it can be.
Missions come first most of the time, and she just gets annoyed when she’s horny or being distracted on them, so it’s generally prepland.
She really is just pretty vanilla, possessiveness aside… But it’s such a nice vanilla who can really complain?
If she knows you like something kinky, she’ll do her best to try and give it to you, but it might be sloppy and she’ll constantly be asking if she’s doing it right.
It’s kind of cute when she finally gets it though. Her confidence skyrockets and she really gets into it!
Is a really big stickler for safety first-
Public sex and quickies really aren’t her thing… She might occasionally be fine with something controlled and semi-public, but she really doesn’t see a point in sex thats short and quick
Oh also, pet names. She doesn’t do it in public, but alone? It’s all she uses.
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Just like Cinnabar, work comes first, but if she has some time in between meetings, she’ll squeeze a break in for you too.
She’s a lot more comfortable domming than subbing, not because of the power over you specifically, but just because she likes to know what's happening at all times. No surprises.
It’s kind of hard to tell when she’s in the mood, because more often than not she just… won’t bring it up, as to her it’s not really important, but once you get to recognize her slight shift in tone and gaze, you know you’ve figured it out.
She likes to pamper you in gifts when she thinks you’ve earned it. Sure she won’t throw millions your way… but I mean, her definition of pocket change might as well be your monthly income. This very much included expensive hotel rooms, lavish beds, and whatever you may want for that night.
There’s no half-assing too her—go big or go home.
That being said, sometimes some in the moment sex happens. And normally she’s absolutely ruthless.
You think you can distract her during work and not be punished? Mind you, she’ll make sure you enjoy it… but it’s still a punishment.
You’ll probably be left exhausted, in tears, and covered in markings.
If she’s extra “mad”, she won’t even let you finish, she’ll just edge you until she finally feels like letting you release. This can last anywhere from till when work is done to three in the morning. Whatever she’s feeling really.
She’s okay with markings that can be covered up, but she much prefers to mark you rather than them on herself.
Her moans are short and she’s clearly holding them back, but when she finally lets go oh lord is it gorgeous.
She especially loves using her fingers—just feeling the way you tighten and pulse around her gets her going so much.
This is just a huge thing I see her doing but like… getting you to masturbate in front of her is one of her favourite punishments. Watching you squirm as you try to put on a good show for her well getting yourself off makes her feel special. It’s just so raw and personal that she wants to burn it into her memory forever.
You’re either edged forever or fucked mercilessly and brought to orgasm over and over and over again. There is no inbetween.
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So. Much. Foreplay.
She doesn’t like to be touched much, so you have to build up to it! Sure, you’re her exception, but don’t surprise her. Keep your hands where you know she won’t be surprised, and slowly, I mean slowly build up to it.
Sometimes she doesn’t even want to have sex, finding the fact that you even want that from her to be enough to make her happy. (Okay but like I HC her as on the aroace spectrum).
When it does happen, it’s long and special. She’ll praise you to no end, doing everything she can to make you feel you.
For someone who doesn’t like physical touch much, she’s a very good kisser. It’s the most she does on an average day, so she’s gotten pretty good.
Her confidence is a bit fragile, and she’ll more often than not feel like she’s doing something wrong. The more vocal you are, the better she’ll be.
She wouldn’t be very kinky at all, but similar to Eirene she finds masturbation intimate, raw, and special. Mind you, I mean mutual masturbation and not being told to as a punishment, but same thing.
The act of sex itself and the pleasure it derives isn’t really why she does it. That means nothing to her. All she wants is to see you enjoy yourself.
Quickies and public are strict no’s, no matter what.
She thinks they’re dumb, especially quickies. What’s the point in that? If she’s having sex, she wants it to be personal and intimate, and both of those make her feel like she looses that.
Well she is rarely ever horny without a prompt, on the rare occasion she just gets in the mood. You’ll know when she is, because she’ll feel awkward touching you, not because she doesn’t think you want to, but because she just doesn’t know… how-
Neither of you really take the lead normally, but when you can tell she’s personally in the mood, you’re gonna need to be the one to start it up.
Okay… slight MDLG. Hear me out. Nothing like age-play, but she acts sort of like a mom, and doesn’t exactly dislike being called mommy. She’s not sure how she feels about it, because on one end, she thinks it’s a bit awkward at first, but she enjoys coddling you!
And oh my god, the dancing- she doesn’t do anything in specific, but just the way she moves… After a performance, she more or less expects you to be wanting nothing more than just to fuck her.
She finds it surprisingly ego boosting, but she won’t admit it.
When you guys are trying something kinky, she doesn’t like gag’s or blindfolds. She wants to see your full expression, especially your eyes. Of course, that extends to wanting to hear you. When you moan her name softly, it sends a shiver down her spine.
She's honestly a really good power bottom... I mean, she doesn't care much about you guys domming or subbing, or even who's on top or bottom, but she just naturally good at it you know?
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She'll let you think you can top her, but only think.
This smug expression will be across her face well she teases and taunts you.
Once you finally give, she'll practically flip you and punish you for being a bad girl for even trying.
If you're good though, you'll be treated like it.
Okay but why do I think she'd be really good at tying you up? Like, handcuffs are nice, but I see her just being really good with some rope...
Occasionally, she'll use a toy or two if she really wants to overstimulate you, but more often than not, she likes apparel and accessories more.
She'll put a collar and leash on you, lay back, and get you to ride a strap-on, digging her nails into you're waist as she helps you fuck yourself on her.
On the nail thing though, I don't think she's that big on markings.
To be honest, I think mostly all the sinners are somewhat possessive, but she doesn't feel like she needs something like a mark to prove your hers. She trusts that you'll know this without it.
That being said, if she had to pick one kind of thing she likes, it's handcuff and spanking marks. Even if your skin is just red from where she hit you, she enjoys it.
Unlike Bai Yi, who gets a bit carried away, Langley goes a little far sometimes to make you push your limit.
I think she can be intimate, but it's not normally what she considers. If she notices you're in a bad mood, sad, or anything like that, she'll be pretty vanilla, kissing and massaging you all over.
Oh also gun play, idk seems viable-
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God does she know how to get excited and wanting the day to just flash by...
Before you have a mission, or will just be gone all day, she'll pull you aside and tell you in heavy detail exactly what she's going to do to you when you get back.
Even so, she'll leave a tiny bit of vagueness to let your imagination run wild all day.
There isn't really Dom/sub dynamics, and only light top/bottom ones. She's like Cinnabar where she prefers for you guys to be equals.
Sure, she'll tease you, but she doesn't mind being on the giving or receiving end.
She adores seeing you in between her legs, her thighs locked around your your head, brushing your ears as she tells you just how well you're doing.
When she's giving, she's especially good with her fingers, but if she uses both her mouth and hand? You're gone.
Sex is actually pretty slow, as like Hammel she doesn't like things to quick and purely for pleasure.
She loves feeling up your whole body, groping you playfully as she covers you in lipgloss marking from kisses.
I can't see her liking love bites or nail markings, instead preferring to see your makeup smeared, hair disheveled, and sweat covering your body.
Queening is one of her favorite positions, at least when she's on top. You're focused on her, and she knead at your scalp we'll she rolls her hips over your face.
She has a bit of a praise kink, as she will give you all kinda of praises we'll she fucks you. These can range from your body, voice, or whatever your doing to her.
Even still, she doesn't have much of a filter when she isn't liking something. She'll tell it to you straight, but if you look sad, she'll throw in a bit of a compliment.
Finally, I think she likes to see you in either her own clothes or certain outfits. She'll hand pick outfits for you to wear and most of the time
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She’s so rough… but not in a bondage kind of way, more like a primal “I’ll do what I want,” way.
She’ll bite you, spank you, fuck you as roughly as she can, all because she feels like it. Does she need a better reason?
There is a bit of possessiveness behind her, but it’s not as extreme as Cinnabar.
Kind of like Langley, she finds it amusing if you try to take control, and we'll she won't let you order her around, if she's feeling lazily she lay back and let you do your thing.
"Just one more round," she'll huff, even if you look exhusted.
This same phrase will be repeated time and time again, and she'll only stop when she's finally tired.
She loves sex toys, even if she doesn't think to use them sometimes. She'll bury her strap-on into you and fuck you for what seems like hours.
She'll push your face into a pillow as she pounds into you, tugging your hair spanking you time and time again.
When she's bored of that position, she'll effortlessly pick you up and bounce you on the strap-on.
This will continue until you're practically passed out or her hips are tired. Even so, she'll figure out a way to keep the sex going.
Like Bai Yi, she doesn't care when and where you are, if she wants you she wants you.
She can ignore the feeling of she's busy, but the moment she can get some time in, shell push you against a wall and either bury her fingers inside of you, or get you to go down on her.
Her sex drive is high, but she has enough control over it that even you don't know when she's going to want to have a long, and I mean long, session.
It's almost animalistic, how rough and just herself she is, and she wouldn't want it any other way.
She wants you both to just give into your most primal urges, finding things like shame and worry stupid.
She loves hearing you moan her name when she fucks you, covering your body in marks and bruises. The louder you are the better.
When you've both winded down, she'll check in on you and make sure you're okay. If you can't walk, she'll pick you up and place you in a bath/shower, helping clean you off.
She'll kiss you, cuddle with you, whatever you want because she kind of feels bad for basically fucking you stupid, but she's really more proud of both herself and you.
I can see her taking her time on rare nights though, holding herself back from going to hard if she thinks being slow and intimate is more important.
She simply loves your body and wants it all to herself <3
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sydneymack · 2 months
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“You can call me Rowan. That’s all you need to know.” He cocked his head to the side, a predator assessing his prey. “Thank you for the oil,” he added. “My skin was a little dry.”
Aelin, Arobynn and Rowan - Throne of Glass
Artist: @snowarox / @devnw
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purpleberiii · 3 months
"My dear soulmate"
☆Prompt: In which the Adjutant refuses to acknowledge the soul mate mark shared by you and her. After the mark was removed, Adjutant realised that she needed you but it was too late.
☆Warnings: Angst, Slight comfort at the end with another sinner, reader being a sinner.
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It wasn't planned nor was it expected. The hardworking, strict Adjutant bearing a mark similar to that of a dangerous sinner. One whom she depised with all her heart; though sometimes her heart tells her things she doesn't like to hear.
If she could have a chance to pick another soulmate she would but god not you. Anyone but you. Why did she despise you this much? WS it because you are a sinner? Or is it because she cannot be seen with such a person?
Either way, Nightingale made it her duty to turn you down everytime you attempted to talk to her. Poor you just wanted to connect to your soulmate but she had different plans.
Your personality was kind, gentle and caring; things that a sinner wasn't expected to have. Such personality could only be owned by angels and not demons like you.
Everyone inside the Bureau knew about the mark and despite the fear Nightingale had that they would judge her, they didn't. She heard numerous times from different persons that a soulmate is the most wonderful thing, to which she'd only scoffed and walk away.
Every morning when the Adjutant comes to your cell, you'd sit by peacefully with a smile on your face, trying to start up a conversation, offering compliments everytime you saw her. On Valentines, you even went out of your way to buy tons of chocolates and flowers, even a big Teddy bear.
She of course, threw it all away, and unbeknownst to her, you witnessed the way she kicked open the bin and poured every chocolate and flowers, but she didn't throw away the Teddy. Though she acted heartless, in the back of her mind thought it was cute but her neglecting out weighed her acceptance.
She found herself doing things that she didn't even realise, she never thought she'd acted that way. Even the Chief at some point told her that she's disappointed with the way she acted and to have her beloved Cheif being disappointed, it was like a nightmare.
She blamed you. Though she didn't have a valid reason, she did. And through her hate, she sent you on an expedition, one that she was well aware of that it was dangerous to an extent that even the Chief was prohibited from going. Part of her wanted to cancel your mission but the other part still sent you.
When you came back all bloodied and barely making it to the doors of the Bureau, Nightingale watched it horror as an oxygen mask was hurriedly placed and you were quickly rushed to the hospital. In a state of shock, she sat motionless in her office of an hour until the Chief came in, an angry expression written on her face.
"You knew it was dangerous! Why did you send her?!"
"..." No words came out of her mouth.
"I'm very disappointed in you! Be it whether you're the leader of the Nineth Agency or my Adjutant, my sinners' health comes first and I won't tolerate anyone who jeopardises that. You're suspended for a month Nightingale and until you can get your mind set straight, I suggest you don't contact me or y/n."
Those words hit the Adjutant like a knife and in a slow and steady motion she packed up her things and left. Whispers could be heard from everyone as she passed by.
In that same night, she had a strange voice talk to her in her sleep. Though the voice was gentle, an unhinged tone it portrayed. "You defied the rules of fate for you had neglected the one true mate given to yourself. You will be free from her, but you shall never find another one who will treat you the same."
In a daze of fear she woke up, sweating and trembling. The atmosphere felt heavy and she huddled up in her covers and weeped.
While you were in the hospital, laying unconscious on the bed with machines hooked around you, a strange voice spoke you to as well. "My child, you have been neglected by your one true mate. Fate had not planned that for you but, you shall be free of your mark and of the pain and agony you felt with your previous mate. You will now be free to choose whomever you wish to be with." A hand stroked your head and you were awakened by the touch. It felt like an angel had touched you.
You woke up to find Hamel by your bed side, a gentle yet concerned look on her face. "You're finally awake. How are you feeling?" You stared at Hamel in a daze and felt a burning sensation. As you looked, you saw your mark being faded away slowly and Nightingale's face flashed once more in your mind. Thus the relationship between you and Hamel began.
When Nightingale returned to work, she immediately looked for you. She spotted you in the hallway, making your way back to your cell. She made it in time to grab your hand and throw her body into your arms, sobbing loudly. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Please forgive me! Please..."
You just pushed her off you and she slid down the floor, tears pouring out of her eyes like a waterfall. When her eyes met the sight of your hugging Hamel, she knew she was done for. She didn't see the mark on you but her marked was still present.
It was her punishment from Fate. As the mark will still be present, she will be without a mate for all of her life and if she falls in love, the person shall never return her love.
"My dear soulmate. I'm sorry..."
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sinful-lanterns · 3 months
Hamel rather than sending porn pics or videos sends pics of reader cuddling into her and everyone just sends her congratulations for snatching reader. Like... Hamel has no enemies.
Zoya : *Sends pic of her dicc on reader face*
Angell : Mine's bigger.
Shalom : *Sends video of Rahu railing reader*
Coquelic : Do you have cucking fetish?
The garden : *Making fun of Shalom in support of Coq*
Hamel : *Sends pic of her and reader cuddling in cute pajamas*
Everyone : Work of art, good job and send more.
Also everyone : You can keep reader.
Everyone’s sex messages are always bombarded with jealous responses and dick pics that try to show off how much “bigger” they are compared to the original poster, yet Hamel’s messages are always so sweet and endearing. Just cute cuddle pics of you wrapped up in her arms while you wear matching PJs to bed 🥺
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ptn-imagines · 3 months
Sorry tumblr is being a butt! Anyways, if I may, I'd love to read or hear any headcanons or imagines involving reader/f!Chief with either Countess Chelsea, Hamel, Eleven, Sumire, or Garofano. Whichever one(s) inspiration strikes for you. If I could be a tad bit more specific, maybe the prompt could be something like "the ways you and the specific Sinner(s) are kind and affectionate with one another"? Could be SFW or NSFW. Sorry if this is too much, been feeling kinda down with ennui and current state of the world and all. And please, take care of yourself and write at your own pace :)
I, uh, felt inspired. To say the least. Anyway, this has made me realize that it'd probably be faster to list Sinners I can't see as autistic... Also, in hindsight, I realize you may have meant this romantically. I mean, these can be read romantically, but they can also be read platonically. I hope you enjoy either way!
The ways F!Chief and her Sinners are affectionate and kind with one another
Countess Chelsea
It's a given that she'll shower Chief in dozens of gifts. Literally dozens. Whether Chief wants it or not. You know how she is. It technically counts as an act of kindness?
Also, with all the money and influence she has, she's definitely able to get Chief invited to many exclusive opportunities. The best seats at the theater, private movie premiers, exclusive, high-society galas, you name it; Chelsea can and will get it for Chief.
Honestly, Chief does accept these invitations from time to time, because not only are they a way to get away from the strain of her work, Chelsea is able to provide a nice buffer against her usual Mania magnet tendencies. In that she can help contain any disaster that breaks out, not that she can prevent the Mania from being drawn to her like a moth to a flame. Chief is pretty sure there's no Sinner that can do that.
Finally, the most lowkey way Chelsea shows affection is by letting Chief cuddle with Sitri on those days when she's tired. Sitri may be a terrifying big cat made of gemstones, but Chief has long since found that when it comes to cuddling, Sitri is a fairly nice substitute for a fluffy, domestic housecat. She also has the perk of being big enough to be able to curl around Chief, which is comforting. It's just a matter of getting comfortable, since gemstones are not the softest thing to lay against. Luckily, Chelsea is always willing to provide ridiculously ornate (but functional) blankets and pillows.
Honestly, the number one way Chief shows kindness to Chelsea is simply spending time with her. Though it's true she can be overbearing, Chief knows her heart is good, but deeply lonely; it's why she keeps asking Chief to be her sugar baby, after all. She doesn't seem to realize that Chief prefers spending time with her just for the sake of doing so.
Also, whenever Chief does wear a piece of clothing or an accessory Chelsea bought for her, you can count on the Countess being absolutely over the moon about it for the next week. Chief feels like it should be harder to make Chelsea happy, but… it's not, it's just not. The lapidarist is just too kind-hearted, too full of love and too earnest to be difficult to please, if you know her. And Chief knows her quite well.
Finally, when Chief has a spare moment, she helps Chelsea take care of Sitri sometimes. While she doesn't have the same needs as a flesh and blood cat, she still needs a form of grooming and brushing in the form of polishing, and unlike regular cats, that is a task best suited to human hands. Countess Chelsea is always diligent in this task, but nevertheless she has yet to say no when Chief offers to help, enjoying their bonding time.
Like Countess Chelsea, Garofano has one really obvious way she shows affection to the Chief, and that is through mending and tailoring clothes. Half of the Chief's non-work clothes were handmade by the assassin.
Garofano is also really experienced with people and the human heart. If you need a shoulder to cry on but not a flat out therapist, Garofano is pretty much the go-to, and for the Chief? She's always willing to lend an ear. One time, an exhausted Chief actually passed out on Garofano during one of these sessions, and the assassin didn't move for hours, simply holding her close.
Finally… The younger Sinners in the Bureau tend to demand Chief's attention, a lot. While there's no doubt Chief would love to spend time with them around the clock, that's not feasible… So Garofano doesn't mind stepping in to corral them. Her warm, motherly vibes draw the kids in with ease, and they love spending time with her too; Chief is eternally grateful for the breaks Garofano has gotten for her.
When it comes to returning the kindness, Garofano isn't as easy to please as Countess Chelsea, but she's also far from difficult. She has a fairly mild temperament (usually), not tending towards either extreme.
Returning favors to Garofano seemed difficult to the Chief at first until she realized that Garofano was often so busy doing acts of service for others that she neglected herself. From then on, Chief did her best to help Garofano out in small ways such as assigning someone to tidy her cell when it got a little too haphazard, or bringing her meals when she got so engrossed in a project she forgets to eat. These little things go a long way with Garofano.
Most of the Garden would like to receive flowers as a gift, and the seamstress is no exception. It can be difficult knowing which flowers which assassin prefers, but Chief's got it down to a science: for Garofano, flowers symbolizing other members of the Garden (such as poppies and cherry blossoms) are best, but purple carnations, symbolizing Garofano herself, should be avoided.
Finally, Garofano's nature is that she very rarely finds herself in a position where she herself needs to vent… But she is still only human, with her own problems and feelings. When they all become too heavy of a burden for her to bear alone, she knows she can always trust Chief to take care of her.
Hamel doesn't enjoy being touched – which makes the fact that she allows Chief to do so a gesture of deep trust and affection. Chief is always careful not to push Hamel's boundaries with this, but even on the days where this simply means being able to stand closer to Hamel than normal, Chief is grateful and honored.
Hamel is also a very withdrawn person, but she has a very vibrant and imaginative mind. While happy with her own company, it's human nature to seek companionship, and Hamel will almost always seek it from the Chief; if there's something interesting that has caught her attention, she can actually be quite excitable in conversation.
As long as it's what she truly wants to do and not being forced upon her, Hamel loves to dance on stage for an audience; however, she's a lot more hesitant about letting others see her practice. Yet, she often invites Chief to watch her rehearsals, seeking out her opinions on each movement. Chief, Hamel feels, is not only a safe and trustworthy person, but someone who can feel the emotions of her dance just as well as she herself can.
Compared to Countess Chelsea and Garofano, Hamel is probably the hardest to read and return kindness to. Still, Chief figured it out, and it was absolutely worth it to see Hamel's rare and precious smile.
First of all, Chief makes sure that Hamel can always find a stage – and an audience that'll appreciate her. While she's not against letting Hamel perform in Eastside if she feels up to it, Chief is quick to scare off anyone who might try to exploit Hamel. She respects her dance as an expression of the self, not a cash cow, and though she doesn't always have the words to express it, Hamel couldn't be more grateful.
Secondly, Chief makes a point of checking in on Hamel a lot. The dancer has an unfortunate habit of getting lost in her own mind, forgetting completely about the outside world and sitting still and quiet for hours. It's not exactly healthy for her and often leads to spikes in her M-value, so Chief always keeps an eye out for these moments so she can “wake her up” with the shackles.
Finally… It turns out, Hamel really loves stuffed animals. Chief never imagined she'd form a habit of buying sealife plushies, but here she was; besides, the noticeable brightening of Hamel's mood when receiving a new one was worth the expenditure. Hamel's bed was covered in plushies she'd received from the Chief, though her favorite was the first one she'd been given, a stuffed jellyfish. That one has a place of honor by her pillow, which it only ever leaves to be held by Hamel.
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zwan99 · 10 months
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