worstcharacterpoll · 1 year
Heimskr (Skyrim) vs. Andre Glacier (Miraculous Ladybug) vs. Walter White (Breaking Bad)
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mazurga · 1 month
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Heimskr doing his thing
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skyrim-forever · 10 months
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Confession: i don't actually mind heimskr. he's not as annoying as he very possibly could be and honestly i think he's just really devoted to his job
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mukuuji · 9 months
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I tried several folk therapies:
talk to him often
shout at him
wabbajack him
which didn't work after all...
I play SKYRIM on Nintendo Switch, so I can neither install any MODs or patches, nor use console commands!
I miss noisy Heimskr🥺 By Talos, who deprived him of his voice!?
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onionrimgs · 11 months
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helgiafterdark · 1 month
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Made a faction for Skyrim based on the witch hunters from The Witcher and real witch hunters from the 1600s
So they are called The Witch Hunters of Skyrim aka The Witch Hunters (tho unlike Vigilants of Stendarr witch hunters that only hunt witches these witch hunters believe all magic users are witches) and they are made up of mostly Nords but there are other non Nordic humans in The Witch Hunters except for Bretons
The Witch Hunters were formed not too long after The Great Collapse of Winterhold they are a bunch of anti magic religious fanatics who worship Talos not only do they hunt mages but they also hunt any non human races as they believe them to be an abomination to Talos they also hunt Bretons due to them being half elf
They are obviously Stormcloak aligned and primarily operate in Stormcloak territory however they have been found in Imperial territory however they stay out of the cities
In Stormcloak territory they have free reign to detain any citizen they deem to be a magic user and publicly execute them in ways similar to the witch hunting methods of the 1600s
They however will not detain a jarl's court wizard without permission of said jarl but they do have schemes on attacking The College of Winterhold
Jarl Korir has given them full permission to take on The College however they have yet to do that as they know the gate will not open to them
The reason they have yet to detain Nelacar is because they think he is a Thalmor spy due to him being a high elf so they don't wanna take him out of the picture until Ulfric becomes High King so they don't tip off the Thalmor about him going missing they do not however know about Ancano
They also don't believe that Vaermina is the source of Dawnstar's nightmares and instead choose to believe that Erandur is using magic to plague Dawnstar with nightmares
Many NPCs in the base game are apart of The Witch Hunters such as Heimskr and some of the citizens (minus Benor as my HC of Benor is like how he is in Denizens of Morthal) of Morthal that don't trust the jarl or Falion and they believe Idgrod and her son to be practising dark arts but they know they can't attack them because they are in Imperial territory
They also forbid the use of any magical or enchanted items believing them to be evil
And they also believe any claims of Tiber Septim being a Breton is lies made up by The Aldmeri Dominion
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rosette-dragonborn · 5 months
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nientedenada · 10 months
"That Heimskr's Crazy." Brenuin wasn't kidding.
Originally posted on r/teslore.
Let me share a realization about Heimskr that's reminded me of the division between intepreting lore as an outside observer and how things are seen inside universe.
I've got used to all the endless debates about how Cyrodiil was transformed from jungle to temperate forest, and Heimskr's chosen theory nestles in with the rest.
But you were once man! Aye! And as man, you said, 'Let me show you the power of Talos Stormcrown, born of the North, where my breath is long winter.' 'I breathe now, in royalty, and reshape this land which is mine. I do this for you, Red Legions, for I love you.
Talos using his attainment of CHIM to retroactively fix things is debated on this subreddit, and while it's questioned a lot, with new theories from ESO springing up to explain the climate shift, it's still a legitimate matter of debate.
But I never stopped to consider how absolutely bug-nuts Heimskr must sound to his audience. He doesn't sound like he's proposing something that could account for lore weirdness, he just sounds like he's really mixed up about Cyrodiil's climate at the time of Tiber Septim.
So there's my revelation for today. Heimskr is even nuttier-seeming than I thought, and we need to think more about how people experience the lore within the universe. Any other examples of this gap in understanding?
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kookaburra1701 · 9 months
1, 8, and 12 for the Violence asks?
The same still goes - I LOVE TO HAVE MY MIND CHANGED! If anyone reads these and thinks of a counter example or a fic/bit of meta that will change my mind, let me have it.
the character everyone gets wrong OK, so this is going to be the one that gets me run out of town, chased by a mob of people with pitchforks, but I'm going to answer the custom follower Kaidan. I get why - he's a fluffy romance mod at heart, and while I have no idea whether he was made in response to the SR mod he is often held as the alternative to Bishop's rapey vibe, and thus ends up being mostly written as an endlessly nurturing, supportive love interest for the DB in fics. But Kaidan dealt with his pain by drowning it in alcohol and moon-sugar, and decided to become a bandit. Only to find out the group he joined weren't bandits they were a DAGON CULT. And it was only AFTER he stood by while the cult tortured and murdered an entire family that he had second thoughts about being a part of it. THEN when he escapes and goes back to Skyrim to sober up, he gets black-bagged and tortured for who knows how long. Dude's f'd in the head and obviously has some incredibly maladaptive coping mechanisms, is what I'm saying, and has some SERIOUS SHIT in his past that any good-to-neutral alignment love interest would have to come to terms with. I LOVE him for it, but it's not a side of him that I see explored much. It's what I'm aiming to explore in Wives of Shor, if I ever manage to finish the damn thing. And ALLLL of this is one of the reasons why I went so feral over @gilgamish 's fic, Tides to Carry Us Home when I came across it - the look at Kaidan through Felix's eyes (someone who is also very mixed up in the head) is DELICIOUS.
8. common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about Please allow me to paraphrase something I tend to see quite a bit. I'm not thinking of any one person, and honestly, mostly it's a take on r/skyrim lol:
"The Nords are prejudiced against Khajiit because they won't let the caravans in the city." Khajiit caravans aren't excluded from the cities because of racism, they're excluded because of a) protectionist economic practices and b) THE CARAVANS ARE DOING AND ENABLING SO MUCH CRIME OH MY GOD don't get me wrong I love them for the "poor us, the Nords are so mean" act they put on very successfully (at least it worked Ysolda) but Ri'saad literally came to Skyrim with a bunch of people in debt-bondage to be a war profiteer. It is totally justified that all of the jarls took one look at that whole situation and said, "OK we don't have enough guards to keep you out of the province as a whole, but you are NOT doing that shit in my city."
12. the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
HEIMSKR. He has no chill. He has no fear. He has no orthodoxy (if you listen to his speech all the way through he says things that I'm very certain NONE of the other priests of Talos would endorse, like Talos being the head of the pantheon, or Alduin being sent by Talos to punish unbelievers.)
He just stands in the square, all day every day, and yells at the Gildergreen, which is Kyne's sacred tree. Combined with his insistence that Talos is the head of the pantheon (the place of Kyne in that Old Time Nord Religion) I feel like there's actually something going on there. And then if you side with the Imperials even being arrested doesn't stop him yelling about his crackpot theology. We stan a stan.
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worstcharacterpoll · 1 year
Seraphine (League of Legends) vs. Heimskr (Skyrim)
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hyrmamoras · 2 years
cicero has been adopted by once direction
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the-worst-bracket · 1 year
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Ysolda: Why is Heimskr wearing a cow suit?
Heimskr: I’m not Heimskr! I’m a REAL cow! Moo!
Ysolda: My world is crumbling around me.
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mazurga · 2 years
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Heimskr doing his thing
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