#Herr Jesus
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Die Kreuzigung, ca. 1640 von Alonso Cano
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dasloddl · 1 year
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our lord and savior Adam Schürk
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paces in a circle bc now i have just dance brain worms and now i'm thinking abt rasputin's map. the way it's rasputin rebuilding the venue from the bride's destruction and refusing to give her up despite everything (let's twist the knife again like we did last summer)... but still admitting that while he's not fully innocent (i like playing dumb, letting you figure me out/but i was faded in my own defense and i know i keep my feelings so tucked away/just another day spent hoping we don't fall apart) and that it's fucking HARD (i'm just trying to keep it together/but it gets a little harder when it never gets better) but he's willing to start everything over again just to be with the woman he loves (we got to throw this year away, we got to throw this year away/like a bad luck charm) IT'S ALL SO FUCKING GOOD. WHAT MORE COULD I ASK FOR!!!!
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spokelseskladden · 1 year
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My 17 mai celebration today🇳🇴
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this is so weird seeing MY posts on MY blog like woah this is a real thing???? i'm on tumblr????? wowee wow wowza WHY was i so scared to do this (>> did i do an html by accident what did thaat do. IT DELETED THE THING???? WHAT???? CHANIGN IT NOW.... WHAT A USELESS HTML....
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fruityyamenrunner · 2 years
I talked to someone this morning who gave me something to thing about with the They Don't Want You To Know Linguistics issue.
They grew up in the country, in a place where it was still not a given that someone you meet is literate (80% literacy rate), and to them, at school, it was made quite clear that learning to read and speak the literary standard language is a choice and if you do not make it then life will probably not go so well for you. Literacy, in other words, is a frightfully recent thing -- load bearing but fragile.
This was part of a conversation where they remarked how important a bit of social improvement universal literacy was, and how little this is considered. I responded that I think it is considered a lot by teachers. But when I thought about what my impression of teachers considering it might be, I took their point.
Specifically, I think this casts some light on why They Don't Want You To Know Linguistics. They, frankly, are afraid that You Can Barely Learn to Read, and believe the only way they can get you to even be able to read, because it is the only way that has worked so far, is to make it a matter of morals and national social stratification.
I don't like this, but it tracks the online-reactionary graph of society where d/dt is high at the beginning of the 20th century (it's safest to talk about derivatives rather than absolute values), goes sharply down at the Great War (briefly negative even), starts to struggle around the Second World War (involving a lot of traumatic ups and downs) and then shortly after the war, d/dt settles down into being either 0 or negative. Whether it's turned positive in recent years depends on whether you Trust The Plan.
This matches the pattern I have observed where pedagogues seem to have been very optimistic about language learning up until shortly after the War (see eg that French book I posted about a couple of weeks ago, and Saunt Burgess coming out of the War full of enthusiasm) and then their confidence collapsed, quite suddenly. I think the nadir was reached in the 70s and 80s when the teaching profession consciously turned their back on phonetics (branded as "phonics") and a little despairingly decided the best they could do was to teach people to pretend to read to keep the metrics high and the factories going until the environmental crisis killed all the surplus population with nuclear bombs
i note that this does not bode well for prospects of education in the present day and near future, so maybe the schools have an accurate sense of their own capacity and ability to educate people about linguistics
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victorycoach · 2 years
Am 16. Juli findet ein Open Air Gottesdienst bei der Waldkirche in Diedorf. Wir wollen gemeinsam Gott begegnen. Mit Musik und persönlichen Zeugnissen heißen wir jeden willkommen, der den lebendigen Gott kennen lernen will. Es geht wieder um Religion noch um religiöse Organisation, sondern allein um Gott. Bitte jeden einladen, der aus Augsburger Land kommt. https://einfachkirche.de/wald
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impending-day · 1 month
every single time BWV 639 Ich ruf zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ comes on i stop what im doing and go "yeag pip eorgan 🤤" and then loop it for like an hour. and then i just move on with my day. theyre putting something in those pipes yall
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Johannes der Evangelist auf Patmos von Cosimo Tura 
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lord-here-i-am · 8 months
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„Ihr Jüngeren, seid untertan den Ältesten. Allesamt seid untereinander untertan und haltet fest an der Demut. Denn Gott widersteht den Hoffärtigen, aber den Demütigen gibt er Gnade.“ (1 Petrus 5,5)
Der Herr hat sein Haupt geneigt und die Dornenkrone angenommen, weil wir stolz und überheblich sind und unsere eigene Ehre suchen. Versuchen wir demütig zu sein. d. h. uns so zu erkennen, wie wir wirklich sind.
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dollmoth · 11 months
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ravensilversea · 1 year
Me, finally reaching the Zero Dawn facility: This is going to be great! I'm finally going to learn what happened to get us here!
Me, five minutes later: What the actual fuck
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fitundheil · 1 year
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Verkündigen will ich deinen Namen meinen Brüdern; inmitten der Versammlung will ich dich loben. Psalm 22,23
Was der Herr Jesus im heutigen Bibelwort voraussagt, erfüllte sich nach seinem Tod und seiner Auferstehung.
«Verkündigen will ich deinen Namen meinen Brüdern.» Das geschah, als Er den Jüngern mitteilen liess: «Ich fahre auf zu meinem Vater und eurem Vater und meinem Gott und eurem Gott» (Johannes 20,17). Die Jünger bildeten den Anfangskern der Gläubigen der Gnadenzeit. Darum betrifft diese Mitteilung auch uns. Jesus Christus hat uns den Namen des Vaters und den Namen Gottes offenbart, um uns in eine Beziehung zu Ihm zu bringen. Sein Vater, der in der Gabe des Sohnes seine wunderbare Liebe bewiesen hat, ist nun unser Vater. Sein Gott, der im Gericht über die Sünde seine absolute Heiligkeit gezeigt hat, ist nun unser Gott.
«Inmitten der Versammlung will ich dich loben.» Das tut der Herr Jesus jedes Mal, wenn wir zum Brotbrechen versammelt sind. Er lenkt unsere Gedanken auf sich und sein Werk am Kreuz, damit wir als Erlöste unseren Gott und Vater gemeinsam loben und anbeten. Im Opfertod des Herrn Jesus erkennen und bewundern wir die Liebe des Vaters, der seinen Sohn für uns hingegeben hat. Wenn wir an die drei Stunden der Finsternis denken, stehen wir ehrfurchtsvoll vor der Heiligkeit Gottes still, die die Sünde an Jesus Christus verurteilte.
Unsere Anbetung, die wir Gott, dem Vater bringen, ist die Antwort auf seine Offenbarung in seinem Sohn am Kreuz.
Aus https://leselounge.beroea.ch/tagesandacht/#2023-02-19 auch zum Anhören
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zootopias-world · 2 years
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#quelledeslebensfinden #Jesus #love #God #bibel
٢. تيموثاوس ١١:٣ و من الجميع انقذني الرب
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roosterforme · 6 months
Adult Education Part 13 | Hangman x OC
Summary: Jessica's fraternity fundraiser is the most popular event during alumni weekend. While that should be enough to guarantee she's smiling all night, an unwanted guest turns up to make sure that doesn't happen. Jake is set on taking care of her, but he desperately wants her to open up.
Warnings: Fluff, mentions of smut, angst, swearing, mentions of cheating, frat boys, 18+
Length: 4300 words
Pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x Female OC
This story is part of the Beer Boy and Sugar universe but can be read on its own! Adult Education masterlist
Seriously, who let Jake on my masterlist!? Banner by @mak-32
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"Come on, Hangman," Bradley grunted. "You're acting like you've never been to a frat party before."
Jake watched him adjusting the keg of beer in the enormous tub of ice on the back porch of the fraternity house. "We're supposed to carry this inside?" Jake balked. "Why? It's going to make a mess."
"Jesus Christ, Jake. You need beer to play beer pong."
"We played it with champagne at your house on New Year's Eve," he countered, just to irritate Bradshaw. 
"Yeah, and it low key pissed off my wife. Just help me carry this inside before both of them get mad at us."
He and Jake struggled with the keg and dropped it off in the back hallway where the exceptionally nerdy looking frat boys would be able to access it to fill up the crystal cups between rounds. In fact, one of them was coming over now, all dressed up in his tuxedo. 
"Excuse me, sir. Can you help me move some of the ping pong tables?"
Bradley looked absolutely disgusted as he said, "Only if you stop calling me sir." Bradley went off to help him while Jake found Jessica in the kitchen going over the menus with the culinary students. She looked gorgeous, and he wanted to get his hands on her, but there was a soft crease between her eyebrows that told Jake she was starting to stress. 
"What can I do?" he asked when she glanced his way.
"Can you check to make sure you can hear the string quartet everywhere?" she asked him. "Everyone should start arriving in about ten minutes."
"Of course." Jake walked around the entire downstairs of the sprawling Victorian house, and after a minute he realized the quartet was playing Hot In Herre by Nelly. Not only could he hear it everywhere, it also sounded incredible, and he had to fight the urge to start dancing. 
When he walked into the main living room, Bradshaw and his wife had their backs to him while they threw a few test shots at one of the tables. Jake had to appreciate the juxtaposition that Jessica had achieved here. It was an elevated college experience for adults. 
"Let's try this out," Bradshaw mumbled, stretching like he was about to compete in an event at the actual olympics. "I honestly don't love that Jess didn't go regulation with solo cups," he complained, aiming at the crystal glassware lined up at the far end of the table. 
His wife wrapped her arms around him and said, "Come on, Beer Boy. You can do it."
"Not with you hanging all over me, I can't," he said, but in such a loving way that Jake rolled his eyes. Bradshaw was soft and sweet for literally nobody but his wife. 
"You never once complained about that when we were in college," she mused, kissing the side of his neck when her eyes met Jake's. "Oh look. Another fuckboy."
Jake laughed in response and made his way over to her as the fraternity boys ran around and started pouring glasses of champagne for everyone who was about to arrive. "What did you call me?"
"You heard me," she replied with a grin while her husband made two shots in a row, the pinging of the balls against the crystal making a satisfying sound. "We should play later as long as everything is going smoothly. Fuckboys versus hot ladies."
"Hot, smart ladies," Bradshaw said as he made another shot. Jake got his ass kicked by the two of them on New Year's Eve, but he was more confident he could win with Rooster as his teammate. 
"Here you go, sir," the nerdiest of the boys told Bradley, offering up the champagne flutes on the tray. He growled and snatched one up before handing it to his wife at the same time Jake caught sight of his girlfriend in the kitchen with another guy's arms wrapped around her. 
"What the fuck." He wove around the tables and ducked through the doorway where Jessica was laughing with an extremely attractive man in a purple suit that somehow didn't even look hideous on him. And then she gave him another quick hug before releasing him.
"As soon as you invited me, I dropped everything," the other guy said. "It's not every day you get a chance to look at the beautiful Jessica Reed."
"Stop it, Dev. You're being too sweet. I already can't thank you enough for all the beer."
Perhaps the most disturbing thing was the fact that Jessica looked calmer in the presence of this Dev guy that she had for the past hour, and that didn't even account for the way he was looking at her. Jake cleared his throat loudly. 
"Jake! Come meet Dev Borah!"
When they clasped hands, Jake tried his best at an intimidating handshake, but Dev looked completely unfazed by it. Then he said, "I've heard a lot about you from Bradley. Aren't you the guy who tried to pick up his wife before you realized they were dating?"
Okay. Jake officially hated this guy. He could feel himself blushing, and Jessica was looking up at him with wide eyes. He didn't try to pick up Bradshaw's wife when he met her. Not exactly. He'd put his foot in his mouth a little bit that day last year, but not to the extent Dev was making it out to be. 
"I get it though," he told Jake. "She's beautiful. But so is Jessica. You're very lucky." He slapped Jake on the back before he said, "I just need to run out to my Porsche and grab those gift cards for the silent auction. I'll be right back, Jess."
"I swear I didn't try to pick her up," Jake insisted as soon as he was gone, but Jessica was already laughing at him. 
"She's hot. I get it," she replied as she hugged him. "And I'm sure Dev just wanted to give you a hard time."
Jake rolled his eyes as she tucked her head under his chin. "Are you all set, Baby? I think people are starting to arrive."
"I'm as ready as I'll ever be."
An hour later, Jessica was pleasantly surprised. The Kappa Pi house was completely packed. It almost felt like a real frat party, but the partygoers ranged in age from thirty to seventy. They'd already gone through countless bottles of champagne and one of the kegs of beer from Beta Brewing. Jake and Bradley were carrying another iced keg inside to the back hallway where the empty one sat. 
"Thank you," she told Bradley who was flushed from whatever he was drinking. He immediately returned to dance with his wife to the string quartet playing Dr. Dre and Snoop Dogg. She'd received so many compliments on the music selection, and everyone was gushing about how delicious the beer was. She just sent the trays of food out of the kitchen, and now the beer pong tournament was underway. 
"You're killing it, Reedy," Jake whispered next to her ear before kissing her. "You got this frat thing on lock." Her heart swelled with pride at his words. Then a tall man in a tuxedo strolled her way with a champagne flute in one hand and a glass of beer in the other. 
"Are you Dr. Reed?" he asked over the noisy crowd and the music. 
"Yes," she replied as he shuffled his drinks so he could shake her hand.
"Dr. Gregory Michaels. I just wanted to let you know that I've been coming to alumni weekends for thirty years, and I was a member of Kappa Pi. In fact, I lived in this house my senior year."
"Did you really?" she asked as he smiled and looked around. 
"It feels exactly the same," he told her with a laugh, and she turned to smile at Jake. "I also wanted to let you know that this is by far the best and most entertaining event I've ever attended. My wife is playing beer pong for the first time with a guy in a backwards hat, and I've never seen her have so much fun. I'll be sure to mention this to Dean Walters when he and I have our next golf outing."
"You know Dean Walters?" she asked, her knees nearly giving out. The dean was like four steps above Brian Conley. There was no way Brian would be able to be a complete dick about her tenure if she had the damn dean on her side. 
"I don't just know him. I used to be his math tutor when we were undergrads together. I'll put in a good word."
When he turned and walked away, Jessica giggled and jumped up and down before she took Jake by the hand and led him away from the kegs. "He knows the dean," she hissed as she pushed her way through the back door. "He's putting in a good word."
"You deserve it," he replied in the relative darkness of the back porch as Jessica pushed his back up against the exterior of the house. He smirked as she came to stand between his legs and kissed him. "You deserve everything."
Jake's hands were on her hips, bunching her dress up inch by inch until he slipped his warm hand inside the slit. He wrapped his hand around her thigh, caressing her with his thumb as he pulled her snug against his body. 
"Who's going to give it to me?" she whispered against his lips. "You?"
He moaned as he palmed her ass. "Yeah, I'll give you everything." Then she laced her fingers through his hair and rubbed herself slowly back and forth along his suit pants as he groaned into her mouth. "Jessica." His voice had a pleading quality as he grew a little harder for her. She felt good right now. Almost powerful. "Baby, please." 
As Jessica dragged her right hand down along his body to his pants zipper, Jake's head tipped back. "You think anyone will notice me on my knees?" she asked teasingly as she pulled his zipper down. 
"Fuck," he whined, but just as she got her hand wrapped around him through his underwear, she heard someone calling her name from inside the house.
"Dev's looking for me," she said, kissing his jaw.
"Well I'd be lying if I said I wouldn't love it if he found you with your hand in my pants."
Jessica giggled. "Just hold that thought for later tonight." She got him zipped up again, and when Dev popped out on the porch and found her, she was kissing Jake, but in a much less compromising position. 
"I need you to verify the silent auction winners," Dev told her. "And then I need you to have a glass of champagne with me."
Jake grunted, but Jessica squeezed his hand to silence him. "Coming, Dev," she told him before turning back to Jake. "Let me check on everything, and then just maybe we'll have a minute to play a game of beer pong. I'll meet you in there."
And then she placed one more filthy kiss on Jake's lips before going inside.
Jake sipped his champagne while the crowd around him seemed to move in unison to the cover of Jay-Z that the quartet was playing. It looked like everyone was having a great night, and Bradshaw was no exception as he taught a woman who was easily twice his age how to play beer pong. 
"You need a partner?" 
Jake turned to see a young woman eyeing him up and down with a hopeful smile. Damn. A few months ago, he'd have said yes. And he would have probably ended up sleeping with her either here or back at his condo before kicking her out in the morning. 
"I'm here with my girlfriend." He walked to the other side of the table where Bradshaw's wife was dancing with her own champagne flute. "This whole thing seems successful, right?" he asked.
"Very," she replied. "Look at everyone! That guy's like eighty years old! He's also a huge donor to the college, and he's dancing like nobody's watching."
Jake cracked up. "Meanwhile, everyone is watching." But she was right. Everybody was rocking their formal wear while tossing ping pong balls like there was no tomorrow as the night wore on. 
Then Jessica and Dev emerged from the kitchen, and she came right for him. "Jake, I'm freaking out. I got an email that said I sold all of the tickets available for tonight. And, the items in the silent auction went for a ton of money!"
"I'm not surprised," he replied, pulling her close to his side. "Not one bit. Congratulations."
"You're up!" Bradshaw called out. "Get your ass to the other side of the table, Reed. Hangman, you're with me." Then he kissed his wife, "Get down there with Jessica, Sugar."
"You're about to lose so fucking hard, Beer Boy."
The crowd had started to thin out now, and Jake watched the fraternity boys clean off the table and set up fresh glasses filled with overpriced beer for them. "Ladies first," Jake said, rolling the balls to their end of the table. And that was when he learned that not only was he nowhere near as good as Rooster and his wife, he was also terrible compared to Jessica.
After the ladies sunk both of their shots, Bradley said, "I hope you're ready to drink." And then when Jake missed his first shot, he got a glare in response. "How are you this bad? You went to college."
"I didn't play beer pong. I was busy making out with girls."
Bradley rolled his eyes. "I managed to do both at the same time very successfully. Isn't that right, Sugar?"
She responded by making another shot followed by Jessica. "Shit," Jake muttered. 
"Can we switch partners?" Bradley whined. He tried to walk to the other end of the table as he drank his beer, but his wife just pushed him right back to Jake. 
"It's not our fault we're exceptionally good at math," she said before returning to Jessica's side. 
"Come on, Jake!" his girlfriend cheered. "You can do it!"
But he missed again. It was almost comical how easily the ladies won, and they only had to drink one glass of beer toward the end of the match. Bradshaw's wife danced around while she drank it, and then Jessica made the final shot. 
"I taught her everything she knows!" Bradley shouted as he made his way back to their end. "My wife is a badass."
Jessica was laughing as she ran around the table toward Jake. "You're terrible. Do you need lessons?" she asked sweetly. 
"Lessons from you?" he asked, kissing her hard. "Sign me up." But then his gaze caught on the one person he knew could ruin her night and would absolutely love to do it. 
When Jake started easing himself away from her and rubbing his hand along her back, Jessica looked up at him. "I'll gladly teach you how to suck less at beer pong. Actually... I wonder if I could turn it into a physics lecture topic," she mused. 
"Baby, he's here."
Jessica spun around so fast, she had to fix her glasses as she set eyes on an irate looking Brian Conley. "We need to talk," he told her with his hands on his hips like she was a small child.
"About what?" she bit back, already feeling her body tensing up as Jake, Bradley and his wife stood at her back. 
Brian was looking around the room in annoyance at the handful of alumni guests still playing beer pong and hanging out. The string quartet sounded louder now as the house had emptied out a bit, and the song was suddenly grating on her nerves. 
"Meet me in the kitchen," Brian growled, storming off toward the back of the house. 
Jake's hand was on hers immediately. "You don't have to talk to him right now, Jessica. Tell him to schedule a meeting for next week."
But she shook her head. "I'll be right back." 
She passed Dev in the hallway, and he looked handsome and happy as always. "I need to get going, but cheers to a successful fundraiser. Call me if you want to come up to Beta. You can even bring your boyfriend. I guess." His smile was bright, but she had to force one in return. 
"Thanks for everything, Dev." And as soon as she was alone in the kitchen with Brian, her smile vanished. "What can I help you with?" she asked him, swiping her sweaty palms on her pretty green dress.
He shook his head at her like she was something to be pitied. "You know... I spent all evening working through the numbers, trying to come up with a total amount of money raised through the science department for alumni weekend. And while your numbers seemed to look pretty good, you didn't account for the astronomical amount you wasted on kegs of this designer beer. And when I show up here to question you about it, you're practically drunk and playing the games you set up for paying guests."
Jessica's jaw dropped. "I'm not drunk! I haven't had anything to drink all night!" Brian rolled his eyes. "And I played one round of beer pong with my friends. If you hadn't noticed the event is ending now. It's nearly midnight."
Brian laughed. "You think someone from the math department is your friend? Jessica. You're delusional."
"Call me Dr. Reed," she ground out, fists clenched at her sides as tears stung her eyes. "And I'm not delusional."
Brian rolled his eyes. "Everyone in the science and math departments believes you're nothing but a slut, and I can guarantee your friend falls into that category." She started shaking as he added, "Now tell me how much you spent on the beer so I can deduct it from the profits of your event."
"I didn't spend anything!" she nearly screamed, frustrated beyond belief and tired of being belittled. "It was donated!"
Brian's laughter filled the space, bouncing off of the stainless steel appliances and tiled floor. "Donated? By whom?"
"The owner of the brewery!" she nearly screamed. "He donated things for the silent auction, too."
His gaze bore into her face as a look of disgust filled his features. "Jesus Christ, Dr. Reed. You got thousands of dollars worth of goods donated to you by the brewery owner? How many men are you sleeping with?"
Jessica's face fell further, and she had a hard time swallowing. "I'm not," she whispered, fingers going numb as her fists shook. "I didn't."
"You're so unprofessional. And you expect me to give you tenure? On what basis? You can't even get through an alumni event without fucking up and making yourself look bad."
"On the basis that I'm great at my job!" she shouted. But her voice shook on the last word, and she was mortified that she was about to cry in front of him. There was no hope. The tears were right there. And as her jaw quivered, she felt the first tear roll down her cheek.
"You're a damn joke," he replied maliciously, but then she felt a warm hand on her back between her shoulder blades. 
"What the fuck is your problem, asshole?" Jessica turned to her right to see Advanced Calculus in the kitchen, steadying her with her firm hand. "You think you're so slick, but you're not smarter than us. Where's your PhD from again? The University of Jackass online?"
"This has nothing to do with you," Brian told her, face stony. "Now if you don't mind, we're having a private conversation."
The other woman laughed. "It's no longer private when I can hear you berating Dr. Reed in the next room."
Brian seemed to fumble for a response as he said, "This is none of your business."
Jessica was shaking as Advanced Calculus said, "Actually, you made it everybody's business by telling lies and starting rumors, Dr. Conley. This is a university, not a sleepaway camp."
Brian took a step closer to her and hissed, "Do not think for one second that I can't fuck with your career path, too."
But she just smiled and inched even closer as she loudly said, "You're not in charge of my tenure."
Then Bradley was in the kitchen, too. His wife wrapped her arm around Jessica's shoulders as Bradley went chest to chest with Brian, towering over him. "Why the fuck are you talking to my wife that way? Huh?"
Brian sputtered for a response, but Jessica could barely breathe. It felt good to have people in her corner for once, but now she was terrified that Bradley was going to punch Brian. 
"I asked you a question," Bradley growled before he turned to his wife. "What's this guy's problem, Sugar?"
Jessica would have laughed if she wasn't already crying when her friend said, "I think he got his PhD online."
And then Jake was there, head on a swivel as he surveyed the situation and saw a few more stray tears slip down Jessica's cheeks. "What the fuck is going on?" he demanded.
Bradley's wife laughed sardonically. "Jake, have you met Brian? He thinks it's okay to spread rumors and insult women who are smarter than him, and then he holds it over their heads."
Jessica watched Brian's face turn a pasty shade of white as Jake took him by the shirt collar and shoved him against the refrigerator. "No. Please don't hit him," Jessica begged as she cried. "He's not worth it, Jake."
But her boyfriend looked a little deranged right now, and she could see the malice in Brian's eyes. 
"I've had just about enough of you giving my girl a hard time. It's like you're begging for this." Jake shoved him a little harder, and Jessica had to look away. 
"Oh, shit," Bradshaw and his wife said in unison, and she was too afraid to look. 
Jessica felt the other woman's arms wrap around her as she called out, "Jake, look at Jessica! She's upset."
When Jessica peeked through her tears, she saw Bradley bear hugging Jake's arms to his side as he fought to get to Brian. But when Jake turned to look at her, his features softened, and now it looked like he was fighting against Bradley to come her way. 
Brian pushed away from the refrigerator and stormed out of the room, but not before he said, "We're not finished," as he pointed in Jessica's face.
Bradley released Jake, and Jessica was a little afraid he was going to go after Brian, but he didn't. She was wrapped up in his arms with his lips on her forehead as he whispered, "I'm sorry. I'm sorry if I made you cry more."
Jessica shook in his arms, terrified that her career was now over. Shaken once again by how hard Brian was trying to ruin her. Jake's kisses and soft words did little to soothe her as she closed her eyes and sobbed.
"Take her home," Bradley said, his voice soft but commanding. "We'll get everything cleaned up here."
Jessica tried to argue, but Jake scooped her up easily in his arms, and she didn't fight him. She closed her eyes, forcing air into and out of her lungs, and a moment later she was sitting in his truck.
Jake started the engine, but before he shifted into drive, he leaned across the seat and brushed Jessica's hair away from her face. "I'll take you back to your place?" he asked softly. More than anything, he really wanted to drop her off and then go pound the shit out of Brian, but when she nodded and reached for his hand, he put the truck in gear.
She remained silent as she held his hand, only occasionally swiping at her tears and looking out the window. If he knew she wanted to confide in him, Jake would sit and wait with her for as long as it took her to get the words out. But he didn't want to push or ask the wrong things. He knew she could have a bit of a hard time opening up. 
He parked his truck, and scooped her up, careful not to mess up the fabric of her pretty dress. As he carried her into her apartment, he realized just how exhausted she must be. Her arms were around his neck, but she just sniffed and buried her face in his neck, trusting that he would get her inside to safety.
When Jake set her on her bed, he reached for the lamp on the nightstand. She looked wrung out even in the soft lighting, and he reached for her shoes. As he turned to take them into her closet, Jessica crawled up to her pillows with her dress still on, so he only took the time to remove his own shoes and his jacket before climbing in with her. 
Once he had his arms wrapped around her, she let her cheek rest on his chest. Her breathing evened out, and she seemed calmer. "Do you want to talk about it?" he asked softly, holding her close. 
She shrugged, and when she spoke, she sounded faint and almost broken. "There's not a lot to say. Brian is trying to ruin my career."
This was not the first time Jake wondered how someone could dislike Jessica. His mind was swirling with the possibility that he was holding a grudge after she broke up with him. He'd been thinking that for weeks. As he pressed a kiss to her hair, he asked, "Why, Baby? How is that possible?"
Jessica's body tensed up in his arms before she took a few shaky breaths and eased her cheek away from his chest. She was crying again as she looked him in the eye and whispered, "He and I were dating. And then we were sleeping together. For weeks. And I had no idea that he's married and has two kids."
Brian Conley is a dank ass bitch. We hate him. If Jake doesn't respond just right, I'll have to kill him. Thanks @mak-32 and @beyondthesefourwalls
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anntickwittee · 1 year
Musical References in the Schmicago Trailer:
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Pippin- “We’ve Got Magic to Do”
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Cabaret- “Mein Herr” 
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Cabaret- “Willkommen”
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Sweet Chariot- “Big Spender”
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Chicago- “All I Care About”
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Chicago- “Razzle Dazzle”
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Company- “You Could Drive a Person Crazy���
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Chorus Line- “I Hope I Get It”
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Sweeney Todd- “Worst Pies in London”
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Annie- “Hard Knock Life” 
Oliver- “Food Glorious Food”
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Annie- “Little Girls”
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Hair- “Hair”
Jesus Christ Superstar- “What’s the Buzz”
Sweet Charity- “The Rich Man’s Frug”
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Godspell- “Day By Day” 
Godspell- “Bless the Lord”
Sweet Charity- “Rhythm of Life”
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