ofsavior · 1 year
👀 + 12/lisa
ship headcanons. || @legacychosen
them! them! them!
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Twelve describes Lisa's eyes as "like those from the other kids in that place" (or something to that extent) is in reference to the way Lisa doesn't experience joy in life. She feels trapped, and Twelve sees that. A lot of the fandom claims Twelve uses her as an escape, but I've always kind of viewed them differently. He's offering her a chance at freedom from the confines of her life.
Twelve really didn't intend to get attached to Lisa. She was a risk, and the logical part of him was well aware. He knew better. However, he hasn't quite realized the extent of danger his affiliation to her had brought. He monitored her to protect her, even if his efforts were in vain.
Admittedly, Twelve wanted more with her. He did want everything that a teenager would ask for in the short span of time they had. She was someone with whom he connected. For the first time, he could have moments of life that he thought were long out of reach for him. However, he refrained. Twelve isn't greedy, and he'd never push her for something she didn't want. Plus, he didn't want to start something that would end in tragedy. That wasn't fair to her. But, in his heart, he was able to at least kiss her goodbye.
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clearlynotahipster · 3 years
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Started this a long time ago. Figured I’d finally post what became of it! For @aimeramie
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reimiart · 3 years
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I rewatched Zankyou no Terror a while ago and fell in love with Lisa and Twelve again!! 🥺😍😭
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sphinxotp · 3 years
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The easiest way to make Twelve angry is to threaten/scare Lisa.
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seasaltmemories · 3 years
My entry for Vexercises 5th challenge: Lyric play.  Produce a 1 minute video edit from your selected source, in which lyrical interpretation guides your shot choice. Once you have completed this video, choose selected lyrics to incorporate creatively as text within the video. Then make a version of this video with the text, but substituting the original audio with a different piece of music that has no lyrics.
This is the second video. I'm usually not one to edit without lyrics, but I am really pleased with how this came out, probably helps that the Oh Hellos just make amazing music, seriously check them out
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lunaresbun · 4 years
Rating: General Category: F/M Fandom:  残響のテロル | Zankyou no Terror | Terror in Resonance Relationships: HisaLisa, Mishima Lisa/Twelve Characters: Mishima Lisa, Twelve (Zankyou no Terror) Additional Tags: Angst, Attempted Murder Language: English Published: 2015-05-08 Words:795 Chapters: 1/1
He could never be her prince, but at least he could be a knight.
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nymre · 7 years
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A big post of old hisalisa artwork from a couple years ago <3 *re-uploaded* 
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lu-mei-ling · 7 years
Me: start thinking (and dreaming) about otp interactions....
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( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 
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jujywrites · 7 years
Another request from @portraitofa-girl: Hisalisa and “Kiss me.”
What was supposed to be a drabble grew wildly out of hand bc i love these kiddoos, surprise surprise
Twelve was most emphatically not looking forward to his swimming lessons with Mishima Lisa.
First, he only agreed to take lessons after constant badgering from his older brother, he of the endless bookpiles and preoccupation with computers– what would he know about doing anything physical? Second, Lisa’s voice was a distractingly pretty color, and she was distractingly pretty to begin with, so how exactly was Twelve supposed to concentrate on not drowning?
Also, there was a miniscule problem: he feared water. Quite a lot.
The first lesson, though, wasn’t so bad. It consisted of sitting together on the steps in the shallow end, just past their waists, and talking.
Talking Twelve could do. He liked to talk. He was happy Lisa liked to listen. Once he got past the weirdness of a swim lesson that didn’t require swimming, it was just as easy to talk to Lisa as it was anywhere else.
The second lesson had Lisa showing him the front stroke; the arms, how to kick, separately, then together. “Just observe,” she said to him where he sat on the steps.
The third lesson: floating on his back. Lisa showed him first. And then. Then she held out her arms, and he slowly lay back across them, and she told him not to close his eyes and to look at her face, and didn’t the water feel calming? Twelve wanted to say it was her voice that was calming, not the water, but he couldn’t quite hear her since his ears were submerged and the pale thin ribbons of yellow swirling around his vision were really pretty, and she was practically holding him, and he hoped all the lessons would be the same…
After that, they did some breathing work. She had him stand, blow bubbles into the water and turn his head. He didn’t want to put his face into the water, but when she showed him, and when she put her hand on his back as he bent over, he realized he didn’t mind so much.
On the fourth lesson, Twelve watch as Lisa dove into the deep end and swam to him, looking like she lived in the water. “Something to look forward to doing,” she said after pushing her goggles onto her forehead.
He laughed ruefully. “Maybe in the next decade.”
He descended the steps and stopped in front of her. “What is today’s agenda, Mishima-sensei?” he asked with a quick salute.
She giggled, (it made him feel like hiccuping rainbows) and said. “We’re going to try kicking across the pool.”
The rainbows morphed into a ball of butterflies. “Uh…”
She just smiled. “Please put on your goggles. I’ll see if they’re adjusted well.”
He did, and turned so she could see where the band rested.
Putting in a bit higher on the back of his head, she said, “Are they too tight?”
“No.” He turned around. “Listen, Lisa, I–”
“Hold my hands.”
She took both of his hands in hers, and his face immediately heated up. After the last lesson he thought he’d be unfazed, but alas.
“You’ll hold my hands the whole time while you kick. You don’t even have to put your face in the water, just look up at me.”
He didn’t realize she was easing him forward until she stopped speaking, and then he realized his feet had left the bottom of the pool and he was effectively horizontal.
She squeezed his hands and began stepping backward.“Start kicking, it’s okay, look at me, you’re floating, see?”
“I don’t know about this,” he said, his voice embarrassingly high, but he’d started to kick like she’d asked and since he didn’t know how to stop, he chose to keep going.
“Twelve, that’s it! You’re doing so well!”
The burst of yellow hit him smack in the face, filling him with energy. Before he knew it, Lisa had stopped and was helping him to stand. He didn’t have his legs fully under him, so he started the fall forward, but suddenly Lisa was hugging him and nothing else mattered.
“I’m so proud of you. Congratulations, Twelve, you did it.”
“Ah, well, I-I have a good teacher,” he stammered into her wet hair, gingerly putting his arms around her.
“Thank you,” she said, laughing quietly as she pulled away.
Once they dried off and changed, Lisa suggested ice cream. It was while they were waiting in the long line that she said, “Kiss me.”
At least, that’s what Twelve thought she said. “What?”
She was smiling, eyes twinkling. “Kiss me.”
She grabbed his hand and pulled him out of line, over to a nearby bench. Somehow he nearly ended up in her lap, leaving them both flustered and flailing for a few moments.
When Twelve finally spoke, he almost forgot what he’d wanted to say, what with the warmth on his face and the pink on Lisa’s cheeks and their legs pressed next to each other. “Did you tell me to kiss you?” he asked, slowly.
She nodded, equally slowly.
He felt a smile appearing on his lips. “Is that an extra reward for being a good student, or is it because you like me?”
“You are an exceptional student,” she said, with a blinking-fast smile. “But I really like you, Twelve. I know you like me… That’s why I was happy when you decided to learn to swim, because we could see each other even more, and…” Her hands clenched in her lap, and her face reddened further. “I could touch you and have an excuse…”
He was sure he’d melt right into the bench.“You can touch me whenever you want, Lisa.”
She leaned toward him, took his face in her hands, and he pressed his mouth to hers.
“I love the water,” he sighed afterward, dazedly resting his chin on her shoulder.
She laughed, hugging him. “I’m glad.” Then,  “Look, the line is shorter now.”
“Eh?” He disentangled from her, grabbed her hand and stood, nearly all once. “Great,” he exclaimed, pulling her along. “Let’s get chocolate dipped!”
“Oh, that’s my favorite.” She beamed at him. “Let’s get more after tomorrow’s lesson, too.”
“Will you let me kiss you again?”
“You can kiss me as much as you want, Twelve.”
He might have fallen over, if she hadn’t linked her arm so tightly with his.
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fiveleggedmongoose · 7 years
Soft white sheets all around Lisa, like snow framing the curling brown hair of her loved one as she turned her head to peer at him. She kept quiet as the traffic roared to life outside, the stars still out as the first few rays of sunshine hit the buildings outside. His breathing was quiet, steady, a stark contrast from his recent hospital visits. 
 They were both standing at the ends of their world, littered with loss of life and darkness, yet she found courage in curling up against his warm body, pulling the blankets tighter around her, sinking deeper and deeper into his warm body and countless dream-like memories. 
 When she woke up again, the light flooded the room, bringing to life the various memorabilia that Twelve always brought back from his countless excursions around the city. Books half-read laid tossed on the floor, his CD collection opened. His favorite song softly played in the speakers, the singer murmuring into the microphone a confession of love. Lately, it was all she heard playing through the speakers.
 “It’s all so lonely,” Twelve’s voice was in sync with the singers, both voices softly drifting through the apartment, “Feelings as predictable as night and day.” 
 She stretched and rose from the bed, his black sweater her only piece of clothing at night. 
 “Your eyes smile for you, laughter like piano keys in the dark of night,” Lisa walked slowly to the bathroom door, her slender figure sleepily moving about like the trees in the wind. “I’ll miss you throughout this drive, circling around back your way.” 
 The lonely piano keys came to a halt, and all that was left were the quiet murmurs of Twelve, humming the song again under his breath. Lisa sat down in front of the door, leaning back and sighing, letting the quiet echoes of a perfect morning become her sanctuary.
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sweetchcolate · 7 years
ZNT3A, day 1: safety
It was weird, Lisa thought, how she felt more at peace in the company of two strangers who tried to kill her mere days ago than with people she had known her entire life.
Granted, it was not like Twelve and Nine actively planned to harm her: she was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. Still, the duo took the time to coax her out with precise instructions before the bombs were set off, giving Lisa the choice to become an accomplice or die.
(Granted again, it wasn’t as if she would have chosen death, but Lisa was glad someone finally gave her the chance to choose. It was hard to recall when someone last asked for her opinion on a matter…)
Looking back, these two boys had shown her more courtesy in the span of hours than her classmates through the years. If anything, the latter had tormented her with gratuitous insults and physical abuse, glaring eyes full of hostility and sickly smiles twisted up in contentment at her pain.
But when she regained consciousness the second time that day, the first sight filling her vision was that of Twelve’s brows furrowed in… worry? His voice was reassuring and low as he suggested she take a bath to help with the fever, a slow comforting smile breaking on Twelve’s lips when she nodded. He had even helped her up, eyes warm and hands hovering in case she fainted a third time on him.
As for Nine, he provided her with a towel and some utilities, his face impossible to read as he drew the items from the cupboards. He gruffly instructed her to not shower with water too hot or cold as it would worsen her illness, promptly leaving before she could speak a word.
At that moment, Lisa felt more cared for than at any point in her life. Even though she shared the same apartment as two seventeen-years-old boys she knew nothing of (besides the fact they fabricated bomb) and even though she was a complete stranger, Twelve and Nine had treated her with a kindness and politeness no one else showed her.
She was grateful.
Twelve and Nine had warned her they would be back by noon and Lisa didn’t doubt they would make good on their words.  The moment she saw them exit the building, she sprang into action.
Lisa opened the fridge, scanning each ingredient inside. In the cupboards, she found various pots of dried spices as well as some cooking utensils. Doing some quick mental calculations, Lisa deduced she would have to hurry if she wanted to have a presentable meal ready by the time the boys came back.
Despite the fact she had never tried her hand at cooking, she didn’t see the difficulty of the task. She just needed to throw some oil in a pan and then add the ingredients and stir so nothing would burn. Easy, right?
Well, preparing one dish and keeping her eyes on it was simple enough, but the more she added pans onto the stove, the harder it was to keep everything under wraps. While her attention was focused on the meat, the oil sizzled and the vegetables burned. No, no, no! This wouldn’t do, there was no way she could present this to Nine and Twelve!
Huffing, Lisa placed the burned pans aside, starting anew. No matter how many times things went wrong, she couldn’t give up: after everything Twelve and Nine did for her, the least she could do was pay them back by preparing their meals and tidying up the apartment. Lisa didn’t want to simply mooch off them and get in their way.
She would make herself useful, one way or another!
By the time the boys were back, Lisa finally had some semblance of a meal going. She plated up, ignoring the smoke clinging to her clothes, the distinctive smell of burned food, Nine’s face of utter disgust, and Twelve’s expression of reluctance. She intently watched as the boys poked their food with a fork, slowly pushing and turning around the zucchinis and the fish until Nine finally took a mouthful.
And immediately spit it out.
“This is terrible,” he said, crossing his arms and sitting back.
Lisa’s heart sank to the bottom of her stomach. “What? No way, I made sure the food turned out well!”
Lisa turned to Twelve, seeking some sort of backup. She watched intently as he took a bite, winced, and spoke: “This isn’t edible.”
Traitor! After all her efforts too! She gave her all to prepare them a meal, and they didn’t even like it?
“Aren’t you being too harsh?” Lisa asked, getting defensive. Yes, she expected her cooking attempts would be less than perfect, but the boys were clearly exaggerating. The food wasn’t even burned this time!
“Have you tried taking a bite, then?”
Well, she had wanted to, but she was too anxious for the boys’ reactions. Dissatisfied with their opinion, Lisa dug in and brought food to her mouth, wanting to prove them wrong.
It was so salty! She could barely stomach the taste as the food rolled around her mouth, and Lisa had to gulp down a glass of water to tone down the saltiness of the bite. Even after she swallowed, she could still feel the aftertaste of salt burning her tongue, and Lisa put down her fork, unwilling to repeat the experience.
They had been right.
(Still, they didn’t have to be so blunt. They could have showed some appreciation for her efforts, right?)
As if the experience wasn’t horrible enough, Nine had seen right through her intentions behind preparing a meal and told her, in clear terms, that her plan of making herself useful had completely backfired.
Thoroughly chastised, her head pounding, Lisa didn’t resist as Twelve helped her upstairs. He covered her with a blanket, returning moments later to place a cool towel on her forehead and gifting her with her stuffed penguin.
“Don’t take Nine’s words too seriously, alright?” Twelve said with a slight smile. “I’ve been his personal cook for years and he still finds a way to complain. You can’t win against him.”
“He didn’t have to be so blunt,” Lisa muttered, closing her eyes and snuggling under the blankets. Twelve readjusted the cold towel, easing away the strands of hair that had fallen on her forehead.
“Hey, Lisa?”
There was a brief silence and the old couch creaked as Twelve leaned his weight on the furniture, bending until his face was so close to hers she could feel his breathing on her ears. As if she wasn’t already warm, Lisa felt the flush creep from her neck all the way to her ears.
“Thank you for the meal.”
Something that’s always baffled me when watching ZnT is the sheer amounr of trust Lisa puts in Twelve and Nine. I mean, at this point she had a maybe 5-min conversation with these two boys, but she still takes up Twelve’s offer to escape from the police, touches their stuff despite knowing they bombed a govt offce, bathes in the same apartment where two 17-years-old guys live, decides to prepare them food, and has no qualms staying over. 
And that Lisa is more comfortable and open around these perfect strangers than with anyone else she has known in her life speaks volumes about her past and the way people have treated her so far ._.
Lisa is amazing
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ofsavior · 3 years
I did a headcanon thing... maybe I’ll do more if ppl are interested
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sphinxotp · 3 years
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Hisalisa moments
It is 2021 and I am still not over these two.
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seasaltmemories · 3 years
My entry for Vexercises 5th challenge: Lyric play.  Produce a 1 minute video edit from your selected source, in which lyrical interpretation guides your shot choice. Once you have completed this video, choose selected lyrics to incorporate creatively as text within the video. Then make a version of this video with the text, but substituting the original audio with a different piece of music that has no lyrics.
This is the original video. I've been fond of this song for a while so I was glad to find a suitably aquatic source that had the same emotional "undercurrent" running through it
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lumininja · 7 years
hisalisa still hurts me nearly 3 years later why must this ship cause me so much pain
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