claudia-kishi · 6 months
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I'm the gambler. I believe in giving this a chance.
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doodledrawsthings · 2 years
Me: “Hmmmmm not sure if I’m gonna do art fight this year I’m trying to have a better work life balance with drawing and every year I get overly stressed about keeping up-“
Artfight: heres the new teams! Two of your favorite concepts/aesthetics that thematically fit well with most of your OC’s are throwing hands this year!
Me: “ah.”
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cepheusgalaxy · 2 months
lets just huhhhhh lay basic informantion like her role and gender and hair etc then we get back to the Magic. I will have to note down how exactly the magic works coz im still working on it as a concept but let's take one step at a time
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maranull · 10 months
i'm at a crossroads
on one hand, I wanna actually buy bg3 cause it's worth double the price. on the other, i'm probably gonna be without a job in half a month so saving a bit more aggressively would be smart and responsible.
on a third hand though (don't question it), i'll have a big part time job in September that could definitely cover for the game and a bit of saving.
hmmm. hmmmmm. hmmmmmmm
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isa-ah · 2 years
my mom in law said i get a specific amount i can pick out for christmas slash birthday presents since theyre so close together and im HIGHLY considering asking her to grab me the supplies to make a shiny galarian linoone plushie for myself.... O o O
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xhanisai · 2 years
What is your favorite love square ship?
Oh, gee, anon.
I wonder what it is...
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it's totally hidden and secretive
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and i'm just sooooo shyyyyy in expressing my love for it...
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yoakkemae · 1 year
despite  looking  full  ice  demon  ,  except  for  her  red  eyes  ,  most  of  the  elders  and  others  in  the  village  looked  down  upon  yukina  due  to  being  born  ,  in  part  ,  from  hina’s  “  transgression  ”.  after  hina’s  death  when  yukina  is  one  ,  rui  is  the  one  who  raises  yukina  and  treats  her  like  her  own  daughter.  
yukina  is  the  older  of  the  two.  hiei  had  been  a  very  unwelcome  surprise  after  the  birth  of  yukina.
it’s  not  until  yukina  is  older  that  she  learns  about  the  existence  of  her  brother  and  what  had  been  done  to  him.  (  the  knowledge  soothes  an  ancient  part  of  her  that  seems  to  feel  something  missing.  she  knows  ,  now  ,  what  it  is  ).  she  leaves  her  homeland  to  bring  her  brother  back  to  fulfill  the  prophecy  that  he  will  come  back  to  the  village  and  kill  everyone.
yukina  is  very  well  aware  that  hiei  is  her  brother.  she  has  an  inkling  when  she  first  meets  up  due  to  his  eyes  and  the  fact  that  a  part  of  her  feels  instantly  comfortable  with  him  ,  but  she  doesn’t  fully  know  until  after  the  dark  tournament.  when  yukina  gives  hiei  her  jewel  from  their  mother  ,  she  does  it  with  the  full  knowledge  that  hiei  is  her  brother  ;  although  ,  there’s  a  part  of  her  upset  that  he  won’t  acknowledge  it.  
when  yukina  is  one  hundred  ,  instead  of  asexually  giving  birth  as  she  expected  ,  she  ends  up  developing  fire  powers.  this  ,  along  with  hiei’s  new  ice  powers  ,  is  what  makes  yukina  snap  and  demand  that  hiei  tell  her  the  truth.  when  he  still  doesn’t  ,  she  ices  him  out  of  her  life  for  a  year.  even  if  they  are  in  the  same  room  ,  yukina  won’t  talk  to  him  ,  and  if  she  has  to  look  at  him  ,  she  retreats  back  to  her  icy  mask.  
yukina  (  and  therefore  hiei  )  is  90  when  the  series  starts.  
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circle-bircle · 1 year
destroyed by facts and logic
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should i make a sideblog for bowuigi/smb in general
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akumanoken · 2 years
When you’re considering bookmarks...
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alisaint · 1 month
thinking abt how will's dnd sheet said his character was a half-elf. in a dnd au, what race do you think lonnie and joyce would be? human/elf, half-elf/elf, half-elf/human, half&half...? hmmmmmm. i kinda dig half-elf (child of an elf) joyce & human lonnie but idk 🤔📝
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c4tto626 · 2 months
unrelated. i am really tempted to cut my hair even shorter 😳
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 5 months
Maybe I'll go back to coloring the P3 manga......
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labwebs · 5 months
What Kind of Love Are You?
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Love as a Choice
You choose to love. Love does not come to you easily, but every day you wake up and choose it. It would be so easy, wouldn't it, to grow cold and callous and grim. But you rise to greet the world, making the conscious effort to find something, anything to love. When you fall for someone, you do not kid yourself of their flaws. Instead, you resolve to see them for who they are, mistakes and all and you love them all the same. Your love is work, and it does not come easy. Your love sweats and toils. It is calloused and sunburned; it bears scars and comes with stories. Your love is worn, but it is no less valuable for it. Being loved by you is like being loved by a gardener, a mother, a teacher. Your love may not always be the simplest, but it is worth the effort.
tagged by: @blindbastard
tagging: you!
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Great, now I'm thinking of more Takaaki angst.
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clumsyghosts · 1 year
Guidance Dept. lost the senior award certificates I’ve spent the past week printing.
I put them all in the lead counselor’s office door box.
She saw them, because she brought me one to reprint due to a spelling error. She had them.
They want me to reprint them. The ceremony is at 8:15 a.m. tomorrow.
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