ink-and-wings · 4 months
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Did somebody say MORE Hobuary? 🃏❤️🐿️
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hopeinthebox · 1 year
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bts + make up a guy
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94erz · 4 months
Happy Hope Month
In celebration of it being Hoseok's birthday month and because I fucking miss him to an insane degree for every day of February I'm gonna make a post stating 1 thing I love about him. No format planned, this one's gonna have a lot of pictures, others might include gifs or just text of me rambling the why.
Day 1
Stage presence
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Stage king
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banghwa · 4 months
finally some good fucking food
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love4hobi · 4 months
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spookyserenades · 4 months
OMG I am sooooo excited for hobuary I wonder what y/n will do for his bday?! Eeeeek
EEEE me too Hoseok is 1/4 of my biases (don't look at me i'm a libra) BUT I'm sure she'll pull out the stops for him!!! This next update is hefty so it won't include Hoseok's birthday but MARCH's update will!! In the meantime.... let's listen to his hits and post his lovely face! 💜💜💜💜
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roo-bastmoon · 1 year
*unhinged screaming and frothing*
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Happy Hobuary!!
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gabytshm · 4 months
Hobuary is coming 🥰
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BTS TWITTER || 2020.02.18
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#호비생일ㅊㅋ #남주닝
#HobiHappyBirthday #Namjooning
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noonastooneshots · 2 years
Hoseok:   Hopeful Hearts
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                              ꧁ Hopeful Hearts ꧂       
ᥫ᭡ AU: Single Parent       
ᥫ᭡ Themes: Hallmark Movie / Back to Hometown       
ᥫ᭡  Kinks: Masturbation, Multiple Orgasms,Cuddling 
Written For the @bangtanwritershq​ Hobuary Challenge Event
~2984 words~
After a nasty divorce, Jane and her 10 year old son, Jake, moved back to the hometown she fled as a wild teenager to follow the love of her life.
The last decade hadn’t been easy. In fact, Jake’s dad was serving time in prison for armed robbery and working on getting himself sober. They hadn’t seen him in a few years, so getting the divorce to go through was fairly simple.
Jane grew and learned a lot throughout those years, and sometimes it felt like she and Jake were both growing up together.
The church ladies had a field day when they saw the moving van drive through town on its way to her parents house, and the gossip channels went wild.
They’d barely parked the U-Haul when the first one popped up in the yard to welcome Jane back, asking all manner of kind, but intrusive questions.
She just smiled and gave her the most generic answer she could… the truth.
“Well, Mrs. Johnson, you know my dad broke his leg pretty bad skiing, and he needs some help with the shop, so he asked us to come help him out. I’m sorry to answer and run like this, but we have a lot of work to do before dark. Have a great day!”
Mrs. Johnson was on the phone with Mrs. Moore before Jane had the first box off of the truck, and the official town gossip phone tree was officially in use.
They’d only just got the last box in the spare room she’d be sleeping in when Mrs. Brisbane was at the door with a casserole.
“I keep them in the freezer for occasions like these! Welcome home!”
Once the woman was gone, though, Jane’s mother, Carol, threw the dish in the trash.
“This looks like it’s been in the freezer for ten years. Sweet lady. She means well.”
Instead, they had pizza for dinner and hit the sack early. They were exhausted, and had a lot of errands to run the next day.
After taking the U-haul to the rental agency, and doing some grocery shopping, Jane and Jake went to the family hardware store, Smith Hardware, with her dad, Bob, to see what needed done before they opened on Monday.
Jane did her best to ignore the looks she got from seemingly every person they passed. Jake was curious, though, “Mom? Why are these people looking at us like that?”
She sighed , irritated at the local busybodies that made it necessary to explain these things to her son.
“Well Jake, when I was a teenager I was a little wild according to their standards. And the fact that I ran off with your father right after I graduated made me a legend to the gossips in this town.”
“A legend?” Jake nodded his head, “My mom is a legend. I like it.”
Jane laughed. She loved her son. He was laid back and had a great sense of humor.
Monday morning Jake started at his new school and Jane opened the hardware store. Her father insisted he be on site in case she needed anything, and hobbled back to the office where he laid on the couch and watched movies most of the day.
Jane spent many hours working in the store when she was younger, so she knew the lay of the land and was comfortable with her tasks.
What she was uncomfortable with was the customers. The older folks came in out of curiosity, wanting to find out more about Bob and Carol’s wayward daughter’s grand return.
The customers that were around her age came in to eye her as competition or see if she was up for a date. Hell, even her ex-husband's old friends came by to see what she was up to.
By the time it was time to close up shop, Jane was emotionally exhausted. She pulled the car around front and went in to collect her dad. She got him in the car and locked the store door.
When she turned back to the car, she saw a man she didn’t know talking to her father. Bob was jovial and laughing, “Jane! Come meet Hoseok! He owns the florist shop next door.”
The man turned and Jane was met with a bright, happy smile, and friendly eyes.
“Hello,” the man said as he reached to shake her hand, “My name is Hoseok.”
She took his hand and smiled back, “Jane. Nice to meet you.”
He pointed to the building next to the hardware store, “That’s my shop, Sunshine Flowers. Stop in and say hi any time.”
Always one for a good conversation, Bob jumped in,
“Janey, Hoseok also has a son around Jake’s age. What is he now? 8? 9?”
“Henry just turned 10 last month.”
“10? Already? My grandson Jake is 10, as well. I’ll have to ask him if Henry is in his class.” Bob looked at Jane, “Hoseok volunteers at the rec center. He coaches most of the sports teams down there.”
Hoseok smiled, “I just like to be involved with my son’s interests. It’s a huge plus that it helps the community, as well.”
Jane was impressed, “Jake loves sports. I’ll bring him by the rec center this weekend, see if we can't find something he likes.”
They bid each other a good evening and went their separate ways, though Bob couldn’t stop talking about Hoseok, regaling Jane with the many ways he was a good man all the way home.
The rest of that week, Hoseok stopped in the store here and there to say hi, and even brought coffee when he was finished with his daily deliveries. She liked him. It was refreshing to be able to relax around someone who didn’t know her in this town.
Sure, the locals had filled him in with her so-called salacious past, but he only moved there 8 years prior, and didn’t bear witness to her mistakes.
Jake and Henry made fast friends, and were inseparable. They both spent many hours at the stores, and having a friend so close made it a lot more fun. They joined every sports team they could find, and Jane was more than thankful for Hoseok adding her son to his carpool. Jake never missed out on anything those days she was unable to leave the store and her parents were busy.
“That Hoseok is a wonderful young man,” Carol beamed one afternoon. She’d brought lunch and passed him on her way in, “Very sweet and dependable.” She looked conspiratorially at Jane, “And very handsome.”
Jane laughed, “He sure is.” She could see right through her mother’s meddling ways. The woman was thrilled that Jane made friends with the friendly man, and that Jake was spending so much time with a man she felt was such a great mentor.
Carol dropped hints left and right that Jane ought to be dating such a catch, and even got the boys involved in her schemes.
Jake and Henry decided that they would make excellent brothers, and enthusiastically joined in on Carol’s scheming.
Jane and Hoseok thought their conniving was entertaining. They flirted plenty, but neither seemed willing to take the next step so they settled on forming a close friendship, instead.
A few months later, Bob was all healed up and able to walk again. After being cooped up for so long, a tragedy in his mind, he planned a long weekend camping trip for himself, Carol, Jake and Henry.
“I want to take the boys fishing. They need the fresh air. Experience the outdoors.”
They were so excited about the idea that Jane and Hoseok just laughingly agreed to let them go.
When Bob and Carol stocked up the RV and left with the kids, Hoseok turned to Jane,
“Would you like to join me for dinner tonight? I was thinking about making some kimchi fried rice.”
“Sure! What can I bring?”
“Just yourself.”
“Hmmm. That doesn’t seem fair. How about wine?”
Hoseok laughed, “Ok. bring the wine, 5 o’clock work for you?”
Jane showed up at Hoseok’s house at 4:55 with a bottle of his favorite wine in hand. Apparently he’s the only one in this small town that drinks that particular brand, because the clerk knew exactly who it was for.
Dinner was delicious, and the couple quite enjoyed having time together without the kids around.
Hoseok was all smiles as they cleared the table after dinner, “You’ve been here so many times, but I’ve never given you a tour of the greenhouses! Would you like to take a look? I need to check them before it gets dark, anyway.”
The greenhouses were just across the yard, huge and filled to the brim with the most beautiful flowers Jane had ever seen. The smell when Hoseok opened the door was a mix of sweet flowers and wet soil. He took her hand and led her around, explaining the flowers that had special needs versus the easier plants to grow. He even plucked a particularly pretty purple blossom and put it in her hair, just above her ear.
Jane smiled shyly and tried not to giggle at Hoseok’s attention. He smiled back and took her hand again,
“Jane? I really like you. And I think you might feel the same about me. I don’t want to make things awkward, especially with the boys being so close, but I would really like to be with you.”
Jane tilted her head to the side, “Be with me?”
He nodded his head hopefully, “Yeah. Be with you.”
“You are with me.”
Hoseok laughed, “No. I mean be together. As a couple. Date. See where our relationship goes from there.”
He took her hand and led her to a fire pit he had set up in the backyard. The pit was surrounded by stone, and the ground around it was brick. The benches surrounding it were roughly carved from logs, and large enough for at least four people each to relax comfortably.
Hoseok lit the fire while Jane refilled their wine, and it wasn’t long before the new couple was snuggled up together watching the flames, talking about nothing and everything at once.
He was the perfect gentleman. At the end of the evening, he placed the sweetest kiss on her cheek after walking her to her car… and that was it. There was no expectation of more from her, other than asking if she wanted to have dinner again the next night.
It blew Jane’s mind.
As she lay in bed that night thinking the entire evening over, she couldn’t keep the smile off of her face. Hoseok was handsome, caring, sweet, and responsible. He was a great father to Henry, and easily took on the role of pseudo dad for the boys around town that, like Jake, didn’t have a father in their lives.
Although Jane had a reputation in that town, she really was fairly innocent. Her ex was the only man she’d ever actually been with, and her experiences being married to him made her think that she wasn’t going to be one of those people that’s just lucky with love.
But cuddling up with Hoseok by the fire made her want to try again. Really try. Not just a date here and there, but an actual relationship.
Her body tingled in ways she hadn’t felt in years. She rolled over and internally laughed for already getting ahead of herself.
Two hours later, Jane woke from a particularly hot dream featuring herself and Hoseok in one of his greenhouses. She was covered with sweat and severely frustrated. She moaned and rolled to her back, noting as she moved that her inner thighs were even more sweaty than the rest of her body. It wasn’t until she kicked the covers off and her body started to cool that she realized that her panties were soaked through.
She lifted her hips and slid off the offending material before tossing them to the side. Laying in bed in just a t-shirt felt naughty. Like she was exposed to the world, when in reality Jane was all alone, in the dark, where no one would be able to see her.
It’d been a long time since she’d been naked for any other reason than bathing.
Huffing out a breath, Jane brought her arm up and laid it over her eyes. The dream replayed across her closed eyelids like a movie screen.
Hoseok placed the flower behind her ear and kissed her. One of his hands slid into her hair while the other was planted firmly on the small of her back. His tongue was simultaneously rough and smooth in a way she thought would only happen in a dream. She felt every single move it made against her own. The nerve endings in her entire body seemed to feel it as they slid against each other. The taste of him was heavenly.
Her hand slid up to softly caress her own breast as she tried to recall the exact flavor. She giggled, feeling like a sommelier describing the notes in the wine.
Dream Hoseok only pulled his lips far enough away from hers to whisper her name.
She rolled her nipple between her fingers and moaned at the quiet way “Jane” blew past his full lips. Would she ever get to hear it in real life?
Jane could almost feel the way he nibbled down the side of her throat as his hand slid from her back to the side of her thigh. Dream Hoseok slowly bunched up the material of the mid-length summer dress she was wearing until his hand could caress bare skin. That hand slid back and cusped her bottom as his lips found hers again.
His kisses were passionate and all consuming as he lifted her leg to wrap around his waist. When she almost lost her footing, he stopped and lowered her to the lush grass that grew in between the flower boxes.
Jane didn’t hesitate for a second in that dream. She knew what she wanted, and she wanted Hoseok.
As her hand slid down her torso to touch the wetness the dream left behind, Dream Jane reached out to caress the hard length pressing against his linen pants. Hoseok’s sharp inhale at her touch made her clench, both in the dream and in real life. His nostrils flared and he lunged forward to take her lips in another heated kiss as his hips cradled between hers. The hardness she had in her hand a moment before was suddenly pressed to her most intimate place.
It was hot and thick, and when Hoseok’s hips moved with the same motion as his tongue, it pressed her panties into her softest flesh and added extra sensation as he rocked into her.
Just the idea of what that might actually feel like, along with the feeling of her middle finger circling her clit, made Jane moan a little louder.
Dream Hoseok groaned when she grabbed his ass and pulled him into her even harder, “Jane, I need to see you. I need to taste you. Worship you like you deserve.”
He kissed and nibbled down her throat, paying close attention to her clavicle, all the while keeping his cock snugly rubbing against her clit.
He grabbed the front of the material covering her bosom and wrenched it apart, sending buttons flying in all directions.
Her back arched off the bed as her breasts were exposed in the dream and she fought to catch her breath. She truly felt the cool air caressing her nipples, which took the erotic feeling up several notches.
Not able to help herself, Jane slid two fingers inside her pussy… The first time she’d been penetrated in far too long.
Dream Hoseok dove right in, kissing every inch of exposed skin. His lips and teeth worked to make sure no part of her was left untouched. He grabbed her panties and tore them away from her body with a growl. He stood and rid himself of clothing and was back on his knees between her legs before she could even feel the cool air.
“I want to do everything to you and with you. I want to make you cum. I want every orgasm to be mine.” He held his unprotected cock and circled the tip around in the wetness of her pussy without taking his eyes off of hers. He pushed inside and smiled at her gasp.
Jane pulled her fingers out and continued to circle her clit. She was sweating now, and starting to shake. The tingling feeling of lightning was beginning to build in the base of her spine.
Dream Hoseok owned her body. Everything he did to her seemed to drag more orgasms out of her. Jane was glad it was a dream, because she wasn’t sure if she’d actually survive having that many orgasms in that short amount of time.
By the time Dream Hoseok leaned down and breathed in her ear, “I”m going to cum inside you Jane. I’m going to fill you full, and you’ll be mine,”
She was more than ready to let go. As he let loose in the dream, Jane let loose in real life. Her body shook and throat let out noises she’d never been known to make.
Her heart felt like it was beating out of her chest and she struggled to catch her breath. Her hand was just as soaked as her panties were.
She giggled into the darkness and gave herself a few minutes of afterglow before she went to get cleaned up.
Maybe it was time to trust another man. Maybe Hoseok will be the man she’d always hoped for. As she settled back down to sleep, she hoped for another dream like that and couldn’t wait for their next date.
꧁ End ꧂
One Shot Master List
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btsqualityy · 2 years
I’ve literally been vibing to that sound in my head at work for the past two nights. Happy Hobuary 😂😂
I honestly forgot about his birthday 😭😭
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ink-and-wings · 4 months
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Happy Belated Lunar New Year and Happy Hobuary 🍊✨
(From a fellow dragon 🐉)
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sugajimin · 4 years
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i was tagged by the sweetest and talented @ericnams thank you my love <3 <3 (these are the coloring I used/use,the before gifs have my settings from vapoursyth)
and i tag @angeljk​ @cyphertaehyungie​ @jjeons​ @jung-koook​ @itseokjins​ @mapofbts​ @hobuary​ @nochuie​ @jeojungguk​ @jinsbts​ @ohjiminn​ ( I forgot many people kcjjlkdskj,if anyone else wants to do it, do it and tag me)(you can do it if you want of course <3)
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94erz · 4 months
Happy Hope Month
Day 15 & 16
Feat. j-hope
Animal - Jo Kwon
The most iconic pre-debut j-hope feature
Rush Hour - Crush
A feature so iconic it might as well be Crush who's the feature, not sorry.
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hopekidoki · 4 years
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before and after coloring tag: 
i was tagged by: @hobuary, @mapofbts, @angeljk, @jungshiii, @eternal-bangtan and @kookhope (thank you ♡♡)
tagging: @hoshikiie, @parkjimchie, @sugawithluv, @namgination, @tearuntold(only if u want to)
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everythingoes · 4 years
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Hiii!! I was tagged by my very talented friends @yoonseok, @hobuary, and @taehysung to show my before/after giffing process! Thank you!!!
I decided just to use some of my favorite recent gifs that I saved as PSDs. Both the before and after gifs were pre-processed and sharpened using vapoursynth (one of them was with avisynth, before I learned vapoursynth) and sharpened again in ps (using jp’s aka @joonie‘s sharpening settings. I still owe you my first born child for how much you’ve helped me!!). The only difference between the before/after is the coloring. I don’t think I do anything too fancy with coloring, and I’m still really new so I don’t really know what I’m doing lmao, but I do really like bright gifs if you can’t tell!!
Anyways, I’m sure most people have either done this already, or been tagged, but I'll tag some people just in case!! Feel free to ignore this if you’ve already done it or you just don’t want to do it! @yoonmochiiii @hansjisung @nemjyoon @yoongishadow @joonie @minsbutt @jiminfilter @minsuqas @varietae @genre @intotheblueside @joonpie @7outro @vjimin @jiminfilter @lovejeons @peachjin @innerchildsgf @rmofbts @yoonqiful @yoong02 
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