#Honestly. I don't know how I manage to forget how fandoms can be until I'm reminded by things like this.
daedor · 5 months
Do you ever just
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low-budget-korra · 3 months
Comments on Netflix's Avatar The Last Airbender
*spoiler alert*
First of all I'm gonna start by saying it is one of the best adaptations I've seen so far. And that's the key word, adaptation. I've seen a lot of fans and others complain about some things that honestly, doesn't make sense because some things only work in a cartoon(just as much as some things only work in a book or a video game)
And before I start to talk about some topics that I judge important, I also wanna say that the production is fantastic, from the costumes to the CGI. It all looks amazing. (A part from Yue's wig)
1. The Script
It's not easy to pick 20+ episodes and make it fit in only 8 but damn they did a hell of a good job, especially when judging what was important to show and what they could let it go. Some fans commented that since there's no fillers, the Gaang and others miss some development but I think that for the universe of the live action what we got here it worked.
I can express how much I like to see Ozai and Azula's relationship and how it is now clear that he uses the siblings against each other, manipulating them to get what he wants. But I will admit I miss the fear Azula had, since it's implied in the show and some extras that she does fear Ozai, and fears becoming like Zuko.
I hope the 41. Is just fine after the battle in the north. See all of them bowing to Zuko after discovering that Zuko was the one that saved their asses and was heavily punished by that...it was beautiful. I loved the writers did that, give names and faces to Zuko's crew and a beautiful yet sad arc when Ozai banished his son and the men who he saved.
I also loved that they put weight into things that was treated as a joke, like Katara talking about her mother. She was a little kid who saw her mom get murdered in front of her and the live action made sure to let us know that it is not okay to make jokes about something so traumatic. All of the deaths here have tons of weight in it, it's not some random person, is someone we met, someone we liked, someone who helped. The costs of the war, something the cartoon manages to show us but know in live action, with real people, the massage gets stronger.
And they didn't forget Iroh's past like the fandom does, which is great. That actor, the earthbending soldier really let it all out, that's how you use the few screentime you have.
Sokka's isn't sexist and y'all were making a storm outta a cup of water, is not like Sokka sexist didn't go away after like the 4 or 5 episode in the original show. I think the live action was able to bring more depth to him in comparison to the first season of the cartoon. We see how he feels about his father's, the absence of him and his duty as warrior who kinda doesn't want to be a warrior.
I need a Gyatso in my life, I didn't know I needed to see more of him until the live action gave us more of him. Kyoshi was the Thor coming to Wakanda from this season, WHY THE FUCK BRYKE DONT WANNA GIVE US A KYOSHI SERIES? She is absolutely a jewel of a character. Roku and Kuruk, damn poor Kuruk man, so much pain in his words but again that's what it means to be the Avatar, it's not fun and games. Zhao saying to Aang what Korra villains said to Korra😭 that the world doesn't need the Avatar anymore, it hurt.
Guys I'm gonna say it, there's no way in hell for anyone to ship Kataang here. I'm saying this because some shippers complain that the secret tunnel part was different but c'mon, look at Kiawentiio and look at Gordon, it would be so s awkward and weird and just wrong. I know they don't have a big age difference, is only like 3 years but when they filmed Gordon looked so much younger than her, maybe in the next seasons the difference won't be that big.
The pace is good, once you start you don't wanna stop.
2. The Acting
Everyone is really good at capturing the essence of it's characters and somewhat making them their own. The highlights for me were Dallas and Ian, Its like they came straight from the show. Ken Leung's Zhao was also amazing as he was way more threatening here than he was in the show.
Kiawentiio was the Katara we were looking for, she is kind yet strong, brave and caring. And Gordon was Aang, sure, he has to learn a few things since he slipped a few times in his acting but nothing that could ruin the experience, that kid is good and just needs some experience.
Elizabeth Yu was Azula. It was different but yet the same character, is like learning something new of her and I like how cleared she show emotions with her eyes. Maria Zhang had great chemistry with Ian and I can't wait to see more of Suki. Arden Cho and Yvonne Chapman as June and Avatar Kyoshi look like they came out straight from the cartoon. Daniel Dae Kim...man is Ozai, so cold, so sharp, so scary, already way better than the cartoon version. I wanna see more of Paul Sun-Hyung Lee as Iroh since the character he really starts to shine in book 2.
3. The live action doesn't have the spirit of the OG?
Yes, it does have. The thing is now that we are seeing real people, things get dark one way or another but I don't think it ruined the spirit of the show. Aang is still a kid, Sokka still making sarcastic jokes, Zuko still annoying as hell, Katara still hopeful and strong... There's everything there really.
The thing is stuff like genocide, murder, war, death and suffering are, for some people, better to watch as pixels in a cartoon than real people.
I think it's a great adaptation and I would recommend it to every fan.
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tyrantisterror · 10 months
How did you manage to build such a following? I’m considering trying to start a blog because I physically can’t have a more traditional job but I’m completely lost on how to do it.
I'm not sure if I'm a good person to answer this question - both because I don't really think I have much of a following in the grand scheme of things, and because I didn't really try to cultivate it all that much.
Like, ok, numbers wise, my follower count is a bit over 3000, which is a bit impressive, I suppose, but it's not enough to build, like, a side hustle or anything. Of those followers, I'd guess at least 2000 are people who saw one of my handful of Cursed Undying Posts That Will Never Rest Until I am Dead, and followed me purely because that one post was funny or whatever, and then realized I don't post like that often and kinda forgot I exist. Of the remaining 1000, I think it's mostly people who followed me for, like, fandom reasons, with maybe a couple dozen or so people who actively look for my content specifically, rather than using me as an aggregate for kaiju content or what have you.
If that sounds like a complaint, it is not. I like the size of my audience, I like the relatively small number of my genuinely interested followers, I like exactly this much (or, honestly, slightly less) attention. I like being able to know the people who've actually read my silly books by username and how they sometimes even tell me what they think about them. I like it when those good mutuals and not-mutuals-but-still-beloved followers show up in my notes over and over again. It's a small following, and it's nice. I like it that way.
Whenever my follower count goes up, my immediate reaction is fear, because while generally it means some people have just added me to their dashboard's influx of nonsense and will forget my name in a week, and rarely it means someone cool has begun following me and I'll eventually come to recognize their username with affection, every now and then - every rare yet horrifying now and then - it's someone who's a bit deranged, someone who's made me their fixation. I've already got a couple of social media stalkers (or one very dedicated one with multiple accounts, not sure which) and, uh, it's not great!
So, like, whatever following you think I have, it's 1. not something I tried to create on purpose and 2. probably not that impressive, numbers-wise. I feel like it's basically what anyone could get if they post their nonsense like I have for a couple of decades under more or less the same username. Whatever success I have as a blogger I attribute to a mix of being old and getting really verbose about niche topics I care about and have rarely seen others discuss in my particularly deranged way.
So... be authentically weird the only way you can be, and do it for a couple of decades online, I guess?
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itsjaywalkers · 22 days
Hiii, how was your day Laurie? Soo you're one of my favorite people on here and I wanted to ask someone for a lil advice and you were the first person that popped up in my head. I've been working on a little microfic for some time and it's such a small little thing of 500 words and I want to post it but every time I try I get extremely insecure and anxious about it. I never posted anything before and I'm just like, what if what if what if..How do you get over that fear? I love writing and I want to engage more in the fandom but I'm just so scared, and also so self-conscious about my English, which is not my first language
hiii nonnie!! u sent this yesterday and yesterday was Awful, one of the worst shifts i've had in a while (it was bank holiday..). i started at 9 bc i was in the open i didn't get my break until 4:30pm??? and only bc i was about to pass out from both stress and hunger. it was Shit but it ended nicely and today should be a lot more chill!! hopefully!!
how was yours tho babe?? or how it's going so far??
please i'm blushing and smiling so hard, it's always so sweet when any of u tell me my blog or ME in general is one of ur favs in tumblr.. it's also a bit . nervewracking when u guys come to me for advice bc i feel like i'm the least qualified person in the world and i'm also scared of fucking up. but it's such an honour too!! i just hope that i can actually be of help <3
in my experience, u never truly get over that fear/anxiousness. it's been years for me atp (not in this fandom specifically), of . sharing my writing on social media . and i still get nervous and hesitant and second-guess myself every step of the way. i can't even count how many times i've posted a snippet and i've wanted to delete it right after. and with actual fics is even worse. i have this habit of always posting/updating very late at night and going straight to sleep to avoid thinking about it or seeing anyone's reactions/opinions
since this is something i can't seem to ever get rid of, my advice is to just . go for it . do it scared . which i'm aware fucking sucks and it makes the whole process a lot harder but . deep down u know u wanna share it, u want people to read it and u want to engage with the fandom as an author. focus on the side of u that is excited and happy about what u wrote!! the fear is still there, and it may always be, but it's not the emotion that actually matters here. if u still don't seem able to, ask someone to press the post button for u!! or maybe program it to post a few days later so u forget about it until u suddenly see it on ur dash!!
and i totally feel u on being extra insecure bc english isn't ur first language, i've been there and . i still am . i'm always scared i don't sound natural enough, or even right enough. i feel like all my writing is filled with . errors and mistakes . but honestly the fact that u managed to write 500 words in a language that isn't yours is already impressive enough and u should be proud of yourself!! people are gonna appreciate it more than u can imagine, and also, the way u write in english or use it is always gonna be so different from a native speaker's for obvious reasons and that's so fucking beautiful. some of my fav fanfics are written by ppl who didn't have english as a first language bc they have a way to approach it that i've never seen anywhere else and it's fucking magical
and ur english is absolutely perfect, just btw
i wish u the best of luck and i'm sending u a big hug, i can't waittttt to read that microfic (i'm hoping i'll be able to somehow)
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musette22 · 2 years
I want to preface this with the fact that I know you don’t need defending (Bucky is the only damsel in distress on here), and that I know you owe no one on here anything at all when it comes to what you do or don’t post on your blog. Feels a little bit like entitlement isn’t just something reserved for how people treat Sebastian…
Having said that, as someone who looks at your blog like it’s my very own CNN Breaking News (but like, miles and miles better), I honestly don’t understand were anon is coming from. It doesn’t need defending, because like you said, if you don’t want to see Chris it’s easy to unfollow, but you post SO MUCH lovely Sebastian & Stucky content, I don’t know which blog they’ve been following.
Sebastian is working right now and a little more quiet, meanwhile Chris is slutting it up like every other day, how can anyone not feel the need to want to scream about it? And you do it oh so well, it brings a smile to my face every single time. Or it makes me scream and cry. Because your tags honey! Oh my god they’re the freaking best. I know I struggle with finding a balance between the three (Chris/seb/stucky) with this much content, but you manage to still devote a lot to all of them and I’m in awe.
Also, most importantly, I KNOW how much you love Seb, how much you love Stucky, because I think it’s pretty similar to how much I love them. So with all due respect anon can leave or shut up. Minnie, my love, I’m so grateful for how much time and energy you put into making this place so welcoming and positive, how you’re always ready to cheer anyone on, how you write fics that honestly warm my cold cold heart 💛 So it makes me sad that people feel the need to come into your asks and write frankly, pretty rude messages. I hope it doesn’t affect you too much. But if it does, just know I’ll gladly shower you in allll the compliments & positive thoughts you want, until you’re sick of me, because I love you so very freaking much 💗💗💗
(If you don’t want to post this I understand, honestly - if you want to move on and not give it another thought I get it. honestly.)
Maya, sweetheart. I have been kind of wanting to cry about this ask since you sent it but like, in the best way possible. I don't even really know how to reply to it because I'm struggling to find the words to do justice to just how incredibly kind and warm and supportive and sweet this message is 🥺💗 I appreciate it (and you) SO much.
I feel so, so lucky to know you and call you a friend and to have someone like you in my corner, and I hope you know the feeling is ENTIRELY mutual. I just really freakin love you, girl. You’re one of the best people on this entire hellsite. The fact that you treat everyone on here with the same open, friendly kindness and you’re always ready to come to your friends’ aid when they need you, and you’re always down to scream about cry about our boys, and you bless us with incredible content on the daily, it means SO MUCH. This fandom is so incredibly blessed to have you, and don’t you forget it, please! You’re one of a kind ❤️❤️❤️❤️ Thank you for this wonderful, heartwarming message, it means the world! 😘
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bridoesotherjunk · 1 year
honestly why are people upset that these days fandoms last just a couple months before people move on to something else? to me that's a good thing, it's a healthy way to enjoy a diverse range of media and fiction without making one franchise their entire personality until it gets grating at best and outright harmful at worst. just look where the steven universe fandom went
First of all - Steven Universe gets so much shit that it genuinely doesn't deserve. I can think of ten fandoms off the top of my head that are just as bad, if not worse, that no one really bitches about anywhere near as much as they bitch about Steven Universe.
Second - I'm upset by it and I say it IS a problem.
The endless cycle of content being churned out that people care about for a couple of months is SHIT. Sure, yeah, it's good to have a diverse bunch of interests and not focus on one thing, but nothing is able to get BIG anymore. You have a bunch of tiny interests that you only just barely like enough to not be considered "cringe" by other people. If Naruto aired nowadays with the model that shows air and stream- the fandom would probably be dead within a year of the finale. People can binge an entire series in a month and then forget about it just as quickly. If something takes longer and manages to hold your attention for a longer duration- you will remember it. How many adults can remember entire Spongebob episodes word for word that they watched as children? How many people talk fondly about waking up on Saturday mornings to watch the newest Pokemon episode? It fucking SUCKS that everything is dumped out all at once and you're just expected to binge it immediately. If you're a busy adult with a job and a life, you're left out. Spoiler culture is everywhere and the way the companies do streaming leaves you fucked if you want to watch something at your own pace. Because it hurts the shows you love if you don't binge.
Third - Sometimes making one thing your entire personality is a benefit. Specifically for artists. So many art people I know got good at doing art because they had one thing they were obsessed with for years and they drew that non stop.
Literally the only problem it sounds like you really have is fandoms becoming toxic and hanging onto things that should be forgotten. Which happens no matter fucking what, to be honest. Short shows, long shows- you can't stop shitty people from showing up and being rotten.
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meanautisticenbian · 3 years
Fuck it, I'm gonna dissect all the bullshit in that one Lilith post bit by bit
TW// Lilith hate, victim blaming, abuse, cult mention, ableism towards Autistic people, sexualization of minors (briefly mentioned)
I'll be putting my text in bold just in case it's hard to distinguish between the pictures and my commentary
Here's the post I'm referring to in case you're curious
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Moving on and starting with this bit
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People pay attention to Eda all the damn time, she's literally one of the main characters. Funny how you only mention tik tok and nothing else. Is that the only other social media you have? Because fans on different social media platforms act much differently; on IG and Reddit stuff like the sexualization of minors and fucking ODALIA AND ALADOR STANS are normalized, where everywhere else it's pretty much universally agreed that that stuff is bad. I don't know a lot about what toh Tik Tok is like just because I don't usually go on tik tok, but even if it is like this, it's not the same for the rest of the fandom. A lot of the fandom still hates Lilith and blames her for her abuse and not being able to leave
You say that like she's a bad person, she's really not. The curse she placed on Eda wasn't intended to be permanent and probably wasn't even supposed to take the effects that it did. She was most likely scammed. I mean look at how she reacts when Eda transforms for the first time. She also feels guilty enough about it to throw herself into an abusive situation and spend almost her whole life trying to make up for it. Lastly, yes she hurt Luz, but let's not forget that Belos threatened her life upon Eda's capture and Lilith was running out of time and had no other option. Obviously what she did was wrong but she's not the real monster here.
"I do like Lilith" this entire essay says otherwise.
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Literally none of us ignore any of the bad shit she's done, stop lying about us.
Yes, Lilith did mock her for her curse, which was messed up, but we don't actually know for sure if the curse is basically canonically a disability in that world, so if that's the case then for now it's technically not ableism until we get confirmation otherwise.
"it was an accident and I forgive Lilith" no you fucking don't. First of all this entire essay is you talking about how evil you think she is and secondly, if it really was as bad as you view it, you wouldn't be that forgiving.
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Ah yes the victim blaming, the one thing that almost everyone does to Lilith and barely anyone talks about.
There is literally not a single Lilith stan out there who blames Eda for getting cursed. You're just mad that your victim blaming towards Lilith got called out so you silence us by lying about how we do the same thing to Eda.
No one is making Eda out to be the villain either, the only example I can find of this is a few fanfics where she treats Lilith a lot more harshly than she should, and even then, scenes like that are written in a positive light as if you're supposed to be on Eda's side, so with that in mind, the writers of these fics are clearly not even Lilith stans. In terms of how actual stans treat Eda, the worst they do is make her slightly ignorant of Lilith's trauma, kinda like the fandom, minus the "slightly", until she grows as a character and learns to see the red flags. If that's the problem you're talking about, then breaking news: Eda's not perfect either. She has flaws too just like literally everyone else in the show and people are allowed to write about them
Tell me the truth: are people making playlists for Lilith that include a lot of sad and angry songs because she's not a happy person anyway so there wouldn't be a point in having any happy songs, or are they making "trauma" playlists? There's a difference
I'm sorry, are you trying to tell me that people recognizing Lilith's trauma is victim blaming Eda? That's not how it works sweetycakes
There is far more Eda angst out there than there is for Lilith, where are you finding so much Lilith angst? LILITH is the one who's traumas are being ignored while Eda's gets all the attention. You're acting like one of those white cis gays on twitter who see black people talking about the anti blackness they experience daily and accuse them of being homophobic because "there is so much homophobia in the world and they still manage to make it all about race".
No one is saying that Lilith has worse trauma, we're only saying that her's is also severe and that it definitely exists. Also funny how you're allowed to be mad at us for comparing Lilith and Eda's trauma (once again lying about us), then you go on to do the exact same thing and say that EDA'S trauma is worse. Even if, hypothetically speaking, Eda did have it worse, that doesn't mean Lilith doesn't have the right to be traumatized. Both of them have trauma, both should be recognized. Also, Lilith had far more going on in her life than just the guilt of her actions, she was was implied to have been psychologically and maybe physically abused, and was probably even tortured. Stop ignoring all the red flags and condemn the actual abuser (Belos) before you criticize anything the abused (Lilith) has done.
We're not making everything about Lilith, like shut up.
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Please don't say that autistic people "have autism", it implies that it's something that can be removed from us. For example: you don't say "a person with blackness" when referring to black people or "a woman with homosexuality" when referring to Lesbians.
Oh yeah I'm also autistic so here are MY thoughts
Amity and Lilith are not antagonists anymore, hcing them as Autistic is not villainizing autism.
The autistic Lilith headcanon was made by autistic fans, allistics only latched onto it because they either wanted to be supportive or they saw that she actually had a lot of autistic traits
You're not the only autistic person alive, just because you're not like Lilith or Amity doesn't mean none of us are or they're not autistic. I mean, I know I am
You're not fun or funny
"not all Autistic people are like this" remember that line, dear readers
Actually, I prefer the autistic villain trope MUCH more than the grown ass autistic adult that acts like a five year old trope. At least we'd have less stereotypes associated with us.
Autism is not supposed to be portrayed in only fun and happy characters, that is literally the epitome of stereotyping and infantilizing. You literally just said that not all autistic people are the same, doesn't this count as being all the same? Does this mean I don't exist anymore? Am I just not autistic? Are you even aware that a flat affect or monotone voice is literally a very common autistic trait? You can't just say that we're stereotyping autistics and then just go on to stereotype us, like what the fuck are you even on? Is it only ok when you do it?
Amity is not edgy for fuck's sake
Literally no one is headcanoning Lilith or Amity as autistic because they're mean, we headcanon them as autistic because they actually show traits of it
Oh, our harmless headcanons are making you feel uncomfortable because they don't fit into the stereotypes you made up about us? Good to know our plan is working I guess
Last thing I wanna say regarding this post as a whole: why are you acting like liking Lilith and feeling sympathy for her is a bad thing? If you find this then don't say "I don't think that's a bad thing", answer HONESTLY
Well that's all I have for now, thank you for reading, I need to go to bed soon
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classysassy9791 · 3 years
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Fandom: Inuyasha Genre: Romance/Humor/Fluff Pairing: InuKag Rating: T
Originally written for @inukag-week on tumblr circa 2016, now officially being updated. Its been a hot minute, hasn't it?
For InuKag Week - Day 2: Warmth
Part 1 l
Part 2 Word Count: 2,600
Can also be found on FFN and AO3.
Kagome couldn't remember the last time she had laughed so hard.
Sometime between the moment she met the arrogant, rude man known as Inuyasha and the three shots she had consumed, they had fallen into a flirtatious banter that she rather enjoyed. Gone was the pompous jerk who had so rudely called her audacious names, replaced by a man who proved to actually be decent company.
No, she hadn't forgotten about their initial meeting, but as she downed another shot of whiskey, she realized she didn't much care. For the first time in months - maybe longer - Kagome found herself enjoying her evening. With her shackles removed and her inhibitions lowered, she relished in the sweet taste of freedom that had been sorely lacking from her life.
"You did not!" she squealed with absurdity in her tone, clamping a hand over her mouth.
Inuyasha chuckled, tilting his glass and giving a half-shrug. "I did," he confessed sheepishly, but not at all ashamed of his actions. "Miroku ran down the dorm hall, completely naked, screaming after me."
Kagome shook her head. "I can honestly say I have never stolen my roommates clothes while they were in the shower. Or pulled any pranks on them, really."
"To be fair," he continued, signaling the bartender for another round. "He actually met his girlfriend that way."
"By running naked down the hallway?"
He nodded. "Knocked her down and stopped to apologize."
"Still want to leave the tab open?" Kouga interrupted.
"Yeah, that's fine." Inuyasha finished off his beer. "Another round of whiskey shots while you're at it."
Flashing Kagome a smile, Kouga took their empty glasses. "You're going to dry me out."
"It's still early," Kagome barbed playfully. "Your bar will last until midnight at the very least."
He chuckled, filling up their shot glasses and handing them another drink. "Oh, thanks. I was afraid I'd have to close up soon."
Leaving with a, "flag me down if you need me," Kouga wandered to the other end of the bar where a busty blonde waved at him.
Typical, Kagome thought sourly. On the one hand, she didn't like the way her thoughts were turning, considering she didn't really know Kouga, and hated grouping him in with the rest of the spineless male population she had become accustomed to - especially since he was a bartender and it was literally his job to tend to the needs of his customers. But on the other hand, she couldn't help but feel bitter about his attention leaving her. Maybe it was because she had so blatantly been deprived of it for so long, that her longing for companionship had been exacerbated ten-fold.
Taking a sip of beer - which she had switched to once they started doing shots - Kagome heard her phone buzz in her purse again; it had already gone off several times during her conversation with Inuyasha. She finally pulled it out and unlocked it, frowning at the array of messages popping up on her screen.
Inuyasha raised a brow at the irritable look that overcame her expression before Kagome sighed and locked her phone. She quickly downed her shot of whiskey, not even bothering to 'cheers' him.
"Everything okay?" Inuyasha questioned, against his better judgement. There was a reason people showed up by themselves at a bar on Friday nights - either to drown their sorrows in whiskey or to find company for a few fleeting, midnight hours.
Kagome pressed her lips together. She didn't come to the bar to talk about her problems. She wasn't some sad case that needed a therapist to pour her drinks. If anything, she wanted to forget about the emotional damage that had been inflicted earlier that day. Her heart had been broken, her ego bruised, and no matter how many times her friends had told her he wasn't worth it, their sympathies didn't make her feel any better.
But, alcohol had a funny habit of turning into truth serum, and she found herself spilling her guts before she could stop herself. "Just my ex-boyfriend - er, fiance - blowing up my phone."
Inuyasha chuckled. "Can't take a hint, huh?"
Kagome shrugged with a bitter smile. "I mean, he broke off the engagement. Not sure why he can't follow through with his decision."
She had expected sympathy, perhaps even empathy. That's what most people offered in a situation like this, when they didn't know what to say or how to react. But Kagome was caught off-guard by Inuyasha's next question.
"How long were you together?"
Kagome eyed him curiously, his honey gaze hiding a wealth of understanding. "Five years," she answered him, twirling a strand of her dark hair around her finger. "Planned our life together, put a ring on it, and even booked the venue. But… I suppose he got cold feet a long time ago."
"His loss. What kind of bastard would put someone through that?"
She hummed thoughtfully, but didn't answer. It wasn't in her best interest to start talking about the past now, and she would rather take the spotlight off of herself all together. "What about you?" she asked her barstool companion as she took another sip of beer. "Any lucky ladies in your life?"
Inuyasha chuckled mirthlessly. "Nah, not anymore."
Kagome arched a brow. "Dare I ask?"
"Not much to tell. Her career and ambitions drove a wedge between us, and she decided they were more important than me. Simple as that."
"Sounds high maintenance."
He grinned. "Something like that. I mean, she knew what she wanted and didn't care what stood in her way. Even me."
Kagome felt an ache beneath her breast for the man beside her. She knew the pain of rejection very well. "Put out in the rain just like a dog. Doesn't that bother you?" she asked, tilting her head.
He frowned at her choice of words, and Kagome knew she may have touched a nerve then, but the alcohol had stripped her of her filter apparently.
"Well, I guess we're all damaged somehow," he replied with a shrug.
She scrunched her nose. "That's a bit thoughtless."
"What can I say? Shit happens. Get over it."
And then Kagome suddenly remembered the arrogant, rude, condescending jerk she had met when she had sat down at the bar earlier in the night. She narrowed her eyes. "Why are you such an ass?"
Inuyasha smirked while bringing his beer to his lips. "You are what you eat?"
Kagome let loose a growl of frustration. She had only known him for a short time, but she had quickly learned that Inuyasha was the most infuriating human being on the planet! "Your immaturity is revolting," she stated matter-of-factly, waving down Kouga for another shot of whiskey. She was definitely not drunk enough to deal with the way the conversation had turned.
"I'm not known for my friendly disposition."
Kagome glared at the man sitting next to her. "Is it fun being a jerk to me? Does it satisfy you?"
Inuyasha chuckled. "Actually, it is pretty entertaining."
She rolled her eyes. "You know, Inuyasha. You can hide behind that fake bravado all you want, but I know you're just a big softie underneath."
"Keh," he grumbled, finishing off his beer.
Kagome threw him a glare. "What? No witty repartee?"
He set down his empty glass with a little more force than usual, grabbing Kagome's attention. "I know your type, wench," he snapped, his amber eyes boring into hers. "I know exactly the kind of person you are; all high and mighty, acting as if you're better than everyone else. You think you can show someone how great life can be and how fantastic it is if I would just try. Well, sorry to break it to you, sweetheart, but not everyone is worth saving, all right?"
His words left Kagome stunned into silence for a brief moment. How did their witty banter only a few minutes ago turn into this? This… This denied anger and unadulterated cynicism had Kagome reeling, her thoughts turning to what exactly had penetrated Inuyasha's life so completely that he had such a negative outlook on such.
She pursed her lips. "How much do you think you're worth?"
Inuyasha shrugged. "Like twenty bucks. Or two twinkies." He grinned at his own comment, but Kagome didn't find it very funny.
If anything, Kagome felt pity for him. No matter how bleak her life became, she always managed to find the good in it. If a person couldn't do that… Well, that was a pretty sad way to live. "As much as I would love to hear you divulge all of your secrets, this is a great song and I feel like dancing."
"Look, wench," Inuyasha barked out, his anger palpable. "I'm not looking for your validation. I'm pretty fucking happy with my life of dirty pennies and whiskey bottles. We don't all need to be Barbie."
She looked over at him, the low dim of the bar lights shining off his silver hair, and found she could only nurse one wounded heart at a time. "I just wanted you to leave tonight and think the world is a little less horrible than you thought."
"Hey, pretty lady," Kouga greeted as he appeared at the perfect time with another shot of whiskey for her and a full beer, stealing her full attention away from Inuyasha.
Kagome immediately downed the shot and chased it with her beer, ready to forget half of the night and lose herself in the music pounding through the speakers. As the evening wore on, the bar became busier, and the DJ had started up a round of tunes that had half the customers on the dance floor.
Kouga watched her curiously, arching a brow. "You alright there?"
"Dance with me?" she called over the bass pounding through the speakers. Oh yes, it was now the time of the night in which she had no qualms for asking for what she wanted.
He chuckled and glanced over at the other bartenders who appeared to have things under control. "You can steal me for a few minutes."
Kagome grinned and giggled like a school girl, leaving Inuyasha behind without delay. Kouga met her at the end of the bar and took her hand in his as she pulled him out onto the dance floor.
Some upbeat dance music blasted through the speakers. Kagome moved and swayed through the bodies crowding near the DJ, the vibrations of the music becoming part of her energy, raising her up several levels at once. Gone were her heartbroken wallows and the biting arrogance of her barstool companion. Her mind buzzed with pure joy. She moved in her dress like her hips were made to sway, the black sequins catching the disco ball that twirled above, causing her to glitter on the dance floor.
Kouga pulled her close, his strong hand pressed against the small of her back, his chiseled chest pressed against hers. She ran her fingers through her messy hair and pulled it to the side, feeling the beat of the music pound with each beat of her heart. Bodies pressed in tighter all around them. Kagome felt the part of her that was really her come out to play, to feel the vibe of the music and let her body go free.
"You're beautiful," Kouga's voice whispered in her ear, sending shivers down her spine.
His lips looked soft and very kissable, and Kagome knew her decision-making skills were indeed hindered by the alcohol that buzzed through her veins. And then his attention was caught by something else, his royal blue eyes pulling from hers to the outskirts of the dance floor. He said something to her, attempting to shout above the music, but his words were swallowed up by the electric beat that kept her entranced.
Kagome felt his hands slip from around her waist and he disappeared into the crowd. She didn't bother to follow, her hands playing with her hair, her hips moving to the music as she lost herself within it. This was what her heartbroken soul had fiercely needed; a night to forget all the troubles of the day.
Large, meaty hands found her waist, but they were unfamiliar and too warm to the touch. Kagome felt a warm flush find her cheeks as she gazed up to meet a stranger's hazy stare. He pulled her in close - too close - and even in her alcohol-ridden mind, she felt mild panic begin like sparks in her abdomen.
She tried to push him away, first gently and then forcefully, pretending to laugh at his behavior. "Thanks for the dance, but I need some fresh air."
"C'me on, baby," he slurred, pulling her tighter to his sweaty frame, his hot breath rolling over her skin. "We just met. Let's dance s'me more."
Kagome frowned. "I said no." Before she could stomp on his foot and fight her way out of the throng of dancers, the man was forcefully pulled away from her. They became separated by another man, one with very familiar silver hair who had his back to her. She didn't hear the words exchanged, but whatever was said was enough to send the man scampering off to the other side of the bar.
Inuyasha turned around, his piercing honey eyes studying her expression, before his hand gently wrapped around her waist. His grip on her wasn't strong like Kouga's, or possessive like the stranger. Inuyasha's hand was warm against the small of her back, and the anxiety she felt moments ago melted away.
"You okay?" he asked, swaying his hips in tune with hers as they continued to dance to the beat of the music.
She grinned up at him. "Were you worried about me, jerk?"
"Keh," he grumbled, his lips pulling into a smirk. "I despise you more than any other human I've ever had the displeasure of meeting. You're loud and wild and apparently have no sense of self-preservation. You also act like you have the mental capacity of a five year old."
"Are you flirting with me?" she barbed in return.
His hand found the back of her neck, his fingers finding purchase in her hair, his hips grinding against hers. Warmth pooled into the pit of her stomach, his breath caressing her skin, and she moved her lips to find his.
Kagome barely had a moment to react before he pressed his tongue to the seam of her lips and delved inside her mouth. It was a very sloppy kiss with the strong scent of beer being exchanged between their billowing breaths. Her arm reached up and tangled around his strong neck. She pulled away and arched up into his broad chest, letting a moan escape in the contact of body heat against her own, before she drew back into his lips.
She could nearly taste the slight bitterness of the beer as it rolled off her tongue and seeped down her throat with every push of his tongue against hers. The kiss coupled with the beer and whiskey humming through her system obliterated every thought. For the first time that day, her mind was locked into the present. Her usual concerns for her life were suspended, and she had no wish for the kiss to end.
But as the music changed, they pulled apart. Inuyasha's skin shimmered with sweat and his amber eyes flecked with gold held her gaze. The beat of the music consumed them under the crazy neon lights, and Kagome felt alive during a night that was still so young.
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east-coast-walrider · 2 years
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#unhinged white fans take any criticism of that website way too personally i need them to sort that out in therapy and not in my inbox!!!
My Top Posts in 2021
bucky stans have truly ruined the sambucky fandom. the fics are trash because it's all "uwu hurt bucky whump white man tears" with no character development and sam being pigeonholed into a constant caretaker role as if that his only trait and being runner up to steve's ghost. the tfatws meta is garbage and mostly racist. so many of these folks managed to have empathy for everyone BUT sam. some of you have already said this but it's worth repeating: pre-tfatws was really peak sambucky hours. except for a handful of writers and sam-centric creators, the rest is the pits now honestly
180 notes • Posted 2021-10-05 23:09:16 GMT
at this point, if you cannot see bucky as anything but a victim and sam as anything but an emotional mule, I'm gonna need you to keep your meta in the drafts until you've got the range, because right now you don't. bucky was absolutely horrible to sam. he was mean, catty, and honestly downright hateful sometimes. sam was endlessly supportive and patient with a man who caught an attitude with him when he tried to talk about his dead aunt. lmfao if sam had done that to bucky we would never hear the end of it!!!! but since it was the other way around literally no one ever mentions how unnecessarily nasty that was. that's why bucky's apology (which was NOT enough tbh) was important. because we watched this man treat someone who genuinely cared about his wellbeing (reaching out even though he'd been ghosted) like an emotional punching bag and THAT WAS NOT FAIR.
sam has his own problems he was dealing with--familial, financial, emotional--and none of those are ever discussed beyond brief moments (yes I know this is due to terrible writing) but it would be nice if some of you could take a a day off from making bucky a perpetual victim and like, acknowledge that, maybe????
184 notes • Posted 2021-07-13 12:35:20 GMT
and you know what fandom did the same thing with bucky and tony that they're doing with john--every bad decision and shitty behavior boils down to "because ptsd" and like. okay. white men can be as violent as they please and everyone will say "ptsd" but sam doesn't move his seat up and cracks jokes on bucky and it's never "well this man tried to kill sam multiple times, maybe it's how he copes" it's "he's a cruel, terrible human being." because black characters just like black people are not human to many of you and if we're not wholly good then we're wholly evil and we see this in the way black characters can't even sneeze wrong without mobs writing posts on how they're terrible and cruel lmfao. I would say touch grass but mother earth deserves better tbh.
189 notes • Posted 2021-07-11 18:41:13 GMT
there is a particularly gross account on here that claims anyone pushing against caretaker sam is ableist which I find interesting because quite a few of us on here who have been complaining about it are black, disabled and/or nuerodivergent fans (hello there 👋🏾). it's almost like they forget we exist the same way they do whenever the topic of race intersecting with disability/nuerodivergence comes up. shocking, I know.
literally no one is saying to stop writing sam as caring, compassionate and empathetic, we have been asking you mealy mouthed liars to write him as a character with agency, a character with his own problems, his own desires and his own motivations and not just a magical negro catering to the needs of some "uwu sad white boy" who happily plays second fiddle to steve's ghosts. we are asking you to show that love is a two way street (it always has been but that seems to confuse yall when one half of the ship is a black character). at this point you people KNOW what you are doing and have no intentions or stopping and will instead continue engaging in bad faith arguments instead of just admitting maybe you should reconsider why you always characterize the ship in such a toxic, unhealthy, one sided way and why you can't imagine black characters existing outside of their servitude to whiteness but yall not ready for that conversation lmao.
213 notes • Posted 2021-06-11 02:17:23 GMT
finding a sambucky fic on ao3 without past st*cky feels like hitting the damn lottery these days smh
332 notes • Posted 2021-04-23 16:12:29 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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lululawrence · 2 years
Hey beautiful, I was hoping to get your help please 🙏🏼 I haven’t been here for like two years due to some personal problems and I feel lost.
Do you still believe Harry and louis are together? And like what are their situations cause I thought for sure the all eleanor and freddie shit would be over by now
why helloooooo, darling!
(please read this in the same way ainsley harriet says "why hello, jill!" because it's how i said it in my head)
ANYWAY, i hope you're doing well and have worked your way through everything that was keeping you away! i'm sorry things have been hard for you!
i absolutely believe they are together. as for what their situations are like... i'm not sure those have changed all that much the last two years outside of a few key factors lol
mostly due to watermelon sugar blowing up thanks to tiktok, harry's fame has... changed. that's the only way i can really describe it, i think. his name was known and familiar before, even if it was primarily in association with one direction, but now it is a household name. most people recognize it and know him for his solo work now, and then combine that with the fact he's now in marvel, everything he's doing has the look of getting bigger and even more well known. that is naturally going to shift how things work for him and if they keep going with marketing him as the old fashioned rock star who is unreachable and unattainable like they have been since he announced SOTT, then i'm expecting lather, rinse, repeat regarding what promo will look like for the new album, promo relationships, etc. he's also diversifying more than just with acting with his helping monetarily support a few different projects (like a music arena that had articles written a year or two ago, the calm app, his new Pleasing company, etc) so... yeah.
louis also announced during summer 2020 (which omg that SOUNDS longer ago when i realize it's 2022 right now, but it feels like it was only last summer? how wild??) that he is no longer with syco. this was before syco folded and... yeah. this obviously shifts some things and there has been a lot of speculation and i still don't know? if we have gotten an official announcement of who he is with now or if it's just a distro deal or... anything like that, because honestly i get very confused regarding details for artists and all the different deals and parts and pieces with their record labels, but i believe he's officially an independent artist and if you need more details unfortunately you'll have to get them elsewhere cause my brain is swiss cheese on the best of days lol but obviously that does affect how things will be moving forward for him, in addition to how his tour has gone so far. the first leg was super successful, like in a way that i'm not even sure us fans expected, and before it even kicked off there were articles written in business publications regarding how successful louis has been regarding fan interaction, his livestream concert and music festival, how he has somehow managed to sell more concert tickets during the pandemic rather than concern over losing sales, etc so clearly momentum is in his favor and hopefully that will only continue through tour, especially with lt2 being in the works already.
so. take those changes for them separately, and it obviously changes some things regarding the fandom but also them and their relationship, but also, in a lot of ways the day to day in the fandom hasn't changed that much in the last couple of years. at least not for me. hahaha others probably have very different opinions on that but ¯\__(ツ)__/¯
sorry. this might not be the answer you were looking for, and if you have more specific questions about things i didn't address, feel free to ask, but in the end, i feel like the big picture is much the same as before. yes, certain stunts we do wish would end are still here, but i often forget they exist until someone brings them up because they are very much background for the most part, which is very nice. then again, i also curate my dash very specifically so i can live and forget they exist unless i have to acknowledge them, and some people don't want that, so their view on that specifically will again be very different.
sooooo... there you go! hope it helps... somehow lollll at the core of it all though, i absolutely believe harry and louis are still together and stupidly massively in love with one another. the rest is just details.
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a-froger-epic · 3 years
"Why the fandom tries to forget she ever existed?"
Literally no one is doing that, anon. People are just tired of Mary being constantly pushed as the "love of Freddie's life" when Freddie was a gay man who was in love with another man, which is constantly overlooked or ignored. Erasing Freddie's sexuality is disrespectful and that's why we call it out. We're not trying to "forget" Mary existed. That makes no sense.
As for the interview with Phoebe, I agree with your analysis, though I'm not sure if I believe Phoebe meant it that way. If he was trying to imply that Freddie was so taken back seeing Mary well dressed that he "fell in love with her again" (in a literal way) that is extremely disrespectful to Jim. Anyone who tries to argue that can bite me. Making such a comment about someone who was in a committed relationship with someone else at the time is a slap in the face and you can't convince me otherwise. I'm hoping he meant it more in the way you described it, but it's hard to tell with Phoebe these days.
I'm honestly just tired hearing about Mary all the time. Yes, she was a part of Freddie's life, but I don't understand this constant need to discuss her in everything to do with Freddie. I've seen her brought up in interviews that have absolutely no relevance to her. It feels like she's being deliberately shoved in our face in an effort to convince us that Freddie was bi and I'll never be comfortable with that.
Sorry for the rant, just needed to get a few things off my chest. Love the blog <3
Yes, you're right. It bears emphasising that - on a large scale, zooming out all the way to look at last 50 years - Mary is the very last person to have been erased from Freddie's life.
What was erased for a long time is Freddie's sexuality, his male lovers, Jim and his very good gay friends.
That is why there is a lot of pushback now to highlight those things versus his relationship with Mary, and that is right. That is good, overall. That's important. I think what anon was doing is looking at it on the very small scale of the tumblr-based Queen fandom. I think the majority of casual fans still know far more about Mary than they do about Freddie's other important relationships and his life. And there's so much misinformation still being put out there, constantly, including that he was bi. 🙄 Which grinds my gears, too.
However, I hesitate to blame Mary for how she has been portrayed for a long time, although I do think she's also perpetuated it and has been happy to do so. It has served her well. But the Queen Management and even Freddie himself had much to do with it. He used her as a beard frequently, in a time when that was the desirable, safe option for him.
I think what we, as obsessed fans who over-analyse everything, tend to forget is that the people who are part of the story and not seeing it from the outside don't have the same perspective as us. I think Phoebe's perspective is naturally very different, things that we feel we have to make known are things he just knows and perhaps doesn't particularly feel he has to set straight, argue over or mention.
Basically, I don't think he put half as much thought into telling that story as all the people who are now analysing it, and I don't think he meant to suggest at all that Mary was the love of Freddie's life and not Jim. I wouldn't have thought to read it like that, until I saw others had taken that away from it. But equally, I understand that they did because, see the first part of what I'm saying here.
Personally, I'm just selfishly interested in all the information about Freddie and all the relationships he had pretty indiscriminately. It's all fascinating to me, so that's where I'm coming from.
Lastly, you also don't have to agree with my analysis of what Phoebe said or their relationship. Not everyone can agree on everything, and that's fine. 😉
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silas-lehnsherr · 2 years
You know what makes me sad is that Liam is still striving to get the recognition he deserves within this fandom. People pay attention to him only when it serve their interest and aside that he is just euhh Liam. People dont seem to care about his music. Well maybe I'm just negative but I see its definitely difficult to create a hype for him like others.
Unfortunately, you seem to be right. I used to spend a lot of mine time trying to argue with the people who refuse to see how great he is, but lately I just tell myself it is their loss. If they would rather listen to a mediocre signer who is only as popular as he is because of the multi-millions his team shells out that is their business. I'm just going to keep supporting Liam knowing that at least I was capable of making up my own decisions opposed to just buying whatever crap they're trying to shove down the gp's throats now. The music scene today is very sad. So many very talented artists not getting the time of day just because they don't have proper label backing and an obscene promotional budget. And Liam is definitely one of them.
As far as the fandom itself, I feel like Liam is still very much locked into his role as the responsible one. He was kind of the big brother (despite being the middle child, lets be real) and the backbone of the group. And usually with boybands those are the most overlooked members. The fans of all the others focus on what their fave has done (which is partly understandable) and ignore all the things Liam did to help facilitate those successes (which isn't). A major example of this are the Louies who talk ad nauseum about how he wrote most of the band's songs and therefore he carried the group while simultaneously forgetting that 1) most of the songs Louis wrote he co-wrote with Liam and 2) while Louis did write the most songs for the group, 37 in total, the person holding the second place spot is Liam with 34. And frankly, dismissing Liam's contributions just makes them look stupid and hypocritical. It also shows they aren't capable of looking beyond the surface of the story written and sold by their management team. For the entire time 1D was together, Liam was the mouth piece. It is part of why he is both loved and hated. Loved for keeping the reunion dream alive and hated for all the times he towed the party line and sold the narrative written by their management. He was the responsible one, the big brother, the one who could be depended on to keep everyone else together. Until he started to fall a part. Which isn't acceptable for the responsible one to do. They have to hold it all together. He can't be a drunken mess struggling with depression. He needs to apologize for Louis and Zayn getting caught smoking pot. And years later he's still kind of stuck in that cycle where he is expected to be the rock, the one that can be turned to to sell all the bullshit. Harry makes a questionable joke about Zayn on SNL; Don't worry, Liam will explain it away. They love him when he gives them the 1D content they crave but hate him when he dares not to sit quietly in the corner until such a time as they can exploit him again. He honestly needs to just tell them all to fuck off. Stop mentioning the others, stop playing 1D covers, and focus on his solo career whether they like it or not. Because they are never going to appreciate him. Their loss. I just hope one day Liam does get the recognition he deserves.
Thanks for the ask.
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daydreamrry · 3 years
What saddens me the most is how at this point it feels like a competition between us (the fans ) and H&O. It's like bcuz we keep pointing out how fake they look and how pathetic this makes them seem they turn out to do it even more and go extreme. I mean the massive amt of pics they leak just screams "here suckers you think we fake look at me roaming around London and LA w this woman you think I'm gay? Look at me kissing this woman and sneakily taking pics of her and coming to kiss her all while she's reading a book" like it's not even funny it genuinely hurts me to think how drifted I feel from him as a fan. Like hazza , we're not against you we're not your enemies we're just simply pointing it out bcuz it's ruining your image , your career , it's not fair to you or to her family and her kids. The most annoying thing is when i say anything abiut olivia and my friends or holivia shippers say why do you care he doesn't even know about your existence and honestly I'm aware duh but it's the fact that them doing every legit intimate/non-intimate thing a couple could do they do it public and shoving the pictures down our throats is so wrong and insensitive. Like what do you wanna prove? It's like i feel like genuinely apologising to the holivia shippers for fantasizing about me and harry together. Like dude ik it won't be true, ik I'm just a fan chill but me calling out Olivia for being an attention seeker, a lesbophobic, a racist has got nothing to do w jealousy. It's got to do with facts that's been proved. It's got to do with how genuinely pathetic of a human she is. And trust me at this point I don't even like harry. Genuinely, I've stopped stanning him not because he is a homewrecker but because he is continuing with this stunt still. He is easily letting her take advantage of his popularity and how fucking disgusting it is how she keeps acting as if she's a victim and Harry's fandom sends her hate when she fucking literally is playing with us and he's allowing her to . Like as fans very honestly he doesn't do anything for us , he goes to tour bcuz yes he likes to and likes to meet fans but it's also coz it's important for him to make money and he honestly loves this "untouchable guy" image that his management has created. We have no idea where he is most of the times nd then one day he decides to show up in the spotlight again holding hands with a woman who is actually her boss. I honestly don't believe Jeff is trying to ruin harry. They have been good friends for a long while, harry isn't forced to do anything by his management he shows up when he wants to, he makes music at his own pace , he writes about whatever he wants to, whether he's gay or not doesn't matter he made the lights up music video if his management really had to hide his sexuality and throw in Camille and others as a beard they won't even allow such a music video which would raise so many questions. They know that nowadays it's all about being open and supportive so if harry really is gay they are smart enough to not hide it and be supportive of him bcuz that would make them seem good in the gp so it really is either Harry's own personal choice to hide or he's genuinely straight( personally i think he's straight) and hamille was no beard it was pr but it was also real, holivia might also be real but what the main problem with this one is
Is that not only is it destructive of them, their management, their families, their careers, the movie and the other actors it is also not acceptable in any way for two people to be so highly unprofessional to just be in a relationship and not even hide it until the shooting was over. You can't just be like I fell in love what could we do? You can't just let your feelings just so easily get in the way of other things. If it's actually true love with an element of pr its still wrong. Bcuz she didn't think of Jason doesn't matter if they were already on the edge of breaking up, what matters is when you have a baby with someone you're always gonna be family and it's not right to just forget about then and be like it just happened like no you have ethics and responsibilities. This goes for harry too.
As laughable and entertaining this stunt is , it also should be a wake up call for all of us especially who believe it is wrong and is a stunt to not watch dwd, to not follow Olivia, to not search her on Google. They both made a mistake and they should pay for it its only fair. Especially Olivia
And for harry I just hope he realises how valuable and important fans are. We are not shits you can manipulate with , we dont deserve paying money for concerts and not having any guarantee whether it's gonna happen or not untill the end moment, we dont deserve to just be ignored and only be cared for when theres new music or a movie coming up . I hope he learns that even if he's a big star he's not as big as selena gomez, Ariana Grande, Taylor ,Justin or Billie. Even they're super busy but they do things for the fans, there's a gratefulness you can sense, they communicate. But if he continues to be so complicated and drifted he'll lose his fans and I believe he's smart enough to know that by this point!
not gonna lie, this made me tear up.
thank you for sharing this! i think it’s really important for us to talk about this situation and share our thoughts because this is really affecting his fans, in a bad way, and is causing people to drift away from him.
i completely understand and agree with everything you said, especially the part about this being unprofessional. it’s wrong in so many ways. if you look at it from the real side: she cheated on jason, a man she’s been with for 9 years and has 2 children with. harry knew she was with him and has kids, she brought her daughter to the DWD set, yet he didn’t think or care about that. they had an affair while she was still engaged, and she went “public with her bf” just a month or two after calling the engagement off.
the PR side: harry agreed to be in a fake relationship with an engaged woman who has children to promote her career, and to promote the movie (that already has such a talented cast). she’s putting her children on the line just to get more attention and promo for herself. their teams have created such a messy storyline that’s fucked both of them, and there’s no turning back.
this entire situation is messed up, and i hope both of them realize that.
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schweeeppess · 5 years
Hello! I was wondering if you have any tips on writing for the Batboys? I'm planning on writing fics for them but I don't completely have their personalities down/don't know exactly how to write them.
Alrighty, let's give some tips :D
Disclaimer: I am in no way an expert on these characters. This is my grasp on the characters and their behaviors, and I know more about certain characters than I do others. If I say something you don't like, die mad. If you think I'm wrong on something, I respectuflly and honestly say good for you but keep your opinion to yourself, please. Thanks.
Dick Grayson
Keep in mind for him the fact that he has anger management issues. It takes quite a bit to get him to snap, but when he does snap, it's a terrible day for all parties involved.
Dick isn't as happy-go-lucky as fandom likes to paint him. He is serious, he is grim, and he is realistic whenever the need for it arises. He's an optimist, yes, but he's beyond smart enough to discern a very serious situation and just how to go about dealing with it.
He is a detective. People tend to forget that, for some reason. He's just as capable as Bruce or Jason are at solving complex problems. He's not the best detective there is, no, but he's still definitely above average with observation skills and such.
He tries to be there for people, but he can get overwhelmed sometimes with all his commitments and might forget some things
Which brings up this point: He overworks himself and tends to agree to do more things than he can easily manage. Dick has an issue with that; overworking himself.
Dick is also a very emotional person. He thinks with his heart most of the time. The phrase "heart on his sleeve" was probably made specifically for him. Dick is open about certain emotions, but make no mistake about the fact that he can close off probably better than Tim whenever he wants to. He feels with everything in him.
He's smart, he's funny, he's genuine, he's protective, he's compassionate, he's dependable, and he's above all loyal and kind.
Dick trusts you until you give him a reason not to, to borrow a phrase.
I think a good song to capture his character would be "Human" by Rag'n'Bone Man.
Jason Todd
Ohhh boy. Here we go.
Say it with me: Jason. Does. Not. Enjoy. Killing.
Seriously, I don't really know where people get the idea that he does from? Jason kills, yes. But why does he do it? For the better. He kills out of mercy and justice for victims (yes that includes the Talon he killed; Talons are victims to the Court of Owls, and nothing more), not because he enjoys it. I am not justifying anything, I'm just explaining.
Jason is also a very emotional person, but he's more of a heart on his cheek kinda guy. He tries to trample them down, but they get the better of him sometimes. Take everything he did in Under the Red Hood as an example. He did what he did because he was hurt and in pain and he needed Bruce to feel the same way.
Jason is hesitant to trust people, very careful to make sure he can't let people close enough to hurt him the way he's been hurt so many times before.
Look, Jason's not a fundementally bad person. He's just been betrayed too many times for someone his age. His mom was a drug addict, and she died. His dad was an abusive father. Bruce was the first real parent Jason ever had, and Bruce replaced him when he died.
My point is, everyone Jason as ever trusted has either turned their backs on him or died. He has attatchment issues, trust issues, parental issues, and so many more I can't even list them all.
He's really fucking smart. (Keep in mind that he was top of all his classes in school.)
Jason is kind, compassionate, empathetic, and loyal. He can be aggressive, brash, and can make fucking stupidass decisions sometimes, but he's still good at heart. He does things with the best intentions (well, now, anyways. Pit Madness made him do some unfavorable things).
Everyone says Jason isn't patient or a planner, but excuse me this is the same Jason as the one who very carefully planned Bruce's death via bomb under the Batmobile, right? Or are you talking about a different Jason. He's careful and thinks things through, planning meticulously at certain points.
Hands down a good Jason song is "I'll Be Good" by Jaymes Young.
Tim Drake
HE'S NOT ADDICTED TO CAFFEINE!!! That's a fandom thing that I'm kinda getting sick of seeing everywhere!!!
Tim Drake, self-esteem issues, self-worth issues, and attatchment issues galore. He tends to think himself expendable and unimportant sometimes. He just generally thinks less of himself a percentage of the time.
He's fucking genius. Plans at least three steps ahead of everyone and anyone now, but... He's jaded at times. Very jaded.
Tim tries not to feel at all, sometimes. He closes himself off and distances himself from everyone ever since Kon, Bart, and Stephanie died. Of course, Kon and Bart came back, and Stephanie wasn't ever really dead, but that hardly means anything.
Tim is quiet and introverted, keeps to himself a lot, but that doesn't mean he's timid.
He's smart and he knows it, but he doesn't let that get to his head. He's cool but funny, he's wise but geeky, he's jaded but soft...
Tim is loose. He's still a teenager, albeit a teen who's gone through and seen a lot. He likes having fun.
He's not all shy and unnecessary apologies, he's not so jaded that he speaks down to everyone in clipped tones, he's not gonna go cry in a corner whenever his feelings get hurt, he's not going to have a fit when things go wrong.
Tim is complicated. He's a teenager.
He's serious but relaxed, strict but loose, calculating but calm, realistic but kind.
He's funny, smart, cunning, intellectual, realistic, caring, considerate, compassionate, empathetic, thoughtful...
Yeah uh let me just say there are so many layers to all of these characters it's so amazing and I really delight in them.
Damian Wayne
Damian isn't a stick-up-the-ass jerk, alright?
He's just a kid. A kid who's seen, experienced, and witnessed far too much for someone his age.
Keep that in mind.
He doesn't know what to do or how to behave. He went from the League, which was familiar and what he understood, to Gotham, somewhere unfamiliar and unknown. He had everything he knew stripped away and replaced with things he'd never even heard of, much less experienced.
He tries to hide it all behind a mask of bravado and superiority, but in reality he's lost and confused. He's struggling to adjust but is trying.
He's confused, uncertain, careful, and tentative, but he's also loyal, compassionate, funny, caring (in his own way), thoughtful, and actually charming (again in his own way).
He's struggling to adjust, but he's getting there.
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