#How Do You Stop Cats From Spraying
lxvvie · 1 month
Couples Shit with Simon Riley, Lovably Pissed Grumpy Cat Editon:
cw: alcohol and alcoholic consumption
If you thought sober Simon had grumpy cat tendencies, drunk Simon is on another level of grumpy cattiness, complete with the way he'll look up and squint his eyes in catty judgment every time you cease to stop scratching his scalp. Fuck you stop for, lovie?
Simply put: Splooting and snoring. On you.
Simon getting the munchies after a night out and snacking on your favorite snacks, y'know, the ones that don't (lovingly) hold a candle to his? Simon confesses that actually yeah, you do have good taste in food and you're the reason why his taste buds aren't so shitty anymore. The food choices are just one more thing to lovingly bicker about, sweetheart.
Your big bear of a soldier being a bit more talkative than normal while pissed. It's not uncommon for you two to be laid up, staring at the ceiling, and conversing about life. One time, Simon pensively revealed that "Mum and Tommy would've liked you and Pa would've been jealous..."
Similarly, Simon confessing all these life plans he had in mind for the two of you, what he'd do after he left the military, how you two would spend the rest of your lives together, travel, and annoy the Cap'n. Maybe. More than likely. OH, and he can finally stay naked all day and sleep in with you. This being said from the bathroom where he's taking the longest piss known to man. Oh, Simon. ❤️
Hand holding. Drunk Simon really loves to hold your hand. Loves to intertwine your fingers and compare the sizes. Gushes about how soft yours feels compared to his. Always talks about how you two "fuckin' fit" and if he could, he'd hold your hand forever.
Drunk texting you like crazy. Even when he's right beside you. Simon wants you to know that he loves you and that your ass is better than any pillow he's slept on. Er, thank you, Si-bear.
Speaking of drunk texting, remember when he let the fellas know he's a missus now? Yeah, he also spoke of the wedding plans. The Cap'n would give him away, Gaz would be the best man, and Johnny would be the flower girl but because he's, y'know, Soap, he'll just spray bubbles or some shit instead of throwing petals. OH, and that he really wants a Spring wedding but whatever color they choose for said wedding, please don't pick the color purple because it's overrated and washes him out. Huh???
After Simon suggests you two adopt Soap, he comes home with a drunken Johnny in tow and introduces him like he just got him. From somewhere, you guess. Simon goes on and on about how you two have to be good "role models" for Johnny as if he isn't a grown man who had good role models growing up. The picture you snapped of them cuddled up together on the couch (that you later shared with Gaz) sleeping the alcohol off was worth it, and Simon would much rather you and Soap not talk about it. Ever. ("What we have is special, Lt.—" "That'll fuckin' DO—")
Simon telling you that, as your missus, he, too, will wear a wedding band. On his cock. Because you love his cock and you love him. OH, and because he won't lose it when he's deployed. They don't call it a cockring for nothing, lovie.
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verstappen-cult · 2 months
PLEASEEEEE A LESTAPPEN X READER where reader and Charles are meeting jimmy and sassy for the first time hahahahah I think that would be fun! Thank youuuu
“What are you doing?” You ask Charles, who’s taking a little spray bottle out of his back pocket, as you walk out of the elevator. 
“I read that cats like catnip.”
“You’re not going to spray catnip all over yourself!” You snatch the bottle out of his hands, making him pout at you. “I won’t let them like you more than me.”
“But what if they don’t like us at all?” Charles looks genuinely concerned and you fight the urge to laugh until you start thinking about it. 
Max loves his cats, they’re his whole world. You’ve lost count of how many pictures he’s sent to the group chat just this week, so meeting Jimmy and Sassy is equivalent to meeting his family. And oh God, Charles is right. What are you going to do if they don’t like you? Max warned you that Sassy doesn’t like strangers and it takes her a while to warm up, and that Jimmy tends to perch up on one of the high shelves in the kitchen until he feels secure enough to come down. So, at least you know what to expect at first. But what if they react badly? What if they feel threatened by you and Charles? What if they feel jealous and don’t let you near Max!?
“Okay, I think we can spray some catnip over ourselves.” Charles’ face lights up, immediately taking the bottle from your hands and spraying some of it around himself. “But just a little.”
Charles is spraying you when the door opens revealing a very amused Max. 
“What is that?” He asks with a smirk on his face. 
“Perfume!” You say, taking the bottle and shoving it in your back pocket.
Max looks between you and Charles before stepping aside to let you into his apartment. He gives you two a chaste kiss on the lips before closing the door. 
“What have you got there?” Max points to the bag in your hands. 
“Oh, we bought some toys for the cats!” Charles says excitedly, taking the bag out of your hands and pulling the contents out. “Where are they?”
Max points a finger to the couch. And they’re right there, sitting on top of the cushions and looking warily at you and Charles. 
“Hello, beautiful babies!” Charles squeaks, dragging you to the living room with him.
Sassy jumps off the couch, running to hide under a chair, far enough to still see you without being bothered. Jimmy, on the other hand, stays right where he is as Charles brings his hand closer to him. He doesn’t move, but sniffs his hand for about five seconds before rubbing his head against it. 
Charles looks very pleased as he sits besides Jimmy. and he immediately jumps onto his lap, getting comfortable and asking for more ear scratches with a little purr. 
Sassy, seeing how her brother is reacting, slowly makes her way back to the living room. She’s still unsure, so you grab one of the toys and crouch down, trying to lure her over to you. It takes her a couple of minutes to feel safe enough to shorten the distance, and you stop moving as she sniffs you, rubbing herself against your legs, not wanting to scare her.
You look back at Max with a big smile on your face, but he’s looking between you and Charles with a combination of surprise and confusion on his face. 
“This is weird behavior.” He says, standing in the middle of his living room. He’s frowning and you can’t help but giggle. 
“What can I say?” Jimmy is still purring on Charles' lap and you’re pretty sure he will never move from there again. “I’m irresistible.” He says, shrugging. Which is, you know, kinda true. Who can resist Charles Leclerc? Neither you nor Max could.
You’re too busy playing with Sassy to care about Max's hand on your lower back. If he wants cuddles, he can wait, right now all your attention is on the cats. 
However, when you feel his hand on the back pocket of your jeans, you forget all about the little cat between your legs with her belly up waiting to be patted. 
You and Charles make eye contact.
You’ve been caught.
“I knew it wasn’t perfume!”
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cherrychilli · 6 months
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Eddie Munson x AFAB reader, friends to lovers, mentions of nudity, brief mention of masturbation (m). Basically, Eddie finds you sleeping naked in his bed.
A/N: Idk I've had this idea in my head for too long now and I need to exorcise it out of me with this little drabble or I'll never be able to get on with my life.
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Forest Hills trailer park wasn't your usual stop after clocking out of work but after the day you’ve had you don’t have it in you to wait for the next bus back to your apartment. Your place is 30 minutes away but the journey is sure to take even longer in the current downpour.
Staying over at the trailer wasn't anything new. A spare key was entrusted to you years ago and you made use of it on days like this to crash at Eddie’s for convenience sake. The key came with the promise that you were welcome to anything you needed even if both Eddie and Wayne were away – shower, food, an extra change of clothes, what have you, and you needed them all today.
With Wayne out of town for a few days and Eddie due back in two hours you sink into auto pilot, weary down to the bone from your shift. Maybe that’s why it doesn’t feel as weird as it probably should when you started to undress in their kitchenette, hanging your work clothes over the back of a nearby chair, rummaging through the fridge in your bra and panties for a quick bite to eat before heading for the shower.
There wasn’t much in it besides beer since Wayne hadn’t been around to stock it. Eddie always preferred ordering take out over getting groceries – something you were going to nag him for again when you had the strength to do so.
Cereal it would have to be.
You located a box inside one of the cupboards, tipping the wheaty, sugary contents straight into your mouth without bothering with a bowl and spoon. It’s not lost on you how similarly you’re acting to Eddie right down to the unruly state of half undress, wiping crumbs off your lips with the back of your hand. If you finished off with a belch it'd be like he never left the trailer this morning.
The messy mouthfuls of cereal prove enough to silence the toad’s croak of hunger that'd been gurgling noisily inside your belly, putting the box away.
Traipsing through, feet dragging, you threw your clothes into the washer next along with your underwear, completely nude now in the Munson trailer as you made your way to the shower – but not before reaching out for Eddie's Garfield mug that sat on a nearby shelf, turning it around so that the cartoon cat's lazy smirk no longer faced you. For your modesty.
You try to keep the shower brisk, not wanting to use up all the hot water but with the way it sprays down on your aching body, the steam and heat combo soothing your poor sore muscles, it’s so blissful that you have to keep yourself from nodding off right there.
You did make use of Eddie’s body wash, some spicy, woodsy smelling thing in a jet-black bottle but you didn't dare use the two in one shampoo that sat in their shower caddy. It might have worked fine for Eddie and his wild mane but you knew better than to apply the stuff to your own hair. Fortunately, experience had taught you to carry a travel sized bottle filled with your own shampoo whenever you stayed over, working over your locks in a lather scented with cranberries and vanilla.
Stamina depleting by the second, toweling off and brushing your teeth takes the last sliver of energy out of you. Eyelids slipping, movements sluggish, limbs feeling too heavy for your own body to hold up – you’re shutting down whether you like it or not.
Dropping the damp towel on his bedroom floor, you intended to change, you really did. You’d even picked out one of Eddie’s washed t-shirts and a pair of boxers out of the laundry and set them down at the foot of the bed to put on before you made yourself comfortable but that’s not what happened.
Still nude, you crawl into bed, seeking warmth and soft comfort, numbed down to a kind of tunnel vision with rest being your one and only goal.
It feels all the more natural because you’re used to sleeping naked in your own bed, much too tired to remember that you’re not in your bed, draping a blanket that doesn't belong to you over your spent body, surrendering to sleep seconds after your head hits the pillow.
It'd still been raining when Eddie returns later. Dragging himself through the trailer, nearly as worn down as you had been, shaking the excess water out of his hair like a dog trying to get dry.
The smell of your shampoo still lingering in the air tells him you're there, finding you curled up in his bed, all bundled up to your neck. The sight makes him smile.
It doesn't take too long for him to join you, following a similar routine – a quick bite with the addition of a beer and then a shower, only he doesn't skip out on clothing himself in his PJ's first.
If he’d shared the blanket with you he might have found out about your lack of dress sooner but as the gentleman that he can sometimes be, he pulls out a spare blanket from the closet so as to not wake you, prolonging the discovery. Being friends for so long meant that sharing a bed was never awkward even after you'd became adults.
That was until the next morning came.
It’s not the stream of morning light brightening from a cool blue to a warm amber peeking in between the curtains that wakes Eddie, or even the tinny smack of his neighbor’s broken screen door gusting open just a few feet away from his bedroom window. It’s the warmth of your ass pressed flush against his crotch and his nose nestled in your sweet-smelling hair that pulls him out of a dream he wont be able to recall later if he tried.
He shifts closer, eyes cracking open, remembering the tiny bottle of shampoo sitting on the bathroom counter. Remembering the new toothbrush placed in the cup next to his own. Remembering the powder blue towel that neither he nor Wayne ever used laying on his bedroom floor.
And then he remembers that he’s not alone.
And then he wishes that he was.
Panic snaps up like a beartrap around Eddie when he realizes he's hard – his thick, throbbing erection pressed right up against your body.
Growing clammy, cold sweat beads on the back of his neck but he’s in luck because you haven’t noticed yet, still sound asleep.
This close together, he knows the slightest movement could rouse you. But what was the alternative? Wait it out? Hope to hell his boner goes away? Fat fucking chance. Not when the soft swell of your ass and your body heat alone had him questioning how he could ever go back to his calloused fist after this.
Carefully, desperately, he tries to inch back without waking you but just as he feared, you begin to stir. Your back arches instinctively, seeking out his warm, solid frame even in your sleep.
Shit shit shit.
The covers slip as you shift, your bare shoulders coming into view, eyes starting to flutter open. With no other option, Eddie swiftly rolls on to his back, his hard on no longer pressed up against you but the problem persists.
“Oh, morning”, you greet him through a yawn, pulling an arm out to rub at your eyes, blanket slipping lower but the frantic boy hasn’t noticed yet, too busy whipping his pillow out from under him to place over his lap.
“Uh-hey. Shower’s free if you wanna go first”, he offers quickly, smiling hard, hoping to subtly usher you out because he's too afraid to get up and risk you getting a load of the tent in his pants if he were to go ahead of you.
“Thanks”, you yawn again, still occupied with rubbing at your sleepy eyes to notice your best friend's pale face turning beet fucking red in an instant as you clamber out of bed, blankets no longer concealing you.
Eddie doesn’t know where to look first. His eyes dart everywhere, every bare inch of you on display. So much soft, naked skin it’s making him short circuit.
His gaze eagerly travels over the slope of your breasts as they jiggle gently with your movements, taking in your soft nipples, moving down over your belly and hips, noticing a few new freckles and beauty marks there along the way to the soft curls between your legs.
His erection digs into the pillow, brain dangerously close to fizzing because he’d been pressed up against you like that all night and not even known it.
A shiver works its way through you, making you question why it feels so drafty in his room all of a sudden. You turn back to ask Eddie if there’s anything wrong with the heating, catching the shocked expression on his face.
Looking down, you're met with the sight of your nude body, breasts bare, no underwear. It's a good thing the occupants of the trailer park liked to mind their own business, even if sometimes you thought they did so to a fault because in any other neighborhood your piercing screech would have had everyone within earshot dialing up the cops.
The scream ricochets off the walls at an ear ringing volume, causing Eddie to jolt and lose his balance, falling out of bed while you leapt back in. Grabbing his spare pillow, you press one half against your chest and squeeze the rest between your thighs to shield yourself.
Now he slaps his hands over his eyes.
More than anything, you try so hard to push it aside. To pretend that it hadn't happened but it looms over you like a cloud on the brink of bursting with rain.
After three whole days of walking around eggshells around each other it's Eddie who breaks first.
"I can't stand this I don't know what else to do, Can we just talk about it please?"
“Eddie…", you sigh, a gentle warning.
"So what if I saw you naked? you saw my boner!...sort of. I mean, I guess that doesn't exactly make us even but it has to count for something, right? you're not alone in this"
You immediately set your wide eyes on the only other patrons in the diner to see if they’d overheard – two older women swapping pictures of their grandchildren over coffee and cheesecake. When neither of them take a pause in the middle of cooing about little Tommy's third Birthday or little Emily's first day of Kindergarten you redirect your attention back to Eddie.
“Eddie! Keep your voice down!”, you whisper shout at him from across the booth. "There are literal grandmother's here!"
He rolls his eyes. Not mean spirited, just unconcerned by the ladies and what they may or may not have overheard.
And then, even though no one’s paying either of you any attention, you lean closer over your half-finished key lime pie, one hand shielding the side of your face like you’re trying to avoid getting recognized by an ex who’s just walked in.
"I'm so embarrassed...please can we just drop it?", you plead, voice hushed.
He gives you this look of mild incredulity. "You have nothing to be embarrassed about. Trust me", and the inflection in his tone almost gives him away, prompting him to double back immediately.
The last thing he wants is for you to feel more uncomfortable than you already do. So he doesn't need you to catch on that he's got every moment of your unintended strip tease memorized. Or that he likes to replay what he's since thought of as the best 10 seconds of his life over and over again when he's fucking his fist in the shower.
“I just mean that it's nothing to be embarrassed by. It could have happened to anyone. Who among us hasn’t napped in just their birthday suit before, am I right?” he finishes with a slight wince, knowing none of this is exactly helpful.
And you know he’s only trying to be nice in his own, sweet, bumbling way but you still feel terrible.
"I don't know if I can shake this feeling", you cast your eyes down, looking too close to despondent for his liking.
"Listen I- I don't know how to fix this but I want to. Please just tell me what I can do and I'll do it, okay?"
God, he's sweet and it makes you feel a little flustered being on the receiving end of that gentle stare, needing to shift the mood lest you drown in all that earnestness pooling in his eyes.
It's moments like this that call for a bad joke to cut the tension, right? some momentary and well meaning deflection before you're ready to address the matter at hand again.
Letting out a half hearted laugh, you make your best attempt to inject some humor into the situation.
"I don't know. Maybe it might help if you got naked too", you nervously scraped your fork against the buttery graham cracker crust of your pie, dislodging a few golden crumbs.
It was so very clearly a joke. At least you had thought so. Eddie? not so much.
His brown eyes go wide, looking scandalized, his voice coming out a little more quite than you're used to.
"I mean, I showed you mine after all", you tried again in a cadence that was wholly unserious but once again, he fails to catch on.
"You want me to get naked for you?"
You should correct him and you mean to but before you're able to do just that, something about the way he's staring at you makes you want to match his seriousness. The fact that he didn't say no right away strikes you as weirdly intriguing.
"You don't have to", you clarify, adding, "It's just that – well, you asked and I think it could maybe help? to really get us on even ground?”
The words that come out don't feel like you own – foreign to your ears even though they're said in your voice, with your own lips forming them and your own tongue curling around every syllable.
What the hell am I doing?
Eddie pauses. Seconds drag on like nails on a chalkboard as he taps a ringed finger thoughtfully on the edge of his empty plate smudged with faint traces of cream cheese and lime zest.
"Fine. On one condition", he leans back, arms crossing over his chest, smiling wide and megawatt bright.
Oh my god is this really happening?
"You're going to undress me"
Part two? who knows. Certainly not I.
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etheries1015 · 5 months
I had sort of a crack idea of what would the non-human twst boys do if their crush or s/o was allergic to them? Savanaclaw and Octonivelle with like the fur allergy and seafood allergy. Maybe diasomnia’s s/o has some sort of fairy allergy? Sorry if this is too silly for you to write, it’s alright if you don’t 😭
I LOVE THIS BECAUSE I'VE HAD A SIMILAR THOUGHT i'm allergic to cats and i'm like...man what am I gonna do around Grim BUAHAHA...this is a great idea. Nothing is too silly to write my friend!
Non-human Twst boys reacting to a S/O who is allergic to them!
featuring: Savanaclaw and Octavinelle!
general warnings: gender neutral reader, not really proof read \
TW: None! just fluff. and allergies.
The first time you sneezed around him, they didn't know it was literally BECAUSE of him. This was until you two took a nap together for the first time, and when you woke up he saw your face...Oh, brother. Your eyes were puffy and red, congested, and your nose leaked like nobody's business. He genuinely felt bad about this, but wouldn't let you in on his true feelings/emotions. Without understanding the cause (though he had an inkling) he immediately took you to the doctor.
"They're allergic to me? What kind of shitty nonsense is that?!"
Leona invested in the most expensive of healthcare for you. Allergy pills and whatnot, because he wasn't about to sacrifice his lovely naps with his significant other. No amount of allergy is gonna stop him from getting what he wants, and that is your affection.
"Sooo...basically you're saying you're allergic to me? Cause' im part heyena?"
"It's a little more complicated than that. It's more like...animal dander? I guess?" You didn't seem to certain in your answer either, it was more or less a guess since...well, there wasn't half beast half human where you are from. You can only make an educated guess on why you're so allergic to him based off of the information you had back at home.
Ruggie is honestly so sad about this. He can't afford to get you any treatments or medical help with this, so you two just have to be careful. He does manage to get his hands on some special washing products (probably legally) and takes extra care of what he eats, and how clean he his. He's consistently brushing his hair and cleaning his ears.
"Man i'm such a simp. What's wrong with me?!" ...He isn't used to bending backward for people. But seeing you so sick around him, hurt him even more than his pride, so he of course would do anything to make sure you're as comfortable around him as possible. Ahh...the power of love <3
He gives me the "I must stay away from you for your own good," Type. Although this doesn't last very long. Jack is incredibly loyal, and he's far too attached to let you go. There's times where he would try and keep a distance (much to your annoyance), but when you began sneezing and itching your eyes you knew he was somewhere nearby. Jack is protective like that, but it pains his heart to see you so sick because of something he cannot control.
He does both a mix of what Ruggie and Leona does. He took up extra part-time jobs to afford good allergy medication for you, the entire works. Pills, eye drops, nasal sprays, breathing treatments...He also invests in high-quality shampoo and conditioner to help rid of his dander and hopefully reduce the amount of shedding he has.
With the amount of hair Jack has, he is CONSTANTLY brushing it and it is CONSTANTLY shedding. He does EVERYTHING under the sun to control this, all for you. Although... this is a partnership! You told him that a relationship goes two ways. You love him regardless of how itchy you may get, and you equally chip in to problem-solve.
You're both loyal to each other until the very end, no matter what trivial matters may get in your way <3
He knew before you two started dating that you had a severe allergy to seafood, so he made it a point to avoid you. But...that didn't stop YOU from coming to HIM. It was one of the things that drew him towards you, the way even though you were gaining a rash you would still wrap your arms around the back of him. Although it wasn't as bad in his human form, he was always terrified what would happen if he were to unleash his original form.
But worry not! We are talking about the literal king of potionology. He finds a remedy very quickly, and you trust him...a little too fast. He is astonished when he says;
"Take this...the second you drink this your allergies will be something of the past. But be warned-" You grabbed it out of his hand and chugged it. He stared at you with his jaw slacked open, his face turning a deep shade of hot red when you throw yourself onto Azul and place a big fat kiss against his cheek.
He imploded. But hey! his potion worked! He tried to get you to give him some sort of paypack, but you mentioned that your form of payment was in that kiss.
He now demands kisses every time he makes the potion for you <3 It's kind of a silent agreement. He just stares at you after you're done drinking it, and whenever you feign ignorance the point upon his lips is far too obvious.
The first time you broke out in hives, he remained completely calm. Jade is rather smart, and he understands your allergy must be because of his disposition as a mer-folk. Although in human form, he couldn't help but notice the way you would hide your rashes either behind makeup or by bulking clothing. He was amused by this for a moment, but when he saw it worsen he couldn't help but become worried.
"Why would you go so far for me? what do you gain by allowing yourself to become sick?" When you replied with a blush that you simply liked Jade, thus his shock soon turned into action. He excused himself for a few days to climb mountains and collect the most effective of flowers and medicinal remedies for allergies and put together a potion that you were able to take to alleviate your symptoms.
He isn't the vice house warden for nothing! His talents and magic prowess truly aided him, albeit in a way that was seemingly selfish. It was all worth it for you, though.
But he does use you as an example during a class project in potionology, having you stand up in front of the class while he compares your allergies before and after taking the potion.
He got a 100% in the project. And a Significant other. A win-win for everyone!
Floyd is much smarter than he lets on. The moment he hugs you from behind and touches your arm, he notices the rash right away. He eyed it with a frown, and without saying anything he let go of you much to your dismay, leaving you to your lonesome for a few days on end.
You had to admit you missed Floyd, his silly jokes and way of talking, his unpredictable personality, and the attention he would often give y you. While sitting at the table during a free period, your head was propped up against your hand and a sad sigh escaping your lips.
"Ehhhh? Why is shrimpy sitting here all alone? Didya miss me?" A familiar voice teased as arms wrapped around you and something akin to a vegetable drink set in front of you. You gasped and smile up at the tall male, who wasn't wrapping his arms around you as you were used to, typically ignoring the itching of your rashes. He convinced you to drink what he sat in front of you, and although you eyed it with suspicion, you sighed and drank it in one gulp and tightly shut eyes.
Nothing happened. You turned to look over at Floyd, about to question the purpose of making you drink the (surprisingly tasty) smoothie-like liquid but were quickly interrupted by lips pressing against your own.
The kiss caught you off guard and you began to panic, talking about your allergy...before you realized that nothing was happening. No rash, no itchiness, nothing.
"Seeeee? It's a potion. I made Azul make it for me. Now I can touch you as much as I want," He smiled proudly. However he managed to convince Azul would forever be beyond you...
He forgets to give you the potion sometimes, only when you two are cuddling and a rash or itching pops up do the both of you realize it's time for a dose.
Ya'll are so silly for each other <3
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arminsumi · 6 months
I Want to Kiss You (4)
You and Satoru falling in love despite a language barrier.
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★ Synopsis : struggling to communicate on an aquarium date.
★ Pairings : fem reader / Gojo さとる / Geto すぐる
★ Content : fluff, lighthearted love triangle
↺ Ch.3 | M.List | arminsumi | Library
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すぐるのアパート 9:15 AM
A soft redness dusted Satoru’s face as he vigorously washed his face with a foaming cleanser in the bathroom. Early morning. Very hot. Peak summer heat. And on this stark-bright day he had plucked the courage (thanks to Suguru’s motherly encouragement) to ask you out on a date. You’d agreed with a smile – and the image of your smiling response lingered in Satoru’s head while he got ready for the date.
Satoru looked in the mirror at his reflection and noticed that the corners of his lips were naturally upturned; he was at a genuinely happy point in his life. Ever since you came to visit Japan, Satoru felt like an invisible weight lifted from his shoulders. One he wasn’t aware of before it lifted.
He blinked at his reflection, white lashes quivering.
Do I look okay?
He checked himself out in the mirror, observing how his white t-shirt draped over his shoulders.
Am I dressing too casually?
He dabbed cologne on his neck and sprayed it under his shirt to trap the minty-vanilla scent.
When he entered the living room, Suguru took one inhale of Satoru and his nose immediately scrunched up at the minty scent that hit his nose.
「ミント?」 he fake-belched, "Better vacate the area." he said dramatically and went to the kitchen, which was not divided by a wall but just a ceiling-tall shelf panel that you could peer through.
You and Satoru laughed at Suguru's overreaction.
Mint hopped on one of the shelves near Suguru, and then he extended the joke by freaking out.
「私はミント地獄にいる。」 he said. "I'm in mint hell."
Satoru giggled and tormented Suguru with his cologne by trying to trap him in a hug — Suguru was having none of it. Their banter settled down after a few minutes.
Mint was just observing and swishing her tail peacefully the whole time.
"Satoru should put that cologne on you, Mint, then I'll hate you even more!" he cooed condescendingly at the Turkish Angora.
You laughed, "Suguru, it's no wonder Mint hates you, if you speak like that to her."
"Hey now listen — this cat is the reincarnation of a murderer that tried to kill me in a past life." Suguru said dramatically, "See that evilness in her eyes? She's out for my blood."
電車 / Train / 10:00 AM
Satoru used the translator to talk with you during the train ride to the aquarium.
At some point, a translation of one of your replies made him laugh so hard that tears formed in his eyes.
Google translate felt emotionless, so Satoru brought out his phrasebook and tried to speak with it. It looked personalized with his notes. You could tell that he’d consulted the book many times already in the past.
You wanted to look at it closer, so you asked, “Can I?”
“Mhm.” He handed it to you.
You flipped through the phrasebook and read the section names. Basics. Practical. Social – there was a big red circle drawn around a particular phrase on page 140. The romance section.
Satoru’s cheeks burned. He felt a bit caught. He gave you an awkward but cute smile.
What he had circled in the phrasebook was;
The train stopped at the station you had to get off at. The lady over the speaker sounded so sweet that your attention was drawn away from the phrasebook. Satoru surreptitiously took it from your hands and packed it into his backpack.
The two of you boarded off the train, bumping shoulders at the doors and laughing about it.
Satoru squinted because of the sun, and you distinctly remember looking at him and thinking about how attractive he was when he squinted.
Because the sun was blazing so bright, Satoru hovered his hand over the back of your head to make sure you didn't heat up too much while you and him walked to the aquarium.
水族館 / 11:00 AM
Satoru felt a self-conscious feeling kick in when the two of you bumbled through the aquarium together.
Hand gestures flew between the two of you. You shared confused faces which were followed by laughter. It felt like you were playing charades at some point.
Sometimes Satoru would say "uhh" for so long after saying one English word that he'd start smiling and laughing at himself.
He'd end his incomplete thought with "You know?" and you'd shake your head and start laughing, "I have no idea." you'd reply.
Then Satoru would use google translate, practicing each word under his breath.
While waiting for you by the aquarium bathrooms, Satoru practiced asking "Can I kiss you?" over and over. He paced around and muttered under his breath.
It's not that he couldn't pronounce it, it's just that he wanted it to sound less stiff and more emotional.
I want to kiss you with desperation, not I want to kiss you with dullness.
An old man who looked about ninety blinked at Satoru and wondered why this young man was pacing back and forth while practicing romantic English phrases.
("What are you doing?") he asked Satoru.
("Learning to speak English.") Satoru replied.
("Why?") the old man asked.
("Because the girl I like speaks English. I'm waiting for her right now.") Satoru replied.
("Well, I teach English. I don't think you should ask to kiss her, that’s too direct. If the universe wills it, you two will fall into a kiss and it will just happen.") he advised.
("I don't really believe in the stars bringing people together. I want to kiss her whether or not the universe wills it.") Satoru said.
("You've got it all wrong. The stars really do bring people together. I'm sure the same stars that brought her to Japan will also bring her to your lips.") the old man said.
("... are you a poet, too?")
You came out of the bathroom. The ethereal aquarium light lit your face beautifully.
("Oh... is that girl the one you are in love with?") the old man noticed you.
Satoru looked at you. His cheeks warmed up.
("Yes, that's the girl I'm in love with...") he replied dreamily.
("It's no wonder. Well then, good luck.") the old man said.
It felt like the aquarium was a whole other world, like a paradise in a bottle corked shut, one which only you and Satoru could exist within.
He watched the spin of aquatic life with you in silence. You seemed captivated.
The back of his hand brushed against your arm.
Satoru's hand trembled a little.
I'm too tall.
Satoru had to be tactful about it.
How can I hold her hand?
He awkwardly bent his knees a little to shorten himself.
Then he poked the back of your hand softly to get your attention, blatantly hinting to you that he wanted to hold your hand.
So you offered him your hand and then he seized it like a treasure being presented to him. His lips grew into a smug smile.
You saw him go red in the face, even in the dimness and blueness of the aquarium light.
You and him gently held hands and stood in front of the tall glass of the jellyfish enclosure.
So this is love?
The room was dark blue, but the enclosure lights lit up the see-through sea creatures with a magenta color.
It felt like a sight you could stare at forever and ever and always be at peace; magenta jellyfish pulsing then drifting then pulsing again, their bell-shaped bodies and tentacles behaving like a chiffon dress in water.
I want to float in your love like a jellyfish.
You and Satoru held hands as if your hands were glued to each other.
While exploring the map in the afternoon, he stayed at your side like a magnet. If he lost your hand, he immediately searched for it and held it again.
The summer heat got intense. He sweated more than you did, but even still looked attractive and fresh. To cool off, you and him searched for cold things to eat.
"Uhhh — do you want to eat shave ice?" he asked.
"Mhm, sounds good." you nodded.
So the two of you went on a long, long search for someone selling shaved ice and eventually found one. You zoned out a bit while enjoying his voice.
Satoru mentally kicked himself because even though he thought he was prepared for this date with you, he forgot to bring extra money. He could only get one cup of shaved ice.
"What flavour?" he asked you.
You told him cherry, so he got cherry.
The two of you shared it. It made his lips go red and cold.
I wish I could kiss you with red, cold lips. It would be like a winter kiss.
The train shuddered.
You'd noticed that Satoru always kept his knees together when sitting next to you — to give you space. But now after holding hands, closeness was being chased and chased; the both of you scooted closer together and tried to translate your thoughts to each other with the phone.
Satoru typed in:
JPN : 私たちはくっついています。
ENG : We are stuck together.
You chuckled softly in response. His eyes always lit up and he really relished in making you laugh, even if it was just a soft chuckle.
You replied to him:
ENG : you are warm.
JPN : あなたは暖かいです。
He replied to you:
JPN : そう、あなたのせいで。
ENG : yes, because of you.
You replied to him:
ENG : are you flirting?
JPN : イチャイチャしてるの?
Satoru gave you a cheeky smile.
JPN : 私はいちゃいちゃしてます、はい。
ENG : I'm flirting, yes.
You smiled as he continued typing. His thumbs hesitated, like he was nervous about what he was about to type next.
Satoru's heart was beating harder and harder in his chest.
JPN : 頬にキスしてもいいですか?
You both groaned.
The connection kept failing from then on, so the two of you laughingly attempted to communicate by using the outdated pocket phrasebook for the rest of the train ride home.
"Kiss...?" he tapped his finger on his cheek.
You thought he meant he wanted you to kiss him on his cheek, but he meant to ask if he could kiss your cheek.
So he malfunctioned when you leaned in and gave him a small but firm kiss on his left cheek. His ears and cheeks burned.
When you two stepped off the train, Satoru lingered behind you for a moment and grazed his fingertips over the place where you kissed and smiled to himself.
Such soft lips...
すぐるのアパート 9:00 PM
The boys were talking about you at home while you were in the bathroom freshening up after the long, hot day out.
("Satoru, you're glowing. Did something good happen on the date?") Suguru smirked.
("She kissed me.") Satoru told him dreamily.
Suguru widened his eyes.
("She kissed you?!")
("Just on the cheek.") Satoru sighed, ("Her lips were so soft...")
("Were they now? I think you're exaggerating.") Suguru teased.
("I'm not exaggerating! Ask her for a kiss on the cheek, and you'll see; she has the softest lips ever.")
Suguru went quiet and pink in the face after Satoru suggested that he should ask you for a cheek kiss.
("Alright. I'll see for myself...") he mumbled.
Come the evening, the three of you piled up like cats on the couch in the living room and watched an old movie together.
"Seems like someone's comfy." Suguru commented.
You smiled and looked at Satoru; he curled up against you with his noodle-like limbs and fell asleep mid-way through the movie. Your warmth had made him too drowsy and dreamy to keep his eyes open.
"You know, I was worried that we wouldn't have the same chemistry in real life as we've had through the screen." you said.
Suguru let out a breathy laugh and replied.
"Yeah, I thought it would be like that too. When I hugged you at the airport, though, I felt the same spark I felt when we first video-called." he said.
You felt your cheeks warm up the more he talked.
"Huh?" he raised his brows.
"You said you felt a spark between us?"
Suguru's heart throbbed. He didn't seem to know how to respond, but then he decided to act a fool.
"Oh, did I say spark?"
"Yes, you did! You said spark, I heard you." you playfully smacked his shoulder.
He started grinning so he hid his mouth with his hand.
"Well, I think you heard wrong." he teased.
You looked at each other in silence.
"... hey, Suguru?"
"Yeah?" he replied breathlessly.
He withdrew his hand from covering his mouth and his face became serious.
"What were you two talking about earlier? I heard my name being tossed around a lot. You can't keep gossiping behind my back like this!"
"Oh... earlier? We weren't gossiping. Satoru was boasting to me about how soft your lips felt on his cheek." Suguru said.
"Boasting? You seem jealous." you said.
"Don't prod at me now just because you think I'm jealous."
"I will absolutely prod at you." you teased.
"I'd rather you kiss me." he said.
You looked at each other for a moment.
"Not like... on the lips." he backtracked.
"Satoru said I should ask you for a cheek kiss because I claimed he was exaggerating how soft your lips are."
"Well... he's not exaggerating." you teased.
"Oh yeah? I need proof."
"What kind of proof, Suguru?"
"Kiss me."
So you kissed his cheek very slowly.
He felt the press of your lips, and how damn soft they were, and thought to himself;
Shit. Her lips really are as soft as Satoru said they were.
When you pulled away, you asked "So? Are they as soft as Satoru claimed?"
"Soft enough." he teased.
"Soft "enough"?! What does that mean?"
"Soft enough to make me feel that "spark" again." he said.
You looked at each other with wide eyes.
Satoru made a wakeful noise.
「うるさい。」 he mumbled, then snuggled into you like you were his pillow.
"Oh. We woke the cat." Suguru joked. 「おい、バカ。あなたは映画全体を通して寝ていました。」
「残念な。」 Satoru replied and let out a sleepy sigh.
"Okay, let's get to bed... it's late."
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© arminsumi
I do not permit the copying/reposting/translation/plagiarism of my works. Do not steal what I've worked hard to create.
This is fictional work.
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@miwanilla / @sukunasdirtylaugh / @coco-cat / @babydiamondblog / @mp3playerblog / @froufrousnowman / @lovesickramblingsofmine / @arminswifee / @instantmusico / @kaechannn / @sabo-has-my-heart / @yoonjinhusbands / @honey-i-will-come-back / @thirtykiwis / @satoruiloveu / @iamthedetective / @melaaaara / @xakilicious / @i-am-the-geek-overlord / @starrylibras / @beanluvsmilo / @kittytoru / @reese-is-right / @rains-mae / @c0pkiller / @baepsays / @hueanhdang / @fuck-imstillhere / @yourimaginaryfriiendd / @alwaysminhyuk / @andromidagalaxie / @vianna99 / @akumakitsune21 / @ducksdoughnuts / @itsnotmelo / @animechick555 / @hypernovaxx
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imthebadguyyy · 8 months
Miss Americana and the Heartbreak Prince
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pairing : charles leclerc x reader
fandom : f1
synopsis : you're the only female driver on the f1 grid, and have a secret relationship with ferrari's golden boy.
warnings : smut, sexual innunedo, comments made about body weight.
a/n : multi part series!! basically will be a slow build up to how their relationship gets exposed lol I hope you enjoy 🫶🏼
the soft rustle of the white linen under your skin lulled you into sleep, eyes heavy with exhaustion and hours of activity, the drawn curtains protecting your eyes from the harsh rays of sunlight that just moments ago had you whining to Charles to draw them.
Speaking of, Charles was bustling around, oddly energetic, considering the strenuous activities the both of you had engaged in hours ago.
groaning softly, you stretched like a cat, sighing in contentment as your muscles awoke. charles approached you mid stretch, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead, then your nose, your cheeks, your chin, and finally your lips.
the onslaught of affection made you giggle, and you tugged him down for a morning cuddle. charles laughed, giving in to you, wrapping his arms around you. the spanish sun streamed in, coating the both of you in a warm glow that had you snuggling closer to him, inhaling the deep scent of the sauvage perfume he had sprayed to the red and black ferrari team shirt he had changed into.
he sighed in contentment too, fingers gently stroking your hair, working through the tangles and knots, probably a result of his own hands laced through your hair, guiding you down when you had gone down on him.
"you slept well?" he enquired, fingers gently stroking your hair. "mmhmm" you mumbled, your own fingers dancing across his clad chest, slowly tracing up to his arms and drawing little flowers and shapes.
charles shivered at the feeling, heart fluttering in his chest as he took in the sight of you in his arms.
the ringing of your alarm broke the sweet silence and tranquility of the room, and you sighed, moving out of the warm embrace to turn off the alarm and drag your body out of bed.
"gotta get ready" you mumbled, still rubbing sleep from your eyes, yawning as you made your way to the bathroom.
"i hope I didn't tire you out before media day, cherie" charles teased, combing his hair in front of the mirror.
"oh shush" you mumbled through a mouth full of mint toothpaste.
"no but really cherie, i hope you slept well?" he asked, genuine concern laced in his voice.
you felt your heart melt, still getting used to how sweet and endearing your boyfriend was. "I promise im okay charles, besides, there is no way i would say no to a night like last night" you said, throwing him a smirk.
he laughed, taking out your McLaren t shirt and keeping it on the bed for you.
oh yeah, you happened to be the second driver for McLaren, and the only female driver on the grid.
being on opposing teams did little to stop you and charles from getting together, albeit in secret because you wanted to be discreet, and keep your relationship to yourself.
you looked at yourself at the mirror, rolling your eyes at the dark hickeys littered across your neck and collarbone, biting back a smile as you recalled the night before, charles hot lips pressing to your delicate skin, sucking harshly to create dark marks on your skin.
"charles marc herve perceval leclerc! look what you've done to me! i look like a fucking giraffe!" you whined and charles burst into giggles.
"desole, mon amour, i just lost control, you looked absolutely gorgeous, you still do" he said and you mentally awed at how sincere he was.
"thats alright, fenty beauty is the best match and wham! all gone" you said, concealing the marks to the best of your ability.
you walked back out, pulling on your jeans and your team t shirt, spraying yourself liberally in perfume. it was something you'd decide to start doing ever since becoming an f1 driver and having immensely long days.
just as you pulled on your sneakers, charles pulled you into his chest, earning a squeal of laughter from you.
"charles! what are you doing?" you laughed, letting your arms wrap around his torso, leaning your head back on his shoulder as he pressed the gentlest kiss to your neck.
"im just enjoying my girlfriend for as long as I can before I must hide my love for her from the world" he said dramatically, littering your neck with even more kisses, but each time he pressed more force to your neck, tongue darting out to lick each kiss, before gently letting his teeth sink into your neck.
you felt your heartbeat rise, and a second heartbeat arise between your legs, a warmth spreading through your body as a soft moan left your lips.
"charlie, not now.. we'll get late and my press officers will kill me if I'm late again" you whimpered, making absolutely no effort to pull away from him.
"just give me ten minutes amour, thats all i need" he whispered and you found yourself giving in, knowing that he was more than capable of making you cum in the limited time.
you let your head fall back as he sunk down to his knees, spinning you around and hoisting you up onto the table in your room.
his hands made their way to your jeans, unbuttoning them in a haste, letting them pool around your ankles.
your hands found home in his hair, tugging it harshly, not caring about the fact that he would not have time to fix it before you both had to rush.
charles looked up at you, green eyes flashing at you, before he gave you a little wink.
"such a cassanova" you moaned out, sarcastic even as charles tongue licked up your thighs, hand reaching for your underwear.
"behave cerise" he warned and you shut up, head leaning back in pleasure when his tongue finally made contact with your pussy.
you were definitely going to be late.
charles jogged into the paddock, hair mussed up and eyes slightly dazed as he made his way to the ferrari garage. he had decided that you would go first, since he was less likely to get in trouble for being late.
he brushed his hands through his hair, although the poor attempt did little to tame the wild mess of hair.
"finally, where were you?" carlos asked, the spaniard throwing his teammate a charming smile.
"my alarm didn't go off and I slept in" charles said, the little white lie rolling off his tongue in all its practised perfection.
"mm sure" carlos replied. he had long suspected that charles had a secret girlfriend, but being the gentleman that he was, had decided better than to prod. if charles wanted him to know, he would tell him.
"who are we paired with for media?" he asked, putting on a cap to hopefully calm down his wild hair.
"alex, lewis, pierre, checo, valterri, y/n and you are together, im with max, fernando, lando, yuki, george and zhou" he said, pulling on a cap of his own.
charles hid a smile, happy at the prospect of getting to spend time with you.
"so you had sex" carlos said matter of factly as the two of them made their way to the press rooms, both waving at tifosi as they went. the cheers for carlos were extra loud since it was his home race.
"um i didn't say that" charles chuckled, waving as he saw a little girl with a teddy wearing a ferrari shirt.
"you don't have to mate, i can see a scratch on the back of your neck and your hair is a mess, you also look a little drunk but not from alcohol" carlos stated non-chalantly, making his way up the stairs.
"alright fine but I'm not saying who" charles said. he trusted carlos but he couldn't risk the paddock finding it because he knew it would be you facing the repercussions and not him. he had heard lots of stories from you on how you had to endure all sorts of stories and questions on how you had managed to sleep your way to f1, and how you had special connections with people, and he did not want the headlines to be accusing you of getting a seat by sleeping with him, when in reality you had met each other after you joined formula 1 in williams.
"thats okay you don't have to. but you look like you had a wild night" the spaniard laughed as charles blushed, his cheeks staining a soft cherry rouge.
"yes I did now please don't talk about my sex life in front of so many cameras" he begged, as they split up to go their different rooms.
making his way, he found you seated next to lewis, an empty spot right beside you, at the very end of the couch.
lewis smiled at charles, beckoning him to come and join the both of you.
when lewis turned to valterri who was on his left, charles threw you a subtle wink, which had you holding back an eye roll and biting your cheek to keep yourself from giggling.
alex turned to chat with the three of you for a while and valterri joined in too. you were interrupted by your press officers telling you they'd be staring the questions soon and you all settled in, and you prayed you'd get decent questions this time.
"so welcome everyone to the circuit de barcelona catalunya, for the spanish grand prix. we are joined by lewis hamilton, sergio perez, alex albon, pierre gasly, valterri bottas, charles leclerc and y/n l/n" and the questions started, with the first one going to lewis.
you found yourself zoning out a little, while the others answered questions about race conditions and alex's experience with a fan who tried to steal his M and M's.
you found yourself laughing at the story, unable to suppress giggles at alex's animated story telling.
"right, well the next question is for y/n" said another reporter, a young man with blonde hair in a sharp suit offered you a smile and you smiled back.
"y/n, there's been some talk about your weight and how it might affect your performance on the track, since you seemed to have put on a little after the winter break and testing. can you comment on that?" he said, completely calmly.
you were stunned.
you weren't quite sure if you had heard it correctly. around you, you could hear the reporters murmuring, and see the obvious anger and discomfort on everyone's faces around you. lewis gave you a look that said "should I speak up for you?" but you shook your head a little.
before you could answer, an angry voice filled the room.
"how dare you ask her a question like that? enough with these ridiculous questions about her weight! we're here to race, and her skills behind the wheel are what matter. if anyone doubts her abilities, they're in for a surprise on the track. it's time to move past these stereotypes and give credit where it's due – y/n is a fierce competitor and belongs here just as much as any of us. she has already done podiums and could do a win soon too with how quick she has been. all you do is ask stupid questions to a woman who has paved the way for others and I find it ridiculous, c'est très irrespectueux." charles spoke up, his usually calm demeanor ruffled.
you felt tears rise to your eyes, not expecting him to speak up, and you swore you'd never been more in love with charles.
distinctly, you heard lewis chime in, a deep frown in his forehead as he reprimanded the reporter for asking such a question.
"seriously? we're in a room full of talented racers, and you choose to ask a question like that? y/n is here because of her skill, determination, and hard work, not her weight. it's about time we focus on the racing, where she's more than capable of holding her own. let's leave these outdated notions behind and give credit where it's deserved." lewis said calmly, not showing how angry he was.
valterri and pierre spoke up as well, but you found your eyes drawn to charles, watching how his eyes, usually sparkly and bright held anger in them, a fire burning behind them. his fists were balled up, nostrils flaring as he tried to calm down.
charles knew that sylvia would be mad at him and his press officers would have to do some damage control but he hated how the reporters diminished the talent of the love of his life.
the both of you looked at each other, love and gratitude in yours and love and apologies in his.
as soon as it was over, you walked off, not wanting to talk to anyone else.
you decided to make your way over to your drivers room and almost successfully made it there, when you felt charles grab you as you walked past the ferrari hospitality.
he dragged you to his own room, eyes still filled with rage and hurt.
the moment it was the two of you inside the room, charles turned to you, one hand gently stroking your cheek while the other rested on your wait, and then he started talking, "mon coeur, i just want to apologise to you for having to deal with these insensitive questions. it's frustrating to see you continually face these when we should all be celebrating your talent and achievements. you're an incredible driver and an even better person, and i love you so much. im so proud to stand beside you and be by your side and-"
you cut him off with a kiss, pulling him down by the neck to meet your lips. he pulled you impossibly closer to him, hands grippin you so tight you knew it would leave a soft mark.
his tongue pushed against yours urgently, but you broke apart, panting heavily, to kiss his cheek and whisper a soft "thank you"
charles guided the both of you to the door to make sure it was locked, before lifting you up to rest you against the wall.
before you knew it his lips were on yours again, pressing against them, hot and needy, and you kissed him back with an urgency, a need to thank him for sticking up for you.
"do you think I'm... im too big?" you murmured against his lips.
your words had him stopping, forehead resting against yours as he sighed.
"mon amour, ma chérie, ma douce fille, tu es parfaite telle que tu es. j'adore tout en toi et personnellement, je trouve ton corps parfait. je veux que tu saches que tu es absolument incroyable et parfaite à tous égards, et je t'aimerai toujours." my love, my darling, my sweet girl, you are perfect as you are. I adore everything about you and personally I find your body to be perfect. I want you to know you are absolutely amazing and perfect in every way and I will always love you.
your eyes filled with tears as his fingers gently caressed your tummy, before he started peppering kisses all over you.
"i love you charles" you whispered, voice breaking a little and he noticed, pressing a kiss to your nose.
"i love you too my love" he whispered back.
"let me show you how perfect you are ma jolie, ma tournesol" he whispered, carrying you back to his bed to lay you down with such gentility, as if you were going to smash into a thousand pieces if he was rough with you.
"please let me show you how perfect you are, comment puis-je te résister quand je te vois, à quel point tu es magnifique et comment tu es une déesse absolue sur terre. laisse-moi t'aimer et te montrer ma gratitude pour toi, mon amour." how I cannot resist you when I see you, how gorgeous you are and how you are an absolute goddess on earth. let me love you, and show you my appreciation for you my love he whispered and you gasped softly.
how you loved it when he sweet talked you in french.
you couldn't wait for the dirty talk to start.
"so fucking beautiful" he groans, admiring your body, as he drags your shirt off your body, followed by the jeans, tracing each and every one of your curves, your heart warming up at his tender touch as his gaze stares fervently into yours, with nothing but love and admiration in his eyes for you
his lips instantly reconnect with yours, finding home on your lips. his kiss is demanding, and just the right amount of rough, and when he slaps your ass softly, you moan giving his tongue an opening, allowing him to slowly slide into your mouth, tongue exploring every crevice.
"be quiet for me cherie, can't have everyone hearing my beautiful girl's sweet moans hmm?" he whispered against your ears, biting along the lobe.
his hand grabs a hold of your chin, holding you in place as your legs start to wrap around his waist, your fingers digging into his skin.
"charles" you moan breathlessly between his lips, and he begins to unclasp your bra, his fingers intertwining with both straps as pulls it down your arms, failing to break the kiss.
he leans down to take a nipple in his mouth, licking around the bud before sucking on it. the simple motion was enough to have you moaning and whining against him, as his fingers teased the other nipple, flicking it repeatedly, and running the rough pad of his thumb over the pert nipple.
his name left your lips like a chant as your hips rutted against him of their own accord.
his right hand moving to play with your right nipple, twisting it, flicking it, pinching it before soothing it with a gentle motion of his thumb. he switched, mouthing and sucking your other nipple, instead, while his hand moved to your left, pulling harshly as he rolled the sensitive bud in between his fingers. you tried your best to stifle your moans, taking slight respite in the fact that the ferrari drivers rooms were a little soundproofed, your panties no longer damp but practically wet, threatening to drip down your legs as you clenched again, the arousal becoming painful. after finishing with your chest, charles kissed downwards, to your stomach, licking his way down to your hips. his green eyes met your own, as he moved his hand in between your thighs, feeling how wet you were, even when you weren't even fully exposed to him. he gently pushed your panties against your cunt, watching your pussy lips swallow the material and soak it with your arousal, the friction from the material making you gasp.
before you could grind against it, he pulled it off of you, letting it drop to the floor. he moved lower, arms trailing down your thoughts almost kneeling in front of you, "you look so good baby, all spread out for me. i love everything about your body mon amour.
i love these marks, i love your scars, i love every freckle and dot on your body," he murmured, fingers gently tracing the stretch marks on your tummy and thighs.
"do you want my tongue in your pretty pussy hmm?" he asked, as you nodded fervently. "words, cerise" he said, fingers gently tracing circles on your clit from outside your panties. "yes, yes I do please!" you whined, grinding against his finger.
and with that he moved in between your thighs.
with both hands, he pulled your knees even more apart, so he could fully face your quivering pussy watching as you pink hole repeatedly clenched and un clenched around nothing, shimmering with your own juices.
licking his lips, he leaned forward, feeling a carnal desire burst open within him. he kissed both your thighs, before looking up at you again. then he moved forward, pushing his pointer finger into you, swearing when your walls enveloped him. he pushed in till his knuckles, pumping up and down as your moans and groans of pleasure rang out above him, before shoving in a second finger, and then a third, the stretch making you throw your head back, you hair fanning out.
"so beautiful mon ange, all spread out like this. i can see all of you and you're the most beautiful person ive ever laid my eyes on" he groaned and you found yourself moaning event louder, till he brought one hand up to let you suck his fingers.
then he licked broad stripe up your pussy, still fingering you, before running his tongue up your slit repeatedly. using two fingers he spread you open, latching onto your clit, as you let out a scream of pleasure above him, arching your back even further. charles let out a choked groan at how good you tasted, almost as sweet and sour as a cherry, his favourite nickname for you, as he flicked the sensitive bud back and forth before sucking hard on it. his tongue repeatedly rolled your clit, before he took it into his mouth, lips enclosing around the bud. while his fingers continued thrusting into you, the band in your stomach threatening to snap, when his nose pressed against your clit, and when it nudged the sensitive button repeatedly, and he continued sucking your clit till you had tears streaming down your face from the ache of the pleasure.
his fingers and tongue worked in tandem, as you tightened above him, your thighs wrapping around his neck, pulling him closer to you as you let out a strangled moan of "oh god, oh my god, charles!", and before you knew it you had cum on his tongue, his tongue and fingers working you through your orgasm, licking up every last drop as you continued to quiver above him, body rocking out your orgasm.
you expected him to pull away, but he stayed, fingers still in you, looking up at you, and the sight of his nose and mouth, shimmering with your juices, was enough to nearly make you cum again, but as you tried to pull him up, he pushed your body back down, looking at you with a dangerous glint in his eyes. "no no no, mon coeur. i need to show you how much i love you and one orgasm won't do that" he said,and with that, he moved back down between your thighs, licking your pussy languidly a few times, before shoving his tongue back into you, this time, pulling your hips closer so you were nearly dangling off the edge of the bed, almost balancing on his face, your hands reaching down to pull his dark locks, legs wrapping around him, pulling him closer as he went back to sucking your clit again, the lewd sounds echoing in the room, as desperate moans of "charles! charles! oh my god, fuck, fuck, amour" left your lips, like a prayer, your head thrown back and chest heaving, nipples hardened against the cold air in the room. as if on cue, charles let his hand reach up to gently fiddle with your nipples, as your hips began to rut on his face, his nose deliciously nudging your clit again, and his fingers soon replaced it, flicking your clit with his finger and licking around it, till you were cumming again, with broken screams of his name leaving your lips.
he stood up, climbing up onto the bed to kiss you, and you tasted yourself on his lips.
"my beautiful girl. the most beautiful girl" he mumbled repeatedly against your lips.
climbing over you, he caressed your cheek softly, before pulling you in for a gentle kiss, which quickly became teeth and tongue, as he brought his cock closer to your entrance. he swiped it through your folds, running the tip over your clit continuously till you felt like you were gonna pass out from the combination of feelings you were experiencing. "please mon ange, please just fuck me, please!" you finally cried out, gasping when he pushed himself into you, finally filling you with what you always craved.
"my gorgeous girl has the most gorgeous pussy ever, so soft and pink" he groaned, slotting himself into you, thrusting his hips till he was in so deep it was as though he belonged there. as though he belonged inside you, as if he belonged with you forever.
he continued to snap his hips against yours, burying himself in you, mouth leaning down to suck your nipples again.
"m-more" you managed to stutter out. "can you handle more, mon bebe?" he asked, his gentility and sweetness peeking through. "yes, fuck yes, i can" you moaned, too drunk on the feeling of cock sliding in and out of your pussy. "d'accord cherie" he murmured.
without stopping the movement of his hips, he flipped you over onto your front, as you landed ungracefully on your front. "hands and knees" he commanded, still fucking you
the new angle was making stars burst forth in your vision.quivering, you moved onto your shaky knees and hands, as he gripped your waist from behind, pulling you back to meet his cock.
your incoherent moans of his name were fuel to his fire, and he reached around you to rub your clit roughly, collecting your arousal on his fingers, before stuffing his fingers in your mouth, prompting you to suck on them. you swirled your tongue around them, tasting yourself on his fingers again, as he moved your fingers in deeper, almost making you choke.
the feeling of him nearly fucking you in two was clouding your senses, the band in your tummy ready to snap again. behind you, increased the pace of his thrusts, using his other hand to pinch and rub your clit again, a high pitched groan leaving his lips as his orgasm rode up on him, but, being the gentleman that he was, he wanted you to cum first.
the harsh rubbing of his fingers on your clit and his cock ramming into your pussy, the squelch of sounds and your moans and groans filled the room, sweat dripping down your bodies and the smell of sex penetrating your nose.
when charles suddenly picked up the paxe and wrapped a hand around your neck, squeezing just enough to restrict your airflow ever so slightly, you let out a high pitched moan, the feeling sending you into euphoria as your pussy gushed around him, charles hissed when you clenched on his sensitive cock, finally spurting his cum into you as well.
panting, you pulled apart, both of you collapsing on his bed.
"fuck that was-"
"insanely hot, insanely good, insanely perfect" you said, curling up into his side.
"thank you for supporting me my love" you whispered again, surprised at the tears filling your eyes.
"aw mon cherie, don't cry" he whispered, hands gently pushing your hair out of your face.
"i won't" you sniffled softly, letting out a watery laugh at the concern in his face.
"i love you so much" you mumbled, letting his soft humming lull you to sleep, not giving a damn about the fact that literally any moment McLaren would have a breakdown when they saw their star talent was missing.
but all you cared about in that moment was getting some time with the man you loved.
charles sighed in contentment as he looked down at you, dozing off in his arms.
in his daze he missed the footsteps making their way to the door.
neither of you missed the sharp rap of knocked against the door, making you jump out of your skin as carlos' voice came from the other end.
"cabron, we are needed for a meeting. can you open your door so i can get my extra shoes? i left them there by accident" he said and you froze.
"don't say a word" charles mumbled to you, gently getting up.
god, you were so fucked.
a/n - will definitely make this a multi part series!! any comments feedback reblogs idea etc are always appreciated!! much love always 🩷
f1 : @ivegotparticulartaste @moon-enthusiast @superlegend216 @theonly1outof-a-billion
charles leclerc : @dark-night-sky-99
everything : @roslastyles420 @hopefulinlove @bluesongbird
to be added to the taglist send me an ask or a dm specifying which fandom 🩷
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n0tamused · 3 days
hi.iii.... Booth,ill request!?!?
Boothill gets a component jammed, and in this particular fix-up with his mechanic, he's twice as curious and won't stop nabbing things (Tugging on the mechanics hair, grabbing tools from readers apron, whistling and asking too many questions about the practicality of certain tool ect.)
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Content: Boothill x Reader, no pronouns used, Boothill calls you darling bc ofc, playful Boothill
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“What’s this for again?” 
“It’s for the little screws that connect your plating together”
“Hm, looks like you can stab someone with it” Boothill commented, eyeing the thinner tool peeking from your work apron which lost its original white color, having changed to a washed out green with blotches of oil and metallic spray paint. It’s been only half a system hour since Boothill first stepped into the mechanic station you worked at, and already he has made a score for how many questions can be asked within those 30 or so minutes. It’s been a terrible morning with terrible weather and terrible news and terrible first customer, and this talking-your-ear off wasn't something you needed - it wasn’t exactly soothing, but you had no heart to tell him to quiet down.
You love to hear him talk while you work, you got used to it and have adjusted to it long ago, but today just had to be special. It had started to grow distracting and such distractions can’t be afforded if you are to properly fix the jammed plating and components within his arm. The plating pressed onto the wires within, making his entire arm remain in a constant position that would be painful were he still made whole of flesh and bone. The uncomfortable bend of it made you cringe when you saw it, reminding you of that one time your leg cramped badly from, and so you quickly got to work.
“Anything can be used as a weapon if you find ya’self in a bad situation, ain’t that right, darling?” Boothill mused, his cramped arm extended towards you as you worked your way to separate all the plating, the jammed and bent screws making it harder to pull apart. “Perhaps I should get m’self one of those too, y’know- for some close-range encounters. But then again, there’s not many situations that my bullets can’t help to resolve” he kept going, looking at your eyes that focused on the opening you made.
“Y-yeah..” you absentmindedly responded, not being able to pay too much attention to his words, but you caught a few words of ‘weapon’ and ‘gun’ and made a surface connection based on that. ‘Just nod along..’ You were distracted from the start of this day, despite your denial of that.
What came unexpectedly was two of his metal hands coming up to pinch a loose and hanging lock to tug on it, just enough to break your focus and move your head back. “Ow- heyy!” you protested as you turned to sharply glare at him. “I’m trying to fix you up here, you know? Do you want your arm stuck like this for the rest of time?” Your words are a challenge to him, and he greets it with a toothy grin. a hearty chuckle and slanted, hiding warmth behind them under a guise of mischief.
“Oh, come on! You’ve been fixing me up for a long time, and we are on friendly terms are we not, partner? What got you so gloomy today, I haven’t don’ anything wrong, have I?” His fingers give another small tug to your lock of hair before you pull your head back and your hair out of his hold, shaking your head. He was acting so stubborn now! What in the world has gotten into him?
“No! But come on- Hey!” you try to grab the screwdriver before Boothill fishes it out of the pocket of your apron with his good hand, twirling it between his fingers and staring at it as if he struck gold with his catch. Your hands all but abandoned your work on his arm, standing up to retrieve the screwdriver from his hold but he persists, stretching like a big, long cat to move the screwdriver out your way, and despite his disadvantage of sitting  down in a chair, he did a wonderful work of avoiding your grabby hands.
You huffed in frustration, biting your lip in hopes to choke back the laugh you felt bubbling in your throat. Your face was flushed from holding your breath and chasing him around and around, yet moving nowhere.
“Boothill, give it back! I need that for your arm, you fool” you argue, making another dash for his hand, only to grab onto air as he swiftly moves his hand down. 
“Nah, I think I may try doing this m’self, can’t have you working on me in that sour of a mood. I don’t know what I’ve done- hold on, has someone else soured your mood?” 
“Give- it - back” in some last ditch attempt to pry the screwdriver from his hands before he can do more damage than good, you threw yourself over his shoulder from behind, reaching for his wrist with one hand and grabbing the screwdriver with the other. “Whoa there!” you hear him cheer, more laughter coming from him, and this time you can’t help but choke out a chuckle, now at the grips with him. Toe-to-toe and at a tug of war.
“No one has soured my mood, now, please, give it back” you plead but he stays stubborn, shaking his head and  you feel his head turn and tilt, his nose touching your shoulder. “Wh-” you gasp as you feel his teeth nipping at your shoulder through your clothes, a playful snap of his jaw before he is pulling away just as quickly as he leaned in. 
As you turn and twist to look at him in pure and utter disbelief, his eyes catch yours, and he sees just how flushed you look and before long he is losing his grip on the screwdriver from laughing. 
“Oh shut up, you ranger! That was so unnecessary!” You won the screwdriver back, but at what cost? Yet.. seeing him laughing so earnestly was contagious. 
Boothill himself often came in for check up and fix ups with a sour and snappy mood, but never at you, and he always made it a point not to burden you with gloom and boredom of his situation, he never lacked to tell you stories of the world and where his travels took him when you weren’t around. And god- it’d be a lie to say you didn’t try to cheer him up more than once before. It finally dawned on you that perhaps you were too gloomy and he was trying to cheer you up, in whatever way he could, given his own circumstances.
“Ahh, you should go and take a look at yourself, darling, you look red like a sweet berry, pah!” 
How could you not be distracted when you had such genuine company? No gloom can pierce this cowboy. 
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Ⓒ n0tamused. Do not repost, translate, edit, and/or copy any of my works. Likes, comments, and reblogs are appreciated.
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pinknatural · 4 months
After googling “what to take to a stranger’s birthday party” and reading the top five articles thoroughly, the first two more than once, Castiel has determined that he should either bring candles, wine, or baked goods. 
A candle seems like a good, safe option, but the Walmart candle aisle is overwhelming. How is he supposed to know if Anna’s-friend-Dean likes oaky, woodsy smells versus lavender-linen smells? Castiel likes the one that smells like a waxy apple pie, but who’s to say that opinion is shared? What if he prefers pine, or something called Deep Twilight Mist? Castiel removes the lid for Deep Twilight Mist and smells the cream-colored wax curiously. It smells like the perfume Hael used to spray everywhere when she was eleven. He puts it back on the shelf. 
There’s a candle that smells like cupcakes. It is a birthday party, so perhaps he would like that. Castiel puts it in the blue plastic basket dangling from his arm, then puts it back on the shelf, tilting it so the label is facing perfectly outward. Maybe Anna’s-friend-Dean doesn’t like candles at all. 
Wine. Everyone likes wine. Well, unless Anna’s-friend-Dean is one of those guys who thinks wine is too feminine. Or if he doesn’t drink at all. Or if he drinks too much. Or, perhaps even worse, if he’s some kind of wine connoisseur and will mock Castiel for buying reasonably-priced wine from Walmart and then blacklist Castiel so thoroughly that he will never find a friend in this town. 
Wine and candles are too complex. But everyone likes baked goods. 
Castiel is stopped in the middle of the road, turn signal blinking to indicate that he would like to turn left into his apartment complex, when he realizes that Anna’s-friend-Dean could be diabetic. But the party is at a restaurant that specializes in hamburgers, so probably not. Hopefully not. All Castiel has to do is successfully implement chocolate chip cookies and then melt into the walls at the party. Be pleasant enough company that next time someone has a large event they allow Anna to invite him again. Go to enough social functions that he can claim to have friends and get Anna off his back. Live quietly, working at the Gas-N-Sip and writing papers about the science of Theology and perhaps even going to the library and reading secular fiction.
Castiel has no expectations of finding actual friendship at Anna’s-friend-Dean’s birthday party. Or ever, really. If he ever gets lonely, he can get a cat.
Anna thinks that Castiel and Dean will get along very well. Castiel thinks that living outside of their mother’s influence has made Anna believe in fairytales. Anna has known Castiel his entire life. She knows full well that he has never gotten along very well with anyone. 
Castiel cracks an egg over the batter. Maybe this whole baking thing will impress Anna so much that she’ll stop bothering him about making friends. 
Who knows, maybe these cookies will unlock something else to add to Castiel’s quiet life. He quite likes the idea of baking.
The firefighter is very beautiful. Maybe even the most beautiful person Castiel has ever seen, besides models on the sides of buildings who look so perfect they’re fake.
“You the guy who started the fire?” the beautiful firefighter asks. He puts his hands in his pockets. Castiel’s cheeks burn. Not from any fire. 
“They were just burnt cookies,” he says. “I didn’t know they would set off the smoke alarm.” In the entire building. The other firefighters are by the doors, writing things down, talking to other residents of Castiel’s building. How come the beautiful firefighter was the one who had to talk to Castiel? He sneaks a peek at the man’s arms, but they’re sadly covered by his coat. 
“You burned the cookies on purpose, then?” the firefighter raises an eyebrow. 
“Of course I didn’t,” Castiel says. The firefighter has green eyes and freckles splashed across his nose. Castiel wants him to take off his helmet so he can see what his hair looks like. 
“Right,” the firefighter says. 
“Am I in trouble?” Castiel asks. 
“No,” the firefighter says. He winks. Castiel feels his heart literally skip a beat. “Not a crime to burn cookies. Losing out on the cookies is punishment enough.”
“They weren’t for me,” Castiel says. “They were for a birthday party. Tonight.” For some reason, he wants the firefighter to know that he has a social life. Never mind if the social life was enforced upon him by his older sister.
“A birthday party? Today? Who’s hosting? I gotta fight for my honor.”
Castiel is baffled. What honor? What fight?
“Everyone will come,” the firefighter says. He makes a pose, as if he’s flexing. “To see me and this other guy fight to see who’s the Supreme Birthday Boy.” He stretches one arm out, pointing it to the sky, then he opens his fist. “Pow! It’ll be me, of course.” He turns to look back at Castiel. His mouth is very pink. Castiel wishes he understood what words were coming out of it. 
“It’s my birthday, too,” the firefighter says after a moment, when Castiel doesn’t react.
“Oh,” Castiel says. “Why didn’t you just say that?”
“I dunno. Trying to be funny, I guess.”
“Oh,” Castiel says again. Behind the firefighter, he sees that the other residents of his apartment building are filing back inside. For some reason, despite the January chill, Castiel doesn’t want to go back in. Not yet. 
“You know, usually this is the part where people say happy birthday,” the firefighter says. 
“Happy birthday,” Castiel repeats. 
“Thanks!” the firefighter beams. “So do you think I should crash your friend’s party tonight?”
“No,” Castiel says, alarmed at the thought. A firefighter, and probably a bunch of other firefighters, crashing Castiel’s opportunity to stand beside the wall, holding a cup of sprite? When Castiel shows up with store-bought baked goods? And this beautiful firefighter will point right at him and say that Castiel invited them and then Anna’s-friend-Dean will hate him forever, and probably Anna will too? “Also, he’s not my friend.”
“He’s not? Then why are you going to his party?”
“He’s my sister’s friend,” Castiel explains. “I’ve never met him. She thinks I need to leave the house more.” Too late, Castiel remembers that he was supposed to pretend he had a flourishing social life. Oops. 
“Wait,” the firefighter says. His eyes sparkle. “Are you Anna’s brother? Cas-something?”
“Castiel,” he says, with the patience of someone who has had to explain his name a million times. He narrows his eyes. “How did you know that?”
“Dude,” the firefighter says, laughing. “I’m Dean.”
Anna’s-friend-Dean is a beautiful firefighter, with green eyes and freckles? Anna’s-friend-Dean is the Supreme Birthday Boy? Anna’s-friend-Dean probably has very muscular arms, under his uniform?
“Oh,” Castiel says. “Nice to meet you.”
“Nice to meet you too,” the firefighter says. 
“Winchester! Wrap it up!” one of the firemen calls from the truck. Castiel realizes that all the firefighters are about to leave, and everyone from his building is already back inside. When did that happen?
“Be there in a minute!” Dean hollers over his shoulder. When he looks back at Castiel, he grins almost shyly. “You were gonna make me cookies?”
“Yes, I--I thought it would be an appropriate thing to bring.” Castiel wonders again if Dean could be diabetic. Or perhaps allergic to something in chocolate chip cookies. Are chocolate chips made in a peanut-free facility? Maybe Castiel should’ve bought wine, after all.
“Hell yeah,” Dean says. “Whoever said that the way to a man’s heart was through his stomach was dead-fuckin’-on. But, uh.”
“But?” Castiel is sure, suddenly, that Dean is about to reject him and tell him not to come to his birthday party after all. Which would be a shame, because all of a sudden Castiel wanted to go.
“My favorite dessert is pie,” Dean says like a confession. 
“Oh,” Castiel says, eyes widening. Maybe he can swing by the bakery--maybe he can look up a bakery, and then swing by it--on the way to the party. Assuming he’s still going. 
“And, uh, not to toot my own horn, but I make a pretty mean one. I actually made myself a birthday pie, and I was gonna eat it alone, but maybe…I mean…”
“Yes?” Castiel asks. Dean is slightly taller than him, so he tilts his head back to meet his eyes. Dean swallows. Castiel watches his adam’s apple bob.
“Well, I could swing by after my shift is done,” Dean says. “Bring it with me. We could share. Before we go to the Roadhouse, I mean. If you want.”
“I want,” Castiel says before he can think about it. He snaps his mouth shut. Dean brightens. 
“Great,” he says. “I’ll be back. After my shift.”
“When does it end?” Castiel asks. Dean looks at his watch. He grins at Castiel, tongue poking between his teeth.
“Twenty minutes,” he says. 
“Okay,” Castiel says. “I will you soon, then.”
“Yep,” Dean says. “Gimme about an hour, okay? And then we’ll have pie.” 
“Okay,” Castiel says. Dean turns to head back to the firetruck. “What kind of pie?” Cas calls after him. Dean turns. 
“Apple!” he calls. Castiel stands outside, in the January chill without his coat, for a long while after the truck leaves. What a strange man, making his own birthday pie. What a lovely man, sharing it with a stranger. Supreme Birthday Boy, indeed.
When Dean returns, in a soft flannel shirt with sleeves rolled up, revealing his magnificent forearms, his hair a spiky mess that Castiel wants to run his fingers through, he has, as promised, an apple pie. And Castiel has a present for him. 
When Dean opens it, he laughs until he almost cries. He lights it right away, and the lingering aroma of burnt chocolate chip cookies is chased away by the apple pie candle from Walmart, a bright, steady little flame flickering between them.
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boxboxlewis · 3 months
Daniel finds out about Max’s divorce from a Google alert.
“FORMER F1 CHAMPION NEWLY SINGLE, SEEN HITTING THE BARS IN MONACO.” Journalistic excellence from the Daily Mail, as always. But when actual newspapers start reporting on it, Daniel decides to reach out. He texts Max a cat meme. Subtext: sorry about your failed relationship, also I know you like cats. Max texts back Are you trying to cheer me up, and then 😂. It’s unclear if he’s 😂 at the cat or the notion of Daniel attempting to comfort. While Daniel is trying to figure this out a third text comes in. Stop reading stupid shit by dumb assholes who don’t know anything.
Nah it’s all good, I can’t read, Daniel replies. He hesitates, and then adds I am like. Sorry about stuff with kelly or whatever though.
Max thumbs-up reacts the message, and doesn’t reply.
Daniel figures Max’ll probably just start dating another exquisitely beautiful, exquisitely groomed woman with a disconcerting resemblance to his own mother. They’re ten a penny in Monaco, where Max still for some reason lives. 
He’s not prepared for the next tranche of articles his Google Alert brings him. “MAX VERSTAPPEN SEEN LEAVING GAY BAR.” “VERSTAPPEN REFUSES TO ADDRESS RUMOURS.” “VETTEL COMES TO VERSTAPPEN’S DEFENCE: ‘HE HAS A RIGHT TO A PRIVATE LIFE.’” Like… people go to gay bars sometimes, even if they’re straight. But do straight people let Seb Vettel defend their honour in the media?
Daniel opens his text thread with Max and types Hey, are you. You know. 
He deletes it, obviously. He’s got a lot going on in his own life. Brand ambassadorships out the ass, his film production company, his vineyard. He sends Max another dumb meme and calls it good. Max is just doing Max stuff. It’s some belated F1 champion rumspringa, probably, because when he was an actual teenager he was psychotically focussed on racing. He’ll settle down soon enough.
Daniel really isn’t expecting him to announce live on Dutch television that he has a boyfriend. The clip is in Dutch, obviously, but someone has added English captions, and Daniel watches over and over again. RIP his YouTube algorithm. It’s some daytime talk show, the kind of thing Max hates, the kind of thing he’d never do unless someone was twisting his arm about it. The host asks all sickly sweet if there’s a special someone in Max’s life. Max says, “Well yes of course there is my boyfriend.” The “of course” in Dutch sounds like naturally. Naturally, naturally. “And my family I am very close to, as well.” The camera dwells with voyeuristic glee on the talkshow host’s face as she tries and fails to pick her expression up from the floor. “Your boyfriend?” she manages. Max nods, impatient. Daniel rewinds the clip. Your boyfriend? Your boyfriend? Your boyfriend?
Daniel decides to visit Monaco. Not because of Max. It’s summer and the swing of the season is funnelling him that way, that’s all, towards the parties and the glittering people dancing on yachts, getting high, bright and beautiful, living that good life. He doesn’t have an apartment there anymore, but Max does, because Max never left: still has his custom penthouse with its views of the harbour. Unless—it’s a weird thought—unless Kelly kept it in the divorce. But when he texts Max to invite himself to stay, Max doesn’t mention anything about a new address. 
Max also doesn’t sound, like, super enthused, but that’s just how he is. It’s his natural Dutchness, most likely. Fine you can come then. You are lucky I don’t have plans is probably just the Dutch way of saying “Yeah sounds great, looking forward to reconnecting.” You are very annoying is probably how people from the Netherlands express affection. Daniel texts back Love you too my brother 🤘🤘
He gets his hair touched up before he goes, a little bit of tattooing at the roots in the front. He does a spray tan, and gets his face dermaplaned (not in that order). You can’t go to Monaco and not look good, that's all.
It always feels kind of weird, flying into Nice in a non-F1 context, first class instead of private, but Daniel fits, still: gets asked for his autograph at the airport, and then on the concourse, and when he stops to put petrol in his rental car (a sweet little Porsche, nice). He tosses his keys to the valet at Max’s building and the valet goggles. That’s right, baby: twelve-time Grand Prix winner Daniel Ricciardo is in town. Daniel winks and the valet turns gratifyingly mauve.
Max, when Daniel pushes into his apartment, is less enthusiastic. “Daniel. I really do not know why you’ve come.”
Daniel ignores him in favour of crouching down, trying to pet Jimmy or Sassy. “Hey, little guy,” he croons. “Or girl. What’s up? Do you remember Uncle Danny? Am I in town to show your daddy a good time? Yeah I am! That’s right. That’s right.” Jimmy or Sassy scowls at him and swipes with one needle-tipped paw. All right, drama queen. Daniel stands back up and grins at Max. “I mean, mostly I wanted to meet your boyfriend,” he says, for some reason. What the fuck, Ricciardo. He keeps grinning, styles it out. “Gotta give him the old shovel speech, right?”
Max is doing the blank-eyed stare Daniel remembers so well from their racing days. It’s wildly disconcerting coming from this Max, who looks. Different, that’s all. He’s thick, still fit and well-muscled but heavy with it now, t-shirt stretched over the layer of hard fat covering his abdomen, face softer. He’s a bear of a man, he could—he could do lots of things, obviously. It’s fine. It’s just that part of Daniel still expects him to be the gawky teenager Daniel loomed over.
Max says, “What do you want to say to my boyfriend about shovels,” and for a bewildering moment Daniel has no idea what he’s talking about. 
“Oh, no, it’s like—it’s a saying, or whatever, when someone starts dating someone. I mean, usually dads say it, I guess, but like—the idea is if he mistreats you I’ll…” Daniel trails off as he realises he’s not actually sure what “shovel speech” means. “Uh, hit him with a shovel? Or I guess potentially, like, use it to bury his corpse. Whiiiich is a joke! Not actually going to bury anyone.” No, weird comment, Daniel’s not actually going to bury anyone t-shirt is raising a lot of questions et cetera. Hastily, he adds “As long as he behaves!” and then stands there mentally kicking himself while Jimmy/Sassy yowls soulfully near his ankles. He's never like this, he never loses control of a conversation like this. It's agonising.
Max stares at him for a long moment, and then cracks up. “Daniel, you are still so weird,” he says. It sounds kind of affectionate. 
“You know it, baby,” Daniel says. “So, where’s the boyf?
Max’s cheeks go a little red, it looks like. Maybe Daniel’s imagining it. “Ricardo is at the gym,” he says.
Daniel has to have misheard that. “Sorry, what’s this dude’s name?”
“Ricardo,” Max says grumpily. “My boyfriend.”
“Right, yeah, of course.” Once again Daniel decides, against his better judgement, to style it out. “Uh, is he Australian, by any chance? And devastatingly charismatic?”
Max sighs, as if Daniel is being really annoying. “He is from Melbourne. And yeah, he is okay I think. Maybe you won’t like him though, because you like always to be the funniest one. Come on, I will show you to your guest room.”
Daniel manages a casual-sounding, “Haha, you got me.” They’re walking through the apartment, now, Max leading the way. For a moment Daniel just watches the sunburned back of his neck.
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nkogneatho · 1 year
Just asking is it ok if I request a lactation kink for gojo?! Are your asks open!! No problem if it's not <3
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—cw: fem!reader with big boobies, lactation, nip biting, thigh riding, titty milk spray (bro idk what to call it), gojo calls you mommy.
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—a/n: okay this is nasty asf and not everyone's cup of tea so don't read if any of the warnings ick you.
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They say curiosity kills the cat. Not when it comes to Satoru. Not when it's you. The strongest always made sure to attain the knowledge of everything within his reach. That is how exactly you ended up mewling like a kitten when he latched his mouth on your lactating tits.
Gojo was always amused by your tits. How they looked so perfect, bouncing whenever you ride him. How it was always rubbing against his chest when he fucked you in missionary. But this might be his new favorite thing about them.
"Ngh—Toru," you purred.
"Fweel gwood, hmm?" He muffled with a mouthful of your nipple. "I lvove wyour twits—fuck!" He unlatched his mouth to moan, dark pink tongue swiping against milk glazed lips to taste it all, making sure he doesn't waste a single drop.
"You taste so sweet, baby. Makes me wanna have you for breakfast everyday." Satoru grabbed you by your waist, changing positions quickly so now you were on top of him while he laid back on the headboard.
"Toru? Baby, what are you doing?"
"Just lemme do, mkay?" You nodded and let him do his thing. Satoru's slender fingers toyed with the string of your panties, and soon enough snapped them apart. What's there to worry about? He'll just buy you another one.
"Grind on me," you weren't sure what he was upto but it's not like you had a way out of it. With the heat that was settled on your cheek now traveling your wet core, you started rubbing your pussy on Satoru's thighs. His body temperature was cooler than yours. It baffled you how he managed to keep his calm everytime as he toys with you while you here are burning with lust, shyness and pleasure. You straddled on him a few times before picking up a pace. However, Toru wasn't doing anything yet. You thought he was onto something more (he is) but all he did was watch you with his lustful gaze
"You close, baby?"
"Mhm—hafta cum, toru. Please," you begged grinding harder. That is when the white haired played the card up his sleeve. As you approached closer to your orgasm, Satoru grabbed your tits and squeezed them so now both of your bodies were getting messy with your milk.
"Toru, what—no. Look—'s makin' a mess," you cried, not stopping though.
"I'll wash it, babe—fuck! I need to do this," he pressed both your tits together, your perky nipples spraying his now opened mouth. And the missed drops traveling from his jawline, to his chest, then to his thighs which you were getting off on. You pussy juice and your tit milk mixed together. Tears formed your eyes, from the overstimulation and the embarrassment. It was too much. No no. You weren't crying because it was bad. You were crying because you felt like a pervert now that you were cumming, and whining his name so loud. That might've been the most intense orgasm you've had because it lasted thirty fucking seconds.
Satoru's hand let go of your tits—which bounced back—and snaked to your back, big hands rubbing you till you calmed down.
"Mommy did so good f'me." Your cheeks heated up once again in embarrassment of the nickname, and he chuckled at your reaction. You are so pretty. And he is so lucky to have you who let him play with you.
Yeah he washed the sheets don't worry.
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loveinhawkins · 6 months
Steve’s got a soft spot for the Henderson’s Christmas tree—and sure, he’s biased as hell considering he once helped decorate it: a week or so before Dustin’s Snow Ball, he’d gone round to drop off some hair stuff, and ended up hanging baubles on the branches.
It’s not like he planned to; it’s just that he got caught in a festive whirlwind from the moment Dustin dragged him into the house, and then when he saw the tree, he couldn’t just leave it like that—not with a whole section bare right near the top, and the star wasn’t even on yet.
And then he didn’t really notice the time passing as he worked. His main impressions were of a grateful Claudia mouthing, “Thank you,” while stuck on the phone with her sister, followed by a cat constantly getting under his feet.
Dustin found a spare bow on top of a pile of wrapping paper and batted it towards the cat.
“It’s good we have another cat now. Like, it’s good for mom,” he’d said once Claudia was out of the room.
It was delivered in that precocious, self-assured way Steve was already getting familiar with. He knew what it actually meant: that Dustin was really torn up about… what happened to poor Mews.
But neither of them got around to addressing it—not when it was made clear that Dustin was taking the oath of secrecy so seriously; standing there, with the can of Farrah Fawcett spray hidden up his shirt, he looked like a terrible spy doing his best to conceal classified documents.
Steve disguised a laugh by pretending to fiddle with the Christmas lights.
When Dustin was busy putting the star on top, he surreptitiously left a present under the tree. It wasn’t anything big, but still, he didn’t want the kid feeling obligated to get him one in return. That wasn’t what it was about.
A year later, and Steve’s looking up at the same tree—technically, he’s trying not to get jealous over something so stupid: that the star’s already on top, the tinsel draped perfectly. There’s nothing for him to…
It’s just that he liked …
He blinks. Looks again.
“Finally,” Dustin’s saying, shoving a cardboard box into Steve’s hands, “you can finish it.”
And then he steps away, goes into the kitchen to unpack groceries—adds after God knows how long, “Uh, preferably before New Year’s, Steve!”
Steve jolts into action.
“Yeah, yeah,” he says dryly, but it’s just on automatic pilot as he starts unpacking the box of baubles, and the full impact hits him.
That Dustin must’ve made sure these decorations were kept separate. That he’d left a space clear—right near the top of the tree. That he’d waited, just so Steve could…
Before he can hang up the baubles, Steve has to spend a couple moments just standing there, blinking hard.
Dustin pokes his head in after a little while, nods his approval. It’s when he’s reciting the Christmas dinner options to Tews (Steve stifles a snort, this goddamn ridiculous kid) that Steve seizes his opportunity: drops off his present, hidden in plain sight.
Well. It’s tradition, now.
Just when he’s about to reverse out the driveway, Dustin runs to the car.
Steve winds down the window. 
Dustin grins, sticks his arm through.
“You forgot your card, duh.”
Steve smiles back. “Thanks, bud.” 
And it’s funny, Steve knows that a part of him will probably always see Dustin as twelve. But that doesn’t change the fact that he’s getting taller, that the first year of high school is flying by, and Steve almost wants to get out the car there and then—to ask him to stop, even though it’s impossible.
He doesn’t. He just gently places the card in the back. Starts the engine.
He kind of feels like he did when the box of tree decorations was against his chest. A warmth, a catch in his throat—quickly blinked away as if it never existed.
Time’s gonna go on, another year reaching its end; and all of this will get stacked up like superimposed images, so that Dustin will always be twelve, and thirteen, and fourteen, all at once.
But as Steve takes a last look in his rear view mirror, he thinks maybe this one will stick the most: Dustin, waving hugely, scraps of tinsel in his hair.
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faux-ecrivain · 6 months
Yan neko
(Second Official Post)
(This yandere is slow developing, so it won’t seem particularly yanderish.)
Yan neko who approached you in his cute little cat form, meowing for you attention (but in reality all he wants is your food)
Yan neko who happily makes himself at home, ignoring you when you shoo him off the furniture or tell him to stop eating your food. 
Yan neko that enjoys the soft pets you give him (even if he bites you when you pet him for too long). He enjoys the love you give him, the cuddles (no matter how reluctant you are to give them), the kisses too…(Although he hates it when your kisses muss his fur!)
You place a gentle kiss on the forehead of your cute cat and your hand gently running through his soft colorful fur. He purrs loudly as you continue to grace him with excessive amounts of affection, he knows that despite your indifferent exterior you love him. (His delusional mind may be conjuring up a different sort of love, the type that taunts him with the thought of revealing who he truly is)
You don’t know when this cat managed to worm its way into your heart, but you can’t say you hate it. 
Although, this joy and contentment is destroyed when he reveals himself. He expected you to greet him with the same amount of love you graces his cat form with, but clearly he was wrong.
You’re panicking, you’ve been living with a person this whole time?? Others might not view it as a big deal, but you do, you feel betrayed and angry. 
There’s been a person masquerading as your pet cat this whole time?? A person that’s been eating your food, sleeping in your bed (albeit in cat form, but who’s to say he didn’t turn into his human form at night?), probably stealing your clothes too! (He was totally stealing your clothes, he hid them in a floor board where he’s hidden everything else he’s stolen from you)
Yan neko is flabbergast by your behavior, why are you screaming? Why are you angry? He didn’t do anything to you! Sure he might have stole a few intimate items of clothes, but he returned them and he’s been pitching in around the house! (He’s been doing the dishes, even the laundry and it’s very difficult to get stains out of the clothes you own!)
Yan neko tries to calm you down, insisting that he’s still the same old cuddly cat that you’ve been doting on. (Despite the glaring differences, after all cats don’t speak English, and they definitely don’t have hands)
Yan neko who gets tired of your shouts and decides to shush you up (he just covers your mouth, although that backfired and you bite him). Eventually you do calm down, now yan neko is your roommate and he has to go get a job.
Yan neko is appalled by your request (what do you mean I have to get a job? So what if I’ve been living here rent free and eating all your food! I’m a cute cat boy! Don’t you want to take care of me?)
Yan neko who begrudgingly gets a job, although he struggles with hiding his tail and cat ears. But he’ll do anything if it means staying in this warm house of yours and having endless supplies of food! (Although he’s rather upset that he has to stop sharing a room with you)
Yan neko who becomes fiercely territorial the moment he sees you invite someone over to your house. He growls (do cats growl?), he hissed and snarls. His anger only tempered when you spray him with water, then he’s banished to the guest room. 
Yan neko grumbles, already plotting the demise of your guest.
He scratches his nails against the wall and tries to listen in on the conversation you two are having. He can only hear murmurs and then he’s distracted by the sound of you laughing. His hearts flutters and he laments, wondering why you never laugh when he’s around. He sighs and then he hears your guest laugh, and his mood sours.
He snarls, (how dare that stranger flirt with you! Yan believes that he’s the only for you..), then slams a fist against the door. It startled your guest and you excuses yourself to go scold your neko roommate.
Although he hates being scolded (your lectures take way too long), he can’t help but reveal in your attention. (Of course he does, He’s a cat). He reluctantly agrees to quiet down (you threatened to take away his catnip), only after you promise to let him cuddle you tonight. 
Of course this doesn’t stop him from sneaking out after your guest left, stalking your guest and then promptly eliminating them from the world. (It’s a mess to clean up, but he’s persistent, and soon enough the entire area is sparkling clean. Then he has to find a way to clean himself off, maybe this wasn’t the best idea?)
He does his best to distract you from his sudden and unexplained disappearance (boy, you sure are persistent! You must be really worried about him…) it takes hours, but you’re eventually placated and you get ready for bed. Although, that calmness is destroyed by tomorrow morning, as the news comes on and reveals the unfortunate death of your guest from last night. (Your guest was named Gene Robinson, their parents are absolutely devastated to hear of Gene’s passing.)
Yan neko instantly becomes on edge when you start to question his excuses, you start to point out flaws in his logic, you start to doubt him. (don’t do that, he doesn’t want to loose house privileges!)
Yan neko tells you That Gene was a threat, that he was only doing what was necessary to keep the two of them safe! 
Yan neko panics when you don’t believe him (calling him a criminal and threatening to call the police) and decides to take action (he knocks you out), he wants to keep you safe, but he can’t lock you up here (people will notice your absence). He doesn’t know what to do, for now he’ll just get you comfortable in bed, and when you wake up he’ll try to explain the situation to you.
(Phew, this took some time, but this isn’t exactly my best work. Still, enjoy the post and feel free to comment! I’m having trouble with coloring the font, so I apologize if certain parts of this post aren’t highlighted or italicized.)
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please don't kill me mr ghostface (part 1)
(AO3 Mirror), (Main Masterlist), (Kinktober '23 Masterlist)
(Part 2 - coming soon!)
pairing: stalker!Miguel x f!reader, slight yandere undertones. (he's a murderer lowkey but very gentle and sweet and scary hot that's all guys I promise.)
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summary: murders on campus. the odd toothbrush goes missing. what's new, honestly. life keeps ticking and you end up at a Halloween party somewhere you shouldn't. there, you meet a gorgeous man in a strange mask. he seems sweet, and all you're looking for is a bit of fun. what could go wrong?
warnings: 18+ , fingering, anal play (mig eats ass, send tweet!) , rimming, p in v, soft dom mig, some switchy + needy behaviour, mild threat of violence (not by mig), alcohol consumption. Minors DNI
a/n: 5k words of ignoring red flags. girl get a grip!
wc: 5.2k
You look too good to feel this shitty. 
That's the thought you're left with, picking at flimsy spiderwebs draped on a sofa. Sandwiched between two couples making out like their life depends on it, of course, but that's beside the point. 
“Someone said there's CCTV of a guy walking out the building at 3am… seems a little convenient, if you ask me…”
There's a TV on in the background, barely cutting through the dense chatter. By this point, your eyes have glazed over, trying not to let them rattle around in your skull. Drunken conversation around you, and it's the same thing as always; long, winding tales of a campus killer - the kind out of a cheesy slasher. What the news says, officially, is that there weren't any links between those 3 bodies that turned up out on the playing field, an empty dorm, a supply closet; but it hasn't stopped people from indulging in wild speculation. 
“No, no, she just didn't turn up to my Econ class….I swear–” 
Stay in pairs. Don't walk alone at night. Whilst you think it's all tangential at best, you're not one to tempt fate. The gossip, you could do without. But it doesn't hurt to keep yourself safe, pepper spray nestled in your usual bag. 
Tonight, however, you've left it at home, thinking the friends you came with would be enough. Somewhere, somehow, they're off chugging shit beer and you're milling about the place and sinking into couch cushions. There's something sticky by the seat, and there's a crackle as you're jostled - the sharp edge of a stray elbow almost knocks your drink away. 
For one night only, you're a cheerleader. A short, short skirt and little top; it has you feeling overdressed. Even though you've left the pompoms at home, next to your taser; seemingly, you've read the mood wrong - stupidly assuming people would dress up for a Halloween party. As you make your way to the kitchen, tugging down your skirt here and there, that's all you can see; half-hearted costumes - cat ears, white sheets and flimsy masks. It feels like you stick out in comparison. You've gone all out, with nothing but the threat of a beer sodden lap for your trouble. 
It's a big house. Alpha-delta-phi, kappa-something-or-the-other; a frat with too much money and too much time on their hands. With all the doors you walk past, shallow thuds and thumping ringing out behind them, you're as good as lost. The best ragers this side of campus - as raved about by one of your friends. It feels like bucketfuls of horseshit right now, wandering around packed halls - and oh. Is that the same staircase? 
“ Fuck, watch it!” You clatter into the side of an arm, a t-shirt with a superman symbol emblazoned at the chest. He's pretty, but his features curl into a sudden sneer. 
" Sorry –" You start but he doesn't let you finish, wagging a thick finger in your face. 
There's a girl draped on his arm, merely watching as he shouts; loud over pumping music from the next room over. 
"Hey, dipshit , you gonna keep staring? Mouth open like a fucking fish– do you know how much this shit costs?" Your eyes are wide, as he gets closer - stinking of alcohol and pot and God knows what else. You're not drunk enough to entertain this, shirking away from confrontation. The room is hot, his breath is sticky , and–
He grabs your arm. Immediately you're trying to wrench yourself away, not daring to look into blown pupils. Clammy, his grip tightens on bare skin and your stomach churns. He's solid, bigger than you and unable to keep the anger out of his voice…. and fuck. You're scared. 
Fear, rising like bile at the back of your throat. Bitter and sharp, fear at the fact that there isn't anyone to help; that everyone else looks away and pretends that this isn't happening. Fear at the spittle that sprays from his mouth like poison, stinging skin. You screw your eyes shut, expecting a slap, a blow, or something worse and then… 
Thud. The hand around your wrist is no more, replaced by a gentle pat on your shoulder. Nothing lingering, just a light touch to get you to open your eyes; to see that guy on the floor, clutching at a swollen jaw and split lip. 
"You okay? " 
It's deep, muffled by a mask, and the figure in front of you has to crouch to be heard over incessant chatter. 
You're nodding, sheepishly, not trusting yourself to keep that edge out of your voice. 
Ghostface, the masked man, the only other person at this party properly dressed up; he only cocks his head in a gesture that says a thousand words. His robe pools around his wrists, thick fabric that you grab onto without thinking, grip just as tight as your would-be assailant. You don't even want to think about it, what could've happened if someone hadn't stepped in. It has you biting back tears, more shaken than you'd like to admit. 
"H-Hey, hey, easy…" He's rubbing little circles into your shoulder, hesitant. Your lip wobbles, ever so slightly, but he catches it, gently pulling you aside. 
There isn't a crowd. The stragglers, those that saw the display, barely look at the guy on the floor, scrambling to his feet and far away. In the meantime, you fight off tears and force yourself to flash a shaky smile. 
"Good. " You croak, taking his hands off your shoulders. "F-Fuck , I mean… I'm good. Thank you."
He doesn't quite budge, giving you that strange look again. At least, you think so, rearing up to his full height to cross his arms. Quiet incredulity, almost cartoonish, and it almost makes you laugh. Almost. 
"Let me get you a drink… some water, or something." He says, stretching out a gloved hand. Sensing your hesitance, he quickly adds, "... Please ."
Chewing your lip, you only have to think for a second before taking it, and you're led out through double doors. Your masked man is big; broad shouldered and hulking, cutting through the writhing mass with ease. It's just as well, you think, unable to sort through the tangle of things that rattle around in your head. You hate this fucking school, sometimes. Boys will be boys. Wear more appropriate clothing. Well, wasn't she just asking for it?  A culture of inaction; of hand-wringing and hand-waving… passing on the blame until three dead bodies show up on campus. 
That's one thing you have to thank the so-called serial killer for, at least. At least something might actually change around here. 
Empty, the kitchen is a mess, but nothing you wouldn't expect. Drink long gone; a distant memory spilled on a carpet, somewhere; you perch awkwardly around a counter, not knowing where to put your hands. Rattled, you've resorted to a glassy stare; stewing and festering and thinking so intensely it might frighten off your masked man. 
It doesn't. He merely taps you, a gentle elbow to your side and he offers you a glass of water. Weakly, you give him a smile, gulping up the liquid. 
"You here by yourself ?" He asks, muffled by plastic. 
You can't help it, eyes wide at the implication - a masked man, a killer on campus - and he must realise the way it sounds. 
In no time at all, he clarifies, "I just mean… fuck … is there someone I can call? So you're not alone."
It's a kind gesture. Kinder than you'd expect from a stranger. Slowly, you shake your head. 
"They ditched me about an hour ago." You give a bitter laugh. "Just me and you, Mr Ghostface."
And with that he laughs; deep and sonorous, causing heat to bloom at your chest. Despite yourself, you smile, and you swear you see a glint of something behind the mask. 
It has you itching for a drink. All of a sudden you make your way across the room, swiping at empty beer bottles and cans, rummaging around for some hard liquor. When you find it - a half empty bottle of something that smells like carpet cleaner and acetone - you're taking a swig, and offering it to the man across from you. It's sneaky, but you don't think he clocks your paltry attempt to see what he looks like under that mask. 
He shakes his head, hands up in defeat. 
"You sure?" Your voice is lilting, hazy around the edges. Creeping up closer, you press your body to his, taking another unceremonious gulp. Under that cloak - heavy, somewhat well made - you can feel him, lean and cut muscle that tenses as you get closer. 
Batting your eyelashes, you make full use of the cheerleader get-up, snaking a dainty hand to his side, and then up to the counter. If you didn't know any better, you'd think he was ogling you, chest taught and tight at the way you feel against him. 
Or maybe, he's bored as shit. You wouldn't know - with the mask, and all. 
Wobbly, you clamber up onto the counter, helped up by a gentle hand at the small of your back… and oh. You like that: big, thick fingers that press into you, carefully tracing your waist… and why won't they go down a little further? Grab handfuls of the flesh at your thighs, your ass, everything in between? 
He's too conservative for that, you think. Nervous, too. Nevertheless, he slots between your thighs, big palms flat next to your ass. 
"I… I don't mind watching." He says, voice low. 
It makes you giggle as you drink, sweet and soft, and liquid dribbles past your lips, down to collarbone. Mr Ghostface is gentle, tracing a finger across the juncture of your neck, light pressure on the vein that sits nice and pretty at its side. 
It goes to your head. The alcohol, the large man of few words with a hand on your neck. When he finishes swiping at the liquid and pulls his hand away, you curl your hand around his, bringing it to your lips. Pert lips wrap around his finger, tongue swiping over leather, and you swear you can hear his breath hitch - heart clearly skipping a beat. 
"Careful…" You say, leaning forward to press your tits against him, brushing away imaginary fluff from his shoulders. "I really like this costume."
"I like it too." He clears his throat. "You look nice."
"Nice? Is that all I get, Mr Ghostface?" You're teasing, tracing up his broad chest to his neck and then just under his chin. Carefully, you hook a finger under the thin strap of his mask, tugging ever-so gently. 
Quickly, he stops you. 
"Not yet, sweetheart."
You pout, flashing him a frustrated look - and God , does he want to kiss it off of you. 
"But soon?" 
"If you're good." You swear you can hear him smile, hands wrapping around your waist. 
You get a bit bolder, hand tracing up his sleeve, clutching at thick, corded forearm. Watching intently as he keens, pushing you to the edge of the kitchen counter with only one hand at your back. This close, you even like the way he smells, like rust and oil and earth, the way he feels around you; strong arms caging you in, protecting you. You feel safe, for some reason. 
When he sighs into you, exposing a sliver of tan neck, you feel your knees go weak - unable to stop yourself from mouthing at it, pressing little kisses into the skin. He seems so sensitive, rocking into the counter for some pressure already, clutching you closer and closer until there's a hickey blooming just under sharp jawline. 
"Fuck- " He hisses, pawing at your waist a little more desperately. 
Suddenly self conscious, you separate with a wet smack, and inspect your handiwork. 
"Shit." Eyes wide, you press a finger into the flesh. Your masked man winces. "M'sorry. Got carried away."
He heaves, placing his head on your shoulder for a moment, trying to catch his breath. 
"It's fine," He strains. "Don't worry… s'fine."
Admittedly, he doesn't seem too fine, adjusting what feels like a painful hard-on beneath a loose cloak. 
Cradling his head so he can look at you, you whisper something bold, even for someone who's downed more than a couple shots worth of cheap liquor. 
"I know somewhere… I-I think … that we could go if you wanted to…" His head lolls, and you hear him swallow roughly. "Somewhere quiet . We'd be alone. Just us."
A beat passes and you think you might've read this wrong, much too forward for your own good. It’s why he surprises you by nodding - slowly, at first, and then with more conviction. Taking your hand, he snakes it under his mask, and you almost gasp when you feel soft, plump lips at your knuckles and palm, pressing shaky kisses to the skin.
“I need to do something first.” He says it so quietly, you almost miss it under the mask. “Where can I meet you?”
You don’t ask questions. 
“Pool house.” You nod towards the windows, overlooking a sizable pool. People mill about its edges, but you know the little house is off-limits for the night. “Side entrance. They… leave it unlocked, sometimes.”
He doesn’t ask questions. 
Before he goes, he snakes a hand under your skirt, giving your ass a sizable squeeze - leaving you breathless. 
You don’t feel the cold as you slip out, playing with a loose thread at the hem of your skirt. The side entrance is stiff but unlocked, and you duck past a screen, head on a swivel. Like a good girl, you sit on plush cushions, thighs pressed together to relieve a pressure that has been building since you met your masked man. And you want to touch yourself; to circle that little bud with clumsy fingers, imagining it was him.
You wait. And you wait. You settle between the cushions, adjust your skirt, look at your hair through a makeshift mirror - the glossy surface of windows overlooking the pool. Not wanting to risk turning on the lights, you wander past what little streams in from across the pool; flashing and pounding with the heady bass of music. You can't help but wonder where he's gone, if he's even coming, and what he had to do so desperately that he'd leave you wanting more. 
At this point, you don't even care if he takes off his mask. You don't want to know a name, or see the real man underneath the costume. You just want him; writhing underneath as you bounce on his fat cock. 
That voice makes you jump, swiveling to face him. How did he get in without you noticing? He was so quiet, so–
"Missed you." He says it so soft, it makes you melt, walking slowly towards him. Shrouded in shadow, as you get closer you notice he's shed his cloak, donned in a white t-shirt and straight leg jeans. Big boots, thick with fresh mud, thud onto the tile. When you meet, two figures cut by bright light, you almost gasp. He's taken off the mask. Instead of Mr Ghostface, you're met with a man - and he is so, so beautiful . 
Tan skin. High cheekbones, a jaw that could cut glass. His hair is haphazardly slicked back, fluffy and curly in all the right places. But it's his eyes: mischievous and glinting and serious all at the same time - absolutely gorgeous. You could look at him like this forever; chest heaving, messy, out of breath. 
Your hand comes to his chest. He’s hot to the touch, clasping his great big hand atop yours. Squeezing, he pulls you closer, other hand creeping up bare thigh, before hooking under your ass in a move that makes you squeal.
From this close, his lashes look so pretty; wispy and romantic and yearning.
"You look beautiful.”  He doesn’t kiss you, not yet, content with only watching - studying you with sharp eyes. “Always do."
All you hear are the compliments, too tipsy to notice what the stranger implies. You're not usually one for a one night stand, but he is intoxicating - intense in a way that's hard to explain. 
Carding one hand through the curls at the nape of his neck, you press your lips to his in a kiss that starts off sweet and quickly deepens. He is hungry and devouring; licking up your moans with plump lips. 
You lead him to the sofa, only separating for fleeting breaths. Eyes low, illuminated by a flash of light here and there; you force yourself to concentrate on him , shuddering breaths and all. He’s hard, rocking into your lower half splayed out beneath him and arms caged around your head. It’s sly, but you snake a hand past his t-shirt, across his back and then fumble with the belt. It makes him smile, soft laughter spilling into your parted lips; before he sits up above you.
“You want it that bad, huh?” Windswept, he croons, batting away your hands to unbuckle the clasp himself.
You groan, shifting upwards. You don’t notice the way his eyes dart down, eying up the peek of thigh that spills out of little shorts. 
“Say it f’me, sweetheart.” He hikes up your skirt, exposing your covered cunt. He’s gentle, pawing at the flesh, pressing the heel of his palm right above your clit.
“F-Fuck!” The pressure is delicious, and you roll your hips up, up, up; chasing some semblance of relief. When he stops, you whine - clutching at his forearm, frustrated. “Want it, please .”
“Want what?” He prompts, lifting his shirt over his head in one quick movement. You’re met with the wide span of his chest, muscle taut and tight above you.
“Want you in me. I want… I want you to fuck me ‘til I break, pound my fucking hole so hard I can feel it in the morning. I want– ”
You’re babbling, now, spurred on by the way he tugs off black shorts, lifting up your legs to slip them off. He’s too slow, clearly enjoying watching you squirm and writhe. 
“You can have it, sweetheart.” He coos, before capturing you into another kiss. This time, he separates and you follow him up; finally parting with a wet smack. “I’ll give you whatever you want, however you want it… but you gotta do something first.”
“ Anything .” You breathe.
“Fuck yourself, for me. I…I–”
“You like to watch.” You finish it for him, breathless.
“Please.” His head dips low; big, red-brown eyes never leaving yours. 
The way he says it leaves you panting, hung off of every word. And you croon, leaning back into couch cushions, already hot at the way he kneads his thumbs to the flesh near your pussy. This close, he can see the way your cunt pulses, eating up a tiny thong between glistening lips. He’s kneeling on the floor, now, snaking his body around to get a perfect view, flashing looks between both your pretty lips. 
More than willing to oblige, you pat at your clit, sending sweet pleasure coursing through your lower half. Even though your legs tremble, he holds you down, placing gentle kisses to your inner thighs. Slipping your thong to the side, you dip two fingers past your slit, gathering up slick to press carefully into your hole.
“So… so pretty. ” He sighs, not daring to close his eyes despite the pleasure he feels. When you notice how his other hand is buried in his pants; jerking up and down to match your pace. You start slow, for now, pumping two fingers in and out, heel of your palm snug against your clit. The sounds are obscene, the wet schlick-schlick ringing out in the quiet room. 
“Prettiest fucking thing I’ve ever s-seen.” Your stranger moans, slathering over your thighs with sloppy kisses, occasionally swiping at your knuckles. Lower and lower, as you get faster and faster, his tongue makes you feel amazing. You’re close - entranced by your spot in the limelight and the sharp eyes that watch every ministration. 
It’s only when you’re knuckle deep, well and truly fucking yourself ; chasing something just out of reach with his help; when two things happen, catching you by surprise. The first, the one that sends electricity down your spine, that makes you jolt and shiver and almost cum right then and there…
…is a wet kiss pressed to your asshole. He slathers and slobbers and licks large stripes up and down; ripping a great moan out from you. He doesn’t stop there, spreading the globes of your ass to delve deeper, tongue-fucking you as your hand stills - unable to concentrate on anything else. Pornographic, he humps his lower half to the same pace, sealing his mouth over your hole. With the vibrations of his moans sending pleasure straight to your clit, you finally cum - a rolling, bubbling orgasm that ends just as intensely. 
The second thing that happens, just as you fall off the edge, is that you’re plunged into darkness. The lights from across the pool, once bright and flashing; are cut off. The music stops, and chatter dies down. Your stranger holds you through it, licking up cum from your neglected cunt, whispering sweet things into the skin.
“There it is, baby. Nice n’ slow.” He soothes as you whimper, hand tight in his hair. 
In the dark, you’re heaving, feeling him slow down as your cunt clenches around nothing, empty. Shaky, you sit up on your haunches as he follows you up.
“Is everything…? What happened?” You’re a little panicked, shaken up from your orgasm. 
“You’re okay, you’re okay. ” He rubs little circles into bare skin. “Too much?”
You shake your head, nuzzling into him. He gives your forehead a kiss, and you feel warmth bloom across your chest.
He shifts. “Just give it a…”
As if on cue, a generator whirs to life, flooding the little room in red light. Something similar seems to happen across the pool, as you take a quick glance to the window.
Your head is a little fuzzy. It aches as you catch his eye, looking at you intently.  
“Do you want to stop? We don’t have to–”
“No.” You say it resolutely, with so much force it even catches you off guard. “I want to.”
“Fuck.” He mutters, brows pressed together imperceptibly. 
For someone you’ve just met, he still looks at you like ice about to melt, like he’s bearing witness to the last breaths of a dying star. He looks at you like he knows you; like he knows how many half-truths and one-night stands you’ve had to endure. It makes you shiver; here, bathed in crimson light, pressed against one another.
He starts with your lips, a gentle thumb pressed flat, and then deeper, deeper, deeper. It’s like before, you realise, the taste of liquor and leather long gone. He keeps his eyes on you, careful as he pops the thumb out, groaning at the length of spit that comes with a flash of your pink tongue. You splay yourself out underneath him, drinking in the sight above; your stranger, your masked man once upon a time, shirtless and breathless and rock hard against your cunt. Now, he tugs down black boxers, its band cut across his torso just so. Thick hair; dark, curly, neatly trimmed; and you reach to trace down his happy trail, to get a hand on his pretty cock.
He just watches , eyes dark, leaning forward to rock into your soft palm and put his mouth on the skin that pillows out from a tight crop top. To give him more access, you tug it down, exposing sensitive nipple. And then that tongue; searching, inquisitive, precise; wraps itself around the flesh. You keen - a pretty moan that has his heart fluttering and eyes clasped shut.
“Inside.” At first, it’s a whisper, said in the throes of deep pleasure. You repeat it, slowing your hand at his cock. 
When he doesn’t answer; still slathering at your tits, pawing the flesh that spills out from your costume; you tug, a sharp thing that has him moaning and sitting up on  his haunches.
“Said I wanted you inside, baby.” You say - and his breaths are deep, his eyes are wild. “Do you want it? Do you want me?”
“A-Always….course I— ” He stops himself, chewing at the inside of his cheek. Finally, he nods and you continue, satisfied.
“Watch.” You titter, reaching down to line him up; carefully gathering slick up at the head of his cock. His tip weeps; shuddering like your stranger does above, getting close and hitching up you up to stay flush against you. His eyes stay trained downward. Inside, he mouths at your neck, groaning once his cock sinks into your fluttering hole.
There’s a tightening grip at your hips, big hands bunching up the skirt to keep you close, with a careful pressure at your clit. That sends heat coursing through your veins, tasting deep crimson in the air. He fucks; up close and humping like he wants to crawl into your skin, with a fervour you’ve never encountered before. It has you hot and sticky, desperate for that biting edge that keeps slipping from dainty fingers. You start to put a hand at your clit, tracing between your bodies when a strong hand pulls it away. Firm.
“No, no, no…” He whispers it, putting your wandering hand to his face, kissing the palm.
“Please. ” You whine. “M’close. So close.”
You feel him twitch inside, hips stuttering at your tone.
“No.” He says it again, resolute. “I’m going to make you cum. Gonna make you feel so good, sweetheart… just… just be patient. Please. For me .”
You’re reaching up for a kiss, of which he obliges. This time, it stays sweet; pink tongues swiped over lips.
“Look at me.” His hips shift, changing angles to hit that sweet spot like you’ve been moulded to his dick - like he knows just where to touch you to make you fall apart. “Look at me, hermosa. Ohh f-fuck, you take me so well… so pretty. You gonna milk my cock? Feels so good around me, sweetheart, like you were made for me. Like we’re ... L-Like–”
You groan, unable to tear yourself away from his writhing form: strong, lean muscles, tensing in the red light. And oh, isn’t he pretty, mere moments away from release, from spilling thick cum inside you.
“I know, I know, hermosa. ” You like the way he says it, rolling off his tongue like honey; treacled and sweet. “Cum f’me, sweetheart. Want to feel you clamp around my cock. Cum for me. ”
And just like that, you’re gone; nails digging into his back as you careen off a steep cliff’s edge. Your stranger quickly follows, pulling out to wrap a tight hand around the base of his cock, spilling onto your stomach as you clench around nothing.
You’re whining, getting ready to complain; why hasn’t he come inside? why doesn’t he want to stay?; when he stills, settling by your side. Propped up by one arm, he crouches down to stroke at your cheek, to touch your jaw, moving your head this way and that - as if he’s looking for something hidden behind bright eyes.
In the red of the emergency lights, you suppose you’re looking for something too. A beat passes, and then another. The generator splutters, whirring and coughing. The lights turn off; replaced by the noise and white lights from across the pool.
So lost in one another, you hadn’t quite noticed; everything else falling away. 
He clears his throat, clambering off of the sofa and tugging up his trousers. Quickly, he returns, a bundle of towels draped across his bare shoulders, and then he wipes off the cum - gently, separating sweaty limbs. Your costume is more or less intact, but you’re unable to do more than just lay there. He’s diligent and patient, not in any sort of rush. When you sit up, he pulls on a shirt, kneeling by your legs to play with a loose thread at your skirt. Too intimate, you suppose. With his head on your lap, you don’t think you care. 
“We should leave.” You say it first, what’s been left in the air for someone else to pick apart. 
“We should.” 
“Can’t leave together.” You say simply, curling a hand in his hair. 
Humming, he looks up lazily, with a hint of a smile. “You go first.”
Neither of you make a move to get up.
“Mr Ghostface,” You start, giggling. “What happened to your mask?”
“Lost it.” He’s cryptic. Finally, he stands. 
Your stranger stretches out a rough palm, and you take it, getting up on shaky legs. You almost collapse onto his chest, but he’s there; solid, stoic. Looking up, and it catches you off guard: the intensity of his stare, how he watches in a way that makes you feel stripped bare. 
“You first.” He repeats, still holding on.
He’s pretty. Of course he is, but the shadow and light makes his features even more pronounced. In the quiet, you take the opportunity to catch him off guard; standing on tip-toes to press a quick kiss to his cheek. Jaw tight, he doesn’t react the way you want him to: ever-still, passive. Fuck. You’ve read it wrong: not used to the intensity of this kind of foray. After all: a one night stand seems too reductive, doesn’t quite span the depths and furrows of how your stranger has taken you apart. Finally, you leave the strange man still standing in the pool house. You don’t dare to look, but you can feel him; the weight of his stare at your back.
You can feel his hands, too; the ghost of his touch lingering as you make your way back to the house, mingling with the crowd.
You don’t tell your friends. You make your back home after the party, bundled into a taxi with a hand tight around your own wrist. It doesn’t feel like his hand on yours - not even close.
“I didn’t actually fuck him yesterday!” Your friend tugs on your sleeve, giggling into your shoulder as she recounts her night. A debrief with the girls turns into hungover breakfast-bleeding-into-lunch at your dorm. They’re bundled onto the sheets, some eating greasy takeout and others nursing bludgeoning headaches. 
You’re fine, mostly. A little bit of liquid courage, but your hangover pales in comparison to some - catatonic on your rug and scrolling through their phone in a limbo-like state.
“You didn’t fuck him, but you wanted to.” Someone pipes up, and the conversation devolves into raucous laughter.
You laugh, tucked into yourself. The wonders of a half-dozen sophomores during Halloween - able to grin despite the shit storm that’s been mounting. Campus killers notwithstanding - they make you smile, at least.
“Were you there towards the end?” Someone asks, poking an elbow at your side. “When there was that blackout?”
You nod, simply - not trusting yourself to say more.
“I-I mean…” Her voice is suddenly shaky, thrusting a phone into your unsuspecting hands. “Well… they’re saying it must have happened then, or around that time.”
You squint, confused.
“And it could’ve been anyone, I suppose. There were like, what, a hundred people there? More? ”
“A body. They found a body - by the pool house, or something…”
Miguel taglist: @d1lf-loverrr, @afro-hispwriter @ilovemiguelohara @weedxgirlx420 @ladydovahkiin180 @aaliyuh3 @sweetanimebakery @vvitcxen @rosecoloredlenses708 @daikondal @magikmina @impettywhenyouare @alonelygirlsuicidenote @plushyplants @javi0ca @rheeves @starrfruit @nikirikii @marsbars09 @foxglove-grove @mimooyi @crosshairclown @dead-by-light @kynamitedessert @naarra @wanderlustingcastaway @sagejin @cookielovesbook-akie @tangerineloverrr @gobblegluckgluckgod @wolfiepirate @jxxey3 @ebrysteria @elliemm @manchuria @youngghostpeachslime @weasleybuns
@ilovemuppets @vauriz @bonbyon @aimno256 @ancientbeing10 @tvije @venus1224idkpleaze @neteyamsbulletwound @chickenjefferson-blog @maki-z @jasjasthings @aiyaaayei @hyp-oh-critical @tea-earl-grey-thot @sunset-euphoria @moonsio @akiras-key@szaplsdropthealbum@levanneisdumb @naiya-patel17 @Serostapesweat @strawberrymiguel @yumeeesss @errorundyne-exe @spear-bitch @redsoleily @marsissoswag @slezhara @ye4gerzz @adlct515 @nanam1 @indigocookie @cincocosas-blog @starguiders @path0logicalpeoplepleaser@funkyfishy@whoreloll@eugeab@tarjapearce@maddielikesmoths@egotaestical
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toji-girl · 14 days
since you brought up dark content asks... 🤭
step brother!draken hates when you flirt with his friends!!! he can't let his precious baby sister be corrupted by them...
who better than big bro?
18+ only content - mdni
full fucking stop because this is so yummy I am gagged
tags: fem reader + dark content + step-bro trope + incest + explicit smut + size difference
Why must you insist on irritating your big brother?
Do you enjoy the way he rolls his eyes and scoff when you come bounding down the stairs with your tits all but hanging out, bouncing with each step you take and that skirt? You bend over and everyone will see your fat puffy pussy straining against the thin string.
Your panties or the material you bought never hid anything from their prying eyes either, you enjoyed it, the looks and whispers even though you're Draken's little sister they want you in the worst way.
It felt like a personal hell when they came over only to be greeted with hugs that smelled like vanilla and caramel making them want to sink their teeth into you for a bite or two, you'd let them anyway, right? God does Draken hate that more than anything.
"You really let her dress up like that?" It was a question that all the guys around Draken asked, well not all of them, at least not the ones that wanted to keep their teeth in their mouth.
When you flirt with his friends none of it really seems personal until it comes to Mikey or Mitsuya because you take it a step too far by perching on their laps when they sit on the couch in the garage while they pass a cigarette. "Can I have a hit please?" You asked Mikey.
Dark eyes met darker ones as they sized you up with a scoff and shake of his head. "No, you don't need that stuff in your lungs," Draken told you earning a pout and foot stomp that made all the guys laugh, it was cute watching you push back against him.
"Me sitting here is enough, and you're not my daddy. I already got one of those." You told with pink glossed lips that puckered as you blew him a kiss before you grabbed the white stick only to gag and cough as smoke spilled from your mouth earning laughs around.
Mikey patted your back gently letting the tips of his fingers graze the underside of the crop top you put on earlier that showed off bare skin that you sprayed with glitter, it was an intoxicating scent of peaches and cream that made the dark-haired man hard under you.
Draken snatched the cigarette from your hands making you pout again. "Why are you so mean to me? I'm just trying to fit in with you and your friends." You whined and scoot back on Mikey's lap feeling how hard he was under your ass that was pressed against him.
Everyone watched with bated breath as you stood up to poke Draken's chest but due to the height difference, you stabbed at his stomach with a manicured nail instead. "You're too good for us princess, I think maybe you should get going." Baji teased you.
Your eyes cut to the man and rolled your eyes before turning around to face Mikey to run your fingers through his hair bending over to show all the guys the globes of your ass that peeked out from your skirt. "Come by later Manjiro, I'll show you what else I can suck on."
All the guys heard you including Draken which only served to piss him off for the rest of the night, when it ended and everyone went home he was sure to tell Mikey not to come by because you were in trouble which only raised an eyebrow because you're a grown woman.
Yet somehow you ended up being pulled over Draken's lap when the house was quiet, the only sound that could heard was the soft tick from the clock and your heartbeat that started between your legs.
His palms groped your ass over your skirt before he slid them under the denim material. "You wanted this, acting like a cat in heat and telling Mikey what you're good sucking, why don't you show your big brother how much you can suck a cock." Draken snarled and ripped your panties hearing the loud rip, his free hand slapped over your mouth when you gasped and whined softly.
"You ass! Those were my favorite!" You squealed which was only muffled, and despite your weak attempts to fight him, it was clear you wanted this when you scrambled from your position to kneel between his legs which he manspread watching you with a smirk.
Draken settled back more into the couch sinking into the cushions as you pawed at his sweats, an image of you wearing cat ears made him chuckle, and the way you pouted and looked at him reminded him of a stray kitten he saw a few weeks ago, so needy and such a crybaby.
You both had a lot of the same qualities and that's why he brought the kitten home gifting it to you while acting like it wasn't a big deal.
Your manicured fingers wrapped around his pretty cock, the girth perfect with the length to make you feel like he was going to reach your throat or your stomach when you gagged on him.
He watched with darkened eyes as you took him in your mouth swirling your tongue around the tip and collecting the cum that oozed from the slit, your spit dribbled down the sides as you moved closer to take him in deeper until you gagged around him wetly.
Too bad all his friends weren't here to see how much you loved sucking your big brother's dick.
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the-froschamethyst4 · 4 months
Making the Biscuits
𖤐Pairing: König x F!Reader
𖤐Pronouns: She/Her
𖤐Warnings: EXTERNE FLUFF, language, some slight jealously,
𖤐Summary: Y/n was a black cat she named King. She got the cat before she met König, she jokes saying it was fate but King hates König and vice versa but what happens when König has to watch King for the first time??
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König stared at the black cat that hated him with a passion, the cat carried an evil look on his face, but right when Y/n pets his head he looks so happy.
"So the directions on how much food to give King is on his cat food, scoops in the bag...that should be it, for now, anything else I'll probably call me or text," she says, looking at her boyfriend König.
"Of course, Liebe," he says, standing up from the couch and placing his hands on her waist. He looks over her shoulder seeing the black cat, discreetly flipping the cat off, earning a hiss from King, and a quick bat at his finger.
Y/n didn't believe her King was a bad cat, she loves her cat with a passion, König just picks on the poor cat, calling him names and batting at the cat like he does to König.
"Behave, I'll be back in a few days," she tells König and kissed his lips. She turns to her cat, squishing his face in her hands and peppering his head and face in kisses. "I'll be back," she tells him.
"Damn cat," König mumbles under his breath.
"Okay, have fun, bye," Y/n says, leaving her house.
And immediately King hissed at König and ran off into Y/n's home office.
"STUPID CAT!" König yells at the cat, like he could understand him.
König sat on the couch turning on the TV and King had come out from the home office, he perched himself on his cat tree just next to the TV, batting at the ball that was hanging, there was a bell inside, a very annoying bell inside the ball.
King was doing it to annoy König, but König had the patience of a saint and that a loud high pitched bell wasn't going to break him.
When King realized that König wasn't going to break, he jumps off his cat tree and went to the dark brown leather couch where König was sitting, rubbing his head and back on the leather couch and then deciding to sharpen his claws.
König turns and shoos the cat away.
"Stop that," he says, pushing the cat away, King swatted at König's hand drawing a bit of blood on his hand, but that didn't bother König, he's had worse happen to him.
König had gotten off the couch and grabbed a squirt bottle filled it with water, and he would spread it at King if he did it again, which wasn't long, King started to do it again and König sprayed him.
King went crazy and headed to his cat tree. He's never been sprayed before, so it made him go a bit insane.
König leaned back against the couch again, King was off his cat tree again and headed to the front door, he jumps at the handle getting König's attention.
"Do you need to go out?" A low gruff meow came from King as he bats at the door handle again, König gets off the couch and opens the front door for King, who took off immediately, then it hit König.
"Wait...KING YOU'RE NOT AN OUTDOOR CAT!!" König can't afford to lose his girlfriend cat on his first day of watching him. König grabs his shoes and starts running after King.
3 Hours later and König was walking back home with King in his arms. King was trying to break free from König's arms but he wasn't going to put King down.
König opens the door and drops King on the tile just in front of the door and he runs to his cat tree.
König sits on the couch, head back against the window and his arms fell at his side.
If it wasn't for the little girl who found King, König would be 6 feet under, with a headstone saying Dead: lost his girlfriends cat.
"Cat...I hate you, and I know you hate me...but...we need to get along...for Y/n, anyways," King's head jumped up hearing Y/n's name but of course didn't see Y/n.
König gets off the couch and heads to the kitchen seeing King's cat food, it was close enough for King to be fed. König grabbed King's cat dish that was a matte black with gold lettering of his name, he grabs the scoop from inside the bag and pours his one cup of food.
Once King heard his food hit his dish, he comes running into the kitchen with his gruff meow, he looks up at König pawing at him to drop his bowl.
König placed his bowl back on his mat next to his water dish looking like his food dish, König then grabs his water dish refilling it with water and placing it back next to his food bowl.
King was eating and König was finding something to eat. He opens the fridge and pulled out some leftover spaghetti and reheated it in the microwave and taking it to the living room.
King came waltzing in licking his lips and jumping on the couch sitting next to König who popped open a can of beer. King then meowed and pawed at a lose noodle hanging off the plate.
"HEY!" König moved his plate away from King. "You just ate, it's my turn."
King just meows and climbs on König's lap, he holds his plate up higher from King's reach and König had to eat by stretching his neck and eating, King would meow and try to stretch to reach the plate.
"Cat...get...off..." König was saying in between chewing his food.
Meow! He says loudly.
"Knock it off...I'll spray you with the bottle again," he threatens but King still keeps trying to get at König's food.
König was getting ready for bed now, he was only in sweatpants and was drying off his face, he steps into the bedroom he shared with Y/n and her dumb cat.
King was stretched out on König's side of the bed, like usual.
"Sucks for you bud, but I like Y/n's side better," he yanks up the covers disturbing King's sleep and getting under the covers on Y/n's side of the bed.
King hissed at him and fell on König's pillow. Clawing at the pillow, König swats at King making him stop.
The sun was peaking into the bedroom. König still asleep letting out his usual low snores. King had made himself comfortable on König's eyes, his soft body blocked out the sunlight.
König's snores were cut off and was waking up, his hands went to the soft body over his eyes, and started to pet King's soft body.
King hisses at König and got off of him.
"You're the dumb cat who was sleeping on me," König says, getting off the bed and heading to the shower. He had work today.
After his shower and giving King his usual scoop of food before he leaves for work.
King walks around the house meowing for someone. He goes to the living room and didn't see anyone. He heads to the window that was behind the couch and perched himself there.
"König, how's babysitting your girls, cat?" Soap teased him.
"That damn cat hates me. I wake up and he's on my face, I pet him and he still fucking hisses at me."
"He laid on you?" Price asked, coming in and sitting next to him.
"Yeah, surprised me too, he's never laid on me, last night after I fed him and I was eating, he was trying to eat my food, something he's also never done before, he doesn't even do that with Y/n. King is ALWAYS with Y/n, so he's acting a bit different," König says.
"Maybe he's finally warming up to you?"
"Maybe, Y/n should leave you two more offend," everyone laughs.
King laid on the window seal still looking outside, he was waiting for someone, but who exactly? King yawns and when he does, König pulls into the driveway.
King stretches up and heads to the front door, he hears the door knob turn and he starts meowing and clawing at his pants.
"Bud," König bends down and pets King's head, he stands on König's knee and paws at his mask. König puts his hands on King's waist picking him up. King didn't hiss, didn't fight König but instead rubs his head on König's mask.
"What do you want?" König asked, King who just meowed at him.
König hasn't put down King since he's been home, King won't let him put him down. König tried to change out of his uniform and King would just meow, meow, and meow till König picked him back up.
He sits on the couch with King next to him, his arm on King's side as König was watching his usual Crime fighting show. King paws at König's leg then King started to make biscuits on König's thigh.
King never makes biscuits on König, he's seen King make biscuits on Y/n before, this felt like an honor that King was doing this.
King then made biscuits on König's stomach.
A few days Later
Y/n had walked through her home calling out to her boyfriend and cat. She walks to the kitchen seeing König dance around shirtless and in sweatpants, King sitting on the counter watching him make lunch.
King then looks and saw Y/n and let out a soft meow, making König turn and look at Y/n.
"Hey," he says.
"Hi," she smiles, walking to them both, kissing König's lips and petting King's head and kissing between his ears. "How was everything?" She asked.
King and König looked at each other.
"Good," König smiles and King meows rubbing his head on Y/n's palm.
"Well, that's good, I'm glad you two are getting along," she says, kissing König's cheek.
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orikiys · 10 months
✿ ✿ 〞 voicemails with minho before death knocks
✰ pairings: sick!minho x gn!reader
✰ genre: angst, romance, grief
✰ warnings: major character death, mentions of alzheimer’s illness, lots of what ifs and unsaid thoughts, forever isn’t for ever.
✰ word count: 1.2k + words
MINHO | chan | changbin | hyunjin | han | felix | seungmin | jeongin
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one 𖨂
hey, uhm i honestly don’t know what to say but i’ll try. so it’s five forty in the morning and i’m sending these to you. the doctors– they said i won’t be able to m-make it. . . and i want to reassure you that whatever happened wasn’t your fault. at all, my kitten. we didn’t know i had this terminal illness, and i think now is the perfect time to say those things i never said. firstly, i love you so much. more than you can imagine. and yes, even more than that tv show of mine. there’s honestly so much to say, but there’s so little time. i have only 2-3 more hours, i suppose? and i begged the doctor to not call you before i’m gone. i know this isn’t fair to you my little star, but i don’t want to see you in pain because of me, or anyone else. which is why i’m afraid of letting go of your hand. afraid that if i go, you will try to follow me blindly, do the wrong things, walk down the wrong paths and will end up losing yourself. i don’t ever want that to happen. ever. so, please don’t cry when i’m gone. i guess you can cry a bit. . . but not much. what if you end up getting a sore throat? if you do, take the medicines from the second drawer in the bathroom, okay?
two 𖨂
i’ll miss you. your goofy faces that you make, your cute little squeaks between your laughs, your beautiful eyes that always shine when you see chocolates and you. all of you. i’ll miss all of you so much. how about you? will you miss me too? will you bake your cinnamon rolls that i love so much at the funeral? or on my birthday? will you? i’m not even sure what happens after death. whether i will even remember you or not, i don’t know. but what i know is, that i’ll watch over you from up there. i’ll always watch. so don’t be afraid to step out of the house after it gets dark. and if you do, carry that pepper spray with you, okay? doesn’t it feel so surreal? me becoming a star, when i always call you my little star? i guess that’s why i’ll have to watch over you from afar. me, a big star. you, my cute little star. i’ll shine bright in the sky, i’m sure of that. so don’t you dare lose that shine on you as well, alright?
three 𖨂
it feels weird and- and scary. i’m so nervous, love. i didn’t want to die like this, never! i wanted to live a long life with you. live with our three little cats, and maybe a few mini versions of ourselves running around our house. i wanted to see you grow old. and i want to keep loving you even when you put hair brushes into the freezer and dishes in the bathroom, i want to be with you. right by your side. and even when you forget to brew your evening coffee, i want to hold your hand and guide you. and even when you keep repeating the same words three times a day, i will pretend it’s new. so that you don’t have to remember that you’re forgetting. yeah, i know it. the doctors told me you can have alzheimer’s over time, it’s highly possible. but i’m afraid i won’t be able to take care of you kitten. and i’m sorry– i really am. i wish it didn’t have to end this way.
four 𖨂
i know you. you were looking for forever. i couldn’t give you that. but i can at least take the batteries out of the clocks so that we’ll be stuck inside this moment as if time had really been stopped. so that i’ll almost get a million extra seconds to spend with you, except here seconds do not exist. it’s only the two of us. you and i. in our forever. and when i die, you can crank your watch– restart the clocks and begin the time. and know that we were infinite the moment you were mine. i’ll always be yours. always. i promise. but i want you to move on. i want you to experience love again while you’re still young. i’ll support every decision of yours from up there, and i’ll cheer on you. i don’t ever want to hold you back. nuh-uh. i want you to move forward, and even though you can look back, i don’t ever want you think you could’ve changed the past. you need to walk on a different road now. one without me. and though it hurts to say this– you need to live without me. live for us. live for the future you always wanted. live to complete those bucket lists of yours and even mine, since i couldn’t complete even a single of them. live. just live happily.
five 𖨂
it’s ten minutes past seven, and i feel sick. pain scale infinite/100. my whole body feels on fire. my hands– they wouldn’t stop trembling no matter how hard i try. my lips have turned pale, and i feel it coming. i can sense it. i can sense death waiting on the door. waiting that the moment i finish it’s going to snatch me away from you, from this world. and i’m trying to stall time. but my body doesn’t listen to me anymore. it’s become weaker and more. . . stubborn. my love. i wish i could call you that more often. my little star. my kitten. all these nicknames are the only way i survived my nights admitted in this hospital. i used to think of you. think of what you would do after i’m gone. think of what you would feel. think of who else would cry for me. and i don’t know what to do. i really don’t. i feel just so helpless. i don’t know what to do anymore. i really don’t. i hope you’re not sad because of it. please don’t be. take care of our three beautiful children okay? tell them that their father has gone to a beautiful place, show them your love, sing to them at night and take them in your arms when you feel sad. and if you ever miss me, look at the rain, or the stars or the clouds, i’ll always be here to listen. always. just as i promised.
six 𖨂
i hoped that death would be a bit kinder. i hoped she gave me some more time, some more years i could spend loving, admiring and memorizing every bit of you. but it’s always unexpected. she comes in unexpected ways and takes away our loved ones in the blink of an eye. i’m talking like a true poet now, aren’t i? give that pink letter to my parents, green one for each members and blue one for you. tell them to open that after a week, it applies to you as well, missy. be kinder to yourself. love yourself. look at the mirror and think of my compliments. felix gives the best hugs. hug him if you feel low. if you ever feel drained out like me. i’m tired now. just– so so tired. can i rest now? please? i’ll always love you regardless of whatever may come. and i’ll always be in your heart. i’m about to be a star, my love. s-signing off, yours forever.
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