luzisahomosexual · 4 months
The foxes just won another game. Neil waddles over to Andrew to celebrate using his racket cos he’s so exhausted. When he gets there, he smiles at him before falling to the floor. Without a word, Andrew sits down in front of him. They both sit there silently, staring into each others eyes with their foreheads pressed together.
And that’s how the press and fans started speculating about their relationship😋
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anotherpapercut · 8 months
people acting like there isn't still very much an active stigma against cannibas and cannibas users is going to be my joker origin story
when i go to the doctor they still put cannibas use under the tab "substance abuse". not even just substance use. it is fully assumed that people who use cannabis, even as a prescription medication, are abusing it. just because you're friends with a couple of dumbass stoners doesn't mean that we've abandoned the idea as a culture that weed is a bad and scary and dangerous and highly addictive drug that will ruin your life if you use it once
#idk what its like in other countries but in the us and especially in red states fear mongering about weed is alive and well#'it ruins lives' -direct quote from a library board member making it so we can be fired for testing positive even w a prescription#i just take umbrage with posts about addiction that go out of their way to mention weed which we all learned in 6th grade is addictive#but dont also mention that this true of all prescription drugs and that a person can be dependant on a drug for health reasons???#yeah i get anxious and cant go a day without weed. because i use it to treat my anxiety and pain. i also get anxious without my wellbutrin#but people arent lining up to make posts about it?? and like you CAN obviously become addicted to prescription drugs its super common!#so i kind of feel like it would be far more useful to say 'this is true of ALL drugs. including weed caffeine and prescriptions'#you should always research ANY drug you take. prescription or not. find out about addictiveness + side effects + other drug interactions#and you should talk to someone if you feel anxious about your relationship to drugs. prescription or not#there have been many times where i was prescribed way too many drugs at once and it made me feel anxious and uncomfortable#so i talked to my doctors and consolidated several and it actually made them work a lot better#locked reblogs because i KNOW people are going to read this is 'so you should never ever talk about negative consequences of weed'#and im pretty sure the people who follow me will be able to understand thats obviously not what im saying#but as soon as it leaves my blog whos to say. but anyway like. I think we should talk more about addiction to all substances#and not just the ones that were already covered in DARE#I feel like at this point everybody has heard all of the negative possibilities with weed use at least once#and that's not necessarily true of caffeine and even like. benadryl lmfao#I might delete this in 10 minutes if I psych myself out akbdjznsjf
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maybelacrimosa · 3 months
Fastpass spoilers
I think one of the largest issues I have with Lore Olympus is Rachel Smythes tendency to ignore her favourite characters wrong doings or to try 'justify' them with poorly executed retcons. In the latest chapter we get yet another "Zeus bad" retcon that somehow feels worse than the prior "Zeus bad" moments. Im not going to deny Zeus is a very VERY flawed person in LO, I am all for Hera divorcing him. But here she is trying to justify the Metis/Zeus plot point by saying "oh she was protecting her daughter all along by sleeping with someone who she met when he was underage!!!!" That feels really creepy? I dont think she really considers the implications of the things she writes and thats not a good thing. She cant even try argue "oh kronos time shenanigans make it ok" or whatever stupid logic she might use because she has established his time powers had run out from his fight with Ouranos at that point in the story.
Like lets take the catastrophe that was the Dio birth arc, she tries to retroactively justify Persephone being a terrible midwife who steals a baby without letting the father hold him by being like "oh actually he didnt care about the baby he chose to carry in his leg for about 10 years Persephone was in the right!!!" instead of having her ask to take custody or do anything other than demanding she be given the baby like a few minutes after Zeus finished giving birth.
Its not just Zeus either, she tries to justify Persephone invading Leuces home by being like "Oh Leuce never really got any texts shes delusional!!!!" ignoring the fact that Leuce thought the texts were valid enough to show to Persephone when mrs pink tyrant was being a home invader and neglecting the baby she just stole a couple of hours ago. Dio is treated like a purse dog and we get some off hand comment where Persephone blames the neglect (which was so bad the child got into TARTARUS) on the sitter she hired rather than being like "oh I should have made actual arrangements for Dio instead of giving myself a makeover". Theres also the way she tried to claim Thanatos was as much to blame for Hades' terrible parenting as Hades was by being like "well the abandoned child had an attitude can you blame Hades for not being a good dad?" Like yes. Yes we can blame Hades, he was an ADULT and Thanatos was a CHILD.
I guess the point Im making is, if she wants her characters to be morally grey, she needs to stop twisting the narrative into a gordian knot to justify every bad thing her favourites do whilst condemning other characters as being 'the worst' like hold them all to the same standard and actually let them develop instead of making excuses.
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h4rring1on · 2 years
hiii!! can u do reader and eddie having a big argument about something very stupid but reader still sleeps over at his trailer but eddie takes the couch and reader takes the mattress, but reader wakes up in the middle of the night cold and shivering and she goes to the living room all stumble-ly and wakes eddie up asking eddie for cuddles and eddie teases reader that they cant sleep normally without his cuddles and then they just sleep on his mattress and cuddling eachother ( sorry this is so random HAHAHAH )
i love this !! 🤍
warnings: argument, swearing, idk what else please tell me if there’s anything i missed !!
“do you think i did this on purpose eddie?” you yelled at eddie who was glaring at you
“what?!” you said, “you really think i’d purposely lose one of your figures for the campaign?”
“yes! yes actually i do” he said in a stern tone
“why would i even do that! you think i’d dedicate my time on something that stupid? grow up eddie.” you sneered
“you grow up” he said in a childish tone and you just blanked at him
“okay” you said and walked into his room, turning to him, “good luck sleeping on the couch. we’ll see who should really grow up” you slammed the door and got in bed
it’s been around 15 minutes now and your eyes were all droopy, you’d desperately wanted to go to sleep but you couldn’t. not without his cuddles
you finally managed to sleep but ended up waking up again, it hasn’t even been 10 minutes since you finally got to sleep.
you sighed and got up, the coldness hugging you as he wrapped your arms around yourself to warm up. you slowly opened the door to see eddie asleep
you stumbled on your way over to him. with your eyes barely open, you shook him awake
“eddie” you said, your voice groggy, “eddie” you whined as you shook him harder now
“jesus—stop” he said, pushing your hands away
“are you asleep” you asked, your eyes not even open anymore
“no” he said, “im actually dead”
“then how can you talk” you grumbled
“because im immortal”
“you’re so stupid eddie” you shook your head, “if you’re immortal you can’t die, idiot”
“whatever” he said, “what do you want”
“couldn’t sleep” you muttered, “can—can you just come to bed”
he quickly sat up, a smirk on his face as your eyes slowly opened
“is that so?” he teased, “couldn’t sleep without your eddie bear, huh princess?”
“shut up”
“i thought you wanted me to grow up? but you can’t even sleep alone yet i can” he chuckled
“eddie!” you whined, “i just wanna sleep” you sighed
“okay okay, sweetheart, cmon” he said, getting up and holding your hand, you two stumbled into your bedroom together, once you were finally back in bed, you nuzzled your head into his neck
he wrapped his arms around you, a smirk still evident on his face, “i have to tell you a secret” he whispered hut you didn’t answer, giving him the ok to speak since he wasn’t actually gonna admit to you, “i couldn’t sleep either, i was faking it”
it was silent for a bit, and he kissed your forehead, “i knew it you dirty dirty liar” you chuckled, making him groan in annoyance, but he didn’t really care. point is, you two were back in the same bed, closer than ever.
a/n: hello anon! hope you like it! also i want to say something!
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thank you for saying this anon 2! to answer your question, nope, i don’t mind bc it makes me feel wanted since you guys trust me enough to deliver your requests! but i’m an extreme overthinker so all i think abt when writing these is that if i don’t post them on time or make them good enough nobody’s gonna like them 😭😭 but nonetheless i enjoy writing them so it’s ok <3
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gassydumbjocks · 3 months
Filthy Animals
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Shawn sighs trying to focus on his algebra book again to study as he hears all the noise coming from the living of the apartment he shared with his roommate.
He couldn't have any worse luck than living with the most sexist, grossest, filthiest, and DUMBEST guy he've ever met, Jaden was watching the football match with his bunch of good-for-nothing bros again, or apes, like Shawn liked to call them, filling the house with the obnoxious sound of their dumb laughs and bodily functions, Shawn swore he couldn't pass five minutes without hearing (or smelling, even from his room) a belch or fart those ogres would let out, and then giggle like toddlers cuz it was so much fun for them.
"BOOOOOUUUUURRRRRPPP" the jock lets a fat bassy belch out after drinking a whole can of beer "Woooh Broo! Hahaha, that was a fucking BEAST! ah?" He says joking with his slob peers as they all agreed while watching the game or commenting about the breast or butt from the cheerleader girls they were dating on.
It was already enough for him, as he made his way out of his room decided to confront him, he found him on the couch wearing nothing but his nasty underwear and a hand under it as he scratched his balls casually, Shawn grimaced.
"Y'all will never behave?! I can hear your disgusting noises from my room, You animals!" He said, almost red from rage, but Jaden simply letted a goofy laugh with the dumb smile and look he always had, same with his dudes.
"Lil bro, relax a bit, we're bonding as we men should do, you afraid to cut the cheese or what?" he smirked as he lifted one of his legs and pointed right at Shawn, he grunted and before the poor guy could do anything "Protein fart bomb!".
The putrid stink of the protein combined with the beer and all that food he and his friends were eating hitted Shawn almost immediatly, making him gag and feeling nauseus, wanting to run to the bathroom and throw up, while Jaden was having a good laugh and fist bumping with his all his bros, some even responding with another fart just to bother Shawn more "Damn i fucking stained my briefs with that one hahaha" Jaden said smiling, and it was no joke as even Shawn could see the brown mark on them, horrifying him.
"Ewwww! STOP YOU BRUTE!" He covered his nose "You are an ANIMAL" he hissed giving him a killer look.
"What is your damn problem?" It was then when Jaden got done with his whines and looked at him "Why dont you fucking relax and start acting like a man? You could even join us if you wanted" He offered, for Shawn's surprise, but the nerd was so mad that he made a disgusted face at the idea of it.
"I wouldn't join a group of slobs without manners who only know how to think with their cocks and fart or belch non-stop like fucking pigs, You are so dumb that you cant even count past 10 or say your own names correctly!" He stated, The jocks made overexaggerated gasping sounds, seeming offended by it, Jaden just stared with a neutral expression, his 'you're dead already' look perforing him deeply. Shawn quite started to fear him once he lost his sudden dose of courage.
"We'll see who ends up being the animal here, lil bro" was all the jock said before focus on the game again, leaving Shawn with a bad feeling running throught his spine as he rushed back to his room.
"Idiot... He just wants to scare me" He said as he seated again in his chair to continue his studying for the rest of the night, A little worried tho, for Shawn he just said the truth, but he didn't know what the immature and stinky athlete could do to him, time after overthinking about it he decided go sleep, unaware of the plan the Jocks at the living were making in that moment.
During the next morning, Shawn woke up around 9 am, so he supposed Jaden would probably be at the gym before his training, he got out his room and walked to kitchen to have some breakfast, but to his surprise he was there, still in his undies as always when he was home , eating some brownies from a plate that was in the table, before smiling at the nerdy guy "Brodaah!, you want some of these? My girlfriend brought me brownies cuz she made some for the annual campus event tomorrow, but i can share" he said, as innocently as he could sound, Shawn narrowed his eyes at him and then at the brownies
"If you farted on them i swear i'll throw them to you" he threatened, Jaden rolled his eyes, grabbing another "Bro, grab some, i didn't put anything nor poisoned them, ya paranoid" He said "I left the white chocolate ones for you, i ate the rest"
The pale guy doubted for a sec, but then he thought that Jaden maybe couldn't even be that smart to think on something to ruin the food, he was the last of his class and his IQ didn't pass over 65.
He slowly extended his arm, and picked up a brownie, he sniffed it before "Smells a bit rare... What did she use to bake them?"
Jaden simply proceeded to shrug "they tasted good to me, just try one bruh! You wont regret" The jock said once again, Shawn looked at it unsure of what to do, after some eternal seconds, he sighed and finally bited the brownie, gulping it down his throat once finished
"Eh... Actually it wasn't so bad-" He got interrupted by a huge growl, coming from his deep gut in his stomach, he held it in pain with a hand, and somehow for some reason he started to feel a bit... Bloated.
"What the hell was in that?!" The nerdy guy looked in horror the taller jock, who just dedicated him an evilish and satisfied grin.
"You'll see, lets just wait it does its effect" He said, Shawn tried to run, but he couldn't move neither "This is bullsh-..SHIOOooOOOUUURRRRPP" a wet then deep and smelly belch made its way out of him out of nowhere, but instead of feeling ashamed, that burp seemed to take all the worry out of him and leaving him on a slacking and relaxed state.
"Cool haha" Jaden approached him, seeing the scrawny boy with a lost look standing there "Now we can start... Where should we... You said we were animals, but what if i tell you you are one too? Man, you even smell worse than me, just sniff your pits!"
Shawn proceed to lift his arm and sniff deeply, he showered daily, but now his armpits immediatly took a fetid and rank odor that could make even the strongest faint.
"And you also said we dont have manners, remember? You dumbass, we both know your fumes are deadly, you love to let it rip bruh hahaha"
That blast made Shawn's pants vibrate at the bass from that fart, with each gas he letted out, his expression seemed more and more relaxed and drool scaped from his lips.
"You forgot you are such a dumb jock" Shawn made a goofy laugh at that as he scratched his butt.
"Such a dumb and gross jock"
"BOOOOOOOOOUUUUUUUURRRRRRP" was Shawn's response this time.
"You truly are an animal, dude, so dumb and filthy i cant imagine how you are even able to talk haha"
"Du... Dumb hahaha" A new deep voice came out of his throat, and then he belched again before grinning stupidly.
"Oh and, for the record" he made a pause "I did farted on those brownies, but just yours man, and Bryan could possibly rubbed them in his ass... And Wesley maybe burped on them too, i dunno, just enjoy the extra flavor haha"
Shawn never felt more dizzy or dazed in all his life, not that it mattered now tho, his life now was being a hot dumb and smelly jock, blasting burps and farts as if it was his own breath, it felt good to be dumb, it felt good to act like a man.
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prettypei · 10 months
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plot: satosugu bf headcanons (seperately); fluff!
reader: gn! Reader
parings: highschool! geto, gojo
warnings:none?? I don’t think so
(a/n): SUGURU ON THE MIND!!!! esp after that new ep gawd damn
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like you knew it from the way he asked you out
he planned to ask you out by making a cake that said "date me?" on it
he thought it was romantic
but gojo srsly cant cook
he even though he really likes sweets he cant even fry an egg so the cake turned out something like... imagine the worst cake possible with frosting everywhere and the message on top of the cake is unreadable and the cake is a weird brown color? yeah its like that
you agreed to go out with him anws
if you ever get in a fight hes definitely pullin up to fight with you, no matter how wrong you are
"cats are dogs" "yea they're basically animals so they're the same!"
will ask to copy homework EVERY. SINGLE TIME.
he claims that he trusts you like you grades vould be going downhill and he would still borrow urs
is the type of person to accidentally copy the name too
such a virgin everyone says he's a major f-boy but in reality he has never felt another person touch him romantically
he gives you goofy grins whenever he does sth stupid (and when he does it's mostly bc he wants to see you laugh)
calls you the most ridiculous pet names "sugar bby pookie bear"
also likes referring to you as candies like he called you liquorice one time???
has a habit of applying lip gloss... like A LOT.
"can I kiss u babe" "yeah lemme put on lip gloss rq" *proceedes to spend 10 whole minutes smacking his lips and applying lip gloss*
really big on pda hes suuupperrrr into it, but he'll tone it down if you're uncomfortable
if ur into it tho? he kisses you every two secs
"guys where shld I bring (name) on a date?" "Bring her to a sewer, that way they'll be scared and hug you."-geto "idk a therapist?"-shoko (in the end you were just grossed out, but he somehow makes it sweet and wholesome at the same time?)
he texts you a lot of memes (I'm sure this is widely agreed throughout the fandom lol)
doesn't hug you a lot in public but he does wrap his arm around your shoulder
he wouldn't be reallyyyy affectionate but if you are he'll accept your hugs with a little smile
he likes my melody more than kuromi
his love language is quality time, sometimes you'll spend dates just lounging out on the couch and doing nothing. However, he thinks it's much nicer than just being by himself
really great memory, he notices those small details about you that no one else does, or even the ones you're unaware of like when you always fold a napkin when you're at a restaurant yk hes cute like that
asks the weirdest questions ever: "do you think I'm a squirrel or a chipmunk?" respond with "I think you're an idiot" QUICK!!!
he gets super moody when his hair ties are missing, he has a whole bag of them at his dorm
allows you to give him silly hairstyles when he's sleepin <3
loves truth or dare and 20 questions
has a weird obsession with puzzles and he likes it if he’s piecing one together with you
he also gets competitive without knowing. Like even with you if you guys are at an arcade and you win him at basketball hoops he’s bitter
”let’s do it again I was not ready” “you said that 5 times and I still won” “NO”
he believes in astrology stuff
is more emotionally attracted to people than physically
he may come off as cold but he just doesn’t express as much as gojo
he sometimes paints (mostly watercolor) and a lot of them are of you or are inspired by you <333
MY POOKIE!!! Free my man he did nothing wrong!!!!
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oreoov · 8 months
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kazuha x gn!reader ♡ / fluff and a bit of angst / modern au <3
note ; guys i think im inlove with kazuha fr (hes such a cutie patootieee :3) (xiao ver)
he's literally the biggest green flag ever like, HELLO???
cuddles and kisses 24/4 ... loves loves loves kissing u in forhead <3
always texts or greets you goodmorning/goodnight every single day
boops your nose a lot, and finds your reaction sooo cute after he does it
he definitely loves to go travelling so hes always gonna bring you with him, and if you cant tag along, he'd bring home many gifts and souvenirs just for you ;3
isn't ashamed or embarassed of pda, he wouldn't mind holding your hand or having your waist wrapped around his arm in public
loves carrying you around the house if you guys are bored LMAO
if he has something on his mind that he'd like to do with you but might sound a bit extra, he would definitely ask for your consent first
lots and lots of matching stuffs like keychains, pens, profile pictures, bios, etc!!
definitely has you tagged on his instagram bio and has highlights only dedicated to you <3
always gives you so much love and reassurance when you need it, loves whispering sweet nothings in your ear when you guys are cuddling
talks about you A LOT with his friends, he just loves showing off his cute partner!!
loves using petnames like darling, dear/dearest, love/my love <33
arguments are quite rare but when it does happen, he won't hesitate to try and find a solution as quick as possible since he absolutely hates arguments with you :((
he definitely notices if you ever get jealous because hes being quiet friendly with someone else, dont worry though! he'll never get tired of reassuring you that he only has eyes for you and only you!!
"love ... are you okay? was i being a bit too friendly with them ..? im so sorry my dear .. i can always guarantee you that i have eyes for you and only you."
if its a heated argument, he would probably be the one to apologize first, he wouldn't be able to sleep at night and he just can't handle a day without you, especially when you're mad at him ...
anyways moving on from the angst ... back to fluff!
he loves cats!!!!
and if you like cats too, you guys can adopt a little kitten together :DDD
when you're away, he likes to talk to the kitten, acting as if it could understand him! (thats actually so adorable omg)
loves it when you ask him to do skincare together!!
he always misses you so much !!
"miss you ... come back here .."
"zuha i was just at the toilet for 5 minutes .."
is always there for you, whether you need attention, or just someone to talk to :3
loves listening to your rants, even if its silly and stupid he doesn't mind at all!! he adores your voice! and you just ranting about the most random things is so funny and adorable to him ..
"and like im just so pissed, how can my left airpod disappear?!?! thats literally so stupid it was in the case the entire time. im so mad right now you dont understand zuha. im so mad. so so so so mad."
"darling, i think you need to calm down ... also, the airpod is in your ear by the way."
loves giving you headpats, and he also loves when you give him headpats!
idk man hes just a cutie patootie, 10/10 would recommend.
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i-cant-sing · 11 months
‘Missing yandere President Kai x first lady asks, so send some’
Hear me out, yandere President kai goes missing.. We all know first lady’s exact location would be found in 10 minutes but no one really cares about kai that much so he’s in someone’s basement for a bit but what happens to the first lady? Does she become president, sent to an underground bunker to be kept safe because if the president can go missing she could too, Does AFO slide into her dm’s ‘hey ur husband went missing, need any comfort?’ or does someone snatch the country?
Of course!!! The moment news of Kai's kidnapping reaches the secret service, they are immediately dragging you and the teletubbies down to an underground safehouse, locking down the entire Presidential House and delay telling you about the kidnapping for as long as possible.
Oh and by the way, you're still very pregnant, and when you finally snap at them to tell you what the hell is going on, they sit you down on the big table with all the generals and higher officials and tell you-
"Madam, the President has been kidnapped." The head of Kai's security tells you.
"What? What do you mean kidnapped? Where is he?!" You ask all of them.
Kai's chief of Staff, Hari Kurono cleared his throat as he showed you the footage of his car. "The president had left in his car last night alone, without his security detail. He turned around this corner and that's where he found his car. The security footage around this corner has been erased and there are currently no leads on who has taken him or where."
"How could you have let him go alone? He's the president for fuck's sake, he has enemies!"
"He insisted, madam. We advised him strong ly against it, but he said that he ordered us not to follow him."
"Why did he leave? Did he say where he was going?"
Hari shook his head. "He didn't say much, just that he had some business to handle and that he needed to do it alone. He- he looked distressed and he left in a hurry."
You closed your eyes and covered your face with your hands before looking back at them. "Alright, okay. Okay, let's deal with this. What are our options right now? Has the kidnapper contacted us?"
"No, madam. We have been looking at all suspected individuals, our Intel is currently searching for potential enemies in neighbouring countries, but we have no leads. We are trying to keep this news from tye public for as long as possible but we don't have much time left until media breaks this news. So now we have to- we have to think of our next step in case..."
The room fell silent as they all hesitated to meet your eyes.
"What? What is it?"
Hari cleared his throat. "Madam, if President Kai is not found in the next 48 hours, we will have to appoint another president- temporarily until the situation is handled."
You narrowed your eyes. You couldn't believe what you were hearing. Are they going to give up on Kai that easily? After all he's done for his party? They're gonna betray him?
"And I suppose you already have a candidate in mind?" He nodded. "Well, go on. Who is it?"
"You, ma'am."
Wait what?
"What?" You whispered.
The attorney general decided to speak this time. "We think you're the best candidate for the job, ma'am. We are trying our best to locate Mr President, but we need to consider all our options if things do go south."
"The country cant run without a president, maam. You would be perfect for the job- the party agrees, the public already loves you, and whatever concerns you have about your job, well help you! All of us!" Miruko, your publicist offered.
"I see." You pursed your lips. "Is that all?"
You took their silence as an answer.
"So... you're telling me that the best plan you've come up so far is to replace my husband with me?" Your voice barely conceal your rage, and you slammed your hand on the mahogany table.
"No, shut up!" You barked. "It was your job to protect him! And now that you can't find him, you want me to just sit in his fucking chair and act like everything is normal because you guys fucked up?!"
You stood up, groaning as you suppoted your belly from under. "Here's what's gonna happen. There will be no talk of a new president until you find my husband, dead or alive, but you will find him. I don't care what you have to do, what rules you have to break, you will find him. Look under the sewers, check every suspicious building, search every corner of this country, but FIND. MY. HUSBAND!" You shrieked, hunching over as you felt your baby kick.
Miruko and Hari came close to you but you held up a hand. "Ma'am, let us help-"
"If you really want to help me, find Kai. Do I make myself clear?" You questioned.
You were sitting on the couch, rubbing your belly as you tried to calm down your baby... and yourself.
You were still livid at the proposal of the team. How could they just- how could they give up on Kai like that? And then expect you to take his place?
If it were you who was kidnapped, would they have offered Kai to get a new wife because their is now a vacancy for First Lady?
You closed your eyes and sighed. Kai would've never allowed them to give up on you like that. In fact, that one time that you were kidnapped by a deranged fan, Kai worked day and night, turned the whole country upside down until you were found. He didn't care about his image, he didn't care that he would look "weak" for caring about you, he didn't care when he advised against making threats to all his enemies to find you, and he did not listen to anyone when he went down to meet your kidnapper himself and beat the shit out of him to find you.
Kai found you within 18 hours.
"Mom?" You opened your eyes and saw your triplets standing by the door looking worried.
"Hey, my babies. Come here." You beckoned them. They ran upto you, hugging your lap. "What's wrong?"
"Are you okay?" Dabi asked. You nodded. "Mmhmm, your sibling is just excited to meet you guys. They're jumping up and down inside me."
"Where's dad?" Himiko asked. "He's... out, baby. But he's gonna be back soon." You patted their heads. "Its time for bed. Do you guys wanna sleep with mama tonight?" They all cheered.
"What's the update, Hari?" And you already knew the answer from the grim look on his face.
"We haven't been able to locate Mr President. I'm sorry, ma'am."
You pinched the nose of your bride. It's been 3 days. 3 fucking days since Kai has been kidnapped.
"Did the kidnappers contact us?" He shook his head.
"What if I talked to the kidnappers?" You offered.
Hari gave you a quizzical look. "Um- what do you mean?"
"What if we broadcast me talking to the kidnappers directly? I ask them what their demands are, tell them to return my husband?"
He shook his head. "Ma'am, I would highly advise you against that. You can't be talking to the kidnappers, we can't negotiate with them. It's not sensible to do that-"
"They could kill him, Hari. Nothing about this situation is sensible."
Hari sighed. "Okay, how about this? We can do a broadcast from the Presidential office on your behalf, instead of you-"
"No" You cut him off. "It has to be from me. Don't you get it? They won't respond unless it's from me directly. And who knows, maybe someone else has seen these kidnappers, maybe they can give us some leads to their whereabouts. Someone must've seen them, Hari. It's just not- it's not possible for a man to to vanish into thin air!"
"Ma'am I-"
"Ma'am?" Rumi walked in. "There's a phone call for you."
You picked up your cell. "Hello?"
"Hello, darling." You immeadiately recognised the voice.
AFO. Or Shigaraki.
"What do you want?"
"Aww, is someone having a bad day? Well, you could always come to my place for a good ti-" He stopped when he heard you sob. "Y/n? What's wrong? Come on, tell me."
You sobbed again. "Kai... he's been kidnapped." You whispered into the phone. "He's been missing for 3 days. They can't find him anywhere, they don't even know who took him. It's like- he dropped off the face of the Earth."
"Oh darling, it's- everything will be okay. I'm sure Kai is alright. He'll turn up-"
"He's the president, AFO! He can't just go missing and turn up like this! He's in trouble and I can't- they want me to replace him as the president but im still pregnant and the kids keep on asking me about him and I keep lying to them but- I can't do it- I can't! Not without him!"You broke down and it broke his heart to see you cry like this, especially over that piece of shit you call your husband.
"Okay, Y/n. Calm down, come on. Its not good for your baby. Take deep breaths- just like that." He guided you with your breathing so that you dont have a panic attack, which is totally not safe in your condition.
"Shigaraki?" You sniffled.
"Yes, darling?"
"I know its a big favour to ask..." "Go on." "... can you... can you find Kai? Please, I just- I need to see him. I need him here!"
"Y/n-" "Please, Shigaraki. I'll do anything you ask, just find Kai!"
There was silence on the other end for a few seconds.
"Okay. I'll find him."
AFO already knew where Kai was. In fact, he was indirectly helping the kidnapper, who was actually another deranged fan of yours, by covering up his tracks. AFO made sure that someone wiped the camera tapes clean. The fan kidnapped Kai because apparently he had some information on how Kai was a threat to you. And anyone who wants to hurt you... well, AFO would like to take care of it before anything ever happens.
He didnt plan on interferring with the hostage situation this early on, actually he didnt even plan on saving Kai at all, but you asked him to... and AFO would always give you whatever you ask.
Besides saving Kai himself would actually be killing two birds with one stone- he would be on your good side and Kai will owe him one too.
So within 3 hours, AFO had sent his men to take out your kidnapper and return Kai to you in one piece, minus the few minor injuries. And concussion.
But the universe must've felt extra benevolent that day because his men brought him a document that made AFO feel like he just hit the jackpot.
Its the document containing the legal paperwork with the "added" clause about how every penny gives you, spends on you and your kids, you will have to return him back with a huge amount of interest in order for you to divorce him at the end of his term. And since you're not even aware of this clause, you would be in his debt and thus, unable to divorce him.
The kidnapper was someone who worked for you, and he must've found these documents, and felt betrayed on your behalf. He must've been concerned for your safety, so he used them to blackmail Kai and get rid of him for good.
AFO chuckled as he made a copy of the document. Should he show them to you when you come to visit, or should he first use them to toy with Kai a little?
Nevertheless, AFO has a feeling he will have you back in his arms sooner than he expected.
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svnnysidez · 4 months
Brother’s best friend hao and you secretly going at it 😣😣
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warnings: brothers bestfriend!zhanghao x fem!reader, non idol au, small age gap (literally a year), reader is a virgin, breeding mentioned, brother matthew, aftercare cutie, fingering, slight body worship, prolly more but im high so leave me alone
notes: WOOT WOOT
you sat in the living room of your parents house. just scrolling through instagram. there was a knock on the door and you werent expecting anyone and it was just you and your brother home as your parents were on a work trip. "CHU!" you yelled out. "DOOR!" you groaned as matthew didnt come down the stairs, or even yell back to you. you got up from your comfortable place on the couch and opened the door. you just groaned as you saw your brothers best friend, zhanghao, he just smiled "what are you doing here?" you rolled your eyes. "okay no, hi? how are you?, i see how it is." "matthew is upstairs, probably playing valorant or something as that he didnt hear me." "yeah i could hear you outside the house, he must have it blasting in his ears." you just glared at him as he walked past you and up the stairs. "whatever." you grumbled and closed the door.
you and hao never got along. ever since your brother met him in grade school. hao was a year older then you and he always made it known and used it against you. he would go on trips with you and your family and he would always get the better bed then you because he would use his age against you. it always pissed you off.
"can you order pizza, i dont have any money" matthew ran down the stairs and hung over the couch. "pleeeeassssee for your amazing favorite older brother." "i only have one older brother." "exactly!" you just groaned. "what makes you think i have money." "because i know mom and dad left you with the money for food, so technically its our money, soooo buy us pizza!" "god, fine. but you have to go get it." "why cant we get delivery?" "because its like 10 bucks more, just go get it i'll give you the cash." he rolled his eyes and stuck his hand out for the money. you grabbed your wallet and pulled out thirty dollars and placed it in his hand. he stuffed the money into his pocket and grabbed his keys and left. "i'll be back in like an hour or something."
about 10 minutes later zhang hao came down stairs and jumped onto the couch next to you. he peered over your phone. "what are you watching?" "god, personal space is a thing your parents ever taught you?" you pushed him away from you. "yeah they did. just when i see you, i cant help myself." your eyes widened at his words. "what did you just say?" "what im trying to say is, can i kiss you?" you just blinked, and without thinking you nodded. his hand placed onto your cheek and he leaned in his lips pressing against yours. your lips moving in sync with each other. his tongue brushing against your lip and you opened your mouth to let him in. your tongues fighting for dominance. at the end you let him win. your make out ended with him being on top of you as you were layed down on the couch.
he detached his lips from yours and made his way down. lips trailing kisses down your neck. your hand making its way to his hair, "hao, i, i've never," "its okay, we can take it slow." he kissed your cheek. you nodded and he pushed your shirt up and kissed down your abdomen. "can i take these off." he tugged at the waistband of your sweats. you nodded and he pulled them down and dropped them to the side. he went down between your thighs and kissed the insides of them. nipping at the soft skin between them. leaving wet kisses. the pad of his thumb pressed against your clit through your panties. your hips rolled against his hand. he smiled up at you, "you eager?" you just whimpered at his words. you felt so embarrassed being this open and vulnerable with your brothers best friend, but god did it feel good. he dragged your panties down your legs, stuffing them into his jeans pocket. his middle and ring finger sliding through your slick coated folds. "so wet for me? wonder if you get wet like this everytime you see me huh?" he stuffed his middle finger into your pussy, your cunt swallowing it. "fuck, so warm in ere' wonder how my cock would feel in this tight cunny huh?" hao was so good at manipulating his words just right to get you squeezing around his finger. he soon pushed in a second finger scissoring them to stretch you out a tiny bit before unbuckling his belt.
he pushed his jeans down and along with them his boxers. his swollen cock slapping against his abdomen. "we gotta be fast, matthew could be back anytime." hao sputtered, it honestly sounded like he was talking to himself. he rubbed his slick covered fingers all over his cock before spitting onto his hand and fisting his cock for a second, covering himself in saliva. his cock head leaking as he rubbed himself through your folds before centering himself with your hole. "you ready princess?" he looked at you with half lidded eyes and you just nodded, the petname hitting you in your core. he pushed the tip of his cock into your cunt, your pussy clenching around the barely inch that was inside of you. the stretch of his thick tip was already so much. you slapped a hand over your mouth, trying to keep your noises in. hao looked at you disappointed "dont cover your pretty sounds, wanna hear em'" he smiled at you half lidded, pushing inch and inch into you. your back arching at the fullness you were feeling. "feel, feels s' haaaah~ good hao." you said in broken speach. your eyes closing not being able to look at zhanghao in the eyes any longer. your cunt squeezing the hell out of hao's cock, he could not feel any better, your pretty cunt was absolutely perfect for him. the feeling in your stomach only grew as he thrusted shallowy into you, your slick coating hao's cock every time he pulled out. "don' stop hao, s' close" your words slurred out of your mouth. strings of moans and whimpers got released as he thrusted deeper into you.
his cock hit your cervix, almost immediately after you released. sucking his cock in so tight, "fuck~ pretty, keep sucking me in like this i might have to breed this tiny hole." whines dropped from your mouth as he fucked you into overstimulation. you going officially cock dumb. letting out meaningless babbles. he just laughed at you, not believing that he was fucking his best friends sister absolutely dumb. his hips stuttered before pulling out and rubbing himself, cum splattering all over your stomach and abdomen. he let out the most pretty grunts and groans before sighing and resting his head in your neck.
he sat back up, grabbing tissues from the side table wiping up his cum, cleaning you up. your chest stuttering from his touches still being sensitive. he threw out the tissues and dressed you picking you up bridal style taking you up to your room and puting you in your brain so matthew wouldnt see you shortcircuited. hao left a kiss on your forehead before leaving your room.
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koilaniazul · 16 days
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why not me? (pt 2)
pairing- matt sturniolo x fem!reader
summary: matt confronts y/n and it turns into a confession. but of course, these things don’t always have a happy ending.
warnings: swearing, angst, matt is a meanie once again
go check out part one!
after seeing matt’s date, you felt empty. the boy you had loved for years had just slipped from your fingers.
he didn’t even text. or call. hell, he could’ve sent a damn pigeon and you would’ve jumped for joy.
but no, he just ghosted you. that wasn’t like him.
the entire time you were in your house you stalked eiliana. her instagram, her tiktok, her threads account, you had even found her moms facebook account. you found out she has an onlyfans.
*she’s not good for matt.* you thought to yourself
you hadn’t got up from your bed in DAYS. and the dishes + smell in your room was a dead giveaway.
on the 5th day you unltimately decided it was time for self care.
you got up from your bed and felt disgusting. gathering all the takeout boxes and bowls with living organisms inside them, you stuffed them in the dishwasher as well as taking out the trash.
pulling off your dirty and crumb filled sheets and putting them in the washer, disinfectant over EVERY surface in your house.
hopping into the hot shower and letting out a soft moan feeling the anxiety and overwhelming stress wash away.
standing in your towel you looked at your phone, an instagram notif popped up.
a message. from matt.
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he wanted..to talk? he wanted to talk. matt wanted to talk. and he was coming over in 10 minutes.
reality suddenly hit ur brain as you hopped out of the bathroom and quickly got dressed into the most decent fit you could find.
ur hair was still wet and you barely had time to put makeup on.
matt was coming over and you looked like a wet abandoned dog.
putting on perfume you heard your doorbell ring.
oh shit.
halfway sprinting to the door you opened it as your heart stopped.
there stood matt who you hadn’t seen in weeks.
and he looked so fucking hot. even his outfit looked so fine.
you checked him out without shame and he noticed.
clearing his throat, the boy looked her in the eyes. “can..i come in?” he asked a bit unsure.
stepping out of your trance, you looked up at matt with doe eyes. “yeah..yeah sure”
matt carefully stepped inside and took his shoes off as you walked into your living room.
sitting on the couch you patted the spot next to you for him to sit down.
he sat down and avoided eye contact.
deciding to break the quietness, you spoke.
“so, why are you here? missed me that much?” you asked slightly laughing.
he didn’t return the laughter. matt side eyed you as he spoke, “i think you know why im here y/n”.
your smile faded. “i don’t know..”’. as much as you hated lying, you didn’t want to talk about what happened.
matt’s jaw clenched in anger. “ what do you mean?! you showed up at my date with my girlfriend!”.
girlfriend? there’s no way he was dating her already.
you stood up. “are you serious matt? you’ve only known her for like a week!”.
matt’s eyes widened as he stood up as well. “you can’t be talking right now. why are you so interested about how long i’ve known eiliana?! if you need to know we’d been talking for like months before!”
you scoffed. but as you tried to speak again he cut you off. “matt- no y/n shut the fuck up! you’re crazy. eiliana literally complained to me that she was scared of you because you kept stalking her profiles every.single.day.”
your mouth went dry. you forgot to hide your own profile.
“you’re supposed to be my best friend! not some psycho who’s literally joe goldburg.” matt says obviously stressing
“well i cant just be your friend matt!” you yelled. you didn’t think before you spoke. *shut up y/n* you thought to yourself
matt looked even more confused than he was before. “why not?”
“because i fucking love you!” you cried out.
dead silence.
you panted. suddenly out of breath.
you looked up at matt. his eyes darkened.
“matt-“ you said trying to touch his arm
“don’t-don’t touch me!” he said taking two steps back from you
you jerked your hand back scared from his reaction.
“matt please listen to me!” you yelled, tears started to pool your eyes.
he looked up and scoffed. “no you don’t get to cry y/n. you don’t get to fucking cry after you stalked my girlfriend and showed up at our date.”
“i- i didnt even mean to!” you stuttered. “i only left my house because you stood me up!”
matt rolled his eyes. “so what? i went on a date with a girl.”
“why are you being such a dick right now?! this isn’t the matt i know!”
“oh yeah because you know me so well. matt said with a hint of sarcasm. “you don’t know me at all!”
you started to sob now. “matt-matt please!”
he walked to your front door. “i can’t be here.”
you panicked and sprinted to the front door, blocking him from leaving.
“let’s talk! please.” you begged desperately.
he finished putting his shoes on. “out of my way.”
your breath hitched. “matt.”
he sighed. “we can’t do this y/n. this isn’t healthy.”
confusion reached your face. “what are you talking about..?”
“we can’t be friends anymore.”
your heart dropped. “h-huh?”
he rubbed his temples “that’s why i came over here anyway. eilana and i had talked about it before i drove over. she suggested it and i think it’s a good idea.”
tears rolled down your face. “you’re one of my best friends i cant lose you!”
“ my girlfriend is terrified of you. please move out of the way y/n”
you gave up.
moving out of the doorway, matt opened the door and stood in the door frame.
“you know, i wanted to introduce her to you. i thought you two would be good friends. guess not. see you around”
he shut the door as you heard his footsteps walk away.
you tried to cry but you couldn’t.
you were so tired.
only one thought circled your head.
why not me?
𝗄𝗈𝗂'𝗌 𝗒𝖺𝗉𝗉𝗂𝗇𝗀 ↷
anyway.. i did not mean to make matt this mean. welp!
please tell me if you find any mistakes!
ok bai love ya ꨄ
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lili863 · 1 year
Ominis x Reader (You)
Warning: Mature, slightly Nfsw, Minors DNI
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Summary: Your underestimation of Ominis puts him in a foul mood and he ready to do whatver it takes to prove you wrong and put you in your place.
Classes were over for the day as you, Ominis and Sebastian hung out in the library, spending time wroking on your assignments and chatting about days.
"I swear Weasly put something in that potion, otherwise it wouldnt have blown up in our faces" Sebastian complained.
"Honestly, Sebastian, I would think you'd be smart enough not to leave your cauldron alone with Gareth Weasly. That boy's a menace, " Ominis stated in amusment.
"Well its not like I can keep an eye on him all the time! Besides I was literally gone for 30 seconds"!
Ominis rolled his eyes "I wouldnt even trust him with 5 seconds"
You huffed out a laugh hearing the two talk before Sebastian turned towards you with accusatory glare.
"Wait a minute. You had potions with me today, you literally sat right behind us. Did you see him doing anything funny? "
You pressed your lips and tried to answer as nonchalantly as you could.
"Your lying" Ominis calls out.
Your jaw dropped before you tried to defend yourself
"Wha- No! I am not, I-"
Ominis rested his head in palms, almost looking bored.
"Your a terrible liar Y/N"
"You cant prove it" You accused.
Ominis' hands were quick to reach out across the desk, finding your hands immediately before wrapping around your wrist and finding the pulse point. His finger applied a little pressure, making you tense up as you watched the boy's lips tug at the corner.
He sighs with a small smile on his lips "Its sometimes painful how obvious you could be"
You blushed and pulled away, rubbing your wrists where Ominis touched you. "That not fair! I just...have a fast heartrate okay"
Sebastian slammed his palms in the table before Ominis could reply and inched closer to your face with a glare "Y/N I swear if you helped that little twat in getting me detention today I will literally-"
"Okay, okay! I am sorry! I owed Garrett a favor, and he really needed a fwooper feather today so..I may have gave it to him today, at..the exact time you left your cauldron" You vibisbly shrunk in your chair givijg him a nervous smile but all you saw was his eyes twitch and his fists clench up on the table.
"I- I didnt know he was going to put that feather in the cauldron at that moment! I had just managed to get out of Professor sharp ingredients closet without being seen and had to quickly to give it to him so Sharp wouldnt see me. I am sorry. " You apologized sincerely, and upon seeing your face, you noticed sebastian features softened before he slumped down on his chair with a heavy sigh swiping his face with his hands.
"Im gonna fucking kill him " he muttered.
You smiled sheepishly and turned around to rummage through your bag before placing a jar on the table.
"What have you got there?"Ominis asked curiously upon hearing the sound of the glass jar hit the table.
"Lace wing flies for Sebastian" you replied.
Sebastian furrowed his brows in confusion "For me"?
You nodded "Yup. For your troubles. I was in sharps closet anyway and I heard you needed lacewings., he has a lot of them so he wont notice one jar gone. I know your short on them so no need to buy them or make a trip all the way out of the castle to catch them either"
Sebastian tackled you in a tight hug before exclaiming "Ugh your an angel. I take back what I say your forgiven"!
You laughed and pulled away "Least I can do after hearing you got detention today"
Sebastian groaned "Weasly is SO in for it"
"Wait, so not only did you manage to sneak into Sharp closet, but you got out of there with two ingredients completely unseen?" Ominis raises a brow
You shrug, turning towards Ominis "I mean, yeah..it wasn't that hard to be quite frank"
Sebastian raises his brows in disbelief "Wasnt that hard? I literally see him walk in and out of that closet at least a hundred times today! How did you not to get caught"?
You smirked. "You can't catch me. If I wanted, I can disappear so well you won't even detect my presence"
"Is that so" Sebastian smirked in amusment.
You gave a teasing grin and replied "Its a gift".
Ominis began drumming his fingers against the table lightly with an unreadable expression.
He gazed at you as if he could see you, his eyes purposfully moving around and glancing at certain spots within where you were sitting.
You couldnt help but notice as Sebastian began to ramble on about the book he found in the restricted section yesterday.
A hint of amusment evident in Ominis face, he lazily twirled his quill around while gazing in your direction.
What was he looking at? It felt stupid to wonder about that kind of question since he's blind, but the way his eyes moved over you didn't look random, he was purposely studying something about you.
Your eyes soon followed from his fingers up to his face when you slightly flinch at the sight. His own cloudy set looks right back at you as if he can see you.
Somehow you were hypnotized. Ominis eyes were always faced down when talking to anyone so you enver got to look into them this closely.
They were beautiful.
Unable to look away, the two of you stare at each other until Sebastian clears his throat, snapping you out.
"Hellooo, are you even listening"? he asks, looking between the two of you. You answered before Ominis could and continued to talk with Sebastian, now unaware that Ominis eyes were still on you.
Your little statement about being hard to catch caught his attention. Since he was positive, the easiest person to find in this castle was you. He's sure not for others but for him anyway.
Unbeknownst to most Ominis senses has always preceded others to compensate for his blindness. His smell, hearing, and taste were always for sensitive naturally. But what very few people knew, or rather what only sebastian knew was his ability to see and track the traces of magic. Every witch and wizard in this castle had traces that were each unique in its own magical way.
Even without his wand, he could detect the masses of others very easily due to this ability. The traces appeared to ominis in clusters of bright or faint light. Some were dull and hard to catch, while others were bright and easy to see.
Magic folk always had traces even from the simplest charms they performed in their everyday lives.
But you were different.
When you walked into sorting ceremony, he instantly sought it out and found you.
The unique complexity of your magic was too hard to ingore and too bright to look away. It was sometimes warm, sometimes cold, and other times a little dark. But never dull. It was...beautiful.
Just like you.
Even without your magic, your gentle voice always attracted him to you as if you were a siren. Your scent was subtle, but he couldn't get enough of it. And your touch.
They were reassuring in a way that no other touch could make him feel.
Ominis was baffled with your presence at times. He didnt want to admit he needed you every where he went. But he did. He often found himself annoyed or unreasonablely angry if someone asked for your audience or help. You had enough on your plate without these other students asking for unessary favors.
But you being you were always polite. He could hear the smile on your face and the compassion in your voice.
And somehow, your courage to keep everyone safe by fighting poachers or goblins had made him even more awestruck. He's never met someone like you. So kind, understanding, and balanced, unlike him.
You were an angel to those who deserved it or a venamous snake ready to pounce to those who didn't.
He tried to convince himself that that you weren't perfect. Surely you had flaws.
But for goodness sake, even your flaws were perfect. The way you were such a klutz sometimes, your lame jokes that cheered him up more than the funny ones or how you always went out of your way to get him on broom to fly with you.
He was angry with himself most of the days for letting you invade his mind like this. You were all he ever thought about waking up in the morning and going to bed. It was unhealthy and obsessive. But he kept coming back for more as if there wasn't an ounce of displine left in him.
And now, after finding out you possessed such powerful ancient magic, you invaded his senses from left right and center until all he heard, touched, and felt was you.
It was overwhelming and possessive.
Even if you were located in the deepest corner of this castle, he was positive he could find you. Like a moth to a flame.
"Well growing up, I always played hide and seek with my friends, and no seeker has ever been able to find me until they had to give up" you chuckled speaking of those memories with fondess.
Your story brought Ominis back into the conversation as he continued to listen quietly.
"So you're saying if we were to play this little game of hide and seek right now, we wouldn't be able to find you?" Sebastian challenged.
"Oh, with you two? I am positive" You grinned.
Sebastian smirked before looking at Ominis "I dont know. Ominis here is VERY good at seeking people out"
Ominis frowned at Sebastian, not wanting to draw attention to his abilities.
You looked at Ominis and then Sebastian confused "But..Ominis cant see"?
Sebastian chuckled "Oh trust me, he sees more then any of us"
Ominis slightly kicked him under the table to tell him to shut up, but now you were curious.
"What does he mean Ominis"?
Ominis sat up a little at your voice and cleared his throat "Nothing, Sebastian just joking-"
"Ominis here can track people better then any tracker I've ever seen. And you my dear are probably the easiest to track for him, " Sebastian finished cutting Ominis off.
Ominis gritted his teeth, reminding himself to hex Sebastian as soon as they were alone.
You frowned deeply at the claim, a little offended. "What does that mean"?
"It means Ominis here possesses a certain skill set that could help him find exactly where you are in this castle. If I were you, I wouldn't underestimate him, " Sebastian explained giddlily.
"Goodness knows how many times he found me halfway across the castle before I could leave the grounds."
"You mean sneaking out? Yeah, plenty of times. " Ominis rolled his eyes in annoyance.
"How..extactly do you do that, Ominis?" you asked curiously.
Ominis sighed with smile "Nothing to concern yourself with darling"
You narrowed your eyes, his vague reply now definitely offended. They cant just say stuff like that and not give you an answer, especially after you bragged about you never getting caught.
Now you had to know. You prided yourself in your ability to be stealthy. Hell, you even broke into the heqdmasters quarters one day just to ranksak his room for fun. There is no way Ominis can truly find you if you hid. There is no way...right?
And now his dismisive reply only fired you up.
"Say Ominis, how about we play a little game then"? You asked determinedly.
Ominis face shone with amusement "What game would you be referring to"?
He already knew you werent going to let this go.
"A game of hide and seek of course"
He huffed out a laugh and slowly sat up in his chair, now completely facing you.
You were annyoed at his nonchalance but didnt show it.
"Well now that I hear about this ability of your, we simply have to put it to the test" you smiled.
"Is that so"?
You didn't miss the challenge evident in his tone, and neither did Sebastian seem to stay quiet.
Matching his energy, you sat up in your chair as well, facing his foggy eyes with a confidence that you were sure could be felt. "Yes. As a matter of fact, if I left right now and gave you two days to find me, you wouldn't be able to even if I walk right by you in and out of my classes"
Ominis face darkened at your arrogant tone. It was calm, but the kind of calm you see before the storm which you know is coming.
Right this moment, he wanted nothing else but to bend you over this desk and reprimand for taking that tone with him. But he opted to clench his fists until his knuckles were white and think of all things he could do when he caught you.
If it's one thing Ominis wouldn't back down from, it's a challenge. And especially if that challenge gave him the opportunity to witness your humility after he'd beaten you.
You wouldn't ever admit it, but something about the way he was staring at you made you feel something. A little flutter in your stomach that made you clench your thighs at the excitement. You weren't just merely curious anymore. You simply HAD to know if he could ever catch you.
You were quite aware of the effect he had on you. The urge to push his buttons and see how he would react, the urge to challenge him and see far he would go. Ominis was a reserved guy always opting to hide his skills instead of showing them, but you knew he was talented beyond belief and made it your mission to see every one of them whether he liked it or not. It was always the quiet one with the surprises, and you absolutely loved surprises.
"4 hours".
"Give me four hours to find you, wherever you decide to hide in this entire castle"
His confidence dropped your jaw and rendered you speechless.
Only 4 hours?!
A little panic was set in your brain at his claim. This castle is huge. And you hide anywhere you want. Was he that confident in his skills?
Ominis grin only widened upon sensing your hesitance. "Is that too long? Very well then how about two hours"?
You almost choked on your spit and looked at Sebastian with widened eyes.
Sebastian couldnt help but grin with excitement. "Oh this is good. This is brilliant. Y/N vs The Ominis Gaunt"
Ominis frowned slightly at the interference of his friend.
This was personal and both you and Ominis knew it.
"Dont you have detention to get to right now Sebastian" Ominis reminded.
Sebastian face fell and groaned at the realization "Ugh, bollocks"
You gave a lopsided smile and patted Sebastian arms in reassurance. "Good luck with Weasly. And try not to kill him, PLEASE"
Sebastian chuckled "No promises"
You shook your head in amusment as you witness him packing his belongings. Before he left the table, he turned towards Ominis with a menacing grin "Go easy on her Ominis, she looks a little scared"
Your hands flew to hit Sebastian in the arm with a glare, curseing him for exposing you.
Sebastian barked out a laugh before grabbing his bag and leaving the two of you in the library. "Have fun you two, oh and Y/N do let me know what happens"
You cursed at him under your breath once again and looked at the clock.
It was almost curfew time, which would leave you no choice but to run around the castle past curfew.
"Ominis, it almost curfew, I dont think we can-"
"All the more fun then" Ominis interrupted.
"Surely you can manage to sneak past a couple of prefects"
You gasped in delight, "Ominis?! I didnt know you had it in you to break the rules like this. Sebastian a bad influence, isn't he"? You teased.
Ominis scoffed at your tone "Thats all Ive ever been doing ever since the day you entered this castle"
You giggled. "Well then, I reckon this will be a much bigger challenge for you then, won't it?"
"Perhaps you should worry more about what I could do if I caught you," he tried to hide the malice in his tone.
Your glared at him ignoreing the goosebumps on your skin "What would I have to be afraid of Ominis? Surely your not referring to yourself"?
A menacing smirk appeared on his face as he sat there, choosing not to reply to your comment.
Ominis knew you were anxious enough already. And boy, was he going make you terrified.
You felt the ominous feeling and stood up from you chair starting to pack your things.
You two had better get a move if you were hoping to finish this game early enough not to get into trouble.
Ominis packed his things up as well and tried his best to hide his anticipation. His mind was racing with dizzying thoughts on how to approach this and how he would catch you.
The hunger of it all was unbearable, and he was grateful you couldn't read his mind.
"Let shake on it then"
Ominis heard the girl say and shuffle towards him. His hand reached out to hers and enveloped them. She shook her hands and attempted to pull away but alas...
He couldnt help it. Just a little taste, he'd convinced himself.
Ominis gripped your hands and tugged firmly, causing you to yelp and crash into his chest.
Feeling his other hand slither around your waist, you looked up at the guy in shock.
Ominis, on the other hand, relished the proximity, which did little to satiate his desire. But he needed to mask it so he didn't scare you off.
Your eyes moved back forth in panic between his even though he couldn't see you
"What are you doing..."
Ominis leaned down to the side of your face, his lips brushing against the side of your face and gliding upwards until they found the tip of your ears.
You gasped at the sensation that made you arch closer to him.
His fingers lazily rubbed small circles on top of yours while you gripped his hands harder and whispered, "What are you doing Ominis"?
Ominis fought the urge to bite your lobes and merely hovered over your ears. "Are you sure you want to play this game with me, darling?"
Your chest was moving erractically no doubt being felt by Ominis pressed against you.
His arms instinctively pulled you in closer if that was even possible, and now all you could feel was his hard chest and the hot warmth that seeped into your skin.
"We could always call it quits if you're too scared." Ominis was slowly losing his self-control. His lips moved slightly downwards to press an open-mouthed kiss against her jaw.
"O-ominis" you whimpered.
Fuck. You couldn't control yourself either. This was surreal to you.
"Yes darling" his breath was heavy on your skin, making you shiver. His hands let go your yours to wrap around his other on your waist and pulling up against him in order to get better access to your neck.
You hands flew around his neck to stead yourself before his lips pressed into your neck harshly.
Whimpers escaped your mouth as he bit your neck and swiped his tongue firmly over the bruise before repeating it. One of his hands ran up your spine before gently gripping your neck and pulling it back to access more skin.
You allowed him before he dove down to your throat with a searing kiss.
Your body jolted when you felt his canines in the middle of your neck now completely at his mercy. Heat was quickly pooling in your stomach, and you could feel his eagerness down there with how closely you were pressed against him.
Ominis concious kept yelling at him to back off before he completely lost it. Anymore of this, and he would truly find himself pushing you on this desk and taking you right then and there.
But fuck, you felt so good.
His lips pressed kisses up your throat until finally they were infront of your lips.
Ominis knew if he kissed you there was no going back.
But you couldn't let it happen like this. Not now.
You tried gather enough self control and shoved him back, which unfortunately pushed you back further then it did him, but nonetheless, now you were facing each other, flushed, disheveled and completely incoherent.
You gulped and pointed a finger straight on his chest "Catch me if you can Gaunt"
At the sound of your determined tone, Ominis grinned widely before taking your finger at his chest turning it over.
He bought the palm up his lips and pressed a kiss.
You swear your poor heart is about explode when he replied " I give you my word..."
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hyunlixr · 1 year
pretty when you beg
pairing: hyunjin x fem reader
🏷 smut (minors dni) teasing, underwear kink(?), oral (f rec), overstim, orgasm countdown, orgasm control, hard dom ! hyunjin if u squint, spitting
deep breaths was all that could be heard, his lips trailing down from ur neck to your abdomen. leaving a trail of wet kisses on his way to your clothed cunt.
he kept teasing you tonight, you went out to celebrate your three months together and instead of being all romantic and lovey-dovey, he was whispering the dirtiest things into your ears. but to be honest, you weren’t complaining at all, that’s one of the many things you loved about him, how dirty he could get, even in the most innocent occasions.
— going to fuck you so good tonight, angel.
all you could do was blush and giggle it off.
so here he was kissing your clit through your black laced panties over and over again. it felt so good, yet it wasn’t enough, you needed more.
— jinnie, please
he leaned over to spit on your mouth. and you gladly opened and swallowed for him.
— shut the fuck up
you kept bucking your hips into his face, but to no avail cause he ended up pinning you to the mattress, with his slender, pretty fingers sprawled out on your stomach. the fingers you oh so wanted somewhere else. the fingers you had spent HOURS thinking about.
as he was busy making out with your clothed pussy, kissing and sucking here and there. you were getting desperate to feel something, anything. you took his fingers into your own hands and guided them where you needed him the most.
— nuh uh, i want you to cum because of my mouth tonight.
you groaned when he finally took your panties off and kissed your inner thighs… slowly. still teasing you.
— fuck please, please, give me something.
and so he did, he kissed your now bare clit and started sucking on it like a desperate, starved man. the sounds he made while eating u out were like music to your ears.
he kept alternating between licks and flicks to your bud until you came, kissing your clit over and over to ride out your high. just to get off the bed and look for your favorite vibrator. he put it on a medium speed and pressed it lightly over your clit making you moan a little too loud from the overstimulation.
— s’too much jinnie, no. no. no. no, stop it.
but he knew you didn’t want him to stop, if you did actually want that you would have used your safe word. he knew how fucking greedy you were. how no matter how many times he made you cum, if he wanted you to cum again then that’s what you’d do. you’d do anything to please him.
he pressed it harder and started dragging it along your folds only stopping once the toy was on your clit again. he loved seeing your fucked out face, and how just by playing with the bundle of nerves he could get you to look like that; legs sprawled out and open for him, cunt red and glistening with your own juices and his spit. it was quite the sight if you asked him.
once you had relaxed and let him have his way with you for a couple of minutes, he used his index finger to put the toy on the highest setting. making the vibrations float around your whole body. making you shake because of the pleasure he was providing you.
he knew you were close, he already knew every part of your body, what you liked and what you didn’t. how to make u cum, how to get you on your knees for him, and how you reacted when you were about to hit ur orgasm, so without moving the toy away from you, he leaned down, sticking his tongue inside of u going in and out at a fast pace. making you close your legs around his head for that extra feeling. you were so close to the edge, literally about to let go when he says
— you cant cum until i say so.
he proceeded to begin with his 10 second countdown he loved to do when he wanted you to beg and cry for him. he loved hearing how desperate you were to cum for him. how pretty you looked with tears in your eyes.
“10… 9…”
— m’so close please
you could literally feel the tears in your eyes.
“8… 7… 6…”
— i don’t think i’ll last, please let me cum
“5… 4… 3…“
— please please please
— fuck hyune
— cum baby, make a mess for me, hm?
you came, you came so fucking hard letting him guide you through it.
— good job, angel. hope you are aware of the fact that we are not finished yet. or is my little doll too dumb to think right now?
he said with a pout on his lips, faking sympathy at your fucked out state. and you would be lying if you said you didn’t want whatever the fuck it was this beautiful man standing in front of you wanted to give you.
⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀ — ★ —
hiii this is my first fic ever i hope u like it :D please let me know what u think and if u write let me know how i can improve in the ask box thingy tyvm !! have a good day/night <3
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hwanger · 1 year
pretty when u beg
pairing: hyunjin x fem reader
🏷 smut (minors dni) teasing, oral (f rec), overstim, orgasm countdown, orgasm control, hard dom!hyunjin if u squint, spitting
⊹ ⋆゚𓆩 ☆ ♱ ☆ 𓆪 ⋆゚⊹
★ an: hiiii this is @hyunlixr 🫶🏼 i lost my blog so this is a repost dw!
deep breaths was all that could be heard, his lips trailing down from ur neck to your abdomen. leaving a trail of wet kisses on his way to your clothed cunt.
he kept teasing you tonight, you went out to celebrate your three months together and instead of being all romantic and lovey-dovey, he was whispering the dirtiest things into your ears. but to be honest, you weren’t complaining at all, that’s one of the many things you loved about him, how dirty he could get, even in the most innocent occasions.
— going to fuck you so good tonight, angel.
all you could do was blush and giggle it off.
so here he was kissing your clit through your black laced panties over and over again. it felt so good, yet it wasn’t enough, you needed more.
— jinnie, please
he leaned over to spit on your mouth. and you gladly opened and swallowed for him. something he usually did as a silent request for you to keep quiet and let him do what he pleases with you.
— shut the fuck up unless you wanna be edged tonight
you kept bucking your hips into his face, but to no avail cause he ended up pinning you to the mattress, with his slender, pretty fingers sprawled out on your stomach. the fingers you oh so wanted somewhere else.
as he was busy making out with your clothed cunt, kissing and sucking here and there. you were getting desperate to feel something, anything. you took his fingers into your own hands and guided them where you needed him the most.
— no , angel. i want you to cum on my mouth first.
you groaned when he finally took your panties of and kissed your inner thighs… slowly.
— fuck please, please, give me something.
and so he did, he kissed your now bare clit and started sucking on it like a desperate, starved man. the sounds he made while eating u out were like music to your ears.
he kept alternating between licks and flicks to your bud until you came, kissing your clit to ride out your high. just to get off the bed and look for your favorite vibrator. he put it on a medium speed and pressed it lightly over your clit making you moan a little too loud from the overstimulation.
— s’too much jinnie, no. stop it.
but he knew you didn’t want him to stop, if you did actually want that you would have used your safe word. he knew how fucking greedy you were. how no matter how many times he made you cum, if he wanted you to cum again then that’s what you’d do. you’d do anything to please him.
he pressed it harder and started dragging it along your folds only stopping once the toy was on your clit again. he loved seeing you fucked out, and how just by playing with the bundle of nerves he could get you to look like that; legs sprawled out and open for him, cunt red and glistening with your own juices and his spit. it was quite the sight if you asked him.
once you had relaxed and let him play with you for a couple of minutes, he used his index finger to put the toy on the highest setting. making the vibrations float around your whole body. making you shake.
he knew you were close, he already knew your body and how you reacted when you were about to hit ur orgasm, so without moving the toy away from you, he leaned down, sticking his tongue inside of u going in and out at a fast pace. making you close your legs around his head for that extra feeling.
— you cant cum until i say so.
he started his 10 second countdown he loved to do when he wanted you to beg and cry for him. he loved hearing how desperate you were. how pretty you looked with tears in your eyes.
“10… 9…”
— m’so close please let me
you could literally feel the tears in your eyes.
“8… 7… 6…”
— i don’t think i’ll last, please let me cum
“5… 4… 3…“
— please please please
— fuck hyune
— cum baby, make a mess for me, hm?
you came, you came so fucking hard letting him guide you through it. finishing it all of with a soft kiss on ur clit
— good job, angel. but we are not finished yet.
he said pouting, faking sympathy. and you were down bad for whatever this man had in store for you tonight.
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mqsi · 1 year
hey i love your writing and was wondering if you could do one where reader is besties with balde and he brings reader with him to training almost every time they train but reader is bored so they draw while barca train and they cant help but draw more and more portraits of pedri, analyse him and stuff (like gradually catching feelings for him - crush) and one day they leave their sketchbook somehwere and balde and pedri find it and then everything is up to you :) thank you for letting me rant
Hi love, thank you! As an artist myself I’m happy for this request💙
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You were close friends with Balde so It was expected from him to go and drag you on his practice or anything that included football. You were happy to attend his games but training grounds were something else.
You met a lot of his teammates but watching them train gradually became boring yet you didn’t want to disappoint your friend by not tagging along whenever he calls. You found escape in bringing a sketchbook, at first just sketching Balde in various poses.
You couldn’t help but let your eyes wander on a certain brunette, analysing his form. You respected Pedri as a player and he was also nice in person. But his good looks were a nice bonus as well. You got lost in thought as you pulled the lines on the paper, sketching Pedri’s face. A slight blush crept up your cheeks.
Next time, you let yourself draw his full body. His arms exposed with sweat decorating the skin. You caught yourself analysing his features, the way his nose curved and the stubble on his chin. The way his hair flew in the wind and his eyes turned to honey in the sun.
How he rolls the shorts up and the way he smiles. How he playfully pushes Gavi or teases Ferran. From practice to practice, your sketchbook became full of Pedri in different situations. That’s when you realized that you might have developed a crush for the midfielder.
Just as you placed down the sketchbook on the bench next to you, Balde came running to you, seemingly running away from someone.
“HELP ME” he yelled, pulling you off the bench. You started laughing and played along with the tag game they started on the field. So much that you forgot about the sketchbook on the bench, leaving without it.
On his way back to the locker room, Pedri noticed your little treasure. He immidiately knew it was yours, as he noticed you always holding a pen and 9/10 times looking at him. So the drawings were no surprise when he flipped trough the pages.
Being honest, he did always find you quite cute. The way you scrunched your face in concetration while drawing and how you taught that he didn’t catch your stares.
That’s when he got an idea. Since you already left with Balde, he pulled out his phone and called him.
“We were together 15 minutes ago?”
“Yeah I am not calling for you, are you still with y/n? Can you give her the phone?”
Balde made a face but handed you the phone anyway.
“Hey?” You asked, still completely unaware that your sketchbook was forgotten, let alone in Pedri’s hands.
“Hey hermosa, don’t you think you left something?”
Your eyes widened at the realization. Suddenly, your face was hot and breathing was harder.
“Um, can you leave it where you found it, I’ll come back for it now”
“Uh oh, I’m worried that It’s already in my bag and I’m already in my car so if you want it, you can come over and I’ll give it to you” Pedri said, which was obviously a lie since he was standing in the middle of the field still.
“What?” You nervously asked.
“You heard me, and I don’t see the problem really, it seems that you enjoy looking at me”
You felt your face heat up even more and you tried to compose yourself to speak.
“Fine, I’ll ask Balde to drop me off at your place later today, is that okay?”
“More than okay”
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xcalkenf · 1 year
Thinking about needy!xiao who keeps humping on your thigh while you’re sleeping..
It was 2:39 am, you’re asleep yet xiao isn’t. Seeing your figure sleeping infront of him somehow made his dick hard, it hurts. It hurts fighting the urge to fuck you so hard.
He had no other choice. He picks your thigh up carefully and place it between his leg. He decides to not fuck you but instead to hump on you. It felt great, but it didnt do anything to his dick. He keeps humping trying to reach his high, tears forming in his eyes covering his mouth with his hand hiding his muffled moans.
it goes for a few minutes, until he came. At this point he doesn’t care anymore and then you woke up. You woke up feeling something wet on your thigh. Turning your head around, you see him. You see your poor boyfriend humping on your thigh, crying. You frowned, you felt bad for being a slight heavy sleeper.
“Xiao..” frowning, turning around and holding his face; you stare at them. Without nothing to do so, he holds your hands while trying to unzip his pants. You knowing what he wants you to do, goes down. You let go of his grip and unzips his pants, staring at the big bulge and white, sticky liquid on his boxers . “P-please.. need you.. it hurts..”
“dont worry xiao.. ill help” pulling down his boxers, his dick is hard. You can clearly see it. You give it a few cat licks before putting it in your mouth. Xiao who can’t wait anymore holds the back of your head and push your head towards it making his dick goes in your mouth hitting the back of your throat causing you to gag. “I-Im sorry.. I just cant help it anymore.. y/n”
You groaned a bit, the vibration gave enough wave to make xiao shiver and moaned. You tried to fit his dick in your mouth as full as you can, yet since you can’t anymore you use your hand twirling it around the base of his dick and using your other free hand to massage his balls. That made him weak letting out a few whimpers.
20 minutes goes by, and he came twice. You’re surprised cause he came pretty fast. He seems tired, you think. You released his dick off your mouth licking every seed that got out of your mouth and his dick. He’s so thankful you helped him right away, 10/10 for that.
A/N: heh.. idk if this is good enough since this was made at 2 am but i hope u guys enjoyed it lol.. ngl my writing pretty sucks haha
by the way thanks for 1k likes on my most recent post/blog! i really appreciate it ^^ &lt;;3
© mototoxoxo , 2022 | do not steal/repost on any other social medias, nor plagiarize. interactions are very much appreciated!
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cy-cyborg · 3 months
So I was watching an episode of the mentalist because I remembered an early episode featured an example of a trope I'm planning to talk about, but it's been years and I wanted to jog my memory.
And my God I don't think I've laughed so hard at bad disability rep in a long time, i actually started to cry from laughing so hard. I don't think the writers of this show have ever even so much as looked at or been in the vicinity of a wheelchair user and oh my God it shows 😂
Perp 1: *holds a gun to the back of perp 2 who is pretending to be in a wheelchair to get through a train station unnoticed*
I'm sorry, what? I can not even go to the train station in my wheelchair without a staff member, at least one member of the public and usually at least one child approaching me. Wtf was that plan? You know what, if they'd fake claimed the guy using that logic I might have let it slide because that's a plan only able bodied people would come up with lol
Jane (main character): I bet they didn't even check your references
Perp 2: nothing says trustworthy like a wheelchair
oh fuck, I missed that memo! Can someone tell that to the recruiters/employers in my area? I think they missed it too (legitimatly, I once heard a recruiter on Tik Tok say they won't hire wheelchair users because they always "end up making something and suing us for discrimination" and im fake-claimed every time i leave the house because im young, which this guys was too, but yeah, nothing says trustworthy and inconspicuous like a wheelchair lol)
Perp 2: 6 months I was in that chair and no one questioned me! Why did you?
What world is this because it's certainly not the real one. You're telling me he somehow avoided being fake-claimed for 6 months? Even casually? No little old ladies came to yell at him for being a young person in a wheelchair? No one asked if he really actually needs it? I'm a bilateral amputee and even I don't escape fake-claiming, and I have no legs!
Jane: I've been looking at the feet of people in wheelchair users (that's really weird dude lol) for years and your shoes are scuffed, that's what gave you away!
I...do I need to explain this one? Even my non-ambulatory friends have scuffs on their shoes from transferring and bumping into shit (he does that like 5 minutes before this scene too), and ambulatory wheelchair users exist. This was such a ridiculous reason that even the TV tropes entry about how this episode uses the faking trope has a snarky comment calling this reasoning BS. It only does it on one other entry that I saw and it's to refer back to their previous snarky comment about this show lol.
This was 10 minutes. It wasn't even the whole episode, it was like the second to last scene 😂
Also, I'm just curious where this guy faking needing a wheelchair got a high-end, custom made wheelchair from? You cant just buy them, they are fitted to you by a specilist. Even if he did find one to just buy, the brand he has was worth about $1,000 to $2,000 USD at the time this aired. I hope this scam was going to pay well lol. Every other show from this era put their wheelchair users in cheap hospital chairs, why is the guy who's faking the one time you make an exception to that?
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