#andreil have taken over my life
luzisahomosexual · 4 months
The foxes just won another game. Neil waddles over to Andrew to celebrate using his racket cos he’s so exhausted. When he gets there, he smiles at him before falling to the floor. Without a word, Andrew sits down in front of him. They both sit there silently, staring into each others eyes with their foreheads pressed together.
And that’s how the press and fans started speculating about their relationship😋
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wesawbears · 11 months
Forehead touch nation, come get your fic!
Under the cut, 1,400 words of Andreil, who I have apparently not written in over a year. Nonetheless, I actually like how this turned out, so, enjoy!
As usual, Neil was the last to leave the locker room after practice, shaking his wet hair out. It had grown a little longer than he usually kept it, but being captain kept him busy, and he wasn't known for keeping up with his appearance at the best of times.
The lounge was empty when he emerged, besides one other figure lounging across the couch, who glanced over at the sound of Neil's footsteps.
"Always the last one out," Andrew droned, sitting up at his approach. "Perhaps an issue of object permanence? The stadium does not disappear once you leave."
Neil grinned slightly and stopped a few steps in front of him. "If object permanence was my problem, then I don't think a long distance relationship would have worked as well for us as it has."
Andrew stood then, bringing a hand to a lock of hair hanging in front of Neil's face. He wound it around his finger. "Then a memory issue. Six months to forget scissors exist." He tugged the lock gently before pulling his hand away.
"Not long enough to forget that you like it that way."
Andrew did not choose to confirm that, instead hooking his fingers around two of Neil's to lead them out of the locker room. Neil locked up quickly before letting Andrew lead him to his car.
Christmas break was upon him, Neil's last before graduation, and he and Andrew were headed to Andrew's apartment in Chicago in the morning. But Neil needed to finish some things up before the break, so their first night of the next two weeks together was spent alone in his dorm, the same dorm they had shared until June.
They had done this exact journey hundreds of times before, every night practice, every half asleep stumble back to the dorms, back to the room and bed that was theirs, existing in a space where the world suspended for them, for once yielding to the gravitational pull between them.
Of course, the past six months since Andrew's graduation had taken the night from them, leaving the roof and the car and all of the places that had grown roots in Neil upended.
But he had it back for tonight, and had Andrew for the next two weeks, flesh and blood and here instead of a voice craggy on the other end of a phone call. 
He peeled himself away from the window when they pulled up to Fox Tower, abandoned for break except for the two of them and maybe a dozen other athletes still there. Andrew tapped his wrist twice with his fingers as Neil looked up at the few lights still on, blending with the stars.
"Still here?" he asked.
Neil nodded, not yet free enough from the spell of the car ride to conjure an answer. Luckily, Andrew wouldn't expect one to such a mundane question.
Once they entered his room, Neil threw his things down before climbing easily into the loft. It was as easy as breathing still to leave space by the wall for Andrew to climb in.
"Not too much?" he asked, aware that Andrew might need to adjust to touch after half a year living alone.
"Not too much," he said, pulling Neil's hand closer, inspecting each scar and line and divot on it.
"I don't think my hand has changed," Neil commented with a small smile.
Andrew didn't answer, but it didn't require one, and Neil liked that he knew Andrew had every speck memorized, that this inventory was against a catalog of Neil that he couldn't forget if he tried.
"You'll understand if I wanted to check for myself," Andrew said cooly at last, settling with their hands together.
Neil laid with his chin propped in his free hand. "There haven't been any life threatening incidents since freshman year."
Andrew huffed. "One might say your luck is running down."
"One might also say you've been worried about me."
The words hovered in the air between them. It wasn't that Neil expected Andrew to answer- at least not right away. But he couldn't help but give the game away a little. Had Andrew missed him? 
"Kevin says you're going to Denver next year."
Neil snorted. "Kevin knows I haven't accepted."
"Yet," Andrew finished for him.
Andrew busied himself by stroking the knuckle of Neil's hand with his thumb. "If you're waiting for a call from Chicago, we're not recruiting for a striker right now."
Neil swallowed. "That's what Coach said. But maybe something closer-"
"Do not make your life choices based on proximity to me."
Anger flared bright and hot in Neil's chest. "I'm making decisions based on what I want and what's important to me. Your self-deprecation isn't a reason to take my choice away."
When Andrew remained quiet, Neil's anger deflated somewhat into the embarrassment and hurt it stemmed from. "Do you not want me there?"
Andrew's eyes snapped up to his. He took Neil's fingers and pressed two of them to his neck, where his pulse jackrabbited against them. All at once it was an airport, a rooftop and a thousand moments since. 
"You're afraid," he said simply.
"Exy is the most important part of your life. It has to be because it is your life. If Denver is the best team, that's where you have to go."
Neil moved his fingers back, hovering by Andrew's head. "Yes or no?" It was usually Andrew’s thing, but Neil had to be sure.
"Yes," Andrew said, eyes closing when Neil's hand guided his head to meet their foreheads together.
"I want you. I want this. And don't tell me there is no this when that lie ran out years ago. I told you I was done running away. I'm running towards you. And maybe I'm in Denver and maybe I'm in Chicago, but it's still you. I just need to know that it's me back for you."
Andrew brushed their cheeks together, the barest touch that lit Neil's bones up from inside. "Don't ask things you know the answer to."
"Do I know the answer?"
Andrew brought Neil's fingers down to his wrists, a reminder of the price he'd paid the last time he'd wanted to keep something. 
"Andrew, I'm not going anywhere," Neil whispered into his hair. "What more do I have to do?"
Andrew hummed, the reverberation spreading through Neil's face. His lips moved to ghost over his temple. "I want you. Saying it does not change things."
"Humor me?" Neil said. "If it could, what would you want? I told you what I wanted. You and Exy. Is it so strange to want them at the same time again? I said once to borrow from me until you found something. Have you?"
Neil scrunched his face. "Us fighting in a dorm bed?"
"You. Safe where I can see you. A stretch of road tomorrow." He paused. "A night where I know where you'll be the next morning."
Neil smiled. "It seems both of our expectations are rock bottom."
"I'd say that four years ago my expectations were in hell. It is not my fault they have farther to rise than most."
Neil huffed a laugh. "Tomorrow morning, I'll be here. And the next two weeks. And next year, I'll be with you. You just have to let me."
"I've been letting you get away with things for five years," Andrew relented at last. "One day I'll fix that."
"I'll believe it when I see it," Neil answered. After a moment, he said. "I'll consider Denver. But plane tickets aren't too bad. I can be with you every night one of us isn’t playing. I'm not saying it will be perfect. But it's ours and I want to fight for it."
 Andrew pulled him closer by his t-shirt and Neil could feel the world between them, everything of the past five years mingling together in the tiny space where Andrew hadn’t closed the gap.
“Yes or no?”
“Andrew, you already know-”
“Humor me,” he echoed Neil.
“Yes. Always, come on.”
Andrew pulled him closer and his kiss was fierce and quiet, a solid weight that anchored Neil to the moment they’re in. 
For once, he had time. The future lay stretched before them, like the open road that awaited them tomorrow. Andrew was here, now. And neither of them were going anywhere.
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kiwiaok · 5 months
aftg is eating up my brain so badly, I have a constant stream of ideas and I’m shit at actually writing them but I need to get them out of my system bc it’s suffocating, so:
• an au where king and sir turn out to be shapeshifters so andreil magically acquire two spoiled kids
• andreil saying to each other ‘IU’ instead of ‘I hate you’ or ‘I love you’ or anything else. they use it in every kind of situation bc it’s the testament of how much they feel about each other and that’s more important to them than anything else. they’re fighting? IU (I hate you, I’m scared for you, I’m scared of how much power you have over me, I still want you to stay) they’re having sex? IU (I trust you, I love you, I’m going to take care of you, I’ll make you feel good) they’re breaking down? IU (I’ve got you, I’m here, I’m going to stay, I’m going to help best I can)
• a fic where neil dies in baltimore and we see the aftermath told from his perspective as a ghost: introspection, character study, cannibalism, polaroids, inspired by strangers by ethel cain:
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• neil taking great pleasure in buying andrew expensive things and seeing him use them, not out of possessiveness but bc he truly just wants andrew to be happy and taken care of. and andrew learning to accept those gifts bc neil never wants anything in return, not even gratitude
• neil getting drugged at eden’s by some stranger and proceeding to glue himself to andrew’s side. the next day andrew is frustrated by that show of trust and he asks how neil could know that it wasn’t him doing the drugging. to which neil replies that he didn’t know that, but he knew that andrew wouldn’t drug him or let anyone touch him without a good reason. so it was okay, he just needed to trust andrew’s judgement and stick by him. and then andrew realising just how much faith neil has in him and having a breakdown about it
• after neil’s bad days, andrew spoons neil and keeps his hand wrapped around neil’s throat while they’re sleeping. it makes neil feel safe and grounded and makes andrew drunk on trust and control (bonus scene: foxes witnessing this one day and completely failing at understanding their dynamic)
• neil getting into a habit of spitting after his time at the nest bc riko used to spit into his mouth and make him swallow it as a power play. whenever neil remembers it the thought of any spit in his mouth, even his own, makes him sick. so he spits
• whenever aaron is on the edge of relapsing instead of telling anyone he just trails after andrew 24/7 bc he knows his brother won’t let him destroy his life
• tlou au where andrew is traveling the world in search of his twin brother and he’s hired to transport neil somewhere. meanwhile, they fall in love with each other and they find out andrew was supposed to deliver neil into his father’s hands (andrew promised neil safety and he refuses to break his promise so this becomes the first job andrew ever failed)
• andreil breaking up and neil desperately trying to prove to himself that he can move on so he takes the page from andrew’s books and starts sleeping around, but he only succeeds in hurting himself and feeling miserable (they get back in the end bc I need them to be happy)
• OH MY GOD HORNY KANDREIL CLASSICAL MUSIC AU!! kevin (and neil?) playing violin and drew being freakishly good at playing every instrument he ever touches but especially the piano. kev giving a performance and andreil sitting in the first row, neil getting a hard on bc kevin looks so good in his suit, with slightly greying hair combed back and passion burning in his eyes. andrew discretely edging him on, palming neil’s dick through the fancy suit’s material and keeping eye contact with kevin the whole time
AND SO MUCH MORE AAAAAA. this is insufferable, I’m writing fics in my head to fall asleep and then I’m waking up literally quoting aftg (genuinely happened last week, I felt like a lunatic) and then I’m going to uni and I spend every lecture thinking about how I can use my degree to better write about those stupid murderous college athletes. what kind of crack did you put in this series, nora?????
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dayurno · 8 months
WIP Wednesday🪭
Send an ask telling me to work on one of my WIPs! (and I will post the snippet I'm working on!)
hiiii the ever sweet and talented @stabbyfoxandrew does this little wip game every wednesday so i thought perhaps i might try it today as well to get some of my own wips back into the land of the living :3 anyway here are some wip options! a thousand apologies beforehand for the titles
1. Kevin Milf Au (de-aged 5-year-olds Andreil au counterpart to 'the lovers, the dreamers, and me')
“I don’t work for your father, I fear. I’ve never even met him before.” Neil pales. Perhaps the idea that someone does not know his father seems outlandish when Neil has been raised under his dominion — Kevin is sure it feels that way, for Neil to look so stricken. Often when you are this small and your parents are the overlords of your world, it feels strange to learn that they are not the end-all-be-all of everyone else’s. Like a little tour guide, Andrew steps forward to explain, “I think you might be here because your mom and dad went away and children have to live somewhere.” …Of course, being five years old, his understanding of the situation is about as good as Kevin had expected.
2. Kandreil Thirty Year Old Men Yaoi (here's some context asks!)
"Can I ask you what made you change your mind?" Kevin asks after a moment, tapping the long glass neck of his beer against the edge of the table. "In the Olympics, I mean." Neil hums, resting his chin on his hands. "You were celebrating with Jeremy at the hotel bar. And—" He runs his fingers through his hair, as if conjuring the memory. "You were singing that song. That stupid song. You were laughing, and singing." Tilting his head to the side, Kevin questions, "What song? I don't remember." "That stupid song about— something about 'if you change your mind, I'm the first in line,'" Neil huffs. "I thought… I don't know what I thought. I guess I wanted it to be a sign." "A sign?" "That you were still— that it was still possible. Us. You, me, Andrew." He gulps down a few sips of beer before chuckling, fond, "That stupid song. I'd never seen you sing anything before."
3. Kevseth Seth lives Canon Divergence (with @rabidfox!)
“What is the point of this?” Kevin asks, studying their joined palms. Seth doesn’t even know. “Just wanted to see if mine was bigger,” he bullshits, awkwardly pulling his hand back. “And it is. Hah.” The look Kevin gives him is nothing short of nasty. “We have work to do, and you waste my time with something like this?” He asks, and while Seth might have taken offense before, now he can’t rid his head of thoughts he associates with slipping a pretty girl’s party dress off her shoulders. It is not unlike the times Allison reprimanded him as a way of flirting, and the thought leaves him disoriented. It is best to stir the conversation into milder topics.
4. Nurse Kevin Au (aka the period where jean stays in palmetto post-nest and a very sorry kevin's terrible bedside manners)
Kevin leans back over him, one hand beside Jean’s face and the other inching towards his mouth, careful. Helpless, Jean lets Kevin push the candy past his lips, sweetness bursting on his tongue with a tart strawberry undertone, sticking to his teeth. Kevin’s fingers linger on his mouth, resting on the puffy center of Jean’s lower lip; a salty contrast to the candy that they had just pushed in. “Is it good?” Kevin asks him, studying Jean’s face. “I’ll give you another one. You’ve had a hard day.” It’s really not true at all: how pampered has Jean gotten, that a day where he just lies back and kisses Kevin can be considered ‘hard’? Sure, it’s not nice to be in recovery, but it’s not nearly as cruel as Jean’s life was before Palmetto. Still, he lets Kevin watch him as he chews, and breathes lightly under Kevin’s hand when Kevin touches his throat to make sure he’s swallowed before he feeds him another one.
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willowbird · 1 year
If you’re still taking prompts, would you do another uncle andreil? I’ve read the one that’s up on ao3 and it’s so cuuute!! Could you maybe write about the foxes seeing Aaron and Katelyn’s kids having these two terrifying assholes that are Andrew and Neil just absolutely wrapped around their fingers?
Of course!
I think this was sent to me like... two years ago? ^_^;
Better late than never? I hope it was worth the wait!
Dan Wilds was not quite sure what she was seeing. It was entirely possible that she was actually hallucinating. Maybe, on the way into town, she and Matt had actually gotten in a car accident - and the bizarre apparition in front of her right now was just, like, a side effect of the anesthesia as the doctors fought to save her life.
Far fetched, sure, but that still made more sense than Andrew Minyard in a frilly, child-sized apron holding a child-sized plastic teacup daintily on its saucer.
"Uh," said Matt beside her - which at least meant she probably wasn't actively hallucinating. Unless Matt was a part of her hallucination, which, well, was still more probable than what she was actually seeing.
"Sorry," Matt continued. "Did we uh, interrupt?"
"Yes," said Andrew blandly, his expression it's usual apathetic emptiness that only made the whole scene that much more chilling. Despite this confirmation, though, Andrew still stepped back to let them into the house.
This is probably the beginning of some weird twisted horror movie, Dan thought as she stepped inside - trying but failing not to stare as she noticed that the apron said "Princess Chef" in glittery letters across the front. Six months from now they're going to find out my bones were artistically crafted into a new tea set or something.
As if he knew what she was thinking, Andrew met her eyes and - while maintaining creepily unblinking eye contact - lifted the teacup to his lips and took a sip.
Matt made a choking sound beside her that turned into anxious spluttering when Andrew turned his silent, serious gaze onto him next. It had been years since either of them were genuinely afraid of Andrew Minyard, but though they had become as close as family (closer, really, when you consider the "family" any of the Foxes came from...) there was still a sense of... apprehension that came about unbidden whenever Andrew gave anyone his full attention.
Well, other than Neil and Renee - they seemed pretty unaffected, but Neil was just as bad as Andrew and Renee was Renee so...
Matt attempted to cover up his awkwardness with a cough and a laugh that didn't help at all. Then he said, "So uh, was the tiara taken, Minyard?"
Dan's eyes went wide and she snapped her attention over to her husband, catching the very moment Matt realized what he'd just said and who he'd said it too.
There was a beat of heavy, static silence. Dan felt as though all the air in the room had suddenly become caught in her throat and it was slowly ballooning out until she would either before to release it or choke, the pressure building and building until she was too tense even to gasp.
Then Andrew said, "Yes. It was Piper's turn." He lifted his (again, and it cannot be stressed enough, child-sized) teacup, took a sip, then turned and walked away from the foyer. Just as he was about to turn down the hall, he paused and looked back. "Oh, and it's Minyard-Josten. Either get it right or use my first name."
Andrew was gone before that registered. Before any of that registered.
Two beats after he vanished, Dan wheezed, pressing one hand to her chest and grabbing onto Matt's sleeve with the other to provide additional support to her suddenly jellified knees. "What--?" she gasped, at the same time Matt squeaked, "He!?" Then, in tandem, they both looked at each other and said, "Wait."
"Tiara," said Matt.
"Teacup!" implored Dan.
Both of Matt's hands landed on her shoulders, his eyes wide. "Minyard-Josten," he whispered. Then he paused, frowned, and said more firmly and with greater awareness. "Minyard-Josten!?"
"Wow, that was... I don't know what that was, but it was definitely embarrassing. The twins can do sentences better than you and they're not even three yet."
Both Dan and Matt jumped, their yelps of surprise mingling in a jumble of inelegant noise.
Aaron Minyard stood in the entryway that led to the kitchen, drying his hands on a towel. He looked good, Dan decided as she forced her mind away from the fuckery of whatever fever dream just let her and Dan into the house. Years of practicing medicine rather than exy, of the more recent adventure of parenthood, had done a lot to change his outward appearance from his brother. Aaron was a bit rounder now, his hair longer and the curls of his blond hair full and wild in a way Andrew never would have allowed. He looked... friendly, warm - the complete opposite of his entire definition back when they were in college. Even with the bemused smirk he wore now, he had a very... fatherly vibe about him.
Of all the OG Foxes, they got to see Aaron and Katelyn the least. With both of them being doctors, and then very quickly parents only a few short years after medical school, they had a stricter schedule and much less mobility when it came to travel and visit availability. This would be the first time Matt and Dan would be seeing the twins since right after they were born, though they'd dialed in for a New Years zoom several months ago.
Matt cleared his throat, then grinned. "Aaron. Hey! C'mere man." Dan waited her turn. Then also hugged Aaron.
"Where is Katelyn?" she asked, both because she was genuinely curious and also because if she didn't ask that she was going to ask--
"What the fuck was Andrew wearing just now!?" Matt hissed in an urgent rush almost before she finished asking her own, much more reasonable question that definitely had a much less terrifying answer. "Ow!" Matt grunted with a pout as Dan smacked him in the shoulder. "I call spousal abuse! You were thinking it too!"
"I'll show you spousal abuse," she muttered darkly, then turned to Aaron. "But yeah, he's right. What the fuck?"
Aaron chuckled, then shrugged. "Go see for yourself. They're in the play room. It's tea time."
"Tea time?" Matt rasped, and now that Andrew wasn't there, the hilarity of the whole thing was finally beginning to dawn.
Dan looked at Matt, and could feel her own face stretching into a grin that matched his. "Tea time," she breathed. "With toddlers. Andrew... and Neil?" Dan made it a question, looking at Aaron.
Aaron sighed, and the familiar "oh that asshole" affectionate disdain was all Dan needed to know that Neil Josten (Minyard-Josten?) was also participating in toddler tea time. Dan met Matt's eyes, and the next second they were both half-tripping over each other as they scrambled down the hall that Andrew had disappeared down.
There was only one open door at the end of the hall, and Matt and Dan skidded to a stop right in the doorway, eyes wide and mouths in identical, open-mouthed grins - because no matter what was there it was going to be fucking once-in-a-lifetime.
And there. There they were.
Two adorable, cherubic little blonde toddlers sitting at a table that was surrounded by toddler-sized chairs, dressed up in what appeared to be a Ninja Turtles costume and an Elsa costume (both with tiaras). The Ninja Turtle was sitting on Princess Chef Andrew Minyard-Josten's lap, chattering away in mostly-unintelligible babble that Andrew appeared to completely understand. The little Elsa was sitting in her own chair, but she was turned toward the inhabitant of the seat immediately to her left, holding a tea cup up to it's large, inflatable snout.
"Neil. Josten," Dan croaked out, much louder than she meant to - startling the little girls but of course neither of the adults. In all her years knowing them she'd never been able to surprise Neil or Andrew.
That big flimsy head turned her way and Neil's voice, steady and unbothered, said, "I'm a tea-rex," as if it was the most reasonable thing in the world to say. Then, on Dan's way down to the floor, her knees giving way slow enough that she was at least able to grip the doorframe as she crumpled, he added, "Oh, and it's Minyard-Josten."
Some time later, once Dan had collected herself enough to look at them without fucking losing it (she had to leave the room twice - Matt just sat on the floor in a stupor for fifteen minutes until one of the girls brought him a teacup) she demanded to see the rings, which both tiny menaces instantly produced.
And, fuck it, she couldn't even be mad. Because here was Andrew fucking Minyard and Neil fucking Josten, married and having a tea party with a couple of toddlers - and if that wasn't the kind of personal growth and fulfillment that a Fox deserved she didn't know what was.
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percy15 · 2 years
AFTG has taken over my life 😭😭😭 I can’t look at a “pretty boy” blonde dude without thinking of Andrew i can’t look at good looking Japanese men without thinking of Riko and his brother I can’t think of France without thinking of Jean I can’t read about my other fandoms ships without comparing them to Andreil I HAVE BEEN RENDERED USELESS DUE TO THESE STUPID BOOKS
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Rules: Tag some people you want to know better and/or catch up with, then answer the questions below! 
I was tagged by the beautiful @whereforartthoumisthios and I loved to get to know her better!
So here we go!
Last Song: Timezone - Maneskin (I am in a mood)
Three Ships: 
- Andreil (All For The Game book series)
- Ginny Weasley X Luna Lovegood (Harry Potter)
- Either Beidou X Ninghuang (Genshin Impact) or Kassandra X Eivor (Assassin's Creed Odyssey - Valhalla), because I'm a simp who can't choose between powerful ladies
Currently Reading: Spanish legislation, because my studies have taken over 95% of my life (T^T)
Last Movie: The Secret World of Arrietty, because I was sad and Ghibli movies never fail to give me hope
Craving: I'm not kidding when I say I would kill for a homemade apple pie. With the crumbling puff pastry, and the sweet cinnamon and sharp green apple filling. Dear gods, I'm definitely baking this weekend.
I’m tagging: (Y'all better respond because this is taking me back to being 16 and being way too much on this hellsite, but in a nice way)
@powerfem @menalez @medeaaaa @sweetandlethal @radwildflowers @brainbird
Here you go!
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gayykronos · 1 year
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I posted 741 times in 2022
That's 486 more posts than 2021!
8 posts created (1%)
733 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 58 of my posts in 2022
#aftg - 29 posts
#all for the game - 28 posts
#andreil - 21 posts
#neil josten - 20 posts
#andrew minyard - 20 posts
#the foxhole court - 16 posts
#books - 15 posts
#tfc - 6 posts
#fanfiction - 6 posts
#fanfic - 6 posts
Longest Tag: 83 characters
#and i do have a sideblog for aftg because i felt bad for spamming that specifically
I sent 1 gift in 2022
My Top Posts in 2022:
4TheWords Referral Code
Hey, guys! I've started writing on 4TheWords again and ended up making a new account. You can write, fight monsters by hitting word count goals, and make progress in quests. This website has given me way more motivation to write, and has made it way more fun than it already is for me.
Come check it out!
2 notes - Posted March 5, 2022
me: *loses interest in writing for a while*
my laptop when I finally get back into it: “ha, you think I’m gonna charge? suffer.”
8 notes - Posted January 15, 2022
I have 275+ posts queued on my aftg sideblog, and it posts 5 times a day. I’m starting to think I need to up the posting amount a little 😅 at least I won’t have to worry about posting for at least 55 days 😂
9 notes - Posted February 6, 2022
reading your mutual’s fanfiction just hits different. dunno why, but it does.
11 notes - Posted April 21, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I don’t normally share my sideblogs, but after spamming my poor main blog with my current hyperfixations, I’ve chosen to make this. So if you’re a fan of All For The Game, come say hi!
17 notes - Posted January 14, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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writing-is-hard-af · 4 years
Do I want to reread All For The Game? Yes. Do I have a really long list of other books I haven’t read yet? Also yes. Does that affect my want to reread aftg? No.
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jingerhead · 2 years
I mean… 26 has to be andreil right…. I MEAN
If this one doesn't scream Neil then I don't know what does. TW for blood and Jack because Jack is an asshole (homophobic language?)
26 - hahaha no worries, it's not my blood
Neil had been distracted all practice, and he knew it showed.
Wymack had taken over directing the Foxes on what to do next after the third time Neil zoned out, more than once telling him to get his head in the game. But Neil couldn't manage it, which was strange, because exy was his life now. It was just that Andrew never got sick, and yet he was sick enough to have chills and a cough and a high fever.
This had never happened before, so Neil couldn't stop thinking about it. Despite his gut telling him to stay, he'd given in to Kevin and Andrew telling him to go to practice anyway, that he was the captain now, and that he had a responsibility to his team. And sure, Neil did, but they could manage without him.
For the first time in his life, Neil found himself wanting to take care of someone else. He wanted to be by Andrew's side, not because he had to be there, but because he wanted to be. He wanted to make Andrew some cocoa and get him cool towels to bring down his fever and measure out the Dayquil he was supposed to take.
That in itself was disorienting. On top of the fact that Andrew was sick enough to avoid practice? He used to play games while going through the early stages of withdrawal, if this was enough to convince him to take a day off, what the hell was it? Did he have to go to the hospital? Neil should've asked him for a list of symptoms before he left -
Neil blinked and looked up at Wymack, who had his eyebrows drawn in and a disapproving look on his face. After a second, he just waved a hand and announced that practice was over for the day.
Neil had never been happy that practice was over. What the hell was going on with him? Was he sick?
He moved on autopilot to the locker room, deciding he'd shower back at the dorm and pulled off his gear as quickly as possible. He changed into a T-shirt and sweatpants and used a towel to wipe away the minimal amount of sweat on his skin, eager to get back.
But it would seem that life wasn't going to be easy to him today. Before Neil could slip away, Jack approached, looking far too pleased. He couldn't have anything good to say - not that Jack ever did in the first place.
"Off your game," Jack pointed out.
"A lot on my mind," Neil mumbled, throwing his shoes into his duffle bag and lacing up his sneakers as quickly as he could.
"About Minyard?" Jack asked. "What a shame he's sick. I'm sure he would've been happy to have practice end early."
Neil rolled his eyes, turning his back to Jack and grabbing his jacket. It was cold outside now that it was December, and Neil didn't want to risk getting sick if Andrew already was.
"You that eager to get back?"
Neil wasn't able to pull on his jacket just yet. He waited, because he knew that Jack was going to say something else, something that was going to set him off, because he was still processing that he felt this way at all about...about his something. Yeah, they were something, and whatever he and Andrew were was making Neil want to rush home and take care of him until he got better.
"Aw, you disappointed he can't breathe through his nose well enough to suck your cock?" Jack asked, lips twisted into a smirk.
Neil didn't think. He tucked his fingers into a fist and curled his thumb around them, and in a blink of an eye he twisted and punched Jack in his face. Jack didn't make a noise but stumbled back a step as blood immediately began to flow from his nostrils down his chin.
"Sorry, who couldn't breathe through his nose?" Neil sneered, hand still in a fist.
Jack let out a yell and rushed forward, but not with enough force to push Neil off his feet. The rest of the team was there in a second, pulling the two away from each other just as Wymack walked into the locker room. He let out a long sigh when he saw Jack's face.
"Go get that checked out," he said, jerking his thumb behind him. Jack angrily shook of the hands of his teammates and cupped his nose, stomping away. Wymack then turned to Neil, staring at him for a few seconds. "Cool it, Josten. Walk it off. We'll be talking about this tomorrow."
Everyone in the locker room backed away uneasily, letting Neil push through and rush to the Maserati. He didn't think about waiting for anyone else before driving back to the dorms, taking the steps two at a time to reach the dorm faster, only able to breathe easily once he finally closed the door.
Andrew was inside, leaning against the counter in their kitchenette and holding a mug of cocoa. Neil was almost disappointed to see he'd already made himself a cup, but he reasoned that Andrew would probably want another one later. He dropped his duffle bag and coat, attempting a smile in greeting.
"Blood," Andrew said, not meeting Neil's eyes.
Neil glanced down, seeing the impressive splotch of blood left on his shirt. He let out a hesitant laugh at the sight of it. "No worries," he said, walking closer to Andrew. "It's not my blood."
Andrew grabbed the hem of his shirt and drew it up enough to make sure Neil was telling the truth, his shoulders visibly drooping when he saw no injuries there. "You're back early," he said after a moment, looking up and dropping Neil's shirt.
"Coach had mercy on us."
"Or you caused trouble."
"Why does everyone always assume it's my fault?" Neil asked, leaning against the counter with a huff.
Andrew left that question unanswered. He grabbed his mug again and took a quick sip, sniffing a few times. Neil moved away from the kitchenette to grab a box of tissues, offering one out to Andrew when he came back. Andrew raised an eyebrow just slightly, but accepted the tissue.
"Go shower," he said. "You're still sweaty."
"Okay," Neil said, feeling himself smile once before turning to do as he was told.
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luzisahomosexual · 2 months
My Roman Empire is Nicky & Aaron telling Neil that Andrew sober acts way more violent & insane than Andrew on his meds & Sober Andrew just being fucking clinically depressed…
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imperfectcourt · 3 years
Andreil Prompt:
Neil is an Assassin. Some day something goes very, very wrong. So the first time Andrew meets Neil, Neil has to explain to him that he accidentally poisened him and Andrew has to go to the hospital to get the antidote.
So I was really unsure about this but when I got going I got really excited about it! But I also COMPLETELY MISSED the line where it said "the first time" so this is very much not the first time they meet ;__; sorry! I hope you like it though!
Neil had never panicked on a job before. He’d never made a mistake or killed the wrong person or not killed the right person. He could kill whoever he was told to kill, he could kill however he was told to kill, and he could be whoever he was told to be in order to do it.
Killing Andrew Minyard was the worst and last mistake Neil would ever make.
Worming his way into A. Minyard’s life hadn’t been easy but it had been natural- the most honest work of his filthy, bloody life.
It had to be this way. It couldn’t look like a typical mob hit, anything abrupt and easy would look suspicious. The call had to come from inside the house, or so they say.
Neil tipped the vial into the remnants of the whiskey bottle and poured two modest glasses. It wouldn’t be pleasant for him but he’d built up enough of a tolerance to survive. Odorless, collarless, no paper trail. He’d suffer some hallucinations and maybe some minor liver damage but he’d live and after tonight he’d be free. No more Moriyama’s. No more contracts. No more death.
No more Andrew.
Neil brought one glass up to swirl, smell, sniff, and sip. A perfectly normal glass of whiskey. He brought out onto the small balcony and put them on the rickety table between two lawn chairs. Andrew picked his up and didn’t make the small cheers motion he always did as a silent thanks, didn’t drink. He’d been staring at his closed phone for the last half hour. Neil knew he would say what was wrong in time (if there was time).
“There’s something I need to tell you,” he said after several long minutes, punctuating the statement with a sip. Guess there was time, after all. Neil sat sideways on his chair so he could watch Andrew light a cigarette.
“That sounds ominous. You’re not a murderer are you?”
Andrew’s top lip curled in a small, vicious smile. “That’s a truth for a different day.”
No, it wasn’t, and Neil found himself reaching for another mouthful of whiskey. Andrew raised a brow at this, having caught on a while ago that Neil liked to draw the drink out as long as possible if it meant he didn’t have to go home yet.
“It’s nothing to form a drinking habit over, calm down.” Andrew took up his drink again and every sip he took felt like friendly fire. “You’re going to see something on the news tomorrow and I’d rather tell you myself than get pissy with me for not bringing it up sooner.”
“Secrets secrets are no fun,” Neil parroted. Andrew kicked out his socked foot to hit Neil’s heel and didn’t pull it back.
“A story will be dropping about my brother’s involvement in a gang bust tonight. Just got word that everything went well but his services had been needed on sight.” With the hand that held the cigarette, he gave his cellphone a little shake.
“You have a brother?” That hadn’t been in the assignment, but family matters were often left out for jobs like this. He couldn’t go in knowing too much and risk exposing himself.
“My twin.”
“You have a twin?”
Andrew threw back the rest of his drink and waved it at Neil’s face. “The only reason I’m telling you is because you’re going to see him parading around on t.v. with my face. We’re not that close.”
A gang bust. Big enough for national news. That couldn’t- that would mean-
“What’s his name?”
“A. Minyard. Doctor Aaron Minyard.”
Andrew froze. Looked at Neil so expressionless he might as well have been stone. “I never said he was a doctor.”
He didn’t have to. Dr. A Minyard. Fox affiliated attached to a photograph. Andrew had his PhD and his connection to Kevin Day was easy enough to find if you knew where to look. The Foxes were an elusive bunch of vigilantes but everyone had heard of Kevin Day, son of the founders of the Foxes.
Neil had never made a mistake before and killing Andrew Minyard was the biggest mistake of his life. He knocked the glass from Andrew’s hand only because Andrew let him.
“Now, right now,” he changed, grabbing Andrew by the sleeve and tugging him back inside. It only worked because Andrew let him. Andrew was always letting Neil, trusting Neil. And for what? For this?
Neil let go when he was sure Andrew would follow him and rushed to the tiny kitchen. He took the water glass by the sink and upended the entire salt shaker into it.
“Drink this right now,” he ordered Andrew.
Andrew did not take it.
“Andrew, trust me just one last time. Just this one last time trust me and drink this. Just this once. Just this one last time.” There was time. There was barely time. It had been less than a minute, there had to be time.
Neil didn’t know what he would do if Andrew didn’t drink, if Neil killed him for nothing. No matter what the outcome, no matter Andrew's decision, Neil would die either way.
Andrew took the salt water, drank the whole thing, and promptly threw up in the sink.
Neil watched, hands in his hair and tears clouding his eyes as Andrew righted himself, wiping at his mouth with the back of his wrist.
“That’ll give you time to get to the hospital. You have to go now, you’ve got time.”
“I’m not going anywhere,” Andrew put his hand slowly, calmly, over Neil’s throat, “until you explain.”
He pressed him into the wall.
Neil let him.
“You were supposed to be my last one and my contract would be fulfilled,” he said.
“Explain better than that. What does this have to do with Aaron?”
“There’s no time-”
“Then make it quick.” He pressed against Neil’s throat and Neil��s hands came up instinctively to grab his arm. He stopped before making contact.
“I was born into a debt that the Moriyama’s own. I was one of their hit men. A. Minyard. Fox associate. And a picture. That was my last assignment and I could finally… I could…”
Words were getting harder. He had begun ingesting the poison before Andrew and hadn’t gotten any of it out of his system.
“You’re the only one I never…”
“Never what? Never shot like a coward? Never succeeded in killing?”
“Never wanted to.” His hands came down onto Andrew’s forearm even though he didn’t have permission. His vision was swimming around the edges and he couldn’t tell if it was because of the drug or the pressure on his trachea. “I didn’t want to kill you. H-hospital. You still need the hospital. You have time.”
“Why should I believe a single thing you say?”
“I’ve never lied to you.” It was so important for him to say that somehow the words came out with conviction. “Never lied. Andrew, you’re amazing and I love you but you need to leave right now.”
His knees gave out and for the briefest moment all of his weight was being held by the hand on his throat. Andrew lowered them both to the ground.
“What did- You idiot.” Ah, yes. He must have caught on. “You did all this to live only to fucking kill yourself? Neil. Neil… Neil!”
Neil had never panicked on a job, but he’d also never woken up in a hospital bed before. He was aware of the spike in noise before he was aware of his surroundings.
“The worst assassin in history.”
Neil groaned but didn’t yet open his eyes. His memory was just solid enough to know what he’d taken and experience told him he wasn’t ready to face the spinning world.
“Can’t say he was wrong, technically,” the same voice said.
“What kind of assassin not only chooses the wrong target but falls in love with their dumb ass?”
“This dumb ass has the same level of education as your dumb ass.”
“My dumb ass has a doctorate of medicine, not in books.”
“Still dumb.”
“Sssh,” Neil breathed out, testing the waters of control and strength. He had very little of either.
“Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, the dumbest of asses.”
“Give him another hour and he might even be able to respond.”
“Now who would want that.”
The second time Neil woke up in a hospital, it was enough for him to look around and realize this was not a hospital but rather a medically furnished bedroom.
“I hate you.”
He turned his head to see Andrew slouching back in an overstuffed, wingback chair. The look on his ever-passive face was angry and Neil would take angry over dead any day.
“You made it,” he slurred. His mouth felt like cotton. “You made it,” he said again because it was right and good. “You made it.”
“Shut up.”
“I’m fine. Got a tolerance”
“Is that something they teach you in the bright sunny world of the Nest?”
Neil made a finger gun at Andrew (why?) and slowly, slowly tilted himself onto his side to see him better. Somewhere in the back of his mind he knew there were things he needed to worry about, but for now he just wanted to look.
“I’m happy you’re alive.”
“I don’t care.” And he sounded like he didn’t, but that was how he always sounded. Still Andrew. Still him. Still alive. For a long, quiet while they stared at each other.
“I have to go before the Moriyama’s come looking to do clean up. This won’t be tolerated.”
“No. It won’t be. But not by the Moriyama’s.”
Andrew stood in a motion that made him look much older than he was, tired. As he came to stand over the bed, Neil couldn’t help but stare because not killing Andrew Minyard was the only right thing he had ever done.
“The Foxes completed their take down of the Moriyama’s. It’s been all over the news, which you would have seen if you hadn’t poisoned yourself.”
The… the what? Something must have shown on Neil’s face because Andrew pressed him down into the bed a split second before he’d tried to sit up. As consciousness cleared his fog, his brain began catching up enough to understand that he wasn’t understanding. The synapses were there but they weren’t connecting.
“I don’t understand,” he whispered. Andrew’s mask twitched.
“Of course you don’t, you’ve been too deep cover to keep up with what was right under your nose. The Foxes won, there are no more Ravens, and you, Nathaniel, are a free man.”
The sound of that name, his name, sent a flinch so hard through his body that it made something cramp in his stomach. Andrew watched, bored, as he curled in on himself. If he knew that name, if his cover was blown so spectacularly, then there must be an ounce of truth to it.
“I’m just… Neil. I just want to be Neil.”
“Well, Neil.” Andrew slid his hand into Neil’s hair and squeezed, not hard but enough to tilt his head back. “If you ever do something that stupid again I will kill you myself.” Something in his eyes, however passive he tried to pull off, told Neil that Andrew was not referring to his own attempted murder.
“Were you… worried about me?” That couldn’t be right.
“I don’t know, Neil.” He kept saying his name like that and Neil didn’t know what to feel about it. “My whatever of a good stretch of time nearly killed himself. How should I be feeling?”
“I nearly killed you. I only poisoned myself a little.”
Why? The easy answer was forensics. Two glasses. Two drinkers. One lucky to survive the ordeal. But that wasn’t all of it. As Neil stared up up at Andrew, here at the other side of it all, he could admit to himself that he was glad for the punishment.
“Because… because I was going to kill you to save my own life and I had never hated myself for anything more than that.”
“I hate you,” Andrew spat.
“As long as you’re alive to hate me it’s fine.”
“Shut up.”
“Tell me more about the take down.”
“Is your brother a Fox? Do I have to be killed for knowing that?”
“You have to be killed because you won’t shut your mouth.”
A good stretch of time. That’s how long Neil had been worming his way to be Andrew’s whatever. And in all that time he’d never felt safer. He lifted a shaky hand and waited. It took nearly a minute before Andrew released his hair and took the hand up in his own.
He didn’t apologize for trying to kill him. He didn’t apologize for coming into his life under false pretenses. If Andrew was there now, he trusted Neil enough to understand. They could talk about it later.
“Go back to sleep,” Andrew ordered quietly.
“So I’ll shut up?” Neil whispered back. His eyes were already drifting closed.
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aftgficrec · 2 years
Hi!! I caught it open and I'm so happy. Thank you guys for you work! I've been reading fics via this platform for a year now and love it!! I was wondering if you guys have any new (or old) sick fics. Or andreil caring for each other when they're sick is my guilty pleasure. Preferably over 10k but I'll take anything really😁 Thank you so much!! 🥰
There are some really excellent long sickfics available, just look at the list of our previous recs below.  We seem to have rec’ed most sickfics over 10k already, but there are plenty of good shorter fics as you can see. - S
From previous posts:
‘Pause and Restart my Heart’, ‘The Bones of You’, ‘let them hear me shout (for you)’ (since updated) here
‘Back to the Start’ here
‘you're not next before forever’ here (now complete)
‘Broken’ here
‘just like that day’ here
‘no straighter path than to struggle’ here
‘Speaking In Silences’ (now complete) here
‘Virus’ here
‘Secondhand Lovers’ (now complete) here
‘and in a flash, it’s gone’ here
‘Muscle memory’ (now complete), ‘The Memories I Never Can Escape’ and ‘last piece of gold’ here
Paint me a picture of you by peachycloudsworld [Rated T, 20525 words, complete, 2022]
After spraining his wrist, Neil is off-court for four weeks. It doesn´t take long for him to start spiraling down. Luckily there´s Andrew and his new interest in painting to keep him afloat. Still, nightmares suck and his wrist is a constant reminder that the yakuza can take him out whenever they want.
[Or: Neil has a bad couple of weeks and Andrew does whatever he can to take care of him.]
tw: panic attacks, tw: homophobia, tw: scars, tw: nightmares
The Songs Around Us by doodlingstuff [Rated M, 14484 words, incomplete, last updated June 2022]
The mission was simple: Nathaniel would join Astral Foxes as Neil Josten and make them part of Moriyama Music.
In reality, Neil became real, found a home, and fell in love despite his lies.
When the Moriyamas send the Butcher to remind Neil of his mission and Andrew's life ends on the line, Neil will have to decide how to escape his fate and bring Andrew back.
Sometimes, music is the only answer, and others, as Neil will realize, truth is the only weapon you have to save the ones you love the most.
tw: car accident, tw: torture, tw: implied/referenced child abuse, tw: panic attacks
There Now, Steady Love by jingerhead [Rated G, 7040 words, complete, 2022]
All it had taken was a broken strap, a helmet flying loose, and a rough push. That was all it took for Neil to feel like his entire life was taken away from him. He could barely remember that one of the things Andrew told him after he’d woken up, caught in a panic because he couldn’t see, was that his uncle had pulled through somehow and he didn’t have to worry. That things were taken care of, and they’d figure it out, together. But Neil’s world still came crashing down piece by piece.
He could never play again.
Due to a sudden head injury, Neil ends up blind and can't play the sport he's built his life around. Andrew teaches him how to again.
Palmetto Plague by ace_astronaut [Rated T, 5899 words, complete, 2022]
“I should tell you to stay in bed,” said Andrew, as Neil’s thoughts were interrupted by a fit of coughing.
“But?” Neil managed through coughs.
“But I know it won’t make a difference because, as we have established, you are both sick and stupid.”
“I promised Dan I’d captain the team while she was gone—”
“Save your voice. I’m not interested in your never-ending Exy excuses.”
With Dan out of town, Neil is promoted to acting captain for their upcoming death match. He’s not going to let something as insignificant as the flu stop him from leading his team to victory.
Andrew is Not Pleased. But he knows better than to try and talk sense into his junkie boyfriend.
I Never Said I Loved You by phan_taloon [Rated T, 5281 words, complete, 2022]
Andrew never learned how to love, never quite learned what loving someone or something means or requires, never knew how loving felt like. After so many fucking years with Neil fucking Josten and their not-nothing, he has no idea if he loves him.
This didn't go in the direction I initially planned and might be the softest thing I've written.
Title from Ripple by Moonfall
tw: car accident, tw: blood
As It Was by Exyshmexy [Rated G, 3088 words, complete, 2022]
Neil gets the flu, Andrew comes to the rescue.
One Hundred by TheRainbowElectric [Not Rated, 4553 words, complete, 2021]
The most shocking thing about the sight of Neil is how still he is.
Andrew has seen Neil bloodied and bruised before. But even beaten to a pulp and beyond exhausted, Neil talks and twitches and kicks in his sleep, restless fucker.
Now, Neil’s only signs of life are the shallow rise and fall of his chest and the steady beep of the heart monitor beside his bed. That’s all Andrew has to hold onto as he drags a chair from beside the window to the gap between Neil’s bed and the door and sits down.
Andrew breaks into Neil's hospital room after Baltimore. (Inspired by this artwork by @himawarrior)
tw: implied/referenced torture
Safe with Neil by Autumnalpalmetto [Rated T, 2392 words, complete, Aftg Winter Exchange 2020]
For JostenLovesMinyard on tumblr
prompt: Andreil, sick with the other looking after them, cuddling in front of a fire, snowball fights, and staying at a winter cabin.
Andrew gets sick on their first night in the cabin, and Neil takes it upon himself to nurse Andrew until he's feeling better.
sick Andrew by @paradoxolotl
more sick Andrew by @paradoxolotl 
how to remedy high fevers by @microolli
Let Neil nap by @crowtoeoe
Injured Andreil by @bookaholic5
maybe they invented love by @broship-addict
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i-did · 3 years
Do you know when the racism and ableism accusations against Nora started? Because back when I was active in 2016/2017 and don't think they were a thing, or were very low-key. Was it something she said or are people just basing it off the things she wrote in the books?
From what I remember, the first time I heard the blanket statement of “Nora is racist/fetishizes gay men” blanket statement was early fall 2019 (which is so ironic for the fandom to say on so many levels lmao). There wasn’t a catalyst or anything, just she went offline 2016 and no new content was coming out and the aftg fandom is such an echo chamber that… an accidental smear campaign happened.
 Before then, I would see occasional “Nora used ableist slur” which… is funny (not that ableism isn’t serious) to me people care more about that than Seth saying the f-slur. IMO this is because with Seth, it clearly shows the character thinking it and not the author who is writing about what will be an end game mlm relationship. 
But anyways! Long story short, it's the fact that she’s an ace/aro woman who wrote a mlm book, and based off of the events in canon. There is no “Nora called me/someone else a slur” it’s “Nora wrote a book where slur(s) are used” and “the Moriyama’s are Japanese.”
Below I put my own opinion on these claims and go into more detail:
CW for discussions of: racism, ableism, mlm fetishization
Fetishization: (and mentions of sexism at the end)
To one question in the EC about her inspo for aftg she jokingly responded how she wanted to write about gay athletes. On other parts of your blog you could see she was a hockey fan and an overall sports fan (anime or otherwise) but I've seen this statement taken out of context and framed as “she's one of those BOYXBOY” shippers. Considering how… well-developed both Andrew and Neil’s relationship is, and it takes them until like the 3rd book and there is a whole complex ass plot going on around, you can see how that's just. Not really true. And considering the fandom is like… 85% women (queer women but still women) and I've gotten into a discussion with someone who is a woman and called Nora a fetishizer and was ignoring my opinions as a mlm, and I really just wanted to say “well what does that make you?” it's a very ironic high horse. She didn’t write 3 all 3 books to put Neil in lingerie pwp or crop-top fem-fatal fashion show, fandom did. 
Also, I talked to an ace/aro friend about this, and she talked to me about how AFTG spoke to her very much so as an ace/aro story. Neil is demisexual, Nora didn’t know of the word at the time of reading it, but she did get an anon asking if Neil was demi after, and she said “had to look it up, and yep, but he doesn't really think about it” (paraphrased). Obviously it would have been cool if andreil were canonly written as wlw by Nora instead, (which would have increased the amount of wlw rep and demi rep) but tbh I don’t think tumblr would have cared about it nearly as much and everyone would just call Neil a cold bitch–like people do with Nora’s other published book with a main character who's a woman. Plus they're her OC’s, not mine. 
The fact is that 50% of all LGBT+ rep in literature is mlm, mostly white mlm, and not written by mlm. I’m not going to hold her to a higher standard than everyone else, she already broke a shit ton of barriers in topics she discusses that otherwise get ignored. I’m grateful to these books for existing even if it's a mlm story written by a woman. I still will prioritize reading mlm written by mlm–and vice versa with wlw– in the way I prioritize reading stories about POC written by POC. But credit where credit is due, this is a very good story, and a very good demi story. 
To me, AFTG is a story about ableism and how we perceive some trauma survivors more worthy than others. Neil and the foxes using ableist language shows how people actually talk. Neil thinks shitty things about Andrew, like the others do too, and thinks he's “psycho”. The story ultimately deconstructs this idea and these perceptions of people. Wymack, someone who says the r-slur (which is still not known by the general population as a slur even in 2021 much less the early 2000s when the book was beginning to be written and what the timeline is based off of) is a character who understands Andrew better than most of the others do, and gives him the most sympathy and understanding despite using words like the m-slur and r-slur. Using these words isn't good, but it is how people talk, and this character talks. Wymack is a playful “name caller” especially when he’s mad, the foxes think Andrew is “crazy” and incapable of humanity and love because of it. They call his meds “antipsychotics” as an assumption and insult in a derogatory way, when really antipsychotics are a very helpful drug for some people who need them. Even Neil thinks these things about Andrew until he learns to care about him. All the foxes are hypocritical to am extent, as people in real life tend to be. Nora herself doesn’t use these or tweet them or something, her characters do to show aspects of their personality and opinions and how they change over time.
As for the racism, I've seen people talk about how racial minorities being antagonists is inherently bad, which I think lacks nuance but overall isn't a harmful statement or belief. However, Nora herself said she wrote in the yakuza instead of another gang or mob because she was inspired for AFTG by sports anime, (which often queer-bait for a variety of reasons). I haven’t seen a textual analysis acknowledging the racist undertones surrounding the Moriyama’s as the few characters of color who are also major antagonists, but instead just “Nora is racist”. Wymack having shitty flame tribal tattoo’s is just… a huge 90’s thing and a part of his character design. Her having a character with bad taste in tattoo trends doesn’t mean she's racist. There is the whole how Nicky is handled thing, but that's a whole thing on it’s own. The fandom… really will write Nicky being all “ai ai muy spicy, jaja imma hit on my white–not annoying like me–boyfriend in Spanish. With my booty hole out and open for him ofc.” and as a Mexican mlm I’m like … damn alright. 
I think there is merit to the fact that she writes white as the default* and unless otherwise stated a POC a character was written with the intent to be white is another valid criticism, as well as the fact that the cast is largely white, but everything Nora is accused of I've seen the fandom do worse. That goes to the debate of, is actively writing stereotypes for POC more harmful than no representation at all? And personally I prefer the lack of established race line that lets me ignore Nora’s canon intent of characters to be white and come up with my own HC’s over the fandoms depictions of “zen monk Renee with dark past” “black best friend Matt who got over drugs but is a puppy dog” “ex stripper black Dan who dates Matt” vague tokenism. I HC many of the upperclassmen as POC and do my best to actively give thought behind it and have their own arcs that also avoids the fandom colorism spectrum of “darkest characters we HC go to the back and fandom favorites are in the front and are the lightest.” 
*I however won't criticize her harsher or more than… everyone else who still largely does this in fanfiction regarding AFTG as well as literature in general. This isn't a Nora thing, it's a societal thing, and considering the books came out in like 2014 I'm not gonna hold her to a higher standard than the rest of the world. She's just someone who wrote her personal OC’s and self-published expecting no following. I don’t know her race and I’m not gonna hold her to a higher standard than everyone else just because. 
The criticisms I've seen have always been… ironic IMO, and clearly I have a lot of thoughts on it. I think most people say those things about Nora because they heard them, and it's the woke thing to say and do and don’t critically analyze their actions or anything, but just accept them. 
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saywhatyouwillbut · 3 years
grace's essential aftg fics
hi friends! i made a list of all my favorite aftg (read: andreil) fics to recommend to whoever wants them! all of these are either complete or regularly updating, so no waiting for a chapter that will never come. enjoy, and make sure to leave the authors a comment!
never fallen (from quite this high) by crystalcrow
For most people, a problem is a matter or situation regarded as unwelcome or harmful that needs to be dealt with or overcome.
For Andrew Minyard, it’s the word that fits Neil Josten with a capital P.
(or, aftg from andrew’s pov)
Chapters: 43/43, Words: 352140
why i like it: i'm a slut for andrew's pov, so this fic is kind of my everything. bonus points for being an alternate way to reread the series.
Every Time a Bell Rings by fuzzballsheltiepants
Nathaniel has been lost since his mother died. According to the authorities, he died too, in the shootout that killed his father. In reality, he's been dragging himself along from town to town, sleeping on the streets, lacking even a name. He's not sure how he's been surviving, or if it's even worth it anymore.
Andrew has been stuck in the waiting room of the Afterlife, reading the same stupid pamphlets and listening to the same terrible music, ever since he was collateral damage in the car wreck that eliminated his mother. Until he gets a chance to take over the guardianship of one particularly difficult person and possibly earn his wings--if he can keep the idiot alive.
Basically, an It's a Wonderful Life AU featuring our favorite Foxes.
Chapters: 17/17, Words: 56704
why i like it: it's sad, funny, and heartwarming, much like the inspiration.
Fencing with Reality by fuzzballsheltiepants
What do you do when you're bored out of your skull during social distancing and a spider has just taken up residence in your living room? If you're Andrew Minyard, you take up fencing and end up meeting someone who you can't get out of your head - even if you've never actually seen their face.
Chapters: 1/1, Words: 7230
why i like it: pandemic or no pandemic, taking up a new hobby because there's a spider in your house is both hilarious and ridiculously valid.
Magesong by fuzzballsheltiepants
Ten years ago, Neil and his mother fled from his violent Fire mage father, leaving the kingdom of Ravenar and his childhood friends behind. Now alone, his magic stripped from him, Neil finds himself a spoil of war, sold by the new king of Ravenar into marriage with the prince of Palmetto in an attempt to buy peace. Nothing goes quite as he expects: he regains his lost magic, makes new friends, and reconnects with old ones. But even as he starts to form a magical bond with Prince Andrew, a threat lurks on the horizon, and he must stop it before war breaks out again.
Chapters: 13/13, Words: 54753
why i like it: magic! but also the positive arranged marriage. mostly the magic tho.
light fires at night (to push back the void) by inthesea (now archived)
The first time Andrew realizes he wants to hear the words, Neil isn’t even doing anything. He’s just sitting there, staring at the horizon with that stupidly dramatic faraway expression of his, and letting the cigarette burn down between his fingers all the way to the filter — an outrageous waste of good nicotine, if you asked Andrew.
(Or: 20+ times Andrew and Neil say I love you, and one time they say it out loud.)
Chapters: 3/3, Words: 61862
why i like it: a very good development of neil and andrew over the years. it's just satisfying.
The Bachelor of Baltimore by likearecord
Nathaniel Wesninski, the only son of the Butcher of Baltimore, has two options: choose a mob boss to marry for the benefit of the Moriyamas, or meet with an unfortunate accident. He thought he had it worked out. And then Andrew Minyard walked into his life.
Chapters: 5/5, Words: 32235
why i like it: it's a (slightly nicer) look at what neil might have been like if mary had never ran, and while we don't support the mafia, it's interesting to see how the foxes might have fit into that world.
Point Nemo by moonix
Neil meets his favourite Exy player of all time one starry night on a balcony, steals his cigarette lighter, gets asked out on a date... and has to pretend not to be completely, utterly obsessed with Exy in order to keep his interest. Easy. Right?
Chapters: 1/1, Words: 13814
why i like it: cozy winter vibes, chronic pain rep, and neil being absolutely ridiculous. plus, this kevin moment:
“Remember what happened last time you tried to set me up with someone?” Neil said, snapping his fingers at him.
“She wasn’t so bad,” Kevin said mulishly. “How was I supposed to know she was deathly allergic to peanuts?"
Not Nothing by TheRainbowElectric
Five times Neil tells someone that he and Andrew aren’t dating, and one time Andrew uses his words to set the record straight.
Chapters: 1/1, Words: 23148
why i like it: it's a nice, pretty realistic take on neil and andrew's relationship and the way it develops in the aftermath of tkm.
Blame It On My Youth by youreyestheyglow
10 years after the end of The King's Men, Andrew and Neil have decided to foster a kid. They have low expectations for themselves--they're not exactly ideal parenting material--but at the very least, the kid will be safe with them. But neither Andrew nor Neil do temporary very well.
Chapters: 126/?, Words: 1,425,633 (as of 2023-03-05, updates on Sundays)
why i like it: general domestic fluff (with some drama here and there), great character dynamics, and the fact that i laugh out loud at least once each chapter.
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willowbird · 3 years
For the prompt game — could you do AU 1, trope 8, location 2 for Andreil? I always love reading these, thanks for sharing!
Grad School, return of the childhood best friend, inside Andrew's closet!!! Thank you so much for sending in the ask I'm glad you're enjoying the little ficlets and I hope you like this one too!
Tall people were a curse. A blight on all of society. Civilization would undoubtedly crumble under the obnoxious stomping of their huge feet and the polar ice caps would melt at least in part due to the heat from their big fat heads.
Also, all the tall fuckers in Andrew's cohort were constantly putting things in places Andrew couldn't reach, especially when it came to the supply closet off of the office the group of them communally used. It had gotten to the point that Andrew had taken full command of the ordering and organization of all their supplies. Last month he had even gone so far as to print out and laminate a full-color sign for the closet that read: NO ONE ABOVE 5'3 PERMITTED. SEE ANDREW J MINYARD FOR ALL SUPPLY RETRIEVAL.
The only reason he'd given the extra few inches at all was because Robin, the undergrad TA that assisted in one of his classes, sometimes helped him out and she was a whole three inches taller than him. It was enough of a restriction that it barred the rest of his cohort from intruding, though, as even Renee was a solid 5'8.
Or at least, it should have been an effective restriction. Andrew had thought the rest of his team could read well enough to get the goddamn message. Then he showed up this morning and the fucking closet door was open and where was the box of printer ink he'd ordered last week?
That's right, on the top fucking shelf.
When Andrew figured out which idiotic fucking beanpole had decided to pull this shit with him there was going to be hell to pay. He would raid his cat's litter box for ammunition if he had to.
For the moment, though, he needed to replace the ink in both printers. Which was why he was balancing precariously on the arms of the only non-rolly chair on the goddamn floor, straining to reach the box of ink and quietly promising to take an extra dose of revenge out of each and every person over 5'3 if he fell.
Which he almost did when a sharp knock suddenly echoed a bit too loud from directly behind him.
"Jesus fuck what is wrong with y--" Andrew cut off abruptly as he looked over his shoulder to see who had dared come up behind him at a time like this. He blinked, then he fully closed his eyes and took a deep breath before opening them again. When the man before him was still fucking there, Andrew twisted slightly and jumped down, letting his ass hit the seat as he overbalanced on the landing.
"Um... hi."
It had been almost ten years since Andrew had heard that voice. Ten years. In that time Neil had gone from being a scrawny, anxious kid to... well...
Vivid blue eyes stared at him steadily, winged with eyeliner that only made them brighter. His dark russet-auburn hair was shaved close to his head on the sides but long enough on the top that he'd gathered it back in a loose bun, which only emphasized the perfect angles of his face and the soft give of his mouth, the way his chin carved down to a point as if to frame it, drawing the eye.
"Andrew? I didn't mean to surprise you. Well, I did, that's why I didn't tell you I was coming. I didn't mean to almost make you fall off a chair though..."
Neil clicked a tongue-piercing against his teeth. It flashed silver for a moment, matching the two bars that bisected his left eyebrow. Purple studs and a line of tiny hoops trailed up each ear.
Andrew stared, then he did the only rational thing and reached forward, grabbing the doorknob and slamming it shut with himself inside the closet.
His heart was fucking pounding, and he knew his face was flushed because, look. Look. Neil Josten at fourteen years old had been a scrawny kid with big ears and a chipped tooth that was always covered in bruises and Andrew had been so fucking in love with him. All he ever wanted to do as a baby gay was kiss Neil Josten. Thought about it all the time. But that had been off the table because Neil was his best friend and probably asexual and also literally trying to survive. When Neil moved to the other side of the fucking planet to be with his uncle, Andrew had told himself that this was a good thing because 1) Neil would be safe and 2) if there was distance between them then Andrew could finally get over him.
Over the last ten years they'd exchanged regular letters, but because Neil was a fucking technophobe and there may or may not have been an actual hit from actual hitmen and gangsters and shit on him over here in the states - they hadn't spoken on the phone and no pictures had been shared.
And now here was Neil. Almost twenty-four and... so so fucking hot.
There was a soft knock on the door, followed by a quiet, anxious, "Andrew..?" that sounded a lot more like the Neil Andrew remembered.
"Um... should I go? I'm sorry... I thought... I guess I was wrong. I'm sorry. I'll go..."
"No!" The word escaped him before he had time to really think about it. He was pretty sure his voice cracked a little in his desperation too. Shit. Andrew cleared his throat and tried again. "Just... wait. I.. need to get ink."
Andrew did his best not to read into the mystery in Neil's tone. Instead, he thanked the closet gods and carefully climbed back up onto the chair. Another couple of minutes later he had the ink he needed and was facing a coming out he really never anticipated having to go through. Coming out of the closet to your best friend was one thing. Coming out of the literal, actual closet you have shut yourself in to reunite with your super hot best friend that you've been in love with for over a decade at this point was quite another.
Ripping the band-aid off was really the only way to go, so Andrew took a deep breath, put his free hand on the knob, and opened the door.
Neil had repositioned himself and was now leaning against the nearest desk. The sleeves of his shirt were rolled up to his elbows exposing strong forearms decorated with swirls of dark ink. Three fingers on each hand bore rings (not the ring fingers, not that Andrew was specifically looking) and his nails were painted a dark, glossy gray. Around one wrist was a frayed bracelet that perfectly matched the one Andrew also wore on the same wrist.
As soon as Neil saw him, he lit up. A smile on his face that shined in his eyes, even if there was a slight hesitance to it - understandable considering Andrew had just.. you know... shut himself in a closet after seeing him.
"Hey... Sorry again, about that. I know you don't like to be startled. I just... I got excited."
Andrew swallowed, a tough feat with a throat so dry. Somehow, he managed a snort. "Like a puppy. Should I be worried about my floors, Josten?"
"I dunno, you gonna scratch me behind the ears?" Neil shot back, and the smirk that accompanied it was fucking devastating. That's is, Andrew gave up. He lost. Dead, he was dead. There was no way he was getting out of this one.
Andrew did the only thing he could do to keep himself from grabbing the little bastard and kissing him senseless, which was ask the big question hanging in the room between them.
"How are you here, Neil? I thought you'd never be able to come back to American soil."
Neil rubbed the back of his neck, like he was thinking of the best way to explain it. After a moment he said, "Uncle Stuart still doesn't think it's a great idea - but there's no price on my head anymore. As of last month we cleared out the last of... well, let's just call them the old bad guys. There are new bad guys, but they don't really care about me."
It took a moment for that to fully sink in. Andrew set down the ink on the desk and moved to stand directly in front of Neil. When Neil stood up straight, they were almost exactly the same height - Neil only really had a few inches on him. At least he hadn't been lying to make him feel better when he'd told him in a letter a few years back that he'd topped out at 5'3.
"So? Don't you have a whole new life over in jolly old England now? Friends and family who don't regularly try to kill you? Why come back at all?"
He knew why, but he wanted - he needed - to hear him say it.
"Yeah, but... they aren't you."
"Yeah, Andrew. You."
Their eyes met. Something in Andrew's chest snapped like an overworked rubber band stretched too taut and all the carefully sequestered feelings it had been keeping at bay suddenly sprang forth like a tidal wave. They rushed through him, filling him up, buoying him until he probably could have reached the top shelf of that goddamn closet without the chair.
"I hate you," Andrew ground out. And Neil smiled, because he knew it wasn't true.
"I missed you, Andrew. I missed you so fucking much."
"Shut up, stupid." Andrew forced himself to take a deep breath, then he snatched up Neil's hand and started dragging him out of the office. "Come on. We're getting ice cream."
Neil laughed and squeezed his hand. "Some things never change."
No, Andrew thought, some things never do.
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