#I had NO IDEA where this drawing was going
miru667 · 1 day
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The whole Once-ler family is working full tilt!
Here's my full piece for the VK Onceler Zine! I was very lucky to get to be a part of it...🥹 I used concept art as my inspiration this time: [link] Keep reading below for my process vid and all my director's commentary!
Thank you for being curious! Here's a video of my WIPs:
Deadlines were TIGHT for this zine! We were given only 2 months (compared to the 6 months I had on the previous onceler zine), so to make sure I could finish on time, I decided to do only base colours and lighting, with almost no shading anywhere. Still, trying to balance all the colours took the longest for me, as you can see in the vid. xP
Also idk if anyone noticed, but for the face I chose to use an already existing onceler doodle: [link] Why? Well, why not! I really liked that doodle and I didn't want it to go to waste. 😆
Things that I enjoyed sneaking in:
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-the golden spiral! Vaguely, at least! At the very least I hope your eyes can follow the order of thneed production, from the fallen tree at the window to the tuft harvesting to the thread spinning, to knitting the thneed and then drawing up plans for bigger and better things, and then ending with him pulling on his iconic glove to show he's going to take control now
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-15 cents, a nail, and a great great great grandfather snail, as well as a tin pail since that's where you're supposed to deposit your payment
-combining things from the 2012 movie and concept art, the 1972 movie, and the 1971 book (e.g. that funny wrench he uses to fix pipes)
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-Miss O'Schmunce-ler! You can see from the vid that I added the bracelet pretty late, because it was a late decision to have a Miss O'Schumunce-ler somewhere. I chose her to be the one picking up the pencil in the end, since she's pretty good with a pencil in the movie hehe
-a thneed, a seed, and a (grickle grass) weed on the floor. The thneed is just the first of many that will soon create a giant pile. The seed lies forgotten in the corner. The weed is foreshadowing the future.
-hinting that Lorax and Once-ler were actually good friends, like they were in the Lorax musical stageplay. 🥺 I kept this part of the script in my mind for this piece:
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This was aftermath Once-ler talking to the Lorax, reminiscing on their good times...and also being stupid and inconsiderate because the Lorax was in fact there all along as his friend, trying to warn him of what was going to happen. 😔
So in my zine piece we're witnessing a peaceful time before all the real biggering really starts. I like to think that in this scene, the Lorax had been sitting on the Once-ler's lap, holding his gloves for him and having a nice chat together with maybe some harmless bickering, but then the Once-ler gets a phone call so he cuts their convo short and rolls his chair over to the window to answer it. Putting business over friendship as usual, of course. Inspo for the lap sitting comes from this fanart by Emi that I love: [link]
What else...the parts that I'm proud of the most are the stool (I spent 2 days just drawing this stool), the curtains, and the Once-ler's pose. I was close to giving up on that pose because I had no idea how to draw it but I'm glad that I tried again. I wanted to show him at ease during a stage in his life that we never got to see much: the happier and more innocent days of his biggering when he only had a small shop. 😊
That's all, I think! Thanks for reading if you did! Once again it was an honour to be part of this zine!!
232 notes · View notes
uhohdad · 2 days
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You & Konig have been chosen to participate in a twenty-four tribute fight to the death.
18+, NSFW, 80k WORD COUNT, AO3, Virgin!Konig, Outcast!Konig, 18yo!Konig, GentleGiant!Konig, Fem!Reader, Mentor!Price, Blood & Injury, Graphic Violence, Death, PTSD, Alcohol Use, Slow Burn, Sexual Content, First Time, Smut, Fluff, Angst
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When you wake, your cheek is still pressed to Konig’s chest. Your lips have settled in a dot of your own drool that stains a spot on his shirt a shade darker. Your head raises to face the knock on the door, and Konig’s head follows in suit. You’re not sure if he was already awake or not, but your eyes meet, both of you already dawning that unsure stare.
You know what this knock means.
This is your call to death.
You take a dry swallow, body already shaking with fear.
You and Konig give each other one last squeeze before you pull away to roll out of bed to answer the door.
It’s Price, wearing a matching solemn expression, his brow creased in sympathy at your face drained of color and jaw that trembles.
He nods at you, and wordlessly embraces you, your face buried in his chest as his arms wrap around your shoulders.
“You’ll be alright, Pluck,” He whispers, giving you a squeeze before he pulls away. He looks over your shoulder and sees Konig, slouching off the edge of your bed, staring at the floor.
Price refrains from giving you that knowing, smug grin. He nods again, licks his lips, and the three of you still, staring off into nothing. Mourning in your last few moments.
At breakfast, Ruby has the sense to ease on the chatter, the four of you eating in a grave silence.
Neither you or Konig have much of an appetite. In fact, every bite you force down threatens to make a reappearance, but you have to. You have to eat and drink as much as you can hold because if you can survive the day, you will soon be starving.
No words are exchanged.
Wordlessly you and Konig are chaperoned down to the ground floor, led by Capitol guards to the hovercraft launch pad.
You are strapped into your seat, where you are given a tracker, implanted deep into your inner forearm with a thick, hollow needle. You don’t hold back your wince as it’s driven into your flesh.
There’s a lump in your throat that won’t go away. As you gnaw at your painted nails, your hand jitters in front of your face. You wonder if forcing down breakfast was a bad idea, because it’s swirling around your insides, stomach churning as you sit with nothing to distract yourself. In a futile attempt to soothe yourself, your thumb rubs over the smooth, golden front of Konig’s token.
When the hovercraft’s windows go black, you can’t help the sharp inhale you draw in.
You can’t bear to look at Konig as you’re separated in the catacombs deep beneath the arena.
Mauve’s waiting for you at your launch room. She looks a little pale today, her usually uninterested demeanor wavering.
Pressed to the far wall and immediately catching your attention is an open, crystal tube circling a metal platform that will soon deliver you to the arena. The sight of it widens your eyes, as if you were staring down an opponent in the arena. Your breakfast sloshes around in your gut, fists clenching at your sides.
Mauve sighs and hands you a pair of black pants with a matching tactical belt. The pants are wind resistant, a swishy material on the outside and a thin layer of wool on the inside.
You nod slow, jaw slack and shaking, breaths audible. Dizzy and unsteady, you almost trip as you step into your pants, catching yourself with a hop.
Mauve helps you into the most supportive sports bra you’ve ever had the pleasure of wearing, and a black shirt, reminiscent of the one you wore for training. Your arms fumble to make it through the holes of the fabric. Once on she takes a black jacket off a hanger and opens it for you. You make a half turn on unsteady feet, slipping one arm after another through the sleeves. She pulls it up onto your shoulders, brushing your hair from the back of your neck as she smooths the hood along your shoulders.
Your rattling fingers fumble for the zipper and fail to connect either side of the jacket. Mauve gently takes it for you, zipping up to your middle. You try to whisper her a thank you but it just comes out a breathy squeak.
The jacket was made for you, you can tell. The almost silken, water resistant material perfectly confirming to the curves of body, comfortably hugging you. Similar to the pants, another layer of wool lines the inside. At the absence of pockets, you slip Konig’s token into your bra for safe keeping.
“Look,” Mauve says, annoyed as ever, “I try not to get attached. But you,” She sighs, lowering her voice, “You make it hard.”
Your face loosens for just a moment.
Maybe you had pegged Mauve wrong. You hadn’t considered that she may be avoidant and uninterested to just her tribute. You assumed that’s all she ever was. But maybe outside of here, away from the kid she has to watch die every year, maybe she is nicer. Open and loving and supportive. It makes you think that if someone had tried to judge your entire personality based on how you’ve acted since the reaping, maybe they’d peg you wrong too.
“Thank you, Mauve,” Your words are nothing but a shaky whisper.
“Mhm,” She hums, “Now win.”
You scan her face, your entire body trembling in fear.
An even, robotic voice comes over the speaker and announces that the launch will begin in thirty seconds.
You choke on the lump in your throat, a hiccup leaving at your futile attempt to swallow.
Your feet are made of lead as they approach the launch pad, careful, shuffled steps up to the tube.
“Hey,” Mauve says.
When she looks at you, she gives you a single, slow nod.
“You’ve got it.”
With full blown eyes, you return her gesture, and the glass encloses you with a zip.
Immediately your palms are pressed to the glass, your instincts clawing to free yourself from this cage.
Mauve gives you one final nod.
Your entire body jumps when the platform begins to raise, and you watch Mauve until she disappears, ascending into darkness.
The first thing you notice as your tube breaks into open is the freezing air. Almost immediately your trembling intensifies, each shallow breath turning to steam that billows in front of your face. You are blinded, nothing but bright white as you jerk your head around. For ten seconds your vision struggles to readjust, twitching as you force yourself to orient to a shine powerful enough to bring tears to your eyes.
Once your eyes adjust to the sun, your focus is pulled to the cornucopia, centered equal distance from each of the tributes’s platforms. All twenty-four of you, in a circle, a minute away from a bloody slaughter.
Sixty Seconds.
The pure white snow that surrounds your feet reflects a brutal full sun.
You follow one of the tributes gaze, the boy from District Three, you think. He’s staring off into the distance, into the sandy landscape just to the left of you.
Sand that stretches for what looks like miles, massive dunes that billow along the lifeless sea of orange. A mirage of heat radiating off the piles of sand, dotted with the occasional dead brush.
To your right, behind the story-tall cornucopia, the desert landscape seems to come to a grinding halt. As if a line had been drawn vertically down the horizon. The yellow, hazy sky that hangs over the desert abruptly turns to a blanket of crystal blue sky filled with fluffy, brilliant white clouds. Just next to the split, contrasting against the brilliant blue sky, is the border of a hedge maze. Thick, massive walls of foliage reaching well over the size of a redwood tree, pink flowers that look almost like cherry blossoms intertwined with the deep green walls running along the perimeter of its quadrant. From here you can see at least a dozen openings in its massive walls, leading into it’s chambers.
Forty-Five Seconds.
The arena is divided in four, with the mouth of the cornucopia in the exact spot where each of the landscapes meet,  six tribute platforms in each quandrant.  Surrounding yours, and the closest five other tribute’s platforms, is snow. Blinding white, the desert’s sun reflecting off its pure coat that comes to a perfect right angle pointed at the cornucopia. When you look behind you, you see the snow stretches along the entire quadrant, eventually obscured by a forest of pine trees. The sky above the pines is a solid, weak grey, flurries dotting the air.
When you look over your left shoulder, you find the snow and pine forest comes to a dead halt, another split in the sky and landscape. It’s picked up by a forest of red maple and ginkgo trees - vibrant crimson and yellow leaves that camouflages just a few feet beyond the treeline. The leaves’ colors immediately remind you of fall, and then it clicks.
Summer, Spring, Winter, Fall.
Cute, Capitol.
Thirty Seconds.
The desert was a death sentence. No water, no food, and heat that would collapse the strongest tributes in a matter of hours.
Snow was out of the question, too. With Price’s instructions to avoid the cornucopia, there’s no way you’d have the proper supplies to survive such a climate. Even just standing in the corner, with the desert quadrant being just a few yards away, you and the five tributes surrounded by snow are shivering from more than just fear, noses and cheeks turning red from the chill air. Staying close to snow would be important, through, as it’s the only source of water you’ve got eyes on from your platform.
The sight of the hedge maze is enough to make your stomach churn. A feeling in your gut that was hard to ignore, even with the rationalization of ideal temperature and concealment. It was too risky. An enclosed space like that, no way to tell what dangers and traps the gamemakers have hidden inside. Too easily cornered into hand-to-hand combat.
The fall forest - that’s your best bet. Dense trees to hide in. Survivable temperature and bordering the snow quadrant.
Fifteen Seconds.
With your arms crossed over your chest in a desperate attempt to keep warm, you do one last quick scan of the four jarring landscapes, just to ensure you’re making the right choice. You find the mouth of the cornucopia again, a pile of goodies spilling out in the exact spot all four quadrants meet. You see weapons made of the finest quality metal, shelter materials, full armor and gear designed with the extreme temperatures in mind. It’s no use eyeing them up, you’d never survive in a dash to the cornucopia. Your eyes flick down to the items scattered around your feet, the lesser value supplies sprinkled further away from the cornucopia. They stick out well in the snow, nestled into the top layer of ice. Just from your spot you can see an empty water bottle, a carabiner, a flashlight. A multitool the size of your index finger, a set of rubber soles - you think to attach to your shoes - and a pair of black, coarse gloves.
You follow the items that trickle into the hedge maze quadrant, and there you find Konig, about seven tributes to your right.
He’s hard to miss among the other tributes, and he’s looking right at you. Catching his stare, you share one last look of hesitance.
You realize you haven’t taken a breath in an uncomfortable amount of time, gulping one deep breath of sharp icy wind while you look to Konig with parted blue lips and eyes pooled with terror.
One last reassuring glance between two tributes that are both just as lost and just as unsure and just as deathly afraid.
When the gong goes off, your brain goes blank. The plan you’d so carefully crafted over the longest minute of your life untangles the moment twenty-three tributes race off their platforms. Half in a full sprint to the mouth of the cornucopia, the others scattering in a full dash to the quadrants.
No one dares rush into the desert, many going out of their way and stumbling through sand to escape the heat that coated them in layer of sweat. The tributes assigned to that quadrant had already removed their jackets and secured them to their waists to escape the dry heat of the sun. A handful of tributes rush for the hedge maze, less offput by its unknown in the interest of full concealment. Two male tributes, one who had snatched the shoe attachments, flashlight, and gloves, dare to brace the snow, running side-by-side and whizzing right past you as they disappear into pine trees. The rest of the tributes make a dash to the fall quandrant, quickly disappearing behind the coverage of yellow and red leaves.
You were still glued to your platform, giving everyone else a massive head start. Frozen in your place, sucked right back into that blackhole of dread and fear you experienced on reaping day.
There’s one thought that tears through the fog, and it’s Price’s voice.
What the hell are you doing, kid?! Get out of there!
It’s his voice that gives you the courage to step off your platform, daring a few feet forward to risk grabbing the canteen and carabiner with one hand, the multitool in the other. The metal wet with melted snow freezes your palms with a harsh bite.
When you look up to make sure no one’s targeting you, the color drains from your face at the sight of the boy from District One thrusting a sword into a boy’s neck. His blood sprays nearly a foot in front of him, coating his killer in a cup of deep red blood. The boy from district one smiles, his grin coated in the blood of his kill.
About ten yards from you, in the fall quadrant, the girl from District Four wrestles the scrawny girl from District Ten to the ground for a 3-inch long knife that was stabbed into the dirt. She managed to overpower her, pinning her down with a straddle before driving the knife into her stomach. She removes the blade several times, plunging it back into Ten - repeatedly slashing her guts and sending blood flying. Ten keeps her grip on the knife that punctures her, face frozen in shock.
The girl from District One, now back to back with her bloody companion, is successfully using a spear to skewer anyone in her reach.
Your head snaps to a figure rushing towards you. The boy from eleven, you think, has his eyes locked on you, running full speed in your direction. At his side is a scythe, its metal gleaming as it catches the bright desert sun with each of his strides. You stand straight from your half-ducked position, having been stuck in your squat after grabbing your meager supplies. The snow crunches under your boots as you make a few shaky steps backwards, palms rising instinctively to brace yourself. You’re still locked in fear, lower lip stammering and unable to get out even a plea for mercy.
Suddenly he’s stopped in his tracks, his legs and upper half folded forward by strong arms and hands clasped tightly around his ribs. You watch with a gaped mouth and blown eyes as he rises a foot-and-a-half off the ground. His limbs flail as he tries to swing the scythe behind him to defend against his assailant. It’s quick, Eleven’s tilted to the side and he’s thrown brutally into the ground. For a moment his body is a blur, and then his head catches on a raised platform. His skull hits the metal with a heavy thunk, followed by the distinct and unmistakable sound of his neck breaking.
When you’re finished eyeing the boy from eleven, dead the moment he hit the platform, your eyes dart to the culprit.
He’s peels the scythe from the dead tribute’s hand, looking over his shoulder for any approaching tributes.
As soon as he meets your scared eyes, he starts in a full sprint to you, weapon at his side.
A breathy squeak turns to steam in the frozen air as you stumble backwards. Your heel catches on your own platform, seat hitting the snow and legs sprawled out on the chilled metal.
It’s the betrayal that shocks you back to your body.
Konig is trying to kill you.
Your feet kick desperately at the smooth platform as you turn over in the snow. Stiff, frozen limbs quickly scramble to get yourself up and into a sprint. You keep your few supplies pinned tightly to your chest as you fight against the snow swallowing your boots with each step. You break into full speed when you’re in the fall quadrant, the freezing air turning to a much more bearable temperature the moment your foot harshly hit the dirt littered with yellow petals.
Finally! You hear Price in your head. You can even picture him, leaned towards the screen, hand coming off his knee with an annoyed wave.
Each time your foot slams against the dirt it sends a shock up your legs, still defrosting from the harsh bite of the winter quadrant. The adrenaline pumps through you with each pulse that pounds against your temple, breath as sharp as crystals with each inhale.
Branches grab hold of you as soon as you break through the trees, peeling up the first few layers of exposed skin. With each snap and break of the branches, the searing, white hot image of the boy from eleven flashes in front of your eyes. His eyes that had gone lifeless the moment he crashed into that platform, a small bounce of his head off the metal pillow before he landed limply in his final resting place.
You stay right on the border of the winter quadrant, just to the right of the snow-capped pine trees.
When your hearing comes back to you, previously deafened by an unrelenting replay of a broken neck, the first thing you hear is your heavy breaths, followed by the screams of tributes behind you. They’re quieter now that you’ve made distance from the bloodbath, but there’s no mistaking the raw desperation in their cries of pain and pleas for mercy. You can’t help but flinch at the particularly cutting shrieks.
You run until your legs hurt, until your face and hands are covered in scratches, until your lungs beg for respite, and then you run some more.
You’re thinking about all the tributes that ran into the fall quadrant. Most of the ones that didn’t make a dash to the cornucopia ran into the quadrant you occupy. Your focus had been elsewhere, but you think around six or seven tributes made a run for it as soon as the gong sounded. More may even follow after they’ve grabbed supplies from the cornucopia.
This doesn’t sit right with you, all of these tributes in such a condensed area, almost all of them bigger and stronger than you. They’ll surely stay close to the border of the snow district as well, drawn in to the water supply. It’s frustrating that these tributes had the same plan as you, but you don’t have much of a choice without proper supplies to survive the extreme climates.
Maybe the hedge maze was the right move after all. To your knowledge, only a handful of tributes were daring enough to head to the spring quadrant, and at the very least the hedge maze should provide decent cover. There may even be supplies hidden deep within it chambers.
This in mind, you don’t break your strides, heading deeper into the fall quadrant.
You don’t stop until your stomach threatens to retch, dropping to your knees in exhaustion. If a tribute were to run into you now, they’d surely have no trouble ending your life.
When you finally catch your breath, successfully spitting away the nausea and rubbing away the cramp in your arm from the deadly grip on your items, you’re surprised you’re still alive. That another tribute hasn’t found you and turned your throat inside out.
You’re eager to get away from the snow border, knowing that the tributes will be lingering close by. You’re thankful you risked the water bottle, even if it meant the vivid memories of so many brutal slaughters. You’re sure it will give you an advantage, able to move deeper into the fall quadrant without having to stay close to scoop up handfuls of snow.
When your legs permit you, you stand with a wobble, inching yourself toward the pine trees. You kneel down in the dirt littered with brilliant yellow ginkgo petals, and scoop handfuls of snow up to your mouth, letting it melt into a very refreshing swallow of ice cold water. You don’t even try to mute your noises of satisfaction and relief. Once you’ve quenched the unbearable thirst brought up from running, you uncap your bottle and begin to stuff snow into its small opening.
You can’t get the image, the sound, of the boy’s broken neck out of your mind. It’s stopped playing on a loop, but it now intrusively rips through your thoughts without warning, folding your whole body forward into a cringe.
You’d known Konig was strong. You’d watched him in training, lifting weights you could hardly roll.
It was nothing in comparison to watching him pick up that boy from eleven with ease. He lifted that boy, who was by no means small nor weak, spun him around, and threw him like he was a ragdoll.
You really thought that Konig would have the decency not to try and kill you immediately. Just yesterday you were friendly, sharing both a bed and your intimate thoughts. Moments before the  gong you were benefiting from each other’s reassurance. Shouldn’t there have been a cool-down period? You didn’t realize that not agreeing to be his ally meant you were agreeing to be enemies.
It was naive of you to assume you’d be on neutral ground in the arena, you realize.
‘I would kill if I need to.’
You hear Konig’s words intertwined with the repeated sound of Eleven’s neck cracking.
Just a lie, something to keep your guard down.
He killed that boy not out of self-defense or necessity, but because he could. He was running right towards you, ready to pick you off too, just because he could.
He didn’t even have the decency to let someone else pick you off before he broke your assailant’s neck.
Konig specifically wanted to be the one to kill you.
You’re running over every moment you’ve ever shared with him, now tainted with the cruel truth. He had been tricking you all along, luring you into ease and comfort with his presence just so that he could draw you in to kill you.
You’d been right all along.
When your canteen is full, you wipe off the outside of the bottle with your jacket and use the carabiner to clip the bottle and multi-tool onto its rung. You fasten it into your belt loop, but your plan immediately falls apart when the multi-tool starts to bang against the metal of the water bottle with each movement, making far too much noise for your liking. You remove the multi-tool with the faintest annoyed grunt, and take the opportunity to shuffle through its insides. Your fingers are stiff from the cold snow, but nails manage to pry out the sheathed pieces of metal.
Inside you find a blade, about an inch long. The blade is sharp but thin, and would offer little use for self-defense, but will surely be helpful in terms of survival. There’s a second blade, one with a serrated edge, its jagged teeth varying sizes. The multi-tool also shields a corkscrew, a small pair of pliers, a file, and the tiniest pair of scissors you’ve ever seen.
Instead of putting it back on its rung, you stuff the multi-tool into your sports bra, raising goosebumps on your flesh as your body works to warm up the metal.
You begin at a walk further into the fall quadrant, away from the snow and slightly diagonal as you rub your freezing hands together to warm them up.
There’s not much sign of other tributes, but you be sure to head the opposite direction at the slightest rustling of leaves.
You walk at a steady pace now, one you think you can maintain as you dredge deeper into the forest.
You need to figure out a source for food. You weren’t lucky enough to get your hands on any rope or wire, so snares were out of the question. There’s no other vegetation besides ginkgo trees and red maples as far as you can see, but you can’t see very far past the low hanging branches and petals.
You don’t know much about ginkgo trees, so you have no clue if they bear edibility.
There are the last of the maple seeds that occasionally flutter to the ground with their mesmerizing dance.
You can work with maple seeds.
Something for your stomach to at least chew on, even if it meant malnourishment. The bark is also edible, you remember.
And sap! If you can figure out how to harvest it, you’ll get a sweet treat in reward.
There’s something about the trees that seem artificial, though. The colors are a little too bright, the branches a little too flourished with leaves. Not even the petals littered on the ground have a hint of rotted brown on them.
Even with the unease the trees invoke, you risk gathering maple seeds from the forest floor.
You’re not sure how far you’ve traveled, It feels like miles.
The boom of the cannon makes you flinch.
The bloodbath must be over, and they are now firing the cannon that signifies a tribute’s death.
You pause your walking to count on your fingers as the booms fire one after another.
Nine fires. Nine tributes dead.
For a moment, you are enraged. Nine children dead as punishment for crimes that took place well before their creation.
And then you hear Price again, reminding you to use that rage as fuel to survive.
Don’t think about it.
You let out a deep breath, starting up at a steady pace.
Another thought makes you stop.
Nine of you dead.
Is Konig still alive?
To your dismay, there is a pang in your chest that vibrates through your whole body, bleeding a strong emotion you can’t quite pinpoint throughout your entire being.
You… don’t want him to be dead.
He just tried to kill you, and even so the thought of him not making it through the bloodbath is twisting your guts in knots.
‘You don’t think that boy is going to have a giant target on his back?’
Shut up, Price! Shut up! Shut up!
Your feet kick up a few fallen leaves as you force yourself to keep moving.
He can’t be dead, you decide. Even if he had been hanging around the bloodbath with a pack of careers itching to use their weapons on him.
He’s not dead.
You need to tell yourself this, because you can’t afford to feel emotional, even if the emotion you feel is knotted up and begging to be unraveled.
He’s not dead.
Your legs are burning, feeling heavy and unsteady at the same time. Your bends to scoop up maple seeds slow, relishing in the breaks from walking a little too long.
As you walk you peel some of the maple seeds, hoping they can give you some energy to keep going. You’re doubtful, though.
You wince at the break of bitter seeds against your tongue. They’d taste sweeter cooked, but you’re working with what you have.
When you’re really at your limit, you plop down in front of a particularly large maple, thick trunk and camouflaged in a cluster of low-hanging ginkgo branches.
You eat a few more maple seeds, replacing them with the ones in your reach. You take a swig of your water, now melted and cool to wash down their taste.
You wonder how often you’ve been shown on screen, and when? At any moment you could be broadcasted live to every person in Panem.
Surely you wouldn’t get too much coverage, usually after the bloodbath they’ll be busy dissecting all the deaths that occurred all at once, but they will occasionally cut to you to show you’re still alive.
You freeze when you hear the rustling. This is no blow of the wind. This disturbance is animal, this is human, and both of those options mean danger.
You don’t so much as breathe, deathly still at once. From outside the coverage of the ginkgos, you see the flash of a large boot as it walks briskly through the foliage.
They walk like they’re not even afraid of danger, not stealthy in the least bit. Crunching leaves, snapping branches.
Long after they’re out of earshot, you let out a drawn out exhale. If you had killer instincts and a weapon, the tribute would have died by your hand. All you’d have to do is slink out silently behind them and do it before they even knew what hit them.
They’re lucky you’re docile.
Surely you were being featured then. Two tributes in such close proximity, they were probably gearing up for a fight.
So sorry to disappoint.
When the cannon goes off, you flinch again.
Okay, maybe you weren’t being televised.
It’s annoying how your first thought is of Konig. With each tribute that falls the odds of his survival dwindles.
You tell yourself you only care about his survival because it would be best for your district, best for your loved ones. Extra food parcels for every citizen in reward for giving the Capitol a victor.
You really hope he’s still alive.
Fourteen left. Thirteen not including you.
You rest against your maple until dusk, and decide this is a good enough place to set camp as any other.
You already know you’re not going to sleep tonight, but you hope you can at least get some rest.
With the fading light of day you slide out of your ginkgo hide out, and while making as much noise as you dare you begin to saw off some ginkgo branches, supporting them on their undersides to minimize the shake of the twigs and leaves. Only the sound of scratching wood and vibration of branch could draw any nearby tributes closer. You stop every few push and pull of the blade to check for signs of danger. It’s slow going for such an inadequate sawing tool.
By time the sun goes down, when the generously bright moon rises, you’ve successfully cut four decent sized branches dense with leaves. You arrange them around the trunk of your maple tree to conceal your resting body from the rest of the woods.
The cluster of trees does a good job concealing you, but the extra branches should ensure your black clothes don’t stick out against the ginkgo leaves and fill any gaps in the bottom of the branches. For good measure, you scoop up a decent pile of leaves, making sure to kick over nearby leaves to conceal the disruption, and sprinkle the bright yellow petals over your lower half in hopes of blending in with the dirt. You keep yourself propped up against the trunk of your tree, settling your legs in breaks of the tree roots.
You keep your supplies secured tightly to you, just in case you have to make a dash.
You disturb some of your ginkgo petals when the blare of the anthem starts. Over the defeaning music you poke your head into a clearing in the trees. Partially obscured through full branches you can see the Capitol emblem projected into the sky. They’re about to display the faces of the fallen shortly, and you will be able to figure out by elimination which tributes remain.
They appear in order of district, so when the girl from three projects in the sky, you know the careers from one and two are alive. No surprise there.
Her headshot is followed by her companion from three, both from District Five, the girl from District Six.
The girl from District Seven, the one you saw laughing on her chariot with the boy from her district. He’s still alive, though.
You hold your breath once her headshot disappears, bracing yourself to soon see Konig’s face in the sky.
The next face is the girl from ten.
For the first time in the arena, a smile creeps on your face, breathy and toothless. The wave of relief that washes over you is immediate and flooding.
Konig’s alive.
The warm feeling is cut short when you see the face of the boy from eleven hanging over you in the sky, and when you look at his picture, all you can see is his lifeless eyes. His limp bounce off the platform, the crack of his neck.
Konig’s alive.
And killing.
You wonder how many more lives he’s taken today.
Both the girl & boy from District Twelve flash in the sky, the anthem ends on a flare, and the forest seems unbearably quiet in its absence.
As you settle back into your nook, you try to figure out who’s left.
Both from District One & Two.
Both from District Four.
The boy from six, the boy from seven, and both from eight.
You remember Price’s warning about the boy from eight. About how something ‘ain’t right with that boy.’
You & Konig.
The boy from ten.
The girl from eleven.
That’s it, you think.
The air of a crisp fall day has turned to a harsh chill. Your breath turns to steam in the cool air, and a steady shiver twitches your body. You zip your jacket all the way up and tie your hood tightly around your face. In a desperate bid you even draw the branches closer to you, hoping for insulation.
You pull your arms out of their sleeves, tucking them close to your chest and rubbing them together for warmth. When this offers little respite, you pull your knees into your jacket as well, smushing your hands between thighs and chest. Your lower jaw chatters involuntarily, and you can’t help but wish you’d risked the bloodbath for a blanket, probable death be damned.
You close your eyes and long for the Capitol showers, hot and steamy and enveloping your whole body in a steamy warmth.
You think about the warmth you felt last night, how cozy it was to be pressed up to Konig’s body and leeching the heat that radiated from his skin.
Yesterday feels like a lifetime ago. How did Konig manage to cuddle up to you one night, and the very next day be hellbent on slaughtering you?   
He must have hated you from the beginning. Hedging his bets, pretending this whole time. You can’t believe you’ve let yourself fall for the gentle giant routine he was peddling.
You got no rest. You experienced every bone-chilling moment of the night, shaking against the unforgiving bark of the maple tree. The closest thing you got to respite was a haze in between sleep and wake, a near dreamlike state where you felt slightly disconnected from the world around you.
It never lasted long though, snapping your head at every rustle of leaves or break of branch. Occasionally the sound of Eleven’s neck cracking will tear through you, and you’re having trouble distinguishing if it’s a hallucination or not.
You wonder how the boys who ran off into the snow quadrant are doing. It may have been their strategy to run from the cornucopia through the snow knowing it’s likely no tribute would follow them. They probably slipped into one of the other quadrants by now. You can’t imagine it’s survivable in the night of winter.
You wonder how all of the other tributes are doing, actually. Did they rest through the night, or did they use this time to be productive?
The career pack will be hunting, no doubt.
You wonder if the boy from seven is mourning his companion. You weren’t actually sure they were friends, but that moment of connection on the chariot seemed so genuine, you couldn’t help but think of them as friends.
Maybe you just look into things too much.
Maybe you just read too far into smiles and stares and never doubt well-intentions.
Maybe you need to grow up and stop being such an emotional, sensitive, needy parasite and find some self-preservation!
The tributes from District Seven probably hated each other, really.
Both of them pretending to let the other’s guard down.
He was probably the one who killed her.
Lured her in security with a genuine smile and a charming laugh just so he could get an easy target to impress the sponsors.
You take a deep inhale to wipe your thoughts clean. You don’t need to be think about the tributes from District Seven. You didn’t even know their names.
But maybe he does miss her.
Maybe her death did mean something to him.
The sun hasn’t risen yet, but you are eager to give your mind actual problems to chew on. Channeling the anger, and all that. You rise slowly, using the trunk of the tree to help sore, numb legs to a stand.
You take a moment to stretch and rub out your achy muscles while you plan for your day.
Your water bottle is about half-full. You tried to ration as much as you could but you covered a lot of ground yesterday and wore yourself to exhaustion.
Okay, snow day. No worries. No running today unless necessary.
Maybe you’ll even get a look deeper into the pine forest and find some berries you recognize.
The thought of a fresh winterberry bursting in your mouth makes your stomach grumble. You begrudgingly finish off the rest of your maple seeds. You’ll replace them on your walk today, but you’re hoping you won’t need to.
Water and food, that’s all you need to worry about today.
And also not dying.
After popping stiff joints, you get moving in a leisurely walk. Instead of your diagonal route towards the desert, you do the same to the snow quadrant. Simultaneously getting where you need to be while tucking yourself further away from the cornucopia. Unlike yesterday, you’re taking care to move stealthily through the trees, avoiding disturbing foliage or heavy treads. The ginkgo petals and packed chill dirt don’t leave behind much footprint, but that’s also true for any tribute taking refuge in this quadrant.
It happens so fast, you don’t even have time to silence the scream that leaves you.   Yanked off the ground in an instant, kicking and flailing and instinctively crying out.
The pain in your ankles is shooting and immediate. With every thrash and struggle a restraint tightens around the tops of your boots.
For a moment, you thought you were dead. That another tribute had attacked from behind and you were about to succumb to your snapped neck, a slit throat, or a skewered abdomen.
After a painful three seconds pass you reorient yourself, and find that you are in fact, alone.
When you look up, you can see the ground is a five foot drop away.
Your legs had been jerked from underneath you, your body forced upside down, and yanked in the air by your ankles.
You’d walked right into someone’s trap, and you’re as good as dead.
Blood is rushing to your head and exacerbating your panic, thrashing desperately in the air to break free from the brutal hold of the rope.
Panic quickly turns to fury as you realize that someone has gotten the best of you. That someone had outsmarted you, had humiliated you, had strung you up dangling and helpless for every eye in Panem to see.
Mostly you’re upset at yourself, because the instinctual cry for help that left your lips was twisted into the letters of Konig’s name.
How pathetic. Calling for another tribute you were not allied with, a tribute who tried to kill you just yesterday.
‘Get your head in the fucking game.’
Face sweating and pulse pumping ruthlessly against your temple, you pinch your eyes shut and force yourself to stop fighting the hold of the rope, and find some fucking sense.
You take two deep breaths through flared nostrils before you thoughtfully survey your surroundings.
You’re strung with thick rope by your ankles along an especially study branch of maple. Five feet off the ground is a fall that would not fair well for you.
You need to get upside-right.
You look up to the knot wrapped tightly around your screaming and tender ankles. Your core was no where near strong enough to bring yourself up to the knot, but it doesn’t keep you from trashing anyway.
Think, think, think!
The world is spinning, the leaves and trunks of the trees swaying and blurring as you dangle in midair. Your view is curtained by your jacket, folded over itself and around the back of your head. You can’t hear a thing over the rushing blood in your ears.
You’re running out of time. You’re going to pass out soon, and that’s only if the tribute who set this trap isn’t running full speed in the direction of your initial scream.
Your fingers fumble for your belt, sliding it off with a whiz.
You force deep breaths, holding an end of the belt in each hand. You curl your core slightly and make a loose loop with the nylon.
You need to get it snagged to the soles of your shoes so you can hoist yourself high enough to undo the snare, or at least get the blood to drain from your face. With one choked breath you try to force yourself high enough to loop the bottoms of your boots, but you miss and end up falling back down and thrashing against the ropes.
Your breaths are heavy and your head is tight and pounding.
With grit teeth and a raw grunt, you fling yourself up, sliding the belt further up your legs.
You just barely graze the tips of your soles before the belt slips off and sends you back down fully horizontal, now with a swing.
The pain is unbearable, your entire body being supported by a tight rashy rope on your ankles. You’re getting dizzy and light-headed, surely close to an embarrassing end.
‘C’mon, Plucky.’
You begin to use your body weight to swing with the rope instead of against it, waiting until you’re at the peak of its swing before you flail your upper half up. Veins bulge from your forehead as you catch the width of the belt on your shoes.
Your biceps immediately strain to support your upper half, clenching your teeth as you pull yourself up by your own shoes.
You can’t help the grunts leaving as you struggle to get your head above your neck.
You take a break to catch a few breaths, the ends of the belt looped around either palm that support your upper half.
“Okay, c’mon,” you grunt under your breath. You grab both ends of the belt with one hand, jerking yourself upwards to get your other palm just above it.
Slowly, painfully, you climb.
One hand over the other, pulling yourself further up the rope.
Your arms are shaking, ankles begging for mercy, but you are just able to grasp your hand around the rope just around the end of the knot, so any weight on your upper half is now supported by the rope attatched to the branch, and not your ankles.
With your last bit of strength you hold the rope with one hand, and yank at the snare with the other, searching for the release loop with fumbling hands.
For a moment the world is a blur. Your back takes the brunt of the impact, vision blinded by a pure white light.
Every last wisp of air has been knocked from your lungs. A ripple of shooting, crackling, crunchy pain spreads from your chest and in every direction.
The groan that leaves you is entirely involuntary, breathless and guttural.
When you dare to take a breath, it goes in wheezing and spiked.
You find your ankles or ribs aren’t broken, merely rattled and swollen. One, shaking, weak arm shoots up in the air and gives a shaky thumbs up, before it collapses back onto the cool dirt.
Atta’ girl.
You’re not sure how long you lay, flat on your back, unable to find strength to move.
It’s not enough time for you to regain the ability to run when you hear the rusting of nearby branches.
You close your eyes and mutter obscenities just under your shallow breath. You did all of that work for absolutely nothing.
You couldn’t keep your mouth shut, alerting half the forest of your location, and someone’s come to answer.
You can barely lift your head to see the assailant bursting through the trees.
The boy from eight.
The tribute Price warned you about during the replay of the reaping. The one with the look so unsettling it made your stomach twist.
If you had any breath left in you, you’d laugh, but all you can manage is a faint huff through your nose. You couldn’t put up a good fight at your best, and now that you’re injured, you don’t stand a chance.
Those sinister eyes lock onto you and at once your stomach twists in knots. You wish you could ask him to make it quick.
“Where is she?!” His voice is booming just as it is demanding, he does not seem to care about attracting anyone else’s attention.
Your eyes widen at his voice, just as angry as he looks.
Your mouth opens, but nothing comes out of your shaking body.
He stomps closer to you, putting either of his boots on either side of your ribs in the dirt. He towers over you like this, staring down at you like the pitiful prey you are. He bends at the core and grabs you by the front of your shirt with both hands, pulling you off the ground and inches from his face. He gives you a harsh shake, rolling your head on your neck.
“Where is she?!” He’s not stealthy in the slightest, his words booming throughout the forest as he spits in your face.
You try to form a word but it just comes out a hitched breath with a lace of a word in it.
“Willow! The girl from my district!”
He gives you another shake, rattling your sore muscles and jerking your head around on your neck.
When he stills you, you shake your head as quickly as you can manage.
“You lying?!” His face is inches from yours, you can feel the heat of his breath.
“No,” Your voice is a wisp, each strain followed by a crunchy, labored breath.
He studies your face, nothing but fear and pain in your features. The boy from eight scoffs before he throws you against the ground by no means gently. He disappears into the forest with a jog, leaving you dumbfounded on the forest floor to catch what little breath he stole.
When he’s out of sight, your head lays back into the dirt. You force yourself up sooner than you would have liked in case he comes back and changes his mind, or someone else comes looking for the commotion.
You use your multitool to cut off lengths of rope from the snare, a reward for your triumph, and loop it in big circles you drape across a shoulder and your waist like a sash.
After replacing your belt, and even giving it a thankful kiss for saving you from an embarrassing ending, you begin to limp through the forest. You no longer travel diagonally, heading straight for the snow, eager to get your injuries on ice. It’s strenuous, each step a reminder of your swollen, sore ankles. Every stride shoots a sharp pain through them, you can feel your heartbeat throbbing around the swollen flesh.
You take a generous amount of breaks to rest.
During one break, your back flush with the dirt and your legs elevated and propped against a maple, you think of the boy from eight, who had spared your life moments before.
He didn’t seem the type to not kill unless it’s self defense. He volunteered, he had the look of a career, eager for bloodshed. Almost worse than a career. The careers are arrogant, cheerful in attitude. Like they’re happy to be here. The boy from eight did not seem anything other but rage-filled. Disturbed, but not in the way that gets you sponsors. Disturbed like a boy who’s truly lost his mind and yearns for bloodshed.
He’s looking for the girl from his district, though. Maybe you and Price had pegged him wrong. Clearly he wasn’t eager to kill you, he had you on a silver platter, and he chose to grant you mercy.
You’re trying to reframe what little you know about the boy from eight. You wonder if he had actually volunteered to protect the girl from his district. Maybe the seething, gut-twisting anger he radiated was directed at the Capitol for taking a friend away from him. Maybe he’s just determined to protect a girl he loves from a country that does not hesitate to take everything from you.
Adversary or not, you hope he reunites with her. You wish they can spend some time together before the inevitable happens.
The trip to the snow quadrant takes twice as long as it did yesterday, due to your small, limping strides and generous breaks for rest.
Once to the border, where the red maples and ginkgos bleed into pine trees, you take off your boots and socks, and let your sore, swollen ankles rest in the snow. You finish what’s left in your water bottle before stuffing snow to its brim. You scoop a few into your mouth until you’re quenched.
Your whole body flinches at the boom, shaking away what remained of your freezing handful as you look around for trouble.
Another tribute down. Thirteen tributes left.
You should probably get moving. You’re a sitting duck hanging out next to the only source of water near the fall quadrant, but the ice numbs the inflamed pain in your ankles.
Whatever , you think. You’re not going to win anyway. Might as well be comfortable.
You nestle back into the dirt, resting your ankles across the border and in the snow.
The lack of sleep, the exhaustion from traveling, the injury, the lack of food in your belly, it’s all catching up to you.
Your eyes have dark bags underneath them, stomach growling and cramping from hunger. Your body yearns for rest, and your mind aches for a break from fear.
Closing your eyes in a dangerous game, but you can’t help yourself. A sigh of relief leaves your mouth and you nestle into the even ground.
When you wake up, you’re already laughing.
It’s uncontrollable, a painful spasm of your muscles, stomach pushing out laughs that are beyond too loud. They’re raw, real, from deep inside your abdomen, tensing your core in a painful contortion.
You can’t stop it, it won’t stop. You put a hand over your mouth, but your hands and arms are spasming just as much as your gut.
The inhales for breath are few and far between, each one a gasp for air that doesn’t stay in your lungs for long. They’re forced only after the billowing laugher has stolen every exhausted breath of air.
It hurts. Every inch of muscle is screaming, twitching uncontrollably as boisterous, hysterical cackles leave you.
You jam a fist into your mouth, but your knuckles slam into your teeth and hinders your ability to wheeze for air.
The fog is dense. It’s clear, this is the gamemakers doing. A cruel trap designed to draw tributes together and keep the games interesting.
You can’t see more than a few feet in front of your face, your stinging, burning eyes bouncing around and blurring your vision with their jittering.
Your knees knock together as you attempt a run, tripping over both tree roots and legs that fail you. Branches grab hold of you as you stumble through the forest, smashing into tree trunks and knocking yourself to the ground.
You can’t get up.
You’ve lost complete control of your limbs, your voice, your breathing.
The laughs still flow, core begging for respite as they burn from overexertion.
The hallucinations hit like a ton of bricks, intense and sudden.
The sky turns to a starless, inky black void.
The bright cheery leaves of the trees melt like hot wax, transforming into a black, tar-like ooze that drips to the ground and coats the petal-covered dirt. The ooze transitions quickly from a drizzle to a heavy pour, swallowing your whole body, your twitching limbs, and lapping up your sides until it pools over your front. It sloshes up your neck, sealing your mouth, choking you but not at all stifling the howling laughter. It fills your nostrils and yanks on your hair with its sticky, heavy weight. It stops once you’re entirely covered, leaving you paralyzed with just your eyes peeking out from the heavy ooze. The tar sloshes and threatens to spill into your eyes with every involuntary twitch.
The tar is so heavy, your body has to work twice as hard to breathe and expel the laughter.
The ooze floods your eye sockets, and when it all dissipates with a whoosh, you’re still laughing, but you’re you’ve been transported back to the bloodbath.
The sword feels natural in your hands, as if it was just an extension of your arm. The boy racing for supplies only has less than a second to act, and he fumbles it, his eyes only having the opportunity to widen before you thrust the sword square in the center of his throat. Its blade is so sharp, it slices through him like butter, not a lick of recoil. The stream of blood launches at you immediately. You’re choking on it, gurgling a mouthful of warm metal as you stare down District One, who gives a proud, toothy grin as your hands instinctively reach for the blade, slicing your palms open on its sharp edges. Your neck slides from the sword before you collapse to your knees. When your face hits the ground, your arms are wrapped around the bent waist of the girl from District Ten. You don’t hesitate to shove her on the ground, hands shooting out for the knife in her grip. With her hands still clasped around its handle, you thrust the blade into her gut, swinging your arm and mechanically driving the blade into her stomach over and over and over again.
The intrusive piercing plunges through your core stuns you, pinned to the ground and unable to swat away the hands cupped over yours. She’s crushing your knuckles as your limp arms are controlled like a marionette, forcing you to drive a blade into your soft stomach as the knife rhythmically punctures you with little resistance.
You deliver the final blow, your hands wrapped tightly to your spear, the plunge of it sending reverb through the staff and straight up your arms. Each skewer through flesh and fat and muscle shreds your insides until your intestines are completely minced.
And then you see yourself.
Crouched over and grasping your few supplies, eyes blown with fear and frozen in your place, lower lip trembling and body shivering in the ice cold wind.
Your feet slam against the ground with each stride, locked on to your own cowering figure, wielding a scythe at your side.
Your breath is stolen from your crushed lungs when you fold around your sternum, stopped by a strong grip. Your limbs flail, legs kicking and arms swinging as you fight back. When you are launched at the ground with tremendous force, the sound of your bones deafening you with a snap is the last thing you hear before you’re staring down the corpse of Eleven, a heap in front of heavy boots, your large hands reaching to pry the scythe from stiff fingers.
There you are.
You start in a dash, watching yourself trip over your platform before your seat hits the snow.
The snow swallows and frosts your hands as your scramble to your feet and fumble for a run.
You don’t lose him this time. As you tear through the trees, you can hear him tailing you, snapping branches of his own as heavy boots move easily through the woods. You can’t hear any over the pump of blood in your ears and the harsh snap of a neck breaking.
A rough shove knocks you to the ground, your chin slamming on dirt and splitting open. Blood immediately pours from the wound, dripping down your neck and splattering on yellow petals in brilliant red drops of blood.
Konig climbs on your back, sitting on your legs as his hand threads through your hair, yanking the back of your scalp to pull you to your knees in one jerk.
His hiss is devoid of comfort, nothing but loathing in that horrifying voice.
“I’ve been waiting a long time for this.”
You can’t beg for mercy, cackling through each brutal kill, chest trembling on each wheezing laugh underneath Konig’s power.
His arm snakes around your body and pulls the scythe to your throat. With one swipe his blade slices your neck, leaving behind a clean, deep gash. The blood gurgles in your throat, flooding your mouth with the hot taste of metal. As you lie bleeding out on the ground, you have no choice but to stare into the eyes of the boy from Eleven, resting limply next to you.
For hours, days maybe, you are paralyzed in this position, front pressed to the chill dirt as your cheek rests in a pool of your own blood. For each grueling moment your stare is fixated right into Eleven’s lifeless eyes, his neck bent in impossible angles. Eventually his head begins to rotate, making full circles on a still body, catching your gaze on each rotation.
You can’t blink, you can’t look away, laughing in his lifeless, spinning face.
You’re sure that you’ve died, and you will forever be trapped in this never-ending hell, in this graveyard of Konig’s victims.
You wake with a start, shouting Konig’s name on your first coarse breath before you can stop yourself.
“I hear her! I hear her!” Someone shouts, and footsteps confidently break into a run through the forest.
You scramble to a sit as you survey your surroundings. Your head pounds and muscles moan at each movement.
“Ni-iiine! Where you at Nine?!”
Another wheezing, coughing breath leaves you as you stand, wobbling on your feet as you make an unsteady jog away from the taunting voice.
“Ni-iiiine!” Titan, you think, calls in a sing-song.
Your muscles are useless, made of jelly and folding with every step.
You can’t keep it up, so you do the best you can. Hiding in a dense patch of ginkgos behind the base of a tree trunk thick enough to conceal your body.
You try and hold your noisy breaths, hoping the careers can’t hear your heartbeat rattling against its ribcage.
“Where’s your boy toy District Nine?!”
There’s close, so close. Surely they can hear and smell your fear.
“We just want to talk!”
Your hollow stomach twists, pressing yourself further into the coarse bark.
“Yeah, we won’t hurt you,” The voices are closer now, faux kindness dripping from their words.
The hairs on the back of your neck are on end, arms coated in goose flesh as your fingernails dig into the gaps of the bark.
No one should be this cheerful in the arena.
It’s not human.
“Where’d she go?”
“Really, we won’t hurt you!” Someone calls in an unnaturally high-pitched tone.
“Yeah, no hard feeling about before, honest!”
You force your heaving breaths through your nostrils, pinching your eyes closed as you focus to keep still and silent.
“If you don’t want to come out and play it’s fine! We just have a few questions.”
“Yeah - we just want to know where your little friend’s at, that’s all!”
“You hungry Nine? We’ve got food if you’re good!”
Your stomach actually growls at the mention of food, loud enough you’re sure they can hear it. You bite down on your knuckles to keep quiet.
They want to know where Konig is - that’s clear enough. Whether it’s to ally with him or to eliminate the ultimate threat, you don’t know.
You’re not sure how many cannons, if any, have fired since you’ve been drugged by the gas, but if the careers are this confident he must still be alive.
It’s spreads a singular burst of warm, cozy relief through your chest at the thought that he’s still alive.
You can hear them split up, branches scraping as they fan out in the vicinity of your voice.
By some miracle, you go undetected.
They’re convinced you ran further into the woods, and they regroup to head deeper into the forest.
You wait an unbearable amount of time until they’re out of earshot before daring to leave your hiding spot, moving as quickly as your body will allow in the opposite direction.
You’re not at all graceful, an infant fawn learning to use its legs, slamming into trees trunks and ripping through branches as you crash through the woods. A shooting pain fires up your legs with each cry of your ankles.
When the trees suddenly come to a jarring stop, you take a few steps backwards and crouch down, keeping yourself camouflaged in the tree line.
You’ve stumbled upon a large, open, perfectly rectangular plowed dirt field. What’s sitting in the ruts of the dirt rows makes you salivate.
A plot of corn stalks, cobs of corn fanned out in their ripe husks. Flawless pumpkins and squash looking too clean and vibrant to be resting in a dirt patch.
The sight of these beautiful fall vegetables has your stomach lurching at the idea of something to chew on. You haven’t had anything of real substance since being in the arena, and who knows how long you’ve gone without food while drugged.
Your heart does not trust these vegetables. Like the trees that look almost artificial, they are too perfect.
On the other hand, the maple seeds are not cutting it.
You do one last scan of the perimeter, peering deep into the trees to see if you can make out any figures, and before you can stop yourself - weak, clumsy legs attempt a dash straight for the stalks of corn. You quickly shed as many husks as you can from the hold of their stalks and hold them close to your chest with a tight forearm. With the other hand you wrap around the stem of a squash and haul your goodies back to the safety of the tree line. You don’t stop until your knees give out, dropping to the ground in a defeated heap.
You catch your breath before running your fingers over the grain of the husks and the waxy sheen on the outside of your squash.
They could be poisonous. A trap, laid out for the gamemakers that lures in anyone hungry or lacking willpower.
Your stomach is growling, cramping in a beg for food. You feel almost nauseous as your stomach chokes on itself, threatening to retch what little it holds.
They look delicious.
If you had to die - which is no doubt certain - you think you’d rather have it be at the hand of a vegetable than a bloodthirsty tribute.
You unwrap your corn, revealing uniform, mustard-yellow rows of kernels.
Your thumb glides along the glossy, bumped ridges of the kernels as you make one last attempt talk yourself out of it.
You can’t do it.
You bury your face dead center in the cob of corn, sweet juice bursting from the kernels and dripping down your chin. You roll your eyes at the taste of the ripe corn, not bothering to thoroughly chew before you swallow.
The relief is immediate - euphoric even. Your stomach almost instantly relaxes, the nausea and cramps dissipating at once. The moans that leave you are downright erotic.
You inhale the entire cob against better judgement, tossing the remains at the root of a maple, and wait.
You don’t feel ill, and you don’t feel poisoned. In fact, you feel better than you’ve felt in days.
After brief consideration, you shed another corn from its husk and inhale the whole thing.
When the cannon fires - your first thought is that it’s you. That the poison has killed you, and your brain is making its last fires before it catches up to a heart that stopped beating.
Moments pass, you even check your pulse for good measure, and it’s clear it’s not you.
Unfortunately, your next thought is of Konig.
You cannot think of him.
It’s only a matter of time now.
After rest, you use knots you learned to tie in training to sloppily secure the corn with your rope and return the looped sash around your waist.
The gourd is tricky, but by using extra rope length and a generous amount of time you manage to weave a rope hanger to secure the squash at your waist.
The extra weight is noticeable, so you don’t plan on traveling far. Pushing yourself just far enough to make comfortable distance away from the field. You’ll eat some squash tomorrow before traveling to lighten the load.
At one point the anthem plays, and you keep your exhausted eyes open long enough to see the boy from District One.
This comes as a shock. A girl from District Nine should not outlive a career from District One.
One’s face is followed by the boy from District Ten, and you let out a breath you didn’t realize you were holding.
Konig’s still alive as far as you know. The career’s taunts seemed to confirm this.
The face of the girl from eleven flashes and then the sky goes dark.
At maximum there are eleven tributes left. Maybe less if you missed deaths while you were paralyzed.
The arms of sleep are not difficult to fall into. Your body and mind is completely worn out, and you’re still feeling a sluggishness from the fog.
You have one last thought as you succumb to the sore exhaustion.
Eleventh place isn’t so bad.
Sleep is nothing short of horrific. The nightmares are worse than the bone chilling fall air.
The nightmares - reliving the bloodbath. Cycling through every haunting memory, taking on the tribute’s perspectives one after another.
Staring into Eleven’s eyes.
But it always seems to come back to Konig.
You fight him all night - a choreographed dance of playing out every death resurfaced by the hallucination, taking turns between being slaughtered and doing the slaughtering.
Those signature hooded eyes switch between ravenous and blood thirsty to pleading and petrified without transition.
Sometimes he’s the one lying limp on that metal platform, neck twisted and bouncing off his final resting place, sometimes it’s you. Often when you look up, it is not Konig standing over his own corpse, but you.
You must wake up twenty times throughout the night, stifling your apologetic cries and begging pleads all leaving you in shouts of Konig’s name.
How humiliating.
How you call out for him time, and time, and time again. The audience watching you cry for his aid at every sticky situation you get yourself into. How he has proven himself to be not worthy of your comfort, but you’re stupid enough to let him worm his way into your heart anyway. To care about him enough that the very thought of him turning on you, the thought of you turning on him, is frightening enough to startle you from a nightmare.
The sound of a cannon wakes you with finality, and you shoot up in the chill early dawn air.
When the anonymous threat you anticipate doesn’t come, you make slow movements as you get ready for the day.
You break into the squash, slicing into the rind with your multitool and biting into sloppily cut chunks of the bitter gourd. You wash it all down with half a bottle of water, and survey your bruised ankles.
They’re still swollen, and the lack of hydration and surplus of poisonous fog hasn’t helped. Red, inflamed veins streak pink bruises that fade into a dark purple.
Maybe you’ll just sit under this tree and wait for death. You have corn, this bitter gourd, and a half a bottle of water - surely that’s enough to hold you over until somebody finds you, right?
But they don’t come.
The number of tributes must be dwinding, more than you thought.
For the first time, you’re thinking Price had a point. Maybe you could hunker down and wait it out until the end.
Not that you’d stand a chance in the finale.
You’d have to face the career pack, and if your suspicions are correct and Konig is alive, the possibility you’ll have to face him grows with every fallen tribute.
You wonder if anyone’s betting on you.
You curiously comb over the possible tributes that remain.
The girl from one.
Both from two.
Both from four.
Boy from six. Boy from seven.
Both from eight.
And Konig.
Probably not. Certainly you have the longest odds of anyone left.
You wonder if Price is proud of you for making it this far, struggling your way forward with each step.
Surely this is the best he could have hoped for, both his tributes alive in the second half.
You wonder what Konig thinks of you still being alive.
Is he impressed? Surely he didn’t think a weakling such as yourself would make it this far.
Is he relieved that you’re still alive, and confused about why, just as yourself?
Maybe he’s dreading the possibility of having to be the one to kill you.
Maybe he’s happy you’re alive.
Maybe he’s eager to be the one who watches the life drain from your eyes.
It’s confusing - why you think about him so much. Why you hope he’s okay. Why you want him to want you to still be alive. Why you dream of him. Why you call out his name instinctually before you’ve even regained consciousness.
All after he tried to kill you.
You find a scrap of motivation in the late afternoon, spending the entire morning with your head lulling against the trunk of a large ginkgo, finishing off two more cobs of corn, and hoping whoever finds you makes it quick.
Back to the snow today.
You need something to do to keep your mind off him.
You tie up the remaining half of the gourd, sling your rope of corn over your shoulder, and head for the snow quadrant. You don’t think you’re far off, the fog having paralyzed you and prevented you from going far. It didn’t take you long to find the field after ditching the careers, but you’ve been disoriented and you’re not confident you know the way.
You head in what you think is the right direction.
You take your time, taking lights steps through the forest, more careful than you have been not to leave tracks. Extra cautious to listen for danger.
You have the sense that your death is approaching. An ominous feeling of finality deep in your gut that grows with each step. Surely the next tribute you encounter will be your death.
You know you’re walking slow, but it’s taking much longer than it should to get to the snow quadrant. You’re less sure you’re going the right way.
You walk until dusk, your steps slow as the day stretches on, ankles throbbing with each step. The tree roots give the terrain an unevenness that contort your feet awkwardly with each step, and the weight of your vegetables aren’t helping.
You’re daydreaming about Capitol dishes. What you wouldn’t give to sink your teeth into the crust of a warm loaf of bread, inhale an entire cut of the finest steak, swallow a heading scoop of potatoes, finish off two servings - No! Three servings of hot stew!
And why not admit it?
A glass of whiskey doesn’t sound too bad right now.
You realize you’re in trouble when you see the unmistakable landscape of orange sand.
You’re swallow the harsh reality that you’ve completely gone in the wrong direction just as you hear it.
It’s faint, far in the distance, the sounds of a dying animal.
Against better judgement, and with a tented brow, you near closer, and are surprised to find the snow quadrant, both the desert and the vast snow visible through the gaps in the trees.
You have unintentionally trekked the entire way back to the cornucopia.
When you reach the tree line, you peer with squint eyes through the gaps in the trees, focusing in the direction of the low, guttural moans of a maimed creature.
It’s the boy from District Eight. He’s posted at the cornucopia, wielding a thick, slightly curved blade. Out of thick logs of wood and rope, he has constructed a pulley. Strung up by its arms is an animal, slightly swaying on the end of its restraint. The animal has been skinned head to toe, but is still alive, the red muscle stitched with small white pockets of fat, rising and falling with each muted moan.
That is no animal.
That is a person.
You can tell it’s a girl, but there’s no way to identify the tribute, entirely unrecognizable and coated in blood.
The sight has you stumbling backwards, your heel catching on a tree root and landing harshly on the dirt. A squeak leaves your lips without thought, your hand shooting up to cover your mouth. The boy heard it, because his head swivels in your direction. He can’t see you, but you catch him scanning in your section of the forest. You roll over in the dirt and make an ungraceful dash into the trees, your vegetables banging against your torso with each stride.
After making sufficient distance, you duck behind a tree, pressing your back against the trunk as you stop to catch your breath. Your hands find your knees, doubling over and gagging as you process the horrific sight. Each of your gasps for air are skewered with guttural croaks, your face drained of color.
Killing each other, that is the name of the game. You cannot blame the tributes for that. But what you just saw was uncalled for, barbaric, cruel. Dragging out her excruciating pain and suffering, and for what? A show?
When you realize what you have to do, your heart twists and a curse leaves your lips.
You look up to the sky, and speak, much louder than you should, “Give me something,” You say, voice raw, scratchy, and desperate, “Give me something to put her out of her misery.”
“Please,” Whispered like a desperate prayer.
Your head ducks between your knees again, dry heaving towards the dirt.
Just when you think your plea has been ignored, you see it. The parachute takes its time as it descends from the sky, landing gracefully in the dirt at your feet.
You open the large metal canister attached to the parachute as if it’s an explosive. Careful fingers reveal a long hollow tube and two darts, tied in a neat bundle with a patterned, textile ribbon.
You blink, face blank as you undo the knot with shallow breath and roll the darts between your fingers.
Engraved onto the bulbous tip that secures the sharp needles is the number ‘8’ in beautiful, elegant writing.
One for her, one for him.
She must be the girl from eight, the girl who stood as far apart as she could from the boy on the chariot. The girl who prompted the boy to lunge forward and volunteer, the girl the boy had his tunnel-vision set on seeking out.
You grasp your hands tightly around the darts, take a deep breath, and head toward the tree line.
This is risky, so risky, but you know you cannot let this girl suffer. Every moment she is alive, moaning miserably and dangling in the air, your insides will be knotted with guilt. This girl, that you don’t even know, will haunt you for the rest of your short life if you do not free her from her pain. You have nothing to lose. Even if you end up just like her, you’ll know you tried.
You will have to kill the boy who spared your life. How is that going to play with the audience? A cruel, heartless girl with no mercy, who refuses to treat others how she has been treated.
Through a particularly thick cluster of trees, you crouch down and observe the scene.
The boy from eight has moved on from searching for the source of the disruption you made, now casually peeling an orange as if there’s not a skinned-alive human dangling and groaning in pain a few feet away. Each of her low, maimed cries twists your insides a little tighter.
You’re not sure how you’re going to pull this off.
You could wait for him to leave, but each moment you don’t act that girl will suffer.
You could go right for him. From here, you don’t see him armed with a long range weapon, only his medium-sized blade, while you can get him from a distance.
If you don’t miss.
You could lure him into the trees, hide yourself in the thick foliage. You might be able to get away with missing if you can camouflage yourself.
This seems like your best bet.
You tuck yourself further into the trees, load the dart gun, and take a deep breath. Hopping from one foot to the other as you work up the courage, you let out a whoop, as loud as you dare.
You wait, eyes pinched in a brace and body shaking against the tree bark. When the trees don’t rustle, you let out another yell, louder than before.
Your eyes pinch shut for a moment, mumbling unintelligibly under your breath.
It’s the third whoop that draws him into the trees. You can hear him, he must be only twenty feet away.
You get a glimpse of him through the trees, the flash of a blade pushing branches out of the way or the black of his clothes moving slowly into the forest.
When he passes you, you slink through the trees, tailing him with silent feet, side stepping branches and exposed tree roots. Your heartbeat is pounding in your ears, your skin pulsing with each pump of your heart.
You get as close to him as you dare before you place the tube to your lips.
Your face tightens, you take a deep inhale-
But you can’t do it.
You can’t kill this boy.
He deserves it, more than deserves it. But you can’t do it.
Your eyes flit behind you.
Without little thought, your feet break into a run towards the cornucopia, sore ankles making a beeline for the girl. With one hand you hold the dart gun, the other on your rope sash to keep the vegetables from banging against you.
From this close, each wheezing breath and raspy moan that leaves her clenches your teeth a little tighter. It’s like she’s using her breaths to scoop out your heart bit by bit.
You can see the wrinkle of her exposed muscles, the bones of her fingers, her eyes coated in her own blood.
“I’m sorry,” You whisper to her, maybe you yelled it, you’re not sure. Tears well in your eyeline and blur your vision.
You do not hesitant to take the spare dart in your hand and thrust it right into her side.
“I’m sorry!” You hiccup, the tears flowing relentlessly down your cheeks, “I’m sorry!”
She lets out three final rattling breaths before she succumbs to the poison, her chest stilling.
You let out a sob, turning away from her lifeless body.
You flinch when her cannon fires, another choked sob leaving you. She’s gone but you can still hear her moans of pain in your ears.
The tree branches are disturbed, your head whipping in the direction of the fall forest.
Your weak ankles break into a run, wobbling as you get up to speed. You look over your shoulder, vision blurred with tears, but see no one.
Excited voices, more than one, are approaching.
You’re coming to the conclusion just as the careers break through the pine trees and confirm your suspicion.
Out of the fucking frying pan.
Your strides double in speed, feet running along the border of the spring and desert quadrants.
“There she is!” They call, just as they did when they heard you yelling out for Konig in the forest.
The careers seem to glide over the snow, not the slightest bit hindered by the terrain as they chase you.
The boy from eight breaks through the trees, you know because he’s yelling in the same voice that screamed at you while searching for the girl he wanted to skin. Booming and frothed in rage.
You can’t make out what he’s saying, deafened by your own crystallized breaths and the blood pumping in your ears.
When you dare look over your shoulder, both the careers and the boy from eight are merging at the cornucopia, the boy from eight raising his blade and running straight for the pack of careers with fervor.
For a moment, the three remaining careers and Eight redirected their attention to the new threat. You hear the sound of metal clashing, indecipherable screaming.
It’s the girl from one, you think, who orders one of them to follow you as you run along the border of the hedge maze.
You do not want to duck into the hedge maze, but you are injured, lacking concealment, and being chased by a trained killer.
Maybe this would be a good time to die.
Let it be done by someone who knows how to land a fatal blow in one strike, a quick death.
A cannon fires, but you don’t slow, feet slamming ruthlessly against the ground. Your ankles beg for respite, and your body isn’t in the best condition, every muscle croaking out their ache with each jostle.
If it’s the cannon for the boy from eight, the careers will have no problem catching up to you.
Each breath is painful, and between your own wheezes you can hear the footsteps drawing closer.
You really did give it your best shot.
You hope Price knows that. You hope he’s proud of you, proud of you for not giving up.
You did better than you thought you would. Surprised yourself, surprised the nation, by making it this far.
It’s quick, so quick, the arms snagging you by the waist and forcing you to exhale the rest of a broken breath. At once you’re slammed into the sand, stunned at the sharp pain that explodes in your ribs, losing grip of your final dart.
The arid environment, the scalding sand, it doubles the beads of sweat that pull from your pores.
There’s little to do about Titan, the monstrous boy from District Two, pinning you to the ground with minimal effort.
It’s laughably weak, but you still swing at him, your shoulders digging further into the boiling sand with each swing. Frustrated but exhausted grunts leave you with each swipe at him. He doesn’t bother to restrain your hands, he swallows each swing without so much as a flinch.
He puts his knife to your throat - not yet pressing against your flesh, but enough to threaten you into keeping your upper half pinned to the gritty sand. The heel of his palm digs into your collarbones hard enough it’ll surely bruise.
Your nails scratch at his massive arms as you bury your head further into the stand, squirming away from him as instinctual squeaks of prey leave your throat.
“Sh, sh, sh,” Titan coos, trying to place a finger to your lips but pulling away when you snap your teeth at him, “We’re not gon’na kill you.”
He gives you a smile, exposing his menacing canines.
He laughs at his own stupid joke, throwing his head back, the cool steel of the blade brushing against the crook of your neck as he laughs.
He finishes on a deep inhale, giving you a wicked smile.
“I think you know what we want, yeah? So tell us where he is, and we’ll let you go! It’s that simple!”
“Just kill me!”
He snorts before throwing his head back in another laugh.
“Adorable,” He says with a sigh, “You’ve really got the stuff, don’t you Nine?”
Titan swivels his head, “He can’t be far, right? I know you don’t like to stray.”
He gives another laugh.
“Or are you having a fight?” He laughs again, and you grunt in annoyance, “Trouble in paradise, hm?”
Just get it over with.
“Why don’t you yell for him?” He asks.
“Fuck you!” You grunt.
Titan’s smile falls. This Titan - a cold faced Titan - is much more nervewracking than an irreverent one.
Titan’s eyes have gone absent, his lips bored. His knuckles scrape down your chest as his hold tightens around the handle of the blade.
Your face is plastered with regret, lips parting to rectify but it’s too late.
His other hand springs to wrap around your throat, cutting off your breath without hesitance.
Your legs kick underneath him, but your strength is no match for the powerful boy planted firmly on your front.
His eyes have unfocused, he’s not even staring at you - he’s staring through you.
Before, at least he was human, even if he was insane. Now his features are entirely devoid of emotion, of empathy.
His hand relaxes, but his grasp remains firmly around your throat. Immediately you’re choking in breaths, coughing on the air you gasp desperately for.
Titan’s stare is still icy, but his teeth grit, and his light requests turn to threatening demands, “Call for him.”
You’re still trying to catch your breath, eyes blown in fear and lips parted around fearful huffs.
“Call for him!” He yells, emphasizing his sentence by squeezing your windpipe for just a moment, to remind you he can, and jostles you by the neck.
You won’t.
You won’t succumb to this lunatic’s demands. You will not give him the satisfaction.
He may kill you.
Your life, he can have. That is the name of the game.
Your dignity, he may not.
That is something that only you are entitled to tarnish.
He presses the knife further into your skin, slicing through just hard enough for blood to bead on your flesh, “Call for him or I’ll make you!”
When he yells, his shout tears from the back of his throat, the words ripped from low in his gut. His whole body jerks with his words, his spit flying from his lips and splattering on your face.
It’s his spit - momentarily stunning you as you wince away from the spray - that activates something in you. It forces your thoughts back into the body that was reacting solely on fear, and at the same time gives you an idea.
You do not hesitate.
With a deep pinch of your eyes and an animalistic grunt muffled by tightly pursed lips, you fling two fist fulls of sand in the direction of his face.
Immediately he flings himself back, his hands retracting from you as forearms move to wipe the gritty sand further into his eyes. He scrambles to his feet and fumbles backwards away from the pain that follows him.
You can hear him spitting in between his cries as he tries to rid his mouth of the sand.
You keep your face pinched tightly even after the sand stops raining back down onto your face. You blindly kick away from him, rolling over on the scalding ground and rising to your feet.
You shake your head, stumbling blindly through the desert as you clear off your hands to brush clean your face.
You pull up your shirt, the rough grains like sandpaper against your skin as you rub away both sand and his spit with the fabric.
You open your eyes, blinking rapidly to test your vision and find it unscathed. You make a rush back for the spring quadrant, shoes swallowed and kicking up sand with every step.
You run past Titan, folded in a heap on his knees, grunting in pain and trying to rub out his eyes. He curses you with every breath.
You scoop up your final dart and its tube, and for a moment, you consider driving it right into Titan’s flesh, but your feet are already scrambling away from his foaming threats and grit wails of pain with no desire to look back. You’re still powered on adrenaline, snap decisions made with little room for consideration.
It feels like you’ve been running for miles, but it couldn’t have been far. When your ankles give out, you’re sent stumbling onto the plush grass of the spring quadrant.
You have no strength to attempt getting to your feet, so you lay face first in the grass in the position you collapsed in.
You go over all of it in your mind as you catch your breath and try to pry the ghost of Titan’s fingers from your throat.
You already knew the careers had wanted to know where Konig was, but Titan demanded you to use your voice to lure him to your aid. In fact, Titan refrained from killing you so he could use you to draw Konig in. He had you on a silver platter, blade to your throat, and he let you slip through his fingers because he wanted to use you to get to Konig.
You assumed your brush with the careers in the forest was their shot in the dark, the best lead they had to find their white whale. But this run-in with Titan has given more than enough credit to their taunts in the forest.
The careers think that you and Konig are allies.
Why else would they think your voice would lure Konig in?
The only other possibility is that Titan thinks that Konig hates you enough to come running at the opportunity to be the one to end your life.
But that doesn’t make sense, because Titan suggested the reason you weren’t together in that moment was because you were having an argument.
‘Trouble in paradise’ as Titan said, which implied there was an established partnership between you and Konig in the first place.
Price, you think.
It was Price.
Price saved you back there, not you.
He didn’t assign Konig as your chaperone in training because he actually thought you were trouble, he did it for the same reason he put you in matching outfits for the interview, the same reason he ensured Konig was caught off guard by being asked about you in front of the entire country.
Price wanted the tributes to think that you and Konig cared for each other. That you were something more than just two tributes from the same district.
Because Price knew that if he could make everyone believe you and the strongest tribute were friendly, the other tributes would keep you alive as leverage against the ultimate threat in the arena.
Konig didn’t have a weakness, so Price made you his weakness.
Titan could have easily ended you, then and there. But he didn’t, because he thought that with you at his fingertips, he held the key to taking down his toughest opponent.
But of course, that’s a mislead, tipping the advantage back to Price’s golden boy.
And you unknowingly laid the groundwork for it - didn’t you?
Holding Konig’s hand at the opening ceremony, him accepting yours without hesitance.
Is that when Price got the idea?
It’s genius.
It directs the heat off of his star tribute’s back and onto yours, and simultaneously gives the other tributes a reason to keep you, the bait, alive. It gave you the opportunity to make an escape from Titan, which of course, Price knew you would.
Because you fight dirty, you fight smarter, and the careers only know how to fight right . They are trained to kill, not keep alive. And everyone knows, especially Price, that as long as it is not a fight to the death - it will be a fight that you win.
Why didn’t you think of it?
Price has manipulated the others into keeping both of his tributes alive, all without your knowledge.
Of course Price couldn’t tell you that was the plan, you would have never accepted it. Konig needed to be blindsided on that stage, and you would have fought Price tooth and nail at the implications. At the very suggestion that you are ‘bait.’ That you and Konig cared for each other enough to come running into trouble to save each other.
The plan only works if both tributes stay alive, which is something you would have never agreed to. Tethering your life to Konig like that, so blatantly relying on him when the entire time you’ve been trying so hard not to do so. Surely even Konig would have put up even a bit of a fight at being assigned a weakness.
Konig is not only overshadowing you, but Price has stitched your fingers to his coattails.
It’s an impossible arrangement.
If Konig dies, you have no worth to the other tributes. If you die, the size of the target on his back doubles.
And if you both manage to pull it off until the end - well, what happens then?
The plan both ensures your survival and destines you to die at the same time. No matter how you work it through in your head, Konig always comes out on top.
You almost don’t even notice the parachute that lands by your head. You barely have the energy to lift your head from the dirt, cheek still nestled into the grass as you pry open the container.
It’s a single, modest dinner roll wrapped in ribbon. You roll onto your back and hold the gift in front of your face, using the bread to block out the sun. The ribbon is beautiful, a neatly trimmed scrap of patterned textile that matches the one that tied the blow darts to their tube. It’s knotted into a perfect, perky bow on the roll’s apex.
You carefully undo the ribbon and rest it on your core as you inspect the loaf. Underneath the bow lies the number ‘8’, branded with slightly darkened crust.
It is a gift, but not from Price. The ribbon, the bread’s branding - this is a gift from the people of District Eight. If the ribbon is anything to go by, then the darts were a gift from them as well.
The bread is a thank you for putting that girl out of her misery. For risking your life to put her pain first. For eradicating the boy from eight, one way or another.
You hold the loaf just under your nose, taking a deep inhale. It’s still warm, you can feel the heat radiating on your lips.
“Thank you,” You whisper to the wind, to District Eight, “I’m sorry for your loss.”
You eat half of it right there in the dirt, in the wide open air, not even muting your groans of pleasure as you take bites into something hearty for the first time in the arena.
The bread isn’t the rich Capitol bread, it’s district bread. Inferior in every way, but it is the most delicious loaf of bread you’ve ever tasted in your life.
You wash it down with what’s left of your canteen, which isn’t much.
You’re going to have to get back to the snow soon, and unless you want to go the long way around, you’ll have to cut across the cornucopia again.
Your head drops back into the grass in defeat.
You’re debating whether or not you should give up, whether or not to just lay out here in the open and wait for someone to come along and kill you.
Because you know what the alternative is.
It’s nightfall when you finally move from the dirt, moved by your own thirst.
When you stand, the ribbon you’d placed on your chest flutters to the ground. You stare at it with deep breath before bending over to pluck it from the grass. You’re not sure why you want to keep this reminder of the girl from eight, but you can’t stand to discard it. You loop the ribbon around your wrist and sloppily tie it into a bracelet.
You shake all the sand you can off yourself, fix your poor, knotted hair, and make your way back to the cornucopia. You need to get back to the fall quadrant, back to the precious snow and camouflage.
You don’t have much of a plan other than haul ass as you approach the edge of the hedge maze and break into the open air of the cornucopia.
You’re not sure if it’s the darkness, the dwindling number of tributes, or a mixture of both, but you manage to go undetected as you make the clearance.
Good. You’ve had enough excitement for one day.
You dig yourself far into the forest just in case, getting lost in thick branches on every side before you stop to fill your canteen.
You find a place to settle in for the night, already aching for warmth of the spring quadrant. You briefly consider risking sleeping in the open air just so you don’t have to freeze on the chilled dirt of a cool fall night, but you barely manage to fight the urge.
You find a thick patch of trees to hide in, doing your best to camouflage yourself as you settle in for rest.
The anthem plays, but you don’t bother getting up to watch the faces in the sky. You don’t want to see the girl from eight, you don’t want to put a face to the girl turned to butcher meat.
You’ve lost track of how many tributes are left, but you know the pool is shrinking.
And for the first time, you’re thinking maybe you could actually win. It’s a thought that you immediately reject, but it creeps its way back in through the image of the careers and Konig simultaneously receiving life-threatening injuries, and maybe a lucky shot with a blow dart for whoever remains. Maybe the gamemakers will somewhat tilt the scales in your favor, some rigged trap that wipes out the heavy hitters.
Rest does not come easy, but you manage to sneak in a few hours of sleep over the course of the night, in between nightmares and the shutter of your own teeth.
The morning is quiet. You have no plan, sitting at the trunk of a tree and resting. You finish off a good chunk of your vegetables, only a few husks of corn remaining.
You haven’t heard a cannon since the boy from District Eight. Things have quieted on the field, which is bad news for you. If the audience gets bored, the gamemakers will make it interesting. Soon, when the tributes get sparse, they will begin to force you together, manipulating you into confrontations.
The exhaustion has fully caught up to you. You spend the entire day resting by your tree, occasionally getting up to stretch your sore limbs. You elevate your ankles, nurse your water. For a moment, you even forget you’re in the arena. It’s like you’re having a solitary picnic in the forest on a day off in District Nine.
It is hard to ignore how lonely you are.
You are aching for human touch, or even just a conversation that doesn’t revolve around fearing for your life.
And there he is again, worming his way into your brain like an infestation of parasites, memories of his comfort multiplying on an infested mattress of loneliness.
For the first time since you’ve been in the arena, you reach into your sports bra and retrieve the golden locket that’s made its home against the flesh of your chest.
You smooth your fingers over the front, staring down at the shimmer of the gold. It’s warm from the heat of your skin. You flip it in your fingers, fidgeting with it. Nails pry the locket open just to close it again with a satisfying snap.
You should probably get rid of it. Why would you want to carry around a trinket from someone who tried to kill you?
You should throw it into the forest, just get rid of it.
Konig did borrow it from Ruby, though. It needs to get back to her.
You tuck it away.
There’s really no other way to describe how you spend the rest of the day other than fooling around. You make a crown out of some leaves, undo the thread of your rope and braid it - you even grab an extra handful of snow on your water run so you can make tiny snow-people in your hideout.
It’s as you’re working the multitool into some bark of a maple tree, trying to figure out how to get sap, when you hear it.
It sounds like a wave, or wind, or both? You can’t see or feel anything, blinded by leaves, but just the sound alone is enough to prep yourself to run if needed. It’s coming from the desert quadrant, you’re sure.
There’s a vibration that shoots through your boots, the sound of scraping and grinding. The ground is shaking beneath you, the world now turning to a vibrating blur. Its rumbles intensify until you lose your balance, knocked onto your front to support yourself as your body is roughly tossed around.
You hear the sound of trees uprooting, snapping, the sound of danger approaching. With the instincts of a scared animal, you sprint away from the roar of the trees crashing to the ground.
Running seems impossible on the dirt that jostles you around and makes the tree branches harder to navigate.
With each break of the branches and crack of the trees uprooting, the image of the boy from eleven sears in front of your eyes and robs you of precious breath.
After a small tumble you get back to your feet, tripping over tree roots and scraping yourself on branches.
The rumbling grind of shifting ground draws closer, and you risk a jerk of your head to see chunks of earth and entire trees being swallowed into a glowing pit of lava below a fifty foot drop.
A squeak leaves you as you force yourself forward, flinging yourself through the forest. When you clear the trees, your eyes lock onto the cornucopia, desperate for safe ground.
Your attention is shifted to the left, where the desert quadrant is nothing but a raging dust storm. It’s the sound you heard earlier, gusting winds pulling up an orange fog of sand you can’t see a foot beyond.
When your feet find the soft grass of the spring quadrant, you risk looking over your shoulder to survey the chaos.
The fall quadrant has completely deteriorated, leaving nothing but a gaping hole filled with hot lava. The tops of trees are swallowed up by the mesmorizing orange pool, once colorful petals now erupted in glorious flame.
The thunderous disruption of ground does not just come behind you, because the sound of a forest being destroyed does not stop when the last piece of the dirt littered with ginkgo petals slips away into inferno.
The pine trees are being wrung out, the sound of bark snapping and pine trees uprooting. You can see the snow being shaken off the their snow-capped peaks as they are jerked around under extreme force.
When you hear the shrieks your attention is immediately stolen by the boys who had run into the snow district during the bloodbath clearing the tree line. Your body immediately tenses at the sight of them, but you can’t take your eyes off the ten-foot wave of snow at the boys heels. In an instant they are swallowed by a wall of snow that does not even brake at the two boys who have disappeared in its stomach.
As the avalanche draws closer, you make a run for the hedge maze until you hear an unearthly impact that reverberates like glass being struck. You look over your shoulder and slow when you see that the avalanche has been stopped at the quadrant’s border, not daring to spill into spring’s grass or the abyss of molten rock.
It piles up against the quadrant border, a perfect right angle wedge of a snow. It doesn’t stop until the pine trees are completed swallowed and the snow easily covers three stories above your head.
Those two boys are dead for sure, you think, but there’s no way you would have been able to hear the cannons over the snow.
From your left, you catch a figure emerging from the raging dust storm.
You turn on your heels to run, hesitating when you realize your only choice is the hedge maze. This, this is where the gamemakers wants the final tributes to go.
This is the finale.
You swivel your head to the figure behind you, heading right for you. He’s covered head to toe and obscured by a haze of sand, but there’s no mistaking a figure that large. It’s Konig, and the sight of him rushing towards you makes you push through the gut-turning fear of the looming hedges.
You’re in a full sprint into an entrance, legs already begging for you to give it a rest, lungs fighting against each stride, but you don’t slow.
You clip your shoulder on the entrance and hiss with pain, hand immediately springing up to rub out your shoulder. As you run, you pull your hand away to find your palm coated in bright red blood.
Your arm stays firmly pressed to your upper arm, futilely trying to staunch the flow as you push forward, careful not to brush against the hedge’s walls.
The ground starts to rumble again, vibrating under your feet but with much less intensity than the fall quadrant. It’s still enough to throw you off balance, a hand springing out to find support but only slicing open your palm on the hedge’s defenses. Your hand, now dripping with blood, pulls to your chest as you fall to your knees from the shaking earth.
This is it.
You are surely going to die in this awful hedge maze. The maze that offput you so before will be your final resting place.
It takes you a moment to realize the walls are sinking into the ground. Its leaves and pink blossoms being swallowed up by the dirt. You squint up to see the tops of the mazes revealing more and more sky as they descend.
You bring yourself to shaky feet, surveilling the descent of the walls.
Your heart pounds at the possibilities that will soon be revealed to you. Surely what lies behind these walls will be your death.
When the walls have descended to your height, you shakily get to your feet, peering over to find only more hedge.
The walls disappear, the tops coated with a layer of grass that melds perfectly to the ground and leaves no evidence of their existence, and the earth stops shaking beneath you.
Only four walls remain in an equal square with no exits, trapping you alone in a large grass field. You take a moment to survey your wounds, peeling your hand off your shoulder. Your shoulder was flayed, inflamed four-inch slashes burning along your upper bicep. Oozing, thick red blood drains freely from the raised flesh, staining your jacket and coating your hands in its warmth. The slices on your palms were serated, whatever having sliced it carving out extra flesh as the ground jolted you around.
With your good hand you reapply pressure to your shoulder in an attempt to staunch the flow of blood as you inspect one of the remaining hedge walls.
They were barbed. What seemed like inviting leaves and cherry blossoms are actually spikes and petals of razor sharp blades.
Once you’ve made the discovery you make distance from the walls, looking around for the horror they clearly wanted you to face.
For a moment your eyes are searching the hedges, waiting for impossible beasts to slink from the wall’s blades. Capitol mutts bred designed with psychological and physical damage in mind.
You get the opportunity to catch your breath, checking on your wounds in between scans for threat.
A flinch tears through you when the ground rumbles again.
Through the disorientation of the trembling dirt, you make out that only one wall is descending, and it was not one that leads to open air, but one that lead to another chamber within the maze.
At the massive hedges sink lower, you can see the area leading to it has also shed its complex chambers, revealing a similar square pen of hedges.
Whatever awaits for you on the other side, you’re about to be ensnared with it in a rectangular prison with no chance to escape except to bury yourself through the hedge’s razor sharp blossoms.
You reach to prime your blow dart, but your hands come up empty. Frantic hands pull the rope from your torso and scramble through the loop of rope, but it’s gone.
It’s gone.
Surely lost to the lava, knocked free from your shoddy knots during the earthquake.
The dread is instantaneous, flooding you from head to toe with a nauseating heat. Your only shot, you just let your only shot drain through your fingers.
When the wall is three feet from the ground, you can see a singular tribute on the other side, bent over in a similar position to support themselves on the ground that thrusts you about.
As soon as the tops of the maze sinks into the ground and disappears, the tribute is already tearing through the grass and in a beeline straight towards you.
It’s the girl from District One.
“Nine!” She yells in a war cry so daunting it makes your gut instinctively twist.
In her hand she wields her spear, coated in layers of blood. From the old, crusted brown of week-old kills to the deep red at its silver tip, freshly drained from minute-old wounds.
Your breath catches, eyes wide.
You were surely going to die, another blood stain to decorate her spear.
You’d never seen so much rage coming from one person. Not even the boy from eleven or Konig, both moments from killing you, didn’t wear an expression with this degree of loathing.
A sickening, animalistic wail rips from the back of her throat as she raised her spear, not breaking her lengthy strides.
“He killed him!’ Her froths carry when she’s close enough, “He killed him!”
You’re not sure who ‘He’ or ‘Him’ is, but you know you’re about the take the blunt of her vengeance.
‘Just don’t let anyone in there use it against you, okay?’
Your brows pinch, you take one breath to steady yourself, and you brace.
When she’s only a few yards away, she launches her spear at you, another pained cry shrilling throughout her grunt. When you make a dive out of the way, you can hear the spear whiz right by your ear and disturb tufts of your hair. You’re sure it nicked you, but when your hand comes up to your ear to confirm you’re not sure if the blood on your hands is from the wound inflicted from the hedges or her.
You rush for the spear that lodges in the dirt three feet from you. You’re quick but she beats you to it, and you have no choice but to cling onto the blood-stained handle with your injured hands and hope that she can’t make enough distance to pierce you with it.
“He killed him!” She repeats, words so savage she’s spitting in your face.
The spear lays horizontally between your chests, erratically jerking in the space between you as you grapple for it.
She’s all muscle, arms toned and her face doesn’t look any more hollowed than it did when she stepped into the arena. It’s easy to see she’s overpowering you, flinging you around as she yanks on the spear in your firm grip.
“He killed him! He killed him!” These words punctuate each torque of the blood-stained handle, a vicious replay spewing from her mouth on repeat until it turns into a brutal harmonization. With each pull you wince as the tainted wood forces against your sliced hands.
It’s the neck snapping of the boy from eleven, and with each yank that pulls you forward you see Konig snapping the boy’s neck.
“He killed him!” Yank, snap! “He killed him!” Yank, snap! “He killed him!” Yank, snap!
From here you can see the tears streaming down her face.
It must be the look of bewilderment, or maybe pity, that flashes across your face, because as soon as you notice her tears her face relaxes for just a moment, like she’s waking up from a dream. She cuts off her repeated cries with another vicious grunt, tightening her grip onto the spear’s staff, and runs full force at you.
The weight of her pulling the spear closer suddenly disappears, knocking you off balance. The handle catches on your collarbones and sends you both crashing to the ground.
You don’t let go of the spear as she moves to straddle you, sliding down your thighs and planting herself firmly on your stomach. White knuckles contrast the blood you’re adding to her collections of stains, mutilated palms fighting for the spear.
With one hand she forces the staff of the spear into your sternum hard, and with the other she swings at you, connecting her fist to the side of your jaw with enough force to make you see a blinding white.
When you return, hands still clasped firmly around the spear, she’s digging into her waistband for something that will surely end your life.
You trash violently under her before you find some fucking sense and use your good hand to reach through the hem of your collar, into your sports bra, and retrieve your multi-tool.
Pluck and a multi-tool, that’s all you have.
You were most certainly going to die.
You manage to flip out the first tool your blood-covered fingernail found as she reveals a six-inch long silver blade.
“He killed mine, I kill his!” Her scream is guttural, her words through hysterical tears barely registering when she swings using both hands to thrust the blade down into your skull.
With a swing of your arm you block the knife, slicing a deep, lengthy gash into your forearm as your other hand jams the inch-long corkscrew straight into her eye.
The shriek of pain is unlike any other you’ve ever heard. It completely swallows your cry from the deep gash on your arm elicited. The feeling, the sound, of her eyeball squelching as the corkscrew pierced is still shooting up your arms, making your body cringe more than the nasty gash she left behind. Immediately her tensed body folds in on itself, her fingers shooting up to thread through the multi-tool and coating her hands with the steady stream of blood.
With all you have, a grunt escaping from deep in your diaphragm, you work yourself free from her restraint while she’s distracted by her wounds.
You retrieve her spear, now stained heavily with the same blood that spews from the gashes along your shoulder, arm, and hand, coating you in dark red sleeves of dripping blood. The girl swings at you, but not yet used to her loss of depth perception and debilitating pain, misjudges how far away you are.
You take a moment to let yourself wallow in your pain, to shake the feeling of skewering the girl’s eye that still shed tears as you back away from her haunting wails.
She’s foaming obscenities at you, trying to come to her feet but dropping to her knees as the jostling of the multi-tools shoots pain through her with another haunting wail of agony.
When she reaches up to yank the multitool from her eye, you prime yourself with the spear, pointing it in the direction of a howl so piercing it deafens you. Her blood covered eye is still threaded onto the corkscrew when she pops it free, ripping out a chunk of her shredded optic nerve with it.
You have to close your eyes, your heart sinking as you wince in sympathy at her pain.
You can’t bring yourself to end her like this. Now would be the time, it would be the smart thing to do. You’re perfectly justified, you know that. She attacked you, she tried to end your life, and you are completely in the clear morally and legally.
Through her sharp sobs you can hear Price’s voice. He’s screaming at you through the screen, he’s giving you permission, he is telling you to use that pluck to give her spear one last poetic stain.
But you can’t do it.
Her maimed wails are drawing nothing but pity, knowing you are the one who is responsible for her pain, even if she had just tried to wedge a knife through your skull.
“Nine!” She shrieks a yell of vengeance and pain from her mouth coated in the blood that pours from her eye socket.
She shakily gets to her feet, her hands already swiping for you, blindly swinging the multi-tool still stabbed through her own eye even though you’ve trailed your blood at least twenty yards away.
“Stay away!” You yell as your slices palm screams under a tightened grip on her spear.
“Nine!” She cries, her feet picking up into an unsteady jog toward the sound of your voice.
You back away, keeping the spear firmly pointed in her direction.
The girl from one, blinded by her injuries, tears, and rage, does not slow when she runs full force into her own spear, the entire silver tip disappearing into the flesh just under her rib cage.
The wooden, round end of the spear thrusts into your gut with a breathtaking amount of force. Your eyes were already closed when she coughs a warm, sticky spray of blood onto your face.
She’s choking on her own blood, the last haunting sounds of life gurgling from the back of her throat.
You don’t let go of your grip on the staff until the girl from one goes limp, her body dropping to the ground and pulling her spear from your blood-covered hands. Even when the cannon’s boom fires to signify her death, you can’t open your eyes, can’t bear to see the girl from District One’s lifeless body. Your tears begin to streak the fresh blood on your face.
“I’m sorry!” You scream in the direction of her body, “I’m sorry!”
Your pleading cries become hysterical, your words repeating as foaming as the girl from one’s as she charged at you with the same spear that killed her. The feeling of her squishing eye still shoots up the bones of your arms and down your spine.
Your eyes finally snap open at the encore of the ground shaking.
You try and move away from the girl from one, her body bouncing up and down like a rag doll - and suddenly you’re staring at the Eleven’s lifeless body bouncing off the metal platform.
You’re knocked to your limbs, blood draining freely down your arms and painting the grass with generous red streaks as the earth quakes.
The large hedge wall is descending, and as it is swallowed into the ground you can see what remains of the hedge maze, entirely stripped of its inner walls and chambers. Over the top of the descending wall you can see another large, rectangular pen of equal size that will soon form a square of the hedge’s outer most borders with no exits in sight.
When the wall has fully descended, you rise to shaky feet and find two tributes rising from the ground that finally settles. Two more tributes lie dead in heaps on the grass at the far end of the maze.
The tribute on the right is The Mountain, no mistaking that size, but he’s covered from head to toe in gear. Thick gloves. A pair of green cargo pants. Black guards on his joints and forearms. A holster sits at his upper thigh, carrying some sort of blade. He wears a thick black vest on his front that spills over with supplies.
The most haunting is the mask, a nearly uniform black fabric that drapes over his neck and bunches around his vest, pinned in place underneath a tactical helmet. It reminds you of an executioner.
He doesn’t even look human . Any comfort you had found from him before the games, any scraps that remained after he snapped that boys neck and raced to kill you, has completely disintegrated.
The mask has two circular cutouts above two faint streaks of color and reveal the only part of him exposed to light, those eyes that have shared so many reassuring glances with you - and they’re staring in your direction.
You hear him shout something at you, your name, you think, that harsh voice carrying all the way from across the hedge maze. His hands find his head before he starts in a jog to you, slowing when he sees the body of the girl from one, imbedded on a spear and lying limp in the grass.
He looks back to you, and then his head whips in the direction of the other tribute to find a knife flying in his direction. He throws himself to the ground in a dodge, and the boy from two takes his opportunity to advance on Konig in a full sprint, already reaching into his jacket pocket for a replacement weapon.
Konig rolls forward before getting to his feet, making a run for you.
You’re frozen again, eyes flicking between both of the imminent threats before you, trying to figure out who you should focus on first.
You start in a run towards the girl from one’s body, not slowing, but wincing as you pull the spear from her abdomen without looking down. You run a few more yards before whipping around, slightly crouched as you extend the spear in the direction of Konig and the boy from District Two. Titan, the boy with canines that come to perfect, razor sharp points.
Konig fumbles when he meets your eyes, the fear and the determination in them as you point your weapon at him. He slows, his eyes momentarily finding the tip of the spear, and then the body of the girl from one before he turns to look for Titan. He retrieves a large knife, it’s not the scythe you saw him wielding at the bloodbath, but it’s similar. A long, silver blade that almost constitutes a sword raised in warning at Titan.
Titan slows, and sidesteps to survey you both. The body of the girl from District One lays limp in the center of a three-way standoff, with two boys who very much dominate you in size and strength on either side.
Titan gives a cruel laugh, showing off his razor sharp canines. The knife he had retrieved from his jacket falls to his side, as if he’s not even worried about either of you atttacking.
“Where you been District Nine?!” He yells almost teasingly from his spot, clearly directed at you. You tighten your grip on your spear with your blood-soaked palms, brows furrowing.
“I’ve been looking for you!” Titan follows up in an almost sing-song tune.
He laughs at your confused face, the way your eyes uneasily flick from Konig to Titan.
Titan takes two slow yet confident steps in your direction, and both you and Konig prime your weapons with a flinch.
Titan laughs again, bending his core - as if you treating him like a rabid lion was just so hilarious it steals the breath from him.
“You two, wow. What a pair!”
You and Konig share an unsure glance before returning your careful eyes to Titan.
He points at Konig with his knife, “You I expected. It was always you, right?” He sloppily points the blade in your direction.
“You I didn’t expect!”
He laughs again, taking a few more slow steps toward you, “We knew what you were, though!” He shakes his head, “We knew you were important. Just didn’t think you’d make it this far.”
“It’s a good thing you did,” A cruel smile unwinds across his face, canines fully exposed, “I hate admitting this, but I don’t think I’d be able to do it without you.”
He finishes by taking a few more steps towards you, and Konig follows his lead this time, both of them closing in on you.
You have to stop taking steps away when the end of your spear brushes against razor sharp leaves.
“Back up!” You spit, thrusting the tip of the spear in the air in Titan’s direction as a warning. He holds his hands up, the knife held with just a few of fingers as he displays his palms.
“Easy now, Plucky,” He says with a condescending smirk, “I wouldn’t want to end up like your friend here.”
Titan doesn’t drop his smile in the slightest when his boot steps on the corpse of the girl from one, a symphony of ribs snapping under his boot.
You suck in a breath at the noise, the boy from eleven blinding you with his lifeless eyes. Your whole body cringes, eyes pinching closed and stomach threatening the retch.
Snap, bounce, dead.
The boy from two’s boots break into a sprint towards you, followed shortly by the sound of Konig’s footsteps, and all you can see is Eleven’s lifeless eyes as you swing your spear blindly through the guts of the girl from District One.
You hear Konig’s harsh voice shout.
The spear’s handle scrapes painfully against your flayed palm as it’s ripped from your grasp, a pair of brute arms trapping around you as you flail your limbs, scratching and clawing at faceless muscle.
You’re quickly jerked so that the assailant is behind you, pressing your back to his chest. A sturdy forearm wraps across your collarbones, the other digging firmly into your lower stomach.
When you’re firmly pinned, you can see Konig, frozen in place and staring right at you through his hood as you thrash in Titan’s arms.
You can feel the vibrations of his words on your back you when he speaks, his lips tickling your ear as he coos into it, “Oh, it’s okay, Funny Girl. You don’t need to fight it.”
Your head trashes violently against his sternum, spitting grunts leaving your raw throat as your bloody, injured hands scratch at his forearms.
“I said don’t fight it!”
You flinch at the volume of Titan’s voice, no longer playful and teasing, booming his direct order in your ear as he shakes you in his grip.
His arm slides up from your chest to wrap around your neck, nestling you between a bulging forearm and bicep. He gives you a warning squeeze, cutting off your air just to show you he can.
“Behave!” He hisses in your ear.
Your hand comes up to grab onto Titan’s crushing arms, futilely pawing at him in an effort to give yourself more breathing room.
All you can do is stare wide-eyed at a faceless Konig, his blade primed as you wriggle in Titan’s grip.
Titan lifts your feet off the ground by your neck, drawing half of an inhuman squeak from you before your windpipe is fully constricted.
“Now drop it!” Titan yells.
Your legs kick in the air as you search for ground, fingernails scratching at Titan’s arm and leaving streaks of your own blood behind. Eyes wide with terror and mouth gaping for air that can’t be inhaled.
“Drop it or I kill her!”
Konig lets his weapon fall to the ground, slowly raising his arms to show his empty palms to Titan.
Titan laughs, letting you dangle and struggle for air a little while longer until he sets your feet back on the ground. He takes his arm off your neck and puts his palm to your forehead, pinning your head against his chest.
Immediately you’re pulling in breaths, choking on the air you’d been fighting for with everything you have.
Titan’s just giddy with excitement, even doing a shuffle with his feet to release some of his energy.
“Do you see this, Funny Girl?” Titan whispers, his lips pressed against the grooves of your ear as you cough for air, “See how you reduce a mountain to a molehill?”
You jerk your head away from him, squirming in his grasp, but he applies more pressure to your forehead.
“This is just perfect! This is rich,” Titan laughs before he continues, “You know only one of you can leave, right?” He throws his head back in a laugh, forcing your body to turn slightly to the right.
His voice drops, each word coming to a point that digs at Konig, “And yet you’d still sacrifice yourself to save a girl that never had a chance.”
Konig must have some sort of plan you don’t fully understand, because none of his actions are rational.
“Don’t be shy, Konig. Come on down!” He says with an over-the-top voice.
Titan laughs again as Konig takes careful steps closer, palms still displayed in surrender.
Titan presses his lips back to your ear and speaks excitedly through clenched teeth.
“I am so glad you made it this far.”
He gives your body a shake before he leans down to plant a sloppy kiss on your cheek from behind.
You wince in disgust, giving a few more earnest thrashes against his arms.
It fills you with fury, actually.
This brute can have you restrained, manhandle you and steal your breath - that’s part of the game, you can’t blame him for that.
But to tease you like a cat does his prey?
To kiss you?
You’re over Titan, you decide.
“Oh, what’s the matter, Funny Girl?” He says in mock sympathy, removing the hand from your neck to cup your jaw, fingers creating indents on your face as he smears your own blood with his fingertips. He tilts both your body and your chin to force you to look at him.
“Don’t be upset,” He coos, ignoring your grit teeth and glaring eyes, “Some people were just born to serve me, to die for me.” His voice falls to a dangerous growl, his fingernails digging painfully into your cheeks, “Get over it.”
His eyes flick to Konig, who’s approaching too fast for his liking, “Woah, woah, woah there, lover boy.”
Titan’s arms switch positions, the one across your stomach rising to skim his knife across your front, the other letting go of your face to secure your waist to him. He presses the blade up to your throat, grazing the metal against the crook of your neck in a clear threat.
You tilt your chin up to get away from the blade, looking down your nose at Konig, who freezes.
“Did you not like that?” He asks Konig, applying more pressure on the blade to your neck, not yet breaking skin, but pulling a fearful squeak from you as the cool steel creases your flesh.
He lowers his voice to a purr, “Do you not like it when I touch your things?”
Titan takes his hand off your waist, knowing the knife on your throat will keep you firmly in place. He brings his other hand back up to your jaw, pinching your cheeks and shaking your head teasingly at Konig.
You and Konig have no choice but to lock eyes, his gear offering little comfort as you pull down on Titan’s arm. You can’t read much behind that half-lidded cold stare and black hood.
“Just do it!” You yell at Konig, “What are you waiting for?! Just kill us both!”
“Oh, I’m going to,” Titan presses his fingers tighter into your face in the assumption you were addressing him.
He shakes your head again and lowers his voice, pressing his lips back into your ear.
“But I’ve been waiting for this moment my whole life,” He says, “I’m going to take my time.”
“Do it Konig! Kill us both!” You yell, furrowing your brows and thrashing against Titan.
“Do it Konig!” Titan mocks. He puts his mouth back to your ear again, “Let’s see if he can do it.”
He pulls away to shout to Konig, keeping your face firmly in his hold, “Do it! Kill us both!”
Konig stays still in his spot, not reaching for his weapon, just flitting his eyes between you and Titan.
“What are you doing?!” You scream, “Do it!”
“Stupid girl,” Titan grits in your ear, “Don’t you know he can’t?”
You elbow him hard, and he makes a low guttural noise, briefly letting go of your face. You go to push free from his knife but his hand quickly snatches a head full of your hair.
You let out a yelp as he jerks your head backwards, his knife briefly jutting out in the direction of Konig, who used your distraction as a chance to near closer. He’s close now, but when Titan notices this he takes a few steps backwards, dragging you back by your hair with him.
Titan laughs at Konig, giving you a harsh yank on your scalp. “Trying to save her?”
The hand with the knife pulls back and snakes around your neck again, threatening to squeeze the life from you.
“Kill us! Don’t let him win!” You get out.
“I am so sick-” Titan cuts off his statement the same moment he cuts off your air, lifting you off the ground.
“Tell her!” He booms, “Tell her why you can’t do it!”
Konig’s hands lower, eyes widening as he watches you claw at his arms, blood still gushing from your wounds.
“Tell her or she dies! Tell her!” He jerks you around by your neck, body swaying like a rag doll.
Your nails dig into Titan hard enough to draw blood, your legs kick his with the soles of your boots, but he doesn’t seem to notice.
“Tell her!” He shouts, his spit dotting your cheek. He makes a show of tightening his grip on you.
You’re vision is getting spotty, the swings of your fists slowing against unmatched strength.
“Last chance!” He says.
Konig sees the life fading from you, and breaks into a sprint, full force in your direction.
If you could speak, you’d tell him ‘finally.’
You close your eyes and brace for death, listening to the sound of Konig’s boots rapidly approaching and the blood pumping in your ears.
You take the brunt of his impact, your face and already injured arms on the receiving end of the supplies tucked in his chunky vest.
The three of you lose balance, toppling backwards until Titan regains his footing, and then you’re smushed in between two monstrous boys, waiting for one of them to take the win.
It happens so fast, and for most of it you had your eyes closed, but as soon as Titan releases his grip on your neck you’re roughly flung to the side where you drop to your hands and knees, coughing and wheezing as you try to catch your breath.
There’s the sound of impact after impact, and when you have the strength to lift your head, your heart stops.
Titan never regained his footing.
Konig had shoved you both backwards where the razor sharp hedge walls had imbedded themselves so far into Titan they’re supporting his weight. His knife lays unreachable at his feet, blood pouring generously and coating the leaves under his back in thick, dark red trickles.
Konig isn’t letting him slide off, one hand pressing firmly into his chest so the blades in the hedge walls work their way further into him.
Titan’s eyes are wide with shock, his head being forced to the side with each blow Konig lands to his face.
You jolt at the sight and fumble back into the grass as you crawl backwards from the altercation, eyes locked onto the scene you can’t bring yourself to look away from.
Konig lands a hit to Titan’s jaw, and blood sprays from his mouth. You hear a crack, Titan’s cheekbone shattering you think, and you finally pinch your eyes shut as the Eleven’s neck breaks behind your eyelids.
He’s delivering blow after blow, almost mechanically. One after another in beats so rhythmic you can anticipate and wince for the next strike before it even lands.
At least with the boy from eleven he made it quick and painless. Dead before he even knew what hit him.
This is overkill.
It’s twisting your gut, nausea boiling under your skin and bile creeping up the back of your throat.
You’re not sure why he doesn’t just grab the knife and finish him off.
You can’t think of a worse end. Beaten to death, feeling your skull steadily cave in, each punch pushing you closer and closer to death while jostled against a thousand blades.
When Konig is finally done with him, Titan is unrecognizable. Face mashed in, skull caved, beaten to a bloody pulp. His teeth chipped and broken, probably having swallowed his defining canines after Konig knocked them down his throat.
The boom of the cannon makes you flinch.
When Konig turns around and takes a couple steps back, he doesn’t look at you right away. He stares off into the distance at a far hedge wall. You can see the gear in his vest rising and falling with his heavy breaths. Filtering out whatever emotion must come with killing a man with your own fists, surely.
Titan’s body begins to slide forward, what’s left of his head pressed limply to his chest. He reaches a tipping point and his upper half drops, the rest of the blades on his lower back brutally ripping through his flesh as he collapses in a lifeless pile on the grass.
When Konig’s cold, deadly eyes find yours, you can’t help but start, letting out the squeak of a prey. You can’t move, lips parted, eyes blown in disbelief.
“Wait, please!” Your bloody palms shoot out defensively.
“You can have it!” You shout through a raw throat, voice desperate. You try to swallow the lump in your throat, but to no avail. Your voice lowers, “You can have the win, but please.”
Your words spill out one after another in a jumbled mess, “I just don’t want to die fighting, and afraid, and - “ You cut yourself off, your voice dropping to nothing but shallow breath, “Please.”
He’s silent, the half-lidded eyes through his black hood revealing nothing to you, still except for the steady rise and fall of his chest.
“Let’s just talk, before you do it, please. I - I don’t have any weapons,” You keep your arms up, your whole body shaking.
You pinch your eyes shut when it elicits no reaction, your voice shooting back up to raw and desperate, “Konig, please! Just let me prepare myself!”
“Please,” Your final beg finishes with a whimper, sight still cut off with a tight pinch.
And then you hear his boots take off in a full sprint, and you know that this is it.
He wants you to die scared and fighting.
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More works by uhohdad :)
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quibbs126 · 5 hours
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So I’ve been making this
So basically last night, I was listening to some music, specifically Not Gonna Die by Skillet, more specifically a version on YouTube with the intro (because I’m not the biggest fan of Good to be Alive where the intro actually is). Anyways, when it’s night, my imagination tends to be more active and I tend to have more energy. While listening to the song, I eventually got this mental image in my mind of this scene with Dark Choco, and the more it crystallized the more I wanted to draw it. I was going to go to sleep and maybe do it in the morning, but I realized that I probably would forget the vibe and not have as much energy, so instead I decided to power through and draw the idea
It was a bit difficult since I had limited references for the pose I wanted, and I suppose I can admit the sword looks a bit off anatomically, but it looks good enough I think, and lets me keep the eyes revealed
I did eventually have to stop drawing, because my iPad had been worked all the way down to 4% (and it was at 30% when I started, the poor thing), not to mention it was around 11:30 already which is pretty late for me, and my earbuds had been running nonstop for over 2 hours (yes I was listening to the same song, it’s how I keep the vibe). I was at least able to get the pose, base colors and lineart done, and I’m still pretty proud of where I left things last night
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Today was mostly just doing the background and lighting, which admittedly I may have fumbled. I’m not very good at backgrounds and I didn’t know how to draw lightning. I tried my best, but honestly I don’t think I got the image in my head. Didn’t help that my brain was playing the wrong Skillet song this morning
Oh yeah and by the way, the background is supposed to be from this. That’s what I used as reference
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The lightning both feels like too much and too little. Like, it’s crowding the picture, and I can’t have more because it’d be way too crowded with it, but also at the same time, it doesn’t feel like enough, like there isn’t as much power as I wanted
Actually wait, maybe I can add some small particle effects to like, enhance the lightning feel. That was in the original sketch but I omitted it in the final. If you see one with that, you know I did that
Edit: I did indeed do that
To be fair though, I don’t think I have the art skill to properly convey the image in my head. Basically the scene is that Dark Choco is using absolutely every amount of his power for this final swing down, so much that it’s too powerful and the Strawberry Jam Sword completely shatters. But also it’s too powerful that Dark Choco’s body simply can’t handle it, and he basically ends up exploding. The scene depicted would be the wind up to that final swing that destroys the both of them
This isn’t necessarily the first time I’ve come up with this scenario, and the setup would basically be that he turned on the Cookies of Darkness slightly earlier, because he didn’t want to destroy his homeland again, and he tried to get rid of them while in the kingdom but not yet at the Citadel, but he ended up failing, so with nothing to lose, he chases after them and decides to put everything into destroying them, even if it likely ends in his death. After this he probably killed Pomegranate and crippled Licorice in some way (I don’t think he’d attack Poison Mushroom), so his final act did have some effect, but he’s still dead by the end of it. And he and his father never got the chance to properly reconcile because Dark Choco thought that could never be a possibility anymore and he had resigned himself to his fate
But yeah, I just don’t know how to convey that sheer overwhelming power and emotion that this scenario suggests. I tried my best though
I also want to submit this to the Dark Cacao Forever contest, but I’m not sure if it’s good enough for it. What do you think?
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luxury-nightmare · 20 hours
mom says it’s my turn on the writing
(I haven’t written for Doai but I haven’t seen much new stuff for the Sitcom Au and I refuse to let the flame die out)
For the first time in years, Dr. Hebert Lankmann had no control over the situation.
Sirens blared across the asylum, bathing it in red as the doctor rushed down the hall. He didn’t look back, he couldn’t look back, because he knew what was behind him, and he didn’t have the luxury of not knowing who it was.
Alex Willams. Specimen 03. The immune. That damned employee to nosy for their own good. Lankmann needed to know what made them immune, for the good of Eastridge and all of humanity.
(And maybe to cure his own sickness)
This was not what he expected.
Velidgun conversion was unheard of before Alex. The idea that a human could become one of those creatures had never crossed the doctor’s mind and he cursed himself for not seeing the signs sooner. How Alex seemed tired since inviting the Demon into their home, the frailty, the eyes.
But he hadn’t. And here they were, Demon chasing Human, as it should be.
Something grabbed his ankle, he didn’t look down, he just kept running. It pulled, causing him to fall. He scrambled to get back up, but it dragged him towards his pursuer. Lankmann finally got a good look at the thing, green and striped and sharp. A tail.
Something hit him on the side of the head, blood pooling from the wound. Alex went in for another hit, but the doctor swung his hands up to block it. “Alex please!” He cried, staring up at them. Far to many eyes looked down at him, crooked and yellow and staring down from a face covered in shadow.
Alex went in for another hit. Lankmann threw his hands up to block again, but missed, and they hit again. Lankmann got a look at their weapon, where the hell did they get a crowbar?
Thwack. Obsidian black claws gripped the crowbar, a purple eye staring back at the doctor from the back of the palm
Thwack. The tail dug deeper into his ankle, spines drawing blood.
Thwack. Wings, green as the forest, blocked Lankmann’s vision.
“Alex, we can be reasonable about this!” Thwack. The crowbar hit the side of his head again, forcing him back. His back hit the wall.
“Please Alex, I can give whatever you need!” A pause. Alex didn’t lower their crowbar.
“Let them go”
Lankmann paused. Alex’s voice was clearly stolen, like most Velidgun, but not from another person. It sounded identical to the silly cartoon Lankmann that was shown around the facility in training tapes. Alex did the voice for those right?
“Patient 66, Mortimer, Kruger, Winfrey, everyone. Let them free”
Lankmann paused, that last name. “Specimen 02-“
“It’s NAME” Alex interrupted “is Winfrey”
“You know I can’t do that Alex, those things are to dangerous-“
Thwack. The crowbar came down onto the doctor’s head once more, and as he looked up at the Velidgun before him, he knew he had sealed his fate as a dead man.
“Wrong Answer”
it’s jarring, to hear your own voice repeated back at you
Lankmann looked back up at his attacker, but looking back at him wasn’t Alex Willams.
Looking back at him was the Angel of Silence
Angel of Silence idea was from @secret-spirit, and the overall idea was inspired by @redleaderdemon fic
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gemini-sensei · 3 days
i’ve been thinking of this for a bit-
shy, goth, larusso!reader who’s sam’s younger sister. she’s meek and barely speaks, always having her headphones in and trying to avoid drawing attention to herself. it’s summer break and one day sam throws a pool party, inviting all her friends and anybody else who wanted to come. sam ofc wants reader to join and get out of her shell, even surprising her with a pretty new bikini. it’s thin, black and lacy that barely covers the swell of her fat tits and ass. it sits on her hips perfectly, squishing her large pudgy hips and stomach. reader thinks she’ll die of embarrassment, but sam assures her it’s ok, and that yasmine will probably we wearing something more revealing.
so reader joins everyone outside, failing to ignore the hundreds of eyes on her. the worst offenders are robby, hawk, and demetri who stare like starving wolves seeing a small bunny. they all have a small crush on reader, seeing her on occasion out with sam. they think she’s so cute, all wanting a chance to talk to her without scaring her away. robby, hawk and demetri unfortunately couldn’t stay long and stare, as they had to go and take care of their cocks straining in their swim trunks.
sorry if this was too long!!! i just wanted to get all of my ideas out.
Robby, Hawk, and Demetri stare at her for a few minutes while Reader talks to Sam about going to get changed. Too many people are looking at her and making her uncomfortable, she's made a mistake and needs to go change. But Sam stops her and assures her that everyone is just looking st how great she looks. She walks Reader over to the poolside where Yasmine and Moon are sunning.
The guys are still staring and unable to take their eyes off of her. She sits and her thighs squish together and Hawk wants to slot his cock between them. Her boobs are barely being held in her bikini top and Demetri wants to grope them in his big hands. Robby wants to bend her over the pool chair and fuck her cunt and be a little rough with her. All these thoughts lead them inside to find their own separate place to take care of themselves because they can't walk around the pool with tents in their trunks.
Or they help each other out 👀 crammed into the tiny guest bathroom, fisting each other's cocks. Or Robby and Hawk have Demetri on his knees helping them out with his hand and mouth. It could go many ways if they're doing each other a quick favor, especially if they know they all like her.
Reader could even slip back into the house to get a cool drink or a bag of ice to refill the cooler. She hears something strange coming from the bathroom and goes to make sure whoever is in there is okay. She knocks gently, "H-hey... everything okay in there?"
Demetri's mouth is full of Hawk's cock while hisnhand is wrapped around Robby, who has to put a hand over his own mouth because he's noisy. Hawk calls out, trying to pretend he's alone in there. "Yeah. Yeah, I'm okay. Just a cramp."
Quick thinking is alright. Hawk's pretty good at it. However, his mind is foggy and he was needy. Reader, his crush, being at the door is not helping. It's not helping any of them.
"Oh... well, uh, do you need anything," she asks. She talks so soft, so pretty, so sweet. Her voice just makes them all swoon and want to pull her in there to have a little fun with, but they hold back. "I-I don't know what helps with cramps... do you? ... Or would you rather me leave?"
Hawk wants nothing more than for her to stay, Demetri and Robby similarly want the same, but he answers with, "ai'll be out soon."
"Oh, okay..." she says and walks away.
Robby drops his hand. "What I'd give to have her."
Hawk shoves him. "Like your get so lucky. Shes's mine."
Demetri pulls away and pants. "I'd prefer you two not fight while I suck you off. Besides, you two are too rough for her. I'm the only one who's gonna be gentle with her."
They look down at him and glare.
Robby scoffs. "You wanna be gentle, worry aboutbit later." He then leads Demetri's mouth onto his cock and fucks his throat.
Demetri moans and let's him, trying his best to jack Hawk off at the same time. He's at their mercy at that moment but all he can think about it Reader, so he closes his eyes and thinks of that pretty bikini she is wearing outside at the pool.
They're all thinking of that bikini, the way it hugs her body and barely keeps anything in. Her ass and tits on display with the pretty lacy suit, her belly just so attractive and they all wanna hold it and her sides and squeeze her chub. They're watering at the mouth, hands itching to grab her.
Unfortunately for them, they only have each other to grab and hold on to. Maybe someday, one or all of them could have a little fun with the cute goth LaRusso.
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barbatusart · 1 day
how do you make your art so expressive and fluid-looking? do you have a technique or is it just how you've trained your hand? I try to get my figures more fluid but they always look so stiff! even practicing figure drawings...maybe because you draw so fast that helps? idk man...any advice? thank you!
thank you first off for such a compliment!!! fluidity & shape are the things i prize most in visual art to the point where ive given up gunning for "correctness" in favor of chasing the preservation of motion lol. gonna put my response and my Full Visual Art Journey to where i am now under the cut as it's an image-heavy one and a bit long winded (shocking for me to be long winded i know LOL)
so i absolutely used to have the exact same problem many years ago of my stuff being too stiff, ie my sketch would be loose and fun but my inks would be nervous & tight & not as fun to look at as the sketch
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this is a super old thing from 2011 when i was still on my anatomy journey (you can tell cus the sternum and nose are, uh, interesting LOL) but you can kinda see what i mean - the sketch underneath is fun & has movement as sketches do, but these little fineliner inks are so visually Nervous. the issue for me at the time was that i was subconsciously exactly that: nervous of messing the picture up, and that fear of making a mistake telegraphed loud & clear to my inks. using fineliner tools 100% did not help me either, as microns & the like have little to no "give" to them; you put the pen to paper and you get what you get, and you have to sit there & meticulously build the line up to get any kind of lineweight.
i was ultra dissatisfied with my output so i made 2 changes a few years after this: i stopped doing pencil sketches and started just doing straight inks, and i swapped to a brushpen
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these are from 2012 or so & some of the first things i did in straight brushpen inks with no pencil, and theyre a total mess but they are LOOSE AND FUN! i had 100% no idea what i was doing with the brushpen and had no control over it because i was so used to the thin lines pencil & microns gave me, so everything i made was sloppy & out of control as i was struggling to keep control of the tool, but honestly it was absolutely freeing for me. now i had the looseness of the sketch right there at the forefront. the issue was though, how could i get enough control of the brushpen to make something that wasnt so messy? even if i had freedom, if i got too wacky with it, itd just turn into a black ink mess. i was completely done with pencils at this point and didn't want to go back & risk losing this looseness & freedom, and then i realized like - what if i just do my straight ink sketch like this & then figure out a way to go back in & "carve" into it to clean it?
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enter the next tool in the arsenal, the white gel pen. this was my first experiment with it & it was legitimately a complete game changer, because now i could slop on my inks as much as i wanted & go right back in with the gel pen & literally carve out the black lines to as crisp as i pleased while still preserving the motion & energy of the ink sketch. i noticed even with tons of layers of gel too there was no way to fully get rid of the ghost outline of my corrections, so at this stage i leaned into that quality even harder & changed from white paper to exclusively brown
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at this point i wanted to showcase loud & clear to myself exactly what i was cleaning up, i LOVED how this looked. i even went a step further & got some really translucent red ink for a second brush pen (had to fill the cartridges with the red ink manually in the sink lol) so i could do an even sloppier red sketch underneath, half precise slop on black ink on top of it, clean it up with the gel, go back in with the black, forever and ever and ever
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and like this was an absolute physical mess of material but it was beyond fun. id completely given up on anything being clean or correct, because i could always clean it & correct it & have a blast showcasing the journey of start to finish as preserved in the materials. i basically gave myself permission to like, be imperfect, treat inks like clay, & draw with complete abandon like a kid again
eventually utrecht stopped making the kind of brown paper i loved (these brown paper books were HEAVY DUTY & could take so much punishment, when i was done with a book id legit flip it over & start drawing on the backs of the pages) & then all the available material physically couldnt handle the amount of medium i was putting on my pages, like legit the paper itself was just ripping & dissolving lmao. so at this stage i got an ipad (i could never wrap my head around a tablet & not looking at my hand and the tool touching the artwork) & pivoted from trad to digital in like uhhhh 2018ish & just did the exact same techniques of slopping inks down, carving with the eraser, going back in with the inks, carving more with the eraser, and so on. and now since it was digital & i never had to worry about my paper literally melting underneath my brushes LOL i could just go forever on one thing
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early attempts while learning the new medium in my fury road era
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tail end of the SAD SACK roughs in like 2019ish (SAD SACK really was what got me locked in with my digital technique & how i wanted to attack it)
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tail end of the SORTIE roughs from like 2021, at this stage i think my style got so fuckin crazy because i wasnt worried about my pages getting destroyed anymore so im like Violent with the ipad lmao, that & it got Really fast bcus since i wasnt bothering with correct anymore & had no medium-being-destroyed barrier i could just gunshot-speed get these down
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and then most recently DE RERUM NATURA from like january of this year which i think showcases what im currently doing pretty accurately
this got long whoops lol POINT IS: i dont worry about being correct (because i can fix it later), i dont worry about being neat (because i can clean it later), and i skip the sketch stage entirely by slop-inking & eraser-carving interchangeably, which lets me fix and clean all i want while preserving the energy & action of the first marks. plus, going straight inks all the time i think trained my hand & eye to A. put down the marks i want correctly in the General Space of where i want them, and B. do it faster & faster lol
after all this my advice to you is this: swap to a new tool! try a brush, try paint, try a medium you have no control over but something that forces you to improvise and remember whats so fun in the first place about making a mess on your canvas of choice. remember that any mark you make, you can tweak, fix, carve, shove around, whatever. i think a lot of people get stuck in the rules they have set for themselves with art (i know i did!) and we tend to forget that there are no rules. try & remember that feeling of being little & just going wild on paper without any care whatsoever about being Right. go for it, because you can always tweak it - even inks arent permanent 🤓
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grandline-fics · 22 hours
DESCRIPTION: Sometimes things happen beyond our control. After an accident occurs your relationship with Zoro is turned on its head and changed forever.
WARNINGS: nothing comes to mind for this one
WORDS: 2,572
A/N: The next chapter is here. I hope you all enjoy and have a good weekend
Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four (here) | Chapter Five (coming soon)
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The island was drawing closer now and the entire crew couldn’t help but recall what befell them the last time. As much as they tried to look at this as the next exciting part of their adventure they still couldn’t shake the image of your injured, limp body being carried in Zoro’s arms. No one wanted to go through that again but at the same time they knew this was the life they’d chosen and danger was part of that decision. So in the middle of their lunch, conversation turned to the set plan for this island visit. 
“Thankfully from what I can see with this island, it’s populated. I can make out a dense cityscape so we can actually buy supplies we’ve been rationing.” Nami said, setting a quick sketch she’d made of the island. Even for a preliminary outline it was still detailed enough for the crew to get a better idea of what they were in for. “And because there’s a city we have to expect a Marine presence. So we need to be careful.” 
“So who’s staying on Sunny first?” Sanji asked tentatively as he lit another cigarette. Usually it would spark a debate over who would go but now there was a hesitancy amongst them all, even Luffy who still had the usual excitement light his eyes at being in a new place didn’t immediately declare he wanted to explore as much as he clearly wanted to. The group slowly looked to Zoro who continued to eat his meal, not participating in the conversation. 
“Well I know where I’ll be.” Your voice sounded dryly from the doorway, drawing everyone’s attention. They weren’t used to you leaving the medical quarters but here you stood with your empty dishes in hand. With careful steps you walked to the sink and began to wash up. “Unless you’re going to actually let me leave the ship?” 
“You’re not our captive, you can go onto the island with us!” Luffy grinned, only for his smile to falter when you looked over your shoulder and eyed him carefully, still not trusting him. “What’s wrong? Don’t you want to explore?”
“And when I want to go home?” You asked, turning off the water and turning to face the apparent Captain of this group. Your stare was hard and your mouth was set in a firm line, his was the only answer you wanted to hear at this moment. Despite his relaxed nature, if he was any kind of leader, whatever he said was to be followed by the rest of his crew. “If we go on that island and I don’t want to come back here. What then?”
“By that island’s not your home…” Luffy frowned seriously. “Sunny’s your home, you said so.”
“According to you.” You dismissed with narrowed eyes. “Answer my question. Am I allowed to go home. To my island.”
“Uuugghhh but that’s so far away it’ll take forever!” Luffy groaned out like a child being told it was his bedtime, his inability to take your question seriously was making you angry and you hand to reach behind you to grip the countertop to stop yourself from rushing over and smacking him senseless. “If you want to go back we can’t stop you. Nami, you know the way right?”
Nami froze at Luffy’s willingness to take you home to your island given how confident he was that your memories would return and everything would go back to normal. However at his question so slowly nodded. As much as she had secretly hoped Luffy’s stubbornness and selfishness would win out and he’d insist you stayed with them, she couldn’t go against him or lie. Not over this. 
“Yeah, I have the charts…but it will take months of travel.” She said, looking at you hoping you could see that she was telling the truth. “We met so long ago. Your island is near the beginning of the Grand Line, it’s not a quick trip, this will take time.”
“So just leave me on the island we’re going to, I’ll find someone to take me ba-” you flinched when Zoro slammed his bottle onto the table. Finally you tore your gaze from Luffy to watch the swordsman sit back in his seat but still refused to look at you. 
“You’re not being left behind on an island we have no knowledge about.” He spoke firmly and you bit back the urge to sneer at him. 
“I think that decision is your Captain’s.” You forced the words out as calmly as you could. You couldn’t help but think back to the card you’d found in the book. For someone that had claimed ‘love always’ he had a funny way of showing it. “Think about it, the sooner you’re all rid of me, the sooner you get back to your adventures. Win-win right?”
“It’s not happening.” Zoro snapped turning his head to glare fiercely at you. “If you want to go back to the life you had then fine, we’ll see you home but none of us are risking your safety with strangers who could hand you over to the Marines without any hesitation.”
“I’m not a pirate.” You uttered thickly, denying it with every fibre of your being. Over and over you told yourself that no matter what happened, you would be fine, that you were still a good person. Zoro seemed intent on breaking that one comforting thought. You glared furiously as the swordsman rose and approached. When he was in front of you he stopped and looked down at you, his expression even but unrelenting. While the others had been kind and patient with you, Zoro was clearly choosing the harsher path.
“No. You just don’t remember being one. That’s the difference.” He told you coldly. “If we abandon you on that island, you’re easy pickings for any bounty hunter and Marine about because like it or not you have a bounty and that’s not going away. But you’re right. The decision isn’t mine, it’s yours and Luffy’s. So do what you want, if you do end up someone’s captive don’t say I didn’t warn you.” The seconds passed by in heavy, agonising silence. No one dared to move as you and Zoro glared at each other, defiant and locked in an intense battle. Finally your upper lip curled upwards as you ground out a terse. “Fine.” Roughly you  brushed passed Zoro and headed for the door, only stopping to scowl at Luffy. “I’ll continue to take my chances with your crew so long as you promise you’ll take me home after this island.”
“I promise.” Luffy smiled. You still couldn’t wrap your head around this happy-go-lucky Captain and after your heated exchange with his second in command you left the dining area with a firm click of the door signalling your exit. 
When the sound of your steps were gone Zoro let out the heavy sigh he’d been holding. While he hated being so cold and harsh with you, it was necessary in this instance to make you see sense. He felt a small sense of relief when you relented and agreed that they’d be the ones to take you back to your island. At least this meant he could do this much for you, he could see you safely home and still know the feeling of your presence for another few months even if you wanted more than anything to be as far away from the crew as possible. There was no ‘win-win’ situation in any of this for him but as long as you got to live your life content and how you wanted then he could accept that and do his damnedest to ensure you got what you wanted regardless of how much it hurt him. 
“You’re sure you don’t mind me going onto the island?” Chopper asked cautiously as he looked over your mostly healed injuries the next morning. The more extreme wounds still caused you some discomfort but you were able to move as freely as you could now and knew your limits so you gave the reindeer a small smile.
“I’ll be fine, you’re only going for a day anyway and I doubt I’ll injure myself here, I’m not that clumsy.” You assured him but still he hesitated. “Chopper, I mean it I’ll be fine. Go and enjoy your exploring. You’ve been looking after me all this time, you deserve some fun.”
“I don’t though.” Chopper protested with a firm shake of his head. “I don’t deserve it.” You tilted your head at his statement. Against your better judgement you couldn’t help but had a soft spot for him. He had saved your life and nursed you to help, pirate or not you owed him a lot and given how much time he’d spent with you in your recovery it was only natural to feel a bond beginning to form with him. Chopper slowly met your gaze and you could see shame in his eyes. “It’s all my fault. That day when the storm started it was my idea to take shelter in the ruins. You got hurt because of me. You hate us because of me…Zoro’s sad and not sleeping because of me.” 
His revelation stunned you and feeling the guilt and weight of his confession had caused a lump to form in your throat. You tried to shake how hearing Chopper mention Zoro specifically made you think of the card you’d found. You weren’t going to entertain the possibility of you being in a relationship with the man. You weren’t going to start to consider that you had chosen this life. It would drive you mad otherwise. Still you couldn’t let Chopper beat himself up over what happened.
“Chopper, I can’t tell you what happened that day and I also can’t tell you that things would have been different had we done something different. I got hurt and lost my memories that’s all I know.” You began as softly as you could. “What I do know is I’m alive because you’ve been looking after me and I don’t blame you for any of it. So do me a favour and go out there and enjoy yourself okay?”
“Thank you.” Chopper sniffled before smiling brightly at you, leaning forward to hug your side as gently as he could. “Will you be okay-”
“Yes! I promise I’ll be fine.” You insisted with a small roll of your eyes. “What’s the worst that’s going to happen?”
“Well it’s just…Zoro’s the only one staying behind.” Okay, now you were reconsidering whether you would be fine on the ship.
For most of the morning you avoided going to the deck so you wouldn’t have to run into your only ‘companion’ for the day while the others were away. However there was only so much you could do to pass the time. Ever since you discovered the card you were hesitant to touch any of the other books that were apparently your personal possessions out of fear of finding more evidence of your history with the Strawhats. 
Then you came to the decision, if you were to trust these people to bring you home then it meant you were going to be in their company for more months ahead. Why should you be the one to hide away? You weren’t their captive so you weren’t going to act like one. Leaving the medical quarters you climbed the steps to the deck and saw that it was empty. At first you believed you were alone and continued up the next set of steps to sit in the shade of Nami’s tangerine grove but stopped to see Zoro lying on the grass, sleeping soundly. You waited for a moment but he made no reaction beyond the slow, relaxed breaths. You continued to the seats and sat in the one furthest from the man who was supposed to be the only source of protection to the ship. 
Basking in the sound of the waves gently lapping against the ship and comforting warmth coming down from the island’s summer sun, you sat back in your seat and got comfortable letting your own eyes slip closed. The second your breathing evened out and your head tilted to the side, Zoro’s good eye opened slowly. For a moment he continued to lie on the grass and stare up at the broken streams of sunlight coming through the canopy of leaves and his fingers twitched against his swords that lay against his hip. While he couldn’t sense any current threats nearby, he wasn’t taking any chances.
He wasn’t sure how much time had passed until he suddenly he sensed something heading his way, sharply he snatched it in the air and looked to see the tangerine in his hand. Arching an eyebrow he glanced up to see you slowly peeling your own tangerine casually. 
“Thought you were sleeping.” He said carefully while sitting up to press his back against the wooden railing and lightly toss the tangerine you’d thrown at him into the air and catch it, the only thing he could do to occupy his thoughts and restlessness.
“Getting comfortable and sleeping are two different things.” You said simply. “Besides it’s not wise to just nap out in the open when at an unknown island. One near death experience is more than enough.” You added, pretending not to notice the way Zoro’s jaw clenched and his hands faltered slightly at your remark. You did gesture to the tangerine in his hand. “Aren’t you going to eat that?”
“And piss Nami off?” He asked sarcastically. “That’s one headache I don’t need.”
“What she got a rule about the tangerines?”
“Yeah, no touching without her permission or paying.” 
“Funny…” you mused before popping a segment of the fruit into your mouth. You chewed thoughtfully and swallowed, savouring the sweet, refreshing taste. “I don’t remember her telling me.” 
Zoro let out a small huff and smirked, shaking his head before stopping and glaring at the ground. He shouldn’t have laughed at that but for a small moment it had felt like the you he loved.
“Oh come on, that was funny! It’s going against everything in me but I’m really trying here to at least be civil.” You snapped in exasperation. “Or would you rather we fight and glare at each other the entire time I’m on this ship?”
“You’re only being civil because part of you still believes that if you’re not we’ll change our minds about taking you home.” Zoro stated making you freeze. “You don’t trust us, not entirely. Tell me I’m wrong.”
“I don’t have to tell you anything.” You deflected, looking away from him. 
“No you don’t because I already know the answer.” Zoro slowly got to his feet and turned to look at the island the others were currently on, cursing them for forcing him into this situation. He knew that they’d planned this, thinking the impossible would happen but this wasn’t helping him. 
“Okay if we’re playing the truth game then you look me in the eye and answer me this, do you love me?” Your question came suddenly and Zoro turned his head sharply, he hadn’t expected that. You remained sitting in your seat as you stared at him with eyes burning; challenging and intense and as beautiful as always. “Well? What’s the answer?”
TAG LIST (If I've missed anyone or if you want to be added just let me know) @3v37773 @tsaaps , @i-am-all-love-puns-and-lazy , @sanemisnonexistenteyebrow , @fiery-captain-spider-santa , @vikispike , @portgasmyass , @diarythroughmylens , @itsagoodluckkiss , @emmaiscool22 , @loveyluv7
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lu-dao-writes · 18 hours
— 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐂𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐎𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐥𝐞 (𝙇𝙤𝙧𝙚)
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Summary: An oracle unknowingly lived in a cult their entire life, cursed with a touch that sends people into madness and elation. The cult’s goal was to resurrect the demon, Māra, but thanks to being enlightened with the truth, the oracle destroys the cult and flees in search of the Senobium, desperate for a cure; and if no cure was possible then they’d open themself into death’s arms. They had no idea of the dangerous people they’d encounter in the downtrodden and shady city that is Eridia.
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— 𝐑𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐬
(So that I don’t repeat myself too much, I had my friend, who is very knowledgeable in tarot, help me understand the cards when trying to figure out how this bunch feels about me. Please don’t take these as canon.)
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Leander: two of cups, the lovers, wheel of fortune reversed, eight of cups reversed, knight of swords, and knight of wands.
I thought right away that with my background in mind, I’d be the perfect victim for Leander. In desperate need of help, and nowhere to go and no one to trust.
My friend pretty much said he thinks we’re made for each other even though it’s utterly toxic. He knows what he feels and wants to do is bad, but he doesn’t care and is willing to continue a toxic cycle.
All in all, scary stuff, and I’ve all but walked into the trap he laid out.
Vere: the magician, judgment, king of coins, king of swords
When I first went over it, I was puzzled because to me it seemed too positive, because it’s Vere we’re talking about. Overall I thought that Vere could see that I’ve been dealt a bad hand in life, but I have the tools to avoid that again if I’m smart enough to not let it happen.
My friend sums it up to Vere thinks I’m capable enough to hurt him. He doesn’t underestimate me because he believes if he slips up, I can get him. If I act clueless (when I truly am just clueless), he doesn’t believe me. But our relationship overall can end up a bit positively as long as I continue to treat him like a person rather than a pet.
And apparently he’s willing to be my pet😅😳🫣… (y’all when I was told that I was wheezing. Honestly thought he’d hate my guts fr.)
Mhin: Ace of coins reversed, king of cups, the high priestess, three of coins
In short of Mhin and I’s relationship: “Don’t wanna fuck with you, but I still care a little.”
Much like how they pay attention to Ais, they pay attention to me, but they aren’t keen on getting close. Our overall relationship can be very sweet though because we can grow from one another and lean on each other strengths. “Where you fall short, Mhin can help, and where they fall short, you can assist.”
Ais: Four of Wands reversed, Ace of cups, two of cups, nine of wands reversed, four of coins, the fool reversed, ten of cups.
Wooo I tell you-.
Ais and I are quite alike, and we both draw each other in. But overall we’re fantasizing the impossible. If Ais and I were to get together, to cross the line where it’s no longer platonic, things can and will become more complicated and hard for us. We’re both are too different that we’d never have much progress.
We looked more into it and it seems that arguments are frequent to happen, mainly due to Ais not wanting to change.
Bonus: Ocudeus: Three of Coins, Magician (sideways), knight of wands reversed
I forgot to write the notes down, but I believe Ocudeus has almost the same mindset as Vere with not wanting to underestimate me. Mainly just lurking I believe.
Kuras: Queen of cups reversed, the lovers, the tower reversed, ten of wands.
I think this one’s almost as bittersweet- maybe if not more- as Ais’s and I’s relationship.
My friend got orpheus and eurydice vibes. Our story is supposed to end in tragedy and he can only watch it happen. I’m supposed to be his, but it doesn’t work. We’re both shouldered with burden. Definitely also some reincarnation vibes which is a theory I’ve seen mentioned and can get behind due to the demo.
Elyon: three of cups, eight of swords reversed, The World, Seven of wands, Five of swords reversed, and Four or wands reversed.
Y’all don’t know how stunned I was at this one lol.
So my friend said that we’re close friends, and him being protective. It could be for his own benefit but he’s also genuine in wanting to keep me safe at the same time.
When I asked how we even became close because of our clear differences (him being a wealthy businessman and me a random poor individual), I got page of cups reversed, empress reversed, and queen of coins reversed.
Initially I thought I went to his brothel to feel less insecure, but my friend said he saw it more as he gives me compliments or something because he can tell I’m insecure. Maybe even offered the brothel to help with that because you need money.
Sen: Temperance reversed, six of swords reversed, ten of swords reversed, and five of swords reversed.
To put it simply, Sen is obsessed with the idea that I can possibly kill her, but I refuse to do so.
I asked my deck which love interest is best suited for me and Mhin takes the cake; and I found it very interesting because in my deck the card I got was the three of swords and the story chosen for the card is “The Crane Wife”.
— 𝐅𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐲𝐦𝐛𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐦
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𝐋𝐮𝐜𝐢𝐞𝐧/𝐃𝐚𝐨 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐨𝐞𝐧
𝐁𝐥𝐞𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭
· · ───── ·𖥸· ───── · ·
⟡ 𝐁𝐞𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐲 & 𝐒𝐚𝐝𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬
⟡ 𝐑𝐞𝐛𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐡 & 𝐑𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐰𝐚𝐥
⟡ 𝐒𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐭𝐲 & 𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧
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spirits-art-blog · 3 days
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Redraws of some of my favorite Conan/Shinichi expressions so far! I'll likely be making more posts like this cus this show is filled with really good expressions and poses that I really want to draw. Honestly this show needs more moments like the ones above, its such a good visual gag.
For those who don't know, I'm watching this show completely blind so please keep spoilers out of this post; as of posting this, I have just finished ep 289.
Gonna get into some of my current thoughts and critiques in the read more cus I don't really want to make a separate text post so feel free to avoid all of that if you don't want to see it and I hope you enjoyed the art :)
Disclaimer: These critiques should be taken lightly as they don't really impede my enjoyment as overall the show is great! I just like to share my thoughts and ramble.
286-288 is actually kind of a good summary for some of the things I dislike about the show, like sorry if people like that case but Shinichi and Yukiko being there unfortunately did not make it less meh for me.
I usually try to keep in mind that shows like this weren't intended for an american/english-speaking audience but man, New York is such a bad setting for this show. Even if you ignore the actual voice acting, its jarring how the americans just, stop speaking english. I really wanna know what the bts situation was to make them decide that, like sure 3 episodes is a lot, but its hard to believe these new yorkers, besides 2 cops and a taxi driver, are speaking Japanese.
Other thoughts go to the end with the murderer of the case and the disguised killer. Not sure how to word this exactly but it kind of bothers me how this is, I think, the first time we've gotten a murderer who's backstory isn't about some misfortune that happened to them that was caused by the victim, like nah, she was just evil, and then later Shinichi and Ran stop a serial killer from falling to their death, like what? Especially with these two scenes practically being back to back, I just don't get why they did that. Idk just left a bad taste in my mouth.
Anyways on a lighter note, loved seeing Ran's thoughts throughout the episode, especially at the end, like I love internal conflict for characters, and it works for Ran as well since falling for that 'you helped cause this' fear is pretty consistent with her.
And lastly I wanna share some thoughts I've had about the show cus I don't know where to put them. That being said, I really wish they had some episodes early on that explored more of the dynamics between characters and Shinichi's transition into Conan. Like the idea of a rich 16-17 year old being stuck as a 6-7 year old who now lives with his not girlfriend and has to go back to first grade is such a dramatic change, no way that situation wasn't hard to get used to. Unfortunately, I'm more than far enough into this show to know they aren't going to do anything like that. And besides very small moments that spawned headcanons for me, there isn't much going on relationship wise either. After episode 3, the dynamics between the characters was set and hasn't really changed too much, which is a little sad imo.
I'll stop rambling for now, apologies with how discoherent this is, translating my thoughts into words has never been my strong suit.
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1starqi · 2 days
Pinky Promise
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genre: college au, band au
pairing: bassist!soobin x guitarist!reader
warning: mc is really stressed about getting a D and cries idk what warning that is
word count: 1.4k
(Chapter List)
▸ Now Playing: Ghosting (IGNORE the meaning of the song it just fits the vibes musically)
Your apartment looks warm and sheltered from the outside world. About a week ago, Soobin took the time to put up string lights shaped like stars around the hallway entrance, and they’re lit brightly. Soobin saved the inside from the cold light of the day by drawing the curtains. Maybe it’s just how he likes to work, but it’s the perfect safe place to come back to after a day like this. When the big D came back printed on your paper and your professor told you to stay after class, you knew the waterworks were going to come at some point. You got called out for “half-assing” the paper, despite working harder on it than any of your other essays. You got a better grade when you worked on it less and played with Soobin more. Luckily it was your last class of the day, and your commute was hard. Every minute standing in the station you got closer to breaking. Now that you’re seeing your cozy apartment and turning the knob, you feel hot tears welling behind your eyes. Soobin is standing in the kitchen, scrolling on his phone when he notices you, and immediately notices your quivering lip.
He practically drops his phone on the counter and rushes around the peninsula to you. You look up at him, silent, knowing that you’d start sobbing if you opened your mouth. Without knowing why you’re crying, he brushes a stray tear from your cheek and wraps you in his arms. “It’s going to be okay.” He tells you as you try your best to stifle your sobbing. Half of you wants the comfort he’s giving you, but the other half doesn’t want him to see you like this. “Crying is okay,” He encourages you, “you don’t have to pretend with me. You’re stronger than you know.” He tells you, and it all breaks. You latch onto him and start to cry your eyes out. If you could see his face, you’d see his concerned, furrowed brows. You’d see his mouth open slightly and close again as if he wants to say something more, but he's hesitant. You’d see that he’s afraid of overstepping boundaries or saying the wrong thing. Despite his own apprehension, he remains steadfast in his hug and comforting words.
“It’s not anything big.” You tell him through intermittent sobs. “I just did bad on the paper I worked really hard on…” You blubber. “I just wanted to do well.”
“Do you want to talk about it?” He asks. You shake your head passionately. “That’s probably a good idea.” He affirms. “Can we sit down?” He asks and holds you just a little farther from him so that he can see your face. You nod again and oblige, forcing your legs to move. He doesn’t follow you, but instead goes to the kitchen and gets a glass out of the cabinet, and fills it.
He walks over to where you’re huddled on the couch. Your arms are around your legs as he attempts to hand you the glass of water. “It’ll help.” He says. Instead of reaching for the water, you reach for him, desperate for another hug. Being in his arms makes you feel safe from the world. He wraps his arms around you because, well, how could he not? You wanted comfort from him, he had to indulge you.
After a needed cry, you wipe your tears and try to explain. You’re looking at him now, sitting apart from him. “It was just scary. I wanted to do well.” You repeat.
“I get it, I really do. ‘You want to know what scares me?” He asks with a tentative look on his face like he’s scared to say what he’s just committed to telling you. “I have stage fright.” He confesses. “I’m scared of people seeing me and I’m scared of messing up.” He laughs a little at what he says next, “I used to be so afraid of my family hearing me that I’d play unplugged and strum really quietly.” He quiets his voice when he talks about playing quietly, and it would’ve made you laugh if you didn’t feel guilty for turning your no-audience duet into something bigger.
“Oh, Soobin. I’m so sorry.” You tell him. You’d just asked to form a band with him, performing on stage. “I had no idea.” A hand yours to your mouth and guilt creeps up in your consciousness.
“No, no.” He shushes your apologies and guilt too. “Really, I’m thankful for it. Doing music like I do, I’m bound to have to perform someday, and I’d rather do it with people I like than alone.” He tells you. “Like exposure therapy, you know?” You’re still speechless. There’d been signs, you guess, like his reserved attitude and closure to anyone new, but you thought that was confined to his personal life.
“I wish I knew.” You echo. “I didn’t think about how you would feel.”
He laughs a little bit and reaches for your hand to assure you. This is so stupid, you’re supposed to be comforting him, but here he is, being the comforting one. “I’m being serious. Really, I want to do it. You’ve seen how happy I am when I play, and I’ve seen how happy you are when you play. We play well—together, I mean.” He says and if you two weren’t so focused on each other’s words, you’d be more aware of the pink blush on his neck when he makes his final comment. “I might need a little coaching, but I’m willing a thousand percent.”
“You swear?” You ask him, wanting to make sure he’s not bluffing to make you feel less guilty.
“I’ll pinky promise you.” He says.
“Do it. You can’t lie in a pinky promise.” You challenge him, feeling silly using the playground sign of a truth. He adjusts the way he’s sitting to pull out his right pinky. You’re only a little bit surprised that he suggested it. He stares at you, your eyes puffy, but the mind behind them is distracted from the drama of the day, which was half his goal. You reach your matching pinky and wrap it around his. “You promise this is something you want to do?”
“My pinky wouldn’t be where it is if I didn’t.” He swears. Realizing your no-longer-sobbing state, you laugh a little.
“You’re really good at distracting people.” You tell him, releasing your pinky from his hold. “This mood lighting is really nice. Much nicer than the overhead.” You comment, looking around the room slowly.
“You think so?” He continues on the topic of your work. “Your professor was kind of mean for that, though. It’s crazy that they said that you half-assed it. I think your hard work is pretty visible.” He assures you.
“Thanks. That means a lot. It felt like it was the end of the world, though…” You trial off. “On the stage fright thing, what if we started with a small audience? We could have Soyoon as the audience.” You suggest.
“That would be nice actually. We could invite our keyboardist too, so there's someone I don’t know.” 
“You barely know Soyoon.” You tell him, and it’s true. They have no classes together and their only interactions are offhand while Soyoon is with you. “Yeah, but playing is going to be a room full of people that I super don’t know.”
“Regardless, do we even need a keyboardist?” You ask him and yawn.
“Maybe not, but if we’re playing original songs then I want a producer.” He shrugs. “Otherwise it’s just like, you know.” He loses steam and the addition makes you laugh a little bit and your laugh makes you realize how tired you are
“God, I’m tired. Crying makes me tired.” You groan.
“You should take a nap, then. Naps are good for getting over things.” He agrees. “Drink some water and take a nap, I think that’s the best course of action.” You nod in agreement, and your eyelids droop for a second. You get up from the soft couch and go the long way around it. The mood lighting is even more noticeable with the slowly setting sun. As you walk to your room, you pass the back of the couch where you trail your hand across the back of the soft back and mess with his hair when you reach him. “Why?” He smiles and, without turning back, you shrug. You guess you just wanted to touch him one more time before you go down for your nap. Why? For comfort, or to tease, you don’t know.
“‘Night, Soob.” You call before you enter your room, and in your periphery, you see a smile tug at his lips.
ramble: credit to original owners for the pics! all found on pinterest btw. this one was weirdly hard to write but i power thru
taglist: @eclipse-777
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skaluli · 2 days
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WARNING : some of these range to months old to the start of the year. so if they look off thats why. theyre very old lmao.
the reason why i made medic mercy is because i had a certain drawing idea in mind. could never get the pose/position right and thats very sad. </3 hopefully one day i get can it right because sdjgfjhdfg
old medic headshots
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i like skaluli headshot a lot :]
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sketch of the one roger rabbit draw thing + melissa was from the start of this year. got drawn because in the vc we were watching it lul. bonus small nostalgia critic and avgn. (i think ive drawn them before but idk where in my files it'd be, my bad.)
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corrupt + glados ska
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the concepts for the green ska redesign + a concept for something ive being wanting to draw for a while, skaluli ripping open his ribs to see his the inside of his chest. i can never get it right though and this isnt the first time ive attempted sketching this out. i cant be bothered to find the others sorry again. (also vimlark monkey ska, i like vimlark and im glad he's back :]])
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sketches of me trying to redo the sketch for the opening page on my neocities (i never finished it god damn it me)
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oc concept, wanted a guy with a dino skull and their hair sticking out the eye sockets and went from there. ska with nose jumpscare + black censor box is covering up the reference of me i used for the stretch. (looks bad regardless). concept of giving creator more """"god like""""(??) like clothes, just not dressing like a teenage white boy. they're very very casual but i need to get them outta the plain white tshirt. soldier + attempt at medic kinsona, needs work.
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unfinished bullet going through sniper's eye through his scope (the sketch looks better but to be fair i gave up on the colour/finished version.)
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medicska. me just in tf2, id just use all the weapons wrong and thats what is fun + janitor ska. (also i made concepts of kid getting getting stuck in funny tf2 land but idk where those went sorry again again again.)
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stuff for server group. breaking bad (popping corners) au and tf2 group au.
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there would be more but zzzzzz maybe one day ill go back through my files again and get stuff that i missed etc.
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sassykinzonline · 2 days
sometimes its actually alarming HOW uncritically the naruto fandom looks at the text like because something isnt "shown" in canon/on-screen (it usually is, but just implicitly) people think it means it couldnt have happened and therefore making sweeping statements about the character like "theyre just weak" or "they make no sense"
as usual im going to focus on naruto (😌) heres an example but it applies to many others (itachi, gaara, neji, hinata,...me)
here are some things we know about naruto:
he is inexplicably talented at taijutsu despite having no mentor
he created sexy jutsu for attention from older men (he craves a father figure)
he is rather repulsed by affection aside from certain people
he relies on shadow clones to outnumber his enemies and protect him from damage, as well as acting like diversions (he only later on seems to learn to use them practically as well, and he doesnt use them as an actual team iirc)
he represses his memories and life severely if they cause him distress or negative emotion, and when he doesnt do that it causes him to lose complete control of himself in anger
some of these things are basic signs of a child who has been abused in multiple ways (particularly verbally, physically, and sexually), but also just logically how is it possible that naruto became proficient at taijutsu when he didnt train with anyone and had no teacher to correct him? why would it be important to naruto to have, what are essentially, human shields? why does naruto freely tolerate physical abuse he receives while others openly complain about it? why would that lead to naruto eventually wanting to defend/protect everyone in tandom with ANOTHER orphan who feels the same? why would WE not be able to have a clear directly depicted answer to this as a reader?
idk to me personally there are a lot of things people say are "headcanons" are just things they logically put together based on subtext, and theres a reason why a vast majority of people who read the same text come to the same conclusion. it seems like this is a lot less common in manga form (i dont read manga so i wouldnt know, i understand different mediums have different communication norms but some things are just literary basics), so its the first time ive encountered this "why does everyone believe in [some idea not said in plain english]? it's never said anywhere!" logic...it doesnt need to be. there are certain clues and patterns youre supposed to be able to draw conclusions for based on common life experiences (archetypes/universal symbols).
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if you can do these above steps and come to a conclusion, and a plurality of people come to the same conclusion, it was probably intentional on the author's part. if the author explicitly states its not intentional, then sure, but that doesnt take away from how/why the story is impactful because the author may not even realize theyre doing it. an easy example i can think of is tsunade's fear of blood, where its meant to symbolize death, but in her case also ends up symbolizing love wrt her relationships with naruto and jiraiya. and thanks to blood gaining this symbolism through tsunade, when you see uchiha tears of blood, you instantly make those same connections. then you think back to gaara screaming about having never seen his blood (coming from his forehead where that tattoo of his is......), then the eventual resolution of that being an inversion of the symbolism the manga establishes when he battles his father during the war.
more than anything though i find it kind of concerning that adults sit around laughing at obviously what is meant to be traumatic. as if there arent people in your life who sit around with these same experiences and signs, with something they havent told you about because theyre afraid youll laugh at them.
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reganmian · 2 days
hello gay relatives gallavich nation!! i am finally making an intro post :)
thank you @callivich for creating such a comprehensive guide to the community here + encouragement for lurkers. i’ve been encouraged. 🫡🩷
Name: yi + my username means ‘hot dry noodles’ which is a popular chinese noodle dish. i picked it bc 1) it’s delicious 2) it has ian embedded
Age: 20
What made you fall in love with Gallavich? they’re complex characters who go through harrowing experiences, ups and downs, pain and suffering—situations where it seems impossible for any good to materialize. in spite of it all, they find each other over and over again. they scrape together every last sliver of hope. they try and try again, until they can finally match each others' pace, slow down, and just exist together. tl;dr - even with the deck stacked against them, they emerged from the angst victorious and in love. and i'm supposed to not eat it up?
How long have you been a fan? 67 days. i had seen a lot of shameless clips on youtube over the years - mostly of white boy carl, to which i was like wtf is this 💀 and ignored. eventually came across the clip of mickey chasing ian re: mandy in s1, checked the comments out, saw someone say “i can’t believe these 2 guys got married” and i was like What LMFAO? and fell into the All Gallavich Scenes | S01-S11 + Hall Of Shame | 1080p playlist and kinda got stuck there. started watching shameless a couple weeks later just for them
Favourite Gallavich moment/scene? when mickey’s on the brink of losing ian (many such cases) and in a split-second, decides to risk it all for him and comes out to everyone/his pos father at the alibi. then they get to beat him up. i giggle everytime at ian flipping terry off as the cop car pulls away, and sniffle when he kisses mickey’s head. mickey’s courage and fierce love for ian is so clear and it fills my heart with pride to see him finally out.
Favourite Shameless character apart from Ian and Mickey? fiona + mandy <3
Do you write or draw or make edits? i mostly write + i’m currently working on an AU fic—my very first for gallavich 🫡 i also draw once in a blue moon (limited to b&w sketches)
Favourite type of Gallavich fics? i'm drawn to AUs!! much of the canonverse is, for a lack of better words, ouchie. i will pretty much read anything tho; this fandom publishes some impeccable literature.
Favourite Gallavich quote? “ian, what you and i have makes me free. not what these assholes know.” instant classic.
Anything else you’d like to share about yourself? i’m taller than mickey/noel, speak en/fr/中文, and i’d love to make friends and pick writer brains and scream abt gallavich fics/ideas and gallavich themselves. i have so many thoughts abt them i will explode!!
i also wanted to say thank you so much for all the love received on the ian drawing i posted for his bday!! i hadn't drawn in a loooong time and i was met w/ so many kind words for which i am so grateful! 🫶🏻
that is it for me for now. i hope to hear from yall soon! 🩷
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glitch-pep · 11 months
I tried to get out of my comfort zone for this one-
Skatepark chilling hours!
Even thief's need a break every once in a while.
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The sky is under the cut, without any overlays.
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orengejoshi · 3 months
2017 -> 2024
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don't give up
bonus crazy coincidence: (we didn't even know that at the time???)
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amphibianaday · 8 months
Hello I would like to request your favourite little freak(amphibian) for day 1432
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day 1432
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