#I have. A dnd session. In 8 hours.
eevyerndracaneon · 1 year
Oops I did it again
(stayed up all night listening to music to figure out songs for a dnd campaign I haven't even started yet)
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sophiethewitch1 · 20 days
Was complaining about the wait till wuthering waves released and the universe karma checked me
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cidnangarlond · 7 months
some of these r people I made up some are based on actual mutuals or inspired by posts if not directly drawn from them but know I came up with these out of love. I love uuu my mutuals
mutual 1: made more art of the war criminal as a catboy in the style of Cabanel's The Fallen Angel. drawn in a fugue state in 2 hours
mutual 2: wrote a little poem as I waited at the bus stop *one of the most heart-wrenching poems you've ever read*
mutual 5: inventing a new kind of drug *photo of a joint made from columbo-themed rolling papers*
mutual 6: if this team scores against mine again I'm flying to their stadium to personally blow them all up
mutual 7: now see her sillay *photo of their cat everyone knows by name*
mutual 8: now see her sillay *photo of their car on fire*
mutual 6: which one of y'all reported me to the authorities I WAS JOKING
mutual 9: dnd session today if glumpus and glumpo don't resolve their sibling issues and put it behind them then the world is gonna end they are LITERALLY having this much beef and a character is already dead in the middle of this fight to save the world
mutual 10: I'm gonna have glumpo fuck old woman cheddar tonight
mutual 11: they were insane for this one *screenshot of them listening to the alphabet on youtube*
mutual 12: look at my son *oc everyone knows by name and loves*
mutual 13: hey guys staff terminated me again because they said my repeating replying to dumb as shit tumblr ads with the wikipedia article text for japanese giant salamanders was "harassment" reblog to help me find my followers again
mutual 14: hey guys my blog got nuked because I told a proshipper to kill themselves reblog to help me find my followers again
mutual 15: *callout post for mutual 14*
mutual 16: *20 reblogs in a row of art of dio brando with huge tits*
mutual 17: did a quick makeup test for the show! only took me half an hour this time ^_^ *photos of intricate professional-level work to make them look like a skeleton*
mutual 18: going to the arctic to find out if those men fucked on the doomed expedition wish me luck 👍🏻
mutual 19: hey guys we haven't heard from mutual 18 in a week I think they were serious
mutual 20: i think i hauve covid *photo of a sheet of white paper*
mutual 21: if I don't get to see this band in concert I'm making a pipe bomb (FOR LEGAL REASONS THIS IS /J)
mutual 22: got high with my manager on break and why's he kinda... like he's married (for now) butWIAT THE BUILDING IS ON FIRE
mutual 18: in the arctic just killed a seal. I've never felt more alive
mutual 23: just got to heavensward sooo excited to play this expac... heard it's crazy good
mutual 24: hey mutual 23 what do you think about haurchefant
mutual 23: he's my favorite. why
mutual 26: LOOK AT MY WOL BOY *picture of their warrior of light with massive boobs*
you: awesome *reblogs it*
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Wibta if I told my friend, upfront, I do not want his toxic partners in my campaign party without specifying why?
Everyone in this is 22+
So I (22NB) have been working on a campaign for at least 3 years now. I used dnd as a base and built off it to make my own world, races, mechanics, massive maps, religions, languages etc. This will be a massive campaign with highlights on religion and dealing with gods as a mortal etc and I've put so many hours into it it isn't even funny. I mean shit, I picked music for different areas depending on if it's day or night.
I made a discord server to house most of the basic info my players would need from table rules to the races and beyond. I mainly had the idea that the party would consist of my dmnpc guide (he doesn't fight or break the game, his only action during fighting is the help action and guide the party. Im not an asshole dm who makes my guide the protagonist. If its important, death doesn't really exist in my campaign due to demi-god race stuff, the party just gets sent back to its last save point with my grumpy man guide saying I told you so.), my partner's character (24f)(she dosent get preferential treatment. We've been together for 8 yrs) and my best bud's character (22tm. Been friends for 8 yrs). I never said I specifically only wanted my partner and friend to be party members but it was implied due to the fact I never invited my friends partners to the discord. I just don't really have many friends and this is the first time I've ever dm-ed period, let alone dming my own homebrew. We're all pretty novice newbie players and I think it'll be fun for us to stumble through the game together in a much less complicated form of DND without seasoned players "um actually-"ing us the whole time.
My partner is excited to try and my friend is ecstatic and about 2 years into development (last November) he asked if I could let his partners join the campaign. There're a few issues with this beyond me not really knowing them and not wanting to run a large party (it's hard for seasoned dms to run a 4+ party, let alone I, a fresh infant of a dm). My friend has 3 partners of his (he has 4 total) he wants to introduce to my campaign, this includes (fake names): Mel(24nb), Sandy (mid 20s f) and Rue (23 tw). I have issues with each individual present and it all stems from me sitting in on a different campaign for a single session. See, my friend has his own campaign (much smaller, follows one story in one town on an island instead of my entire continent) and he tried to run it by those three partners (and 2 friends. Names and genders unnecessary, they were our age) while I quietly sat in the session (it was over a discord call, were all in differnet states except for me and my partner) and watched it run just to see how my friend dmed and how the groups chemistry was. They had a 3 hour session.
It was the most socially awkward, intense and passive aggressive 3 hours of my life. Mel barely paid attention and as a result, had to have things explained to them when they weren't listening. They would then would talk over the person explaining things, pick apart their language and get irritated to the point of telling them (mostly rue) to shut up. Mel was quite litterally looking for a fight constantly. Sandy was relatively quiet but also not paying attention and talking over other players actions. She also would come up with random "icks " and one minute was telling everyone to keep all sexual jokes and comments to themselves because it made her uncomfortable then the next said her character was literally blowing a guy in the back of tavern.(btw this is not a fetish campaign or anything, it was out of left field for everyone and my friend shut it down because of that) Rue was the "uhm actually" type who pointed out inaccuracies, broken rules and lack of realism (it's a pirate fantasy magic campaign. There isn't much to focus on realism). Rue was clearly the most seasoned player but the nicest all things considered. She was mostly just condescending and treated my friend like he was stupid for not having every single detail mapped out. The party also had 2 of his friends but they were just as quiet as me and also either not paying attention or listening to the shit show. The session litterally ended with Sandy and Mel having the tiniest argument, mel pulling a crying running away anime protagonist "I'm sorry for being just a fucking terrible person! Ill leave so you all can have fun!!" Then hanging up all dramatically. Safe to say, their party was literally every red flag I was warned about by dm guide content.
My friend then came to me and said they broke up with Sandy that night but were still friends and I was still in shock from the sheer toxicity. Did I mention I had only met Sandy and the two other friends that night? And had only spoken over the phone to Mel once in a group call and met rue in person 2 times? Safe to say, I do not want litterally any of his partners in my party for various reasons and I feel as if just one of them at my table would make my patience end on sight. I consider myself to be very flexible and want to do my very best to be a fair but strong dm who doesn't get their story absolutely trampled by players intentionally trying to ruin my story and watch me scramble (mel and sandy openly did that). These players would disrespect my table rules for fun. Even my friend said they never respect him and his story as a DM and he won't run a game with them again and he thinks they'll respect my rule? As a baby dm? Nah fam.
He wants to bring rue and Mel into my campaign and I haven't answered him yet. I've mostly dodged the question with "I'm not sure how big of a party I feel comfortable dming for, I'll know later down the line." And he's asked again, still curious. I don't wanna judge my friends relationships because he and Mel have been together for 5 years and rue has been with him for 2 (they were together previously before rue came out and rue tried to control and physically abuse him. Thats another reason I don't want her in my campaign. Fuck abusers) but the toxicity they would bring would probably poison me. If I bring these things up, idk how my friend would react and he can be a bit... Extreme when he gets defensive. Cutting people off permanently at a moments notice then coming back crying or confused. He has BPD which explains it but I don't obviously wanna say " your partners are low-key toxic and abit abusive and I don't want them at my table or in my life for the most part and although I love you bro(/platonic) I do not want living blowfish at my table that you might not even speak to tomorrow.".
Obviously I wouldn't word it like that but mainly I just plan on saying "Ive never dmed before and I'm nervous about the functionality of my campaign so I want to keep my party nice, small and intimate and only between you, me and my partner for now. Maybe we can incorporate them later." Without mentioning all the... Other stuff and side stepping if he's like "but what if just mel/rue?". Me, my partner and him have been friends awhile so it's not like he'll feel like he's third wheeling or anything and I get he wants his partners to take in his interest, I just do not want them at my table and I wanna know if I'm a dick if I dont specify why and avoid the question. I dont wanna rock the boat and hurt my friends feelings but I'm not gonna ruin the first full run of my pet project so a passive aggressive asshole and a know it all almost abuser can participate. He deserves to know why his partners can't join and I'm not technically lieing, even if they were cool, I don't know if I'd want them there. But they definitely aren't cool and that just seals the coffin for me.
(obviously I'm wording this in a comedic way but everything here actually happened and I mostly just wanna focus on supporting my friend despite his choices. I do not have to like his partners to tolerate them but it's my table and my years of work, if i dont want them there, they dont get to be there. I'm just wondering if I'm a dick for kinda lieing kinda not if I don't give the actual reasons for why I don't want them at my table and never plan on allowing them there. I would happily accommodate 1 or 2 more people at my table in this case if they were close to me like my sister or older brother but I dont know his partners well at all and even though they are passive to me, I dont feel safe around people like that. Wibta?)
What are these acronyms?
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sun-stricken · 5 months
Gray & Mira Hcs!
the dynamic (demonic) duo **jazz hands**
* These two are like organized chaos together
* everything perfectly thought out to cause just the right amount of chaos
* They are the biggest instigators
* will lie their asses off to start fights when theyre bored
* Gray has a sensitivity to tears, and Mira can and will play on it at any given moment
* They have the same amount of arrests, its like a game to them, whoever has more wins
* [common conversations involving them]
* Mira: Sorry it took so long to bail you out of jail. 
Gray: No, it was my fault. I shouldn't have used my phone call to prank call the police station.
* Judge: Does the defendant have any special requests? 
Gray: Death penalty. 
Mira, from the gallery: Gray, it’s just a parking ticket. 
Gray, whispering into the mic: Please kill me.
* Mira: It’s nice to be wanted.
Gray: Even if it’s by the law?
Mira: Especially if it’s by the law.
* they are the epitome of “i have a problem” “*sigh* okay, put the body on ice ill be there soon” “ok— wait, no! not that kind of problem!”
* They were TERRORS growing up (still are) and while they weren’t necessarily friends they were like tentative partners in crime
* Mira claimed him as her friend after he tried to fist fight a council member
* at first he didnt fully reciprocate but did a 180 when she got into Erzas face and started a fight with absolutely no fear
* Gray still thinks shes one of the most badass people he knows
* Mira typically cooks for the guild and she will have Grays food ready before he even orders it
* Gray brings her tea from her favorite fancy shops everyday
* They bonded over being (partially) demons
* Mira helped Gray accept and deal with the non-romanticized parts of having demon instincts (gruesome intrusive thoughts, impulsiveness, apathy for humans, volatile moods, etc)
* As a side effect of being a demon, Mira (non transformed) has short talons, fangs, and horns (among other things). She truly loves them
* So when Grays started to grow in she didnt fully understand why he didnt; but she still did her best to comfort and reassure him and sympathize with him
* While she tried to hide her excitement at his physical traits while she was comforting him, Gray noticed and it was that that made him grow more comfortable with them
* They have rant sessions that are completely judgment free where they can talk on and on about their ugliest moments/thoughts, and basically most the things they cant tell others. whether it has to do with their demon side or not
* Miras demon has a constant thirst for mayhem, and Gray (being the instigator he is) will give it to them no questions asked
* in turn when Gray gets into arguments and hes wrong, Mira will update wikipedia pages so hes right
* theyre so passive aggressive towards each other
* When they fight everyone within a 8 mile radius needs to be evacuated, no matter how small the fight looks, they get vicious and it’s terrifying
* if you interrupt them you may as well be signing your death warrant
* They always act like nothing happened when they’re done, leaving everyone tiptoeing around them for weeks post
* Grays phone is on dnd constantly, Mira is one of the only few people that is set to come through
* and the local police station, but thats the same thing
* When Mira doesnt answer his calls he’ll leave incriminating voicemails and wont answer her calls for hours after
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witch-of-sadness · 3 months
It's a day can't stand
Summery: You are dragged to the Hellfire club by your little brother, and you meet the one who will change your life (although you don't know it yet).
Contains: Dustin trying to help his sister, Eddie in DM mode, overthinking reader.
Warnings: references to "The Flight of Icarus"
Note: i kinda had a writer block, so I don't know how this turned out.
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Your brother had been insisting for several days that you accompany him to his weekly DnD meeting, saying that you couldn't keep being locked in your room and feeling sorry for yourself. He was really worried about you, you could hear it in his voice. And this is why you find yourself now walking through the halls of Hawkins High after two years on your way to the drama room, just as awful as you remember. And as you neared the drama room you could already hear him inside, putting on that theatrical DM voice of his while clearly lecturing the other kids.
Dustin haven't stopped talking about him since you came back, telling you how amazing he was. Edward Munson, his DM, and his new role-model (and you just knew Harrington wouldn't be fond of this). You were in the same generation as him during high school, Higgins tried to get him to drop out several times, everyone believed him and his friends were satanic cause they had "weird" tastes and for being obnoxious. And he didn't graduated with the rest of your class.
Dustin slid open the door and Eddie's gaze lifted and caught yours, brows raising in brief surprise, but continued his dramatics as if to not lose his crowd. Well, as long as he left you out of it you'd survive this one meeting, for Dustin's sake.
For now, you steeled yourself and slipped into the room, keeping your guard up as the game began anew.
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During the campaign Eddie didn't pay much attention to your presence, a small welcome and a "don't interrupt the flow of the session" was all he said to you, taking his Master role a-little-too serious, not that you cared.
The session went on for a couple of hours, with Dustin and the others fully immersed in Eddie's storytelling. You had to admit, he was good at what he did. Though you kept to yourself in the corner, observing more than participating, you found yourself getting pulled into the fantasy world despite your initial reluctance.
Finally the sesion came to an end, and taking the opportunity, Dustin bounded over to you excitedly. "So what do you think so far, sis? Eddie's campaign is super cool, right?"
You gave a noncommittal shrug. "It's not bad, I guess. Your DM certainly knows how to weave a tale."
Suddenly Eddie was by your side, believing it was the reasonable thing to do to finally go talk to you. "Henderson The First, Thought you were gonna out of this shit-hole forever."
He has this smile in his face that's so warm, like his teasing wasn't in a rude way. And it made your tummy turn a little bit.
"Munson. Long-time no-see." You smiled back.
"Indeed. What brings you here this fine evening?"
"I'm staying here for a while, and Dustin wanted me to check out Hellfire. Didn't knew you still run the club."
"Yeah, I just couldn't abandon my sheep, y'know?"
You gave him an awkward laugh.
"and... How's Veronica?"
You ask, just to continue the smalltalk. She was Eddie's best friend since they were 8, attached to the hip, and they basically looked like twins, too.
You and Veronica Ecker shared a few classes in your senior year, and although you weren't friends at all, you were both said to be "Hawkins' success story"; The 'They will leave this nothing town in the middle of nowhere to go to the big city and have a successful life, because they made the effort, because they deserve it.'
At least she could keep that title.
Stop overthinking.
"Ronnie," he said almost as a correction - 's still in New York, haven't talk to her in a while" the change in his tone was so obvious in made you feel like and idiot. Of course he hadn't talk to her. Idiot.
"Oh..." Was all that left your lips, and thank God your brother got your anxious vibe, cause he said the good-byes for the both of you and led you outside.
Well, shit.
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gaykarstaagforever · 4 months
Well! Second DMing session ended with the guy who made me do it, who was going to "help" me, hanging up on me mid-session and texting
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So much for "I don't care if you don't know how to do it, I'll walk you through it," I guess.
I was very clear from the outset that I think most ttrpgs, and ALL DnD rules, are arbitrary math nonsense that you need a college course to understand, specifically created by terrible people to force everyone else to put up with their infantile, unintuitive view of the universe. I told him I hate this crap. He manipulated me into trying it anyway. Guess who hasn't changed his mind, and guess who is now throwing a temper-tantrum about it? I TOLD YOU this was a bad idea.
I read the book. The 8 books. It doesn't matter. They're math textbooks written by bad writers and my eyes kept glazing over. I don't understand why any of these rules exist. I'm just forced to memorize formulas. That I don't respect.
There is no space for reputation, or politics, or combat scenario realities, or random accidents and diseases, or genuine surprises, or living in an apathetic, living, breathing world that doesn't give a fuck about your Chosen One status. It is wizards casting fire balls, because the guy doing that hates his mom, and made up a rule set where he can play his weird stupid power fantasies. His weird, stupid, RACIST power fantasies, if this last group's predilections is any indication.
I don't have patience for this. It's arcane and unrealistic and sucks the joy out of everything and it ISN'T FUN.
If you love it, great. I'll get out of your way. But it runs counter to how my brain works and I fucking hate it. I love the idea of using dice to RP events and see what happens. But at some point of complexity you are just obeying someones precious little rule-book so obnoxious math nerds who memorized it can be smug about exploiting loopholes.
Go play a video game for that. That's not a healthy social interaction. That's yet another version of a group of fucked-up people being whiney and dogmatic about random shit they made up, specifically so they can be cool in a world they specifically designed for that purpose. And what the fuck is that? I hate them, and I hate that.
My old mantra was "nerds with math ruin everything." I was always half-joking, but only half. I have zero respect for everything this is, and what people are apparently looking for from it. It is frustrating and boring and limiting and stupid to me. I don't enjoy it. And I don't even want to ever play it again, because I dread being doomed to waste my brain power sorting out weird meta game math shit that doesn't seem to take into account any defensible simulation of actual reality.
I have spent 120+ hours over the last 5 months trying to get into this. Trying to get a handle on why people like it, to figure out the secret I am missing. I have spent stupid amounts of money on stuff, to that end.
And I either lack the 3000 IQ space brain to get it, or I absolutely get it, and I just absolutely hate it. Either way, I've had enough.
I want to do a D6 system that is just "roll against opponent, bigger number wins, DM RPs what that means." That's loose and interesting and feels like real life. The rest can go jump in the river.
The world is unfair to life. You're not 12 anymore. I don't get anything out of playing around in a baby world made for babies. You're just mad because it isn't going to work in your favor the way I'm proposing it.
It's like Tim Cain said about programming RNG. You give them real RNG, everyone gets mad because "it's not fair." Because RNG isn't fair. They don't want RNG, they want to be autocrats of reality, then soothe themselves that they're not in fact cheating assholes by claiming "the numbers worked out in my favor."
When the reality is that the system was specifically designed over 50+ years to give them an advantage. And that isn't RNG. That isn't playing a role. That isn't being a real hero by self-sacrificing and being randomly lucky and muddling through. It's just egotistical self-delusional nothingness.
Like, maybe these kinds of games are STILL niche things for a reason? Maybe the only really popular and profitable entries are video game and movie versions where you don't see the math, BECAUSE you don't see the math? Like I don't think I'm alone in not giving a shit about this byzantine, nerfed crap.
That doesn't make me better. Do whatever you want. But if THAT'S what you're doing, count me the fuck out.
I did my time, and I'm sick of this shit.
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The most hilarious thing happened in one of my Dungeons and Dragons games the other day, and I wanna share it.
So, I play an Apothecary Wizard in one of my dnd games. She makes and sells potions, medicines, alcohol, and the occasional Geneva Convention violation called Alchemist's Fire. Anyway, one of the things I always ask my DMs when making a character is if I can get a free Musical Instrument proficiency since I like the idea of it, probably because I want to learn how to play someday.
So anyway, my Wizard knows how to play the lute, and since she's a saleswoman, she has the Charisma to back it up...except for this instance. I hadn't started with a lute, but over the course of several session found myself in possession of an incredibly out of tune lute that a cultist had just happened to have. So she picks up the lute and plucks a few strings and learns that this bandit must have just had this lute for show or something, because it's TERRIBLY out of tune. So the DM has me roll to tune it... Natural 1. For the next 30 minutes OOC and several hours in game, I cannot. For the life of me. Tune. This. Lute. I legitimately make like, 10 rolls and never roll above a 5. This is an INTELLIGENCE Performance Check, since it's technical, I am a WIZARD, with a 20 intelligence, and proficiency. I have a +8 to this roll, and the DC is
Eventually I have to stop trying because we get into combat with more crazy cultists, but OOC I am gobsmacked, and IC my Wizard is absolutely INCENSED at this friggin' untunable lute.
Anyway, some fighting happens, and eventually I'm cornered by a Fire Genasi Cultist who is hopped up on energy from the Plane of Fire, so is currently immune to Fire Damage, the one damage type I have as a cantrip, and I'm trying to not use my spell slots on the little guys because we all know there's a boss battle at the end of this cave.
So I'm stuck. Embers McHotPants is in melee range, so my Firebolt, on top of not actually doing any damage to him, would be at disadvantage, even if I tried to hit someone not currently immune to fire. I'm a squishy wizard with not so great AC, so running away and possibly getting hit with an AOO is not attractive. Could I have disengaged? Maybe if I hadn't had an amazing idea first.
Me: I hit him with the lute.
DM: What?
Me: The Lute. The infernal instrument cursed to never be in tune. I hit him with the lute.
DM: Riiight, okay. Roll improvised weapon attack.
(For clarity, my Wizard has an 8 strength, and is not proficient with improvised weapons.)
Me: *rolls d20, then starts laughing*
DM: Did you roll another Nat1?
Me: *still laughing* No!
At this point the entire table is laughing but the DM.
DM: You didn't.
Me: *unable to speak, I just nod*
I had rolled a nat20, (19 total) to hit the guy with the lute.
At first the DM looked just plain flabbergasted, but then he got this look on his face, a kind of half smile, and started describing what happened.
DM: Alright, so you find yourself cornered. Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, and this cultist is utterly immune to your attacks. It's just so...frustrating. Frustrating like that damn lute that you just couldn't tune. You feel your frustration boil over, and you just grab the lute by the neck and swing it! You hear a discordant BWANGGGG! as you smack the cultist upside the head with the head with the lute. And maybe he was more hurt than you thought, or maybe he just had a glass jaw, but he goes down. As the cultist falls, you relax a bit, lowering the lute, which somehow isn't broken, and you pluck a few strings absent-mindedly, and...you can't believe your ears. The lute is perfectly in tune. You've heard professionally tuned instruments that aren't as perfectly tuned as this instrument.
The table EXPLODED. It was pandemonium. My PC had hit the cultist in such a way that it tuned the untunable lute. There was laughter, tears, and celebration. It was amazing. I was laughing so hard I cried and gave myself hiccups.
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strikerangel · 1 year
Aughhb egg dnd.
Juanaflippa is the dungeon master who does shit just to piss off her players. Yeah theres no shortcut, if you huys try you get stung by a bunch of bees and take 2 poison damage. Yeah.. it says for an hour. Too bad. Go the long route. This howver doesnt mean that her players dont piss her off too. Which brings us too!!
Tilin! She plays as a Aasimar cleric who fucking loves to ask questions . "Hey flippa if im like. Born to serve the gods and am reveried . Can i worship myself for the cleric role" "kill yourself, die. Slash lighthearted joking No you cant" <- flippa is deadpan
Strength - 7
Dexterity - 11
Constitution - 12
Wisdom - 15
Intelligence - 11
Charisma - 19
Chayanne plays as a dragonborn barbarian who is. Very boasty. Hes arrogant but for a reason <- has the highest strength stat 4 a reason. Anywas chayanne goes fight first and talk later and that directly conflicts with tilin who attempts to talk first. They have a very friendly rivalry with their initiative rolls.
Strength - 18
Dexterity - 15
Constitution - 16
Wisdom - 13
Intelligence - 12
Charisma - 14
Tallulah is a water genasi druid, she decided thaf being a bard irl was enough. Chayanne is willing to back her up in any decision she makes so tilin attempts to get her on her side . Sibling rivalry go strong. Her character has a shit ton of funny moments relatinf to water
Strength - 16
Dexterity - 15
Constitution - 18
Wisdom - 14
Intelligence - 12
Charisma - 13
Bobby is a changeling rouge who is shifted to an owlins form. Hes like a packrat. So much shit in his inventory . Bobby brings his gun to a session once and flippa makes it canon that it has one. Guess how that goes with a trigger happy rouge. Theres a reason flippa told him to start with a dagger.
Strength - 12
Dexterity - 9
Constitution - 16
Wisdom - 13
Intelligence - 17
Charisma - 17
Richarlyson is a triton bard and their weapon is a guitar with a really fucking sharp spike on the end. They are very liable to stab through enemies with it and it just gets sharper as they bloody it. Theyre also flippas favorite player as she claims them as her little sibling. Hers now! Little sibling advantage roll.
Strength - 16
Dexterity - 18
Constitution - 18
Wisdom - 12
Intelligence - 14
Charisma - 14
Ramón is a warforged monk, he and dapper are fuckin twining . Warforgeds made by the same person. Despite being made of metal this fucker is so fucking agile. Ramon is very into dnd and brings everyone little figurines of their characters that move when flippa or their owners tell them to.
Strength - 13
Dexterity - 17
Constitution - 13
Wisdom - 12
Intelligence - 11
Charisma - 11
Leonarda is a triton paladin, he brings food for everyone and gives everyone little trinkets theyd enjoy after the session , flippa says she doesnt have to do it but she enjoys watching their faces light up as she gives it to them.
Strength - 16
Dexterity - 14
Constitution - 14
Wisdom - 10
Intelligence - 12
Charisma - 9
Dapper is a warforged artificer, he and ramon are twinning, however hes not gonna let ramon up him with the figurines. He makes everyone character sheet books that change at will . This does happen because of the ritual he did with the books and maybe some sheep blood.
Strength - 15
Dexterity - 14
Constitution - 15
Wisdom - 10
Intelligence - 13
Charisma - 8
Trump is an elf ranager who is quite literally the best to play with. The campaign would go literally nowhere with him (<- he consistently rolls high on perception and insight checks and is like. The only one who does.) Rlly fucking lucky btw. Nat 20s all across the board. Flippa hates this guy
Strength - 14
Dexterity - 16
Constitution - 12
Wisdom - 14
Intelligence - 15
Charisma - 10
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mellotronmkll · 15 days
I feel so bad rn cos i feel so bad for my dad because he's going through some pretty hard stuff rn which I will not get into but it just sucks its very sad and i know its bringing up a lot of past trauma for him and i just feel his sadness so keenly because it's crazy too because we are both so so similar like I'm So much like him but I kind of never realized it growing up and we never talked about it until recently but like. Just the way our brains work and our social difficulties struggling with friendships and insecurities and stuff and idk but we have been talking about it a lot more since he started going to therapy and I started to get more open with my parents about a lot of stuff i was keeping quiet but anyways its like. We share a lot of sadness and shame lol i dont know and the main thing is we both are so withdrawn and always withdraw further into ourselves when things get bad but we both are trying to stop doing that and so I'm trying so hard to reach out to him and connect with him more like 1 on 1 and he is too and it's so frustrating to me that we don't live in the same house anymore. Because like I just talked to him on the phone for over an hour and it was so nice and I can tell he really needed it and like we have our family dnd session on Monday and he kind of shyly asked if we could just both get on the call before the rest of the family shows up to just talk about music and stuff for an hour or something beforehand and I was just like YES of course but likeyeah I don't know it's so frustrating because I just want to go and give him a hug and spend time with him because we both desperately need it but he lives 8 hours away and the most frustrating thing is thinking about how when I Did live with him and also during my 20s after I move out we didn't really connect like this because dumb things got in the way like me being a teenager and him being repressed and weird about talking about his emotions and being vulnerable and now that we actually both can be completely honest with eachother it's INSANE how much our feelings mirror eachothers and how much we can relate to eachother and its just like. If only we had done this sooner!!!!!!!!!!!!! You know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But there's no time like the present but now I live so far away. And honestly I just feel like I took him for granted earlier in my life but also he needed to work on himself too and so did I so I dont know. But also he was as far as dads go a really extremely good father and I tell him that but when I was a teenager I was definitely making him feel I hated him and I wish I could Truly express just how much I actually am grateful and proud of him and forgive him for everything that I ever was angry about and anything he ever fucked up lol. But it's crazy to think how like earlier in my life I was horribly selfish and I was busy and stuff and I still thought of my parents as My Parents instead of you know real people on some level subconsciously..and back then I probably wouldn't have registered or noticed as much when he was struggling with things like he is now but now it hurts me So much to just only be able to call him and try to let him know he's not alone but I know from experience that even though that helps. Like I Know how bad it can get because I feel it too and we are the same. And just. Oh my god man getting older is so crazy and sad! Honestly! And its just gonna keep happening and thats the scariest thing. but anyways
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ranticore · 4 months
hello... 5-15 of those asks if you'd like for John (any iteration!) and Nico... hehe
yay 🧡
5. Is there any significance behind their hair color? 
not really lol. john's hair is brown because it's the most common hair colour, nico [pascal's object of obsession from 2017 inver] has black hair because i wanted to further visually distinguish him from bowman. both have visible grey streaks because it's an easy way to help define the shape of the hair when drawing it
6. Is there any significance behind their eye color? 
yes but only in that they (and all my characters) have brown eyes because i got tired of ppl seemingly on purpose avoiding brown eyes for their interesting characters. so i only make brown-eyed characters on purpose. the only exception is cuinn (harpy) because he has albinism but typical members of his species have dark brown eyes.
7. Is there any significance behind their height? 
yes, john is my height on purpose (5'4") and nico is 5'3" because i'd unintentionally made my previous trans man characters pretty tall so i thought well let's make one who is short hashtag representation
8. What (if anything) do you relate to within their character/story? 
i relate to john because i'm also a beautiful brunette who sucks so much. nico is unrelatable to me because he's a cop (he's not really but the plot does follow a buddy cop format)
9. Are they based off of you, in some way? 
john from long long ago (2011, my first major setting) was a direct self insert thus the similarities in appearance. he has some parts of me in him because he's my main dnd character and it's hard not to project when doing 5 hour improv sessions once a week but he has never been less like me tbh. nico ehhh not really, we don't align personality-wise because i would not tolerate pascal for more than 5 seconds without wanting to hit him with my car
10. If they have an LI, how much of their character is tailored to be compatible to that person? 
for john yeah 100%, they were made for each other. the angle i'm going with for their arc is a "perfectly synchronous" relationship being no protection for some bad shit going down between them, showing that if two people are SOO perfectly made for one another, it can often lead to one person taking the other for granted, assuming they can predict how the other person will react in any given situation, and ultimately it all results in a messy breakdown of communication.
for nico i meannnnnnnn he is a horse trainer and pascal is a horse so there is that, but in terms of personality they are intentionally very opposed and clash frequently, get on each other's nerves, fight, and not always smooth over those incidences. they are not very compatible.
11. Did you know what the OC’s sexuality would be at the time of their creation? 
12. What have you found to be most difficult about creating art for your OC (any form of art: writing, drawing, edits, etc.)? 
I'm going to be real with u I could draw and write John in my sleep. Nico i find difficult to write, I have a hard time finding his voice. The ranger uniform also annoys me.
13. How far past the canon events that take place in their world have you extended their story, if at all? 
john as a dnd character has no future whatsoever aside from a planned multiclass, he could fall off a cliff next session and die idk. Nico is one of the few characters i haven't thought much about post-canon, i don't feel like it's relevant.
14. If you had to narrow it down to 2 things that you MUST keep in mind while working with your OC, what would those things be? 
john: 1. literally just say the first thing that comes to mind, always. 2. keep em guessing
nico: 1. hes scared of boats and this is surprisingly relevant, i keep forgetting it lol. 2. i try to keep in mind my studies of horse trainers & their work, how they interact with their animals and what subtle body language they might use; these are people who frequently have to convince giant frightened animals that they are in charge here, this translates into how they hold themselves, how they speak, how they approach conflict etc.
15. What is something about your OC can make you laugh? 
john's secret fear which we have discussed in dms (iykyk)
nico let himself get tricked into going on a theme park date with pascal while on duty and didn't even realise until afterwards that it was an elaborate setup of fabricated evidence all so that pascal could get him in the tunnel of love
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iantimony · 1 month
last tuesday in my apartment! going away for ~6 weeks! trying to be normal about it! posting this pretty early in the day compared to normal because i woke up insanely early from my roommate's cat yelling ... then i got bad period cramps and languished in bed with a heating pad for way too long ... did not end up going to my office today, oops ...
listening: like many others i have gotten sucked into the kendrick/drake Beef. i do sporadically listen to hip hop and rap in general but somehow had never gotten around to kendrick. better late than never, i suppose! this is not news but he's really good!! i listened to 'good kid, m.A.A.d city' for the first time and it's just really really good. i cannot recommend a Single Favorite Song the way i sometimes do with albums i like just because this is one of the ones that i let wash over me as an entire cohesive unit. do recommend if you have somehow lived under a rock like me.
reading: mostly fallow. some academic paper stuff. biting my nails about prelim exam things.
watching: dunmeshi and asobi.
playing: ran an insane dnd session saturday for the online weekly group that i got roped into earlier this year ... i'm glad i'm running it, i'm having a lot of fun with it, but my god. we decided to do a 'slightly' longer session than normal because we're not gonna get to play for about a month due to scheduling/travel of various people. it was Six Hours Long. AND THEY COULD HAVE KEPT GOING. killing myself For Real. but actually i do have fun i just. woof. i am excited to have a bit of a break from it. the only tabletop thing i will be doing with that group until like...june 8??? maybe even the week after? is i set up a spindlewheel spreadsheet for me and one of the players! he had to go awol for a few weeks and we're doing a little spindlewheel game as a way to plot out what his character was up to in that period, very fun, will be low-pressure and asynchronous.
making: trying to finish up some pottery stuff before i leave town! carving in crows into this bowl that i will be painting in with black:
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handles added to the new cave painting mugs:
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and i went to life drawing again for the first time this year! i will not be back at that specific studio til july lol rip but i plan on going to a local place at least once when i'm at home :) 3 min poses, last sketchy one is a 5-minute, and then the hour long!
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finally, the bookbinding stuff i did last week and forgor to post! the little one is scraps to test coptic binding, the bigger one behind it is going to be a travel journal for when i'm in the UK for two weeks :)
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eating: really really fallow. a lot of eating out and scrounging frozens because i'm leaving town for a while. hoping to cook for my family while i'm at home. i did eat basically an entire jar of grilled olives from trader joes.
misc: i cannot believe how slow this semester went for most of it and then how fast it's been for the end. good god. i leave my apartment in an hour to go get my brother from the airport, we hang for a few days, and then off i go on saturday! fucked up for real! i'm very excited to see my boyfriend and then go abroad though (!!!), less looking forward to feeling like i'm trapped at home again, but maybe this time will be fine (doubt but hopeful). god i need to think about packing, huh. fuckin hell.
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foldedblankets · 2 years
Playing dnd | E.M
This is mainly a fluffy fic to help people understand the game more!
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Summary: basically just playing dnd with the hellfire club as eddies partner
Warnings: cussing? Light mention of violence and drugs
“You play dnd doll?” Eddie asked, a snarky tone laced on his tongue
“What? Is it cuz I’m a girl, you think I can’t play” you crossed your arms, watching as the rest of the club smirked and made long “oooo” sounds
“No! It’s not that” he flicked your forehead playfully “you’ve just never mentioned it”
“That’s cuz you never brought it up” you huffed, taking a seat next to Mike, he just smiled politely at you, mumbling “I wish el played dnd”
Within a few minutes you had explained your character. “I’m a level 8 Dark elf, paladin, white skinned, dark hair and I follow the oath of vengeance, and I’m a chaotic neutral” you smirked, proud of yourself, Dustin snickered.
“Your girlfriends perfect” he mumbled and Eddie reacted by throwing a dice at him. Eddie nodded “okay, we’ll I assume you’ve looked at the cult of vecna before? Should I give you a small recap” he said, almost wanting you to say yes but you declined.
“I did my research, and Mike told me where you guys are at” you smiled, holding your notebook to your chest. Eddie couldn’t help the smile that appeared in his face, you looked so cute, geeking out. He loved you so much.
After the clubs characters had explored for a bout an hour, examining rooms and unlocking doors, having conversations with commoners, you came across a cult like group. Eddie was extremely good at explaining this, his arms flailing and fake accents really helped his performance.
“Hail vecna, hail vecna” he spoke in a tension building tone, everyone suddenly tending up, as he explained all the characters in the room. “Oh but there is one last person, he turns towards you, a deep gravelly voice, he has no left arm and when he lifts his hood he has no left eye!” He yelled, covering his eye dramatically.
Suddenly the group burst into protest “no! We killed vecna” “impossible!” “No way dude”
“So you thought..so you thought my friends, but vecna lives!” He placed vecna character into the board earning deflated sighs.
And again, about an hour has passed, no progress made, everyone dead except you and Dustin. Eddie watched as you and Dustin talked to each other strategically as if it was actually happening, the group around you bickering.
“There is no shame in running, not today, Kay?” He teased you, leaning over the dnd board slightly, winking.
“Dustin, role the dice” you nodded, smirking at Eddie as he sat back down, slightly shocked. Watching as Dustin dismally failed. Before you stood up, shaking your dice. Everyone around you looked terrified, the whole campaign relying on your move. As you let the dice go, watching as it rolled, numbers showing. 1, 14, 12, 3…..20!
Everyone roared in happiness as you and the rest jumped up exitedly, Eddie even cheered “that is why we play!” He quickly pulled you into a hug, lifting you into the air slightly and kissing your face as everyone else high fives and fist bumped between themselves.
“Roll damage!”
“Get a room!”
“Cmon! Kill him”
“Okay okay” you laughed a little as Eddie let you down, wuickly rolling a D12, shocked as it rolled a 12. (When you roll a 20 you get to roll the damage amount twice). As you rolled the second time no one had the guts to sit down, almost shaking as it landed on a 6. You turned to Eddie and he faked a sad face.
Everyone collapsed back down, complaining
“Kidding! You killed vecna!!” He yelled, smirking and everyone cheered again, all running to hug you. Eddie smiled, his arms crossed over his chest.
They all finished their celebration and turned to Eddie, Gareth spoke up “can y/n please play in every campaign now?
“Of course she can idiot, baby, welcome to the hellfire club” Eddie opened his arms, smiling as you ran into his arms. “Everyone above 18, coke to my place for a celebratory smoke session” he suggested and everyone nodded, earning some whines off Mike and Dustin.
“Hey, I’m sure they can still come right?” You asked, fake pouting as you went to them, wrapping your arms over both of their shoulders.
“Fine, but no drugs, I can’t ruin anymore people” Eddie joked, pulling you off them and wrapping his arm around your waist, heading out the room as everyone followed happily “my little superstar” he joked, kissing your head as he opened his van for everyone to get in the back.
“I love you” you mumbled, kissing his neck once and he smiled brightly, lifting your chin and pressing a slow kiss to your lips
“I love you more, little elf”
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chuuyascumsock · 2 months
Hey pookie !! How are you today snookums? is the world treating you as it should??
also... what if i was a string... and you were a neon, fuzzy worm...
would you be the worm to my string??
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(very accurate image of me)
Dearest Sprinkle Tits,
The world is edging me, my DnD session last night was so fucking intense and a complete roller coaster of emotions as my character had died and I had three attempts to roll to save her life and my first saving throw was a nat 1 (that means it took up two fail slots and I had to roll above a 9 to save her or I was going to have to make a new character). On my second throw, everyone was holding their breaths as I casted my die and… I rolled a 17, which meant I was saved (hallelujah). I nearly Fnaf jump scared the DM (Dungeon Master) for edging my character’s life like that. But as the smug little shit he is, he didn’t care (he did, he almost pissed himself because we were 8 hours into the game and I almost already fucking died). But it’s okay, my teammate took out the Minotaur by shoving a spear up its ass which killed it instantly (I was jelly, I wanted that kill but my bozo teammates left me to get double teamed by a group of swamp skeletons while they were getting hardcore pegged by some bullywugs). I forgive them, though, my character gets a badass chest scar.
I went home at like eleven at night and then passed the fuck out, and now I get to go to a funeral and pride parade today (how conflicting). So, that’s how the world is treating me, Sprinkle Tits 🫶
Dambi <3
(P.S. I’ll be the worm to your string, Pookie ✨)
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erindrifter · 4 months
Oh, I forgot to tell the story of DnD yesterday!
So, first of all, the number of players was less than HALF of what I initially intended. Instead of 5, I got 2. That's fine, it just meant that I had to completely rework the entire beginning of the story.
So, instead of being hired to be a mercenary group by a local merchant, I decided to have them meet up and then run into two bandits and an acolyte. I started my players off at level 3, so this fight would have been fairly easy for them.
So. They're on a street. The people who had been walking around all immediately turned and left, leaving our two heroes alone, revealing the enemies. The bandits find a merchant hiding behind a stall and drag him out, saying how they're going to press him into service for their cause.
Our two heroes don't do anything, just kinda watch. The enemies approach them and start saying the same thing, making it very clear that their only two options are to go with them or fight. The heroes decide to go peacefully.
At this point, I'm thinking "Hey, they're going to talk with the leader of this group, maybe they'll be with the bad guys! That would be interesting!" So when the guards show up and start to chase the enemies out, the heroes go with. Except, one successfully falls out of the arms of the bandit and the other, who had been just going along with it, picked him up and ran down an alleyway.
This was supposed to be the opening fight that would give the players a reason to start the story. It... Didn't happen like that.
Later, they're given a challenge: the lighthouse in the center of the town is locked down, nobody can get in. It's pretty clear that the bandits are behind it. How do they intrepid heroes save the day?
They don't, they actually just went to bed. In the morning, they go to the lighthouse and discover that it's completely empty. Not even any bodies of the guards who broke down the door, or any bandits who were hiding inside.
Now, this was where I was thinking this could be a good ending. They find the secret trapdoor that leads to a previously unknown section beneath the lighthouse.
But... The story kinda brought them here in a shorter amount of time than I anticipated...
So, while I knew that there would be a temple under there, I had to basically make it all up on the spot. The entire layout of the temple. Made up as I said it.
Anyways. They get to the bottom and find a bandit chieftain! Now, according to the challenge rating, this guy isn't much worse than the bandits. He's basically just got more health. However, the two players are magic based, and this guy kept rolling good saving throws, so the fight ended up being much harder than it should have been.
Ok, I won't continue the play by play. Because this got us to hour 4, where we stopped and had some food.
The first session of this campaign was 8 hours long, and what do the players say at the end?
"Hey, that was fun! We doing it again next week?"
Folks. I have to come up with enough stuff to fill another potentially 8 hour session by next week.
This is going to be so much fun!
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As for beginnings, I played a pretty long and extremely cool campaign with my now-partner. (I'm trying to get them to send it in to you via email because it's really something!) We had known each other for awhile and were hanging out just about every week last summer. They said they had an idea to DM a session with the two of us, and told me to make a character with a certain background. I was excited to, so I ran with it and made a new character for it. Most of their characters were older ones of theirs that they repurposed for this campaign. My character first met some of theirs when their characters tried to con mine, but took pity on him lol. We would often play for 8+ hours a day at a beautiful lake park in the sun and shade, only stopping for lunch and to look at cool bugs.
This is beautiful! I love this!
I'm happy that you got to have that time together. Both my partners played dnd with me before we got together- it was one of those things that just made us that much closer.
I would love to read about your guys' campaign (though I understand any hesitation your partner might have in sharing it).
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