#I hope whoever encounters this enjoys
nibblessnarf · 6 months
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Enjoy! Fish wedding!
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violetrainbow412-blog · 6 months
Hi!!! I just read your Wonka fics and they're all so sweet and I love them so much. I was wondering if I could request a certain fic? Here me out,,,,
So basically since there were only 6 bedrooms at the laundry place, the reader had their own room before Willy came but once he came the reader got switched to share rooms with Noodle since that's who they're closest too. The reader doesn't have their own bed for a few days until after they slowly(?) get closer to Willy, and build up the courage to walk to Willy's room in the middle of the night and ask to sleep with him. Nothing but sweet fluff.
Bonus points if Noodle catches them cuddling the next morning while they're asleep. :)))
Midnight Encounters [W. W]
Willy Wonka x fem!reader
word count: 2.2k
note: first, I have to say that I LOVED this as soon as I read it. I'm honestly afraid I haven't done this wonderful idea justice, so whoever asked for this, I'm very grateful. This is my favorite so far!
taglist: @dyieying @reallysparklychaos [Timothée masterlist]
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Scrubitt's wonderful building only had six rooms, and when a seventh guest (a forced worker, actually) arrived, you had to figure out a way to make it work. You and Noodle had no problem sharing a place due to your familiarity and that, of course, you were the youngest, to give the new laundry employee a bed of his own.
Mr. Wonka was a most peculiar man, who had gained your attention immediately and, as the days passed, also your affection. It was something like love at first sight, if there was such a thing, and you didn't know if it was due to his charismatic personality, his beauty, or his completely dreamy aura that had captivated you. Whatever it was, it was clear that every time he approached you let out a nervous sigh and he seemed to react the same way to your presence; somehow you knew he felt the same way, you didn't even know why, you just felt it. 
A good amount of time passed, enough for the two of you to share stories in the long hours you had to spend working, and trust was added to the list of things between you. You thought that the bond that was born between you could also be because you two were similar in age compared to the rest, who were younger or older. You suddenly started to enjoy chatting with him, he became the first one you looked for in the crowd and you also allowed him to help you from time to time, even if it was small things, just to be with him a little more. 
That was why that night, after thinking about it for so many hours, you slipped out of your shared bed with Noodle, ready to go out through the hallway in search of a little warmth to shelter you while you slept. Because if anything was true, it was that the little girl's room had always been colder than yours and you weren’t a person particularly fond of this condition. On the contrary, you would say that as soon as a little wind blew through the window your entire body was already shaking in protest, to the point that it had become unbearable to live through it.
You advanced automatically and when you reached the door of your old room there was a second of hesitation, where all the possible results for what you were about to do passed through your mind; some were more favorable than others, however, you knew that you wouldn't find out what was really going to happen until you dared to cross into the room. Would Willy be upset? you asked yourself. You just hoped you didn't scare him.
You carefully turned the knob, which had once been gold but was now only copper, and you were thankful that it didn't have a lock. There was definitely no time to chicken out, you knew when you watched the boy curled up on the bed move slightly, as if the air that had sneaked in through the door had bothered him.
You noticed that he was wearing only his light white shirt and a pair of pants, without shoes or socks. There was a certain vulnerability in the scene, almost like an invitation for you to take a couple of steps and simply slip into his arms and sleep peacefully. How would he feel? Would his skin be soft? Cozy? Would that grip be enough to help you get your long-awaited rest?
You closed the door behind you and the soft click it made was enough to wake the man, as if that had warned him of the intruder who had sneaked into his room. He sat bolt upright on the bed and squinted to peer through the darkness.
"Who is it?"
“It's me, Willy” you responded and upon hearing your voice he visibly relaxed. However, when he asked himself the reason for your nocturnal visit, he returned to alert state.
"What happened? Everything is alright?"
You had no valid reason to be there. Or maybe you had it, but it wasn't something you could explain to the man without exposing yourself, or exposing your feelings. Even if that were the case, you thought that it would sound absurd to confess to him that you were there just because you wanted to discover what it felt like to have him close to you, to feel his breath close to your face, to be sheltered by his body...
“Y/N?” he spoke again, probably because he thought you hadn't heard him the first time. He was afraid it was an emergency so you were there, not imagining anything of what was going through your head.
You finally found your voice, deep inside your chest, and were able to offer him an answer:
"I'm cold"
You honestly didn't know what else to say and deep down you hoped that was enough, but even so, Willy got up still sleepy and stumbled to reach you. 
“Oh, do you need a blanket?” he asked, while he could put his hands at your sides, holding your arms. His curls were messy and there were traces of sleep on his face. “Or would you prefer that I change rooms with you and Noodle? I wouldn't mind, although you should have told me before. If I had known, I could…”
"May I stay here?" you interrupted him. Your voice was a whisper in the darkness and he was still holding you, looking down at you with slight concern “With you?”
For a second he thought he was hearing you wrong and if he had heard correctly, he thought that perhaps he had not understood what you were trying to tell him. You looked disheveled and wore lighter clothing than usual, but he couldn't help but notice the innocence that bathed your face. You looked so pure and pretty that he felt dizzy, which only increased at the possibility that you were suggesting sleeping there; in the same bed… together.
“Huh… Are you sure?” he asked and instantly felt stupid. He just hoped it wouldn't scare you away.
“I guess I wouldn’t be here if I wasn’t, right?” you replied, a smile escaping your lips. Suddenly the thought of him not wanting this came to your mind, realizing that it was completely valid “But if you don't want…”
“No,” he murmured, taking his turn to interrupt you. “It's okay if you want to stay here, I don't mind. I also feel a little cold”
If that was just to make you feel better, it didn't matter, after all you knew from the look on you that he wanted to do this just as much as you did. Well, it was that and the way his hand moved up your arm until it reached your face, where he brushed away a chunk of your hair and then kindly caressed your cheek. It was a gentle, loving, and sincere touch. 
Without waiting any longer, you walked between the buckets that stopped the leaks and the man followed you obediently, until the two of you were sitting on the mattress. It was small and worn, with barely enough room for a body to move freely, there was a thin blanket over it and a pillow that covered the entire length of the headboard.
“You look tired,” you pointed out, feeling a slight guilt for having snatched him from his sleep.
“I am a little,” he replied, while he yawned and rubbed one eye as if he wanted to corroborate what he was saying.
You wanted to have the courage to grab his face and kiss him right there, but you didn't dare; it had been too much, you had to control your impulses or you would end up scaring the poor boy to death.
“We have to sleep, then”
Willy motioned for you to take the inside of the bed and when you were lying down he imitated you, forced by the lack of space to position himself a few centimeters from your entire body. You felt small, not physically, but metaphorically, and his attentive gaze and playful expression didn't help much.
"Are you comfortable?"
“Mjm,” you hummed affirmatively.
You felt him stir next to you and then he spread the blanket over you, hoping that would ease whatever had ailed you in the first place. One of his hands began to move down and up your arm in an attempt to give you a little more warmth, which worked perfectly after a few seconds. You felt so spoiled by him.
You were silent for a moment, in which he didn’t dare to look at you for fear that you could read in his expression how nervous he had become. He didn’t expect your visit and feared he was dreaming, although his hand touching you kept him certain that this wasn’t the case.
“I assume I was your first choice for this, was I?”
“You were my only option” you relieved, in a low voice. You weren't going to lie to him, if you had already managed to sneak between his sheets you wanted him to know that you were only thinking about him “I thought your arms would be warm. And I think I wasn’t wrong”
Almost as if your words had been an incentive, he closed the distance even more, placing one of his arms under your head so you could use it as a pillow and using the other to surround your body. Your face felt red and you thought you would die of embarrassment, but instead you just buried your head in his chest. He smelled like chocolate and soap.
“Hey,” he whispered suddenly and you pulled your head out of its comfortable spot to respond.
Again he surprised you when you felt that you received a fluffy kiss on the forehead before an answer, managing to add even more color to the skin of your cheeks.
“I just wanted to see your face. Rest"
Would it be possible not to when you were sheltered by such a sweet man, who held you with the care of holding a piece of porcelain? You highly doubted it, to be honest.
Your response was only your arm stretching out from the blanket that covered you to surround his waist and thus become practically fused with him. It didn't take you long to feel the full weight of fatigue settling on you and thanks to the rhythmic beat of his heart, you fell completely asleep, now without a single problem to be able to rest.
In your dreams you thought you heard his voice, but you couldn't make out what he was telling you, and at some point during the night you tangled your legs with his, thus eliminating any remains of the distance you had with him.
Very early in the morning Noodle soon noticed that someone was missing in bed, and although at first she thought you had just decided to get up a little early, she got worried when she went out to look for you and couldn't find you anywhere. The girl wondered if something had happened to you, if you had escaped or even if the mistress had locked you in the closet, just like she did with her. She thought that she had to tell someone about your absence and then she believed that the best candidate would be Willy, because she knew that he would share her concern and help her look for you without any complaints.
She crossed the hallway with her bare feet until she reached the boy's room and once there, she knocked on the door twice.
“Willy?” she called out to him, but there was no answer. That's why she knocked two more times “Willy? Are you there?"
Noodle waited a few seconds for the door to open, but it didn't, and that worried the girl again. What if he had disappeared too? She didn't want to waste time and to find out she turned the doorknob, expecting to see an empty room. But her surprise was great when she looked at what was really behind the door.
It was obvious that the blows had woken the man, so when he looked directly at her he had already put a finger to his mouth to tell her to keep quiet. The girl noticed that there was a bundle curled up next to him, holding him firmly and with its head buried in the crook of his neck, but she opened her eyes widely when she recognized the pattern of the pants that was under the sheet.
At least the problem of your whereabouts had been solved.
“Yes, but she's asleep,” Willy responded quickly, whispering, “Be good and let her rest, okay? There is still a little while before the laundry opens.”
She nodded, confused and surprised, and waved goodbye to him, closing the door carefully. Noodle smiled to herself as she returned to her room, while she thought that, with any luck, from now on it would be someone else who would have to share the bed with you.
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spdrvyn · 1 year
full stomachs, fuller hearts — MIGUEL O'HARA
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SUMMARY: miguel has gotten used to eating dinner by himself so you decide to change his nightly routine.
THIS FIC CONTAINS: literally nothing but pure unaldulterated fluff. gender neutral terms mostly but querido is used once.
NOTES: OKAY so this was actually a request for someone but i was a dumbass and accidentally POSTED the draft when i meant to save it for later, i panicked and deleted the post so now i lost the request from my inbox forever 💔 whoever that dude was i hope you find this and i hope you enjoy
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Lonely dinners were always a common occurence for Miguel.
That was just how things are. After a long and drawn out day of protecting the multiverse, protecting the city, protecting everything that he's built up and coming home to a desolate penthouse.
It was the norm for him, he had grown accustomed to it. Being isolated in general wasn't a foreign concept to him, but you brought more change to his life that he thought he would hate.
He loves you a lot. You two had been in a committed relationship for a few months now but haven't moved in yet. The every few hours during a day that you would get to visit him or perhaps he could swing by to your apartment were the only times he felt some sense of warmth in his cold, silent life.
It's not like he didn't want to ask you to move in, he does. Oh, so badly. It's just that the constant fear that he's going too fast or getting too excited over this newfound love. He doesn't want to scare you away.
There was also just a small part of him that was getting too used to being around you. It's gone to the fact that whenever he ate dinner, he'd always imagine you on the other side of that table, laughing and sharing stories about how you're day went.
When he snapped out of it, the sight of the empty chair across him brought his spirits down even more.
You were aware of this too.
Which was why you were up at the wee hours of the night, trying to watch an online video recipe for making empanadas. You knew how to cook enough meals to get by but you wanted to try something different for Miguel.
The bar was set a little bit higher this time. You've been over at Miguel's place before and he has cooked for you and every single time you've tried his dishes they were utterly delectable.
You didn't only want to make all of this food for him just because he's constantly eating alone but because he's really expanded your tastebuds ever since you two developed a much more intimate relationship. You could at least owe him one homecooked dinner.
Reminders to yourself, thank Lyla for letting you in and don't blow up Miguel's penthouse.
As you followed the tutorial step-by-step, you couldn't help but let your mind wander a little further. You wondered how Miguel was doing right now.
Yes, he's strong and agile in an almost inhuman way but at the same time you still worried for him. If only he could be here right now, you'd love to have the opportunity to cook with him.
He was grateful that you weren't in the present moment with him right now, his stomach growl in anticipation for it's next meal as he was running and swinging from rooftop to rooftop to get back to his penthouse.
There were many obstacles that he encountered on the way back. The classic old lady getting her purse snatched which gave him severe déjà vu, a bank robbery, and a cat stuck in a tree.
He grew progressively exhausted with each stop, not forgetting that he had his actual duties at the headquarters that he just left from. Sore muscles and a throbbing head, a painful combo for Miguel.
Maybe he should just skip dinner altogether and opt to immediately pass out on his bed, showering in the morning and having a very heavy breakfast. Yeah, that would work...
He glares into the window of his penthouse, not because he was hesitant to make the jump but because the lights were open. He was sure that he left all of his rooms in complete darkness before leaving.
With one final jump, his claws dig into the edge of his window as he pulls himself up. His eyes narrow, in attempts of getting a good peek of what exactly was going on.
An intruder, a home invasion, Lyla having a party without telling him were all of his possible theories.
What he didn't expect was to see you setting up his plate on his kitchen island, plates of delicious smelling food prepared as well.
There was an intrusion, that's for sure. The intrusion of blush on his cheeks, which he quickly had to shake as he took his mask off.
However, as quickly as it disappeared, it came back once he saw the look on your face the moment you noticed his presence.
Pure glee and warmth is how he'd describe it. It's also how he'd describe the embrace that you immediately pull him into, throwing the silverware that you were readying.
It's not like he hesitated to touch you either, he wrapped his arms around you. So glad that he gets to bask in your existence again, bask in you.
"What's all this, querido?"
You separate from Miguel for a brief moment before walking over to the kitchen counter, proudly showing off your creations. "Empanadas and menudo!"
It was like stars clouded Miguel's vision as it all goes through his mind. You came to his house, fixed up a whole meal for him, and for what? He doesn't remember getting you any gifts recently.
So why?
"Are you just going to stare or are you going to try one?" chuckled you, at least it got Miguel to snap out of his daze. His hands reaches out to one of the empanadas and he takes a bite.
Okay, if he was being honest, he's tasted much better before.
But you put so much thought, so much time, and so much care into making this for him. All of those qualities overshadowed the taste and dryness of it, filling his stomach with something else entirely.
This was probably one of the best empanadas he's ever tasted.
"It's really good." He says, swallowing the last of his food, "Best that one I've ever tasted, mi cielo." Then leaning in to press a small kiss to your forehead, warm hand cupping your cheek.
"You're just saying that, Miguel. I tasted them before you got here and they're really dry."
"Still the best I've ever tasted."
He continues to plant kisses on you, trailing from your forehead to the bridge of your nose to your cheek then boarding at your lips, you giggle into the kiss but before it progresses any further, he stops and pulls away.
"Do you want to move in with me?"
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request rules here, masterlist here
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wonwoosthetic · 1 month
when will we get a new chapter for minnie 🫶🏼
a/n: now! ˙ᵕ˙ this was a request sent to me through my Google form, so thank you to whoever wrote it🤗 I hope you guys like the quick little chapter!
series masterlist
warnings – pregnancy scare, short mention and implications of infertility, jokes and mentions about sex
word count – 4.6k
summary – minnie gets a little scare and there’s only one member she can think of to call
pairing – minnie & vernon (mentions of wonwoo x minnie x mingyu)
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Better Safe Than Sorry 🌷 Minnie
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Minne was in a panic. For the past two hours, the girl hadn't found a second of rest, pacing around the apartment, trying to keep herself busy before the thoughts running through her brain could catch up with her. Vernon was supposed to be here 10 minutes ago, only adding to her anxious state. Wonwoo and Mingyu were at the gym, thank God, she thought to herself.
The past few days, or more so even two weeks, had been... interesting. It started with a headache spanning over multiple days, only for it to turn into a migraine. Or so she thought. Throwing up, going to bed as early as possible, and sleeping in for as long as she could. Something was not right. Add the random heat flashes she had experienced the week before and Minnie started speculating. The moment she realised that her period had been a few days late made her shut down.
It was so secret that women in the industry encountered irregularities with their cycles as stress and diets dominated their lives. But Minnie and the entirety of Seventeen were in a good place. None of them was totally overworked at that point, thanks to their new contract. Diets were, thanks to the need to fit into the impossible beauty standards, still a topic of discussion but they were doing fine. Right?
It was one night out that made her mind spiral. Rapidly.
Minnie was enjoying a dinner with her closest friends from school, having made a reservation in one of their favourite restaurants a week ahead to make sure they'd get a private room. Food and drinks were passed around the table, discussions and conversations were flowing and laughter filled the room. Everyone was having a good time. When it hit that point of the night where people were slowly starting to leave, say their goodbyes and make promises to meet up again soon, the female singer was left with her two closest friends from that group. 
Léon, once a boy too afraid to show his true colours, is now a proud man with a husband waiting for him back in their new hometown in Spain. And Hana, the legend of a best friend who had gifted Minnie her first vibrator, and now the owner of one of the most-visited clubs in the nightlife of Hongdae.
The two were well tipsy while Minnie had held herself back a bit. They were still giggling at one of their friends who had stumbled through the door as he exited, the multiple shots of liquor clearly taking over his body.
"You look a little paler than usual," Léon suddenly commented, glancing at the idol with a slight frown, "Are you okay?"
"She probably just got a new IV infusion for extra light skin," the other girl joked, getting a chuckle out of the singer. Hana had never been a fan of the idol life.
Minnie shrugged, her finger circling the rim of her glass, "I've been feeling kinda off."
Her friend downed the last shot on the table before turning to her in confusion, "How off?"
Minnie sighed, "I've had a headache for like... a week now. And two days ago I was throwing up all day. Even yesterday and today when I woke up I felt like I had to puke..." The two friends were eyeing her carefully, letting her speak freely. "And then I had some random, like... heat flashes?" She glanced up to meet their eyes, "I don't know what the hell that was, but... yeah... something's going on, I don't know. But I don't want to provoke it with alcohol."
"That," the guy of the group leaned back, eyes now wide, "does not sound good."
"Yeah, but it must be something with my immune system. My period's also God knows where."
"You missed your period?!" Hana gasped, covering her mouth with her hand.
"Girl-" Léon eyed her with a surprised expression, but Minnie was quick to stop them.
"No, no, no," she waved her hands, "It's not like that. I've missed it before, but it... it's a weird coincidence."
"What do you mean 'not like that'? That sounds a lot like being pregnant to me!" The tattooed girl hissed at her.
That was the first time she had heard the word out loud. Of course, it had crossed her mind. Just like every other woman. The moment her period was late, the first thought to come to her was 'shit, what if I'm pregnant', only to dismiss it a second later at how ridiculous it sounded.
"No, I-... we have the tour and we're preparing for a new album, and it's just... stress or something."
"But you've been stressed before. Way more stressed," the guy in front of her commented. "I don't want to scare you, but... you know..."
"If there's anyone that could be pregnant, it's you, Min," Hana casually told her, leaning back against the cushioned seats.
Minnie frowned as she glanced at her. "What the fuck do you mean?"
"No one's getting laid like you," she laughed, making the other two at the table chuckle and Léon threw his head back in glee.
"Oh, shut up!" The idol exclaimed, "You've got a line of men waiting for you to call them back after leaving their apartment in the middle of the night. And that's just from last week."
"That's not true!" Hana pointed her finger at the girl. "You get two dicks on a regular! Every day, I bet!"
"It's not every day!"
"Every other day then," the only guy quickly commented before their discussion could get any louder.
Minnie shrugged, "Yeah... so what?"
"My God," he chuckled with a shake of his head, "I'm jealous. Honestly." Making the girl laugh out loud.
"No, but seriously," Hana stopped the two, letting silence wash over the table once again. "Have you thought of it?"
"No! Because..." Minnie went quiet.
"They're not using condoms. Don't lie to us," Léon glared at her, his arms crossed in front of his chest.
Hana faked a gasp, "You slut."
"You're not even using them on strangers!" Minnie pointed out, only for her friend to slap her hand away.
"This isn't about me!"
"Whatever..." the singer mumbled, her eyes back on the glass. It was still half filled with the mix of Soju and beer she decided not to finish.
"Okay, but seriously," Léon started again, "Could there... be a possibility?"
"For one, I'm on the pill," she explained, noticing her friends opening their mouths to argue, so she continued, "I know! I know that's not 100% safe, but it's... very safe-"
"I don't know about very safe, to be honest," Hana went back to nursing a glass of water. "My mom was on the pill and look at me now," pointed at herself with a proud grin.
"Don't make me scared," Minnie mumbled as she fell back onto her chair with a sigh.
"We don't want to scare you," her guyfriend explained, letting the other girl continue,
"But take a test, just in case," Hana shrugged. "You know how many pregnancy scares I've had? Still, better safe than sorry." She ended her speech by finishing her water.
Minnie's gaze had landed on her lap, where her thumbs had already started fidgeting with each other. "I...," she started with a sigh but stopped herself again right away.
"What?" Léon wondered, keeping a close eye on the singer, but she just shook her head and brought the glass of alcohol up to her lips.
"Nothing." And downed the last bit.
Four days later Minnie was still fighting her stomach each day, going out of her way to try and get as little food and water into her system as possible, knowing it would only trigger her and make her run to the toilet. On the other hand, the lack of nutrition was most definitely also adding to the nausea. There seemed to be no way out for the female singer.
On the verge of tears, overwhelmed with emotions, she had texted Hana in the morning, begging her to go to the store to buy her a pregnancy test. She was still very much in denial of the possibility of her being knocked up, but there were too many signs... But then again, she remembered the conversation she had with her gynaecologist two years ago. The doctor had only let a few words fall from her mouth before Minnie realised what she was trying to tell her.
At the sound of the front door's bell, the idol's head perked up, a second before she was rushing to the door. Once she pressed the camera button, she came to face with the young rapper she had called and pressed to open the door downstairs.
"Thanks!" Came through the speakers as Vernon disappeared into the building.
For the next minutes it would take him to come up, Minnie tried to pretend to have to do something, just praying the time would pass by quicker. The tests, yes multiple, were already placed on the counter of the main bathroom's sink. Hana had arrived with two in her bag, along with chocolate and prosecco to celebrate in case they'd be negative. The alcohol was chilling in the fridge while the sweet treat was waiting for her in the cabinet, with her definitely enjoying it either way of how the tests would come out.
Another doorbell sound rang through the apartment, notifying the female member of his arrival. With a few big steps, she stopped in front of the door, pulling it open in a swift motion. A wide-eyed Vernon standing right in front of her.
"Are you okay?"
"I don't know," she mumbled, catching him off-guard as she pulled him in.
With a frown, the younger member stood right in front of her, shuffling his feet out of his shoes before he followed her down the hall.
"What's going on?"
She continued to walk in silence, only coming to a halt in the middle of the living room. Vernon stopped at the corner into the hallway, leaning against the wall.
"Alright," Minnie sighed, bringing her hands up in front of her, "Look..."
"Oh," the '98 Liner nodded, understanding this was going to be even more serious than he had expected. As if her call, asking him 'Can you come over? Like now? Just for a bit?' with zero explanation didn't alert him enough already, her stance certainly brought his heartbeat up.
"Are you okay?" He repeated his question, taking a seat on the edge of the couch, not daring to lean back in comfort.
The girl pressed her lips together, nodding as she avoided his gaze. "I-... I think so, yeah."
"That's not a yes, so that's alarming."
"No, wait-" she stopped him, "Just-... listen, okay?" Making him nod, so she could continue. "I called you because I know- or, at least I hope, you... won't judge me," his frown made her rush her words out even quicker. "And you won't overreact, because I- I don't even know if I really should be concerned, and honestly, I don't think I should be and if you ask me, I think it's impossible, and I'm overreacting, but some other people have made me think otherwise."
"Oh...kay?" Pure confusion was still written across his face. A beat of silence washed over the two as Minnie thought about what to say next. She was looking around the room, knowing there was no way out and she had brought herself into this situation.
She took one deep breath before blurting out, "I need to take a pregnancy test," pressing her lips tightly together again as she waited for a reaction.
Vernon's eyebrows shot up the moment the words tumbled from her lips. He closed his eyes for a split second, trying to take in what she had just said to him.
"Ehm... for... what?"
Minnie looked at him perplexed, "What do you think people take pregnancy tests for?" She knew sex ED in South Korea wasn't good, but she had hoped it wasn't that horrible.
"Well, I hope you're not gonna take it for the reason I think you might be taking it," he glanced up at her. 
He called himself lucky to get to have her as an older sister despite only being born two months apart. Vernon and Minnie had been close ever since he became a trainee under Pledis, the older girl taking him in as a little brother in an instant. Over the years, she had realised that the lack of an age gap was starting to show as she found herself looking up at him more and more, mentally and literally physically as he had shot up in height. She had found herself looking for comfort in him, asking him for advice or even just listening to him. While some members were more physical when it came to showing their appreciation and love, Vernon kept himself in the background, choosing quiet acts of kindness as his love language, which she sometimes appreciated even more than anything else. But even with all the love the two had for each other, their sibling-like relationship was no secret and not kept behind closed doors.
"And what is the reason you're not hoping for?" She had crossed her arms in front of her chest, her eyes still unsure of whether or not to lock with his.
Vernon sighed and shook his head before glancing back up at her, now finding her gaze. "Do you seriously think you're pregnant?"
"No," she was quick to answer.
The '98 Liner rose from his seat. "Then why take the test?"
"Because!" Minnie started pacing around the room again, fixing her hair along the way.
"Because?" He nagged her.
The girl to a stop. "Better safe than sorry."
Vernon couldn't help but sigh again, "Minnie..."
"There's a 0.01 per cent chance-"
"Don't say 0.01 because if it really was 0.01 you wouldn't even think of taking one!" He pointed a finger at her, quickly realising the rude gesture and putting his hand down again. "Sorry," he mumbled.
"Okay, then maybe a slightly bigger chance... I don't know..." the female member bit down on her lip as her voice quieted down. Her gaze was back on the floor. "I'm scared."
Her confession made the rapper look back at her. He understood the seriousness of the situation, yet he had never seen the girl that way before. On a night out with the group, they had found out about the first pregnancy scare she had had years before, but she acted differently about it then. Took it with a lot more humour. But now, the woman in front of him just confessed to being scared. And he was the one she had trusted to confront about it.
Vernon glanced around the room. He couldn't freak out. He was supposed to help her here.
"Don't be scared," he tried to assure her, getting up from the sofa to take a step closer to her. "Are you serious though?"
Fallen silent, the girl just nodded. After not getting a verbal response back, she spoke up to explain, "I just... I've been feeling kinda... off. It's weird," she brushed it off, "and I really- I don't think I am, but... what if I am?"
Vernon accepted her answer, taking a second to himself. "Okay," he took a deep breath in and out. "It's okay. You have a test?" He asked her.
Minnie nodded.
"You went out and bought one?" Not even trying to conceal the concern in his voice.
"No," she told him, passing him as she made her way to the bathroom. "Hana got two for me."
"Where's she?" The younger member was hot on her feet.
"At work," Minnie explained. "She bought them on her lunch break." She stopped in front of the door, turning around to come to face with the rapper.
Vernon lowered his voice. "Why did you call me?"
The female idol shrugged.
He was desperate at this point. It felt like the wrong situation to be in for him. "Why not... Minghao... or... Shua, or Coups-"
"Coups would have me on a leash and drag me to get me castrated the moment he heard the words 'pregnancy test'!" She defended herself, getting a slight chuckle from him in return.
"Don't know how that would work but you're probably right. He'd do it at the word 'pregnancy' already," he mumbled.
"And... Shua would be way too emotional and... I don't know... Hao too. They'd be so... careful around me and try to comfort me-"
"You don't want to be comforted?"
"Not right now," she shook her head and gulped as he met his eyes. "I called you because you're the only person I know who can just sit there and be there for someone. Without overreacting... or... freaking out. And I'm kinda freaking out, so I need someone with a cool head right now."
"Not gonna lie," Vernon confessed, "I'm freaking out a little though."
"But you're hiding it well."
"Ditto," he nodded at the female member.
Another moment of silence washed over the apartment. Minnie took a quick look into the bathroom, her eyes immediately on the two pink packages by the sink.
"It's basically impossible that I'm pregnant," she admitted. The wheels in Vernon's head started turning, thinking that it was never truly impossible, unless... but he decided not to question her further.
"But I had weird... signs, I guess. And Hana and Léon made me scared. I just wanna make sure."
The '98 Liner nodded along to her words, shaking his head even harder the moment she looked back at him. "Do that. Take the test. Or tests," he dramatically pronounced the plural form.
Minnie nudged her head after a second to take a breath. "Can you come with me?"
Vernon immediately frowned. "Wh- Into the bathroom?"
The girl nodded.
"Ew, no! I'm not gonna watch you piss, bro."
She rolled her eyes, "Don't watch me pee. Just sit next to me," pointing to a stool they had in the bathroom for whatever reason. "Hold my hand?" She batted her eyes at him, mostly to lighten up the situation, while holding a bit of seriousness behind her ask.
"Absolutely fucking not," he shook his head. "Go. I'll be right here."
She eyed him up and down, scrunching up her face. "You're not a real one."
Vernon's eyebrows shot up. "If that's the requirement, I'm good," brushing her off and pushing her to finally get into the bathroom. "Weirdo," he mumbled, getting a last glare. At least she hasn't completely lost her spark, he thought to himself.
The moment she disappeared into the room, Vernon was met with the silence of being by himself. It was only then he realised that he hadn't even asked her about Wonwoo and/or Mingyu. Thinking, if anyone should be there, it would be the two men in question. He passed the thought after a moment of debating, coming to the conclusion that she'd have her reasons. Even after her explanation, he was still slightly confused as to why she'd rather have him than them here with her. He decided he'd rather stay in the unknown rather than pester her with more questions. Right now, she needed a friend, not an interrogator, by her side.
Vernon cleared his throat awkwardly.
The duo had found their way onto the couch with the two tests placed neatly on the coffee table ahead of them, facing down so neither one of them could even dare to get a glimpse of the results before the timer went off.
"And... ehm...," he tried to pass the time, hoping to somehow soothe the nerves rushing between both of them. "So... if you were though, like... pregnant," he carefully wondered, seeing her almost flinch at his words. He turned to look fully at her, finding her already staring at him. "Would you... w-would you... you know...," Vernon let out a chunk of air, "know whose it is?"
The time he had to himself let his mind wander to places he didn't even want it to go, but he couldn't help it.
Minnie stayed quiet for a few seconds, the words hitting her clearly hard as her eyes drifted off him.
"Ehm...," she took a deep breath. "I... I- eh... I... no?" Lowering her head, her gaze was back on her hands intertwined in her lap. She gulped, "I don't- I don't think so, n-no..." The confession appeared in the form of a big lump in her throat. 
While she was able to have her fun with the two men in her life, it was only now that she came across an obstacle like this. Of course, they had had conversations about protection, being careful instead of mindless, and consent. Yet, the topic of a possible pregnancy while still taking precautions seemed to have passed them.
Vernon nodded, his lips tightly pressed together. "Alright... damn...," he raised his eyebrows. "That- that's... wow, impressive... I mean- g-good for you. That's... good for you. And I- I mean not good good for you if you're pregnant, but, you know... good as in good for-"
"Yeah, I'm shutting up."
Not the time or place for a conversation like that, nor did she want to go into more detail about the couple's constellation in the bedroom with one of her closest friends, whom she considered her little brother. Neither did Vernon. But the silence had become dreadful.
Any other day, the duo would have no issue sitting next to each other in complete silence, yet, at that very moment, both wanted anything but to stay quiet. And finding a topic of conversation seemed more challenging than ever before.
The '98 Liner could see her shaking leg in the corner of his eye, unsure of how to comfort her well enough since it was the first time in a situation like that for him too. In an attempt to help her, he reached out and placed his hand on her knee, hoping it would calm her.
"It's okay," he quietly told her, turning his head to meet her clearly frightened gaze.
"Is it though?" She kept the conversation going.
He retrieved his hand again to turn the rest of his body to face her more clearly.
"You said it's... very unlikely." He continued to choose his words carefully, not trying to overstep and drag her into a hole she might not get out of.
Minnie nodded. "Yeah...," she whispered, hugging herself as if she was freezing. "Very unlikely, but... never impossible, right?"
Vernon shrugged his shoulder, "I think only you'd know that. If it's possible or not."
Whether they were talking about the act of conception or possibly rather the chances of her fertility would stay between the two.
The girl gulped. "It's unlikely. Very, very unlikely." 
A quiet pat on her back gave her the validation and comfort she craved and asked for.
"That's why I called you," Minnie confessed after a short few seconds of quietness.
"Hm?" Vernon glanced back at her after his eyes had been fixed on his phone.
"You can just sit here. Accept it, without a big reaction. And I still feel comforted. You... your presence is very comforting."
The question as to why him and not the men that lived with her was still burning his tongue, yet he didn't even dare to let it fall from his lips. Maybe another time.
"I still don't think I'm the right person for something like this-"
"You are," she quickly reassured him. "I didn't even think of anyone else."
The truth was, were the first people to pop into her head her lovers? Yes, of course. But in a moment of panic, in a situation that could affect either one of their lives immensely, she didn't want to confront them. Not with 100% certainty of a result. She wanted to avoid the unnecessary anxiety and hysteria spreading to other people involved in this. Not if there's nothing to be worried about in the first place, she kept on convincing herself.
In addition, as they had talked about before, knowing the rest of her members, there was a group of them that would try to be as emotionally available as they possibly could, their arms around her during the entire process, trying to console her while she just needed someone next to her. The other part of them would turn it into the headline of their tabloid, running around frantically, trying to make sense of the situation, while freaking out, scaring her even more.
And then there was Cheol, the oldest of them all, she shook her head as she didn't even want to think of a possible reaction of his. Yes, he'd support her no matter what, but the image of disappointment on his face was something she couldn't stomach.
Silently, Vernon leaned back, a tight smile on his lips. He appreciated her honesty.
Their sweet moment of companionship was interrupted by the sound of the teeth-shattering, chill-sending sound of his alarm. Vernon didn't even think of changing the ringtone, just opting to go with the standard iPhone one, making the girl shudder as he turned it off.
"Alright," he sighed. "You ready?"
Minnie nodded, pushing herself up to sit further on the edge, her knees close to hitting the coffee table.
"I do one, you do one?"
"Dude, you peed on that, I'm not touching it!" His exclaim made her look at him dumbfounded.
"I peed on that part," she pointed at the end covered by a plastic cap. "You won't even touch it."
But Vernon just shook his head. "You do it."
"Real supportive," she mumbled at him with an amused glare and nudge of her head.
Rushing down the number from three to one in her head, with a deep breath, she turned one test around, wanting to rip the bandaid off quickly and get it over with. Carefully, she looked at the small electronic display, ready for the worst to hit her.
"Not pregnant," she read out loud with a big breath of air. With a quick move, she turned around the second one, a content smile on her lips as she found the same result.
"Not pregnant," Vernon nodded, looking at the coffee table ahead of him before turning towards the female member. "You okay?"
Minnie pressed her lips together tightly, looking at him with a somewhat smile on her face as she nodded. "Yeah..."
Her gaze fell back on the white and blue plastic, her hands still cramped up in her lap as the younger rapper let himself fall further back into the blue couch. He let a moment pass, giving her the silence to herself.
"You know," he patted her back, gaining her attention, "If you were though...," she met his eye. "I'd drive you. Check-up... or...," with a motion of his hand, he pretended to cut his neck, getting a chuckle from her in return.
"I know," she whispered, not trusting her voice to become any louder. Too many emotions were rushing through the short moment, too many for at that time after coming close to what she'd describe as a heart attack.
In the blink of an eye, she had her arms wrapped around his torso, making the younger member smile softly as he returned the embrace. A comforting hand ran up and down her arm. It wasn't often he reciprocated the show of affection from her, but he'd let her for now, knowing she most definitely needed it.
With her cheek against his shoulder, he felt her tightening her arms in a pulse as she spoke up again.
"That's why I called you."
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Taglist: @waosobii @chaebb @lunarxsun @hoe4wonwoo @kimhyejin3108 @soobzao @billboard-singer @cosmicwintr @zwiehe @alixnsuperstxr @angie-x3 @smooore @allthings-fandoms @lllucere
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aphrogeneias · 8 months
sympathy for the devil — one-shot
pairing: vampire!eddie munson x slayer!reader x werewolf!steve harrington
summary: during a normal night of your slayer duties, a familiar pair pays you a visit.
word count: 2.4k
warnings: smut (+18), graveyard sex, semi-public sex, threesome, oral sex (f and m receiving), fingering, praise and degradation, slight choking, eddie is a little mean.
author's note: this was written for the prompt "vampires and werewolves" of my 2023 kinktober entries list. i hope you enjoy it! this au will be expanded in the future.
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The fascinating thing about cemeteries at night is not the haunting atmosphere, or the shadows made by the architecture, nor is it the art gracing the stone walls of the tombs and crypts. It’s the sound of the wind coursing through empty corridors between the gravestones, like a low and ever present symphony, a calming presence throughout the night.
On a slow, autumn night, you find it almost comforting. While you sit on top of one of the many tall tombs, clutching on your fluffy coat sleeves to keep you warm, the air current resonates around you and keeps your senses focused. The heavy crossbow strapped to your back does the rest.
A Slayer’s night life is much more interesting in theory. In reality, it requires a lot of planning, sitting and waiting, and it has been your routine since the tender age of fifteen - it got awfully boring sometimes. The dark of the night and the creatures that dwelled in it did not scare you anymore. You’re the one they should be scared of.
Not that there’s anything to scare tonight, except for the occasional roach roaming the ground and startling you whenever you catch a glimpse of them. Are Vampire Slayers allowed to fear insects?
Please, don’t tell anyone.
A rustling in the grass catches your attention. It’s approaching fast and steady, therefore it means one of two things: either a normal human who has nothing better to do on a tuesday night, or something else looking for trouble. You know it’s not a new vampire — the ones you were waiting for this evening — because the newly undead are slow and confused when fresh out of the grave. These heavy steps were already right behind you.
You jump out of the tomb, fast reflexes whipping out your crossbow and promptly aiming at your unknown target. As a warning, for now. You aren’t the shoot first, ask questions later kind of girl.
At the sight of you — chin raised, eyes fierce, crossbow at the ready — the target in question smiles. Full on, white teeth and sharp fangs. 
“Missed me?”
The sight makes your knees weak, and not in a good way.
“What are you doing here?”
Eddie Munson looks exactly like he did when he crawled out of whatever hell hole he fell in 1986. Not that you know from experience, you weren't there, but it was obvious. The messy, shaggy hair cut, unruly curls you regrettably dreamed of pulling on again. All the leather, latex and spikes, the a-little-too-tight denim. The devil may care attitude that may have outcasted him one day, now just more of a nuisance than anything.
Despite his carefreeness, you'd seen his scars. He didn't go down without a fight, and whoever sired him wasn't just a regular vampire. It reeked of something far more sinister than what you were used to.
Maybe that's why you'd grown soft on him.
He shrugs. "We were in town. Thought we'd pay a visit to our favorite girl."
You're yet to see the other person Eddie was referring to, but make no mention of it. It's less complicated this way — after numerous encounters with Eddie, you learned that it's better to speak less, lest he uses what you said against you.
When you don't respond, he merely steps closer. His head tilts to the side, curls falling down his shoulder. There's a small lift to the corner of his lips. Asshole. "Aren't you happy to see me?"
"Happy is an overstatement. Just glad you're here and not wreaking havoc somewhere else."
Eddie chuckled, deep in his throat. You can't deny the effect it has on you. "Are you gonna watch over me? Keep vigil? I could think of better ways to spend our time."
"I could kill you." There is no conviction in your voice, but your eyes remain harsh and your face guarded. “Stake to the heart, problem solved.”
There is, however, a lot of conviction in Eddie's. “You wouldn’t.” In defiance, he draws closer and closer to you, the wooden tip of the arrow triggered in your crossbow digging into his chest, but not hard enough to break through. Despite yourself, you lower your weapon little by little, until it lays useless between the two of you.
“You would miss me too much.” The vampire’s low voice right below your ear, his chest now brushing yours. You hope he can’t hear your growing faster by the second, like a hummingbird stuck inside your ribcage, but you know it’s too late for that. His lips touch your earlobe with every word uttered. “Besides, if you kill me, then who’s gonna make you cum like I do?” 
Another voice comes from behind you, startling your already withered nerves. "I don't know. I think I could handle that on my own just fine." 
There he is.
Steve Harrington isn't usually as much of a thorn on your side as his partner is. You'd met him in high school, almost a decade ago. Rich parents, cute girlfriend, royalty status — he disappeared one cold October night after your graduation and returned with an excessively hairy problem every full moon.
He doesn't look like the stereotypical werewolf. Clean cut, polo shirts and pressed jeans. His luscious hair always coiffed to perfection. Some things never change.
You're not sure how or when they've met, but Eddie had been a problem since before you took the mantle of the Slayer, a local legend and an overall menace. He'd show up, make a mess and you were there to pick up the pieces, every time.
Eddie took advantage of your soft heart, and used it to toy with you. Play with his food, in his own words. You hate it when he says that, but you can't help but agree deep down. You've been his — their — plaything one too many times, and this time looked no different.
You turn around slowly, crossbow forgotten at your feet. "I was wondering when you were gonna show up."
Eddie leans closer to you, chest to your back. He's cold, but you feel the sleek fabric of his leather jacket through your coat. "So, you missed him, but not me?"
"Didn't say that." You roll your eyes, always impatient around him, even as he runs his nose over your pulse point, going against your every rule, every survival instinct. "It's just that, these days, where there's one, there's the other."
Steve is in front of you in a moment, caging you between them. "And we're here just for you." Caramel eyes with a tinge of yellow smile at you, his nose brushing yours. 
It hasn't been that long since the last time you've seen them. Now, between them again, flashbacks of a late night in your room, the open window welcoming the night air in as they took you, shadows dancing on the walls of your bedroom.
"Aren't you two sweet?" You mock them. Though your breathing has picked up and you know they could hear just how fast your heart is beating, the faux sweet tone of your voice drips with venom. "What are you really doing here? I don't have all night."
"She doesn't believe us, Steve. What will it take to convince her?" Eddie's deep voice strokes something inside of you. At the same time, his hands travel under your coat, to the slope of your waist, keeping you rooted in place.
"You know what it takes." Steve's hands, warm in contrast with Eddie's cold ones, wander under your breasts, then down to your jeans, settling on pulling you by the belt loops. "Touch her the right way and she'll stop fooling herself."
"Fooling myself?" Your arms are still limp by your sides, but their hands keep moving, igniting your body.
"I know you want this, sweetheart. You know it too, but you keep fighting it like this is the first time all over again." Eddie is practically purring behind you, "Let go. Let us take care of you."
You don't get to answer. Steve's lips are on yours, and your bodies are moving in sync, like a choreographed dance. You know each other's moves, each other's cues, what makes the other tick. Eddie is running his mouth across the expanse of your neck, kissing and sucking the sensitive skin under your ear, and down between your neck and shoulder.
It makes you pull on Steve's hair harder and in turn, he moans into your mouth, but doesn't stop kissing you. That's until you feel Eddie's sharp teeth dragging on the skin of your neck, not hard enough to break it, but enough to make every nerve stand in attention.
"Eddie," you whisper, strength slipping through your fingers at every touch of the vampire behind you, "no biting, please."
He chuckles, "Someday you're gonna admit you want this."
Steve nuzzles your cheek with his nose, "Eds, let her be."
"She knows it's gonna feel as good for her as it would for me." He turns you around, away from Steve's arms into his, "But that's okay, I can wait."
The kiss he leaves on your lips is an uncharacteristically sweet one. "I still need a taste of you, though."
Lost in his voice, in the smell of cologne and the cigarettes you don't know why he insists in smoking, in the flash of red in his deep brown eyes — predator luring in their prey — you feel yourself being manhandled by four hands, laying you down the elevated tomb you were previously sitting on.
You let go.
You let go like the last time, and the time before that. You've denied yourself too many things before, but this is yours, and as conflicted as you feel, it still feels good.
It feels good when Eddie lays you down, the cold of the stone beneath you giving way to the scorching hot feeling taking over your insides, the tingle on your lower tummy when he removes your jeans along with your underwear. 
"You're cute when you're all docile like this, y'know?" He's kissing up your thighs, leaving a trail of spit to the crease of your hip, almost where you need him the most. "Cute, little Slayer, on her back for me."
"Fuck you, Munson." You bite back.
"I'm trying to, baby. Will you let me?" Another kiss is laid to your mound, just above your clit. You let out a shaky breath, vaguely aware of Steve standing just beside you.
"Just get over with it." You mumble through your teeth.
Eddie doesn't waste time. His rough hands are cold on your thighs, keeping then spread open, but his tongue is wet and soft, delivering long licks from your entrance to your clit, flattening his tongue on it. He alternates between licking and sucking, slurping on it, like the slick that it's pouring from your pussy feeds him just as well as your blood would.
Bucking your hips into his face, you whine to the skies above you. Looking to your side, you reach out for Steve, who watches you with haze filled eyes. It's a wordless conversation — you reach for his belt, pulling him by it, and he helps you unfasten it. 
He's hard when you pull him out of his boxers, and the size of it never ceases to impress you. Steve pumps his length in his hand as he watches Eddie eat you out, his partner moaning into your pussy and making you moan in turn. "Take your time, honey."
You do. When his hips are right in front of your face, you start by giving kitten licks to his head, and taking it in your mouth to suck on it. Steve blushes a pretty pink, and there's the yellow flash in his eyes again, glimmering in the night.
It's a push and pull between the three of you. You take Steve in your mouth, inch by inch as Eddie feasts on your pussy, taking a minute to lift your shirt up, but still leaving your coat on. You're practically bare, Eddie's hands wandering over your body, tugging and pulling on your tender flesh, as you gag on Steve's cock.
Deep down, you wonder what someone would think if they wandered in on you like this. Deep down, you can't bring yourself to care.
"Look at what a good girl you can be. You just choose not to." Eddie coos from between your legs, just before sucking your clit between his plush lips, making you cry out. "You want to be a good girl for us. You fucking love it."
"Don't fight it, baby." Steve's voice is wrecked, but the movements of his hips don't falter. You feel him twitch deep within your throat. "Fuck, you're making me feel so good. Your mouth is heaven."
"This pussy is heaven too. Can't believe you want to deny me this." Eddie complains, but still pleases you, two of his fingers curling inside of you as his mouth leaves you for a moment. "I'm going to hell anyway, the least you can do is give me what I want."
If you had your mouth free, you would think of something clever to say — but you couldn't, because his long fingers felt too good against the spot that your toes curl and your eyes blur, and his mouth is back to assaulting your clit with quick flicks of his tongue.
You want to warn that you're close, but you can't, because Steve is pulling your hair and coming in your mouth as you suck him dry, the slurping noises spurring all three of you on. His moans cease as you swallow his spend, and his thumb comes to, almost too tenderly, wipe the rest that spills down your chin.
Your eyes plead to him, and Steve says, "Eds, I think she's close."
"Then cum, sweetheart. You can cum, it's okay. Let me have it."
It feels like you're exploding when he delivers on final, long suck to your sensitive, puffy clit. A silent scream comes from your opened mouth, lips forming a perfect 'o'. Your thighs lay limp on each side of Eddie, and he makes his way up your torso. Steve pulls himself into his pants again, and leans down too. They're each watching you with something strange in their gaze, too soft for the lust that permeates you, the smell of sex strong and vibrant still.
"Can we… can we go back to my place, please?" You plead when you regain your voice. "Anyone can see us here."
"Now, what's the fun in that, little Slayer? Scared that they'll see how much of an obedient slut you are for us?"
"You're the obedient slut, Munson."
His hand goes to your neck and squeezes. "We'll see about that."
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forjongseong · 1 year
bite me // jay (ENHYPEN)
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pairing: knight!jay x princess!reader
genre: royalty!au, fantasy, smut (minors dni) // warning: profanity, mentions of death, unprotected sex, a lot of biting // wc: ~6k
summary: a knight stumbles upon your castle, and unlike anyone you have encountered before, this young man seems to have a scent that you somehow cannot resist.
author’s note: I'm going to be quite honest with you, this fic is long overdue. I planned on releasing it BEFORE enhypen's comeback, since the idea came after I watched their mini-movie where Jay literally got his neck bitten by the actress but moods come and go, ideas appear and fade, so here you go.
initially it was also inspired by their concept pics, the Full ver. of their Dark Blood album, and I also thought of an alternate version (where Jay is the castle resider instead and y/n is the traveler/knight, let me know if that's something you might be interested in).
warning, though, this one might feel a little choppy, a bit hasty, and all over the place. my excuse is that I am drunk in love with Jay, and I take full responsibility.
no taglist this time, I shall let people find this fic on their own.
if you're here, congratulations and welcome! hope you can enjoy this one too.
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When Jay heard the words ‘isolated castle’, he was expecting a huge building made of gray bricks with several towers that scraped the sky, sitting in the middle of an endless sea of sand with no roads connected to it. He pictured the sun shining mercilessly on whoever was standing under its light, and he was slightly worried about finding a source of water, as well as food.
Yet here he was, standing on top of a plush bed of grass, staring at the stone path that led to the castle in front of him. It was made of bricks, yes, but they were in the shade of copper, a warm and inviting kind of brown. The castle had no tower, or none that he could see so far, but it stood tall and mighty despite being surrounded by luscious greens and equally tall trees.
Jay reached for the worn-out map in his satchel, but as he stretched his arm, he winced from the sharp stinging pain that he had been feeling since hours ago. He did not know exactly when or how he injured himself—maybe he slept wrong, or maybe he used his hand wrong, or maybe it was just destined for everything to go wrong—but he was sure he had arrived at his destination.
During his years of training to become a knight, Jay had read countless tales, not minding if they were fact or fiction, and he had gained enough knowledge to go on a lot of missions alone. The townspeople were very supportive of him, as it was expected that the men in each family each take a role that was beneficial for the kingdom.
Fortunately, since he managed to capture the attention of the princess, Jay was soon handpicked by the king and queen to become their future son-in-law. When they found out that he was a knight, though, they became quite concerned with the tasks and duties that he had to perform. Eventually, Jay had to promise them he would not die no matter what, and it was a tough one to keep.
As happens in every other kingdom, it was customary for a member of the royal family to request an item as a form of dowry. Since Jay was not exactly born into royalty, he was given a task that would get the princess her dowry as well as prove Jay’s aptitude as a knight.
To retrieve the lost diadem of the Panthera onca.
The sound of his metal boots clinking against the rocky path made the resident of the castle open the doors before he could even reach them. You stood in front of him, and he thought your figure was unlike anyone he had seen before. To start, you were glowing. For some reason, the sunlight shined on your slightly tan skin, and it did not help that the outfit you were wearing was made of a sheer fabric that showed a bit of your curves and more of your skin. Second, you were—
“Are you alright?”
Your voice started ringing in Jay’s ears, and he realized how parched he felt. He couldn’t remember the last time he had a proper meal, or a sip of water, and the sprain in his arm from falling off his horse was not the only injury that he had. Jay reached his hand up to take off his headgear, and his slightly long hair fell immediately to cover his forehead.
“I,” he began, “I need water.”
And then everything went pitch black.
Jay woke up to the sound of birds outside the window, and he instantly noticed that he was lying down in bed. His heavy armor was long gone from his body, and he was only wearing the undergarments he came with. He started backtracking, trying to remember what happened, but then he heard water splashing, so he hopped off the bed and headed directly for the window.
The same woman who opened the castle doors for him was taking a dip in one of the most lavish pools he had ever seen. It was not like Jay had never been to a castle before, but something about this place seemed magical and just so different. He watched as you took laps in the water, and when you emerged out of it, you brushed your hair back as you looked up, and if he did not step away from the window, you would have caught him staring.
Jay sat back on the bed and began to think. Did you undress him? Did you tend to his wounds? Did you carry him up to the second floor by yourself? Are you alone in this castle?
He heard a couple of knocks on his door, and he flinched in his seat. “Come in?” he said timidly.
You pushed the door open and walked in with your hair half-wet, and you were wearing a different gown than before. You were holding a tray that had little trinkets that were supposed to help you with treating Jay’s injury. As you walked up to him, Jay pulled his feet up to the bed and scooted further until his back was against the headboard.
“It’s time to dress your wounds,” you sighed, looking down and avoiding eye contact. “Can you do it alone?”
“I have so many questions right now,” Jay said in a hushed voice as he watched your hands place the tray on top of the bed.
“I’m sure you do,” you replied, scrunching your nose and looking away. “I have to attend to something else, so please.”
You pushed the tray slightly towards Jay and looked at him for a split second before you broke eye contact again. Jay frowned as his eyes followed your movements, and when you disappeared behind the door, he let out a huge sigh that he had been holding in.
The questions he had in his mind multiplied, and he was determined to find the answers soon.
Jay had fallen asleep again, and when he woke up this time it was almost dark outside. The faint light of the sun entered his room through the window, and just as he was adjusting his eyes, he heard a knock on the door.
“Come in,” he said, with more confidence this time.
You had changed into yet another gown and your hair was up in a bun. The tray you were carrying had healing herbs and a plate filled with mashed potatoes and other roasted vegetables. When you tried to put the tray on Jay’s bed, he reached out for it and accidentally brushed his hands with yours as he took it away from you.
“Sorry, I,” Jay’s voice hung in the air as he noticed you take a few steps back with unnecessary haste, “I must be bothering you. You don’t have to bring food here.”
“Oh, I have to,” you replied. “There is nowhere else for you to eat.”
“You mean there is no dining room?” Jay asked, setting the tray in front of him.
“There is, but we don’t use it.”
“We?” Jay asked again, seemingly intrigued. “So, there are other people in this castle?”
“Not at this hour,” you shook your head slowly before looking at him. “I just meant myself. And since you are here, we.”
Jay could not help but notice the way you would scrunch your nose once in a while after talking to him as if you had smelled something foul or your nose was itchy. He began sniffing himself out of self-cautiousness, and when he did not find anything wrong, he became even more confused.
“I suggest you stay for another fortnight,” you continued. Your eyes were set on the left side of his waist, and you tilted your chin pointing to that area. “Your wound has to heal completely.”
“Right, about that,” Jay sat up straight and pulled his top up.
You blinked and immediately looked the other way, not wanting to stare at his bare body. Jay noticed your behavior and smirked to himself.
“I actually can’t reach this part very well since I sprained my arm too,” he said, pointing to his side. “I mean, I could, but it’s quite painful.”
You sighed heavily before licking your lips, and you thought it would be easier to get it done as quickly as possible. You grabbed the chair that faced the vanity and sat it beside Jay’s bed. You reached for the herbs and kept your eye around Jay’s wound, trying your best not to look up into his eyes.
“Are you a princess?” Jay asked carefully, keeping his eyes on you.
You nodded as you cleaned the edges of Jay’s wound, dabbing his skin with a damp cloth.
“Then why are you in this castle alone, Your Highness?” he asked again, adjusting his position, and pulling his top higher.
You paused to look at him for a while, but you managed to avoid his eyes. “It’s a long story,” you finally replied.
“I am a good listener,” Jay said, smiling at you.
You looked out the window and noticed that the sun was almost gone, so you sped up the process and in turn made Jay flustered. The movements of your hands became hasty, and you were sure you pressed on his wound a little too hard because you heard him hiss, but you knew you had to leave the room as soon as you were done.
“Eat your dinner and rest up,” you said as you stood up, wiping your hands with a cloth and brushing the skirt of your gown down. “I will see you in the morning.”
“Your Highness…”
The door slammed behind you and Jay was too shocked to even form a proper reaction.
“…I don’t even know your name,” he murmured to himself, staring blankly at the door and then at the food you had served him.
Jay woke up the next morning to the sound of a horse neighing. He recognized it and immediately jumped out of bed, making his way to the window as he winced in pain at the sudden movement of his arms. He spotted you in the courtyard with three other people he had never seen before, and since he was already feeling better, he decided to approach you.
When Jay entered the courtyard, you were stepping away from the horse, letting the castle’s servants tend to it instead since you figured it grew uneasy around your presence. As you took a couple steps back, though, you felt a pair of hands hovering over your shoulder.
“Whoa,” Jay said in a low voice. “Careful, Princess.”
You turned around and stood straight, nodding your head slightly to greet your guest.
“We found him in the woods this morning,” you explained without waiting for Jay to ask. “I assume he is yours.”
“Thank you,” Jay replied, already approaching his horse. In an instant, the black beast calmed down. “His name is Shadow.”
You nodded and observed the way Jay patted his horse, speaking to him in a calm manner and handling him in the gentlest way you had ever seen a man treating an animal. For a second, you witnessed the way the color of Jay’s face shifted, and you saw him as a commoner with a huge love for creatures instead of a wounded knight.
“Well,” you cleared your throat, breaking your own distraction. “I suppose you can handle him now. I’ll have my people take care of him too.”
Your castle staff hovered around you and spoke to you in whispers, and you responded to them in a similar way, stealing glances at Jay. When you noticed him glancing back at you, you turned around and started walking away with your staff.
“What’s wrong with you, boy?” Jay spoke to Shadow. “You’re usually friendly to strangers. Pretty princesses too, mostly.”
Shadow snorted as he shook his head, almost hitting Jay in the face with his long mane.
As the hours went by, you tried your best to keep a distance from the knight in your castle. Every time Jay asked you a question, you would answer accordingly, trying not to give out too much information. After all, he was a stranger in your place, and you always had your walls up when it comes to protecting yourself.
It wasn’t until Jay revealed the reason he was out and about around your castle’s ground that you became instantly defensive. You were tending to his wounds and scars, the last of them, and once he mentioned the lost diadem, you let go of the cloth in your hands, letting it fall to the floor.
“You’re looking for the diadem?” You asked, not because you didn’t hear him the first time, but because you needed confirmation.
“Do you know where it is?” He asked back, eyes looking at yours full of hope.
You shook your head. “You shouldn’t be looking for it. Many men have died trying to possess it. It wouldn’t be any different this time.”
Jay frowned and almost chuckled. “So, you do know about it? I’m sure if you tell me, I can give it a—”
You snatched the tray away from his bed, your feet scurrying to leave his room as fast as you could. Jay’s mouth hung open as he watched you leave, and he was too stunned to do anything else.
That night, Jay realized he must have made a huge mistake. The distance you put between you and him became bigger, and you had tasked your staff to tend to his wounds and bring him his food instead of coming over yourself. This went on for days, and as much as Jay tried to ask your staff about you, he would receive no valuable information.
One night, Jay decided to take matters into his own hands. He had memorized the staff’s schedule, down to the hour that they would come to his room, so he picked a clear slot in the middle of the night to sneak out, determined to find you. Jay was clearly gifted with cat feet since his movements were barely audible, and as he searched through almost the whole castle, he finally heard some noise coming out of what seemed to be the largest room in the building.
He heard what sounded like a purr, and it was so loud that he could almost feel the walls vibrate. Jay pressed his body to the wall, making zero noise as he craned his neck to peek through the open window.
Jay saw you sleeping on the bed in a curled position. He knew it was you since the bedroom looked royal and you were the only person of royalty in this castle, but he had to do a double take.
You were curled up, indeed, but as he adjusted his eyes to the dark, he saw you lifting up your head and yawning.
Except it wasn’t your head. It was the head of a jaguar.
Jay squinted his eyes as his mind tried to make sense of what he was witnessing. You had the head of a jaguar and the paws of one, but your body remained the same. With a hitched breath, Jay leaned back on the wall and shook his head, thinking he was dreaming. He then decided to look a second time and to his surprise, you were already standing by the window.
“Fuck!” Jay shouted, stumbling back and falling to the ground.
You growled at him, keeping your yellow eyes focused on his figure. Jay managed to regulate his breathing and brushed the grass off his thighs before standing up again.
“Princess?” Jay asked, unsure. “Is that you?”
Jay took a step closer to you and you hissed, pulling the curtains down to cover the whole window before your shadow disappeared into the darkness.
When Jay woke up in the morning, he thought he had an elaborate and odd dream. He was hoping so, but then he heard a knock on the door before one of your staff opened it and peeked inside.
“The princess is expecting you, Sir,” he said. “At the dining room.”
Jay sat up and massaged his temple before responding. “She wants to see me?”
The man nodded once and was about to leave when Jay cleared his throat.
“Do you know what happens to the princess at night?” Jay asked with a raspy voice. He looked at the man, expecting an immediate answer.
“We all do, Sir.”
Jay sat on his bed as he gathered his thoughts, as well as his strength before he stood up and dressed to go see you. He was determined to find out what this was all about, and he decided to just ask you directly this time, no matter how forward it might seem.
At the dining table, though, all Jay could do was stare at the breakfast plate in front of him. He looked to your side and saw that you only had a glass of water. Jay cleared his throat before picking up a fork and starting a conversation.
“Are you not hungry?” He asked, looking at you warily.
“I already hunted last night,” you answered calmly, toying with your bronze cup of water.
Hunted, he thought. So he was not dreaming.
“I’m sure you have questions,” you continued. “And since you already know…”
“What happened to you, Princess?”
You were not expecting Jay to shoot a question as suddenly as he did, so you almost choked on your own words.
“You’re a knight,” you smiled softly. “You must know a lot of tales. Evil witches. Desperate kings and queens. Cursed princesses. I’m just one of them.”
“But what happened?” Jay asked again, completely abandoning his breakfast.
“It doesn’t matter,” you answered, resting both your hands on the dining table.
“Is that why you avoid me during the night?” Jay continued.
You nodded.
“And is that why you have your staff around only during the day?”
You nodded again.
“You’ve been keeping your distance from me, Princess,” Jay said with a desperate sigh. “Is it because I’m a stranger?”
This time you shook your head. “No.”
“Then, why—”
“It’s because of your scent.”
Jay paused and for a while, you thought he had turned into a statue. “I’m sorry?” He finally responded.
“You have a distinctive scent that makes me…”
Your sentence hung in the air and Jay realized you were choosing the appropriate words to voice your thoughts.
“I don’t feed on humans,” you resumed, “and I would like to keep it that way.”
Is she saying I smell like an animal? Jay thought to himself.
“But if it’s a curse,” Jay spoke again, deciding to shift the topic, “how can it be broken?”
You chuckled to yourself, and Jay swore he had just witnessed the most beautiful smile he had ever seen in his life.
“What’s the most cliché thing you can think of?” You asked back before patiently waiting for an answer.
“A kiss?” Jay answered in a tone that sounded more like a question.
You snorted and looked away. “The curse can only be broken if someone sincerely falls in love with me. I bet you can imagine how hard that would be.”
Jay took your answer and started backtracking everything in his mind—from the moment he arrived at your castle, to the way you tended to his wounds and took care of him in every way despite keeping your distance. He wondered if you had done the same thing to other knights or travelers who had stumbled upon your castle.
“I was actually hoping I could keep this hidden from you until your time is up,” you said after noticing he had been silent for too long. “Tomorrow, it will be a fortnight since you came here. I was told that you’re perfectly healed, so you can leave as soon as you want.”
Jay followed your movements as you stood up from your seat, pushing it back before you walked over to a shelf on the other side of the room. You pulled open the lowest drawer and took out a headpiece decorated in the most exquisite set of emeralds and diamonds.
“The diadem you’re looking for,” you said, bringing it to him. “Take it with you.”
You waited for Jay to take the diadem out of your hands, but he just stared at it.
“Sir?” You asked, shaking the diadem a little in front of his eyes.
“You said,” Jay began and licked his lips, “you said many men have died trying to possess it. You told me to forget about it.”
“That was because most of those men tried to take it by force. It did not end well. You were a nice guest, well, most of the time if you weren’t lurking around the castle. My staff also told me how kind you are to them.”
Jay tilted his head. “Let me get this right,” he said, “you’re giving the diadem to me just like that because I’m… nice?”
“Also, because I want you to leave.”
For some reason, your statement felt like it stung his heart.
“I beg your pardon?”
“You already told me your story. I’m helping a knight achieve his goal.”
You set the diadem beside Jay’s plate and started walking towards the door.
“I’ll have my staff ready your horse for tomorrow,” you said without looking back. “Live well, dear knight.”
Jay had lost count of the many times you left him alone in a room during his stay in your castle. However, unlike the previous times where all he felt was mostly confusion, this time it hurt.
It had been days or maybe weeks since Jay left your castle, and although you had grown accustomed to his absence, you could not deny that at times you missed his presence. It was not like you had spent a lot of time together, but you heard from your staff how Jay would behave, how he would treat everyone with kindness and respect, and how gentle he was when it came to animals and plants.
He was unlike any other knight you had met before, but that made him the most dangerous.
Jay did not know that every time you came into his room and caught a whiff of his scent, your eyes glinted in hunger. He was not aware of how hard you were keeping your thoughts to yourself, and he definitely was not aware of how you started to confuse your thoughts with your feelings, thinking that he might be the one who could lift your curse.
The single dream you had was then shattered as quickly as it was built. When you found out that he needed the diadem as a present for his betrothed, you threw all your hope out the window. You wanted to stay civil, though, and you figured that the best way to not act up in front of him was to just stay away from him.
Therefore, you were stunned to find him again on your doorstep this evening. It was almost sunset, and you began to observe his figure under the yellow light. He looked better, healthier, and there was this glow on his face that made him even more handsome.
“Princess,” he greeted you, smiling.
Your eyebrows were furrowed, and your eyes focused on the item in his hand. Your diadem.
“I believe it would be unfair for me to take what is rightfully yours,” Jay said, slightly lifting the diadem.
“What are you doing?” You asked. It was the only thing that came out of your mouth.
“I came back because,” Jay paused, “I want to ask you to marry me.”
You had experienced many odd encounters in your life, but this had to be one of the most bizarre ones.
“This is a sick joke,” you retorted before turning away from him.
“Princess, wait!”
You rushed back into the castle, heading into your room since you knew you were going to change soon. You did not want to end the surprise meeting badly, and your mind was too clouded that you did not notice your staff scurrying back into their chambers, completely ignoring that a knight was chasing after you.
As you finally reached the door to your bedroom, you pushed it open and entered before you slammed it shut. However, you did not hear the door close and when you turned around, Jay was holding it open.
“Please,” Jay begged, looking at you desperately.
You were about to scream at him, but words would not come out, and instead, your voice turned into raspy growls and hisses. Jay let himself inside and closed the door behind him as he witnessed your transformation, and once you were in your jaguar form you jumped onto your bed, trying to get as farther away from him as you could.
“It’s okay,” Jay said, calmly making his way towards you. “You’re okay.”
Jay reached out his hand to your snout and you looked away, sniffing and resting your head on a pillow. It did not deter him, and he even moved closer and made himself comfortable on your bed before placing a hand gently on top of your head.
“It will be okay,” Jay spoke again in a lower tone, a voice of reassurance.
As you felt Jay gently stroking your head, he saw a single tear trickle down your nose. You were gritting your teeth while forcing your eyes closed, trying to block any bestial urges that might arise.
You woke up with your head on top of Jay’s chest, and the way his chest moved up and down with every breath he took made you gather your senses in a faster manner than usual. You realized he had spent the night with you in your room, and you also remembered how you starved yourself the whole night just so you wouldn’t accidentally hurt him.
You quickly came to the conclusion that a relationship with him would never work, and you began to taint your own thoughts by assuming that he came back to tame you, not because he loved you, and that he only saw you as another quest in his life as a knight. With that, you decided to leave the castle before he wakes up, hoping that if you leave him for long enough, he will yield and return to his kingdom.
Unfortunately, after stumbling upon Shadow in the woods, you were forced to return home, with the horse surprisingly following you in a calm manner as if he knew he was there to serve a purpose. You were worried sick, partly because it was only hours left until sunset and also because there was no other way Jay would leave your castle unless his horse was with him. Sure enough, Jay was waiting for your return and his face lit up the second he saw you approaching the grounds with Shadow beside you.
“You need to leave,” you said, handing over Shadow’s lead line to Jay.
You went inside and after a short while, you thought you were safe and that Jay had left, but once again he tailed you right until you reached your chambers, and by that point, you were too exhausted to drive him away.
“My family disowned me,” you began, not bothering to give any preceding context. “I’m not worthy of marrying you.”
“Princess,” Jay scoffed before he licked his lips. “I’m not even royalty.”
“I can’t stand the thought of holding myself back when you’re around,” you continued, covering your mouth with both your hands. “It will never work.”
Jay stood by your bed as you sat on its edge, looking down and resting your elbows on your thighs as you continued to cover your mouth.
“Bite me.”
You frowned and lifted your head from your hands. “What?”
“All you need to do is to get used to my scent,” Jay said, sitting next to you. You shifted in place. “So, bite me.”
You looked at Jay, unsure, and he nodded once before tilting his head, giving you access to his neck. Your hands trembled as you reached for his shoulder, so he grabbed your hand in his and held it tight. When he felt your nose bump into his chin, he closed his eyes, and when he felt the warmth of your breath graze the skin on his neck, he almost shivered.
You bit him once and at the same time, you felt his hand squeeze your waist. His scent flooded your mind, and you could not hold back from biting him one more time, so you did. You let go with a shaky breath and pulled away only to find Jay looking into your eyes.
“It’s not bad, isn’t it?” He asked.
You licked your lips and brought your other hand to his shoulder.
“Do it again,” Jay demanded.
You tilted your head to the other side of his neck, where you found a heart-shaped birthmark, and this time you bit him there without hesitation.
“See?” He spoke, and his voice echoed right into your ear. “It doesn’t hurt.”
Jay squeezed your waist one more time before you decided to bite him a couple more times. He began rubbing your back gently before you suddenly felt a wash of overwhelming feelings. You moved back to the other side and bit him again, but this time you bit too hard that he winced and let go of his grip on your waist.
You flinched at his reaction and immediately felt regret. Your eyes flickered to the window, and you noticed how quickly the sun was setting, so before Jay could say anything you jumped to your feet and ran out of your chambers.
Your feet took you to the farthest room in the castle and you quickly entered it, locking the door behind you. You leaned back on it and started sobbing, thinking of how foolish you were to even entertain the idea of marrying Jay in your condition. You slumped to the floor and sobbed, ignoring the banging on the door and Jay’s distraught voice begging you to let him in.
“Please leave, Jay.”
Your voice was weak and almost a croak, and you figured it was because of all the crying. But then Jay also stopped knocking on the door, and you heard rustling and a couple of soft taps by the keyhole.
“Princess? I can hear you.”
You almost choked on your own sob at Jay’s obvious remark, but then you paused, and you heard him speak again.
“Look out the window, Princess.”
The sun had set, and you could not believe your eyes. You held up your hands, your fingers, in front of you before you touched your own face to feel your nose, your cheeks, and your lips. Then you checked outside again, making sure your mind was not playing tricks and that you really had not transformed.
You heard another knock on the door and without waiting for another word you opened it. The look on Jay’s face was that of relief mixed with adoration, and he did not waste any time walking towards you to pull you into his embrace. You buried your face in the crook of his neck, staining his skin with your tears and letting him wrap his arms around you as tightly as he could.
You felt him tug one of your sleeves and you pulled back to look at him. He brought his hand up to caress your face, wiping the remaining tears off your cheek.
“Marry me, Princess.”
You answered by inching your face closer to his before nodding slightly and kissing him on the lips. You tasted his sigh right after, loving the way his arms wrapped around you again as you pulled him even closer by the neck. He shut the door behind him with his foot and moved you towards the bed, carefully guiding you all the way as he placed his hand on the small of your back, not even once pulling away from the kiss.
The back of your legs hit the edge of the bed and you both stopped, pulling away to catch your breath and to undress yourselves. Jay pulled his top off quickly while you struggled with your corset, so he gently shoved your hands away so he could undress you himself. When he pulled all of your clothes down to pool at your feet, you could feel his breath against your thighs, and you almost lost your balance if he did not place his hands on your hips.
Jay began kissing your core without warning and you whimpered at the sudden warmth. Just moments ago, you were biting his neck like he was your prey, yet now you are watching him devour you, his face in between your legs as you struggle to even keep your eyes open. At one point, the way his tongue was pressing on your clit made you pull on his hair a little too tight, and when he looked up at you, he grinned before licking his top lip.
You sat down on the bed and pulled him in by his shoulders, and he began to lay you down before he settled over you. He got rid of the last of his clothes and you could feel his tip graze your bottom lips.
“Jay, wait,” you whispered, placing a palm over his chest.
He leaned into you to give you a soft peck on the cheek. “Yes, Princess?”
You chuckled and began caressing his face with one hand. “Do you even know my name?”
Jay let out an airy but silent laugh, burying his face in your neck. “Do you really think I would stay for so long in this castle without knowing the name of the residents? You know my name even without me telling you.”
You rested your thumb on his cheek and the rest of your fingers behind his ear, making him face you again. He moved his face to kiss your palm.
“Then call me by my name,” you requested. “And I shall chant yours like it’s my favorite spell.”
Jay smirked before leaning in to kiss your lips. “Very well then,” he whispered into your mouth, “Y/N.”
You felt him ease into you with a gentle force, and he caught your gasp between his lips. You held on to his shoulders as he began thrusting in and out of you, making you bring your legs up in order to feel him better.
“Slowly, Jay,” you begged him once you felt his pace was going a little too fast.
Jay grunted, seemingly unable to control his thirst for you, so you kept the pace by meeting him halfway and grinding your hips towards his. You could feel his biceps flexing as he held himself up, so you caressed his arms before you made your next request.
“Bite me.”
You brushed his hair back before you let him kiss your lips, and after that his lips traveled down to your chin and to your neck, licking you there several times before he bit you. You chanted his name as you promised, and when it was time for him to reach his high, he moaned your name right into your ear.
As you felt his seed coat your insides, you felt his thumb circling your clit for you to catch up with him. He pulled out of you only to finger his load back inside your hole, and that was how you reached your high of the night.
When Jay collapsed by your side, you became aware of the marks that you had left on his neck earlier that evening. You moved closer to him, and he welcomed you by pulling you to his side with one arm, having you rest your head on his shoulder.
“Are you sure it didn’t hurt?” You whispered, too afraid to disturb the serenity.
“Princess,” Jay began. “My princess,” he corrected himself. “Even if it hurt, I liked it.”
You snorted and tapped Jay’s cheek, and your body moved with his as he started to laugh.
“If you feel the urge next time,” he continued, “just come and leave marks on my neck.”
Jay tilted your chin up with his finger before kissing you softly, and for the first time in forever, you finally felt content.
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mynahx3 · 3 months
One Moment Was All It Took Part 2
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Here’s the part 2 of Soulmate Gojo based off of @envy-of-the-apple HC !!! Prob gonna have like 6 parts ngl lolol Hope everyone enjoys, might be able to get part 3 out by Mon if my schedule remains open.  Warning this chapter has non con touching, drugging, kidnapping, fighting w/ mentions of blood!! If this disturbs you please don’t read Next part with prob be spicy Masterlist
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A couple weeks  have passed since that cafe incident, and it completely slipped your mind—something you laughed about with your fiance when you got home that day. He wasn't very amused, but you brushed it off as just a strange encounter. Your mind was preoccupied with the upcoming wedding in the coming months. The colorful sticky notes with wedding tasks covered the calendar on your fridge, each one a reminder of the preparations ahead, and a sense of giddiness filled you whenever you glanced at the detailed schedule.
You sit perched on a stool in your cozy kitchen, meticulously reviewing wedding preparations on your laptop. Your eyes stung slightly as you read the screen, a frown evident on your face, longing for your fiance's presence to assist you. He had to attend a sudden business trip that took him out of the country.
It was good news, meaning his boss began to trust him with more responsibilities, but it also meant you were left to handle the wedding planning on your own for the time being. You were pleased to see him advancing in his career, yet you also felt somewhat overwhelmed by the additional responsibilities you had to manage.
After stretching, you stand up to take a break when the doorbell rings. Confusion overwhelms you as you approach the door, peering through the peephole to find nobody there. You open the door, keeping the chain attached as you look around. No one was there. While closing the door, you notice a vase filled with beautiful flowers on your welcome mat. A smile blooms on your face at the sight of the flowers, and you bring them into your apartment.
The flowers looked expensive in a beautiful crystal vase with a note attached to the neck of it, trimmed with gold. It reads, "Thinking of you always, even from afar. S." Your heart swells with warmth as you assume it was your fiance's thoughtful gesture. Pulling out your phone, you decide to call them and thank them for the surprise. The line rings for a few seconds before he answers, his voice happy and excited to hear from you. Noise in the background, likely from his busy office.
"Well, aren't you the romantic?" You say this, admiring the flowers sitting in front of you. A bright smile on your face as you hold your phone to your ear.
"What did I do this time?" He asked with a laugh, not understanding what you meant. You chuckle at his confusion, feeling even more grateful for his thoughtfulness.
"The flowers you sent, silly," you reply, feeling the softness of the petals on your fingertips. "Thank you, baby."
The line is silent—so silent that you think the phone dropped. Just as you were about to hang up and call back, he spoke.
"Honey… I didn't send you anything." Your smile fades at his words, your heart sinking as you wonder who could have possibly sent such a thoughtful gift.
"I'm… I'm sure the delivery person just got the wrong apartment." You shrug, looking around it to see if there was anything else written on the card—the only piece of paper on it.
Turning it over, your heart drops, and you see your name written in the golden ink with a heart next to it. You feel a shiver run down your spine at the implications, but you choose to keep it to yourself. Not wanting to ruin his mood and throw him off during such an important meeting.
"I'll just ask the front desk if anyone asks about them; I'd hate for whoever sent them to be mad that it went to the wrong person." You laugh as you crumble the card up in your hand.
"Now I feel bad I didn't get that idea." Your fiance' laughs, your nerves easing a little at the sound. "Promise I'll do something way better, sweet cheeks."
The corny nickname makes you laugh and roll your eyes. Since your high school days, he had always been cheesy and overly romantic, qualities you cherished. In the years that you supported one another, you both experienced a great deal. Despite the difficulties, you both emerged stronger after transitioning from broke college students to starting careers together in Japan. At times, he couldn't express his love in the most conventional ways, but his efforts were always genuine and appreciated.
"I got to go, babe. Another meeting is about to start." He sighed, his coworkers shouting his name over the phone. "I love you; I'll be home in a few weeks."
"I love you too." You smile happily, hearing him give you kisses through the receiver before hanging up.
You're left to your own thoughts, the vase sitting pretty in front of you. Mind trying to figure out who must have sent them. Being the taken woman you were, you couldn't figure out who must have sent them, if not your fiance'. The mystery sender lingered in your mind for a bit. But you brush it off, moving on with your day, thinking maybe a family member or friend sent them. Going on with the rest of your day, a day filled with phone calls and scheduling, you forget about the bouquet sitting on your counter.
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The flowers should have been the first clue, a warning sign of what was to come. Over time, you begin to feel uneasy, feeling constantly watched. Small things in your apartment were moved or went missing—things you know you didn't touch before leaving. Additional gifts mysteriously appeared on your doorstep, each accompanied by intricately detailed notes, intensifying in their personal nature.
Fury consumed you as you unwrapped another package, revealing a set of lacy lingerie in your size and favorite color. A note with it, written in the familiar handwriting, simply said, "For our special night." The realization hits you like a ton of bricks: someone has been in your home, watching your every move. Fear grips you as you realize the extent of the intrusion into your personal space. You burned that gift without a second thought; any other gift was sent to the trash.
Your nights were restless, alone in your apartment—or at least, you hoped you were alone. The feeling of being watched grew stronger, causing you to constantly look over your shoulder. You couldn't shake the feeling that someone was always nearby, waiting for the perfect moment to reveal themselves. The once innocent gifts and flowers now felt like a sinister presence in your life, leaving you on edge and paranoid. You had even gone to the police, informing them what was happening, but they said they couldn't do anything without concrete evidence of a threat. This only added to your growing sense of dread.
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Walking home from lunch with your friends, you decided to detour to a park, needing a moment of solitude. Sitting on a bench, cherry blossoms fall around you, their delicate petals drifting to the ground like whispers of reassurance, offering a sense of peace and tranquility in the midst of your fear.
As you take deep breaths and enjoy the gentle wind tousling your hair, you fail to notice someone sitting beside you as you drift off in thought. A tap on your shoulder brings you back to reality with a jump. Looking at where it came from, your eyes widen in shock at the white haired man sitting next to you. It took a second before your mind recognized him; he was the man from the cafe. There was a smile on his face, perfect as you remembered, one that brought you an icy feeling down your spine. He tilted his head, holding a single flower to you, a ribbon tied to its stem.
"Fancy seeing you here." He grinned.
Feeling unsure of how to react, you stared at the man with bewilderment, your heart beating fast. You weren't stupid enough to trust him, frowning at his close proximity. His presence put you on edge, as memories of what he said weeks ago ran through your mind. Knowing he was the one behind the unsettling messages you have been receiving the last week. Pouting, he let the flower droop a little in his hand once he realized you wouldn't take it from him.
"Don't be like that." He sighed dramatically, dropping the flower to his side, eyeing your form.
His smile was charming, reminiscent of when you first met. His eyes twinkled mischievously over his sunglasses. Under different circumstances, you might have admitted that he was quite attractive. Now he only sent chills down your spine, especially with how comfortably he said your name, as if he had known you for years.
As your shoulders tense, you try to move away from him, but just like before, he grabs your wrist. Pulling you to sit back down with him. His grip was ironclad, unmoving as you writhed in a futile attempt to break free. Every detail of his eyes was sharp and intense, as if they were staring deep into your soul.
"You know I'm surprised; you were super easy to keep an eye on." His words dripped with chilling confidence, sending a jolt of fear through you and causing your heart to race even faster. "You should really pay more attention to your surroundings. You never know what monsters lurk out there, ready to eat up a cutie like you."
"What… what do you want?" You asked, your voice small, and your throat felt tight in fear. The grip on your wrist tightened as he leaned in closer.
"That doesn't matter right now," he said casually, his tone sending shivers down your spine. "Let's get to know each other a little."
He wraps his arm back around you, letting go of your wrist to bring your body closer to his. To anyone walking by, it would just look like a couple enjoying the spring weather together. Your body was rigid as he rubbed your shoulder a bit roughly, his cold fingers feeling your soft skin.
You wish you hadn't worn that dress today; its low neckline and thin straps gave him easy access to your skin. Goosebumps littered your arms as you tried to subtly move away from his touch. His grip tightened slightly, indicating his control over your movement. A sinking feeling in your stomach settled, and you knew you needed to get away.
"I don't want anything to do with you." You told him, wishing there wasn't a waver in your voice, wishing you stood stronger against him.
His entire energy and demeanor were intense, but there was a slight furrow in his brow at your words. It was gone as soon as you noticed it, and the same cocky grin was on his face the next second.
"Princess, I don't think you have a choice." His words sent a chill down your spine, filling you with fear at the core of your being.
Silently, he retrieved his phone and began scrolling through a series of photos. The photos displayed your family, friends, and your fiancé. Your loved ones are living their lives, oblivious to the danger they are in because of you. He even has pictures of you from the last week, going from you at work to you in your apartment in your private moments. Finally, he stops the slideshow, sliding the phone back into his pocket.
"Get where this is going?" He chuckles, edging even closer to make sure your thighs touch. "It was difficult to find any real dirt on your boy toy; he's a good guy. I will give him that, but... I know exactly how to make him disappear."
You nod slowly, feeling the lingering threat of danger in the air as you try to comprehend the gravity of the situation. His presence caused you to take short, panicked breaths. This is something he actually notices: a softer look in his eyes now while his hand moves to rub your thigh comfortingly. Your body stiffens as you feel the tip of his fingers tracing just below the hem of your dress.
"Gotta cut this short. Still have to prepare a few things real quick; I couldn't help but check in on my girl." He leans closer to kiss your cheek softly before pulling away.
You didn't respond, feeling too suffocated next to him. Your wide eyes focused on him; it seemed he wanted to be flush with you no matter how much you squirmed away. Fortunately, he doesn't prolong the moment, letting go of your shoulder and putting his hands on his knees.
"I'll come get you shortly; I don't want to keep you waiting too long." He says it playfully, winking as he puts a piece of gum in his mouth and smacks it noisily.
With that, he rises from the bench, looking down at you with a beaming smile, and turns to walk away. He disappears from sight, walking out of the park. This left you feeling worse than before as you wiped your cheek clean. Your gut feelings intensified, urging you to run.
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When you got home, you immediately started packing, changing into a simple pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt. Hurriedly packing a bag with the bare essentials, leaving a mess behind in your wake. You didn't know exactly what you would do, yet you had to get away. The urgency of the situation propelled you forward, heedless of consequences or sacrifices.
It was unbearable to see your stalker in real life—a smack in the face of the true danger you were in. Quickly, you texted your fiance', explaining you were going to stay with a friend for a few days. Once you finally explained to him the situation with the stalker, he called to discuss the next steps.
"You should've told me what was happening."
"I know… I didn't want to worry you. This meeting was important." Tears welled in your eyes, and the stress of everything came to a head. Confiding in him finally brought you comfort, but a part of you felt guilty for not telling him sooner.
"Not more important than you and your safety, I love you."
"I love you too." You whispered into the phone, wiping any stray tears from your face.
"I'll get the next flight out. Stay at your friend's place until I get there," he said firmly. "Keep your taser on you wherever you go. Be safe."
"I will, thank you," you replied, feeling a sense of relief wash over you, knowing he was on his way to be by your side. The thought of having him there to support you made the situation feel more manageable.
He quickly explained the stalker situation to his boss, secured the next available flight, and ended the call upon reaching the airport. The sun had long set, and the dark sky was beginning to fill with twinkling stars, visible through the windows.
On any other night, you would have enjoyed the starry night with a glass of wine and your favorite book, but now you ignore the view. Focus on packing up for your impromptu trip away from the comforts of your home. Once you finished packing, you moved a suitcase into the living room, ready to leave.
A sudden, hard knock at the door surprises you greatly, causing you to jump. It repeats after a moment; much harsher, the door shakes in its frame. Nervously, you move silently to see who it was. Through the peephole, you see that cursed head of snow white hair, his smile as wide as ever. Stepping back, your breath catching in your throat, and your legs turning to jelly as adrenaline surged through your veins. Your stalker was outside your apartment, banging on the door while calling out your name in a joyful tone.
As escape plans raced through your mind, the realization of being in a high-floor apartment without a fire escape sank in, presenting a daunting obstacle. Panic grips you as you frantically reach for your phone in the kitchen. Just as you go to grab it, a loud, crashing sound comes from behind.
Turning around, you see the front door on the floor with a crater in it, and your stalker is smiling menacingly at you. For a moment, you both freeze, a standoff of short going on. Without hesitation, you reach for a knife from the block on the counter behind you and hold it out in front. Despite your nerves, your hands didn't shake as you pointed the sharp knife at him, a cold stare on your face.
"Get the fuck out."
The man smiles at this, laughing a bit at your attempt to intimidate him. As he stepped forward to come closer to you, his finger traced over the countertops. At that moment, you instinctively step back from him, creating distance between you. You both circled the kitchen island cautiously while he slowly removed the bandages covering his eyes.
He put the bandages on the counter, his blue eyes watching your every move like a hawk. He pauses, smirking, his hand stopping just at your phone, then quickly picks it up and crushes it in his hand. Letting the phone fall to the counter in a broken mess, he looks at you with a wide grin.
"Now we can have some real fun."
The front door was behind him; you knew you had to risk running past him or deeper into your apartment. The latter wasn't the best idea since you would be trapped in a corner with no way out but to run you would have to risk getting caught by him. With a deep breath, you made a split-second decision to dart towards the door, hoping to make it out before he could react.
As you sprint to the front door, he easily catches you, wrapping strong arms around your waist. Knife still in hand, you try to swipe at him from behind, only earning you a twist of your arm. A sharp pain radiates through your arm as he twists it more into an awkward angle, making you yell in pain and drop it to the floor in a loud clang.
Pulling you closer, he easily holds you against him, not being phased by your kicking and screams. Securing an arm around your waist, his hand held both your wrists with ease. He leans in, burying his head in the crook of your neck and taking a deep, unsettling breath. The other hand goes over your mouth to muffle your screams. In retaliation, you managed to wiggle your face out, biting down hard on his hand, your tongue flooding with a coppery taste.
This didn't seem to phase him; his blood was dripping down your chin. The metallic tang of his blood is sickening you. Nevertheless, you continue to struggle in his arms, trying to elbow him to break free. A guttural moan escapes his lips as he plants small, chilling kisses on the skin of your neck, enjoying this moment. You feel trapped, like a rat in a snake's grip, desperate for a chance to escape.
"You're so soft." He whispers into your ear, tightening his grip over you, not budging as you dig your heel into his shins.
Teeth still clenched on his hand, digging deeper for him to let go. When he didn't respond you released your jaw, you threw your head back. You hit him square in the nose, eliciting a gasp of pain from him. Blood drips from his nose as he stumbles back, momentarily stunned. Seizing the opportunity, you push him away and run as fast as you can, your heart pounding in your chest.
You run towards the door, the gaping exit mocking you, so close yet so far. You don't make it much farther; he grabs your hair harshly and throws you to the ground. On the floor, you cough and gasp for air. The impact of your back on the hardwood knocked air out of your lungs. As you crawl away from him, trying to regain your breath, he stands in front of the only exit, looking over at you with a menacing grin.
"Here, I thought it would be easy; God, I fucking love this." He wipes his nose with his sleeve, smearing blood on his face. A demented look on his face tells you that he's enjoying this far too much. "As much as I want to continue, kind of on a time crunch, babe. I'm pretty sure your lovely neighbors have already called the police."
Saying this, he crouches down, pulling you to him by your ankle. You kick at him with your other foot, one connected to his chin, but he only laughs in response, dodging any more of your attempts to fight back.
"You're a feisty one, I like that," he chuckles, tightening his grip on your ankle as he begins to drag you closer. "You're not going anywhere."
Your heart races as you desperately search for a way out of this nightmare. Keeping a hold of you, he pulls out a syringe filled with mysterious liquid from his pocket. The sight makes your heart drop. In your shock, he stabs it roughly into your thigh, pushing the liquid in. As the drug takes effect, your vision blurs and your body goes limp, leaving you at his mercy.
"Sweet dreams." He takes you into his arms, watching you fall into unconsciousness. The last thing you hear before blacking out is his sinister chuckle echoing in your ears
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Hope you enjoyed lovelies! Likes/ reblogs are appreciated <3 pls no repost
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love-lilly02 · 3 months
The Challenge pt. 4
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AN: This chapter was supposed to be out yesterday but I got kinda sick so I couldn't edit it, Anyways, enjoy!!
“Would you mind spotting me?” 
The question seems innocent enough, if you weren’t asking it to the scariest man on the base, much less your lieutenant.
Ghost lifted his head from where he was sitting on a bench, unwrapping his hands after his own training session. 
You quickly back tracked at his expression, rethinking your choice. “You don’t have too, I think I got this set-“
“No, no I got it.” He stood, moving behind you, standing a little too close, but you chose to ignore it. 
The set was fairly easy, and you finished quickly, thanking him quietly as you moved to put the weights back on their stand. 
“Can I ask you somethin?” Ghost questioned, and you turned to see that he was studying you intently. 
“Yeah?” You prompted, tilting your head slightly. 
“That bet… Why’d you do it?” 
You shrugged. “I was drunk, mostly. Figured there couldn’t be any harm. What’s the worst that can happen, anyways?” 
That made him chuckle. “You have no idea, do you?” 
“What do you mean?” You asked, furrowing your brow in confusion. The tall man walked closer to you, moving you slowly till your back hit the wall. 
“This ain’t just a game to those boys, it’s a challenge. Whoever wins you won’t be kind, I hope you know that.” He places an arm above your head, effectively pinning you against the wall. You can feel his breath through the mask, and the warmth against your neck sends a shiver down your spine. 
“Honestly, darlin’ You’re a right fuckin tease when you wanna be, hm? Acting all innocent, like you don’t know how much we all want to-“
“I’ve got it!!” 
Soap’s voice cut through the whole training room, as he ran in frantically waving a piece of paper in the air. “I found one! Take that bitch, I’m in the lead!” 
“Wait, what? Found what?” You and Ghost jumped apart from each other, both running over to where Johnny was doing a -frankly crude- victory dance. Your heart was absolutely pounding, heat still flying through your body at the encounter with Ghost. 
We all want to what? What do they want to do…
“You did not find it, I did.” Kyle huffed, diving for the photo in Soap’s hand. “Give it back you pathetic excuse for a-“ 
“Hey,” Price said in warning. Kyle just huffed and backed away from Soap. 
“Finders keepers,” Soap teased in a sing song voice, throwing the photo on the bench. “The first of ten. Which puts me in the lead.” 
“You aren’t in the lead if you stole a photo, that’s not how it works.” Ghost said, kneeling down to pick up the image.
“Like I said, finders keepers. S’not my fault Gaz wanted tae hoard the photos till ‘e got all ten. His loss aye?” Soap nudged you playfully on the shoulder, but you were too busy trying to see the image to acknowledge him. 
Gaz looked pathetically over to Price, opening his mouth to plead his case. Price beat him to it, however. “Soap, that’s not nice. Gaz found it, he takes the credit.”
“Awe, come off it captain, It’s just a bit of fun  huh?” 
“Yes sir.”
“Still dont think it’s fair,” Ghost threw in. 
“Whadya mean? I found the image-“ Kyle protested, turning to Ghost now. 
“Yeah but from where?” Ghost challenged, placing the photo back on the bench 
“Online? Don’t see how it matters, it’s a photo.” 
“But it’s not creditable, this could be edited-“
And so it continued. You had long since tuned out the bickering, leaning down to look at the photo. It did look like you, a smiling child holding an award for something you couldn’t really read. 
The closer you looked, however, the more you started to see the imperfections. The girl in the photo had straight hair, at that age yours was more curly. And she was holding a ball in her hands, a basketball. 
Of all the sports you played, basketball was never one of them. 
“That’s not me.”
They were still shouting, yelling over each other to be heard above the voices. Johnny was pressing Kyle for where he got the information, and Kyle was refusing to say, under the excuse it would give them a ‘better advantage’ than he had. Johnny was still trying to insist they should share the win, and Price was just yelling for everyone to calm the fuck down. 
“Hello?” You called, trying to raise your voice above all of them. “Hey, I said that isn’t me.”
But the yelling continued. It seemed to go on forever, all of them arguing over one small image. The topic slowly changed, however, till they started crossing into uncharted territory. 
“Look-“ Gaz snapped, breathing heavily. “I found the photo, just like the deal said. That makes one out of ten for me. You lot can do what you will but I’m not sharing.”
“You didn’t have a problem sharing last night, isn’t that right?” Ghost hissed, and the gym was so quiet you could hear a pin drop. Your head ached trying to figure out what the boys were saying, the double meanings behind everything, but you couldn’t keep up. 
“I don’t give a fuck what I did and didn’t do last night, what’s fair is fair.” Kyle snapped, turning to grab the photo. 
“You’re just mad cause you don’t want to think about one of us fu-“ 
“That’s enough!” Now it was you who was yelling, and the boys watching you in disbelief. 
“Look, this isn’t like that, okay! I’m sick of you all objectifying me like i’m some fucking doll. I don’t know what side bets you have going on but I want out of this one. I made the deal drunk and you all watched me try to get out of it the next morning, and now you’re yelling like fucking children over a picture that doesn’t even have me in it. I never even did basketball for fucks sake! And you would know this if you acted like normal fucking human beings, much less behave like the grown men you are and ask me.” They all looked at you in absolute shame, as you threw the photo on the ground. 
“And for the record, I am not fucking one of you on a deal. I don’t work like that so get the thought out of your head.”
You shoved past the wall of muscle made up by both Price and Ghost, storming off to your room.
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For the longest time, he sat there and thought about exactly what happened in the gym. 
Kyle was no fool. He understood what bringing up the photo would do, and he knew Soap would try and take the credit, as they had agreed the night before. 
He didn’t actually know why he changed his mind. Kyle had no problem sharing you with the others, they were right anyways. 
He shared all the time. 
But something about introducing you to… this… scared him. As if they could frighten you off. 
He knew that wasn’t true, so why did he think that way?
An apology message sat, typed out on his phone. He was procrastinating, heavily, on sending it, worried that it might be a little too much for you to handle. 
Was it? You had taken your the whole team so nicely, he thought you would be ready… 
 More photos of you sad scattered on his desk. A lot of them looked like what Price had found before, a bunch of family photos with you missing or images of a girl who looked exactly like you but she wasn’t you. 
Today’s events proved that. 
Anyone else might have been saddened at the revelation. Putting weeks of work into one image, just to be wrong? Enough to crush a man, if it was done correctly.  
But Kyle Gaz Garric is no ordinary man.
Before he can think about it too much, he hurriedly hits send on the message and closes his phone. 
Now, we wait.
My Masterlist
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euovennia · 1 year
I am yet again requesting headcanons for the 141 (or whoever you want <3) with a reader who has an angry resting face. And to add onto that, they are very expressive with their love but it comes off as aggressive (not on purpose) because they always look, you know, mad. Like when reader says "I love you," it sounds like a threat and really, they look like they wanna kill them, but they don’t.
whew, i'm so sorry for the wait on this! i took a small break from tumblr so i could focus on finishing some assignments i had for my classes, but they're all completed and turned in so i should be good for now! also i wasn't 100% sure if you wanted this to be platonic or romantic, so i tried to write it to where it could be interpreted as both. thank you for requesting and, as always, i hope you enjoy :)
warnings: none other than the fact that i don't know how to stop myself from typing more than i need to
summary: the 141 learns to adjust to life with their newest recruit; you.
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john 'soap' mactavish
when price first introduces you to the group, he can't help but feel like he's done something wrong
and honestly no one can really blame him for feeling that way
the expression that paints your face when you make eye contact with him practically screams, "sleep with one eye open"
and while it is mildly terrifying, he only sees it as a challenge
because in his mind, if he can get the mighty ghost to warm up to him, he can get anyone to warm up to him
so as soon as price cuts you loose from the brief introductions, he's already right by your side pestering you with various questions
and while it was a bit off-putting, you weren't really surprised because price had already told you all about soap before he decided he wanted you on his team
so you just kinda stood there and let him fire off his questions while answering them with that angry expression and bored monotone voice that he can't help but love
like you're standing there, arms crossed with perhaps one of the most pissed off expressions he's ever seen in his life but all his mind can think is >:(
needless to say, he doesn't take your prickly exterior too seriously and it's because of this he's able to get closer to you a lot quicker than the other members do
and it's because of this he tends to vouch for you a lot more to the other members when it comes to getting to know you
"they're not that bad, i swear!"
"johnny, they look like they wanna rip your arm off every time you're near them."
"but they don't, that's the funny part!"
best believe this man is fighting for his life whenever your rbf gets brought into the conversation
and i imagine that one day you actually manage to overhear one of these little debates/conversations (tbh they could go either way with how divided they can be over it, especially when it's gaz vs soap)
and you can't just ignore the way your heart warms as you hear soap valiantly defend your honor
it's one of the few times you're genuinely thankful for his big mouth
after listening in to the conversation for a few more minutes you eventually decide to walk away, heart full and the smallest of smiles pulling at the edge of your lips
i think it goes without saying that you go a little sweet on him after that encounter
as sweet as you can go when you're the human embodiment of >:(
at least in the opinion of soap
you don't really see the resemblance tbh
you start doing little things for him
things like offering to take watch for him when you're both on a mission because you noticed that he hadn't really bothered getting any rest
sitting by his side and letting him ramble on about his family, especially how he always begged his parents to let him stay with his nan over the summer because she owned a little family farm that he absolutely loved to run around on
and even the time you learned how to make scotch pie using his mom's recipe he had tucked away in his room
no matter how much he may deny it, that last one had him tearing up as soon as he took a bite
but honestly, can you blame him?
the man barely gets to visit his parents back home because of his work and it crushes him
honestly, it was probably one of the first few things he confided in you when you first started talking
so naturally when price announces that the 141 has been approved for a two week leave, you don't hesitate in logging onto the computer and buying him the first tickets back to scotland
what you do hesitate with is actually giving them to him
so you decide to gloss over that part completely and instead opt for shoving the tickets inside an plain envelope with his name scribbled on the front and a small note that simply reads, "go." before sliding it under his door the night before everyone is scheduled to depart from base
the moment soap gets his hands on those tickets he can't help the way he runs through the halls and bursts into your room to give you the biggest hug you've ever had in your life
unfortunately for you both, you'd already left base by the time he discovered the tickets
and so with a heavy heart, soap makes his way back to his room before packing his bags with a new vigor
the plane leaves in six hours, but he's so excited he can't help but want to arrive early
needless to say those are probably the best two weeks of his life
and while the others are interested in hearing all about his trip, he simply brushes them off in favor watching the door so he can be there for the exact moment you walk in
and after making him wait more than what he felt was necessary, you finally walk in
and this man
the way he shoots up from his seat and runs over to hug you
it's almost enough to send you both flying to the ground
but luckily you've got some stellar balance and manage to save yourselves from being teased by the rest of the team
but with the way soap is squeezing onto you while repeatedly whispering, "thank you," into the nape of your neck, you don't doubt they'll make fun of you for that
even with the mild embarrassment you feel, you simply wrap your arms around the scottish man and offer him a few pats on the back
and as sweet as it is for the other men to witness such a tender scene, they can't help but notice how upset you look
it's almost laughable
and as much as they want to step in and tell soap to back off, they can't help but notice the way you cling onto soap with that soft look in your eyes
so they remain quiet as you and soap hang onto each other, hearts full of warmth
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kyle 'gaz' garrick
i'm gonna say it now
out of anyone in the 141, he was probably the one most intimidated by you
he's the youngest out of everyone and so it stands that, naturally, he has less experience than others
it's for this reason i think he's so keen on staying close to price
i mean the man practically plucked him off the streets and said, "you're mine now," so i think it's reasonable that gaz grows a tad more attached to price than the other members
so when he catches a few glimpses of you around base barking orders at the recruits and slamming them into the mats during sparring sessions, he's not exactly dying to meet you
even so, he finds he's not too worried about the possibility
with how often the 141 departs base to go on various missions and how you always seem to be too caught up in whatever you're doing at the time to be bothered to even glance his way, he eventually comes to the conclusion that you'll never meet
until one day price strolls into the common area where he and the rest of the team are minding their own business with you trailing right beside him looking aggravated as ever
he's already a bit uneasy with the fact you now know where the team goes to relax, but that unease slowly shifts to downright horror when price reveals that you're the newest member of the team
now gaz is usually a pretty easygoing and friendly guy so any chance to meet and bond with new people is always bound to be a good time in his book
but he can't help the shiver that crawls up his spine whenever you're around
seriously, who or what made you look so pissed off all the time?
because he's so hesitant of being around you, he tries his hardest not to bother you
which basically means he tries not to be in the same room as you
and while you may not really notice or care, the rest of the team certainly does
especially price
he's the type of man who prides himself on having a team that knows they can all rely on one another on and off the field and so he'll be damned if you and gaz are the ones to ruin his little streak
so guess who gets assigned to accompany you and the recruits on your morning workouts from now on?
and while he's not necessarily thrilled about the idea of being forced into such close proximity to you, especially first thing in the morning, he respects price enough to not question his decision and just ends up going along with it
and at first he doesn't really pay you much attention in an effort to not do anything to accidentally make you even more upset than he already assumes you are
but then he starts to notice something
he notices the way the recruits light up whenever they see you, whether it be during the morning workout sessions or when you're walking around base
and it baffles him because you just look so upset, he can't possibly imagine why they're all so keen on sending you wide smiles or enthusiastic waves
but one day he looks just a little bit closer and he can see the faintest hint of amusement on your face as your lips showcase the ghost of a smile
that's when he really starts to pay attention
and suddenly he can't help but feel a little ashamed of himself
because now he can practically feel his heart melt every time you interact with the recruits
like how you would bring extra ice-cold water bottles to the morning workouts for the recruits who'd forget to bring their own
or the way you wouldn't hesitate to slide them some money if they mentioned being hungry while you were around
and especially how you don't hesitate to lend an ear for them if they seemed to be troubled by something
it's in those few little moments that he can see just the tiniest cracks through your annoyed expression and heated glares
you're not angry at all, he decides, just real shit at expressing yourself
and upon deciding this, he realizes you're not so scary anymore
so now instead of avoiding you like the plague, he actively seeks you out
at first it's to help you out with carrying the extra water bottles for the recruits in the morning and planning the workouts for the week
but then it turns into him asking to sit with you at the mess hall over dinner and keeping each other company in the commons area
and as much as he tries not to, he can't help the giddiness that floods his body when you start to show him that aggressive love he sees you dish out to the recruits
shoving snacks into his hands when you notice he hasn't eaten in a while
quietly sitting with him while he goes through paperwork because you both know he has a tendency to get distracted
and his personal favorite, draping your jacket over him when you walk in on him sleeping anywhere that isn't his room
he always wakes up with a smile tugging on his lips
and despite how cold and distant you may look while doing these things, he doesn't give it much attention anymore
not when he can see the love and care that's reflected in your eyes
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simon 'ghost' riley
despite you and ghost having similar exteriors, it becomes more and more apparent to gaz and soap that you're actually quite different
which isn't a bad thing, of course! just a bit unexpected
but it's because of this striking difference that you and simon tend to keep a majority of your interactions on the field
and you both are more than happy to keep it this way
gaz and soap however, are not
so naturally they put together a plan; a plan that consists of soap giving you his most treasured tactical pen so you can use it to write away in that little journal of yours on the ride back from missions just so he can later "confront" ghost and admonish him for stealing said pen
and during all this, gaz simply remains on the sidelines just looking pretty
after laying into simon for a good ten minutes, soap walks away from the encounter with a small smile before walking up to gaz and saying something like, "now we wait"
and they do wait
but after a full two weeks pass by and neither gaz or soap can find any evidence of their so called "master plan" working, they can't help but feel a little discouraged
unbeknownst to them, it totally worked
just not in the way they envisioned
you see, by the time soap came up to simon to lecture him about stealing his pen, ghost had already come to notice you scribbling into your notebook with it
so once soap had finally decided to leave him alone, he immediately confronted you about framing him for such a crime
but you just kinda stare up at him with that annoyed look of yours before revealing soap had willingly given it to you
and things just kinda click into place for the two of you; soap wanted to get you talking
and while you and simon had to admit it wasn't a bad plan, you didn't want to give the scotsman the satisfaction of knowing it had actually worked
so whenever you and simon find yourselves in the company of the rest of the team, you decide to remain distant
but when it's just the two of you?
you're straight chilling
especially when you visit him in his room or vice versa
like just imagine the two of you drinking tea that simon was nice enough to make and watching war movies while bashing all the inaccuracies and bad calls the characters make
or when the two of you are out and about on base free from the prying eyes of gaz and soap because they're out doing their own thing
you and simon love finding random groups of rowdy soldiers just to intimidate them
i don't know about you, but i can definitely see simon just standing there with his arms crossed and eyes narrowed while you rest your hands on your hips with your lips pulled into a frown
price definitely gets complaints about the two of you
he does nothing about them
and for a while that's pretty much the gist of how you and simon spend your time together
but i like to imagine that after a particularly rough mission, simon would seek you out just to sit with you
and i can see him as a stress smoker so when he finally does manage to find you and take a seat beside you, you slide him a pack of cigarettes and a lighter
he doesn't ask how you know his cigarette preference, but instead gives you a small nod of approval before pulling up his mask over lips and taking a drag
and that's how you spend your night
just sitting beside each other as you watch the evening sky gradually begin to fill with stars
i think it would depend on how bad the mission went in order to determine exactly how long the two of you stay sitting under the stars, but it doesn't matter because it'll end the same way; you reaching over and giving simon's hand a quick squeeze with a small, "get some sleep, simon. you need it," before you walk away
and he finds himself confused to two reasons
reason one: why did you grab his hand why did he like it?
reason two: how can you say such sweet words but still look so mad?
as much as he wants to play that moment over in his head just to make sure he was remembering things right, he decides against it in favor of heeding your words and getting some sleep
but it's after that moment he can't help but notice how your mannerisms have changed
not only are your words of reassurance more apparent than before, he's also noticed you have a tendency to give his hand/shoulder a reassuring squeeze every now and then
he can't help the small smile that threatens to pull at his lips when you do
but he also can't help but notice how distant and reserved your face looks when you do all of these things
he doesn't really mind it though
but he eventually does bring it up to you one day
it's probably after he tells you one of his god awful dad jokes
like he'll look over at you and notice your sour expression and say something like, "don't look so pissed, they're not that bad."
and you'll respond with a tilt of your head as you tell him, "i'm not pissed. i like your jokes."
then he'll nudge your shoulder before telling you, "with that face? coulda fooled me."
and you'll roll your eyes in faux annoyance as you brush him off with a simple, "that's just my face."
and then he'll look down at you, thankful for his mask so you can't see the small smile making its way onto his face
he might even say something dumb and cheesy like, "i know. i like it."
and you give him one of your rare smiles
and i could end it there and say the two of you are bffs
or i could sprinkle in something about soap running up on the two of you chanting, "my plan worked, my plan worked!"
that's for you to decide
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pinguwrites · 7 months
Cillian meets a fan (not the crazy kind, just someone who appreciates his movies) who has a boyfriend, but it doesn’t stop him from flirting with her because he thinks her stuttering and blushes are cute, plus he’s determined to have her.
Bro if Cillian did that to me I would fold instantly
Drabble: your favorite actor flirts with you
Pairing -> (hints of) cillian murphy x reader
Warnings: cillian being a little pushy, hints of emotional cheating sort of cause reader has a boyfriend
Disclaimer: This is not a reflection of Cillian Murphy's actual life. This is completely separate and is not intended to harm him or his family in any way. DNI if you're a Yvonne hater. This is only fanfiction and this is just for fun.
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"I absolutely loved this," you said softly, motioning to leave, despite every instinct of yours telling you to stay. You were sure he could see it on your face, but, priorities first, and you really did have to get home. "But I gotta go. My boyfriend's waiting for me back home and, well," you gave a nervous chuckle, "I promised I would run some errands and it's practically night out, so . . ."
Cillian Murphy, the Cillian Murphy, a fact you could hardly believe, just laughed. "No, don't go. I'm sure whoever your boyfriend is will understand," he said, with a dissmisive wave of his hand. “I’ve enjoyed this evening together.”
You did, too. You were on your way to the supermarket when you noticed him getting out of his car. Your blood had pumped with excitement once you realized who it was, but you kept calm. That was, until he called you over and asked you to help him with his bags.
After a quick conversation and thanks, you revealed to Cillian that you were actually a fan, and that you just loved his movies. You hoped you hadn’t come off as obsessive, you knew how some people could get, and you didn’t want to push any boundaries. To your relief, he just smiled and asked you to sit down with him on the nearby picnic bench, to which you engaged in length discussions about work and family and simple getting-to-know-you talks.
“I have as well,” you said, trying not to look into his eyes. “But I really need to go. It’s been a pleasure meeting you, Mr. Murphy—”
“—Cillian,” he corrected.
“Cillian. It’s been a pleasure,” you repeated.
Cillian rubbed his fingers over his lips, as if in thought. Then, he grabbed his phone and handed it to you. “Put your number in. I’ll call you, and we can set up a date.”
You unconsciously bit your lower lip, but did as he asked. “You’d want to do that? With me?”
“Why not? You’re my age, funny, intelligent . . . attractive.”
You were surely going to faint. Cillian Murphy had just called you attractive. If you didn’t have a boyfriend you would have leapt into his arms and put a ring on it.
But you did, you reminded yourself. And he was probably waiting for you back at home. You were sure he wouldn’t mind your brief encounter with your celebrity crush.
“A-attractive?” you stuttered. You didn’t want to sound like you had low confidence. “Yeah, I mean. Thank you. You’re attractive, too — genuinely. Like, you’re gorgeous, actually.”
You winced at your choice of wording. Why did you have to be so awkward?
Cillian chuckled and leaned in closer. “You’re cute when you’re all flustered. You shuffle your body and part your lips. Did you notice that?”
You hadn’t noticed.
“I, um . . .”
“See, you’re doing it now.” He glanced down at your lips for a moment, then relented. “Alright, alright. I’ll let you go. I’ll be in touch soon.”
You nodded, grateful. You were sure if Cillian had pushed a little harder, he would have convinced you to stay — which wasn’t something you should be doing.
“Have a nice day, Cillian. I look forward to seeing you again.”
You both got into your cars and drove off in opposite directions, though you did look back, just briefly, with longing. The thought that you could get to know him even better made you so happy. He was just a person, but you were sure he’d be as sweet and lovely as he’d been so far.
You finally pulled into your driveway, but before you could get out your phone buzzed. Heart beating in anticipation, you picked it up and read the text:
Unknown: It’s Cillian. How about lunch next Saturday? I’ll pick you up at twelve.
You hesitated. You didn’t want to make it seem like you were interested in anything more, given your current situation, but, well, it was only just lunch. Like friends get all the time. There was no harm in that . . . right?
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@henrywintersdearestgirl @shroombloom-rry @meetmeatyourworst @nela-cutie @madnessandobsession @mrkdvidal1989 @bernelflo @slut4thebroken @qqquartz7
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askdiscordwhooves · 6 months
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Ask Discord Whooves has come to its conclusion, and that means the posts below this point contain major spoilers for the story! This post will also have the author's final comments below a 'read more' to avoid spoilers. In this commentary, I will talk about new details about the story, such as what the future looks like in this universe and clearing up some lore.
If you wish to read from the beginning, you can start from the first page here!
Or, if you were in the middle of reading and wish to start where you left off, go to the table of contents here!
Also for consideration, you can read the prequel blog @lovestruck-derpy and the side blog @askthetimemaster to get more insight on the story. It is recommended you read Lovestruck Derpy first, then Ask The Time Master after you've read Discord Whooves.
Other side blogs involved in the story that can be read after everything else for a little more insight are as follows:
@tantamount-time-turner @torchwoodv @valtavia
Thank you for being interested in the story, I hope you enjoy your read!
It would be appreciated if people who have read the blog to its end read this post and give their input on the overall story via comment or reblog, or sending the author @jitterbugjive a comment via ask or submission.
Surprise, everyone! Coach is The Doctor's next life!
This was the original plan from the very start of when I made Coach. Look, here's some proof, the plush I had commissioned of him has a cutie mark!
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For those who don't know who (Pony) Coach is, you can read a bunch of asks sent to him here and get to know him, and for those who do know him you can re-read with context:
[Coach at The-Character-Lounge]
Now, I know I've moved on and made Coach a human and his own character for my current main project, My Magic Grandpa, but that was because I loved him as a character so much that I couldn't just end him after Discord Whooves.
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He and his Granddaughter Suzie have paranormal fantasy adventures in the 90s starting in Oregon. You can read the comic which has been updating for 4 years here: http://www.mymagicgrandpa.com OR http://www.mymagicgrandpa.net for better phone viewing.
If you want more Doctor Whooves content from me, consider following the youtube series "Doctor Whooves and Assistant", where I am the head writer and voice actor for Derpy. It is still active and hopefully will be for quite some time.
I also want people to know about three more of my original projects,”Bedeviled Dotty” ( @bedeviled-dotty), “Once Upon a Calamity” ( @nightmaretales) and “WTF? I’m a Magical Girl’s Familiar?!” (@magicalgirlsfamiliar) Two of which I want to start updating in 2024 and one that's been updating for a few years now.
OUAC has been around for a very long time, it’s a collection of familiar but twisted fairy tales and it has been on hiatus for years because of my other projects taking priority. I'm excited to be bringing it back.
WTF?MGF meanwhile is an adult dark comedy magical girl comic combined with an apocalyptic outbreak scenario. Its pilot will launch in January of 2024 and the comic will begin properly in 2025.
“Bedeviled Dotty” has been going for a few years now, and is a story about a magical anthro rabbit who makes a deal with a kitsune in order to obtain the love of her professor.
I highly encourage people to check them out!
Now about The Doctor version of Coach! When he first regenerated, he was ecstatic to have a small nose!
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Not only that but he had a new appreciation for life and took on a life to the fullest attitude. He also cast away the identity of 'The Doctor', letting himself become his own as 'Coach' because he considers himself a referee to the universe and a sort of life coach to whoever he encounters. (Those that can stand him of course) He loves interacting with others, but he can be impatient and snippy at times and quite pushy without meaning to. He also has a hard time reading others' emotions, and can only think in context of how he would feel. This is because in this life he has something akin to ASD that he's unaware of, and it's a huge challenge for him because of how much he wants to help and entertain others.
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He likes to use sports words and phrases in his vocabulary, which would be his quirk. He also collects sports equipment and uses them for experiments and inventions, though he doesn't really like sports themselves.
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One of the last things Derpy said to him before she died was that she had no regrets, and neither should he. So in his next life, as Coach, he took this very seriously and is always moving forward with no regrets. This can make him seem heartless at times because of how easily he leaves things behind, but he always needs to be on the move and needs to change things up because he's teaming with chaos magic.
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That's right, the chaos energy stayed with him, but it manifested in a more controllable form because he became a unicorn. He can't use normal unicorn spells, a lot of his magic has a mind of its own. It will often do as asked, but it will do it in random ways. 'Open a locked door' for example could mean unlocking the door, or turning the door into popcorn. One of his first magic mishaps was transmogrifying his sonic screwdriver into a golf club. It still functions the same, just has a different shape now.
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Coach spent about 60 years exploring on his own and taking on temporary companions that he'd keep a distance from so chances of anything bad happening to them would be less. But he eventually longs to see his Grandaughter, Tootsie Flute, and wants to take her on adventures with him, feeling like it would be a good do-over from the old Doctor's life. He fondly calls her Suzie because of reminiscing about the memories of Susan from the 1st Doctor days. While Suzie is often exasperated with him, she is also fascinated with him and the things he shows her. She has to keep their adventures a secret though, because Coach is scared to face his old family again and disappoint them. He doesn't want to see them without being able to understand them any more, it would break his hearts.
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In order to take Suzie on adventures with him, they find a rogue changeling to replace her at home.
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Speaking of changelings, he keeps in contact with [Tantamount Doctor], who has since started his own hive and is now a Royal. He gets much adored offerings of cheese from Coach.
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The Doctor also never really felt like there was a right time to approach The Master’s daughter, Eighth Note. He kept feeling like it would ruin her otherwise good life to introduce her to time and space like that. She grew up to be a nurse in a maternity ward, her beautiful voice soothing babies as she would sing to them. Perhaps she has a little hypnotic influence from her father?
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But Coach meanwhile with his no regrets attitude charged right in to take her on as a temporary companion to show her the ropes of being a Time Lord and having a TARDIS of her own. Needless to say, she’s trouble for Coach, as she can be a huge tease and she enjoys flustering the poor guy who just doesn’t want the Master to come back from the grave to kill him. It’s all in good fun for her and never serious, though, so nothing of an intimate nature really happens between them.
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Finally, whenever Coach regenerated which wouldn't be for a long time, it would be because the chaos magic would become too unstable and the only way he can stay alive is to regenerate into a draconequus. Which gives us -drumroll-
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Pandemonium is on the chaotic good alignment and he finds a way to bring back Gallopfrey and allow the true pony Doctor and Master to exist. He playfully antagonizes them and tries to keep them on a good path as best he can.
And that's pretty much how the whole thing ends!
When I started Discord Whooves, I was in a pretty dark place. I was bitter, angry, feeling like I had to fill peoples' expectations without really having anything special of my own. Discord Whooves started as a vent blog because A. The Brony fandom's constant pressure on me as a well known voice actor for Derpy, which made me bitter about her, B. Because I was upset I was getting known more for my voice than my main talent, drawing, on top of feeling dysphoric about my feminine voice, and C. The expectations that were on me reflected on how I acted, and I wanted to do something dark without my old name attached to it to prove I could do something interesting besides PG rated radio plays. I gained a lot more popularity than I thought I ever would, and had so much support, and as JitterbugJive I got to be myself without any expectations. It helped me come out eventually not only as BaldDumboRat, but as a transgender male.
Popularity sadly got to my head, it caused a lot of stress and a lot of outbursts and when I started my mod blog I was a very calm person who brushed things off. But more and more people started to pick fights with me and I felt the need to defend myself. This was also during a time I made another vent blog that was for dealing with the abuse I'd been through in the past, so I was facing a lot of demons at the time and could be triggered easily.
And then I had my bi-polar manic episode that made me literally insane for months, which threw me in to a year long depression that destroyed my art for a good while (It looked really really awful during that time, a lot of people noticed it) but the good thing about it was that it got me in touch with a therapist and got me diagnosed not only bi-polar 1 but PTSD, which was a shock to me but it made a lot of sense. I got a PTSD service dog, anxiety medication, bi-polar medication, and while the year of depression sucked I slowly got to pull myself back together and reflect on who I'd been. With anxiety meds I wasn't getting as angry any more, and therapy was helping me properly cope with the past and with the popularity issues. I wanted to be a better person, and I became one.
I even decided to take on a career path where I could help other people like me and like Discord Doctor, becoming a peer wellness specialist to help those experiencing mental illness and addiction. I use my own experiences to connect with them, give them hope, and show them they are not alone and there are people who do understand what they're going through who will help them. The training I went through ended up changing a lot of aspects of how Discord Whooves was treated moving forward, giving him a more realistic journey and showing people a very true message of hope and recovery. And the only reason I'm where I am now is because of experiencing that first psychotic episode that made me reach out for help.
I had two psychotic episodes in the span of Discord Whooves’ run, and they gave me a first hand experience of what it’s like to completely lose control of your own actions. I hurt people, I caused a lot of damage, and I had to face the consequences of those actions. And because of this, I had personal knowledge of what it’s like to come out of such a horrible state, and all the guilt and fear that comes with it. The Doctor’s journey suddenly became so much more personal to me, because I’d been there. And his journey of recovery is to show that despite everything, there’s still hope. Recovery is possible.
Something else my mania did was lead me to the idea of My Magic Grandpa, because my head came up with so many crazy ideas that I wanted to use and I was looking for a lot of inspiration during my depression that it all started coming together. And thus Coach and Suzie evolved into humans in their own story, because I didn't entirely want Discord Whooves to end where Coach and Suzie only just begins. And now they can continue on in their own way, in my own way, and I can let go of a blog about depression and anger and instead make a story about growth and inspiration.
In a way, it's like I regenerated with The Doctor, and I hope people can appreciate that and continue to support me.
I want to thank all the people who have worked with me on this project, be it for crossover, to contribute guest art, to Warden and Lauren and a handful of other people who helped me write the story and brought fantastic characters into it. I couldn’t have gotten this far without you, and the story would be in a much worse place now if it weren’t for everyone’s help.
Thank you all for staying with me on this 12 year journey. Looking back, I've made some dumb mistakes, but I learned a lot from them and your dedication helped me stick to my guns and end my first large scale project! It hit some bumps but dammit I made it happen and I am so happy I did! Now I hope people will check out my other projects that were linked above. I will still produce pony content on @the-character-lounge on occasion when I have the time and motivation.
I want to continue to bring everyone compelling stories that will tug at their emotions, and I don't plan on disappearing. So if you want to continue this journey with me, to see what Coach and Suzie have evolved into, please give my other works a follow!
Thank you, everyone! Your comments on this post in particular would be greatly appreciated! What did you think of the story as a whole? What do you think of Coach being the Doctor’s new life? Are there things you were expecting or wished would be different? How would you have ended the story? Did you enjoy the finale? Did you have a theory that Coach was The Doctor? Who was your favorite character? Favorite moment? Least favorite moment? I want to know! Please talk about it!
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yasmeensh · 5 months
Zelda 2 comic sneak peek
I took out my old full-length Zelda 2 comic draft and chose a segment to make a short comic out of. It's missing context from the whole grand narrative of the entire story, but I think it gets the point across.
There were a couple potentials, and I ended up choosing the scene where Link discovers that his blood is the key to awakening Ganon. It's the most well-known plot point of the game in the LOZ fandom in general, besides the Prince of Hyrule plot. Throughout the comic, Link gets attacked by various monsters during his quest. He thought Hyrule was incredibly dangerous for merchants and travelers, but found out that it was only him encountering monsters at a high rate, thus targeted (that is not discussed in this short comic). This disturbs him a lot. And this is the scene when he discovers why he's a target. It's more than the monsters seeking revenge.
At some point in the game, the player is made to travel towards south-western Hyrule and use the Hammer on dueling peaks to enter and get a magic potion. You specifically enter the peak that is originally Level 9 in Zelda 1. I found that to be very... interesting. And suspicious. Why did the developers think "Okay lets have Link go back to the traumatizing final boss place from the first game to retrieve an item :D" It's kinda epic honestly and it gave me the idea: For the full comic, I made it that Link follows rumors and travels down there in the hopes of finding the magic book containing the revive spell, which is game-changing for the rest of his journey. Being the adventurer that he is, Link takes the risk and goes there thinking the place is long-abandoned and that Ganon probably no longer exists. Except, that isn't the case. (Okay I must add, after the revelation, Link loses his adventurous spirit and gets very serious with his quest. No longer enjoys exploring, which is all this Link is about. He starts developing Big Fears. This eventually spawns Dark Link. I wish I could make the entire comic but I know I can't T-T I should probably finish up and polish the draft and post it online for whoever is interested in a deep dive, lore-intense Zelda 2 story reimagining.)
It's the first time I do a 10 page comic, so I'm going through a learning curve right now xD It's going to be experimental, but I hope you enjoy it still. Here are some WIP shots. Still a while before it's completed.
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onlymvr · 1 year
Tension | Jake Sully x (Na’vi) fem!Reader [one-shot]
Summary: You had enough of Jakes shit so you decide to do something about it. You weren’t prepared for the outcome….
Warnings: sixty-nine that shit, slight hair pulling, dom jake, fingering, choking, some name calling, over-stimulation, lil praises here and there yadda yadda yadaa
Note: So this is my first ever smutty one-shot i’ve ever written so bare w me guys. Hope y’all like it🙏also i was too tired to read over it so if u see some spelling errors…. no u didn’t
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You couldn't sleep. Again.
You were consumed by thoughts of that one irritating and arrogant man. Jake sully. Despite your efforts to push him out of your mind, you found yourself dwelling on every encounter and interaction you ever had. You were filled with a mix of emotions - anger, frustration, and even a strange sense of longing - that kept you awake and restless throughout the night. It was as if your hatred for him only served to fuel your obsession with him, making it impossible for you to find peace and fall into a deep, restful sleep.
As you walked further through the forest, you couldn't help but notice all the ripe berries that were scattered along the path that lead to a few bushes in front of you. Your mouth watered. Making the decision, you decided to pick and gather a hefty amount and placed it gently on a large leaf. The crisp, refreshing taste of the berries helped clear your mind and soothe your restless spirit, making you feel more at peace and at ease.
“Man these are so good”, you smiled stuffing your mouth with the sweet yet tart fruit.
As you kept walking, you came across a babbling stream and decided to sit by its banks to rest and enjoy your berries. You found a comfortable spot on the soft grass, settling down and gazing up at the night sky as you ate. The stars twinkled brightly above you, casting a magical glow over the scene and the light of the moon reflecting on the blue stream. The peaceful sound of the water rushing by and the soothing darkness of the night made you feel calm and content, as if all your troubles had melted away. As if he melted away. You sat there for a while, savoring the simple pleasures of nature and letting go of your worries.
As you sat comfortably by the stream, your thoughts inevitably turned to that annoying man. You couldn't help but think about him and all the ways in which he had wronged you. You couldn't shake the feeling of confusion and frustration as you wondered why the man you despise seems to harbor such intense feelings of dislike towards you. You had never done anything to wrong him, and yet he seemed to go out of his way to make your life difficult. It was a mystery that plagued you, causing you to lose sleep and spend countless hours trying to make sense of it all. But at the back of your mind you couldn’t help but wander to more sinful thoughts about Jake. Sure, you cant stand him but god he is very, VERY attractive. You imagined all the ways in which he could take you and use him as his own fuck toy. The way he would touch you, taste you, hold you and don’t even get me started on how long and thick his dic-
The sound of a twig snapping within your eyesight interrupted your thoughts. Great what now. You quickly picked up your bow, straightened your back, and squinted aiming at your target in front of you, preparing yourself to whatever or whoever was going to appear in front of your eyes. But boy were you so fucking wrong.
The next few minutes of intense waiting, you were about to lower your bow but what appeared in front of you was not what you expected.
You turned to see a tall, fit man emerging from the trees, his muscular frame and chiseled features making your heart skip a beat. He walked with confidence and grace, a shadow covering his piercing gaze that fixed on you as you couldn't help but feel a surge of attraction towards him, and you couldn't shake the feeling that you knew him from somewhere. As he drew closer, it hit you. it’s Jake. Oh fuck me.
“You weren’t gonna shoot me with that were you”, Jake grunts, pointing at the now lowered bow resting on your lap. his gaze slowly looking up and down at you, taking his time to savour your appearance.
Your body grows hot, his toned chest and the bulge of his muscles practically flexing up in your face. The long veins running up his big arms down to the length of those fingers. God those fingers.
You blink out of the trance and roll your eyes, shaking your head at him while returning your vision back at the stream in front of you.
Oh how your night could get any better.
With no time for you to register, he sat himself down beside you, grabbing the leaf full of berries and plopping each one in his mouth, savouring it. He turned to look at you, settling the leaf by his abdomen with a sly smirk you just wanna smack the hell out of.
You looked at him with disgust. Who the fuck does this guy think he is. He invades MY space, interrupting MY peace, and takes MY berries.
“Do you fucking mind”, you look at him in disbelief, snatching the berries away from his grasp, leaving him with an annoyed look. “They’re mine dumbass”
He pokes his tongue on the side of his cheek and lets out a low chuckle. “Damn, don’t have to act like such a bitch about it.” he turns, fixing his gaze on the stream, clenching his jaw. Hard.
Oh he did not. did he jus-
No breathe. Don’t let him get to you. It’s just a word. He didn’t mean it. Don’t waste your time on him. Just don’t. Breathe, Breathe, Breathe.
As you calmed yourself down, you thought how bad could it get? At this point you’re just tired and sick of his shit. You placed the leaf between both of you, nudging his shoulder to look down.
He looked at you, and down at the leaf. He searched for any expression on your face but there was none. You reached down for a berry and plopped it in your mouth, raising your brows at him.
He scoffed, extending his long legs out, placing the palm of his hands on the grass, looking up at the night sky.
That was it for you. You couldn’t understand why this guy had to be so fucking stubborn. You did nothing wrong to him, why is he acting this way towards you? it’s like he could never be pleased. You had to speak up, you had enough of his shit.
“you know what, I don’t know what the fuck is so far up your ass that you can’t show at least an ounce of respect. I’m always trying to be nice towards you but you alwa-“
You were cut off by him standing up swiftly, looking down at you with furrowed brows and a clenched jaw. He stands tall, looming over you, his eyes turning dark, scanning your face with his piercing gaze. A feeling of want struck through your body that made your body shiver at the sight. But you won’t back down, not this time.
“Oh i’m the one not showing respect?” he points at his chest, looking at you with disbelief. “You’re the one with all the bitchy remarks you throw around and act like you won’t get it in return, girl.” His tone getting louder, showing authority after every word.
That Nickname. That assigned word he always called you, did something to you. Ugh, you didn’t know why, but the way it would roll out of his tongue, like honey, made something surge hot in the pit of your stomach.
You wouldn’t back down, you push yourself up, trying to get to his level and match his intensity with your gaze.
“You’re the one prancing around acting like you own everyone and everything.” You spit back, getting harsher with each passing word.
He relaxes his face, tilting his head to the side, eyes getting darker after each second.
Oh fuck
The air around you gets thick with tension. No matter how hard you try, you can’t analyze the look on his face. The way you have to tilt your head back to meet his piercing gaze, sets excitement over you.
“Just shut up”. He grunts taking a step towards you slowly.
You wanted to test his limits. Getting a little bold, you let out a low chuckle, “Oh yeah? Make me.” You take a step closer, closing the gap between the both of you.
You let your eyes wander, flicking at the sweet soft curve of his lips, then back up at his eyes.
That set him off.
He pushes you towards the closest tree with his hands gripped at both of your arms. Your back hits the tree, the rough bark digging into your soft flesh, letting out a grunt. Your body grows hot and you let your head sink back into the trunk when Jake leans over, scooping his hands under your thighs and lifting you up as if you weighed like a feather.
Without warning, he whips his head forward and smashes his lips down to yours, catching you off guard. His fingers are rough, digging into the soft plush of your skin as they never relax. Well that’s gonna leave a mark. His lips are smooth, melting into the curve of your mouth as if it was made for you. He bites the bottom of your lip, making you let out a small moan, allowing him to slip his warm slick tongue into yours. He tastes of the aftermath of the sweet berries, something that’s so addicting, you want more of. You widen your mouth, allowing him more access, pushing your tongue down to his. Surprised by your actions, he lets out a small grunt from the back of his throat and tilts his head, getting more of you.
Your fingers graze his cheeks and land on the side of his head. You pull his hair back to get a different angle but was greeted by him letting out a small, whiny moan. Jackpot.
“Didn’t know you liked your hair being pulled”, you smile against his lips, panting for air, as he sucked all of it out of you.
“Stop talkin”, he grunts and seals his warm lips on yours. You comply to his words and smash your lips against his, as you couldn’t get enough of his taste. “Needy bitch” he cursed, kissing back and biting your lip only stopping to glide his hands to the back of your top, fiddling with the knot. You were about to give him a hand but was met with your top loosening, falling to the ground between the both of you.
His large, rough, veiny hands find your boobs, giving them a harsh squeeze that let a loud, sultry moan escape your lips. The way his hand covered almost your whole chest, set something afire within you, pulling his waist closer to your mound, begging for a source of contact. He smirks at you, letting your feet hit the ground gently, as he pinches and rolls your sensitive nipples along his fingers.
He takes a step back, admiring your appearance. There’s a line of saliva running down the side of your mouth, face is flustered, eyes dark filled with lust and your nipples hard as rock, displayed for only Jake’s eyes to see. He rubs his length through his loin cloth to relive some tension and your eyes follow suit. He’s practically bulging through and you can’t help but notice how long and thick it is. You gulp.
He pulls you by the back of your neck, and sets you laying down onto the soft grass beneath you. Your heart is beating out of your chest, a river practically formed between your legs and at this point you just want him to do something. Anything, fast.
He settles above you, dipping his head down and sucking at your neck hard. You’re gonna be marked up by the end of this night. He drags his fangs down to your neck, boobs, stomach and lastly settling it on top of your loin cloth. You shiver by the different kind of contact, your walls clenching at nothing as a warm pool spreads down your mound.
“Jake please” you whimper pulling his head up to meet your gaze.
“Patience, girl. I’m just getting started”, his words leave you hot with need. You can’t take it anymore. He slowly leaves sloppy kisses all around your abdomen and finally drags his fangs underneath your loin cloth, dragging it down to your feet. He tossed it somewhere beside him but that’s a problem to think about later. He spreads your legs apart, the cold air hitting your wet mound making you buckle your hips.
“You usually get this wet?” he smirks looking up at you for an answer. Your cheeks grow red, turning your face to the side, covering it with your hands, embarrassment washing over you. Jake yanks your hands and pin them above your head. “I said, do you usually get this wet?” he sterns, looking at you with a dark look. “No” you spit out.
He leans back, setting his weight on his knees. You pick yourself up settling on your elbows, watching his next movements. He slowly unties his loincloth and drops it when his dick springs free from the fabric. His tip a dark purple already smeared with pre-cum. He’s practically rock solid. he strokes his dick slowly, maintaining eye-contact and you couldn’t help but lick your lips. His mouth parted letting out a small moan, as you took in his length. Holy fuck he’s big. A large bulging vein running down the underside of his dick as his hand pumps himself slowly.
The next moments you weren’t prepared for. Jake swiftly picks you up and positioned your thighs on the sides of his head while you faced his length in a classic yet beautiful sixty nine position.
“Look at this sloppy hole, how long has it been since you had someone take care of you?” his hot breathe fans over you making you clench over nothing before screaming when he pinched your puffy clit.
“God, Jake please, Just please” you begged, wrapping your hand around his huge cock in front of your face.
“Shhhh, you’re talking to much, let’s put that bratty mouth into good use, eh?” the hand that was gripping your thigh was lifted up to hold your neck, slowly making you lower your mouth down on him. “Atta girl, just like that, doing so good for me”. He kept holding your head, guiding your movements in a bobbing motion.
Jake’s mouth finally meets your heat. his tongue dragging up and down your folds and sucking at your puffy clit, his moans sending vibrations down your heat giving you a whole different type of pleasure. It was too good you couldn’t even focus on your task until he grabbed and smacked your ass with no hesitation.
“Deeper” he forced you lower making you gag on his cock. tears were streaming down your face as your throat was stuffed with his length. “such a good girl for me, just how I like it” he let go of your head to hold each side of your hips, inserting two long thick fingers in you while sucking at your sensitive clit at the same time.
Jakes fingers started to pump in you faster, tongue flicking and sucking your clit as if it was his last meal. His cock was so down deep into your throat you could only moan directly onto him and scratch your nails down to his thighs. The knot on your stomach not taking to long to form was rapidly spreading across you in a mind-blowing orgasm. In hope Jake would slow down, he pumped faster and casually added a third finger stretching you mid-orgasm and curling them brushing it to massage your sweet spot.
“Fuck, Jake!” you let go of his cock to scream when he kept going in faster, holding your hips in place, not allowing you to back down from the over-stimulation.
“Shut up and take it” your back arched even more when he continued to suck your clit hard. You sobbed his name but was cut off by him shoving your head down his length. you kept bobbing your head up and down and making sure to suck his tip harder. A different sensation was building up inside of you and sobbed.
“Jake i’m close-“ you screamed, tears streaming down your face.
“Me too, baby”
He pumped his three fingers into you faster, curling them in, brushing it against your g-spot, as you kept sucking and gagging down his cock, his tip hitting deep down your throat. It seemed like another climax but this one hit you harder. Your knees buckled and a hot wave went shooting down your legs and you released onto Jake’s mouth. He slurped all your juices up like a starved man and as he was, you started massaging his balls and it send him on edge. he spilled his warm load deep down your throat. You choked but swallowed all of it.
Your body goes limp against his as he picks you up and lays your back against his chest, laying down on the soft grass. Every inch of your body is sore as you were processing what just fucking happened. Jakes hot breath fans against your neck and nuzzles between your shoulder.
“You’re still a bitch you know that” he whispers against you, but you had not one ounce of energy to respond. You just smiled.
lmk what y’all think?
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yujinnieswifeu · 4 days
Backstage Encounter
Pairings: female reader x g!p yujin
Warnings: smut, yujin has a dick, cum in pussay (idk what you all call it over here), nsfw, minors dni please
a/n: was impatient and just wanted to release what i wrote but it’s all just for fun, my first time posting here since wattpad so might be bad as i haven’t written in awhile, please lmk how it is and hope you readers enjoy this oneshot!
Ever since you laid eyes on her, you knew you would be hooked. It was as if she had put a love spell on you, which if she did, you would most willingly accept.
“Everyone make some noise!” There she was, Ahn Yujin as she shouted into the microphone, the crowd around you went crazy as they shouted at the top of their lung, but there was you, just staring at the figure on stage as she started to dance to the part from one of their hit songs.
You were mesmerised to say the least, as she danced on the stage, she had a certain aura to her, one that would make other idols envy, and one that would make fans go wild for her.
Then, as if god had blessed you with immense luck, she was looking at you. It was not one that lasted less than a second, rather, it felt to went on forever as time stood still around you. You could feel your heart beating against your ear drum as she gave you a small smile, one that made your face feel hot to the touch, and you smiled back.
When it came to their last song, the group came down the stage as they walked past multiple fans. You were lucky this time, as you stood at the barricade, on the lookout for that one person that always catches your attention.
Soon enough, she came over to your end. This time, she had a goofy smile on her face as she waved to the crowd, and did some poses, everyone was screaming her name while there you were, all nervous.
Yujin looked through the crowd, her eyes scanning around for the signs of the girl she had seen earlier, one that stood out among the crowd. As soon as she locked eyes on yours, she knew she had to have you. She bit her lips, before telling the security something before she went back up the stage.
You were shocked to say the least. Not only did she locked eyes with you once, but twice? That must have been your last remaining luck as your heart continued to beat in your eardrums.
Soon, the concert ended, and everyone was making their way home. As you looked through your bag one last time just to make sure that you had not misplaced any of your belongings, someone came to tap on your shoulder.
You flinched a little, before looking up to see a security guard standing over the barricade. Your heart raced, not knowing what was going on as you thought if you had broken any rules for them to come up to you.
“Hi miss, Yujin would like to see you backstage if that is fine with you?” The guard said as instructed, his eyes looking over yours for approval and all you could do was blink, the words not processing in your mind as all you could think of was your favourite idol wanting to meet you face to face.
“Ma’am?” It must have been awhile you had stood there frozen like a statue as you blinked your eyes a few times.
“O-oh sorry, yes that would be fine by me too!” You had said a little too excitedly now, your voice an octave higher than normal. He then carried the barricade that was in front of you to the side and ushered you backstage.
With each step nearer to one of the rooms that Yujin might be in, it had you feeling even more nervous as you scanned your surroundings, biting your bottom lip nervously.
“Here we are, you can go in anytime.” He gave you a small smile, and you smiled back before he walked away, going back to his other duties.
With a racing heart, you knocked on the door, hearing her voice through the door as she asked whoever that was standing outside to come in.
Taking a deep breath, your hand that was on the doorknob twisted as you stepped in, closing the door behind you before turning to look at Yujin. Your mind was a mess right now and so was your heart, the sound ringing through your ears as you continue to stare at her.
“Hey, so i see you made it.” Yujin smiled, she came closer to you as all you could do was stand at the closed door, frozen like a statue as you tried to calm yourself down.
“H-hi, this just seems so surreal.” You had said, blinking your eyes a little more than usual as she stood in front of you now, playing with your fingers.
She looked at your hands, realising you were nervous as she held your hands in place, looking at you with a small smile. “It must be, you seem a little nervous now.” You could feel your breath caught in your throat as she took a step forward, and you took a step back, your back hitting against the door as you could only let out a whimper.
As soon as she heard the sound that escaped your lips, she knew she was right about you. “I knew it, you like this don’t you?” She came closer to your face, using her free hand to lift your chin, making you look up at her, her eyes searching yours for any signs of discomfort, but all she could see was the need in your eyes.
You did not know how this escalated, but what she was doing was making you so turned on. It was not the first time you had dreamed of such a scenario, but having it come true was something you never expected.
“P-please.” You stutter pathetically, she grinned a little, her hand that was around your hand snakes down your inner thigh as she searched your eyes for any signs of discomfort, which was met with hooded eyes.
Yujin then brushed her fingers over your clothed area, and your breath hitches in your throat again, a whimper escapes your lips once more.
Yujin leaned in, her breath hot against your ear. “Please what?” She whispered, making a shiver run down your spine.
“Please mommy, need more.” You whimper, moving your hips slightly so her fingers would rub over the area you yearned from her the most.
She sensed this, and placed the hand that was over your clothed area over your hips to stop your movements, her other hand going to lock the door behind of you.
A whine erupts from your throat as she stops your movements, her eyes dark as she stares into yours.
“You are going to be quiet, if not i will stop everything, understood?” You nod your head almost immediately, and she attached her lips against yours hungrily.
You moaned softly into the kiss, her hands going over the back of your dress as she unzips your blue dress. You let her, doing the same.
Once your clothes was off and all that remained was your bra and panties, she pulled you over the couch, asking you to lie down which you did and she was on you immediately.
Her fingers sliding behind your back to unclasp the bra as she grind her hips against yours, your breath hitching when you felt something hard hitting against your clothed pussy.
“M-mommy is th-hat?” You said breathlessly, feeling her humming against your skin as she licked a strip along your neck, her eyes hovers over yours with a sickening smirk.
“Yes it is baby, you like it don’t you?” She whispers against your lips, grinding against your clothed pussy as your panties were now drenched.
You let out a small moan, nodding your head, as you look at her with need.
“Words baby.” Her hand now over your neck as you gasp slightly, struggling to breathe. “Y-yes mommy.”
She hummed in response, giving you a small peck on your lips as she pull away. “On your knees now.” Immediately, you got on your knees, looking at her clothed area as she undo her zipper, pulling her pants down which unfortunately you did not have enough time to remove earlier.
You helped her, getting rid of her pants as you stared at her hard on, and you were sure you were drooling. She pushed her boxers down, as her girthy and hard cock sprung out, smacking against her pelvis.
“Mommy, can i? Please?” You looked up at her, with begging eyes as she smirked. As much as she wants to tease you, she was feeling the pain from how turned on she had been.
“Yes baby, show me what a slut you are for my dick.” Her voice was deep and raspy, making you even more turned on as your tongue darts out against her red and swollen tip experimentally, tasting her pre-cum over your tongue as you wrap your lips over her tip more boldly, your eyes staring at her blissed out expression.
You start to go more deeper, sucking when you pull slightly away at her tip and down again, creating a rhythm. The action causes her to groan, bitting her bottom lip instead as she grips on your head to stop you from moving, thrusting herself inside of your mouth.
Your hands grip against her thighs as you start to choke on her cock, her moves not letting up as she continue her rough movements, fucking your mouth like a toy. “You like that slut? Ever since i saw you earlier ahh— i knew you would love my cock around that pretty mouth of yours.”
You could only choke and whimper at her words, the aching feeling between your thighs only intensifying as you close your thighs together, trying to find some sort of friction as she continues to fuck your mouth.
With a final thrust of her hips, she shoots her load into your mouth, her hand firmly holding your head in place as she forced you to take every last drop from her cock.
Once she made sure you had swallowed her cum, she grip your hair, pulling your head back as she stared into your now teary eyes, which only made her hard again. Her eyes still hooded pulls you over the couch, straddling you.
Her fingers now played at the hem of your panties, staying there as she teases you even more. “M-mommy please, no more teasing.” You whimper, the feeling between your legs now sticky and drenched as she hooks her fingers at the edge of your panties, bringing it down slowly, looking at how wet you are for her.
The sight of you so drenched for her made her breath hitch a little, her dick throbbing painfully at the sight. “Fuck baby, you’re so wet for me.” Her tone comes out raspy, now taking your panties off as she takes a swipe of your wetness over her hand, making you whine out.
“Mommy no, that’s gross.” You cover your eyes, feeling your cheeks turn red as you look elsewhere, but felt a strong grip at your wrist as she pins your hands over your head.
You whimper out, and she forces you to look her way, her fingers coated with your wetness nears your lips as she instructs you to open your mouth for her. “Open your mouth baby.” She says, her tone making a shiver run down your spine as you part your lips, feeling her put the fingers coated with your arousal against your tongue as she starts to thrust her fingers in your mouth.
“Good girl, so good for mommy. You deserve a reward hm?” Her voice lower than usual as she remove her fingers from your lips, sliding them down across your stomach to your folds as she continues to tease you.
Your breath hitches, whimpering as you try to move your hips so that her fingers would touch where you wanted her most, but she pulled back instead, her grip on your wrists tightening.
“Tell me what you want baby.” She whispers against your ear instead, her teeth nipping against your earlobe as you whimper, still breathing heavily as your hips thrust upwards slightly over nothing.
“I want to feel you inside me please mommy? Want to be your cum dump.” You say desperately, wanting nothing more than for her to ruin you now.
At your words, she let out a growl, before plunging into your greedy hole without any warning, her hand over your mouth as you let out a muffled scream.
She starts to move at a merciless pace, her hand moving to grope at your tits instead as she kisses you deeply. You moan into the kiss, and she takes the opportunity to stick her tongue between your lips, exploring every inch of your mouth.
You start to moan even louder, her free hand wrapping over your neck as she strangles you a little, causing you to clench around her cock even more as she groan against your lips.
“Fucking slut, you loved that didn’t you? You like it when i fuck you rough?” She says through pants, her movements becoming more erratic as she nears her high, her hands over your thighs as she puts you in a mating press instead, thrusting her cock even harder and deeper as her tip hits your cervix each time she thrust in, making you cover your mouth as you moan even louder.
“Gonna breed this pretty pussy, you like that don’t you? Wanna be my cum dump?” She talks dirty to you, making you clench around her cock again as you feel yourself nearing the edge, begging her to let you cum.
“Cum for mommy slut.” She says breathlessly, her lips over yours to silence your moans as you come undone with her, her thrust slowing down as she paints your walls white, a whimper falling past your lips.
After a while, she pulled away from you, giving you a small kiss over your cheek. “Hi.” She mutters, looking at your fucked out face as she bites her bottom lip, plugging her cock out of your hole before she losses control of herself again.
“Hey.” You giggle slightly, looking at her as she dresses herself back into her outfit, before helping you look like how you were before all this had happened.
“I forgot to ask your name pretty.” She giggles softly, passing you her phone instead and you got the message, a smile plastered on your face as you put your name in, along with your number.
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peacekeeperangel · 3 months
The CRK Pirate OC Challenge!
Hello everyone! So I've set up a little list of prompts for writing/drawing for all these Pirates I've been seeing wandering across my field as of late. But I'm going to make it a little more interesting.
If possible please either pick up four Six-Sided dice or use this dice generator and roll out a random number- that number will be your prompt! Cause pirates live on chance y'see?
If you take this challenge please do not read your options before you roll, but if you are uncomfortable with the result do go ahead and re-roll. Thank you and I hope you enjoy these prompts
1. Lunch! Your crew is having a meal in the ship’s mess. Do they behave themselves? What are they eating? BONUS: you show either the Cooking process or the cleanup
2. Dead End Race- your oc is sailing in competition with other oc pirate crews! (Bonus: What is the prize at the end?)
3. Your Crew have somehow made it to the Vanilla Kingdom! Costume swap for the win? (Note: If you don’t follow the CRK game/lore feel free to re-roll)
4. Soon May the Wellerman Come~ pick an appropriately sea-themed song for this prompt!
5. UNO REVERSO! Your OC has done a complete 180! What do they look/act like now?
6. Someone on the Crew has done a Naughty. How does your OC punish their sailor? 7. Sea Monster Attack! It’s up to your OC’s crew to save their ship. How does it go?
8. Your OC has gotten sick. Who looks after them and do they behave as a patient? BONUS: How’d they get sick anyway?
9. Your Crew have somehow made it to the Hollyberry Kingdom! Costume Swap for the win? (Note: if you don’t follow the CRK game/lore feel free to re-roll) 10. Someone needs to look after the Cannons. Does it go well or does it go poorly? 11. Bananas and Coconuts. No I will not explain further, your OC must deal with Bananas and Coconuts.
12. Your OC encounters a pool of water that turns everything it touches into solid gold. How did they discover it and how do they deal with it? 13. Your OC encounters a very snooty treacherous noble who has your OC dead to rights. How does your character Jack Sparrow their way out of this one?
14. Draw your OC as a human/meme. If you’re doing this as a writing challenge then you must write a story with as many dad jokes as possible!
15. Drinking Contest! Team up with a friend and have your OC’s in a drinking competition! Decide the winner by rolling a six-sided die, the winner will be whoever rolls higher! (Note: if you’re too nervous to ask anyone, please re-roll)
16. Your OC got into a bind and now must use their Charisma to escape. Are they successful or cringey?
17. Your Crew have somehow made it to the Dark Cacao Kingdom! Costume Change FTW? (Note: if you do not follow the CRK game/lore feel free to roll for a new prompt!)
18. Things are getting Lovecraftian around here. How does your OC cope with the squishy horribleness of it all?
19. A Captain must go down with their ship. Depict the last stand of your OC
20. Mutiny on board! What does your OC do? 21. Your Crew has Made it to the Golden Cheese Kingdom! Costume change for the win? (Note: if you don’t follow CRK game/lore feel free to re-roll)
22. GIANT BOULDER! AKA, your OC’s Indiana Jones moment. How do they handle it?
23. Depict your OC’s proudest moment.
24. Time for bed. Depict your OC sleeping (Bonus: Make it Wholesome/spicy as you see fit) EDIT BONUS: If you have Completed all 24 Prompts you must have the dreaded CABIN FEVER! Draw/write your OC concequences suffering Cabin Fever
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joelswritingmistress · 2 months
Camp Crystal Lake: Chapter 5
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Requested by @yellowjacketsbuzzbuzz
Joel Miller x f!reader (romance/horror)
Setting: Camp Crystal Lake
The reader is taking on the position of a camp counselor at the infamous Camp Crystal Lake. While she begins to enjoy her summer, even crushing on the camp director Joel, a killer lurks in the woods unbeknownst to anyone.
Crazy Ralph had been the buzz of the morning conversations. Joel eased everyone’s minds about the old man, and I was certain he probably wasn’t dangerous, regardless of how creepy his sudden appearance was. Annie was the only who remained slightly spooked, though I could understand why. If I had been the one to first encounter Ralph at the door it probably would have hit me differently, too.
Around eleven-thirty that morning, everyone had scattered around the assembly of picnic tables just outside to the left of the main cabin. Teri and Vicky sat side-by-side. I couldn’t remember the guy’s name with the wavy hair, but he lingered beside them with one foot up on the picnic table bench. I smirked to myself when I saw Teri give her friend a look and roll her eyes.
I was lucky that I naturally clicked with Sandra. She patted the spot beside where her, Jeff and Ted sat, and so I joined them.
“Hey, what’s green and red and goes a hundred miles per hour?” Ted asked. Goofiness radiated out of him and it made me chuckle.
“What Teddy?”
“A frog in a blender.”
“Ha, ha,” Jeff said dryly, “That’s not funny.”
Ted reached for a whistle around his neck and gently blew it, making his friend swing back and hit him gently. “I’m just testing this thing out, Jeff. Ya mind?”
“Alright,” Joel’s voice made me turn my head toward the porch. He wandered over toward us with a clipboard looking very camp-official with a pair of khaki shorts and a white t-shirt with Crystal Lake written in red, varsity lettering across the chest. “Let me get you your assignments here. We have to get this place in shape.”
“Yes, coach,” Ted teased, making everyone chuckle.
Joel smirked but went on. “So, I think from your personalities and your experience in jobs like this that you’ll enjoy yourselves this summer; but like I said, once the campers come you have to be on your game. Pay attention to whoever is in your group, take head counts, you know the deal. You’ve done this before. I’ll give you all that protocol closer to when the kids arrive in a few weeks.”
He began to read off the clipboard. “I paired you off and I have a little map to give each group so you know where you’re going for your jobs.”
I secretly hoped Joel would want to work with me, but that hope quickly diminished; however, I was happy to hear that I was going to be working with Sandra.
“(Y/N), Sandra,” he motioned to the two of us, “Today you’re both going to sand and paint the lifeguard stand. I have some extra supplies if you don’t mind making a sign that says, No Swimming When Lifeguard Is Not On Duty.”
I nodded, smiling as I did and Sandra gave him a two-finger salute.
“Mark and Scott, I put you in charge of the game room. I’ll give you the rundown of what I need from you there. Right outside of the game room we have to set up the archery range, too.” The wavy haired guy leaned over and gave Mark a fist bump.
“Ted and Jeff,”
“We’re the muscle, I know,” Jeff joked.
“Actually,” Joel gave a laugh, “You two are going to help me assemble the docks down at the beach. So, yeah, I hope you don’t mind a little physical exertion.”
Ted flexed his Gumby-like arms, “I’m here for ya boss.”
“Annie’s going to be in the kitchen and mess hall area getting things set up how she’d like. Tomorrow we’ll probably all be on painting jobs around the cabins to get this place looking a little more inviting. Make sure you’re all drinking plenty of water, it’s supposed to be hot today.”
The short meeting concluded and we went to retrieve a few papers from Joel. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a key, placing it in my palm.
“There’s a small shed down by the beach,” he informed me, “All the sanding and painting supplies are in there. I’m going to get the guys settled in the game room and then I’ll be down to help out Jeff and Ted with the docks, so if you need anything, I’ll be back in about fifteen minutes.”
I nodded, “Okay. Thanks.” I turned to Sandra, Jeff and Ted and the four of us made our way down to the beach together.
“I hope this is an excuse to get in the water,” Jeff said, wiping sweat from his forehead, “I’m already sweating.”
“We have to take a dip when we’re done,” Sandra said, looking at me.
I nodded. “I’m in.”
The two of us made our way up just a few feet into the trees at the top of the beach while the guys made their way toward the water. A green shed was tucked in between two giant pine trees, and Sandra took the key from me to open the door.
“Think he did that on purpose?” she asked, smirking as she looked back at me.
“Joel.” She flung the door open.
“Did what on purpose?” I followed her into the shed and a wave of heat him me.
“Put us all in the same area,” Sandra explained, “Particularly you.. and him.” She added, “Damn, it’s hot in here.”
I snickered and looked down, shaking my head.
“He’s got a thing for you.”
“No, he doesn’t.” I giggled again.
“He’s hot,” Sandra went on, in no rush to reach for the paint. “I wonder what it would be like to be with an older man.”
I smirked, caving in to the girl talk. “I wonder, too.” We both shared a laugh and she playfully shoved my shoulder.
“The second it happens, I want details.”
“Nothing is going to happen,” I insisted, toying with my ponytail.
“Would you? You know.. if he asked?”
I opened my mouth to speak and then thought for a second, leaving us in another chorus of laughter. “Who knows,” was my final answer. I kept it purposely vague, but it certainly wasn’t a ‘no’.
We finally retrieved the sanding supplies and two buckets of white paint. The fresh air just a step out of the shed made me sigh. 
“It was really hot in there,” I said aloud to no one in particular as we made the short walk through the sand to the lifeguard stand.
Ted blew his whistle again, making us both snap our heads down toward the water. “That’s my stand, girls. Make sure you wax on and wax off correctly. I don’t want any slivers in my hiney.”
The two of us began to laugh at his choice of words.
“I’m leaving the top where you sit extra splintery!” Sandra called back, making him blow his whistle again.
I laughed at their interaction and soon after began to tackle the job at hand.
“This is the best summer job ever,” Sandra claimed, climbing up a few of the wood steps to sand the seat.
“Yeah, it seems like it’s going to be.” I removed my shoes and kicked them to the side before squatting down to get the base. We worked for a few uninterrupted minutes before I turned to say something else to Sandra. She had her neck arched, looking out past the shed into the woods.
“What is it?” I asked, glancing over my shoulder now into the trees.
Her eyes squinted and she used her hand to block the sun. “I don’t know.”
I rose to my feet now and followed her stare.
“I thought I saw someone,” she claimed.
“Hopefully it’s not Crazy Ralph,” I said back, making her chuckle and finally look down.
Sandra gave a wave now in the opposite direction we had been looking and wiggled her eyebrows at me. “Hi, Joel.”
I caught my breath and turned, trying not to drink him in as he marched in our direction.
“You two all set?” He asked.
I nodded and Sandra saluted him again. “I think so,” I told him.
“Good,” Joel tipped up the corner of his mouth in a smirk. The three of us turned toward the woods when there was a rustling sound. My gaze lingered for a moment before Joel’s laughter drew my attention back to him. “These woods will make your mind play tricks on you.” He gave a wink, and I smirked back at him. That wink made my stomach do flip-flops.
“I thought I saw something-” Sandra started, when another rustling sound made her glance back into the woods. She then quickly looked down toward the lake, where Ted and Jeff were both laughing.
Jeff launched a rock up into the trees, creating the same effect as before as it skipped through the leaves, making a rustling sound. “You girls are too easy to scare,” he claimed.
“Keep it up and it’s going to be a very cold summer for you!” Sandra shouted to him.
Everyone laughed. I admired Sandra’s go-getter personality. It was the opposite of my own, but I loved that she had a big voice and wasn’t at all shy. She definitely wore the pants in that relationship, as Jeff continued to laugh but obeyed her requests to cut the shit.
Joel shook his head with a smile. “Let me know if you need anything,” he said, glancing at Sandra first and then back to me. “Okay?”
I nodded. “Okay.”
“Okay.” He wandered down the sand and I admired watching him go.
“Tell him you need him to apply sunscreen to your shoulders,” Sandra whispered, making me laugh out loud.
“Stop it,” I whispered back, dabbing her arm with a streak of white paint.
Sandra’s jaw dropped but she immediately began to laugh and did it back until the two of us were standing there with our paintbrushes in a stalemate, staring at one another. “Truce.”
“Okay, truce.” I went to shake her hand and Sandra playfully streaked my other arm, sending us into a chorus of laughter again.
“Okay, okay.” She put her hands up and when I saw her glance out into the woods again, I couldn’t help but feel uneasy. “You don’t think Ralph would be watching us or anything, do you?”
I peered through the trees. “I doubt it. He’s got to be long gone by now. If we see him, we’ll report it.”
Sandra continued to stare for a second and then her carefree demeanor resumed. The remainder of the afternoon went a little something like that. It felt like we were being paid to have fun. I decided, for the final summer before I was ousted into the “real world”, it was going to be the best one.
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