#I just literally changed the part of the mc being in love w someone else to sy being IM NOT GAY LOL
alyikav · 9 months
ok so, there's this (prob/most likely dead dove) het h manga I read a while ago (tragic isekai reincarnation as the villaness) that has big binggeqiu vibes and I keep trying to adapt it into a gay au so I'm just gonna ramble for a bit here
sy got transmigrated into an otome game as sqq the villan who is engaged to lbh, the powerful prince of the country.
sqq character is a wealthy mage with low level powers that lives in a village, and he goes to a school in main city to learn to control them. but sy has other plans. while playing watching his sister play the game, he found an npc character (sj) that had a past with sqq but never got looked into, so that's the first thing he wants to do in this new life of his
sy ADORES lbh, his favorite character and all but HE'S NOT GAY, so he tells his parents to send a letter to dissolve the engagement before going back to his village. he founds sj and discovers their secret shared past (idk I'm gonna think about it) and promises to come back to talk more
when sqq goes back to school, everyone notices that he changed and starts gaining fans. lbh is curious bc EVERYONE wants him, he's fucked with a long list of ppl and someone rejecting him is NEW and EXCITING so he looks for sqq to talk about it
sy decides to tell a small lie and say that he already loves someone else from his own village and lbh is curious but always polite, bc that's the mask he's always had. but when he's about to ask more, the bell for next class rings and lbh is like "oww, wish we could talk more about this. but it's not like I could burn the whole school down so I could avoid responsibilities lol"
and sy is like "yeah that checks out" and lbh asks him what does he mean??
sy says "oh shit, I didn't mean to say it outloud hahaha... I just said that uh, you look like you would burn a place down just bc it's inconvenient for you?"
and lbh is FLOORED bc you see, when he was little and his powers manifested, they were too strong and he ended up killing a bunch of ppl accidentally, and his servants were like "welp, accidents happened, my lord! dw!!" and literally no one ever talked about it
and that was too much for smol lbh. could he get away with that just bc he was the prince?? so he did a couple of experiments, he grabbed random ppl and tortured them or outright killed them infront of his servants and everyone just let it slipped, saying that it was nothing my lord, we didn't see anything
so lbh always felt empty bc everyone saw him as the beautiful perfect prince that never did anything wrong, so he felt that he was surrounded by mindless puppets, all bowing to him.
BUT THEN sqq changed and SAW HIM as he really was. a psychopath that could burn a whole place down just because he felt like it
so ofc he kidnaps sqq and fucks him into submission, saying that they belong together, and when sqq asks him to let him go back to his village lbh replies "if your village is all you think about, I'll have to get rid of it"
so sqq doesn't have other option than to marry lbh
this is ✨ problematic ✨
chef kiss
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godeaterazathoth · 11 months
Issues I have with ikevamp
That I’m venting here because they won’t leave my skull
*Content warning, we’re talking about men in the past, they did some bad stuff*
Part 1, historical inaccuracies
I’m I history nut so this really gets to me, since I know the deep details of these peoples lives.
The timeline, ok so the game takes place in 18th France, correct me if I’m wrong but I think it is in the second empire (1852-1870) considered there is a noble class, yet you can clearly see the Eiffel Tower which was completed in 1889, there is no mention of the 1889 exposition, so it must be after the tower had become permanent, by then the 3rd republic was around, if we are in the republic the Count wouldn’t be called that by the npcs at all the parties he goes to, no matter which we’re in, NOBODY mentions Napoleon III at, NOT EVAN HIS UNCLE (WHOSE SOMEHOW BECAME CASS CONSCIOUS!)
How does the time travel work, example, Dazai died in 1948, his plan was seemingly to wait until he’s born in 1909 then kill himself as a baby, but then he decides to use the magic door, what are the consequences of 2 Dazais existing at once or him erasing himself from history, he’s a pretty important literary figure, does someone else replace him or does the space time continuum collapse?? Is the future Vlad sees set in stone or can it be changed, just copy someone else’s time travel bit!!!
So straight up these guys aren’t who they say they are, we’ll go through 1 by 1
Napoleon- doesn’t mention he left the love of his life to marry a girl 20 years his junior (like think how interesting it would be if he’s conflicted about love cuz he had to give it up for political reasons) -that scene where MC talks about all the ‘good’ that he did in Europe, like committing war crimes against the Spanish and Portuguese and Eastern Europeans, being a coloniser, killing the slaves he freed when they asked for more rights, killing thousands of men in a meaningless war (ligit H*tler vibes)
Arthur- goofy irl, literally believed in fairies, had 5 children and married twice but he never mentions any of this, he cheated on his first wife while she was dying of TB, he was a liberal unionist (tldr didn’t like Irish people) he was anti-immigration, might have committed fraud. We’ll get to the other issues I have with him.
Leonardo- fruity as hell, vegetarian
Mozart- they got his character completely wrong, the guy was a complete man child, vain, broke, by the end of his life his career fell off (Beethoven better composer), in love with his cousin 🤢, had a s*at fetish 🤢🤢🤢. The hole Salieri thing didn’t happen.
Vincent- they made him too mentally stable, I’m all for him being meek, but the guy had serious issues that they ignore, he ate paint thinner, was rejected by his both crushes, WHY DOES HE HAVE BOTH EARS, DID IT GROW BACK, THEY SHOULD HAVE LEFT HIM WITH ONLY ONE, also he should be ginger smh. Oh yeah and they never mentioned the s*ecide attempt.
Theo- doesn’t mention his wife, or son, WHO HE NAMED AFTER VINCENT, his wife is the person responsible for Vincent’s work not being completely forgotten, was way nicer irl.
Issac- tbh hotter irl, low key ace, maybe a fruit, kinda mean, the only thing they got right was the major virgin vibes.
Jean- WHY MAN!??!! Even if the didn’t want a lesbian route, they could have gone with any other guy from the 100 years war, Edward black prince, idk WHY GENDER BEND ONE OF THE MOST PROMINENT WOMEN IN HISTORY, I’m fine with the delusional trans dude lie, but they say that he was a guy all along, THEN WHAT WAS THE POINT OF HIM BEING BURNT AT THE STAKE IF HE WASN’T CROSS DRESSING???!!! was he double cross dressing??? This is the worst of them all, give me the girl boss we deserve (revers fate)
Dazai- not depressed enough imo, he was a leftist, again missing wife, their were two su*ecide attempts, guy lived through fire bombing, had a few children that he is fine to erase from existence.
Shakespeare- probably a fruit, again never mentioned his wife and kids, btw the way he talks is annoying, some people don’t think he’s real.
Sanson- too young, this guys is 67, really liked the guillotine, just saw execution as his job didn’t really care, had a wife and kids.
Vlad- Ok is he supposed to be Vlad THE impaler? Cuz he’s not evil enough, or is he a Dracula reference, cuz he can’t dance that dance either, why did they call him Vlad if he isn’t a blood thirsty war criminal.
Count- not enough history to work with.
Part 2, problematic moments
So I ha have seen some posts on the low key misogynistic way the MC is written and treated and there are a lot of issues wit white washing history so another trigger warning ⚠️
Misogyny- the MC of this game is not the best, I know she’s a self insert but she has no backbone at all. She lacks agency I’m most of the routes, like the MC getting kidnapped is a troupe in all these games, but Emma can escape on her own, Kate has ⚽️, even Alice had more depth to her, seems the only thing MC can do is cry and wait to be saved, I swear she gets kidnapped once in every route, I think they could have given her more character to work with. Another thing, but Jean being a man is bad, really bad, she’s a feminist icon but they made her a man, it’s sought of saying that women aren’t capable of this so she had to have actually been a man.
Handling of SA, important one here, I’m ok with the flirty guy, but I really hate Arthur, he doesn’t just flirt with her in chapter 1 he assaults her and acts like he did her a service, and she just forgives him!?! I’m fine with a guy that sleeps around, I like Jin and Nokto fine, but the way Arthur talks about women, always calling them Birds (if they were going for English slang it doesn’t work cuz he doesn’t have a cockney accent) or worse Skirts, it’s dehumanising, and shows that to him women are vehicles for sexual pleasure and aren’t on an equal level of understanding. There are smaller parts to, Leo kisses her without consent, the Count hides the truth from her, idk but Theo calling her a ‘hound’ sounds like he’s calling her something else…
Minor points on classism, I’m not expecting the communist manifesto, but all these games aren’t very good at dealing with class deviation. In Vlad’s route, the orphan boy thinks he can impress the rich girl, this is the 19th century, capitalism is on the rise, but there’s no comment about how it’s impossible. The little school Napoleons runs is strange, considering he was in a position where benefited from poor people existing and staying poor, ( side note, he’s teaching them swordsmanship when ww1 is right around the corner, just saying they won’t need it in the military) called MC out as a social climber, these games sought of depict the past through rosé tinted glasses, there’s only passing reference to how fucked people were in the past, Also all the historical inaccuracies above tie to this.
Anyway love to hear some other opinions, (I started playing this game before my transition and have always thought it it was wired, it’s my personal least favourite just cuz I couldn’t really get into any of the guys, my OC ended up as a Carmilla reference so….)
I have seen a post talking about some of the issues before so that’s what got me to write this out, if you disagree or want to add anything I’m all ears 👂
Thanks for reading 💗💖💖💕💓💝💗🥰🥰🥰❤️✨✨✨✨❤️⭐️⭐️⭐️
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actualbird · 11 months
im gonna sound a lil too crazy abt this but i wanted to talk specifically about artem (because i realized smth from ur last post)
artem is her *boss*, thats not just it though, artem is rosa’s partner too. that’s so stressful, especially at work!! before you didn’t really feel like there was this distance because you two were equals, and suddenly you don’t know anything. everybody is against each other anf you’re kind of just there trying to fit parts together while people are deliberately hiding pieces from you. i do love all the ml’s but i do know that this stunt alone from them would make me freakkk out because you can’t just do that bro 💀.
artem being cold and suddenly siding with someone else that quickly is veryvery intimidating because id start to remember that he is my boss. the line of “confident and even a little aggressive” scream id turn into mush. the nxx have their reasons but it’s also vyn doing whatever the heck hes doing, luke hiding *alot*, marius facing some tension esp w pax and the nsb, and artem.
irt my latest response on ch9 thinking abt artem and mc's next meeting at work + this prior post where just thinking abt the social circle ramifications of //gestures at ch9
gosh anon i love this bit u said in particular "id start to remember that he is my boss" because U HIT THE NAIL ON THE HEAD. and it's particularly painful w artem because ever since the beginning yknow, hes worked So Hard to be Not Just The Boss Guy But Instead Work Partners and Work Equals, like the majority of his early character arc is him trying so hard to be that, to bridge that distance to be Just Some Guy (Affectionate) to mc.
so ch9's artem scene makes me realize that aside from the sheer discrepancy of his behavior, artem mustve come to the decision that Whatever Intent he had for acting that way outweighed quite literally a huge amount of progress he'd made with mc over the course of the main story.
because artem isnt stupid, none of the boys are, im sure they all Know that their behavioral changes towards mc will have Consequences. but whatever reason theyre doing it is deemed more important currently. which is crazy, given how much they all value mc yknow.
so it's interesting to once again think just how bad the schism/the nsb interference/a secret third plot thing we're not yet privy to is. it's made them, even momentarily, value something more than mc and what her relationship means to them
main story 10 caNNOT come soon enough i swear...JHSVFJ
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hanafubukki · 2 years
Can I ask why does everyone like Grim? Not that I dislike or hate him but I’ve seen some people who absolutely love him and being besties w him and I’m just like ??? Did I miss the part where he became a total sweetheart? If anything I’m just used to his antics and knacks for trouble….
Genuinely tho, is it bc the eng does a poor job translating mc and grims relationship progress, or did I really miss the parts where he is a much better beast? All I can remember is the trouble he brings and the fact mc just goes w it…? Oh and then the part where he “attacks” us, tho ik it wasn’t really HIM but do to the stones he eats…
Hello Anonie 🌺🌻🌺
Of course you can ask anonie, and while I can't speak for others on why they like him so much, I can give my personal views.
Personally, I didn't like Grim very much in the beginning. I thought he was annoying to say the least, and didn't very much like how he would get MC into trouble along with the others, especially since it seemed early on most of the actions were taken by him to move the story forward rather than MC which I can understand since MC can't communicate all the time and someone else has too. But, it was getting annoying real quick how much trouble he would cause, but I guess as time went on, I got softer for him.
This is mainly because how others portrayed him and how they viewed him in fanfics and art that I started to change my mind. After all, Grim was one of your first companions in Twisted Wonderland and he very much parallels you.
He was the first one you met in twisted wonderland.
He has no ideas of any of the customs or backgrounds on this land.
He is alone as well and can’t recall where he came from.
He’s just trying his best to succeed and become strong.
He’s literally your partner in school as a 2 in 1 student.
He shows moments of companionship and softness towards MC.
At the end of the day, Grim is a friend and someone who is basically in the same situation as you.
Those are the reasons off the top of my head on why I started liking him more and more, but it doesn't mean I don’t want to sometimes shake him out of frustration or just keep his tuna away when he causes trouble.
Another reason why I started liking him more was because of book 6. I’m guessing from your ask that you are an EN Twst player only so I won’t expand further, but there are instances within the book where I started feeling softer for him and even sad. Basically, half the fandom went, “give my cat back right now.” 
I also think we all have a version of Grim in our heads as well, and how we perceive him that makes us like or hate (or both) him. I also know that his chaotic energy is attractive to some people and I know that some people just want to see him grow and see how he plays a part in the Prologue. He wants to be one of the greatest wizards and some want to see how he achieves it. 
I hope that helps anonie 🌺💕💚
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mammons-tax-returns · 4 years
The brothers with an MC that's obsessed with their hips HCs please! Like constantly touching their waist and cant help but looking if they're wearing a tight shirt
sheeeesh, id be too :).
this post is just “the brothers getting the appreciation they deserve and forgetting about their self hatred for a sec”
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Unsurprisingly, he catches on pretty quickly.
At first, it kind of catches him off guard. His waist/hips aren’t normally the thing people tend to flatter him for. But it’s not like he hates it. He actually loves it.
He’s literally a goth mom that stays wearin his corset vests. MC deffo has a field day when he wears his fancy getup.
If MC is too scared to put their hands on him but wants to, he’ll most definitely notice, and encourage it when they’re alone.
He’s not one to dress FOR someone else, but it’s worth wearing a tight-fitted shirt if that means he gets a reaction out of MC.
Every time he catches their stare, he smirks and pushes his massive coat aside oh-so-casually. Just enough to give them what they want.
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He notices the staring, but thinks nothing of it. After all, he’s not a model for nothing, right?
One day, MC lets a comment about it slip, intentionally or not.
Mammon is reduced to ash. That is the end of him. RIP.
He’s never the same.
Before, the attention from modeling was just a side effect of being naturally handsome. A downside of it, even.
But now, his favorite human EVER has a FAVORITE part of him that they love? Because they pay attention to him that much?
And to him, that’s the best feeling in the world. If they like that part of him, he feels proud of having it. And proud that he wears a thin shirt and cropped jacket everyday.
One time, he brought them to one of his shirtless photoshoots.
Bad idea. The entire time, he was slightly flushed and shaky from their adorable reaction to seeing him.
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It all started with that damned photo of him in a towel. We know the one.
Levi is very aware of everyone’s eyes on him.
So he gets super flustered when MC watches him for a prolonged amount of time.
But because of that big jacket of his, they have to eventually ask, “Have you ever considered just wearing a t-shirt? Maybe a long sleeved shirt?”
He’s confused, but changes into a slim fit long sleeve.
When MC continues to stare at him intently, he can feel himself shrink a little in embarrassment.
“Y-You’re silently judging me, aren’t you? Ahhh, forget it! This is exactly why Iive in the comfort of my jacket...”
It takes lots of encouragement, but he finally understands that MC does NOT feel revolted just by looking at him.
While he won’t give up wearing his jacket, he takes it off when the two are alone and playing video games.
His favorite thing in the world is allowing them to wrap their arms around his waist while he plays his video games.
Just like Mammon, it gives him butterflies thinking that someone loves his body when he can’t do it himself.
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Satan also notices the stares, but writes it off as nothing important similarly to Mammon.
He’s a bookworm. He could care less about his appearance when he’s immersed in the tragic downfall of history’s greatest knights.
But he finds it a bit... Cute? Endearing? Just the thought that something so irrelevant to himself is so captivating to this human nowhere near his power level.
In his mind chock-full of thousands of years of book reading, he envisions it as a rabbit falling in love with a wolf for its triangular ears.
He’s a little off put by the idea of them touching them in such a place, but in the moment, he understands it completely.
MC’s touch is gentle but firm— loving, is what it is.
Being the avatar of wrath has many downsides. Including being avoided at all costs by so many people, even by his own brothers at some points.
So it feels great to just feel absolutely adored by someone.
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We been knew.
He’s the embodiment of want. So he knows all about it. ‘It’ being the way MC discreetly sneaks glances at him from across the room.
And he goes wild for it.
He brings it up casually. Almost too casually.
“Look at how close we’re sitting MC~ I’m practically on top of you. But be careful, who knows what I’d do if you kept staring like that...”
Asmo is just waiting for the moment MC makes a move. He wants to see what it looks like for them to finally stop holding back. The mere thought of it gets his adrenaline pumping.
And as the two are posing for a selfie together, their hands instinctively go to his sides.
MC doesn’t even realize that they haven’t moved their hands even after the photo. They only realize when Asmo puts his hands over their own, smiling innocently.
“You’re too cute, MC...”
One thing that Asmo starts suggesting is slow dancing. Just the two of them, in his room swaying to the sound of his slow song playlist.
Simply enjoying each other to the tune of vintage ballroom rythms never seemed so beautiful.
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Beel has a body that many would go great lengths for. It doesn’t quite resonate with him, because eating well and exercising is just his thing. They’re hobbies.
While he gets lots of compliments about it (particularly from Asmo), he doesn’t think about the curves and edges of his frame very much. He only thinks about what muscles require what stretches and workouts.
And unfortunately, he doesn’t notice any of MC’s affection for his hips.
The prolonged hugs, the staring and flushed complexion. To him, it’s all part of their friendship.
Even if they outright say, “Beel. Ur thiccness is very good.”
It doesn’t hit him very hard. He’s like yea? And? 😌🤚
However, he does have a bit of internalized insecurities about his looks. It’s not necessarily his body, but how others react to... Him.
How many times has he met someone and they didn’t look the slightest bit intimidated? Exactly. He has a resting bitch face on an athlete’s body when he’s one of the sweetest demons alive.
So yes. He is insecure. But when MC finds even the most insignificant things about him to be endearing, it reminds him that, even for a second, he can be loved in his own skin.
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Just like his twin, he doesn’t particularly care for the way his body looks. Especially to others.
He couldn’t care less of what negative things anyone had to say about him, anyways. Been there, done that.
But he can’t help but notice the electricity buzzing through his tired limbs when MC keeps a lingering hand around his sides.
It’s a little odd, he notes. That such a small gesture causes his body to react like that. But it’s pleasant, he’ll admit.
And then he notices just how often it happens. Even when they’re not cuddling. MC will have a hand on his waist, for even a moment.
“MC, do you like touching me there? You don’t do it to anyone else, I’ve noticed.”
They are embarrassed— mostly because they never really realized they were doing it. As soon as they go to apologize, Belphie lets out his sweet giggle.
“It’s okay. I actually like it... It’s cute that you do it so absentmindedly.”
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hey i hope you're doing well!! i was wondering if i could request a oneshot that kinda diverges from canon ? so basically mc is given the chance to go back to the human world (permanently) or stay in devildom w the brothers. so everyone literally expects for them to stay bcs they really "happy" with the brothers + the (un)dateables,, but surprise:: theyre fucking ecstatic to go back to the human world !!!! and they re all like "why mc dont u love us 🥺" and mc just goes full rant about every shitty thing that happened to them in devildom: belphie killing them, brothers treating her as lilith's replacement, dangerous shit 😌😌😌😌 tHIS IS SO LONG N SPECIFIC OMG IM SORRY
Oo. Yes. This is it. I remember always choosing the "Yeah fuck you guys I wanna go home," choices lmao. There's so much I personally would say to them if put in that situation. One would be what the fuck.
This takes place after Belphegor kills you, but before you go home. The undatebles aren't really included because none of them really fit in with the scene I'm painting.
Also! To my followers, I'm thinking of opening a patreon? Idk if anyone would use it or not. It's just that I am trying to make money, and since I can't work consistently, this might be my best shot for now. It's just a thought! I won't do it if you guys think it's stupid. Thanks babes 💞
It was an offer from Diavolo that started all this.
After Belphegor had lashed out you'd taken to staying away from any of the brothers. You'd never totally felt safe around the demons. They are demons after all, but you trusted that someone would always be there to protect you. That was what you were told at least. It worked in many circumstances, but not when you needed it most. Not when you actually died.
You were miserable. Everyone could tell just by the way you acted. A frown was on your face the majority of the time, you were always on guard around any demons, and you spent the majority of your nights at purgatory hall for some reason or another.
It hurt them to see you so terrified of their presence. Any little fight they had now flashed like a warning sign in your mind, alerting you to the danger of meddling in demon affairs. You'd leave, and they'd become discouraged, only realizing how empty everything felt with you gone. They try to make it up to you, try to keep away from their natural tendencies to get a bit rowdy, but nothing works. You're still petrified in their presence.
That's when Diavolo asks you if you want to go home. You're not comfortable here, it's written on your sleeve. It's affecting your mental health, and despite how much it hurts to send someone so perfect away, he does suggest you leave. To get some help, reconnect with yourself, and possibly forget they ever existed.
You agree.
It's heartbreaking when they find out. Belphegor blames himself, and so does everyone else. They see his mistake as the catalyst for all your changes in personality, when really it was just the final nail in the coffin. After being forced to participate in a stressful school schedule, to deal with men constantly busting into the room despite the lock, being expected to cook for the avatar of Gluttony at least once a week, and to have to find new hiding spots for your precious items to avoid loosing them to Mammon, it was a lot. You were always up, ready for some crazy new happening, never resting even when your body was on the verge of collapse. Your body couldn't handle it anymore, and after Belphegor, you knew you'd never sleep again
You don't say goodbye to them.
Lucifer acts like it doesn't bother him, and he'll act this way until the day he ceases to exist. It does though. He considered you a friend, possibly more, but seeing as you willingly left the realm, it's clear that he misjudged the situation. Satan doesn't receive the news any better. He's a lot more angry then Lucifer, but deep down they both know the eldest is just better at hiding his feelings. The house is a wreck without these two micromanaging every aspect, but neither ever pleaded with you to stay.
They blame Belphegor, but they also blame themselves for not showing you how much you meant to them. Satan knows he could have done more. He should have. In all the books in his library, why is there not one explaining how to fix such a situation? Lucifer almost thinks the same, but he knows he does not need books. He should have noticed your little set backs from the beginning, without the help of a book.
Mammon doesn't completely understand what happened. He's confused, not knowing what he did to make you despise him so. Levi tries to explain, sometimes through teary eyes and anxious hand movements, yet it still never really sinks in. Part of him believes he could have possibly shown his affections more. The other remaining side can't stop chastising himself for not knowing.
The third eldest feels abandoned, and he doesn't know why. You're just a normie. Just some human who shouldn't mean anything to him, but you do. He hates it. Leviathan wants nothing more to forget you, but how can he when your ghost still haunts these halls?
The only one who seems to be able to move on is Asmodeus, but that's far from the truth. He's good at faking emotions. Sure, he's never really had to fake being happy, but all the improv disappointment and whiney attitudes have prepared him for this. Asmo looks fine. No one really worries about him. They should.
Beelzebub and Belphegor have been at odds ever since you left. They both blame the youngest, and whilst Belphie doesn't usually care about his sibling's opinions, knowing Beelzebub is so angry with him hurts. He can't fix it either. You're not coming back, and Beelzebub will always be angry with him for doing something so selfish.
And Beelzebub is angry. He moves out of their shared bedroom and into your room. For weeks he refuses to even speak to Belphie, and after that he only acknowledges him in passing. It's heartbreaking to watch, but Beelzebub doesn't care. You're gone.
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twistedlymad · 4 years
Hi!! I really love your Twisted Wonderland stories!! They make so happy!! I love the way you write the characters! If you’re still taking requests could I plz have a story of MC and the gang playing truth or dare where Grimm asks MC if she has a crush on anyone to get at the boys? And MC won’t tell so the boys try everything they can to see who she likes? I leave the ending in your hands! I understand if you won’t accept this request but if you do then I’ll be so happy!! Ok thanks YOUREAWESOME!!
Okay, let’s settle something first. And that is: I am NOT awesome.
You guys are the true awesome ones! You guys have so many ideas! My inbox is filled with requests of which I never knew could happen! Thank you all <3
Also, I have never fully immersed myself into a game of truth and dare :’) And now I’m writing a story on something I’ve played but not full heartedly. The irony is strong :’)
Thank you for requesting this story! I do hope it lives up to your expectations! Thank you again and have a lovely day!!
What if you played Truth or Dare? (Ft. Grim, Ace, Deuce, Sebek, Jack and Epel) (Riddle, Vil, Lilia and Ruggie are mentioned)
“Fgnaaaaa (Y/N), I’m bored.” Grim said while laying on your lap. You and him were doing your homework in your dorm.
“I know, but, when we finish, we can go out and meet up with the others. I’ll even throw in a can of tuna or two. How does that sound?” You said, trying to coax the furball into doing his homework.
“When you put it that way!! Fgnaaaa!” And the furball was more excited to do his work. You gave him a head pat and continued on your own work.
After about an hour or two, you two had finished your homework. You sighed and closed your book, you turned to see Grim dozing off to dreamland. You shook your head, giggling and gently nudged him awake.
“Come on you furball, it’s almost time to get dinner, we don’t want the others to worry about us right?” You said, picking Grim up and placing him on your head. Grim yawned a little before going to sleep on your head.
You had a nice little walk to the crowded cafeteria, when you arrived, you saw your friends sitting at a table not far from you. They were chatting with smiles on their faces while you went and grabbed yours and Grim’s food. After doing so, you went over to the table where your friends were sitting and sat yourself down.
“(Y/N)!!” The others called for you and you just shushed them. They were puzzled until you pointed to the sleeping furball on top of your head. They looked at each other before nodding and snickering. You smiled and slowly set the sleeping furball down on your lap and took a bite out of your dinner.
“So, how is everyone doing?” You asked your friends and multiple groans were heard.
“Riddle made me feed the flamingos wearing pink again today!!” Ace said with a sigh.
“I had to change the color of roses in the garden to white for the whole day.” Deuce said, taking a sip out of his drink.
“Ruggie-senpai dragged me around the whole school looking for Leona-senpai… Turns out he was sleeping in a tree at Main Street. I wasted a whole afternoon doing that.” Jack said.
“Hah! You guys don’t even know what is true hardship. Vil and Rook taught me on ‘fine dinning’ and ‘proper table manners’ the whole day! I don’t get it! IT’S FOOD SO YOU SHOULD JUST EAT IT.” Epel said, the last part in anger. You patted him gently as a gesture to calm him down.
“Malleus-sama was nowhere to be found when school ended, so me and that stupid Silver spent the entire day searching for him. We could’ve been done earlier if that human wasn’t so slow. I can’t believe he can let Malleus-sama out of his sight!” Sebek said.
“Ehh? Didn’t you also let Malleus-senpai out of your sight?” Epel asked the Diasomnia first year. The latter froze a little.
“N-No. Malleus-sama’s class wasn’t near mine at all today. It’s clearly that human’s fault.” Sebek said.
“Sebek, I’m sure Silver-senpai didn’t mean it. It’s just that Tsu- I mean, Malleus-sama likes taking walks around the school without anyone knowing, right?” You said, in hopes of calming down your friend.
“Hmm… Maybe you’re right, but still-” Sebek tried to argue but you cut him off.
“Sebek, it’s alright, mistakes happen all the time, let it go.” You said and sent a smile to him.
“A-Alright.” Sebek said, going back to his meal.
“You know what? Since you all had such a terrible day, let’s do something after dinner to clear your minds of it!” You suggested to your friends, their eyes lit up after you’ve said so.
“Yea!! But, what should we do?” Ace asked.
“How about a game?” Deuce said.
“What game?” Jack immediately asked. The 6 of you were brainstorming until Epel decided to speak up.
“How about Truth or Dare?” The Pomefiore first year piped up. You all took looks at each other before nodding.
“Sounds fun!” Ace said with a smirk.
“I’m in.” Deuce said, taking a bite out of his dinner.
“W-Well, it is just a game… I guess I’ll join since I have nothing better to do.” Jack said, his ears drooping slightly.
Alas, the only one who didn’t give a response was Sebek. So, you, Ace and Epel looked at him with the most adorable puppy eyes the 3 of you could muster. Jack was slightly confused but he has a gist of what you all were trying to do. Sebek looked at the 3 of you, his face slightly paling.
“W-Wha-“ Poor Sebek couldn’t even finish asking before you cut him off.
“Join our game Sebek!” You pleaded.
“It’ll be fun! We promise!” Ace continued after you. After the two of you had said this, you, Ace and Epel bombarded Sebek with the word ‘please’ over and over again.
“F-FINE! STOP YOUR PLEADING!” Sebek said, finally caving in to you, Ace and Epel’s chants of ‘please’. The three of you high fived each other and did a little cheer. Your cheering just so happened to wake Grim up from his nap.
“Fgnaaaaa…. What’s wrong with you people? Can’t you let a monster like me take a good nap for once?” Grim said as he sat up and rubbed his eyes. You giggled and petted Grim.
“Sorry Grim, but we were just excited! We’re playing truth or dare later.” You said, running your fingers through the creature as if you were to groom him.
“Truth or Dare? What’s that?” Grim asked you. You let out a small gasp.
“Grim… You… You don’t know what’s Truth or Dare?” You asked back the creature. He looked at you tiredly and shook his head.
“It’s like, the most common game ever to play with friends! You must’ve heard of it before!” Ace said to the furball.
“No, I have never heard of such game.” Grim replied the orange-haired student with a yawn.
“Well, you can see us play around before joining in later.” You said, handing him a can of tuna. “I remember owing you this.” The furball’s eyes lit up with sparkles.
“Fgnaaaaaaa!! Yes!!!!” Grim did a little happy dance and started to work his way into the can.
“So, where are we going to play later?” Sebek asked you all.
“Not Heartslabyul.” Ace said. “I cannot imagine enjoying the game with Riddle there.”
“Not Savanaclaw either. We can’t have a peaceful moment to ourselves there.” Jack said, shaking his head.
“Definitely not Pomefiore, unless you want our game session to turn into a makeover session.” Epel added on.
“Diasomnia isn’t the best option either. I’m pretty sure Lilia-senpai would interrupt us constantly.” Said Sebek.
“Well, I guess that just leaves my dorm right?” You said, laughing a little. “Then it’s settled then! We’ll have a small game session at Ramshackle Dorm. Now, hurry up and finish your dinner guys.” You ordered the boys as you finished your own dinner.
When they did, you all walked back to your dorm together, along the way, you guys had a nice little chat about what Professor Trein’s homework and how Lucius has a big influence on the class. The cat couldn’t help but meow at the end of each of the professor’s sentence. Ace even made fun of Deuce who meowed along once because he was half asleep then. When Deuce tried to defend himself by saying it was actually Lucius who made the sound and not him, Ace fired back at him saying that he was literally looking at him while he made the sound. Poor Deuce immediately turned red as the rest of you laughed. It’s okay, you comforted him after laughing for almost a minute.
Soon after, you arrived at your humble Ramshackle Dorm. You let everyone into the lounge and you guys started to discuss about the game that you were going to play. You guys decided to draw sticks to see who will go first. In the end, you had drawn the longest stick therefore you would start the game first.
“Alright then, let’s begin! Epel, truth or dare?” You asked your first victim and so the madness had begun.
After a few rounds of Truth or Dare, you had ended up with Epel being punished to wear a pink dress and his hair was in an up-do. Ace and Deuce had been punished to switch places, their personalities, the marks on their eyes and even their clothes had been switched. Jack was dared to have makeup on his face, from mascara to lipstick, you name it, beauty products littered everywhere on his face, his tail was in a big braid as a dare. Sebek’s whole body was covered in glitter, everytime he moved, glitter would flutter off from his body, he was also punished to speak in hushed tones.
Yeah, let that sink in.
And for you, you just had to be in an uncomfortable pose. You were feeling pretty sore too, who would’ve thought you would have to do the game standing up with only one leg supporting you while one of your hands were stuck to your waist and the other on top of your head. This was a dare made by Sebek out of all people, and you can only leave the pose when someone else calls out your name. So, yeah, you were ABSOLUTELY SORE.
“I think I know how to play this game now!!” Grim suddenly yelled out.
“Final- I mean, good for you Grim! I have to be nice to everyone if I want to be an honor student!” Ace said to Grim, mocking Deuce who was clearly irked by this.
“Fgnaaaaaa! Why wouldn’t I know how to play? I am The Great Grim after all!!” Grim laughed out.
“Well, I guess you should get a turn, go on then, pick a student and ask them Truth or Dare.” Epel said.
“Hmmm… (Y/N) then!” Grim looked at you and you finally collapsed onto the ground.
“Thank you Gri-“ You were cut off by the furball.
“Truth, or Dare?” You looked at him with widen eyes.
“Hmm… I’m never doing dare again… So, truth!” You said, not moving from your position at all because you were too tired.
“Alright, Truth eh?” Grim said, putting a paw underneath his chin to make it look like he’s thinking of something. After a few seconds of ‘thinking’ the furball had come up with the question.
“I got it!!” Grim yelled. “Who do you have a crush on in this school?” Everybody froze.
Grim, no, you just… You just started a war.
“Hey! How about I switch okay? I choose Dare instead!!” You frantically yelled out.
But Grim already made up his mind.
“Alright then, I dare you to tell us your crush.” Grim said to you and your eye twitched. You got to hand it to the furball, that was one smart move.
“Argh! NO! I won’t say anything!” You said, crossing your arms and turning away from your friends.
“Hey! You didn’t let me do anything else than wear this stupid dress!” Epel argued with you.
“Guys, guys, no. If (Y/N) is acting so defensive, it must mean she has a crush.” Ace said. The boys looked at you while you slowly shrunk yourself.
“(Y/N), it is a dare.” Jack barely said for his face was too heavy with the amount of makeup on.
“Yeah (Y/N) come on, tell us! I as the troublemaker need to know because I’m dumb!” Deuce said, mocking Ace.
Truth be told, the boys treated each other like enemies when Grim asked the question as they each wanted to be your ‘crush’, they knew that everyone had spent their fair share of time with you and you must have a favorite, right?
So, with what Deuce had said, it seemed like a direct attack to Ace. And let me tell you, Ace was not happy at all.
“HEY! I HAVE BETTER GRADES THAN YOU!” Ace fired back to his dorm mate.
“GUYS STOP.” Sebek said, getting in between them.
“Fine! Just because I don’t want to be covered in glitter as well.” Ace said.
“Hmph! Me neither!” Deuce said.
“Wait… Where’s (Y/N)?” Epel asked out. Everyone turned to where you sat only to find air there.
You see, while everyone was busy watching/stopping the fight between Ace and Deuce, you had sneakily taken off and ran straight for your dorm’s front door.
“(Y/N)!!! YOU CAN’T ESCAPE!!” Epel yelled as he and the others started to run after you.
“NO! FREEDOM IS NEAR!” You yelled and opened the door and ran out of it. As you just left your dorm’s front yard, you saw the boys were already on their way chasing after you. Grim was also with them but he had a spot on Deuce’s shoulder.
So, you ran, with a bunch of ridiculously looking boys on your tail.
“Guys, we should circle her instead, so, split up!” Sebek told his friends. The others nodded and branched off. You turned your head to see only Sebek running at you at full speed. You gulped slightly before picking up your pace.
“(Y/N)! This could’ve been easier if you’ve just did the dare!” Sebek yelled at you.
“Over my dead body!!” You shouted back and took a sharp left at the end of a hallway, leading you to Main Street.
But when you arrived, you saw something pink slowly walking towards you. You widen your eyes as you realized that it was Epel in front of you. You turned your head to the left to find Jack slowly approaching you from that side. Your right was being approached by the two Heartslabyul boys so escaping from there isn’t an option. You also felt a presence behind you and you already knew who it was.
And with that, you were trapped. Escape was impossible then.
Or so you thought.
“Now, (Y/N), be a good little student who accepted a dare and tell us…” Ace said smugly.
“Yeah, no backing out (Y/N).” Deuce continued. You were overwhelmed.
“F-Fine! I’ll talk, I’ll talk!” You said, covering your blushing. The boys all thought you looked adorable in that state. Could you blame them? You were looking all flustered and red and adorable while hiding her blushing face. Nothing could stop them from blushing slightly as well.
“Okay…” You said, taking a deep breath. The boys leaned in to you, wanting to hear more of your slightly trembling voice.
“My crush is-“
Ah, you were cut off. By a few voices actually.
“Jack!! I need your help back at Savanaclaw!! Leona isn’t helping me!!”
“My oh my, if it isn’t Sebek, you know, Malleus would be disappointed.”
Yes, two dorm leaders and two vice dorm leaders were slowly walking to your group.
“Dorm Leader Rosehearts!” Ace and Deuce yelled to a red-looking Riddle.
“You two! It’s already curfew! If you don’t get back to your dorm in the next five minutes… IT’S OFF WITH YOUR HEAD!!” Ace and Deuce’s eyes widen and ran at full speed to their dorm.
“Bye (Y/N)!! We’ll see you tomorrow!!” Ace and Deuce said as they ran back to Heartslabyul with Riddle following behind them, but of course Riddle walked slowly instead.
“EPEL!!!” Vil had yelled for his first-year. Epel let out a small groan before turning to look at Vil.
“What?” Your friend responded to his dorm leader.
“What in tarnation are you wearing?!” Vil questioned.
“Are you blind? It’s a dress.” Epel said with a straight face.
“Don’t make me slap you again. Come, we must go back to Pomefiore and get you out of this horrible outfit.” Vil said and dragged Epel away.
“I’ll see you tomorrow (Y/N).” Epel managed to say while being dragged back to his dorm by Vil.
“Jack! Didn’t you hear what I said?!” Ruggie was approaching Jack. “I told you that- HAHAHAHAHAHA WHAT’S GOING ON WITH YOUR FACE?!?!” Ruggie couldn’t help himself as he turned Jack around only to be greeted with a makeup filled face.
“Yeah, yeah, you need my help right? Let’s just go now.” Jack said, dragging a laughing hyena upperclassman with him. “Bye (Y/N).” Said the wolf to you.
“My… Sebek… What a sight to see you like this.” Sebek froze for a good few seconds before turning around.
“Lilia-sama…” Sebek muttered in a low tone.
“I wonder how Malleus would react to this.” Lilia said and Sebek’s eyes widen.
“Then, I suggest you better hurry back to your dorm before he catches you.” Said Lilia with a small smirk on his face.
“We will meet again tomorrow (Y/N)!” Sebek said before rushing back to his dorm.
“Bye (Y/N)~” Lilia said to you before going back to his dorm himself.
After everyone were gone, you let out a breath you didn’t even knew you were holding.
“Fgnaaaaa… I only played one round though.” Grim said, as he plomped himself on your shoulder.
“I think one round is enough for you.” You said and started to walk back to Ramshackle Dorm.
“But seriously (Y/N), who is your crush?” Grim asked with curiosity.
“I don’t need a crush, I have you after all.” You said to Grim, patting his head.
“But but!” Grim asked further.
“No buts, either you stop asking about my crush or you don’t get to have tuna for the next few days.” You said with a stern tone.
“Fine…” Grim said and the two of you slowly made your way back to Ramshackle Dorm.
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Pls take this random assortment of dsmp “hcs” (which is actually just me rambling out my ass but we love to see it//)
- Sam just like gets really fuccn energetic in a thunderstorm... like just hyperactive but also like v strong..... also immune to electrocution :)
- He’s also like all creepers are, shit terrified of cats which is v funny considering he’s sorta friends with ant
- Even funnier if u want to take the ‘canon’ fact of ant being a whole ass 20 feet tall
- Speaking of ant and this absolutely isn’t a hc but I just find it very funny that people draw humanoid versions of all of the non human characters EXCEPT for ant who I have only ever seen drawn as a cat ghgh
- Bads skin colour is deadass vantablack like if he holds his hand in front of his face it just seemingly vanishes and you can’t pick out where his hand ends and face begins
- I want him to look terrifying.... like absolutely massive a complete unit of a man, sharp ass teeth, sharp spikes and horns, sharp claws, white glowing eyes........... but he’s just like “owo” at all times ghgh
- Skeppy has chronic pain from the diamonds growing inside his body and out of his skin... sometimes he ramps up how cheerful he is to try and hide how much pain he’s in that day
- Ranboo’s body is longer on his enderman side and so he physically can’t stand up straight unless his shorter leg is on a slope
- He’s half silverfish... mainly cause I think that’s funny like hehe both those and endermen are linked to the end/stronghold and can break blocks
- This does also mean he joins bad and skeppy in the ‘help I am v spiky’ club tho
- Also also like absolutely none of his clothes fit cause his limbs are so disproportionately long so rip his ankles in the tundra I guess
- Shortza supremacy
- Sapnap... blaze boy..... I want him to steam when he angy...... v warm to the touch and all of the dteam lay on top of him when it’s cold lmao
- George is like some weird ass mushroom man.... like he looks completely human for the most part but he’s not he just never tells anyone cause he has the mentality of ‘well no one ever asked?’ Or ‘it didn’t seem important’
- When he’s in danger the surrounding plants try to help him (like lmao there’s a war goin on? Nah just take a nap and miss out so you won’t get hurt :) )
- Imagine how much funnier the lmanberg saga would be if schlatt just looked like his profile icon rather than his mc skin.... just cute tiny sheep man in a sweater... I think it’d be like that one gif of the teddy bear slamming its head onto the table to acquire angy eyebrows
- Dreams has symmetrical white patches down the front of skin... kinda like vitiligo but not? Like deadass pure white
- I also kinda just imagine him having creepy solid black eyes ghgh (haha it’s cause he’s possessed)
- He’s immortal and kinda just snapped tbh like half the reason his actions are so manipulative, selfish and drastic are both because he’s so desperate to have control over things in his life and because low-key he kinda hopes that people will find a way to kill him off or get rid of the thing possessing him (I just want a happy ending :( make him not evil pls my poor heart can’t take a non happy for everyone ending//)
- Puffy is fluffy :) I will not elaborate further
- Revived people have creepy blacked out maybe kinda glowing eyes.... paler skin.... scars and phantom pains from their injuries....
- Phil just deadass found Wilbur hiding inside a fridge and took him home with him... wil just assumed the fridge was his mom and Phil found it too funny to correct him
- Tubbo is a moobloom hybrid and all the bees love him ok 💛
- I think it would be funny if dream just deadass can’t see shit through his mask rap considering all the feats he has done
- Phil is v old and ‘wise’ but is also fairly detached from reality as a result cause he can’t really remember what earlier parts of his life were like to understand how other people act
- I also think it’d be hilarious if he ironically had like 0 life skills... cooking? He’s shit at it. Sleep schedule? Never heard of it. Taxes? Isn’t that a state?
- The floors in the tundra trios homes are constantly being ruined by techno having hooves and Phil and maybe ranboo having claws... like u no how u can like dent and scrape a wooden floor with heels? Kinda like that
- Speaking of those three I also think it’d be very funny if they all collectively became useless or started fighting in the presence of a gold block cause like 👀 ‘oo gold/hehe shiny/hold block’ mentality
- Quackity can shapeshift.... but he’s like a ditto and always has the :] face.... mmm also maybe keeps any scars he has
- His ability to control this decreases the more he dies
- So like u could he talking to him and just suddenly he looks like someone else or like a weird mishmash of people and just hasn’t noticed lmao totally not freaky at all
- Literally non of the tundra trio are equipped for the weather like u have someone from the hot af nether, bird man who’d realistically be prone to hypothermia and someone who’s allergic to water like lmao why do yall live here what is wrong with you
- I want niki to just be very exasperated by this fact
- I want her to bake goods for her friends... tailored to their tastes.... cheer up food :)
- Also i forget when she changed her skin but I think it’d be very funny if she dyed her hair pink as an intimidation factor to tommy cause she knows he dislikes techno
- Puffy ily but I do not trust you with Tommy after the disaster that was bbh and skeppys relationship counselling
- The concept of the totems being foolish’s children is very funny to me like just the implication that he just leaves his kids in random chests for people to steal and that when they witness someone die they just explode with revive energy or something like w h a t
- Ghostbur either isn’t actually Wilbur and is just some entity pretending to be him hence the ‘poor memory’ OR him and limbo Wilbur are two halves of one entity
- I just find it v sus that he’s the only ghost that’s ever shown up... and regularly at that
- mmm tubbo hard of hearing.... relies on reading lips the best he can when to help clarify what people are saying but he can hear people well enough if they raise their voice quite loud
- cursed hc but what if ash and Zachary were somehow michael decendants and they like porkums cause he’s either originally a family friend or he just reminds them of stuff
- Ok half of these aren’t even hcs anymore and is just me rambling but who let Karl be in charge of the time travel he has such strong himbo energy
- That being said villain Karl when 👀//
- Why is tubbo like one of the smartest most accomplished people on the sever... he’s like 17..... like my man has been president, developed a new form of fast travel, has a family, developed a nuclear weapons program by himself, launched a man into space, developed a whole town and more .... like who let him have this much power he can barely read//
- I think it’d be funny if techno was just really bad at strategy games..... like ok technically he’s not bad at them but like he just spends 4 days analysing every last minute detail every round to optimise his chances of winning//
- I feel like people don’t give Jack enough credit for the fact he cheated death using nothing but spite
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leviachaan · 4 years
would ask for a matchup but i decided to go w/ a headcannon request. how would the brothers or undateables (whichever you’re more experienced at writing ^^) react to MC taking them to ikea? apparently the furniture names are like demon summoning rituals if you try to pronounce them. 👀
//This is honestly so amusing to imagine siajdjks we need to somehow bring them all to IKEA for real
Lucifer 🎲
"MC, stay close to me so you don't get lost. It could be dangerous in this labyrinth" "Lucifer, honey, this is a furniture store" "oh"
You cannot change my mind that this man would be staring at the most gothic yet elegant pieces of furniture ever (I thought of lamps for some reason)
His eyes would be constantly glued on you. You never know what could come out from under those beds, MC.
He would do his best to stifle a laugh from your poor attempt of pronouncing a word.
"Take your time" remarks here and there to piss you off Lucifer you little shit
MC: "These words feel like I'm summoning a demon"
Lucifer: "????? excUSE-"
He ends up buying the gothic lamp. Another addition to his dungeon looking bedroom.
After his fascination for the lamp is over, he would mostly be focused on you and your cute little outbursts of excitement over random things.
"Lucifer, look at all those candles! Don't they look great??" "Of course, my dear"
Your room would be 90% candles the next morning.
And a matching lamp
For the love of Diavolo
Don't. Leave. Him. Alone.
He will steal buy everything that he finds on his way the second you turn your head away.
The whole building is like a Mammon harem. He needs to buy everything. He needs it, MC.
"How many bucks if I fit this whole table in my pockets" "maMMON NO-"
You bet he would find a way to piss the employees off to the point you two would have to run and hide inside one of the closets.
"Y-you sure must be feeling grateful to be stuck with someone like me inside a closet, human" "Mammon, I swear to everything holy-"
The whole walk would be you having to babysit Mammon and sweet talk him out of buying every object in the bloody building and him criticising stuff.
Mammon: "Who would even buy a bed like that?"
MC: "I like that bed"
Mammon: "I love that bed"
He would end up getting lost and you would have to ask one of the employees to help you search for him.
"Sir, please follow me, your guardian is looking for you"
Leviathan 🐍
It would take l o t s and l o t s of convincing to even bring him out of his room. You had to promise him two nights of TSL binge watching as compensation.
Why go there when we can enjoy the online IKEA simulator?
Would 1000% stick to you like a lost puppy. He's not used to being outside and in such a huge building, please don't leave him alone.
He would shyly hold the hem of your shirt for comfort (would try to hold your hand as well, but if you mentioned it he would be like "ROTF how did my hand get there? LOL!"
At some point he saw you staring at a love seat.
MC, please no
You: >:)
You ended up pulling him down with you on the love seat. Congrats! You broke Leviathan!
He would bury his face inside his shirt like an ostrich, anything to avoid you seeing the ridiculously prominent blush on his face.
He felt pride swelling in him though once people looked at you sitting on the love seat together.
"They are mine. Take that, normies"
He would s p r i n t to every vintage bookcase that caught his eye.
Probably the only one of the brothers to actually look at the furniture.
You would turn away for 0.1 seconds and you would find him sitting on one of the chairs for display already having read 3 of the books meant for props.
"Dear, do you know where an employee is? I want to borrow this book-"
Will definitely try to buy the book
It was an accident, but you got really excited by a small plant and wandered around, leaving Satan behind as a result.
Needless to say, you would find him soon enough as he would be punching through every fake door in his way and yeeting chairs to the Gods thinking that someone kidnapped you.
"DID YOU TAKE THEM???" *insert terrified employee*
You would have to literally tackle him to prevent him from murdering everyone on sight.
You would have to explain his demon form to everyone as part of a Halloween themed party
Even if it's August
If you think this man would do anything else but stare at the mirrors, you are wrong.
"Darling, look how amazing this mirror looks! Oh wait, it's just me~"
If you are interested in actually buying something, he's your demon.
People would actually ask him things, because they would think he works there.
You are in for a 2 hour long presentation for the reasons the pale pink chair fits the shade of your bedroom wall more than the pastel orange one.
He would insist on you two taking pictures in front of absolutely every mirror on display.
He maintains that he did it because he wants to decide which one to get later back at home, but in reality he really wants his phone to be full of pictures of you.
You are the most beautiful thing in his eyes and he wants to stare at you all the time 💖
Food detected
This hungry boi would locate the cafeteria as soon as you two stepped inside the building.
MC: "We could eat lunch here! But it takes a while to get to the cafeteria and to find it-"
Beel: "Found it "
He's really hungry, but he doesn't want to ruin your date so he will follow you around everywhere you go and patiently wait for you to say it's time to eat.
Poor boi will feel his heart pounding louder than his stomach once you show him a small hamburger plushie with a smile on it and told him it reminds you of him.
MC: "It's cute, just like you!" Beel: 🥺
He bought the plushie and is now officially sleeping with it every night and if anyone dares to touch it, he will eat their hands.
He has to hold back from eating it, but it reminds him of you and he holds it close to his chest every night so he won't have nightmares.
His smile could beat heaven itself once you two sit to eat.
Belphegor 💤
You thought persuading Levi was hard? Take a look at this fool.
You would have to literally b e g this damn cow to get out of his bed and come with you.
You promised him cuddles and naps when you come back so you better stick to your word.
As soon as he locates the beds, you are done.
Not even the three realms together could make this man stand back up.
MC: "Belphie, please, get up"
Belphie: "Make me"
Fun fact: you couldn't make him.
This demon grabbed your hand and pulled you down on the bed with him.
He clang to you like a koala and wouldn't let go no matter what.
You would softly try to remind him that there are people watching.
He would straight up growl at anyone that looked at you or tried to make you two get up.
You were eventually kicked out and Belphie couldn't be happier.
Time to go home and cuddle you.
Diavolo 👑
"So this is how humans spend their time! So intriguing!"
He would act like an excited puppy the whole time. Yes, this man is the prince of hell.
He would be thrilled by e v e r y t h i n g and I mean e v e r y t h i n g.
You two would end up playing hide and seek and he would easily find you every time.
He's a demon, he can smell your scent from 1 kilometer away. That's the only reason he would let you roam around like that without being worried about your well-being.
He can't really hide from you either considering how tall and buff he is.
You would pretend not to see him so you could see that beautiful grin on his face thinking that he hid well. Protect him.
Mentally writes down anything you seem to like so he can buy it for you.
He wants you to feel safe and accepted in the Devildom so he will get you anything he can to make you feel like home 🥺
You wake up the next day with your room fully redecorated and a heartwarming letter from Diavolo thanking you for taking him with you and him hoping you had fun as well with a small smily face at the end.
I'm weak for this man
This took me a while to write, but it was so fun! I hope you enjoyed it! I will try to practise more on writing for Simeon and Solomon and make sure to write about them too next time! Thank you for the request 💖
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relaxxattack · 3 years
um as for translating skins! it would be pretty much the same way people do fanart, just figuring out what works best for each character and going from there! i think i’d try to stay as close to the mc skin as possible just for clarity. id also use a pretty cartoony and probably simplistic style!
here’s some notes on individual characters:
puffy - i was struggling with her design like a LOT until recently. i didn’t know whether to make her wool rainbow or white, or if she was part person or not! then she revealed recently it was actually a onesie and my problems were solved. i think she’s about the same amount of sheep as schlatt. horns and ears and possibly tail, but otherwise mostly human
tommy - the main changes to his outfit would be accessories (bandanna, cape when with techno) but one of the biggest changes would be his posture.  tubbo - i had an amazing idea where his character would debut with blonde hair that covered his eyes. and then after the audience got used to that there’s a scene where tommy swats his head and the blonde comes off because it’s actually been a wig the whole time. he doesn’t put it back on and literally no one mentions it. after that his hair would cover his ears (so artists can keep their goat hc if they want) but very slowly horns would creep out of his head by the second season. ambiguous horns that can be dragon or goat horns
wilbur - i love how this man gave me CANON design changes. makes things sm easier. i think the lmanberg revolutionaries would take off their coats after the war but keep wearing their uniforms. so they’d be wearing mostly white during OG l’manberg. wilbur would get a new slightly different coat to indicate he’s the president. also, definitely beanies. kudos to sad-ist
quackity - shapeshifter!! his face becomes that ditto face he has whenever he changes to look like someone else. it’s not like, mentioned or pointed out by anyone tho
technoblade - i fucking hate designing this mf!!!! i want to do big cartoony pig, but i ALSO want to incorporate cool hair. i want piglin headcanons to be applicable, but i ALSO want him to be a person just w a mask so he can say “i’m a person!” without looking ridiculous. what do i do. i hate this man.  philza - similar to sadist design, id kind of just add some black and some red hearts. also tons of crows surround him. crows in the background whenever he’s being foreshadowed. philza minecraft is so great 
sam - canonized that he’s just wearing a mask.. thank you sam.
ranboo - i hate him almost as much as techno. “i have no preference all the designs are great!” WELL THEN HOW AM I MEANT TO DRAW YOU?? i have SORT of settled on a design but i also keep changing it. all i know is pain. 
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fandomsnfluff · 3 years
Asmo or Levi for the character ask please
HELLO ANON I WILL DO BOTH SINCE YOU ASKED SO NICELY HEHE <3333 this also got long so i put it under a cut!
character tickling ask meme
on a scale of 1-10, how ticklish are they? he’s at least an 8!
where is their most ticklish spot(s)? his neck, parts of his back and the soles of his feet!
which spots are they not ticklish? he’s pretty ticklish everywhere, but some parts of his arms and legs just don't do it for him :/
what is their laugh like? IT IS LITERALLY EXTREMELY LOUD AND HIGH-PITCHED, it’s like a shrieky cackle and he will yell like his life depends on it xD
do they enjoy tickling? if yes, is it a fun platonic/familial thing, or kinky thing to them, or can it be both depending on the circumstance? oh man he LOVES playfully tickling people. he does this game from time to time where he will just run all around the house looking for his brothers and give them a little playful tickle before running to the next spot looking for the next brother. he also does this at least once when all of them are sitting together in the same room, he loves tickling mammon and levi since they’re both so sensitive ;o; he’s also the only brother who’s brave enough to tickle lucifer!
are they more often a lee or ler, generally? he’s a bit more of a ler, but he doesn’t mind being on the receiving end of things either!
who is someone in their life that they tickle often? all of his brothers and mc! he’s extremely physically affectionate and playful in this sense ;w;
who is someone in their life that they get tickled by often? also his brothers and mc! he’s one of the more easy targets for all of them because of his affectionate nature, so they’re just like “eh why not?”
does the word “tickle” or any variation of embarrass them? nope! not even if it’s used in a context that could be turned on him!
are they embarrassed about their ticklishness, and do they try to deny/hide it? not at all actually! he’s fine with people knowing about it as long as they don’t take things too far with him
would gentle tickling or rough tickling affect them more? probably something in between, he gets pretty riled up with gentle tickles but if rough tickles go too far then it’ll just start to hurt
is there a specific spot that they enjoy being tickled, either exclusively or more than other spots? what is it? he’s honestly fine with being tickled anywhere, just as long as the ler doesn’t overdo it! he does like having parts of his torso touched because it gives him the sense that his ler is enjoying the curves of his body (cue things getting spicy but we don’t go into detail about that here xD)
is there a spot that they can’t stand to be tickled, either because it’s just too sensitive, or it’s uncomfortable/painful/etc? what is it? ok so his feet are ridiculously sensitive for some reason, it’s not like he doesn’t like it when people tickle him there, it’s just that they tend to go too far when they do (probably because they find his reactions adorable); they’re just extremely sensitive and he doesn’t like it when he’s tickled there for too long
would they ever purposefully bug a friend/partner/sibling into tickling them, and if so, how would they go about it? sometimes he does! he likes to wear crop tops from time to time and put his feet up on his brothers’ laps, which usually ends up with him on the receiving side of tickles (especially from mammon)
does teasing affect them? in a way yeah! he starts to squirm a lot more and grab at his ler’s hands, but he’s a lot like lucifer in the sense that he’ll likely sit up and turn the tables when his ler so much as thinks about trying to tease him ;)
on a scale of 1-10, how ticklish are they? oh boy he’s at least a 9 skjhfsd
where is their most ticklish spot(s)? he’s pretty ticklish everywhere, but his armpits, sides, and neck will send him into an absolute frenzy
which spots are they not ticklish? some parts of his arms and legs just don’t do it for him, pretty much anywhere else will just send him away xD
what is their laugh like? ok it COMPLETELY changes octaves from his general laugh and it is absolutely littered with hiccups. he pretty much makes ever sound under the sun when he gets tickled; squeals, screams, chortles, snorts, ALL OF IT. GIVE THIS BOY TICKLES OKAY
do they enjoy tickling? if yes, is it a fun platonic/familial thing, or kinky thing to them, or can it be both depending on the circumstance? it’s something he generally tries to avoid when he can (because he knows the tables will be turned on him), but if he knows he’ll have the upper hand he has no problem with going to town on them. he’s pretty contact shy though so it takes him a while to get comfortable with tickling someone outside of his immediate family
are they more often a lee or ler, generally? he’s generally more of a lee! since he’s shy and hesitant when it comes to dishing out tickles, he’s definitely much more of an easy target from his brothers because they’re all aware of how helplessly ticklish he is sldfhksjdfh
who is someone in their life that they tickle often? probably mc or belphie, he knows that they’re both okay with him tickling them and he knows both of them well enough to be comfortable with doing so
who is someone in their life that they get tickled by often? literally ALL of his brothers like omg. he’s such an easy target and we know that he can’t run that fast for very long, so someone like mammon or asmo will catch up to him almost instantaneously and proceed to absolutely wreck him, especially if they want something from him or feel like they need to punish him for something ;o;
does the word “tickle” or any variation of embarrass them? OH GOD YES. like it doesn’t even matter if it’s used in a context that could be used against him, if he so much as hears that word his face is redder than a tomato and he is ready to get up and SPRINT away (as fast as he can at least)
are they embarrassed about their ticklishness, and do they try to deny/hide it? OMG DEFINITELY. he wants to appear cool on the outside despite his lack of self-confidence, and once mc found out about it he was so worried that it would ruin his image even further, but they just found it cute (levi hates being called cute though, he strongly prefers the word cool). he’s mostly embarrassed about it though bc it gives others a tool to use against him
would gentle tickling or rough tickling affect them more? probably tickles more on the rough side, of course gentle tickles get him to giggle adorably but something about rougher tickles just absolutely SENDS him like pls help him god
is there a specific spot that they enjoy being tickled, either exclusively or more than other spots? what is it? he doesn’t really enjoy being tickled, but if it’s for a short time and if it’s for mc then he’s willing to put himself out there, but for no more than a few seconds because he will ACTUALLY die if it goes on for too long
is there a spot that they can’t stand to be tickled, either because it’s just too sensitive, or it’s uncomfortable/painful/etc? what is it? OH GOD HIS UNDERARMS ARE SO FUCKING SENSITIVE HE WILL ACTUALLY SCREAM AT THE TOP OF HIS LUNGS IF YOU GET THEM OMG. his feet and the backs of his knees are also pretty ticklish, and he’ll just kick and beg if he gets tickled there ;o;
would they ever purposefully bug a friend/partner/sibling into tickling them, and if so, how would they go about it? nope, not in a million years. he prefers to stay out of situations that have anything to do with tickling anyway, especially if they involve his brothers since he KNOWS he’s an easy target
does teasing affect them? OH GOD YES. like his laugh will completely change pitch and he will squirm with all his might to try and get away, not caring if he accidentally kicks or punches you. his face also turns a million shades of red and he just starts to squeal and grab at you like wtf it’s actually the cutest thing in the world i--
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sour-n-salty-citrus · 3 years
5, 11, 28? ~necklace-of-sin
Hey Cat! Thanks for the asks :D
5. What is/are your least favorite trope(s)?
HMM! Idk if this counts as a trope, but I CANNOT read anything with public sex (MAYBE semi-public but even then it depends). Like idk bajdjsjs I'm super squicky about the idea of someone stumbing in upon or watching the MCs of the fic. Like- MAYBE if its one person watching in a confined space, otherwise, if its like a crowd or smth then nuh uh I'm not reading it. I think maybe part of it comes from a strong sense of second hand embarrassment or smth lol.
Next- I wouldn't say I 'dislike' this trope, but hurt/no comfort. I mean- maybe I'll read it, but I'm a godamn sap, so even in stuff like darkfic I need some kind of closure ;-;. Even if the ending isn't "happy", I prefer bittersweet to just... bitter akdjskd. I need some relief, otherwise it's just Torture Porn? Which can be enjoyable ig but very very very rarely for me.
Oh another one is when a ship is put in the main tags... only to break up/not be the main pair ajdbsj. Like- I read a bkdk fic (bc i was in the bkdk tag) that was about Deku cheating on Bakugou w Todoroki and breaking up, and then the following fic was Kiribaku. LIKE hsjdjasj it makes me so mad! Why couldn't the break up have been referenced in the kiribaku fic?? Why make a new fic! Doesnt make sense to me. It's even worse if your ship is a rarepair/not that popular. Like- I ship Reibert, which isn't exactly a rarepair, but it always shows up as a sidepair. I have to legit filter out the jeanmarco tag bc it takes up the reibert tag, and just has them in the background and it annoys me sm >:/ Wait does that count as a trope-? Whatever.
This isn't a trope, but it's rare I like canon ships. Like- if a ship is implied canon it's like meh :/. I think a lot of the fun comes from the knowing your ship won't be canon and the potential there, so canon ships are kinda "boring" to me. With expections, of course, but yeah. Its like a lot of the potential is already gone, and I think its partly due to lazy writing, bc once characters are romantically involved a lot of writers cba to develop their actual relationship and individual characters. (This doesn't go for fic, more canon stuff).
11. What makes a great ship in your own opinion?
HMM. Well, as mentioned, I think the best ships always tend to be the non-canon ones :"). Idk I just feel like when there's only a platonic relationship on-screen, it means there's so much more to develop and explore in fic and fandom. Generally though, I love characters that are opposites (opposites attract 4 life), but still similar enough to flow off each other and have an enjoyable dynamic. Because you ship Rickorty too, I'll use them as an example: I like how they work as a team and balance each other's strengths, but at the same time can be conflicting and bicker a lot. If you look at my other fave ships (Bakudeku, Shizaya, Frostshield) I think I really have a thing for opposites (and blondes... apparently). I love when there's one half who's honest and earnest, and one who's more reseved and manipulative/complicated. I love ships that bring out the best in each other, and again, act as a balance for each other's strengths/weaknesses. I love the "stronger together" shit, I'm weak for it, and I love the whole "x is soft for y, and y is tough for x". Its *mwah* perfection. I love when the ship gives each other a different perspective on life, makes them change for the better.
I think the best ships are, when you put them in a room together, something interesting is bound to happen.
(Fluff and mushy shit aside I love when ships have a lot of potential for angst too >:D)
28. What is your best shipping advice?
This is a vagueish question so I'll answer as "best advice for a shipper".
Imo, ship what you want and dgaf. Someone will share your ship (someone always does, trust me), and if it's a rarepair, be the change you want to see in the world! Even if you feel like you're the only one making content for something and enjoying it, I guarantee, someone else will be searching for it and be very thankful to find it. If someone wants to talk about their ships with you, and if its not a trigger/uncomfortable for you, let them! They'll probably let you talk about yours in turn. Respect other people's ships, and they'll respect yours. If you don't like a ship, you're free to complain about it, but make sure to complain about the ship and NOT the shipper. Block whoever you want, it's literally no big deal, and if people are being jerks you don't have to listen to them. AO3 is a godsend, its tagging system and bookmarks are a godsend, use them! If you really enjoyed a fic, leave a comment! Please ;-; Doesn't have to be big. Write/make what you want, even if it's for yourself.
The most important thing is to have fun! :D
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oliveiraveiro · 4 years
Drunken Nights and Unspoken Words
Open Heart, Rafael Aveiro x F!MC (Estelle Valentine)
In which Estelle recalls a few memorable drunk conversations she had with Rafael. While there is one that made her smile again, the rest give more pain to her already broken heart. But what happens when unspoken words and feelings are finally spoken?
w // some fluff (in flashbacks), overall angst, curse word, happy open ending
word count: 2660
ao3 link
note: what is it with me and drunk, breakup prompts?? idk either please just bear with me. I have some ideas for a second part but not entirely sure about writing it, so let me know what you think or if you have suggestions
+ I know it’s been forever but I dedicate this to @violentinenow​ <3 still just attempting to write sksk but I hope you like it
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Rafael is a cute type of drunk.
Not the giggly one. Rather, he was the drunk whose musings are, as said, cute.
As Estelle drank her vodka cocktail alone in her apartment, she can’t help but to think about her ex-lover, and a few of his drunk ramblings.
“You... do you know Estelle means star?” he asked her sleepily.
As they laid together in her bed after a karaoke night with their friends, it was obvious he was already trying his best to stay awake.
“Mm, I do,” She ran a hand through his hair, pushing it back and away from his face, while she had a small smile on her own.
Technically, the Latin name Stella meant star, and Estelle is only the French version of it, but she did not need to get into that now. She was a little tipsy herself, but it was obvious the other was more drunk, and sleepier.
“Good. And you know... Valentine’s Day is basically... uh... Heart’s day, right? So Valentine is heart?” Rafael continued, and Estelle let out a soft chuckle.
“Basically, yes.” she agreed.
“You always call me Superman, don’t you? And so I thought, I should also give you your own superhero name. It’s Star-Heart.”
Estelle smiled even more, and she realized she had been smiling for too long already when her cheeks started to hurt. “That’s adorable, Superman. That is officially my superhero name starting tonight. Star-Heart reporting for duty.”
Rafael couldn’t help his wide grin. “I’m glad you like it. It’s just so fitting, you know? Not just... not only with the- with...your names. Star because you’re so bright, Estelle. And you- you light up any room you walk into. And heart... you’re so, so kind. I love that you still have a kind heart no matter how brilliant you are. I...”
He was clearly about to say something more, and she could almost see the gears in his head turning as he frowned, debating in his head whether he should continue or not.
Obviously deciding against it, Rafael gave her another sheepish grin. “Boa noite, meu amor.”
Estelle smiled at him, despite her heart going crazy. She wanted to finally hear the words he’s always hinted. Hell, she wanted to tell him that herself. But if even drunk him was still not ready, then she figured she should continue biting on her tongue.
“It’s Star-Heart to you, senhor.” she just said, continuing to humor him.
That was a nickname that never really stuck between the two of them, but there were a few weeks that Rafael received texts from Star-Heart instead of favorite doctor. Estelle remembered the first time she changed her contact name on his phone, teasing him about that night. Whenever she noticed he changed it back she’d change it again, and it went on for a few weeks.
It stopped after a particular Friday night and they went out for drinks again.
They sat together in a booth, their friends scattered around the bar doing their own thing, and as soon as Estelle got her hands on Rafael’s phone she decided to check her name yet again then change it. However, instead of seeing favorite doctor, like always, the name read meu amor.
She recalls almost having the guts to actually say the three words.
“My love?” She gave him a playful grin, this time more intoxicated than she usually lets herself be. “You always call me that.”
Estelle was somehow able to grin wider as she watched Rafael blush.
“You don’t like it? I can–”
She was quick to interrupt him. “No! I like it,” she promised. “But do you mean it?” She set his phone back down on the table, resting her hand atop his, lightly squeezing.
“Of course I do, Estelle. You know, I do.”
“Then say it,” she dared, heart hammering in her chest. Rafael smiled wide, just about to, but Estelle interrupted him again.
“Actually, no, let me say it.” She almost giggled as they both blushed, staring at each other’s eyes, and she also took his other hand in hers. “Rafael Aveiro, my Superman–”
“GO! KARTS! GO! KARTS! GO! KARTS!” their friends started chanting back to their booth before she could continue.
They were sober enough to agree to go racing but still with alcohol in their systems to drag the two of them with the rest of the gang.
They slept in the same bed again that night, but her short moment of courage was over. And neither of the two had it in them to bring it up again.
Estelle takes three gulps of her drink. They were both really stupid. She was stupid.   
How hard was it to tell the person you love that you love them? She screams in her mind that it literally only took three words, and once again she feels angry at herself for being a coward. If she had been brave, maybe she wouldn’t be drinking herself to sleep in her room right now. Or maybe she’d still be drunk, but so would Rafael be, and they’d cuddle up in her bed like they used to and sleep comfortably in each other’s arms.
The what ifs are quick to invade Estelle’s mind.
What if she said ‘I love you’ that night? What if he did? Would he still leave her for Sora, or those three unspoken words would have been enough to make him stay?
The last time she let herself think about him, she already promised she won’t blame herself anymore. It was important she knew that it wasn’t her fault, and that Rafael left because he wanted to. He simply made a choice: his own.
But with the earlier events of tonight, she wasn’t sure about that anymore.
Right after her shift and she got time to freshen up, she made her way to Donahue’s. She headed straight to the bar to get herself a drink, not even waiting for her friends anymore. She waited to get the attention of the bartender who was currently talking to a drunk customer, refusing them another drink.
With a singular focus to get a shot, she realized about a minute too late who the said customer was, now broadcasting not only to the bartender but to the people around him that he probably needs someone to call him a car.
“Rafael?” She walked towards him, simply giving the bartender an apologetic smile and they share a nod.
Before she can fully wrap her head around the situation, Estelle finds herself in a booth with Rafael. It is painfully familiar to how they used to spend the end of their work week. Although instead of having a few bottles and glasses and an assortment of finger foods in front of them, Rafael is drinking water and Estelle had yet to take the first swig of her beer.
They still hang out, sure. They never really stopped even after they ‘broke up’, but nowadays only with Bryce and her other roommates. Being in this scenario now, it feels like crossing a line.
“How’s your week?” Rafael asks, but quickly catches himself. “Or…uh, I’m– should I not ask?”
“It’s okay,” she gives him a small smile. “Work is…work. I guess just the usual.”
She takes a moment to take him in, staring up into his brown eyes and swallowing the lump in her throat. “Should I ask about how the suspension’s going?”
He grins, and she isn’t sure if it’s just the alcohol or the smile really doesn’t reach up his eyes. “It sure is going.”
“Somehow I just perfectly understand that,” she gives him another smile. Estelle thinks to herself that so far this was going well. What they had was pretty special: maybe they can truly get past the awkwardness and be normal friends.
But what he says next makes her forget that thought in less than a second. “We broke up.”
“You and…Sora?” she asks. She instantly realized it was a useless response, but she was too surprised. Why? And is he telling this to her as his friend or his ex-lover?
Thankfully being a smartass isn’t really Rafael’s style. “Yeah, Sora and I.”
“What happened?” About a hundred emotions floods her chest, but she chooses to focus on genuine concern for her obviously upset friend. She realizes only now just how deep his frown was, and that there was hurt and longing behind his eyes.
“She said she was disappointed that it took me this long to open up about…us.”
She found it hard to find her next words, cheeks burning upon hearing his words. “And she broke up with you because of that?”
“No, not exactly. I…I told her I loved her.” At this point Rafael’s eyes can’t meet hers, his finger tracing circles on his glass.
“So she broke up with you because she doesn’t feel the same way? Oh, that sucks, Raf. I’m so sorry...” Estelle feels for him and wishes he didn’t have to go through this. Yes, she vividly felt the pain clenching her heart which extended all the way to her fingertips as her mind repeated that fact that the person she loves just told her he loved someone else. But Rafael is such a genuine, sweet person. No matter what happened between them he only deserves happiness.
He smiles, but she sees just how empty it was. “She said she does. She broke up with me because according to her I don’t feel the same way.”
“That… doesn’t make sense. You just told her you loved her, didn’t you?”
“Sometimes we say things we don’t really mean,” he quotes Sora’s words. “It just… yeah, it sucks. You’d think at our age I’d be better at relationships already but here I am.”
Estelle responds with silence and looks down at his free hand resting on the table. She wants to take it, to let him know she’s right here with him despite not having the right words. But everything he’s said so far, she is yet to absorb. So she decides against it– biting onto her lip softly as she waited for him to continue.
“Do you think I shouldn’t have said it?” he asks after a long moment. “Not tell her I loved her?”
She fights back the tears that threatened to form in her eyes. “Raf, I’m sure–”
“It’s not like I don’t love her, you know? I guess maybe… maybe it’s too early to say it. And she’s right, I do have complicated feelings. But I know we can have something– special.” Rafael interrupts. “I just thought, with the two of us, I waited far too long to tell you how I really felt. And we… I mean I– I ruined it and I… we, didn’t work out. So I thought getting it out there early, telling her I love her, would… make it work.”
Estelle takes a moment to let that sink in, but ultimately fails. The only thing her brain processed was about him not telling her the truth. “You waited too long to tell me what?”
He sighs softly. “You know what I’m talking about, Estelle.”
“No, I actually don’t, Raf. And I think you should just be straight with me right now because you broke up with me. And now it seems you’re implying that you didn’t get the chance, like I didn’t give you a chance, to tell me that–” she stops herself, realizing her raising tone.
Her cheeks flushes in anger, fist clenching under the table. She’s thought about this happening countless of times, but not like this. Not only he was drunk, but he didn’t even plan the confession.
Rafael’s eyes widen as he slowly understood what she said, and he quickly looks at her apologetically. “I’m sorry, Estelle. I know that. But what I’m saying this time is true, I loved you. And fuck, it’s stupid and a complication, and might be the actual reason why Sora ended things with me last week, but I still do, Estelle. It’s...”
He swallows the lump in his throat, biting on his lip, his words and emotions currently all over the place and obviously so. He’s starting to realize that he’s being insensitive, that he shouldn’t be saying all these to her. He’s aware he might be hurting her right now, but God, he’s kept this for so long and he wouldn’t be able to sleep if he keeps it for one more night. He’d already wasted plenty of chances. Tonight’s stolen chance, this is finally going to be the one he takes.
“Before anything else, we’re friends, Estelle. So I owe it to you to be honest, and because I’ll go crazy if I don’t let you know. I’m still in love with you.”
Not like this. Tears pool in her eyes, making her vision blurry. She instinctively blinks, only making it stream through her cheeks. Rafael looks extremely guilty upon seeing her crying, but he’s unable to move nor speak again.
She knew he’s not doing this to be cruel. He’s probably barely registering his confessions in his mind, and only more oblivious to the fact that what he’s saying is not pleasant and is hurting her. She’s mad at the situation. She’s mad at what’s happening, very, but she blames the alcohol and not him. But even so, she just couldn’t take any more.
By the time a full minute passes, she is already out of the bar. She spends a few moments in the back alley crying as she spammed Bryce with texts, telling him to take care of their drunk friend. As soon as he assures her he will, she leaves and makes her way home, but only after buying drinks from the nearest convenience store.
And so now, she is laid on a blanket on her floor, finishing her third-or-maybe-fourth bottle, thinking about her ex-lover. Or is it just lover now, with his admission? God, tonight was messy.
Where was the drunk Rafael who gave her a superhero name? The one who goes on and on about how amazing she was. The one who argued to her unprovoked that homemade cooking is always better, and actually made some good points. What horrible thing did she do that she had to cross paths with Rafael tonight when he’s too honest and far from having cute ramblings?
I love you. Oh, this godawful phrase. When she’s kept up awake at night, it’s almost always because of these three words. The irony that she’s just as restless even after finally hearing it from him.
She loves him, that was still a fact, yes. Perhaps that’s what makes everything more complicated.
Does it mean they’ll get back together? Does he even want them to? Does she?
Fortunately, she didn’t have to come to a conclusion tonight. And soon enough she falls asleep with even more thoughts about Rafael.
The hangover next morning isn’t so bad. The universe is probably making it up to her after last night’s events. She starts to think that today would be good. It’s her day off, after all. But, soft knocks at her door already interrupts her.
She sits up, swallowing the lump in her throat. Somehow she already knows exactly who it is right outside her room.
“Estelle?” Rafael calls. “It’s me. I brought you coffee and pancakes.”
I love you. She immediately thinks as she starts to get up. She realizes just what she thought a few seconds later, and she stops for a moment, but goddammit, she does love him, even without food involved. They’ll figure it out, like real adults this time. Hopefully.
Estelle opens the door and greets him with a smile. “Hey. You don’t look too bad for someone hungover.”
He smiles sheepishly, holding out his takeout. “How’s this for starting my apology?”
“Happy to let you know you’re off to a great start. Come on in, Superman.”
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jokertrap-ran · 4 years
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[Stand My Heroes] 挽夏のミステリーブライド (Late summer Mystery Bride) Event Story: Part ② Translations
*Sutamai Master-list *MC name is retained default Izumi Rei *Scenario Writer: @eno_bara (榎戸乃ばら) 
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Special Stages
⋆⋅☆ Old Castle: Corridor ☆⋅⋆
Rei: Whoa…This is amazing. It’s really a Castle!
???: (――This girl! …Kiyo-san!?)
???: (…No, but that’s impossible!)
???: (Upon closer inspection, isn’t her face and body way thinner than Kiyo-san’s?)
???: (--But her aura does resemble her a little, somehow…)
Hinata: The air in here’s really cool.
???: (--What!? She’s bringing in one guy after another trailing after her!?)
Miyase: Ohh, so that’s why it feels as cool as a cooler in here!
???: (This man…the aura he gives off resembles that of a servant calling from the Kurodas, a family who I didn’t like even within our Social Circles.)
???: (They look as if they aren’t capable of hurting even a fly on the outside, but I hear that they’d do all sort of things in the shadows to protect their properties…)
Kirishima: …………
???: (…Hm?)
Kirishima: …………
???: (W-What’s with this guy with his odd hair colouring!?)
???: (Actually, is he— Is he looking at me?)
Miyase: …Kirishima-san? What’s wrong?
⋆⋅☆ Old Castle: Corridor ☆⋅⋆
Kirishima: …………
???: (…………)
Miyase: …Kirishima-san? What’s wrong?
Kirishima: Huh?
Miyase: You must be tired from driving. I apologise for leaving the wheel to you.
Kirishima: No, I’m not the least bit tired at all. Plus, I love driving!
???: (Am I just mistaken? Well, I suppose that there are always people out there with sharp senses.)
???: (So it’s not all that odd for there to be someone who can see me or feel my presence…)
Kujo: Don’t you all want to know more about this Castle before you wander off exploring?
???: (Hah? What would you know about me?)
⋆⋅☆ Old Castle: Study ☆⋅⋆
Kujo: His parents died early-on in his life and it seems like he, himself, died young, having taken his own life.
???: (Hey, hey…That’s really personal information right off the bat!)
Kirishima: …Did he die in this room?
???: (——!)
Kujo: How’d you guess that?
Kirishima: No, I just…had a feeling.
???: (I knew it. This guy…he can sense my presence!)
Kirishima: Please continue; tell us more.
Kujo: Apparently, the only thing he had written in his Suicide Note was “I’m bored”.
???: (It was something I wrote on a whim. But…it’s true.)
Kujo: For it he already had someone he had been enraptured with.
Shindo: But he had to let go of her— Was she the Wife of another?
???: (Urk! How dare you rub salt onto my wound like that!!)
Hinata: The person that held his interests might be the girl reflected in this Photo Album here.
???: (Wha-!? Hey, hands off! Don’t go casually opening my Kiyo-san Collection!!)
⋆⋅☆ Old Castle: Study ☆⋅⋆
Miyase: Wow, she’s pretty dazzling.
Kujo: She bears some resemblance to you.
???: (I know, right!?)
???: (--Wait, no! Now’s not the time for this! Don’t defile another’s treasure any further-!)
Shindo: It’s a little ironic that someone wealthy enough to own a Castle like this has to lower themselves down to the likes of a stalker who stockpiles photos of his target.
???: (Don’t defile it anymore!!)
Rei: Eek!
Kirishima: Rei!?
???: (Oh no! Kiyo-san- No, I’ve hurt her doppleganger!)
Rei: I’m fine.
???: (Thank goodness…)
Rei: Rather than that, what just happened just now?
Hinata: The Teacup moved on its own accord…?
???: (I unconsciously lost control of my emotions, but this works out just as well. I’ll chase these rude people out of here!)
???: (Maybe I should drop a tome or two?)
Rei: Eek-!!
Kaname: After the Teacup comes a book this time…?
Kujo: What’s going on in here?
???: (It was I who did it!)
Shindo: Perhaps it was due to the fault of the Construction Workers. The shelves could have been compromised by the renovations.
???: (I said I’m the one who did it!)
Kirishima: …………
Miyase: Anyway, wouldn’t it be better for you to change out of that, Rei-san?
Rei: Oh, right! I’ve brought a spare set of clothes, so I’ll just pop into the rooms to change.
???: (No, leave already…!)
Kujo: How about changing into an outfit fitting for a place like this if you’re going to have to change anyway?
Rei: Huh?
Kujo: I do think that it’s best to enjoy a trip to it’s fullest, no matter what twist and turns there may be along the way.
???: (Hah…!?)
⋆⋅☆ Old Castle: Corridor ☆⋅⋆
Rei: (I’ve ended up dressing in something pretty cute…)
Sliding my arms into the sleeves of a dress decorated with lace and ribbons with a retro-feel to it, I headed back out into the corridor.
Rei: (It feels as if I’m fitting right into the atmosphere of this castle, just by walking a little in this. I think I’m starting to feel it!)
Rei: (…Still, why did the Teacup move all of a sudden?)
???: --Oo? Now, doesn’t that suit you quite well?
Rei: What?
I turned around. Standing there was none other than—
Rei: Oh! Shindo-san! You changed too? That really suits you!
Shindo: You didn’t pin up your hair? There’s an accompanying flower peony pin to go along with this outfit, isn’t there?
Rei: Yes; there was one, but…I don’t know how to put it on. Wait, actually, how did you know?
Shindo: Because both that dress and the flower pin were both bought for her.
Rei: Her?
Shindo: …Although I didn’t manage to give them to her in the end.
Rei: Shindo-san?
Shindo: ……
Rei: ???
Shindo: --You do look alike afterall.
Rei: Huh? To whom?
Shindo: …………
Rei: (He seems to be acting a little odd…)
Shindo: …Let us proceed. I shall escort you back to the Study.
He extended out a hand in my direction, surprising me, for I never thought that he’d actually do something like that.
Rei: (Is he also trying to enjoy this entire experience too since it’s what’s “Happening” now?)
Rei: (Whatever the reason may be, it won’t do for me to turn down his kindness now that he has extended it.)
Rei: Thank you. Then, if you’d please.
Shindo: Your hand, if I may?
Rei: Okay.
Rei: (Eek……!)
I unwittingly flinched at the icy coldness of his skin as my fingers brushed against his. It caught me by surprise.
Shindo: What?
Rei: N-Nothing! I’ll be in your care!
I took his hand, as cold as ice, as we started walking.
Rei: (…Maybe the air-conditioning’s temperature was set too low?)
⋆⋅☆ Old Castle: Study ☆⋅⋆
Rei: I’ve returned. Sorry for making you all wait.
Kirishima: Oohh! You look real nice in that!
Kujo: It suits you really well.
Miyase: Truly. You do look utterly magnificent in a dress.
Hinata: …Cute.
Rei: !
Kaname: You really do say things like that as if it’s as natural as breathing.
Hinata: But you think so too, don’t you, Kana?
Kaname: Not really.
Kaname adverted his eyes from both Shion and I, decidedly lifting the teacup to his mouth.
Hinata: Are you hiding your mouth from sight because you just told a lie?
Kaname: Can you please not attach a reason to the actions of another as you please?
Hinata: You’re cute too, Kana. Just like Rei-san in a dress.
Kaname: Haa…Enough of that already.
Rei: Ahaha. It’s a little embarrassing, but I’ll take those words of praise in stride. Thank you.
Shindo: I don’t really care, but did you really lug that dress all that way here from the corridors?
Rei: !!
Shindo: ……? What? Don’t go making a face as if you’ve just seen a ghost.
Rei: S-Shindo-san?
Shindo: Do I look like someone else to you?
My breath hitched in my throat as I spun around to look behind me. Shindo should have been right behind me, having entered the room after he has escorted me here and opened the door for me.
Rei: …But he’s, not…
Shindo: Hey…?
Kaname: What’s wrong, big sis?
Rei: I came back here with Shindo-san, but…
Shindo: What?
Kirishima: He’s been here all this time, though.
Rei: He’s been here all along…?
⋆⋅☆ Old Castle: Study ☆⋅⋆
Goosebumps started to form on my skin. And I recalled how icy Shindo’s fingers had felt against my touch.
Rei: But I’m certain that I came back here together with Shindo-san and he had changed into another outfit as well…
Shindo: Did the heat get to you?
Kaname: I don’t think Kiyoshi-san would change outfits unless there’s a good reason for it.
Rei: (Come to think of it…)
I did think that he was “acting different from usual”.
Rei: (But then, that means that the person earlier was…)
Rei: A-Ahaha! Please don’t pull my leg like this, guys. I don’t like being scared like that.
Miyase: He’s really been here all along.
Kujo: I swear we’ve not schemed anything along the lines of remotely scaring you…
My nervous laugh quite literally froze on my face.
Rei: Then…Who was the Shindo-san who came here with me?
Kujo & Miyase: ……
Hinata & Kaname: ……
Kirishima: …………
⋆⋅☆ Old Castle: Corridor ☆⋅⋆
???: (It’s the first time I’ve assimilated the form of another, but now I see…)
???: (I couldn’t move the body as freely as I’d like when I escorted her, and my head was reverberating with a voice, buzzing around saying “money”.)
???: (Which means that there’s conflict between my will and the will of the person whose body I’ve assimilated since our thoughts and actions clash.)
???: But now I know, since I’ve gotten up-close to her. She’s…She really does resemble Kiyo-san.
???: …More, I wish to keep her by me.
???: I wish to know more about that girl.
⋆⋅☆ Old Castle: Study ☆⋅⋆
Rei: Then…Who was the Shindo-san who came here with me?
A heavy silence fell upon all of us as neither of us could come up with anything. –Just then, A sudden ringing sound pierced through the deathly silence.
Miyase: Is that someone’s phone?
Kirishima: Not mine.
Kaname: Not mine either.
Rei: Sorry…! It’s mine.
Checking my phone, I saw the Caller ID of “Yui Kotaro” flashing across it.
Rei: I’ll go pick it up. It might be a work-related call.
I placed my hand on the doorknob and pushed the door open.
Kirishima: Rei, wait a minu-
⋆⋅☆ Old Castle: Corridor ☆⋅⋆
Rei: (--Eh.)
I had only taken a single step outside. And I could see that night had already fallen from the corridors. The sound of the door shutting behind me echoed, but the sound of an incoming call had somehow died somewhere along the way.
I gulped and whirled around to re-open the door that I had just closed.
Rei: (It’s not opening! Why is it not opening…!?)
It didn’t budge an inch, no matter how much I pushed or pulled at it.
Rei: What’s going on…?
Rei: --Right, the phone call!
Rei: Yui-san…
I breathed a sigh of relief at the sound of the call connecting. It was almost as if it was my one connection to reality.
Yui: “—Izumi?”
Rei: (Thank the gods that he picked up…!)
Rei: Sorry for the sudden call, Yui-san! But I think I’m starting to hallucinate…
Yui: “You’re hallucinating…?”
Rei: Exactly! Like how I thought that I had been together with Shindo-san and how it’s suddenly night outside the moment I stepped out of the room and-!
Yui: “Calm down, Izumi…and……so,”
Rei: Yui-san?
Yui: “…Therefore………nd……ah…”
Rei: Um, you’re actually cutting off-
The line went flat with a beep.
Rei: ――!
I went into my contacts list and attempted to dial him again. What I heard on the other end of the line was-
“The phone number you’re dialling at this current moment in time is not in use”.
Rei: How is this possible!?
???: Izumi, don’t fear.
Rei: Eek…!
The voice that called out from behind sounded eerily familiar. Heart in my throat, I fearfully turned around…
Rei: Y-Yui-san…?
⋆⋅☆ Old Castle: Corridor ☆⋅⋆
Rei: (What’s Yui-san doing here? And dressed like that too…)
Yui: Izumi, I can’t stop myself from wishing to know more about you.
Saying as such, Yui(?) stepped a foot forwards and I, in turn, took a step backwards. My back met the door with an audible thud. He placed a hand on the side of my face, as if trying to ground my vision as my eyes darted left and right, seeking an escape path.
Rei: ……!
Yui: Tell me all about yourself.
Yui: Because for all sakes and purposes, I…
Yui: Because…I…
Yui: Ngh…
Rei: Yui…-san?
Yui: Ugh…Urk…Ngh—What’s with this guy’s mental state!?
Rei: Wha?
Rei: Umm…?
Yui: Ugh…his thoughts are deafening!
Yui: The will of a living person is this strong!? All I want to do is to borrow this vessel for a little while!
Rei: Yui-san…?
Yui: Back up for a moment! This guy won’t work!
His pink hair wavered and then-- He disappeared from my sight in the blink of an eye; not a trace of him to be found.
Rei: ……Wha- what??
Rei: (This must be……a dream. I’m dreaming!)
Rei: (Maybe I collapsed the moment I exited the room back in the waking world?)
I pinched my arm, hard, to confirm my suspicions.
Rei: --Why? It hurts…
The ill-sinking feeling returned to my gut once more in full force as I heard a voice coming from the other side of the door that I had my back to.
???: Izumi-san? I wish to open these doors. May I?
Rei: (That’s Miyase-san’s voice!?)
Rei: F-Feel free!
I stepped backwards, putting enough space between myself and the door so that the door could open without issues. The heavy wooden doors creaked open slowly, revealing—
Miyase: Oh, I apologize. Please don’t look so frightened.
───⋅𝕿𝖎𝖑𝖑 𝖓𝖊𝖝𝖙 𝖙𝖎𝖒𝖊…⋆⋅☆
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itsestherrrr · 4 years
My own Sims 4 challenge: TWISTED DESTINY
💛 Hi y’all! I felt super inspired to create my own challenge. After working so freakin hard, here I am with the ten generation legacy challenge “TWISTED DESTINY“! I’d literally be so happy if you decided to try it out. A big focus for me & this challenge, is different lifestyles and personalities. It’s a crazy challenge, & it definitely changes things up!! OH & ALSO, I PLAY THIS CHALLENGE ON MY YOUTUBE CHANNEL, AGGIES, find it here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCORM3KlnW0Hon1tb2WE6T-w
This is a ten generation legacy challenge, all objectives/goals for every generation must be completed!
Always start out with one heir, gender doesn’t matter
The point of the challenge is for your heirs to have completely different lifestyles + personalities, therefore they should move to a different world that suits the lifestyle they’re supposed to have
No cheats that has to do with skills, relationships, work tasks... no cheats that will be for your advantage if that makes sense hehe!
Keep aging on NORMAL
Go crazy!! Make sure your sims personalities stand out and make use of the rules, to help you set up their lives. We want this to be entertaining and unique, something new!!
Generation one: THE BAD REPUTATION  💔
Okay, you might not have had the best grades. You might have gotten into a lot of trouble & you might seem crazy. But oh boy, your past has really shaped you. Your parents never wanted a kid, didn’t care to raise you, never gave you any “real” love. You didn’t let it get to you, you were happy to be free and made so many friends only from telling your background story. In the later days, you’ve started to realize what you’ve become. What you let your past do to you. The thought pops up in your head: “What if I prove them all wrong? What if I don’t have to be that one everyone knows about. What if I can be a better parent than my parents ever were?”
You’re outgoing, self assured & such a fun friend. These things will never change. Whay will change, is the fact that you all of a sudden want a family. You want something more, and you want to do something new and different. Will this be the right path to go? I mean, for the crazy “rule breaker” to start a family? Only time will tell!
(optional) Show how crazy you are! Have a crazy hair color for example. It adds some character!
Your heir must have the traits self assured, goofball and dance machine
Must master the friend of the world aspiration.
Don’t have a career (at least until you are a adult)!! You want to do something fun and crazy for a living. Pick two of these hobbies and work on them in your free time + master them: dancing, singing, playing an instrument, mischievous skill, dj skill, or the video gaming skill.
Play around a bit! Your heir has to date 2 sims, both of the relationships doesn’t end too well and you end up having a kid with the last one, which leads to them leaving you. After that you finally find your soulmate who really changes you for the better, and you have one + kid/s with them.
Meet at least two new sims everyday during your young adult life.
Make friends! Have a smaller/bigger friend group, meet up & have fun sometimes.
Generation two: THE FORGOTTEN KID  💛 🐑
”I guess I’ll have to start new, I  guess I’ll go my own way, I mean what else is there to do?”
You’re not sure why, but you never felt included. Sure, your parents were crazy, they gave you lots of love & care, although your sibling/s seemed to be their faves. Maybe you need that special connection, that only a pet could give you? Eh, you’ve always felt like a creative person who loves colors, and who wants to work with something that feels personal, you want to express yourself & be able to share your story with others. You decide to move to the city, and even though this isn’t where you plan on staying forever, it definitely feels like the right move. I mean, your parents wouldn’t care, you suppose? But what if there’s something they’re hiding, what if it’s a misunderstanding?
You’re a super kind human being full of love and passion. You love bright colors & always felt the need to help others, possibly since your parents def didn’t really do so. You want something big in life though, something special. Hmm, what would that be? Only time will tell!
Must have the traits clumsy, creative + loves the outdoors (thought they were colorful & cute tehe)
Must master the “soulmate” aspiration
Get to level ten in the writer career
Must live in a apartment for at least half your heirs young adulthood
Your heir must get themselves a pet right when they move out, you have a kind soul and this lil poor one you actually rescued!! (Yes I know owning a pet in a apartment is a whole challenge itself whoops)
You don’t want to be like your parent! Therefore, you want to marry the right person, your soulmate, before you have a baby/babies with them.
You’re supposed to not feel like your parent ever cared for you. But after some time you realize it might’ve been a misunderstanding, and you decide to let them into your life. Fun part is YOU get to decide what the whole thing was about.
Generation three: THE TRAVELER  🌵 ️ 📸
You had the BEST CHILDHOOD EVER. But why does this make you feel so, empty. Like, as if how everything was so perfect for you, made you feel like life never was a challenge. You made so many friends & your teenage years were fun and easy. It’s just not quite it, and you definitely need something more in your life, you need to find something you’re truly good at, & you need to push yourself for a crazier life!
You’re a real adventurer, you want to travel and see the world + work towards being multi skilled and, you know, a little off the grid. After some research you’ve heard the phone isn’t the way to a happy family. You love your family with all your heart, and you’ll do anything to have them see the world with a new perspective.
Have triplets (you may obviously cheat for this), this will be your only babies.
Master handiness, cooking AND gourmet cooking.
Master the “super parent” aspiration.
During your sims lifetime, you’re going to be moving quite a lot, you want to make the most of life and see all kinds of nature! You must therefore at the end of the generation have lived in all these three surroundings: near a beach (doesn’t have to be a beach in Sulani, there’s a “beach” in Brindleton, Windenburg...), in a city & in a desert.
You may have a career, a tip to make this even more interesting is to keep your career for a little while, until you feel like you’re ready to try something new!
Finish at least one collection
KEEP IN MIND! NeXT generation will start when the sim you choose to be the next heir is a TEEN.
Generation four: THE TEEN PARENT ❣️ 🍼
(Yes, through the MC COMMAND CENTER mod + the MC WOOHOO mod teens can get pregnant, even guys can haha, might not be realistic but I mean YOLO!!)
You travelled the world as a child, you saw everything. With that being said, you always felt you were different. You may not be like your parents, you actually want to settle down. Since you never really spent time on your phone back in the days, you were able to learn so much more. Maybe, that’s the reason you want to start your own family, basically do everything you ever dreamed of, but as a teenager? When you think about it, it sounds crazy. But after hearing all stories about your grandparents parents and whatever there is, who’s not crazy in this fam?
You’re not like anyone else in your family. But still, you love them with all your heart & definitely want to meet them often. But still you always felt the need to deal with your own ish. You need to spend time alone, and still you want to start a family. I guess you’re a bit of a loner, but there’s so much more to the story...
Must have the traits loner and geek, you can only have two traits as a teen, when you age up you can pick the last one yourself.
Meet someone at the age of a teenager, & end up pregnant (it’s really easy through MC COMMANT CENTER like I said). This may not be what your partner planned on doing the rest of their lives, so um, they leave you.
Move out on your own as a pregnant teenager (you’re afraid of what your family will think). You can live in a small house of apartment.
Don’t worry! Soon enough you’ll find someone, your SOULMATE. They support you through everything and actually also always wanted a family even though they’re young.
When you turn into a young adult, get yourself a job! Work as a astronaut & master the career.
Have a big family!! At least four kids (obviously no need to have them all as a teen).
Generation five: THE (NOT SO) SWEETHEART 🤚🏽 💕
Well, let’s put it like this: your childhood was a mess. But a mess in a good way. You felt like you had a lot of fun, you had a bunch of siblings to hang with, you felt included. It was that one time, way back, when you heard your parent sing, you knew it was for you. Maybe you should try pick up a guitar one day? Oh boy, all these stories about your crazy family, you never heard anything about music or instruments. “I just got an idea”, you thought.
You’re a overly sweet and adorable person, that one everyone in your town knows about. That one who wears cute clothes & never makes one mistake. The person who melts anyone’s heart with their smile. What they don’t know, is the fact that you want to be something more. You want to be crazy and rebellious, but seems like no matter how hard you try it doesn’t work. You love singing and playing instruments. Deep inside you want to be like that one person from way back, who you’ve heard started this whole family tree. What was their name, again?
Must have the traits friendly, music lover + one optional!
Must master 2 instruments + the singing skill.
Work as a criminal, and master the career! Something you keep from even your closet friends, but you can obviously tell your partner.
Have only one child.
The person you have the kid with, is supposed to be your “soulmate”. That one person who you can always trust, who you can be yourself with & share anything with.
You love sneaking out at night. You usually head to places where people don’t hang out. You bring your closest friends, but sometimes you just want to be alone.
Have a garden, and do some flower arranging aside.
Things really got crazy for you as a kid. You were an only child, you knew your parents better than they thought. They really thought they could hide things from you? Welp, things really got messy. As an only child you feel the need to take responsibility. You always loved playing around and being active as a kid, you were focused on your grades and want to be successful!!
You’re ambitious, active, determined, yet fun & gorgeous. You want to be the one to follow one path, follow your heart, and have a life where you’re constantly in movement, constantly feeling healthy. You were always so focused on yourself, and BOOM, all of a sudden you were a parent.
Must have the traits active, ambitious & cat/dog lover.
Master the “bodybuilder“ aspiration
Enter the athlete career, reach max level.
Master fitness and dancing.
Get a pet early on! You never wanted kids, so this was your companion, it was only gonna be the two of you.
Even though you didn’t plan for it to happen, you end up meeting someone, you know, things go down, either one of you end up pregnant.
Your partner definitely didn’t want children, therefore you’re left as a single parent.
Suddenly everything feels different. You build this connection to your kid, & you start loving parenthood. This is when you either decide to actually meet someone and expand your family, or just stick to being a single parent and never have more kids.
Generation seven: THE NATURE OBSESSED 🥭 🌱
You were unexpected. Weird to think, you wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for... anyways. You spent your days gaping up out in the nature. Out in the free, obsessing over the birds & the sunlight. You always felt when you were outside, nothing could get to you. You wanna go new places, and make tons of friends! You want to see what’s out there, the thought of living in a giant city cramped in a tiny apartment, ugh you could never.
You’re a little crazy, obviously, but also just want to live somewhere gorgeous & hangout with friends who really understands you. You always two things motivated you more than anything: painting & spending time outside. This will shape you, but there’s a lot of space to fill in still!
Must have the traits loves the outdoors, creative, & gloomy
Master painting, parenting and photography
Max out the painter career
Live somewhere beautiful, with a lot of gorgeous and interesting nature! Have a beautiful house (doesn’t have to be big), with breathtaking landscaping, & even include the “nature” sort of theme in your house (you may cheat with money to be able to get the house of your dreams)!
You’re lucky, you find the one to marry and have kids with! That one person who makes you feel so amazing and bubbly inside!!
Meet at least one new sim EVERY SINGLE DAY of your sims life (until you move on to the next gen)!!
When you go places with your friends, you want them to be unique. Drinking or partying isn’t your ish, you want to go to parks, pools, & whatever else there may be.
Generation eight: THE “NOT LIKE EVERYONE ELSE”  🤕
You love you family with all your heart. They make you feel amazing at all times, you love spending time with them. But you’re a super anxious person, you want to find someone but you’re so scared they’ll leave you. Therefore, you don’t feel like settling down right away. You’re gonna get out there, prove to the world how strong you are, & you’re gonna make sure you stick with the right one. With that, a couple broken hearts may pay the prize, but you just don’t want to get hurt.
You’re a super shy person, you have such talent but you’re afraid to show it. Don’t worry, your time will come. You also want to experiment with who to end up with, which is surprising, consider how anti social you are. But I mean, it’s your life, if this is what you want, go for it! Oh, in your free time you absolutely love to cook.
Have the traits loner, foodie & perfectionist
Have + master the serial romantic aspiration
Master cooking & charisma
Have quite some failed “relationships” (doesn’t have to be actually together), have kids with 3 of your failed relationships.
Have at least one kid with your successful relationship.
Get married as an elder to the person you really love.
Choose what career to go into, but when you turn into an adult, you realize cooking was always the one for you, so you enter that career.
Generation nine: THE ONE WHO FIGHTS  🤛🏽 💓
You always wanted the best for people. Your family was sweet, although you where surrounded by so many half siblings, who didn’t completely make you feel special. You want to be special, cause currently you’re really not. Right? You want to be strong and fight the people who ever did the world anything bad. You want to save the planet, whilst still being able to do other stuff.
You’re friendly and hardworking, although you’re quite hot headed and will make sure to fight the ones who do something wrong. You’re obsessed with the color orange for some reason. To you, the color shows strength.
Must have the traits friendly & hot headed, you pick the last one!!
Pick any aspiration you think suits, you keep in mind you must master it!!
Be a secret agent and get to level 10!
You absolutely love the color orange Show this off in your sim and their house (fun little tough)!
Fight people! Your sim must fight at least one person every other day, these sims have clearly done something bad (oops I feel bad but...)
You stand up for what you want! Go out to the city and demonstrate twice week (you can choose what cause).
You have a kind soul. Every other day you donate some money to charity. Delete 100 semoleons from your household every other day.
Generation ten: THE GOOD REPUTATION ️ ❤️
You always heard stories about your family. Could it really have been THAT bad? Anyways, you’re taking inspiration from way back, from that sim *insert name of the sim from gen 1*, and you want to turn it around. Do everything the right way, be productive & have a fun life. Do everything everyone used to do in your family, but still not be too bad. Eh, why don’t you go back to where it all started, and see what you can do.
You’re a happy and gorgeous person, whenever you walk past someone they shine. Literally. Although, people are a little nervous about you going back to the world where it all started, so many rumors have been going around. You just want to see what it was all about, and if it gets crazy, let it be. This fam is crazy!
Must have the traits good, childish & vegetarian.
Must master the “friend of the world” aspiration (just like first gen!!”
Complete one collection
Master video gaming and choose the second skill to master!
Go back to where it all started, find your roots! Move to the world that was home for generation one.
Live in a small house, that is beautifully decorated though!
When it comes to your love life, you actually WANT to be a single parent. Come up with a story as to why, and adopt at least one child.
AND THAT IS IT. I’d absolutely love if you tried playing this challenge, I’ve spent MONTHS working on it. Please check out me playing it over on “Aggies” on YouTube. Love ya!
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flowerpowell · 5 years
Meet-Cute (Drake x MC)
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Part four is here, and to be honest, I’m quite happy with it! I like how it turned out even though I sort of ended the slow burn we all love 😂 Anyway, I hope you’ll all like it too! Feedback is always very appreciated!
All rights go to Pixelberry, I don’t own the characters.
Rating: PG-18 (slight ns*w by the end)
Word count: 1769
When Friday came, Riley was ready to drop out and come back to the States. The thought of another class with Drake gave her anxiety and she was considering not going.
But then again, what was the point? She’d only fall behind and had to catch up on the material.
Tired and annoyed, Riley made it into the classroom only to be greeted with Amanda flirting with Drake.
Good luck with that. This man can’t flirt for life.
She sat down next to Luke who was coldly staring at the teacher and Amanda talking.
“Hey, what’s up?” she asked studying his face. He looked weird, very focused and very angry.
“I hate the guy,” he nodded towards Drake, “he hates me and you for whatever reason but flirts with Amanda like there’s no tomorrow. He just want to get some, stupid jerk.”
“What, him? Please, he can’t flirt!” Riley said shaking her head. If he could he would flirt with her when he had the chance two years ago, right?
“And how do you know that?”
“Body language. Look into his eyes, he’s uncomfortable.”
“Man, you’re really good at this. You’re gonna make a great psychoanalyst!” Luke smiled at her and she blushed. This was her main goal, she loved analyzing people.
“Okay people, sit down,” Drake’s voice interrupted her thoughts.
Here we go again.
“What does have North and South have in common with the topic of our last class? Maybe...Amanda? I’m sure you’ll know,” Drake smiled warmly at Amanda and Riley’s eyes widened.
What? What does he think he’s doing?
“It’s set during Industrial Revolution and it shows the effects it had on people,” Amanda replied, smiling at the teacher as well and Riley felt the sudden urge to scratch her eyes out.
For no reason.
“Very good, Amanda! Today we will focus on relations between North and South, between the people from these two worlds.”
“It’s a little bit like us,” Amanda started, “we are from two different world but share the same passion for history.”
You’ve got to be kidding me.
“Umm, kind of,” Drake was clearly a little bit disconcerted by the remark but tried to keep a straight face.
“Anyway, can some point out the differences between the main characters, Margaret Hale and John Thorton?”
“Their attitude to work, to money. John is prejudiced and doesn’t like or trust people. Margaret trusts people and wants to help them,” Luke noticed and Drake made a wry face.
“Mhm, it’s a correct answer but I didn’t ask you. As you read, Margaret was from the South, which was a rural region whereas John was from the industrial North. Mr. Thorton worked very hard on what he had but Margaret didn’t understand it and misjudged him. I think it’s safe to say it was Margaret who was prejudiced.” Drake explained.
“Are you trying to make Margaret a bad character? Cause she’s not! She helped many people!” Riley interrupted, already tired with Drake’s prejudice against Luke.
“She helped many people but she made a lot of mess along the way. She definitely wasn’t the best for Mr. Thorton.” Drake answered calmly.
“She tried her best!”
“...and failed? Every single of her actions hurt John.”
“She never hurt him!
“What about that time when Margaret left, which means she left Mr. Throton as well. Was it a good decision?”
“Oh really?” Drake asked mockingly, “How so? Cause she wanted to torture Thorton?”
“She had nothing left!”
“She had him!” Drake exclaimed and Riley realized he was talking more about their situation from two years ago, not so much about the book.
“This place was ruining her!” she argued.
“So it’s better to leave like this and ruin him, huh?”
“She left him a message!” Riley remembered the events from two years ago and didn’t want Drake to play the victim. Since he was referring to their situation, she decided to do so too.
“A message! After she left!”
“And what exactly did he do to make her stay, huh? Why didn’t he fight?”
“Umm...but..” Amanda started but everyone ignored her.
“How could he know she wanted to leave?”
“Well, maybe he should’ve acted as if he cared more!”
“Care? He didn’t care? It was her who didn’t care!”
“She literally said she loved him in the letter! And he?”
“I can’t seem to find that in the book...” Amanda murmured frantically flipping through the pages.
“What did he do? What did he do? I’ll tell you what he did! When she was busy writing this fucking letter, he was telling his best friend that he was in love with his woman. He had an argument with his best friend over a woman he loved. He came to her fucking room to tell her he loved her but all he found was this fucking letter and she was gone. That’s what he did!”
Riley froze as everyone remained silent. She felt her classmates’ eyes on her but she didn’t care.
Did he just say he loved me? Did he just...does he love me? Did he talk to Liam...Did he...
“Excuse me, can someone show me the exact passage we’re talking about now? I swear I read it last night and I can’t find it now...” Amanda raised her hand but no one answered her.
Riley felt like she couldn’t breathe. He loved her. If she hadn’t left that night they could be together now. Did he still love her?
“I...excuse me,” Riley took her bag and quickly stormed out of the classroom.
“Shit,” Drake cursed as he took his own bag.
“Class dismissed, write an essay on why communication is crucial based on Margaret and John. Have a nice weekend,” he said as he ran out of the room as well.
“Riley!” he cried out seeing her on campus, walking towards her dorm.
“Riley wait, Riley!” he yelled causing Riley to stop and turn back.
Before he could say anything else, Riley closed the distance between them and kissed him so hard that Drake was taken aback for a while. Only for a while. He returned the kiss with even more passion, pouring all his emotions, relief that she was fine, pain that she left, anger that she played with him, into the kiss.
They were in the middle of the campus, kissing like crazy, like their lives depended on it. It felt like hours before they parted, both breathless with wild looks in their eyes. They had waited enough.
“Your place or mine?” Drake rasped still holding her close as if afraid she could disappear.
“Yours, I have a roommate,” she panted and without giving her any time to catch her breath, he took her hand and led her to his apartment
He didn’t even lock the door in his apartmenet before he threw Riley on his bed, eager to finally do all the things he dreamed of doing for almost three years. Waiting would be damned. It was already too long.
He was kissing her neck trying to take off her dress while she was removing his clothes. It didn’t take long before all their clothes lay scattered all over Drake’s bedroom.
No talking, just indulging their deepest desires, showing all the unspoken emotions in the most intimate way they knew. Making up for the lost time and silently promising to never part again. Exploring, or rather discovering their bodies for the first time, their moans and cries filling up the apartment. Reaching a peak together, once, twice, and then doing it again, and again, till they dozed off, content in each others arms.
Riley woke up and found Drake already looking at her.
“Hey, creep. Momma didn’t teach you not to stare at sleeping people?”
Drake chuckled, “I wasn’t staring. I was admiring how beautiful you looked.”
“That’s still creepy,” she gave him a wide smile, which faded quickly.
“We should talk,” she said and Drake nodded. “I guess we should.”
“I didn’t know you talked to Liam. I had no idea you had any intention to...But you must understand, I never left to make you feel bad, I just...There was so much drama, you were very distant and I had to literally push you onto me, you never initiated any kiss and I started thinking you didn’t want me,” Riley shook her head not letting Drake interrupt her. “People thought I was the King’s mistress who cheated on him with Tariq, Madeleine hated me, Liam had zero time for me and I felt overwhelmed with everything. It was not my life, you know? Not the life I wanted. So I left the notes and decided to start living on my terms. I went back to the States, changed my name so the Tariq scandal wouldn’t follow me everywhere and went to uni. And here I am. It was never about hurting you.”
Drake listened silently and gripped her hand.
“I’m sorry,” he whispered. “I should’ve known it was hard on you too. I was so distant cause I didn’t want to betray Liam. That night I went there and talked to him because I couldn’t hide my feelings anymore. And imagine my surprise when I saw you were gone. And nowhere to be found. But anyway, I’m sorry. I should’ve acted like a jerk when I saw you again.”
“I guess we should’ve had this conversation when we met again, that would save a whole lot of trouble!” Riley laughed before twisting her face in a serious expression.
“I still don’t know why you’re here, Drake. Or rather, Mr. Stagger? Why did you change your name? To start over too?”
“Mhm, kinda.”
“Drake, why did you change your name? I told you my story, tell me yours!” Riley looked at him expectantly but he was avoiding her gaze.
“It’s not that important, we can talk about it later,” he got up and started looking for his clothes.
“Drake! I thought we were talking, I thought we were being honest. Why are you making it a secret? Why did you change your name, is it so hard to answer?”
Drake sighed and turned to face her. He took a few deep breaths before locking his eyes with hers and replying. 
“Because they all think I killed Liam.”
Tagging: @littlegreenmoo @agent-bossypants @flowerpowell @mysteli @gardeningourmet @annekebbphotography @mymandrake @butindeed @walkerduchess @brightpinkpeppercorn  @choicessa @violinist3121 @jlouise88 @innerpostmentality @tmarie82 @blackcatkita @darley1101 @littleeeepeach  @ooo-barff-ooo @sleepwalkingelite @traeumerinwitzhelden @jovialyouthmusic @nikkis1983 @notoriouscs @melodyofgraves @zaffrenotes @fluffy-marshmallow-heart @rhymesmenagerie @emichelle @drakesroyalromance @drakewalkerisreal @mrsnazariowrites @furiousherringoperatortoad @lynne1993  @drakesensworld @iplaydrake @thequeenofcronuts @confessionsofabrokegirl @xxcaptainchrispowellxx ♥
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