#I love Jawbreaker... This is lovely...
lets-try-some-writing · 5 months
I like writing little stories and snippets of things I like and alot of your TFP work I really like, but this AU was what finally got me to send in an ask, so how about this for a prompt? (I'm new to the TF Fandom so please excuse my excited rambling)
In your Innocent Abominations AU, what if - in a bout of strength and clarity - Orion/Optimus fights back against the Matrix and gets through to Megatron, Bumblebee, and whoever else might be there? (Like Elita One, Ratchet and Drift (if they came to visit), Grimlock, the Humans, etc.) He begs them - mainly Megatron - to remove the Matrix, this accursed power that's willing to kill sparklings that have no clue about their origin, that haven't done anything wrong. He even reasons that since the Emberstone, Quintus Prime's artifact and thus a creation of Primus, had created them. Despite their Earthly origins, they were still Cybertronian. But the Matrix is having none of it, actively trying to suppress Orion/Optimus again so it can fulfill its duty. 
Megatron asks who's who, if he's Orion Pax or Optimus Prime. To which Orion/Optimus says they are one in the same, just that the Matrix would offer wisdom and influence his decisions. And now the Matrix was in fill control, or trying to have full control.  A puppeteer forcing Orion/Optimus to watch as his frame attempts to slaughter innocent sparklings. 
As his strength is weakening, he bears his spark chamber and begs for the Matrix to be removed. To free him. To silence these overwhelming voices in his head once and for all. And just as the Matrix is about to smother Orion/Optimus for good (what good is "the perfect host" if it doesn't listen?), Megatron rips out the Matrix, shoves it into a container that silences its commanding whispers, and the Prime collapses from exhaustion. Optimus retains his Primely frame - the reformatting he went through when he accepted the Matrix was permanent - and his spark chamber is damaged, but his spark itself remains intact, having physically rejected the Matrix from his frame. 
But the Matrix was successful in one thing, it sowed a seed of doubt in Optimus' mind. He just hopes that despite the Terrans being of Unicron, he made the right choice in sparing their lives. Seeing the sweet Innocent Abominations sparklings happy and alive - not scrapmetal beneath his axe - was all the more relieving and could put his warring mind to rest.
It was finished. He was free. But at what cost?
I love this prompt thank you.
Previous part here.
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The voices grew louder with every passing cycle. Optimus knew deep in his spark that he was hunting sparklings, but he found he simply didn't care. For weeks he stalked, his remaining inhibitions stopping him from progressing further than a few feet out from the tree line once a few warning shots were fired. Megatron and Bumblebee always stood in his way, and while the Matrix wanted the Terrans dead, it did not demand the loss of life of his own kind. There were so few of them. He could not risk killing those that remained.
The parts of him that were untouched by the Matrix grew quieter, and soon enough, he found himself no longer fighting back against the Matrix's demands. Beings not born of the Well were not Cybertronian. How could they be? They were not touched by Primus, they knew not the trial of emerging from the Well and the struggles of living on Cybertron. So many long nights he fought with himself, until at last, something in him was silenced and it did not cause him any distress to imagine killing the Terrans. The pain hung in every cable still, but it was no longer the unbearable agony that caused him to try and tear his plating off.
The itch, the urge, was impossible to ignore. But now that he had his mind? He could handle things more... delicately. The Matrix hummed in affirmation as he stepped out of the tree line one dark night, for once completely composed. Megatron and Bumblebee raised their blasters and the Terrans emerged from their resting place in horror. They did not know the details, but they knew enough to be fully aware that Optimus was no friend. Not while his optics shone a pure white.
Optimus: Megatron, Bumblebee.
Megatron: Stay back Prime!
Twitch: What's going on? Optimus, are you alright?
Bumblebee: Don't go near him! That's not Optimus, not anymore.
Optimus: That is where you are mistaken. I was foolish for failing to listen to the Matrix. It only caused me pain because I refused to adhere to it. But now-
Megatron: Save it! My old foe would never sink so low as to slaughter sparklings!
Nightshade: Slaughter...
Bumblebee: All of you, back inside.
Hashtag: No, we are staying here. We are family. And if Optimus isn't right in the head, we are going to deal with this together.
Optimus: How very noble of you abominations. If there is truly any touch of Primus in you, come to us willingly. Your deaths shall be swift.
Twitch: Why do you want us dead? I thought we were all Cybertronian!
Optimus: You wear our faces, you act like us, but you are not of us. The Matrix says this. Parasites, all of you. It is for the benefit of all that you perish by our blade.
Megatron: Stop this Optimus!
Optimus: There is no halting the inevitable. This is our only attempt at diplomacy. Give us the Terrans now and they shall die without pain. Deny us and we shall inflict as much damage to the surrounding life forms as necessary to accomplish our goals.
Megatron: This isn't you! Fight back against that Primus forsaken relic! It does not control you!
Optimus: You will not give us the Terrans... how very disappointing.
Optimus glared, but he did not fight. His voice rang cold, his expression so frigid that there was no room to even imagine what he was thinking. As he turned to walk away, his frame did not sway with any sort of life. He moved with calculation, like a true machine. Megatron almost fired on him, but he could not bring himself to for both the political havoc it would bring and due to the simple fact that he had no desire to see his old foe slaughtered. Bumblebee hurried the Terrans back inside and quickly called in all Autobots who were aware of him being on Earth and fully functional.
Arcee and Elita-1 were informed with haste. Starscream was called in, and he came without complaint the moment the situation was explained. Grimlock arrived without question as soon as Bumblebee notified him of the potential danger to the Terrans. Soundwave was kept in containment but on standby. An agreement was made that he would defend the Terrans if it was required, and in turn, he would be allowed to walk free afterwards. Megatron was willing to take no risks when it came to the Terrans and the unstable Prime. Bumblebee could only do his best to keep everyone calm as the children were forbidden from leaving and the Maltos carefully extracted. It was too dangerous to move them, not when Optimus could be lurking. And so instead they remained at home and the available Cybertronians constantly stood watch. There was always someone on guard, regardless of the situation. G.H.O.S.T were kept out of the loop through careful artificial orders and recordings.
As such, they did not react when Optimus Prime failed to return to base. None knew where he was, and for weeks, he remained completely off the map. Their fears grew, until at last, Optimus returned.
It was a sudden affair. The Terrans were milling about the Malto property and the children were sitting with them, watching Thrash play with Jawbreaker. Then there was a distinct sound of pedesteps, and Starscream who had been keeping watch that day, leapt to the air with his blasters ready as the lost Prime came crashing out of the tree line. Optimus was all but feral as he flew forward, his optics blazing white and his axe coming down hard into the ground where Thrash had been mere moments before. Starscream did not hesitate to throw himself into action, rocketing down and grabbing the Prime around the neck to by the Terrans time to flee while the others arrived.
Optimus flung Starscream off his back and slammed the seeker into the ground, causing him to scream in agony as a wing broke under the hit. The Prime did not waste a moment in rushing toward Nightshade who stood their ground, their optics cycling in fear only dulled by conviction. He charged like a rabid animal, his mind long degraded by the Matrix as he threw himself into action. Nightshade dodged the worst of it, only receiving a minor slash to their left arm. Twitch flew in to attack with her blasters, drawing Optimus's attention away while Jawbreaker rammed the Prime, sending him sprawling as he practically frothed at the mouth.
He rationalized his weeks hiding by saying it was for the best. Phycological warfare and all that. But in reality, the small parts of Orion that remained cried out and did their best to push forward morality to subvert the logic. He wandered for so long as a desperate attempt to prolong the Terrans lives. Now all that remained was wild wrath that did not even belong to him.
Elita arrived with Arcee and they wasted no time beating the Prime into the ground, tying him down like a wild boar. Starscream was tended to and the Terrans stood around in fear as Optimus snarled, screaming obscenities' and strange prophecies to the stars. Too weakened by weeks of wandering without reasonable energon rations left the Prime unable to do much when Grimlock arrived and kept a pede on his back to ensure he couldn't escape. He snarled, he bit his own derma, and by the time Megatron arrived, he'd damaged himself enough on the ground that his face bled from a thousand small cuts.
Something changed in that moment though. As Megatron drew near and Optimus was heaved to his pedes and held in place by Grimlock, Optimus stilled. He fell eerily quiet for the first time since he came bursting free from the forest. Those who were gathered feared he would attack, but instead his voice came out so softly as to be a whisper.
Optimus: Take it away. Make it be silent.
Megatron: Who am I speaking to? I refuse to be manipulated by that Primus forsaken relic.
Optimus: You speak to Orion Pax, I who then became Optimus Prime.
Megatron: How-
Optimus: We are one and the same. The relic merely awakens the Prime, it does not make us.
Megatron: Then we can remove it.
Optimus: Yes. Take it away. Make it be silent. Remove it before it silences me. I don't want to kill them. Please don't make me kill them...
Optimus spasmed in Grimlock's grip, his optics flaring as his voice turned to static. His plating folded away and revealed his spark quickly being smothered by the relic within him. Megatron did not waste a moment in dragging the Prime to the ground and reaching in to rip the relic out. It burned him, sending power flooding up his arm and into his frame. He screamed as his servos wrapped around the relic that was clasped around Optimus's fluttering spark. But with a burst of strength, he tore it free with an agonized scream from the Prime on the ground.
Before anyone could stop them, the Terrans hurried forward and checked on both downed mecha. Megatron got up with a few new electricity scars, but he was fine. Optimus for his part remained prone, his frame falling still. His spark still blazed, but it was weak. He was taken away and held in restraints, the Matrix boxed away and hidden until Optimus woke and they could decide what to do next.
But when he woke, Optimus was... different. He was still very much a Prime in frame and mind. He had the programming and he still remained the same in personality. However, as he recovered and revealed himself to be ordinary, no longer plagued by madness... he looked upon the Terrans differently. At first the gathered Cybertronians worried he was still maddened, but when questioned, he only had one thing to say.
"They are young, they are no threat to us. However... despite the lack of the Matrix poisoning my mind, I fear that they may not be pure. I could never harm them, not now. So if they really do become the threat the Matrix warned me of... I do not think I would have the strength to fight back."
With time, he returned to his normal activities, and the fear abated. He spoke with the Terrans normally, teaching them under supervision. He continued acting as Prime. But deep beneath the surface, he questioned.
And unbeknownst to anyone, when the Emberstone was used to restore the fallen, Optimus felt the all familiar call once more. The call that summoned him to receive the mighty relic of old. It was back, and this time, it was not loving.
He could ignore it. The call never grew stronger. But whenever he passed by the container the Matrix was held in, his spark flared in pain and fear.
It wanted him back. It still wanted the Terrans dead.
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blueskyscribe · 3 months
I hope the 2nd season of Earthspark has a little more, idk, grit? Which is NOT to say grimdark. It's just, they seem so reluctant to let the good-guy role model characters be anything other than wholesome, and even a lot of their character flaws come from a place where they're trying their best. (Like Optimus being too naive and idealistic to realize how corrupt GHOST is.)
As opposed to, like, Rattrap being sooo prejudiced against Predacons (who, reminder, the Maximals are NOT at war with on Cybertron) that he nearly blows Dinobot's head clean off ten minutes after Dinobot joins the Maximals. Now THAT'S a character flaw. And since he started from that, it really meant something when he and Dinobot became friends.
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ursidanger · 5 months
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Experimenting with my favorite soft texture brush (ft. Jawbreaker)
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squidthesquidd · 5 months
Do you have any hcs on any of the Terrans sexualities?
not very in depth ones but kinda!
Hashtag: she is absolutely a lesbian. girl kisser. i consider this canon
Thrash: … gives me bi vibes…
Jawbreaker: demi i think :]
Twitch: i think she would kiss a girl. also gives me bi vibes but def more girl leaning
Nightshade: I project onto nightshade so they’re just queer :] fruity :] doesnt really know what they are but some people are hot sometimes
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ratpoizonz · 3 days
i think a lot of you have forgotten that kevin is canonically [or at least heavily implied to be] pansexual
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tinywafflerat · 1 month
ok last one… just more jawbreaker
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anastoundingmango · 1 year
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some of the extended Malto family relations as inspired by season 1b
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yabsthesquare · 6 months
🍬 Jawbreaker ‼️🍬
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"I swing both ways. Violently. With a bat. Come get some motherfuckers"
(Not my quote)
New OC! Part of the Paradise Blues AU ;)
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shychangling · 10 months
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some gifs from the new trio of Terrans introductions I really liked.
Gosh Hashtag is so tall, Jawbreaker is friendshaped, and Nightshade is even more regal then I thought!
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peznutbutter · 11 months
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Why did I spend a whole ten minutes making this
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starbotstudio · 9 months
Doodles 👍
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alsojnpie · 7 months
What made you fall for papyrus?
99% sure it was the moment he said "I REALLY CAN BE FRIENDS WITH EVERYONE!" it hit me like a ton of bricks, he was trying so HARD and he was being so positive (lying to himself) even though (because) i think he was scared inside, of letting Frisk get hurt, of losing Undyne's friendship, of FAILING. "oh. you are just like me." i realized. i was so sad when the game was over and i wanted to talk to him again and again and again and i wanted to see him more but i felt too guilty to reset their happy ending so i never did
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lookninjas · 2 months
Stop the presses! I have just discovered the best title ever:
The discouerie of witchcraft, wherein the lewde dealing of witches and witchmongers is notablie detected, the knauerie of coniurors, the impietie of inchantors, the follie of soothsaiers, the impudent falshood of cousenors, the infidelitie of atheists, the pestilent practices of Pythonists, the curiositie of figurecasters, the vanitie of dreamers, the beggerlie art of Alcumystrie, the abhomination of idolatrie, the horrible art of poisoning, the vertue and power of naturall magike, and all the conueiances of legierdemaine and iuggling are deciphered. And many other things opened, which have long lien hidden, howbeit verie necessarie to be knowne. : Heerevnto is added a treatise vpon the nature and substance of spirits and diuels, &c: / all latelie written by Reginald Scot. Esquire.
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(found this on the Wellcome Collection website. You can download it!)
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transingthoseformers · 8 months
Some where in between Earthspark and SG
Megatron will have regular talks with Ratchet and Bumblebee, in this version its more of autobot therapy and rehabilitation than prison. Orion(Optimus? What do I call him??)has tried to talk to Ratchet but Ratchet usually just ignores him
Soundwave has to deal with all these insane children but it's okay because he loves mentoring them and he loves seeing his cassettes have friends. I like to imagine that Ravage and Nightshade work together a lot. Just like Nightshade turning around in a swivle chair with Ravage in their lap like a super villain. I'd also like to imagine that Lazerbeak and Nightshade go on flights together
I kinda want to give Breakdown to Jawbreaker as a mentor but it could also be fun to have a redeemed grimlock be his mentor, or we could do both
I mean hey I've been rolling with Orion because it suggests that he's not under the Matrix's influence anymore (thus, not a prime?) And I've seen fics where post war he goes back to being Orion again (hell for a short amount of time we see it in IDW)
Also ooooo on it being more like a rehabilitation center than prison because honestly speaking that's just. Better. Otherwise it's just tossing someone in a hole because vengeance.
From what I know of SG Ratchet he's a truly interesting case that leads to him being terrifying in specific ways (or at least that was my interpretation of the SG comics I read, that is probably not the case for EVERY version of SG Ratchet)
Soundwave's trying to raise them right and it's a trip but he's so here for it.
Also that's hilarious and adorable yes, let Nightshade play super villain for a minute.
We full well can do both (though I can see sg Breakdown as being Jawbreaker's first mentor for a while, but reformed Grimlock is his second mentor and that's when he gets his stygimoloch altmode)
I'm actually campaigning for later on sg Bumblebee who's trying out this redemption thing being Thrash's mentor, because that would be ~interesting~
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owen-not-carvour · 2 years
i love that karnak let constance tell her own story… probably didn’t happen a lot in her actual life yknow.
because she was always with ocean and ocean always talks over/for her.
and even in death, karnak introduces all of them and then they take over with a monologue before their songs (except for jane bc she has nothing to speak for)
and yeah karnak still introduces her. but it’s so much shorter than the rest of them. no mention of her family or anything. only her title, star sign and favorite ride. he lets constance explain anything she wants to on her own and i love that :)
and so then constance has the longest monologue bc she finally got a chance to Talk. no ocean to interrupt or tell her not to interrupt.
i just think the difference between constance’s monologue and the rest of them is So cool,, like how her words are the illustration of her life and not projections and the rest of the cast acting as her family.
i’ve talked abt the significance of the projections throughout the show and what it means for sugar cloud to Not have any of them, but this is honestly on a whole other level yknow.
none of what constance talks abt isn’t Real. because none of the others are involved in it and she’s talking abt her actual life and experiences and they’re Relatable too and just ahhhh!!
i just love her very very much and she deserves a hug <33
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sucharandomwolf · 1 year
Jawbreaker Malto ❤️
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