#I must master the beans
nuclearanomaly · 11 months
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--I go Pew Pew Pew Pew 💥
Sorry to @urdnotgrunt for stealing your Pock with no warning
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whorrorbellee · 3 months
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Its been a year since someone spread a rumour to you school that you've sucked off half the football team in one night. one year of catcalls, one year of graffitied lockers and bullying, so when you find out his majesty king Steve is behind the rumour its time to take drastic action against him. King!Steve x reader
A/N; reread my own fan fiction, thought it was okay ig then released I had to release the second chapter because I wanted to know what was going on, im gonna add warnings later but im pretty sure there is going to be some sweet sweet smut in this so if your under 18 pls leave or ill sleep with your dad, maybe I already have who knows? master list chapter one
ill edit this later btw
Chapter two 
The soft chime of the bell rings throughout the store, you gaze up upon the entree, Harrington's body moves through the store before stopping at the counter.
“I called you last night, you didn't pick up, wanted to see if you got home safe” Steve leans over the counter of Beans&Books the local coffee shop bookstore you practically live in when you're not working.
“How do you know where I work ?” you interrogate, staring at his brown eyes.
“I read a lot, pride and persuas-”,
”yeah that, you know the classics” he scratches at his nose, other hand running over the smooth wooden counter, then he fiddles with the pens in the white mug and the plastic  clashes together. His lips pouts, big brown eyes staring down at you. 
“Oh i wasn't aware that you could” you shake your head at him, you return the stare. 
“Could what?’he smiles.
“Read” you say bluntly.
There's a pause, Steve swallows and then glances at the floor, his gaze returns and his face brightens “You're so funny” his eyes lingering down upon your lips as he folds his arms into himself as he chuckles “that was good”
You glance away from him awkwardly “Can I help you with anything?” you ask, leaning back into the wall, running your hands over your jeans. You take the pile of new stock into your hands. Coming out from behind the till and meandering over to the shelves  slowly, careful to not drop anything. 
“Yeah i wanna find a new book” 
“Okay” you look at him, he's wearing a green collared henley shirt  and dark blue harrington jacket, “What-uh books are you into?” you look back at the shelf in front of you, running your finger over the author's name until you find the correct place. 
The coffee shop bustles with life, the milk frother screeching, beans grinding as customers talk, it's hard to hear him over all the noise so you stare back at him. 
‘I liked Romeo and Juliet, ' he nods. "Yeah, I liked Romeo and Juliet,” he says almost as if he was confirming it himself. 
‘So Shakespeare?um Macbeth? Midsummer's night dream, Taming of the shrew?”
“What's taming the shrew?”  he asks. 
“oh , like the movie, Kiss me, Kate?” 
“I don't know it” 
“Okay , so like Bianca can't marry until her sister does, and this guy really likes her so they get this guy to pretend to be a tutor and make him court her so he can marry Bianca, its like fake dating but the other one doesn't know it ”
Your turn to put another book on the shelf wondering if you've been a bit on the nose, Steve is none the wiser. 
“Yeah, I'll take that.” His arms stretch out behind him, shirt following exposing his midriff and you can help but fixate on him for a second too long, you almost forget how he towers over you as you look up at his now smirking face, eyes half closed as he looks down upon your face.
Cheeks heated at his gaze “Okay cool” You head to the sections of plays, eyes catching onto the novel you were looking for before ringing him up at the front desk.
“That's five dollars, would you like a receipt?”
‘No. But hey, do u wanna go for a coffee sometime and like talk about shakespeare” he points at you 
“I um, you know what, yeah sure” you shrug your shoulders.
“Yeah” you respond nodding.
“Cool, cool! I'll call you yeah?” he slaps the counter with his palm tucking the book into his coat before walking out the door, he flashes you a smile and leaves. You hear his car leave and smile to yourself for a minute.
You look over at the coffee counter Aaron (your coworker) smiles at you, he's just rinsed out the portafilter. You hear the beans grinding, and he's smoothing his hands over his apron before approaching you. 
“Was that his majesty?” Aaron asks.
“Is he okay? I didn't know he could read” he reclines, his bleached afro a contrast against the brown painted wall behind him.
“That's what i said, he just laughed, like he was on the david letterman show” you look at Aaron, his face is shrivelled up in confusion and you grin.
‘He bought Shakespeare, and then asked to hangout, and you weren't at the party last night right? But he stole my-” you speak in a hushed whisper in front of the customers, “ he stole my joint like out my hand after staring at me” 
“Huh, i think he wants to, you know” he cocks his head, eyes widening and you laugh. 
“No really” he looks over to the counter, “shit i gotta get back to work” he jogs back to his counter smiling brightly at the old lady who is holding a dog and a sandwich the size of it. you look at the pile of boxes you should probably sort out, you sigh and stare at the door.
The telephone rings and you pick up the bubblegum pink receiver, plastic cold in your hand.“Hello?” your finger hooks around the coiled wire and pulls it away from you, twirling it around.you rests against the wall bathed in a cotton candy blue hue. 
“Hey, it's Steve"
You hear his soft breath against the telephone“Oh hi, how's the book going?”
“Yeah great, wanna come to a party on friday?” he asks quickly.
‘Yeah sure, want me to tell Eddie to bring gear?” 
“No i just wanna see you” you can almost hear him smile. You plop yourself down on your bed, hair falling against the plush floral comforter.
“Oh really?you know i dont deal right?” you query, eyes wandering your room to fixate on something other than the ceiling, eyes catching onto the billy idol poster on your wardrobe door, a mean stare and his bleach blonde hair looks back at you.
“Yeah of course , can't stop thinking about how pretty you are,” he whispers into the phone. 
You sit up quickly smiling, there's a pause and you hear soft “shit” before he coughs.
“What was that?” you interrogate.
“How funny you are, anyway I'll pick you up at 7 friday! bring a swimsuit, sounds good? great see ya”
The phone line drops dead before you can reply and suddenly you panicking about what to wear, how to do your hair and who the fucks gonna be there, you dont even like the guy.
You're in and out of classes, studying in the library suddenly Steve is everywhere, Tommy H and Carol snickering behind your back after he waves or smiles at you. You smile at his insolence playing into his idea of you, a mean stare one day and the next a shy look away. 
Suddenly It's Friday and you're in the back of chem class staring straight into the back of Steve's head when Eddie throws a piece of paper straight at your eye, you glare at him and his face falls, he leans across his desk to whisper to you. 
“Heard your going to the famous Hagen party”
“Huh?” your pencil taps against the table. 
“Yeah, Tommy's party, it like a massive bender, everyone hooks up with everyone, i heard Billy is taking Nicole”
“ Billy's going?”you panic.” i don't want to see that douche”
“Dude, your going with the king”
You wince against his words. “Shit yeah, two douches”
“Im gonna die, they're gonna try to have sex with me and then im gonna die”
“Whou would you bang then, out of all three like realistically?" Eddie grins, you glance back at him and then around the room. Steve leans back in his chair playing with his pencil on the table, Tommy's asking his friend the next desk over if the glue stick hes got in his hand can get him high, then you shuffle and look behind you, billy smiles and winks at you, nice enough until he stares directly at carols tits. 
You give Eddie a knowing stare and he answers for you “ it's me isn't it ? we should just go home and fuck.” 
You laugh at him “i know im whore eddie but christ, your my loser best friend and your in love with Kirsty from the bar” 
“Steve then?” 
“I hope he dies, but i've heard his dick game is good” you shrug.
continue on
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@paleidiot @justrandomcanadiantransdude @joonies-word @officerrrfriendly @ravenhellfire86 @littlebookworm86 @tr4sh-mouth @genesis-p4l-love @brother-lauren @keerysfolklore @person-005 @soapiaa @roundoudou @billieeilishshousewife @cherrymedicine13 @m3tallica69 @poppet05 @supraveng
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tobiasdrake · 1 month
who do you think is the best teacher in Dragonball?
That's a tough question. But I'm leaning towards Mr. Popo.
Our journey through teachers begins, of course, with the Muten-Roshi. Goku's only with Roshi for about eight months so we don't get to see a lot of his teaching, even though other Kame-senryu students are with him for longer. In that time, he's able to instill a very important philosophy in Goku that will guide him through his life.
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It's the Muten-Roshi who imparts Dragon Ball's central theme of never being satisfied with yourself and always striving for self-improvement. He went to great lengths to instill that in his pupils - lengths so great that even Roshi questions whether they were truly necessary.
And he does have other good things to teach. Most notably, he's the one who teaches Goku the value of mental discipline and rest.
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This well-balanced approach to self-improvement is something Goku carries with him. Part of what makes him so exceptional as a martial artist is that he understands that training and technique honing is only part of the process.
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One of the things that makes Goku a great martial artist is that he understands your body needs time to recover and grow after exertion. That is the turtle master way.
But for all his benefits as a mentor, what the Muten-Roshi sucks at is fucking teaching martial arts. In terms of philosophy, he has much to impart. But when they ask him, the Muten-Roshi, the Old Heavenly Master of Martial Arts, to teach them martial arts?
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He just gives them bodybuilding instruction. Roshi tells them that this is all the Kame-senryu is: Extensive strength training to become so physically tough that you can knock out a foe with one punch. He is, however, full of shit.
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Despite claiming that martial arts is just being really strong, his fight against Goku in the 21st Tenkaichi Budokai sees him pull out all kinds of esoteric techniques and skills to level the playing field against Goku's insurmountable might and analytical brilliance. The Muten-Roshi knows a ton of practical martial arts technique. He's just not sharing.
I'm half-convinced he held all this stuff back on purpose just so he'd have a few aces up his sleeve in the tournament proper. Which even Roshi isn't sure was actually necessary.
His next teacher is Karin, the God of Martial Arts. Karin has some useful wisdom to impart with regard to anticipation.
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And he introduces one of the most important items in the Dragon Ball series.
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Thank you Viz for the redundant translation of "Holy Hermit Bean Bean". I don't get enough migraines from the dub constantly calling them Senzu Beans. This is the Chai Tea of Dragon Ball.
Goku is with Karin for about three days, and it goes pretty well. Karin presents Goku with a challenging test to overcome, which he must do by getting lighter on his footwork and learning to anticipate Karin's moves.
But for the most part....
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It's still just strength training. Tenshinhan's out there learning secret Tsuru-senryu techniques to levitate in the air and nobody's willing to do more for Goku but bulk up his muscles. Speaking of which.
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This guy tried to murder his own students because they wouldn't do an assassination for him. Fuck this guy. He sucks. Get out of here!
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When you get to the moon, tell Toninjinka that his mochi needs wo-- Oh, wait, the moon's gone. Uh. Have fun in space.
Goku's next teacher would be God. Or at least he would be if God ever bothered to teach him. Which he didn't. Goku has never studied under God.
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He made Goku stay at his Temple for three years to prepare for his rematch with Piccolo. But he gave up on that after deciding Goku didn't have what it takes to do what he felt must be done: Kill Piccolo and let God die with him. Goku's soft heart wouldn't allow him to do it.
So he dumped Goku on Popo and went, "You deal with this, I'm busy," and then went off to pursue the Mafuba/Evil Containment Wave instead. Goku's training was a scrapped project for him.
Nonetheless, Goku grew substantially during his time in Heaven. (Look at him! He's so much taller-- No, I jest.) Popo is the first teacher to offer Goku something that isn't strength training.
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It's almost like he's never had a master teach him spirit or skills before. It's almost like.
Mr. Popo doesn't offer Goku more strength training. Instead, for the first time, Goku has someone who wants to teach him technique.
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This is some of the most game-changing instruction Goku ever receives in his career. Over the next three years, Popo sharpens Goku not just physically but spiritually.
He technically doesn't learn to sense ki here; He gained a rough comprehension of it from drinking rat poison earlier that day. But as Popo demonstrates here, there's a world of difference between "Oh cool I can sense your ki" and "I feel Yamcha's ki 700 km in that direction. He's sitting in his home eating breakfast Wheaties and scratching his butt. Puar's preparing to make eggs aaaaaand now he's a frying pan."
This is where Goku makes the transition from martial artist to Heavenly Martial Artist, and the difference is stark. When he shows up to the 23rd Tenkaichi Budokai, he's on a whole different playing field.
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He no longer experiences reality the same way as everyone else. He's ascended to a higher plane of understanding. All because of Popo, since God abandoned this project and ran off to do his own thing instead. Goku is literally the "Dr. Gero's computer kept working and completed Cell anyways" of martial arts.
Great work, Popo. Gold star.
Kaio is next on Goku's list of mentors. He's working on a bit of a time crunch; Goku only has six months to spend with him. Kaio's training emphasizes two things. One is, of course, more strength training though this time there's an interesting twist to it.
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Planet Vegeta's gravity is at least as strong as the gravity on Kaio's world. This is where Goku's introduced to the concept of gravity training for the first time - Something that, ironically, Vegeta would cling to more heavily than Goku. Goku's been doing weight training since Roshi, but the idea of increased gravity as a substitute for (or in addition to) weight is introduced by Kaio.
Goku himself would incorporate this gravity training into his later efforts to more fully master the Kaio-ken on his way to Namek. Speaking of which, that's the other thing Kaio imparts on him. From him, Goku learns the Genki-Dama and the Kaio-ken.
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Kaio pretty much became Goku's forever teacher after this point, but we rarely see him do more than supervise. Which makes sense, since Goku officially became a Master himself as of the Namek arc. Though all of Goku's teachers will always be looking out for him, his art becomes truly his own from this point onward.
That brings us to Piccolo.
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Piccolo comes from the "My Daddy beat me and I turned out fine" school of shaping young minds. It's to be expected; He was literally Evil Incarnate just eight years ago.
While Piccolo's journey of redemption is heartwarming to see and he does succeed in honing Gohan into a weapon, his skills as a mentor leave something to be desired. He fails to consider Gohan's psychological needs. He builds Gohan's strength and teaches him technique, but fails to grasp that this four-year-old child does not have a warrior instinct to get out there and throw hands with planet-killers.
He throws Gohan into the deep end and Gohan sinks like a stone. Failing to develop his bond with Gohan and offer the kid the encouragement he needs to get out there and do this is a fatal error in his training.
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Piccolo pays for this mistake with his life.
Finally, that leaves Goku himself.
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As a Master in his own right, Goku has so much to impart onto Gohan. At least, whatever Piccolo hasn't already. As a teacher, Goku is encouraging of Gohan and offers him clear and unmistakable guidance.
He talks things over with Gohan, explaining ahead of time what their goal is and how they're going to achieve it.
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Like Popo, Goku's pretty great as a teacher. There's just. One. Small. Problem: He fails to consider Gohan's psychological needs. Yeah, that's right, Goku walks face-first into the same error that Piccolo died for, which is why Piccolo freaks out on him for it.
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It helps that Piccolo not only has personal experience making this exact same mistake, but also the wisdom of God now.
Like. It's important to note that it's not that Goku misunderstands Gohan. He knows, intellectually, what kind of person Gohan is. He knows Gohan's passions lie elsewhere.
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Nonetheless, Goku sees too much of himself in Gohan, overlooking the reality that Gohan was so gung-ho about training with Goku because he thought he was helping his dad. Despite clearly conveying the mechanisms and goals of their training, Goku never even thought to broach this topic with him because he just. Assumed.
Even though he knew Gohan longed for academia, he assumed Gohan also had the spirit of a martial artist in him. That Gohan was still driven by the same fire that he is, compelled to push his limits and test himself against mighty foes. He makes that fatal mistake that so many parents make, of projecting himself onto his child.
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Goku pays for this mistake with his life.
Android 16 is able to salvage Goku's mistakes and make this work, much as Goku once salvaged Piccolo's. And to his credit, Goku learns and is able to offer Gohan the emotional support and direct coaching he needs to finish the job.
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I particularly love "Show me the power that we made together" because it puts the emphasis on his and Gohan's bond, rather than Gohan's fighting. It demonstrates the expansion of his understanding of Gohan's motives.
Nonetheless, this was a pretty significant error too make as a teacher so I can't give Goku full marks.
With that in mind... I gotta give it to Popo. Popo took God's castoff dumpster-project, poured himself into it, and gave Goku some of the greatest instruction of his entire career. A+
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jennay · 8 months
I'm Fine
Request: Hello sweet bean! I'm a relatively new fan of yours and have loved everything you've written about Noah thus far. The last one I read had me thinking of a request? I was wondering what Noah would do if he found out his girlfriend was having an overwhelming day and wanted to cheer her up? Like, there was a mountain of small inconveniences that kept piling up and she was shutting down from her own anxiety
An: Thank you for calling me sweet bean. It's literally my new favorite thing to be called. I hope you enjoy! I tried!
Noah Sebastian master List
Warnings: floof anxiety?
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You woke up from a nightmare that doomed your day. Fear and panic gripped your heart. Things went downhill when you found out your alarm had failed, forcing you to hurry to work; your coffee maker had malfunctioned, depriving you of your caffeine boost; and Noah had snatched the last of your favorite breakfast bars last night without letting you know.
You hoped things would improve as you finally got your car to start after several attempts. But you were mistaken.
You got to work and nearly died from a heart attack when you saw the pile of documents and the list of appointments that awaited you. You felt overwhelmed by the work your secretary assigned you as if you were a superhuman lawyer who could handle everything simultaneously.
You wished you could walk away from it all but knew that was not an option. Being a lawyer was already stressful and demanding, and dealing with this extra workload was not making it any easier.
You needed to talk with Amanda, your secretary, and see if some of these could be moved around.
You walk into her office and greet her with a smile; you don't want to be mean or upset her. "Hey," You say, sitting at the chair by her desk. "So I need a favor." You lean over and point to the screen. "Can you please call these two clients and ask if they can come in tomorrow? I have the Taylors coming in at 9 a.m., and the meeting always runs over the scheduled time. If you can start booking them out for at least two hours, that would be amazing."
She nods her head, apologizing, "I'm sorry. I know you've said that before. I'll write it down."
"That's alright, don't worry about it. I just need at least an hour between each meeting so that I can be ready and not rush things, but the Taylors are always here for a long time; they're very thorough and want to know everything that's going on.." You sighed and rubbed your temples. "I'll be in my office if you need me. Please let me know if anything comes up."
You sit at your desk, reviewing papers and bracing yourself for the chaos people will bring you today.
Sometimes, it takes a toll on you, especially when your life is not going smoothly. You glance at the clock and see you have a few minutes before your clients arrive. You decide to text Noah, who always knows how to cheer you up.
Can I come home already? I miss you and could use some aggressive snuggles right now. This day has been shit already.
You smile when he texts you back almost immediately. You know he is an early riser, but you are still impressed by how fast he replies. He must have sensed your urgency.
I'll be here when you get home, baby. You can have all the cuddles you want. I love you. You're a badass; you'll kick the shit out of the day. Ok?
You feel thankful for Noah. He is the best thing that's happened to you. He’s supportive, caring, funny, sexy, and makes you feel loved and appreciated.
On days like this, you wish you could shrink him to a smaller size, put him in your pocket, and carry him around. Whenever you needed him, he would pop out and say words of encouragement and sweet things to you. Your life would be so much easier with a pocket-sized Noah.
You put your phone in the drawer as your office door opens, and Amanda's head pokes through the gap. She is your receptionist and assistant, and she helps you manage your schedule and appointments.
"Your 9 o'clock is here," she says.
You nod your head, "Go ahead and send them in."
You take a deep breath and prepare yourself for another session. You hope Noah's words will give you the strength and patience to get through the day.
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You storm into the house, slamming the door behind you. You are overwhelmed by emotions. Your hair is soaked from the rain, and your mascara runs down your cheeks. You have had the worst day ever, and all you want is Noah's warm embrace and gentle words. "Noah, are you home?" You call out, your voice cracking.
You hear him reply from the living room. "Yeah, I'm here. Did you take a cab home?"
You can't contain your feelings any longer. You let out a loud sob, toss your bags aside, and hide your face in your hands, crying hysterically.
"Oh, babe," Noah says, getting up and hurrying to you. He wraps his arms around you and pulls you close to his chest, where you press your face and cry even harder.
He kisses your hair and strokes your back gently. "Shh, it's ok." He whispers. "I'm here for you."
You shake your head. "I'm over it. Can you just put me out of my misery and put a pillow over my head?"
He chuckles softly, "No, no, no. Come on. I have something for you." He holds your hand and leads you to the dining room, where you see a beautiful bouquet of roses in a vase on the table. He has also ordered Chinese food, your favorite cuisine. You notice your favorite liquor on the counter with other ingredients, indicating that Noah plans to make cocktails for you tonight.
As you gasp, your hands instinctively cover your mouth. Noah's thoughtfulness never ceases to amaze you.
You wrap your arms around his waist and snuggle your face into his chest, feeling his warmth and comfort. "Thank you," you whisper.
Noah kisses the top of your head and rubs your back gently. "Anything for you, princess." He pulls away, and you look up at him, seeing love and kindness in his eyes. "I'm sorry you had such a tough day," he says, kissing your forehead. "Go relax. I'll take care of everything." He pauses briefly, "You're getting a nice back rub tonight, too." He says, holding his hands up and wiggling his fingers.
You smile, walking back to your room and changing into the bathroom, where you wash your face to remove all the smeared makeup.
Sometimes, you wondered how Noah could look at you so lovingly when you look as rough as you did.
After changing, you return to the dining room, where Noah waits patiently. He smiles at you, happy to see you approach. He stands up and scoots out your chair. "Come sit."
You smile at the gesture, excited for the food and fruity mixed drink in front of you. "God, I love you," you say, taking a long sip of your beverage.
Noah laughs, "Me or the drink?"
You lift your eyes to his, "Both, but mostly you."
He chuckles while taking a bite of his food. "So," he says, putting his fork down, "What happened today?"
Your shoulders drop, remembering the annoyance of the day you didn't
want to talk about every little thing, from the coffee pot to your clients not being very understanding and your car breaking down. "Just casual bullshit." You sip your drink, "My car is in the parking lot at work…"
Noah groans, "Again? I thought Folio looked at it?"
"He did, but he's not a miracle worker, and I'm honestly not sure there's any hope for that thing. It's old." You say, forcing a smile. "Let's talk about you."
Noah's eyebrows knit together in frustration as he says, "You always do this." He laughs, but you can hear the edge in his voice. He leans back in his chair and looks at you pleadingly. "I want to hear about your day; in therapy, they say it's good to talk about things. It helps you process and cope with them." He reaches for your hand across the table, his eyes softening.
You shake your head, feeling affection for him. You stand up and gather the empty plates, trying to lighten the mood. "Well, my love, you're not my therapist." You lean down and kiss his cheek, feeling his stubble against your lips. "We can talk about it tomorrow if you want to. But right now I just want you as Noah. Ok?" You giggle as you walk away from him, carrying the dishes to the sink. You drop them in, deciding to deal with them later. You can feel the effects of the alcohol you had with dinner. Your face is warm, and your worries seem distant and trivial. You feel happy and relaxed as you walk back to Noah.
You stand before him, smiling with rosy cheeks and a gentle gaze. "I really do appreciate you." You say sincerely, wrapping your arms around his neck.
He grins and stands up, holding you close. He takes your hand and leads you to the living room, where he sits on the couch and pulls you down to sit before him. He gently lifts your shirt over your head and tosses it aside, handing you the throw blanket to cover your chest with, knowing you'd get cold. He places his hands on your back and starts to massage your tense muscles with gentle pressure. He draws circles on your skin with his fingers, making you sigh in contentment.
You feel a knot of tension in your chest and decide to share what's been bothering you the most today. "The Taylors said I'm a bad lawyer and won't be using me anymore." You say, finally opening up to him. "They accused me of being incompetent and unprofessional just because I refused to lie for them in court."
Noah's hands freeze for a second, and he curses under his breath. "Dicks." He says before resuming his soothing motions. "You don't need them anyway. You did the right thing, babe. You have integrity and ethics, unlike them."
You let out a deep breath, feeling a bit of relief from his words and touch. "I do, though. I've been working with them for so long, and I hate saying this because I'm not just in it for the money, but they were a huge source of my income. They paid me well, and they had a lot of connections in the industry."
Noah wraps his arms around you and pulls at you, signaling he wants you in his lap. "There'll be others, you don't need people who treat you like shit." He says softly in your ear. "You're an amazing lawyer, and you have a great reputation. You'll find better clients who appreciate you and respect you."
You smile weakly and lean your head on his chest. "That's most of my clientele." You say with a laugh. "Most of them are greedy, selfish, and dishonest. That's why I'm always so thankful to come home to you. You're the best thing that ever happened to me."
Noah kisses the top of your head and whispers, "I love you and I'm always here for you. No matter what."
You smile up at him, feeling his warm breath on your face as you nuzzle close to his neck. He wraps the blanket tighter around your bare chest, making you feel safe and loved. "I know. I feel it, and I'm grateful for it." You whisper, letting him know you appreciate his presence in your life.
He leans his head on yours, wrapping his arms around you in a tight embrace. He kisses your hair softly, making you sigh in contentment. "We'll get everything figured out with your car and your job, and I won't eat your breakfast bars anymore." He chuckles, trying to lighten the mood.
You laugh against his neck, feeling his pulse quicken under your lips. "You can eat all the breakfast bars you want if my nights end this perfectly." You say, looking into his eyes and seeing the love and happiness reflected there.
He smiles back at you, pulling you closer for a passionate kiss.
You melt into him, forgetting about all your worries and troubles. All that matters is him and this moment.
You feel his hand caress your cheek, then move down to your waist. He lifts you gently, carrying you to the bedroom. You wrap your legs around him, holding him tight.
He whispers in your ear, "I love you so fucking much."
You smile, feeling the same way. You kiss him again, ready to show him how much you love him.
Tags: @thisbicc @yumikitten @lma1986 @chemicallady
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mysteryshoptls · 9 months
SR Leona Kingscholar - Apprentice Chef Vignette
"Master Chef"
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Master Chef ― Leona Version ~ Let’s Make Pannacotta 1~
Ghost Chef: Today, we'll have you make a pannacotta. It's a dessert that's made by hardening milk using gelatin.
Ghost Chef: Dessert required more delicate handling than any other aspect of cooking.
Ghost Chef: There are many ways to make mistakes when making it, including baking it too long, measuring out the ingredients wrong, or even mixing up the order of the ingredients added, so don't let your guard down.
Leona: Yaaaawn…
Leona: Huh?
Ghost Chef: Don't yawn at me like that. Were you listening to my explanation?
Leona: Of course I was. I got pretty good hearing. Basically, all I have to do is follow the recipe and everything'll work out fine, right?
Ghost Chef: I-I mean… That may be… Ahem! Then, I shall go through the recipe.
Ghost Chef: Then first, can you go fetch the ingredients for the pannacotta? You'll need milk, fresh cream, sugar―
Leona: Wait. I'm already taking up your precious time having you teach me how to cook this, having you explain every step is much too gracious.
Leona: If you just hand me the recipe in the beginning here, I'm sure I won't have to bother you too heavily, Chef.
Ghost Chef: Eh, the recipe? Normally we don't give it out right away…
Ghost Chef: But if you're thinking of me that much, I suppose I can give you a spare recipe sheet. Thank you for your kind concern!
Leona: Yeah, sure, thank you, too. Okay, then…
Epel: Um, sorry to interrupt. I would like to grab some of my ingredients out of that fridge.
Leona: Ah, good timing, Epel. Grab my ingredients out of there, too.
Epel: Yes, sir.
Leona: I'll read off the ingredients. I need milk, fresh cream, sugar, powdered gelatin, vanilla beans, and fruit for the garnish.
Epel: First, I'll grab the milk and fresh cream… Are you okay with using apples for your fruit?
Leona: You gotta peel and slice apples, so it's a pain. I'd rather just have something that you can just eat right away…
Leona: There's less chance of a mistake if I leave it to the more experienced Epel, right? 'Sides, nowhere does it say that I have to prep my own ingredients.
Ghost Chef: You always have an excuse… This is your assignment, Leona-kun, so you need to work on it yourself and not have others do it!
Ghost Chef: We've had many a student who've tried to cut corners in this course, but this is the first time someone has tried to shove his work onto someone else.
Epel: Ahahah, Leona-san's always like this. I'll leave your milk and fresh cream here.
Ghost Chef: Alright, let's go, we'll start cooking now! AND OF COURSE THAT MEANS YOU, LEONA-KUN! YOU!
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Leona: ―This says to throw the pods in with the milk after shelling out the vanilla beans…
Ghost Chef: That's right. Vanilla beans are wonderful on their own, but if you add their pods, the aroma grows richer.
Leona: Huh, then, I'll just leave these pods out, then. You can use them for another dish.
Ghost Chef: I know you just don't want to have to fish them out of the bowl later. I'm picking up on your mannerisms fairly quickly…
Ghost Chef: Turn the heat off right before the milk starts to boil. Keep an eye on the pot and time it well.
Leona: So, I just have to watch the pot. Easy day.
Ghost Chef: Don't get complacent and mess this part up.
Leona: Mess it up, huh. Must be super sensitive if the temperature of the milk can throw off the whole thing.
Ghost Chef: Just so. When it boils, fat and oil rise to the surface, and it releases a very distinctive smell.
Leona: Hmph. It's like I'm taking a potionology class.
Ghost Chef: By the way… You said that you were just taking this class for the credit, but do you have any interest in cooking at all?
Leona: Sorry, but no. I wouldn't have even taken this class if I hadn't heard that one of my precious juniors would be taking it.
Ghost Chef: What a simple response… Well, I know I would be nothing less than happy if you were to gain a little interest in cooking from this venture.
Leona: I'll do my best so as to not upset your expectations.
Ghost Chef: You say that, but your face is screaming that it'll never happen…
Leona: Well, I never wanted to ever cook anything, so.
Leona: The fact that I've never had an issue up to this point in my life means that cooking isn't a skill I really need at all.
Ghost Chef: Hmmm, so you're definitely the type of student that the Headmage was worried for.
Leona: Crowley, worried? …Riiight, that thing he said about living healthy and independently. It's all much ado about nothing.
Leona: Everyone has things they're good at, and bad at. For each person and each job to be efficiently managed, have someone who wants to do it, or can get it done.
Leona: It would be absolutely terrible if everyone got so good at cooking that you were out of a job.
Ghost Chef: Yes, yes… Regardless, I'll need you to do your given tasks properly during this course. To begin with…
Leona: Chef, thousand apologies for interrupting you, but looks like the milk has been warmed up to the right temp.
Leona: It'd be bad for me to mess up here. Can we get to finishing this now?
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Master Chef ― Leona Version ~ Let’s Make Pannacotta 2~
Ghost Chef: Next, we want to dissolve the gelatin we left soaking in the water.
Leona: Feels like it'd dissolve if we just threw it in the pot like this… What's the point of heating it up separately?
Ghost Chef: The temperature at which the gelatin dissolve is also important to keep an eye on. For this, we'll use a method that's easier for beginners.
Leona: An easier method, hm…
Ghost Chef: Good, good, you're following the recipe well. I'll go and fetch the fruit you'll use to garnish the plate, then.
Leona: …
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Ghost Chef: How is it, has the gelatin completely dissolved into liquid?
Leona: Yeah, see?
Ghost Chef: Alright then, add the melted gelatin into the pot. Once it's all mixed, you'll pour it into the mold and wait for it to solidify.
Leona: Finally, it's almost over. Can't believe it takes this much effort to just make one measly dessert…
Ghost Chef: Okay, while we wait for the pannacotta to solidify, let's make a sauce out of the blueberries.
Leona: A sauce? If we add in too many random things, you won't be able to taste the pannacotta.
Leona: Even the recipe only said, "add enough fruit for garnish."
Leona: I'm just gonna choose some toppings that'll bring out the flavor. So, I'll be skipping out on the sauce.
Ghost Chef: I see, I see… Wait, no! I almost went along with it, but you definitely cannot skip the sauce!
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[Cafeteria – Judging Venue]
Floyd: Where's the pannacotta I ordered? Isn't this takin' too long?
Floyd: How long does it even take to fix up one dessert? This wouldn't happen at the Mostro Lounge.
Leona: I thought I heard something annoying out here… So, Floyd's my judge.
Floyd: Ohhh? If it isn't Sea Lion-senpai. That outfit… No way, you're actually taking the Master Chef course?
Leona: You have eyes, don't you? Don't ask stupid questions.
Floyd: Huuuh, so I'm about to eat something you made? Is it safe? Didja even make anything edible?
Leona: You're the one that's gotta decide whether it's edible or not. Here, the pannacotta you ordered.
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Floyd: Hm? Isn't it a little deformed on the bottom there? …Meh, whatever. I'ma dig in.
[bite, chew, chew…]
Floyd: All's you gotta do to make a pannacotta is mix all the ingredients in and harden it. How can anyone screw it up this badly?
Leona: …
Ghost Chef: Ummm… Well, actually…
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―While cooking
Leona: I was wondering what kinda frustrating fiddlin' I'd have to do here, since there's something about wattage and the number of seconds, or whatever, but…
Leona: There's this handy button labeled "Auto" here.
Leona: That probably means that if I press this, then it'll determine the perfect power and heat time.
[clack! beep! vrrraaaah...]
Leona: …'Kay, good enough.
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Ghost Chef: ―So, when he used the automatic function, it looks like he overcooked the gelatin…
Floyd: You only use auto when you wanna heat up a dish, not get the gelatin dissolved into a perfect consistency.
Leona: Tch… Stop laughing like an idiot. You think it's that funny? Huh?
Floyd: Yuuup, it's way too funny. I thought all you people on land could use a microwave.
Leona: …Ruggie said something like that before, too. Something about "even kids know how to use them," and "it's just common sense."
Leona: Back home and here on campus, we have chefs that present hot meals every day.
Leona: That's the life I've always had. So, you can imagine that I've never had the chance to use a microwave, don't you think?
Floyd: Haha, what, are ya making excuses now? You should just admit when you can't do something like a good boy.
Ghost Chef: Well, Leona-kun was very skillful and quick on his feet.
Ghost Chef: I'm sure he'll take this failure in stride and be able to use the microwave properly next time. Right, Leona-kun?
Leona: Right… Just as you say, chef.
Leona: This is a prime opportunity for me, so I would absolutely appreciate a deeper focus on learning how to use a microwave for the rest of this course.
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Requested by @dida-books.
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unalloyed-thoughts · 3 months
Ive been thinking lately about the connections with Miquella and Caria, like you can justify many of these things by just saying Radagon used to be the husband of Rennala, but like at the point Miquella was born that had allready passed and seeing how it affected Rennala i dont see Radagon getting carian stuff delivered to Miquella, i like to think that it could point to a possible connection with Ranni, but that seems like a big assumption ill dive into later. However i would like to point out some of the connections.
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The first and biggest one is Loretta, which before going on her quest to find a suitable home for the albinaurics, was a carian knight. Even now an illusion of her safeguards caria manor and the access to Ranni's rise.
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Another interesting one is the Miquellan knight sword, which is stated to have been modelled in the image of the carian knight sword, which is interesting. It could just be The haligtree faction taking inspiration from caria, but it could also point to the haligtree and caria working together at some point, which is really cool to think about!
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Finally, another connection that i feel is more subtle yet worthwhile to talk about is Ranni's and Miquella's connection to fate and the stars. Ranni's connection to the stars is much more in your face and plays a main role in her story, yet Miquella's association with it is a little bit more subtle. Under a statue of Malenia and Miquella embracing in the altus plateu (a location named "st trina's hideaway" in the game files yet that is another whole bag of beans) we find the amber starlight, an item that tells us that "ambered-hued stars must command the fates of the gods." Miquella being an empyrean and a candidate to godhood would mean that his fate also lays in the stars and could explain an interest in unshackling the stars and with it, his fate, which would give Ranni and Miquella a common objective.
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After all we are never really given an explicit reason as to why malenia was sent to fight General Radahn. It could simply be to secure his brother's position in the setting, we know it cant be great runes as he sparred Godrick's life...So freeing the stars from the starscourge's grasp seems like a likey explanation, specially now after it was revealed that to access the dlc (which has Miquella as a major figure) one needs to slay Radahn aswell. So perhaps at some point, Ranni and Miquella worked Together more than it seems, possibly plotting the fall of Radahn for a while.
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There is also the possibility that Miquella is Torrent's former master (something ill go into on a later post) and that he gave the spirit calling bell onto Ranni, which would mean more connections between the two. So thats about it! i hope the dlc sheds some light onto this (or completely crushes my hopes and dreams)
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whatitshouldvebeen · 6 months
Sooo👀 I don’t know if you’ve already done something like this before or if you’re even willing to do something like it but I’d love it if maybe Johnny kept the reader as like a “pet”, making them wear a collar or just referring to them as his pet or his bitch or somethin LOL I’m down bad for this man🫦
Pretty Little Bitch
Contains; MINORS DNI, pet play but Johnny ain't playin', degradation, humiliation, smut, consentual-turns-noncon, baby trapping
You no longer knew how long you'd been locked in that dingy, dirty shed, chained to the bedpost like some sort of animal. The chain was long enough for you to just barely reach the door, but you knew better than to try to leave. Kitchen knives were within your grasp, but you were a good girl. You would never hurt your master. After all, he was the reason you were still alive.
The thick chain clanked against the floor as you scrubbed the broken tile. Fought desperately to clean cigarette burns off the couch. Used hot soapy water on the dishes to scrub away the remnants of the last soul unfortunate enough to stumble upon Black Nancy's unassuming façade of a home. 
You always did what you were told. It's why you've managed to stay alive for so long. You even managed to delude yourself into feeling joy when the doorknob rattled and your captor entered the shack. 
You sat obediently on your knees waiting by the door, your body trembling with excitement. You hadn't seen Johnny for a while now, too long. He's your only contact, the only person you've seen in the months, perhaps years, that you've been at his mercy.
So when the door opens and his dirty brown shoe squeaks against the freshly scrubbed tile, you perk up. You don't raise your eyes—you’re too well trained for that—but you can't help your excitement.
“How's my pretty pet?” He asks. Without waiting for you to respond, he continues, “I brought you something.”
He takes some browned meat from a styrofoam container and tosses it in your food bowl by the couch. 
Cooked meat! He so often forced you to eat it raw. It smelled delicious, Drayton must have cooked it, Johnny doesn't cook and his mother would rather you starve than eat her cooking. 
“Thank you, master,” you said, still with your eyes on his shoes. “May I eat?”
You hadn't eaten anything but old canned beans and potatoes since the last time Johnny came home. You were so very hungry for meat.
“One more thing first.”
Johnny took your chin and raised your eyes to meet his. He was so, so beautiful. You drank in his features—his dark eyes, his greased dark brown hair, his smirk that made your thighs clench. You swallowed hard as you gazed reverently at him. 
Johnny pulled a smooth pink leather collar from his back pocket. 
“The woman at the pet shop asked about you. She asked your name, what breed you were, if there was some special occasion I was getting the collar for.”
He leaned over and placed the collar around your neck, snapping it in place and tightening it to where you'd never be able to ignore its presence. 
“I told her my bitch had been such a good girl I'd been thinking about breeding her.”
Your heart pounded so hard you felt your pulse racing against the soft leather. 
“What do you think, sugar? Have you been a good girl? Do you deserve to be bred?” 
You licked your lips, your eyes trailing down to his crotch, where his cock strained against his blue jeans. 
“Yes, master,” you said breathily. 
“Good girl. Go on and eat, now.” He released your chin and you crawled obediently over to your food bowl. 
Johnny watched you eat, undoing his jeans and stroking himself as he enjoyed the view of your tiny skirt failing to cover your bare ass. You always wore enticing clothing, it's what Johnny wants, after all. 
But you didn't expect his shoe to nudge your legs apart, nor did you think he would fall to his knees behind you. He'd never fucked you while you ate before, and you weren't sure what he expected. But since he told you to eat, you just kept on eating. 
The head of his cock met your entrance and you whimpered, but until he told you otherwise you were going to keep doing what he'd asked. 
It's harder to concentrate when he presses into you with a groan. Your hands curl into fists, and your knees tremble. It had been so long since Johnny came home, since he took you. He's going slow, savoring the feeling of your warmth enveloping him. 
You never expected he'd want to have a baby, and wondered what changed. He never treated you as more than a dog, so maybe he was just looking for something to keep you busy? After all, there's only so much you can do chained up in his shack. 
It isn't like you would ever ask, anyway. If you're lucky and he's in a good mood, he'll let you hum, but dogs don't speak until they're told.
“You miss me?” He asks, keeping himself deep inside you but not moving. 
“Y-yes, master,” you say, and he rewards you with slow strokes that hit you in all the right places. 
“Good. Good girl. Just focus on us, baby. I missed your pretty little cunt,” he says, one hand moving to circle your clit. 
You whimper and shove your food bowl out of the way to press your forehead against the cold tile floor. Your hot breath mists on the tiles, and when Johnny picks up his pace your moans tangle with his. 
You'd always been a good girl for Johnny. You never disobeyed. He never had to punish you. He was so so proud of you. You deserve to carry his baby, don't you? Then why are you crying? Why are your tears mingling with the heat and the sweat and the lust? 
Maybe bringing a baby into the world isn't the best idea. Maybe death would be better than subjecting another human to conditions like these. Maybe your mind isn't as lost as you thought. 
Maybe you're not okay.
“Quit crying, bitch,” Johnny growls, thrusting deeper into you. But you can't stop. Your tears are now wails, your sobs rattling against the old wood boards of the shack you've been trapped in for who knows how long. 
You hear a click, and then you are pulled up from the ground by your collar, cutting off your air.
You bring one hand to your neck and dig your nails in the tiny space between your flesh and leather, trying to bring some relief, but Johnny only pulls you up harder. You yelp and turn your head, seeing Johnny holding a pink leash around his fist, his free hand digging into your hip. 
“You're gonna have my baby, bitch, I don't give a fuck if you want to,” he snarls, driving into you so hard it's painful. 
“W-why? I thought you didn’t like kids?” You choke out through your tears.
Johnny presses his fist holding the leash between your shoulder blades, forcing you to bow, your cheek smashed against the tile. “Because you're mine, and I won't be taking care of them, you will.” He leans low, and whispers in your ear, “They better not turn out a little bitch like you.”
You sob, but it doesn't matter. You hate that, even though Johnny is fucking the life out of you, you still feel some perverse level of enjoyment from his attention. 
And when he floods your womb with his seed, you can't help but follow, cumming against your captor's cock. 
You realize then that you have to get out. You have to get out before it's too late, because you won't let another human being become as broken as you are, the poor little dog who only ever wanted love and attention. 
But as Johnny pulls out and your combined orgasms leaks from you, he tugs you up by the leash.
“If you try anything, I'll stab you in the stomach first,” he promises in a low whisper. He unhooks the leash and you fall forward, curling into a shaking ball.
You hear Johnny's heavy footfalls approach the door and unlock it, light flooding in when he pulls it open. 
“Finish your food, dumb bitch. You'll be seeing a lot more of me, promise you that.” He slams the door closed behind him, and your heart shatters.
You have to get out. 
You have to, but you know you can't. After all…
You're just a dumb bitch.
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If it’s not too much of a bother could I request a Yan! Vincent, undertaker, Sebastian, Claude, (and maybe Joker) with a Neytiri! Reader from Avatar (2009) if you have not watched the first or second movie then you can decline this request if you wish.
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Neytiri Reader | Yandere Black Butler
Well if being 3 meters tall wasn’t enough to make you an oddity it’d be the blue skin and carrying a respirator around. You’re either the attraction of some side circus show or living as an outcast struggling to grasp the English language and bizarre culture: 
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Vincent Phantomhive 
“Oh, oh my–you’re a vision of beauty.”
He doesn’t fall immediately 
Its a matter of interest 
Of course, a blue sentient creature walking around is something The Queen most certainly has a problem with
And he most certainly can’t leave you to the whim of ill-fitted criminals
“How about you stay with me…you understand me, don’t you? I’ll give you a home.”
Eventually, fascination will turn into obsession as you continue to amaze him with every passing day
It kills him when he can no longer keep your existence a secret 
But he’s going to try his hardest
“You’ll stay with me, won’t you? Even if it means burning with me, right?”
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“My my! Never ‘ve i seen a bean like you before. It be a feat to fit you for a coffin!”
You’re his latest case study
Even when threatened by your makeshift arrows he laughs 
“My my! The rose has thorns!”
He does so enjoy seeing how you do things 
Your inclination to nature and just all the nuances unfamiliar to him
But he finds the most enjoyment when you begin to be pursued 
Either by avid mobs or determined showmen
He finds a newfound pleasure in eliminating them
“You all must be interested in coffins for yerselves. Its a shame I’m using all my wood for someone else.”
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Sebastian Michaelis
“Well young Master, you’ve already invited a giant demon hound into your home I doubt whatever they are will be that much of a stretch.” 
Your anomaly status garners his interest as it does anyone 
But he relishes in the knowledge he has of you
Especially beyond your basic respiratory needs
Your habits, the English words you understand, your inclination to nature
“I for one quite enjoy their presence. They're almost better behaved than you, young Master.”
It just the cherry on top that you happen to attract the perfect dredge to defeat feast upon
“Come on then, we must be done by dinner.”
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Claude Faustus
“Oh dear, must I care for another than your highness.”
It’ll be Alois’ interest rather than his own
Set to watch you learn the world as Alois presents it 
Not on his watch
“Here when you drink, hold it like this…saying this now I realize that you’re hands dwarf the silverware. My apologies.”
You become an outlet 
A blank slate he can enjoy be in the company of
When his plans are set in motion he’ll be sure to put you in a role he appreciates 
“Now all you have to is stand still and play your part. The one I want for you”
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“...Don’t I know just the place for you!”
He’s thrilled to add you to his circus
Only realizing that you're not as animalistic when threatened
“H-hey! Don’t get cross with me, this is just a precaution!”
When you two find a rhythm he discovers his hatred
His hatred of others wonder
He wanted to be the only one to give you that
So as long as you’re still oblivious he’ll begin restricting you
Locking you away as soon as the curtains close
“Come now Sapphire, we need your rest. Most of all.”
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broncoburro · 4 months
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Meur (or magic) is a natural force in Vestur. Since the invention of the Andimeur Synthesizer (a device that converts it into a form usable by man), Vestur’s aristocracy has continually found new uses for it. From homes heated by red meur to nutritionally dense food aided by green meur, the Tri-Kingdom has gained the distinction of most scientifically advanced country in the known world.
Children in Vestur sometimes play a clapping game that goes as such:
“Green’s for the beans on my supper plate, Blue’s for the clean water enjoyed while I ate, Red warms my toes when there’s snow on the ground, Yellow’s how a Southern fellow steers his ship around, And if he crashes it upon the shore The Architect alone will decide his score: Black, White, Black, White, Black, White, Black If the man is slack, it’s the work of Black If he avoids the light-- Then thank goodness, it’s White!”
Like all good children’s songs, it ends in giggles about dying a horrible death. But it effectively teaches every child in the Tri-Kingdom about what each of the six meur types, or colors are, and their most common use cases.
Green meur affects the botanical world. While plants cannot be summoned into existence through green meur alone, it can be used to grow plants in conditions that shouldn’t be able to foster them. It may also alter their growth trajectory or physical properties. Almost none the of the plants grown in the Northern Kingdom could survive the nutrient-poor, hard soil without green meur. Specializing in green meur may sound tame or perhaps boring at first (and green meur users are stereotyped as such), but bring domesticated thorny vine seeds onto the battlefield and a competent green meur user will be sending barbed tendrils through an enemy’s torso in seconds.
Blue meur pertains to water. The ability to command water’s flow has several use cases in itself: powering water wheels, irrigation for agriculture, maintenance of sewerways. But this meur type takes on new complexities when you consider water’s other states. Ice can be easily weaponized, and some innovative meur scientists have been doing research into engines powered by steam. Even more mysterious, it seems water’s omnipresence on earth has lent blue meur some properties related to the flow of time. There’s more to blue meur than is currently understood.
Red meur is pure energy in the form of heat. When wielded by man, It’s most commonly seen as fire. Heat is useful for everything from keeping a forge running to warming air in houses. Red meur is (sadly) not a free energy buffet though, and has some major downsides: it’s inherently tiring and energy-intensive on the user. In addition, fine control is difficult. Red meur users have something of a reputation for being none too bright, but many of said users would rebuff this with “easy to use, difficult to master”.
Yellow meur affects air. It’s mainly used to influence wind direction and speed, leading to some of the fastest trade ships in the known world. As a result, yellow meur is an eclectic choice for anyone to specialize in besides Southerners. The current use cases are narrow... but this might be more due to lack of interest in the field than anything else. Who knows, perhaps some sort of yellow meur related discovery is around the corner....?
Green, blue, red, and yellow are the standard meur colors. Upwards of 95% of Vestur's nobility have their specialty in these four. There are two less common meur types though, and they have a lot of mythologizing around them, as well as being less understood.
White meur is usually described by laymen as “the healing one”. Say that to any white practitioner and watch him start pulling his hair out in frustration and screeching through gritted teeth, “its so much deeper than that!”. Those who use white meur must, in addition to finishing standard meur education at Vestur Royal Military Academy, score well on the White College Aptitude Test and be accepted to the College of Divine Healing, where they’ll learn about the human body, pathology, and advanced white meur for an additional two years. Only then can one be certified as a white practitioner. Without knowing what you’re putting back into place and why, it’s horrendously easy to do more harm than good when mending the human body.
All this said, white meur can’t do miracle work. Wound closure or bone refusing is one thing – regrowing a whole arm or bringing someone back from the dead is strictly in the realm of fantasy.
Black meur inflicts death, plain and simple. It is unilaterally outlawed. Its only practical use is in combat, but black meur is considered a dishonorable way to inflict suffering. Any of the standard colors can just as easily be used to kill. Only one nobleman in all of Vestur is registered as a black meur user, and the designation was given as a soft way to say, “you are disallowed from wielding meur of any color”. Though... he really is quite talented at it, as circumstance will soon reveal.
And those are the meur colors! Every noble child in Vestur goes to VRMA and gets educated on the principles of wielding each, but as a graduated nobleman in the service of your community, a person may only specialize in one.
Any given two blue meur users likely have their in very different applications: one might maintain a city’s sewerways, and another might work to provide potable water in an area where there is none. There is a lot of variation and opportunity within any given color.
(The little emblems for the meur types, as with all of Forever Gold's more graphic design-y work, were done by LSDolphin!)
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giggly-squiggily · 7 months
can i pls request for lee itadori and ler gojo with “oh, you thought you could get me?”
thank you :)
{Puffs are officially CLOSED}
AHH LEE!YUJI!!! God I love him! He's just the most precious bean ever! I've gotcha covered, slime! :3
It had been many moons since that fateful day. The day Itadori Yuji tried tickling Gojo Satoru.
Many moons, and many attempts.
That didn’t mean he was giving up though!
“GOTCHA NOW!” Itadori cried as he leapt from his hiding spot, arms enclosing Gojo-
“Too slow!” The white haired man was behind him in seconds, fingers going straight for the ribs. “Oh, you thought you could get me?”
“Ah! Ahehahahahhha, Gohoohohohojohohohohoho-shehehehehensei!” Itadori all but squealed at the touch, dancing from foot to foot as his sensei drilled into all the sensitive bits between bones. “I whahahahhas sohoohohohohoho clohoohohohohoohose!”
“Yes, you were. I nearly fell for it too!” Gojo laughed as he pulled Itadori down with him, taking a seat on the floor with the squirming teenager in his lap. “Alas, you haven’t quite mastered the art of a tickle surprise! When one strikes, you must go for the kill!” He shot his hands up to Yuji’s armpits, making him screech. “Like that.”
“AHAHAHHAHAHHAHHAAA!” Yuji all but cackled at the feeling, pressing his arms tightly against his sides in hopes of squeezing Gojo out. “DOHOHOHOOHN’T NOOHOHOHOT THEHHEHHEHERE!”
“Too ticklish, huh?” Gojo cooed, switching up his scribbles for gentle pressing. Yuji’s laugh went silent until he swapped back. “Wow, you got your own mute button and everything!”
“AEHHAHHAHAHAHA!” Yuji knew deep within his soul he wasn’t gonna survive this. It was now or never! With as much strength as he could muster, he reached towards Gojo’s thigh-
Only to find himself on his back, with Gojo hovering over him- wrist pinned above his head.
“Not bad- but far too obvious.” Gojo grinned, his free hand attacking his belly. Yuji- how only had a moment to breathe before- burst out into fresh laughter, kicking his feet and flailing. “Give up?”
“YEHHEHES YHEHEHES I DOHOOHOHO!” He cried, gasping for air as the tickles came to an end. Gojo laughed good naturedly as he pulled Yuji to his feet, ruffling his hair. “Iiihihll gehehet you nehehext time!”
“Heh, we’ll see.”
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lokisprettygirl · 1 year
Under his influence (Post Avengers! Loki x female reader)
Read chapter 25 here/ Series Masterlist
Chapter 26
Summary : You do whatever you can to get back to your Loki.
Warning: 18+, HUGE Canon divergence(Just me making shit up), masturbation, mention of stalking, mention of psychological torture, angst, insecurities, ptsd, self deprecating behaviour, panic attack, soft precious bean loki,
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He didn't know at what point the world had darkened around him but he knew he had lost you, as the Avengers brought him back to the tower after his public breakdown, he was shoved in a cell again. He didn't fight it this time, or made a joke out of the situation or attempted to manipulate anyone, he felt tired of the constant turbulence he had to suffer through.
"I have to leave for Asgard and be answerable to our father of this situation here, in the meantime don't do anything to make this worse," he heard Thor's voice and chuckled.
"Define worse" Thor sighed and turned around to leave, Loki had just started to improve his relationship with his brother only for it to get ruined again. As Thor left he sat down on the floor and closed his eyes, he remembered kissing you one more time, he felt a shift and all of a sudden he was back at the tower, right where he was eight months ago.
You must not remember him, Strange said there was barely any chance that any of you would remember this, but of course he did, he was cursed to live with the memories of you and he was the one who had to suffer losing you again. He just wanted to go see you once, even though Strange asked you two to not say anything he knew he just had to see you once, there would be no repercussions right? This was the correct timeline and he was the master of his own destiny here, he wasn't an anomaly any longer, he wasn't someone who wasn't supposed to exist.
But it hurt so much because all he wanted to do was get back to your apartment and hold you in his arms. Why did he agree to this? Why did he choose to be so noble this time? Perhaps it was you that had changed him into this person because the Loki that had fell off that bifrost, he never would have sacrificed his own happiness for anyone else, you made him get back to his roots, made him kind and gentle again, he was blessed to have find you the way he did but now he had no clue what was going to happen.
You were pacing around in your room, you missed him alot and to know that he remembered you was calming at first but then you worried about him, he didn't know that you remembered him. You laid down on the bed and you noticed how his smell was no longer lingering in your bed sheet or your pillow, you quickly got up and opened the closet but you had nothing in there that belonged to him, the gifts he had given you were gone, his essence had evaporated and all you had was the faint memories of the time that never existed, memories of the events that never should have happened in the first place.
What were you supposed to do? Strange said to not say anything but if you both remembered your lives then you had to do something about it right? You can't just sit here and stew in this heartbreaking ordeal. You can't let him go now and wait years for him to return to you. What if he never does? What if he goes back to Asgard and marries that princess? Several fears were hounding your entire being, you couldn't even go talk to Strange because he wasn't even the sorcerer supreme yet.
You had to do something and you had to do it now.
You dialed a number on your phone and took a deep breath,
"Hi ummm can I get a ticket for the nearest Nyc flight?" You asked nervously and there was a red eye leaving for the city so you packed a little something and quickly made your way to the airport.
As you were locking your apartment you did bump into Mrs Geller and she asked you where you were going so you lied to her. She had no recollection of the previous timeline, nobody did, except you two.
During the flight you tried to sleep but it was difficult to do so. More so because you knew he must be up there and that he was restless. Now that you were thinking about that life you were living in the past few months it did feel surreal in every way, there's no way a god just landed in your apartment like that but the truth was that it still happened, it didn't exist now but it was real for you both..
Once you reached Manhattan you saw the destruction the war had caused, there was rubble everywhere and people in general seemed scared to come out of their houses. You kind of understood now why Stephen hated Loki but you knew why Loki did what he did.
You found a cheap hotel to stay the night because you had no idea what to do. You just can't go to Avengers tower right? Or maybe you could.
The next morning Loki witnessed the Avengers hoarding outside his cell, Clint was sending him death glares and the rest of them were just looking at him like he was an animal at the zoo, he had managed to gain their trust only to lose it all over again.
"Where is Thor?" Loki asked them
"He will return soon and take you back to Asgard, now what did you mean when you said you remembered?"
Loki raised his brow as Tony questioned him but he didn't respond, he wasn't supposed to say anything to them but maybe he can warn them about Thanos.
He was in the middle of the discussion that he despised as much as he did the last time when a man entered the area.
"Captain Rogers, a woman is insisting on meeting you" Everyone turned their attention towards the man, tony had a smirk on his face at the mention of a woman wanting to meet the now famous Avenger Captain America.
"What woman?" Steve asked, Loki stood up and walked closer to the glass door of his cell at the weird turn of events,
"Some y/n y/l/n from the state of Minnesota" his eyes teared up as he heard the name. Did you come for him? Was this some other woman? It must be you right? That would mean that you remembered him. His heart started to thump loudly as he realized that you both remembered each other.
"I don't know anyone with that name" Steve scoffed,
"Must be a fan, we are famous now" Natasha chuckled and Bruce hummed in response.
"You can leave Carl, we are having a meeting " She told the informer and he was about to leave but he had something else to add.
"Captain Rogers, she wanted me to tell you that your friend James Buchanan Barnes or Bucky was alive and staying in Minneapolis at the moment"
A look of surprise graced his features and took a step back at the mention of the name of his former friend, the other avengers looked at him curiously, they didn't really know anything about Bucky.
"Get her in the interrogation room stat"
Steve ordered so the informer turned around and left. As Steve stormed out, the rest of them quickly followed him. Loki was extremely worried about you, he remembered you telling him that James was the one who had hit you with his vehicle so maybe he was in Minneapolis or even if he wasn't he would be there because Strange has clearly said that you had gotten into an accident after the meeting so the accident was supposed to happen in this timeline as well.
You looked around, it seemed like a prison interrogation room that you had seen in movies only, you had never been to this part of the tower before. As Steve walked in you took a deep breath.
"Who are you and what do you know about Bucky?"
Okay maybe you should have been prepared for this before you walked in with a half lie like that.
"My name is y/n, I'm from Minneapolis Minnesota, I don't know anything about your friend, but I have seen this guy around in my city who I think is your deceased friend James Barnes" Steve banged his fist on the table and you flinched.
"That is not possible, he's dead" you gulped as he said that.
"Is he though? Like I said I don't know much as I have seen him a bunch of times on his bike and on the grocery store ..but he has a metallic bionic arm, i remember that because it kind of took me by surprise" Steve looked at you curiously as you said that.
If you fall for me I'm not easy to please
I might tear you apart
Told you from the start, baby from the start
You looked around as you heard the song and he was doing the same thing. You cleared your throat and pointed towards his pocket so he hurriedly tapped all over his body and realized that it was the cellphone thing that was invented a long time ago, Clint had just given it to him this morning and he had no idea how it worked yet.
I'm only gonna break break your break break your heart, I'm only gonna break break your break break your heart
You bit on your cheeks to prevent yourself from smiling or laughing at the situation.
"I don't know how..uhh.. Clint must have–"
"No issue" you mumbled quickly to save him from the embarassement but he was mortified so he turned around and left the room to pick up the call.
You were finally able to breathe when he was out of sight. Where was Loki? There's no way you'd be able to find him in this huge tower but you had come this far and you weren't going to leave without seeing him once. You had to come up with something.
Loki was worried sick about you, what were you doing? What if these assholes in suits would see you as a threat and try to hurt you? Next time those Avengers bolted inside the prison area Thor was with them as well.
"What is this I am hearing about Thanos?" Thor asked him so Loki sighed and told him everything. Thor had a sudden change of heart the same as the last time when he had heard about the torture his brother has been through. Though the Avengers didn't trust him or his words, Thor insisted that his brother won't remain chained up like an animal this way after suffering so much.
Odin was away on a political endeavor so Thor had informed Loki that he'll be taken to Asgard when Odin will return and until then he'll remain in the tower.
He was thrown into a room which was the same as his room the last time but it somehow seemed different. He couldn't help but wonder if you were still here in the tower so he quickly walked towards the telephone and called on your number but your phone was unreachable.
Steve came back to grill you further, you noticed he didn't have the phone in his pocket anymore but he had your passport in his hands instead, your phone was confiscated by the security as well.
"Y/n, Y/l/n, 29, Minnesota"
"Actually I'm 30"
He raised his brow as you said that and that's when you realized that you weren't thirty yet. Wow it felt good to be 29 again "I'll be thirty soon"
"Did you come all the way here just to tell me about James? " He asked you sternly so you shook your head.
"No..I was visiting a friend and just thought that I should tell you..I'm a history buff. I read about him and had seen the pictures of your friend, that's why the striking resemblance was hard to scratch away.. his hair is long now though, it wouldn't hurt to give it a try right? I mean he was your friend. I'm also sorry for what happened today but you guys are heroes, thank you for saving the world today " you smiled as you pulled a lie out of your ass again.
"I hope this is not some cruel joke y/n"
"It's not, just go there and look for a speeding man on a bike"
"Well You are going to stay here until I'm done dealing with this matter" he said to you so you pretended to be shocked, even though deep down that's exactly what you wanted.
Steve asked you to follow him and as you were both walking towards the elevator ,Clint and Thor passed by you two, your eyes teared up as his eyes met with yours but he looked away immediately. He didn't remember you and you knew this was going to hurt but not this much.
As you both stepped inside the elevator you watched him press the button to the fourteenth floor. Did fate want you to find Loki?
"Ummm so what happened to that guy uhh..the guy who attacked?" You asked sheepishly so Steve looked at you.
"It's none of your concern" you made a pout as he said that so he sighed but he didn't say anything.
"I mean I saw that he refused to go back to his realm"
"He's going to be here until the investigation is completed"
"Ohhh" you smiled and you were definitely happy with the prospect.
As you reached the floor Steve took you to a spare room which was the same one Jane had made you stay in when she had invited you for her birthday.
"Umm how long will I be staying here, i have a job you know" you looked at him and tried to appear as annoyed as possible. You were definitely going to lose your job but you didn't care at the moment.
"I'll leave tomorrow and if I don't find him or even a miniscule trace of him anywhere in that city of yours, you're going to be in a lot of trouble young lady"
He left after threatening you, he had no idea that you were doing him a huge favor, saving him alot of time and trouble. You knew your way around the area very well so after an hour you stepped out of your room and made your way to Loki's room, maybe they gave him the same room this time as well. You chuckled internally as you saw that there were two big burly guards outside of his door, as if they'd be able to stop him if he was determined to leave.
You walked towards them and they immediately put their hands forward to stop you.
"You are not permitted to see him" one of the guards said, his name was Mark, the other one was John. That was definitely not weird.
"That's too bad I was hoping to see how he looked in real life" you chuckled nervously and they just glared at you in response, they did seem scary. You heard footsteps approaching behind you so you turned around to look and it was Thor. He stared at you for a moment before he opened his mouth
"Are you lady y/n? the one who brought the news about the captain's friend?"
"Yes I am the lady, your captain has held me hostage so I just wanted to look around " you smiled so he nodded.
"Would you like to meet my insane brother?" He asked you and you were going to tell him that he wasn't insane but you kept your mouth shut, you were coming across suspicious already.
"Yes please, I heard he's not being taken back to Asgard and he's not even in prison, I am wondering why, isn't he a danger to the society?" you put your fingers on your chin as you pretended to think
"Well it is a matter of a universal nature but my brother might not be the bloodthirsty creature that I had feared he had become"
You looked at him and nodded as he said that, he was already starting to believe in Loki, that was a good start. Maybe all Loki needed to do was reveal everything about Thanos but maybe this war was destined to happen the way you were destined to meet him..
You heard Loki's door opening so you quickly diverted your attention towards him, even the guards turned their heads to look at him. Your eyes teared up as you looked at him, he didn't seem okay.
"I heard voices" he mumbled as his eyes met with yours, he seemed so sad you just wanted to hug him and take all his pain away. Even though it's been just a day since you had kissed him last, your life felt meaningless without him, it was different not knowing him at all but losing him again and again after falling for him brought you insurmountable pain and suffering.
"Brother, this is lady y/n, here on a ..uhhh business" Thor introduced you so you put your hand forward, he noticed the saddened look on your face, only he could tell that you had no amount of sleep last night, that makeup wasn't really hiding anything from him. He still couldn't believe that you had risked everything to come for him, his heart felt heavy because he just needed to hold you in his arms and love you until all this pain would fade but it seemed impossible at the moment.
"Have you forgotten your manners brother?" Loki rolled his eyes as Thor said that, he hoped his brother would start to think of you as his sister in this timeline as well because right now he could tell Thor was trying to charm the pretty midgardian lady by his side.
"Apologies Sweet y/n" he grabbed your hand and you felt shivers run down your spine at the mere touch, he brought your hand to his lips to give it a chaste kiss before he stepped back again.
"Get yourself to be more presentable, then we will go have a meal" Thor said so Loki nodded, he couldn't take his off you and neither could you.
"Lady y/n would you like to join us?" Thor asked you so you turned your attention towards him and agreed.
"Well I'll see you later Mister Loki" you mumbled softly and you noticed the corner of his mouth curving into a small smile "You should wash your hair, you look like a pine tree"
And then he smiled, the kind of smile that always made your heart skip a beat.
"I will do my very best lady y/n, i promise i won't disappoint you"
Thor looked at both of you and his brows scrunched in confusion so you turned around and left before he'd become more suspicious.
As Loki stood under the cold shower, the memory of the first time you both had showered here together came to the surface, he needed you badly, every inch of him craved you, maybe it was the situation that was making him feel so needier than usual, maybe it was the way you had traveled all that distance for him had swelled his heart, from not wanting to come here at all to facing these people all alone, you had come so far for him, he knew how anxious you must have been but you still took the risk, you saved him the last time and you were doing it again.
All he wanted in the moment was to get down on his knees for you and follow every command of yours, he wanted to hold you in his arms and never let you go again, he would have killed for you he knew and that's exactly why you both were thrown into this situation again. He would destroy everything and everyone to keep you by his side and that's why he had to let go of that possibility.
A lucky stroke of luck somehow made you both remember and he was still amazed by that, he placed one of his arms on the wall in front of him while he stroked his cock slowly with the other one. He needed a release, mentally and emotionally he had moved on from this day but physically his body was still suffering from the aftermath of the war.
The way you had pleased him that night was haunting him now more than ever, he felt exhausted and overwhelmed, the only person who could calm him down was just mere steps away from him but he couldn't get her. A moan escaped his throat as he thrusted into his own fist, he wished you were there instead. The orgasm washed over him swiftly and he took a deep breath, he can't lose you again and he had to do something so he won't be taken back to Asgard.
After showering he had changed into an Asgardian comfort wear, when he opened his door Thor was waiting to take him to get a meal.
As you saw him approaching your heartbeat sped again. His hair was wet and slicked back, he did seem a bit better now but the urge to coddle him was intense, you just wanted to pamper him all night long and tell him that everything will be okay, this was meant to be right? Why else would you still have your respective memories if this wasn't how it was supposed to happen?
He sat down on the other side of the table and Thor sat next to him, Thor gave you a polite smile so you returned it. Loki seemed flushed and you definitely saw that look on his face, you could always recognise the way he seemed after he was pleased in every possible way. Just the thought of him touching himself in the privacy of his bathroom burned you with intense heat and desire for him, as glad as you were that he made himself feel relaxed you also felt jealous because you wanted to be the one to please him that way, you wanted to be there to touch him so tenderly and make him emit all those pretty little sounds that he always made.
God you would have died for him you knew, you knew you'd have given up your life for him and that is the main reason why you were here now.
You placed your toes on his shin and he dropped the fork in nervousness, the adorable look on his face made you smile.
"Are you alright brother?" Thor asked him so Loki cleared his throat and hummed.
"You seem ..flushed, are you sure you are fine Mister Loki?" You asked loki so he stared at you intently, you could see the wheels turning in his head.
"Perhaps I do miss the company of a lady that is very precious to me," Loki answered, but his mouth opened slightly and he closed his eyes as you rubbed your toes up and down in a caressing manner.
"Well you should meet Princess Atrishia whenever we will venture for our realm, she told me to give you her regards" Thor said.
You stopped caressing him under the table as you heard that. What if he goes back to Asgard and falls for her again?
Maybe they will get married and maybe that is the reason you never met him until later in your life. Strange or the Other loki, well this Loki if you think about it now, they never said anything about what had happened in this time period. Loki noticed how lost you seemed all of a sudden so he turned to his brother before he spoke,
"I will not be marrying her brother, i assumed she must have moved on after I was thought to be dead for good" Thor sighed as Loki said that.
His words did make you feel better but the next day that princess that you never wanted to meet came for him.
She still had the engagement ring on her finger, she seemed ethereal, one look at her divine self and you wondered why Loki would let all of that go for you? You didn't understand why he fell so deeply for you when he could have had her.
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anxious-anura · 9 months
Fae Farm; A Basic Guide
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Friend-able Characters
Wisp Mother
The Marquis
Romance-able Characters
Gifts: Blob Globs, Bug Juice, Bullfrog, Common Toad, Ecto Dew, Fae Dust, Flutter Dust, Frog Sweat, Nectar, Rainbow Frog
Gifts: Berry Jam, Cheese, Clay Brick, Cotton Fabric, Fish Jerky, Flour, Fruit Preserves, Mushroom Jerky, Nut Butter, Pickled Greens, Pickled Roots, Pickled Shellfish, Pickled Veggies, Stone Brick, Wool Fabric
Gifts: Azure Spud, Baked Mac and Cheese, Charred Fish, Chili Pepper, Crystal Pepper, Deep-sea Delight, Flame Heart, Frost Beet, Grilled Mushroom, Magic Bean, Mystic Macarons, Scrambled Eggs with Fruit Salsa, Seafood Spaghetti, Twilight Salad
Gifts: Brown Snail, Candied Fruit, Deluxe Fruit Tart, Fruit Pies, Fruit Salad, Flutterwood Lumber, Grilled Fruit, Oak Lumber, Sporewood Lumber
Gifts: Copper Ingot, Feyrite Ingot, Iron Ingot, Polished Amethyst, Polished Aquamarine, Polished Citrine, Polished Emerald, Polished Peridot, Polished Rose Quartz, Polished Sapphire, Polished Topaz, Silver Ingot
Gifts: Berry Tea, Black Hyacinth, Black Lily, Black Rose, Black Zinnia, Blossom Brew, Fae Fairy, Gloom Shade, Milk Tea, Myst Fairy, Willow Wisp
Backpack Upgrades (Skye, Supplies and Sundry)
500 Florins
2,500 Florins
8,000 Florins
Home Upgrades
Starting Home
2,00 Florins , 25 Copper Ore, 25 Beech Log
4,000 Florins, 25 Iron Ore, 25 Oak Log
6,000 Florins, 3 Copper Ingot, 3 Beech Lumber
8,000 Florins, 3 Iron Ingot, 3 Oak Lumber
10,000 Florins, 15 Feyrite Ore, 15 Flutterwood Log
Hazy Haven
4,000 Florins, 3 Copper Ingot, 3 Beech Lumber
6,000 Florins, 3 Iron Ingot, 3 Oak Lumber
8,000 Florins, 2 Feyrite Ingot, 2 Flutterwood Lumber
10,000 Florins, 15 Silver Ore, 15 Sporewood Log
15,000 Florins, 3 Silver Ingot, 3 Sporewood Lumber
Fae Acres
Produce Stand
2,000 Florins
7,000 Florins
Tool Upgrades (All Tools)
Copper: 200 Florins, 1 Ingot
Iron: 500 Florins, 2 Ingot
Feyrite: 1,500 Florins, 3 Ingot
Silver: 2,500 Florins, 4 Ingot
Orichalcum: 3,500 Florins, 5 Ignot
Critter Net
Sturdy Critter Net: 1,000 Florins, Critter Catching Level 3, Critter Net
Advanced Critter Net: 2,500 Florins, Critter Catching Level 5, Sturdy Net
Master Critter Net: 5,000 Florins, Critter Catching Level 7, Advanced Net
Fishing Rod
Sturdy Rod: 1,000 Florins, Fishing Level 3, Basic Rod
Advanced Rod: 2,500 Florins, Fishing Level 5, Sturdy Rod
Master Rod: 5,000 Florins, Fishing Level 7, Advanced Rod
Animals (Coop and Barn must be unlocked before you can buy.)
Chickoo: 200 Florins
Cottontail: 200 Florins
Coop Trough Upgrade: 1,500 Florins
Mamoo: 300 Florins
Woolyhorn: 300 Florins
Barn Trough Upgrade: 1,500 Florins
Fresh Out Of The Oven (Dominic)
Flour: 85 Florins
Butter: 35 Florins
Holly’s Seed Shop (Holly)
Turnip Seeds: 5 Florins
Cauliflower Seeds: 6 Florins
Bean Seeds: 12 Florins
Potato Seeds: 10 Florins, Farming Level 10
Corn Seeds: 15 Florins, Farming Level 15
Pepper Seeds: 20 Florins, Farming Level 20
Bounteous Fertilizer: 35 Florins, Farming Level 3
Zippy Fertilizer: 35 Florins, Farming Level 3
Magic Crop Swap Fertilizer: 50 Florins, Farming Level 3
Daisy Print Wallpaper: 100 Florins, 1 Paper, 1 Beech Lumber
Caramel Checkered Flooring: 100 Florins, 10 Clay, 1 Polished Topaz
Dry Bamboo Flooring: 100 Florins, 5 Sugarcane
Treemendous Trees (Willow)
All Fruit Saplings: 450 Florins
Beech Sapling: 20 Florins
Oak Sapling: 30 Florins
Fruit Wallpaper: 100 Florins, 1 Paper, 10 Chopped Fruit
Grass Flooring: 100 Florins, 50 Plant Fibers
Fresh Bamboo Flooring: 100 Florins, 5 Sugarcane
Supplies and Sundry (Skye)
Backpack Upgrades: ^^^^
Masonry Wallpaper: 100 Florins, 1 Paper, 10 Clay Brick
Cream Hardwood Flooring: 100 Florins, 5 Beech Lumber
Orange Brick Flooring: 100 Florins, 5 Clay Brick
Deep Azure Hardwood Flooring: 100 Florins, 5 Oak Lumber
Smokey Hardwood Flooring: 100 Florins, 5 Oak Lumber
Robin’s Egg Hardwood Flooring: 100 Florins, 5 Frostwood Lumber
Vermilion Hardwood Flooring: 100 Florins, 5 Ancient Lumber
Nautical Flooring: 100 Florins, 5 Sporewood Lumber
Fish Shelf: 200 Florins, 1 Small Empty Shelf
Tea Shelf: 200 Florins, 1 Small Empty Shelf
Pantry Shelf: 200 Florins, 1 Small Empty Shelf
Bag Hook: 100 Florins
Wall Clock: 300 Florins, 1 Copper Ingot, 1 Beech Lumber
Fishing Gear: 100 Florins, 5 Rope
Glass Bulbs: 100 Florins, 1 Rope, 1 Glass
Simple Ladder: 100 Florins, 1 Rope, 6 Oak Log
Wall Scroll: 100 Florin, 1 Paper, 1 Oak Log
Wonderful Wearables (Millie)
Charles’ Comfy Creations (Charles)
Emily’s Eccentric Extras (Emily)
Rose and Shine Flower Seeds (Rosalind)
House of Healing (Vera)
Millions of Bees (Mel)
Merchants’ Guild Shop (Pearl)
Comfy Critter Inn (Kasper)
Haute Cuisine (August)
Job Quests (You can only have ONE job quest active at a time)
Growing Goals - Holly (10 Total)
Harvest 30 Vegetables in one day.
Make florins selling 40 vegetables in one day.
Harvest 12 seasonal vegetables.
Use Zippy Fertilizer 12 times.
Harvest 12 potatoes.
Craft 12 pickled vegetables.
Harvest 12 Fae Crops.
Craft 12 Fae Seeds.
Make florins selling 48 Fae vegetables in one day.
Harvest 12 seasonal grains.
Reward: Farmer Outfit
Mystic Wings: 1 Polished Garnet, 10 Magenta Trillium, 10 Flutter Dust
Violet Wings: 1 Polished Amethyst, 10 Magenta Zinnia, 10 Flutter Dust
Butterfly Wings: 1 Polished Aquamarine, 10 ???, 10 Flutter Dust
Dragonfly Wings: 1 Polished Peridot, 10???, 10 Flutter Dust
Fae Wings: 1 Polished Rose Quarts, 10???, 10 Flutter Dust
Dark Wings: 1???, 10 Black Tulip, 10 Flutter Dust
Feathered Wings: 1???, 10???, 10 Flutter Dust
Violet Wings: 1 Polished Amethyst, 10???, 10 Flutter Dust
Silver Wings – 1???, 10???, 10 Flutter Dust
Color Palletes
Soft Yellow: 100 Florins, 30 Sand Dollar, 30 Yellow Tulip
Soft Orange: 100 Florins, 30 Ammonite, 15 Orange Rose
Soft Pink: 100 Florins, 30 Coral, 15 Pink Lily
Soft Teal: 100 Florins, 30 Oyster, 15 White Tulip
Vibrant Sepia: 500 Florins, ???, 30 Small Honeycomb
Vibrant Yellow: 1,000 Florins, ???, 30 Small Honeycomb
Vibrant Ochre: 500 Florins, ???, 30 Small Honeycomb
Vibrant Azure: 5,000 Florins, ???, 30 Blue Hyacinth
Vibrant Pink: 5k gold, 3 Polished Rose Quartz, 30 Pink Hyacinth
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gassywill · 1 year
(Pt 3) The Gassy Master - Dual Punishment
The gagged twink was thrown onto the bed next to me, Jake pulled out another identical sleeping bag from the wardrobe. Ben looked over at Jake saying "We really doing this" Jake nodded and said, "Oh fuck yes we are". I didn't know what was going on, I was still hard in the sleeping bag and wanted to cum so badly. I looked to my left at the gagged and bound slave and was shocked when I noticed who it was. I must have been dazed before, after wearing that gas mask for so long. It was my friend from uni, Alfie. Was he into this? Alfie was cute but came across really straight. I couldn't imagine him being into this, he didn't look too happy though. He was trying to talk to me through his gag, his muffled screams did nothing. However, he was probably in shock at seeing me too inside a sleeping bag in a room that reeked of farts and burps and dry cum. It was at this moment Jake came over, he looked over both of us. "Ok, boys here is what's gonna happen. We need a full-time slave to use, we are going to use Aflie as leverage." Jake looked into my eyes, quite menacingly. I was scared of what they would do next. Jake continued "We have taken Alfie to convince you to stay here willingly and suffer our gas forever. He will be gas masked to my ass while I eat 2 cans of beans, he will then start to suffer when my vile gas kicks in" Alfie moaned. Trying to say no to the idea clearly, he was looking at me and Jake whilst thrashing around gagged. Jake slowly placed his hand on my dick, still hard from the toxic torture I endured. "All you have to do is say yes to me and Ben being your gassy masters for the rest of your life" I refused. They had to be joking. They wouldn't prey on someone innocent who hadn't even said they wanted it. Alfie looked in terror, Jake summoned Ben over. He brought the gas mask, to my surprise the mask was fitted over my face again, the toxic remanence still lingering. They connected the dual hose again, but this time one leading to Jake's ass and the other to Bens's. Jake ran his hand over my dick and said "Night bitch". They both opened up their asses and released a barrage of farts down the tubes, I could hear them laughing as I slowly passed out. I woke up again, this time in an upright position. Still, in the sleeping bag, it was wet around my dick, I must have cummed recently without knowing. I was still in a gas mask, could feel the tube hanging from the bottom of it but couldn't see where it went. I looked over, and opposite me tied to the wall was Alfie. He was tied up, with a gas mask on too, he looked drained. He was wearing grey joggers and a T-shirt. His grey joggers had a wet patch near his dick, had he cum too? It was at this point I needed to fart myself, I let one out it wasn't anything big but mine did tend to stink a fair bit. I thought it was in the sleeping bag so not too bad, I then heard Alfie start to choke. Ben walked in, "I see you've noticed that you now have to punish your friend" Ben picked up the hose showing it going from the bottom of my sleeping bag to Alfie's mask. Ben then picked up a separate tube going to the sleeping bag, he farted down it and watched as both me and Alfie choked on his gas. This was not going to end well...
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sophios-draws · 1 month
lego dimensions portal dialogue!!
i compiled some of the silly ones (see end for notes)
I always thought it would be wonderful to have a deep, emotional connection to someone… until I met YOU. (to chell) (gayass line #1)
Well, well, well, look who’s back. You must love science almost as much as me. (to chell) (gayass line #2)
Oh well, if it isn't the grand return of King Moron and his Mute Princess. (to chell and wheatley)
Well done. It seems you have mastered the graceful and noble art of ‘bouncing’. (to chell re: repulsion gel)
Very good. With the accelerative power of Propulsion Gel at your disposal, you need only worry about your wits being slow. (to chell re: propulsion gel)
What’s wrong? You look tired. Would you like a break or a nap? Maybe I could get an associate to rub your feet for you if I’m not boring you too much. (to batman et al.)
Did I mention I had a cake made JUST for YOU? Unfortunately none of the typical ingredients were available, so it consists mostly of sawdust and leftover propulsion gel. If anything, I think that just gives it even more of a personal touch. (to chell)
Oh dear. Someone booted up on the wrong side of the BIOS this morning, if I’m not mistaken. (to chell re: glados)
Ugh. Uh, I must have forgotten to, to carry the zero… And ummm… Let me try again, let me try again. I don’t suppose you know what, what’s Pi? Is it three something? (to batman et al.)
Seriously, where do you learn that stuff? What is it? Textbooks? Is it, um, online courses? Um, I mean, do you have to go to some kind of y’know, retreat, where you wear robes and things? And there’s some chap with long hair and a guitar? (to chell)
You want to say, “I TOLD you, Wheatley. I SAID you were too hard on those poor little mutant boxes, whose only ever crime was trying to make their daddy proud. And now they’ve run away from home, each of ‘em hiding GLaD-knows-where, scared and alone in some dark, dingy corner of the lab.” (to chell re: frankenturrets) ("glad" instead of "god"... checks out)
Keep it up! Although no mad rush, ‘cause I’m actually working on an apology speech… which I think is… is… quite beautiful. (to chell re: frankenturrets)
Ah! You all came back! I never thought I’d be so happy to see your little improvised-robotic faces! But I am, I am! And… what I want to say is… *throat clearing* if you don’t want to step on buttons, then DON’T step on buttons! Alright? Don’t step on a single one! Not even if an orphanage is burning down and the only way to activate the sprinkler system is to step on a button, don’t do it! Don’t… Well, you probably SHOULD do it in that case, but other than that, you know, do what you wanna do. You’re strong, independent mutant boxes! Think for yourselves, be yourselves! (to frankenturrets)
Cave Johnson
Caroline… I think I’ll have extra cheese on my ‘four cheese burrito’ today… throw in a side of coleslaw too. Oh wait, is this thing on?
Caroline, hold my calls. I need to go see a man about a mule. What was that? Alright. Good. Mule. Gonna go see him in the bathroom. Back in ten. (??? sir what is this about ???)
You might have noticed some safety warnings on the walls. Just ignore ‘em. I keep telling the Bean Counters danger’s just a natural part of science, but boy they don’t want to hear it. Like telling a paradox to a robot – makes their heads explode.
Now, the lab boys were adamant that I do not give you any hints on these tests. To be honest, they think I’m spoiling the results just by talking to you. Hizenstein Uncertainty Principles and so forth. I’ll give ‘em something more practical to be uncertain about. Their next paycheck. Anyway, overruled. If you think I’m affecting your decisions in any way, don’t be afraid to speak up. I’m not made of glass. That reminds me: Caroline, do we have a wing made out of glass yet? Let’s get on that, Caroline. (we know what became of that...)
And luckily for you, Rick the Adventure Sphere – just call me Rick – is here to show you how it’s done! You best get your ointment ready, sweetie, because with this assault course right here, you are going to FEEL THE BURN! (to chell) (no amount of context can save this line)
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i watched playthroughs of the lego portal content and its pretty neat. there are three chunks of portal content: the starter pack aperture science level, the portal 2 level pack, and the portal 2 adventure world. downloadable voicelines are only available for the first of those three, afaik. the lines i included here are a mix of all three, transcribed directly from the youtube playthroughs. there are a lot of really good lines that i didnt include so if people are interested ill post more
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blimbo-buddy · 2 months
Bug World No Mercy: Naming Systems in the Bug Kingdoms
Before we proceed: I want to note that with all of the names listed, they can also be translated into other languages and it will still suffice as a name for the bug.
For example: If you translate “Leaf” into Spanish, “Hoja”, it will still be a valid name because of the word it was translated from. So without further ado:
Slugs of the Garth/Timberland
Before the Great Division Of Slug Country, the Slugs all had the same naming system.
Their names typically followed things associated with nature, wild-grown fruits, trees, leaves, plants, etc.
When the Slugs of the Garth formed their empire, they took on names associated with things you might find in a garden:
Fruits: Banana, Watermelon, Berry
Vegetables: Cucumber, Spud, Carrot
Nuts: Pistachio, Pecan 
Legumes: Chickpea, String Bean
Flowers: Lily, Daffodil, Aster
When the Slugs of the Timberland stayed in the forest, they retained many of their old names, pre-division. These were names that associated with things found in the forest:
Bodies of water: Creek, Lake
Wild-grown fruits: Gumnut, Aronia
Trees: Pine, Birch
Plants: Fern, Ivy
Words relating to the forest: Woodland, Bosky 
There are, however, “ grey area” names that arose after the division of Slug Country, as these names related to things that are present in both gardens and in nature:
Strawberry, Nectar, Apple, and Honey are some examples of these names
However, a slug can actually have a quote attached to them, created for themselves and by themselves. 
Slugs of a high rank - Such as royalty, scholars, guards, advisors, etc.- are the only ones who can acquire a quote, according to Slug Law
These names can take a while to create, think of it like a thesis
High rank slugs must spend a year outlining, rough drafting, and finalizing their quote
This process also includes a month spent out in the forest to be alone with their thoughts
Trusted scholars are tasked with teaching upcoming high ranks multiple lessons of how to craft the perfect quote for themselves
The name itself must remind the others of that particular slug.
Example: “For what is the weakling slug, if they had moistened the soil into mulch, with the flesh of their enemies.” aka (Queen) Mulch.
These quote titles originated from the beginning of the Slug Country, thousands and thousands of years ago. The two warring sides of the previously known Slug Country have retained these types of names since then.
Cockroach Kingdom
Due to the Cockroach Kingdom's closeness to the humans and their society, they've taken on names that have to do with general products of human society, such as:
Human-made objects: Fork, Knife, Wire, Trash Can
Food/Drinks: Pizza, Soda, Hamburger
Buildings: Apartment, Prison, Greenhouse
The domestication of rats and pigeons by the Cockroach Kingdom is one that dates back thousands of years, theorized to be even before the Great Division of Slug Country. This led to titles pertaining to “Pest Tamers”, as the bugs call it, to be created: 
Cockroaches that handle rats are given the title “Rat Tamer” before their name
On the other hand, cockroaches that handle pigeons are given the title “Pigeon Master” before their name
Hammerheads of the Gastropods (Hammerhead Worms)
Hammerhead Worm names generally follow a "4-part rule", going as such: Sir/Madame Gastro- (Given Birth Name) -Pod.
For shortening reasons, one may call a Hammerhead Slug: Sir/Madame (Given Name), Gastro-(Given Name), or (Given Name)-Pod.
Example: Madame Gastro-Grate-Pod, 
Or: Madame Grate, Gastro-Grate, Grate-Pod
In Hammerhead Worm society, it is considered incredibly rude and disrespectful to only refer to one by only their Given Birth Name.
These Given Birth Names will typically be based off of:
The Hammerhead’s physical appearance: Mottle, Splotch, Stripe, Brindle
Physical actions: Scrape, Drag, Grate, Clutch, Trek, Smear
Believed to be the second oldest bug kingdom to perfect “Pest Taming”, Hammerhead Worms classify themselves into small categories, based upon the bird that acts as their steed:
Example: Robin Jockey, Finch Jockey
Moth Citadel
Moths are typically named after:
Organic materials that they eat: Cloth, Shirt, Hair, Blanket, Wool, Silk
Dark-themed words: Dim, Dull, Shade, Bleak
Moths also have a secondary part to their name.
Depending on what stage of the moon they were born under, that will serve as their last name.
For example: Blanket Waxing Crescent.
These last names fall under "Moon Families", although not every moth in the same Moon Family is related to each other.
Cicada Burrow
Since Cicada society puts lots of emphasis on a past life that a cicada has had, their names reflect such beliefs.
Cicada names include their current life's name alongside their previous life's name: (Current life’s name); Once-(Previous life’s name)
Cicada names are typically based around:
Types of trees: Redwood, Oak, Sycamore
Noises: Hum, Buzz, Bang
Words relating to plants/roots: Pith, Root, Stem
Nectar/Juices/Saps: Phloem, Mango Nectar, Apple Juice
An example of this would be: Sycamore; Once-Lily Nectar
Note: If a Cicada has just begun their cycle (Meaning that they are the beginning life of a rebirth cycle) then they will have just a singular name
Beetle Dynasty
Due to the dynasty's heavy emphasis on being defensively strong and armory, their names are ones that sound very heavy/strong/sturdy. This includes
Minerals/Gems: Titanium, Talc, Calcite
Trees/Words relating to trees: Lumber, Branch, Redwood
Words relating to rocks: Sedimentary, Boulder, Cobble
Metals: Cobalt, Copper, Steel
Example: Titanium, Sedimentary, Talc, Lumber
Beetles within the nation may also be granted a special title alongside their name. Usually connecting with a specific achievement
Special Title Example: Tungsten the Artificer, Strata the Batslayer
Worm Empire
Due to their entire empire (and association) being within the dirt, Worms take on names that have something to do with the earth
They can be based off of minerals in the dirt: Sulfur, Dolomite 
The types of dirt: Peat, Clay
Shades of brown: Umber, Beige
Tools used to dig up the earth: Trowel, Shovel 
Words connected to digging and moving around: Wriggle/Wriggling, Tunnel/Tunneling
The leader of the Worm Empire has the title of "Earth Master"
Worms who forage for food are given the title of "Processor"
Example: "Earth Master Excavator" “Processor Bronze”
Butterfly Pavilion
The butterflies take great pride in their appearance and beauty, so it's only fitting that their names reflect that. Many of their names are based on:
Colors: Blue, Amber, Aqua
Positive adjectives: Handsome, Bright, Clever
Flowers: Dahlia, Zinnia, Allium
Words/sounds associated with birds: Whir, Caw, Vane
Bird species: Robin, Hawk, Condor
When born, the caterpillars have their names prefaced with "Beautiful Sprout" and will keep this title until they form into a cocoon.
Upon emerging, the butterfly leaves behind their Beautiful Sprout title
Higher ranking butterflies can gain the title of Weathervane, alongside the number at which they rank at within the group of 10 Weathervanes
They can “rank up” whenever the Weathervane ahead of them retires, dies, or is overthrown
Example: 4th Weathervane Caw
Fly Cluster
Unlike the other bug kingdoms, flies don’t have an actual kingdom due to their nature to roam around and eat things that many bugs wouldn’t even eat as a last resort. However, despite this vagabond-esque culture and lack of a “proper kingdom”, the flies still have a system of names, typically based off of: 
Death-related words: Corpse, Carrion, Muerte
Fungus and fungus genus names: Cordyceps, Lion’s Mane, Mucor
Bacteria and viruses: Shigella, Rabies
Words relating to decomposition: Decay, Rot, Spoil
Spider Province
Though spiders have a wide array of naming systems that pertain to their kingdom, often you’ll find specific patterns in their names. Some names have a bit to do with their proximity with humans. You’ll find spiders named after:
Carnivorous plants: Sundew, Butterwort 
Words relating to crafting: Concoct, Forge
Words relating to thread spinning: Intertwine, Weave, Spindle
Quiet noises: Mumble, Whisper, Hum, Hush
Clothes: Shirt, Jacket, Sweatshirt, Shoe(s)
Animals: Wolf, Viper, Python (Thanks to @imagination-confusion for this!
Something to note is that all spiders, no matter their age, will have the title of “Mandrel” due to their natural web-spinning capabilities being compared to the likes of that specific weaving tool. 
Example: Spindle the Mandrel
Pillbug Domain
This kingdom of small, armored bugs puts lots of emphasis onto their outer exterior. So it’s only natural that their names reflect such cultural importance in one’s outside shell. Pillbugs will typically be named after:
Outer casing and frameworks: Shell, Chassis, Pod, Hull
Words related to spinning/fast movement: Spin, Bowl, Twist, Sweep
Metals: Aluminum, Steel
Trees/Words relating to trees: Redwood, Oak, Palm, Timber
Nuts: Walnut, Cashew, Pistachio
The Pillbug Domain’s high ranking bugs will sport the title of “Lord Pill” or “Lady Pill”. 
Example: Lord Pill Swing 
Something that you might notice is that many of the names of the Pillbug Domain are similar to the Beetle Dynasty’s names. This is because at some point, the Pillbug Domain was a part of the Beetle Dynasty, however would later on separate from the kingdom due to the Pillbug Lord disagreeing with many of the other leaders. 
Dragonfly Lair
Dragonflies have names that they take great pride in, much like butterflies or cockroaches. Unless you are a close familiar, they demand that you refer to them as their full name or don’t refer to them at all. They carry names based on:
Positive adjectives: Courage, Brave, Gentle, Wise, Wisdom, Lionheart
Quick words: Whip, Snap, Zoom, Swift, Curt
Birds: Robin, Hawk, Falcon
In some rare cases, however, a dragonfly may be named after an old ruler from Europe. This is rarely the case, however. But it’s unknown to the bugs - including the Dragonflies themselves- how exactly knowledge of these European rulers became known.
Dragonfly society consists of a sibling monarchy and 2-4 advisors 
The monarch dragonflies are born with the title “Eye-snatcher”
The advisor dragonflies are given the title “Lecture-wing”
Example: Eye-snatcher Ambition, Lecture-wing Sparrow
The Mosquito Flock
A kingdom that has functionally become a society that advocates for the death of the individual through hunting the sweet nectar of human blood. The Mosquito Flock carries many names based on:
Blood diseases: Sickle Cell, Anemia
Blood-related words: Ichor, Hemoglobin, Hematic
Drinking-related words: Sip, Guzzle, Swig
Eating-related words: Feast, Consume, Ingest
Words relating to a mosquito being killed: Slap, Swipe, Thwack
Bodies of water or general water-related words: Lake, Ocean, Puddle
Mosquito society has in place a title that all mosquitos must call each other by: Brother, Sister, and Sibling. 
This holds a symbolic meaning, as mosquitoes believe they are all united as a “family”, it does not mean that they are all related to each other.
Firefly Faction
Due to the relatively unknown society of the firefly faction, it proved to be difficult to record their types of names for a while. Until now. Typically, a Firefly will be named after:
Fire and heat related words: Flame, Burn
Light related words: Sunshine, Spark, Day
Shine related words: Glimmer, Flicker
Quick motions: Flutter, Blink, Wink
The Ant Colonies
Ant colonies typically do not name their ants, except for some exceptions.
There are head ants in the colony that serve as managers for the different ant ranks, Lieutenant (Head Soldier), Director (Head Worker), and Head Rationer, the latter of which is responsible for what food comes into the colony.
The Head Ant names consist of a First and Last name that:
sounds violent and/or is linked with organs and bones
Example: Lieutenant Snap Neck, Director Rip Molar, and Head Rationer Flesh Maim 
In ant colonies, there are also secondary ranks to the main three:
Soldiers: Watcher, Scout
Workers: Constructor, Brood Guard
Rationers: Food Guard, Chef
To each of these ranks, there is typically a single leading ant (Although more than one isn’t uncommon in bigger colonies). These leading secondary ants share the same last name as the head ant of their main rank, and will have their name prefaced with “Lead”:
For example, a Leading Constructor ant who works under an ant named “Director Rip Molar” will be named: Lead Constructor Stab Molar 
Meanwhile, the rest of the ants do not have any names given to them, they are typically referred to as their rank, whether they’re Soldiers, Workers, Rationers, or any of the secondary ranks. 
Regular ants can however be referred to and refer to each other as their designated rank (Food Guard, Watcher, etc.)
Drones are typically only referred to as Drones, but ants from the same colony and queen as a drone ant will sometimes refer to him as “Drone Brother”
The Queen Ant will have a violent sounding name, although not one that is formatted like the Head or Leading Ant's
The Queen's name will be prefaced by "Mother" and the name itself may be based off of:
Weapons: Sword, Sling, Crossbow
Torture methods: Keelhauling, Giridrion
Causes of death: Drown, Burn, Blunt Force 
Violent words: Maim, Snap, Rip, Gnash
Organs/Bones: Tibia, Tooth, Stomach
An example of this is: "Queen Mother Macerate II" or “Queen Mother Gnash”
The Bees of the Hive
Though hundreds of beehives reside close to each other, all of differing histories, they all generally share the same types of names. Much like the Ant Colonies, Bee Hives have three main ranks: Lieutenant (Head Soldier), Director (Head Worker), and Head Rationer. Alongside that, they have secondary ranks:
Soldiers: Watcher
Workers: Constructor, Brood Guard, Greenskeeper
Rationers: Food Guard, Chef
However, unlike the Ant Colonies, Head/Lead bees don’t have first and last names, only first names. Their names will be based around: 
Flowers: Wisteria, Oleander
Jams/preserves: Strawberry Jam, Apricot Preserves
Herbs/Teas: Chamomile, Earl Grey, Mint
Fruits: Apricot, Avocado
Descriptions of their personality: Wonderful, Humble
Regular bees are not actually properly named, instead, they are categorized by their hive's abbreviated name, their rank, and a designated number.
So for example, a drone bee from the Southern Creek Bound hive would be named: SCB-Drone-1033.
The Queen of the hive is given a proper name once she rises to the rank and successfully destroys her competitors. Like the Head and Leading bees, Queens can be named after:
Descriptions of their personality
The queen bee's name is formatted as, "Queen (Name) of the (Hive name abbreviation(if needed)) Dynasty".
A queen's name may be something like: Queen Mango Jam of the SC Dynasty
The Wasp Swarms
Wasps share some of the same name aspects as both the bees and ants. Wasps have three main ranks like the bees and the ants: Workers, Soldiers, and Rationers.
And like with the bee and ant kingdoms, there are lead wasps for each main rank: Lieutenant (Head Soldier), Director (Head Worker), and Head Rationer.
With those ranks comes secondary ranks:
Soldiers: Watcher
Workers: Constructor, Brood Guard, Greenskeeper
Rationers: Food Guard, Chef
Just like ants and bees, leading secondary ranking wasps will have the title of Lead prefacing their names. Like bee society, wasps don’t have both first and last names, only a first name. These names will be based off of:
Quick actions: Dart, Strike, Jab
Fruits: Pear, Plum
Weapons: Machete, Hammer
Example: Lead Brood Guard Jab, Lieutenant Razor
The rest of the wasps don't have proper names: They are named after the sectors that they are hatched in and what rank they fill
Alongside that, wasps will have the name of the queen they were born under as part of their identification
For example: Battle Queen (Name), Sector F Soldier
Regular wasps can, however, be referred to as/refer to others as “(Sector) (Rank) Sister” or simply just “Sister”. While drones will be referred to as “(Sector) (Rank) Drone” or simply just “Drone”
Example: Sector A Sister, Sector E Drone
Just like the Head and Lead wasps, the Queen Wasp(s) will have names based off of:
Quick actions
Their name will also be prefaced by "Battle"
Example: Battle Queen Prickly Pear III, Battle Queen Mangosteen 
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mirai-e-jump · 10 months
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Dengeki Tokusatsu Tsushin Vol.7 (Spring/2002) "FACE UP 2002" (Free Talk Segments) ft. Kamen Rider Ryuki Cast Members (translations below)
Publication: January 3, 2002 (before broadcast start)
"FACE UP 2002" Part 1: Takamasa Suga (page 5)
Suga: The location we filmed at today was so cold. The wind near the ocean is so strong…man! I was shivering. I want to apologize to the staff for the times I wasn't able to speak, or when I kept giving NG (no good) takes. Furthermore, today was already the beginning of Spring, so I already feel out of it. "Wow! Are you serious?" is what I kept saying (laughs).
Suga: I was actually riding the bike that was used during filming. That one's really slow. No matter what I do, it won't go any faster. But, I guess it'll be in my care for a year.
Suga: Draft Master?* I didn't understand it. If you can pour beer, then you're already good at it (laughs). I actually attended one of their course's at Kirin's headquarters. Learning things like, the temperature of a glass at which the best bubbles are produced, or something like that. During the audition, Director Tasaki asked me, "So what is a Draft Master? At that moment I thought, "Now's my chance!" So I said, "Either way, I like beer!" He responded with, "Well then, next time I'll ask you to pour me a beer, haha!," (laughs). Later I though, "I really screwed up." But, I really do like alcohol. Whether it's sake, shochu, wine, or whisky, I can get into just about anything. (*beer pouring course provided by the Kirin Brewery Co.)
Suga: As for food, I don't like green beans, celery, and other things that share a similar taste. My favorite food is sushi! Eel especially. Oh, and soba. I really like Japanese foods in general. My parents own a sushi restaurant, but I actually hated it. The raw stuff they made wasn't good at all. I would always eat dinner at the counter, and the last thing they would serve me is toro (tuna), or something else I hated, so I couldn't leave until I ate it (laughs). I would eat it while crying, and say, "Are you for real?…Dad…" (laughs). I overcame raw foods when I was in junior high, and now I don't have anything I don't like.
Suga: For the past few years, I've really gotten into Kabuki. The fact that I wore a kimono when I went to Washington DC for the stage production of "THE SAMURAI" was an incredible feeling. I was playing the role of a ninja at that time. If you say "ninja", you're considered a superhero over there. It made me think that Japanese classics are something I can proudly share with the world. At that time, I also had the opportunity to meet the sister of a Kabuki and Noh actor, and their movements were completely different from mine. They have to decide on what to decide on. Even the way they stand, the way they walk, and the way they step are all different. I think these kinds of things must have there roots in Kabuki, right? That's why I go to see Kabuki plays.
Suga: Wearing a kimono makes me feel refreshed, or rather, it's almost calming…It's like it's in my DNA. I'm not sure what I'm saying, but it just makes me feel better. I like that feeling of being relaxed. "Fasten your obi" makes you feel tense, doesn't it? I think that's where the expression "Tighten up" comes from.
Suga: The costumes of the stage actors are also incredibly gorgeous. It's like, a ten flower pattern, or a variety of patterns…the four seasons are represented by these patterns. If you look closely you'll say, "Ah, cherry blossoms. It's Spring." Kabuki has been around for about 300 years. And they've hardly change the model at all. When I think, "People 300 years ago must have watched the same kind of thing," I shiver…it makes me feel something. Kamen Rider has a long history, but I can feel the spirit of those who have been doing it within the previous century. I thought there was a connection between "Rider" and "Transformation." Kabuki actors wear makeup…you paint it white with black shading for villains, a single layer of red for good actors, and so on. In a sense, this is a transformation. I would watch it and think, "Transformation, there must be some similarities between the two."
Suga: Ryuki is a work that will surely be interesting enough for even your mother to watch, so please watch it without getting bored or dropping it. Finally, make sure to watch how Shinji Kido will grow, don't forget that there's a 24 year old guy named Takamasa Suga, and most importantly, don't forget to pay attention. I mean it! (laughs).
"FACE UP 2002" Part 2: Satoshi Matsuda (page 7)
Matsuda: The filming is rather interesting. However, all three directors are extremely talented. When the director changed, I felt as if there were alot of scenes that seemed incomplete. When I first heard about the change, it made me think that we're still not ready for this. However, I'm looking forward to this change up, since I've already learned how to play.
Matsuda: When Suga-kun and I talk together, we mainly talk about serious things. The scenes between the two of us will be the best part of the show, and by the time Summer rolls around, both of us will have improved in many ways, as we've decided to grow together, even if it's just the two of us. Even on the location bus, we're always rehearsing our lines.
Matsuda: Dinner on location is served rather early, isn't it? I eat at 6, or 7 at the latest, but I'm still hungry by the time I get home. If I get up around 11 to eat again, and work late into the night, I end up eating five meals a day. Recently though, I've had a personal obsession with the pasta series sold at convenience stores. It's a very popular trend to buy a certain dish the night before, cook it in the morning, then eat. It's delicious. I like the peperoncino ones the most.
Matsuda: For favorite foods, I've actually been incredibly unbalanced lately, as I've been eating alot of steak. I like meat. There's a steak restaurant in my neighborhood that's famous for its quality. I end up eating alot of food there. I'm also thin but gluttonous. If I eat a big meal, I gain weight, however, I also tend to lose weight quickly. I'm actually proud of this, as I have no food likes or dislikes. I love natto, I like bell peppers, I like anything really. I've also eaten frogs and other luxury foods. It tastes more like chicken meat than actual chicken. It's still shaped like a frog though.
Matsuda: Cooking is a pain in the ass. Like boiling pasta in the morning, you know? Although, sometimes on Sunday nights, I do think to myself, "Maybe I'll try to make that~." For me, pork kimchi, pasta in general, and paella are the only things I can make. Paella happened by chance. In the past, some of my friends decided, "Let's eat paella together," so I looked it up in a book and worked really hard to make it. When I served it, everyone said, "It's delicious!," and it made me so happy, that I ended up making it over and over again. As I've fed it to multiple people, it's become a perfected paella (laughs). Before I knew it, I could make paella without looking at a recipe, however I still can't make curry (laughs).
Matsuda: I'm finicky. I've always been that way, even when it comes to toys. It doesn't matter what it is. I feel that lure fishing, which is mainly a hobby for elementary school children, has reached a point where perhaps I should outgrow it. I don't have it anymore, but I was most happy when I caught fish using a lure I made myself out of balsa wood. I used it until it started falling apart. There are lures on the market that can catch more than 100 fish, but the paint peels easily…on the other hand though, the peeling paint seems to actually attract a lot of fish, doesn't it? And the minnow lures are shaped just like the small fish.
Matsuda: There's this book that I thought looked interesting at the bookstore. It's a book that I can read in my spare time, as it's something like a cross between a children's book and a regular book. I think it's incredibly easy to understand. It's a book with a strong message, and its appearance is like the title, so the impact is also strong. The concept of this book is to have a better world view, or atleast that what I think…sometimes I buy books like this. Books that are like, "What does it mean to be human?," and such.
Matsuda: The gap between the characters played by Suga-kun and myself in Ryuki is very clear, and will be very easy to watch, which is why opinions are already divided. There will be those who will only like Ryuki, Knight, Shinji or Ren. In that sense, I see Suga-kun as my rival, but we are working together everyday to produce the best work we can. Please look forward to watching and supporting us, as we try our best with filming on location.
"FACE UP 2002" Part 3: Ayano Sugiyama (page 9)
Sugiyama: My favorite foods are vegetables and fruits. I especially like hot vegetables. I recently conquered natto, but instead of just eating it plain, I eat it with kimchi and grated daikon. Since I discovered this way of eating it, I enjoy it so much, that I eat it every day.
Sugiyama: I can also cook by myself! On days when I can stay home until after 10 a.m., I'll make my own miso soup. I like Japanese food, but in the winter, the only thing growing are all the stumps, and the piles of straw in the shape of houses. I always thought people lived in them (laughs). I'd like to live in them~ (laughs). The other day I made chikuzenni. I'll always have it with kinpira gobo. I've also been cooking for my mother more recently, and she'll say, "I'm so happy, it's delicious, I'm really enjoying this!"
Sugiyama: Today we filmed episodes 5 and 6. Finally, Yui-chan was attacked. At first, I wasn't sure about my role as Yui, but everyone said, "We'll help you," to which I responded with a, "Yay!" I had kept thinking, "What am I going to do! oh man…", but when I finally saw their vision of Yui-chan, what did I think? Isn't she kind of strong willed?…It was totally different from what I was expecting, and there are some parts of her where I thought "huh?," but overall I'm really happy. Today, Knight, or rather Ren, saved me. I'm attacked by the third Rider. It's strange, isn't it? Because in this series, they're all fighting against each other…
Sugiyama: When I was small, I loved "Changeman," with ChangeGriffon being my favorite. What I'm really into right now…is Disney, I love it. That's why I've been collecting alot of Disney merchandise lately. Not only is it my favorite, I need all the support I can get right now, so it's the only thing on my mind.
Sugiyama: When we're on location, it's very early in the morning. I feel amazing though. A special skill of mine, is that I can fall asleep in 30 seconds. I;m able to fall asleep very quickly. When they say we're traveling by location bus, I have to get my favorite schedule book ready. The pattern in it changes depending on the month. I have alot of plans right now, so I always keep a schedule book on me at all times. Sometimes, I'll also write in my diary. My most favorite one has "The Little Mermaid" on it. I'd like to become a mermaid~. When I was a kid, I watched The Little Mermaid so many times on video and would always cry. I also loved "Beauty and the Beast," which also made me cry. I'm guess I'm abit of a crybaby (zzz…). Recently, I was in the makeup room talking with everyone while waiting, when suddenly, without realizing it, everyone became quiet and I feel asleep. I was already a good sleeper, but now even more so. I've been sleeping even better thanks to Ryuki (laughs).
Sugiyama: Ryuki has a bitter feeling, including the battles between the riders. Because of the strong interactions between people, I think it might be alittle difficult for smaller children to understand, but, I think adults and even high schoolers will enjoy it. Furthermore, it's very bizarre. I haven't revealed everything, about Ren-kun and Yui…but, it will slowly be revealed.
Sugiyama: I really like to move my body. I like to go out to take walks and do other things. I'll usually walk around the neighborhood at a brisk pace for about 40 minutes. I'll walk past 3 train stations to have dinner and say, "I've met my goal~!" I tend to walk on the roads of the local rice fields. The atmosphere of rice field is completely different depending on the season. In the Spring, the fields are covered with lotus roots, and in the Summer, it's flooded and rice planting begins. In the Fall, the rice ears stick out and dragonflies are everywhere.
Sugiyama: Ryuki and Knight's Suga-san and Matsuda-san are both cool, but I'd like everyone to also focus on Yui-chan as well. Furthermore, if you see me on location or at a fan meeting, please don't hesitate to call me "Yui-chan." I love children too, so taking pictures is totally OK, in fact, I'd be more than happy.
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