#I said I'd tag things as a warning and I shall.
outeremissary · 2 months
I saw @arendaes do this days ago and thought it seemed like fun (while I was also procrastinating), but after realizing I only had two portraits on hand I wound up spending more time than I should have putting together a third ^^;; Ash I hope you don't mind me tagging you despite all the time that's gone by!!
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B A S I C S Full name: Balthazar Lucienne Gender: man (trans) Sexuality: bisexual Pronouns: he/him
O T H E R Family: Kostas Stefanos (father), ??? (mother) Birthplace: Absalom Job: “traveler,” leader of a country Phobia: being controlled Guilty Pleasures: singing Hobbies: fashion, esoterica, strategy games
M O R A L S Alignment: CE Sins: Pride, Greed, Envy Virtues: Patience, Diligence
T H I S O R T H A T Introvert / Extrovert Organized / Disorganized Close-minded / Open-minded Calm / Anxious / Restless Disagreeable / Agreeable / In between Cautious / Reckless / In between Patient / Impatient / In between Outspoken / Reserved / In between Leader / Follower / Flexible Empathetic / Unempathetic / In between Optimist / Pessimist / Realist Traditional / Modern / In between Hard-working / Lazy
R E L A T I O N S H I P S OTP: Balthazar/Tristian, Balthazar/Vio Acceptable Ships: idk I’m not picky lol OT3: Vio/Balthazar/Tristian Brotp: Balthazar & Jaethal
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B A S I C S Full name: Carmen Regis Gender: woman (cis) Sexuality: bisexual Pronouns: she/her
O T H E R Family: mother and father, Aunt Marcela, grandparents (maternal), grandmother (paternal), two other aunts and uncles, about seven cousins Birthplace: Andoran Job: knight errant, Knight Commander Phobia: being lost Guilty Pleasures: tea, a good book Hobbies: n/a
M O R A L S Alignment: LE Sins: Pride, Wrath Virtues: Patience, Diligence, Temperance, Humility (my hand didn’t slip.), secret extra Greyhawk answer is Chastity
T H I S O R T H A T Introvert / Extrovert Organized / Disorganized Close-minded / Open-minded Calm / Anxious / Restless Disagreeable / Agreeable / In between Cautious / Reckless / In between Patient / Impatient / In between Outspoken / Reserved / In between Leader / Follower / Flexible Empathetic / Unempathetic / In between Optimist / Pessimist / Realist Traditional / Modern / In between Hard-working / Lazy
R E L A T I O N S H I P S OTP: does toxic yuri count? In that case Carmen/Arueshalae all the way babyyyyy Acceptable Ships: Carmen/Galfrey, Carmen/Daeran OT3: I can't show you an OT3 but I CAN show you my toxic yuri love triangle where everyone loses in the end Carmen/Galfrey/Arueshalae Brotp: Carmen & Greybor, Carmen & Ember (family!!), Carmen & her horse June
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B A S I C S Full name: Kasander / Asperia (keeping it simple and just them.) Gender: nonbinary Sexuality: asexual Pronouns: they/them, any
O T H E R Family: Orin (“sister”), Sarevok (half-brother), Bhaal (father), Helena (niece, deceased), Ismene (“half-sister”); Shadowheart (adoptive sister), Jaheira (adoptive mother) Birthplace: Baldur’s Gate Job: assassin/cult leader adventurer? Phobia: Father, home, failure, abandonment Guilty Pleasures: eavesdropping, dockside street food Hobbies: lyre, people watching, theoretical plans
M O R A L S Alignment: CG, CE Sins: Gluttony, Envy, Pride Virtues: Kindness, Humility, Diligence
T H I S O R T H A T Introvert / Extrovert Organized / Disorganized Close-minded / Open-minded Calm / Anxious / Restless Disagreeable / Agreeable / In between Cautious / Reckless / In between Patient / Impatient / In between Outspoken / Reserved / In between Leader / Follower / Flexible Empathetic / Unempathetic / In between Optimist / Pessimist / Realist Traditional / Modern / In between Hard-working / Lazy
R E L A T I O N S H I P S OTP: none <3 Acceptable Ships: cult leader breakup (derogatory), Kasander/Wyll OT3: nothing comes to mind <3 Brotp: Kasander & Astarion, Kasander & Shadowheart, Kasander/Asperia & Jaheira
Not tagging anyone on this... if anyone would like to do it feel free to tag me haha
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pseudowho · 4 months
Operation: Babymaker-- Ditch the Party...again
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When it comes to trying for a baby, Nanami Kento always works overtime. And the reader had better be ready.
💜 💛 Part 1 LINK HERE: A Trip to the Tailors
💜 💛 Part 2 LINK HERE: Benchpress
💜 💛 Part 4 LINK HERE: Wet Dreams
💜 💛 Part 5 LINK HERE: Honeytrap/Maid Café
It's a beautiful day for a party, and Kento is a naughty, naughty goose drunk 🪿💛
And...LINK HERE to the original Ditch the Party
Warnings: 18+ throughout, breeding kink 💛
"Kento! Are you nearly done? We've got to go!" You leaned out of the bathroom, smirking at Kento and the scrutinising eyes he ran over your niece's expertly wrapped birthday present.
Kento grumbled, mildly offended; "'Nearly done'," he scoffed, "as if I'd leave it to the last minute. It's been wrapped for a week." You padded over to him, pleased with your gift choices; a knight's costume (complete with sword and shield) and a glittery nail polish set.
"I can't believe she's five already," you crooned, fingers grazing over her gift, wistful. Leaning down, pressing a kiss to your forehead, Kento smiled into your hair.
"I can't wait," he hummed, the prospect of parenthood filling him with fizzy excitement.
You looked up at him with sternly pinched lips, and an unwavering memory of your last badly-behaved-Kento party attendance; "Well, you'll have to wait. It's child-friendly today. The strongest thing going past your lips is pink lemonade."
You headed towards the door. Kento had the absolute audacity to look at you with total innocence.
"Happy birthda-- oh, she's gone."
Leaning down to hug the birthday girl, your niece, was futile-- she darted away laughing, slippery as an eel, into the maelstrom of other children, several dozen boys and girls her own age who had taken over the garden.
The obnoxiously loud party music, screeching kids on the bouncy castle, bustling parents making awkward small-talk, and flamboyant party entertainers turned the scene into a sensory nightmare. You felt Kento lean close, his smooth voice grazing your ear.
"I'll get us a drink, shall I?"
Before you could turn and beg to go with him, he was gone, weaving back to the kitchen with a sly look in his eye. Other parents stepped back from you, the currently child-free sacrifice, and you were as a gazelle on the Sahara.
"Tag, YOU'RE IT--"
You squeaked as a child slapped your thigh, promptly sprinting away. You smirked, tying back your hair, ready to be the cool auntie.
Ready to be IT.
Kento strolled through your sister's kitchen, nodding politely to the horde of strangers, catching your sister's eye and being beckoned over. She looked sweaty, and harangued, but happy.
"Kento! Drink?" Without waiting for an answer, she bustled around behind her, scooping a ladle into an enormous crystal dish of juice, "Here, you'll need this, I promise. It's not that strong--"
Kento wasn't listening as two big red cups were pushed into his hands, and stared instead out of the window into the garden, his gaze meltingly soft and adoring.
He watched you, hair up, dewy in the Spring sun, laughing as you darted after squealing children. His chest burst, his head a montage of you and him and a fantasy child. Kento sighed, and took a generous swig of juice, thirsty after your long drive. He raised his fine eyebrows, glancing down into the cup.
"I don't normally like juice," he said aloud to your sister, who offered him a guilty little smile, "but this has something about it."
Panting, and being congratulated by your watch for completing a good workout, you lolloped away from the crowd of children, who had now mercifully abandoned you for a live magician.
"Where is that man," you pondered aloud to yourself, as you poured yourself a glass of lemonade in the kitchen, "who promised me a dri-- oh!"
You slopped lemonade down your arm with a squeak of surprise, as strong arms wrapped around your waist, a wet kiss being pressed behind your ear.
"Kento! There you are. I was beginning to think you'd left me," you teased, wriggling away to wash your arms at the sink. Kento hovered behind you, predatory in his affections.
"Leave you?" He began, low and sultry, "How could I possibly, when you taste so--"
Kento was interrupted, your mother leaning past him to give you a kiss. As you spoke with her, you reapplied your lipstick, and Kento felt a wicked lick of heat in his belly, all inhibitions thrown out of the window after three large cups of 'juice'.
Your mother left, and you turned to drape your arms around Kento's neck, ready to be held at arm's length in accordance with his strict ick towards public affection. With a jolt of surprise, you felt his arms lock behind your waist instead, holding you flush against his body, his light slacks and summer shirt (why was his tie loose? how were the top three buttons suddenly undone?) leaving little to the imagination.
"That colour suits you," Kento whispered, husky as his eyes flicked down to your lips, one thumb coming up to slowly brush your bottom lip down, shuddering at the lipstick coming off onto his skin, "but it would suit my cock much better, don't you think?"
You blushed furiously, trying to battle your way out of his arms as he chuckled against your decollete. Your frantic eyes spotted the punch bowl, your sister-- from whom drinks should never be accepted-- and a series of empty cups.
You stuttered up at Kento, feeling yourself throb against your will as his tongue darted across his lips, smearing the lipstick residue on his thumb onto his neck instead. You began to hiss at him, berating, squirming against him to release yourself from his arms.
Kento groaned into you, and you clapped your hands over your face to hide your blush; "Keep that up," he threatened, low and laughing, "and I might just have to tie you up before I cum in my--"
You dropped out of his arms, wiggling under them and whipping your head round to check for other people, before pointing a finger at him. You mimed zipping your lips, eyes glistening, cheeks pink, and Kento felt his cock twitch at you telling him off. You had backed away, but Kento smirked, lopsided, and slowly loped towards you, eyes hungry, backing you into a corner.
"Tag, you're it!" A little hand batted at Kento's leg, and he flipped smoothly, spinning and jogging off into the garden after your niece. You stood, red faced, feeling your heartbeat between your legs, and wondering where to hide to cover your sha--
"You alright? Looking a bit..." Your brother-in-law walked into the kitchen, and finished weakly, unsure if he was about to inadvertently insult you. You smiled, flapping your hand at him.
"Hot," you gasped, "running round after this lot!" He smiled appreciatively, offering you a cup of your sister's deadly punch. You took a swig before holding it away from your lips, coughing.
"What the hell did she put in this?" You sputtered. Your brother-in-law looked sheepish, at least, on his wife's behalf.
"Everything, I think," he apologised, "Kento likes it, anyway--"
"Oh, he would," you snipped, before excusing yourself to the garden. Unable to spot Kento amongst the knights and princesses, your neck prickled, feeling distinctly hunted.
Staring from treehouse, to bouncy castle, to little wooden playhouse, to game of tag, you raised your cup to your mouth, ready to chug a mouthful of Dutch courage-- and you felt a long-fingered, enormous hand pluck the cup out of your grasp from behind, hearing Kento release a hum of satisfaction as he drained your punch in one gulp.
"Gorgeous punch," Kento drawled, slipping one foot between yours and one arm round your waist, "let's dip your tits in it and I can suck it right off."
Without warning, Kento hooked one of your legs from under you as you squeaked at him, and he took the opportunity to heroically catch you before you fell to the ground.
A small cluster of parents looked over to you both. Kento dusted you off, smiling at you, and gently chastising; "you shouldn't drink so much at a children's party, darling."
Your jaw dropped. Wordlessly, Kento abandoned you and hopped onto the bouncy castle with your niece; you sputtered at the faintly judgemental looks from the mothers beside you. Mortified, you moved to the party food table, pretending to organise plates to hide how flushed your face was, and how you had to clamp your legs together to stop the throbbing.
Turning round once you had calmed down, you felt Kento's arms cage you in against the table, just like the last party, and you gaped up at him in mute horror. Kento maintained eye contact, brown eyes twinkling as he reached round you, picking up an eclair from a plate of party cakes.
"Cream-filled," whispered Kento, taking a languid bite, whipped cream pouring from the end facing you. Kento chewed, leaning close to you as he swallowed, tongue darting out to lick cream off his lips, "my favourite."
You could have exploded, your whole body on fire with embarrassment and want. Nearby, your elderly great-aunt cooed as Kento appeared to lovingly offer you a bite of his pastry. You were silent, stunned; she reassured you.
"Don't mind me, dear, take a bite!"
"I'm-- I mean, uh--" you stuttered, and Kento smiled at your aunt, pulling you in sweetly by the hip.
"I think she's full, actually," Kento laughed with your aunt, smiling again as she walked off. Spinning back to face you, Kento's smile was gone and replaced by wolfish hunger again, "but not as full as you could be, all fucked-out on my cock, hmm?"
"Oh my god, Kento," you whimpered, face in your hands, now surrounded by children being invited to the table for lunch. Kento smiled, bending down to pass plates out, before pulling you aside again.
"Say it again," he growled, low and desperate, tucking your hair behind your ear, fingers lingering for a fraction too long, "but next time, I want it because I'm pulling your hair."
You ran, positively melting, in dire need of a hiding spot. Zipping through the kitchen, past the living room, you rounded the corner into the hallway, finding the nearest cupboard, and darting in.
No sooner had you reached up, pulling a little string to switch the light on...than a hand, strong and determined, closed around the doorframe, pulling Kento into view. You felt faint, both hands pressed over your mouth to stop yourself from audibly gasping.
Kento never once took his eyes off you, stepping into the narrow shelved cupboard, and reaching up for the light pull. The last thing you saw before being plunged into darkness, was Kento removing his tie.
Your senses heightened, you smelled Kento's cologne before feeling his lips on your neck, shamelessly sucking you, tasting you. Kento groaned, loud and shuddering, and he laughed as you slapped him on the chest. You felt him thrust loosely against your belly.
"I love parties," Kento lied, and you scoffed.
"You hate parties, Kento, you just love--"
"Fucking you with words before squirrelling you away somewhere?" His mouth moved lower, shifting your shirt and bra aside to pull your nipple into his mouth, hot and wet and sucking you just a little too hard, "Foreplay, darling."
You gasped, your fingers tangling in Kento's hair, his other hand making quick work of undoing your shorts. Idly slipping his hand inside and underneath your underwear, you bucked against his hand, Kento shivering with glee at your delicious wetness.
"Fuck yourself on my hand," he whispered, husky with restraint, "and we'll see who cums first, hmm? A little competition." You clapped a hand over your mouth as he curled two thick fingers inside you, so long that the edges tickled your cervix and you felt him in your belly.
The heel of Kento's hand pressed flush to your clit, and your hips stuttered as you rolled them against him, seeing stars with the friction, rutting down onto his fingers, holding him by the wrist.
Kento had already undone his trousers in the dark, and palmed his aching cock desperately inside his boxers. Whispering filth to you, sucking and releasing your breast into his mouth again and again with wet pops as he pinched your nipple between his lips, Kento wished he had more hands.
"Keep going-- fuck, good girl-- such a good girl--" he whispered, unable to stroke his cock for fear of cumming down your thigh, his head swimming with your velvety wet walls clenching around his fingers, using his hand as a toy to pleasure yourself.
Kento felt his high begin to creep down his spine, his balls clenching, biting lightly against your nipple and trying not to rip into you like a wild animal. As you felt your own orgasm creep closer, humping the heel of his hand, fucking his fingers as deep as they could reach for relief...Kento removed his hand with urgency.
"--can't-- can't hold back--" he shuddered, shunting down your underwear for better access, "--can't waste it--" Kento grabbed your hand, wrapping it round his twitching cock, and settled his weeping cockhead against your clit, keeping his other hand close.
Wrapping his fingers round yours, keeping himself pressed against your clit, Kento stroked himself fast, his groans building, until they tapered off into stuttering moans. You felt short, hot bursts of Kento's seed hit your clit, and fall into his other, waiting hand.
Kento shivered and swore to feel you rub his cockhead on your clit, using his cum as lube. He had gathered the rest of his cum, thick and white, on his fingers, and thrust them back inside you, not stopping until they grazed your cervix again. Positioning the heel of his palm against your clit again, Kento squeezed your thigh, pulling it forwards to encourage you to fuck his hand again.
You complied, Kento's seed giving you the lubrication you needed, pressing your aching pussy down around his fingers until you felt him deep in your belly again. Kento's mouth and other hand were full, busy with your breasts, kneading and massaging and pinching as he whispered encouragement to you.
"--got to cum-- suck it all up into you-- then I'll fuck it in even deeper--" Kento's drunk filth rolled off his tongue without a filter, going straight to your core, and your orgasm burned through you like wildfire.
Kento kissed you deeply, drinking your cries and whimpers down like liquor. Kento's strong hand thrust you through your ecstasy, feeling your pussy clench and suck against his fingers, leaving barely a trace of his cum behind.
Pulling his fingers out, Kento replaced his hand with his knee to keep you upright against the wall. In the dark, you blushed to hear the wet sucks of Kento licking his fingers clean.
"Ready?" He toned, low and devious.
"For wha--" With little warning, Kento lifted you against the wall, wrapping your legs around his waist, and pressing his half-hard cock into your pussy, still twitching from your recent orgasm.
Kento groaned into your neck, hot and squirming with overstimulation, letting your incoordinate shocked little thrusts suck his cock deeper, bringing it back to life. He felt himself twitch inside you, growing longer and harder as the blood rushed back.
Drunk on Kento's insistent need to fill you with his cum, you had tuned out the sounds of the party, letting Kento hold your weight and shuddering in delight as you felt his cock warm and swelling inside you. A change in the tone of voices beyond the cupboard snapped you to attention.
"Hide and seek!" cried a little voice in the garden, "You hide, and I'll count...one, two--" A flurry of little screams and footsteps came closer, into the house.
"Kento," you hissed panicking. Kento chuckled against your neck, rutting lazily into you, trembling with the bittersweet tang of overstimulation. Encouraging you to lock your hips round him, Kento looped his tie through the door handle, wrapping the tails around his hand and bringing it back to your arse you hold you up again.
"One more time," he moaned, suckling little red hearts into your skin, "I won't-- won't be long--"
Hearing Kento's wavering voice, so intoxicated by his need to fill you, you slipped two fingers down, shivering as you used the remnants of his cum to rub circles on your clit, deliberately squeezing your walls around Kento until he whimpered against you. Feeling you pleasure yourself around him had Kento reeling.
Kento began to lift you by the thighs, ramming you down onto his cock, now rock solid, and you muffled your squeals into his chest. You heard him growl, shuddering as you bit into his pecs, and it spurred him on to fuck you harder. Clinging on around his neck, Kento felt a rush of satisfaction as to your pussy quivered in response to his brutal pace.
"--so close--" he whined, his breaths hot and panting, fruity with the deadly punch that brought him to this, "--got to-- you first...fuck, so deep--" Kento's arms faltered, and you dropped deeper around his cock with a squeak, the jolt making you convulse with pleasure.
Kento came with a muted growl, biting into you, unable to press himself any deeper than he already was. Overtaken by the euphoria of feeling himself twitch and spurt inside you, hearing you trying to suppress your gasps, Kento thrust lazily into you, finally satisfied, panting as he came down from his high; you flopped against him, lost in delirious pleasure.
Your stomach dropped as you heard little voices outside the door. Kento held his tie taut as hands pulled at the handle, before declaring "it's locked!", the footsteps scurrying away. Kento chuckled into your neck, devious as you slapped at his chest again.
"You need to lie down," he whispered into you, helping you to dress yourself again, filled with anguish as he thought of his cum dripping out of you.
"I do need a lie down," you agreed, still giggling and love-drunk. Releasing the tie and taking you by the hand, Kento peered surreptitiously out of the doorway before spiriting you away to the living room. A set of little boys and girls, dressed incoordinately as princess-knights, sat playing with nail polish and make-up.
They looked up at you both as you approached, taking your rumpled appearances in as evidence of a really fun playtime.
Kento filled once more with wicked intent.
Lying back on the sofa with cucumber over your eyes, your lips were pursed as your niece plastered them with sparkly lipstick.
Kento sat cross-legged on the floor beside you, fingers splayed, nails now covered with nail polish of pink and red and gold and--
"Where did they get this cucumber?" You asked, sniffing, frowning. Kento's jaw twitched, answering after thanking a blushing little girl for her wonderful manicure.
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adventuringblind · 7 months
Drove With You Forever
Chapter 4.1: chaotic group texts
Max verstappen x reader x Lando Norris x Charles Leclerc x Oscar Piastri
Summary: Trio Chaos.
Warnings: Jos verstappen, lying about virginity, socks
Notes: Idk what this is leave me be
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The trio
Maxy: I've decided that some good things come in threes
Y/N: such as?
Maxy: Us
Charlie: Is that it? Is that the only thing you can come up with?
Maxy: I was tryna be romantic :(
Y/N: I think it's cute!
Charlie: the three musketeers are also three
Charlie: I'm just saying
Charlie: The world doesn't revolve around us you know
Y/N: it's a miracle we've gotten this far
Unwanted Advances
Y/N: Out of curiosity... how do I tell someone to politely go away?
Maxy: Why?
Charlie: Tell them that Max is going to headbutt them if they don't stop
Y/N: This guy keeps telling me I'd look better in different clothes
Y/N: Considering that option
Max: Aren't you wearing a Ferrari shirt?
Charlie: Tell him Seb will send his bees to sting him
Y/N: He just said that he'd rather me be with no clothes on
Y/N: I feel like that defeats the purpose
Y/N: The bees will die, Charlie. we're sticking with Max for now.
Charlie: Good because I just saw Max running like a bull in your direction
Y/N: Well, he's in Redbull for a reason
Charlie: I think Lewis is onto us 👀
Y/N: Onto us? Max said if anyone comes onto me that I should punch them
Maxy: That's in a sexual way
Y/N: There is more than one meaning?!
Charlie: let me rephrase
Charlie: I think Lewis knows we're dating
Maxy: Why do you say that?
Charlie: Because he asked me if we're dating
Charlie: and I panicked and said I'm a virgin
Maxy: Well, it was nice while it lasted
Socks and Shoes
Maxy: Y/N, baby, love of my life... why did I just see a picture of you walking around the paddock without shoes?
Y/N: because I hate them
Y/N: they make my feet feel weird
Y/N: My dad never made me wear shoes and I stepped on rusty nails all the time
Y/N: I think I can handle the sidewalk
Charlie: Amour... would you wear fuzzy socks? For our sanity please?
Y/N: Only if you bring me the matching blanket they came with -_-
Maxy: The things we do to keep you safe
Jos Verstappens A+ Parenting
Charlie: Fuck him
Charlie: I'm killing your dad Max, and you can't stop me
Charlie: Y/N, I need you to kill Jos for me
Y/N: Why me?! And why right now?!
Maxy: He walked by the Redbull garage and overheard him talking to an engineer
Y/N: He didn't stab him, did he?
Maxy: No, he just said something about you and me
Charlie: And he shall perish for his crimes
Charlie: I am the only one who gets to call you a dumbass and and a slut and that is reserved for special occasions.
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love-strawberry · 2 years
wish i hated you instead
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summary : it was hard being in love with your best friend especially when your friends were meddling and your 'adopted' kid spilled the beans.
pairing : steve harrington x reader
warnings : language, angst
author's note : hey hey hey!! my first time writing for steve bby, hope i do him justice!! also listen to back to friends by lauren spencer-smith for feels, it really vibes with this!! get ready for hella angst <3
also, spoiler free!!
tagged : @ateliefloresdaprimavera @taken-by-the-wind @freaky-dcaky
heaven sounds great ii
y/n y/l/n had a lot of regrets in her life and having this conversation with her best friend was the biggest one.
"all i'm saying is, just ask her, okay? subtlety, alright? subtlety."
y/n sighed frustratedly as she rolled her eyes and stacked the last of the cassettes on the stand.
"steve. steve. steveee," y/n dragged out the 'e' as she looked him in the eye, hands on his shoulders. "she has a boyfriend. boy-friend. not a friend who is a boy, a boy who she is more than friends with, yeah? and the last time i checked, she's happy with him, he's happy with her, they're both happy with eachother and everyone's fucking happy. let's not ruin that, shall we?"
"i know that, okay?" steve said irritated, "but these past few days have been different. like she's looking at me with this look and lemme tell you, its not friendly. and like, i just wanna know. if she's not into me, i'll move on."
"and if she is?" y/n questioned, already knowing the answer.
"then," steve pointedly avoided her stare, choosing to look at the cassettes, "we'll see."
"no, we won't, okay?" y/n said, moving to stand behind the counter, steve on the opposite side of it. "cause we are not doing anything. i'm not asking her, okay? move the fuck on. you spent weeks if not months getting over her, you can't ruin that by getting back with her. what happened to your character development the past few years?"
"character development-?" steve asked, puzzled.
"that's all you got from that?!"
"i wasn't focusing on that- that speech!"
"i fucking swear, steven-" y/n began again only to be cut off by steve.
"look, just ask her okay? vaguely. tell her that you've been noticing the way she's been looking at me, and you just wanna know, 'kay?" steve pleaded, watching her with eyes filled with desperation.
y/n wanted to say no, she really wanted to. but when he looked at her with those puppy eyes, she found herself unable to say anything. she couldn't possible have said that she liked, no- loved him. not when he liked someone else and that someone was not her. it couldn't be her.
she was his best friend. that's all.
he was there for her.
she was there for him.
she loved him.
he did love her.
just not in the way she desparately wanted him to.
and which is why y/n found herself surprised after agreeing.
"...yes," y/n sighed, the weight on her chest suddenly feeling like a ton. "i will talk to her, just once. and if she doesn't reciprocate," she air-quoted the word 'reciprocate', "anything, you'll move on."
"yes! yes! and yes. i will," steve pumped his fist into air, running around the counter to hug y/n.
"yeah, yeah. you can let go of me now. and stand at least 3 feet away from me, you know human contact makes me wanna vomit," y/n said, but she loved the hugs steve gave.
"i swear to god, y/l/n," steve grinned at her with his stupid, charming and adorable grin, "you're the best."
"i know," y/n said, smiling when she turned to organise the things on the counter.
"no, seriously," steve protested, "like the best. i know i make you do all this all the time, but like thank you. i love you and you're my best friend. and i'm so lucky for that."
y/n ignored the sting in her chest at his words but smiled sincerely at him when she turned back.
"of course, steve. i'd do anything for my best friend."
so yeah, y/n had a lot of regrets in her life. and not telling her best friend how she felt probably topped the list.
"you know, you're like the most stupid person i've ever met."
"thanks, robin," y/n said dryly as she picked at her nails. "that's exactly what i wanted to hear."
"no, like, the fuck. what the hell, y/n/n," robin exclaimed as she looked at her best friend in disbelief. "you had the perfect opportunity to tell that dingus how you felt. the opportunity was wrapped in gold with candy around it, why the fuck didn't you take it?"
"it was just an opportunity, alright," y/n rolled her eyes. "not a perfect one. how could i've told him that i liked him when he told me that he liked someone else and wanted me to talk to them? like how?"
"first off, love, not like. you love him. second, you should've told him," robin spoke again after taking a pause. "and even if you didn't, you should've told him that you weren't gonna talk to nancy. it's gonna break your heart of she says that she likes him. you know that, don't you, babe?"
"i do, robin, i do," y/n sighed tiredly. "it's just, i think he really likes nancy, hell, even love. and i don't wanna ruin that. i don't wanna ruin him and i. he's been my best friend since forever and i can't lose him, no. i'd rather keep it to myself just so i can keep him. otherwise, i'd lose him. and i can't have that."
robin looked at y/n with such sad eyes that y/n wanted to cry. she was pathetic, she knew that. and it was anyone else, she would've moved on already. she would've never been this hung over someone. but steve wasn't just anyone, he was steve harrington. her steve.
he was the one who walked to her in pre-school and offered her his crayons when she broke hers. he was the one who took her to middle school dance when her crush didn't ask her. he was the one who spent days looking for white roses in hawkins when she mentioned that she loved them.
and just like that, y/n fell in love at the age of 12 and here she was, at 19, still dealing with it.
y/n looked up from her book to see nancy waving at her from across the cafeteria.
"hey nancy!"
the wheeler girl sat next to her, placing her tote bag on the table.
"steve said that you wanted to talk to me?" nancy questioned as she pulled out her book out of her bag.
"he did?" y/n asked confused, but then she looked behind nancy.
and there was steve, waving his hands wildly as he gestured toward nancy.
y/n shot him a glare but smiled when she looked at nancy, who was visibly confused.
"he did, yeah," y/n said, internally panicking. "yeah, i wanted to talk to you. about... steve."
"yeah, what about him?" nancy asked, looking intrigued.
"well, you know, you're my best friend. and steve's my best friend," y/n said, carefully, "and i've just been noticing that- that you've started hanging out more with him and like, i don't know, maybe i'm reading too much into it, but do you like him? i know you and him have history and it's completely okay if you do, just what about jonathan? he's my friend too and you're both my friends, you and steve, and i don't want any of you to get hurt-"
"y/n!" nancy interrupted, "i'm just hanging out more with steve because you've been busy with your clubs and it's not like i don't like him. i do. but not in that way. i'm happy with jonathan and i love him. i do love steve but in a platonic way. and it's okay, i see where you're coming from. if i was in your place, i would've thought the same thing, okay? you're fine. and no, i don't like steve romantically."
"okay, yeah. yeah, yeah, yeah," y/n said, her heart feeling fluttery, feeling her chest lighten in days. she wondered if this made her horrible person.
"but i know that you do like him."
"what? what-what? huh?" y/n looked uncomfortable as she looked anywhere but at nancy. "what makes you think that?"
"um, hello?" nancy waved her hand in front of y/n's eyes, "you. like. steve. you always give him your pringles, claiming that you don't like them. you love them. you used be at all his games in high school, every single one. you're always at his door, whenever he needs you. you don't like him, y/n/n, no. you love him. and i'm pretty sure he loves you too."
"you-you think so?" y/n asked as she looked at y/n with so much hope in her eyes that nancy wanted to hug her. "it's just, he hasn't said, done or even indicated towards feeling anything towards me. i just- don't know."
"hey," nancy said gently as she moved to hold her hand in hers, "he loves you, y/n. i'm sure he does. and if he doesn't, it's his loss. you're an amazing woman and anyone will be so lucky to call you 'mine'. you get me? you should tell him. you'll feel better if you do. and you'll get closure if he doesn't reciprocate."
"yeah, yeah," y/n said as she squeezed nancy's hand. "i'll talk to him. i will, i promise."
"tell me how it goes, 'kay?" nancy said as she stood up any hugged y/n rightly before going back to the editor's room.
after a while, y/n too stood up to make her way to hellfire club to give mike, dustin, lucas and eddie their lunch.
she walked sluggishly, having steve on her mind.
just like always.
"hey y/l/n!'
y/n sighed, closing her eyes, wishing that when she opened them, she would be alone in the store.
"open your fucking eyes."
"steve," y/n greeted him flatly.
"y/n," steve mimicked her tone. "did you talk to nancy? you did. what'd she say?"
"she said- well, she, um-," y/n stumbled over her words. afterall, it wasn't everyday that you had to tell your best friend that their ex didn't like them back. "look, steve-"
"is it bad?" steve frowned. "oh, my god. it's bad, isn't it? i knew she didn't like me. i knew it. ugh! god, i was so stupid."
"hey," y/n spoke gently, coming across the counter to make him look at her, "you aren't stupid, okay? she said that she got where i was coming from, you know. like me asking about you and her and that it's okay. it's just, she's happy with jonathan and she likes you steve. just not- not romantically. i am sorry."
"no, you have nothing to apologise for," steve said, looking at her, "it's me who should be sorry. i just- like i spent months getting over her and i don't- i don't even know why i hoped she liked me. i just, i think i was way too desparate to have someone be there for me, you know. like a significant other or some shit. and i just completely blew it out of proportion. and i'm sorry, y/n."
"it's okay, steve," y/n smiled at him, "it's okay. what do you say, wanna have a movie night? just the two of us? robin is out with vicky tonight, so it'll be just us. if not, that's completely fine-"
"yeah, let's have a movie night," steve smiled back. "it's been so long, and i missed this tradition of ours."
they kept looking at eachother for a few seconds before steve wrapped his arms around y/n abruptly, making her jump before she hugged him back. just a tightly.
steve sighed softly as he tightened his grip on her and y/n rubbed his back comfortingly. the two stayed like that for at least 3 minutes and would've stayed there for more of not for the bell that signalled a customer's arrival.
or in this case, dustin's arrival.
"steve! y/n! you forgot to pick me up, again! like what the actual fuck, you guys? i cannot believe you both-" dustin stopped in the middle of his hissy fit as he took in y/n and steve.
both of them were looking anywhere but at dustin, clearly embarassed that he caught them like that. dustin kept looking at them dumbfounded before he found his voice back and nothing could've prepared y/n and steve for whatever sentences he spoke next. nothing.
"oh. my. god. i cannot believe it, you guys are together! i've been waiting for this for so long. i thought i'd grow old waiting for you to get together," dustin exclaimed as he waved his hands around speaking so fast that it took a moment for the words to register in the adults' brain.
"no! we're not together-"
"what the fuck, henderson-"
dustin paid them so heed as he continued to speak fast and wave his arms around to punctuate.
"...so, y/n. guess you finally told him how you felt huh? fucking finally! i was getting so irritated listening to you whine about steve like nancy, steve being oblivious as fuck or steve having a-fucking-mazing hair," dustin grinned at them, having no idea the damage his words caused.
"what?" steve whispered as he looked dumbly at y/n and dustin and back at y/n.
"what the actual fuck, dusty?" y/n glared at the kid, not actually being mad cause that kid didn't know.
"i'm sorry, okay?!"
"why- why didn't you tell me? why?" steve glared at y/n. "i thought so secrets between us? that was just bullshit now, wasn't it?"
"hey, i never lied to you. i just didn't tell you how i felt because i thought you didn't like me back. and i was clearly right about it," y/n said, swallowing the lump in her throat. it was getting harder to fight without bursting in tears and she didn't wanna do that in front of steve.
"and what about nancy? was it the truth? that she didn't like me back or was it something you cooked up because of your embarassing crush on me?" steve spoke harshly, not realising what he had said until it was too late.
"i'd never do that! i want you to be happy, steve. i do. and i'm not gonna lie about who likes you or who doesn't just cause i like you," y/n said, her voice so soft because she knew, if she raised it, it'd crack and she'd cry.
"why do you like me? why do you have to like me? why couldn't it be anyone else, huh? why the fuck does it have to be my best friend?" steve said as he threw his hands up in the air.
the two were in steve's room, having closed up the store early and driving up to his house in cold silence.
y/n had left reluctantly with steve after assuring dustin countless times that she wasn't mad at him. she was dreading the conversation that was gonna take place and rightfully so.
they were standing face to face, steve's face red from anger, y/n's gaze down because she couldn't bare to look at him.
"i'm sorry. i-i really am sorry," y/n spoke after a while. "i like you, steve. you're my best friend and i wanted it to be more. and i'm sorry that you had to find out this way but i'm not sorry for liking you."
steve looked at her and sat on his bed. he ran his through his hair, sighing frustratedly.
"i think you should go."
y/n's heart skipped several beats when steve uttered those words, questions running through her mind.
what did it mean for them? was their friendship over? did y/n lose him? was steve never gonna talk to her again? did he hate her?
"look, steve," y/n said, not bothering to hide the tears at bay in her eyes, "i don't wanna lose you over my feelings. i'll get over them, i swear. just- just please, you were my first friend. i can't lose you."
steve didn't look at her.
"you should go, y/n."
y/n looked at the carpeted floor before nodding softly.
"yeah, of course," y/n spoke, moving towards the door. "take care of yourself, steve. please."
just in case she won't be around to do anymore. just in case they lose eachother, if they haven't already.
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oneeyedoctogod · 8 months
Disclaimer: long, extremely personal rant. Yes, it's also about mdzs and Jiang Cheng but mainly, it's about me trying to deal with my own trauma when I'm being hit in the face (metaphorically) with it by putting my feelings into words. The posting is so I don't erase it and force myself to forget about it.
You know it's funny, but as I was trying to sleep (and failing. Badly. It's 2:38 am.) I kept on finding myself thinking about why I didn't like Jiang Cheng. Because you see, it's rare for me to dislike a character that much, to the point I actually have blacklisted all his tags and avoid any fics that talk about him positively.
(Again, this is an extremely personal post about my own feelings. This is not meant as a rebuke if you love him. On the contrary. Keep doing what sparks joy. Just, you know, far away from me.)
I have a funny history with the mdzs fandom. I first started watching the donghua when it started airing back in... 2018? 2019? Can't remember for sure. Then I was left hungry for more because only the first season had aired, and it ended on a big cliffhanger. I saw it was an adaptation, so I went looking for the source material... and found the manhua (I was used to japanese animation at that point and thought that was it). The manhua was also being fan translated, and despite being extremely different (and confusing for poor past me), ALSO left me on a cliffhanger. I was desperate and saw someone pointing out there was a novel! I finally found it, read it in a few nights, and loved it. I read a bunch of fics, enjoyed myself, met and befriended people. Then I moved on after a while. I remember, distinctly, that I wasn't a big fan of Jiang Cheng but that I could at least stomach him in fics.
Last December, I felt the urge to reread some mdzs fics. I read some popular ones and, after falling into the animatics and amvs rabbit hole, decided to rewatch the donghua. Except for some reason, Jiang Cheng's character rubbed me wrong. I remembered not liking him much but he wasn't that bad in the fics so I couldn't see why he was so distasteful in the donghua. I'd been warned that the donghua wasn't that faithful (my own memory was extremely hazy), so I just shrugged it off. Maybe the people behind the donghua weren't fans of jc?
I saw there was an official translation of the novel and, by that point, DEEP into the hyper fixation, I bought all four available volumes and read them. At the same time, I was still reading fics. It was fine after all, I already knew the story.
By then, I had realized something was a little wrong with the characteristization. Some of the tropes given to Wei Wuxian rubbed me the wrong way. I looked it up a little (remade a tumblr, found amazing meta, the rest is history) and figured "Ah that must be cql fics. That's the problem."
And yes, that's true. In part.
The other problem lies with the particular way some people write Jiang Cheng. I'll be clear again: I have nothing against those people. Most of them I don't know and I'm aware this is very much a, shall we say, "me" problem. It's why I avoid the positive Jiang Cheng content. I don't care if you keep writing it so long as you keep it away from the canon jc tag.
But whenever people write Jiang Cheng and completely erase his crimes and abuse of both Wei Wuxian and Jin Ling, I feel it like a slap on the face.
Last Monday, I saw a therapist and talked about her about many things (I did warn this would be a very personal post). Part of it was my mother and her treatment of me and my brothers. And after barely a few words, she said, very simply "Oh so your mother abused you."
I already knew that. I use those words myself to describe my history with her. But the validation is always nice to hear, you know? Especially because so many people try or have tried to brush it off as "nothing." My own mother did, both about her own behaviour and when I was being abused by other people and tried to seek her help. Hell, even I still do it sometimes.
And I think that's why I hate Jiang Cheng so damn much now. His canon self is... Well, I'm not a fan, but he's a well-written antagonist. But dear gods, I've seen so many people brush off his canon characteristics to make him into a more palatable character, the loving uncle, the funny tsundere brother, the ace guy who hates mushy romance (let me tell you, as an ace person I am also real fucking tired of homophobic characters being hc as ace)... Even the ones who mention his bad parts feel the need to immediately add his achievements, as if they don't dare speak badly of their fave. "Yes, he tortured Wei Wuxian, but he also sacrificed his core to save him!" "Yes, he hit and verbally abused Jin Ling, but he also lovingly raised him!" "Yes, he tortured and killed innocent people but he also has trauma and had to lead a sect when he was so young!"
And this feels familiar, every time. This feels like the people telling me "Yes but it's not that bad" or saying "Yes your mother gave you panic attacks but she made sure you didn't fail at school" or "Yes but she made you love reading" or "Yes but she gave you so much, don't be selfish" or "Yes but she was here for you when you were depressed" or "Yes but she has it hard too" until I fell in the habit of saying "Sure, my mother insulted me and threatened me financially and there was a long, long time I was convinced she didn't love me... but."
Always that damn BUT.
So you might be able to understand why I have a hard time with Jiang Cheng when people pull the same shit all thenfucking time. I'm working on it because I'd rather not be stuck feeling anxious about a silly purple grape just because he happens to be fandom fave in my current hyperfixation but in the meantime, I have to deal with it and it's... annoying. To say the least.
(I'm going to insist here: I know that Jiang Cheng isn't my mother. That's not the point here. I am fully aware he's a fictional character and that me feeling that way is something I should be working on. I am. And I'm not telling people to stop writing positive content for him. This is just me trying to put into words my complicated feelings for a complicated character. And ranting, a little bit, about badly tagged fics I admit.)
It's easier on social media. You just block the characters tag and, if people bother you about it, you block them. Friends being friends, I just need to tell them "I don't feel comfortable talking about this character" or "let's agree to disagree on this interpretation" and because my friends are the best, they agree and we move on.
Fanfiction is where the problem lies.
I know why people erase the 'hard' parts, or at least I have a good guess. It's easier that way. Fanfiction is about having fun! It's about writing about your blorbos the way you want to! I don't want to police anyone's content. I'd just like it if people tagged their OOC and stopped trying to make me feel as if I'm the one who misread the book because I don't feel like erasing the canonical abuse this character did or because I don't like that they keep putting down my favorite character to uplift theirs.
I'm not sure how to conclude this. I should be sleeping honestly.
Let's try this: if you read this to the end, congrats I guess. I want to reiterate I don't care if you make Jiang Cheng into the most loving, best brother and uncle ever. Just be aware of what you're erasing first. And tag your goddamn fics.
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love-islike-abomb · 5 months
Calling Dr love: chapter 3
Roman reigns x Anastasia (OC)
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Made a new cover
(a/n: sorry I haven't been on much today. I'm slowly adding some elements of underworld into this as well! Also if your a sabaton fan [like me] there's a reference To them in here as well!)
Warnings: dream manipulating, sci-fi, hint of smut, romance, angst, errors I may have missed.
Word count: 1.2k
Tag list: @reignsangel444 @acknowledge-reigns @marchm-langdon @msbluehaz3 @mandeelemons @niknakbucks92 @pittieprincess22 @queengreenarrowmia89 @vintage-pvssy @vebner37 @weirdgirl16355 @windhamsrotunda @lonewolfy45 @reignsxlove @shadyprincesslife
On our way to the Beach we made small talk with comfortable silence once in a while, I would catch him stealing small glances at me! He would turn away pretending he was focused on driving but the smile that would sneak up on his face would give him away. Not that I minded, it was quite the opposite! It had become this cute little game we played for a while until we got to where we were going "stay right here! I'll get the door!" He said.
"but.." I said
"no buts! A gentleman always treats a lady well!" He said with a small smile and I felt my insides go to mush "alright" I smiled.
He got out and came to my side of the car and opened the door, sticking his hand out for me. I wasnt use to this and I was gonna soak it all up! Kate was gonna have a story for Sure! He gently grabbed my hand and led me down a small path, at the end was a table with chairs, overlooking the water. It was gorgeous!
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"this is beautiful!" I smiled. He put his hand to my chin and gently turned my head "not as beautiful as you!" He smiled making me blush hard.
"you look stunning I'm that dress" he said walking closer to me leaning towards me ear "just wait til the day I get to take it off you!" He growled and I bit my lip.
"shall we?" He said, hold his arm out for me to take to head down the rest of the path to the table. I took his arm and smiled "I'd be lying if I said I wasn't starving!" I said.
He smiled back "well lts dig in" he said snapping his fingers and a man in an all black outfit brought food out for us. The food looked delicious! I don't know what it was but it looked good and as hungry as I was I didn't care what it was. I smiled at him before digging my fork into it. It was a thick piece of meat that cut like butter! So tender and juicy!
"what is this it's delicious!" I asked.
"it's urchin! It's a delicacy!" He smiled "I'm glad you like it"
"I'm always open to try knew things!" I smiled back.
We talked the rest of our date and I suddenly started getting tired. He looked at his watch "it's 1130! No wonder you're tired!" He smiled.
"you're not?" I asked.
"I don't sleep much" he said.
"I don't wanna go home! I've had an amazing time!" I smiled.
"you'll see me again soon" he smiled "so you have to work tomorrow?"
"from noon to 5 but I'm off after that" I said
"I'll see you at 7!" He smiled.
"i can't wait!" I smiled back.
"c'mon I'll take you home" he said as we both stood up and walked up the path he put his arm around me and I leaned my head on his shoulder. When we got to my apartment complex he walked me to my door "I had a really good time tonight ana" he smiled.
"I did as well" I smiled back.
"you still look so beautiful in that dress!" He said wiggling his eyebrows. I looked down and blushed before feeling his hand gently lift my chin to meet his gaze. My heart jumped in my throat and the butterflies In my stomach started again.
Closing the gap between us, his lips met mine once again only this time it was more needy and yearning. His lips still as soft as before and his hands grabbing my waist to pull me close. Suddenly he pulled away "I don't want to take this further if you aren't ready!" He whispered against my head.
"as much as I want to, I can't" I said "but I find myself incredibly drawn to you like I've known you my whole life"
He looked at me and smiled "I feel the same way" he gave me one last kiss "I'll see you tomorrow at 7!" He smiled. I couldn't help but get this sinking feeling this would be the last time I'd see him. Maybe I was wrong and he was being a true gentleman. I could only hope "goodnight" I half smiled walking into my apartment. I leaned against the wall and slid down it before putting my hands to my face and sobbing.
Romans POV
I knew I'd fucked up. I pushed to hard. I heard her thoughts "I'm never gonna see him again!" Babygirl I'm not going anywhere I said putting my hand on the door. I wanted to bust it down but I couldn't. I couldn't comfort her and it ate me up! Her thoughts became more about lowering herself to keep me here. She's worth so much more then that! I knocked on the door but she didn't answer. Should I say it's me? "Ana please open the door" I said.
I heard the lock rattle "hey is everything ok?" She said trying to hide that she'd been crying. "Why are you crying?" I asked
I knew why but I wanted to see if she would say it "i- I thought-" she stammered "you thought all I wanted was to fuck you and leave?" I raising an eyebrow. "Ana I'm not like that. I like you to much... I"
Her lips crashed against mine before I knew what was happening and I lifted her up,.her legs wrapped around my waist as I walked to her bedroom.
Anastasia's POV
As he carried me up the stairs I kissed up his neck and felt goosebumps from on his skin under my touch. When he got to my bedroom I got down and turned my back to him undressing in front of him. I turned my head watching him lick his lips "beautiful!" He said as he walked towards me.
"I don't know why I find myself so drawn to you! It's like you have me under a spell!" I said
He looked at me and whispered "because you're mine"
I shot up out of bed, sweating all over, trying to catch my breath. I couldn't remember falling asleep, or how I got in my own bed. The dream was so real!
Romans POV
Erotic dreams were something like I was very good at. I've been able to manipulate dreams since around the time I was turned in 1527. I listened to her moaning and it was like music to my ears. Her moaning my name turned me on even more and it took everything I had not to make her dreams a reality.
When she shot up out of bed I hid. Her thoughts told me she enjoyed it but she thought it was real and was slightly scared. My father was pushing harder for me to turn her but I didn't want to force her. I knew eventually I would have to tell her but it wasn't time yet. Soon ana, I will make you my vampire queen!
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angrygirlromero · 4 months
Summary: In which the son of the God of thieves, is head over heels in love with the daughter of the sea God.
Warnings: possible grammar mistakes.
Pairing: Luke x daughter of Poseidon x Little brother Percy.
A/N: I'd just like to just come on here and say I'm sorry if I've offended anyone with my tags, I was most definitely not aware people took it so very seriously and I've learned from my mistakes, so I'd like to kindly ask everyone that if you have any more issues with my tags please just message me and we can figure it out, thank you and I hope you all enjoy. Once again sorry for any grammar mistakes.
Percy Jackson was never one to be afraid or to overthink things but since hearing the Oracle's words his mind had not stopped racing.
“You shall go west, and face the god who has turned. Make the wrong choices and you shall loose everything. You shall be betrayed by one who calls you a friend. And you shall fail to save what matters most, in the end.
He now stood next to Chiron with a group of selected camper before him, but the words of the Oracle repeated in his head, he wanted to choose his beloved sister, she was skilled, she could fight they'd make an excellent team for sure, but the prophecy said if he made the wrong choice it could coast him all, Ella was his entire world now she was all he had now, he couldn't take the risk of losing her.
He wanted to choose Luke, the Hermes boy who his sister trusted, he was a skilled fighter and had proved to be an excellent friend. But if he was going on a quest with the intention of saving his mother he needed someone who would be more than willing to sacrifice even him to see his mother's safe return.
Percy's eyes met his sister's as she stood in the middle of everyone else, he couldn't read the look in her eyes, was it fear or worry? Percy didn't know, he had block out Chiron's words a long ways back, he hadn't even noticed he was still explaining, but all Percy knew was that he needed a leader.
"Annabeth" choose Percy, Chiron froze "Customarily, one waits to at least hear a name of two before choosing" said Chiron,"Are you sure?" asked Chiron, "This thing, Zeus's master bolt, we need to get it back, right?"
"And it's gonna be hard to get, right?" asked Percy, "Extraordinarily" answered Chiron "And if the mission required someone to sacrifice me to succeed, You'd want someone who won't hesitate when they do it. And I also choose Grover" said Percy cutting Chrion off, Percy's eyes met Luke's as the Hermes boy simply nodded in approval, as Chiron announced his quest mates.
Percy couldn't meet his sisters stare, "The rest of you campers are dismissed" stated Chiron, Ella turned in silence walking away past Percy, "Ella wait I-" froze Percy as he attempt to call out to his sister as he watched her walk down the path Luke jogging behind her to catch up with her.
"In all honesty I thought you were going to pick her" Said Chiron, to which Percy sighed, "I thought so too" "so why didn't you?" asked Chiron.
Percy finally looked up at him his eyes moving away from the sight of the Hermes boy wrapping his arm around his sister's waist as they walked, "Because of what the Oracle said, about loosing everything and failing to save what matters most, I've only just found Ella I'm scared that if I choose her I could be the reason she doesn't return" muttered Percy under his breath.
"Oh Percy, but are you sure Annabeth an Grover were the right choice?" asked Chiron, "Like I said Annabeth would be more than willing to push me in front of a train if that meant completing this quest, and Grover is my best friend I'm sure I made the right choice as long as Ella is safe and happy" said Percy to which Chiron smiled before nodding.
Ella hadn't spoken much to Luke since arriving at her cabin, "Maybe it's for the best princess, besides the moment you step out of camp an entire trail of monsters are gonna be on your tail, even worse than Thalia herself and you know that, and your mom or dad aren't gonna be able to intervene" said Luke as Ella laid back into his harms, her body placed between his leg.
"The trail of monsters doesn't matter Luke, what matters is Percy being safe and completing his quest, he's my father's second Forbidden child Zeus is more than informed about his being by now love, if he can he'll take a shot at him and I won't be there to prevent it" spoke Ella softly.
"I can't loose him Luke, we've only just found each other, I can't stand the thought of harming coming to him" Said the demigod, he voice begging to break, "Hey, hey don't cry, don't get all sad on me pretty girl, Percy's a strong boy, for the gods sake he killed a minotaur on his first night, he's more than capable of protecting not only his self but also Annabeth and Grover" said Luke in attempt of calming his girl.
"I know Percy can take care of himself but that still doesn't stop my worry" trailed off Ella as her eyes watered, "Besides I even started teaching him to sword fight this week, if anything happens Annabeth and Grover are gonna be right there at his side to help and guide him" said Luke ripping soft nothing circles into Ella's hip bone.
As Ella was about to reply but the cabin door creaked open reveling a nervous Percy, "I should get going, I have to go check on the younger kids's training" said Luke as he softly got up from Ella's bed placing a kiss on her forehead, whispering a soft goodbye to her before walking towards the door where Percy stood, "You guys should talk" he suggested before opening the door wider to leave.
And then there were two, Percy made soft steps toward Ella's bed as she stared at him with her brows frowned and watery ocean eyes, "Ella look I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you, I truly wanted to choose you but I can't loose you not now, not ever, if I had chosen you and something happened I couldn't live with myself so please don't hate me, I-" Percy's Rampling was soon cut short by Ella opening her arm for him.
Percy quickly rushed to embrace his sister, she rubbed nothing circles into his back "It's alright little one, I get it I don't think I could live with my self if something happened to you either" said the ocean beauty as tears silently rolled down her cheeks.
Percy held onto his beloved sister, embracing her as if it was the last time he would ever see her.
Luke Castellan had found himself with a soft spot for the children of Poseidon he wasn't exactly sure how it happened, but he knew from the very first moment he saw little Ella arrive at camp and instantly get claimed, she was to be his.
As for his relationships with her brother Percy was different, Luke knew what was coming, there was no stopping it and he would do anything in his power to make sure his sweet Ella never found out, Percy Jackson was nice boy, Luke had taken his under his wing and guided him taught him how to fly in other words.
He didn't want any harm to come to the boy, because if it did it would mean losing Ella forever if she ever found out, the Hermes boy made his way down the path towards the cabin of the sea God, making his way up to the cabin climbing up the stairs Luke was met with the sight of Percy sitting on the steps of the big fountain packing his things, the cabin door and windows were wind open allowing the blissful breathes to flow through the empty house.
"How much money did they give you?" asked Luke as he stood at the door of the cabin with a gentle smile, Percy looked back at the bag they had given him inspecting it before speaking, "Um, 200 dollars in cash and bag of these" Said the boy, observing the bag of weird looking coins.
"I think they're Canadian, maybe? or from Chuck E. Cheese, I don't know." said Percy causing Luke to chuckle from his stance, "They're golden drachmas" said Luke as he began taking steps towards Percy, "Dollars are for human world, drachmas for mythic world, don't mix them up." explained Luke, standing before Percy.
"I brought you this" said Luke causing Percy to stand to his feet to revive the box, "Um they certainly are interesting" said the son of Poseidon as he sat down to open the box revealing a pair of red shoes.
Luke looked around his attention falling onto Ella's bed as he chuckled at Percy's words, "Where's you sister?" asked Luke randomly, "She left early this morning something about some fish migrating this week, she dived through the fountain" said Percy with a shrug.
Luke laughed at Percy's words, "That girl's something else sometimes, she just starts talking about sea animals that I didn't even know existed, but I love to hear her talk so it's a win, win" sated Luke reaching forward to grab a shoe from the box he had gifted Percy.
"Maia" he called out, and wings spread out from the side of the shoe, "A gift, from my dad." explained Luke. "Do you guys get a lot of gifts from your godly parents?" asked Percy remember Annabeth's hat and his sister's necklace she had shown him.
"Not really only if they think you've earned it" said Luke with a shrug, "Your sister on the other hand, your dad showers her with gifts so she has a bit of everything" said Luke.
"That makes sense" said Percy as Luke called out to the shoe once again causing the wings to disappear once more before retuning it back to it's box.
"Um I haven't asked Ella this yet because I don't want her to feel bad about me not choosing her or anything, but do you know why Poseidon has never sent her on a quest if she's his favorite?" asked Percy, "Chiron and the other kids believe it's because your dad has bigger plans for Ella, I don't know if she's told you this as yet, but Ella was raised to be perfect in every aspect, to fight for her people and to rule, be a perfect little princes and heir. When she first got to camp she had problems finding out who she was without her father or mother's judgment, it took her long while to find her place and eventually she did, and now everyone loves her" said Luke.
"What do you mean by bigger plans? if anything she should be the one to go on this quest to get back the mater bolt, if she's Poseidon's favorite and has the experience" said Percy. "Your quest is meant to prevent war, Ella's entire being was to wage war, she can't be the peace keeper that's your job buddy, If anything her quest will be a war not a quest" said the Hermes boy.
There was a small moment of silence between the two teens before Percy spoke again, "I thought about choosing you before grover, you know" said the son of Poseidon to the son of Hermes.
"Hey, Grover's a lot stronger than people think" said Luke in attempt of calming the boy, "I was afraid. I have a chance to rescue my mom from Hades, I can't let anything stop me or loose anyone while trying, you have no idea how badly I wanted you and Ella at my side but the prophecy said-" Percy was interrupted mid sentence by his sister emerging from the water.
She every so gracefully made her way out of the fountain, taking one step at a time causing Luke to quickly turned around revealing Ella in a pretty blue bikini, Luke quickly stood to his feet his heart beat unsteady.
"You're back just in time" announced Percy shoving the last bit of money into his bag, "thank the gods, I was hopping not to miss you leaving" said Ella in relief dripping water on to the cabin floor, her gaze finally meeting Luke's, she flashed a pretty smile at him before speaking.
"Luke love, would you be a darling and pass me my towel it's by my desk" spoke Ella causing Luke to rush around the room to retrieve her towel quickly passing it to her, as he watched Ella take it to begin to dry her hair.
"So what did I miss?" she asked, Percy opened his mouth to speak but Luke spoke before he had the chance to, "Nothing much Princess, I just came to wish Percy good luck" said the Hermes boy as Ella walked in front of him by her bed to grab her shorts, "That's good darling, I'm guessing you'll be coming with us to bid farewell to sweet Annabeth."
"Of course Princess, where you go I go" Said Luke grabbing his sweater he had gifted Ella a few months back, "Thanks love" she said kissing his cheek, Percy sat there watching them, maybe he had nothing to worry about, maybe Luke and Ella really did belong together, maybe he had really made the right choice, or so he though.
Tag list:
@yummytootybutt 🎀 @mxtokko @poppyflower-22 @starryhiraeth @trashmouthsahra @purplerose291 @iloveneilperry @onlyreadz @mahidahi @stevenknightmarc @loveryoushouldcomeoverr @leopard-skin-pillbox-hat-ok
A/N: Hi everyone sorry this part is so short, but lately I've been getting a bunch of anon hate and they've made me loose a bit of inspiration. But please feel free to comment your thought, my tag list is still opened, thank you sm for reading hope you enjoy! REQUEST ARE STILL OPENED FOR PJO, HOTD, GOT, HUNGER GAMES, OBX, ETC.
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jinkookspencil · 1 year
hi! ive read your one two drop jjk!! what if y/n actually kind of like you know scary thing. like all the rides are actually fun but the thing is she doesn’t have a friend who want to do this with her so then jk is there ehhehe
shall we? | jjk
with no one to go on all the rides with, your friend encourages you to take a bold decision at a theme park...
description/tw/tags: ~1.9k words / jungkook x (f) reader / one-shot drabble / fluff / meet-cute / no warnings except swearing / feat jimin it made most sense to give them both a friend / happy, laughing jk!! i saw his recent weverse post and my heart hurts for him - i wish him nothing but happy happy days :( / i hope this is what you meant, anon, and i really hope you like it!!! thank you so much for requesting and for reading one two drop! / sorry for calling jk the bigger boy and jimin the shorter one - i'm kinda short myself so i didn't mean it in a teasing way! / ahhh idk how i feel about this one idk if i love it but i hope you like it anon / feedback is always welcome and it's appreciated!💗
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There were many unspoken rules in life. Don’t propose at someone else’s wedding. Let people get off the elevator before you get in. Always pour in the milk after the cereal…
And, when planning an outing to a theme park, let your friend know whether you are a ride person or not.
Ki, your only friend at university, showed nothing but excitement when you suggested going to the theme park over the weekend. It was only natural that you expected her to be down to go on the rides with you… but when you see her in a flowy pink dress, white lace-up boots, and a beret, you quickly realize that that wasn’t the case.
“Looking very cute. But how are you going to go on any rides in that?” you question the moment you spot her by the park’s entrance, ignoring the fact that you'd coincidentally perfectly coordinated, considering your lavender jumpsuit.
“Who said anything about rides? There’s that new Sanrio pop-up with all the photo ops. I thought that’s why you suggested it.”
“I meant that as a bonus, Ki. So, what, are we gonna come back for the rides another day then?”
“Well… we can come back for something else. I hate rides, bestie, so you’ll have to go alone.”
“Oh, come on,” you pout, stopping dead in your tracks. “Just one ride.”
“They make me nauseous, boo. Even the kiddie ones. Sorry, I guess I should’ve told you, huh?”
“You guess?” you resign, briefly forgetting your disappointment until it actually sinks in during your walk around the park, when all you could do is merely look at all the rides after snapping photos at every single Sanrio-themed spot.
“I hate you for not telling me,” you utter beneath your breath, the roar of a passing rollercoaster cart right afterward only emphasizing your frustration.
“I said I was sorry! You can go alone, you know? I’ll wait.”
“What fun is that?” you sulk. “You, as my one friend, outweigh every other person I’ve ever known in my life in every regard but this…. I’ve never hated you until today, boo, because you and I both know I can’t just ask someone else.”
“Wait, no…. you can! Just do that!” she suggests excitedly, stopping.
“Do what?”
“Just… ask someone else. A stranger. I mean…. it’ll be very easy to find someone willing to go on a ride… you know, at a theme park. Would that be weird? If you just went up to someone and asked them?”
“It would definitely be weird, you freakish extrovert. Who’d do that?"
"Us? What difference does it make, whether it's a ride or a dance at a club? I know you've only just begun understanding my ways and finally tried approaching men at clubs, but... there's really no difference."
"It is different. A theme park is like... a date place. It's not just a dance."
"Well, both instances can involve a ride," she winks, laughing as you roll your eyes.
"I'd never go with a stranger anyways. There's no excitement there. Unless it was with a hot guy,” you joke.
“… And I’m sure a guy would be just as happy to go on a ride with a hot girl, too, boo.”
Ki goes on, seeing your eyes widen.
“If a hot guy came up to you and asked you, would you say yes?”
“Depends how hot…” you tease, “but yeah, I think I would. Why not?”
“Exactly! ‘Why not?’… Aren’t adventurous types your thing? Be it for a change. Think about it: if you’d say yes, why can’t it work the other way around? Provided he isn’t scared or prone to motion sickness like me…. Why would a single, fun guy refuse to go on a ride with a hot girl? And you’re a gorgeous girl who is usually sunshine in human form..... except for the last dreadful, moping hour. I’m sick of it. Find a hot guy, a ride, and get out of this funk already.” Ki’s eyes light up at her own suggestion. For the first time in her life… she might’ve been on to something….
“I just pick a guy? At random?”
“What do you have to lose?”
Finding someone in a sea full of teenagers and couples took longer than usual. Waiting around ride exits, entrances, and photo kiosks were all futile attempts at your now lame mission. that you’d huffed your way to the pretzel stand. You might as well eat something sweet and fluffy if you couldn’t find a guy you could describe with those words… You were a step away from cinnamony, twisty goodness when two figures whizz between you and the pretzel stand.
“YA! Jimin-hyung! You have to!” you hear, your eyes fixated on the chase unfolding in front of you when you realize it wasn’t a chase between two children but rather two grown men.
“Exactly! I am your hyung! Stop making me do this shit, or the next time, I’ll throw up on you,” the smaller man responds, darting ahead of the larger one, the both of them running loops around the pretzel stand until the shorter one jumps over a nearby bench, hiding behind it. "I know you're fucking strong enough to lift me and force me into doing it, so for God's sake, just stop, Jungkook-ah. I'll let you talk to me informally for a whole month if you don't make me do this."
The bigger man yields, stopping, seemingly to catch his breath, only to burst into a fit of laughter instead when the smaller one marches over to him, playfully hitting him with a plushie and scolding him between his low giggles as well. The few people gathered around had looked away at that point, brushing it off once they’d realized it wasn’t an actual fight… except for you.
You couldn’t. The sound tugged at your heartstrings. That loud, unstoppable, joyous laugh unlike any you’d ever heard in your entire life. And now that the taller man stood still and you could finally take a good look at him. He was big, which you’d noticed immediately, with a frog-eyed headband that somehow stayed on his head throughout the chase, adorning his long locks. Laughing heartily, almost out of breath, the shorter man beside him jokingly punched at his huge muscles… which were decorated with a vibrant collage of tattoos.
Ki gasps right beside you. “Oh, isn’t he so your ty-”
“He is. He really fucking is….” you whisper, in awe of the huge man with the frog-eyed headband.
“Look, it’ll end in one of two ways - you either will or won’t go on a ride with... the man of your dreams. He’s the hottest guy we’ve seen so far, and… tattooed, jacked... A man but happy like a kid... Damn, is he your type… You can’t pass this up. Still, if he turns out to be an idiot and says no, just look for another one. There are thousands of people here, and his friend is really cute too. Maybe even better, actually, damn.”
The man was still laughing. It was adorable.
“No, no… I want the smiley boy who can’t stop laughing… The one with the stuffed animal in his hands and that cute little matching headband. And the camera strap around his neck. The happy boy, boo. You know I like happy boys.… He's per- I… I want him.”
“I can see it in your eyes, freak. But remember, he's just a man. No difference between him and the others... even though he really does look custom-made for you.”
Frozen in your spot, you watch the man’s laugh fade away into a wide, bunny-toothed smile. Good God.
“Go. Go, boo. Now.”
Ki, ever the flirt, does what she always does whenever either of you spots someone you might be interested in - pushing you slightly until you’ve no choice but to reach her planned destination for you. Turning back was never an option. You knew better - if you attempted it, she’d just drag you back herself. A mere couple of steps away, the reflexed confidence you’d felt bubbling up from similar nights she encouraged you quickly fades away when the man is right in front of you. Though you’d only been a short distance away, he was bigger, happier, louder, and much more attractive up close. He wasn't the most attractive man you'd seen that day but... in your entire life. And when he blinks in your direction, noticing your sudden presence, you finally come back to Earth.
“Hi. Uhm, hello. This is a bit weird, but would you like to go on this rollercoaster with me?” you ask in a rush, gesturing to the attraction right behind him. “I’m here with a friend who doesn’t like rides and…”
The man’s wide smile remained on his face. It was hard not to get distracted.
“…and I thought I’d ask someone who seemed fun, unlike her.”
“What made you think I was fun?” he asks, his tone serious, despite the smile on his face.
“Well… you're standing right in front of the ride, and that little chase you guys did. It was funny.... and cute.”
“Cute?” he asks, his eyebrows raised in shock. If you weren't mistaken, somehow, his smile grew even wider.
“Yeah,” you reply, sure your expression matched his. With a reaction like that... He was either down for it or would reject you kindly... What did you have to lose? "Yeah, cute."
“How did you know he’s not afraid?” his friend interrupted. You’d forgotten the shorter man’s entire existence.
“Oh well, I assumed. Hot guys aren’t afraid of rides.” It was a weird theory you held, in line with your type and your own dating and crush history. You almost regret blurting it out, but it only sends the man into another laughing fit while his friend glared at the both of you.
“Thank you… Thank you for that - he was getting a little too confident,” the tattooed man laughs.
“For the record - I don’t hate all rides, just heights. He forced me to go on that drop ride. I feel sick, and he wants me to go on another one! That’s why... that stupid chase and that ridiculous laugh of his. He’s laughing at his friend’s misery if that’s your definition of ‘fun’ too.”
“Oh, sorry. I meant no disrespect,” you laugh, seeing the shorter man angrily and adorably all riled up.
“No, don’t worry, we know,” the hot guy adds, wiping tears of laughter away from his face, and luckily, the shorter man concurs, waving it off with a smile.
"So I hear you wanted to go on that ride too?" you ask.
“I’d… I’d love to,” the man states. Now that he’s composed himself, you could make out the rosiness in his cheeks - the happy crinkles by his eyes remained. “I’d really love to go with you. God knows I need someone cool too.” He side-eyes his friend at the comment, fiddling with the stuffed frog toy in his hands before continuing. “But hyung's cowardice is not the only reason I want to... Maybe I’ll win you one of these too later?”
The shorter man rolls his eyes, playfully punching the stuffed frog. “You have a name, tough guy?”
“Oh, sorry,” the man replies, outstretching his hand when he finally looks back at you with that same sweet smile. “My name is Jungkook.” You shake his hand and introduce yourself, noticing how nice his also tattooed hand felt…
“And I’m Jimin,” the shorter man says snarkily before continuing on. “Didn’t you say you were here with a friend? Can we hang out and gossip about you while you both go on that death trap? It’ll be nice to hang out with a sane person. I promise we’ll pray for your survival too.”
“Yeah, she’s here, but… I don’t spot her. Let me text her.”
[to: ki-ttycat]: hoe where are you? hot guy is up for it. going now!!!! but his friend is here and wants to hang out with you.
[from: ki-ttycat] are you fr?? the cutie? omgggggggggggggg running.
[from: ki-ttycat] go go have fun make sure to ride him too later.
“She’s coming,” you say with a giggle, pointing towards Ki, who you spot darting towards you with a fresh bucket of popcorn in her hands.
“Oh wow,” Jimin says under his breath when he spots her. “Go, you two. I’m done with Jungkook, that’s for sure. Y/N, you take care. The both of you. Go on all the rides if you want. We - hopefully - won’t be waiting.”
Jungkook rolls his eyes before looking back at you with a smile.
“Shall we?”
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my-own-walker · 1 year
On The Other Line - Epilogue
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note: sorry this took so fucking long i literally forgot about it lmao. many thanks to the anon that reminded me.
summary: the happy happy ending, marital bliss and such
warnings: none, just like fluffy stuff
The vanity mirror in front of me lit up my face unforgivingly. I sat staring at my reflection, all too critical of the person staring back at me. Sighing, I picked up my moisturizer and got to work. An attempt to not feel so gross.
It had been years since Colin and I made the promise to each other to be together. 6, actually. 6 years ago to the day.
The date held a certain significance to both of us. Exactly two years after Colin's plea for us to give things a try behind the library, we got married. It was a small ceremony in the Easttown Fire Hall, the cheapest venue. The reception began as soon as we said our 'I do's.' We cleared out the makeshift 'altar' and it became our dance floor.
Small, yes, but also beautiful. I wore a vintage gown. A yellowing babydoll fit floor-length dress with deteriorating lace detailing and sheer fabric sleeves. It was my grandmother's. Colin had only proposed a few months prior. He was so excited to marry me, we rushed the whole ceremony. Looking back, I wouldn't have it any other way.
He wore a deep blue suit. He stood so stiffly at the altar it was as if he was in the police academy again. He cried as he said his vows. We danced all night in mutual bliss, surrounded by our closest family and friends. My Uncle Nick cried, too, when he made his speech, harkening back to the night we first met in his bar. It made him happy to take ownership of the beginning of our relationship like that.
Our first dance was to 'Waterloo Sunset,' by The Kinks. I didn't want anything sappy. Colin cried regardless.
Our tradition became going on a date every year on our anniversary as if we were only first dating again. We owned a house together, yet he'd still show up at the front door and ring the bell, flowers in hand like he was picking me up for our first date. He'd go visit his mom for the afternoon and get ready there, all so he could make things seem authentic. I loved how fresh it made things feel.
Only this year, I actually had butterflies. Not first date jitters, of course. No, this year I had a secret. One I was going to tell Colin about at dinner, or whenever it felt natural, I guess. Putting the brush down, finally satisfied with my work, I opened the bedroom closet to see a dress with a note attached to it.
'I saw this and thought of you. I can't wait to see you tonight. Love, Colin.'
I giggled to myself at his terrible handwriting. I unpinned the paper and brought it to the box I kept all of Colin's handwritten notes in. The dress was a precious brown floral mini-dress with a ruched chest and a white Peter Pan collar. There were puff sleeves and a tie in the back. It was exactly something I'd wear. My heart swelled when I noticed the price tag on the sleeve (the actual price hastily scribbled over by Colin) and saw it was from my favorite vintage store in town.
I slipped it on, softly praying it would fit, and to my surprise, it zipped up with no issue. A wave of nerves and nausea hit me. I doubled over slightly, scared I'd ruin the dress, trying to let it pass.
The doorbell rang so I forced myself to straighten up, slip on some shoes, and meet my 'date' at the door. I turned the knob and saw Colin standing on the step, wearing a brown shirt that matched the color of my dress perfectly under a suit jacket. His tie was knotted pristinely, signaling to me that it was his mother's handiwork. He had a bunch of daisies in his hand, my favorite type of flower.
'Holy shit,' he breathed, drinking me in.
'Oh shut up,' I giggled, feeling shy like I was a teenager all over again.
'That thing looks fuckin' awesome on you,' he grinned. 'I did a good job.'
'Ever the humble man, Zabel,' I quipped.
'Well, Mrs. Zabel, shall we?' he suggested, extending his hand to guide me out of the door. We walked arm-in-arm to the car, daisies now in my hand. He was sure to open the door for me demonstratively, further playing up the chivalry.
The restaurant he picked this year was a pretty good distance from home. I wasn't surprised to see it was an Italian place when we arrived. His favorite. The meal went well. It was a place we'd never tried before but we both ended up loving it.
Shortly before the dessert menus came, Colin produced a small box from his jacket pocket along with a handwritten letter.
'Colin, you didn't have to do that,' I whined.
'Uh-huh, yes I did,' he smirked. 'I don't wanna hear none of that shit, you're my wife and I want to spoil you.' He slid the box over the table to me and gestured with his hand for me to open it. I looked down and weighed the object in my hands.
I looked up at him, gazing through the strands of hair that had fallen in front of my eyes disapprovingly, knowing he spent all too much on an insignificant 4th wedding anniversary. I opened the tiny black velvet box to reveal a pair of dainty gold dangly earrings. One a sun, one a moon, each one possessing both of our birthstones.
'These are beautiful, my gosh,' I breathed, getting all choked up. 'I didn't get you anything nearly as nice!'
'You didn't have to get me anything, gorgeous,' he replied with a smile.
I took the earrings out of the box and put them on, then took a moment to admire how they looked on me using my phone's camera. I grabbed the letter off the table and slipped it into my purse for safekeeping.
'If I read that here I'll probably cry so embarrassingly we'll never be allowed back,' I laughed. 'Now my gift to you.' My stomach lurched at the thought. I couldn't exactly pin down why it made me so nervous to tell him my secret.
Colin took the card out of my hand and opened it. It was a regular anniversary card, but I made a very intentional writing error.
'The 3 of us have an amazing year ahead?' Colin read aloud.
'Mm-hmm,' I nodded, smirking.
'Who's the third?' he laughed, trying to make fun of my mistake. I didn't reply. I just sat there smiling until I saw the look of understanding wash over his face. 'No...'
'Yes,' I grinned.
'You're pregnant?!' he exclaimed, as calmly as he could, given we were in a public setting. I nodded. 'How long have you known?' His words came out in a breathy whisper. Tears brimmed in his eyes. He couldn't contain his smile.
'Just a couple of weeks. I figured it could wait until today.'
He sprung out of his seat and came over to the other side of the table, taking me by my hands to pull me to my feet.
'We're gonna have a baby,' he declared as he wrapped me in a tight embrace. 'I'm gonna be a dad.'
He pulled away, holding me at arm's length, looking at me with sparkling joy in his deep brown eyes. I had never seen a smile so big on his face. I was at a loss for words. His utter delight with the news told me everything I needed to know about our future.
The happy ending Colin deserved :') I'm literally so sorry I forgot about this story idk what happened lmao. Thanks again to the anon that reminded me and thanks to all of you for your continued patience!
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✨ Meowpheus ✨
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Prompt used: "What's So Funny?", Don't Make Me Laugh
Rating: Teen and Up
Fandom: The Sandman
Pairing: Dream of The Endless/Hob Gadling
Characters: Hob Gadling, Dream of The Endless, Desire of The Endless, Lucienne, Matthew
Tags: fluff, possible out of character, terrible advice, attempt at humor,
Warnings: none
Word count: 1743
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Dream of The Endless doesn't regret anything, especially if said things were forethought or downright planned. As of right now he's curled up on Hob Gadling's lap who's preparing notes for the next lesson - now and again receiving head scratches he's delighting in. And in that moment Hob's hand comes down to scratch behind his ear. Dream automatically closes his eyes and leans in. Half a minute later he lifts his hand, while chuckling at Dream's protesting meow.
If he literally purrs everytime it happens; Dream will never breathe a single word of.
Where was he? Ah, yes. He'll never go along Desire's schemes ever again. Here he is, in his cat form, unable to change. With that wretched collar around his neck he's rendered incapable of manipulating his form in any way.
Lately Dream has been wondering if this really was such a good idea. While being Hob's cat has been shockingly exceptional experience and at the same time not at all surprising. Having said that Hob's kindness and care put Dream off kilter making him feel as if he takes advantage of Hob. Which in turn is only a small piece of the whole picture considering what made him ask for his sibling's help.
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Dream makes his way to the library to return a novel "Great Expectations" by Charles Dickens to its rightful place. After putting it back, Dream reaches for another, this time "If I Ever Get Out of Here" by Eric Gansworth. He turns to leave only to be met with Lucienne who's expression was curious with a hint of concern. A spark of irritation lit up at being interrupted, Dream quickly puts it out. "Lucienne." He nods.
"Do you require more assistance, my Lord? Recently the number of your visits to the library have greatly increased;" his librarian inquires, "Furthermore seeing the Dreaming's overcast weather, it reveals that you, Lord Morpheus, are at an impasse, caught in indecision. Therefore have been searching for insight."
"I suppose I, indeed, have found myself at a crossroad." Dream muses, "Months have passed in the Waking since I last met with Hob...I find I wish to visit him sooner."
"What stops you my Lord?"
"Seeing how he wasn't cross with me leaving as I did in 1889. I'd like to finally tell him my name. He's long overdue." He glances away. "However I fear, if I share it, the novelty will wear off..." He hesitates, "He'll grow to realise how appalling, rotten and broken I am. He takes me to be a mystifying and outlandish being which granted him immortality. While I might be those to him, with time they would give way to the more jarring ignorant, cruel, malicious abnormality and torment."
"If I may, sir? I don't think Hob would change his opinions of you that greatly, nor do I think him capable of discarding your friendship that quickly and easily. He was the one to offer his friendship and as you pointed out - he has accepted you upon return." Dream loosens his grip on the book, not sure when he started to tighten his hold. "But if one opinion doesn't suffice my Lord, you can always turn to your family for council."
"Thank you Lucienne. I shall consider it." With a nod Dream walks out.
Lucienne sighs and walks back to her desk. Moments later Matthew lands on the lamp's neck and caws. "That went pretty well. Right? For a minute there I thought you'd get struck by lightning!"
"It might have just looked like it Matthew. In fact since his return, Lord Morpheus makes an effort to ask for help and listen to advice. The fact that it didn't take that long to get him to open up about this dilemma clearly proves that."
Matthew fidgets in place. "What dilemma? It's pretty obvious to me that both of them are head over heels in love. And I saw them meeting. From afar. The amount of sexual tension there, was just-" he shudders-"nope, too much for me, definitely. Needed gallons of holy water after THAT." Lucienne's smile widens at Matthew's antics.
"Let's hope a talk with Death will point him in right direction."
Slightly dreading upcoming conversation, Dream braces himself. Although his sibling's insight might prove to be valuable. Definitely has the capacity for when not busy scheming. "Desire, I stand in my gallery and hold your sigil, I seek your council, may I come through?"
"Go right ahead, Sweet Dream~"
In moments Dream steps into The Threshold. "I've never known you to be able of asking for help. What is it that you desire that you came all the way from The Dreaming to little old me?" They tease with a smirk, flicking their tail lazily.
"It concerns Hob Gadling." He said narrowing his brows.
"Who is he? Should I know him? Sounds boring." Dream grits his teeth in irritation at Desire's fake obliviousness and disinterest. "You know very well who it is I speak of."
Desire dramatically pulls back and puts their hand to their chest. "You wound me Sweet Dream, I know not of who that 'Hob Gadling' is. I have other things to do than torment and plot against you; shocking I know."
"He's the immortal human I've been meeting every century. Seeing as I failed to meet him in 1989 because of you, I plan to visit him more frequently. As he still favours our friendship." Desire considers their brother's statement. " Is that his name? I always wondered. Did you say Friends?" they grin, "Your heart tells me otherwise. What I don't know is what part of this concerns me?"
"I want your scheming hands away from him." At that Desire rolls their eyes. "If that's all you needed, then rest assured I didn't come nowhere near your precious little crush. And he's feelings are his own; I didn't influence him in any way." Dream relaxes, but only a bit. He has yet to go straight to the point of this visit.
"Besides I really don't understand how that poor soul went ahead and fell in love with you. Clearly it wasn't your fashion sense that did it. I suppose I must congratulate you. He sees something in you worth loving." Desire observes Dream, takes in how Dream seems to hold something back, hesitant. "What is it that truly brings you here? Spit it out."
"I came..." If one would put a squished lemon next to Dream's face at this moment, Desire wouldn't see any difference."...for advice. In 1889 I refused Hob's friendship, which he forgave me for. Yet again I've done him a disservice by withholding my name. If I were to aspire for more, I'd have to share it. However I fear in doing so, Hob will realise the mistake he made."
Dream is insecure. Sure given his relationship history it's not even surprising. But to come to them? Hob must be special indeed. They should feel honoured; But ultimately Desire couldn't help themself and bursts out laughing. "Oh Brother! You're making me laugh - please stop." They say trying to catch their breath. "What is it that you find so hilarious, sibling? My misery?"
""What's so funny?" he asks! It's your stupidity." They cackle. "So you won't assist. I shall take my leave." "Don't be like that. But fine I'll help you test the waters. But we're doing it my way."
"That's your great idea?" Dream scowls.
"Have anything better in mind?" they argue back, "In fact this includes every thing you mentioned. First - you get all the TLC your heart desires." Desire raises their index finger and then their middle one. "Second - you get to see his human everyday life. Third - you can test Hob's boundries, see his reactions when pushed and not get rejected in the process." They tap their raised ring finger in thought. Desire make a dramatic shocked face. "Ah yess!" Their pinky joins the other fingers. "Fourth, my favourite~, you get to appriciate his oh so ever, without a doubt in your mind, attractive assets." Desire purrs with a cheshire-like grin.
Dream ignores them. "I'll have to inform Lucienne of my extended absence from The Dreaming."
"See you in a moment, Sweet Dream.~"
"Lucienne, I'm planning to spend some time in The Waking for foreseeable future. I wish not to be disturbed unless it requires immediate attention." Dream speaks, and in the process scares Matthew. His raven flails cawing at his sudden appearance.
"Am I to understand the conversation went smoothly, sir?" She questions unstartled.
"Perhaps. I expect to receive weekly updates from Matthew, when I'm not otherwise engaged."
"Hey Boss? Isn't staying in the Waking *caw* dangerous for you or something? *Caw* With you getting captured and all?" Matthew tilts his head.
"While your concern is touching, it is unnecessary. I'll be in capable hands." He reassures the raven and then turns to his librarian. "I'll be leaving in a few moments. I trust you to do well looking after The Dreaming."
Lucienne lowers her head. "I won't disappoint sir."
"There you are Little Dream." Desire says after noticing a black cat sitting on the floor. The cat's shoots daggers their way. "What? If we're to meet Hob like this, I might as well look the part." Desire gestures at themself, then kneel down in front of Dream. "Besides that includes you too." They reveal a black collar, the bow's ribbon covered in a mockery of a night-sky pattern. Dream didn't get time to brace himself, his sibling taking advantage of his inattention, fastens the collar around his neck. "Now we're set." They pick him up. "Let's go to Hob, shall we?"
── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──────────────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
A temporary lapse in judgement, Dream vows not to let it happen again. Desire was right about the advantages; however they avoided telling him about the negatives - like guilt. Instead of bravely approaching Hob, he planned. To make matters worse, he went to the one sibling that likes to mess with him. Hob deserves better.
"Come on, Dream. Let's eat then head on upstairs yeah?" Hob rubs his thumb along Dream's head. Dream gives an answering meow, then jumps off Hob's lap to stretch himself.
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@fandom-free-bingo I got carried away. TwT I tried to write crack treated seriously..but I got confused along the way. And now idk if I managed that or not. :/
Tell me if rating is incorrect or other tags for that matter.
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soloistschornicles · 1 year
⌗𝕬𝖘 𝕳𝕰 𝖕𝖑𝖊𝖆𝖘𝖊𝖘…
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〈 🥀 〉⏤ SYNOPSIS. As an attendant, you’ll do everything to satisfy your young lord. Even if things get dirty... 
♔. . .PAIRING. scaramouche x reader
♔. . .FORMAT. oneshot
♔. . .TAGS & WARNING. there's a fluff in it﹔ a slight of violence﹔mention of torture [ leave if you’re uncomfortable ]
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A raging storm of blizzards and ice floes rumbled over the coast of Snezhnaya. The winds howled and screeched against the rocky cliffs of the icy shoreline, while the waters churned with heavy clouds. 
A few snowflakes drifted down from the grey sky as they whirled wildly into the air and disappeared in the midst of a swirling vortex that was forming before the eyes of those who observed the event. 
Hordes of Military soldiers and different legionnaires came upfront through the whole spectacle. A silhouette of a man was seen from a distance, his vast Kasa is apparent even in the raging white storm.
The Balladeer stood unfazed as he watched his attendant performing the task that they were assigned. 
"Don't lose your composure. We need those for Dottore's demands." The 6th Harbinger interjected.
"Yes M'lord, I shall continue with the procedure." You claimed. With the assistance of your vision, you prolong the swirling vortex on the palm of your hand with ease.
Intercepting all the abyssal-cryo energies stored inside them with precision, it would take just seconds to extract them from their frozen state and place them in the small container placed before him. 
As soon as you did so, the swirling vortex dissipated into thin air like the blizzard around it.
"Done," You proclaimed conventionally, handing the container to the Balladeer.
"Good work, you all dismissed." He said while walking off with an approving nod of his head. He signals the troops to return to their respective post. You immediately went to your master's side, like a puppet on a string. 
Ironic, isn't it? 
"These cryo particles consist of remains of the Abyssal powers. They are very difficult to acquire due to the high density of these energy molecules within each element, thus requiring much more precise handling. What do you think?" Scaramouche's indigo sphere pierce yours. 
You took a deep breath. "Unfortunately, I'm unsure of the specifics, however, I'm sure Lord Dottore would provide the answers that you need." 
You replied confidently. It had become an almost routine thing to reply to him, like a prayer that would be answered. 
"But, I'd be happy to assist you in any way that I could. After all, your wish is mine to grant."
"M'lord, it would be wise if you're wearing your coat. Your joints would be glazed by the cold climate." With a tender touch, you rubbed the back of your master as he leaned his slender figure to your warm body.
His soft hair tickled your skin, sending chills down your spine in response. 
A deep chuckle rumbled from his chest, making you feel small against him as your head lay snugly on his shoulder.
"Such a considerate servant, you are." He spoke low to you, not loud enough for other ears to hear but loud enough that you could still feel his breath on your bare neck.
He wrapped one arm around your waist and pulled you closer, holding you securely in the crook of his elbow.
It's not common for Scaramouche to be this affectionate during your working hours, commonly you and your master would be open to affection when you're both at your humble abode, particularly your shared bedroom. Where no eyes could witness your intimate deeds, though, you're not complaining. 
But what brought about such an action? 
"M'lord, has something bothering you?" Your hands reached up to caress his face, smoothing out the wrinkles and creases that plagued his pale skin. His indigo eyes softened under your touch as if he was content with your ministrations.
Scaramouche chuckled, "No, I'm just being sentimental." 
His fingers traced your jawline and cheekbone before they rested on your cheek, cradling the delicate skin in his hand. The tips of his finger lingered for just a moment, tracing over each contour and curve that made your face unique.
Sentimental? You're not sure what to say, so instead, you just hummed and continued rubbing his chin gently, trying your best to soothe him. Your master didn't need words, you understood his silent meaning and knew what he meant. 
"You're thinking too much again," he muttered with a frown and gently brushed your lips with his thumb, a rare act of intimacy. You sighed as his palm met yours in a gentle clasp. "Do not fret too much, my troubles will not last forever."
A cry of pain and wail of discomfort was heard through the cold cellar. The man in question sat upright, eyes shut tightly in a vain attempt to block out the agony that wracked his body. 
A pained gasp escaped him as he felt something foreign invade his internal organs, making it difficult to breathe.  He couldn’t remember ever having been so sore before.  
His back hurt and felt like it was on fire. Sweat dripped from his forehead as he struggled to get up but found himself unable due to a lack of energy.  All he could do was lie there with his face buried in the cobblestone hoping that everything would go away soon. 
He heard movement above his head followed by a loud clang. A moment later, the door was kicked open. One person entered the room, clad in a purple and black color scheme trench coat.
The man's eyes widened in astounding as he spotted the insignia of a notorious military organization in his hometown. 
"T-The Fatui? What do you want with m-me..?!" The man tried speaking but only managed a wheeze. He gasped in a large breath of air when the stranger roughly shoved his head down into the stone, forcing him to stay quiet for the moment.
"Normally I would indulge in the victim's chattering nonsense, but because of my master's hidden indignation, I should end this quicker." The voice said.
"Master?" The man asked confused. This person looked nothing like any Fatui soldier he had encountered before.
"Who are you?"  The man was genuinely curious. What could this person's agenda be with the man who shackles to the wall?
"Shall I recall the past events? Where you didn't pay off your mortgage, ran and hid away from the Divine's eyes. My master is capable of tracking low lives, but you're an oddity. You were the only complicating factor standing against my master."
The once-cold cellar became electrifying. It felt as if icy daggers were piercing his skin, burning into his flesh. Tears started pooling at the corners of his eyes as he felt his mind being invaded.
It was like a tidal wave washing over him, threatening to drown him alive. His throat constricted painfully, causing him to gag. 
He could feel his insides twisting and turning. The pain was unbearable. The man screamed in agony.  He couldn’t think straight anymore. There were no words coming out of his mouth. He was too scared to speak. 
He couldn’t move. He just lay there trying to focus on not dying. He could barely even breathe let alone speak. It was all the unfortunate soul could do to keep consciousness.
"Now, you shall meet your end."
"Next time, if you want to wander and do my tedious assignments, ask permission if you do so..." 
Scaramouche drawled as he basked himself into the comfort of your lap, caressing his indigo-colored tresses to soothe his mind's restlessness after a long day on the job as a Harbinger.
He sighed contentedly, feeling the gentle resonances from your chest's steady rise and fall as it supported his head in the cradle of your thighs. Deep within his belly, he hummed languidly. 
"Noted, Scara~" You cooed, ruffling his tousled curls with loving fingers before you gently pushed him off your lap and onto the bed. 
He yelped when you removed yourself away from him, but you only laughed quietly at his adorable whine. He huffed indignantly but settled down nonetheless and closed his eyes for a bit longer. 
As the door was rudely opened, revealing one of your master's lowly subordinates with a lack of manners, your genuine smile shifted to a practiced grin. 
The said subordinate handed out their reported files into your hands without consent and went up to forewarn the Harbinger of the recent events that occurred on the Snezhnaya coastline..
Your lover in question was just lying on the bed with an irksome expression on his face that was about to erupt but was subdued, listening to his underlings who spouted inconveniences that were not his concerns.
"My lord, what's your opinion on this situation?"
The underling waited for your lover's response, but all he got was a lackadaisical motion of his hands, and you knew what the situation was at the moment. 
After placing the documents on the nightstand, you abruptly grabbed the subordinate's arm and dragged them into an empty room containing all of the unique contraptions.
Scaramouche doesn't need any of such a equipment since he has his own electrifying abilities, but you needed it to perform proper procedures on your victims.
The Harbinger simply watched you doing the process with a crazed smile that accentuates his porcelain face.
"That's my love, always attending to my every need."
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autumnalmess · 2 months
would love to hear more about "to watch a bird in flight"! :D
Now that I'm in my ridiculously late break from work (it's literally midnight I procrastinated for too long this morning), I can finally answer these!!
"to watch a bird in flight" is a canon era (eventual) enjoltaire fic, with the title coming from the first amis chapter:
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This is a sweet but angsty pre-barricade fic in which Grantaire is a coward, Enjolras is capable of being terrible, and revolution waits in the wings.
It's inspired by the fact that Grantaire is a huge fucking yapper and I hadn't seen enough book-faithful blabbing in a lot of the fics I'd read. But more because I am charmed and fascinated by working out the pipeline from 'roughly repulsed, rejected' to the sudden and unfortunate realization of being in love with someone so a) male in 1830s France, and b) unlike anything one could have anticipated.
I've not said even half the things I have to say about this fic (more is in the tags) so please do comment if you're interested or have any questions!!
Have an angsty little snippet xx:
Bahorel claps a hand on his shoulder as Grantaire begins to shuffle homewards. “Good man. Now straight home, mind. Don't do anything stupid.”
As soon as the words leave his mouth, he winces, every inch of him sighs with the realization of his mistake.
Grantaire’s body goes rigid beneath his hand.
“Oh?” Grantaire mutters, facing away from him.
“Grantaire-” Bahorel begins.
Grantaire whirls around with a look of deep amusement in his eyes. His grin is almost manic, offset by a bitterness too wracked with self loathing to ignore. His limbs are quaking with the anticipation of his spiel, as if the words themselves are bubbling up within him, jostling to break the surface.
“Grantaire, you're-” Bahorel says again.
“No, dear Bahorel, you're absolutely right, the deuce! As per usual!” Grantaire cries, his voice dripping with insincerity. “So attentive of you to, to warn me against doing something stupid. Oh, as I am wont to do indeed! Bah, you know me so well!”
He is gabbling now, unable to stop himself as words spew out of him, harsher and louder with the rush of the Seine in his ears and the sympathetic grimaces of the blank faces passing him by. His hands flail wildly, desperately, in vast gestures fit for the opera. His performance is all bravado, undercut by deep hurt. Already, the guilt is rising like bile in his throat.
“Ah, alas, without you I would topple into the river! Without you I would, ah whoopsadaisy! And fall in front of every trap I see, I should be so lucky. Ever so sorry, my lord, I didn't realize you'd called for the fool! No matter, no bother, I'll just skip on over, shall I? Yes, you call for the fool, and here I am! In my red stockings and my JANGLY HAT!”
“GRANTAIRE!” Bahorel's cry silences him.
Bahorel is not an astute man by any means, nor is he concerned with the ‘how’s and the ‘why’s of the world. But he is kind. And it does not take him more than a moment to see through Grantaire's hollow little show.
His friend's wandering eyes are guilty and exhausted, and full of despair. He envelopes Grantaire in an embrace.
For a moment, Grantaire is still, then his weight shifts almost imperceptibly against Bahorel's sturdy form.
“You're not a fool,” says Bahorel carefully. “I know that's what this is really about. But I don't think that. And I'd never say what he said…I'm not even certain he meant it himself.”
He holds Grantaire at arm's length, staring him in the eyes. Grantaire shifts uncomfortably and looks at the floor.
“Go home, Grantaire. Okay? Get some sleep. Have some fucking water for God's sake. And tomorrow you can watch whilst I punch that pompous bastard in the mouth.”
He says it with an easy smile on his lips, but Grantaire does not laugh. He just sniffles, wipes his nose on his sleeve, and looks at the floor.
“I'll go home,” he mumbles.
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knightective · 2 months
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"Yes, father. I shall become a bat.”
Independent Bruce Wayne / Batman of DC Comics. Written by Drew / Minors DNI
I use the new beta editor which means if you use the legacy editor I'll probably have to pass on writing with you. Cutting posts is mandatory for me as I like a clean dash. Other than that I don't care how little or how much you format, I tend to just use small text and that's it as I find formatting to be tedious, but feel free to do whatever you like.
Do not be a shit person, If I get any whiff of any bigotry or asshole behavior I will block. I'm very liberal with the block feature and I'm far too old to deal with anyone's bullshit on this website.
I am nearly thirty years old so I'm not comfortable with writing with minors, and no minors should even look upon my blog. DC Comics is a very mature comic franchise and Bruce is a mature character, I will not shy away from adult storytelling and I will block you if you're a minor. Please have your age somewhere on your blog.
Going along with what I said above, I will also block if you partake in witch hunts for writers who write things you don't agree with. I get that you may not like certain themes, but telling another person they can't write something is stupid. Just block them and move on, create your own safe space. I for one can separate fiction from reality and I fully support everyone who wants to write what they want. Of course there are limits, I will block and warn other people about blogs who are actually dangerous to others or if they force their writing upon another. Just don't be awful human beings and we'll be great!
Shipping is fun, I love writing ships whether it be platonic or romantic. Romance is one of my personal favorite topics to write and I hope to pair Bruce with a variety of muses. He's openly pansexual so feel free to ask about shipping with him.
When it comes to mature themes, sexual themes are also included in this bracket. Smut will appear on this blog, I have no qualms with writing sexual content and will tag the content appropriately.
My discord will be available for general chit chat and plotting though I'm weary about writing on the app due to burnout. I'd prefer spending my energy on my actual blog.
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mariana-oconnor · 1 year
The Engineer's Thumb pt 3
Last we left off, Mr Victor Hatherley, hydraulic engineer and secret giant panda, was accounting how he had ignored very clear and present warnings, almost been crushed to death, had his thumb hacked off by a cleaver and very likely contracted sepsis in a ghost house.
“Here is an advertisement which will interest you,” said he. “It appeared in all the papers about a year ago. Listen to this: “‘Lost, on the 9th inst., Mr. Jeremiah Hayling, aged twenty-six, a hydraulic engineer. Left his lodgings at ten o'clock at night, and has not been heard of since.'"
RIP Mr Hayling. I hope you died quickly and not in the squishing chamber.
"It is quite clear that the colonel was a cool and desperate man,"
But is he actually a colonel? That's the real question.
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There were Sherlock Holmes, the hydraulic engineer, Inspector Bradstreet, of Scotland Yard, a plain-clothes man, and myself.
Ah yes, my dear companions: Sherlock Holmes, Inspector Bradstreet, and *checks hands*... a hydraulic engineer.
How come Victor doesn't get a name here? Hey, ACD, did you forget a character's name in the middle of a story and just couldn't be bothered to look a few paragraphs upwards? I get that Ctrl+F wasn't possible back then, but these short stories aren't that long.
“And you think that they brought you back all that way when you were unconscious?”
I am 90% sure they did not touch him while he was unconscious, they just took him on the carriage in one big circle until they were right back near the station again, and he just woke up where he fell.
“Oh, we shall soon clear up all that,” said Bradstreet. “Well, I have drawn my circle, and I only wish I knew at what point upon it the folk that we are in search of are to be found.”
Right in the middle. Bet you. I mean, you're a fictional character and even if you weren't this was over a century ago. But I bet you metaphysically.
“Oh, yes, you can. This is my point.” He placed his finger in the centre of the circle. “This is where we shall find them.” “But the twelve-mile drive?” gasped Hatherley.
Knew it! Also, ACD remembered Victor's surname, excellent. Very proud of you! He's been really carefully ignoring it for the last few paragraphs, just not using dialogue tags or saying 'my patient'. Took a minute, but he got there.
“None at all,” said Holmes. “They are coiners on a large scale, and have used the machine to form the amalgam which has taken the place of silver.”
Hey, and I was right about what they were doing. Boom.
Interesting thought... did Hatherley realise this when he was poking around in the press and found the metallic deposits? Because his whole 'I'd like to talk to you about your Fuller's Earth' thing, if he knew about the forgery, sounds a little like 'Hey, how about you cut me in on this', or maybe the opening stages of some blackmailing.
But I'm maligning his character with no evidence. I just wish I knew how he thought that was going to play out. Was he dumb enough to think that nothing illegal was going on? But if he knew something illegal was going on, why call them out on it like that.
But the inspector was mistaken, for those criminals were not destined to fall into the hands of justice.
Again? Holmes has to be the least successful literary detective of all time when it comes to actually catching criminals. Was there not even a convenient shipwreck this time? Although it makes sense they wouldn't stick around when Hatherley's run off with enough information and evidence to get them caught.
As we rolled into Eyford Station we saw a gigantic column of smoke which streamed up from behind a small clump of trees in the neighbourhood and hung like an immense ostrich feather over the landscape.
So, either they're burning the evidence, or they've accidentally burnt themselves to death and that's why they didn't come after Victor - because they were too busy being on fire.
“Dr. Becher's.” “Tell me,” broke in the engineer, “is Dr. Becher a German, very thin, with a long, sharp nose?” The station-master laughed heartily. “No, sir, Dr. Becher is an Englishman..."
Becher certainly looks more like a Germanic name than an English name. Also, is this guy really a doctor? And if he's a medical doctor and he lives right next door, then why didn't the station guard last night see Hatherley's bleeding thumbless hand and say 'oh, there's a doctor just 'round the corner. You should have him take a look at that!'
I'm a little confused on the timeline, too. This is all the same day, right. They leave for Berkshire 3 hours after Mr Hatherley finishes his tale, which he tells on the same day he arrives on the train after having lost his thumb. So last night, when the building was on fire, was the night when he was first unconscious, and then sitting at the station waiting for a train. The fire should have been visible from the station if it's that close, and Hatherley didn't get on a train until the morning, so... did no one notice the fire right next door, or did they just not care?
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Maybe the fire just wasn't big enough to be seen during the night, so no one outside noticed it until after Victor had left in the morning. Doesn't explain why the guard didn't suggest Victor take his missing thumb to the nearby medical professional, though.
"There can be no question that it was your oil-lamp which, when it was crushed in the press, set fire to the wooden walls, though no doubt they were too excited in the chase after you to observe it at the time."
I forgot about the oil lamp. It's doing a pretty good job of getting rid of the evidence, though.
Early that morning a peasant had met a cart containing several people and some very bulky boxes driving rapidly in the direction of Reading.
Was the word 'peasant' still used in the 1890s? Really? It's a very medieval/dark ages kind of word.
It should at least take them a while to set up again. They're going to need to build another person-squishing machine, and given that they're clearly not very good at hydraulics, I assume they have to kidnap someone to do that for them. Or maybe they just have a diagram that they can follow, but they don't know how it works. And they've left behind all the raw materials, so they'll have to get their hands on that again.
The firemen had been much perturbed at the strange arrangements which they had found within, and still more so by discovering a newly severed human thumb upon a window-sill of the second floor.
The firemen are very sensible people. Although I find it weird that the thumb survived on the windowsill, given that fire was billowing out of the windows in the description earlier.
How our hydraulic engineer had been conveyed from the garden to the spot where he recovered his senses might have remained forever a mystery were it not for the soft mould, which told us a very plain tale. He had evidently been carried down by two persons, one of whom had remarkably small feet and the other unusually large ones. On the whole, it was most probable that the silent Englishman, being less bold or less murderous than his companion, had assisted the woman to bear the unconscious man out of the way of danger.
OK, so they did move him. I was pretty sure that they just didn't find him and he was too out of it on blood loss and adrenaline to know where he'd ended up. Mainly this seems like a really stupid thing for them to do, though. Clearly they've already killed one hydraulics engineer, leaving Victor alive to run away and tell people seems kind of dumb at this point. Obviously not murdering people is the right thing to do, but in this situation it's also a dumb move. No one worked out you killed the last one... eh, what's one more?
“Well,” said our engineer ruefully as we took our seats to return once more to London, “it has been a pretty business for me! I have lost my thumb and I have lost a fifty-guinea fee, and what have I gained?” “Experience,” said Holmes, laughing. “Indirectly it may be of value, you know; you have only to put it into words to gain the reputation of being excellent company for the remainder of your existence.”
#LifeLessons #LearningExperience
Such a fun story of how he was almost crushed to death and had his thumb chopped off by violent criminals who are still at large!
Yeah, that'll get people to buy you drinks, for sure. Although as previously discussed, you probably won't be alive to enjoy them. And you're going to have to relearn how to do things with only one opposable thumb if you don't die of sepsis. But maybe next time someone tries to warn you three times to not do something, you'll actually listen. Or you can get enough XP to increase your wisdom score and not end up in a situation like this again.
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I wonder how many other hydraulic engineers Fritz went on to murder. It was probably fine.
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an-abyss-of-stars · 1 year
She Whispered To Him In The Night - Part 3
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(previously known as - It's Visceral And It's Cruel: Possible Moment)
Summary: The seducing is working! Rhaena wants it, she's a little reluctant at first, a little worried that they shouldn't be doing this...but she absolutely wants what Aemond is giving her.
Warnings: SMUT! Smutty smut smut and some more angst, but mostly smut!
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Ao3 |
Tag list: @minim236 , @bohemiandreams99 , @neocil , @readsalot73 , @nettysnest (feel free to tell me if you want to be on the taglist or not)
✨If we're wondering about the name change, I've put the fic on Ao3 now! Feel free to show some love there! But yeah, that and the fact that this has just become it's own thing at this point, it needed a new name.✨
P.S: I promised FILTH, and yes I partially delivered! I'm also a fucking liar because there will be 4 parts instead of 3! The actual dicking-down is um...it's a long oneee (pun not intended but also intended)...i had to split it! Enjoy Aemond FINALLY getting to eat out his girl tho! He was desperate so I let him have it.
Surely with his need to want and possess her...to own her. Beneath that carnal possession, if he could have her, he'd love her like no other could. He'd lavish her with everything at his disposal. Everything a woman as glorious as her deserved. 
But for the moment, he wouldn’t pass up teasing her. 
"So you think I'm beautiful," he smirked, that rakish expression gracing his features yet again. 
"I think you're fishing for compliments, my Prince. I think you know you're far too striking to be considered anything less," her pale lavender eyes glinted playfully, a soft smile spreading across her lips.
His heart was pounding rapidly, certainly he knew he wasn't a hideous creature. His mother was keen to remind him of just how handsome she thought he was nearly daily. Ladies at court may not have agreed, and whores were happy to say whatever handed them more coin. 
He couldn't help that his grisly scar and the loss of left eye left a more than wounded feeling when it came to his own self conscious feelings about his appearance. 
But Rhaena…she'd complimented him unprovoked. There'd be nothing for her to gain…other than this being her honest opinion of him.
And she thought he was… beautiful .
His ethereal dragon Princess thought him beautiful. 
He watched as she attempted to inch backyards on her bed, but he hooked his fingers around the hollow of her knees, pulling her back to him. 
"Just what do you expect me to relinquish to you tonight, my Prince?" she nearly giggled, gazing up at him. He couldn't stand how watching her lay on her back for him had made him so incredibly hard. The way her exposed breasts rose and lowered with each breath she took, "Aemond, I've already allowed you far more liberties than I should have." 
"If you wanted me to stop, you would’ve told me. As we both know how much you enjoy denying me things," he said smoothly, "but if you truly had disliked any of this, you wouldn't have moaned for me."
She grimaced only slightly, "Aemond," her voice had taken on a slight admonishing tone.
"I want all of you," he cut her off, "every inch of you,"
"Surely you cannot!" Rhaena laughed nervously, "Aemond, I know your grandfather intends for you to marry Floris Baratheon. He intends to form an alliance behind my Stepmother’s back. And should it happen, we both know I shall not play as your mistress,"
Aemond gritted his teeth, gripping her thighs, pulling her flush against him, "you think I'd choose some Baratheon wench over you. My grandfather's ambitions can die right here, I won't be his pawn in this. I want you as my bride not my fucking mistress ,"
Her eyes widened at his blatant admission, her lower lip caught between her teeth, "you want me that badly?" By now she'd pulled herself into a seating position, gazing up at him as he stood in front of her. 
His chest might've burst, the look in her eyes, her soft voice felt as if it were constricting him. Aemond gently held her chin and lowered himself down to her lips, she did not fight him, she swayed into his kiss. 
He’d spent nearly the majority of their encounter tonight practically begging her to marry him, but she still couldn’t seem to take his words for what they were. 
At least until now.
Aemond groaned against her, pulling back only slightly, "if you only knew how I saw you, you'd know how desperately-" his lips claimed hers again, he was losing control, if he didn't have her now, he wasn't sure how he'd ever survive.
He inhaled deeply, letting her intoxicating lavender scent wash over him, "Rhaena, this is meant to be. I've never wanted anyone else, and I know you feel it too. What must I do to prove it?"
She gazed into his eyes, something vulnerable and something more. Her hypnotic stare focusing in on his sapphire eye, he felt himself tense before her. Even as her soft hands caressed his scar with gentle care, "you'll secure a betrothal…without killing anyone?" 
"Surely it'd be easier if I killed a few people," he pouted lightly. 
"Aemond, that's not funny," she bit back a small smile, batting his chest.
"Fine. I won't kill anyone. I can easily secure a betrothal once I've had you, put a child in you," he grinned down at her. Whatever remark she had prepared, died on her tongue as she watched him lower himself down to his knees in front of her. 
Spreading her legs slowly, he heard her gasp but she did not stop him. He was finally going to see her, open and bared just for him. 
The view was certainly delectable.
Aemond gulped at the tantalizing sight, his lady was well and truly soaked. His pride might've swelled within him, for he knew he'd been the one who'd caused her to be so. His jaw clenched, fuck, he was certain he had never seen such a perfect cunt, he was desperate to taste her.
Rhaena's widened eyes watching him closely, her cheeks were flushed a burning pink.
She was anticipating his next move, but she should know he wouldn't let her squander this moment. 
He licked his lips and bit them closely, eyeing her intensely, his voice was slightly hoarse when he asked, "I wish to taste you, sweet Rhaena. May I?" 
Her plush lips parted, still seemingly stunned at the position she'd found herself in. With a gulp, she nodded for him, and he decided that would have to do, for he could wait no longer. 
Aemond gripped onto her thighs with a fervent need, spreading her legs further, opening her to him fully before he delved in. His tongue desperately lapped up her sweet slick with an eagerness he didn't know he had. 
She tasted far too good, he was sure most cunts never tasted this sweet. It was nearly overwhelming, the heady taste of her sent burning ripples throughout him.
Rhaena whimpered for him, falling back onto the bed, but he wanted more. 
He pulled her closer, let his tongue travel the length of her, suckling at her folds before fixating his attention on the apex of her sex. He'd barely even dragged his tongue along it, yet he drew even deeper moans from her. 
Yes, this is what he wanted. 
He wanted her to beg him, cling onto him for dear life, begging him just to let her cum. 
And he'd get it. He'd make his fantasy a reality yet again. 
Sucking and licking her little bundle of nerves with impeccable attention, as his fingers gently stroked her quivering opening. He felt her thighs threatened to squeeze against him, but he knew that to be a good thing. She was moaning his name, truly wanton and gods how he loved it.
Bringing his fingers up, gently stroking through her thatch of silver curls and then down to continue rubbing her little bundle. Her thighs only pressed tighter so he lifted his tongue off of her, "now now, my Lady, you'll have to behave if you want me to continue," his lips curled deviously.
But his Rhaena only whined desperately, her head falling back against her pillows, "Aemond, how could you be so cruel,"
"Mmm, I thought you liked that about me," he grinned, lowering his lips back to her quivering core. Sucking her leaking juices up, as if her essence was sustaining his life force. And truly in a way it was. But he wanted more, dragging his tongue along her as if he was partaking in the sweetest of treats, he slowly slid his tongue inside of her hot centre.
Causing her most wanton moan yet, he was in heaven, this he knew.
Her hands had abandoned grabbing her sheets and had now gripped into his long hair. The wincing pull only made his cock harder, along with her writhing and her moaning. He had to be careful not to release himself in his breeches.
All the while, he kept a rhythm, fucking her earnestly with only his tongue. She was so responsive to everything, the softest graze of his teeth made her scream even louder for him. Her legs fought against his restraining hand and strong arm, but he kept her grounded as he drew her closer to her peak.
His fingers digging deep enough into her thighs, he was sure he'd bruised her delicate brown skin. But he couldn't stop, he made sure the length of his tongue twirled and curled inside her. She was nearly sobbing for him, she was certainly begging for him. Oh she made him so hard without even trying.
"Mmm Aemond, please. I need...," she cried to him, her back was arching, her head rolled back amongst the pool of her silver locs. He knew what she needed, and he intended on giving it to her. There would be time to torture her with orgasms later, when he secured her hand.
But in this moment, she'd begged him so sweetly, how could he not acquiesce. In any case he wanted her to cum…needed her to cum on his tongue. 
Fucking his tongue into her harder, licking at her core with fervour and rubbing her clit with purpose. All in tandem making her a bucking mess. Her hips worked to fuck herself on his tongue as her core began to clench around him, until she finally screamed his name in pure pleasure.
If he didn't get anything else from her tonight, he'd absolutely dream of this moment over and over again. He'd never forget this. Her sweet nectar oozing onto his tongue as he lapped up every drop. Pressing a kiss to her clit, resting his chin on her lower abdomen while her legs stayed draped over his shoulders, he eyed her curiously, "how do you fair now, my Lady?" He licked his lips happily, the look in his eye was positively sinful.
He'd never been more pleased.
Rhaena, on the other hand, covered her face with her arm. He could still see the faint pink glow blushing down her cheeks towards her exposed chest, groaning while she bit her lip, "surely the entire Keep has heard me,"
Aemond smirked at that, climbing atop her, "good," leaning down to kiss her cheek, the corner of her mouth, and finally he stole her lips in a sloppily possessive kiss.
Reluctant as she was, she still gifted him another sultry moan. Tasting herself on his tongue, his sweet Rhaena. She was gently playing with the way his hair had fallen like a curtain over her, when he pulled back just a bit, she gazed up into his violet eye and his sapphire eye with an indecipherable look in her pale violet eyes.
"Surely I shall be ruined now," she whispered closely.
His gaze bore into hers, all fire and blood, harsh edges bared, "ruined for all others, but not me."
"Why do you want me so badly? We'd make a horrid match, all we do is bicker," she'd pouted just slightly, her brows furrowing deeply. Aemond smiled at her expression, there was something so innocent there...something cute…cute enough to kill...or nurture.
Rolling off of her, he laid himself next to her. Staring up at her ceiling for a moment, still revelling in the fact that he was truly here. He was laying in bed with Rhaena Targaryen after having just pleasured her. He couldn't help but smile to himself about that, surely those cunts, Stark or Corbray would never get to. He was certain they'd never even kissed her, and he'd make certain they'd never get to see her so vulnerable and bare. Those sounds she made should be saved for him and him alone, and that's how he'd keep it.
Then he looked over at Rhaena, a goddess in human form. Messy, fierce, Targaryen perfection right at his fingertips. He reached for her and she leaned into his touch, surely she didn't really think they weren’t meant for one another.
He sighed, gently tucking a silver loc behind her ear, gazing over at her, "most people aren't brave enough to bicker with me, much less a woman,"
"Aemond, I meant it seriously," she squinted at him.
"So did I," rolling his eye, he traced his thumb along the shell of her ear and then down along her jaw, "Rhaena, you must admit it. You do enjoy fighting with me, it awakens the dragon within you. You like our back and forth because it's volatile, sets you on fire and makes you want things."
His eye scanned her face as his words seemed to be setting in for her. She'd pull slightly away, the realization becoming apparent in her eyes, but she hadn't left his grasp.
So he slid his hand down her arm, causing gooseflesh in his wake till he landed on the curve of her hip. Drawing her closer to him, "you enjoy my company, little dragon. As frustrating as that is for you to admit. Monster that I am and all. All those other lowly twats at court may bend to your every whim, but you like this challenge I offer you."
A small smile grew on her sweet lips, "oh, so you wouldn't bow to me?" 
His jaw clenched just slightly, certainly he would, but he wasn't about to admit it to her just yet.
Rhaena's smile slowly faded, "Aemond," she breathed, "maybe it's just a physical attraction,"
Her soft tone clashed with the way he roughly tugged her against him, "if it were, I would have taken what I wanted from you and discarded you by now. I wouldn’t have agonized over you for months and I would not be here speaking of wedding myself to you," he bristled at her previous statement.
His grip on her had become lethal, and she winced against him, but he went on sneering, "who else do you expect to make you feel what I do?"
"Vitriol and annoyance," Rhaena scowled, holding onto his shoulders, nails biting into him, a delicious pain washing over him, "you may be right, you're surely the only one with the correct amount of both."
With that he claimed her lips roughly, she bit his lip but did not release him. Swallowing his groan as she worked to pin him down and hold herself above him.
"See," he smiled venomously, licking his lip to see if she drew blood, "you've spent your life waiting to claim a dragon, so why don't you?"
His chest was heaving as his eye was willing her to do it, Gods, he wanted her to claim him. If she would just choose him...choose him above all others.
He just wanted to be her choice. For even as he's spent countless nights wishing to call Rhaena his . He was just as desperate for her to make him… hers .
Once again she looked as if his words had washed over her, Rhaena's eyes dancing up before she gazed back down at him. Groaning to herself, "Mmm, I suppose we do have much in common, no one else in the Keep reads nearly as much as we do. And I suppose my arguments with you have turned you into less of a cruel feral beast," she smirked down at him.
He'd be the one to roll his eye at the latter half of her reply.
"I suppose I have inadvertently tamed a dragon for myself," she smiled leaning towards his lips, "shall I take my mount, before he grows restless."
At that, Aemond's eye opened wide as he swallowed raggedly.
Did she truly wish to ride him?
Hopefully that was decent!
Also, someone smack me and tell me to refocus on my main long-form fic instead this smut! CAUSE why am I so invested in this! I'm multitasking and yet the smut is the only thing being written consistently! Expect Part 4 later in the week! Maybe on weekend! Because I will be dedicating this week to working on ch.5 of my main fic!
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simpsforwomen · 1 year
✄ Please Read
Hello and welcome to my blog about women. The information on this post may change from time-to-time so please check back every once-in-a-while for new updates.
Below are some information about me and my works. If you have questions about anything (literally anything) please don't be intimidated to ask. I'll let you know if I'm comfortable with sharing said information to this post. I won't bite. I promise.
Thank you and enjoy your stay <3
✧ About me
I am the unknown writer. My pronouns are they/them. As you can probably tell by my page, it's all things sapphic.
✧ My Works
English isn't my first language so I must admit, I'm not the best writer—though I'm working on bettering it.
With that being said, I'll be proofreading all my work (mainly because I won't be able to function properly knowing that a crusty fic of mine is floating somewhere out there on the inter-webs)
This also means that feedback is greatly appreciate—especially if you happen to spot any errors in my writing. Please don't hesitate to let me know.
As someone with female anatomy, I'm unsure of how to properly portray the reader as someone who has male anatomy in smut fics. Therefore, smut with gender neutral readers I write will be written as the reader having female anatomy (this may change in the future) All characters in smut fics are of age.
I won't just be writing reader x character and I'm not against writing character x character fics. Just simply ask and you shall receive. :D
My masterlist is here.
If you would like to be added to my taglist, please comment on this post and tell me who's stories you wish to be tagged in.
✧ Story Requests
My requests are currently closed.
Requests will usually be open unless I'm extremely overwhelmed so I'd recommend you to be on the lookout. I also like to work at my own pace so I apologize if certain requests take longer for me to write.
I feel pretty comfortable writing most things. However, there are some things I will not write:
real people
hate of any kind
anything non-consensual
sweet home alabama (incest)
Otherwise, if you'd like to request, feel free to be specific in what you want (word count, gender, etc.) The default gender will be gender neutral.
I do do reader x character fics that are specifically meant for the requester so if that's something you'd like, please describe your physical and personality traits in detail when requesting.
✧ Blog Rules
I would like this space to be a place where everyone feels safe and free to be themselves.
Anyone who's being rude or disrespectful will receive a warning and if they continue said behavior, it will result in a block.
✧ Conclusion
Please let me know if you have any questions/feedback and thanks for stopping by! ❦
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