#I would have put all of them as screenshots but the biggest one wouldn't even fit on my whole screen
shatcey · 19 days
Crown’s S Class Mission (Ellis)
Ellis and Kate are discussing a previous mission. Kate is concerned that Ellis was injured because she wasn't strong enough.
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Ellis wholeheartedly assured her that he would support any her decision. So when Victor mentioned that young noblewomen had been disappearing lately, she volunteer to complete the task and Ellis didn't even try to stop her. But since she is new to all this, she needs someone who will watch over her and help if necessary. Victor enthusiastically offered himself.
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Yes, cutie, the job is yours!
On the way out from the dining room Ellis is promised to give Kate a reward if she successfully completes the mission. And vice versa… if she fails, he will punish her (no, really, it's pretty hard to even imagine).
On the day of the operation.
Kate pretended to be a noblewoman and came to the party of the man in question. Ellis was her +1. A man… Oliver… immediately noticed her and started complimenting her and was very tactile (the creep). She needed the mission to be completed, so she smiled, gritting her teeth. That creep… sorry (not sorry) Oliver lead her away from Ellis and invite her to some private place. He went somewhere to prepare something… and his attendant showed her to the carriage.
Ellis was in the carriage. Surprise-surprise. He helped her relax a little by hugging her.
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Oh, thank you, honey...
Premium ending
The carriage takes them to a house. The creep appears, and Ellis with Kate very kindly interrogate him (after, of course, tied his hands with Ellis's ability and put a knife to his throat… as I said, very kindly). Then he didn't give much information, Ellis asked Kate to close her eyes.
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Well... Okay... I guess...
After that, several guys jump out of the building. They notice Ellis and start mocking him. They even offer to take him and sell, as they did with the women…
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My mind stopped for a moment, savoring the idea… No, I won't give my boy to anyone!!! Maybe someone else?.. No, this is my harem, I will not give any of them to anyone!
Kate was hiding in the bushes at the time so these creeps wouldn't notice her. She decided to stealth attack one of them using a garden belt (?)
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Okay… if it works I don't really care how. But I still don't know which handle she used… If that's what I'm thinking, then it's just a leather belt with pockets… Where did this handle come from? Perhaps the translation is incorrect, but I didn't take a screenshot of the original… So turn on your imagination to the maximum.
And this unexpected attack allowed them to split up the group of these creeps, and then another support came to the rescue (Roger). So they cleaned up the place pretty easily.
Victor greeted them happily and asked Ellis to evaluate Kate.
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Yeah… he probably would have been injured without her help, these creeps had weapon.
Then they returned to their room (Ellis's) and discussed the mission. Ellis said he didn't want to let her go and worried about her whole the time, but he wanted to support her, so he let her do it. He asked her what she wants as a reward.
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Girl, this is literally his biggest dream...
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So the sweet reward began.
In the epilogue, Ellis asks what else she wants from him. And she tells him to do what makes him happy. And he was actually quite mean to her…
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And now I think I missed a lot by not reading the normal ending…
Well… I'll do it next year)))
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bigfrozenfan · 3 months
10-year-old mystery finally solved
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One of the biggest riddles of Disney Frozen is how the choir gets up to the gallery. Nowhere in the movie is an entrance to the gallery or an access of any kind to be seen. All we see during Elsa's coronation scene is a completely open construction of the chapel, but there are twelve singers above the altar. How do they get there? Many fans have wondered how this is possible for ten years of Frozen's existence and everyone has puzzled over it. Even in books and comics, not a single clue is given and, stupidly, nowhere can you see the back of the chapel, i.e. from the west. Not even in Mindcraft designs is this side more clearly visible, which proves that the fans have no idea. However, there is Disney concept art and two, almost identical books about Arendelle Castle. The latter is clearly intended for children, but even there you can see the beginnings of a solution to the problem.
I myself was at a loss until yesterday, when I suddenly realised something while downloading screenshots and concept art. And tada!, suddenly everything was completely simple and logical. I could hardly believe it. You're probably asking yourselves now, "So how does that work? I don't believe anything without proof!" No problem. Let's go!
But first I'd like to show you my initial approach - until it turned out to be rubbish and couldn't work at all because of the open construction, no matter how you twist and turn it. Maybe you've already got there yourself.
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Then I looked at the concept art of the chapel from the outside and the floor plan. Suddenly everything was clear to me and it made perfect sense. The only thing that didn't quite fit is the illustration in the book "All Around Arendelle" and the almost identical book "A Frozen World". There, the lower windows of the chapel are not shown, which can be seen in the concept art and round off the picture - also to the original model, St Olaf Church! But hey, it's a children's book and, in my opinion, the only incorrect depiction of the actual situation.
Here is the final proof:
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Some side thoughts:
it makes no sense whatsoever to see a ladder or stairs in the church. It also makes no sense for something like this to be brought in from outside before every service.
a permanently installed staircase, but invisible to churchgoers, makes much more sense. But it must be easily accessible for the choir singers who a) want to rehearse independently of church services and b) do not enter the chapel at the same time as churchgoers. They arrive in their everyday clothes perhaps half an hour early and only need to put on their robes, which are c) always ready for them in a locked room behind the altar.
The entrance is well hidden behind the altar screen, and it is very likely that this door is even wallpapered in the style of the immediate surroundings, so it can withstand a casual glance from a curious person. In the room behind it, there is either a ladder to the gallery or - more likely - a permanently installed, narrow staircase leading to a hatch in the gallery. The singers' robes are always hanging ready for changing and the hatch at the top is there so that none of the singers accidentally tumble down the steps when closed. The stained glass windows around the small room also let in enough light for the singers to get changed in daylight without being seen, to talk face to face before the service and to get into the right mood with the coloured light from this type of window. There is another good reason for having a room separate from the church. The pastor or bishop can prepare there in peace, store things for the sermon and talk to the choristers undisturbed. I'm sure there are other reasons for such a room that I just can't think of right now, but you can certainly think of them yourselves.
This is how it would look like if the tapestry wall wouldn't be there:
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PS: the only thing I haven't been able to solve yet is how to get up into the bell tower. There is a staircase that leads nowhere and no rope to ring the bell. Very strange… But on the real model, St Olaf's Church in Norway, you can see a ladder leading up to the bell tower.
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Credits to: Art of Animation for the concept art images, and to GETTY images, David Nikel (for Forbes), Visitnorway.com for the images of St. Olaf Church in Balestrand, Norway.
Here are a few more pictures of St Olaf's Church in Balestrand, Norway, for those of you who are interested:
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UPDATE 04/2024:
I stumbled upon a screencap from Frozen Fever where you can clearly see the rear left side of the chapel. And there are windows to be seen! I would say: because it's not only a part of the concept art but is seen in the Frozen Fever short too, my theory is confirmed now.
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venriliz · 2 months
📩 Simblr question of the day: Who's your biggest inspiration/s on Simblr? Mention them! Tell us why you like them!
okay this is going to be a veeery long post. i could probably name almost every single simblr i follow, but that would be impossible, so if you noticed me liking/reblogging your posts but not mentioning you - please don't think that you're not inspiring to me, because you are! <3
tbh i love the simblr community to bits and a LOT of people inspire me every day. :] i'll name some under the cut!
@aniraklova - she has such a unique sim style and has been nothing but a gift to the community by organizing events like edgewave last year or by being a badass person in general! love her! <3
@microscotch just one if not the coolest simblr imo :P keeps the love for sims 2 alive and doing some kickass renders in the process. simblr wouldn't be as much fun as it is without my Helenchen! <333
@vdshakh hands down the best simblr when it comes to renders. i can only dream of mine being that good. probably got me into doing some myself in the first place. i would reblog their renders every day...and maybe i should! <333
@puppycheesecake when it comes to cas related posts, i could stare at them all day and never get bored. the variety is insane! :] probably fundamentally inspired me to up my own cas game, so ty! <3
@strangetowntales you can probably tell that everything related to aliens/strangetown, basically that theme as a whole is already a plus in my book and i love their moodboards so fucking much!!
@beetlemp3 just their whole blog/aesthetic gives me tooth aches because it's so cute! when i need to treat my eyes to colorful screenshots/builds etc this is one of the blogs i think of first!
@birdietrait birdie makes some of the prettiest sims i've ever seen and is such a huge inspiration when i feel like i'm about to suffer from same-face-syndrom lmao. their sims just look like real people (if that makes any sense) also snoopy is life! :]
@squea there's just something special about squea's sims. can't even put my finger on it but i just love them (especially corn! he's a treat! <333) i also use her natural cas-lighting all the time and never found another one i like as much! :]
@fl0ptrait one of the coolest ppl i met here on tumblr! just all around so nice and also very talented when it comes to creating sims that leave me hot and bothered! °-°
@stellarfalls every time i see one of bree's posts i just feel incredibly humbled and honored by the talent and the love that must've been put into creating them. you deserve every single like and reblog and then some! ily :3
@cinamun not that long ago i already mentioned cin in a post regarding story simblrs i find inspiring, so i might repeat myself when i say that i'm in awe of the dedication she puts into her story. i can see it despite not actively following it and i love that! probably doesn't even get as much attention she should!
@alientown already love her for the name alone BUT (!) the sims she creates are really unique and have so much personality! just love looking at them and imagining what their stories could be! :]
@nigmos i could look at dee's sims all day and find more and more reasons why i find them to be so beautiful! every post of her on my dash just makes me really happy and gives me a lot of inspiration for my own sims! :]
@lilamausmaus she has probably one of the coolest sim styles (in my humble opinion) her game just looks like a comic and i love it so much! her nervous object stole my heart more than once T.T she's also one of the nicest ppl here for sure! i get so much inspiration from her posts! :]
@lucidicer honestly whenever olli posts an edit, my eyes just pop out of my skull in the best way possible and i'm not mad about that at all it's just fucking art! love him and his posts to bits (even though he didn't want to share his cheese sticks with me once... °-°)
@alelelesimz i always happy-cry in simlish when i see alelele's posts, especially recreations of sims from the franchise. I LOVE the urbz remakes so much, they're the absolute best and looking at them makes me want to replay this game over and over again T.T their blog is definitely a huge source of inspiration for me!
okay that was cheesy af but all of those simblrs are the first ones that came to mind when i read nonny's question, but by FAR not all of them. again, if you ever saw me like/comment/reblog your post, know that you're an inspiration to me too and that ily! <333
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dabihawksluvr · 2 months
Aizawa Is A Bad Teacher
[ NOTE: The questions I screenshot are from another account, I just couldn't find a way to get them all into one post without it being messy. So this is just me answering each one, to give my own perspective. ]
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I think it's because Shinsou is a LOT like him, but yeah it's still very shitty for him to do. He should've been the class 1B teacher instead.
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This is why I never really liked Aizawa, he reminds me of my abusers way too much and I didn't like how strict/careless he truly is.
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I hope that, if he did ever have a kid, it would be the biggest wakeup call of his life. And we do see him treat Eri fairly, but that could be because of her quirk and how she's literally only 4/5 years old. Kinda can't treat a kid the same way he treats his students without being seen as a villain.
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From what I've seen, that was supposed to be the case. But Shouta feels like a lesser version of Batman, at least the latter actually cared about his Robins (depends on the canon but majority of Batmans do). With Aizawa, we do not need that same care unless it's with Shinsou.
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I think it was even canon that Aizawa just hates All Might for being 'too forgiving' on his enemies. But I've also never seen him favor Endeavor either, I think he just hates people in general.
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All Might is a decent teacher, at least he considers everyone's thoughts/feelings and dynamics with one another. Aizawa has not once done that, unless it deals with the troublemakers (Bakugou and Izuku) or that one time when Ochako blamed herself for that one time (though I bet it was just his own trauma and being like 'hey I understand this so let me go fix a mistake I made with myself years ago' kind of thing). The ONLY good point Aizawa has is when he says 'live for the students' to All Might when it was clear the old man had given up on living. But that is ONE point, out of so many others where Aizawa fucked up.
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YES. Aizawa is a liar, if he believes these are all a 'logical ruse' then he is really fucked up in the head. I am glad that he made some (very minimal) progress when it was found out that Oboro was Kurogiri, I think the guy just has a ton of trauma he needs to work through and that was the first step. I do think how he is now is better than before, at least now he seems to actually care about his students and he realizes he fucked up badly. Just wish it was before he got his leg and eye taken away, essentially making his quirk trash.
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Ugh, having Aizawa as a teacher would be the worst. I did get along with teachers that were like All Might and the rest, but Aizawa would be my 13th reason for finally dropping out. Especially if it was young/teen me? Yeah, he'd be on for 2nd degree murder with my suicidal ass.
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THIS. I understand they are training to be heroes, and in this specific circumstance it worked. But ONLY because they were all going to war, which btw Aizawa didn't even stop from happening at all (he did have a heel-face turn during the 1st war which was nice to see as we saw him start to care for his students but it was ONLY thanks to Deku saying losing him would be the worst thing ever). Maybe it's because he held himself to that same standard, so he thinks all future heroes should be the same...but he is damn lucky none of them became a villain, though that was because Deku brought them all together simply by being himself. Aizawa was NOT needed, aside from his quirk he was essentially useless as a person. An maybe he knew that, it wasn't until Deku that he saw some value in living on (which is why he cut off his leg - normally he wouldn't have done that).
tl;dr - Aizawa is a bad teacher. He is too strict with his teachings, makes assumptions that he rarely ever changes, outright LIES to his own students, puts his students in danger all the time, and cares more about a student from 1B (Shinsou) more than teaching his own class. But, we have to keep in mind that the man was traumatized by losing his friend Oboro (and then Midnight...and now possibly Mic) so he probably feels like his life isn't even worth it. And it wasn't him that wanted to be a teacher, it was actually Oboro. So he only took the job to fulfill his (dead) friend's dream, and it makes it clear why Aizawa is such a bad teacher. He didn't even want this, but feels obligated to regardless of what he truly wants. And yes, he did finally realize he cares for his students...but only when he finally lost the ability to use his quirk, meaning he has to rely on others now instead of just himself.
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katmaatui · 8 months
omg hal for this ask game AND the other ask game!!!
You didn't give me a number so I may have done all of the second one? So read more. Tw for suicide attempt mention under the first ask game, favorite moment (its not hal)
First Ask Game
First impression
I actually have a screenshot of me, last january, going I think Hal would be cool but I've never read anything with him in it. Uhhh I did use to think he's scared of the bats which eww.
Impression now
How can I put him down to a single sentence? A single paragraph? He's literally everything to me. He's so complex. He's insecure, he's suicidal as hell. He's flawed, he hates himself and he makes that other people's problem, he takes so much onto himself, he wants to be the shinning knight of the stories, he's inspired by old tales of knights and fair damsels and good and bad and black and white. He thinks himself as right and those who disagree with him as wrong and i just love him.
Favorite moment
It's like telling me to pick a favorite child. You're talking to someone who has a 200 issue long hal rec list, but I want to do a more neglected moment beyond the popular issues like emerald twilight and gl 0.
I would have to say Spectre #23, I love the dynamic between Sinestro and Hal there and the way it harkens back to older comics and how it can make later comics make so much sense???? Hal always reaching out to Sinestro, despite Sinestro not wanting his help. It's such a good way of showing Hal's character of reaching out to those he once trusted even once they betrayed his trust!
Another favorite of mine is action comics #615? I want to say. It's after the Hal gains his ability to feel fear back arc, but only directly. He's barely able to fly he's so unused to feeling fear, but he has to. He has to because there's someone on a ledge about to jump, and he's able to work through his fear just because he wants to help someone else, and that's who Hal Jordan is to me. Someone who deeply, deeply wants to help others, even at the expense of himself.
Idea for a story
Hmmm, I want to do one I haven't talked about here so none of my fifteen million different Parallax wips.
I haven't really thought it out much beyond oooh wouldn't it be fucked up if this the guardians did this, but we know from silver age comics that the guardians can see the future, and we know from all comics that the guardians are controlling bastards, so what if in an attempt to be even more controlling than usual, the guardians kinda um kidnapped younger gls, once whatever that happened to put them on their track had happened.
The original idea focuses mostly on Hal and John years and years afterwards, trying to rebuild the lives taken from them. They don't really remember their names from before, they're trying to find their family, trying to find out who they would be if they weren't green lanterns, if the guardians hadn't taken them, and the scene floating in my mind is Hal, Jack, and Jim reuniting. Hal's been missing since he was 10 years old, and none of them know how to react.
Also I want a fic where Hal and Jess compare their experiences with possession but I don't want to write it myself so I'm stuck there.
Unpopular opinion
oh god so I'm like blocked by like half of Hal blogs for some reason???? I honestly don't really know why, it's like half of them are my mutuals and half have me blocked :(.
okay my biggest one in the circles I'm in is that I feel like the parallax recon could be done well. Geoff was a little coward with it, but if tweaked slightly, relying on the amount of inconsistencies even within issues that Geoff wrote, let alone the amount of different writers tackling it, it could be fixed. (Like both Hal and the space bug say they don't know what stuff Hal did versus the space bug, and Hal says he murdered the green lantern corps before becoming parallax multiple times).
Also I have fun with Hal and pals. It's not the best comic (especially at the beginning with Soranik) but the last 20 or so issues are enjoyable and I've read everything 30 on multiple times.
Favorite relationship
See the favorite child comment above. Okay, so my top three romantic relationships are Hal and Carol, Hal and Sinestro, and Hal and Ollie. I discussed Halcarol in the carol post so I'll focus on the other two. Hal and Sinestro...Hal and Sinestro like actually make me fucking insane. Its the homoeroticism of killing someone while calling them your best friend, your best enemy. It's about being so similar that you hate and love someone at the same time, its about wanting them by your side, no matter the cost, but it can never truly work, they'll never truly be on the same side again. But, but, but, the tragedy of all this is that they'll always be friends, that they're the same underneath the skin (cries).
Hal and Ollie are opposites who want the same thing, in comparison to hal and sinestro who are very similar but want different things. Halollie to me is about nostalgia and rose tinted glasses and a past you can't go back to, a truck you pulled out of the river but its never the same, they're not the same. Plus they also have the whole murdering each other and resurrection thing going on and I have well demonstrated my love for a good murdering each other story.
Platonically? oh god. I love Hal and Kilowog and then i love Hal and John. Hal and Kilowog are so...like they also have the murdering thing going on. Like issue 40 of gl 2011???? Its complete insanity. The devotion the two of them have towards the green lantern corps??? also the scene in gls where Hal goes I would have done the same for Kilowog to Simon who had let jess go free??? I love the little mentions like that.
Hal and John are so interesting because Hal is an absolute shit friend and sector partner to John and John says that explicitly in story and still forgives Hal anyways, still says he loves him, still says they're best friends. Like my brain is mostly spitting out !!!!!!! for them but its a very excited !!!!!.
Favorite headcanon
Undiagnosed adhd Hal for the win! Like he suffers for it too, his relationship with his dad shows a lot of his dad doesn't understand him and doesn't want to. He can't focus, he can't stay still, he can't keep his feet on the ground and his head out of the clouds. It's just very much something I project on him based on canon evidence.
Second ask game. You didn't send me a number so I did all of them.
a fun headcanon
Okay I actually did this last because I have a lot of sad headcanons? But um, I really like the idea of Hal and John having a lot of inside jokes. They will reference random things during jl meetings and sometimes they're true sometimes they're not. The justice league sure doesn't know.
a sad headcanon
His father's jacket was destroyed in Coast City along with all of his stuff. The one he has now is one made out of his memories, which is why its different than before post emerald twilight.
Also I have a headcanon where he gets invited to do a speech at the 10 year anniversary of Coast City's destruction. He cries during it.
a headcanon that canon doesn't disprove
He's using his ring to cover up his gray streaks. They never really went away, Parallax wouldn't let him go that freely, but he covers them up because he's too scared to see everyone else's reaction.
a headcanon to spite canon, specifically
I don't do a lot of headcanons to spite canon? Like I genuinely think that canon is fun and something we should work with. The closest I got is my joke that current gl hal is the ring suppressing his emotions again because that ain't my hal.
a headcanon that's all but canon, and that's a hill I will die on
See the undiagnosed adhd headcanon above. Also the fact that he has some sort of genderfuckery going on, I saw your she/he pronouns spectre hal, I know what you are <3.
a headcanon about their family
I have so many. oh god one of the biggest I would say would be that Jack and Hal were specifically pitted against each other. We see this sometimes, with in a few flashbacks Martin saying why aren't you more like Jack, but I would like to see more of it. Hal hates Jack because he was the perfect one and then he went to college and Hal and Jim were left behind in the suffocating house.
In my head, Jim was very young when Martin died and does not remember him, and Jack was almost in college already and he left, leaving Hal to really baby Jim. He saw Jim as his responsibility, his little brother to protect, which is why he still calls him his kid brother, even when Jim has two kids of his own.
Also Jim really looks up to Hal which is basically canon. I mean he counts down the hours in between Hal leaving and returning and his security password is Hal's birthday.
a pre-canon headcanon
He and Jim used to go to baseball games together, sneaking into the coast city angels baseball field. He always thinks of Jim when making his baseball construct.
a post-canon headcanon
hmmmm. My biggest one is that due to the amount of ridiculous bullshit that he dies and comes back from, he's functionally immortal. He physically can't die. He's stuck here forever, even after all those he loves are dead. He becomes a legend, the man without fear, the man he never wanted to be. He wanders out in space, only coming back when he's needed, which these days are few and far in between. Eventually the legends morph to him never having existed, a story made up and embellished over all the years. He just wants to sleep.
a missing scene that definitely happened
Okay so something had to happen in between Spectre and gl rebirth that made hal go from going I don't deserve to be human to I have to have my life back and geoff does not show it. I usually have something happen with Helen that makes Hal have to erase both of their memories, which is why she isn't there in gl rebirth, and pushes Parallax, the entity into being.
I recognize canon has made a decision, but given that it's a stupid-ass decision, I've elected to ignore it (+ what should have happened)
The fucking Hal is younger than Roy post resurrection thing. Literal hatred in my heart, that man is in his 50s and everytime dc makes him younger he gains a year.
something [other character] believes about them that isn't true
This is basically canon but specifically Guy and Ollie most believe that he wasn't in control during Parallax. Hal himself "tries to forget" who was in control and that interests me so much.
something they believe about [other character] that isn't true
He genuinely believes that the other founding jlers, especially Superman doesn't think much of him. He projects his own insecurities onto them, while they do think he's capable, they don't think he's going to go evil again.
their happiest memory
This is basically canon, but to me the memory he's most nostalgic for is being on the road with Ollie, just the two of them. That's what he thinks of when he thinks of home, and it'll never return again.
their worst memory
People like to say its his father's death, but he barely remembers that these days. It's not even coming back from space and learning what happened to Coast. No, it's his older brother looking at him and snarling that what happened was his fault, that he murdered their mother by the crime of existing.
a secret
oh uh. Well, I do really love some variation that Parallax happened later then people think and that Hal had some hand in parallax being unleashed, so something about that.
favorite canon relationship
Answered above.
favorite fanon relationship
He doesn't really have any fanon relationships? Like besides bruce but I can't stand fanon's version of that. Ummmm, fanon makes his and barry's relationship a little less boring but that's not hard to do because a sock is more interesting than them.
Oh wait! Okay my fanon version of Hal and Arisia (not romantic). I basically jumble up all the different versions and recons and plus put in some of my own extraplations to make a good friendship there. Arisia looks up to Hal and holds him to high standards but she doesn't hero worship. She's still holding a grudge for the beating up Kilowog plot.
favorite should have been canon relationship
Seeing this as romantic so sinhal. I mean if one of them was female they would have been mainline canon years ago. Morrison is the only dc writer who gets me (made sinhal canon in an alternative universe and I'm eternally grateful for that). They're such good parallels and if they got together??? Insanity
[blank] / dealer's choice
When in space and lonely, Hal will make a construct of those he loves and just talk to them, and then cry.
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synthetic-venus · 1 year
Another rant about Sakura and the popularity poll
I have to admit that I was the first surprised to see Sakura coming third in the last popularity vote result. I was expecting her to be at least top 15, and would have been more than happy to see her top 10, so yeah, seeing her in third place was a bit of a shock.
Since the beginning of this popularity poll, I have tried to stay as far away as possible from all the scandals related to the cheating going on in the fandom right now. Firstly, because, let's be honest, most (if not every) fandom has been using bots or cheating techniques to vote several times a day for their favorite character. And secondly, because it is written black on white on the poll's website that all fraudulent votes will not be taken into account, so clearly, whether there is cheating or not, we shouldn't even care that some dumbasses aren't following the rules.
Nevertheless, I still keep coming across many posts insulting accusing the same fandom of ruining the experience of this poll because of their cheating and I have to admit that it's starting to slightly irritate me.
The anime community has always been hypocritical when it comes to the treatment of certain characters and their community. We're not going to change them now, but I'm getting tired of the harassment and hatred that a lot of Sakura stans are getting on a daily basis because they don't share the same taste on a fictional character as others.
Of course, the Sakura community is far from being innocent. But I think it wouldn't hurt for some people to put a little water in their wine when it comes to calling an entire community a "cancer on society" or "mentally retarded" because you've seen screenshots of a couple of randoms claiming to have voted 30,000 times a day for Sakura. (And not to be that person, but anyone who believes that you can vote that amount of time in one day is probably not the sharpest knife in the drawer...)
But let's be honest for a sec. What bothers most of these people isn't the cheating going on in the fandom, otherwise they would be denouncing all the fandoms doing this and not just this particular one. No, what really bothers them is that they have convinced themselves for so many years that Sakura was such an unlikable character, that they can't handle the fact that actually, she is, and has always been highly appreciated by the community. When I see some people saying that Sakura wouldn't even be top 20 without the cheating when in all the official popularity polls there have been she has always been in the top 14, It makes me laugh a little. It really shows how the internet has totally blinded a part of the community to believe that Sakura was hated by everyone.
Has the character of Sakura been undergoing a huge wave of hatred for decades? Yes.
Is the Sakura fandom one of the biggest and most invested in the Naruto community? Also, yes.
And I think a lot of people tend to forget that. Especially the ones who aren't Naruto fans but still jump on the anti-Sakura wagon train whenever they can because hating Sakura has kind of been one of the anime community favorite's private joke for years. But yeah, all this to say that it's not that surprising to see Sakura ranking that high in this poll, especially with all the content we've been having from her for the past few months.
With the manga and anime adaptation of Sasuke Retsuden, a lot of people seem to be rediscovering her character in a more positive light. Her merch is always sold out and anytime there is a little official content of her, the fans go wild. Let's not forget all the fan projects that are organized for her. If there is one thing that cannot be taken away from her fans, it's their investment in the fandom.
They showed it very well during this popularity vote by collaborating with artists and other fandoms to motivate people to vote. Moreover, they are the few who didn't fall into the trap of "the winner of the poll will gets their own manga" thing.
While a part of the fandom has been voting for undeveloped characters and therefore not necessarily the favorites of the majority, another part has decided to vote for one character in order to counter the votes of the Sakura stans, and as a result, are not even voting for their favorite character.
So yes, the results of this poll will not be representative of the opinion of the fandom. But it won't be the fault of Sakura's fandom as some people like to say. It will be because some people have either misunderstood the instructions of this poll (which clearly says to vote for your favorite character) and/or are so blinded by their hatred for a 2D character that they would rather see a character that they don't necessarily appreciate win the poll instead of her.
Honestly I don't care if Sakura comes first, third or ninth. But this poll has shown once again how rotten the community is and how they won't take any responsibility for their mistakes and blame everything on the Sakura stans. As usual.
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freakattack · 6 months
How's it like for people to be generally accepting and adoring of your headcanons? I've been putting my stuff out there, but it isn't as beloved as yours or Jan Misali. Kinda intimidating to be honest, but I can see the appeal in your works. I look forward to seeing them and hope my works will be liked too.
Truthfully, I had no idea that so many people 1) accepted and adored my head-canons and 2) put me on the same level as jan misali of all people. I don't think i'm nearly as well-known as them (only one of us has a youtube channel with over 300k subscribers and it ain't me) but it's certainly an honor to hear that LOL.
When I started pumping out comics, i had no idea i would get this kind of a response; in fact, I had already made peace with the idea that i wouldn't get more than 5 notes before I even started posting!  So getting so much positive feedback was a huge surprise. I basically treat my online existence as a room to dance by myself in, and it just so happened that a bunch of people came around to watch.  I don't say this to gloat, but to say that I think the best way to have fun on the internet is to do what you love, and no matter how many people show up to join in you'll be happy.  Especially since the notes don't tell you how many people actually saw and enjoyed your stuff; even if you get a lot of likes and not a lot of reblogs, each like is one human behind the screen who really liked your art.  Some people might really like your art and not interact with it at all; you never know how many lives you touch just based on the numbers, so I don't focus on them too much.
If you're asking for writing advice, I think the 1 biggest thing that I try to do in my art is to be authentic. I notice that a lot of fan art tends to use "meme templates", so to speak; twitter screenshots, comic redraws, stuff like that. And that's fine and all, but that's not what I like to do. I love delving into the nitty-gritty of detailed characterizations: how would they react in this situation? How would they feel about this other character? What kind of problems would they encounter and how would they solve them? Stuff like that. Warioware in particular is like a field day for me because the characters are rich enough to have a lot to draw off of, but the slice-of-life format gives a lot of unexplored territory that I can color in.
As someone who grew up in the 2000s (where I set my comics - I broke this rule once to draw a nintendo switch but I try to stick to a pre-2014 setting), I draw a lot from my own experiences. People I've known, things I've done, interactions I've had with family and friends; nothing shot-for-shot, but ideas that can guide me when I think of the setting these particular characters live in and the situations they might find themselves in.  I love drawing from my own life because unlike the internet memes or movie screenshots that everyone's seen, that's stuff that only I can draw from.  At the same time, I think that approach also helps me connect with other people; I'm certainly not the only one who's gone on a wild family trip, or had a younger relative, or done goofy things at a friend's house. When I draw these silly scenarios, I hope that people can look at them and think, "haha! This looks familiar!" not in the sense that they've seen it before on a screen, but that they've lived it themselves.
This is a whole lot of words and I hope it doesn't sound as pretentious as I think it does. Basically, the first rule of art is have fun and be yourself. I hope that you can find some value in this spiel!
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gillianthecat · 2 years
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My Only 12% - episode 13
This got very very sad, so I will start off with the joyful (and pixelated) screenshot of Cake gazing up at See-eiw with the biggest heart eyes ever. He has so much love in his face whenever he looks at Eiw.
So. The happy first half. Their first morning after. I loved how it felt different and special and yet still like every other morning they woke up cuddled together in the same bed. The whole thing with Cake's jealousy is cute and fun instead of creepy and annoying. I think it's because everyone teases him about it and isn't taking him seriously. And he's not really taking himself seriously. In fact, I'm guessing he's not even really that jealous, he's just using it as an excuse to bring up "I'm See-iew's boyfriend! See-eiw is my boyfriend!" as often as he can. Because he's really excited about that. He's using it as a way to show Eiw and himself that their relationship has changed, that he's allowed to claim him now.
And then the sad part. It felt very real and uncomfortable and brought up all sorts of feelings about mortality and family. I thought it was well done. Honestly, I could say more but I don't really want to think about it. The scene with the two moms made me cry. Is making me cry just writing that sentence.
I loved seeing Cake caring for See-eiw so tenderly, with such an understanding of what See-eiw needed from him. The way he got the water ready as soon as Eiw's mom said she was wanted it, and then handed it to him right away, because he knew that Eiw would want to to help her himself. Cake was there for Eiw and nothing else mattered. And I was worried at first that Eiw wouldn't let him help, that he would blame himself for spending too much time with Cake and not seeing his mom get sick, but so far no. Instead he has turned to Cake as his first refuge, finding home in his arms. That was so beautiful how his mom put it, how she gave her implicit blessing.
Peak on the other hand. Peak was not selfless in his love. I'm still mad at him. Mostly I'm trying to pretend that part didn't happen, but it looks like his attempts at courting return next week. Grrr. (I do realize that Hom could appreciate his attention, could want him and consider it a welcome distraction. But I don't care; I'm still mad.)
I don't really have a prediction of how next the final episode will go. Will Cake and Eiw continue to face the world's troubles as one, or will there be bumps between them. I'm sad we only get one more hour with them, I've loved them so much. But I'm excited for their happy ending after all this heartache.
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Cake being there for Eiw, Eiw finding refuge in his arms.
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omaano · 2 years
I guess you've already got a dozen of these BUT
💕 self-love time! talk about which ones of YOUR creations (edits, artworks, fanfics) you like the most then send to other creators to do the same 💕
That is a rather flattering assumption, my dear, but I believe I've proven to have a horrible track record in answering asks, and where is the fun in sending such nice asks to someone who will just hoard them and then feel too ashamed to answer months late? ^^; Anyway, thank you very much for this askl! ❤️ And while it is a bit mean to make me pick favourite(s) from my children, I'm only gonna pick one here (not even my biggest recent fave), because I want to talk about it and show off some details.
I thought about picking my recent cowboys DTIYS redraw, because that would illustrate pretty well the direction where my art inevitably seems to be going (and the one time where Cobb's face didn't fight me like it was his job - and returned to the old normal of Din giving me grief lol) BUT, then I remembered that I filled my (so far) last Desert Witch!Cobb AU drawing with quite a few details, and I want to show them off and talk about them a little. So here we go:
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I wanted to showcase the colour palette I predominantly used in all my pieces for the Monster Mash drawings - I'll admit that I'm not very confident in my colours, so Procreate's feature of generating colour palettes for me from already existing photos is an absolute godsend, otherwise I'd be stuck with my purples and pink-oranges for eternity. I had to add the blue for a bit of contrast though, but by the third drawing I really enjoyed the warmth of these bright oranges and reddish browns. They added to a nice and cozy feeling while I was freezing and huddling close to my little electric heater.
Plus this is a good shot to point out all the shinies dangling from Cobb (he's now got a mythosaur pendant with dangling beads for the teeth(?)), and the tattoo on his arm I had an awful lot of fun with! Something's clicked in my brain and now it's permanently stuck on pairing Cobb with suns and moons imagery (mostly the moons, because A) Din is the one who is shiny and blinding and hurtful to look at when he's fully decked out in his armour, and B) I find the dichotomy of the deadly sharp points and curve of a crescent moon vs the gentle face of a full moon very fitting for our Marshal here). So he's got two crescent moons on the underside of his forearm and elbow, and a third one on the right side of his neck. And there is also a sun on the curve of his shoulder, behind the sharp-toothed skull (because I gave in and finally put a sun on him after you all somehow kept seeing it on him - although it still eludes me how you managed that ^^;). He had another one on his right shoulder as well, but well. Glass doesn't take all that well to tattooing, does it? He's also got a lot of swooping cloud and smoke shapes to match his eternally billowing robes and the sand-storms that hide in his pockets.
And now to the fun part of the chaos that the background was:
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I really wanted to put an absolute mess of a workbench behind Cobb, and I tried my best to deliver it - then forgot to take into consideration how much of it he'd block out with his shoulders XD and so I filled it with books, datapads and candles, little notes and jars and vials and a real fancy scale that I tried to model after the krayt dragon. And then once I realized how many of those details got covered up, in my infinite wisdom I erased everything instead of just masking them out so that I wouldn't even be tempted to somehow work them back into the picture... so I had to take these snapshots from my process video (hence the poor screenshot quality, sorry ^^;) but this way you can also see how I used those box shapes to try and keep even the otherwise circular/organic shapes of the flowers and pots (and cauldrons omg, were those a struggle!) in perspective. I think that was a neat little trick.
It was really challenging, and I cursed myself a lot for the angle I picked for this picture, but in the end it was very rewarding to see that while I never thought I'd ever be able to pull off a detailed background, I still managed to do this here!
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khaleesiofalicante · 2 years
Hola Dani 👋🏼 how are you??
Are you about to go...
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On us again?
A Fucking Breakup
“Magnus,” Alec swallows, his voice raw and hoarse. “I can explain.”
That always sounds bad, not matter how inocent you are those words would make you sound guilty, which my twin is!!
“Well,” Magnus says and removes Alec’s hands from his face. “Now you do.”
That was rough!!! I'm sorry for my twin I know he fucked up bad and that saying sorry sometimes isn't enough but I hate to see him in pain...
On the other hand,  good for you Magnus, you don't need that lying hoe in your life...!!
What?? I can simp from two fronts 😎
Twitter is starting to feel like the real villain of the story 😒
It had always been his vice with Magnus.
His need to know everything.
Very unhealthy of you!!
He is pretty sure he is no longer entitled to know the things he wants to know.
Ok but...  being married to a person doesn't mean you're entitled to their entire history also I'm pretty sure Magnus would tell you anything if you ask nicely!!
Alec had half expected Raphael to share an angry tweet about how he would rather impale himself on Cleopatra’s Needle than date Magnus - because he had in fact actually said those words out loud once.
Can't relate but what a fantastic quote 🤣🤣
And of course, there was a new hashtag.
OMG 🤣 was this Maxwell??
It did not help that Max had shared an insta story with a screenshot of the list and said ‘as if he could pull adam lambert lmao”
I knew my chaotic child wouldn't stay away from that 🤣🤣🤣
“You don’t get to break my heart and tell me how to fix it.”
This quote 🤯
Fuck everyone who is in it.
I wanna know who made the list 🙃
He likes gifs.
He loves them.
AQKDLQLQL...!!! THIS RIGHT HERE!! My fellow homies homos and hoes I'm claiming this 2 lines for myself, consider yourselves notified 😌
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Max and Magnus have made up a couple of weeks ago – to Alec’s fucking relief.
Because if there is even a 0.001% that he will get back together with Magnus, he will hold onto it.
As will I...!!!
Because there is a tiny voice inside his that tells him that Magnus doesn’t want him anymore.
That voice is gaslighting you so bad it probably sounds like Camille 😨
He is just gonna have to spill his champagne on his coat “accidentally” and remove his coat so he can reveal what is underneath.
🤣🤣 I can only think of Shinyun
“What? It’s just fever,” Max groans. “It’ll go away.”
Is he faking it just to avoid David??
“I was going to go to Philly before going to the party,” Alec replies.
It's happening!!!
Alec grabs them and throws it right back at her. “Bring out the Maserati.”
Hoe behavior at it's finest!!
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Alec shrugs off his coat and Ben literally screams and starts hooting.
The ONLY valid reaction to my twin's hotness 🤣🤣
Ben, um, is a bit of an alcoholic.
Ok, so we let Rafe mi bebé precioso hang out with this man, knowing this without asking any questions??? I know Rafe is an adult ok but he is also a child 😭
“Nice! You came to the right place,” Ben grins and jumps off the couch and then holds out his hand.
Ok sooo... Ben is a mess but he is a funny mess 🤣
“Ah. Okay. I thought his scary girlfriend told him not to talk to me,” Ben chuckles. “She does not approve of me.”
Biggest red flag ever!!! Anjali is a Godess and knows best!!!
Alec finds that ridiculous. Who wouldn’t want a Magnus?
Right? Sorry Ben can't relate
Alec slams his fist into the motherfucker’s face. The man groans in pain and clutches his nose.
Alec lunges forward and punches the dark-haired asshole and grabs him by his collar. “First of all, he killed his dad. Do your research. Second of all, my husband is not the crazy one, I am.”
I can hear Lily and Maia groaning from here 😓
David 🥰😍👋🏼😍🥰
This is so not the reaction Alec was going for.
You would have gotten the reaction you wanted if you hadn’t gone to see Benjamin!!!!!
Alec takes Magnus’ hand and puts it on his chest. “Here.”
Oh Alec 😭
I'm not ready for this part
“You love him.”
Max opens his eyes.
Of course he does!! 🥰🥰
Dad lets out a sigh. “I want you to tell me everything. All of it. From the top. Do you hear me?”
Yes, please talk 🙌🏼🙌🏼
Note to self: Maybe ask David if he wants to withstand this shit?
He does!!! Go get your man!! Maybe hug your dad first because he is on sadness level 100
Note to self: Literally, no one is perfect...Except for David. 
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Note to self: LISTEN TO THE GAY YODA. 
Please change his contact name to Gay Yoda 🤣🤣
He almost looks like he is going to cry again.
No please if you start crying then I'll start crying
Note to self: Try reading one of David's favorite books. 
I suggest you start with RWRB
“Oh my god,” the woman covers her mouth with a hand. “Have you two been-”
I honestly thought Alec would be the last one to find out!!
“No!” Lexi squeaks. “I’m literally shooketh right now.”
🤣🤣🤣 my precious twin... all my siblings are crazy!!
Nooooo why are they fighting???
Max feels the tears on his face. But he doesn’t make any effort to wipe them away.
Note to self: He is leaving. He is leaving. He is leaving. He is leaving. He is leaving. He is leaving. He is leaving. He is leaving. He is leaving. He is leaving. He is leaving. He is leaving. He is leaving. He is leaving. He is leaving. He is leaving.
Note to Dani: No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No.
“I heard you were leaving to Cambridge,” Max manages a smile and stands up, passing the things back to David. “I came to say goodbye.”
What the fuck Maxwell????
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Cry one last time for me, sweetheart.
Noooooo noooooo... IS MAVID!! 😭😭😭😭😭 Daniiii...!!!
Max swallows the tears inside his throat. “You…You gave Rafael your earrings. You left a letter to dad. But you didn’t give me anything.”
Oh Max 😭😭😭
Note to self: See? You’re good for something!
“Okay,” Max manages to say. “Now I’m feeling better about not getting any diamonds from you.”
Bapak lets out a shaky laugh. He kisses Max on the head.
Ok this is weird but it is the first time ever I've understood what a shaky laugh is because I just did it 🤣
I would never miss a David performance for a makeout session. Rip to malec but I am different!
Right?? Who the fuck does that??
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I'm crying in Mavid right now 😭
Thank you Dani 💚💚💚💚
Also i loved the GoT references so much.
Thank you for making me laugh as always <3
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thehandthatfollows · 2 years
Ok so mercy LOVES talking to people right? Pretty women? absolutely. Dom's? yes but mercy doesn't obey them she has a Master already. mercy likes to talk though. Other subs, denial sluts, ect? let's talk. Pathetic losers of men in chastity who need to be demeaned? mercy's down.
But mercys here to talk shit about a dude.
He hits mercy up and well the chats gone because mercy didn't want to hurt his feelings next time she will do this better and write the post, then block, then post the post, but she does have some screenshots she sent her partners. He starts with something like your super hot and mercy was like thank you. And then he was confused... that mercy said thank you... but he got over that and he was like well how can I flirt with you, and now mercy has a screenshot.
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Like he wasn't even following mercy, so mercy was like that's not very flattering. So he follows mercy and asks how far he can take it, so mercy stated she wasn't interested in seeing a dick.
He said never! only when mercy asks, and mercy was like well that's refreshing and typed her response, hit send, and then saw this other text "I prefer to feed you my cock verbally rather then visually" 🤮
mercy of course thought that was a gross comment but didn't think that there would be a way someone could "feed his cock visually." FUN FACT: mercy understands what he meant now.
He asked about kinks and stuff mercy listed some main turn ons and turn offs and he said his biggest kink was celebrities. Just... celebrities. Oh yeah and incest.
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He was also very into roll play. mercy informed him mercy has never done roll play.
mercy has never played DnD or other rollplay-y games, mercy has never roll played. She was willing to try but she wouldn't be great at it.
He's like that's alright it's easy. YALL. THIS was his first roll play intro.
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That's right. If you where here would you suck my cock. mercy didn't know what to do with that. She was thrown into a whirlwind of why the fuck would mercy be there, and where is Master, and where is there, and what's going on. She knew he wanted a yes response. she knew he wanted her to describe herself sucking him off, but she just couldn't do it. There were too many questions. There was too much uncertainty. It was too random. Too out of the blue. She couldn't just give him what he wanted because mercy couldn't figure out how to start.
So mercy was honest. She told him you know, mercy doesn't have any experience, maybe we should start a different way.
He was like ok ok your right and he starts again.
"If we where alone right now and not doing anything, would you get down on your knees, pull my cock out of my pants, and start sucking it?"
Again the whirlwind of questions hit mercy. Again she was too baffled to respond. If your good at roll play can you just??? jump into this???? with all these questions and confusion and like mercy's just supposed to describe to him sucking him off right? but he can look up a description online because there's no story here.
Master described roll playing as interactive, collaborative storytelling. He said this guy was starting wrong and gave a whole lot of example promps.
So mercy tried one of his, being at a bar, and put her own spin on it, saying we where dancing, and he was hard, and mercy could feel it, and it was turning her on and so she turned around in his arms and started feeling his hard dick through his pants with her hand as we danced and mercy truely started having fun. mercy was like maybe there is something to this whole roll play thing.
But then he wasn't responding to any of these things, as mercy sent her string of texts telling her story.
mercy doesn't remember what he said but it was just to quickly derail mercy's plot to leave the dance floor and get his cock out.
SO YEAH. HE LIKES TO FEED YOU HIS COCK VERBALLY. And aggressively. Pretty much to the exclusion of anything else.
mercy learned a few things. She MIGHT enjoy roll playing, if she had a decent co-author who wasn't focused on getting fictional oral ASAP. Feeding someone cock verbally is possible. This dude sucks at roll play, 0% non roll players surveyed recommend him as a coauthor. Just ✨Celebrities✨ is an actual factual kink. If you block someone, the chat disappears.
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todd-queen · 5 months
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whaaaaaaaaat i have no idea what you're talking aboutttttt 🫣
haha really tho yeah it's me! I'm just shy :))
i really enjoyed all your answers tho! and thank you so much for asking me!!!
the pound of flesh trap is by far my favorite, i think i spend about 90% of my day thinking about it 😅 i love it so much because of Tanedra Howard, the woman who chops off her arm. she was the winner of 2008 Scream Queens, and, especially after watching the show, i just love her performance so much! (and the first shot of saw vi with the cockroach on her hand makes me INSANE knowing she had to put cockroaches on herself in the show to win the role)
my other very favorite is the water cube trap! the fact that scott patterson actually submerged himself under water! on countless takes! and still managed to not only act!! but still convey all the emotions underwater! AND PERFORM THE TRACHEOTOMY STUNT!!!! every time i watch it i'm in awe
i also love the pendulum trap, i don't really have a good reason for it except that i just do really love it. the behind the scenes of all the practical/sfx is also really cool!
the classroom trap with the married couple in saw iv is also one of my favorites. i've never been sure if the traps in iv were fully designed by john or hoffman, but i feel like it's one of the best examples of john's philosophy. and i love that she killed her husband and got to live!! (this reminds me too of pints of sacrifice (v), i guess i love the traps where characters live but are not fundamentally/physically unchanged!!! :D edited to add: diego's pipe bomb trap in saw x is also one of my favorites like this!)
now as for surviving a trap.... that's a pretty hard question, and i know i asked it first lol
i don't think i could survive anything from iii or vi, since you have to rely on another person's choices to determine your fate. although i'd like to say i could survive pound of flesh, but i think if it really came down to it i wouldn't be able to convince myself in time. especially if i had never heard of a jigsaw trap before, i'd think it was a sick joke!
real talk tho, i think i'd be able to survive either the razor wire trap or the furnace from saw ii. i think in both cases the victim rushed into them- Paul had 3 hours, and i think with that time i could definitely find a way out with superficial cuts, maybe even crawl so it's just digging into my hands and knees; Obi started to freak out as soon as the furnace turned on, he never even noticed the drawing on the wall. my biggest concern with the furnace would be getting out of the tight space as soon as possible! but who's to say the other people wouldn't gang up on me when i get out 🤷🏻
thank you again for asking! even though i asked you i hadn't thought about my own answers till now so this was a lot of fun :)) thank you for indulging my rambling
(also tumblr wouldn't let me edit my draft so i had to screenshot your ask!)
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luimagines · 3 years
To add a little bit about the escape attempt!
In yandere-linked-universe headcanon (or was it you? Sorry, I don't remember well) said that Time will teach the reader how to play the ocarina, but he would never let you use the Ocarina of time, even though you need a specific tune to make it work.
This would work better if the reader is someone isekai'ed from our world and has knowledge about OoT and MM, but imagine that after so much begging, batting your eyelashes to Time and promising you'll behave, he relented and agreed on showing you the ocarina...under the condition that he has to hold it and you can't touch it.
Have in mind, the reader was smart enough in not telling The Chain(TM) about their knowledge!
After Time agreed, he went to retrieve the ocarina, but the reader said that he can do it tomorrow when they reach a more stable place to rest, as long as he keep his promise. Reader won't waste the opportunity and starts scheming a good plan to distract Time so they can grab the Ocarina of Time, and use it to go back three days in the past, before the Chain reached the place were reader is In, and since it is somewhat secure, reader won't have to worry a lot about nearby monsters.
The next day arrives, and while the group is walking, the reader leaves a trail of food or something enticing for monsters as hidden as possible, so they won't raise suspicion in the guys.
Reader's idea is to get some monsters to follow them, so when they set camp and Time seats with them to show the ocarina, the monsters will attack as they sense the group has lowered their guard. Since the reader is the closest to Time, he would immediately jump and shove the reader behind him, his attention solely focused on the small, but still unknown if they are infected, batch of enemies.
Time's would be very focused, and that's the only thing the reader needs. Reader darts their hand inside Time's pouch, pulling very easily the Ocarina as he just putted it back in and run as fast as they can, the ocarina already between their lips and fingers properly placed.
The face that Time will make when the first two notes of the reverse song of Time reach his ears, snapping his head towards the reader as they make eye contact... Ooh boy. Reader better be successful, or else not only a severe encounter they will have to face if The Chain manages to get them, but also a very terrifying interrogation with an angered Time will be in order.
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All great contributions but I honestly have no idea who to move on from here.
Edit: Regarding the ocarina headcanon, that was not me. It was @yandere-linked-universe !
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dangan-meme-palace · 2 years
Anything you’d like to share on the theory that Kokichi doesn’t have a talent
It's a braindead take unless you can show me a screenshot from the new game that somehow proves it.
He's absolutely the Ultimate Leader and there are several moments that prove it:
When he scolded Kaede for her bad leadership in the despair road so that everyone wouldn't lose morale.
When he lulled most of the group into a sense of calm by falsely claiming that Monokuma was perma-dead.
When he tried to prevent CH2's murder by forcing the cast to have a viewing party, partnering with Gonta to do so.
When he hinted at Kiibo multiple times to use his robot abilities to get them out, accurately assessing Kiibo's ability to get them free if CH6 is anything to go by.
When he called out Shuichi for lying and covering for Maki because it could've gotten everyone killed.
When he made himself into an antagonistic figure because he was accurately able to read Monokuma's intent to destroy their hope and chose to be the lesser evil for the group, even though it cast suspicion on him and put a target on his back, instead of letting the cast face the full brunt of TDR's attempts to break their spirits.
When he blew Maki's cover and kept reminding the cast to be wary, despite having the option to stay silent and not cause a very angry and deadly assassin to hold a grudge against him, because he knew she had the most potential out of the cast to get everyone killed by winning the game.
Literally all of CH4, but especially during the investigation and the trial. Read my analysis post about his plan, it's such a good moment but it'll take too long to elaborate in a way that can do it justice.
When he was literally the only one resolute enough to not fall in line with Kaito's shitty leadership by the end of the game, standing his ground even though it pit everyone against him.
When he- amidst his despair and suicidal thoughts, right after his only friends died and his would-be final plan failed- found a way to keep the mastermind and Kaito in check in order to turn the school into a safe haven from the apocalypse.
When he managed to blackmail Kaito, his biggest detractor, into working with him with nothing but his quick wit and charisma while suffering from painful poison and crossbow bolt wounds.
When he saved the girl who literally attempted (and kinda succeeded) to torture him to death despite having the option to take her out with him, instead choosing to sacrifice himself slowly and painfully to try and help a cast of people who vilified him and didn't even care that he had died.
Whatever the fuck else I can't think of off the top of my head.
Kokichi proves throughout the entire game that he cares about the cast, even more than himself, despite their hatred and violence towards him– showing them a compassion that they never afford him even when he's at his breaking point and it's painfully obvious that he's struggling on his own.
Not just that, but he can also accurately predict the casts's actions and emotions, assess their abilities, read their intentions, plan thorough countermeasures, and use multiple methods to lead them to the truth (or the conclusion he wants them to reach) even when they are turned against him.
Explain to me how an ability that is this good and thoroughly laid out by the writers could be anything but his ultimate talent. Ya can't, because it can't be anything but that.
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karasunology · 4 years
✎ . . . all those dad headcanons are making me so SOFT 🥺✨🥺 do you think you could make some for kuroo, akaashi and atsumu as dads if u haven’t done them already??
❝ ― submitted by @ nonnie <3 ❞
✎ . . . i'm happy that your requests are open ! and for dad headcanons?? i am right here to serve my braincells for you ma'am. what about dad! sugawara & kenma? thank you in advance 🤓😘
❝ ― submitted by @ nonnie <3 ❞
-ˏˋ ➶ character(s) ━ kuroo tetsurou & kozume kenma <3
[ trigger warnings ━ slight manga spoilers !! ]
-ˏˋ playing soleil's tape ˊˎ-
[ 📼 ] . . . someone send me cute dad suggestions because i am running🏃out of ideas💡 i'm also finaly done with dad! akaashi hcs in my notes, so feel free to request ( even non-dad related ones ) because i lowkey have no life👉👈🗿
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➜ it would come as a shock to him honestly ─ you guys used protection and he was atleast careful despite having lazy smex half of the time
➜ but what shocks YOU the most was that he didn't want to get rid of the baby ─ he just couldn't, it was a child he co-reated with the love of his life, how could he ?
➜ you were quick to come with an agreement with him, his soft smile tugging on his lips to form, the smile 80% of the time would come out only for you ( shoyou & kuroo )
➜ he was also lowkey excited, he texted shoyou and kuroo about it as they both congratulated him and were already trying to do dibs on who'll be god father
➜ and you've noticed that he was bit more affectionate with you when you were in your pregnancy, his head on your lap as you play with his hair ─ which he usually doesn't like people doing?? and would every now and then kiss your tummy while playing his games
➜ i want to h*ld his hand
➜ and k*th him
➜ he's like a mother cat on pregnancy, but with you ─ never lets you do work, saying that he already has it under all on control, very protective of you and literally hisses at other people coming near you LMAO WTF MAN
➜ tries to be as knowledgable for your pregnancy as much as possible ─ just like the other dads in my hcs, they want YOU to feel comfortable with EVERYTHING and want YOU to feel supported
➜ has already bought EVERYTHING you needed, even extra ones and has booked appointments left and right
➜ like mans hasn't done this much effort after volleyball ngl
➜ but just like everyone else ─ he's terrified, he doesn't know alot of these things and of course you're the only woman he has ever gotten pregnant and he doesn't have any experiences in these type of thing whatsoever
➜ doubts were not uncommon ─ if he ever was going to be a good father to his child, if he was even a good fiancé to you, was he even worth to have a child with ?
➜ this bb boy CRIED when he heard you guys were having twins, TWINS; like as in a girl and a boy
➜ when kaori and kazu were born, kenma wasn't aware that he could fall in love all over again
➜ is this even worth mentioning because everyone probably knows this?? he s p o i l s  them big time
➜ whenever he's working late at night, he'll always be the one telling YOU to go back to sleep and he'll be the one to take care of the kid for the night
➜ and by kid, i meant kazu because somehow??he??got??his??father's??sleeping??schedule??
➜ and it's how he sleeps by
➜ sometimes whenever you wake up, you find yourself alone in the bedroom and whenever you look at either the game room or your childrens' room, you would always find kenma lying with his children on couch-bed ─ kozu and kaori on each side of his head, kaori having her small little fingers holding and sometimes tugging onto her dad's hair
➜ and sometimes you would also join them
➜ but most of the time, you would head to the kitchen and make some breakfast
➜ and usually kenma would wake up and put his kids back to their crib and he'd go look for you, finding you cooking as he would wrap his arms around your waist as he hugs you from the back
➜ i just wanna get myself a gamer boi kenma
➜ since he gets a lot more clingey whenever he wakes up
➜ whenever he's streaming USUALLY, kozu would sleep on his lap like a cat while kaori is sleeping in his head?? Idk how??
➜ while his fans literally PAY him to show his adorable kids, some even commented how they're all so cat-like and alike with their father
➜ one time while streaming, he was probably ranting tf out of a game he wasted his money on and warning his fans not to buy it because it's basically a scam
➜ and while he was in the middle of ranting, his daughter comes in while holding a blanket on her as she rubbed her eyes looking so much like a small kitten, he literally STOPS DEAD ON HIS SWEAR WORD AS HIS EYES WIDDENED while the people in the chats are either fangirling how CUTE his daughter was or DYING because mans was almst about to swear and interrupted himself
➜ before he could react a bundle of energy comes into the gaming room, you hot tailing on his tracks as you came into the room while trying to retrieve kozu
“ kozu!! don't come in there ahH ─ ” you blushed as you looked at both your boyfriend that has an amused eyebrow cocked up, and onto the camera before laughing and smiling at it since his fans ADORE YOU
➜ when you finally got your hands on your son, you smiled at your daughter as you signaled her to come over to you
➜ but before she could come to you she was already lifted at her father's lap
“ it's fine, i'll have her with me ” he said as he nodded at you, placing her gently in the middle of his lap as his arms encaged her while he played his games
➜ before leaving with a pouting kozu on your arms you threw a peace sign at the camera for his fans, closing the door on the way out
➜ let's just say that it lowkey went viral because it's literally so cute
➜ sorry i just HAD to reference that interview that got viral before
➜ one time where you fell asleep with both of your children curled up to you in the bed, kenma just finished a long stream as he walked to the bedroom hoping to fall asleep ontop of you yet finds two cute cat looking children cuddling you
➜ he quickly took a photo or two and made it both his home and lockscreen before sending it to shoyou
➜ and then sliding himself onto the covers as he, himself, nuzzled himself onto your warmth
➜ the relatable dad, idk why but i really see him getting along with children especially when they're teenagers ─ i just, i COULD SEE IT
➜ especially kaori😭 since she inherited his introverted and somehow shy side??
➜ kaori : *slids down the chair after coming home from school* i wanna die
➜ kenma : same
➜ he would introduce video games to his children AHH
➜ would even play violent games with them because why not?
➜ you'd prolly have to scold him after though
➜ the biggest achievement was when both of his children listing game consoles on their christmas lists
➜ and it was on the top of the list
➜ but kenma, being the kanbe(kambe??) daisuke he is, he bought all the things on that list
➜ he knows his kids are supposed to be studying at school ─ he knows it, he really does, that's why he made them go to school
➜ but he couldn't help but play along with his children on the imessage games when he DEFINITELY knows that they were in the middle of history class
➜ and you'll just find out it through the family gc seeing them spam the chat with games and screenshots of their scores while comparing them😭
➜ he always knew how to communicate with his children ─ perhaps it was because of the reason that they are his children
➜ but whenever his daughter comes to him complaining about human interactions and wanting to stay home while his son complains about school being in the way of gaming ─ he's just like : WE SEE EACH OTHER
➜ baby boy is a lazy bum, but he will never hesitate to participate and contribute to his children's life ─ not only through things, but also with just his guidance and presence
➜ your pregnancy may have come across as an accident, but it was never a mistake to kenma.
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➜ after getting married for two years now, you couldn't help but want to start building a family with kuroo
➜ LIKE WHO WOULDN'T?? this is kuroo tetsurou we are talking about
➜ unlike oikawa and bokuto ─ YOU were the one having the baby fever
➜ your friends and colleagues already having or talking with their partners to start or adopt
➜ but of course you were lowkey insecure, why wasn't he even mentioning that he wanted a family with you? does he think that it was a waste of time? or maybe he doesn't want to start it with you ─ maybe you were the problem?
➜ but unbeknownst to you, tetsurou also wanted to start a family with you ─ he wanted a lot of children, actually. but he doesn't want you to feel pressured ─ since you guys are still youthful, there's still a lot of time to think about it
➜ and most of all, he doesn't want to start a family with anyone else BUT YOU
➜ whatthefucksanaol sir eye ─
➜ and he's already talking to bokuto behind your back about wanting to start a family with you ( and of course kenma )
➜ it's quite eerie honestly
➜ you, thinking it was only just a slight baby fever with all your friends wanting them as well, tried dismissing your thoughts
➜ but your mind said nO❌🚫 RIGHTS✅💢
➜ and kuroo could notice the slight change in behaviour with you, it was subtle but he was quite perceptive
➜ with his cat eyes intently watching you as you tried avoiding his gazes because all you could think is HAVING A BABY WITH THE SAME EYES AS HIM FIIFJJCJC
➜ it was fine until he confronted you about it
➜ kuroo ─ for me, is someone to face a problem head-on, it's just his personality, so it wasn't a surprise that he seriously yet carefully and nonchalantly confronted you while you guys were about to sleep as you layed your head on his lap, taking in his warmth
➜ and that's where mans dropped the b*mb💣
“dollface? is everything alright with you?”
➜ just imagine kuroo's concerned voice is all that you could hear along with the palpitations of your heart as he caressed your cheeks, brushing off the hair covering your face as he puts down science pun book he had on his hands on the nightstand
➜ now i can't help but imagine that scene from the special/bonus chapter from bj alex with chanwoo and MD on the bed, that scene where he tries to confront chanwoo about that bruise on his face? ughshshsj
➜ all he heard was that you wanted to start a family with him👉👈 and now he's seconds to going FERAL and push you down the matress
➜ 😳🔞
➜ but mans was quick to get himself back to reality, a bashful smile tugged on his lips as he nodded at you, kinda disappointed that you had to be the braver person in the relationship to bring out the topic and it wasn't him
➜ mans is competitive okay
“ . . . why don't we start now? ” he slyly grinned, y'know, that cheshire cat grin
➜ let's just see you guys didn't sleep at all that night
➜ kuroo was, though not surprisingly, good and knowledgable with pregnancy, not like he secretly researched about it that one time when you guys got a pregnancy scare that started all his wild thoughts about you carrying his child um ─
➜ and this is kuroo we are talking about lmao
➜ i think he has his insecurities but was never doubtful of himself being a father, LIKE MANS HAS TAKEN CARE OF A WHOLE ASS VOLLEYBALL TEAM ─ but he knows there is a difference between being a father to his child and being a good one
➜ i wanna m*rry him too😡
➜ you gifted him a daughter, his first born. the first time he saw her, GOD WAS THIS THE BEST ACHIEVEMENT IN HIS LIFE
➜ like who knew you guys could create someone so beautifully mashed of both him and you ─ but you disagree, as even by the youngest age of four months or three, you could see the literal resemblance of your husband on her
➜ and it was uncanny, her eyes were the ones you dreamed of your children having ─ molten golden ones of tetsurou's, her cat-like grin and sly personality
➜ she was always quick to lean on her father's warmth, and that made kuroo CRY and you kinda jealous
➜ but nevertheless, you knew that there were plenty of times to make one that loves you just as much taiga loves tetsurou
➜ and you did get it, second born after only half a year, was tamaki, which has taken both your personality and tetsurou's, while having your appearance.
➜ but you were quick to notice to comment that tamaki has gotten kuroo's shy personality while he was young, he would always shy away from his sister that kept clinging onto him since she has never had a playmate other than her uncles from nekoma's old volleyball club
➜ kuroo was to say the least, really happy when he sees your two children getting along with each other since he, himself, has grown up alone with no sibling and without a mother
➜ and as he looked at you playing tamaki and taiga as tamaki got you all wrapped around his finger while taiga was looking for her father, he couldn't help but smile
➜ believe it or not, taiga first said your name ─ not tetsurou's
➜ in your face kuroo
“ come on, say dada !! ” your husband patted his thighs to make a sound as he sat on the bed while your daughter just ─ once again, leaned on his touch, nuzzling her face onto his warm thighs while giggling
➜ he dropped his phone to the bed whining, “ mama! look at her ─ ”
“ ─ mama!! ” your daughter imitated his words, both leaving you guys stunned and wide-eyed as you laugh in shock while tamaki was jealous you gave his sister more attention and now tugging softly at your hair,
“ . . . mama? ”
➜ also belive it or not, tamaki was the one who got his father's sleeping habits of having two pillows on both sides of his head
➜ and it actually??comes??off??nice??and neat??
➜ at the age of 7, your daughter was already picked to represent her class on a science fair AND YOU BET TETSUROU IS SO PROUD OF HIS DAUGHTER
➜ would be such a supportive dad
➜ visits tamaki and taiga's volleyball games ─ like atleast all over them, and would bring along his old teammates to it maybe just to relive old memories because you BET that they're attending nekoma
 ➜ would always have these little traditions and inside jokes with them and you
➜ especially science ones
➜ what do we expect? HE'S LITERALLY A DORK
➜ they just vibe with each other ngl, like kuroo is just a down-to-earth guy and could get along with BOTH your extroverted daughter and introverted son, since he was both of them in a moment from his life
➜ uncle kenma would always bring in gifts for them because they're literally now his cats because they are now cats
➜ sorry i don't make the rules
➜ my husband, kenma, does😋
➜ your kids LOVE HIM though, especially tamaki being a bit like kenma ─ both, growing a soft spots for each other
➜ whenever some of his old teammates would visit, taiga is always on uncle lev's back while yaku scolds him to put her tf down or else she'll fall
➜ tamaki on the other hand, is just safely sitting beside his uncle kenma while he watched him play games ─ which he has also grown to love
➜ doesn't let your kids forget to eat and makes them eat even if taiga's in the phase of wanting to be sexy gorl tingz ─ DADDY KUROO SAYS NO RIGHTS🚫
➜ overall, kuroo couldn't ask for more, he was so proud of his children no matter what they do through and through and of course you too ─ for carrying his children, bringing them into the world and being patient with them
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chicoriii · 3 years
Season 4, Episode 14 - Sentibulleur (Sentibubbler)
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I just seen the episode today, because I wasn't looking forward for another Alya-centric one, I'm already sick of it. I did it only now when have more free time. It's the first time, since I'm a Miraculous fan, when I'm starting watching a completely new episode without feeling even a bit of excitation. I'm not gonna lie that I enjoyed it, I don't, because it's not my cup of tea. This is why this post is more about why I dislike Alya favouritism than Sentibubbler itself. But I need to clarify that I didn't enjoy the episode mostly because of personal taste, I'm not trying to say it's "objectively" bad (though opinions are never objective, only facts could be). If you love Alya's arc, it's completely understandable that you probably love this episode as well.
I thought it would be a DjWfi episode (to be clear, I haven't seen any trailers of it, only one screenshot, which was said to be from this episode, but I don't remember seeing that moment in it at all, and the ending card), but poor Nino was just a background character. This is literally an "Alya is amazing" episode in which she is saving the world with a very little help of Ladybug and even less of Chat Noir, who is treated more like an offending trash. After watching it, I see fan edits like that are even more accurate to describe season 4 (not made by me, I just stole it from Cartoon Apocalypse's video).
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Adrien was supposed to be a deuteragonist and a second main character, but Alya is much more like ones than Adrien has ever been. He has never gotten as many episodes focusing on him as much like those with Alya in a season (and we can be sure, it's not the last one) and he has never be as much the main hero in a fight against villains in any of them. Instead of giving him more screentime, he's putted even more in the background than before, because Alya needs to shine. Why they can't do it without treating Adrien that much unfair? I'm not gonna hide that I hate it and it makes me feel that maybe I should stop watching the show, since it looks like it's not something I really enjoy anymore. Adrien is my favourite character, so I'm really pissed of that Alya is stealing his role. We will see, but once I will be sure that Alya favouritism is gonna last forever, I would consider stopping watching the show seriously. Especially that doesn't go hand in hand with good writing. In this episode nothing as much absurd like in Optigami happened, but I still have one big issue.
It's not a problem with Alya herself. I'm used to like her, even if she's been annoying me sometimes before S4. But I don't know what to think about her this season, since I have some issues with her writing. I just don't like the idea of as much favouritism any of the characters who are not the original main ones, especially if Adrien is treated that bad by the writing at the same time. I would say the same if it was Kagami, who is my third favourite character in the show, after Adrien and Plagg. As you see, I like the Japanese girl even more than Marinette, but I still don't think that making her more important than the protagonist would be okay (it would make no sense, but you know what I mean).
Besides, I've seen people speculating that Alya is going to fuse the fox with ladybug Miraculous in an episode in which Marinette is akumatised (if one will ever happen). Don't you see how much unfair to Adrien/Chat Noir it is? Alya is already getting much of special treatment, more than a character who was supposed to be the next most important one after the current Guardian of the Mother Box. An episode with Marinette as an akuma should be the one in which Chat Noir is saving her without help of any other heroes, just like she has saved him alone in Chat Blanc. If there was a fusion of the fox and ladybug, it would mean that's not a story mostly about Marinette and Adrien anymore. It would make it clear that the writers are not even try to hide the fact that's now it's Alya the second most important character. Adrien could be the third one at best, Chat is only a sidekick of the Ladies, not really a hero equal to Ladybug anymore. Besides, episode like that is most probably the only chance to see Tikki using her power without a wielder. Wouldn't it really interesting to see what bad happens when Tikki is using Lucky Charm all by herself?
And to be fair, this season has really way too much Alya generally, I'd like to see more other heroes, not just Rena Rouge and Rena Rouge over and over again. I want more new Miraculous wielders and since Ladybug is calling the old ones (though she definitely should not do it), I want to see them in action too. We need to get a full transformation sequence of Ryuuko at least once. But the more episodes they are released, the less I believe it would ever happen. Good thing that they found few seconds to show Chat's sequence (only a second time in 10 episodes!), but still no Cataclysm. I wonder if they are even going to show it after season 3.
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I have no idea what writers are planning to do. If they're want Alya to be a permanent Miraculous holder who is treated like co-guardian by Marinette forever, why they write her that way? Why isn't she really noble and careful? Why all those red flags she's giving Marinette (those she always ignore anyway): like letting Mr. Ramier know that Ladybug's the Guardian now, though she asked her to keep it as a secret, or stealing a Miraculous that almost made Ladybug's identity exposed. Are any of those events be relevant later? Are they there to show that saying Alya everything about the Guardian things and giving her the fox Miraculous permanently are bad decisions? If yes, what's the purpose of Sentibubbler? This episode doesn't seem to be really significant, it's more like another one fan service for Alya stans. The previous ones were actually important, this one could be missed without much a loss for the plot. The only reason it could be seen as significant is to make Marinette letting her guard down even more. But isn't she extremely careless already? After revealing her identity, she immediately started to tell Alya all the Guardian secrets, gave her a code for the Miracle Box, as well as the Miraculous permanently, despite her identity being exposed and all the wrong things she has done. Marinette is already dealing completely reckless with Alya, there's no reason to make her even more. Besides, that dream can't be a prophetic one, right? I remember that adult Bunnix really believed that exposing Ladybug's identity is something what Alya is able to do (from her time at least), but I think it's impossible to happen in real. That's why I see this episode as the most "fillerish" from all of this's season those have been released till now. Other ones introduced new characters or Miraculous wielders at least, nothing really new and crucial happened in this one. There's nothing bad in fillers, but why another Alya-centric one? Why not focusing on a character who hasn't been favoured this season instead?
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The most stupid thing in this episode is that Rena Rouge made an illusion in which Ladybug says that she won't give the Miraculous to her anymore, for two reasons. One is that Gabriel bought that very weak lie without questioning it at all. It's clearly a plot armor. I know that they tend to make Gabriel very dumb when they need it from the beginning, but it's extremely stupid even to him. Hey, Gabriel, you know Rena Rouge's identity for some time now and Ladybug has been already giving Rena the fox few times before after her identity being exposed. Why that sudden decision? Isn't it suspect? Second is that it's been portrayed as a clever thing, while it makes Alya unable to be Rena Rouge anymore, if they don't want to show to Shadow Moth that was a lie. I'm not talking only about the battles, Rena can't be seen in public, since Ladyblog is not the only place which is showing content about the heroes. So then there's no reason for Alya to keep the fox anymore. Unless I interpret it wrong, and Marinette doesn't think it would make Gabriel stop going after Alya. But to me it looked like that and that's also make Marinette dumb anyway, because she is still unable of seeing how dangerous it is for her best friend. Alya's plan worked once, but it doesn't mean it would work again, once he discovers the lie, it would make him even more suspicious of a bond between Rena Rouge and Ladybug. Marinette is risking not only safety of Paris and the whole world, but also safety of her best friend. Why everyone is able to see that obvious thing, not only the girls but also all of the Kwamis? I'm not going to change my opinion that they are dumbing down all the characters who are involved in it and that's just bad and lazy writing.
And where's Su-Han when he's needed. I've been working on the English subtitles for the French dubbing of Furious Fu recently and now I remember that he said that he's going to observe Marinette and take the box from her is she makes a slight mistake. She's keeping making bad decisions, but he still isn't showing. That was a lie? Because if he doesn't see anything wrong in how's Marinette is dealing with her guardian duty, I'm gonna to lose the rest of my faith in the writers.
I'm so sorry. I wanted to be active on Tumblr at least a bit after seeing this episode, but I still don't feel motivated. It's painful to say that season 4 is mostly a disappointment to me, especially that I hate the biggest story arc of it.
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