#I’m definitely using this in viv
apollo18 · 2 years
Ah man, there should have been a bit about the season one young justice crew using Captain Marvel’s wisdom of Solomon like their own personal siri/alexa before the identity reveal
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showtoonzfan · 1 year
I just realized, how much do y’all wanna bet once we start to critique the first season of Hazbin (or episode by episode depending on what platform they release it on) the fandom will immediately go “WE’RE ONLY ON SEASON ONE AND EVERYONE KNOWS THAT THE FIRST SEASON OF A SHOW IS JUST A TEST RUN TO SEE WHERE THE SHOW WILL GO!”— Cause I 100% expect that.
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luvhughes43 · 7 months
is it over now? | jack hughes
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part two of the beginning
au masterlist⭐️
note: i switched to first person pov for this story just to test it out. Inbox me if you’d want to go back to 3rd person.
warnings: pregnancy, birth
word count: 4.7k
the doctors waiting room is cold and uninviting. i stare up at all the pregnancy posters that litter the walls, and soon my gaze falls to all the mothers and all the fathers. they all sit, talking quietly amongst themselves. the women are gorgeously radiant, and if this were any other time i’d compare their beauty to mine. 
instead, i linger on the way they interact with their husbands, boyfriends, whatever. small touches, whispers, and smiles all burn into my mind like a useless cd. 
“y/n l/n?” a nurse in all blue interrupts my thoughts, she gestures for me to follow her and i do. 
like the waiting room, the small room i’m brought into is cold. i wonder briefly what jacks doing right now. if he had gotten my message or if he’s still asleep. i try to imagine his reaction but i can’t bring myself to conjure up an accurate depiction of him. everything is off - and i fear if i keep trying to imagine this man who’s not my jack, that i’ll somehow forget the real one. 
“we’re just going to do some tests, all very basic things. i need to know your medical history, and i’ll have to do a complete physical assessment,” a doctor walks into the room, clipboard in hand. she doesn’t look at me as she speaks, but I absentmindedly nod to her words anyway. 
“Okay so, is this your first pregnancy?” the doctor asks. 
“Yes” i nod.
“And, do you have any medical history I should be aware of? Past procedures, family history, etc” the doctor looks up from their notes and i pause. 
“Uh, i -” my cell phone buzzes in my purse and i quickly reach for it. Its a notification from sephora, something about how there’s a last minute sale and that i should buy some overpriced body spray. 
“I had my tonsils taken out when I was five, but other than that i’ve had no other procedures” my words come out shaky, as if i’m confused. i turn my phone over again, willing for another notification to pop up. It’s 11:40am, and jack is definitely awake by now. 
the doctor calls a nurse in to prep for the examination. everythings a blur as i lean back. the nurse, short with reddish-blonde hair, has to ask me to lift up the bottom of my shirt twice. 
“And if you look over here, this is where your baby is,” the doctor is confident in her speech as she shifts the little wand around my stomach. 
the appointment was nightmarish. 
the nurse sent me home with a little packet of information sheets, all different colours and all about different things. i don’t want to look at them, so i shove them into the bottom of my purse when i get out of the office. 
⋆ ★
vivienne always made sure to wake up an hour before jack. she liked to make herself a fancy coffee with her espresso machine, and she liked to plan out her events for the day. she had decided that they’d go to the grocery store sometime before noon, hit the mall for an outfit to wear to dinner, and then of course dinner with viviennes friends at 7. 
after her coffee, Vivienne tiptoed her way back into her bedroom. she was proud of the fact that Jack liked to stay here. she made sure her bedding was always fresh and clean when he was over, and she made sure to spray a little bit of her perfume on his pillows so he’d get used to falling asleep to the scent of her. 
Vivienne grabbed a hold of Jack's phone on his nightstand, and slowly slid it off the side of the table and into the palm of her hand. she turned it over, bombarded with the amount of notifications that littered his phone screen. she slid up, quickly typing his passcode. she had to be mindful of her next moves. she didn’t have long to do her routine digging. 
“It’s not really fair for you to be with vivienne if you still have feelings for y/n”
“will you drop it? you were the one who told me to go for viv”
“No! Dawson, you were the one who begged me to move on. I am. What happened with me and y/n-"Jack cuts himself off. “what happened.. It’s done now. leave me alone” 
Vivienne recalled the conversation she overheard a few weeks ago and she couldn’t shake it from her mind. So, she did what any girlfriend would do and searched the girls username on instagram. 
She hadn’t thought y/n would be any type of problem in hers and Jack's relationship. That was until Jack and Vivienne were laying in bed, with Jack wanting to show Vivienne a picture he had taken a while ago on a roadie. He was scrolling past his photo albums when she saw it. The “it” being a photo album titled “❤️” filled with pictures of jack and y/n at art galleries and whatnot. 
Ynuser: 1 dm request
Accept | Delete
Vivienne clicked onto the dm, and when she saw the words pregnant and yours her blood ran cold. She angled her body away from Jack, and with his reassuring snores clouding her mind, she reread the dm again. 
Jack, I don't even know how to tell you this. It doesn’t feel right. But, I took a pregnancy test and it came back positive. I’ve booked an appointment with my obgyn for tomorrow and they’re going to confirm the test for me. You're the only person that I've been with since we’ve gotten together so it’s for sure yours. If you need a paternity test or anything at all just let me know and we can sort it out. Please reach out and we can talk about this in person. I’m sorry.
“Fuck” Vivienne cursed as she clicked Jacks phone off. She turned around and stared at the man in question while debating her options. 
Letting Jack find the message on his own was the most obvious answer but… would he still want to be with her when he found out about the baby? If it even is his, Vivienne rolled her eyes at the thought. 
The next logical option was to delete the message and block the girl. Jack would never have to know, and Vivienne would just have to be the perfect girlfriend for the next little while. She’d make him his favourite foods, dress extra hot, and do everything in her power to make sure he forgot about his ex. 
Vivienne turned Jack's phone on again, and without a second thought, swiftly declined the message request before blocking the girl. 
To make sure her tracks were completely cleared, she searched the girls name up in his contact list and blocked her there as well. 
And, just as quickly as Vivienne had picked up her boyfriends phone, she had set it back down. 
⋆ ★
After the appointment, I was stuck in meetings for the rest of the day with no opportunities to check my phone. During my appointed bathroom breaks, I was too anxious to check. My hands trembled as I hovered over the instagram app, too nervous to see if he had read the message. 
I thought about the next message that I would send all day. Would I send the doctors confirmation? My next appointment date? The reason why I found out about the pregnancy so late? 
When I got out from work, I decided to walk the 45 minutes home instead of taking the Subway. I hoped that the semi-fresh air would clear my mind. 
By the time I unlocked the front door of my apartment, it was 6:45pm. Jack would have gotten out of practice, and he would probably be at home grilling himself a piece of chicken while his rice cooked. 
I pull my boots off and wander into my bathroom. i shut the door behind me, giving myself some privacy from my own space. When I close my eyes, all the memories of Jack and I flicker through my mind like one of those plastic children's cameras.
I take a deep breath, before finally pulling my phone out of my pocket and turning it on. I click into instagram and my stomach drops. 
No posts yet
User not found
what the fuck was i going to do.
⋆ ★
“Claudia!” my voice was hoarse from crying as I pounded on my best friend's door with my fists. I had run all the way to Claudia's apartment, and luckily someone was walking into her apartment complex so I didn't have to buzz in. 
Claudia's door swung open, and she immediately pulled me inside and into her arms. “What's wrong?” she practically cooed, not a stranger to my breakdowns. 
“J-jack he-” I couldn't stomach the rest.
“Babe, slow down… breathe..” Claudia stressed as she started doing breathing exercises for me to copy. I followed her movements, and when I was deemed calm enough she moved me over to sit on her couch. 
I take a few minutes to recover before explaining what happened. 
“I’m going to kill him” Claudia sneered after I had explained the pregnancy, the message, and how my ex boyfriend-turned-baby daddy had blocked me. 
“What am I going to do?” I was crying again. I was bordering on exhaustion as I leaned my head against the back of Claudia's couch and wailed.  
My hand found its place at the top of my stomach, where the faintest baby bump had begun to form. 
⋆ ★
vivienne just added to their story!
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liked by jackhughes, trevorzegras, alixearle, and others
vivienne mr nhl man
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user02 viv baby who is it
user04 vivnation lost
user05 jack and trevor liking ohhh wow…
user06 is it jack?
user07 i thought jack has a gf?
user06 he was seen out with a girl a few times months ago but that was it lol
user08 the nhl girlies lost
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⋆ ★
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liked by claudia, and others
ynuser my baby🤍
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claudia im a proud honorary aunt❤️
user00 congrats!! 
user01 Congratulations on your pregnancy sweetie! We have to get together sometime soon😘❤️
⋆ ★
the pregnancy was lonely. It was all long hours at work, quiet doctor appointments, and late nights binge sessions watching gossip girl with whatever craving plagued my mind. 
I tried my hardest to stay away from social media, my heart cracking a little more every time jack came across my feed with his rumoured new girlfriend. of course, i knew it wasn’t a rumour, which just made everything more miserable. 
“Do you want to know the gender?” the ultrasound tech asked as she shielded the sonogram screen away from my view. 
I nod, “yes, please”
Claudia squeezes my hand. “Are you sure? I can throw you a gender reveal party if you want? Or we can do something with just the two of us?” 
I didn’t want to hurt Claudias feelings, but it wouldn’t be the same without jack. 
I must have took too long to answer though, because the ultrasound tech looked at me with pity filled eyes as she said, “i’ll put the gender info in an envelope for you to take home”
All i could do was nod. 
⋆ ★
“Im sorry, blair.. But you lost the baby”
“where’s chuck?”
“B, he lost a lot of blood, and he never woke up” 
Gossip girl season 5 played in the background as I picked at my newest pregnancy craving, strawberry cupcakes from a bakery off seventh ave. 
i sighed heavily as i continued watching the show. this has got to be the saddest episode… i thought as blair started praying for chucks survival. As the scene went on, tears pricked my own eyes as i thought about the past five months. 
i was almost done with my 2nd trimester, and i was still refusing to acknowledge my pregnancy. I felt as if i were walking through water, i was restricted in all of my movements and my mind was cloudy like i had just spent all day in the michigan summer sun. 
The episode finished, with blair telling chuck that she loved him but that she couldn’t be with him and that she couldnt tell him why. 
When the screen turned black and i was faced with my reflection, i started sobbing. 
Heavy tears rolled down my cheeks and fell onto my duvet, which turned the cream coloured blanket into spots of grey. 
Without thinking, I rolled out of bed and threw on a thick sweater that I found strewn against a chair backing. I wandered out into my entryway, shoving on a pair of my mini uggs as I searched high and low for that stupid little envelope that my tech gave me. 
It was in my purse, hidden behind a hundred other little things. Once the envelope was grasped firmly in my hands, i ripped open my door and rushed down onto the street. 
I didn’t have a lot of time to think this through. If i placed the order now, everything would be okay and fine...
Truth be told, i was afraid that if i didn’t order a gender reveal cupcake that i would be doing my baby a disservice. I promised to myself that i would be able to do this without jacks support, and yet here i was crumbling under the pressure of motherhood. 
The bakery shop chimed with my arrival, and then i was in the small line up to make an order. 
“Hey, what can i get for you tod-”
“Can i get a gender reveal cupcake? Or one of those little cakes?” i ask, thrusting my envelope into the guy at the registers hands. 
He looked taken aback before responding very politely, “i’m sorry, you’re going to have to make an order online” 
“Oh,” my shoulders sag in disappointment. I hadn't thought far enough ahead. 
the guy stared at the crumpled up envelope in his hand, and then back at me. “Why don’t you go sit down and i’ll figure something out for you,” his voice was kind as he noticed my dishevelled state. 
I nod, and then move to an empty seat in the corner of the bakery. Another employee was sweeping the floors, and i realize that the store must be due to close soon. I need to pull myself together… 
About ten minutes later, the guy from before walked over with a little white box in his hand. On top of the box sat my envelope which was now cleanly cut into. 
“It’s not the prettiest thing in the world,” the guy chuckled as he placed the small box in front of me, “but it should work” 
“Thank you,” i stutter, pulling a crisp $10 bill out of my pocket and handing it over to the guy. 
At first he shakes his head in an attempt to decline the money, but I insist he takes it anyway. 
back at home, i get comfy at my kitchen table where i finally open up my box. It was a vanilla cupcake with white vanilla frosting. 
I take a deep breath before taking a small bite, and when i swallow, i see the remaining pink icing that filled the inside of the cupcake. 
“we’re having a little girl,” i whispered, tears sliding down my cheeks as i rub my bump soothingly. 
⋆ ★
Jack Hughes was stuck. He felt bad for Vivienne and he felt bad for himself. It wasn’t Viviennes fault that his attention was elsewhere because on paper, Vivienne Aiden was probably who most would consider his perfect match. 
Vivienne was gorgeous, she had an online career going for her, and her apartment did smell amazing… but something just wasn’t right. 
When she fell asleep beside him, Jack would pull out his phone and scroll through his photo album full of pictures of his ex-girlfriend. He would wonder what she was doing, what new journalist piece she was working on, and most importantly, if she was happy. He couldn’t bear searching her up online, for fear of seeing she had moved on (which, let's be honest, is very hypocritical of him), so Jack settled with his photo album. 
When Jack finally closed his eyes for the night, he imagined the sleeping figure next to him was his y/n. Vanilla scent was swapped with coconut, a windy spring turned into an endless summer, and the lingering emptiness felt like coming home after a long roadie. 
And in the morning, when y/ns lovely green eyes woke him up, he would blink to find Vivienne staring back at him, and whatever relief he had accustomed himself with in sleep came crashing down again. 
⋆ ★
ynuser posted on their story! 
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jackhughes posted on their story!
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Vivienne posted on their story!
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⋆ ★
Vivienne wasn’t an idiot. she could feel the small shifts in Jack's behaviour. He was slowly distancing himself from her and she wouldn't allow that to happen. 
Therefore, she sent him a teasing photo, planned a romantic dinner at her apartment, and took care of business. 
Create an Account
User: user257483475
Dm Request
User257483475: how does it feel knowing that you’re going to be a single mom?
User257483475: must be tough knowing that the daddy doesn’t want it
User257483475: if i were you i wouldn’t even try
⋆ ★
“I can’t believe you're having a little girl!” Claudia squealed as she met me at the front of a baby store. I was now 6 months along, and I hadn’t done any of the necessary baby shopping yet. 
We walked into the store, light pinks and blues and purples clouding my vision. “I can't believe it either! A little girl…” I smile, picking up a little onesie. 
Claudia gets a basket, and we start to make our way through the store. “Have you thought of any names yet?” she asks as she holds up what might've been the cutest baby dress i’ve ever seen. 
I placed the dress in the basket. “I’ve been toying with a few names but it just feels strange” I pick up another little dress and put it in the basket as well. “I’m sure once I see the nursery all together it’ll feel a little more real and i’ll be able to pick something out” 
Claudia smiles at me sympathetically before taking the shopping basket out of my hand and guiding me towards the furniture section.
“I was thinking-” my phone buzzes causing me to pause. I pull out my phone, only to see a few instagram notifications. 
User257483475: viviennes so pretty, i bet you're real jealous huh?
User257483475: jack didn't even want to post you publicly and now he wont even acknowledge his baby… he never loved you.
User257483475: i wish you the worst xx
“y/n? What were you thinking?” Claudia asks, immediately noticing my pause. She walks over to me, one hand on my shoulder as she tries to gauge my facial expressions. “Are you okay?”
I don't want to speak, and so I thrust my phone into Claudia's hands. 
She gasps when she reads the first message from a few weeks ago, and I can feel her tense beside me as she lets her hand drop from my shoulder.
“What the fuck!” she seethes as she stares at all the messages littering my phone.
“How do they know the baby’s Jacks? How do they even know I'm pregnant? My account’s private!” I utter as I close my eyes. 
“Who’s Vivienne?” Claudia asks as she switches out of my dms and onto the search page. I watch her type in Vivienne's name.
“She’s Jack’s girlfriend,” I reply just as Claudia presses on her instagram account. The newest picture on her feed was of her and Jack at some cafe… I felt nauseous. 
“Well, she’s obviously the one sending the messages” my best friend states firmly. Great I thought. Could my life get any more fucked up? 
That night at home, I easily verifiy that it was Vivienne behind the account. For all the scheming she liked to do, she wasn’t very good at covering her tracks. 
First, I used my laptop to try and log into her main instagram account. When I got the password wrong, I clicked the option for instagram to send a code for password resetting via email. The email, half unblurred, showed up on screen. Then, i moved onto the account who’s been sending me nasty messages. Repeated the process, and wouldn’t you know! Vivienne Aiden didn’t doesn’t know how to make a fake email for her fake account, that she uses to harass her boyfriend's ex! Nice. 
With that little confirmation, I blocked both her and the account she’s using to send me messages. 
⋆ ★
My baby’s nursery is painted a soft pink. Her crib is a beige wood, and there’s white flowy curtains with a blackout curtain set underneath. flower prints decorate the walls, and my baby’s name is highlighted on a beautiful homemade blanket which was gifted to me by one of my coworkers. 
“Are you ready, baby?” my mom asks to which I nod. I watch her silently as her hands weave between different sets of baby clothes.
She’s helping me get the nursery finished for babygirls birth next month. 
“I’m nervous, but i’m ready,” I smile, waddling over to the blush pink rocking chair that sits in the corner of the room. 
⋆ ★
“i’m not ready! i need jack!” i cry, squeezing my eyes shut tight as pain overtook my body. i could hear the nurses faintly in the background of my own thoughts, shouting something about an excess of blood. 
a group of nurses stand around me, all shouting different orders to one another. “ma’am you’re bleeding-“ 
“i need, i just need-“ 
a sweet looking nurse cut me off. “sweetie, you’re going to be alright. just breathe, i’ll be right here with you this whole time!” she grabs ahold of my hand to which i squeeze tightly. 
the room spins and my whole body feels cold. I could tell that the nurses started going about their business from all the pinching and poking that was going on, but i couldn’t figure out where all the pain was coming from.
⋆ ★
“Mommy?” I whispered. My mom whipped her head in my direction upon my words. 
“Oh sweetie,” she coos, tears lingering in her eyes as she sits on the edge of my hospital bed. she grabs ahold of my hand. 
“Is…” I start to ask about my daughter but a cry falls from my lips. 
My mom grabs my hand tighter and brushes my hair out of my face. “She’s in the NICU, but the nurses say she’s doing well” 
“Can I see her?” my voice is hoarse. My mom jumps up from the bed and fills an empty paper cup with water. She passes the cup to me, and I gratefully drink its contents. 
“I’ll go get a nurse, okay? She’ll tell you everything you need to know”
I had been asleep for roughly ten hours after my daughters birth. The doctor told me that the pain I woke up to last night was from blood clots, which is the reason behind all the blood and the premature birth. Luckily though, I was pretty close to full term, and I got to the hospital at the perfect time therefore babygirl would only have to stay at the NICU for a few short weeks to monitor her development. 
“what’s her name, sweetheart?” my mom whispered softly to me while her hand ghosted across hairline.
“Leighton Rowe LN,” I replied sleepily as I stared at my baby in my arms. Leightons sweet face suddenly made all the pain worth it.
my mom brushed my damp hair out of my face. “that’s beautiful,” she cooed, and when she gestured towards the baby I tiredly nodded.
as my mom took my baby out of my arms to coddle, i let my eyes close and then i softly drifted off to sleep.
⋆ ★
It was a few months later when it happened. claudia was at my apartment, watching leighton while i ran around the city to get some much needed errands done. i stop at my favourite coffee shop, a place that i hadn’t been to since jack and i broke up. 
i order my usual, a mocha to go, and when i turn to leave jack had just opened the door. I stumble back, not prepared to see jack in the flesh. He looks familiar and yet completely different. 
“y/n,” he greets me, his tone uncertain as he takes a step towards me. How dare he.
“If your girlfriend sends me one more fucking text i swear i’ll ruin her life” i start, my words threatening as i let the weight of viviennes words fall onto my shoulders. for months shes been creating new accounts and messaging me, and despite hitting the "block all and future accounts" feature she still managed to harass me.
“I get that you don’t want to have a baby, but she’s here, and I'm capable of doing it without you. I have been doing it without you. So get your girlfriend to stop harassing me or i’ll press charges,” i spit out, pushing past a shell-shocked jack and storming out onto the street. 
⋆ ★
“I have a baby!” jack shouts angrily, kicking one of vivienne's wooden dinning room chairs. “You hid my baby from me!” 
Vivienne stares, glassy eyed as she watches her boyfriend stomp around her apartment. “Jack, i didn’t mean for it to go this far i-”
“You what? What was the plan here?” he shouts again, running a hand frustratingly through his hair. Jack stops, whipping around to face vivienne again. “Show me the messages.”
“What?” she cries. 
“y/n said you were sending her messages. Show me them” jack repeats, causing vivienne to jump up in alarm. If he saw even half of the things she sent…
Jack storms up to vivienne who immediately pulls her phone out of her pocket. She switches onto one of her many burner accounts used to send y/n messages. 
Jack sat on the couch, hunched over while he read through every single message. He felt sick. 
he hates you
It must suck knowing that your child's dad doesn't want her
Jacks going to be the best daddy to our future baby… its too bad he didn’t want that for you. 
“Jack we can fix this, i swear i’ll do better and-”
Jack stood up abruptly, letting viviennes phone tumble to the ground with a loud thud. “We’re- we’re past done. I don't even know what to say to you,” jack stutters, tears falling steadily down his cheeks. 
“Baby, i’m so sorry” vivienne cries. she tries to reach out to jack, be he swats her hands away. 
Jack backs away, and without another word he leaves viviennes apartment with the slam of a door.  he had to make this right to y/n and his... baby.
part three
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cyjammy · 5 months
Vox and Alastor’s Dynamic is so FUN
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Hazbin Hotel Season 1 Episode 2 Spoilers ahead!
I have to talk about Vox and Alastor’s “rivalry”. I love how Alastor just couldn’t care less, he’s witty, he’s emotionless and that makes him all the more powerful.
Well, not emotionless since he does express outward disgust towards anything digital, but the fact he can keep himself composed because he knows he is the shit and that’s what makes him my absolute favorite.
That showed through in the pilot and the show didn’t fail to deliver. I love how he’s handled. Viv’s characterization is wonderful.
Most fics I have read with Alastor have shown him as vunerable despite the story never alluding to that and it’s such a breath of fresh air to have canon content of Alastor being his authentic self.
My god do I love a character that’s strong and not swayed by emotion, but they can be handled well too. I.E. VOX oh my god. Every fanon had him pegged down as the victim to Val’s wrath, but he’s the mastermind behind the scenes. A complete subversion of everyone’s expectations. And that’s for another post I’m about to go crazy on, but I digress.
Vox is a man up in his ivory electronic tower with villainous intentions, but he falls short because of emotion!
Handling Velvet’s demands to get Val together? A quick pep talk with himself and he’s got it.
Addressing unforeseen circumstances with concerned sinners? Easy.
But Alastor?
He sees RED. He let Valentino have it when he even thought about going on a rampage over a sinner under his thumb.
When it comes to Alastor, Vox goes on a hate campaign and makes a fool of himself.
Meanwhile, Alastor was minding his business, and Vox couldn’t deal with that.
So much so he causes a blackout in the Wrath ring!
Why? Because of his rejection sensitivity.
He is this all powerful overlord with companions in his rule and when he asks someone of similar station to become his equal he gets rejected.
It’s unheard of for him. He cannot fathom it.
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Because that makes Alastor a factor he cannot control.
Val says that Alastor “almost beat him”. Val may not have witnessed that fight and Vox spun it around to claim he came out on top.
But if he did, he definitely wouldn’t let Alastor get away.
Valentino and Vox have known each other for a long time, as shown in a photo in the background in the episode.
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So either this spat began before they had met and Vox lied or Valentino witnessed it. I'm excited to see which way that goes.
In terms of influence, Alastor seems to win that battle. Vox is in charge of electrical currents and anything in the digital space.
Alastor is so far removed from that Vox has no influence over him. He refuses to be involved with new technology.
But with Vox having an army of sinners under his wing through subliminal messaging, he had security and power.
With Alastor’s return he brings CHARISMA and he’s doing it SO FUCKING WELL.
This is not a battle, it’s a slaughter, and Alastor is WINNING. With television there are so many ways to captivate a viewer but with radio all the host has is their voice and personality. It all has to be shown in a medium that doesn’t have many options for uniqueness.
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Alastor defends himself with grace. He throws out compliments to his fellow overlords while still having it be a slight to the man who began the fight.
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It's night and day, but that's probably because Valentino and Velvet are tired of Vox's shit. I love this parallel so much!
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Vox needed to be the person he was with Valentino at all times if this is a battle he wants to win, but he’s so bitter he will never see that.
He’s stubborn and that’s his main flaw.
And I fucking love it.
Alastor knows what he’s thinking and how to avoid it.
Always a step ahead. And their duet showcases that perfectly.
Alastor uses his opponent’s power against them, seeing the slanderous TV campaign and immediately going on air.
He does that in the pilot as well and seeing that this has become a habit for him is so fun to see.
Alastor is not to be messed with and I feel like people decided to gloss over that. But it’s so in your face you cannot deny it.
Alastor is TERRIFYING with a chilling deposition that will give you nightmares if you dare cross him.
Give him the respect he fucking deserves.
And the music and the visuals of the song — A whole fucking masterpiece.
I’m in love with their dynamic so far and I can’t wait to see where it goes.
So far Vox is the obsessed fanatic that couldn’t handle rejection.
There has to be more than that.
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leahsgirl · 5 months
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“yes you idiot.”
— in which leah has planned on proposing to you for a long time - except when that time does come; it all goes awry.
pairings - leah williamson x reader (female)
warnings - none, just minor swearing.
a/n - this is my first shot at writing so it may be horrible i apologise
“so once i’ve finished setting everything up I’ll text you and let you know i’m on my wa-“ Leah was mid conversation with Beth and Viv; until you interrupted of course, slotting yourself next to the blonde and matching strides with her as you make your way off the training pitch.
“what are you guys talking about?” you questioned as you observed beth and viv give each other a quick glance.
“nothing baby, I was just asking how myles was adjusting.” Leah replied, reaching out for your hand.
You and Leah have been dating for two and a half years, having officially met playing for the England squad a year prior. While Leah wasn’t your biggest fan to begin with - that soon changed when you made the transfer from manchester united to arsenal, allowing you and the blonde to get closer which then resulted in the two of you starting dating.
“oh my god, you have no idea how excited i’ve been to see him again.”
“i still want to know how you taught him to sit the first time meeting him - he won’t do it for me and Viv.” Beth bewildered.
“what can i say? i’m just the chosen one.” you smirked. “are you sure you can’t come Lee?” Now diverting your attention back to your girlfriend who was sorting out clothes to change into. You and a few of the other girls were going to Beth and Viv’s for a little girls/catch up night, unaware it was actually a set up to keep you out the house while Leah put her plan into action.
“i’ve got to go and help Jacob move stuff out of his apartment y/n or you know i’d be there.” She kissed your cheek.
“definitely just a sore loser because ya’ lost the game last time we went.” Katie piped up, appearing next to the taller girl who in turn gave her a petty slap on the arm.
“you’re beautiful.” a voice spoke from the other end of the room, slowly getting closer and wrapping their arms around you from behind as you looked at yourself in the mirror, peppering a few light kisses near your ear.
“and you’re late, weren’t you meant to meet Jacob twenty mins ago?”
Leah shrugged it off. “and miss the chance of admiring my girl. no way.” She planted a quick kiss on your lips, knowing you’d just finished applying your makeup. “besides, he changed the time to seven, i’ve got a good half an hour.”
She plonked herself down on the bed, fiddling with the rings she wore on her fingers. “what you thinking about in that pretty head of yours?” throughout your relationship with leah, you’ve got to know her pretty much inside and out, and if theres one thing you do know; she only messes with her rings when something is bothering her. “hm..nothing, just thinking about us i guess.”
“us?” you pushed, now joining her on the bed. “just like how we’ve ended up here and how thankful i am for you and everything.” the blue-eyed girl turned to look at you, as if she was studying your whole face. “well, i’m very thankful for you too, even if you are a pain in the arse most of the time.” the twenty-six year old faked hurt and annoyance. “but i love you.” you said more sincerely, placing a tender kiss on Leah’s forehead.
“i love you too.”
Leah kindly offered to drop you off at Beth and Viv’s which you accepted of course. All of the other girls were already there; Alessia and Lottie were fussing over myles, Katie, Caitlin and Steph was in what seemed like a very intense conversion, Jenn and Lia was messing with different filters on TikTok and Beth & Viv were playing host.
“there she is! y/n come in.” Viv ushered you inside and offered you a drink. You immediately making a beeline for the man of the hour, crouching down preparing to be bombarded by a very excited puppy.
Meanwhile, back at the apartment, Leah had began decorating. Her plan was for you to come home to a nice romantic homemade dinner, where after you share some nice conversation and food - she would pop the question, asking you to be her wife.
She’s had this planned for a good couple of months, having gone out with some of your teammates to acquire the goods and then going ring shopping on one of her few days off. To be honest, she was quite proud of herself she’s managed to keep this a secret from you for all this time.
The blonde started by blowing up some heart shaped balloons, followed by scattering rose petals from the front door all the way to the dining table which had been covered with a white table cloth and taper candles. She was making your favourite dishes for the meal of course; pasta with pesto and finishing with churros.
easier said than done however. “how do i make pasta?” the defender flipped the camera so her mum who was now on facetime can see the ingredients. It was times like this where she wishes she helped with the cooking more around the house. After practically what turned out to be a cooking lesson, Leah took the opportunity to change into something nicer, and less covered in flour.
Making her way around the bedroom, she opened her nightstand drawer, sifting a few things around until she pulled out a small black velvet box. She opened it briefly, checking the ring was okay and preyed to god you would like it.
Taking one final look at her work around the house, she pulled out her phone to text the fellow forward.
to: meado
just finished up back here, i’m gonna start heading to yours now.
As the night died down, your teammates and yourself had all congregated in the living room, spread across the sofa and the floor with some kind of cheesy sitcom that Lia put on playing in the background. Different conversations were going on, you finding yourself in a deep conversation with Jenn and Caitlin.
“Well well, look who finally decided to show her face.” Katie announced, pointing at all too familiar blonde locks. “Hey guys.” You got up and walked over to her planting a kiss on her cheek.
“i thought you had to help your brother?” You ask while absentmindedly rubbing her back. “oh..i did, we just finished so I thought i’d come pick you up.”
“Do you want a drink Leah?” Steph offered, holding up a beer in each hand. “No thanks, we have to get back to the apartment.”
You raised an eyebrow. “Do we?”
“Yes we do, now come on.” She took your hand and tried to pull you to the door. “What’s with the rush? You’re being weird Lee.”
“I’m not - i’m just tired that’s all, i’m ready for bed.” She fake yawned. You sighed, “okay grumpy, just let me say bye to everyone.”
It’s safe to say the car ride home was no better. Leah’s leg was bouncing up and down which isn’t exactly ideal when you’re driving, she was cursing out everyone on the roads and kept messing with her bangs if they moved in the slightest. “Are you sure you’re okay love?”
The blonde turned to look and you and gave a weary smile, lifting your hand to her lips and giving it a gentle peck. “I’m fine I promise.”
Walking up the steps to your shared home, Leah stopped you before opening the door. “Okay I need you to close your eyes and only open them when I tell you.”
Complying, you shut your eyes. “Suspicious Miss Williamson.” You stated as you could hear your girlfriend fiddling with her keys in the door. she wrapped her arm around yours and guided you inside. “Okay you can open them now.” You followed her advice and took in your surroundings, suddenly getting an overwhelming sense of love surge over you. “Surprise.” Leah pulled you over to the candlelit table and pulled out a chair for you, waiting for you to sit down to then tuck you in. “Lee..i’m speechless. What’s all this for?”
“Just doing my girlfriend duties and treating you.” The blonde brought over two dishes to the table and sat herself down opposite you. “Shut up! you made my favourite meal?!” Taking a bite off your fork, your mouth practically waters with how good it tastes. “Oh my god, babe this is incredible.” Deciding to be more romantic, you twirl some of the pasta onto your fork and hold it out for Leah to take which she does.
it was all going really well; it had been long overdue since you and leah had a ‘date’ so to speak. While you loved your job and wouldn’t trade it for the world, it often meant romantic gestures like these were far and few in between.
“Is something burning?” The smell of smoke filling your nostrils as you look at the kitchen.
“Shit shit shit!” Leah was quick to her feet, opening the oven where a surge of grey smoke escaped and pulled out a tray with what were now very burnt churros. “For fuck sake.” The defender whined “Well there goes dessert.”
Joining her behind the kitchen island, you looked at the baking tray. “well..you tried.” half-heartedly joking, you looked at the older girl who now had a pout on her face. “It’s okay Leah, you made a lovely pasta. Besides, i’m sure we have some ice cream or something in the freezer.”
“No you don’t understand, tonight was meant to be perfect.” She ran her hands through her hair in frustration. You knitted your eyebrows together “Okay out with it.” sternly said, crossing your arms.
“You’ve been on edge all day..you change the conversation when i caught up to you, meado and Viv. You couldn’t come to girls night which you never miss; i know you said you had to help your brother but then he suddenly changes times, you was angsty all the way home and now you’re practically arguing with the oven. So tell me what’s going on.”
Leah motioned for you to sit on the sofa. “Okay this isn’t how I wanted it to go down but-“ She took a deep breath. “Y/n, as you know i’m not really big on talking about my feelings, but the past three years have been the happiest of my life. you make me excited for the next day to come, you always push me, you stuck with me during my lowest, especially during my acl recovery, you just make me a better person.”
She takes your hand in hers, caressing your skin with her thumb and looks you directly in the eyes which at this point were working hard to not well up. “I guess what i’m trying to say is-“ She reaches into her pants pocket pulling out the familiar black velvet box. “-Will you marry me?”
As she says those four words, she opens the box and looks down at it, doing a double take as she sees its empty - the ring no where to be seen. “What the fuck, where’s the pissing ring.” Colour is draining from her face at this point as she stands up and frantically starts pacing. “You’ve got to be shitting me, the one day i need things to go smoothly.”
“Do you mean this ring?” You held up a ring with an oval diamond at the centre of it. Leah looked dumbfounded “How-how did you-“ The blonde was at a loss for words.
“Lee you dropped it twice during dinner - i even passed it to you once.” You giggled as you passed her the ring back “Did you?”
“See, you’ve been so uptight you didn’t even realise.” Standing up, you wrapped your arms around her neck, moving closer so that your faces were inches apart. “But my answer is yes.” you say barely above a whisper.
“yes?” at this point you thought you’d broke your poor girlfriend. “Yes i’ll marry you idiot.” Pressing your lips onto hers, you emerged yourselves into a deep kiss filled with passion.
Your now fiancé slipped the ring into your finger, admiring the ring and then you. She picked you up, twirling you around out of pure happiness and relief.
“Now how about dessert?” You winked and tugged her towards the bedroom.
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liked by lucybronze and 2,086,773 others
leahwilliamson introducing future mrs williamson
chloekelly congratulations ❤️
userb y/n on that wag life
youruser whose to say it’s not gonna be ‘leah y/l/n’
leahwilliamson replying to youruser y/n williamson just sounds better
kierawalsh congrats lovebirds 😄❤️
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liked by alessiarusso and 1,887,201 others
youruser imagine i said no
ellatoone 😍❤️
1maryearps congrats kiddo!
userd please the difference in her and leah’s captions
jodiemcomer so happy for you y/n, congrats X
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Alright. In the q&a viv said some of the fan theories were spot on and I think we know which ones. Lilith is suspicious as fuck, the hotel finally has proof that sinners can go to heaven, we lost sir pentious kind of, Al and Vox used to have somewhat cordial relations, and tons of other shit. So what can we expect for season 2?
Well, let’s look at what plot points and characters are left open.
1. First thing that comes to mind is that Cherri Bomb is gonna join the main cast to fill the hole Sir Pentious created. Despite what she says, I don’t think she’s doing “just fine” so we’ll get to see some development for her. The Addict MV says it all but who knows if that’s still canon so idk.
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2. And what about Alastor? He’s the big mystery of the show. The Aaravos of Hazbin Hotel, for my TDP followers. Well I think we will see who’s controlling him. Furthermore, I think at some point he could be forced to choose between the hotel and his freedom. It’s a bit specific but if I’m right that would be wild. Calling it now! 🗣️‼️ I don’t think we are gonna see anything about his human life yet in s2 though but who knows.
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3. Emily is definitely gonna try and help Charlie from a distance and I think there might be a heaven sideplot with her and Sir Pentious and shit
4. Lute is gonna be out for vengeance yall. Brace yourselves.
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5. The deals Vaggie and Charlie both made with Alastor are absolutely gonna come back to bite them in the ass. They will probably need Alastor to do television shit and Al will probably make Charlie do something bad.
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6. The plot between Vox and Al thickens? Right now it’s just kind of a pathetic rivalry and a onesided boycrush (/j) with the best song in the show keeping it going. I’m loving it though.
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7. We finally get to see Molly and Baxter and Arakniss hopefully lmao
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8. We get to see Lucifer’s backstory a little more perhaps
9. Angel breaks free from Val’s clutches? It will probably involve a deal with Al honestly.
10. And finally, Alastor has spent this season setting the board and now it’s time to play. We need to see his plans in action, we need the payoff. What’s he gonna do with the power and assets he’s gained?
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I also REALLY hope season 2 gets more episodes. The pacing in season 1 was fucked.
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tinyworms · 1 month
Viv’s Oddly cultish fandom (the Taylor swift effect)
you’re probably thinking to yourself “wtf is the Taylor swift effect?” (Which I definitely did not make up)
basically means a weird obsessive and parasocial relationship with the fans and fandom (Another one that comes to mind is BTS) and from all the internet that I’ve been in the HH and HB fandom was the weirdest one I’ve ever come across
I remember I use to be an avid viv supporter, mainly cause I loved HH and HB and the fandom wasn’t as bad as it was back then, but now it feels like the Taylor swift fandom , excuses every action and harasses anybody who questions her , and again that’s Vivs fault her refusal to take criticism and take responsibility
The hate to people like lavendertowne and Idolmantise all because they did some redesigns, some people started to give THREATS TO THEM , just cause they did harmless redesigns
Funnily enough even though HH and HB are mainly lgbtq shows the weirdly homophobia side of the fandom is WILD I’ve seen people call others gay slurs and misgendering just cause they disagreed with them AND the active rape and sa excuses for valentino for crying out loud
and yknow what’s worse? viv talks nothing about it, she never told her fans “hey what you guys are doing is fucked up” and yknow what's even worse? SOMEBODY TOOK THEY’RE OWN LIFE BECAUSE OF A SHIP,GENUINELY THE FANDOM WAS THAT TOXIC
I’m absolutely disgusted that viv did nothing about it, never telling HER FANDOM that it’s wrong
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moistrodent · 1 month
On the topic of the Seven Deadly Sins being color coded, something I think would be cool is the character having those colors to represent their sins.
Angel Dust or Nifty (or probably even both) being blue makes sense. Angel Dust could have dark blues to resemble how despite being a sex worker, he hates it because of Valentino’s abuse. While Nifty could have light blues to showcase that she’s actually extremely boy crazy and lustful (and unlike Angel Dust she has no regrets.)
Valkryie (I refuse to call her the name Vivziepop gave her) and Alastor could be red to resemble how wrathful they can be. Although Alastor could have subtle shades of purple to represent his Pride.
On the topic of purple, Lucifer and Charlie should’ve worn purple. It would make them stand out and it would make sense since their literally the main royalty in the Pride Ring + purple is a regal color in general.
Husk’s wings could be orange to represent his Gluttony. He's a bar tender who uses alcohol as a escape, so he definitely overindulges in it.
But to be fair, this requires thinking and research, which apparently Viv is allergic to.
Apologies if this was pretty long, it’s just disappointing how much wasted potential HH/HB have
the colour theory in Hazbin Hotel and Helluva boss are lacking to say the least.
I think Angel could have red/pink with blue clothes because he was part of a mob (maybe he was a sex worker in his life time? Never confirmed or denied) to show how his sex worker persona is only that, a persona.
Niffty would also look much better is she was blue to be honest. Blue Niffty truther.
And Alastor and V (that’s what I’m calling her now) would make much more sense to red and purple, they both have red in their design (well Alastor is hot pink actually) but close enough to red. But why they don’t have accent colours OTHER than red, white, and yellow baffles me.
I’m assuming Husk went to hell for gluttony so I think him being a calico looking cat would make much more sense thematically.
Lucifer being red is also so fucking funny, WHY RED? WHY? He doesn’t even look good. He could be purple and white, that would make sense. White means purity which would be a nod to his past in heaven and purple means pride. Charlie just being red, white, yellow, and black is also weird. Her and Lucifer being more like a goat would make much more sense to them.
There are so many interesting possibilities in how Vivziepop represented her characters but instead they’re all red? In greed it’s slightly better but she still just makes everything one colour in a ring, it’s not even colour coordinated it’s just inaccessible. Seriously, it’s so hard for me to look at because I’m red green colour blind. Plus Vivziepop went to art school. She should know this.
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futfemfantasies · 1 year
Secret Bows \\ leah williamson x reader (My Queen pt 2)
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Every time Viv sees you she bows. On the field? Bows. Passing by in the hallway? Bows. You have a record on your phone that tells you how many times Viv has bowed to you since you started working at Arsenal, and boy was it a lot. You turn the corner and notice Viv walking towards you. You see her start to bend down but you give her a stern look and she stands up straight away. As you walk past her, Viv mumbles an apology. You walk out the double doors to the rare appearing English sun. You spot Leah instantly and she does the same. Leah finishes tying her boots before jogging over to you. You both give each other a tight hug after not seeing each other that morning due to you having to go in earlier. After a short conversation, Leah got called over and you went over to the cameras that were set up. You start taking some action shots before you pull out your work phone and take some videos for the Arsenal Instagram.
About an hour later, you see Katie walk up to you while you were checking the photos you took previously. You greet the Irish captain and she asks if you have any good photos. You show her a couple when you both hear the whistle from Jonas but Katie doesn’t move.
“I’ve finished my training for another 30 minutes” You nod at her and get back to focusing the camera.
“Do you want to take some photos? I’m gonna go over and take some videos for Instagram” You ask and the Irish woman nods quickly. You show her the basics and leave her to it.
You move away and closer to the team to take the photos and videos for the fans, knowing they love seeing the team train. Looking over at Katie, she nods you over and when you arrive, mentions she has the perfect photo. You look at it and give Katie a side hug in appreciation. You notice the girls are finishing up with some stretches so you decide to start packing the cameras away and start editing some photos. You close the now dead laptop and at the same time, familiar, muscular arms wrap around your shoulders and soft kisses are placed on your cheek. You turn your head and to see your red faced, sweat covered girlfriend. You shrug her off, claiming she was too sweaty and needed a shower. Leah exclaimed that you weren’t complaining last night and now you were the red faced one. Leah waits with you as you put the last lenses in your bag. You pick up all the bags and doing so allows you to show off your muscles you’ve been working on at the gym recently. Leah’s eyes pop out of her head as she looks at you up and down, slightly biting her lip. You ask Leah a question but realise she isn’t next to you. One look back at Leah and you laugh. You nod her over and you watch Leah jog over to you to catch up. Now that you know one of Leah’s weaknesses, you’re definitely going to use this to your advantage.
You and Leah walk back to the rest of the team when Viv bows to you, in front of everyone. You again, give her a stern look and the whole team are confused on what they just saw. A few girls asked what it was all about and you remember they don’t know about you. You look beside you at Leah and she gives you a reassuring smile. You explain the reason Viv just bowed at you and some of the girls are in shock while others are asking a bunch of questions.
“Okay girls, how about this, you all can come over later and you can ask all the questions you want?” Most girls agree but a few decline as they have family plans.
On your way home, you pick up some snacks to entertain the majority of the team with a plan to order take out later on. When you arrive home, you notice Leah leaning on her car waiting for you. She looked up and walked over to you with the little swagger walk she has. You have to pinch yourself to remind yourself that she’s all yours.
“Need help there baby?” You nod and Leah takes a few bags from you, now flexing her muscles.
You do exactly what Leah did earlier and she looks back at you to unlock the door. You race up the stairs and unlock the door, causing Leah to put the kinda heavy bags on the kitchen counter. Leah helps you to put the food away before expressing she’s going to shower.
“I’m going to have a shower babe. Whether you join me or not is your choice” Leah says as she looks over her shoulder, biting her lip slightly.
After a relaxing and pleasurable shower, Leah decided to text the girls your address and to dress comfy. You and Leah start making up the platters when you feel arms around your waist. You turn in Leah’s arms to see her looking at you like you hung all the stars in the night sky.
“Why are you looking at me like that baby?” You question.
“I just love you so much and appreciate you my love, that’s all”
You don’t respond, well not verbally anyway. You cup both of Leah’s cheeks in your hands and kiss her passionately. You feel Leah’s hand tighten around your waist and pull you closer into her.
“You, Leah Williamson, are everything I dreamt of as a little girl. You’re my whole world, universe and more. I love you more than you know” Leah’s eyes started to water then a single tear fell onto your fingers. You wipe away her tears with the pads of your thumbs and kiss all around her face, causing the slightly older girl to giggle.
You get pulled out of your bubble by several and hard knocks on your door. You race over and open it to see Katie, Steph and Caitlin with most of the team behind them. You invite everyone in and everyone starts getting drinks before either sitting on the couch, chairs or the cushions on the floor. After having some snacks and talking about the upcoming game, everyone who had questions asked them and surprisingly most of them were to show yourself in your most formal attire. You project your phone to the TV but before you do you turn to Viv who’s cuddled up to Beth on the love seat.
“Viv, you have to promise not to bow to the TV okay? Or I post that photo Katie took at training today” You lightly threaten the forward and she nods before you explain the photos in the screen.
Weirdly enough, all the girls were really into it. After the last photo, you disconnect your phone and decided to post the photo Katie took of Viv clearly bowing to you on your personal instagram story with the caption ‘#278 and counting 🫠’. You chuckle before locking your phone and spending time with your girlfriend and friends. Just as you and Leah finish order the huge pizza and Chinese order, you hear your fellow Dutch counterpart yell across the room.
“Y/N I’m going to kill you!”
Viv learnt her lessons the hard way, on why she shouldn’t bow down to you ever again.
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pluto247 · 1 month
The Four Mistakes - pt 2
Thinking about doing a part 3...
Katie McCabe x Reader
Warnings: Mentions of Injury
It seemed like every step was a chore, even with Katie supporting your entire body weight. You groaned with every step. Katie was basically dragging you, at least that is what you felt was happening as you could barely lift your feet. 
“I know y/n, I know it hurts but we are almost home.” Katie would reassure you, although you were pretty sure she was scared shitless and trying to keep you calm. Fun fact, you were anything but calm. 
The 10 minute walk back to Katie's house felt more like 2 hours with how slow you felt you were walking, but you have to give Katie credit, she can most definitely drag a 60 kg 17 year old like there is no tomorrow. When we did get back to the house, Katie practically threw you in the back seat and jumped in the driver's seat. Driving like a mad woman to the nearest hospital, you took notice of her right hand. It could have been broken, it was swollen with dried and fresh blood flowing down her arm. It seemed as though she hadn’t really taken notice, it was the least of her problems to be fair. 
“Don’t fall asleep on me back there, ya hear?”
“I’ll try my best” you whispered. Gosh, even talking hurt. 
“You’re going to be just fine y/n. Ya gotta be.”
Katie pulled right outside the emergency doors and threw open her door to grab you from the backseat. Once you were safely tucked into her side, the both of you made your way to the entrance of the emergency room. Surprisingly, the emergency room seemed to not be as chaotic as they portray in drama shows. So a nurse was on us the moment we came through the doors. 
“We will take her from here ma’am” she said while getting on my other side, “Tell us everything you know.” 
“Um.. I.. He..” Katie stuttered out, as they transferred me to a gurney and wheeled me away.
“Ma’am, your hand. You are hurt, let me help you.” She said gently grabbing Katies right hand,
Katie recoiled a little bit, hissing at the contact, finally realizing that she in fact was in a great deal of pain. Her pain only became relevant now that you were in the hands of people capable of helping you. 
“Ma’am, do you know who you brought in? Do you know who we can call? Can I please help you? I think you broke your hand” The nurse asked
“Um, she's my kid. I am the one who you would call.” She responded shakily
“Ok, good. Is there anyone we can call for you? You don’t seem to be doing ok.”
Katie thought for a few seconds before fishing out her phone and handing it to the nurse “Uh, yea me best mate. And yea me hand hurts help would be appreciated, if ya wouldn’t mind. Is she gonna be alright? What are they going to do?”
“We will not know until the doctor comes back, but we will let you know as soon as they come back. Now let's go over here and take a look at your hand.” The nurse said while leading Katie back into an examination room. She began to look at the hand in more detail before reaching over to grab some cleaning supplies and clean her knuckles.
“I’m Nancy by the way, what’s your name?” The nurse said after starting to clean Katies wounds.
“My name is Katie, do ya think my hand is broken?”
“Straight to the point I see. Well, we will need an x-ray to say for sure and what kind of treatment would be needed, but I am 80% sure you indeed have a broken hand Katie,”
“Damn, I was hoping you wouldn’t say that. Do I at least get a cool cast?”
“Of course, in any color you want. But let me go and put in for an x-ray and check up on the status of your child. What's her name? Nancy said while standing up
“Her names y/n, y/n McCabe” Katie responded tearfully
A half hour had passed before another person burst through the emergency room doors. 
“I’m looking for Katie McCabe? Where is she?” Viv asked the front desk
“She is just about to come back to the waiting room, looks like she just got her cast done so the nurse will send her your way if you will just have a seat ma’am.” 
Viv nodded and turned around to look for an open chair perfectly positioned to see everything but not be so far away that she couldn’t hear if the nurse called your name. In the middle of her consideration, she felt a pair of arms wrap around her torso. She looked over and saw Katie, so she wrapped her arms around her shoulders. 
“Hey, are you ok?” Viv spoke after a minute
“I don’t know, I will be once I see her. Viv… she was in bad shape… I …” Katie said before being caught by a wave of emotion. 
“Hey. Look at me, she is going to be fine. She’s a McCabe, you all are a stubborn lot. Now lets sit down and tell me what happened”
Katie was currently tucked into Vivs side, her leg bouncing in anticipation, impatiently waiting for the doctor to say your name. 
“So, why did you have them call me instead of Caitlin?” Viv wondered out loud 
“Well, Cait is out with Steph and Kyra. I didn’t want to ruin her night, and ya were the next person I could think of to help me.” Katie confessed. “Where's Beth? Ya guys are attached at the hip.”
“Ah, Steph called like 10 min before I got the phone call. She got invited to hang out with the Aussies.”
“God, that's trouble.”
Finally, your name was called, “Family of y/n McCabe?” 
Katie  and Viv shot up and made their way to the doctor.
“Hi, yea that’s us. Is she ok?” Katie rushed out 
“Yes, y/n is alright. If you follow me, we will go back and see her. She is a little out of it because we gave her some strong pain meds, just a warning.” They said while walking down the corridor. They walked past a few more doors until the doctor turned left and went through the door.
“y/n, how are you feeling?” The doctor greeted you.
As they walked in the room, Katie was finally able to see you. You were sitting up and looking at the door with a dopey look on your face. She took note of all the physical injuries she could see, you had a black eye, a few stitches around your eyebrow and a cut adorning your lip. As well as a bandage around your right hand. 
“I’m okayyyy. The funky juice ya gave me is makin me feel fuzy, but its all goooood becuz ya brought me Mum. Oh! And Auntie Viv!”
The doctor chuckled a little bit, “Mhmm, I sure did. They are gonna take you home soon, I just need to tell your mum a few things, is that alright?”
You looked flabbergasted, “pfffttt, of course. She already knows everything about meee”
“Alright, so I am sure you can see most of the damage. She has a few stitches in her face and quite a few in her hand. We have it covered so that nothing gets into her… incisions. You will have to come back to get all the stitches removed in about 2 weeks. We checked her torso area, and found that she has no broken bones, she did however have a few fractured ribs and severe bruising. That is the reason for the strong pain meds. I imagine she will be in quite a bit of pain for about a week or so because of that. Any questions?”
“Um, is there a way I can get you to send both my report and hers to our work? And I can take her back home tonight?” 
“Yea, that shouldn’t be a problem. Just need a medical release so that we can send those over and those can be there by the morning. Yes, you can take her home tonight. We don’t need to keep her for observation, but if anything changes please do come back and we can take a look.” 
“Ok, thank you very much.” Katie replied and then turned to you. “Hey kid, ya really gave me a scare there.” She continued, gently cupping your cheek.
“I’m sowry, I didn’t mean to” You replied looking tearful
“Hey, no. It’s alright, I… I just hated to see you like that, but you are alright now. Auntie Viv is going to take us home” She softly smiled before leaning in and placing a light kiss on your forehead. You leaned into her touch, closing your eyes briefly. 
You all had arrived home far too late for Katie’s pleasure. It was nearing 3 am when you stumbled through the front door.
“Hey, careful there kid. Lets not have to go back to the hospital, alright?” Katie said, worry laced in her voice
“I am like sooo careful, ya don’t even know. Now where is the boi??? I am in need of cuddles” You retort back, head swiveling in search of cooper. 
Viv chuckled, as she grabbed your arm and pulled you into her side “God, she’s so high.”
“C’mon, we need to go to bed. Ya can sleep in my bed with cooper too.”
“Yayyyyy, now where is he??? And what about auntie Viv, where is she going to sleep?” you say, determined and confused.
Katie turned to Viv, “I actually did not think of that. We have practice tomorrow… Ya can sleep over obviously, I think Cait said something about spending the night at Stephs”
“Yea, that would be great. I can drive you both in tomorrow, you will have to talk to Jonas and the Physio. I can do that if it would make it easier.” Viv said while practically dragging you to Katie's bedroom.
“That would be great, I don’t know if I could talk about it again without breaking down. Would you mind taking us later, so everyone is on the pitch already, I don’t want the kid to be overwhelmed.”
“Yea, I will text Jonas now. I am in no shape to train tomorrow either, I am so tired.”
Viv helped you lay down in the middle of the bed, where you were now picking up cooper from where he was and placing him on your chest. Your quest of finding your furry friend now over. 
As Viv was sending a message to Jonas, Katie got into the bed and pulled the covers up. Cooper moving off y/n’s chest and onto her own. You however, were sad that cooper had left you so you moved to your side and cuddled into Katies side sighing contently as Katie wrapped an arm around you protectively. When Viv had turned around, she chuckled.
“May I join the cuddle pile?” 
“Of course, auntie Viv. Come on my other side, so that I am a sandwich!”
“What kind of sandwich?” Viv asked as she got into the bed, spooning you
“A love sandwich, silly” you said tiredly.
 “My bad, now go to bed kid, you have a long day tomorrow.” Viv said as she felt herself being claimed by the warmth of sleep. 
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pheavampire · 4 months
Alastor's starting point in season 2
We know that Alastor’s cane in broken right now, which means that he lost a lot of his power.
We also know, that Vees will have a big role in season 2 - „especially Vox” Viv said. According to her, we will learn ��about Vox and Alastor’s backstory”. And we also know that Vox saw Alastor being wounded and defeated.
If the writers won’t make Vox use the opportunity and do something deliciously nasty to Alastor, I will riot.
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But seriously; both pilot and the first season established Alastor as an overpowered demon who can do almost everything. We know it’s not exactly true, but still - he is (or was?) very powerful for a sinner.
The whole time he was presented as the one in control, a very competent person - he defeated Vox in the reputation battle, he was able to compete with Lucifer in a specific way, he easily destroyed the shark gangsters and Sir Pentious… But you can't do a semi-co-protagonist who only wins, because it's just boring. It's like Aristotle's definition of tragedy: after a good starting it only make sense to show a character of this kind starting to have more and more serious trouble. Season one was Alastor’s exposition, at the end of it the first turning point happened (loosing to Adam) and now it’s time for some interesting peripeteia. Vox on the other hand started as defeated - it only makes sense to give him an upper hand in this part of the story.
Or I’m just relying on the writing theory to convince myself I’ll see helpless Alastor interacting with Vox at some point haha wishful thinking is the best I tell you
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hazshit-hotel-hater · 2 months
Could you talk about the designs Viv makes? I don't see many posts talking about this and I wanted some design tips, I intend to post my own cartoon designs (I just don't know when) and I wanted some tips <⁠(⁠ ̄⁠︶⁠ ̄⁠)⁠>
Hey hey!! Id love to talk about designs!
I actually answered this entire question and then uh…. Tumblr deleted my draft so let me try to redo all this lmao
Vivzie has a problem with bodytypes I’ve noticed. Almost all of her cast is insanely skinny and the only two “plus-size” characters I can think of are Millie and Mimzy. Meanwhile, Angel Dust, Vox, Stolas, & Alastor are a few very skinny characters I can think of off the top of my head.
For the best example, I’m going to be using Vox for now. Here is my Vox design next to his canon appearance
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They don’t look too different right? This is still easily identifiable as Vox because his main characteristics are there; stupid little hat, tv head, thats about it.
My design also keeps elements of his suit with the stripes and shoulder pads, though in my design his body is a bit wider and his shoulders + waist make him look more commanding and intimidating while still maintaining a sense of professionalism. As for his canon design, he definitely looks sketchy, but he doesn’t really give me that commanding sense of popularity or authority that I feel an overlord should have, especially one with such a wide range of influence as Vox. His canon design looks top heavy and a little pathetic in that “he was born in a wet cardboard box all alone” way. Don’t get me wrong, a small waist can do wonders for a design, but when your designs start to look like… this
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I think you might have a problem.
Now, I know I am nowhere near the best character designer in the world, but I have designed my fair share and I think I have enough experience to flatter myself a little.
This is a very simple design choice to make. Body types are probably some of the most intricate and interesting parts of a person in my opinion, and with a lineup like this where everyone looks more or lest the same from the torso down, it’s kind of a dead and sad looking cast, and not in the intended way.
I’m aware my designs are very detailed and wouldn’t be easy to animate with my style, but it’s very easy to draw extra body types with a style fit for TV.
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Gravity Falls is a great example of stylised bodies and also using them to build personality. By looking at these characters you can generally tell what their base personality is probably like right? You can do the same thing to an extent with the Hazbin Cast, but all of their designs get muddled into the other. Can you even tell where half of these people are positioned in this screenshot
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It’s so pink and red im going to start seeing green when I look away. There are so many colours, use them!!!! You can still slap a red overlay over it and make it “look like hell” or whatever, but you’re still gonna have more variety.
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Here’s my body/fur references for Angel and Husk. They are almost entirely opposite to eachother but you can probably get an idea for how they are based on colour and shape. I recommend studying other TV shows and things like anime or movies to see how body types and colours impact character design, but general things I always think of are, like I’ve said, body type, personality, colour, and silhouette. Silhouette is a bit harder to pin since a character can have a very recognizable silhouette and still not be a good design, but honestly to me as long as you can tell which character is which from silhouette you’re good to go on that front.
- Generally just don’t reuse the same colour palette over and over (heres some of my hazbin colours)
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- Give diversity in shapes when you can and when it benefits the design
- Try to show their personality through their clothes and pose
- Don’t be afraid to add little physical or personality details that other people might not notice, a good design should keep you interested in tiny details like that or surprise you later on
- Pay attention to what would and wouldn’t make sense (ex. A character that doesn’t like modern fashion wearing modern fashion)
Im not the best at explaining all of this but I hope you could grasp even just a tiny bit of an idea from this! At the end of the day as long as you’re having fun and not actively harming people with the designs then you should be good to go
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firefly-sky · 26 days
so i finished hazbin hotel…
anti hazbin hotel rant under the cut so if y’all start harassing me i can say i warned you dipshits
honestly, it wasn’t good. i like the songs. the songs are cool oh. but the writing was dog shit. it’s like those edgy teenagers from 2018 wrote it. like does every other word have to be fuck? i’m not a prude. trust me. but the shock value of the word significantly decreases whenever viv decides that the script should literally be ‘fuck fuck fuck fuck *insert sex joke* fuck fuck fuck fuck *insert another sex joke* like honestly the writing could’ve been done by middle school boys. that’s the kind of humor it reminded me of. this show personified is literally just that one kid who goes around calling everyone else gay and moaning and making the most heinous sex jokes known to man. it’s not funny. it’s repetitive and annoying.
also the ships. chaggie should’ve had more depth and i wish that vaggie was more than a play on vagina and angry all the time. and before y’all start with the ‘b-BuT sHeZ a FaLlEn AngEl!!!1!!!!’ billshit, that’s not a character trait, that’s a backstory. also angel dust. surprisingly he was pretty realistic in some aspects. like using sex and drugs as a coping mechanism. but the fact that they (allegedly) had someone who had an abuse fetish write the poison scene is sickening. and treating abuse and r^pe as something like a joke for only certain characters but not others is gross. like who is loona and angel dust’s abuse treated seriously but like…blitzo and sir pentious are treated like a joke? but the sex jokes again, are middle school boy humor. the ‘bring it on….daddy~’ line made me need to take an actual break. like god. and trust me. i’m not the kind of person to rip on this. i’m bisexual myself and have had girlfriends in the past. but she pays more attention to the lgbtq characters and it feels like forced representation. like millie/moxxie’s relationship vs. the attention to huskerdust is astounding.
also don’t get me started on the fan base. or vivziepop herself. like holy shit she is the definition of scummy. y’all forget she had a nazi esque sausage party oc too like here’s proof https://rootbeergoddess.tumblr.com/post/627258297172557824/just-to-show-you-how-inclusive-vivziepop-truly-is
also her response to any and all criticism is just kinda…i don’t know the word for it. scummy? like blocking a fucking fifteen year old for saying her show was bad is just so immature. and god forbid you say anything slightly negative about any of the characters you’ll have a bunch of edgy fifteen year olds come after you.
overall the show kinda sucked. vivziepop sucks. the things she does and has done are gross. she’s awful to her animators and pays the, the least she possibly can and she ignores the fact that someone in her fanbase committed suicide because of how much they ere being bullied. the writing of the show sucked. like i’m positive if you grouped 5 middle school boys together they would come up with the exact same script that will be in the next season. it’s not a good show and vivziepop is a bad person. that’s my overall opinion.
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bluewasthecolor · 1 year
What Can I Do (So You Feel It Too)?
Word Count: 2318
Warnings: None
A/N: Well, this accidentally got a little long. If people want a part two, that could definitely happen! Let me know if you like this one! Also, I don't only write for Leah so feel free to send requests for other woso players.
You don't even get it, no, you don't understand
I want you, but I know I'm only one of your friends
“Come on, Y/N! We’re gonna be late to dinner and Viv’s gonna kill us!” Leah shouts from the other room. You poke your head out of your bedroom, smirking.
“Chill out, dude. We’ll be twenty minutes late tops. It’d be weird if we were exactly on time, anyway.” 
“Chill out, dude” The Brit teases, making fun of your American-ness as she always does. 
Fifteen minutes later you’re ready to go–thirty minutes after you were supposed to be at Viv and Beth’s. Leah hems and haws the whole drive over about how if Viv got mad at the both of you she would make clear that it was absolutely your fault and if you had just worn the first shirt this all could have been avoided. You don’t hear most of it, if you’re being honest. Most of your attention is focused on your phone and the person texting you. When she pulls into Viv and Beth’s driveway, Leah glances over at you, realizing that your attention has been taken from her. “I thought I was the only one who could make you smile like that. What’s going on over there Y/L/N?” 
“I’ve been talking to someone,” you answer, “He’s really sweet, I think you’d like him. We’re going on a date next week.”
Leah’s smile fades, just a little, when you say that. You don’t notice, of course, you never have. You don’t notice any of the little signs–the way she looks at you (like you hung the moon), the way she says your name (like your name is a prayer), or the way she smiles when you enter a room (like all the light was gone until you walked in). It’s been like this for years, ever since that one night (that one dress). Leah’s used to it by now, she knows you only see her as a friend, but it still hurts. When you talk about the people you’re dating she can’t help but wish it was her. 
6 Months Later
You know you're too good for him but if it were me
I'd give you everything
Everything is crashing down around you. Or that’s how it feels anyway. You leave your (his?) apartment, trying to process what’s just happened. Somehow you end up at Leah’s, standing in front of the door trying to decide whether or not you should knock. What if she has company? What if she isn’t home? You decide you’re being silly–she’s your best friend. She’ll understand, and if not you can just leave. 
When Leah opens the door she can immediately tell something is wrong. Your cheeks are stained with tears, your nose is running, your hair is unbrushed, and you are inexplicably wearing two different shoes. She, on the other hand, is all dressed up. Suddenly you feel like an idiot.
“Y/N? What’s going on? ” She looks at you with concern, waiting for you to explain.
“I-he-we, we had a fight. A bad one. I didn’t know where to go. I forgot you had that event tonight. I’m so sorry, I should just lea-” You don’t get to finish your sentence, Leah interrupts you by pulling you into her arms, enveloping you in a hug. 
The tears start again as soon as she wraps her arms around you. She holds you until you’ve stopped shaking, and once you’re done she leans back, placing her hands on your shoulders.
“Never, ever, apologize for coming to me when you’re upset. I’m your best friend. That's what I’m here for. Now come in, please.” 
“Thank you, Leah. Really.” You sniffle, following her to the couch. You sit and she crouches in front of you.
“Don’t thank me. I already told you, that’s why I’m here. Let me just change out of these clothes, I’ll be right back.” She leaves you sitting on the couch. 
You take the moment alone to check your phone. He’s texted you three times (You can’t just leave when we’re in the middle of a fight. This is so immature Y/N, I can’t believe you. Please just come back.) and left you one voicemail (“This isn’t how adults react when shit happens Y/N. I don’t know where you are, but if you don’t come back by tomorrow night I’ll change the locks. You can’t do this.”). Just as you finish listening to the voicemail, Leah returns. She sits on the couch facing you, taking your hands in hers.
“Tell me everything.”
You breathe deeply, willing yourself not to cry again.
“We were cooking dinner. I made some comment about winning the Champions League this season and he laughed. Like, out loud, laughed at me. He said he’d be impressed if we made it past Bayern.” You glance up. Leah is looking at you intently, her expression shifting from concern to anger as you continue to speak. “That just set something off in me I guess, I don’t know. We got into a screaming match and I just had to get out of there. It’s like-he just doesn’t believe in me. He doesn’t support me. He left me a voicemail saying he’s gonna change the locks to our place if I’m not back by tomorrow night. I don’t know what to do. Tell me what to do Leah, please.” 
You finish your story and Leah doesn’t speak. Instead, she gets up, pacing to the kitchen sink and getting two glasses of water. When she returns, she passes you a glass of water and finally breaks her silence.
“Look, Y/N. I think you know he’s not good enough for you. I don’t think I need to tell you that, so I won’t.” She pulls you into her side, your head coming to rest on her shoulder. “I can’t tell you what to do, you have to make your own decision. I will say that you deserve somebody who makes you feel your absolute best–not someone who laughs at your dreams. You should be with someone who is kind and loving. You’re my best friend and seeing you hurt like this is so hard. I’ll be here for you no matter what, just think about it.” 
You turn your head to look up at her, tears sliding down your cheeks once again. She places her hand on your cheek, wiping each tear away gently. Neither of you say anything for the next five minutes or so, Leah’s arm wrapped around your shoulders, protecting you. You’re not sure what you would do without her. Every time someone breaks your heart, she’s there to pick up the pieces. When you had that injury last year she stayed at your apartment to take care of you. She’s your favorite person in the entire world. Leah shifts next to you, breaking you out of your daze. She is starting to doze off, and you suddenly realize how late it is. 
“I’ll go, I’m sorry to keep you up so late.” You stand to leave, but are stopped by Leah’s hand encircling your wrist.
“You don’t have to go. Not back to him. Not if you don’t want to. Stay here tonight, deal with him in the morning. You can stay in my room with me.”
You smile softly, pulling her off the couch. She leads the way to her room, passing you one of her old t-shirts to sleep in. You pull it on, breathing in the way it smells, like laundry detergent and Leah. You clamber into bed next to her, lying on your side so you’re facing one another. Leah searches your face for any sign of how you’re feeling. The two of you have done this (sleeping in the same bed) countless times. Drunk nights out, drunk nights in, when one of you just didn’t want to be alone. This time felt different, somehow. She couldn’t place it, but this was different.
“So I guess I’m breaking up with my boyfriend tomorrow.” You murmur. 
(About) Two Weeks Later
'Cause I swear that you feel it, but then I second guess
I don't know if you see us how I do in my head
You’ve basically moved into Leah’s apartment. After the break up, you realized you had nowhere to go, so now every night is a sleepover. You’ve fallen into something of a domestic routine. You cook and Leah washes the dishes. Leah drives to training and you pick the music. You fall asleep next to each other but always wake up spooning (the big spoon changes, although Leah won’t admit it). Nothing has changed but so has everything. You’re still best friends but Leah swears to herself that there’s something more there. The way you watch her when you think she’s not looking (like you’re afraid you’ll forget the way she moves), the way you listen to her (like her word is the gospel), or the way you hold her (like you never want to let go). Maybe none of this is new. Maybe it’s been there all along. But then you do things like call her your best friend and tell her she needs to go on a date, that it’s been “too long” and she wonders if she’s wrong. It terrifies her that she might be wrong, but even more that she might be right.
'Cause I just wanna say it but I'm scared if I do
You weren't looking at me the way I look at you
“Leah, be a doll and grab my dress for the wedding? It should be hanging in the closet.” You shout from the bathroom, as Leah lounges on the bed waiting for you to finish getting ready. 
She carries your dress into the bathroom, stopping in her tracks when she sees you. It’s not that she’s never seen you in just your underwear before–you’re teammates for goodness’ sake–but this feels different somehow. You turn around, a smile playing at your lips. 
“What are you looking at me like that for? Come on, we've gotta get going. Zip me up?” You wriggle into your dress, sweeping your hair to the side. 
After the wedding, Leah can’t help but think you look more beautiful now then she’s ever seen you (except maybe that one night with that one dress). You chat with the other guests, smiling effortlessly and making everyone around you laugh. She catches your eye and you excuse yourself, making your way back to your table. 
“Having fun yet, Williamson?” You ask, dropping into the seat next to her. She smirks, but doesn’t respond, drinking in the moment. 
“I still think you need to go on a date. There’s so many single women here it’s basically a dating convention. Let me pick someone out for yo–her!” You point to a woman standing at the bar, “She’s pretty. Go buy her a drink.”
“It’s an open bar, you idiot. And I’m not ready yet. I told you.” She snaps, her smile gone.
You hold up your hands in apology, deciding to let it go (for now). The two of you sit in silence, watching the antics of all the other guests. You can’t understand why she doesn’t want to date. She’s been single for almost a year and it’s not like she hasn’t had opportunities. You know for a fact that she gets asked out almost everywhere she goes. You make a mental note to talk to her about it later–maybe she just needs a pep talk. 
As the night goes on you drink more and talk less, dancing with your friends and trying to get Leah to join you. As the designated driver of the evening, she stopped drinking after the champagne toast, and dancing with drunk people isn’t quite as fun when she’s sober (plus she’s not sure she can trust herself not to grab your waist and move behind you). You eventually give up, pulling one of Ruesha’s cousins in to dance with you. This is enough for Leah, seeing her move behind you the way she wishes she could. Leah stands and stalks over to you, stopping just short of the dance floor.
“Time to go Y/N.” She says, her eyes cold. 
You pout but follow her to the car. The ride home is also silent–you are fighting to keep your eyes open and Leah isn’t in the mood to talk. 
Once home, Leah heads inside without a word to you. Mostly sobered up from the drive, you follow her inside confused. She flops onto the bed, her hands over her eyes. You sit gingerly next to her, placing a hand on her arm.
“What’s up Leah? You’ve been acting weird all night. Did I do something?” “No. Yes. I don’t know…” She groans, uncovering her face and sitting up. “It’s just…why do you want me to start dating so badly?”
“I-I just want you to be happy, Leah. I don’t want you to feel like I’m getting in the way of your life. I know I’ve been staying here for a long time.”
“Really? That’s it?” She arches an eyebrow at you, challenging you to say something else. You don’t, just look at your hands.
“Look, Y/N,” She sighs, “I don’t need you to set me up. I can handle my own dating life. Please understand that.” “But I don’t understand Leah, that’s the problem. We’ve always set each other up. Is it because of your last relationship? Are you scared of getting hurt again? Because if that’s it–” “No, that’s not it.” Leah cuts you off. “ It’s different now. Do you really not know? Have I read this so wrong that you don’t see what’s happening?” 
You just look at her confused. She sighs, mustering up the courage. “I love you Y/N. I’m in love with you.”
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lovesickonmybed · 7 months
all you had to do was stay | (1/?)
eddie Munson x OC | chapter 2 | series masterlist
summary | vivian and eddie were best friends until he betrayed her. she decided to get revenge, but it went too far.
word count | 4,156.
warnings | swearing, alcohol, underage drinking, sexual content, themes of abandonment, smoking, and bullying.
a/n | i don't have anyone to edit for me or anything like that before posting so please feel free to give me some feedback about this first chapter!! also listen to all you had to do was stay (taylor's version) while reading this!
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Nobody spends their spring break praying for it to be over…except maybe for me. I used to spend my spring breaks at Eddie Munson’s trailer playing D&D and listening to whatever metal albums we had all put enough money together to buy. Now I spend them at endless parties praying that whatever is in my cup will be enough to drown out my hatred for the people I now surround myself with. I would kill to be back at Eddie’s trailer playing D&D and listening to Black Sabbath, I would kill to be anywhere but Lovers Lake with a beer I didn’t even want in my hand.
Eddie became my best friend in 6th grade when I moved to Hawkins. Back then, I was pretty awkward and pretty angry at absolutely everything. My dear old dad had packed up everything and left me and my mom to try to survive on our own, so we moved back to my mom’s hometown of Hawkins, Indiana. It was nothing compared to back home in New York. I hated it, I hated my dad, I hated everything. But then I met someone who understood my anger, someone who knew exactly how I felt. His name was Eddie Munson. He was dorky as shit but also the coolest kid I had ever met. His hair was buzzed, he wore band tees, and he hung out with a girl who was just as cool as him. Veronica Ecker, or just Ronnie for short. She was tall with dark hair and a baseball cap she refused to ever take off. 
I remember walking in on my first day of 6th grade at Hawkins Middle. I was oh so lucky to be a new student on Halloween day. Everyone was in costume, I was just in an orange sweater and black jeans. I couldn’t afford a costume and we had thrown out all my old ones in the move. We couldn’t bring too much with us to Hawkins. There were already rumors about me before I had even stepped foot on school grounds. Rumors that I moved there because I got kicked out of every school in New York for starting fights. Another rumor spread that I was somebody from a government experiment that they had planned to plant at the school for research. It’s impressive just how creative 6th graders can get. The truth was too boring for them and nobody had cared to hear it, well, not nobody. Eddie Munson had waltzed up to me as I sat on the bleachers, he was wearing a pair of devil horns, a big grin spread across his face. “You’re the new girl, right?” He had asked.
“If you’re gonna ask me about the rumors then they’re both true and you should definitely avoid me,” I said sarcastically. I couldn’t help being defensive after having kids whisper about me all day, giggling to one another about how weird I was.
“Nah, they’re bullshit. You don’t look like you could win any fights against anybody,” Eddie joked.
I liked him from that very moment.
“You don’t know that, I bet I could take you, shrimp,” I joked back. It was the first time in a while that I had smiled, the first time in a while there was anything in my eyes besides anger.
“You know, maybe you could…but just think of all the people we could take on as a team,” he smiled. His smile is infectious and the grin on my face got even wider.
“You’re right…we’d be a great team…I’m Viv, by the way,” I said, sticking out my hand for him to shake. I had cracked royal blue nail polish on my nails and a variety of different rings I had found in my mom’s things littered both hands. His hands weren’t much different than mine, his nails had clearly been chewed short and he also had his own assortment of rings.
“Eddie, Eddie Munson…” 
From that moment on we were friends. He introduced me to Ronnie and then in 7th grade we met Dougie and he joined our group. We had all even performed together in our school's talent show. They had me on vocals because I couldn't play any instruments and I would say that I killed it but half of Hawkins wanted us dead or expelled after that so maybe it’s for the best if I forget it ever happened. Or if I forget that anything had ever happened with that group at all. It’s so strange to know that the people who had taken me in and became my first friends here are the ones who hate me most now. I can’t say I blame them though…
When high school started we were all losers, I mean we were losers in middle school too but it became even more obvious once we hit high school. Jocks hated Eddie and Dougie, targeting them constantly. The cheerleaders and preppy girls had it out for me and Ronnie as well. Nothing says ‘Loser’ like getting trash dumped on you or having to memorize your friends' locker combinations for every time they were stuffed into their own locker and needed you to get them out. For all of Freshman and Sophomore year, I was called ‘Pizza Face’ or told that I was ‘flat as an ironing board’ y’know just all the best things you could say to a deeply insecure teenage girl whose hormones had favored developing acne over developing breasts. 
We had taken our love for D&D with us into high school and created a safe haven for people like us, the freaks and the outcasts. Eddie called them his ‘lost little sheep’ and it became his mission to find them…but it turns out a lot of those other freaks and outcasts had believed the lies fed to them about D&D being satanic so attendance was lacking. Nonetheless, we had somewhere we felt safe and it was exactly what we needed. Eddie became our leader, which sadly meant he’d get the most shit from bullies like Tommy H. 
There was nobody worse than Tommy H. His father owned the biggest and most successful car dealership in town. On top of that, he was also a star athlete (which is shocking considering how awful he is at pretty much everything I’ve ever witnessed him do) and that meant he could get away with whatever he wanted. He’d always go after Eddie, he’d start shit with him and then go crying to Principal Higgins about how Eddie had started it and there started Eddie’s record of so-called bad behavior. Being a Munson means it’s practically impossible to do anything and not get shit for it, Tommy knew this and used it to his advantage. He used Eddie as a punching bag and would get away with it, hell most of the time Eddie was the one taking the blame when Tommy would walk away without a scratch on him. And all of this makes me hate myself even more for what I did to Eddie…what I did to all of them…
It was the summer right before the start of junior year. I had been in New York visiting family for June and most of July. I had called Eddie almost every day to let him know about my trip, I did leave out a few key details though…the details of how I had gotten my braces off, how I had finally found something that fixed my acne problems, and most importantly I kept it a secret that I had finally started to develop. I had always had a bit of a crush on Eddie, as we had gotten older it had only gotten worse. I’ve never been good with relationships, my first kiss came from a game of Spin the Bottle in 8th grade. It was awkward, messy, and something I’d pay thousands to erase from the minds of all who witnessed it. I had a boyfriend at one point too, I’d use the term boyfriend very loosely though. It was Charlie Stump, he was a loser like me and we ‘dated’ Freshman year. Our relationship consisted of holding hands and sharing one kiss before he broke it off because he thought metal music was satanic. He was just something to fill the void that I had hoped Eddie would fill instead.
Ronnie had told me about the time Eddie had tried to kiss her when they were 13, I remember wishing it had been me instead, I would’ve let him kiss me whenever he had wanted. Me and Eddie were complicated…we were flirty with one another but whenever someone would address it we’d both claim it was a joke. I lied every single time. I cherished every single touch I got from him, they all felt electric. I cherished every time we’d hold hands to cross the street or to lead one another through a crowd, I cherished the kisses he’d give me on the cheek or forehead whenever I had saved his ass from his bullies, I cherished how he’d hold me against him when we’d watch horror movies. I was never really scared, but he never had to know that. I was lovestruck, but I knew he’d never feel the same. I saw how certain girls would catch his eye, preppy cheerleaders, good girls, girls that were nothing like me. Girls with perfect skin, perfect teeth, perfect bodies, perfect lives. I couldn’t compare. 
When I had finally started to look like the girls that caught his eye I was overjoyed. It was stupid, I felt good because I thought I would finally have a chance with my best friend. My best friend who had been designated as the freak of Hawkins High. His house was my first stop when I returned from my trip to New York. It was late but his trailer was only about a mile from the apartment complex I lived in with my mother. I had put on my best outfit, something that would surely make him swoon. It was a black denim dress, it buttoned up and the skirt flared out at the bottom, it was cute. I had even learned to do nicer makeup when I was visiting my cousins. I switched out my heavy eyeliner for something more soft and subtle. Something that girls that he likes would wear. I walked over with a smile on my face and hope in my heart. This would be the night I would win him over…or so I thought. 
When I arrived at the Munson residence I was met with the site of an unfamiliar car parked in front of the trailer. It was way too nice to belong to Wayne or Eddie, it was out of place for Forest Hills Trailer Park. My heart was beating faster as I became anxious. Every step I took towards his door felt heavy, it was like my body was slowly becoming filled with lead. I took a deep breath and I finally was at his door. I knocked and waited. It took him a minute to answer the door and when he did I was shocked. He was shirtless and his hair was a mess, there were a few hickeys scattered across his neck and collarbones, he looked hot. But once I got over how good he looked I was overtaken by jealousy. It looks like somebody beat me to it.
“Holy shit…I was not expecting you, Viv,” He chuckled. He was almost unaware of his appearance, unaware that it’s pretty obvious what he’d been doing. 
“I-I just got back into town…I wanted to surprise you…I guess you’re busy…”
Before Eddie could respond I saw a girl walk up behind him, I recognized her instantly and became filled with rage. Nicole fucking Summers. The goddamned bitch who had been tormenting me since 6th grade, she was the one who made up the rumors about me moving to Hawkins for getting expelled from every school in New York. She’s the one who cut off a chunk of my hair in 7th grade, the one who told everyone I still wore a training bra in 8th grade. She was the one who started calling me ‘Pizza Face’ in Freshman year, going as far as to get all her friends to throw slices of pizza at me at lunch. Sophomore year she had stolen my clothes after gym when I was in the shower and I was forced to find them in just my underwear. Out of anyone he could’ve fucked, out of anyone he could’ve lost his virginity to why the fuck did it have to be her. Sure his options are slim but I was right there. 
I was beyond stunned when she began to speak. “Vivi, is that you? You look…different. I guess you grew out of your ugly duckling phase, huh?” She teased. She was in one of Eddie’s shirts, her makeup smeared and her neck was covered in hickeys just like Eddie’s. It took everything in me to not break both of their noses right then and there. 
“I’m just gonna go. Clearly, you’re busy,” I spat out at Eddie. He was lucky I was holding back my anger. I didn’t even let him respond before I was marching off and away from his door, once I was a far enough distance away I started to run. I screamed and I cried and I ran all the way home. My mascara burned my eyes but I ignored it. Eddie’s betrayal had hurt me worse than anything physical ever could. He didn’t notice that I changed, he didn’t care, he fucked the girl who had made my life miserable. At the time I didn’t know it was a one-time thing. She had wanted to brag to her friends about ‘taking the freaks virginity before his loser little friend got a chance.’ 
I locked myself in my room for days, I was beyond angry. I wanted to tear them both apart and then put them back together again so that I could do it all over again. I didn’t know what to think and I didn’t know what to do…until I did. I ignored any calls from Eddie, Ronnie, or Dougie. I told my mom that if they came looking for me to tell them I was sick. I couldn’t face any of them, if I did I wouldn’t have been able to hold myself back. I devised a plan, a plan to get Nicole back for fucking Eddie and one to get Eddie back for fucking Nicole. It was a plan that would go too far for too long. The few times I had gone out in public I had overheard something about there being a party at Steve Harrington's house. His parents were always gone and he hung out with just the people I needed for my plan. 
On a Saturday night in August, I found myself on the front doorstep of the Harrington residence. I was in an almost sheer blouse, my lacy red bra showing through the material, and a mini skirt, it was nothing like I had ever worn before. My makeup and hair were perfect, I knew what these guys liked, it was exactly what Eddie liked. I took a deep breath before waltzing in, heads turning as soon as I walked in the door. I had never been to a party before and I had certainly never looked like this before. “Do you have a staring problem or something, Caleb?” I asked one of Tommy’s cronies. He was closest to me and a perfect target for my plan.
His eyes were glued to me, raking up and down my body slowly. “When Nicole said you got hot I thought she was kidding…” He said as he licked his lips. I rolled my eyes and walked towards the kitchen to find something to drink. 
As I made my way into the kitchen I bumped into none other than Steve Harrington himself. He did a double-take when he saw me. “Holy shit…w-what are you doing here?”
“Can’t a girl go to a party, Harrington?” I replied. He was still sputtering and his face was all red, it felt great to fluster a man like this for once in my life. 
“I’m what? I’m a loser? An outcast? A freak? Not anymore, Harrington.”
He cleared his throat and got a hold of himself, “Where’s Munson? Aren't you two inseparable or something?”
“Not anymore…I umm…let’s just say I outgrew him.” I was totally bullshitting. 
“Really?” Steve asked. He was looking at me the same way that Caleb was when I walked in. 
“Really. Now do you mind showing me where you’ve got some vodka, I really need a drink.” What I needed was liquid courage, courage for the idiotic bullshit I planned to do that night. Steve led me to the vodka and I took a shot, and then another. I was on a mission but fuck I needed that to be able to succeed. 
I look over at Steve and bat my eyelashes, “Hey, Stevie, do you know where Tommy’s at?”
He scratches the back of his neck as he tries to think, “Last I saw him he was outside in the pool.”
I get on my tip toes and kiss him on the cheek, “Thanks, Stevie.” His face is flushed when I walk off to go find Tommy. It doesn’t take me long, he’s lounging on one of the pool chairs with a beer in his hand. He’s not somebody I find particularly attractive but I’ll have to fake it for my plan. I smile down at him. “Hey Tommy,” I say as I bite my lip. He looks up at me with wide eyes that get even wider as he takes in my appearance. 
“No fucking way…Nicole wasn’t lying…” He’s taking his time to admire me, I hate how his eyes feel on me.
“It’s amazing what a few months can do, huh? Do you…do you mind if I sit down with you?” I bat my eyelashes at him and he crumbles beneath my gaze. 
“Be my guest…” His eyes are glued to my body, more specifically my chest. 
“So, how was your summer?” I ask, I sit across from him with my legs uncrossed, he has a perfect view of my lacy little thong. It’s red and leaves barely anything to the imagination, it’s ideal for a creep like him. His eyes trail down to the spot between my legs and he smirks.
“It would’ve been a lot better had I known you were spending it turning into this, fuck…” He groans. I’ve got him right where I want him.
“It’s amazing what a summer away from Munson could do to a girl,” I giggle. It feels awful coming out of my mouth, worse than the vodka taste going down. 
“You’re done with him, huh? Wanted to join where you should’ve been the whole time…fuck if we had gotten our hands on you sooner just imagine what you would be Vivian…” He marvels, “I knew you weren’t like them…like those freaks. Bet Munson dragged you into all that satanic shit, you’re better than that, better than him…” Tommy rambles. 
“He did…I-I’m not like that anymore,” I lie through my fucking teeth.
“Yeah? You a good girl now?” Tommy teases. 
“I am…can I show you just how good I am, Tommy?” I flirt. 
“Harrington’s got a guest room upstairs that’ll be perfect, baby. Think of it as your initiation into the good side,” Tommy says. I think he’s exaggerating that last part, that he’s being dramatic, but after what we did that night he had no plans of ever letting me return to Eddie again.
In Sex ED they don’t tell you how needy a guy can be after a one-night stand. This was supposed to be a one-time thing that would get spread around to Eddie so that he’d hurt as bad as he had hurt me. But instead, Tommy got attached, and I became his little project. He planned to mold me into his little homecoming queen. And Eddie…Eddie was more than hurt, he hated me. I can’t blame him, I hated myself for it. I expected an angry phone call or an aggressive confrontation but instead, I was met with radio silence, not only from him but from every single one of my old friends. I went too far and had no other choice than to stay with my new ‘friends’. On the first day of Junior year I walked into school a completely different person. People had heard about my transformation and they had also heard about me hooking up with Tommy, I was already the talk of the school and first period hadn’t even started. When I said that Tommy planned to turn me into his little homecoming queen I wasn’t kidding. He made Tina and Carol take me shopping at the goddamn Gap. They picked me out new outfits, told me how to do my hair, who to talk to, what music to listen to, who to be. The worst part is that I kind of…liked it. I liked how I looked in my new outfits, I liked how my hair framed my face, hell I even liked the music they picked out. It turns out Madonna isn’t too bad when you don’t have somebody trying to shove down your throat that enjoying her music is the worst crime someone could commit. 
So on the first day of school I walked in wearing a pink turtleneck, a light washed denim skirt, and a pair of knee high white boots. I felt pretty, I felt confident, I felt fucking amazing. Well I did until I saw my locker. Eddie had taken the liberty of breaking into the school and defacing my locker, in blood red spray paint the word ‘TRAITOR’ had been written for all to see. It didn’t take a genius to know it was him. He watched me walk up to it with a proud smile on his face, leaning against the lockers right across from mine. Ronnie and Dougie were beaming with him. I was raging, I wanted to punch him in the face. I wanted to yell that he was the traitor for what he did with Nicole Summers, but instead I walked up to him and simply said, “The same could be said for you. At least I wasn’t a pity fuck.” That set him off. Before I know it he’s dragging me down the hall by my arm and into the janitor's closet, he slams me against the wall and for a second I smile. Maybe in some other universe he’s dragging me in here to confess his feelings for me and to kiss me, not in this one though, in this one I ruined any chance of that I could’ve possibly had.
He glares at me like he wants me dead and I’m sure he does. He has me pinned against the wall, his face only inches from mine as he begins to speak. “You may have new friends and a new look but you’ll always be a fucking loser!” He spits. It’s an anger I’ve only heard reserved for people like Tommy. “Your new friends used to treat you like you were nothing, don’t think they won’t drop you once they get bored of you. They’ll throw you out and you’ll have nobody because you burned any bridges you could’ve had back to us. You’re fucking pathetic, Vivian.” Eddie spits in my face and walks out, leaving me to process really how bad I had fucked up. He’s right, but I can’t go back now. I don’t have that choice anymore, I lost my chance when Tommy unbuttoned my blouse upstairs at the party. 
So here I am, senior year, still unfortunately friends with Tommy, Carol, and Tina. Carol had the grand idea of throwing a party at Lover’s Lake and was ready to have my head if I skipped out on one more party this week. I didn’t bother showing up in a swimsuit, I have no intentions of swimming. I’m in a red tight fitting t-shirt, black denim cutoffs that show off way more of my ass than my friends thought was acceptable, and a pair of beat up black converse. I’m standing away from most of the crowd sipping on a beer that tastes like actual piss and regretting giving into Carol's whining about how I just had to come tonight. I scan the crowd and attempt to pick out somebody who I might not hate spending my night with when I see him. He’s in a white t-shirt, ripped light wash jeans, and a pair of boots. His hair is tied up and he’s lighting a cigarette. Fuck.
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wosowrites · 1 year
I can be your New Home Part 3 (Jessie Fleming x Reader)
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warnings: ⚠️blood⚠️
a/n: Long ass fic part one and two can be found on my masterlist.
prompt: in which jessie and the reader tell their club team and national teams they’re dating after a while but things don’t exactly go as planned
For the first month, you and Jessie kept your relationship on the dow low. The team loved Jessie and felt as though they had known her forever but she was still a new player who was still finding her footing with the squad. You had always assumed that you would be the one to ask Jessie if you could tell people. Hiding your love for Jessie was hard. You loved your team and had known them for years. You wanted them to know. You wanted your dutch teammates to know as well. And that’s exactly what happened.
Jessie brought up the subject to you right before international break as you drove home to your apartment. She was basically living there at this point.
"Y/n," she said, turning her head to look at you. "Mhm," you said, concentrating hard on the road as it was raining so hard it was hard to see in front of you. "I can see how hard it is for you not to tell people about us. And honestly it’s hard for me too. Janine keeps trying to set me up with people and all I want to do is tell her that I’m with you," Jessie said, fiddling with her fingers. "Where are you going with this?" you asked, furrowing your eyebrows. "We should tell people. I want people to know about us. Maybe just our teammates first though," the Canadian suggested. "Yes. Yes yes yes. Viv won’t stop trying to set me up with Williamson," you laughed, making Jessie smile. "If you’re turning down the english captain you must either be insane or in love with me," Jessie said.
It just slipped out.
Her heart dropped and she froze in her seat. It definitely took you by surprise, but her words weren’t wrong. "Why would I want the english captain when I have the future canadian captain? And yeah, Jess. I love you. And maybe I’m also a little insane," you told her.
The day after, Jessie left for spain for international break while you went to norway. It was your first time being apart but you had agreed to tell your national teammates about your relationship during the break, and then tell the Chelsea girls after. Canada was set to play Spain and then Germany, and Netherlands were set to face Norway followed by Portugal.
You took the plane to Norway with Vivianne, excited to see your national teammates again. You loved Chelsea, and it did feel like home, but it was nothing compared to the feeling of being with the dutch girls. You had your headphones in, and so did Viv. Sat side by side, you thought of the best way to tell your team. You soon realized that your perfect test run was right beside you. You could tell Viv about Jessie, hitting three birds with one stone. Tell her about your girlfriend, clear up why you weren’t interested in Leah, and practice how you would tell the bigger group.
You tapped Viv’s shoulder gently, pulling her out of the trance her music had created. "What’s up?" she said, taking her headphones off. "Um… I feel like I owe you- or maybe not owe but i want you to know why I won’t go out with Leah," you said, making her frown. "Okay. Go ahead," she said. "I’m seeing someone. For a month now. And before that it’s because I was interested in her," you started saying before being cut off. "What! Who is it?!" she basically yelled, slapping her hand down onto your thigh in excitement, making you yelp. "Ow!" Viv ignored you. "Wait. Let me guess. Is it Cuthbert? Or… Kerr? Wait is it Guro Reiten? No you cannot let your play be affected by the fact that you’re dating Guro-" Viv spiralled. "What? No! I’m not dating Guro. Im dating Jessie Fleming," you said.
Viv stared at you for a second. "The shy little freckled girl who doesn’t talk and has gotten like… one yellow card in her whole life?" Viv said. "Hey! You know who she is! And she does talk. And it’s a good thing she doesn’t get booked a lot," you said, pouting at you friends words. "Sorry, sorry. I didn’t mean for it to seem like I was judging you. She’s really cute, and she’s really good. I just didn’t think she was your type," Viv said. "Well she is. And I really really like her," you told the older woman. "Well if you love her, then so do I. As long as she treats you good," the woman said. "She does," you answered with a small smile. "A Canadian. Huh," she teased.
You laughed and hit her playfully, laughing at her comment.
You arrived in Oslo two hours later, and you were at the training ground two more hours after that. You jumped into Dan’s arms, having missed her as she played for Lyon and you didn’t see her often. You hugged Jill hard, having missed your best friend more than you could put into words. You had told Viv in the car about your plan to tell the girls about you and Jessie, deciding to tell them during team bonding that night.
You ate supper with the girls, settled into the room you were sharing with Jill, and then headed to the common room for team bonding after having called Jessie.
The girls all talked, you caught up with them, had a drink (sparkling cider, you had training tomorrow after all) and then played games. You did a few rounds of twister, which you quickly realized you were horrible at, and then you decided to play never have I ever.
And why not have fun with it?
"Never have I ever scored a bicycle kick," Dan said, only you and Jackie put your fingers down. "Never have I ever… hooked up with a teammate…" Lieke said. People let out 'ooo’s'. "Wait do you mean hook up like no strings attacked or hook up like hooked up and are now dating?" you asked Lieke. "What does it matter to you? You’re single. But for the sake of the game… hooked up with no strings attached," she answered.
You smiled cheekily, knowing her words were wrong and then put a finger down. "Who?!" Jill yelled, pushing you. "Not saying. We made a deal," you shrugged. "But i’m your best friend!" Jill yelled. "Precisely," you teased. "Okay. My turn. Never have I ever secretly dated your teammate named Jessie Fleming for a month and told your national teammates about it during a game of never have I ever," you said.
You dramatically put a finger down and grinned at the girls.
"MAAK JE EEN GRAPJE??" Jill yelled pushing you to the floor and climbing on top of you, hitting you in the stomach and making you yell and laugh at the same time. "You’re joking! Fleming? The shy small little Canadian?" Dan asked as Jill kept her attack going on you. "Yes! Get off of me, Jill!" you squealed. "No!" she yelled. "Jill! Off," Dan’s voice said strictly. Jill eyed you and you smiled at her, knowing she wouldn’t say no to Dan.
The girl reluctantly climbed off you and sat down with her arms crossed. "How?" Sherida asked you. "I’m happy for you but she doesn’t seem like your type," the captain added. "I don’t even know really. She came here and she was really homesick and we just clicked instantly and then soon enough… I don’t know she has me in a chokehold that you wouldn’t expect from her," you said.
Everyone smiled and nodded, scattered words of happiness for you here and there. "Who knew little Jessie Fleming could get you all flustered," Lynn said, making you blush harder.
Barcelona, with the CANWNT
Saying that Jessie was shy was an understatement. She came out of her shell the most with the Canada girls, and was only now starting to actually start conversations with the Chelsea girls. But for some reason, she just couldn’t get herself to manage to stand up in front of her team and talk about her love life. It just felt unnatural. If she could, she would have sent a message to their group chat and left it there. But she knew that wasn’t the way to do it.
You called Jessie the night you told the team, and asked her if she had told the girls. She felt guilty when she said no, but you made it clear that she could take her time, and she appreciated and loved you for it. But suddenly training had started and it was intense, and no time felt like the right time. And then out of nowhere, it was the fourth day of the training camp and the sessions were done for the day. The entirety of the Canadian team was sitting in the common room, getting ready to watch the Netherlands take on Norway.
Jessie sat with Janine and Sincy on each of her sides, watching the TV intensely. "Okay girls. Just a friendly but who we rooting for?" Alysha Chapman asked the group. "Netherlands," Jessie said right away, pretty absentmindedly. "Okay then. But don’t like… three of your teammates play for Norway. Only one plays for the dutch," Janine said. "Yeah but Y/n is my girl- close friend. She’s my close friend," Jessie said, cursing herself for almost giving the secret, that shouldn’t be a secret anymore, away.
"Okay then, Netherlands it is. Everyone agree?" Sophie asked the group. "Let’s go oranges," Julia cheered, making Jessie give her a 'really?' look. "What? What’s their cheer?" She laughed. "It’s in dutch. Kickoff is starting. Watch," Jessie said sternly.
The game was strong off the bat. Players were engaging in hard tackles and making risky plays. But at the 30th minute, it was still 0-0.
"That’s bullshit what the hell!" Jessie yelled, lifting her arms up in frustration at the TV. "That was not a yellow," she groaned as she watched you walk back to your position, shaking your head at the supposed yellow card. "Agreed. That was all ball. The ref has it out for her she’s gotta be careful," Christine said, leaning backwards into the couch and shaking her head in annoyance.
And then, it finally happened. A goal, yes, but also the moment that made Jessie tell her team.
As a corner came in, you made a run towards the near post. You jumped into the air, Guro trying to defend you. You got your head on the ball and flicked it back. But the Norwegian keeper’s reaction was late. As your head hit the ball, her gloves hit your face a solid two seconds later.
Your head went flying to the side, the contact of the gloved fists into your nose making you yell. Your body fell onto the grass with a thump.
All you could do was bury your head into the grass, but it hurt to do so. There was blood everywhere and you turned over, sitting up and lifting your hands in the air. Blood was pouring down your face, smudged on your cheeks and dripping from your chin into your jersey.
"Oh my god," Jessie breathed, her heart racing at the sight of you on the TV. You barely flinched, standing up and trying to get to the referee who was acting as though nothing had happened. Jessie watched you yell at the man, and watched as Vivianne and Dan held you back, Jill trying to examine your face and telling you to stop before you hurt yourself more.
"What is the ref doing is he crazy? Her nose is broke oh my god!" Jessie muttered, tears pooling in her eyes. She knew you would be okay but the fact that the referee was purposely out for you made her angry. And the pressure of telling her team something so so personal was getting to her too.
"Hey, hey. She’ll be okay, Jess," Janine said, turning her attention it Jessie as the whole team and the freckled midfielder stared at you slowly bowl your head and rest your hands on your thighs, medics at your side. "Jess… are you crying? What’s going on?" Vanessa asked, standing up and putting her hand on Jessie’s shoulder. "The ref is being an asshole, i’m stressed out and my girlfriend is hurt! I’m aloud to cry!" Jessie said, her words spilling out of her mouth as though they tasted bad.
Everyone froze, the sound of the commentator saying "…and that definitely looks broken, that’s the most blood i’ve ever seen in a game of football…" echoing in the back. "Jessie…" Jordyn said, a small smile on her face eve though Jessie was crying. "You’re dating y/n?" She said. "Yeah," Jessie sniffled.
"Jeff that’s great! And she’ll be okay. That girl gets pushed and punched and tackled every game. She’s a fighter," Steph said, rubbing her hand on their baby Canada’s back. "I know. Shit I didn’t want to tell you guys this way," Jessie said. "It doesn’t matter. Do your Chelsea teammates know?" Kailen asked. "No. Oh look she’s going off," Jessie said.
Back in Norway
You cursed loudly at the referee, but she didn’t give you a yellow, knowing you would be sent off the field anyways due to your broke nose. Your team yelled at the referee, trying to get them to understand that the Norwegian keeper needed a yellow. Even Guro had to call out her keeper.
You walked off the field, holding a towel to your nose, your head throbbing with pain.
It was clear quickly that your nose was broken. But the Netherlands won 3-0 over Norway, so you were happy enough.
So, after getting fitted for a nose brace, you got told to go back to England and rest up. Theoretically, you could play, but your coach wanted to take no chances.
You had told Jessie over the phone that you were okay, and that you were going back to London. You had wanted to go to Spain to watch Jessie, but with the Champions league quarter finals coming up, Emma said absolutely not. And that it was better for you not to gain any jet lag. So, filled with announce, you went home.
You watched Jessie play over the TV, gaining a 3-1 win against Spain and an annoying 2-1 loss over Germany.
She came back home, as in your apartment, two days after the Germany game.
You drove to the airport, even though it was 11:00 pm, and walked inside the luggage pick up area to wait for her. Once you saw her, your face broke into a smile. She ran towards you and jumped into your arms, careful not to hit your face as you were still wearing a nose plaster. She hugged you tightly, whispering words of how much she missed you into your ear. "How am I supposed to go over a week every few months without you?" you said to her as she looked into your eyes. She leaned in and kissed you sweetly. "I don’t know. But I don’t want to think about being away from you for a long long time," she answered as you put her down.
You got her luggage and then walked towards the car. "Tomorrow, we tell the Chelsea girls?" you asked. "Tomorrow," she said.
You arrived to training the next day, greeted by apologies from Maren and Guro on behalf of the Norwegian keeper, and cries of 'dude there was so much blood' from LJ and Sam. But before you went onto the field, you stood up, having decided you would tell the girls. "Listen. I want to say something quickly but let’s not make a big deal out of it. Me and Jess are dating. Jess as in Jessie. Fleming. Her. Shit," you said, awkwardly pointing towards Jessie. "Doing great," she said, giving you a thumbs up.
You rolled your eyes at her before noticing your teams reactions were all different. Some had their eyes wide open, others were smiling and Magda and P looked like they were trying not to cry. "Are you two weirdos about to cry?" you asked the blondes. "Yeah! Kinda! Our children are dating," she smiled. "Magda that sounds really weird…" you laughed.
She took a while to notice.
"Oh! No! No not like that! I just mean I see you both as mnt kids. Like. Urgh! Im happy for you guys. That’s it," Magda said, standing up and hugging you and then placing a kiss on Jessie’s head. "Okay. Training," you said, clapping your hands together.
"Her children are dating," Sam scoffed, shaking her head. "Where do you get this shit, Mags?" the aussie teased.
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