#I’m not sobbing you are
dekariosclan · 28 days
Gale Kisses
I recently remembered that in the data files For Gale’s 6 new kisses, the devs added names/descriptions for each kiss variant (as noted in this post by @galedekarios from way back in November)
It occurred to me that I hadn’t seen anyone match the kisses up to their descriptions, so I thought I’d do that and and share with you all! Note: if your heart hasn’t melted enough from just seeing the kisses, reading some of the descriptions will surely do so…🥹
Main Game
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♡ ~~~ “Chin up” ~~~ ♡
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♡ ~~~ “Don’t tease me” ~~~ ♡
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♡ ~~~ “Grateful” ~~~ ♡
Before the end battle
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♡ ~~~ “Chin up” ~~~ ♡
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♡ ~~~ “Carried away” ~~~ ♡
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♡ ~~~ “Want to keep you forever” ~~~ ♡
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thisperfectmonsoon · 2 months
the best part about having a body that simply refuses to work correctly is when it does things like hurt you in your sleep somehow.
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Me? Jealous?? Neve-
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Crying, screaming, throwing up
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livealittleoc-cb · 8 months
Skipping over with a smile, the woman hides the boxes behind her back, puckering her lips to indicate that she wants a kiss.
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“Happy birthday, Leo~.” She says, showing him the presents with her smile growing even wider. “I wasn’t really sure what you wanted for your birthday but I thought…” Moonbyul wonders for a moment if she should tell him, “well, the bracelet I saw when out on a hunt. Small store called ‘Gordon’ which happens to be the name of the smith.” The ring ebbs with soft magic, similar to Moonbyul’s own essence. “The ring is made from the brimstone of Hell as well as ancient meteorite that has been imbued with my essence. So even if I’m across the world on a hunt or you’re in your own world— we are always together.”
A silent confession, a declaration she can’t verbalise but words she hopes he understands.
ISTG if Tumblr messes up the formatting I will scream—
Leo raises his brows and looks down at the girl before laughing lightly and presses a soft kiss to her puckered lips. He smiles softly, eyes soften at her birthday wishes. “Thank you very much darling.” Leo looks surprised at the gifts smiling warmly at her. “You didn’t have to get me anything love, your wishes and presence is and will always be my favorite thing.”
He listened intently as she spoke about the bracelet nodding along as he put it on happily. He continued to listen pausing a little as he took the ring. He felt a wave of emotion over come him as he looked at the ring as if it was the most precious thing he owned, which it was. He broke out into a big smile that reached his eyes and made them glitter. “I need to take extra extra good care of these.”
He slipped the ring on his ring finger, his own non verbal confession of his own thoughts. Thoughts of what could be and the growing feelings he was starting to embrace and accept slowly, shaking off doubts and hoping that his own feelings were being portrayed well enough. He pressed a kiss to the ring before hold Byul’s hand gently. “Thank you so much my diamond.”
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l-tora-l · 1 year
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puppydoggraham · 4 months
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baffledartistry · 2 months
this fucking parallel gets me every time
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ohbuggy · 1 month
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Sobbing,,, that lore drop was something huh?
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The parallel between Cassidy's agony tears and Cassie's smudged makeup kills me, kills me dead. KILLS ME DEAD /pos
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I’M SO GLAD someone picked up on that detail
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the-bi-space-ace · 26 days
Forever thinking about this gif in particular.
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It’s Echo confused and rambling while he’s still plugged into the Techno Union computer. How he’s still stuck in that moment in the Citadel.
It’s how Rex’s helmet is off so Echo can see his face for the first time in who knows how long. So there isn’t a barrier between them. So he can be as open and vulnerable as possible for Echo.
It’s Rex’s face, his guilt and shame passing over his expression. There’s no doubt in my mind that he’s remembering exactly what happened that day at the Citadel when he lost Echo. It’s the sorrow there. It’s how fucking upsetting this must be for him.
It’s the way he grabs the back of Echo’s head to keep him from hurting himself. It’s his other hand as a grounding presence. It’s the way he looks like he’s trying to hold Echo together with his touch alone.
It’s all the history between them. It’s the shared loss of Fives. The grief. The pain. It’s the endless hours spent knowing and understanding each other. It’s the reminder that Rex met a shiny on the Rishi moon and watched him grow into a capable soldier and an ARC trooper. The same shiny he watched die at the Citadel. The one he can’t help but see even in this moment, after he’s been tortured and experimented on.
It’s how Echo puts all of his faith in Rex and always will. He’s never found a reason to doubt him even after everything he’s been through.
It’s the way Rex so very clearly loves Echo. The way he lets go so Echo can join the batch and learn who he is now. The way their trust transcends everything. It is woven through every story thread, every scene, every line said between them.
It’s a connection that can’t be severed because they’ve never stopped fighting for it.
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floweroflaurelin · 5 months
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The Final Flame 🕯️
“We’re all just candles in the dark.”
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avalencias · 6 days
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I cannot get the quote right bc I drive and listen and do not know where it was but: tiny suvi and ame trying on grandmother wren’s boots????????? send help
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bakudekublogblog · 11 days
kacchan is so much gayer than I would have ever been able to reasonably anticipate
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elya-doodles · 2 months
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I have added a quirky comment here for the last year and a half, however now… I have no words.
jk I have all these words 👇
I know it is very bitter sweet, but this is the end of Reconnecting. Thank you all for coming along on this journey with me. I plan on making a behind the scenes video on my YT sometime soon. Feel free to send any asks you have I want to answer them all!
Please know I am not going to dissapear! I still plan on making content consistently, and my original comic RULE 5 is already underway, and if you’d like I’m certainly not against writing some exposition fics for Reconnecting 💜
Prev (3::8) / This is the End 💜
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fumifooms · 1 month
I don’t like minimizing the importance and gravity of Laios and Toshiro’s fight into just being a childish squabble, even if to a degree it is framed that way, because to both of them it has a lot of personal significance and emotional weight and runs very deep to their characters… The fight isn’t nothing it’s a LOT, they made up but it’s not something easy to express and to get over for either of them which makes it all the more meaningful! I’m on both sides but there very much are sides, there’s no "they’re both having a ball, Toshiro and Laios hand in hand yay" side to the fight, that comes after
The fight with Toshiro WAS very scary to Laios, almost existentially so, but it’s moreso the "I thought I’d made a friend!!" bit and my god. My god actually
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Like it’s not "just" about oh his friend liking him less than he thought, THAT IS SO MUCH. It’s a bond he thought he had being a lie it’s all the time and moments spent together either being a lie from his perspective or marred now looking back. It’s not only being upset at Toshiro for lying but upset at himself that he’s so easy to fool, it’s being upset that there’s something so wrong with you that you can’t even tell if your "close buddy" even actually likes you or not, it’s like. Holding my head. He can’t trust his own vision of events that happened do you see. There’s always this film of distrust that it could be a lie that should be there when he interacts with people there’s always this sense of cloak and dagger to expect backstabs out of nowhere because you CAN’T see it coming you CAN’T you CAN’T there’s something about you which makes it impossible so you CAN’T-
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He’s so scared of not being able to read people. He knows it’s a weak spot he has, he’s always known. All of these bits are centered around social expectations and betrayals, the assumption that he doesn’t belong either in society or with other humans.
And Laios’ level of awareness is actually sort of complex to analyze, but it’s there, there’s how out of him and Falin he was the one sensitive to the ~aura of hatred~ he felt from the townspeople, there’s of course his nightmares whispering to him about the mocking looks, and how yeah actually he realizes that his gold stripper coworker was taking advantage of him. There’s of course the Winged Lion speech about his trauma and how he fundamentally mistrusts/dislikes humans to some deep seated degree, this distrust that he still keeps under control always. There’s how pre-canon he often wanted to suggest eating monsters but never worked up the courage to bring it up with the others. There’s how he gets across as stoic when he isn’t being enthusiastic…… We don’t know how aware and wary he is exactly in the moment but we do know he has some anxiety around social stuff, and looking back he does notice and aughh augh, the sense you have to hide yourself to not get hurt and be on your guard and shit and.
When you don’t know what to look out for and when to look out for it, the general ‘common sense’ of not always trusting people or noticing when someone’s messing with you becomes hypervigilance in social settings
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"Man they really know what you hate huh". Being socially unaware literally plagues him, he knows, he knows it so well.
It’s so quick that it’s almost hard to digest how literal and blatant Laios summoning his monster to crush all the people who’ve hurt him is. His literal go-to coping mechanism for comfort in his literal monster-induced emotionally intense nightmares, saving him by taking away the upsetting element (the humans)
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"Monsters are his coping fantasy, where they can whisk him away from humanity, all the hurt it’s caused him and its arbitrary rules" with the subtlety of a brick. Monsters are his comfort safe zone "because they kill humans" yes but no it’s because he pits them as the guardians against humans who to him are in the role of the agressors. To him they represent freedom from the shackles of what it means to be part of humanity, a fundamentally social species
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