#I’m super proud of this one!!!
spineless-lobster · 6 months
Wowza you guys get fanfic on saturday and an edit on monday??? Yeah, y’all get an extra christmas present!!! Courtesy of my brain!!! Yipppeee!!!
Enjoy this rasputin edit because those are always fun :)
Also available on youtube
Edit: (the youtube video may be blocked in some places due to copyright)
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otaku553 · 1 month
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Luffy week day 7:
Free prompt: Sunrise
Happy birthday, Luffy :)
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silvermun · 1 year
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The King’s orders are absolute ⚔️
my full illustration for the @shadow-zine!
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minty364 · 9 months
DPXDC Prompt #24
10 year old Danny Fenton doesn’t have any friends and he wishes with all his heart that he did, his parents didn’t pay much attention to him paying more attention to the ghost portal they’ve almost completed. His sister was too overbearing and acted more like a mother than a friend. So one night he speaks out into the sky with his window open,
“I don’t know if anyone is listening but if you are can we be friends?”
little does he know Superman who recently got his super-hearing hears him.
“Yes I will” Superman replies to himself.
Superman listens to Danny every night as he talks about his life. A month goes by and the portal is complete but it doesn’t work. Danny goes inside after his parents aren’t home… He’s electrocuted and screams the pain’s unbearable. Superman flies straight to him hearing the screams of his friend.
When Danny comes to he’s looking straight at Superman.
“Danny!! Are you OK?”
“How do you know my name??”
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blitheringbongus · 1 month
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Trying to put them into actual environments instead of blank voids
(And this may also be to celebrate the upcoming redscape week cuz I am EXCITED!! The prompts list drops on the 20th!! If you want more info on Redscape week go follow their account -> @redscapeweek ))
Anyways, alt version under the cut!
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Also I used THREE canvases for this
Alsoalso why’d ibisPaint do the update where it takes extra steps to download something it is YUCKY I DONT LIKE ITTTTT
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firebound-press · 4 months
Todays bind! Fools Gold, by @tigers1o1 !!
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Personally, I absolutely adore the paper and bookcloth combination on this bind. I got the cloth a while back for free and I’ve been waiting for a chance to use it, and then my friend Cam got me this paper as a gift! It seemed way too perfect to not use!
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This was a very exciting bind, because it gave me the opportunity to try something completely new, gilded edges!!
Although it didn’t turn out perfect, I’m still super proud of how clean it ended up. Plus, I personally think the flaws make it better :D
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The typesetting here was very exciting for me. A few months ago Ty held a tattoo contest for the fic, and I couldn’t not use them when I saw the two finalist designs. So I went ahead and contacted the artists, and they both said I could use them!!
Title page design: @eldrigeonsss
Chapter header design: @sheeeeeeeepherd
Thank you both again for letting me use your beautiful work!
You can read the fic here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/42798252/chapters/107512251
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casukaga · 2 years
What is your favorite mighty Nein art you've done?
of course i can’t pick one fave, and i honestly haven’t done a whole lot of group art of the nein, just mainly beauyasha — but here are some of my fave pieces i bring up often:
(beware c2 spoilers in here)
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truecobblepot · 1 year
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luanneclatterbuck · 28 days
When Iggy passed, I I grief bought a bunch of supplies to make a Bob Ross painting. I’ve watched him my whole life and have always had an itch to paint along with him, but he used oil and I’ve only ever used acrylic. I bought the bare minimum and followed along with an hour long tutorial that was taken from a mail order videotape. My canvas was much smaller than his so I couldn’t get any of the foreground and most of my brushes are intended for use with acrylic paint, and I wound up making it too symmetrical… but mannn… it was so much fun.
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About an hour and a half of trusting his process, I wound up with my first oil painting and I love it so much.
Pedestrian? Yes. Fun and pretty? Also yes.
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murdleandmarot · 1 month
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Hey guys, Memory is, like, a really good song
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zootopiathingz · 2 months
A Promise in the Dead of Night
“I’m scared…”
Her voice is but a whisper, that Alastor barely registers her words at first. When he does, he feels himself tightening his arms around her, his mind already preparing to shield her from danger that he’s not made aware of.
Something’s been off about Charlie’s behavior and he hasn’t been able to determine the reason. From the moment she stepped in his room, he’s known she hasn’t been in her usual perky mood. It’s not unlike her to pay him a visit in the dead of night. Hell, it’s practically become routine for them. If he doesn’t end up falling asleep with her in her own bed, he can expect to find her hours later in his room, quietly requesting that she stay. And he never refuses. How could he possibly turn down such a request from the radiant, smiling princess of Hell?
But tonight, that gorgeous smile of hers that normally greets him when she enters a room was absent from her face. Her piercing eyes that could read all the secrets of his soul were puffy from tears she must have dried before coming to see him. She hasn’t uttered a word until now. She simply opened the door and walked over to join him on the sofa he sits on and crawled her way into his arms. He hasn’t questioned her, but he finds it odd that she had been so quiet. Not even a laugh, or even a breath. Has she been holding her breath the whole time?
Alastor brings his hand up to the back of her head that lays against his chest, raking his long claws through the soft strands of her golden hair. “Of what, dear?” He asks, his voice only slightly louder than hers.
She doesn’t answer. Not with words, at least. Instead she just further nuzzles her head against him, burying her face into the fabric of his coat like she’s trying to hide from something. Alastor swears he hears a faint whimper escape her—a sound that not only catches him off-guard, but fills him with rage. Several thoughts run through his mind like a herd of deer. What could have happened to her that would send her into such a fragile state? Who hurt her…?
Before jumping to conclusions, he decides to continue with his gentle approach. He shifts slightly, taking her chin between his fingers to lift her head away from his chest, her gaze instinctively meeting his. He’s met with the most heartbreaking look of vulnerability she’s ever displayed. He doesn’t like it one bit.
“What’s troubling you, my darling?” He questions her again, his thumb tenderly caressing the soft, milky skin of her face.
Charlie sniffles and briefly shifts her gaze downward as she struggles to answer in a way that makes sense. “I.. I don’t know.” She sighs shakily. She knows it’s a pathetic response, but she doesn’t know how to explain the hell-storm wreaking havoc in her mind.
Alastor stays quiet, only giving her a look that urges her to go on. And when she looks at him again, she does, however reluctantly.
“Oh Al.. I don’t know why, but I have a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach and no matter what I do, it won’t leave me alone.” Charlie lets out a small hiccup of a breath, leaning her head forward slightly, longing to lay on his chest again. “I keep having these horrible dreams. They play out differently, but they all end the same way…something bad happens, or someone attacks us, and one way or another, you get taken away from me. I don’t know what happens to you after. I always wake up before I can find out, but I’m afraid that it means you were…”
She pauses, not wanting to actually finish the thought aloud. She knows she doesn’t need to, anyway. Alastor can easily fill in the blank.
His signature smile, sealed by his lips at the moment, tightens at the corners. Charlie doesn’t see it, but his blinking eyes go wide for just a moment. It may be just a coincidence, it had to be. But what are the odds that they were both struggling with bad dreams about losing the other to some unknown force of darkness? Alastor hasn’t let it affect him like Charlie clearly has, because to him it shouldn’t have meant anything.
But to know that his princess was facing the exact same troubling phenomenon…that was a cause for alarm.
He doesn’t tell her of this. No, he refuses to worry her any more than she already has been. It’s his job to ease her worries, not increase them. It’s a burden he’ll bear for them both. What’s one more, anyway?
He pulls her in close to him as she snuggles into his arms. “Oh Charlie, you must not fret over something like night terrors.” He assures in a calming tone, trailing his hand up and down the length of her back. “They’re just dreams, after all. They cannot hurt us.”
“That’s the thing. What if they’re not just dreams?” Charlie argues, her body growing slightly tense at this thought she only just now realizes she has. “What if..it’s a warning?”
Alastor doesn’t even want to entertain the idea. He doesn’t want to imagine that that’s the reason behind their shared unconscious terrors. No, he won’t give into the fear. It will only consume them, and then they will be doomed to face it.
“You shouldn’t think like that, dear.” He says, leaning his head down, resting his chin atop of her head. “It will do you no good. You mustn’t let your fear control you.”
Charlie closes her eyes, her voice reverting back to its pitiful hushed tone. “I can’t stop it.”
There’s a brief moment of stillness between them. Neither dares to move from the warmth of the other’s touch. The air grows quiet, with only the cackling flames of the fireplace providing any source of sound. That is, until Alastor slowly lifts his head and pulls her back to face her again. The look in his eyes takes her aback. His grin is as wide as always, but there’s a subtle glimmer of sadness in his gaze that she’s never quite seen before. She’s not sure if she should feel touched that he’s grown so comfortable to express such vulnerability in front of her, or horrified of the meaning behind it…
“Then tell me what I can do to make it go away.” He raises his finger up to brush her bangs away from her forehead, before resting his hand against the side of her face, cupping her face in his palm. “Whatever it is, it will be done. Just name it.”
Charlie frowns softly, staring at him quietly for the longest minute. She’s not sure there’s anything he can do to make this all disappear. Alastor may be a powerful overlord, wielding immense power that has left even her impressed. But sadly, he can’t just snap his fingers and rid her of her fears like he wishes. Miracles like that weren’t possible down here in Hell.
There’s one thing he can do, though. As simple as it may be, it’s what she needs him to do.
Charlie leans her face into his palm, bringing her own hand up to hold his wrist as she looks deep into his eyes. “Just..promise me that no matter what happens, if anything happens, that nothing will tear us apart from each other.” She says, her voice trembling more and more with each word. “Whether these are just stupid dreams or not, I cannot lose you, Alastor. So please.. promise me now.”
Alastor gives her an incredulous look, raising his brow a little, just before he leans in, inching his face closer to hers.
“Charlie..my princess,” He speaks firmly, his voice lacking any static or filter that it normally carries, “I swear on my damned life, I will never let anything take you away from me. Not Heaven. Not Hell. Nothing is ever going to keep us apart. Do you understand?”
She nods slowly, and as she blinks the tears she’s been fighting back threaten to burst like a broken dam. Alastor kisses her, the tender touch of his lips bringing her a warm sense of comfort. He then pulls her back into his reassuring embrace, and at last the woman crumbles down. She cries into his shoulder, clinging onto him like she may lose him for good if she even thinks of letting go. He doesn’t say anything, knowing he’s said all he can to bring her solace and all he can do now is simply be here with her.
But they both know his words held nothing but truth to them. Charlie’s been the one good thing to ever happen to him in a long, long time. And he would sooner die again than ever let something rip that away from his grasp. He will hold onto her and use everything in his power to fight for her, and he will do it all with a smile on his face.
It’s alright, my love. Is his immediate thought when he hears that dreadful sound of her sobbing. He hugs her as close as he possibly can, letting his eyes fall shut as his face presses onto the mess of hair on her head. The shadow that resembles his shape looms over the pair, hovering its claws protectively over the woman in Alastor’s arms.
Anyone who tries to take you from me will be faced with a fate worse than death…
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snapdragons-nest · 6 months
I should talk about my modern au-💥💥💥
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painted-fanbird · 7 months
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Huh, turns out that arch-nemesis might be kind of trustworthy after all…
Who knew.
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sangekis-shit · 5 months
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"Honestly, I pity you. You shut yourself off from the rest of the world, didn't you? 1,000 years of suffering, of burying your feelings, of hating yourself. That must have been hard"
I was going to color this sketch in order to practice coloring, but you know what? Screw that, crosshatching
The secret is to cross hatching is frantically scribbling until your done
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mistermegee · 7 months
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So I, of course, found a new IF to read since I’m addicted to them and fell for this adorable shy cutie, Death, from @thebarontheabyss. You can choose his style and I chose to make him a lil’ business man because death is serious business, lol. The IF is super charming so far and I can’t wait to read more and smooch him up. >:D
Edit: I futzed with his face and the rim light a tad. I like it better now.
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eggmode · 1 year
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a whole garden of flowers and my name etched on a rock / all this could’ve been avoided, all i wanted was to talk
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