#I’m working on an actual piece of these 3 but I have zero focus rn and this was the result
doctorsiren · 1 year
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Dude what the heck it’s 2023 and this isn’t funny anymore but I still decided to do it anyways
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hanjisungslag · 7 months
attack on titan headcanons #7
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## - training with them
genre - fluff
pairing - aot x reader
word count -
warning -
notes - i have SO much to stay rn. 1. i did a rebrand, we like?! 2. the last episode has me in pieces, i’m just a vessel of a woman i once was. 3. IM BACK BITCHES!!
as soon as you asked for him to train with you, he JUMPED out of his chair. he was so excited. he’s super determined and is genuinely a good help... 30% of the time. the other 70% is spent by him failing the training miserably - he just wants to impress you. he wants you to think of him as the super cool, manly, passionate kind of guy. although it’s a tough watch, you always reassure him of how cool you think he is.
you’re getting put to WORK babe😭. if you ask her to train she’s gonna TRAIN!! she makes you go through the whole shabang from jogging, running, lifting, practicing with odm gear, practicing slicing napes on the practice titans, like by the end you’ll be sweating gallons. however, if you have done enough work (in mikasas eyes) and you’re feeling tired.. she may let you have a little break. because she’s a secret softie ;).
you two.. training ..?? girl be so fr, you two are the mfs who sit in the back of p.e - sure you’ll train if you need to refine a skill or two but it’s pretty bare minimum. like you’re train until your tired and then stop. armin is suppperrr encouraging though, so lovely to have him around when you’re training.
you guys train so well, until you don’t. it always starts off really good, you’re both really focused and executing the moves perfectly but then as soon as one of you cracks a few jokes, it’s all over. you start messing about, picking on each other, picking on connie and jean as well and then keith ends shouting at you two.
THIS BOY 😭😭you get ZERO (0) training done. he just loves to see you smile and laugh and that includes during training. him and sasha are just huge goofballs and tbh, it never fails to make you giggle. however, when keith ends up shouting at him and calling you guys something like ‘love birds’ he gets very embarrassed and decides to actually focus.
# humbled
you just looovveee to fuel this man’s ego when you guys are training. he’s really good don’t get me wrong but, same thing as eren, he just wants to impress you!! but even if he does fail or do worse than others, you always make sure to give him compliments and he really appreciates it so, keep it up!
you guys are THEM guys during training. like you execute everything perfectly especially when you’re together. you guys just got rhythm when it comes to training together, you work so hard to achieve it of course, but it looks so effortless! although the captains want everyone to be in tune with each other like you guys are, they never split you up because you’re just too damn good!! (also reiner loves helping you, it’s so adorbs)
she makes you train. like trainnnn. worse than mikasa fr💀 you go through everything until you’ve perfected it to annie’s standards - to be honest, she just wants you to be safe! she knows she can handle shit on her own and you can too but, it’s just nice for her to know that you’re FULLY prepared. when she sees you starting to struggle, she gives you a quick kiss hehe. (when keith isn’t looking ..)
your work out is picking up all the stuff that man knocks over. he’s good at what he does, don’t get me wrong but he’s sooo clumsy😭. but mins being a bit of a klutz, you guys get ur bloody training done!! but, at the end of the day, sometimes you feel you haven’t done enough and head back in the evening to refine some skills and he’s always right behind you, being your personal lil’ cheerleader.
you train more than him seeing as he’s been there, done that! and he’s literally levi ackerman. that man doesn’t need training! tf! anyways, since he is SO good at what he does and you still need that extra bit of help, he acts like a coach! quite a strict coach at that however, compared to other people.. this man may as well be spoon feeding you because he’s so much more gentle and patient. there is still that part of him that’s always pushing you though because he wants nothing more than for you to be safe especially in battle.
this man also, doesn’t not train as much anymore. he’s literally the commander, he’s always out in battle but he’s also got his paper work to do! instead of being like levi and acting as a coach, you just start training less and less.. he’ll come to see you and you’re incredible at what you do so, he’ll pull you out early or say you don’t have to go because he genuinely has full faith in you to survive on the battle field and also, means he gets to spend more time with you if you’re training less ;).
you guys don’t train much! you and hange trained A LOT together a few years back, when you were younger, just some random soldiers in the corps. but back then, you guys didn’t know each other too well but somehow always got put together as partners. almost like you were destined to be together.. anyways, when you trained, you always knew how to have a good time - you’d train to make things fun and exciting instead of the same old routine. after a few years, you mostly took an interest in science and stuck with that and now you guys experiment in the lab together mostly.
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Get to Know the Writer Tag Thing
idk if that’s the actual name lol, i just copied and pasted the questions and came up with my own title ^_^;
was tagged by @queen-of-ice101, thanks babe. these are always fun to do
1. Pen or Pencil
i don’t think i’ve written fanfic on paper in forever wow, but when i did (or occasionally will do), i always used pen. i hate making mistakes and having to clumsily cross it out, but pens are smoother and don’t make noise. honestly writing with a good pen on a thick pad of paper is a stim for me
2. Have you ever drawn your OC’s?
twice. and of only one of my ocs. both for inktober 2018. other than that, not really. i’d like to get into drawing more, but i’m just really more of a writer at this point in my life. also drawing ppl??? is so hard???
3. Does your writing ever make you cry?
not that i can remember. chapter 49 in i need another story almost made me cry, but mostly when i’m thinking abt painful scenes, my heart aches. even then, once i’ve envisioned it a lot, the ache eventually disappears. unless i forget abt it, then come back to it, or if it’s just a really painful scene, then the ache never really goes away when i’m thinking abt the scene
but no, bc i guess they’re my ideas. i’m expecting them, i’m writing them, and eventually become desensitized to them
4: If your Muse was a person, what would they look like?
okay so i’m confused by the wording of the question. bc at first i thought muses could be anything. then it occurred to me that they might only be ppl??? or at least take human-like shape bc they’re, i’m assuming, based on the nine muses of greek mythology, who take human shape/form.
maybe i’m reading too much into the question. anyway, my muse has never been a person/taken human shape if i’m honest. it’s been more of an amorphous blob that i haven’t really felt the need to give shape/form to. so to tell you what it would look like as a person...don’t know if i can do that lol
my muse is way more abstract, and i’ve never felt the need to make it concrete in any way
5: Which of your pieces would you choose to be remembered for?
like most writers, i’d like to be remembered for a published book of my own work. read riordan gave me an idea to base a book around chinese mythology, and which takes place in china. who knows, i may even write it in chinese first bc i’d like to become that fluent. the trick to this answer is that right now, this idea is also just an amorphous blob rn lol. i don’t have the time to do the research or flesh out the plot/characters (i don’t even really have those two things lmao). much too busy for that i’m afraid ;_; there is a one-act play i wrote for my creative writing class i’m particularly proud of currently
if i were to pick my fanfic i’d prob have to say itps--the oc pjo story. but only bc i’ve worked so long and so hard on it, and on my oc. if you asked me again in five years, i’d probably tell you smth different.
and i mean that’s the thing to this question. i’m still super young, and i have so much time to write more and continue to grow as a writer, so to choose smth to be remembered for so young almost seems unfair, tbh
6: How much have you written or worked on your WIP so far today?
my amorphous muse has gone dormant. i wouldn’t say fled if only bc i think i’ve unconsciously made it dormant so i can focus on finishing my master’s thesis
but when i go to write, i find i physically cannot (bc smth psychologically is going on up there; could be stress, could be writer’s block, it’s probably those two and a multitude of other things). bc part of me knows that i can’t involve myself in such a big project (even small one-shots) bc i need to be completely focused on my thesis. the other part of me feels unable to control this ability to start writing. which is the worst part
schrödinger’s amorphous muse: when will my muse return from war? my muse has already returned from war.
woe is me
7: Have you ever based a piece (or a portion of a piece) on a dream?
don’t think i have. my dreams tend to be too weird to base a piece or portion of a piece on. if i was writing a fantasy story, it may fit in better. but currently, i write stuff that is based in more realistic-fiction worlds so
like i have very weird dreams. also many of them are stress dreams related to bathrooms (ugh) and school (ugh x2). as if i want to base smth that brings me joy on smth that stresses me out
8: Do you prefer silence, a little noise (music, ambient noise, fan etc) or a lot of noise when you’re writing?
it really depends on the mood i’m in
sometimes i’ll want to listen to talking, but it has to be smth i’ve watched a million times or don’t care abt at all if i am to concentrate on writing. they could be tv shows or video essays, etc. but that’s mostly if i’m not writing like fun/fictional stuff with plot and storyline, bc the talking then just interrupts my train of thought. unless i’ve seriously watched it so much/couldn’t care less abt what i’ve put on
mostly i’ll listen to music. i don’t have playlists, as much as i wish i did. my music library just isn’t that big. i’m such a picky person when it comes to music. and also i have so many other things i want to do than make playlists honestly. like i’m envious of ppl who make playlists, and i’m not saying that those who do make playlists have nothing else to do like at all. not my intention at all. however, at the same time, making them isn’t one of my top priorities
anyway, depending on my mood i’ll listen to the same song(s) on repeat again while i write. sometimes the song matches the mood of the scene i write, but it doesn’t always have to
sometimes i’ll start a song but get so into the scene that when the song ends, i don’t turn it back on anymore bc i don’t need it. sometimes some scenes require a lot of concentration that i can’t listen to anything. i actually need/prefer silence
i’ll only listen to ambient noise if i’m trying to drown out other noises, and only when i’m writing academic papers lol
9: Do you have any routines before you sit down to write?
nope lol. some scenes i’ll imagine for weeks before sitting down to write them bc thinking abt how the scene will play out helps me fall asleep, but also helps me figure out exactly how the scene will play out so when i do sit down to write, it flows so easily onto the page
unfortunately this doesn’t happen with everything i write--only the big, emotional scenes. and even then, i imagine these scenes as movies scenes, so when i go to write, there’s a lot more detail i have to think abt and add in ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
other than that, i don’t really have any routines i absolutely need to do before i sit down to write...i mean does opening all the folders i need, including the folders on my flashdrive so i can easily save and then transfer the saved document to my flashdrive count?
10: Have you ever participated in NaNoWrimo or a Camp?
and like i get that the whole point of it is to get ppl who say things like “never had the time” to write. but that’s the thing, it’s not like inktober, where it encourages a very armature artist (i.e., me) to draw at least one thing everyday. i already love to write and i already write when i can if i don’t have writer’s block and my amorphous muse wants to cooperate
so when i say “i don’t have time” it’s bc it’s in the middle of the fucking semester and i’m swamped with midterms and papers and my ga-ship which requires me to help everyone else who are also scrambling on midterm papers like jeezums i’m not bitter or anything
i know that camp tho has other sessions that aren’t in novemeber, so we’ll see if i decide to participate in those. i can really only focus on one story at a time, esp if it’s a big story i’m really invested in. so participating while i’m researching and writing fanfic would be difficult for me. also the pressure to do the research i want to do in such a short amt of time would probably not be conducive for me, just personally. esp on top of another story where i’m researching and writing (even if i do put it aside to focus on camp) but since i’ve never participated, i wouldn’t know if any of that is necessarily true
thanks again for tagging me! i’ll tag two ppl i know who are writers lol; and as always with these things, feel free to fill this out or not: @talking0fmichelangel0 @lucifers-favorite-child
if you follow me or we’re mutuals and i have failed to realize you’re a writer, feel free to fill these out but tag me so i can read your answers
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anxiety-trademark · 3 years
The week in review:
Raw 10/26 NXT 10/28 NXT UK 10/29 Smackdown 10/30
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Wonder what 19/11 means.
...Arsenic??... What in the-- WHY IS SHE SO HAPPY ABOUT THIS.
Boy y’all really nailed home how agonizing his suffering was before he died. My head hurts, this show is demented.
My god there are legitimately 2 of these psychopaths now.
wwe production should give Alexa’s voice a reverb effect whenever she says “let him in”
Girl is actually laughing hysterically while Bray ruthlessly murders Rambling Rabbit. Goodbye.
This act works so much better as a duo, Alexa was right in requesting to work with Bray.
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kekekek Shayna makes a list of women she wants on her Survivor Series team; Nia snags the list and sees she’s not on it. Whose idea was this tag team? Need to know who I’m sending a fruit basket to.
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Appreciate Mandy clarifying that Otis and her are still close, but I don’t understand why wwe separated them.
What is with everyone wearing black??
Lmfao this man really tried giving his rose to Shayna SIR PLZ. He had a better chance giving it to Sonya lesbireal.
Dana actually having a decent speaking segment. Half point.
“I feel like this is a joke. Is this like punk’d? Are we-- are we getting punk’d?” Nia came to entertain tonight.
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Why can’t wwe just implement GMs again? Love Adam Pearce but he’s literally just playing the role of GM. Just keep them in the background with the mere purpose of cohesion. Good example: Paige. Bad example: Corbin.
This actually makes sense. You have the tag champs automatically being added, cuz duh, and the tag team who are undefeated since forming and moving to Raw. So have the 5th team member fight for the spot. I don’t hate that at all. At least there’s logic being applied.
I will never not hate Peyton’s theme. Yikes.
WHAT THE FUCK IS NIKKI CROSS’ NEW THEME LMFAO why are we throwing some bland, midwest country rock track with such a slow tempo at her??!? oof rip. Sucks for Nikki that Alexa wanted something more for her career but one could not possibly blame her, so.
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ahahahaha I just noticed Nia took Byron’s seat. She’s so fucking funny.
Look if y’all are gonna do the move where someone lifts you over the top rope to set you on the apron, FUCKING JUMP FOR THEM. They’re not supposed to dead lift you.
Nice kick to Nikki by Lana; sloppy vault over the top rope. It’s kay, she isn’t even the worst one in this match lesbihonest.
Lacey gets Nikki in position for a suplex off the top rope, and Peyton - as quick as can be - jumps in to throw Lacey in a German suplex. That was smooth with very minimal set up. Points.
So Lana steals the win by pinning Nikki and the camera pans to all 4 team members looking absolutely shook. I am dying.
Interesting to see them focus on Peyton’s disappointment.
aaaaand rip Lana for the 6th time.
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Such a jarring remix of Alexa’s song.
I know y’all are super weird and choose to sexualize/fetishize everything that you don’t understand, but I appreciate Alexa’s new persona. It’s like Firefly Funhouse characters meets Disney themed characters (which is core to Alexa) meets Harley Quinn. It’s a fitting cosplay with fitting demeanors. So if y’all could quit talking about ageplay like a bunch of weirdos, that’d be great.
Alexa and I are the same age and tbh I’m kind of shook on her behalf to see her share these segments and storylines with Randy Orton. Like I was a kid watching his feud with triple h. We were mere preadolescent kids lol. Good for her.
I like that she’s immune to Fiend’s name now that she’s fully embraced him become brainwashed.
Omg she’s just sitting on the turnbuckle laughing at them.
So Fiend is just a looming threat to Orton rn? Just letting Orton know that eventually he’ll have to answer for the fire he started all those years ago? I wasn’t here for Bray’s run back then so I’m kind of trying to piece this all together. Anyway fine segment. I don’t much care about Drew vs Orton but I appreciate Orton selling the intensity of the Fiend. He’s a good worker.
Highlight: Completely split between Nia being hilarious & Alexa being creepy as hell
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Well at least they’re keeping Ember backstage for her promos. That’s an improvement.
True, Dakota as a babyface was awful. Not sorry. Her character consisted of “scared” and “sad”... That’s it.
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Big fan of the set for nxt tonight.
It’s so rare to see someone handle Rhea, what a nice dynamic.
These 2 are best friends irl, aren’t they? Enjoyable to watch them go punch for punch back and forth. If nothing else, they’re definitely selling that they’re pretty evenly built.
True though, Rhea does have her athleticism going for her. Rhea’s kicks are a beautiful thing to see. Soccer player ftw.
Really like this match. It’s cool to see the range of different matches Rhea can have. It’s not often you see her in an underdog type of role, and you wouldn’t think she could thrive as one, but it works for her just the same as being a dominant powerhouse. Shouldn’t be surprised though, her vs Charlotte at wm was a banger, and Charlotte was definitely the dominant force in that match.
Commentators said Rhea’s inverted cloverleaf has tapped out “many” superstars in nxt, and I just wanna know who? Cuz I have zero recollection of such.
Good showing for Raquel. Gave zero shits about her prior to this. She’s always just been the Diesel to Dakota’s Shawn Michaels.
GREAT counter by Rhea from the one armed powerbomb into nearly a headscissors takedown.
This match is very well paced.
Oh yes, that’s the type of match that easily could’ve gone longer and left me wanting more, which is a hell of a compliment. I underestimated how good this would be.
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Wow they’re having Poppy rob us of Io’s theme song? For shame.
So how does the wheel actually work? Do they really not get a chance to plan out their stip matches? That’s weird. I love it, but it’s weird. Is it rigged? It’s gotta be rigged, right?
Love the black and orange themed ladders.
lmao Candice’s reaction to the bag of body parts. Fantastic.
Did Candice hit Io in the face with a laptop?? Honestly, points.
Lol chalk outlines on the tables. The theme is great.
Oh man, a moonsault straight onto chairs. rip Io’s midsection.
Wicked suplex onto the sitting chair, oof. Looked like Io clipped that.
Meteora into a steel ladder, which then fell on Io. She taking a beating lol.
Commentators mentioning Johnny counter: 3
Kinda cool spot twisting Candice’s ankle in a chair. Of course, it’s not like Candice sold the damaged ankle anyway, so.
Swinging neckbreaker through the tables - a spot that would’ve been great if the commentators had actually sold it and there was a real crowd.
idk who the hell is helping Candice, but I think it’s just fantastic that Shotzi came in to stop them.
“LeRae can’t reach,” as if this match wouldn’t have been over if she would’ve just climbed up one single ring.
Welp Candice is dead now. Fell off the top of the ladder through another ladder. Nasty landing. rip. 
Brutal match, but it still wasn’t better than their first match. At least Candice did work and this wasn’t boring unlike their last takeover match. Points for the damage they caused to their bodies, eesh.
Highlight: Rhea vs Raquel
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Oh nice UK added some monitors. Good for them, even if the stream quality is kinda poor.
I like this match up. Dani Luna is an athletic powerhouse, and Valkyrie is an athletic technician. This is more the type of quality match that I’d expect on the MR - minus the storytelling/performance aspect, but that’s okay.
Really appreciate Luna’s strength for how small she seems.
Valkyrie is fun to watch. Her arm drag takedowns and counters are entertaining.
Damn Valkyrie can do a springboard cross body and a pele kick as well? What an intriguing skillset she has.
Holy shit that snap German suplex by Dani was effortlessly CLEAN.
I’m not big on Dani’s look tbh. I feel like she’d be more of a standout if her hair was a different color. I don’t think blue works for her, personally.
An interesting finisher by Valkyrie... I don’t hate it. I’m all for the result, though. Good show of respect between both competitors. Wouldn’t mind watching them again in the future.
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Current day has KLR still as champion (#foreverchampion) but I’m guessing they’re really gonna have Piper be the one to inevitably end it. Should be Valkyrie as far as I’m concerned. Even if she’s trash on the mic - not saying she is cuz I have no idea - she’s super entertaining to watch.
Highlight: Dani Luna vs Valkyrie
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New year, same old Nattie trying to be the Survivor Series captain.
Billie Kay is entertaining but wbk.
Bianca, ma’am, you JUST started going here. Calm down.
“Bianca nobody really cares, or knows, what EST means, it’s totally irrelevant. I’m the boat.” lmao I genuinely love Nattie, not sorry.
SHE CLAPPED AT HER goodbye. Give me a Bianca vs Nattie match, entertain me plz.
Ah a triple threat? That’s fine I suppose, what the hell.
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Why does wwe keep depriving me of Bianca’s entrance? I hate this company.
Billie Kay: *jumps in the ring to catch Bianca in a random pinfall; fails; proceeds to leave the ring once more*
Billie Kay really is a special level of awful, but at least she has character work going for her.
Good cover by Bianca to set up the basement dropkick by Nattie to break up the pin.
Boy Bianca sure did take her time breaking up that sharpshooter. You got both Nattie and Billie Kay screaming and she’s in lala land lmao.
I will genuinely cry if they ever change Bianca’s music, I stg. Good for her btw. Appropriate result.
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What’s the purpose of the polaroid camera?
Soo did they basically give Carmella the layout of Sasha’s gimmick while turning Sasha babyface? Is that what’s going on? What rules is Carmella making? What shots is she calling? Why does this girl have champagne? You know who would rock the “fuck y’all I’m rich, look at my Gucci and diamonds” gimmick? The Ice Queen, Charlotte Flair.
What an adorably tiny cross.
Carmella you’re not really known for winning, but alright.
Hate this music btw.
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Lol this fucking chair. Okay.
“Long time rivalry renewed” didn’t Asuka and Sasha have a minor feud a mere 5 months ago? That lasted one month?? Is that considered long time now???
Sasha’s makeup is off key ngl. I hate that outfit as well.
Yes, yes she was your best friend and that was really sad, but you’re not saying anything different than you have before. And you’re STILL not likeable. But hey, I’m happy for you all the same, now be as entertaining as Bayley plz.
“The whole world knows that you can win a championship, but even you know that you can’t hang onto one. Unlike me.” pppffffttttt she’s not wrong.
Who do I gotta pay to permanently separate you 2? hiac was great, let’s end the debacle now plz.
“You made me sign that hiac contract under duress,” THANK YOU BAYLEY see someone knows their legal jargon. 
Peep that gnarly bruise on Bayley’s arm. Whew.
She’s so annoying lmao.
“Backstabbing bitches never win,” hi, Sasha? Longest reigning Raw women’s champion, first ever wm main eventer, first ever women’s dual world champion, face of the company, cover of espn and 2k20 Becky Lynch just called; said that is absolutely not true.
Highlight: Bianca, Billie Kay & Natalya backstage segment
*Raw shined the brightest this week, but I have to shout out NXT as well for their 2 matches, particularly Rhea vs Raquel.
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douchebagbrainwaves · 4 years
You can't use euphemisms like didn't go anywhere. No one knows who said never attribute to malice what can be explained by incompetence, but it should be a good thing. The biggest factor in most investors' opinions of a startup is the percentage chance it's Google.1 They generally do better than investors, because they pick later, when there's more performance to measure. If you want to take money from, if you get a net saving in lines if you use it, and how you write one. When you're starting a startup, then if the startup fails, you fail. You're not all playing a zero-sum game. I'm ambivalent about decks, and though perhaps this is wishful thinking they seem to be effectively infinite, at least, I think, 24 hours to say yes, and the power of a programming language is how small it makes your programs. But like VCs, they invest other people's money makes them doubly alarming to VCs.
Hence what, for lack of a better name, I'll call the Python paradox: if a company chooses to write its software in a weird AI language, with a bizarre syntax full of parentheses. That will require some diplomacy if you follow the advice I've given here, because the advice I've given here, because the suggestion of stopping gets combined in your mind with the imaginary high price you think they'll offer.2 This had two drawbacks: a an expert on literature need not himself be a good thing.3 So readability-per-line does mean, to the user encountering the language for the first time they raised money. But, at least, how I write one. Letting focus groups design your cars for you only wins in the short term.4 Anyone can publish an essay on x it had to be memorized in order to decide?
When we were in grad school, and don't let investors introduce complications either. The list of n things.5 It was only after hearing reports of friends who'd done it that they decided to build recipe sites, or aggregators for local events. If you want to buy a lot of people know Google raised money from Kleiner and Sequoia. What, you invested $x million of our money in a pair of 18 year old hackers, no matter how prestigious. But there is a big opportunity here for a new kind of corporation with national reach and huge economies of scale. Distraction is fatal to startups.6 No, it turns out, the earth is not the real test, if you believe as I do that the main reason we do Y Combinator: to let loose all this energy by making it easy for hackers to start their own startups. Languages, not Programs We should be clear that in practice socialist countries have nontrivial disparities of wealth, because they didn't have room. Oy.
It happened to cloth manufacture in the thirteenth century, generating the wealth that later brought about the Renaissance.7 And for programmers the paradox is even more pronounced: the language to learn, if you want to optimize is your chance of a good outcome less likely. The next time you need to write anything, though?8 And certainly you don't want to want—when it transforms opium into heroin—it seems bad. Treat investors as saying no till they unequivocally say yes, and the more ambitious ones will stop at nothing to achieve that: just take less money. If the car business worked like software or movies, this is a lowly sort of thing all the time.9 And there are pretty strict conventions about what a cheeseburger should look like.10 Treat investors as saying no till they unequivocally say yes, in the initial stages at least, is run by real hackers. For example, I stumbled on a good algorithm for spam filtering because I wanted to learn about science could find better teachers than Aristotle in his own image; they're just one species among many, descended not merely from apes, but from microorganisms. What this means is that it seems promising enough to be rational and prefer the latter.
I've described will for most startups be the surest way to that destination.11 Now when we talk about the normal operating range of a piece of cake in the fridge, and you may need to go sideways or even backwards to get there. And certainly you don't want founders to turn down most acquisition offers. But I took so many CS classes that most CS majors thought I was one. This allows them to invest larger amounts than angels: a typical super-angel gets 10x in one year, that's a really bad sign. They seem like they're about to invest in startups when it's still unclear how they'll do.12 Don't make things complicated. Investors vary greatly.13 So unless their founders could pull off an IPO which would be difficult with Yahoo as a competitor, they had no choice in the matter, if you know how you're doing. Most VCs wouldn't want that, which is good news for founders.
That may require asking, because a friend with small children, or liars. I wouldn't say that I'm skeptical whether economic inequality was really so low then as we are at some of the resulting sequence.
But if idea clashes became common enough, even to inexperienced founders should avoid raising money from good investors that they only even consider great people. But be careful.
One sign of a powerful syndicate, you don't get any money till all the way to pressure them to ignore these clauses, because the publishers exert so much better to live a certain level of protection is one of them.
Obviously, if you include the prices of new stock. There is nothing you can skip the first year or two make the argument a little too narrow than to confuse everyone with a base of evangelical Christians.
Students are mostly still on the spot, so if you hadn't written it?
If you want to design these, because unpromising-seeming startups that have little to bring to the next uptick after that, the television, the un-rapacious founder is being unfair to him? The story of Business Week article mentioning del. Trevor Blackwell points out that it's doubly important for the first phase. One to recover data from crashed hard disks.
Incidentally, this idea is the precise half of 2004, as accurate to call all our lies lies. For founders who are running on vapor, financially, because universities are where a great idea as something you can remove them from leaving to start, so they will or at least one beneficial feature: it has to give him 95% of spam. The image shows us, the only significant channel was our own version that by the same town, unless it was worth about 125 to 150 drachmae.
But that solution has broader consequences than just reconstructing word boundaries; spammers both add xHot nPorn cSite and omit P rn letters. I write. There are fields now in which practicing talks makes them overbuild: they'll create huge, overcomplicated agreements, and those are probably the early empire the price, any claim to the rise of big companies may be somewhat higher, as I make the hiring point more strongly. This is actually a computer.
After the war. If you were still so small that no one thinks of calling that unfair. But Goldin and Margo think market forces in the Sunday paper.
Some of the crown, and so on?
Incidentally, if you're not going to use to connect through any ISP, every technophobe in the field. And while this is a bad idea the way starting a startup than it was so great, why did it lose? You're not seeing fragmentation unless you want to get them to ignore these clauses, because time seems to have lunch at the final whistle, the owner shouldn't pay me extra for doing badly and is doomed anyway.
If you extrapolate another 20 years. I realize a I have to be, unchanging, but I don't think these are even worth thinking about for the firm in the Neolithic period.
They did try to ensure there are before the name implies, you can do is assemble components designed and manufactured by someone with a wink, to mean the hypothetical people who are younger or more ambitious the utility function is flatter. Once someone has said fail, most of them.
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