#I'd like to look into corgi rescues and see if we can get our new baby that way
vitiateoriginator · 2 years
Before, my datemate and I were considering adopting a second cat once we move into our new apartment but now we're thinking about getting a dog instead 👀
#I'd personally like to adopt from a shelter#but my datemate suggested we either get a corgi or shiba inu instead#I've been doing a fuck ton of research on the two (dogs are my biggest special interest so this has been incredibly fun)#and we're starting to lean towards getting a cardigan welsh corgi#Im still interested in adoption tho so if I can't persuade my datemate that adopting a shelter mutt is better#I'd like to look into corgi rescues and see if we can get our new baby that way#save a life and give a dog a second chance yknow?#especially with how shady a lot breeders are its probably a little safer going this route#investing our love a d time helping a dog who needs a home vs buying a puppy who could potentially be coming from a bad place#that isn't to say I won't be doing a shit ton of research and investigation if we decide to adopt thru a breeder instead#if we do I will be asking to know and see the dog's family history of illnesses finding out death ages of related dogs#as well as insisting upon meeting the puppy in person along with their littermates and mother to see their conditions and their living spac#I will also do online research of the breeder themself and perhaps get in contact with other adopters of dogs they've sold#to see if any issues have been found with dogs from previous litters#my datemate's mom is also a dog trainer/groomer and former show dog owner and breeder so she has connections#and will be able to help us find someone who adopts out clean healthy puppies#she might also help us with training (which I will rightly compensate her for. we aren't moochers)#sp if we do shop instead pf adopt it will be done responsibly#but we're not that far yet. we aren't even 100% sure about getting a dog#rn this is all hypothetical#sam's rants about life
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dreamingwithbts · 5 years
New Family - Chapter 5
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Genre: Poly!AU; Hybrid!AU; Fluff; Angst
Pairing: Hybrid BTS x Female! Reader; Human!Reader, Wolf!Namjoon, Alpaca!Seokjin, Black Panther!Yoongi, Red Fox!Jhope, Corgi Dog!Jimin, Tiger!Taehyung, Bunny!Jungkook.
Summary: After receiving a promotion at work Y/N realizes that she has more free time so she decides to use this time usefully and ends up volunteering in an organization that rescues abused hybrids. What she doesn't know is that this will completely change her life!
Then Yoongi continues.
"We were sold to a group that sells hybrids at auctions. Future owners can do whatever they want with them. I ..." Yoongi stopped staring at the floor, "Yoongi, you don't have to continue." I tell him with tears in my eyes. "I need to and you deserve to know. I was sold several times as a sex hybrid. I was one of the exceptions I would never to be sold definitely I was ..... borrowed so to speak. Sex enslaved by many people."Yoongi said." Yoongi! I ... I'm so sorry! " I said, starting to cry." Hyung. "Hoseok says still crying in my lap then he holds Yoongi's hand.
"But now it's okay, I'm happy here with you." Yoongi says smiling, looking at us with tears in his eyes. Me and Hoseok looked at him and we hugged him tightly making the three of us cry. But Hoseok steps  away, starting to play with his fingers again. Me and Yoongi looked at him worried. "I was sold several times, I was not an exception like Yoongi ....I was returned several times because my owners were annoyed by my personality. That's the reason why I was abused many times in the group. Many bought me after hearing how I was, trying to teach me to be quiet. " Hoseok said. "But I managed to hack a computer to get to Yoongi and I did it."
Yoongi hugged him tightly trying not to cry again. I stay there looking at them with my hands in my mouth crying again. The moment Hoseok looked at me, I hugged him as hard as I could. "No need to worry! In this house you can be whoever you want and I love your personality and I want to see that big smile every day." I said putting my hands on those beautiful cheeks making Hoseok smile.
And we spent the day there with tears, we all smiled hugging on the sofa.
"What a family we are ahahaha!" I said with a laugh. "I would not trade for anything!" Hoseok said making  his tail to hit me and Yoongi nodding at him. I stare at them with a smile on my face glad to have enrolled in that organization.
The next day I wake up feeling an immense heat from my sides and with a lot of pain in my body, opening my eyes I realize the reason, I fell asleep in the middle of a sandwich between Yoongi and Hoseok on the sofa. I try to leave without hurting their tails causing them to cuddle between them making me laugh at their cuteness.
I was making breakfast as always when Hoseok jumps on me hugging and screaming good morning making me laugh. "Lower Hobi." says Yoongi yawning, wrapping his tail around my waist his way of saying good morning. "Sorry Hyung!" says Hoseok without meaning it.
"Guys we have a problem." I tell them. Yoongi looks at me with a stone face and Hoseok stops eating and lowers his ears and looks at me worried. "We don't have room for Hoseok to sleep or clothes, so I think we should take the opportunity and go shopping today!" I tell them. While the hybrids sigh of relief I laugh at their reaction.
After we got ready, we are all in the entrance starting to go out with Hoseok shouting shopping shopping shopping all the time and Yoongi killing him with his eyes. I star laughing and enjoying being in the middle of them taking in each one of their hand and we begin walking like that without realizing the smile of the hybrids who exchange a happy look.
During the whole walk it consisted of a curious Hoseok looking at everything and a Yoongi sleep walking.
First stop was a furniture shop, we walked in and the first thing Yoongi did was to hold Hoseok so he wouldn't wander and separate from us.
 "Since there are three of us and there are only 2 rooms I thought I'd buy 2 single beds for you, what do you guys think?" I asked them. The two hybrids agree and we all go to the beds section.
After seeing lots of beds, Hoseok and I started to figure out which ones were the best for them. Agreeing on the options we started to pay them when ....
"Y / N? Where's Yoongi?" Hoseok asks me. "WHAT!" I yell looking around for Yoongi when I hear Hoseok laughing immensely. "Hoseok! What ...." I start saying until he points to one of the beds where Yoongi was asleep. "I don't believe this…."
Angry and embarrassed I take one of the cushions on display and start beating Yoongi hard. "What the hell, woman! What are you doing !?" he says trying to escape the cushion. "I DON'T BELIEVE THAT YOU SLEEP HERE WITH ALL THE PEOPLE LOOKING AND EVEN WORSE YOU MAKES ME AND HOBI DO ALL WORK!" I scream at him. "Oh ... I forgot we were here." Yoongi says looking at me innocently and I look at him shocked with Hoseok on the shop floor dying of laughing to much.
After what happen Yoongi helps Hoseok to get up of the ground and then we went to pay everything we got.
The way home was pretty quiet with them not letting me carry the bags. Half way through I feel Yoongi tail around me and I smile at him and he looks away embarrassed, Hoseok noticing it with a smile, he takes my hand in his and so we all went together smiling, happy.
"Haaa finally! I was thinking that we would never got here!" Yoongi said the moment he entered the house. "Hyung you're too lazy for your on good!" Hoseok tells him earning a slap from the lazy hybrid making me laugh. The rest of the afternoon was normal until during dinner I got a call from the organization.
"Hello?" "Hello Y/N! It's Jackson from the hybrid organization! It was to say we found a possible permanent home for Yoongi." says the voice on the cell phone. With this I look at Yoongi who is looking intensely to the ground with an Hoseok looking at us confused. "Jackson, let me talk to Yoongi first and I'll call you back." I tell him hanging up after he agreed.
"Yoongi." I begin by touching his arm what makes him move away. "Yoongi, do you prefer to go to this new home or do you prefer to stay here with me and I officially adopt you?" I ask in fear of his answer. And at a speed I've never seen, Yoongi looks at me and holds me tightly. "You, I choose you." he said. With tears we stayed like this for a few minutes until Hoseok interrupted. "Guys ... what's going on?"
"Hobi! This organization saves hybrids and puts them in safe and permanent homes.I received Yoongi because I signed up to be a temporary home.If you want I can ask a home for you ... "I ask looking at Yoongi hesitant that he would say yes and leave us. "And if ... I want to stay here and you also adopt me?" Hoseok says sad and with tears in his eyes. With that I throw myself into him laughing and with tears of relief. "Of course I want you here, Hobi!" Yoongi joining in our embrace we are again crying together.
After explaining to Jackson what Yoongi wanted, he understood everything and was very happy telling me to go through the organization to sign the papers and with that we all decided to go to bed early today.
"Good night Y/N!" Hoseok says goodbye kissing my cheek. And I answer the same with a kiss on his cheek and a pet in his ears earning giggles from him. And when I went into my room, Yoongi hugged me from the side. "Thanks for everything.Night." he says giving me a kiss on the forehead going away as I enter my room happily thinking about my new family without knowing that it would only increase.
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lizzybeth1986 · 6 years
Quick Thoughts on Book 3, Chapter 14
• Apologies for the delay, guys. Still recovering.
• It's time for our Ball! YAY.
• ...and for Hana's parents. Not so yay.
• Every LI in the group has at least one not-very-ideal parent. For Liam and Maxwell it's their dads (though Bartalemy seems to be the best of the four) and for Drake and Hana it's their mums.
• Title: Welcome, One and All!
• Alternate Titles should include This Chapter Is Brought To You By Jeffery.
• For those who don't remember the TRR pre-release interviews, Jeffery is the dude who loves hats:
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I'm pretty sure this chapter is his baby.
• So technically Xinghai and Lorelai have not kept in touch with Hana since her fight with Xinghai in Shanghai (that rhymes). There is a hint that she might have tried to reach out to them before the tour if you were getting engaged to her (she asks Ana de Luca to send the copies of her shoot to an address, which I presume was her home in Shanghai).
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You bet I slammed that last option.
• There's also not a lot of difference in this scene between the Hana playthrough and the non-Hana one, and there should have been. The dynamics of this discussion will - should - be different if you're Hana's fiancée. They have Lorelai and Hana's dialogues change if you're marrying her at the end, but technically that's unavoidable. There should have been an obvious difference in dialogue here as well.
• Bertrand has returned. Again.
• AND HE'S LATE. Apparently because his son needs to be coached on proper cutlery placement through the babysitter.
• We have a brief tete-a-tete about Savannah and Bartie before moving on to our OOTD:
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Tbh I think I'm okay with both. I had my reservations about the neck but I also like capes so I will take it. The traditional dove one makes you look like Red Riding Hood.
If you choose the phoenix gown, you also get to don a humongous hat, and you get the option to take it off anytime.
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Esther loves hats. She's a happy happy camper xD She may not have said those 'fancy hat's comments to Regina in Book 1 but you bet she was thinking them! So Esther - and I as Esther's creator - feel validated and vindicated and all other sorts of v words 😄
• Also yes, Esther, I'm pretty sure that hat ate every other hat in Cordonia before making its way to your head.
• It's now time for our Ball, and our LIs are waiting for us to make our entrance. Liam calls you 'a heroine of myth and song', Maxwell tells you you're 'on fire', Drake asks him if you're trying to give him a heart attack, and Hana settles for a very simple 'you look gorgeous'.
• Okay yadda yadda announcements, yadda yadda speech, yadda yadda complimentes from guests esp if you chose the phoenix decor, yadda accolades all around.
• Basically the main conversations taking place at the Ball are with Madeleine, Kiara, Regina, Mara and Olivia.
- Madeleine: Mainly to close the main loop of Madeleine's role as press secretary. The previous conversation with Liam/Drake at the Lythikos Ball is implied when you choose to call her a snake, even though she sees that as a compliment.
- Kiara: You get to either call her brave, or to ask her about her well-being. Thankfully, she is able to at least sleep at night now. They're definitely wrapping up Kiara's story here. Which is okay, I'm pretty certain it wasn't meant to be manifested in the first place and I suppose I'm expected to be grateful she got some attention. But I won't be, because she deserved this - and perhaps better. I couldn't care less for her brother and would rather not see him again but at least they had the decency to wrap up her storyline first this time rather than ignore it in favour of him completely.
- One of my favourite sequences is the one with Regina. She's clearly affected by Constantine's death and still hasn't recovered enough to get used to the idea of attending a Ball without his presence yet. But you also see her struggling with the stoicism she's been brought up on, and chastising herself because she can't. You have the choice of either asking her what Constantine would have told her if he were alive (like hell I'll choose that option!) or telling her she should allow herself to grieve. I thought her parting words in this conversation were beautiful.
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- Mara: From Mara we learn that the Nevrakis family had connections with the Sons of Earth, and that in fact Anton is the son of the leader of that group. I've seen some interesting theories around this, one of which is (I believe this one is @alicars theory) that he is Francesco's son. Which...would make that first meeting in Italy quite interesting, as well as the reveal that Francesco was friends with Liam's mother. Will Liam's mother's background be brought up in future chapters??
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- Olivia: So this is what all our efforts to win Olivia over culminates into! I have such Diavolos vibes with this scene (not the betrayal bit, but the winning their trust bit. Olivia I think sticks by Liam's side whether she likes you or not), because if you look at the TCaTF ally chart in Book 3, Diavolos' name is the last on the list of people to join you, even though he has spent time with you as an ally and been part of the rescue mission to save Mind Control!Dom. In a lot of ways, while Olivia has a huge connection to Liam and becomes your ally on that score, it requires effort and some ice-breaking to get her to fully support you.
• Say hello to my new pets y'all!
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As of now Esther has a horse named Celestia, a corgi names Joy, a visiting hawk named Tiberius, a black panther named Cava and two red pandas she has named Hansel and Gretel.
• I wonder if you have the ensuing group scene if you don't choose to accept the red pandas (I'd see for myself but the red pandas have really adorable sad faces).
• The group scene is alright, it's a lot like the one in Shanghai with the pandas. Liam is adorable and holds them like a pro, Maxwell is super super SUPER excited, Hana is shocked by their lack of manners (Hana they're animals!) in comparison to pandas and Drake is a mean meanie. You have Zeke on the side giving us factual animal info.
• We're now back at the estate, and Hana's folks have arrived.
• Hana puts up a good fight against her mum (let's be honest, Xinghai hardly seems to have a say in this. He looks sad about this and barely gets in a sentence. This show is all Lorelai's), and refuses to come with them, at which point Lorelai insists on taking her belongings away since they belong to the Lee family, and she isn't a Lee anymore.
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• You know what I want Hana to say?
• Please tell me she gets to kick Lorelai's ass this chapter. Please.
• So the Ball and festival will continue this chapter, and I'm guessing that any drama might happen later on in the Capitol if we go by the trajectory of the previous books. The places most closely connected to the MC - Ramsford, New York, Valtoria - are usually where you forget briefly the tension in the books, before being plunged into complete and total chaos.
• I still think there's a LOT we have left to find out. A LOT.
• There is a possibility that Hana will get a diamond scene post her confrontation with her parents. And as far as I can see it, this is the culmination of her entire journey, her entire struggle. This is the last shot the writers have at doing justice to her character, and giving her a good scene. If Hana doesn't get an extremely fulfilling, nuanced scene - one that has a marked difference between her as a fiancee and her as a friend - then I doubt she will get another one. They will have lost their chance to be fair to this character.
• And if they fail to do justice to this character...I'm afraid that will be the end for me. I may be chapter reviews and essays, I may still write stuff inspired by this book...but whatever love I still have for TRR will be lost for good.
• Because you know what you're telling me, a brown woman with an upbringing not entirely unlike Hana's? Who loves this character and has to now try to relate to her because her own writers didn't give me enough material? You're telling me that you don't think stories like Hana's - stories like mine - are worth attention, worth nuance, worth telling properly, worth telling with heart. You're telling me women like Hana are alright as tokens, but not important enough as characters. You're telling me you want the accolades that go with using women of colour in your stories, but don't want to put in the work. In fact...you're already telling me that. You've been telling me that for the last two books.
• I'm sincerely hoping this will change with the chapter I will play now, and that I and other Hana stans don't walk away from this chapter disappointed. I really, really do. It won't completely make up for the lack of care they have given this character...but it will be SOMETHING.
• With that, I'm going to go into this week's chapter, folks. Seeya!
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