#I'm in a bit of a hurry ^^'
kiss-this · 2 years
Anon who asked a summary of Måneskin's recent interviews, under the cut there are a few :)
Che Tempo che Fa
It starts with compliments to the beauty and power of The Loneliest. Fabio Fazio is a big fan and comments that it is the first ballad in English, then they joke that it's the first time they have had sofas in their studio. Dami says hi to his mom and says something like, "Hey mum watch me!"
They start by talking about the fact that Måneskin are always around the world and that it must be difficult to realize what's going on. Dami says they actually have little time to realize what is happening but that they also manage to enjoy the moment, especially on big stages, like Rio and Coachella.
Fabio says Ethan has a philosophy, don't take things too seriously, Ethan confirms. Then they retrace the early days of the group's formation, how Thomas and Vic met in middle school, etc. and they also make a recap of all the nominations for future awards.
Speaking of The Loneliest Damiano clarifies, once again, that when he said that he risked dying while shooting the video he was joking, even if at the moment he'd been really afraid; then there is a dig at the headlines that are always too melodramatic.
After, Vic says that the reason for their success is mainly in their authenticity (she is almost voiceless, so she says she shouted too much on her sister's birthday the day before), Ethan adds that the music is cyclical and that's another reason why rock is coming back.
Fabio asks what they do in the evening when they are abroad. Damiano says Vic and Tom often party and Tom says they go around clubs and get to know the cities.
Later they also talk about the fact that they have had many experiences that have made them grow professionally but that they are still in their twenties. Speaking of the cliche 'sex drugs and rock and roll' Damiano jokes that he's always naked because it is hot on stage and that he's not the only one of the 4 to undress, but in the rest of the time he's just a normal guy (they show photos of him with Chili). He adds that the cliché about drugs is outdated and that out of respect for themselves and the public they have to put themselves in a position to always give 100%.
They also talk about how they chased after Shakira to take pictures with her, or that at the Cannes Film Festival, in a super chic evening Thomas took off his shirt and started dancing, so the security wanted to kick him out. Vic says that when they meet famous people they pretend to be calm, then as soon as they're alone they go wild and can't believe it really happened.
Fabio says that Måneskin are transgressive in a serious way, in the sense that they always say what they think and that they are not afraid to take sides, as in the case of the speech against Putin.
Always talking about the VIPs they met, Thomas says the craziest encounter for him was with Slash, Damiano says Keith Richards, for Vic it was Iggy Pop and Ethan tells about Dakota Johnson cooking eggs for them.
Then they remember all the tour dates and announce those in the stadiums in Rome and Milan. At the end there is a little joke with Luciana Littizzetto who is a comedian, Fabio asks the band to pretend to remember who Luciana is, but she's actually very famous in Italy (there is a person in the audience with a strange laugh, Damiano bursts out laughing and can't stop). When Luciana enters she jokes with Fabio and tells him to tattoo the line with which he usually launches the advst on his chest, instead of "Il Ballo della Vita". Vic instead asks him to take off his shirt.
They start off by talking about the tour dates and how long they've been home over the last year. Vic says about one month in total. They are asked if they are anxious before an important concert, Dami Vic and Ethan make fun of Thomas who is the one who is sometimes nervous, like before Rock in Rio and Circo Massimo. Thomas says it depends on the situation, for example the first time they played The Loneliest in London it was very important to them so he was much more nervous.
Damiano says that of all the VIP meetings the most important was the one with Keith Richards who told them “I don't know who the fuck you are but they told me that you are good and that you actually play guitar, keep it up”.
They say they are always in such a hurry that since this summer they hardly even do the sound check before a concert, but still have no free time.
Speaking of the hardest audience to conquer, Thomas says it was very important to be able to conquer an audience made of rock fans, like at Rock 'em Ring or at the Stones concert. Vic jokes that sometimes when they ask the audience to crouch and then jump there are metalheads who just look at them in disgust and stand still with their arms crossed. Damiano also jokes about those people, because maybe to stay in the front row at Rock in Rio they have been there for three days, so he says in Roman 'pijatela bene', that means let yourself go, have fun. Then they add that conquering the smaller stages at festivals is really difficult.
Vic says that it's her fault if there's always pizza in the dressing rooms, because it's she who wants it and that they eat a little before the concerts and again after, while Damiano has a closed stomach and he doesn't eat, either before or after.
They ask him how they define success. They joke that the real success is to have a Lamborghini then more seriously that the most shocking thing is to have the crowd abroad singing songs in Italian, like in Chile, or to be recognized every three steps at Copa Cabana. Damiano says he felt like the Brazilian national team.
Thanks to Måneskin, many young people start playing an instrument while until a few years before they wanted to be DJs. Vic says that she started playing because she saw a Danish movie as a child and that therefore certain things can affect a whole life. Thomas says he really appreciates it when fans tell him they started playing guitar seeing him and remembers that when he started he was the 'weird' guy because playing an instrument was not common.
A parody with the music of Zitti e Buoni starts and instead of the original lyrics there are all the things the band has done in the last few months. They ask Måneskin when they realized they were really going to break through. Ethan says that it was when they saw Beggin climb to the top of all the charts. Also, Damiano says it was when they went to Jimmy Fallon for the second time.
They ask what they would do in an alternate universe if they weren't musicians. Damiano laughs, says he would be doing high school for the sixth time.
Talking about other musicians, Vic says they've wanted to see the Artic Monkeys for five years and they never manage.
They got asked if they have ever thought of switching roles. Ethan says it already happened when they did a cover of Seven Nations Army. Ethan played bass, Vic the guitar and Tom the drums. Damiano sang because he can't play anything and Thomas says they can't sing. Then they laugh because it was a disaster.
Someone else's songs they like to the point they'd have liked to be thier own are: Baby I'm Gonna Leave you for Tom, Ethan says Can't Stop by RHCP, Dami Dream On by Aerosmith and Vic's answer I cannot hear properly, sorry ^^'
Since Måneskin have won everything (and maybe they will sign up for Miss Italia), the radio awards them useless prizes. The band itself has to vote: the award for the stingiest goes to Tom. Everyone wants the prize for being the one who showers the most, but Vic says the other three always make fun of her saying she is the one who washes the least, but that's not true, and they enjoy embarrasing her with people just met (Dami and Tom high five behind her back). The prize for the one who wakes up later is a good match between Tom and Vic. The one who eats the most is still Thomas. The one who looks at the phone the most is Damiano. The one who always loses everything is Damiano again. The most messy is Thomas, but Dami says Vic's room is a safari. The one who gets the most bras on stage is Ethan. Strange things arrived on stage are mostly underwear and fetish stuff. Their best memory, for Dami is Sanremo: he still cannot explain how it was even possible.
RAI Radio 1
Thomas says that there is an alchemy between them and that their success has been a natural process even if it always takes a lot of effort and discipline, also because they are always in the spotlight and everything they do gets judged.
Damiano, however, comments that even knowing absolutely nothing about an artist contributes to idolizing people too much and it is not a healthy thing because in the end everyone is human and everyone has flaws.
The interviewer reminds them that a few days earlier Manuel Agnelli was there: he said that the great merit of Måneskin is that they manage the success they are getting, and above all that Måneskin have brought the attention of the public and record companies back to rock music played live, with real instruments, especially among young people. The band says it's a big responsibility but also a very nice thing.
Still citing Manuel Agnelli, who spoke of the "dictatorship of numbers", the guys say that they don't pay much attention to numbers, they don't really read the statistics and they don't even know how many gold records they have won. Thomas says fixating on numbers drives people crazy. Damiano adds that it's a fake feedback, that numbers matter, but they aren't the only important thing.
Speaking of seeing other people's concerts, Vic says they do it out of passion, because music is not just a job but a passion as well. Tom adds that their inspiration also comes from everyday life and normal things.
They ask a question each, they start with Ethan talking about the role of the drummer, who is often the wise man of the group because he has to dictate the timing. Ethan says that's the way it is and that since he started playing with others he has had to become more empathetic and understand how others interpreted time and music, because there has to be a dialogue between them, especially with the bass.
They ask Damiano how he manages his role as frontman, if he manages to calibrate what little narcissism it takes to be on the front line. Damiano says he never really asked himself this question. That since he's the one who can move without instruments it has always come naturally to him to accentuate the music with the movements of the body. They also ask him why he has clearly exposed himself against Putin when many artists prefer to remain silent. Damiano says that he's not only a singer but also a person free to express an opinion and that there are arguments that leave little room for interpretation, such as war.
With Vic they talk about the tradition of women playing bass, because there are many of them and therefore they ask how her passion for the instrument was born. Vic says she startedat school with classical guitar but she wasn't happy with it, so she started experimenting. The transition to bass came naturally the first time she played with an amp.
With Thomas they talk about the guitar in The Loneliest which recalls that of Tom Morello of Rage Against the Machines. Thomas says that he usually writes music instinctively, so while working on The Loneliest he used the pedal (that Morello is the pioneer of) and the music came out on its own, without voluntarily mentioning anyone.
Finally, quoting Vasco Rossi they speak of the feeling of loneliness that a musician can feel immediately after a concert. Vic says they don't have the time lately, but that when they were less famous it was often the case that they felt lost after a concert, not knowing what to do next.
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elitadream · 1 year
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The new Super Bowl Mario trailer didn’t have to go this hard, but it did. 
And boy am I glad for it. 🤣👏
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New Season 2 leaked images from fernsehserien.de
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These two pictures just showed up on the pages for Episodes 1 and 2.
1: Aftermath
Robby with his cyber-shield and a new exo-suit, fighting a large new Cybertronian (?) character.
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2: In Ruins
A reflection from a helmet visor, featuring another new character who looks vaguely similar in color and shape to the first.
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Episode 3 currently just has an Earthspark poster from Season 1, and Episode 4 doesn't have an attached image yet.
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seirindono · 8 months
Blue’s face while  teleporting was so funny he was like : what the hack we just teleported?
Don't be fooled by his looks, he's still very similar to Papyrus, ahah.
Meaning that he's always preferred walking to using shortcuts like the others sanses. In fact, as he points out a few pages later, he's well aware of how bad he is at this (and wanted to spare Mel the inconvenience).
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Basically, he only uses it in emergencies or over very, very short distances to achieve precision. So doing it repeatedly with someone on board? Between the end of part 7 and the start of part 8, it's a miracle they didn't get stuck in a wall or crashed in someone's appartment lol
Still, you can't help but be a bit surprised when dropped mid air, ahah, maybe that was the last straw for them both.
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omaano · 25 days
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"Cassian's face is a brittle thing, no person's eyes should shine as painfully tearful as his. Kino offers his hand and Cassian - bright as the sun, steady as a roc, fluid as water Cassian - accepts it with shaking fingers. He tells Kino everything."
Art for we're spitting off the edge of the world by Xenomorphic for the 2024 Star Wars Big Bang @swbigbang. It is an amazing Canon Divergence Fix-it fic from one of the most memorable moments of Andor onwards, with beautiful prose that fits the mood of the show so so well and will make you feel just as deeply for these characters. Please give it a read and heap some love on my team's amazing and hardworking author, they were such a delight to work with!❤️
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chaoticly-shy-dragon · 9 months
@pumpkinpaperweight had a dream and @bnanmonte gave me brain rot which led to lots of ideas and excess creative energy
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what I like to call Separation Au or the universe where Agatha is ready to break bones at all times only Sophie makes it to the school. It's a lot of fun to consider when you realize without Agatha, Sophie can't do more than psychological torment and emotional manipulation - and that's something the schools' inhabitants excel at!
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airenyah · 2 months
rare momemt of @ranchthoughts and me not matching:
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kyloreno-911 · 22 days
totally just drew up and ordered a deathcore t-shirt of my dog lol
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nyxraex · 8 months
EDITED [ Canon & AU ] This has likely been asked before, but I got curious, soooo...
'Older sibling' MC is either: a) tired of having to clean up after the "kids" but would never actually hurt the Soul Riders in any way. More likely to bicker and less likely to have heart-to-heart convos. Usually awkward with emotions and more likely to keep physical contact minimal but will be there when needed. b) the more warm, guiding force who offers advice and a shoulder to cry on when times get rough. More comfortable with physical affection & showing emotions. More or less the Mom Friend™. 'Younger sibling' MC on the other hand: a) is a bit more naive and tends to look up to the Soul Riders and tries to be like them. b) tries to prove their worth to the Soul Riders, but usually needs to be saved due to MC's inexperience. [ And just to clarify: sibling = sibling-figure; not real siblings. ] [ Also; I personally am the oldest of 3 so apologies for lack of elaboration on the 'younger sibling' part... ]
/neg is a "I want nothing to do with you" and more akin to MC feeling surrounded by toxic, gaslighting narcissists and wants to get out. /NEG is the more visceral hatred that would make MC commit things that should never be committed, and would likely make them a villain. [ edit: Just to make it clear that I'm in no way shape or form calling the Soul Riders toxic here. I wrote these from viewing the MC as an unreliable narrator and mainly based on an AU pov that isn't 100% true to the canon. I'm also aware that the Soul Riders are just as much the 'victims' as the MC is when it comes to the Keepers. I also made this poll with the idea of not everyone in this fandom being fond of the Soul Riders in mind. Not that there even are that many cases of it on here on Tumblr when compared to, say, Instagram/TikTok/Reddit. ]
If you pick '???' I'd like to know what it is. :3 Please enlighten me! Or if it's a combination of different options, too!
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alfonzone · 8 months
When you say becoming a father??? Are you saying like SOON?! 👀
okay so
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I've been looking into Single Father Surrogacy.
Now, I am still trying to understand the whole process of what it will initial, and different types of surrogacies because I honestly didn't know of these two above on the image, and that could only be it, but I'm trying to figure out or understand it better. I feel as though educating myself first is the right decision before I do anything else. I don't know what I'll have to do in terms of supporting said person carrying my baby, but I'm willing to fund everything and do anything required of me to make it happen.
I'll most likely start the application and inquiring process next year, but I am aiming for when I'm thirty-two or latest , thirty-five years old to make the single father surrogacy a reality.
I know it sounds pathetic or weird, etc but I've come to accept and be at peace at least that I might not find someone out there? You know, to love and create wholesome, small but meaningful memories with, etc.
I was also super okay in being with someone who already had children through prior relationship(s), heck I would have loved their kids as my own or at least treat them with so much love, care, and hopefully become someone they would be able to trust, etc. I was totally okay with that and all I would have asked said partner is one child from both of us or if not, them to be okay with me becoming a sperm donor.
However, I'm not going to go on dating apps ever again (although I might try eHarmony just to give these next two years a shot) and no one here where I live interests me so I know that I will most likely end up being single forever. And that's okay. I really am okay with that. 😊😊😊 Sometimes life is that way.
However, I am super lucky and grateful about the fact that I do still have an opportunity in becoming a parent without a partner through surrogate.
I know I said, I was okay with having a partner that didn't want kids, and I am, but only if they would be okay with me becoming a sperm donor so if ever, it would be used and I'll know that there's a little half me out there (if I'm not allowed to be involved in their life). I feel ready to be a parent. I want that responsibility. I believe in my ability to be a great father and so this will be the "taboo" measure that I'm willing and will take to become a dad. 😊😊
Sorry about rambling, but I'm passionate about this AND I just wanted to share a little more context to your ask.
Yes, I do have plans on becoming a father soon 😊😊😊
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fuckthisshitimin · 2 months
Lovely type of interaction is when someone in front of me in line is struggling with bagging their groceries or finding their change or making the machine work and trying so hard to be fast and looking at me with mild panic and I get to catch their eyes long enough to summon my chillest voice to say "I'm not in a hurry, it's fine" and they smile back or visibly relax. Always great.
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elephantbitterhead · 4 months
We've been oppressed by more or less constant 40-50mph winds for almost a week now & I'm starting to feel like my life is a lost chapter from Giants in the Earth.
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ohhhhhhhhhhhh my god that was perfect
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dylanconrique · 1 year
tim coming home to an already asleep lucy and trying to sneak into bed beside her, but she shuffles awake and sleepily whines at him like, "what took you so long? i was waiting for you." ��💕
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bookshelfdreams · 1 year
so my car will have to be euthanized (rip) but I found a replacement that I'm kind of in love with if anyone's so inclined send good vibes that our romance will work out
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ofdarklands · 1 year
there are DIFFERENT ENDINGS in the FISHING game?????? Ok im sold
to be fair there's only 2! but yeah. the story is quite simple and mostly carried through hints and dialogue, but it does leave a lot of space to wonder in, i think.
and the fucked up fish are fun in their own right
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