chibifox2002 · 1 year
Old Pictures
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Nothing says co-parenting buddies quite like crying over pictures of your baby!
Also close ups of the lil pics under cut
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dr-jem-nutcase · 1 year
MvA: The 'M' Files take-a-peak, pt. 1
Imma be giving this out in parts. And I won't take forever, I pinky promise. I will be making commentary on this, so feel free to just look at the pictures.
I do NOT own any of this, this is all property of DreamWorks
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Ok, I've always loved the BOB holding Dr C image, but the "Maj. Richard Head" name tag (in the lower left corner) totally went over my head as a kid. But now that much of my innocence is gone, I wonder how on earth DreamWorks (DW) let this sort of thing slip onto the cover of a kids' book. But then again, the MvA movie and even the TV show had its fair share of adult humor too. So no argument
So...let's continue
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Okay, reaffirming that Area 5X is in the middle of a desert. It says the desert, but which desert? BOB's Big Break (I'll just call it BBB) said Nevada desert so we'll just run with that
"KP" means "kitchen police" or "kitchen patrol". Thank you, Mr. Google, for the clarification
A lone bench. And the only bench for miles around. Totally inconspicuous. About as inconspicuous as one lady at my local supermarket who stole clearance stickers from the clearance shelf & put them on expensive items...all while wearing a bright red coat you could see a mile away
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And this, I guess, is how the average person gets into Area 5X. Or at least a first-timer. Yeah, there's that runway & the tower with the Area 5X emblem (as shown in the TV series, the video game, & the Art of MvA book), and the "roof" area in BBB. The world is truly a mysterious place
Chapter 1
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A loop-the-loop. Always a loop-the-loop. Also, the physics in that hamster tunnel is killing me
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And enter the dragon himself
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Guantanamo (thanx again, Google) is a military detention camp and prison in Cuba. It opened in 2002, so I'm guessing that this comic is set in the mid-2000s, a few years before Susan showed up. I think I'd rather have that tranq syringe in the situation room in the movie than spend eternity in a camp
Link's cell is so tiny!!
And is Monger's speech balloon covering up a fitness poster or a beach babe poster? I mean, in one piece of concept art, there's a blow-up doll in his tank/cell, so...but then again, a lot of the concept art featured some not-so child-friendly material
Awww, Insecto
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Dr C looks like ET. I can't even!
Is BOB juggling or practicing levitation? No matter what he's doing, what is that?
The American people? What about the British people? The Japanese people? The average world citizen?! Either this was semi-lazy story-writing or the average American has a weaker mental stability than the rest of the world population (as an American myself, I would totally believe the latter). If it's just Americans, then let Insecto go back to Japan but away from Tokyo! Get Dr C back to his lab in the UK where he can FINALLY finish his experiments.
But this is a kids' book, so I'll stop whining...for now
To be continued
Well, I hope so far y'all have enjoyed this. See you next time!
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fluffypotatey · 2 years
What do your squires look like?
oooooooh! gotta be honest i haven't exactly thought too hard about the little squires' features so here we go:
Lucan - man's is tall (give or take 6' 5"/ 195.5 cm), nice bronze tan, curly brown hair and brown eyes, and since he trains under Leon, the man's muscles are toned and defined
Roland - trained under Percival first before deciding to become Merlin's squire (if i didn't say this before, imma say it now); she's not that tall (maybe 5'5" or 5'3"/ 162-167cm) but she can and will take you out despite the size disadvantage (she actually like the challenge her height bring to combat); kept her hair relatively short on the beginning b/c she was trying to impersonate a boy in order to be a knight but as the years went on, her being a girl was like the citadel's worst kept secret (other than Merlin's magic of course) so she let herself grow it out; she typically has her hair up b/c it'd get in the way otherwise; hair is a curly/bushy black and on days where there's humidity, it will friz up and look more like a bird's nest; dark skin with scars from training and missions she's done and calloused hands from honing in her skills with her axe
Feirefiz - just like his knight counterpart from Arthurian legend, the man has Vitiligo; he is Percival's half brother so they share similar qualities to each other such as their height, their muscular build, their love of not wanting sleeves, and their facial reactions; man's got brown eyes that can see into your soul and despite the rigorous training Percival puts his squires through, his hands feel gentle as he holds you
Andred - either he's the son of Tristan and Isolde or just a nephew is unclear to the rest of Camelot but that's unimportant. what's important is that he will have similar feature to them. so think yellow blond hair, tall-ish (6ft/183cm), pale skin with a farmer's tan, green eyes, and even toned muscles courtesy of Elyan's training
Nathan - one of the noble born squires (and loved to mention that near the beginning of his squire days); sleek, black hair; pale skin and freckles that cover his cheeks (and sometimes his arms if the sun is out for too long); keeps his hair short because it's easier to maintain; also evenly toned thanks to Elyan's training; dunno if i want his eyes blue, gray, or brown
Dagonet - dark skin, black hair, even tone muscles; brown eyes like of the earth; prefers to wear clothes without sleeves; loves teasing his squire buddies (especially Nathan since they're rivals and all and it's fun seeing the blue blood squirm)
Bedivere aka Beddy aka Beds aka Baby - also a blue blood but he's the baby of the group so no one hounds on him like with Nathan; how he started: wide-eyed and innocent ready to face the world just like beginning adventurers who lived sheltered lives before him; how he's doing: learned what it's like to commit crimes, loves it a little too much and has seen the effects war has on people; hasn't hit his growth spurt yet so his height is similar to Roland; brown hair, pale skin (will burn) with freckles that only show up if out in the sun for some time; trains under Gwaine and is surprisingly (to others) versatile in many different types of combat skills
Bors - idk what this man looks like but think buff, big, and a softie; worships the ground lancelot walks on; lives by his training regimen
Galahad - similar build to Lancelot to the point that some believe the two to be related and Galahad being a boy scout is no help to that assumption; they aren't related in this interpretation tho so that's all you're getting; long wavy hair that goes as far as his shoulders; keeps it well groomed and shiny much to everyone's surprise (gwaine taught him)
loholt - dark hair, tan, went from lean to buff, not super tall but tall (5'8"/172cm); keeps druid customs and stuff
ok so that's what i came up with hope y'all enjoyed it! <3
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hi babe if ure taking any requests, can i request roommates reader and taehyun studying tgt but ended up making out in the couch? ty!!!!
Hoped you like it! I really try my best to write(type) this nicely! @kkyubear
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" Taehyun and Y/n, y'all working together for this project, also class, don't forget to study this week for our exam on Friday...."  The flashback appeared back again for the fifth time today.
" Why did Mr.Kim, chose him as my partner....?" You mumbled to yourself as you took a sip from your strawberry boba drink. You're sitting at the boba drink restaurant by yourself, next to the window. You watch people pass by while thinking about the project, the exam, and.....that boy named Taehyun.
Why did it bother you so much about Taehyun being your partner for the project? Well.....Kang Taehyun is your roommate. He is a new student in the college you go to.....well for you he's new because you know half of the people on the campus and you have never seen him before until this year.
You remembered how surprised you felt when you saw the new super attractive silver strikes hair guy in your room, sitting at the dark blue sheet of his bed, reading a science book on his lap, a guitar laying next to him, his arms behind his head, showing his strong biceps that you couldn't take your eyes away from.
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You remembered how his natural beautiful big eyes suddenly looked at your side making your heart jump a little. He gave you a smile that lasted 3 seconds before turning back to his book. You remembered how you felt that moment. You felt a little nervous and you felt the feeling of butterflies flying around your stomach almost making it ache.
Taehyun was a quiet guy. When he was out, he would always try to come to the tiny apartment early before eight of the night so he wouldn't have to wake you up in the middle of the night with his noises.
Both of you would just do their things and would have small talks like the good morning greetings, the goodnight byes, stuff about school and that's it.
In the middle of the year, you two started to become a little more comfortable with each other. You remembered the first night you felt in a great mood and felt confident to ask him if wanted to study with you. Taehyun nodded kindly with his bright smile and agreed. Both of you would study on the couch, books on the table that stand in the middle of the tiny living room, and snacks around the books and papers.
It became a habit to study together like this whenever you two were having a test. Soon you two became friends and you no longer felt shy talking to him. However you still have feelings for him, for your crush, but you always made sure not to make it obvious. At first, you founded wrong to like your friend but you thought it as
" it's just a crush, it'll last for a while, maybe when you two become close friends you will no longer see him as a crush".
You were wrong!
Kang is too damn attractive and looks attractive in anything he wears and in anything he does. His personality is just.... amazing! He is funny, has sarcastic humor, a little savage, he is smart and speaks beautifully. No wonder why you too are studying communications together. Kang Taehyun is just perfect for you. You couldn't help it to feel so attracted to these men.
After you're done going through your entrance of memories and thoughts you got a message from Taehyun.
Hey!! Y/nieee~ come home to study! Where are you? 😅
You smile at the way he spelled your name cutely. You forgot to mention his cuteness is just something else.
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Ok! I'll be there in a few minutes :)!
" Here, I brought Gimbap, Kimchi, and some snacks...." He grinned as he takes out the boxes from the bag.
" Love Gimbap and Kimchi...." You smiled, sitting next to him on the couch. You got out your journals and books to study.
" Wow, This is easy.....imma ace this exam....." He smirks to himself still reviewing his paper. " As always?..." You rolled your eyes.
" Y/nnie~ open your mouth, say ahhhh" he teases as he grabs the Gimbap with his fork over his other hand so it wouldn't drop, and push it towards your lips. You widen your eyes and slightly blush when you saw that coming.
Still, you obey and opened your mouth taking the bite. "Mmm~" you nodded and smiled happily.
"Good!" You said while chewing, your cheeks getting puffy. Taehyun giggle and mumbled
" cute ..". Still you heard that and that made you feel some type of way you can't explain.
Some time pass both of you still studying together on the same couch. Taehyun was still enjoying his kimchi. You watch how he ate it deliciously making you hungry again. You watch his hand, his manly veiny-looking hands holding on to the fork, taking the fork towards his mouth and taking a bite softly. Your mouth was watering by just watching him taking the bite and chewing it slowly. He close his eyes and furrowed his eyebrows together forming tiny lines on his forehead. He shook his head slightly enjoying the taste of kimchi.
'lucky kimchi....' you thought without realizing it.
There were times where you would think about Taehyun. Thinking about him in a then not so-most innocent and pure way and you felt ashamed. Like you said before he is one handsome man with an amazing athletic body so sometimes he would wake a tiny fire of desire inside of you. As always you're very respectful and never try anything funny towards him.
However, today you can feel the heat coming back again. Seeing him next to you so close, where you can see his little imperfections on his face, neck, hands and still you find the perfect. You feel the heat rushing to your cheeks and your heart beating fast. The desire to kiss was getting stronger. You didn't realize how close you were leaning towards hi him until suddenly looks away from his book and looks down at at at at your eyes with an intense stare. His big eyes move from your forehead, eyes, lips,  and lastly your lips. While you just stare at his lips the entire time.
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" What are doing...." He whispered. His serious intense look not changing. His hot breath tickles your nose and cheek. You were feeling aroused by his stare, breath, and his whisper sexy voice.
" You should be staring down your sheet, not on my lips....." Taehyun said, leaning slowly towards you. " I know but I can't help it... would love to study your lips too..." You whispered back now looking at his eyes. Now you're no longer thinking straight.
" And how would you do that?" He whispered back staring back and ford on both of your eyes. He leaned even more closer making you lean away from a little. His hand sneakily touches your left hand that rested on the couch seat behind you. He clutched your hand tightly as his lips were centimeters close to your lips.
You couldn't hold it anymore and you are going to show him how to "study his lips". You slam your lips on his. It wasn't aggressive but not too soft, it was just right. Taehyun also attacks back, his left hand rested on your cheeks and neck, his other hand still holding your left hand. The slightly hard kiss became more passionately and rougher as now Taehyun press you against him so closely. His hand digs through your hair, and his other hand suddenly snakes around your waist. You wrapped your arms around his neck, your hands run through his silver and black hair pulling his locks of hair.
The kiss was hard, rough, and passionately almost as if you two were eating up each other's mouths.
You felt this wasn't enough, you wanted to feel him even closer to you. You decided to get on top of his lap. You wrapped your legs around his torso. Now you can feel his ripped body and his everything so close to yours.
" Ahh, ~ Tae..... *kisses* you're so...*kisses* hot....*kisses, lip biting from him* mmm~ Taehyun~~......I like you". You said as you immediately pulled away to take a breath. You just realized what you said covering your mouth.
" As my friend!" You said with a terrifying expression.
Taehyun chuckled and raised an eyebrow. " Are you sure?..... because friends don't kiss, especially like we did....." He whispered the last sentence, leaning close again to peck on your lips.
" I want more...." He whispered to you as he kiss your cheeks. You smiled shyly and look down away from his gaze. Your cheeks turning into a pink shade. Taehyun grabs your chin softly and made you face him. He leans slowly and kisses your lips. You melted into his kiss, wrapping your arms around his neck rightly, pressing your body against him even more. His hands roamed around your back and sides. Sometimes he'll run his hands through your hair just like you did with his.
You two enjoy this intimate moment with each other for while. Enjoying this new feeling you two discover together. Now, this is happening.....it makes you wonder what will happen next? What would happen to this relationship? You will decide what your fate with Taehyun would be in the future, for sure you two won't be staying like friends forever? Right?......
Thank you for reading!
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supersizemeplz · 5 years
Doped Up
Erik Stevens x Black PlusSized Reader
Another #supersizedfic short. I was inspired by a YouTube video by Meechonmars about his wisdom tooth being pulled. So this is a little something for mostly myself, but I hope y'all like it too. Enjoy!
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The dentist's office parking lot was half empty, most of the cars in the parking lot belonging to employees. Sunlight had only taken over the sky three hours before, and now more people had awoken to start their day. Erik had always been a morning person, and wanted to get the little surgery over with so he'd made his appointment for 8am. Thinking this wisdom tooth removal shit was overrated.
You helped the male dental assistant, guiding a drugged Erik to the car. One of his arms over your shoulders and the other around the male assistant's. Once you'd both gotten the hunk of muscle into the passenger seat, you thanked the nurse with a smile. He wished you good luck before disappearing back into the dentist office.
Turning back to Erik, you smiled at him. His body slumped back against the seat as he grinned all goofy at you. "Hey princessss." His words were muffled from the gauze in his mouth. You giggled, replying with a 'heyy babyy'. Before telling him to watch his arm as you closed the car door.
When you'd pulled onto the road, heading home, he'd kept his eyes on you. His muffled voice caught your attention as he called your name, making you raise your eyebrows in acknowledgment. Throwing a glance at him before looking back at the road. "Yes, E?"
He took your free hand in both his, massaging his thumb over the back of your hand. "You're so fuckin' pretty.." Lifting a hand to brush a piece of hair behind your ear, he smiled again. You chuckled, thanking him with a smile. "Ooo, look at that fuckin' smile. Smile for me again.."
You laughed, shaking your head at his goofiness. Gifting him a bigger smile with ease. "You are goofy, Stevens.." Reaching over the armrest, you brushed away a piece of fuzz in his beard. "You're so cute." He held his head up like a proud puppy, smirking as he let down the mirror above him.
"I am cute, huh.." He wiggled his eyebrows at his reflection, doing that little thing Blueface does with his eyebrows. You burst into laughter, telling his silly ass to close that thing and sit back.
He obeyed. For a moment before turning up the radio. "They still play this shit on the radio? Ayeee!" He danced in his seat, sitting up again. "Oooooo! And I never get over you until I find some-one-new, who get me high like you do gurl." You laughed at his singing. Because it was still very much muffled and very much off key.
He bounced his broad shoulders, performing for you. Caressing your cheek and all. "Aye, shawty. Uh boo'd uppp. Tell alla my homies I can't hang tonight cause I'm boo'd upp- Why you turn it off?" You laughed, pulling your keys from the ignition as the automated garage door closed behind you.
"Because you don't know how to act, and we're at home.." You opened your door, stepping from the car as Erik opened his door. When you rounded the car, he'd only managed to get one leg out the car. Chuckling as he said his legs were heavy. You helped him out the car, managing to get the car door closed and one of his arms around your shoulders.
It took a little under ten minutes to get him in the house and seated. After promising you'd dance with him when he'd sobered up a bit instead of at the moment.
"Imma get a towel so I can clean you up, ok?" You sat him at the kitchen island. Having to tell him to stay a few times before you rushed down the hall to get a clean wash cloth. Jogging to the laundry room, you got a white towel from the shelf before hurrying back to Erik.
Just as you'd made it back to the kitchen, you figured out why Erik was so quiet. He was up from the spot you'd told him to stay in, looking at a picture on the fridge. "Erik. You were supposed to stay on the stool, baby." You walked over to him, seeing what had captured his attention.
A picture of you, him, and Amari at a festival that had came to town a few weeks ago. They were a strip of those booth pictures. He mumbled Amari's name, touching the picture. His gaze moved to you. "Where's baby girl again?"
You chuckled, leading him back to the stool. "She's with Mama, E. We dropped her off this morning before we went to the dentist.." He sat on the stool, letting you take the bloodied gauze from his mouth. Blood never fazed him.
"Ohh yeahh. I forgottt." He smiled as you handed him a water bottle, telling him to rinse his mouth. Which he surprisingly obeyed the first time you told him. As you opened a gauze pack, he caught you by your waist and pulled you closer. "Babyyy. I love youuu.."
You chuckled, glancing at him. "I love your thick necked ass too, E." He smiled at that, resting his head on your shoulder. Replying with a soft 'enough to give me another baby?'. You laughed at that, a little too loudly. "That medicine really strong, huh?"
He chuckled, lifting his head to look at you as he shrugged. Opening his mouth as you put a new gauze in before he replied. "I mean, it is but that doesn't mean ion wanna put another baby in you."
Taglist: @sisterwifeudaku @kumkaniudaku @elaindeereads @wawakanda-btch @theunsweetenedtruth @hold-me-like-a-heart-beat @unholyxcumbucket @purple-apricots @marvelpotterlove @chaneajoyyy @disneysdarlingdiva @wakanda-inspired @justanotherloveaffair @cmonkillmonger @princesskillmonger @theblulife @airis-paris14 @fonville-designs @liviy00 @cosmicmelaninflower @whoramilaje @yaachtynoboat711 @yofavcocoa @teheeboo @alexundefined @kaykay0829 @terrablaze514 @iwrite4poc @truglori @muse-of-mbaku @killmongerdispussy @jozigrrl @thedelightfulone @bugngiz @fiercedeception @tinyelfperson @ashleychristina73 @ikeea-world @softnani @tashawar @callme-slime @a1bunni @amethyst1993 @pinkdemolition @raysunshine78 @missmohnique @toniilaney @pinktiger501
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cupidmosa · 4 years
so imma try something new I hope y'all like it. enjoy! (also this is a draft from a while back and not actually finished but you would like more let me know!
warning: spoilers, and angst
fandom: the arcana
• ok so I came up with like an au, but I don’t know if someone else has already (if they did i’m not stealing because I honestly don’t know).
• ok so it’s like an mc x lucio and mc x asra. so everybody has like a theory of what lucio COULD do at the end of the route (betray mc and steal their body like they were going to do in the beginning) but what if he fell so DEEPLY in love with mc that he doesn’t have the strength to do what he needs to.
• so instead, he takes nadia’s body (story of how it happened below) and leaves mc alone in the sense of not taking their body.
• so then basically the whole “thing” - game - starts again. mc had no memories of their life before, (well, correct memories), and instead lives their life with lucio instead of asra.
• so they live in the palace, eventually marries lucio and becomes count/ess.
• mc’s old memories with asra and the whole investigation was corrupted by the devil and was replaced with a life with lucio after nadia “died” because lucio didn’t want them to know what he did but julian and asra and the rest of the main 6 knows exactly what happened, but lucio threatened that he would do some horrible thing if they ever told mc anything of what happened.
• but he made a deal with them saying that if mc comes to the conclusion on their own or something, they can talk to them about it.
• anyway, one day mc goes out to the market to buy some bread and lo and behold who is it?
• asra is talking to some merchant about some crystals and hears the crowd begin whispering and he turns around to see mc.
• because they’re the new count/ess, people don’t trust them as much as they did with nadia, especially since half the people don’t like lucio.
• so asra approaches mc and they’re like “do i know you?”.
• it breaks asra‘s heart, of course but he introduces himself and mc is like, “oh right, you’re that magician i’ve heard so much about (thanks to lucio)”.
• asra pretends and acts like he’s never met mc.
• mc is more proper than they used to be since they’re the count/ess and was taught extra education and manners
• asra is just staring at mc and their new fancy clothes. like they would be wearing expensive jewelry and have that “rich glow”
• he’s a little speechless, if we’re being honest
• it’s the first time he’s actually seen mc up close like that, instead of seeing them on the veranda of the palace and stuff
• they talk for like two more minutes and asra just peeks over their shoulder because guess who?
• lucio like - sTRUTS up to mc, being a clingy mess like usual
• “mc, my love” and he looks at asra with the most cocky smirk ever “asra, fancy seeing you here”
• his arm is either wrapped around their shoulder or around their waist and he pulls them close to his chest
• possessive bitch™️
• asra just...
• he can’t
• he looks away, tears daring to fall
• he looks back and he sees mc smiling at lucio with love
• and a piece of asra’s heart stops
• he thinks he’s going to have a heart attack, but when mc looks back at him, their smile brings him back
• asra excuses himself, saying he has to restock the shop
• he bids mc farewell, and a very salty “fuck you later” to lucio
• asra gets back to his -their- shop and just sobs
• not going to lie, he probably sounds like a dying cat
• but he’s sobbing so much to the point that he can’t breathe
• faust slithers up to his neck and asra just narrates what had happened at the market
• faust tries to comfort asra, and he thanks her for trying
• meanwhile at the palace, lucio is just ranting to mc about why they should stay away from asra
• and mc is just sitting on the bed, petting lucio’s hair because he’s laying on their lap
• “I know, dear”
• “he’s just so pompous and thinks he’s all that
• ironic right?
• eventually lucio just rants himself to sleep and mc gently tucks him into bed
• mc decides to walk around the palace
• every week, mc takes it upon themselves to seek out the secrets of the palace
• they know the main rooms, thanks to the fake memories and lucio just dragging them to do 🍆 - the nasty
• mc always sneaks down to the palace gardens, because it’s their favorite spot and the scene around it is always beautiful, especially at night
• as they walk up to the fountain, they see a man with white curls, and a lavender colored snake slithering up and down their arms
• the snake looks up at mc “friend!”
• asra twirls around and just stares at mc in their nightly clothing
• it feels like it’s been forever
• mc just kind of stands there, arms crossed over their chest
• “and what are you doing here at this time?”
• asra just smirks
• “I could ask you the same thing, your highness”
• he gestures to the spot next to him for them to sit
• mc slightly shrugs and moves to sit
• now, our boy gets embarrassed
• he blushes just by their action of sitting down next to him
• not too close, not too far
• but their body is facing asra, showing that their attention is all on him
• it’s a little chilly, so when the wind blows mc shivers because they’re wearing thin silk pajamas
• their eyes flutter close and asra just freezes
• anyway, mc brings up that fact that lucio just hates asra, and a few certain others that mc has never met
• asra just laughs at the way mc will imitate lucio, puffing out their chest, putting an arrogant smirk on their lips
• asra says it’s always been that way
• they get quiet for a moment
• “what happened between you two? and what’s with the ranting of you and these other people whom I have yet to meet?”
• asra looks down at the ground, trying to determine what to say
• “I realize many people don’t enjoy lucio’s antics... or him at all. but it bothers me why. it’s as if i’ve missed some important event that changed everything”
• how correct they would be
• “do the people even like me? they treat me with respect, but there’s always something in their eyes... as if they -pity me?”
• asra absentmindedly places a hand on theirs, and stares deep into their eyes because it's what he used to always do when comforting mc
• “don’t worry what vesuvia thinks of you. what matters is your perspective on yourself. they can’t control your life - you can.”
• mc looks down at their hands and asra quickly pulls away and stands up
• “i’m sorry, count/ess, I really just be getting home”
• “of course. do what you need”
• so he leaves
• a week goes by and asra and mc keep bumping into each other, so they begin making plans to meet up
• they go see shows together, hang out at asra’s shop, and just do random things as they did before everything happened
• mc is reintroduced to muriel and julian and they’re in shock of how much mc has changed
• julian is just excited to reexplain all this theories and mc is so interested in how he’s so invested to explain a killer disease
• muriel is still our shy mountain man
• he stumbles over his words, because he’s nervous that mc won’t like him, considering they're married to lucio now
• mc makes a comment to julian how he reminds them of a worker at the palace
• “I swear, the two of you could be siblings for all I know”
• later mc goes back to the palace after an entire day of hanging out with asra
• lucio is furious after he was told what his count/ess did all day
• he’s standing on the top of the stairs leading up to their shared room, mercedes and melchior laying at his feet
• mc turns the corner and stops when they see them
• lucio runs down the stairs, nearly tripping and drags them into a random room
• long story short, they get into a HUGE fight that shook the whole palace
• like shook™️
• lucio slips up and accidentally says something about how he thinks mc will leave him because of what he did
• and mc freezes
• “what?”
• “you’ll hate me if you find out the truth!”
• “i’d hate you more if you continue keeping it from me!”
• “you probably hate me already!”
• “maybe I do”
• and he just
• like, damn
• mc just broke him
• him, lucio, the count, their husband, their love
• or, ex-love
• his face softens from the twisted expression that he was just wearing
• his arms fall from the air and he just looks
• he just looks dead
• “lucio, I-“
• “no”
• mc’s face is stricken
• “I didn’t-“
• lucio holds up a hand and waves mc away
• even lucio looks a little surprised at what he just did but nevertheless, he does it again
• a tear trickles down mc’s cheek and they wipe it away before storming out
• they slam the door and it shakes the entire wall
• the next day lucio wakes up in his bed
• alone
• and his heart aches
• he messed up last night, and he knows it
• surprisingly, he has the strength to get dressed and walk to the veranda wear he and mc would always have breakfast
• and they’re not there
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supersizemeplz · 6 years
Our Business
Erik Stevens x Black Chubby Reader
Another #supersizedfic random short. There's a SMUT scene. Enjoy!!
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The warm summer air rustled the trees that occupied the average sized front yard, a few leaves floating down to meet the freshly mowed lawn. Erik leaned back further against the wooden porch swing, rocking gently as he listened to the voices around him. He tightened his arms around your waist, resting his hand on your backside as you both listened to their friends talk about their past sexual escapades.
A little alcohol was in their system from earlier activities, most of it having wore off as the day went on. Watching the game was something that was regular on football Sunday's. But that was hours ago and now they were all sitting around, caught up in a random conversation topic that you honestly couldn't remember how it started.
"I know you ain't talking about me, Teddy. Ain't you and Ebony get it crackin in the backseat of the escalade last weekend? Tell that.." Eric's homeboy and Teddy's brother, Mond, sipped his apple juice with an eyebrow raise. Ebony gasped as she looked over at a stuck Teddy. Teddy scratched the back of his neck as his younger brother burst into laughter. Ebony punched his arm as he flinched, mumbling an apology as he glared at his big mouthed sibling.
"Chill out, Mond.." Erik chuckled at the two as they playfully bickered. They were pretty laid back guys, but they had their childish moments. At least he saw them as childish. Talking about his sexual experiences to his boys wasn't something that he ever saw as ok to do. But Teddy and Mond didn't really mind sharing a little of their sex life, who they hit and how they hit it.
"What about y'all, Erik? Y/N? Y'all been together for years. I know y'all got some crazy ass sex stories.." Mond raised an eyebrow at you both, waiting for a juicy ass story. Truth is, y'all had a handful of stories. Their sex life was anything but boring. Erik thought back to the session that took place two days before.
"I want you out of that damn dress. Now.." Dominance dripped from his voice as he eyed you, standing from desk. The dark wood hid your lower half as you walked towards him, hips swaying side to side, but he'd seen those chocolate thighs when you walked in. You bit your glossed bottom lip, dropping the straps to your dress. Easing the dress down past your wide hips, you let it hit the floor to expose your lace underwear.
"Such an impatient man.." Turning your back to him, you let him admire your rounded backside. Your hands rubbed the softened flesh seductively before sending a hard smack. Looking over your shoulder, you gave him a listing smirk. Strutting over to him, one foot in front of the other, your heels clicked in a steady rhythm. "Is mama gonna have to teach you a lesson?"
Erik moaned as you turned to brush your ass against him, seductively unhooking the strapless bra. His bulge rested between your soft cheeks, taking your mild teasing. The soft hum he released exposed his approval. He chuckled at you as you looked up at him, giving an innocent bat of your eyelashes. You were about to get it.
"You keep teasing and Imma have to embarrass you in front of all my co-workers.. you really want them to hear how you loud you can get?" His hand tightened around her neck as he used his free hand to release his length. You shook your head as you placed her hands on his desk, atop the files that once had his attention. A whimper left your parted lips as you felt his slicked tip rub against your plump folds, his hand left your neck slowly.
"Speak the fuck up. You know I don't tolerate that nodding shit." He growled when you didn't answer. You tucked your bottom lip between your teeth to keep your sounds captive. You'd been yearning for him all day. His touch. Now that he had you, your hormones were in overdrive.
"N-No sir. I'm sorry, baby.." She corrected herself, falling forward against the papers that laid beneath you. Your right leg rose to sit on the desk as he groaned, watching you arch for him. Just like he liked. The slickness of your arousal dripped onto his awaiting girth, attempting o lubricate him.
He took his time to push his plump head into your soft folds. The warmth you gave off welcomed him, squeezing him as if it was giving him a hug. Her lips parted at the feeling, a groan slipping past at the familiar stretch.
"Fuck. I can't get enough of you, princess.." He drilled into your slippery core, realizing how much he missed the wet sounds it created. Steady strokes caressed your spot as he enjoyed your ass bouncing against him. The soft ripples of your cushioned flesh made him smirk.
"You got this pussy dripping all over you, daddy.." Your hands held onto the desk as you fought to hold back your squeals. Erik showed no mercy as he pleased you, running both hands from your ass and up your back slowly. His dick enjoyed your heated company, and he had no problem with letting you know that.
"Mr. Udaku?" A soft voice filled the air, making Erik glance over at the phone. He smirked as he looked at your dazed stare. You pushed yourself up and glanced at him, wondering if he was going to stop and answer. A glint of mischief in his eye made you pout.
"Answer it, princess. Tell her I'm busy.." He chuckled, slowing his strokes. You moaned, pleading with your eyes. It didn't move him, only made him break into a smile. You sighed as he stopped, pressing the speaker button.
"H-He's busy at the moment, hun. But I'll take a-.. a message.." You closed your eyes as he started slow thrusts. His dick stroked your walls, catering to the need of friction. At the angle you were at, he was somehow massaging your clit as well. You took a deep breath, listening to her speak.
"I just wanted to know if he'd be able to see Mr. Hariston tomorrow at 11 instead of 1? He said he as an engagement at 1." She sounded like she was typing, distracted. You tightened around Erik, hoping to stop him as you threw him a look. He cursed lowly, not caring if the secretary heard him. His hands rested on your hips as he sped up, nodding to the question.
"He said that'll be f-fine." Your knees buckled as you shuddered a reply. Erik kissed the back of your neck as he palmed your breasts, telling you to hang up. You obeyed with a shaky finger, letting a moan slip before you ended the call. His thumb and index finger rolled your erect nipple gently as he tasted your skin. Your body met his thrusts as he chuckled deeply. His fingers pinched at your nipples, making you squeal. You immediately pressed your lips together, closing your eyes.
"You so fucking sexy when you talking business.. Got me ready to nut all in yo fine ass." He pounded into you as he felt his climax coming. His praises caused your eyes to roll back. You moaned a little louder, making Erik press his hand over your mouth. He knew you would scream if he didn't, alerting anyone in the lower level of the building. Your stomach tightened with each passing second, the sloppy strokes sending you over the edge.
"Cum for me, baby." He moaned his command, sending a slap to your thigh. And like a faucet, you spilled over him. Your nectar dripped around him before he pushed deep into you, releasing his stress for the day. His warm load filled you, heightening your orgasms. You fought to hold yourself up as Erik pulled from you with a chuckle. A smile graced his lips as he kissed your neck again. "Told you not to tempt me while I'm at work.."
Erik chuckled at the memory. You both spent ten minutes making sure y'all erased your messes from the office floor. Times like those he cherished and only wanted to himself. It was their business, nobody else's. He shook his head at Mond, shrugging.
"Nah, we don't got any."
Taglist: @sisterwifeudaku @kumkaniudaku @loveandcigarillos @elaindeereads @wawakanda-btch @theunsweetenedtruth @hold-me-like-a-heart-beat @unholyxcumbucket @purple-apricots @marvelpotterlove
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