#Im going to eat mussels too…feel scared to do that
echoesofadream · 6 months
i dont trust any big scale production of animal products but i think free range organic eggs is the best i can do cause i dont know anyone with hens that can sell me eggs on a regular basis. That would be good though if i could get in contact with a small hen farm. Also are eggs bad for you im only doing this if its good for my body nothing else
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aenxiome · 3 years
Chapter 4: Who do you call when the ghostbuster is on vacation?
When I awake, I find myself tangled up in the bedsheets, half lying on top of Jazz and the other half plastered against the wall. Somehow we ended up looking like a pretzel. When the alarm started to blare, we startled and accidentally crashed into each other. Some part of her hit me in the mouth while my head slammed into her own.
" Oww, Jazz, cant you keep your head to yourself," I whine accusingly while trying to rub away the pain. " ah, that's going to leave a mark," Wincing as I look at her, holding the side of her head rubbing her temple. We carefully separate ourselves from each other, taking in mind our new splitting twin headaches and my own lasting injury from the day before.
I look over at Sam and Tucker, who are also waking up. It seems Sam found a comfortable spot on the floor using a bunch of blankets and a few of my hoodies along with a pillow from who knows where. On the other hand, Tucker fell asleep in my desk chair with his head on his arms lying across the desk. Jazz reaches over and turns off the alarm. She sits up, still half asleep,p and makes her way out of the room. I continue to lay on the bed as Sam and Tucker finish waking up, with Sam going as far as to put away the bedding and hoodies.
"Hey," Tucker says when he sees that I'm awake, " Are you feeling okay? You're not going to pass out again, are you?" Sam turns around at his questioning and exclaimed, "Danny! Your awake!" I smile sheepishly at them, " I'm okay, a little sore, but I'm fine." I attempt to sit up, but a wince accompanies every move. When Sam notices, she comes to sit on the side of the bed and helps me. Once I'm finally up, she engulfs me in a gigantic hug. When she pulls away from the embrace, she puts her hands on her hips and starts yelling, " Do you know how much you scared us!" Finally, she shakes my shoulder with tears brimming in her eyes, " Don't you ever do something like that again!"
" I won't, and I didn't know that would happen." Tucker comes over and joins the conversation. His expression is serious, " Dude, when you fell, it was like we were back in the lab. I thought…" he brakes, choking up, " I don't know what I thought but seeing you like that again." blowing out a shaky breath he finishes, " I thought we lost you this time."
Sam moves out of the way as I reach over and clasp my hand on his shoulder and look him in the eye, " Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere." Then, trying to lose the tension, Sam asks, " Hey, do we still have clothes here or," I cut her off, "Oh, yeah, look in the bottom drawer," I say referencing the dresser, "you both should have clothes left in there." They both go to grab clothes and rush off to go get dressed.
I hate lying to them, but I can't guarantee anything. That feeling, just knowing what to do without having to think about it. Just feels so right. It was almost as if, at that moment, I was complete. While, yeah, doing it in my human form was my bad, though. I didn't expect such a big drawback but ill be ready for that next time. Maybe in my ghost form, it won't be so bad, though? I'll have to test this, but where…. " The bathroom is free," Sam shouts as she goes by the door freeing me of my musing. Tucker leaves the room to get ready, and I attempt to get up.
Every mussel protests as I force my fist into the top of the mattress and gingerly force myself to stand. I fight my tight muscles and straighten myself trying to keep my balance. I force myself to walk around the room and get ready for the day. With every step I take and arm movement, I make pain shoots through me. Up through my legs and into my waist into my joints and up inside my chest, my core, I feel pain. When moving my arms, they feel like a ton of bricks, making them feel heavy. I wince as I change my clothes and then put on a neutral face and make my way to the kitchen.
When I get there, the three of them are around the kitchen table eating cereal, but no Mom or Dad to be seen. Jazz sees me first, immediately getting up and forcing me into a chair, which I am so grateful for despite my neutral deposition. " What are you doing down here?" She hisses, " You should still be in bed." I grab a box of cereal and shove my hand in while replying, "as I told them," gesturing to my friends, " I'm fine." Grabbing me a bowl, she says, " You could barely walk stand hours ago. Let alone walk on your own. I'm not buying it." I avoid looking at her while providing my defense, " Spead healing remember. Im better."
" If your sure, man, but wouldn't you rather stay home? Sam had to help you sit up earlier." Tucker says. Jazz points at me righteously, " See, you need your rest! Go back to bed." She demands. I shake my head in refusal, " I can't afford to miss any more school. I'll be fine, I swear." We all continue arguing about my attendance when eventually Jazz gives up but forces an ultimatum, "fine, you can go, but no ghost fighting! Not until your 100%." I groan in response, " Then what are we going to do if a ghost attacks?" I question.
"We can handle it." Said Sam determined. "But what if-" I start to interject but can cut off by Sam, " We help you all the time. Doing it by ourselves won't be hard, you'll see. After all, three is better than one." I relent and let go of my argument. It doesn't take long for us to finish eating and head to Jazzes car.
The struggle starts as soon as we get out the door. The box ghost has managed to get out again. Before anyone can stop me, I fire off a carefully placed ectoblast and force him down. A second later, I pull out my thermos, and he was immediately sucked up and defeated. Maybe it was a cheap attack, but with the way things are currently beggars, can't be choosers.
"Danny!" Jazz shouts accusingly. " What?" At the angry looks, I sigh and continue, "It was only the Boxxy." Tucker tilts his head in question while sam voices their confusion, "Boxxy?" I nod my head agreeing with the name, "Yeah, Boxxy." Tucker looks as if he has swallowed a lemon, "you're giving the ghost nicknames now?" Great something else for us to argue over, "So? Why does it matter? They give me nicknames, So I can give them ones." They still don't look happy, but we are running out of time. "Can we talk about this later? Were going to be late." Tucker takes a look at his PDA and shows it to the others. The conversation is done.
For now.
They may not like what I did, but in my opinion, it is well worth it. One less ghost for them to worry about.
We all pilled in and traveled in silence to the school, barely making it in time. Before we get out, Jazz stops us to give a lecture, "Danny, no fighting today. Not with the ghosts, not with Dash, not with anyone. Understood?"
"Yeah, Yeah," I reply, sulking, "I know."
Then she turns to Sam and Tucker, " Now you two, keep Danny out of trouble. If anything gets out of hand, let me know, and I will take care of it." They answer simultaneously, " We've got it." Then, she turns back to me once again, " if the pain gets too bad, let me know, and I'll take you home."
" I'll be fine," I reassure her.
"If you say so," she says, not in the mood for an argument.
We enter just as the warning bell rings, making me feel a bit bad. While anymore I'm habitually late for just about everything, that doesn't mean that they are. We rush to homeroom and make it just in time to reach our new assigned seats and get ready for class.
The day is just beginning.
How hard could one Friday be?
A lot harder than expected.
As soon as the class finished, I headed out for my next class when I felt something. I was pulled by the back of my shirt into another hallway, separating me from Sam and Tucker. I get pushed up against the wall making an echoey thump in the hallway. I look around the hall, empty, then look up at my kidnapper. Lo and behold, it's just Dash again. When is this guy going to give me a break? I mean, this is ridiculous. Doesn't he have a life? This whole hallway meet-up is starting to become a cliche at this point. So instead of paying attention to Dashs' pathetic reasonings for his grab and go, I drown him out and internally ask the really important questions like:
Does this count as Kidnapping? While yes, I have been taken without my consent, I haven't left the building. So maybe this would be a forced separation? Abduction? Couldn't this be considered as a criminal ac-.
My thoughts get cut off as his fist lands in my stomach. I blanch from the sucker punch feeling my cereal trying to make its way back up. I manage to swallow it back down just as another punch makes contact. I try to keep my composer, but my body just can't take it. A small dribble of vomit makes its way out of my mouth and onto Dashs' arm. " Ew!" He exclaims, "Did you just spit up on me! Uggh, what's wrong with you, Fenton." With a look of disgust on his face, almost as he can't believe I got sick on him, he turns around and goes back into the main hall while I book it to the nearest trash can.
I manage to spit out what I had come up without losing any more of my breakfast. I lean up against the wall trying to pull myself back together. The punches, while weak, still hurt. The force made my core pulsate as if trying to come forward to protect me. When it pulsated, I could feel how strained it is. Even with its call for me, my core is weak, throbbing for reprieve.
The minute bell starts to ring as I force myself down the hallway, gritting my teeth, trying to stop the pain. It takes longer than usual for me to get there, oh how I wish, scratch that (you never know when you-know-who is listening *cough* Desiree *cough*), would love to be able to float right now. Thankfully I didn't get in any more trouble than a simple tardy on my record when I showed up. Being known for bathroom issues can come with its perks.
Classes so far today have been my saving grace. Especially since we have health instead of P.E this week, if I had to move around much more, it would have become the end of me. Not that the hallways aren't trying to get to me first.
To make it even better, So far, the only ghostly activity has been a couple of blobs. Hopefully, by the end of the day, I will somewhat be back to normal.
Once we are let out for lunch, I slowly make my way to the cafeteria. Once I get there, I spot Sam and Tucker near the back of the room already with their food. Sam, of course, has some kind of green thing. I can't tell what it is, but I know it's the opposite of Tuckers. I can identify his food, a leftover pork chop, and other assorted non-veggies make up his lunchbox.
After the Lunch Lady incident at the beginning of the year, they started to favor meals from at home rather than the schools. Sam for the issue with her not being able to eat what they serve as it is not to her taste, and Tucker for his issue with " stinky ectoplasm messing with beautiful meat." Apparently ecto- contaminated meat is where he draws the line with his obsession.
Me on the other hand, I am more than willing to risk it. A meal that Jazz and I didn't cook with less than a 70% chance of coming to life, sign me up. On the off chance that I do bring something from home, it is always factory-sealed junk food. I don't want to be known as the guy who brought murder hotdogs to lunch.
"Danny!" I hear coming from their spot, calling me over to them. I sit down across from them, letting out a relieved sigh. "There you are," Sam says, relieved, " we were getting ready to come to look for you. We thought Dash cramped you into a locker again." Thankfully not, I can't help but think. Those things are cramped. When I got to class after Dashs' interference, they weren't pleased about what had gone down. Tucker looked almost murderous when he found out what kept me.
" Aren't you going to get any food, dude?" Tucker asks between mouthfuls of food. "Nah," I reply and gesture to the line, " there is no way ill be able to get anything before lunch is over." The lines go down the walls of the cafeteria until right before the door. " I'm not hungry anyway," I say, lying through my teeth. " Are you sure?" Sam asks, quirking her eyebrow at me. " Yeah, I'm sure. If I change my mind, I'll get something." Satisfied, we turn our attention to small talk.
After a while, our conversation heads back to current events. " So, what do you plan to do about the ice thing?" Sam asks. I tilt my head a little in confusion, " What ice thing?" I get two looks of exasperation back before Sam slowly says, " You know the thing from the lot." Oh, that ice thing, " I thought that was all taken care of? It's not there anymore, so what is there to worry about?"
"Yeah, it's gone, but where did it come from? It's not like there are a lot of ghosts that can make ice." Tucker points out. A feeling of understanding rushes through me as I part my lips, " Ohh, did I forget to tell you?" Both of them look at me dumbfounded as I wait for an answer. I slump down farther in my seat as I reveal, " The ice is mine." Eyes wide, Sam questions, " You made a spike of Ice?" I nod my head then she continues angry with my omission, " why didn't you tell us!? We thought there was a new ghost on the loose!"
"I thought you guys knew," I say, throwing my hands up in defense. "I'll admit I've never done something like that before, but I thought you would have realized it came from me. As Tuk said, there aren't many ghosts who can make ice." Tucker comes to their defense, "It's not like we have ever seen you do that before." I sigh in understand then try to create the end of the discussion, " I plan to go to the Farfrozen to see Frostbite anyway. After what happened yesterday, I need to know what's going on with me."
"What do you-" Tucker gets cut off by a scream. The whole room goes dead silent. Then, another scream comes right after echoing through the room. After a second, just about everyone is jumping out of their seats in a panic. Sam and Tucker rush to their bags and start pulling out ecto-weapons. " Sit here," Sam orders, " let us take care of it."
"Yeah, Yeah," I blow them off, "well, at least the line is gone. I'm going to grab a bag of chips or something." Another scream echoes out, and they start running towards the door. "Be careful!" I yell out at their backs, but they are already out the door. I get up and go through an empty line and buy some pre-packaged foods and then make my way back towards my seat.
I take a few minutes to eat what I want then put the rest in my bag. I look towards a clock that's in the room and see that almost ten minutes have gone by. Against their orders, I pick up my things and go towards the chaos. Once I make it to them, I see something that I would never have expected. In the middle of the hallway are Sam, Tucker, and Jazz, tangled up with two Ecto-Octopi.
One of them has Tucker hanging upside down, holding him by his ankle. While another has Sam squashed beneath its tentacles and shaking her like a rag doll. Jazz, on the other hand, is the only one who is armed. She Is hiding behind a trashcan with a lipstick blaster.
I stare at the chaos in front of me and can't help but to say, " what in the zone is going on!?" My yell startles everyone. Even the Octopi.
"Danny!" They all holler simultaneously, the people, not the Octopi. " Getaway, we've got this!" Sam yells back. " This what you call handled?!" I say, hands out, gesturing to the scene in front of me.
I walk over to Jazz and take the lipstick blaster away and start over towards the ghosts. Using the lipstick blaster, I hit the Octopus holding Sam and the eye. The pain startled them, and they quickly released its tentacle from around her. Sam hurried away and rushed over towards me. " Give the blaster to me, let us handle it" I ignore her and push us away from the octopus just as a tentacle comes slamming down onto the tile floor.
" Get back, let me handle it!" I say in a rush, " You too Jazz," looking back towards her. I make my way forward with the blaster and go to the octopus keeping Tucker. I carefully point the blaster at its tentacle with a steady hand and fastly slash downward with it cutting it off. The tentacle and Tucker drop towards the ground. The heat from the blaster cauterizes the wound leaving only the ectoplasm from the cut limb to bleed out.
Tucker rushes over to safety as I use the blasters to hit them in the eye once again. While being temporarily blinded, they flail their limbs around, trying to hit everything around them. I, on the other hand, quickly reach into my bag and look for a Fenton Thermos. As soon as I find one, I quickly pull off the cap and suck the octopi up and seal them in.
Once everything is in the clear, I slump down to the floor, huffing for breath. Letting the adrenaline wear off, I stay sitting on the floor while everyone else comes to me. "What were you thinking!" Jazz exclaimed while slamming into me with a hug, " Are you hurt? You should have stayed away. Your powers are out. Don't you realize how dangerous this was?" Giving her an accusing look, I can't help but point out, " I am better off than you. A lipstick blaster? What happened to the weapons you guys took with you?" I ask turning to, my friends. Tucker, mumbling with a blush plastered on his face, admits, " They ate them."
I stare at them, starting to lose some color. Then, stumbling with my words, I stutter out, "Ate them? They ate the weapons, oh my, that's not good." Jazz and I both look at each other with a look of doom. "What, what is it?" Sam asks, now worried due to our reactions. " Those weapons weren't normal Fenton weapons." Jazz confesses. " What do you mean?" Tucker asks, confused, " Your parents made them, right?"
Jazz looks over to me for approval which I don't give before she answers, " Those weapons were advanced models. They aren't supposed to be available to the public." I interject, " Since the weapons are made of metal and not an organic ectoplasmic substance, the octopi won't be able to digest it. So meaning eventually they are going to spit the weapons back up." Looking at them and seeing that they are listening, I continue worried, " there is no way to tell when they are going to drop them, and whoever picks them up could hurt someone."
Before we get a chance to talk, any more noises start making their way through the hall. Sam, Tucker, and I go back towards the cafeteria, but before we get too far, Jazz calls out to me, "Danny," I stop to look at her, " I think its best if you go home." Then, giving her a betrayed look for her suggestion, she elaborates, "you don't look too good. Your really pale, and your barely moving."
"I don't know what you're talking about." I reply stubbornly. Sighing, she walks over to me and takes my bag, " Come on, I'll drive you home." Before I can get out a protest, she reminds me, " You need to go to the Farfrozen right? What better time to go than when Mom and Dad are going to be on a ghost hunt." With that, I stopped protesting and let her lead me to the car.
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lstories · 3 years
Timor and Cole
No Fear story (part 2)(soft, safe, vore, fearplay)
Timor's POV:
The boy struggled in Timor's mouth, their legs were hanging out while the they were pushing on the back of Timors throat. He could hear the boy mumbling something but it didn't matter, Timor needed to finish his meal. The boy tried to push back harder on Timors throat and their legs were trying to flail. Timor swallowed once, letting the boy catch themself on his teeth. The boy struggled, half way in Timors throat and still trying to pull themself out. Timor opened his mouth a bit and swallowed again. The boy slid down Timor's throat, struggling all they way. It started to pain Timor. "He moves to much" the anger and hunger of Timor thought while trying to eat a human alive. Timor swallowed again and again, trying to dislodge to boy. Timor stood on his back legs while looking up, stretching out his whole neck. Gravity started to do its work and the boy finally slid into Timor's storage stomach. A wave of peace washed over Timor, his hunger satiated and his anger settled, Timor let out a deep sigh of relief. A noticable bulge was visible... and stirring.
Timor had to admit it "that felt amazing" he quietly said while beginning to sit. He started to remember what had happened, the boy running and shivering and his anger overwhelming him. As Timor stopped to think he had realized that he had eaten an entire human and it was in pain. Guilt washed over Timor, "oh... what do I do what do I do? I can't let him out yet, but he's still in pain. He'd just run off to tell the nearest other human what had happened. But I can't just leave him like that for the night." Timor quietly rambled under his breath, subconsciously rubbing the new bulge in his stomach. But before he could come to a conclusion, his gut burst in pain.
The boy was flailing in Timor's stomach, punching and thrashing. "Gah, Stop that I'm trying to help" Timor said, trying not to press to hard on the boy. They stretched, almost standing sideways in Timors stomach "If you don't stop I'm, uuh. I won't let you out till morning". Timor thought that it had worked for a second, just before the boy threw another punch. "You weren't going to let me out anyway, you just want me to stop" they said. Timor could hear tears in the boys voice. The boy kept punching the walls of Timors stomach over and over. "Your going to be ok, I just need you to stop" Timor said trying to calm down the boy. They stopped their thrashing and stirred in Timor's stomach. Timor began to feel the boy moving, and like a bullet they kicked the side of Timor's stomach. Timor was about to start yelling at the boy but stopped. Timor could hear whimpering and not long after, full crying.
"Are you ok in there" Timor asked still concerned for the boy. "I... I d-don't want to die" the boy said crying. Timor's stomach pains started to die down as the boy stoped moving so violently. Finaly Timor could start to concentrate on the spell. "Hey, it's ok, your not going to die. What's your name." Timor said sitting back up. "C-Cole. My name is Cole." the boy said trying not to cry to much. "Ok Cole, all the pain will go away soon" Timor tried to say in a reassuring voice while getting ready to start the spell. Cole started to cry even louder but Timor needed to concentrate. He began to chant in an old daconic tongue and drew a rune in the mud. Eventually Timor stoped and raised his hands to his stomach, it was odd for him as he always picked up the human to heal it. Timor's stomach started to growl and the bruised parts started to heal and the boy slowly began to stop crying.
Cole's POV:
Cole couldn't say calm any longer. This had the be the worst day of his life and it might be his last. Cole's mind raced as he tried to think of a way out, but it didn't seem like there was one. His head and shoulders were already down the throat of the dragon and he was trying to pull himself out. Once Cole thought he had a grip he slipped a little further down each time. He was covered in warm dragon saliva and for some reason, it almost felt peaceful. Cole was unexpectedly shoved down further into the dragons throat, the walls pulsing and tightening around him, trying to pull him deeper into the dragon. He could barely catch himself on the dragons teeth. He couldn't keep his grip or his position as he kept falling deeper down. Once more the dragon swallowed, and with that he couldn't hold on any longer. He slid down, the dragons tongue helping him along. Coles whole body was in the dragons throat. He tried to back up but he couldn't get a grip on anything. He kept struggling backwards but the dragon kept swallowing, trying to push him down. The squishy ground started to shift as Cole started to slip forward and try as he might he fell into the opening of the dragon's stomach. Cole's head slipped threw the small opening and soon followed his shoulders. Cole turned onto his back, his legs followed threw the hole as he couldn't hold them strait any longer. Cole's whole body had slipped threw the small opening, the monstrous gut happily accepting the new food and filling out to fit him.
Cole couldn't believe it, he was stuck inside a dragon. He was stunned with fear, he couldn't move a mussel and sadness started to overwhelm him. A small pressure appeared pushing in on Cole in the dark stomach. It felt nice, like a weighted blanket on him. Tears started to well in Coles eyes as he started to drift off to sleep and the dragons heartbeat was relaxing, but Cole wasn't going out without a fight. He flailed in the dragons stomach, trying just to make this the worst meal of the dragons life. He punched at his left and right just trying to cause pain. "Gah, Stop that I'm trying to help" the dragon said, his voice echoed in his stomach. The pressure was harder, keeping him in place, all cole could do was try to stand up. He positioned his arms and legs so he could stretch to his full length but his legs gave way immediately. Cole had forgotten about the beating at the pool and as he remembered the pain of being dragged and being hit by the rocks came back to him. He collapsed, sitting back down in the small puddle of juices. "If you don't stop I'm, uuh. I won't let you out till morning" the dragon said sounding younger than when any other time he talked. Cole's legs were hurting and he almost believed the dragon, wanting to live another day. Almost.
Cole threw another punch wanting to cause more pain. "You weren't going to let me out anyway, you just want me to stop" Cole yelled back trying not to cry while saying it. He punched again and again, his fists sinking into the squishy walls. "Your going to be ok, I just need you to stop" the dragon said. Cole wasn't going to fall for it. He curled into a ball and kicked the dragons stomach as hard as he could. His legs felt like they shattered and he couldn't hold it any longer, he started to cry harder than he ever had before. He held himself in a ball, trying to comfort his legs. "Are you ok in there" the dragon asked. Cole couldn't help but wonder why the dragon was worried for him. "I... I d-don't want to die" Cole said trying not to cry while he said it. "Hey, it's ok, your not going to die. What's your name." It... wanted to know his name? "C-Cole. My name is Cole" he responded. Why was the dragon doing this, the mixed messages and all the pain he wondered. "Ok Cole, all the pain will go away soon" the dragon said. Cole couldn't hold any tears in any longer, he knew his legs were deffenetly broken and movement was torture. The dragon started to chant something in a language Cole never heard before. A green and gold light started to seep threw the cracks between the ridges of flesh. The inside of the dragons stomach became brighter to Cole, the pink walls surounding him started moving and growled as the new liquid seemed to infect the ones he was sitting in. The gold and green was beautiful to the eyes, it gleamed like it had glitter. It felt nice on his skin, almost fluffy. It started to seep from the top and fell directly into a cut on his hand. The skin started to move as it slowly graphted itself together. It slowly driped all over him, covering him head to toe healing every bruse and cut. He couldn't feel any pain, his entire body healed. It felt amazing.
Timor and Cole's POV:
"Are you ok in there Cole" Timor asked with guilt in his voice. "Ya. It feels like a hot tub in here and everything feeles so much better." Cole said, all the tears gone from his eyes. Cole felt so much better and the liquids were all the way up to his neck. If the dragon wanted him dead he wouldn't heal him and Cole started to trust him a little more. "Hey, whats your name" Cole asked. Timor was considered with what Cole asked of him. He never needed to tell his name to anyone before. He only ever talked to his family before and any humans he encountered were either to far away to talk too or they were asleep. "My name is Timor, human" he said trying to sound regal. "I've been thinking of how you talk. You talk like your part of a kingdom and like your trying to impress someone, you auctly just sound a little older than me." Cole said trying to get into Timors head no longer thinking about being in his stomach. "How dare you human, I... You... ugh, fine I wanted to talk to you but I didn't want you to judge me" Timor said starting to walk back to the pool. "You talking like that had me slightly judging you. But you wanted to talk to me so you tried scaring me and then ate me?" Cole said, still trying to comprehend that dragons are real. "Well it wasn't my first plan, I wanted a meal but since you never felt any fear, you BECAME the meal." Timor said, guilt in his voice. "Wait you wanted a meal but since I didn't feel fear I was eaten. I don't get it." Cole said still trying to wrap his head around the situation. "Im the dragon of fear. I have to eat fear or else. When you didn't feel any fear my hunger took over and ate you. Emotional dragons take on whatever emotion is strongest so I just knew you wouldn't give me what I wanted and then you were in my stomach." Timor said, while slowly exiting the forest, making sure no people were coming. The golden green liquid was slowly going down around Cole as the light seemed to fade.
Timor poured a small amount of chips onto his tongue along with a few chocolate bars gulping them down into his first stomach. "Are you hungry" Timor asked pulling a hand full of snacks out from behind the bar. "Ya, a bit." Cole said as just a bit of light is left in Timors second stomach. Timor ate a few of the full chip bags and sent them to his second stomach. As they reached Cole he asked "I heard you swallow 2 times. What was the first one for." Confused on why nothing came the first time. "I sent food to my first stomach to digest it. Your in my storage stomach were I keep food a long time if I need to. I've never had anything alive in either of my stomachs." Timor said. "Where is your home, I should take you back there." Timor said, his thought being on dropping the food off at his home and taking Cole back to theirs. "I live on the other side of the forest from the pool, its were I was originally trying to walk to" Cole said a little upset. "How are you still awake anyway. Everyone I heal falls asleep soon after." Timor said confused why Cole was different. "I don't know, I wanted to sleep but I guess I kept dipping in and out of the golden healing stuff and it kept waking me up" Cole said while trying to open a wet chip bag, laying down in Timor's stomach.
"What did you mean when you said you said you had to 'eat fear or else' and what about being the dragon of fear" Cole said confused as to what that ment. "I have to eat fear or else I won't be able to control my powers. When I go to long without eating, monsters and structures could be made out of nothing and I wouldn't be able to control them. Me and my family are the dragons of emotions. Our minions and monsters keep the world's emotions in check and we take some of that back to feed." Timor said, he final got back to his home but something was off. A thin figure ran off into the distance out of the corner of Timor's eye. "So you need to scare someone soon or we could be in an actual horror movie... I know a way for both of us to get what we want." Cole said, a little excitement in his voice. "How so?" Timor said still looking for the shadowy figure in the forest. "Just get to the northern part of the forest." Cole said starting to laugh in excitement. "Ok?" Timor said heading towards the northern part of the forest.
As Timor came to a stop he noticed the roads were cleared out and he couldn't hear anything besides a couple of bikes. "We stoped. Do you see them, their on bikes." Cole said, an audible smile on his face. "The three from the pool, their over there" Timor said quietly to not draw their attention. "Ya, now let me out" Cole said. The walls seemed to crush Cole, pulling and pushing him from all sides and soon he was shoved back up and into the light. Timor felt as Cole was pushed up thru his throat and out his mouth trying to keep Cole off his teeth. Cole fell onto the ground covered in dragon salvia, the ground cold and hard and the wind blowing around him cooling him down more. He stood up shoving off as much saliva and stomach fluids as he could. Timor knew Cole was cold and started to blow gently on Cole with a fire in the back of his throat. All the liquids were blown off him and the air was heated around him. "So... what now?" Timor asked confused as to what the boy was thinking. Cole looked back up at Timor, stunned in awe as how big the dragon was. His mind race as he panicked and wanted to run away but slingshoted back to what he was planning to do to Butch Brock and Brutes "Right. So, here's the plan"
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shotosimp1 · 3 years
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sugawara x GN!reader.
Authors note: helloooo this is my first ever fic so if I did something wrong or its low key cringe don't hate me lmaoo so this fic is basically that you're daichis sibling and you and sugawara are like close friends who love taking naps togather I don't want to spoil anything so I'm going to stop here. ⚠️Important note⚠️: when suga is talking the text colour is purple. And when you're talking its blue :D genre: fluff. warnings: nothing but if there is dont be afraid to tell me! Here is this playlist i made for this fic i hope you like it! :D
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being daichi's sibling came with its pros and cons. I cant lie to you he is a good brother but that doesnt mean he isnt protective of you. And no, no boyfriends. But the best thing about being daichis sibling is that you would get to spend time with the one and only crush of yours sugawara koushi. Everything about him just made you happy. He is so caring and sweet you just couldn't halp yourself from falling for him. And because sugawara and daichi met in middle school they were very close. And with that he came over to hang out like at least once a week. You didn't mind as long as daichi let you be around for a bit you just wanted to be around cutie
And with that you and him would chat every now and then Just getting to know each other more. Both of you would talk about your hobbies and interests and life etc. You just found him so interesting you just kept wanting to be around him more and more. And daichi as the good brother he is will try to leave you two alone for a couple of minutes to have a good conversation together and would excuse himself with "oh im going to the bathroom" or " um im going to get a snack" and it works too!!
Finals were close and the boys, daichi suga and asahi came over to study it was their second year and you were a first year student. Suga would help you study and help you understand the things you couldn't and all that jazz. You felt kinda flustered whenever he says "good job!!" And gives that warm smile of his. It was around 1:12 pm and all of you were too focused on your work and didn't remember lunch....Yeah I know unbelievable. "Mmmm god I'm so hungry" "shoot we didn't eat lunch" daichi said looking at the clock "its 2 something pm there is still time for that just go order _______ or something" -"ahh your probably right" asahi said "okay okay should we all go get _______ i mean we should get our mussels movi-" "im not going anywhere im tired" "okay fine what about you asahi?" -daichi- "sure" "and what about you ____?" -asahi- "nahh I would rather stay sorry.." "eh its okay we'll get going yeah?" -daichi- " yeah let's go" -asahi- and boom you two are alone.
"You look kinda sleepy" he said as he chuckled for about. 10 minutes both of you were kinda silent he was laying on his tummy on the sofa while you sat on the floor near the desk you were studying on. "Kinda actually" "oh? Well mabye you should take a nap" "sure.. but uh you look sleepy too" "hm? Oh yeah i am " you both laughed a bit. "Wanna sleep in my room? It would be more comfortable there?" " well what about you?" "My bed is big i will be just finee" seconds after you said that he starts..to grin? "Ooou you wanna sleep with me that bad?" "You're honestly making me regret my choices." "Hey!" "You can sleep on the sofa bye bye!" You said as your going to your room and him of course following you.
"Cute room kinda messy tho" he laughed " can you leave me and my "messy" room alone" "fine fine" he said chuckling. Both of you layed on the bed and him falling asleep almost instantly from how tired he was. It was peaceful sleeping next to him. I mean yes you were blushing at the thought of him being so close to you but it still felt so peaceful and nice. You turned around to face him. It sounds like too much but he looked like an angle. You stared at his features for quit a while.. he's just so nice to look at. "Can't sleep?" "what the hell!? You scared the living shit out of me!" He laughed. He asked you again "can you not sleep?" " yeah actually" you said still mad at him for scaring you like that. He asked if he can come closer and you said yes. He but a hand on the back of your head and gently guiding it to his chest. And with that your head is on your crushes chest. You tried your best to not show how surprised and flustered you were. "Do you feel comfortable? Can i put my hand on your back? it would feel even better" "s-sure I don't mind" he started to rub soothing circles on your back. Seconds after that you fell asleep..in his mf arms ahh.
"Sorry we took so long the line there was kinda long" No response. Both asahi and daichi left the house for about an hour. They looked around the living room to see that no one was there. "Hm that's wierd" -asahi- daichi agreed as he went to check your room to see if your there. "Oh.my.god." asahi heard him and went to see what's up. "Wait aww that's kinda cute" "what! No its not!" Asahi laughed at how angry he was from just seeing his best friend cuddling his younger sibling. "Hey..hey! HEY!!" "Hmm what what do you want cant you see were sleeping here ugh" " yeah i CAN see and get your filthy-" " why are you so mad? Its not like I did something to them I was just helping them sleep" " I mean he has a point..plus I'm sure its just a nap" -asahi- "ugh fine...CAN YOU ATLEAST MOVE YOUR HAND OH MY GOD" "Why are you yelling...?" You said as you got woken up from your brothers yelling "its nothing..get up its time to eat" daichi said as he went downstairs to eat. Asahi mouthed a 'sorry' to both of you and went to fallow him. "Did you sleep well? I hope I didn't make you feel uncomfortable or anything.." "No no!! It.. it was nice thank you" "great!! Let's go downstairs now im starving..." you both laughed as you went downstairs to eat.
From that day whenever the both of you found the chance to nap together you would do it. Suga tired from practice? nap time! Stressed? Nap time! Sad? Nap time! It's like both of you were nap buddies and you loved it. Daichi couldn't really do anything at this point. Don't get me wrong he was SO happy when you actually found someone to hang out with and actually be comfortable around. But he just didn't like the fact that the both of you were so touchy its like you guys were dating. But you always denied him saying "no no he's just a close friend nothing else!!!!" Until...
It was a Saturday night you and suga were in your room watching a barbie film. It was a chill night both of you got snacks and watched the movie in peace. sugawara kept giving you these side eye glances every now and then you noticed them but didn't say anything. It was the last 20 minutes of the movie and he did it again but this time it was a side glance his eyes were fully on you. "What?" He giggled and said nothing. You were confused a bit so you paused the movie and looked at him. "Is there something on my face?" "No..you just look pretty" he smiled. Both of you were eye to eye and very close. His eyes would go from your eyes to your lips as he came even closer. He gently took your hand in his as he said "can i kiss you?" You were in shock your heart was beating as you nodded. It was gentle and sweet you swore you could right a whole essay about how that kiss was the best thing you have ever experienced. "AHM AHM!!!" Both of you pulled away almost instantly as you saw daichi standing in your bedrooms doorstep "listen- its not what it looks like okay??" "Uhuh..koushi have you been dating my sibling behind my back?" "WHAT? no!! I swear-" "come downstairs cuz we have some stuff to discuss here"
You sat there confused but genuinely so happy 'I kissed him..' 'holy shit i actually kissed him!!' your mind was running with thoughts 'wait what if we start dating?' 'Oh my god!!!!' 'Wait what did daichi mean when he said "discuss some things"??' "Hey im back..." he smiled nervously at you "oh hi!" He smiled as he sat down on the bad next to you "um suga" "yes?" "what did my brother 'discuss' with you downstairs?" "You know "don't hurt their feelings!!" And "don't even think about cheating on them!" And he may or may not threatened to kill me if I did" you giggled "all that because of a kiss? Its not like were dating" " ..Well what would you do if I asked you to be my partner right now hm?" "Uhhh!!??!!? I- I dont know mabye say yes or something" he laughed "well then do you want to be my lovey dovey partner?" You giggled a bit as you nodded "tsk, man i kinda wanted to hear you say "yes please please i do!!" Oh well.." "really suga.."
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I hope you guys liked it ♡ again this is my first time ever writing fics so I hope its not that bad
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