#Its called like roe in english?
echoesofadream · 6 months
i dont trust any big scale production of animal products but i think free range organic eggs is the best i can do cause i dont know anyone with hens that can sell me eggs on a regular basis. That would be good though if i could get in contact with a small hen farm. Also are eggs bad for you im only doing this if its good for my body nothing else
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berkeley-mews · 5 months
6 and 18 for the book asks!!
thanks for sending in an ask <3
6. what books have you read in the last month?
being caught up in Assessment Mania, i've actually read pitifully little these last couple of weeks, but some highlights have been: re-reading henry v, agatha christie's ordeal by innocence (this was focused not so much on the investigation of a murder, as on its "human aspect", the consequences which the family of the victim faced -- the ending wasn't christie's best work, but the character construction was excellent!), a number of lovecraft's stories (in an attempt to get into the cthulu mythos), a non-fiction work called horror: a thematic history in fiction and film, which has a great chapter on mad science (my beloved <3), and robet bloch's psycho, which i am currently reading & uh. i wouldn't say "enjoying". it's quite terrifying, actually!
18. do you like historical books? which time period?
i've just realised this could mean "books about history" or "books from a specific period in history" :') oh well, let's do both.
i very much enjoy learning about history, though i rarely have the time to pick up books written specifically about historical moments/figures/etc. i glean a lot of historical background from reading other types of non-fiction (mostly literary criticism), though! i'm quite fond of the late 18th and 19th centuries in particular, and one book which i plan on reading soon is nicholas roe's radical years on wordsworth & coleridge :)
when it comes to books from histrical periods, i once again gravitate towards the 18th and 19th centuries (this is largely due to my incurable love of the gothic genre), although i very much enjoy early modern drama & medieval (english) literature too! i wish that 18th c novels in particular were more widely read because they offer, among other things, some of the most entertaining plots i've come across, emotionally highly-wrought characters, and much more fun that you'd expect! some of my favourites are roderick random, a simple story, the castle of otranto (the most accessible of the lot, if you're interested in getting into some 18th c literary shenanigans...), and caleb williams.
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Another trend I'm seeing that we're not going to be doing in response to the Roe v Wade decision. And since I'm sick of people referencing media they don't understand, can we agree to not reference white-washed media to make a point in political ideas anymore? Please and thank you.
We WILL NOT be referencing Death Note or begging for Kira in response to Roe v Wade.
Listen, I love Death Note as much as anyone. I've seen the anime several times, watched both the Japanese and English live action versions, watched the musical in its entirety. The only thing I haven't consumed in terms of Death Note was the manga.
Death Note is just pro-cop propaganda. You do realize that, right? Like I realize in the beginning he was angry about rapists getting off and getting out of jail. But there's an entire episode (that's in the anime and both live action versions) where he's trying to sneakily get new names into the Death Note so he writes any names committed of crimes seen on a TV screen, and he ends to killing a bunch of people who committed minor crimes like petty theft.
He takes no consideration for the people falsely accused. He teams up with a billionaire that uses the Death Note to off his competition. He uses a woman's trauma bond (because Kira killed the guy that murdered her parents) to make her give away half of her life TWICE.
Light ie Kira is a teenage psychopath with a god complex that has no consideration for society's inequities that literally goes crazy by the end of every major media made about him.
You do realize he wasn't the good guy, right? People praising him like a deity is the equivalent in the white incel men that were all edgy like "I am the joker. I am dark and crazy!"
Stop using white media for your feminist activism for the love of the gods. We're not in Death Note. We're not in Handmaid's Tale. We're not in Hunger Games. We're not in Harry Potter. We're in America in 2022.
Especially cishet abled white women that didn't give a shit about the loss of rights of queer people, disabled people, and BIPOC, but suddenly get all butthurt when it's your rights that are being taken away.
You'd be district 1 or 2 in hunger games.
You'd be Draco in Harry Potter.
You'd be the Aunts and the Wives of handmaid's tale.
You're compliant in the status quo as long as you get a little comfort and you're not as oppressed as other minorities. But the moment it's you that's affected, you're suddenly out there calling yourself the most oppressed minority.
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greyeyedmonster-18 · 2 years
Hi I am sorry I am not from America and I always thought the 4th was a happy thing. Why do you say it is not? I don't want to be rude just trying to understand (sorry if this is mean or bad English is not my first language)
helllllo, anon <3 (also please know this answer isn't targeted AT you, and you're....allowed to have questions and not understand; i did not interpret this as rude, you've done nothing wrong. i have answered and unfortunately, it is just a subject that makes me very passionate and blunt)
cw for below the cut: us politics! disability politics! roe v wade mention; gun violence
so personally, i have never liked the fourth because i hate fireworks! Since i was a child! I would camp out at home during the fourth, refusing to go anywhere because I hate loud noises and nothing activates a trauma response for me more that banging and booming and popping for sometimes hours (also if you have lived in a city ever, you know that the first week of July, and end of june is also often filled with fireworks, for no reason). i am very thankful that the past two years i have been in a very sleepy little part of my state and the fireworks haven't been an issue but like hell am i going anywhere
(also road closures? forget about it. crowds? nah, im way too paranoid to go anywhere with swarms of people and the News Today! Should tell you why! I stopped going to the movies years ago!). i have never celebrated, never gone to a fourth party, never done anything relating to this holiday.
and you know.
i find it very hard to celebrate "independence" and "freedom", especially these past 8 years when rights continue to be taken away; when a man endorsed by the KKK was able to be elected into office. where laws are made to protect guns and not people (lol did we hear in texas how 100 MILLION was given to increase school safety, and 50 million of that is going towards "bullet-resistant" shields for police officers? cool cool cool). where people with disabilities cannot get married or have a job without risking losing their benefits; where bodies are treated as expendable; are battlegrounds and identities are debatable. where you're a whole person in one state and can't cross a border into another without fearing for your life. where the right to love and marry whomever you want regardless of race or gender is a question, and something up for discussion.
where we are on YEAR THREE of a global pandemic with no end in sight and money is continuously prioritized over well-being of the people who live here. its amazing to me that money can "just be found" when our military needs it, but we were unable to provide checks to people during the pandemic, or housing to people who need it or hell even make fucking tampons free. where i am forced to live with the results of failed leadership on behalf of the potus (Vote! is the new thoughts and prayers and i am sick of it) and there are RAMIFICATIONS that trickle down to my place of work, and where i attend school, and where my kid attends school, and how people exist in this world. where representatives who are trying their damn best to fight for us, are labeled as lunatics. and that's not even all of everything.
I flew on a plane a few weeks ago for the first time in three years and while I was in line at security, with my child, there was an "ALL STOP" called over the PA system and I was standing there, while the TSA agents listened to their radio, calculating an exit plan for my kid while I was fully prepared to go into the fire should anything happen. That is the world we are living in, the country we are living in.
that isn't something i'm going to celebrate.
life liberty and the pursuit of happiness my entire asshole, tbh. i am not celebrating jack shit.
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theloonatic · 1 year
anyway characters from Fugitives of Flies as a debate we had to do in English (loosely based)
Clemens Cherubim: hi everybody I'm Roe Jogan, welcome to the Point 5 podcast today we are interviewing these people-
Flavio Ghafa: hi 👋
Clemens:....about whether cosmetic surgery should be offered on the NHS or not. This is Jarl, can you tell us about yourself Jarl.
Jarl: hello I was born and raised a Fjerdan, and i was forcibly given a tattoo reading "Druskelle more like DRizzkelle" on my back by the druskelle elders + Regis, I would like it removed.
Clemens: we also have-
Ilya Zenik: what's the problem if its on your back
Jarl: can't go to the beach no more, dipshit ass child
Clemens: anyway, here's Fen Harci here to talk about her side of the argument, why should you get the NHS surgery
Fen: hi im the one partially responsible for Matthias parents doing a die, from the Wandering Isles or as i call them Kaeland, see I broke my hip falling down my stairs and I need a new one.
Clemens: we also have private cosmetic surgery clinic owner Kaz Brekker, can you tell us a lil abt why you don't think cosmetic surgery should be on the NHS
Kaz: I'm wondering why you (points at Jarl) can't afford my private cosmetic surgery
Jarl: Maybe I spent it all on valentines to your da, you wee shite
Clemens: you're already married to my father you fat wanker, anyway we also have NHS doctor Nina Zenik, Nina who do you believe should get their surgery
Nina: Fen, cause Jarl made a choice for that tattoo.
Jarl: nina no I didn't they pulled me into a back alley and had me at gunpoint
Kaz: yeah well that's highly unlikely for others
Jarl: Kaz my porcelain skin was VIOLATED with ink and brimstone and I will never recover. People used to like my back...
Nina: stop the cap
Clemens: guys calm down mk now Flavio who's surgery would you pay tax for
Jarl: Well no cause that's Fen's fault for having butter fingers
Nina: Butter fingers. For falling down the stairs.
Kaz: I can give you a 20 percent discount Jarl
Clemens: and that's all folks!
Jarl: ....oh shut up
Ilya: Ok....was that a debate or an argument you guys
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artsformyvoid · 2 years
"May you live in interesting times", is a English translation of an old Chinese curse. Because uninteresting times, are dull times.
If you brood on it enough, it feels like a curse.
SCOTUS recent overturning of Roe v Wade, Miranda Rights, the EPA and more can make a strong person feel overwhelmed and crouch into a fetal position. But wait, just a moment.
Our parents and our grandparents fought times like these, heroically. And maybe when they were scared, I bet their parents would make them a bowl of hot soup and sandwich, and give em the 'pep talk'.
Hard days don't last. Even if their is a long string of them, in your darkest days. You have to look to your friends. You have to pull yourself up.
And sometimes you have to work a little extra, to get stronger physically and spiritually; in order to see that your struggle is not as big as you think.
The Republicans have always been good at falling into formation. The old slogan, "Democrats fall in love, Republicans fall in line" has shown it to be true again and again.
Its proof that we are a more passionate people, in the causes that we believe in. It is heroic.
Lets show the Republicans we can get in formation. Lets show the Republicans that we can agree with each other to wake up every weekday morning with a plan, no, an initiative... guided by the strong principles of the Democratic party.
We have 5 months before the Midterm Elections arrive.
It feels like too much, I know. You're duties to work and family life. And you need your 'me time', we all do or we lose our focus and energy.
But focus just 1 email. Or 1 phone call. Or 1 protest. Or, word-of-mouth to your friends at a barbecue or at your local church. Tell them we need them. For just 1 day. One Poll station. One action.
That is to go to your local poll station, and vote Democrat on the ballot on or by Tuesday, November 8, 2022.
Just one day. It will be the most heroic act you can do as an American.
There is a beautiful quote from the poet Pablo Neruda, I want you to say to yourself when you're afraid. “You can cut all the flowers but you cannot keep Spring from coming.”
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lboogie1906 · 5 days
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Buckroe Beach is one of the oldest recreational regions in Virginia. In 1619, the “Buck Roe” plantation was designated for public use for the newly arrived English settlers sent by the Virginia Company of London. By 1637, the plantation was converted into a commercial tobacco farm. After the Civil War, Buckroe became a fishing camp used by both African American and white fishermen. In 1890 a group of Hampton Institute administrators purchased eight acres of beachfront on the Chesapeake Bay to provide a place for student exercise and the location of a hotel that could host out-of-town guests. Led by Frank D. Banks, the administrators pooled their funds to build a four-room cottage they ambitiously named the Bay Shore Hotel.
This rare Atlantic coast resort open to African Americans soon drew visitors from as far away as New York and Georgia on summer weekends. By 1925 this summer vacation destination grew to include the now seventy-room Bay Shore Hotel, a pavilion, an amusement park, and a boardwalk along its 275-foot waterfront. By 1930, Bay Shore Beach and Resort, as it was now called, rivaled the all-white Buckroe Beach Amusement Park.
Just before WWII one local transportation company extended its tracks and trolleys to Phoebus, the community that included Bay Shore Beach and Resort, to encourage more white and African American visitors from nearby Hampton, Newport News, and other Tidewater cities to come to the beach area, the beach area was built up and annexed to Hampton in 1952.
Like other African American East Coast beaches, Bay Shore Beach was on the circuit for locally and nationally prominent African American musicians from Cab Calloway to James Brown, who played before illegally integrated audiences. Buckroe Beach, as the entire area was now known, continued to be officially divided between African Americans and whites by the fence which separated the races both on the sand and in the water.
After the 1964 Civil Rights Act, Buckroe Beach integrated. Yet both African American and white resorts suffered as beachgoers shifted to Virginia Beach. Local merchants sponsor the annual Hampton Jazz Festival. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence
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carolinemillerbooks · 2 years
New Post has been published on Books by Caroline Miller
New Post has been published on https://www.booksbycarolinemiller.com/musings/jujitsu-of-the-me-exception/
Jujitsu Of The Me Exception
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Recently, I learned a bumble bee is a fish. California, wanting to extend environmental protection to pollinators, tucked them under laws pertaining to scaly creatures. What did the two have in common? According to officials, both were invertebrates. Ingenious!  As a writer and former English teacher, I know language is as limber as a double-jointed belly dancer. Note how the U S. Supreme Court contorted words so that a corporation could be defined as a person.  These are the same folks who decided Settled law could be unsettled concerning Roe v. Wade. As for the Constitutional line between church and state, it exists wherever the high court says it does. The upcoming  October session should be interesting. That’s when the judges will clarify the meaning of free speech and the rights of sexual minorities. Mental jujitsu isn’t reserved for governments and courts. The human brain’s agility is a source to all.  Workers at abortion clinics tell tales about pro-life picketers who break from their protests to have the procedure. One classic story has a pro-lifer sitting in a clinic waiting for her appointment while excoriating the women around her who’d come for the same reason. Clinic workers see this hypocrisy so often, they call it the “Me exception.” Being blind to our shortcomings makes it easy to dislike those who share them. Former President Donald Trump played upon this blindness until hypocrisy seemed like a virtue. He called people who attacked the nation’s capital patriots, and they believed him. Republicans who saw through this delusion left the party. The majority of those who remain can no longer distinguish between truth and lies.  Surprisingly, data reveal the number of extremist groups has fallen in this country. But, that isn’t good news. It means radical groups have gone mainstream. (SPLC Report, Summer 2022, pg. 1) Like the psychopath, so many radicals exist among us, their hatred no longer seems like an aberration.   Normalizing hate didn’t happen overnight. Those who felt aggrieved had a long-term strategy.  They infected local politics, and legitimized gerrymandering in key states so that the Electoral College no longer represented the views of the majority. Free to anoint Presidents of their liking, this rabid minority has gained influence over judicial appointments. Bold as brass, they let no contradiction interfere with progress. Republican Senate leader Mitch McConnell blocked Presidents Obama’s nomination to the Supreme Court because a presidential election was a few months away. Nonetheless, he offered no objection when Donald Trump nominated ultra-conservative Amy Coney Barrett to the high bench days before he lost the 2020 election. (SPLC Report, Summer 2022, pg 2.) Thanks to the minority’s iron will, the Court has tilted so far to the political right that a majority of voters have lost faith in its rulings. The institution’s approval rating has plummeted to a historic low of 25%.  Overturning Rove v. Wade worsened the majority opinion.  Says one detractor, Part of the rule of law is that you can count on things tomorrow being kind of like yesterday.  Worse, several of the presiding judges appeared to have lied during their Senate hearings. The credibility of one judge is so suspect there are calls for his impeachment. Senator Mitt Romney who stands apart from many of his Republican colleagues advises us to rise above our grievances and resentments.    But how do we escape the juggernaut of mental jujitsu?  Happily, a way exists. First, we must call out contradictions, lies, and hatred so they are no longer the norm. Second, we should demand changes to the Electoral College. When minorities rule, democracy dies.  Third, the filibuster as its stands must go. It impedes the will of the people. Here’s one example. The majority of Americans want assault rifles off our streets. No more blather about Second Amendment rights. Even a grammar school child knows the difference between a “militia” and an individual.  The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men [women and zies] to do nothing.  – John Stuart Mill.
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komehyappyou · 2 years
Madara’s Least Favorite Food
The English Wiki says “roe\fish eggs”
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Not quite...
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(shanosho, pg 48)
It's actually 白子\shirako. (fish testes) 
Madara does not like fish testes. 
But the funny thing is “why?”
タラtara = cod 
マダラmadara\真鱈\true cod = pacific cod 
Cod kanji 鱈 breaks down to fish魚 winter雪, because the season is in winter.
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Shirako is normally taken from cod, and madara is prized for its rich taste so much so that in japan the males are more expensive than the females. 
madara shirako:
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Brains look like brains because folding maximizes the surface area to volume ratio. brain and the fish sperm sacs appear to use the extra surface area for different things…
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Can be enjoyed in many forms, deep fried, sushi, or in broth. (Although, it’s considered a delicacy, not everyone likes it and it’s considered more of an acquired taste.)
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Check out his birthday! Wintertime! Christmas!
During the winter months, like December, it's cold, so families, sometimes friends eat hotpot\鍋\nabe to warm up. You eat fish like madara.
Typically enjoyed at a party
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(Very nostalgic images for me)
Looks like to me from his birthday, that his parents had a nice hotpot, with some cod in it, and decided to name him after the fish.
I would imagine when he grew up he found out what part of the fish it was, and suddenly became his most disliked food.
His father/mother and siblings must have teased him a lot for it.
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Hmm... those are portable gas burners. Gramps Madara prob wouldn’t have such nice technology.
In the past, and in some rural areas, houses typically had an irori, a hearth, which was used for cooking, keeping warm, eating, and was a social spot.
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Here’s one with some food!
Now, it’s a bit weird.... but looking back at it.... in vol 65,
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Madara and Hashirama are next to some air conditioning units and electricity poles.
But kid Hashirama’s house looks like this
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(Striking absence)
Technology is a mystery in this world. I wonder when gas stoves, electricity, were introduced.
(I would think that early Naruto was set in the 1990s, because there are advertisements, soda cans, and one of the sound ninja talks like a retro gamer. I guess the technology here would be 1930s? It’s all over the place.)
In my head it was funny while reading it. My family had some good hotpot recently which reminded me of it. Might as well share it here.
But while his parents prob named Madara after fish, the Author probably named Madara after madarakishin who is also called matarajin.
Madarakishin is celebrated in a festival in Sakuragawa, at Amabiki Kannon temple. (Kannon is the 1000 hand buddavista of mercy, which Hashirama uses.)
(Madarakishin is the red masked demon with the long hair, haha. See the resemblance?)
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I can talk more about it in another post, if there is interest.
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antoine-roquentin · 4 years
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obliquely, this is in reference to how formerly working class bastions in the midwest that used to elect socialists now elect republicans. if we all gave up the theory that LGBT people are normal, we might once again go back to the days where we elected socialists across the country. thomas frank, what’s the matter with kansas:
But its periodic bouts of leftism were what really branded Kansas with the mark of the freak. Every part of the country in the nineteenth century had labor upheavals and protosocialist reform movements, of course. In Kansas, though, the radicals kept coming out on top. It was as though the blank landscape prompted dreams of a blank-slate society, a place where institutions might be remade as the human mind saw fit. Maps of the state from the 1880s show a hamlet (since vanished) called Radical City; in nearby Crawford County the town of Girard was home to the Appeal to Reason, a socialist newspaper whose circulation was in the hundreds of thousands. In that same town, in 1908, Eugene Debs gave a fiery speech accepting the Socialist Party’s nomination for president; in 1912 Debs actually carried Crawford County, one of four he won nationwide. (All were in the Midwest.) In 1910 Theodore Roosevelt signaled his own lurch to the left by traveling to Kansas and giving an inflammatory address in Osawatomie, the onetime home of John Brown.
The most famous freak-out of them all was Populism, the first of the great American leftist movements.* Populism tore through other states as well—wailing all across Texas, the South, and the West in the 1890s—but Kansas was the place that really distinguished itself by its enthusiasm. Driven to the brink of ruin by years of bad prices, debt, and deflation, the state’s farmers came together in huge meetings where homegrown troublemakers like Mary Elizabeth Lease exhorted them to “raise less corn and more hell.” The radicalized farmers marched through the small towns in day-long parades, raging against what they called the “money power.” And despite all the clamor, they still managed to take the state’s traditional Republican masters utterly by surprise in 1890, sweeping the small-town slickers out of office and ending the careers of many a career politician. In the decade that followed they elected Populist governors, Populist senators, Populist congressmen, Populist supreme court justices, Populistcity councils, and probably Populist dogcatchers, too; men of strong ideas, curious nicknames, and a colorful patois....
For a generation, Kansas has been the testing-ground for every experiment in morals, politics, and social life. Doubt of all existing institutions has been respectable. Nothing has been venerable or revered merely because it exists or has endured. Prohibition, female suffrage, fiat money, free silver, every incoherent and fantastic dream of social improvement and reform, every economic delusion that has bewildered the foggy brains of fanatics, every political fallacy nurtured by misfortune, poverty and failure, rejected elsewhere, has here found tolerance and advocacy.
Today the two myths are one. Kansas may be the land of averageness, but it is a freaky, militant, outraged averageness. Kansas today is a burned-over district of conservatism where the backlash propaganda has woven itself into the fabric of everyday life. People in suburban Kansas City vituperate against the sinful cosmopolitan elite of New York and Washington, D.C.; people in rural Kansas vituperate against the sinful cosmopolitan elite of Topeka and suburban Kansas City. Survivalist supply shops sprout in neighborhood strip-malls. People send Christmas cards urging their friends to look on the bright side of Islamic terrorism, since the Rapture is now clearly at hand.
Under the state’s simple blue flag are gathered today some of the most flamboyant cranks, conspiracists, and calamity howlers the Republic has ever seen. The Kansas school board draws the guffaws of the world for purging state science standards of references to evolution. Cities large and small across the state still hold out against water fluoridation, while one tiny hamlet takes the additional step of requiring firearms in every home. A prominent female politician expresses public doubts about the wisdom of women’s suffrage, while another pol proposes that the state sell off the Kansas Turnpike in order to solve its budget crisis. Impoverished inhabitants of the state’s most scenic area fight with fanatical determination to prevent a national park from opening up in their neighborhood, while the rails-to-trails program, regarded everywhere else in the union as a harmless scheme for family fun, is reviled in Kansas as an infernal design on the rights of property owners. Operation Rescue selects Wichita as the stage for its great offensive against abortion, calling down thirty thousand testifying fundamentalists on the city, witnessing and blocking traffic and chaining themselves to fences. A preacher from Topeka travels the nation advising Americans to love God’s holy hate, showing up wherever a gay person has been in the news to announce that “God Hates Fags.” Survivalists and secessionists dream of backyard confederacies out on the lone prairie; schismatic Catholics declare the pope himself to be insufficiently Catholic; Posses Comitatus hold imaginary legal proceedings, sternly prosecuting state officials for participating in actual legal proceedings; and homegrown terrorists swap conspiracy theories at a house in Dickinson County before screaming off to strike a blow against big government in Oklahoma City.
the problem with this simple story is that social liberalism actually grew in lockstep with an economic policy tailored to the poor. in the 70s, the most common place to get gender reassignment surgery was at a catholic hospital in small town colorado. in 2010, in response to deep opposition in the town, the practice was forced to move to california. the second most common place was at a baptist hospital in oklahoma city, where such surgery was viewed as routine until a number of religious leaders decided to oppose it in the 70s. at the same time, many other religious leaders spoke out in favour of the surgery, saying that it comported well with religious tenets.
likewise, colorado legalized abortion in 1967, as did states like kansas, missouri, georgia, and north and south carolina prior to roe v wade. today, these states are considered anti-abortion and anti-lgbt hotspots, yet prior to the late 70s, compassion for such people was viewed as paramount in the life of america’s christians. so what happened? it clearly wasn’t an emphasis on the social aspects of poor american lives that shifted the political arena in favour of religious conservatism. rather, as thomas frank points out in the same book:
Nobody mows their own lawn in Mission Hills anymore, and only a foot soldier in its armies of gardeners would park a Pontiac there. The doctors who lived near us in the seventies have pretty much been gentrified out, their places taken by the bankers and brokers and CEOs who have lapped them repeatedly on the racetrack of status and income. Every time I paid Mission Hills a visit during the nineties, it seemed another of the more modest houses in our neighborhood had been torn down and replaced by a much larger edifice, a three-story stone chateau, say, bristling with turrets and porches and dormers and gazebos and a three-car garage. The dark old palaces from the twenties sprouted spiffy new slate roofs, immaculately tailored gardens, remote-controlled driveway gates, and sometimes entire new wings. One grand old pile down the street from us was fitted with shiny new gutters made entirely of copper. A new house a few doors down from Esrey’s spread is so large it has two multicar garages, one at either end.
These changes are of course not unique to Mission Hills. What has gone on there is normal in its freakishness. You can observe the same changes in Shaker Heights or La Jolla or Winnetka or Ann Coulter’s hometown of New Canaan, Connecticut. They reflect the simplest and hardest of economic realities: The fortunes of Mission Hills rise and fall in inverse relation to the fortunes of ordinary working people. When workers are powerful, taxes are high, and labor is expensive (as was the case from World War II until the late seventies), the houses built here are smaller, the cars domestic, the servants rare, and the overgrown look fashionable in gardening circles. People read novels about eccentric English aristocrats trapped in a democratic age, sighing sadly for their lost world.
When workers are weak, taxes are down, and labor is cheap (as in the twenties and again today), Mission Hills coats itself in shimmering raiments of gold and green. Now the stock returns are plush, the bonus packages fat, the servants affordable, and the suburb finds that the princely life isn’t dead after all. It builds new additions and new fountains and new Italianate porches overlooking Olympic-sized flower gardens maintained by shifts of laborers. People read books about the glory of empire. The kids get Porsches or SUVs when they turn sixteen; the houses with asphalt roofs discreetly disappear; the wings that were closed off are triumphantly reopened, and all is restored to its former grandeur. Times may be hard where you live, but here events have yielded a heaven on earth, a pleasure colony out of the paintings of Maxfield Parrish.
america's workers and small farmers were saved by the reforms of the 1930s, as frank explains, then crushed as the wealthy found out how to squirrel away their taxes (in part thanks to the collapse of the british empire), accumulate wealth away from prying eyes, lobby the government for preferential treatment, and between 1976 and 2000, triumph completely in the political domain. mission hill donates more money to politicians than the rest of kansas combined. unions are swamped in state politics, and see declining fortunes. as a result, neoliberal social atomization takes effect, which sees even workers demanding beggar-thy-neighbour policies. and when thy neighbour is socially distinct from you, it becomes easier to justify voting for such politics based on a survival instinct. the majority of the working class tuned out and do not vote any more. among the rest, low skilled working class jobs in highly stratified and inequitable cities vote democrat, hoping for some patronage from the white collar creative class voters they serve, while blue collar skilled workers tend to vote republican, devoid of any examples of class politics in their lives with the death of unions and hoping to keep their share of wages against their only opposition, the tax man.
ultimately, any socially liberal politics sustained by donations from rich big city donors is unsustainable. on the other hand, the notion that “woke” politics is holding back leftism is, save for a few clearly absurd situations (robin diangelo, for instance) also wrong. economic leftism leads to social leftism, because respect to the working class leads to respect for its identities. neoliberal atomization is a much deeper force than can be surmounted at the ballot box, even in a primary, but it is always an economic force first and foremost.
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nonstoplover · 3 years
nightly shared cigarettes ~ ron speirs (band of brothers)
my masterlist  |  my hbo war masterlist
request: Hello, I’m not sure if you’re up to another Speirs request👀 could you write something of him and the girl that the company has rescued from the german on their way or mission, this is just a loosely prompt that I have in mind haha😉 thank you in advance
pairing: ron speirs x SOE agent female reader
summary: when on patrol in haguenau, soldiers of easy co. find a captured british agent. until further notice she has to stay with them and in the meantime she grows closer with one of the lieutenants, someone who's fully inpressed by how badass she is.
words: 4.9K
a/n: thank you for the request, lovely anon. i'm always up to write anything with our sweet little grumpy kleptomaniac !! i hope you enjoy how i interpreted your request xx
also i just wanna note here how much i honestly respect the SOE agents (special operations executive), i did research on this and i'm- wow.
taglist: @50svibes​ @liebgotttme​
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When Webster's eyes fall on the young woman crouching in the corner of the room they've just bursted in, for a moment all he feels is confusion as it fills his mind. He comes to an immediate halt, Martin almost colliding with his back. Soon both their slightly widened eyes move around her - taking in the stains of blood and dirt all around her ripped clothes, the bruises colouring her skin, the disheveled (y/h/c) hair that was probably once in a braid but now is falling in her face, the exhaustion written on her features even as she eyes the newly arrived group of men with careful interest.
Before anyone can say or do anything, she opens her lips and in the loud noise, in a quite rusty voice announces a short sentence. "I'm British."
The paratroopers of Easy share a glance, feeling even more confused than before. Nobody have told them about any British woman being in that building, not even in the whole town of Haguenau. Nevertheless, knowing that they have to hurry, Martin orders his men to get her too, bring her back along with the Germans. McClung leans down to grab her and lifts her up in his arms much easier than he's thought - she's unbelievably weightless, at least compared to the heavy equipment he had to carry around in the past month, or to the weight of his comrades when he had to drag one of them who got wounded out of the firing line.
When they get back to the other side of the river and inside the basement, he places the girl on the ground next to the two German soldiers and then the company seems to forget about her as Jackson's suffering keeps everyone's thoughts busy. Only after the heartbreakingly young boy passes away under the helplessly watching eyes of his comrades is when Jones has the chance to actually get a look at their captured foes - surprised to find a woman sitting there as it's been too dark outside and they've been in too much of a stressful hurry for him to cast even a short glance at the captured three.
He immediately calls Martin over to ask him about it, and after learning all the news the staff sergeant can offer, he sends the closest soldier available to get one of the Captains before squatting down in front of her.
"So you say you're British?"
(y/n) slowly raises her glance at the young man before moving her head in a small, weak nod. "Agent," she mumbles the word almost inaudibly before pausing for a couple long seconds, then adds one more thing. "SOE." And then her eyelids start closing. She's too tired to stay awake. Sleep is a too tempting idea for her to fight it in such a state. Jones calls for Roe, afraid that she might die right there before him - before they get to know any reportable information about her -, but the arriving medic reassures him that she's just on the way to fall asleep.
Speirs comes rushing in soon, casting a swift glance at the broken-looking group of boys as he moves to the back, only coming to a stop when he's directly next to Doc and Jones. They tell him all the - very little - news they're able to and he orders Webster to bring her to the company CP, saying that they'll keep her under watch and that when she eventually wakes up, someone's gonna interrogate her.
As Web's carefully moving with her in his arms to the other building, his ears catch an almost inaudible mutter coming from the girl and he instinctively leans in closer to be able to hear something maybe useful.
"Ich weiß nichts davon- (I don't know anything about it)" her voice cracks and her arm that's not pressed into the man's body jerks violently as she's fighting the obvious nightmare, her head whipping around. "Ich heiße Lotte! (My name's Lotte)"
Webster doesn't know what to do as she shakes unstoppably - should he wake her or not? With his grip tightening around her body to keep her from falling, he tries mumbling a few reassuring words close to her ear in hopes that it would help - and it seemingly does as her twitching around kinda lightens. Arriving to the CP, he lays her on the now free couch - with Lipton finally agreeing with Speirs' words to go to the back and rest in a real bed -, and after moving the blanket gently on her, Web moves back to the other side of the room to sit down there, keeping an eye on her as he was told.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The next morning (y/n) wakes up to the voices of several men quietly speaking around her, and for a few seconds the same edginess fills her body as the one she's been almost constantly feeling in the past weeks, but then her mind finally catches up with her ear and processes the words that are spoken in English - not the German she's used to.
She slowly opens her eyes, squinting at the sudden light even in the dim room and trying to remember where she is and how she got there. Just as faint memories of a grenade explosion, shouting American soldiers and being carried in the arms of someone with gunshots slamming into the ground all around enter her mind, one of the men notices her wakefulness and signals to the others to let them know as well.
(y/n) watches one of them rush out of the room while the rest of the group stays where they've been, on the other side of the room, in a loose circle. With her hands finding support on the sofa next to her body, she pushes herself up into a sitting position, her eyes never leaving the men in case they reacted to her movements. But they don't, all of them stay as still as statues right until someone enters through the doorway - and with a glance his way, she can wordlessly confirm to herself it's not the same one that has just left. The men seem to stiffen and stand straighter before the newly arrived one signals them away and except for one of them they tardily leave the room.
The officer - that one's obvious after a second glance at his uniform and seeing the way he communicates with the others - pulls a chair to the middle of the room and sits down on it facing her, while the other - who's face she finds faintly familiar but has no idea as to where from - stays in the back, leaning against the wall.
"I'm Captain Speirs," the officer says and her eyes focus back on him. "101st Airborne Division of the US Army."
He waits for her to answer, but she stays silent, waiting to hear what else he has to say - but it's hard to start this kind of interrogation for him, not knowing what to do with the woman claiming to be British who was captured by the Germans.
"Your name's Lotte?" First it seems like a statement, but the end of the sentence comes out more like a question and (y/n) raises an eyebrow in surprised confusion. How does he know about that?
"Lotte?" She asks back.
Speirs glances back towards Webster for a moment who simply shrugs, then turns his hazel eyes back to her. "You said that yourself in your sleep."
Ah, damn. This will get her in serious trouble one day - speaking in her sleep, chattering around.
"That's my code name," she nods, only hoping that she won't reveal too much with this information. "As an agent."
"Who do you work for?"
"That I can't tell you, I'm sorry."
Ron raises an eyebrow as a response and (y/n) lets out a sigh. "Look, I really can't say more, the most I can is that I work for the United Kingdom. For the Allies."
"You're British?"
"I am. Born in England."
Ron watches her tilt her head to the side as she speaks the sentence with a curious glint in her eyes. All thoughts that it might be a trap start to fade away the more he hears her obvious accent - that can't be learned if she was actually a German and only pretending to be English. Still, all the secrecy surrounding her, keeping her in a metaphorical fog from his eyes doesn't let the slight doubt disappear as well. When he doesn't say a word for more than a minute, another sigh escapes her lungs and she turns in her seat so her feet hangs off from the side of the couch and her upper body is supporting itself against the back-rest.
"My name's (y/n) (y/l/n), I volunteered to join the organisation in 1943 and had jumped into Germany in March 1944. Got captured by a group of German soldiers this January."
"What were you doing here?"
She turns her eyes to the ground, two parts of her mind fighting each other. One says she should answer honestly - these are American soldiers, allies, for Christ's sake, and she's already said a lot of things - and one says she should divert the question because what she's doing is a secret, one that she's swore to keep even if it cost her her life. Barely any people outside the organisation know about its existence.
"Well, since you won't answer, I'm gonna have to guess. Since you're a secret agent who's working for the British government, I'd say you were doing espionage and sabotage actions."
Oh my, she's said too much, everything about her has become obvious... She must be more exhausted than she thought.
Speirs stands up, and raising a hand pushes his fingers in his hair, deep in his thoughts. Though before anyone could say or do anything else, Babe Heffron enters the room and tells his superior how Captain Winters has asked to speak with him. Ron signals at Webster to stay where he is and walks out through the doorway.
"The Germans talked," Nixon announces as soon as Speirs enters Winters' make-shift office in another part of the same building. "They say the girl's a British spy."
"She won't say much, but that's what I figured as well," Ron nods.
"We're trying to get in contact with her superior, whoever it might be," Winters joins the conversation as he's systemizing the papers on the desk with his just finished reports.
"She's a part of a secret organisation, sir, so it won't be easy, I guess."
"Maybe we should let her use our radio to do it herself," Nix suggests with a shrug.
And that's how a couple hours later - during which Doc Roe finally got a chance to attend to her bruises and wounds, and dictate some hot food into her - she finds herself sitting in a different room, feeling much better already as her fingers carefully try to get connection with the HQ of the Special Operations Executive under the watchful eyes of a few American soldiers.
In the end (y/n)'s ordered to stay with the company that has found her until she got better, wounds healed and strength back to normal before getting further orders. They have to check first anyway if it's safe enough for her to go back to her previous position or if the Germans know too much about her already.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The next day Easy's pulled back to Mourmelon and she travels in the jeep with the captains - Winters, Nixon and Speirs. Since they've already heard the full conversation she had with HQ and so they know about the SOE, she's more willing to answer their questions about what she was doing in Germany, how she got there, what training she got beforehand, et cetera.
The more he learns about the young woman, the more amused Ron feels. He can't shake the thought that he's never met a more badass woman than the girl sitting next to him. All his life, when he thought about the female part of the population, he knew that if he ever got himself a girl, it should be someone strong, daring and fearless. And it wasn't easy to find someone like that - until suddenly this British spy appeared in his life.
After arriving, the soldiers get a proper meal first, then everyone's dismissed to rest anyhow they choose to. (y/n) goes back to the room they've assigned for her, still feeling the past weeks' exhaustion creeping up on her and after changing into the American uniform Captain Winters got for her - so she doesn't have to walk around in her torn, dirty clothes anymore - she falls asleep on the inviting, soft mattress. When she wakes up drenched in sweat and panting hard, it's sometime in the middle of the night already, everything's quiet around her and only the light of the moon comes in from the darkness through the window.
She stands up, stretching her muscles and trying to calm her shaking body before slipping on her boots again and putting on the probably unused - almost still crispy - jacket before silently moving out of the room. The cold, February night air fills her lungs and cools her warm and sweaty skin under a short second immediately after she exits the building. Slowly starting to walk next to the wall, she lets herself drown in her thoughts again.
"You runnin' away?" A voice asks from the dark after she mindlessly turns in a corner, making her jump and press her palms against her chest, her eyes wide and heartbeat going so fast as if she's just run a marathon.
As she tries to catch her breath, her glance lands on a burning end of a cigarette and moving a bit further up, she meets Ron Speirs' lightly amused, sparkling eyes.
"You scared the shit out of me," she admits, still panting. He says nothing, just continues watching her - a half minute later she gives in, rolling her eyes and answering his previous question. "I'm not running away, just wanted to get some fresh air. What are you doing out here in the middle of the night?"
"Can't sleep," he shrugs.
"Nightmares?" (y/n) turns around to lean with her back against the wall right next to him.
Glancing curiously at him, she waits for a while for him to say something else, but eventually figures that it's all she's gonna get from the man - he's seemingly not one to speak a lot and admit his true thoughts and emotions.
"You're not the only one," she mumbles, turning her gaze down to the ground under her feet as she mindlessly kicks away at random rocks scattered around.
He still doesn't say a word, and (y/n) starts to feel like she's annoying him, that her company is unwanted here but just as she places her palms flat against the wall to push herself away from it, a hand holding a pack of cigarettes appears in front of her eyes. With a swift, hesitant glance towards the man she slowly reaches up to take one and as she places it in-between her lips, Speirs raises his other hand, lighting the smoke for her.
At the sudden flash of light, he gets a better look at her, and his eyes swiftly move up and down her body, taking in the nearly literally breathtaking sight of the girl wearing a uniform, one that's almost like his. Even as the flame dies out from the lighter, the image is right there in front of his eyes - as if it's painted on the insides of his eyelids.
They smoke in silence for a while, both deep in their thoughts - his mainly consisting of how most men find women in fancy dresses and skirts, wearing high heels and make-up the most beautiful sight on Earth, and how seemingly he's just the opposite of that. A woman in uniform, not dolled up at all, radiating such strength and courageous confidence from her whole body that it feels like it's gonna consume him - that's what makes his mind spin and maybe even his heart skip a beat.
"Where are you from?" (y/n) asks a few minutes later, exhaling the smoke from her lungs.
"Brighton, Massachusetts," comes his answer right away. "But I was born in Edinburgh."
"You were?" She asks back in surprise.
Ron nods, taking another drag of his cigarette. "My family moved to the US when I was four."
The girl hums, falling silent for a few seconds as she contemplates his words. "Is it nice? In Brighton," she adds to clarify any uncertainty about her question.
He takes a breath, thinking over his answer before actually opening his lips and speaking up. It becomes the longest sentence (y/n) has heard from him - and it feels like she's finally able to see a little more through the wall around his heart and soul. By the time they finish their second cigarette, she knows about how he got to the 101st, what training they partook back in the States, and where they've been around Europe, what they've done before getting to Haguenau and - unintentionally - rescuing her.
And even though she feels like she'd gladly listen to him talk for hours, days, if she had a chance, a yawn takes over her features and she feels a sudden surge of sleepiness move through her bones and veins.
"I'm sorry, Captain, but I think it's time for me to call it a night. Maybe you should try to get some sleep as well, you deserve to rest properly," she flashes a small smile his way that warms his chest even in the cold winter air.
Stomping out her cigarette on the ground, she raises her eyes once more - only to find him already watching her. "Good night," she nods with the warm look in her glance still apparent, then turns around and makes her way back to her room.
Speirs is left alone with the goosebumps on his skin - ones caused by the way she said his rank - and he stays there for a couple more minutes, thinking about their conversation, about the girl. Then he moves back to his room as well, following her advice - and eventually getting the best sleep he's had in a long, long time. No nightmares, no waking up after seeing his men die over and over again, no trouble falling back asleep with stains of blood and dead bodies appearing in front of his inner eyes. He just sleeps. Peaceful, as he did as a child, with the only dream that appears being one about a woman. Her.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The next night when (y/n) wakes up from her sleep, she almost instinctively puts the rest of her uniform back on, not thinking just walking towards the same place she found the young man the previous night. She doesn't even know why, but disappointment sweeps in her body when her eyes take in nothing but his absence. Nobody's there, just her.
"Want a smoke?" The familiar voice of Speirs enters her ears only a few seconds later, making her jump yet again.
A chuckle leaves his lips as he watches her spin around, panting just as much as she did the last night. "Would you stop scaring me every goddamn time? You're gonna be the death of me," (y/n) scolds him with a frown playing on her eyebrows, but he can see the playful glint in her eyes that lets him know that she doesn't mind it that much - that she's just glad to see him again.
"Sorry," he says with his lips curving into a smirk that says the complete opposite. As a peace offering he holds his pack of cigarettes out for her, similarly to the first time just about 24 hours ago, and then lighting it for her.
Conversation starts easier this time, even Ron's more willing to speak his mind, sharing his thoughts, asking questions. Time seems to fly as in no more than a blink of an eye (y/n)'s already stomping out her third cigarette. He hesitantly offers her one more, trying to convince the small voice inside his head that he's not doing it to keep her around for some more time. She shakes her head, but doesn't make a move to leave, just keeps on leaning against the cold wall, opening her lips to ask him yet another question.
Only a little while later, when a shiver moves up her body, leaving her shaking and teeth clinking, is when they suddenly realise how cold it actually is to just motionlessly stand outside, and this time Speirs is the one to offer to call it a night.
From that night, it becomes an everyday thing - or more like everynight in their case - for the two of them, no matter how tired they might be the next day when they talked throughout almost the whole night - until the sky started lightening, signalling the closeness of dawn. They stand there, in each other's company, smoking and sharing stories about their lives, getting to know the other more and more.
It becomes the part of his days Ron looks forward the most - sometimes he doesn't even try to get some sleep, just sits on his bed thinking until their unspoken time of meeting comes. She's always joking around, leaving sarcastic comments whenever she has a chance - leaving him amused by how optimistic she can be from time to time even in such terrible times, after all the things she's gone through.
Her quietly ringing giggle and her full-on, bubbling laughter soon become his favourite sounds he's ever heard in his life and he finds himself trying to make jokes himself, coming up with all kinds of funny stories he can just to be the reason she lets out those angelic sounds.
During the days, (y/n) spends her time with Easy company, joining them in whatever it is they're doing, making friends with the men - just enjoying themselves. One time she's just moving between buildings with Joe Liebgott, Babe Heffron and Chuck Grant when Speirs comes walking from the opposite direction, with about four or five packs of cigarettes in his hands.
"Will you leave some for me too, Captain?" (y/n) calls out to him with a mischievous grin and Ron has to bite back the smirk that's threatening to appear on his lips - both from the playfulness of her sentence and the fact that she called him that again.
The three soldiers next to her turn to look at (y/n) as if she's gone crazy, but then they only get even more shocked when their superior answers - especially when hearing and seeing the unusual merriness radiating from him.
"Sure thing, miss."
The girl bites her bottom lip to keep in the giggle, not turning her eyes from his until they pass each other, her cheeks turning slightly pink in the process.
"What the hell was that?" Liebgott inquires with a frown.
"I asked for some cigarettes," she shrugs nonchalantly.
In the next half an hour, the three paratroopers take it upon themselves to fill her in with all the rumours going around the men about the company commander.
That night when she arrives to their usual spot, he's already there. As soon as her eyes fall on him, her lips curve into a suggestive smirk. "It seems like I'm not the only one you like scaring the hell out of," she announces, drawing his attention to her.
Ron raises an eyebrow in question, and she explains in a couple words what she's heard from her friends in Easy that afternoon. He can't help but grin as his shoulders move in a shrug as the routine-like action of him offering a smoke and lighting it for her takes place - it's become such a habit that they don't need any words or thoughts to do it, their hands moving in instinct.
"If only they knew how not scary you are when someone takes the time to get to know you," she sighs.
"Someone as in you?" The corners of Speirs' lips turn upwards into a sly smirk. "You're trying to get to know me?"
"Hey, I didn't spend the past many nights suffering to get information out of you for no reason," she jokes, a small giggle leaving her lips.
"If it's so bad you describe it as suffering, why do you come back out here every night?"
(y/n)'s cheeks burn and she blesses the darkness for hiding it as he now openly teases her. "I guess I like the company too much to give it up," she speaks quietly.
Ron's heart feels like bursting with happiness to hear that sentence - something he never thought possible before.
"Anyway, I might enjoy them being scared of me," he shrugs again, seamlessly diverting the subject as he doesn't know what to say to her confession - he can't just say that he feels the same way, now can he? Even if he does.
The girl raises an eyebrow with an amused sparkle in her eyes, forgetting about the seriousness of the previous moment herself, more than willing to let him change the subject in her slight embarrassment.
"You do?"
Seeing his nonchalant nod she can't help but laugh loudly and sharply and his free hand swiftly comes up to cover her lips and muffle the sound before someone in the surrounding buildings wakes up. For a couple seconds they stay like this, until (y/n)'s laughter dies off, first into small giggles, then into a content silence. Even then, his fingers don't leave her skin, and the more moments pass, the more aware she becomes of his touch.
It feels like her skin is tingling wherever she feels him gently pressing against and the remainder of her cigarette imperceptibly falls to the concrete that's beneath their feet. Ron can't help but wonder about how hers are the softest cheeks, the softest lips - the softest things his fingers have ever touched. (y/n) slowly, very slowly raises her eyes until the (y/e/c) orbs connect with his hazel ones and she gets lost in the intensity of his gaze.
Hesitantly he starts lowering his hand, letting it fall from her face, back to his side - but he doesn't move further, stays right there, close enough to hear and feel her small breaths as they move the air between them. Time seems to stop between them as they stand captured in each other's eyes.
"Ron," she whispers and his eyes flutter shut, heart skipping a beat. He doesn't even know how she knows his first name, but she has never said it before and now hearing it he can't help but want to hear it again and again and again. By the way his breath hitches, for a moment (y/n) fears she said something she shouldn't have, but then his eyes open again and she's taken aback by the emotions flowing in his sparkling orbs - so the fact she called him by his name was anything but bad.
Heartening up from his reaction she carefully reaches out with her fingers until they touch his, pausing for a moment to give him a chance to pull away. When he doesn't move a single muscle in his body, just keeps on watching her, she moves once more, snaking her hands in his and intertwining her fingers with his. For a second or two that seems like long hours for the two of them they stay like that, then out of nowhere Speirs lunges forward and hungrily presses his lips against hers.
She grips into his hands tighter before not much later they slip out of her hold, only to move up to cup her cheek and the back of her neck. He tilts her head further back to have a better angle - to be able to kiss her deeper, and she sighs into his mouth contently, her own arms moving up his back, clinging into his body.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
For the remainder of Easy's time in Mourmelon, off the line, the captain and the secret agent don't spend another night talking outside in the cold February night, smoking. Instead, they do the very same thing inside, in his room - lying in his bed, in each other's embrace, sharing passionate kisses every once in a while. Sometimes to kiss the pain of the past or the uncertainty of the future away, sometimes only because they can't help the overflowing emotions in their hearts and minds - the only thing that seems to matter anymore is to feel each other.
.::the end::.
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rosietrace · 2 years
Clarkson Monroe
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"Oh trust me, I'm as brilliant as they say! OOH LOOK, ONE OF MY RUBE GOLDBERG MACHINES, COME LOOK-"
Full Name: Clarkson ‘Clark’ Monroe
Japanese Name: クラークソン ‘クラーク’ モンロー
Romaji: Kurākuson ‘Kurāku’ Monrō
(Partially) Twisted from: Clank and Bobble
V/A: Shun Horie(旬堀江)
Age: 300+ (at most), 21(physically)
Birthday: May 29
Horoscope: Gemini ♊
Species: Tinker Fairy
Height: 165 cm
Hair color: Dark pastel blue
Eye color: Green
Homeland: Valley of briar and thorns
Current residence: Scepter Hall Institute
Occupation: SHI counselor & SHI dorm head
Sexuality: Bisexual
Dominant hand: Right
{ Family:
Francesca Monroe(Mother/Deceased)
Unnamed Father(Likely deceased)
Maryse Calliope Harlow(Cousin) }
Likes: Family, his inventions, academy counseling, consoling his students when they're in need of it, babysitting Meryl, conversations with the staff, spending time with Madam Maryse and Lilia, giving Finnigan more paperwork, working at SHI, Rube Goldberg machines, rubix cubes, messing with Silver /j
Dislikes: His ‘deadbeat’ of a father, his mother's death, Malory Khione's disappearance, Eclair grieving Malory, being called ‘annoying’, imperfections in his inventions, his students facing troubles, the ‘war of the unresolved’, bullying, Lilia flirting with Maryse /j
Hobbies: Academy counseling, consoling students, inventing, engineering, alchemy, writing down his inventions, playing with puzzles, using his rubix cubes when he's bored, babysitting Meryl, improving his own rendition of a rube goldberg machine
Talent(s): Engineering, counseling, alchemy, puzzle solving, babysitting, comedic timing, consoling others
Flaw(s): (Somewhat) ignorant, arrogant(?), easily swayed, overprotective, perfectionist
Clark works at SHI as its counselor, and he's mostly found in his office, likely consoling a student regarding any problems they're having at the moment.
Surprisingly enough, Clark is actually quite talented in one of the most unexpected hobbies for an academy counselor; engineering.
Outside of his occupation of being a counselor/therapist, Clark has won several accolades for his one-of-a-kind inventions. He has so many awards that it's baffling when you first enter his office.
Clark's nonsensically carefree and fun-loving, and almost always has time to spend time with his students, Meryl, and fellow staff members. It's almost like he has nothing in his schedule outside of being a school counselor!
Of course, Clark is just as unhinged when it comes to his negative traits when compared to his positive traits.
For one, he's actually quite the perfectionist when his inventions are involved. He's well aware that one single mistake could change the trajectory of his invention's effectiveness, so he makes sure they're practically perfect when they're complete.
Due to his accomplishments for being a well-known inventor, Clark can have his moments of (occasionally justified) arrogance. He labels it as confidence, however the people around him could say otherwise.
And…. Most unfortunately, Clark has the very frequent tendency to be ignorant to how people perceive him.
Compared to his cousin, Clark's rather oblivious about how people perceive him, given that he spends most of his time counseling, inventing, and engineering.
However, his obliviousness is occasionally deemed a blessing in disguise, as he doesn't need to know how people feel about him in order to help those around him.
Let's just hope he doesn't take their cruel words to heart.
Name Meaning
Clarkson: The surname means "son of the clerk", and refers to a scribe or secretary.
Clark: The name Clark is a boy's name of English origin meaning "scribe, secretary, cleric, scholar, clerk".
Monroe: Monroe is a masculine name of Scottish and Irish Gaelic origin that translates to “mouth of the River Roe,”
Clark posseses no magical abilities despite being a faerie, but finds no sadness in it
Considers his lack of magical capabilities a blessing, because it helps him stand out amongst his fellow staff
Was an engineer for the valley of briar and thorns back when he and his cousin were members of the kingdom's militia; which explains his engineering capabilities
Grew up poor, and would often stay at home with his late mother due to her sickness
Compared to Madam Maryse, Clark knows nothing about Malory Khione and what kind of man he was
Despite the fact that they're annoyed by him, many people in the academy are very endeared by Clark
Considers alchemy as a form of magic
Does generic, Houdini-esque magic tricks to entertain Meryl whenever he babysits her
Babysitting Meryl is a joy for him because of how unabashedly attached they are to each other, they're practically best friends at this point
Teased Claudette and Ambrosia nonstop when he found out about their relationship
For literally no reason, Clark loves rubix cubes. He just does
Shortly became the dorm head of Forêt Gelée after Malory's disappearance, and somehow never questioned Eclair's reasonings behind choosing him
Retired to become an SHI staff member with Madam Maryse after he grew tired of military life
Became Silver's unofficial godfather
Often makes jokes about his cousin's budding romance with Lilia, to which the latter not so jokingly agrees
He's either in the staff room, his office, or his workshop; no in-between
Has rewatched mean girls on loop at some point and never regretted that decision
Wears pink on October to honor the legacy of the iconic chick flick
Unironically gives Finnigan more paperwork on the daily
Was Brooke's first friend when Eclair took him in
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Dear Heart - Chapter 10
Dick Winters x Melanie Davis
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Summary: Melanie Davis is a nurse from North Carolina who has lived a sheltered life since her father died. Her father’s best friend, Colonel Sink, invites her to experience more as a regimental nurse for the 506th PIR of the 101st Airborne. She embarks on the adventure of a lifetime.
Tag list: @thoughpoppiesblow​​​​ @primusk​​ If you’d like to be added, let me know!
Word Count: 3.8k
A/N: First of all, sorry this update took so long! I’ve got a new OC to introduce here and I wanted to get her right. I hope you guys enjoy Juliet as much as I do :) Thank you again to @mercurygray​​ for being a wonderful beta reader, as always <3 
Warning(s): None for this one :)
Chapter 1  Chapter 2  Chapter 3  Chapter 4  Chapter 5  Chapter 6  Chapter 7  Chapter 8  Chapter 9
Chapter 10 here we go!!!
Haguenau, with its slushy streets and unpredictable explosions, was a welcome reprieve from the hellish woods of the Bois Jacques. The improvements were small, but they had roofs over their heads, food in their bellies, and rumor had it that later there would be showers. Unfortunately, danger still lingered close by - right across the river. 
Melanie slipped and slid all the way to the company CP to check on Lipton. She was keeping an eye on his pneumonia so he wouldn’t have to go to the hospital. Dick had objected to this at first, but she assured him she could manage. Lip was too valuable to leave the company now, and Dick couldn’t argue with that. 
When she arrived, she saw Webster - clean and fresh from the replacement depot. She nearly did a double take when she spotted him. Holland felt like years ago now. Though he looked much the same as he did then - a handsome young Harvard man. 
“Oh! Hello, David,” she said pleasantly. “Glad you could join us.”
“Thank you,” he returned earnestly, for he knew she was the only person who said that without any sarcasm behind it. “How are you, Melanie?” 
“Oh, just fine,” she said. “How’s the leg?”
“Good, thanks,” he replied. 
Melanie had tended to him herself. It was a flesh wound, so she didn’t need a doctor. Just disinfectant, stitches, and a bandage, and he was good as new. She offered to cover for him if he wanted to get back to the line, but he refused. Now that she had seen combat first hand, she couldn’t say she blamed him.
She turned her attention back to Lipton. “Now, Lip, can I ask you to set those papers down at least long enough for me to take your temperature?”  
Lip nodded and let the papers in his hand fall into his lap. Luz pulled up a chair for her. She thanked him and took a seat while the thermometer did its work. She leaned closer to feel Lip’s forehead, which was still burning up. 
The temperature climbed and she frowned. “Still a fever. How’s the cough?”
“It’s okay,” he said, but then lost himself in another fit.
While she waited, another new face entered the room. A lieutenant she did not recognize. He introduced himself as Jones, and explained he was looking for Captain Speirs. As if summoned by the mention of him, the new Easy CO appeared. Melanie wasn’t quite sure how she felt about Speirs yet. There was no denying he was successful, but there was something frightening about him. He was so...intense. And she’d heard the rumors about what he did on D-Day, though she didn’t know if she believed them. Even having spent more time around him, she couldn’t make up her mind about whether he was capable of it or not. 
Lip began to introduce Jones, but Speirs cut across him. “Listen, for Christ’s sakes, will you go back in the back and sack out? Lieutenant, tell him he needs to be in bed.”
One thing Melanie appreciated about Speirs was his indifference to her presence in regard to her gender. Ever the practical leader, he seemed to just appreciate that she was there. Man or woman, if there was help, he took it. She did wish he would call her Melanie, but that sort of familiarity took time. 
“I can’t order him around, Captain, but I do agree with you,” she said, casting a stern look at Lip. 
“I will, sir,” Lip said to Speirs. “I was just trying to make myself useful, sir.”
“You can do that by listening to the nurse,” Speirs replied.
“And you won’t be useful to anybody unless you get better,” she added. “Do try and get some rest.”
“Yes, ma’am,” he said tiredly. 
“Very good,” she said, patting his arm. “I’ll come back by and check on you later.” 
With Lip seen to, Melanie headed back to her billet. Now that they weren’t cut off, she had a stack of letters from her mother to sort through. She had only made it through about half of them so far, and though their contents steered more and more toward questions about her and Dick, she was eager to hear the news from home. She also had a few letters from her friend Rose, so when her mother’s letters got to be too much, she had something to fall back on. 
When the first letter from her unread stack from Lilian began with a question about Dick and his intentions, Melanie gave up. She could never make her mother understand what was between her and Dick, and so there was no use trying to explain it. She picked up Rose’s letter and began to read. She made a face at its contents. 
“Bad news?”
Melanie looked up to see Dick in the doorway. For a fleeting second, she took absurd notice of the bit of scruff on his face and admired it. He looked rather devil-may-care. So much so that for a moment she forgot her distress entirely. She shook her head to clear it, set the letter down, and nodded sadly. 
“I’m afraid so,” she said. “My friend, Rose...her husband is missing somewhere in the Pacific.” 
“This is your high school friend?” he asked. 
Melanie so rarely spoke about her loved ones back home, but she had mentioned Rose more than once. Rose was married to Patrick, a Marine. They had a little boy, Jonathan, and Melanie was his godmother. She nodded again.
“Yes,” she said. “Oh, how awful…Poor Rose…”
“I’m sure he’ll turn up,” Dick said, trying to sound convincing. “Could be captured.” That was certainly wishful thinking. He’d heard that the Japanese rarely, if ever, took prisoners. But he wouldn’t poison Melanie’s mind with that information.
She didn’t reply for a long moment, her eyes fixed on the letter, deep in thought. Then she sat back against her chair and sighed. Almost dreamily. His brow furrowed as he watched her. She turned her face to look out the window, and the light illuminated the bruises that still faintly clung to her skin. 
“This might sound like a horrible thing to say,” she said. "But you know, I sort of envy her. Husband, baby. Everything is...decided, it’s there. I know deep down that it worries her, having Patrick gone, but I...I envy that she had those things to lose." She looked at Dick. "Does that make sense?"
He knew exactly what she meant. Dick listened to the way some of the other men talked about their wives, and he did sometimes feel a little jealous that they had someone who was so counting on their return. True, it made the stakes higher - his frequent reasoning for not admitting his feelings to Melanie - but there was a certain beauty about that risk. 
“It makes sense,” he told her. “And I think it’s only human. She may envy you that you get to be part of the action, while she has to stay behind. Or that you don’t have something so heavy to worry about.”
Melanie considered arguing this. If anything happened to Dick, she’d be devastated. But of course, that was not something she could say. And besides, he was not her husband. Losing him would not put her in the same position as Rose socially. She would only have comparable heartbreak. She decided to change the subject, distraught at the very idea. 
“Did you need something?” she asked. 
“Yeah,” he said. “There’s a patrol tonight. Sink wants you and Roe on standby in case of any casualties.”
“A patrol?” she questioned. 
He nodded, his own displeasure at the idea clear in the slight downturn of his mouth. She wished there was something she could say to comfort him, but unfortunately, they both knew it was no good. 
He explained the basics. Fifteen men from Easy Company would cross the river and try to capture a few Germans they knew to be residing in one of the buildings near the shore. Hopefully, they would have information to help the Allies push further into Germany. Melanie didn’t think the risk was worth it, but she didn’t have to say so. She knew Dick felt the same. But orders were orders. 
“Alright, I’ll try and have some things prepared,” she said with a sigh. If she had time, she might have gone to Colonel Sink to ask him about this patrol and if it was really necessary, but it seemed decided. “Would you like me to come to the briefing?” 
“Up to you,” he said. “I was just going to tell you to get some sleep while you can. Patrol sets off at 0100 hours.” 
She expected him to go then, but he lingered, looking at her as if there was something on the tip of his tongue. She searched his face for what it might be. 
“Is there anything else, Dick?” she asked.
There was, but he wouldn’t say it. Truthfully, he felt he related to Rose. After almost losing Melanie to a crumbling building, and wondering what she’d been through before those five days in the woods (which he still wondered), fearing that whatever it was had cost him his closeness to her, he realized he had done a lot more worrying about her lately. He was at the relative safety of battalion, while she had taken a position much closer to danger. The tables had certainly turned since D-Day. 
He shook his head. “No, that’s it. Get some rest. I’ll see you later.”
He turned to leave, but was blocked by the appearance of a striking blonde woman. He stopped just before colliding with her, his surprise evident on his face.
“Crikey, sorry!” she gasped. She was English, based on the accent. “My fault!”
Melanie’s brow furrowed with confusion as Dick shuffled out of the way of the newcomer and her face came into view. She was beautiful with thick, wavy blonde hair, eyes the color of rain, and an enchanting smile. She clearly wasn’t military since she was in civilian clothes. Her presence was all charm and warmth, from the second she entered the room. 
“Juliet Fletcher,” she said, extending her hand. “You’ll have to excuse the sweat, I walked all the way through town. You wouldn’t believe how difficult it is to get a cab out here.” 
Melanie and Dick both chuckled and shook the woman’s hand. “I’m Melanie Davis, and this is Captain Dick Winters.”
“I see I’ve made it to the right place,” Juliet said. “I’m a reporter with the London Pursuit, and Colonel Sink said I can bunk with you while I cover the regiment.”
Melanie blinked, surprised by Colonel Sink allowing a war correspondent - especially one who was both female and English.  
“Most of my colleagues went to cover our own lads, but I thought I’d see what the Yanks are up to,” Juliet continued. “I hate to be unoriginal.”
Melanie and Dick exchanged an amused glance as Juliet stepped further into the room and set her bags down. 
“I promise you’ll be glad of the company,” she said. 
“Why do you say that?” Melanie asked, curious. 
“Well, there can’t be too many other women out here,” Juliet said. “With all the whistles I got on my way here, I’m quite certain we stand out.”
Melanie smiled again, feeling seen. Though the men knew better than to whistle at her. She thought it was out of respect for Colonel Sink, but really most of the men understood Melanie to be Dick’s girl, whether Dick and Melanie were aware of it or not. 
“I’ll let you get settled,” Dick said, then he turned to put his hand on Melanie’s shoulder. “I’ll see you later.”
“Of course,” Melanie replied, her gaze lingering on him just a moment longer. Her eyes flicked down to the stubble on his chin again for one last look at it. 
“Nice to meet you, Juliet,” he said, and then he was gone. 
Juliet glanced between where Dick disappeared and Melanie’s face. “You two seem rather smitten, is he your boyfriend?”
Melanie flushed. “Oh, no, nothing like that.”
“Would you like him to be?” Juliet asked. 
The pink in Melanie’s cheeks deepened. “Well - I mean, I care for him, but -”
“What’s the matter?” Juliet pressed. “Family doesn’t approve?”
“We’ve never met each other’s families, so -”
“Oh, is he married?”
“No, he’s -”
Juliet’s nose wrinkled as she interrupted again. “Does he want you to do unusual things in the bedroom?”
The color drained from Melanie’s face and her eyes went wide as an owl’s. “No!”
“These are just routine questions,” Juliet said. 
“Are they?” Melanie wondered, shocked. 
“Of course,” Juliet answered, appearing completely earnest. Until she burst out laughing, which put Melanie at ease. “I’m joking, Melanie. We only just met, I’d never ask what your boyfriend likes in the bedroom. Unless of course you need to talk about it, in which case, I’m all ears.” 
Melanie blinked. She hadn’t met many reporters so she wondered if they were all as fast-paced as Juliet, whose mind seemed to run a hundred miles a second. She felt like she should be offended by the remarks, but she wasn’t. She found it all a bit silly. Which she appreciated after the news from Rose and the impending patrol. Juliet was like sunshine in this bleak and gray winter. She retrieved a cigarette from the box in her pocket, struck a match, and lit it, taking a long drag, and looking very graceful in Melanie’s opinion. 
“Dick and I are strictly platonic,” she said. “But I appreciate the offer for a confidant.” 
“Anytime,” Juliet said with a puff of smoke around the word. “I hope we can be friends.”
“Me too,” Melanie agreed. 
“Seriously, I don’t have any friends,” Juliet said. “People hate reporters.”
Melanie softened. Juliet was not teasing now, she was being honest. Melanie saw it in her eyes, the loneliness.
“I assure you, I have no such prejudice,” Melanie said. “Now, what can I do to help you settle in?”
Juliet had packed light, which was to be expected. But she had brought along her typewriter, which Melanie was surprised Juliet was able to carry at all. It was heavier than lead, and would have had Melanie tipping over if she tried to travel with it. As they got Juliet set up, they got to know each other more. Melanie did enjoy being in the company of a woman again, and the friendship she felt reminded her of her time with Renee and Anna, who she missed a great deal. Juliet explained that she had met some of the 101st before while they were in Aldbourne, which was part of what drew her to covering their unit now. 
“You didn’t make any friends?” Melanie asked. “I’ve found our boys to be rather friendly, especially with beautiful women.”
Juliet smiled. “Oh, they were perfectly kind. But it is hard to keep up once they’ve shipped out.”
“I understand,” Melanie said. “Why, my friend back home - her husband is in the Pacific and she gets so impatient for his letters. Of course now, he…” she trailed off, reminded once more of Patrick’s danger and Rose’s heartache. 
“Was he killed?” Juliet asked. 
Melanie shook her head. “Missing.”
“Crikey, I don’t know which is worse,” Juliet said. “I’m sorry to hear that.”
“That’s not the only bad news,” Melanie confessed, and explained about the patrol. Juliet listened carefully, brow knitting over her eyes as she took it in. 
“It’s quite risky,” she remarked. “From what I’ve read, the war’s supposedly almost over.”
Melanie bit back a scoff. “Not quite. I wish it were, though. These men have been through enough.”
“You have too, I expect,” Juliet said. “Were you with them in Bastogne?”
“I was for the last week or so,” Melanie told her. “And I barely made it through that little.”
Melanie shuddered to recall those days. Not only because of the grueling nature of the battle, but also her distance from Dick. Things were beginning to get back to normal between them, but she could feel that he was still curious. She appreciated that he wouldn’t push her, but it made her feel guilty to keep something from him. 
“I’d love to get your story, if you’re up to sharing,” Juliet said. “I’m sure you’ve got a unique perspective.”
“I’m sorry, but I’d rather not,” Melanie told her. “If anyone’s voice deserves to be heard, it’s the men who were out there for weeks.”
Juliet shrugged. “I understand. I hope you know your voice matters too, though.” When Melanie didn’t reply, she continued. “Besides, I’m more interested in this patrol you mentioned. D’you think I’d be allowed at the briefing at least?”
Melanie pondered this, grateful for the change of subject. “We can certainly ask Dick. Or Easy’s CO, since that company will be executing the operation.”
“Great! When can I meet him?” Juliet wondered. 
Melanie admired Juliet’s eagerness. “I’ll be going by the company CP this afternoon to check up on Sergeant Lipton. Come with me, and I’m sure we can find out.”
The girls set out for something to eat. And Juliet was constantly making Melanie laugh. Not because Juliet was necessarily trying to be funny, but her remarks were unusual and amusing. Melanie felt like she’d been sent a sweet blessing - she couldn’t remember the last time she’d laughed this much. This winter had been the hardest of her life, and not only because of the weather. So much had happened to her. But now she felt like spring was right around the corner. 
Neither Dick nor Speirs were at the CP when Melanie and Juliet stopped by, and Lipton was about the same as far as his illness went. Melanie introduced her new friend, and Lip was welcoming to her. Melanie once again stressed his need for rest, and he promised her he would sleep within the hour. 
“I think Winters and Speirs are out by the river,” he told them. “They’re checking things out for the patrol.”
“Thank you, Lip,” Melanie replied. “We’ll go find them.”
She turned to go, but quickly realized that Juliet was not following her. The reporter was glued to her spot, and some of the color had drained from her face. She looked...rather frightened. 
“Did you say...Speirs?” she asked Lipton. 
He nodded. “Yeah. Captain Speirs has been our CO since Foy.”
She swallowed. Melanie’s brow furrowed. She guessed that perhaps Speirs was one of the people from the regiment Juliet met in Aldbourne, but judging by her face, it would not be a glad reunion. Juliet looked as if she were braced for impact. Melanie grew concerned. 
“I understand if you’re a little afraid of Speirs,” she said. “He’s -”
“Hey, I ain’t afraid of nothin’ except spiders, which is completely normal,” Juliet interjected, somehow both defensive and joking. She took a breath. “Okay...okay, you may see some things…”
Melanie immediately formed a hundred questions about that, but Juliet marched out of the building and into the street. Evidently, there would be no explanation of what Melanie might see upon finding Speirs. Melanie eagerly followed Juliet outside. She tried to strike up conversation again, but Juliet remained silent. Her eyes looked straight ahead, and yet, they were unfocused. Melanie gave up trying to talk before they finally reached the river bank, where Dick did in fact stand with Speirs, looking out at the water and the enemy on the other side. Melanie cleared her throat, and both men turned their heads. 
As soon as Speirs’ eyes landed on Juliet, the already thin air suddenly became colder and sparser. Melanie cast Dick a sideways glance and saw on his face that he felt it too. The tension was like a dam about to break. Juliet shifted uncomfortably under Speirs’ icy glare. 
“Hi, Ron,” she said quietly. “You look - you look good. I know you probably don’t think so, since - well, you know. Not that you were ever terribly concerned about things like that - I mean, that’s not to say you aren’t nice looking - I was just - you know what? I’m gonna stop now. You look well. War suits you.”
Juliet bit her lip, clearly regretting the last remark, but she didn’t try to correct herself again. Speirs did not reply. He only stared at her, his gaze alone seeming to order her away. Melanie stepped closer to Dick, for a shiver had gone up her spine. Beats passed in strained silence. 
“I wrote to you,” Juliet went on. “Several letters. Did you -”
“I didn’t read them,” he cut across her. His tone and expression were alarmingly blank.
She swallowed the sting of it. “That’s alright. I understand completely.” He continued to look at her in stony silence so she changed the subject again. “So, you’re a captain, now, are you? That’s nice! Congratulations!”
“Thank you,” he said hollowly. 
“You deserve it,” she said. “Really.”
Speirs did not answer that. He only scowled.
Dick leaned over to whisper in Melanie’s ear. “What is going on?”
“No idea,” she breathed back. “They’ve got some sort of history, but I don’t know what.” 
Dick only nodded and looked back at Juliet, who was becoming more and more despondent by the second. He decided to rescue her. 
“Did you two need something?” he asked, so the group could hear. 
“Juliet was wondering if she could be present at the briefing in order to cover the patrol tonight,” Melanie said, eyes darting between Speirs and Dick. 
“No,” Speirs said shortly. 
“Please don’t make this personal, Ron,” Juliet sighed. “My editor is really counting on me getting a story out here, and -”
“Well, she fucked up, Jules, she trusted you!” he snapped. 
Juliet blinked, taken aback and wounded by the biting reply. Melanie got the distinct feeling Speirs was not talking about the story when it came to a breach of trust. Her mind was swirling with questions now. How did Juliet and Speirs know each other? What had happened to make him hate her so much? And could it be fixed?
Speirs took a deep breath and let it go slowly, his shoulders relaxing as he exhaled. He looked at Juliet again. “Your mother, is she feeling alright?”
“Mhm,” Juliet said with a nod. “Yeah, much better.”
“Good,” he replied. 
With that, he walked off. Melanie was completely bewildered. Speirs seemed like he was about ready to spit at Juliet, but then he asked about her mother? It was all so odd and complex. Dick watched Speirs’ disappearing form. 
Melanie had a horrifying thought as she watched Speirs depart and Juliet’s expression sink. When two people miscommunicated, and things shifted between them, the relationship could easily come to a devastating and tragic end. Melanie examined the change in her and Dick’s relationship since Terry assaulted her. If she couldn’t find the courage to share with him, would they become like Juliet and Speirs? All hurt feelings and unsaid intentions? What would happen to them if she gave into her fears and didn’t trust him with her heart?
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Ignorance is Blitzed (Part Two)
Ron Speirs x Reader
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When you come into contact with some substance that makes you sick while on a routine building search, Ron realizes he may not be as emotionally detached as he’d thought initally thought.
WARNINGS: Some overthinking handsome deathwish prince, some potty words, he makes you nakey but it’s to save your life so NOT SMUT YET KIDS BUT SOON
The shot the doc had given you only confirmed what the SS prisoner had tried to communicate to Bull in broken English- the nazi’s were giving their footsoldiers amphetamines as stimulants and aggression boosters.
Ron supposed that he should feel some comfort in that- that it hadn’t truly been poison or some aneurysm of some kind that had left you this trembling and sick mess on the mattress before them.
But you still were hurting, still sick and trembling and miserable despite Doc insisting that the drugs he’d given you ensured that you weren’t in any discomfort. He knew better than to fully believe that- sure, you may not be getting violently ill at his feet anymore, but that didn’t mean you were anywhere near okay.
When you’d stumbled from the building he’d thought at first you were drunk, your steps staggering and your knees buckling like some crumpling marionette. He didn’t think he’d ever seen you so pale, and the haunted, terrified look on your face made his heart turn to stone in his chest when he’d caught it. 
He may not have known you and been your friend as long as Bull or Nix or Grant or even that squirrelly kid Christenson, but the idea of something taking you away from the world had become unacceptable somewhere between New York and Normandy. 
Your friendliness with Grant and Nix had brought you existence out of Ron’s peripheral and into his direct line of sight, and when you’d masterfully articulated the most effective way to refit the Allies-issued rifle with stolen parts from the German’s more advanced weaponry, you’d made it clear that you were not to be looked over just because you were easy on the eyes.
Which you were, and as much as Ron hated to admit it he had caught himself admiring you from across a classroom a time or ten while in Georgia. He just was better at hiding it than all of the other idiots who you would catch gaping at you.
You were easy to like, even for someone as prickly as Ron knew himself to be- strong and sincere and friendly and so fiercely loyal to the group of idiots you affectionately called ‘your boys’ that, even when he actively tried to dislike you, he couldn’t seem to manage it.
Not that he’d ever told you as much. Obviously. That wouldn’t do.
Or, it wouldn’t have done— to be more accurate.
Until now, he was fine with your strange friendship of comfortable silences and shared looks of reassurance and private jokes followed by even more private grins. You just seemed to fit, not like you’d filled a missing space, but more like you just seemed to...complement him.
And he was content to just remain that way— a dark and brooding shadow to your beautiful, blinding light. 
But now, having had a taste of what it would feel like to have your brilliant light nearly snuffed out? He felt ….threatened, something you had once teased was the most dangerous weapon the battalion had at its disposal. 
“God help the son of a bitch who ever cuts you off in traffic, Ron Speirs. If science can ever figure out what makes you tick, they should bottle it and sell it for profit….”
The memory seemed horribly ironic now.
You, you’re what makes me tick.
Even as you’d laid there shaking like a leaf, he’d been unable to see you as anything other than beautiful- a wounded Nike in army green.
Well, you had been in green— after about an hour of rest you’d sweat through your jumpsuit and in order to cool you off Ron and Roe had had to cut your layers away until you were left in your sweat-soaked undershirt and underpants. 
Of course, the perspiration on your skin had instantly cooled and sent you into a violent fit of shivers that only ceased after Ron got sick of watching you suffer and he’d forced the young man to help him carry you to the closest source of hot water and clumsily held you in a warm bath until your shivering subsided to an occasional twitch of your hand or foot.
Ron had never sat in a bathtub with another person before, but he figured that if he were going to it, it may as well have been for you. 
Your head had been heavy on his shoulder has he’d held you against him, the only sign of your wakefulness being your occasional grumble of Is it raining? or if you’re going to kill me just do it already or Ron I’m sorry I fucked up.
Roe had said nothing about how Ron rocked you in his arms whenever you tensed or shivered, nor did the medic seem to give off the impression that he found your symptoms surprising for someone in your situation, which filled Ron with relief.
“Y/n’s body hasn’t come into contact with methamphetamine before, if i had to guess. A lot of what we saw was her body doing what it’s supposed to do in order to get it out of her system….doesn’t look good, but it all this means everything’s doing exactly what it’s meant to….”
At least you weren’t dying. 
Each day that passed brought them one day closer to going home, closer to getting to go home where he didn’t have to worry about his friends and brothers getting killed the moment he let his guard down. Ron wasn’t sure if he believed in destiny, but he’d decided long ago that you and he were going to survive this whether you wanted to or not.
You were fucking with his plans, getting yourself hurt like this.
If he didn’t know how badly you were going to beat yourself up about making such a mistake, he probably would've been angrier about the whole thing.
But here, now? Ron couldn’t find it in himself to feel anger, not for you.
Never for you.
Roe had left him to watch you after your temperature had stabilized and the two of them had dressed you in some of Bull Randleman’s cleanest boxers and undershirt. You’d only stirred a few times since the initial injection and when you did Roe had made it clear that you were to be hydrated.
So there you were, back on the lumpy mattress in between Ron’s legs with your back against his chest, sipping from his water canteen while you apologized for maybe the hundredth time for something that wasn’t your fault (and even if it had been, he wouldn’t have blamed you for).
He watched you with soft eyes as you lowered the canteen and took a deep breath, another wave of something unpleasant washing over you that he couldn’t see, couldn’t ease for you.
“Do you need to get sick?” he asks quietly, but you’re shaking your head before he can finish.
“No, no. Just dizzy.”
Your tired gaze finds his face over your shoulder and you seem to study him for a moment, chapped lips parting a few times as if you want to say something, but the words seem to die on your tongue.
He lets your eyes trail over his face, taking a moment to take in your closeness as well.
“They’re gonna think we’re sleeping together.”
Your words surprise him, the amount of apology in your tone making his chest ache. You sigh again, looking at his canteen in your hands and working your jaw.
“The replacements, no matter what company…..they said it about Nix in Toccoa and Bull and Grant since Normandy. It’s….I’ve gotten used to it, but—”
“Let them.”
You freeze at that, and when he whispers your name he swears he’s never seen you look so shy.
Ah hell, he’d done stupider things than tell a girl he liked her. 
And if anyone deserved his honesty, it was you.
He shrugged casually, taking the canteen from your hands and leaning over to set it on the floor. The action brought his face closer to yours, and when you didn’t flinch away or look unhappy he gave you a look he knew you’d be able to see as genuine, even if to anyone else his stern expression hadn’t changed.
You look as if you’re about to argue more, but with one more look at him you nod slightly.
He’s not sure what you’re nodding for,and he isn’t sure that you know either, but it feels as if you’re agreeing to something he’d been hoping you’d say yes to.
“I’m scared I won’t wake up.” you admit quietly, and when he pulls you back against him you follow so beautifully he almost kisses you. Almost.
He settles for tucking your head under his chin, and when you relax against him he feels privileged. 
“I won’t let that happen. You’ll wake up—”
“Why?” you ask softly, and Ron hopes that this is the final wave of exhaustion your body has to endure. 
He knows you aren’t just asking about why he won’t let you die in your sleep, and he has to think for a moment before finally the answer comes to him as easy as breathing.
“Because, I just do.”
You fall asleep shortly after that, your fingers laced with his in a light hold that he was reluctant to break.
 When Bull and the Doc come by a few minutes later, they find the two of you curled around each other like ivy and both sound asleep.
The two men stare at the scene before them for a few moments before Roe makes a sound of surprise in the back of his throat. “Well, I’ll be….I didn’t necessarily see this coming.”
Bull barks a laugh, too relieved that you’re looking so much better to share the man’s stunned awe. With an approving nod, he nudges Eugene with his shoulder.
“C’mon, Doc. Let’s let em have an hour, unless you wanna be the one to wake up Sparky over there and let him know you approve—?”
Roe is out of the room before Bull can finish the offer, and with a grin the large man pops his cigar between his teeth,
“Good for you, kiddo.” he says under his breath, a grin on his face as he quietly shuts the door behind him.
An hour wouldn’t hurt.
TAGLIST: @itswormtrain 
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echo-three-one · 3 years
Whatever It Takes
It's Task Force 141's first mission after gathering intel about the whereabouts of Samantha Coleman. Gary and the rest of the team proceed to briefing and would probably head straight to their rescue mission. Do these mini summaries even make sense? Find out soon.
Chapter 3 to another story made by Ray (echo-three-one) Comments and Reviews appreciated! I hope you enjoy! Love you all ❤️
Previous Chapter : Soap - F.N.G.
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"Run Through the Jungle"
Gary "Roach" Sanderson
Task Force 141
Task Force 141 - Mess Hall
Gary was almost done with his raccoon story when the PA system alerted them of an immediate briefing. Simon nodded to him and got up making his way to the briefing room. Gary also noticed the rest of his squad from earlier walk to the door, and was France crying on Alex? Much to his curiosity, he went to John who was still sitting by the chair.
"Anything you want to tell me, Soap?" he asked, patting his comrade's shoulder. 
"Bugger off, mate. Let's just go to the meeting." he replied, Roach couldn't tell if he was sad or disappointed or mad, but it may have something to deal with France crying.
"Whatever mate. I'm always here if you want to talk it out." he assured, and he was in fact true. It's been a month since the Task Force was created and Gary was the team's therapist, everybody's friend and ally no matter what. He always felt that he could feel everyone's emotions and believes he could be a sponge for someone who's unable to deal with the trauma. Ghost was one of his customers, he had a lot to deal with and Gary was always there for him.
"Few hours ago, our informants intercepted with a group of armed men on a safehouse near the borders of Germany. They told us that there was a man named Augustus who happens to be our step closer to Nero." Gary took note of the information General Shepherd relayed, his scribbles became faster as the General continued.
"We also received word that our hostage, Samantha Coleman is with them in one of these houses. We have to proceed with caution as this area may be rigged with traps or surrounded with tangos." he added.
"As for rules of engagement, fire only when fired upon. This is a local settlement and civilians may be anywhere. We don't want to create unnecessary civilian casualties just to retrieve a single person." he instructed. Gary took a quick survey of the room, everyone looked at the screen intently, he could see MacTavish's eyebrows furrowed in anger, France's eyes were downright sad and Alex, despite being a CIA agent, actually looked worried.
"As for assignments, I'll let your captain take the floor." Shepherd concluded and exited the area, Price then stepped forward and began briefing.
The silent chirping of the crickets echoed from the nearby forest. Gary took a cold exhale and leaned on the railings just outside their quarters. 
"Big day tomorrow, huh?" Ghost surprised Roach as he spoke.
"Yeah, it's been a long time since I spotted, but I still know the basics." Gary answered. He and Ghost were assigned for sniper support a few clicks away from the Alpha Team lead by Alex and the Bravo Team lead by Captain Price.
"Your math is good and fast?" Ghost asked, chuckling at the question. Gary inhaled before he answered the question.
"Yeah. Try me." he dared, glancing at the masked man.
"Suppose there's a target about 516 meters far, the wind is one half value." Ghost planned out the situation. Gary's gears started turning as he scratched his freshly shaven chin.
"Five degrees. Descending." he muttered. Ghost thought about it and agreed.
"Yeah. Your math is still on point." he mused laughing at him.
"What do you think Nero is up to? I mean it all doesn't add up. And what's with erasing memories?" Gary flooded the man with questions. Simon just pondered without saying any words.
"I dunno mate. I'm as baffled as you are." he replied, waving to Alex and France who were out on a late night walk.
"Say Gary, what's the deal with the new girl? One minute she looks tough as nuts then the second Soap comes in she's fucking crying?" Ghost rambled. Gary could feel a hint of jealousy but not entirely. It's as if he's mad and jealous at the same time.
"Well, we were too far from their table and I couldn't hear anything. Maybe they had an argument while Soap was out with her on the training room?" Gary speculated, he saw Simon's fists clench as he left his side.
"Eh. Not that I care anyway. Get some rest, spotter. Big day tomorrow." he remarked and went to his room.
"Yeah yeah." he replied waving at the two walking around the oval. They both waved back and Gary yelled good night to them before entering the quarters himself.
Gary plopped on his bed and closed his eyes. He was actually nervous enough that he could hear his own heartbeat, he took deep breaths and lulled himself to sleep. He wanted to see to it that they save the hostage tomorrow and a perfect sleep is what he could contribute right now.
Gary hated the ghillie suits. It was heavy, uncomfortable and animals sometimes land on you, but it does the job well. Treading the dense forestry just above the safehouse, Gary and Simon head out to look for a perfect spot.
"This one's got a view of the houses." Ghost whispered, signaling Roach to move forward.
"This is Echo Three One, we've cleared the two houses on the right, all empty. Over." Alex reported over their comms.
"Bravo Six copies that and the two houses here are also clear." Price reported.
"Looks like it's going to be the one on the far side." Soap concluded.
"I've got eyes on the safehouse. There's no activity on all windows. Proceed with caution." Ghost reported.
"Rog." Price replied.
"Copy that, eye in the sky." Alex replied.
Gary put out his spotting scope and placed his eye behind the lens.
"I've got my eyes on them, Ghosty. Alpha Team is on its way." he whispered.
Ghost rolled some knobs on his sniper making a soft clicking sound as he spins it.
"Don't call me that, Bug. I have eyes on Bravo Team. Still no movement from the safehouse." 
"This is Alpha Team, approaching the left side of the safehouse."
"Bravo Team is Oscar Mike as well."
"Roach, did you see that?" Ghost whispered.
"Yeah. The winds are shifting." Gary noted, sticking out a tool that detects wind speed.
"Three Fourths value at 400 meters. 15 miles per hour. Adjust to 15.3" he informed, calculating on Ghosts still shoulder with a pen. Decimals are too dangerous to calculate mentally. Ghost's sniper clicked once again to adjust with the wind, he took a deep breath and his targets stabilized once again.
Leaves rustled behind them, Roach quickly held on his rifle and slowly turned back to check if it was an animal. Nothing, but before turning back on his scope, he saw a black figure from the corner of his eye.
"Bollocks. We've got movement on our Six." Roach reported. 
"Remember our ROE, Roach. Fire only when fired upon." Price reminded.
"I'll take care of it from here. You go check on that." Ghost said as he turned back to his scope.
"Roger that. Be safe." Roach quickly ran to the direction if the rustling.
He couldn't make out much of the figure, but he was sure enough it was human. He tried to look for areas where the leaves were disturbed but with the wind picking up, he was clueless. Then there it was again, movement. He quickly dashed to it's direction, not wanting to get lost again. His boots slapped the fresh soil as he made his wauy to a clearing.
'Left, right then left by the rocks.' Gary mentally noted his each turn so he could easily remember but when he's chasing someone whom he felt like it doesn't know where it goes, then it's a whole different story.  
Gary was alone in the windy forest, in pursuit of a person who's out on the woods at five in the morning. He wanted to go back but there's something that bothered him and convinced him to keep chasing it.
"Roach, you okay? They're almost in the safehouse." Ghost pointed out.
"Yeah haaaah… I'm still haaaah… hot on its trail." Gary panted. He suddenly turned when he heard a yelp.
"It's a girl. It might be our hostage." he radioed and followed the direction of the sound.
Soft sobs and English curse words could be heard from where Gary emerged. This alerted the injured female and she plead at the British solider.
"Please. I'm not an enemy. I'm I'm- I don't know who I am or where I am… Please. Don't hurt me." She was an American girl, possibly around 20-30 years old and had blonde hair wearing a black tank top and grey sweatpants, there were a few bruises on her arms and she was threatening him with a stick.
"Maam, put down your weapon and calm down. I will not hurt you." he dropped his weapon slowly on the ground stepped forward, his hands both raised.
"Good good. I need help." she whimpered, looking at her sprained ankle.
Gary immediately took his ghillie off and ripped a piece of his sleeves to wrap around the sprain, treating it with something from his medical kit.
"There you go… You're feeling better now? Maam?" Gary accommodated. The unknown blonde nodded in agreement.
"So.. you don't know who you are?" Gary asked.
"All I know is that I'm with another girl, Brunette." she added.
"I located the one out on the woods. She's American but I can't ID her. She's about 20 - 30 years old, short blonde hair." Gary informed.
"Is that Maxine?" Alex and France simultaneously replied over comms.
"Excuse me. Do you go by Maxine?" Gary asked politely. The girl quickly covered her ears and screamed.
"Aaaaaah! My head hurts!" She yelled. Gary was quick enough to cover her mouth as soon as she opened it as to not give away their presence.
"I don't know if that's a yes or a no guys. But that definitely is a reaction." Gary said over the comms. He assisted "Maxine" and lifted her up as he tries to get back to Ghost.
"Thick trees everywhere. Any Idea where you are Ghost?" he asked over the secure radio.
"I'm at the same spot I've been since we got here. Can't you retrace your steps?" he replied.
"I could try." he muttered, carrying an unconscious woman on his shoulders across the jungle.
Next Chapter : Déjà vu
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October 1, 2021
Heather Cox Richardson
For those of you exhausted by this week’s news, you can take a break tonight. Lots of moving pieces are in play, but nothing that would hold a historian to her desk a hundred years from now, so skip this letter with a clean conscience.
For those of you who do want some reflections, I am struck today by the media’s breathless recounting of how the ongoing negotiations over the two infrastructure bills shows that the Democrats are in disarray and President Joe Biden’s agenda is crashing and burning. The New York Times called a delay in the vote on the measures “a humiliating blow to Mr. Biden and Democrats” and wondered if “Biden’s economic agenda could be revived.”
Exactly a year ago, the news reported that Trump adviser Hope Hicks had coronavirus and that she had recently traveled with White House personnel on Air Force One. The stock market dropped 400 points on the news. The previous day had been the infamous presidential debate when Trump yelled and snarled at Biden, while his entourage, including Hicks, refused to wear masks despite a mandate that they must do so. We did not know who else might be infected.
Hours later, we learned that the president and First Lady were both sick, and within hours the president would be hospitalized.
The rest of the news provided a snapshot of the Trump presidency:
•A study of more than 38 million English-language articles about the pandemic between January 1 and May 26 showed that Trump was “likely the largest driver of…Covid-19 misinformation.”
•Trump’s former national security adviser, retired Lt. General H.R. McMaster, told MSNBC that Trump was “aiding and abetting Putin’s efforts” to disrupt the November election.
•We learned that Amy Coney Barrett, Trump’s nominee for the Supreme Court, had not disclosed that in 2006, she signed an anti-abortion ad in the South Bend Tribune. It appeared near another ad from the same organization that called for putting “an end to the barbaric legacy of Roe v. Wade and restore laws that protect the lives of unborn children.”
•A tape leaked of Melania Trump complaining about having to decorate the White House for Christmas—“I’m working… my a** off on the Christmas stuff, that you know, who gives a f*** about the Christmas stuff and decorations?”—and then said of criticism that she was not involved with the children separated from their parents at the southern border: “Give me a f****** break.”
•News broke that Donald Trump, Jr.’s girlfriend, Kimberly Guilfoyle, had left the Fox News Channel after an employee complained of sexual harassment, saying she required the employee to work at her apartment, where she would sometimes be naked, and where she would share inappropriate photos of men and discuss her sexual activities with them. She denied any misconduct, but FNC settled the case against her for $4 million.
•The House of Representatives, controlled by Democrats, passed a $2.2 trillion coronavirus relief measure. No Republicans voted for it.
•Right-wing conspiracy theorists Jacob Wohl and Jack Burkman were charged with four felonies in Michigan for intimidating voters, conspiring to violate election laws, and using a computer to commit a crime.
•Claiming he wanted to prevent “voter fraud,” Republican governor Greg Abbott of Texas limited the number of locations for dropping off mail-in ballots to one site per county. While Republican counties tended to have just one location already, Democratic Harris County, the third largest county in the country, with a population of more than 4.7 million and an area larger than the state of Rhode Island, had previously used 12. Democratic Travis County, which includes Austin, previously had four.
That was one single day in the Trump presidency.
In contrast, today, the Democrats are trying to pass an extremely complicated package, consisting of two major infrastructure bills, backed by different constituencies, that will alter the direction of our country by investing in ordinary Americans and revising the tax code to claw back some of the 2017 tax cuts the Republican Congress gave to corporations and the very wealthy. Although there is no guarantee they will pass, the bills are currently still on track, and all the relevant parties are still at work discussing them, exactly as one would expect.
What is the unusual piece in this process is that the other major American political party—the Republicans—is refusing to participate in the crafting of a major bill that is extremely popular.
This infrastructure package is huge, but it is hardly the only item in Biden’s agenda. In March 2021, the Democrats passed the American Rescue Plan, a $1.9 trillion economic rescue package that has helped the administration produce more jobs in its first six months than any other administration in American history.
Not a single Republican voted for that bill; it passed while they were focusing on the ungendered Potato Head kin and the decision of the Dr. Seuss estate to stop the publication of some of Theodor Geisel’s less popular books.
The economy has recovered in large part because of the Biden administration’s enormous success at distributing the coronavirus vaccines to every American who wanted one.
Republican lawmakers have worked against this process, and today we crossed the unthinkable line of 700,000 officially counted deaths from Covid-19.
Now, the administration has begun to put vaccine mandates into effect, and they are working. Those who insisted they would never get vaccines changed their minds when employers and public venues required them. Today, California governor Gavin Newsom announced that the state will require coronavirus vaccines for school children, along with the ten others it already requires, as soon as the Food and Drug Administration fully approves them for use in children.
Meanwhile, Republican-dominated state legislatures are following through on the voter suppression noted a year ago, passing measures to cut down Democratic voting and install Republican operatives in key election posts before the 2022 election.
As political scientist and foreign relations expert David Rothkopf tweeted: “Are the Dems the ones in disarray when they are crafting specific programs while the GOP offers up only cynical Tweets & obstruction? The only GOP agenda items are voter suppression, defending the worst president in history & when they have power, pushing tax cuts for the rich.”
For my part, I’m not sure what is driving the stories that seem to paint Biden’s work as a lost cause: The recent position that Democrats are hapless? That it’s safer to be negative than positive? That our news cycle demands drama?
Whatever it is, I continue to maintain that the issue right now is not Democrats’ negotiations over the infrastructure bills—regardless of how they turn out—but that Republican lawmakers are actively working to undermine our democracy.
David Rothkopf @djrothkopfThe NYT does it again: "House Delays Vote on Infrastructure Bill as Democrats Feud." On the homepage they call it a "Big Setback for the Biden Agenda." Really? Really? A day? A couple of days? The media is getting this story 100% wrong.
House Delays Vote on Infrastructure Bill as Democrats FeudA liberal revolt left Democrats short of votes, but leaders insisted they would bring up the measure again on Friday, giving them more time to reach a deal on a separate climate and safety net bill.nytimes.com
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October 1st 2021
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