#Interviewer Trolls
zestyatbest · 6 months
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Kid Ritz art! I love them so much, they look like a petri dish
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Here’s progress shots!
Okay I’m sick I’m gonna lay down now
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s3curitybotvess · 4 months
REDRAW of my lovelies that got kinda popular on TikTok
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trollsbroppy · 2 months
Moderator: You know it's Poppy and Branch you know furthering their story their evolution but it's also furthering the story of Justin Timberlake and Anna Kendrick because they played these characters now for you know seven plus years so what was that collaboration for you?
Elizabeth: They're a couple that everyone ships like I think we're all like yes Poppy and Branch and we definitely talked a lot about where we start them and where we end them and
I think that we didn't take them so far and there were definitely versions of the script where you know maybe they ended a little farther than they actually ended up in this version
I love watching them together I love seeing them I love their small moments I love watching these two characters evolve over the movies you know where especially like poppy is a little smarter now. They're not like the arch characters that they were in that first one and I love their love and I think that they're a great couple.
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procrastiel · 2 months
And remember kids, whatever happens, we’ll always have
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hollywoodoutbreak · 7 months
As a movie star, Anna Kendrick may have a great job. But, like many of us, she doesn't always love working. The one surefire way she's found to beat the workweek blues is Poppy. Yes, Kendrick told us that, whenever she's asked to work on another Trolls film, like the new Trolls Band Together, her eyes light up, and she can't wait to get to the studio.
Trolls Band Together is now playing in theaters.
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hey-hey-j · 5 months
Eric Andre talking about John Dory: "he can be a little headstrong and arrogant, but he means well, his heart's in the right place"
me: yeah......... yeAH.......
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godzillachloe · 7 months
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How can you not love her?
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vintageseawitch · 1 year
"excrete fresh humans from their front holes" & "the world's first single-use submarine" are excellent alternatives to the boring terms "childbirth" & "Titanic"
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showmey0urfangs · 1 year
Okay, here's my two cents on this whole thing — if a fic is appropriately tagged, with a clear summary that explains exactly what happens in the story and you don't like it, then just keep scrolling—or maybe adjust your filters to make sure you only get the results you are looking for. We now have over 1000 fics in the IWTV A03 tag so there is no need for you to endure reading something you don't like.
If however, you decide to still proceed and read the entire thing, then that's on you. And if you go even further and take time out of your finite existence to write a comment telling the author how much you hate it and how they should stop writing, then you're a bully and an asshole. PERIOD!
I was so disappointed to see some "big" accounts both on here and IWTV Twitter publicly mocking and disparaging this author and posting a link to their fic for their thousands of followers to go harass this person. Like why?
AO3 is one of the very few platforms where people can post their weirdest and raunchiest stories without fear of censorship or judgment. It is a privilege that was VERY hard won and I for one would like to keep it that way.
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ghostfoolish · 5 months
Are the hoards of loumand shippers who think that Armand did nothing wrong and are gonna have a “rude awakening” in season 2 in the room with us right now?
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carnival-core · 6 months
My Trolls 3 discourse contribution is Velvet and Veneer seemed like early 20s to me but if they Have to be teens they're 18 at youngest they got arrested for tax fraud
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s3curitybotvess · 4 months
Kid Ritz art dump
Mostly his new x his old design lool
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raayllum · 6 months
like in a perfect world 5x08 would have no consequences. finnegrin is dead, giving the spell didn't amount to any tangible harm, rayla's life was saved. callum did dark magic under circumstances that are understandable and sympathetic; the snake rattle is small and already dead. he, genuinely, did what he had to do.
but like, tdp is nothing but "your actions however good intentioned will often have disastrous consequences or not heal everything you wanted them to perfectly": the Show so like.
it's not looking good, particularly given a followup comment from aaron in this interview:
I will say, I'll add one more thing. Another way that the use of him using dark magic we’ll revisit is, do you think he's going to use dark magic again? What are the longterm consequences of that? How does that change him? Does he evolve past beyond the pale of the person [Rayla] knows and trusts or not? What, what does that character development and personal development mean to Callum? Is he going to go down that path or not? And what does that mean to their relationship, trust, friendship, etcetera?
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bamboozled-distress · 5 months
starting mpreg discourse in the comment section of a trolls band together fanart post on Instagram is probably my favourite thing I’ve ever done in my life
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askbrozone · 2 months
Interviewer: Bro Zone! So good to see all back together after twenty years of being apart! How does it feel?
Floyd: nerve wracking but it’s awesome to be together again
Interviewer: I mean this isn’t only just a band reunion, it’s a family reunion-literally!
John Dory: yep, haven’t spoken to each other in 2 decades and now here we are again!
Interviewer: was getting the band back together something you all decided easily or what was the process?
Floyd: Well it was just because of that whole thing going on in mount rageous with the twins, but then you know as the months went on and we hung out more we where all kind of like-man I really missed making music together
Clay: yeah and then Queen Poppy came to us like “hey do you wanna perform for your fans, ? Let them know you’re together again, theres a lot fans here that have been fans since the 90’s” and we couldn’t say no of course and performing again on stage on vacay island was just so, Exhilarating, I had that exact same feeling when we where in mount rageous doing the perfect family harmony, just like “man I’ve really missed this” the energy, the cheering
Interviewer: speaking of the Queen-Branch!
Branch: ha yeah
Interviewer: Cutest couple ever, I mean, pop star and queen of pop? What could be better
Branch: it really is something huh?
Interviewer: did she know at all?
Branch: nope, but to be fair, I didn’t tell anyone at all
Interviewer: you also recently revealed that you’re in another majorly famous boy group, Kismet, and you where the beloved hidden fifth member! How did you manage to keep that a secret?
Branch: honestly, I have no idea, pure luck to be honest
Interviewer: so branch has been out saving the world and being a pop star. What about everyone else? Floyd I know you’ve toured and released some solo music
Floyd: yep! Probably won’t be anything for a bit while we work on our stuff as a group bit hopefully I can find time to get new solo stuff in
Clay: Princess Viva and I where co running a group of pop trolls who hadn’t made it through the tunnels during the escape
Interviewer: so what’s you relationship with the princess?
Clay: announcing it here for the first time by the way-we’re actually engaged
Interviewer: Wow congrats!! So seems like you two have the same type
Branch: haha yeah, took me by surprise when I found out him and viva had been dating
Interviewer: and Bruce-the heartthrob, first to start a family?
Bruce: haha yeah! 15 years together…13 kids
Interviewer: how did you stumble upon the island? I mean it outside of trollstopia right?
Bruce: yeah it’s on an island…i just, walked you know? Just kept walking until I made it to the ocean then I traveled across until I found an island which so happened to be vacay island and I’ve lived there ever since
Interviewer: John Dory-I think besides Clay the least is known about your whereabouts, what have you been up to?
John Dory: living off the grid man-Hiking, surviving the wild
Interviewer: is it weird going from that to this?
John Dory: extremely
Interviewer: I’ve noticed compared to your interviews twenty something years ago, you aren’t speaking as much as back then
John Dory: yeah, I learned that I need to give my brothers a chance to speak instead of speaking for them
Floyd: he’s growing
Interviewer: of course I’ve gotta ask-is there an album in the works? Maybe a tour?
John Dory: no tour yet, we want Floyd healed up 100% but hopefully soon we can
Branch: but we can say we do have something else cooking in the studio, But I can say along with that we will be releasing our song Family that we performed at our reunion show as a proper studio single coming very soon
Interviewer: well I’m super excited and I know all your fans are excited as well-are you guys surprised that your fans from 1993-1999 are still here obsessed
Clay: oh definitely, I thought we would’ve faded out by now but we got to the village and the reaction was insane-and all the fans singing along and cheering for us at the show was wild
Bruce: yes, and we want to say thank you to the fans for never giving up on us even when we gave up on each other
Floyd: we promise to make everyone proud with our new music and the new era of BroZone
Interviewer: well thank you all for taking the time to speak with me today
John Dory: thank you for having us!
Interviewer: and I will be making sure I get tickets to every show
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seirindono · 11 months
You guys have read Papyrus’s interview yet? Great time, bwahaha
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