#It felt sad seeing him without his memories or Emmet
thatonesubwaypenguin · 4 months
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I drew Warden Ingo to commemorate PLA's 2nd Anniversary!! This is a redraw of a screenshot that I took during my playthrough!
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egginfroggin · 6 months
How does Elesa react when Emmet went missing in wtst ? And will the reunion go ?
Honestly, like the rest of the twins' family, the immediate reaction upon being told that Emmet disappeared was most likely a large amount of fear.
There wasn't a body or any signs of a scuffle, so his exact condition is unknown. Emmet might be alive, or he might be dead. Or hurt. Nobody knows, because nobody knows where he is.
So, Elesa was probably terrified, both for Emmet and for how Ingo would handle it. The twins were always the most precious to each other, and she's not only afraid for how Emmet is faring (if he's alive to fare in any way at all), but she's afraid that Ingo will push himself too hard or stagnate entirely, falling down a hole of grief so all-consuming that it damages his mental and physical health.
After that, and especially after the first couple of day passed, dread started to creep in -- she started dreading hearing news that Emmet wasn't alive. Then, from there, she probably started to feel a level of grief -- certainly of longing for her friend, at least.
She missed Emmet terribly. They all did. And the longer she went without news, the less she hoped that they'd find Emmet alive, if they found him at all.
After all, the chances of finding a victim alive decreases severely after the first 48-72 hours. After that, the search is usually less "find the victim and bring them home," and more, "find the remains so the family can have closure."
So, at first, she was terrified, but hopeful. After that, between handling her own fear and sadness, she tried to support Ingo where she could, as well. I wouldn't be surprised if she also felt some amount of anger, though not as much as Iris, because Emmet wouldn't have just abandoned them without a word, which means that he didn't leave willingly -- she can't be mad at him for getting kidnapped, or whatever happened, but sometimes grief manifests itself in ways other than tears and sorrow (like how some people turn to debauchery to mask the pain of loss, trying to drown grief in pleasure; anger is an outlet and a coping mechanism, however healthy or unhealthy it may be).
As for the reunion... I'm not sure. Part of me wants to say that she saw him before he was discharged from the hospital, but at the same time, depending on the state of his memories, she might have stayed away to give him more time to remember and recover.
In that case Emmet is very prepared to see her again, and here is probably a lot of hugging (someone is probably crying, too, honestly).
Honestly, I should just write up the reunions at some point. There's a lot of potential for fluff and such, and I should probably write more fluff to go with the angst, but we'll see.
Thank you for the ask, Anon! I hope that this answered it, and I hope you have a good day. :>
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ihaveatheoryonthat · 2 years
Whumptober Day 26: No One Left Behind
Some number of years ago, Elesa had commented that Emmet and Ingo could enlist a dedicated team of Cinccino to deep clean, and still not be rid of the Joltik infesting their apartment.
They were currently facing a similar conundrum with the remaining missing posters.
Emmet had been happy to get rid of them, seeing no need to linger on that portion of his life, but he’d underestimated just how desperate he’d been back in the thick of things. It seemed like every other time someone went to get something from the closet or shook out a blanket, a wayward bulletin would tumble out, unwilling to be left in the past.
Ironic, considering where their subject had wound up, but after months of finding the fliers at inconvenient times-- which was also a little on the nose-- Emmet was in no mood to humor the metaphor. He knew there was no forgetting what had happened, but it would be nice not to face a reminder every six hours.
Ingo never breathed a word about the posters, but there was something going on there. On more than one occasion, Emmet had glanced over to find his twin staring at his own likeness with a closed off expression, even for him. He refused to walk over and snatch the offending leaflets away, but, whenever he found one himself, was quick to fold it into haphazard fourths before anyone saw.
It was a little strange; trashing the greater portion of them had been cathartic, a definitive end to their function and his isolation, but when it was just one here or there, it was almost sad. There was a time in his life when they’d represented a thread of hope, when he’d scattered them so thoroughly that now it was harder to be rid of them than to find one. With that not-so-distant memory attached, picking one up and throwing it away almost felt like giving up, even though, at worst, Ingo was just a room away.
Even more grating was the knowledge that, even if Emmet succeeded in cleaning them all out, there would be some he didn’t have jurisdiction over; at one point, while weighing the pros and cons of interrupting Ingo’s staring contest with himself, he’d caught his brother shuffle the paper to the back of his document stack, and then deliberately take it to his room. In hindsight, it seemed a sure thing that the other sheets he’d handled thusly met the same fate. Emmet had no earthly idea what reason his twin could have for collecting his missing posters, but, going by his demeanor, it couldn’t be productive.
And then the hangup was all but shoved into his lap.
“How… how many did you make?” Ingo asked, eyes dropping to the block of text.
Trusting that he’d been seen in the peripheral vision, Emmet tossed his hands up and gestured one way and then the other, to the apartment as a whole. When it failed to elicit a response, he dropped them and said, “Only Arceus knows.”
Without looking up from the paper, Ingo raised a hand to knead at the space between his eyes.
“How many variations did you make?” He tried again, a moment later.
That, at least, was a question mortal men could answer. “I believe I was up to six.”
“They would frequently be damaged or tear away. It was prudent to replace them.”
“That explains the quantity,” Ingo said dryly, “Not the content.”
Save for the brief warble of paper, the room lapsed into a heavy silence.
“People began to ignore them.” Emmet admitted after a moment. “They became part of the background. If the pictures changed, people looked. It only made sense to update the information accordingly, as well.”
The hand at Ingo’s forehead dropped to idle at his chin, half obscuring his face for all that that mattered. At one point, he inhaled audibly and moved as though he were about to say something, but didn’t follow through.
Gently, even-toned as always, Emmet asked, “Can you explain what you are thinking right now?”
“I just wish that I was still--” The response was nearly immediate-- hasty and, therefore, unfiltered up to the point where Ingo caught up to himself and snapped his mouth shut.
Well that made sense under the circumstances, didn’t it?
Emmet closed his eyes and took a deep breath, trying to figure out how in the world he could help with this ongoing identity crisis. Before he could formulate an adequate response, though, he was preempted.
“I’m not the person you were looking for.”
“Ingo. That’s not--”
There was the sound of movement and paper warping under a mild breeze. He opened his eyes just in time to see his brother press the sheet to his chest and turn away.
“Memories are ephemeral; if you want to hold onto him, you’ll need something more substantial. I just worry that you’re discarding these prematurely.”
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dark-green-line · 2 years
Etch-a-Sketch Emmet 3
Grabbed more ideas from @manchasama with my greedy little hands. They just wrote a reunion scene and I’m so soft for it. This however is the first steps on their journey to get to Hisui.
They make good time to Castelia City.
Along the way, Elesa watches how Emmet interacts with the world. Once out of the bubble of Nimbasa City, his short term memory seems to have vastly improved, which makes sense. He’s having problems remembering himself, and his life heavily revolves around the city.
The only snag out here is Archeops. When Elesa says they should let out their Pokémon for meals, Emmet reaches for the pokéball on his belt without hesitation. Yet every single time, he says “hello there” like he’s surprised. Like he didn’t know what to expect.
He has no issue with Archeops while taking care of him, but forgets him again as soon as he retreats into his pokéball. It makes Elesa sad, but surprisingly it doesn’t seem to bother Archeops.
He seems happy showing off, getting in close, and reintroducing himself to Emmet each time.
Some things about Emmet stay the same.
Emmet still hides his hands in his sleeves when he’s cold instead of putting them in his pockets. Emmet still walks like a particularly stiff robot sometimes. Emmet still prefers soup over solid food when ‘Cheri’ asks him which he’d rather for dinner that night.
There are many things that are different though- they make her shiver when she thinks about them too long, stark reminders that her best friend is still somewhere else, replaced temporarily by this stranger.
This man does not rock on his heels while talking about pokémon, barely talks about battling at all. Probably forgotten about it.
This man does not make ugly faces at her in retaliation for her puns.
This man does not hold himself with the confidence of someone in power. He doesn’t even hold himself with the confidence of someone comfortable in their own skin. He seems dragged along, incidental in his own adventure.
This man has no light in his eyes. Elesa can’t stand to look him in the face too much. Emmet doesn’t seem to mind.
Befriending your amnesiac best friend
Somewhere between the second night and Emmet asking her for her favorite color, Elesa decides to get to know this Emmet, instead of just looking for similarities and seeing differences. She wants normal Emmet so much, but this Emmet deserves a friend too.
What she learns is that Emmet realizes he’s forgetting things he should know. He can’t remember any farther back than setting out on his journey, but where did he depart from? He’s missing an hour from yesterday- he knows that because he remembers before and after, but there is an unexplainable gap that unsettles him.
Elesa knows what happened. She started talking about Skyla is what happened. It was a mistake, she tried to backtrack, but Emmet hadn’t been able to remember her for an hour.
Emmet opens up bit by bit as the hours roll through. He tells her about how catching sight of his reflection troubles him. He tells her that he dreams about a man he can’t man.
Emmet tells Elesa that he’s glad they ran into each that day. Grateful that she offered her company. Being alone feels so very, verrrry wrong to him.
Elesa doesn’t sleep that night, because he wasn’t telling her at all. He was opening up to “Cheri” and the disconnect felt worse than ever.
In the morning, she decides it’s not different at all. Cheri and Elesa are the same- she isn’t pretending to have a different personality, she still makes pubs that Emmet can’t stand but tolerates anyway, the only thing truly left behind was her loud appreciation of electric types.
He still likes her. He still wants to be her friend. The name doesn’t matter.
She feels better, after that.
By the time they make it to Castelia four days after they set out, Elesa is honestly surprised at how well things are going. There’s been no near death experiences, Emmet hasn’t wandered off on his own, and she’s only had one breakdown!
Ok two breakdowns but she is not equipped to make friends with bugs. At least Venipede is well behaved. She should really name her at some point.
“Well, this is Castelia City, any idea why we’re here?”
“No! This way!”
She convinces him to slow down just a bit, to enjoy the businesses along the road. They treat themselves to Castelia cones even. It becomes clear tho, that Emmet is leading them toward the piers.
For one brief, horrible moment, she pictures Ingo’s body at the bottom of the ocean, kept from the light of day by hungry water types.
A more reasonable answer is that Emmet will get on a boat.
Arceus please let that be what is happening.
Her worries seem to have been completely unjustified, as Emmet does insist that they board a ship.
“To where?”
“…Iiiiii don’t know.” He points in what she thinks is west. (From where they’re standing, it’s almost exactly where Sneasler’s den is, but thousands of miles away and a few hundred years removed neither of them can know that)
“Emmet, lots of places are that way. Unity tower, um, the Alola region, anywhere else if we go far enough.”
“I don’t know. That way.”
She blows out a long breath. She can do this- they’ve scoured Unova already, so she’ll just chart a course to another region somewhere “that way”. Everything is fine.
“I’ll see what boats are leaving tomorrow!”
She leaves him in the pokécenter for a few hours while she screams dramatically at Burgh for a few hours. He even calls Skyla for her half way through a catastrophizing monologue. Elesa thinks her and Emmet’s journey to Alola leading them to fall into a volcano is a justifiable thing to be worried about.
Her friends are not inclined to agree with her.
By the time she needs to head out in order to get a good nights sleep she feels much better. Burgh hugs her goodbye, tells her to make it back in one piece so Skyla won’t kill him for being the last one to see her, and hands her basket full of pecha berries.
“But Venipede can’t be poisoned..?”
“Yeah, they’re for you.”
“…oh, thank you.”
She really must be tired. Her gym always has bowls of cheri berries on hand for when the trainers are a little too staticky for comfort. It’ll be nice to have pecha on hand.
That’s gives her an idea.
“Alright! We are set to board the first ship to Alola, which happinys to be tomorrow!”
She turns to her Venipede, due to evolve any day now with all of the experience the little gal has gotten on the way here. “And you!” Venipede jumps at the attention. “I’m gonna call you Pecha!”
The boat ride to Alola is not as boring as it maybe should have been (but where’s the fun in that?)
The ship is at a standstill. There’s a huge Jellicent blocking the way, and the crew can’t get it to settle down, even with the grass types they keep on board for exactly this purpose.
Elesa has never felt the loss of her team more acutely. She should help, she could help if only she had her team instead of a single whirlipede!
What was thinking?? Going around the world without her aces to back her up? It would be one thing if they were still in Unova, but even if she couldn’t let them out of their pokéballs-
No. That’s exactly why she couldn’t bring them. She’s here for Emmet’s sake. If she brought them with her while with Emmet, they would need to stay in their balls the whole time unless something like this happened. That’s inhumane. It’s not fair to them. She needs to let the ship crew do their jobs.
Except that they can’t seem to get the upper hand. The captain’s Maractus clearly has water absorb, so they aren’t fainting anytime soon. Maractus also clearly has no grass move stronger than giga drain. Perfectly fine to dispatch most water types, but largely ineffective against a special defense monster like Jellicent.
They’re at a stalemate.
Behind her she hears a mutter. So soft she wouldn’t have heard it at all if she wasn’t always listening for the voice muttering.
“We are falling too far behind schedule.”
Concerned, she turns just in time to see Emmet march himself toward the railing. Elesa tries to push her way past the other passengers, but without the intimidating height or presence Emmet has, she only hears Emmet say “I am Emmet. I will fix the delay.”
Elesa makes it to the front of the crowd in time to see Emmet point at Jellicent, then throws out Archeops in a fluid motion.
Elesa doesn’t know what Eemet thinks he’s doing, he can’t remember what pokémon he has let alone their moves and he’s a rock type-
The Jellicent cries in outrage. The…the ghost type falters against the powerful dark move, and when Maractus follow up immediately with another giga drain, the wild pokémon sinks back into the sea.
The crowd cheers. The captain thanks Emmet, but Elesa can see that his smile is automatic. He’s so stiff he looks ready to vibrate out of his skin.
As the crowd clears and the crew ready themselves to continue sailing, Elesa approaches Emmet cautiously.
“Cheri,” he whispers. “How did I know to do that?”
“I don’t know, I mean, that Archeops is pretty strong. You must have battled with him before. Maybe the battle instinct is still there?”
Elesa wishes she could do better. That she could come up with an explanation that made any sense- he’s right, he shouldn’t have known to do that.
Emmet hums. “Verrrry strange. It was like my body moved on its own. I saw that pokémon and I knew I could beat it.”
The two stood in silence for a moment, looking at the water where the Jellicent used to be.
“Well,” Elesa started, “I expect you to do your share of fighting off wild pokémon now.”
For the first time since Ingo disappeared, Emmet’s smile looked entirely genuine.
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volturicangetit · 4 years
A.V/J.V- Loved at last
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Summary: After getting rejected by your imprints, Emmett and Rosalie, you needed a fresh start. So you go to Italy where you meet two interesting vampires. Maybe they can show you what’s it’s like to be loved.
Reqeust: YES/no @rexburn12​  : Where Male Reader Was Banished From La Push For Imprinting On Emmett, and Rosalie They Reject Him Which Almost Kills Him, and Makes Reader Extremely Sad and Reader Moves To Volterra, Italy To Work As A Mechanic. Alec and Jane Smell A Amazing Scent They Follow It To See Their Mate Reader At Home Who Looks Sad Which Makes Them Growl in Anger and It Catches Reader's Attention He Looks At Them, and Imprints On Them Making Him Shocked. Since Imprinting Is A One Time Thing For Shifters.
Warnings: swearing, self hate
Wordcount: 3226
A/N: I’m turning 17 tomorrow ( may 19 )! I can’t really celebrate my birthday but at least I can celebrate it with my parents and siblings. Also I’m born on the same day as Jojo Siwa so that....nice?
Saying that you ' hate yourself ' can't even express the amount of disgust you feel towards yourself. You know that it's something you can't control, something that isn't a choice. But still feel like it's your fault that you imprinted on not one, but two vampires. You didn't even know that it was possible to imprint on something that died decades ago. The fact that they both rejected you didn't help. You knew that they wouldn't love you but you were hoping to at least be friends.
" You fucking what? " Rosalie screams at the top of her dead lungs. You flinch as she takes a step towards you, lowering your head. " They can't control it, " Carlisle tries to reason, but Rosalie and Emmett ignore him. You feel Emmet wrap his hands around you and lift you off the ground. Within a second you're outside of the house where he roughly pushes you onto the ground, right into the mud. You sit there on your hands and knees trying to regain yourself which is very fucking difficult when your covered in mud and getting soaked slowly by the rain pouring down on you. It was like the universe wanted you to suffer even more.
" Did you seriously think that we would accept you? You're a fucking dog. " Rosalie says as she and Emmet are standing on their porch. It's only now that you see the contrast between you all. They're standing dry in their expensive house while you're laying in the mud, which comforts you for some odd reason. You stand up quickly, pushes some of the rain of off your face.
" Please, you know I wouldn't have come here if I could just go without you. ". Your voice cracks at every word. You came here vulnerable and onto the land of your enemies. If Sam knows that you're here, he will rip your head off. Emmett shakes his head but doesn't say anything. He can't bring himself to do so. Sure, he wants to scream at you. To yell some words at you he knows he's going to regret but it's like his mind has shut off. Rosalie, on the other hand, can't stop the words from flowing out. " Go away, you disgusting thing. "
You let yourself slide down the side onto the floor of your shower. The water streaming down onto your already burning skin is way too hot, yet you don't care. You don't deserve nice warm showers. No, you deserve scolding hot showers that makes your skin feel like it's going to fall off. A sob breaks out of your body, causing your shoulder to rumble along with it. You tried so hard to stop yourself from crying. But now you let it all out. Every emotion, every pent up bit of anger, every sad thought. It all comes it whether you want it to or not. Whines and groans come out of your mouth along with the sobs. You know the other pack members can hear you, not just crying, but also through your mental bond. Their voices and questions of concern are being blocked out by you. The only thing you can hear if your own sobbing and a dull ringing in your ears.
You don't know how long you've sat in the shower, but you do know that you're going to have a ridiculously high water bill this month. When you get out of the shower and have gotten dressed in a simple pair of sweat pants and a sweater you catch a glimpse of yourself in the mirror. You stop in your track and stare at your own reflection. Your face seems foreign to you. Your normally gleeful eyes are now puffy and look so sickly that you might as well be dead. Your lips are broken from all the screaming and biting at them you've done. It looks weird to see yourself look so broken, but then again, it is said that rejection by your imprint is sometimes not even survived. " What's going on? ". You jump a little as you quickly turn around to see Paul standing behind you. He's leaning against the doorframe, glancing between you and the mirror. " Nothing, you lie. ".
" Oh, come one. We can hear your thoughts, remember? " he says as he taps his temple with his pointer finger. You nod, still looking down at the ground. When you remain quiet, Paul sighs and pulls you into a hug. You freeze at first. He never hugged you, or anyone for that matter. " Those bloodsuckers rejected you? ". You nod as you bury your face into his chest. You needed this. A hug, to help ground you and get you back to reality. " They don't deserve you, you know? ".
" I think I...I think I need to go away for a while, " you keep your voice soft while you speak to try and keep it from cracking. Paul nods before he lets his chin rest on top of your head. " How about Italy? The weather is a lot better there. I know some people there, " Paul suggests. You pull him closer to you. Italy. Nice, warm Italy. Away from Emmett and Rosalie, away from the pack. It will hurt like shit, but it's the best for you. A fresh start. A normal life. No vampires living right next door, no pack fights, no drama between Jacob, Bella and Edward. Just you and Italy. " Yeah, it sounds nice, "
Two months. Two months without cloudly Forks. It has done you good. Extremely good. You didn't realize how depressed that place made you until you left. The moment you felt the comforting Italian sun hit your skin was the moment you knew you made the right choice. You didn't talk to Paul's friends a lot. You got a place of your own after a couple of weeks, due to how small the town was everyone who was trying to sell their house was practically begging you to buy their house. You picked up your hobby of tinkering again, now using to be a mechanic though. The town needed one so you were happy to oblige. It was refreshing to have new faces around and a new environment. The sadness that once had its grip on your has disappeared, now only present in dark memories.
You pick up an apple that is laying on your kitchen table before making your way out of your house and towards your work. Not many costumers would come in, if at all. A festival is being celebrated in a nearby town. Naturally, almost everyone in the village has gone there to have a party. You didn't want to do that though, be around people and all. Plus this new free time would give you time to catch up with work and make some preparations for the next day. The walk to your work is short, yet you still enjoy it every day. Back in Forks, you hated the sound of the birds singing but here you enjoy it so much. The birds sing a different song here. One of joy instead of sadness.
" Buongiorno, " you say to your coworker as you walk into the store. Your Italian is far from perfect but it's getting better every day. " Come va? " your coworker, Piero, asks. " Bene. And you? ". He just nods at you with a smile before he resumes to fix what looks like a clock. You really couldn't tell though, most things that come to the store for fixing are broken beyond recognition. You sit down at your workspace and take in the mess that is laying before you. You need to clean that, definitely. You have enough time today to do so anyways
Going for a stroll through the city isn't something the twins would normally do but today was an exception. A sudden rainstorm has been hovering over the area, blocking out the sun and allowing them to go outside without fear. That and the fact that most inhabitants of San Cipriano were now in Volterra for the festival. They dressed down, replacing their usual robes with a dress in Jane's case and jeans and a sweater for Alec. They talked about normal things like the new store that just opened up down the block and books they've read. It feels nice to them to feel so normal. Anyone who saw them would think that they are just a brother and sister enjoying the cool afternoon weather and not two vampires who work for the three kings.
" They have this machine that can induce dreams, " Alec says as he tries to explain the plot of ' Inception ' to Jane. She nods as she only half listens to his story, more focussed on watching a group of children play hide and seek on the other side of the road. The two siblings are sitting on a bench right next to the cemetery, ironically enough. " Sounds fascinating, " Janes says.
Alec nods before resuming his explanation. Jane enjoys seeing her brother so happy. They were both way too serious for their age, not having enjoyed their childhood years as they should have. Seeing him so passionate and happy about something surely put a smile on her face. Alec stops his words however when a sudden gust of winds blows a particularly sweet smell towards them. Both siblings look at each other as they inhale the scent. " Apple, " Jane says
" And rust. Delicious, " Alec adds. Jane slowly points towards the direction of your store. Alec nods and stands up from the bench, getting what his sister means. Both twins slowly stroll to your shop, they want to see who this scent is coming from but at the same time are to content to feel any sort of rush.
The sound of a bell ringing notifies you that someone entered the shop. " Un momento! " you call out from the back of the shop. You quickly wipe the oil that has been building up of your hands with a cloth before making your way to the front of the store to help the new costumers out. The moment you lay your eyes on the twins is when the world stops. You'd be lying to say that they aren't beautiful. Every birthmark on their skins seems so perfect that it has had to be placed there by the angels themselves. A sudden rush of adrenaline fills your body. Every detail about them become highlighted. You know this feeling, you know what this means. You didn't think you could imprint again but here you are, imprinting on the twins. Apparently, your wolf seems to have a preference for imprinting on duos. " I...I...Can I.... ". Your mind can't seem to form words at the moment. It's too busy with taking the twins in, to memorise every single thing about them.
The moment your mind starts to get clearer, you can start to smell them. The dry, campfire-like smell that comes of them suddenly starts to make sense. Vampire. Of course, you had to imprint on vampires again. Jane and Alec also caught the hint of dog and forest in your scent, both realizing that they're in deep shit now. They know you're their mate, they didn't need to notify the other on it. The way they both feel this need to protect you and the way your scent has intoxicated them both said enough. " You're our mate, " Jane says softly. Her usually cold and stern voice now sounds honey sweet.
The realisation of the whole situation only seems to be catching up to you now. The whole two months you spent here, trying to rebuild your life and your mental health seems to be for nothing now. They will reject you. Those words seem to float around your head. You shake your head softly, feeling tears pricking up into your eyes. You take a couple of steps back and away from them. " I-I'm sorry. I can't. Not now, " you say before disappearing into the back of the shop and leaving the confused twins behind in the shop.
You can feel your wolf aching under your skin, begging to be let out. You rush out of the store through the backdoor. You chose your place of work strategically, right next to the forest, which you are very thankful for right now. You let your walls down and let the wolf in you come forth. The ache under your skin stops as your shift begins. Within seconds you're in your wolf form. Tall and frightening for most you stand there for a second, looking back at the store before making a run for it and into the forest. You sit there in your own mind, drowning in your own thoughts as the wolf takes control of your body. Normally, you would try to at least have a sliver of self-control, not now, however. Now you want nothing more than to get lost into the woods.
It doesn't feel like your in your own body, it feels like your floating above it. Memories is all your seeing. Rosalie and Emmett screaming at you. The disgusted looks in their eyes and the harsh words them threw at you without a second thought. They'll do the same. You're sure of it. How could a vampire ever love you? How could someone ever love you?
Wet grass brushes against your cheek. The prominent smell of dirt and daisies fills your nose. Slowly, you open your eyes. You're laying on your back, which you only realize now. You stare up at the dark sky above you. The sun is long gone. Now it's replaced by the moon and a thousand stars. It must be later than three a.m. Maybe even later. You should probably move and get inside before you catch a cold but you can't bring yourself to do so. You're to mentally and physically drained from your shift earlier this evening. After regaining yourself, you finally find the strength to get up from the grass. Every bone in your body aches as you stand up for the first time in hours. You stretch a little, getting used to your human form again. Slowly but surely you walk to your front door. The warmth that meets you the moment you open your door falls over you like a blanket. Sudden tiredness washes over you. You let out a jawn as you walk over to your living room, reading to crash on your couch.
Instead of an empty couch, you find two vampires sitting on it, the same there were in the shop earlier. " What are you doing on my house? " you ask. Your body fills with adrenaline again. A warm fuzz fills your brain now that you're around your imprints. " I'm Jane, ". You nod at her statement.
" Cool, and I'm very fucking confused about why you're in my house. ". Both twins laugh a little at your joke. " You got humour in you, alright. " Alec says. You nod, slowly walking a little more towards them. You hate that you're so drawn to them. They like us. You stop in your steps. Why could you hear Jane's thoughts? Is this another part of this weird vampire-imprint thing?
" I'm sure that you have some question, " Alec begins. You cut him off before he can finish his sentence thought. " Yeah like why two members of the Volturi are in my house. ". Both look at you with big eyes, confused as to how you know them. You throw your arms up in the air. " Oh come one, I lived in the same town as the Cullens! You guys came over like every other weekend for Bella and Edward! ".
You sit down on your couch. Letting your elbows rest on your knees so your hands can hold your head up. You let out a deep sigh. Why did this kind of shit always happen to you? " Look, I know you won't want me and that's fine. Just break the news to me, we don't have to tiptoe around it, " you say, just trying to get them to get to the point. Alec's hand is suddenly underneath your chin. He angles your head in a way so that you're looking up at him. " You think we don't want you? ". You nod.
" No, don't ever think that, " Jane says as she sits down beside you. " It's maybe a bit...unusual to have a wolf as a mate but we definitely want you. If you want us. ". You can't help the small smile from spreading onto your face. They want you. They didn't reject you or call you a dog. " Of course I want you, have you seen yourself? You're both hot. ". The twins send each other a smile. Jane gets up from the couch and stands in front of you next to Alec. She holds her hand out for you to grab. " Come home with us. ". You nod at her before grabbing her hand. Finally, you can go to a home where you're loved.
The ringing of the phone seems to go on so long that you're afraid you're calling won't be picked up. You wanted to call home, to tell them how well you're doing. You just hope that someone will pick up. Finally, the call gets picked up. " Hello? " Seth says on the other side of the line. " Seth! " you call out happily. The annoyance in his voice is gone in an instant and replaced by happiness. " Y/n! You called! How are you? ".
" Better than ever, " you say happily, glancing over at Jane and Alec who is standing on the other side of the room talking to Demitri and Felix. You know that they are probably listing along to your call but you don't care. " I'm really good. I um...I imprinted again. ". You wait anxiously for Seth's response. " Really? That's great! Who is it? ".
You and Seth continue to talk for another thirty minutes. Back home things are going great for him and the pack as well. Apparently, Emmett and Rosalie are really sorry but you couldn't care less about them. Not now that you have Jane and Alec. " It was nice to talk to you again. Give my greetings to the rest, yeah? Bye-bye. ". You hang up the call. Within a second, Jane and Alec are standing next to you, both giving you a questioning look.
" He's happy for me. Really happy, " you say with a bright smile on your face. Alec grabs your hand and gives you a kiss on top of your knuckles. " See, I know he would be. ". You nod at his comment. You stand there for a moment before pulling both the twins in for a hug. They wrap their arms around you. Sure, it's a little awkward to hug with three people, but it's comforting at the same time. You take in their scent. At first, you hated the smell of vampire but now it smells like home. You feel happy, truly and utterly happy. Maybe someone could love you after all.
@scuzmunkie​ @thanossexual​ @prettyinblack231​
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