#JM Dear.Army
kanmom51 · 1 year
Dear. Army
I went to bed last night thinking that we won't be getting anything substantial on 7/6 even though we had a calendar showing us this:
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Only to wake up this morning to discover this was uploaded to Weverse at 10pm KST on 7.6.23 (and an hour later to YT).
Where do I start?
By saying how amazing JM is, how much I love him and his voice and this song.
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This man is an angel pure and simple.
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What did I notice?
First of all the big ass miss out by releasing it at 10 pm KST and not 10:13 pm. All it took was a little more thought put into it. Just a little more.
Well, the next most obvious is of course the absence of a certain Jeon Jungkook in person, performing this song together with JM.
And why do I say in person?
Because even though every other single background sound and vocal was wiped from this performance, JK's background vocals, although subdued, were still there.
Do I admit that I am disappointed?
Fuck yeah.
I'm not only disappointed, I'm actually furious. Not at JM. Not at JK. But at the friggin company that isn't allowing those two to be in one frame, and has been doing this for months now.
And if you pipe up and say: "well that's not true, we've seen them in content together", stop for one second and think about what you are saying, what content that was. Ot7 content (no choice they are all there - and when they were, thinking of the last BTB JM was as loud as fuck, can't help but wonder why - or not) and JM's dance practice BTB, in which we got to see less than a minute of JK at JM's SMF pt. 2 practice. And about that one: first of all, we probably wouldn't have gotten to see that one if not for JM and JK's interaction in JM's live mentioning JK came to see him practicing, and second of all, go have a lookie what was shown to us in that BTB (we don't even get to see JK arriving to the practice - perhaps not to show us not JM's reaction to him arriving nor just how long he stayed there) and compare it to the Like crazy MV BTB and Jhope visiting JM.
And I'm sure I said this before, how stupid this all is, when it's as clear as day (well, thank god for JK and his rebellious streak) that these two are as close as can be. Couple or not. So wtf is the company so scared of? At this point, with everything that JK has been doing in the past few months (and it's not only JK, JM is part of it too of course, but admittedly JK is just not giving a fuck anymore, while JM is doing what he can within his own respectful and very intelligent way) it's bloody ridiculous not having them in content together.
You may think I'm over reacting here, but this is a long time coming, this angry rant of mine. And this here, as expected as it was, it pushed me over the line.
Like I said, It's not like I didn't see this coming. I knew in my heart that they will do this. Try to nullify Letter's importance to JM and JK. Whitewash it as a song for army. But somewhere, somehow, I still had some hope. Well, that one was a bust. And I guess knowing it's coming doesn't change that ache in the gut once it actually does come.
I ask myself, would it have been too obvious in their books? JM and JK singing this together? But why? If it's an innocent letter to army? A token of JM's love for army?
I guess we all know the answer to that.
So, then I am sitting here and thinking about what I said about JM.
How intelligent he is. How he does things within the 'allowed' limitations but still gets the message through.
He did it with the song's name for starters. It's not "Dear Army", which would make it addressed to army, it's "Dear. Army". By adding the period between the Dear and the Army, you literally have him addressing 2: Dear (which we know exactly who that is) and Army.
We have said this over and over again. This song is a song for JK disguised as a song for army. Dear does come first out of the two after all, lol. No, but this is just how things have to be, as long as they remain closeted, and that is totally understandable. This is how JM is telling us all what his feelings are for JK. He's telling JK and us. I know that there are those who believe that the song is talking to us in some parts and to JK in others. I'm not one of them. I believe this whole song (and the original lyrics say it all in my opinion) is addressed to JK. He is Dear. He is the one the Letter was written to. But in saying that, it was given as a gift to us. JM is allowing us to see what they mean to each other. And a gift that certainly is.
I also think about the fact that JM in this performance stripped the song down. No wave sounds. No harmonica. None of his own background vocals. The guitar, it's not him playing (unlike in the actual recorded song). All making it a little less personal perhaps (while singing it to army for Festa). But then, he made sure to leave one thing, and that's JK's background vocals, as soft as they may be, they are still there.
2 things I get from that (and yes, this is art and it's open to interpretation):
First of all, he's stripped the song of it's intimate setting (settings that were him and JK and what was between them).
Second of all, he left JK's vocals in but softer. JK isn't there with him, but JM is still telling us that JK is an inseparable part of this song. That the song can still exist without the waves and the harmonica and his own background vocals, but not without JK. JM even goes quiet at one point during that verse so we can hear JK's vocals clearer.
Maybe that's me being over melodramatic here, but that's what I feel at the moment.
Did you notice how JM doesn't look once at the camera, at us, while singing the song? Not once. The first and only time he looks at the camera, at us, and smiles, is when the song ends.
You know why?
Cause the man, he ain't singing that song to us. He's singing it for us to hear, but we aren't the recipients.
Oh, and did you see the smile on his face once he starts the verse with "baby", yes, that same verse where JK joins in?
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I'm sorry, but you can even hear the smile in his voice as he's singing "baby"...
I apologize that this post isn't all filled with joy and gratitude that we got to see JM performing Letter (Dear. Army). But I have always been honest with you guys, and that is not going to change.
Don't get me wrong. I'm over the moon that we got to hear JM sing this live.
But I'm also sad.
I'm sad because I know how important this song is to both JM and JK. I know that JK would have joined JM in a heartbeat if only given a chance to, or more so, if allowed to. There is no way under the sun that JK was given the chance and declined. NO WAY. So there you have it.
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seoul-bros · 1 year
Park Jimin: International Man of Mystery
"They seek him here, they seek him there.." but where is Jimin and where will he be in 24 hours - Paris or Seoul?
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Let's look at the facts. The last time we saw him was his live on the 15th June so a week ago, at least by UK time. He was bubbling over with excitement that day. Super happy, super ready to spend quality time with ARMY. He even put us in his pocket.
Twitter Link
Then there were a series of messages on Weverse including this one that had the jikook maths bods mathing like crazy and then........
nothing, nada, 무.
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Okay that's not quite true. We did get a recording for the festa 2023 event on the 17th and he posted on Weverse hoping the 400,000 people visiting the park would get home safely.
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Then yesterday the guitarist that performed Dear.ARMY with Jimin posted on Instagram and we got another glimpse of our cutie.
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Finally, JM posts his invitation to the Dior Show in Paris tomorrow (those flowers are stunning by the way).
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Well that show happens in just under 19 hours and the flight takes a similar time so unless Jimin really did manage to skip under the radar and take a private jet to Paris in the last week it seems unlikely we will see him there.
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On another note, JK arrived back in Seoul today. So could it be that we will indeed get everyone attending at least one of the Agust D concerts this weekend. I know, based on the last six to eight months, most people aren't very hopeful of seeing jikook together before enlistment but I can't help thinking it would be nice seeing everyone out supporting Suga as he wraps up his tour.
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Ending on a song as usual with The Kinks who also appeared in Jimin's Like Crazy MV. "They seek him here, they seek him there, In Regents Street and Leicester Square, Everywhere the Carnabetian army marches on, Each one a dedicated follower of fashion"
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Post Date: 22/06/2023
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The sub title of LETTER registered in komca is "DEAR ARMY".
Anon, should I just give you a name since we are getting so acquainted here?
Are you really Jimin's fan? Because then you would know that Jimin is fuckin brilliant and is always steps ahead.
So yes, let's go to KOMCA.
If we look at other songs by Jimin, he always uses the same subtitle as the title, and he never uses extra periods and whatnot.
Some examples:
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Now, for Letter, the subtitle is:
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Uh, weird. Why would he put a period for a phrase that should go together. If Letter is for us, his dear army, it should read "Dear Army".
By putting a period in between the words, he is creating 2 phrases, and I'm not making this up. It's just how periods work lol
So it's for "Dear" and for "Army" then because of the period.
His dear. His dangsin... you following?
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Yeah, that's not us. We are just army.
But you know who has dangsin-ed Jimin before?
It's clear now, right?
Dear and Army are not the same person.
Army is just a disguise.
This is all in my previous posts ☺
Let's listen to Letter one more time, yes? To really cement all that we've gone over.
Pay special attention to 2:50, where Jimin starts with "Baby..", that's when it gets really good!!
Thank you for your ask, anon.
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
Art is such a powerful thing man. I swear. Letter is the proof. Jimin is literally screaming his soul and heart out while singing in our headphones, and so many people pretend that he wrote that song just for them. I would have loved to know that such a beautiful song was made for me, for us, but it was not. And what I love the most about it, is that nothing is certain. Jimin always leaves us the benefit of the doubt. He needs that doubt himself in order to protect his relationship. That “dear.army” is not for everyone. If you want to see it, you will, and you’ll be able to read between the lines, to see that full stop that changes everyting. If you don’t want to, you’ll read it all together. And pretend that mark is not there. The same goes for the lyrics. “We don’t know what days await us”, “we’re afraid”, “the fun moments between you and me” and so many others. All these sentences can refer to armys, sure. I mean, if you really strain it… yes, they can. And that’s why Jimin is so smart. Their bond is special, it’s a literal gift that makes them able to turn off the lights of cameras , of telephones, of the internet and the whole industry, and enjoy themselves, just the two of them, in their little world. “They’re not close anymore like they used to be”: yes they are. What some people don’t get is that the “loudness” is still there, but in a different form. It’s in Jk’s eyes, in Jm’s smile when he sings letter. In their little moments together that we’ll never know about unless they tell us about it. They’re probably kissing, eating together, dancing together, sleeping. Maybe fighting too. And Jimin is never going to tell you “yes, that song is for the love of my life”. Forget that. But he can say anything else in his songs, and only people who are able to appreciate their bond will see it. Others won’t, and those people are the same that will never understand how deep the love between Jikook is. I can’t imagine how much hard it was for them to always hold back their feelings, to try to hide them so bad. To always be careful with words, actions, touches. I think they’re just learning to live their love in private, because the needing to tell the world that they’re in love must have faded with time. A part of them will always desire to share it with the world and the public, I think, but they must have realized that what they need is their other half. No external validation, no spotlight. Sadly, sharing it would wear this love out, because not everyone would get its preciousness. JM and JK still don’t know what awaits them, but they live with this only certainty: that they love each other. And this is scary. This is nothing and everything, if you think about it. Everything that they have it’s them. They never had certainties unless their love. But they’re together, and fear will be overcomed by both, as they always did. As those two young and unprepared kids did, growing up together. I have so much to say but I already wrote a lot. Sorry. I just wish them the best, and I hope that one day this love will be set free from judgment, doubts, hate, and from distracted eyes that can’t notice its pureness.
Jimin’s live performance of Letter is so good!
Damn. You're tearing my heart up. This is just
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Gonna go cry now 😭
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moonsunlovers · 7 months
Hi ! I read your blog and really admire your observation skills. I want to bring your attention to some things I personally observed
1) During JK's live where he listened to letter. So he was playing songs from YT, right? And he searched up "지민"(Jimin) in the searchbar and scrolled down on recommended searches ("Jimin- jaman- jimin") till he found " 지민 pyeonji" or " 지민 편지" which weverse translated to dear.ARMY. Now if you search "지민 편지" on YT, the 3rd video that pops up is the FMV made by elisssa which is a beautiful Jikook compilation with thumbnail of Jimin piggybacking on Jungkook after a show. When he scrolled down, he saw the thumbnail and smiled at 0:10. (https://youtu.be/OM2EH_VKxW4?si=_mbBZqLzVxdztL7Z). I am absolutely sure this was the reason for his smile. Finally, the video he ended up playing was the lyric video that shows up 2nd for the search. He didn't play the Dear.army live clip as many claim. I know this because I pay attention to music and the one he listened to didn't have acoustic instrumentals like in the live clip. He reacted to the original song.
So my conclusions are:
Jungkook now knows that there are jikook FMV/compilations to letter with above 500k views. And his reaction was just a cute smile. Infact i have never seen jm and jk mind their ship or mentions of the ship.
He didn't play the live clip for whatever reason but maybe because it was too much for him to watch the live version? especially after crying about army's songs? He was in an emotional state after all.
2) The JK bday post made by JM on Instagram. I'll just say it- Jimin's pants are sketched. Badly. With a phone editor. While JK's pants/trousers are clearly visible with cloth texture and everything, Jimin's are just plain dark , 2D, with a wobbly waistband. Lol. Even if you change image settings, nothing changes. As someone with decent amount of photo editing knowledge, i am 100% sure of this. Reminds me of the jkk selfie from that exhibition where Jimin's black shirt was clearly sketched. So what do we do with this info? Lol. Maybe jm was in underwear. Yes.
I will never say with 100% confidence that jikook are absolutely dating but their bond is definitely for the history books. Have a good day/night.
Hello dear. Thank you for passing by my blog leaving such an interesting ask and also the little compliment you made me, I appreciate it so much. I have been looking in detail at the things you’ve pointed out and my observations about them are the following:
1) The video search. I have to say that I’ve search “지민 편지” from different accounts and the video edit you said doesn’t appeared in the first ones. Maybe it’s because now there’re trendier ones but you have to scroll down to see that specific video. It’s possible that Jungkook saw it that day or maybe he saw something else that made him smile like that. Maybe he was just smiling at Jimin in the thumbnails of almost all of the videos or he was remembering a fond moment. Whatever it was I’m sure it was Jimin related and was a really sweet gesture. You can see the man melting looking at him in the screen.
About Jungkook having knowledge of this kind of content I think we can be sure that he knows about it pretty well. I mean he watched a video of bts teasing Jimin, is obvious that he has been watching compilations in YouTube and is almost impossible to not cross by to one of this type. The same goes in twitter, Instagram and tiktok. The boys must know everything we’re into as a fandom so I wouldn’t be surprise if they had searched for fanarts and other stuff before. Jimin and Jungkook don’t seem bothered by fans shipping them together in general, at least they haven’t expressed themselves like Tae has done with taekookers so probably they are okey with it. Although I have to say that I feel like Jimin is trying to keep it low this year and doesn’t want to talk about Jk that much and the things that they have going on for some reason. Maybe it’s because the military service is approaching, maybe is because of the breaking into his apartment and his private life… I can not tell the motives behind this decision but I think is pretty obvious that he has been protecting his private life with more tenacity than before, and that includes Jungkook, and that decision alone speaks volumes.
2) The birthday photo. I have to say that I didn’t notice this and is pretty interesting!! You have an amazing eye for the detail anon!!! I’m not sure if only the top part of the pants are drawn or the whole thing. Maybe he was trying to hide his underwear showing or he was plainly in something more compromising. Maybe we’ll see the behind the scenes of this photo in the program that Jikook has recorded, who knows. Whatever it is I’m sure Jimin is comfortable enough to be just in underwear in front of Jungkook, I mean, we know that he usually goes naked at home and this guys have been living together for half their lives. And if we want to be more delusional, we know that in their Tokio trip the bathroom of their room had a huge window. So, yeah, no privacy whatsoever for Jikook.
On the other hand, being more objective, what makes me think that maybe he was just on his swimming trunks and there’s no reason to panic is because obviously there was other people with them, somebody else took the photo for them so probably the staff was there too, I don’t think they would be in underwear or something “compromising” if other people were around.
Although my answer wasn’t maybe what you were waiting for Anon I hope you continue to send me this type of asks because I enjoy them so much. I love to look into the details and try to put everything coherently together. Jimin and Jungkook have an unique and wonderful bond in which we don’t need to exaggerate or create things in order to find something extraordinary between them.
See you next time!
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kanmom51 · 10 months
JK live 27 July 2023 0:00 KST
cr./To the creators of the content used in this post.
So, this one was a pre-scheduled one. Hence the AI translation during the live itself.
As such, JK had to start at the time scheduled, and because the timing wasn't up to him, the man came to us sooooooo tired, telling us how he fell asleep and found it hard to wake up to his alarm.
But that tired feeling it kind of lingered almost throughout the whole live. He does tell us he lacks energy and I truly wonder how he managed to pull through those 2 and half hours.
And I must admit it, this live was a hard one for me to get through too. His low energy was something that effected me as well. I think it might show in this post, lol.
Not too much happened in the live. We did get a few moments worth mentioning though and a lovely lovely ending to the live as well (well a point from which JK decided it's time to end the live).
JK is wearing his bro's new line, shorts and sweatshirt.
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He also has the lights dimmed and purple. He explains about the new light bulbs he has and shows them. Then tells us that the reason he has it so dark is because he woke up, saw himself and:
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Like looking tired or even worse (his post workout look, lol) ever stopped him from showing himself. He adds that he's bloated (not sure that it's in the same context, but still).
Made me wonder.
The losing weight thing - ugh, it literally drives me nuts. But it's so engraved in them at this point...
Of course JK thanks army for #1 billboards.
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Tells us about him going to perform on Inkigayo. Sorry, old news by now, lol.
One thing he does explain is why he's only doing Inkigayo, and that's because that was the only show his upcoming schedule could allow him to do. Meaning, man has a packed schedule coming up, probably including preparations for that second single we were told about in Suchwita.
JK said that at first he wanted to do it live, just get up on stage and perform, but
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He says that and he giggles.
I wonder if he's talking about his very elaborate stage set up. You know, the one that celebrates his time in NY with JM.
Our neuro divergent prince gets caught up in the table pattern, more so the texture (that is such an ADHD thing to do). The question I beg to ask is just how often does he actually use that table not to have noticed it by now? Seeing he's supposedly been living there since April 2022 more or less. I ask this especially as towards the end of the live he once again tries to clean the table and is thoroughly surprised that's the actual table pattern.
He was asked if he's going to go back to Jung soon - not really nice and not something that JK liked in the past. JK said no. That he's actually going to cut his hair a little more.
"Did I listen to V's album yet?"..."Did V's news go up yet?" Ahm... ok, so there is news coming (when it lands let's all act surprised).
JK says he heard a couple of V's songs. He's good. They're good. That's it.
Did someone actually ask him if he wants to eat ramen? Him just answering literally, lol. But there is no way under the sun that comment was an innocent one. Yuck. And this won't be the last of the cringe worthy comments he gets during the live. He does mention how the comments are "the same" or "the same style". And we know exactly what he is talking about. I guess that even that line was crossed in the Inkigayo live.
Suchwita - enjoyed filming, well we saw that didn't we? Lol
But he tells us not to look forward to it too much because he didn't say much, mostly ate, lol. Not true JK. Not true.
JK talks about having to go exercise but then also about how there are days when you have zero energy. He felt like that, so he finished work and stayed home all day (Question is when did he finish work and what does he mean by all day. That's actually 2 questions, lol).
his knees hurt. I guess too much JM lifting can do that to you?
30 minutes in approx. he asks if he should play music. I kind of wonder how he made it this far without the distraction of the music, cause those first 30 minutes were kinda rough (as in he's so tired and a little lackluster and pulling through not without difficulty).
And then JK goes on to say that he doesn't know if it's because he's been working and being busy
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He actually says he liked resting but after going back to work, coming home from work, to an empty apartment may I add, is not great.
Ehm and maybe it's because once again he got used to having JM by his side and being alone at Brunnen is not something that he looks forward to or enjoys or wants or finds easy to do?
Asked if he will do the challenge with Mingyu. JK, ma man, you have no idea what you started with that challenge you did with Mingyu, lol. Well, obviously he did it...
JK asked in the comments if he's happy alone, answers he's not alone. I do believe he was talking about being with army. As simple as that.
JK is such a big goofball. "I'm Iron man"...
JK watches his performance on BBC 1. Does some of the dance moves but he seems a little muted. Like I said, most of this live just felt like it lacked energy.
He does say how he felt bad that day, and it could be him not loving the performance (he nods with his head a couple of times).
He does have a good laugh at the shirt he's wearing - abs showing through the shirt, lol.
Plays Let there be love .
Ok, so JK looks up JK Seven cover and then sees AI covers, doesn't really tell us too much other than that he has heard a few and some are cool, and if you pay for it it would probably be better quality (funny to hear an artist that an AI version of themselves is cool).
And then he goes AI Jimin, which obviously popped up on his screen. Because why would it if JM wasn't part of his search logarithm to start with, lol.
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Funny thing is that he looks surprised. and it's funny cause he obviously heard himself and he tells us he heard Tae, but not JM?
Maybe he preferred not to...
Or, the JM just came out because he couldn't help himself, lol.
JK talks about the Seven dance practice that was uploaded. He tells us how it was originally filmed in the Hybe practice room but he personally didn't like it. So as soon as they got to America he had them film it again.
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All while he was feeling bad and achy. All while apparently there was really nothing wrong with the original recording other than him not liking it personally.
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So yes folks, if anyone had doubts if this specific parallel was intended...
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Other than Letter, that is. Or as the translation says Dear.Army (cannot help but wonder if JK actually calls the song by that name).
Comment: Do a seven challenge with V.
JK: I don't think V would do it.
Short and precise and moving on.
Tae did go on stage and do what? 10 seconds? Lol. But yeah, JK was surprised by that one, lol.
Surprised he came. Surprised he got up on stage and joined him.
And once again we have the weird comments - sexy shower, let's eat ramen etc. Like boundaries are non existent to these people. Yuck.
"I'm 18 today can I marry you?" JK: "I'm sorry". Like wtf dude. They should be sorry they wrote something so cringy and stupid.
Coincidence that right after that he's knocking his knuckles on the table for his JM out there for all to see?
Also, Jimin my love, JK answered the question. And it was NO! That should make you happy!!!
So, our millionaire tells us he doesn't game anymore now days and is trying to get rid of his computer. Ok, so first off, seriously? Selling it second hand? Could use the couple hundred dollars he'll get from it? Second off, is he not gaming at all or making do with what they have set up at JM's? Third, not playing at all, meaning not playing with Tae and his mates anymore?
Recommendations he says. "Watch funny BTS moments". JK: "I've already watched those..." Lol.
Question to you all:
Why does he always ask for permission to go to the loo? Lol.
What if he didn't get it?
He just couldn't stop doing the chicken voice, lol.
Clapped his mouth shut at one point too.
Dancing 7 and showing us love, lol.
At this point, we're over an hour and a half into the live and someone in the comments mentions the Love letter from army. He is really surprised by the song being released, goes looking for it and clearly hasn't seen or heard it yet.
He is moved by the song. So much so it brings him to tears. Our adorable loving JK that loves army so much it brings him to tears.
He says he's so moved, tears just flowing.
He once again mentions he hasn't seen the song before and thanks army for the song. crying a little more. and hears it again.
Second time round he is just enjoying the song, still in the feels, puffy eyes and all.
He says he knows JM saw it, explaining there is a review on the reaction (so he saw the reaction but not the song? or is the reaction up there in his recommended, cause dah, it's a JM clip and that's what dominates his search logarithm).
At this point JK talks about how he knows he is receiving love with that song. It's lovely to receive love, and that he'll memorize the song and sing it to us... waiting for it.
He really is all feely.
Continues: "to receive a song as a present from someone it's really...it's really...rare thing to get..... My heart is getting warm..."
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Yes we know babe. It's rare and wonderful and you would know, wouldn't you, given this isn't the first song you have been gifted. By the love of your life.
He asks what to do. Again suggested to watch BTS funny moments, he rejects it.
Asked if he saw Barbie movie, answered not yet, but says he does want to see it.
Bam is doing well. He has to go see Bam.
Asked in the comments if he has seen the guitar JM got "I saw it I saw it".
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Then JK is suggested to watch another few army songs and he does. He loves them and is moved by them and by the fact that army have created so many songs for them.
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So happy, so moved...keeps singing borahae...
And then he goes and asks "should we hear JM's Dear.Army? and starts with his Jimin search, saying his name over and over again.
Knows the words by heart. Of course.
He was watching the live version. No lyrics there. It's all him.
And he is definitley in the feels.
Like deep in the feels, closing eyes little smile, looking at camera for us to see he's loving it.
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And it's not about him singing, he's kind of whispering the lyrics. It's not about singing for us, it's all for himself.
And not a word about his part in the song. Nothing.
Ends with:
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And still not mentioning his part in it.
Following that with repeating his JM chant - jm jaman jm jaman from the beginning, lol.
But he continues to sing the song. and then it's time to sleep.
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like literally minutes earlier he said he's not tired. And now he asking if he should go to sleep. And it's time to go to sleep and does a little adlib with Letter, lol.
Oh, and "how would it sound if we sing JM letter in Kim Jang hoon's version?" the chicken version that is, lol.
But he doesn't go there.
He ends it all then and there.
I thought he wasn't tired.
Perhaps thought he could get on his bike and go to a certain someone that he just heard sing him a song forever...
Cause yep, man was in the feels.
Yeah, this one was tame and mostly uneventful. But we got him answering no to a marriage proposal (assuming that made his life partner very happy) and we got him watching JM sing letter and joining in, even though it wasn't for us. Oh no. That whole part was solely for himself. And once it was over he caught himself and bid us goodnight.
So all and all not one of his wild ones. I mean, JK gave us a run for our money only a day later with his flirt fest with JM while lying half naked in bed. And a couple later we had the savagery of JK after his Inkigayo pre-recording.
But we got this - his JM smile.
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And what else do we need?
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seoul-bros · 11 months
100 days since the world witnessed history be made by Jimin's debut single Like Crazy and album FACE. People had no idea how big it was going to be until they woke up on 3rd April 2023 to the news of Like Crazy = #1 worldwide.
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Like Crazy is an emotionally raw and addictive song that deserves the widest possible audience. Introduce it to a friend today!
Twitter Link
While you are at it you could also tell them about the other songs on FACE. Spread the love people.
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Post Date: 11/07/2023
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seoul-bros · 1 year
Elle Korea
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Post Date: 09/06/2023
8 notes · View notes
seoul-bros · 1 year
The set is green, lush, with hints of understated but glowing colours. The guitar's precise but full sound perfectly complements Jimin's unique and unforgettable voice. Park Jimin is the breathtaking, delicate centre, bewitching us with every phrase, waves lapping against the senses and engulfing the mind.
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Post Date: 08/06/2023
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kanmom51 · 7 months
JM's Production diary Documentary
And Live 23 October 2023
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So, I don't know how to do this.
Write about JM's documentary separate from his live.
Write about the two without being all over the place.
Because not too much happened, and yet so much did.
So, where do I start? How do I get through this?
At this point I have so many ideas running through my head for posts, so much so that I'm not sure just yet how this post will work out, given that everything intertwines.
I still have JM's previous live to work on as well. Yeah, kind of overwhelmed at the moment.
I guess I will just get on with it, but I do think that more than likely there will be things I will either save for another post or two or three, or forget something (that I can guarantee) or just post on repeat, cause some things we just cannot get enough of.
Let's talk about the documentary a bit.
We got to see the process of JM creating his songs. How they would start with the idea, the narrative. Then the melody, instruments and the vocals and then the actual lyrics.
JM's musicality, his talent, his creativity all showcased.
We also got to see just how nice Pdogg is. How much he loves JM, how respectful he is to him, not to mention how talented he is himself. As a matter of fact, the whole team that worked with JM were super nice and talented and they just all seemed to be having a good time, even while working to the bone.
Oh, and how none of them actually knew English, lmao.
In the documentary we were shown how JM and Pdogg chose the quote from the movie to use in the song. Only that it wasn't the one they actually used in the song itself. And that is because, as JM revealed to us in the live, they picked it without knowing what the characters were talking about, picking a convo between the characters that sounded nice to them at the time, something that would suit the song. All while the two characters were actually talking about a visa, lol. And JM, well, he found that super funny (which truthfully, it really is), so he repeated it a couple of times.
We also saw RM in the documentary sitting down with them talking about writing lyrics. Only for JM to share with us that:
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Which JM found to be very funny. I guess now it is, but back then... not sure he shared that same sentiment, lol.
He kept on laughing about him being an idea bank, lol. It's ok to acknowledge your genius, man!!!
Hobi and then Jin show up in the comments while JM is watching the documentary. And I was surprised at that point, given that I really did think JM wouldn't be doing this live, that it would have been pre-recorded. But it wasn't, and thank god for that, cause we all know what happened later on. Less than 1.30 minutes out of an almost 2 hour live, but gosh, what a 1.30 minutes they were, lol.
Anyways, Hobi shows up and JM goes all shy and even stops playing the documentary telling him to leave, that he won't continue playing until he does.
Guess who won that fight, lol. Hobi, of course. JM gives in and continues, once in a while saying they will go away at 9 pm (Jin came in to say that there is some kind of something military related, lol).
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Yes, let's actually start with the name of the song.
Cause for some reason, although they all talk about the song using the word pyeonji (Letter), all while the translation is Dear.Army. Like what the actual fuck? Why would they do that?
Well, we kind of know, don't we?
Someone (cough Hybe cough) is working super hard to cement the song is for the fans.
Please tell me, if this was a song completely meant for the fans, why this incessant need of the company to sell this to us? Why change the name of it in the fucking documentary, while JM and the others are literally saying the word "letter" translating it to "Dear.Army"? There is only one answer I can think of here. And you know exactly what that answer is.
I'm not going to go back to all the reasoning as to why this is way more than a song for fans, I feel like we've discussed this ad nauseam. I will only say that NOTHING we saw in the documentary contradicts what we think about Letter.
You can see, throughout the process how emotionally tasking the song is for JM. And yes, a song for ARMY could be emotional, I mean both JM and JK have immense love for ARMY, and we've seen JK burst into tears talking to army or about army, JM getting very emotional himself. But this, this was more. There are moments there when you can see the anxiety just bursting out of JM.
This song was just MORE.
Especially when you take everything you see in the documentary, JM's state of mind, his words, his behaviour, and add it all up with the lyrics, even more so the missing lyrics. Would be hard to explain how "dongsaeng" fits into "this is a song for army"... Add it to the hidden track. But not only it being a hidden track, it's a hidden track only on the physical CD. Not the digital CD. So, no streaming. A track for Army, for his fans, that not all of his fans get to hear freely? A track for Army that, hmm... maybe wasn't supposed to even be in the album?
We got more than 2 seconds of JK. That's worth a mention too, no?
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When I saw this I was: fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.
Cause, no way under the sun, yes, pun intended, that this was about ARMY.
You know who was?
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The level of emotion we see from the two of them throughout the process... this was so personal.
I rewatched it again today before writing these lines. It's JK's body language, it's JM's body language, it's JM going in to cup JK's face when telling him he wrote a fan song, and JK's reaction.
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Dare I remind you that "Still with you" was classified by JK as a "fan song". Dare I remind you what our sentiments about that song are? Yeah, a fans song.
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And I will remind you, not that you need the reminder, who happened to state for all of us to see that he was JM's fan. Happening to do so during JM's promotions of Face and before JM's Face Live, which I do not think was a coincidence AT ALL.
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They are just precious. What else can I say?
There is this as well.
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Also, I don't think I'm the only one seeing this. JK at the end going in for a hug, but JM, reaches out for a hand shake and a bow.
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He bows.
Now, the not going in for a hug could be one of two with JM. The first could be that it was too emotionally charged and that hug, in front of the cameras, will just be too hard. Too hard not to show the emotions. Too hard to break off.
Or, the second could be that by doing this, bowing the way he did do JK, he was showing us, the spectators, just how profoundly thankful he was for JK, and for his participating in the song.
Now that I think of it there could be a third reason. Which would be the combination of the two.
You know what I also noticed there?
That JK didn't bow back.
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So, that's more or less what happened with them in the documentary. Not too much talking, when there is it's subdued, understandably so, given this is all done in front of the cameras. But, there is an undertone of emotions there.
Oh, and did I mention we see JM wearing the very important, at the time, necklace throughout the documentary? On that day of recording as well.
And happy little coincidence them wearing the black and white bucket hats? Lol.
Ok then. By now we all know that JK joined the live. And he does it exactly when they started letter. Quelle surprise. Quelle coincidence. Or was it?
JK is too skinny. JM thought so too all while grabbing his tiddy.
JK is really tired. Said he was practicing. Eyes red. He needs to eat and sleep.
JM was genuinely surprised by JK's appearance. Th way he lights up, he was surprised and giddy and excited, his whole body movement, practically dancing in his seat with glee.
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JK walks in holding his right hand in place. At first I thought maybe it was injured or hurt or unable to move, a cramp maybe, like the ones JM suffers from at times. But later on it looked like there was nothing wrong with his arm. So was that his way of holding himself back? Restraining himself? Containing himself?
JM signals for JK to talk into his mic,
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Pulls the mic up forward away from his chest, and as JK comes closer he lets it go and leans back for JK to move in.
And JK, well why? The mic is right there. Why does he lean in lower? To say hello to Army? Talking to JM's what? Not the mic, that's for sure...
There did not seem to be a chair there next to JM when the live started, and when JK was leaving JM had him take a chair with him. So, as JK came into frame were the staff assuming he's going to be joining JM for the rest of the live? Also making sure to hand him a mic?
And then, JM asks JK "why did you lose so much weight?", all while reaching out his arm, and JK moves forward towards him, and you can see JK's eyes moving down to JM's arm all while JM just goes for JK's chest. Just going straight for the grab.
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And JK, he loses it for just a second.
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Sniff, gulp, giggle...
And we are back.
JK laughingly tells us he just practiced. But kind of still dumbfounded I guess.
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And then I think JM came to as well (you know, awakening from the aftershock of his own actions, lol) and tells JK "time to go", or more so "get the fuck out of here as fast as you can and take that chair with you while you're at it, cause if you don't leave now I'm going to jump your bones right here right now".
Ok, so maybe he didn't say those words exactly, but that was the sentiment, lol.
JM apologises. Thrice.
For sending JK on his way.
And we get the hug. One of those Jikook in front of the camera hugs.
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And again JM rushes JK to leave, smacking his butt while he's at it.
JK grabs the chair, tells JM to enjoy watching with Army and tells us he loves us on the way out. And JM sitting there watching JK, giggling, smile plastered on his face, waving by. But that isn't the end of it.
Because as JK leaves JM follows him with his gaze, until he waves him goodbye and only then gets back to the documentary.
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And this is when we lost JM for a few minutes there during that part of the documentary, and even more so when JK was on screen singing or during their interactions.
And we also got this reaction to their hug.
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What was going through your mind at that moment JM?
After JK leaves there is not too much left until the end of the documentary. And then we have a JM giggles attack. And the man is telling us he's laughing about balloon placements, but seriously, do we really think that's it?
And yes, JM was as always his own shy self while going it alone, and yes, he was finding it hard where to go with the live once the video was over, but this was just more than just plain embarrassment or shyness.
Could there have been someone there waiting for him? Someone that has that kind of effect on JM perhaps?
I don't think JK was there the whole time. He really did leave when JM was waving him goodbye (if he hadn't have left JM wouldn't have been able to get back to the documentary the way he did). But possibly, very possibly, lover boy went to shower and came back in time for JM's ending.
JM tells us during that giggle attack that he will post a pic of the funny balloons only to later post a pic of 19 balloons, the ones in the front shaped like an S. And why do I feel like that was JK's doing? The S shaped balloons...
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Clearly the balloons were not placed that way at first.
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Someone did this. Question is which one of them. The S, the 19, not a coincidence.
I guess that's it for this post.
Like I mentioned, I know I probably forgot stuff, and there will probably several posts to follow.
But I just needed to get this one out there for you guys. And I guess we'll add on as we go (especially seeing that I've reached my image limit here, as usual).
To sum this up.
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kanmom51 · 7 months
JM's production diary - the commentary
26 October 2023
So, just watched the commentary.
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A few takes on the almost 24 minute clip:
a. JM's live on the 23rd October was not the first time JM watched the documentary. They were watching it together and commenting. So, seeing JK in the doco the other day in the live was not a first time JM is watching this. And yet, man was mezmarized.
b. JM wasn't planning such a personal revealing album to start with.
c. Curiously, well not so curiously nor surprisingly, the whole part of JK's participation in Letter (which once again was referenced as Dear.Army) was not addressed. They obviously watched the whole documentary, but had nothing to say (well more so, nothing the powers at be wanted us to hear) about JK's participation, about the interactions on screen or about the song itself, other than mentioning again it's a song for fans and talking 'around' the song (the fun moments while creating the song), and how emotional it was and made them feel.
*Tried to screenshot and couldn't, but the caption is what I wanted, and that worked, lol.
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Point being - the editors are the ones, once again, pushing the "JM really spoke the truth to ARMY".
And that is the end of it.
Not one more word about Letter.
Even at the end of the commentary, when we get JM in the car on the way home talking about the album, about each and every song in the album.
You know what song he doesn't mention?
The one song he supposedly created for ARMY.
The one song that he tears up when hearing.
The one song that you would think JM would talk about while recording that last message to Army, a closing to the documentary and commentary, him on the way home in a very intimate-personal setting, the song he created for them, the song he supposedly gifted to them, and NOT A WORD.
JM talks about Face off, Like Crazy, Alone and Set me free pt. 2. And that's it.
No Letter, no Dear.Army.
You know, that same song we heard in the commentary just minutes before, that still brings tears to their eyes.
And we got another cake. A little late but the team celebrating the #1 billboard success.
So, now we have one more event coming up.
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112 notes · View notes
kanmom51 · 11 months
JM Face masterlist
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PJM1 is coming soon
Jimin IG story 5 February 2023
JM on TikTok 5 Feb 2023
JM TikTok 11 Feb 2023
JM dance challenge part 2
JM TikTok 18 Feb 2023
JM dance challenge part 3
JM new dance clip 25 Feb 2023
Face mood
JM concept photos - hardware version
JM concept photos - software version
Hard vr. Soft
JM Face emotion of the day
Enjoy it he tells us - Set me free pt. 2
The comparison - Lie and Set me free pt. 2
Hobi’s IG story 17 March 2023
Set me free pt. 2 - the visuals
JK told us
Fuck yeah JM
SMF pt. 2 - practice pic
JM Set me free pt. 2 - dance practice
Finally user j.m is promoting his song
What I missed when I was sleeping 20 March 2023
What I missed when I was sleeping 20 March 2023
JM ‘Set Me Free Pt.2’ MV Photo Sketch
Like crazy - teaser
I guess we can start sharing pics from the album, right?
Okey guys, we can now reveal the big secret
JM Like crazy - my crazy thoughts
JM Face photo sketch
JM arriving for his KBS performance recording 24 March 2023
PolyC once again
Spotify with JM behind the scenes
JM  ‘FACE’ Album Cover Shoot Sketch
Jimin after day
Like crazy dance practice
I really love this interpretation
JM IG 25.03.2023 9:09 pm KST
Is letter a song for army?
Bringing this back
JM like crazy - dance challenge
If we didn’t think already that JM was a sweetheart
JM Face playlist
Bighit official IG - JM filters
JM like crazy dance challenge up
JM and Hobi dance challenge up too
Letter - the lyrics that didn’t make it
Serendipity and Letter
JM and the new Like crazy filter
JM at the Inkigayo pre-recording 28 March 2023
JM Like crazy photo sketch
Like crazy MV shoot sketch
JM at M countdown
JM M countdown full performances
JM now fulfilling the dreams of some super lucky fans
Set me free pt. 2 M countdown fan cam
Like crazy M countdown fan cam
Like JM like crazy
JM on Music Bank
What will JM eat for dinner?
JM performances Music Bank
Jimin “FACE” Special Cut for ARMY
Like crazy (English version)
Jimin Inkigayo 2 April 2023
Jimin’s “FACE” Selfie Diary for ARMY
JM Like crazy on Studio Choom
JM no. 1 Billboard 100
Tommy part of the JM fan club
Jimin W-live 4 April 2023
JM Weverse 5 April 2023
Full English subbed JM interview at SBS radio - Like JM Like crazy
JM IG 5 April 2023
JM and Niki (Enhypen) behind the scenes
JM IG 7 April 2023 8:23 pm
JM Choreography practice BTB
A day with JM in NYC - Vogue USA
Face off - what is it all about?
JM and Yoongi on Yoo Jae Suk’s DdeunDdeun
JM-JK 12 April 2023  
JM Spotify 14 April 2023  
Jimin’s ‘FACE’ album activities - behind the scenes  
Letter is for JK.  Period.
Letter again
Serendipity is now the preface and Letter is the forever
Dear.Army again
JM ‘FACE’ Music Show Promotions Sketch  
Did JK promote other members like he did JM?
JM and the MVs for Face
Lookie what’s coming
JM Production diary
JM Production diary
Coming soon
So he does know how to use his IG story
JM Production diary keyword interview
JM Production diary trailer
JM Production diary - The truth untold
JM Production diary - JM’s favorite lyrics from Face
Nah I couldn’t wait for my post for you guys to see this
JM Weverse 23 October 2023
Just me or same vibes?
We just lost him at that point
JM production diary documentary and live 23 October 2023
Muscle memory
JM production diary - the commentary
JM fanmeet 30 October
60 notes · View notes
kanmom51 · 1 year
Jikook Other Moments
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GCFT, GCFS the likelihood of Jikook being just friends
All of my life (Park Won) - Jungkook’s cover from 27 February 2018
Jungkook’s cover of Adam Levine’s Lost Stars
Is Magic Shop about Jimin
JK’s cover to ‘Only then’
JK’s Still with you (LINK NOT WORKING)
Just because - Only then again
Your Eyes Tell
Falling too
Jikook and Lauv’s Never not - JK’s cover included
Jikook and Charlie Puth’s We don’t talk anymore
We don’t talk anymore - Jikook
Jungkook and Hate everything
Stay alive
My You
BTS and Lauv - why wasn’t ‘Who’ promoted by BH
Okey guys, we can now reveal the big secret
Is letter a song for army?
Letter - the lyrics that didn't make it
Serendipity and Letter
Bringing this back
Fire MV the making of - Jikook
BTB Coldplay X BTS ‘My Universe’ MV Shoot
BTB ‘Yet To Come (The Most Beautiful Moment)’ MV Shoot Sketch - does this ring any bells?
Yes, this does look familiar
And just in case my previous point about this moment was not understood...
More Jikookery in the Yet to come MV shoot BTB
JM loves telling us JK is handsome
Leaving for LA 17 November 2021
JM & JK at the airports (NY & Seoul) September 2021
One year ago...18 September 2021
JK and JM left in separate cars
Other moments
Jikook in London
Jikook in London 2
JM staring at JK
with JK it's a matter of control
Is Jungkook being himself most with Jimin
Catalyst explained
BTS do have different work schedules at times...
And yet again in unison
JK’s film dreams fulfilled?
BTB Bad decisions recording sketch
When Jikook are not sat together in lives
Jikook hesitation to touch
Jikook selfie
Jikook selfie 18 September 2021
They are happy
Jikook are not Romeo and Juliet (the tragedy)
Jungkook calling JM handsome
BTB 28 October 2021 - BTS visit to the UN
Love yourself 4 year anniversary
[BANGTAN BOMB] Meeting with Megan Thee Stallion - BTS - 8 November 2021
Jikook at the concert
Look familiar?
Jikook at the concert  Link 5; Link 6
Beautiful beach photo
JK is a romantic at heart
April fool’s 2022 from LV - enjoy while it lasts
JK being as bold as shit on his IG story 2022
JK has grown and matured so much
Are Jikook different now days?
JK IG story 29 April 2022
JK being JM’s copycat all the way
BTS Proof live photo sketch
Jikook at Hobi’s Jack in the box party
Big hit Global auditions 2022 (BTS) message
BTS message on DisneyPlusHotstar
Jack in the box party - BTB
More from the Jack in the box BTB
The way I see it...(photo folios)
Jikook at the white house - BTB
Happy Chuseok
Run BTS dance practice
BT21 have you ever seen something so cute?
Naver new article - Title look familiar?
JM now fulfilling the dreams of some super lucky fans
BTB Hobi Entrance Ceremony with BTS
BTB Hobi enlistment translation of JM-JK moment
BT21 Chimmy's red undies
Magnate cafe IG 26.4.2023
Time to wrap up and close shop
The Jikook/JK/JM allies
Letter again
Serendipity is now the preface and Letter is the forever
Did RM just show us he's working out with Jikook?
Do I need to say anymore?
Once again they do this
Jikook June 2023 posts, Still with you and the numbers
Dear.Army again
JM playing the Guitar BTB
This happened
63 notes · View notes
seoul-bros · 1 year
Jimin FACE Master List
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Master Lists
FACE in the Press Master List
Set Me Free Part 2 Master List
Ignite dance Like Crazy in Trafalgar Square
Billions Club
Like Crazy hits 1 billion
Fools for Jimin
Beat Coin
BLVSH celebrating the one year anniversary of Like Crazy
FACE live highlights
Congratulations Jimin! One year with FACE!
One year on!
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Big Week for Jimin on the Charts
FACE Spotify Hero Film
FACE on UK iTunes
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Letter on Vinyl
Face on Vinyl
Waiting for FACE
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Best Male Artist Award
FACE Photoshoot
Jimin's MAMA Nominations
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Jimtober Coincidences
Tetris is the biggest Jimin fan
FACE flashback - Green room riffing
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FACE No.1 in Nicaragua
Jimmy Fallon's Version of Like Crazy
Congratulations Jimin!
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Jiyoon is next! That sounds Korean. Well he wasn't wrong! Ha ha ha ha ha!
Jimin's Like Crazy co-writers receive their Billboard Hot 100 #1 plaques
Like Crazy Songs of the Summer
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Jimin Like Crazy Mnet Kpop
This is hilarious
Shall we talk about this?
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My God he looks so fine
Jimmy will be singing Jimin's Like Crazy for his August Song Challenge
FACE 100 day anniversary
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Lost in the lights (of his eyes)
An IG shout out from Geffen Records
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Jimin's NYC interview with Vogue
JM on IG - More photos from the LC MV set
The way he moves
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Yoonmin Like Crazy
He's so funny!
Like Crazy on the UK Charts
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Like Crazy Cutie
Like Crazy in London
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On the Street and Like Crazy Tik Tok Challenge with Enhypen
Jimin's choreography video
Hidden Histories: Kyu Sakamoto, the last Asian soloist to reach No.1 on Billboard Hot 100 in 1963
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Twitter tribute to Billboard achievement
Jimin on Weverse after Hot 100 No.1
Jimin says Wow!
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Like Crazy is my main jam
Be Original Like Crazy
Jimin and his Hyungs
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UK ARMY let's celebrate Like Crazy
Beat Coin
Now that's what I call mirroring
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Jimin is King
Jimin on MCountdown - It's a Win
Like Crazy with Taeyang
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Woah Park Jimin!
Like Crazy Behind the Scenes
Back to the Eighties with Like Crazy
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Tonight Show Performance of Like Crazy
Dance Practice for Like Crazy Live Peformance
Jimmy is Jimin's Superfan
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FACE in your face -Glorious Park Jimin
Jimin Fallon
Give me a good ride
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(Love) Letter - This is Beautiful
Jimin on Beat Coin
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Romantic Film Poll
Like Crazy out on Friday
Emotion of the Day - Confusion (slowly becoming clearer)
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Face - Concept Photo (Software Version)
Face - Concept Photo (Hardware Ver.)
Face - Mood
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FACE Tracklist and Behind
FACE Promotional Schedule
FACE by Jimin
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68 notes · View notes
kanmom51 · 1 year
Jikook FESTA Masterlist
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Festa 2016
JK BTS Festa Relationship Chart 2016
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Festa 2017
JK & JM’s reactions to a fan screaming Jikook
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Festa 2020
Festa 2020 - Jikook and the rainy day fight
Festa 2020 - what JM, Tae & JK want to do with the other members
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Festa 2021
Festa 2021 - JM’s wishes
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Festa 2022
BTS dance record day 4
Jikook intro and dance break Best of me (dance record day 4)
Festa family portrait 2022 Jikook
Festa family portrait - they have grown to well
JK - eyes front (Festa family portrait making)
Festa dinner - Jungkook scolding JM
Jungkook telling Jimin not to cry
JM and JK in charge of the friendship tattoos arrangements
Festa 2023
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Yeah, that didn't happen
Polyc interview with Korea now for BTS 10th anniversary
JM Take two
JM Weverse 9.6.2023 17:28 or 5:28 pm.
BTS 10 years of Twitter 5 questions
BTS EXHIBITION '오, 늘' FILM CAMERA Photo (B side ver.)
13 June 2023 - BTS 10 year anniversary
5 PM with NJ
Jikook June 2023 posts, Still with you and the numbers
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