#Jack Rowan
zanephillips · 11 months
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Benjamin (2018) dir. Simon Amstell
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tripleaaze · 2 years
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Jack Rowan
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pedroam-bang · 1 year
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Peaky Blinders (2013-2022)
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bexandicelia · 1 year
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Gene and Cindy | A Town Called Malice S1 After Eddie’s dad, I was scared to fall in love again. But there’s nothing I can do about it now. I can’t help it. I love you. And I love you. 
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immerdunkel · 1 year
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Jack Rowan
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veryslowreader · 7 months
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Dracula by Bram Stoker
Boys from County Hell
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bonniesgoldengirl · 2 years
John: Flirting is part of my heritage
Bonnie: What do you mean?
Isaiah: His father was a slut too
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The Big Fight (Part 3)
Pairing: Bonnie Gold x Y/N
Summary: It was the day after your found out your brother had been killed, and Bonnie tried to make you feel better in a special way.
You woke up about 4 hours later and the sun had set already. Feeling you head fall slowly up and down rest on Bonnie's naked chest. You smiled thinking back before you fell asleep what had occurred. Sitting up slowly trying to not wake Bonnie. You grabbed a extra blanket and wrapping it around yourself so you didn't have to make to much noise trying to get your clothes back on. Stepping out of the carriage, the fire still flickering in the dark night. You sat down on one of the logs and just took in the nature that you missed so much being out in, the slight breeze that rolled through every once in awhile chilling you a bit. You heard creaking behind you causing you to shoot around to inspect. Relaxing your tense body after seeing it was Bonnie in only his pants.
"Why didn't you wake me?" He asked with sleep in his voice still.
"You just looked too cute to wake." You said with a giggle and turning back to look out over the river. He kissed you naked shoulder that the blanket didn't cover and sat beside you.
"How are you feeling?" He asked putting his arm around you.
"I'm okay. Little better because of you." You said with a wink and smile.
"Well, I'm happy I could help a bit." He said pulling you closer into him and kissing your temple. You two sat insolence for awhile just relaxing.
"Well, we should probably get going back. Get you back to your family." Bonnie said sitting straight up.
"Nooooo." You whined out with a pouting face.
"I know, I know. It's shit. I'll tell you what when we get closer we stop one more place and watch the sunrise, and then we go back? "He told you.
"Better than nothing." You said hoping up and holding you hand out for Bonnie to grab.
"Lets go get you dressed." He said with a smile and dragging you into the back of the carriage to your clothes.
"But you leave your shirt off." You demanded getting into the carriage and dropping the blanket. He just stared at you, looking you up and down.
"Yes ma'am." He said practically drooling. You grabbed you pants and his shirt putting them on and slipping your shoes back on. He held his hand out to help you down safely. Closing the gate to the back of the carriage and walking around to open your door for you. You climbed in and got comfortable for the ride. Slowly thoughts of Arthur taking you on road trips with him as a young girl. He was your older brother, but also a father figure to you. You never knew your father, he was gone before you turned 6 months old. Even Finn, only being a year older than you, you always looked up to him.
"hey you okay?" Bonnie asked snapping you out of your thoughts and coming to realization you guys were already driving.
"Yeah. Just thinking about Arthur." You said looking over at him. A saddened smile across his face as he motioned for you to get closer to him. You slid across the bench seat and curled into his side.
"I know it's hard right now. He lives through the rest of you guys. He lives in your hearts, forever." Bonnie spoke softly and he rubbed circles on your back. The rest of the ride was in comfortable silence. You watched out the window at the big fields that you passed by. You noticed you were getting closer to town. It was begging to get a little bright out, but no sun yet. Bonnie, slowing down and pulling down. road that went through a field, and into the forest behind it. Once the car stopped you got out and went around the back of it the edge of the river in perfect time to see the sun start to peak.
"So, what do you want to do when we get back?" Bonnie asked standing next to you.
"Well, we have to handle the Changretta's now. I'm going to slice the throats of all of them for what they did to my brother. They will not live to see Christmas with their children, and wives." You said starting to get more angry than sad now. You heard a car driving down the path you and Bonnie just came down. You grabbed your gun out of your holster and flattened yourself on the side of the carriage. You peaked your head and saw it was Finn's car. You put you gun back and walked out, Bonnie followed behind and stopped as the car stopped.
"Y/N. We have to go." Finn said getting out of the car.
"What happened Finn?" You asked him.
"Lucca and his men are coming. Tommy, and Polly are at the Gin distillery right now getting ready for him to get there. They want you there." He said frantically.
"Okay. Bonnie, I'm sorry. Thank you, but I have to go." You said turning to him.
"That's okay. I'll meet you guys there. Be safe." He said pulling you into a hug and kissing you. You turned away and ran to the car and Finn got in. Turning around and taking it off. You stopped at home to change, and then quickly got to the distillery. Walking in, Tommy, and Polly stood beside each other. You walked over with Finn, and stood beside them two.
"Just stay quiet. Let me do the talking." Tommy said knowing the temper you had. You just scoffed and lite a cigarette. Hearing footsteps slowly walking around the corner and seeing Lucca, and his men with guns in hand. You blood instantly starting to sizzle through your veins wanting to rip his head off right then and there. But as much as you dint want to admit it, Tommy was right. You have to stay calm and watch how this plays out.
Lucca spoke but in Italian, not understanding what he was saying, you just looked.
"All thats left of the Peaky fucking Blinders." He spoke in English to you and your family now. You took a drag of your cigarette trying not to speak. Lucca walked up to come face to face with Tommy. Lucca snood his fingers, and one of his men walking with a brief case and taking out a folder and putting it on the table. Lucca walking back around table.
"I've had my lawyer draw up these papers. Cover every enterprise in your possession. Bars, restraints, warehouses. Every fucking thing that you've taken all these years to gather together. You will sign them all over." He said beginning to walk.
"To my family." He finished his sentence. You scoffed at his comment finishing off your cigarette. Tommy not saying a word, just staring Lucca in his eyes.
"Or you're gonna die." Lucca said. You through your cigarette at the ground and stood straight up. Polly giving you a look to stop and step back. Tommy still just looked at Lucca, without a word.
"I would've buried you all, but my mother, she knows you. She said, it'll be worse for you, if I let you live and take away everything you have." Lucca spoke making you more and more mad. Lucca grabbed Tommy jacket, and pulling it to look on the inside. Tommy put his hands out for easier access.
"Search em." Lucca said as he grabbed the gun from Tommy holster. One of his man coming to grab the gun from Lucca. Lucca now standing in front of Polly
"Especially don't trust this bitch." He said looking down at her and tearing open her blouse making the buttons fly off. Looking in her shirt for a gun. You spit at his shoe, making him turn to you.
"And this little bitch. She's a feisty one. Definitely should have killed her, along with John." Lucca said opening your jacket to grab you gun. You kept your composure as he did so. His men now checking all of you over as Lucca walk around the table.
"So." Lucca said holding a pen up in front of Tommy.
"Sign. Every fucking one of them." He said. You smiled a bit as Tommy didn't move as soon as he said that.
"You can sign them on your knees." He said as he pushed the papers off of the table. Tommy still not moving. That, set Lucca off, he pulled the table up and flipped it over.
"Get on your fucking knees, and sign!" Lucca said with a deep, angry tone. You couldn't hold back the smile that spread across your face.
"A friend of mine once said." Tommy said getting down on his knees.
"Big, fucks small." He finished his sentence.
"So I had to find someone bigger than you. Now, you may know there are two families in Brooklyn, who want to take over your monopoly on the import of liquor into New York." Tommy spoke up to Lucca now, knowing what he was talking about now.
"But if they move against you in New York, they'll start a war between the families." You spoke for the first time to Lucca.
"But if you were to die in a vendetta with some fucking bookmaker in Birmingham, they could take over your business without a war." Tommy said to him, seeing physically Lucca's face drop.
"We also contacted a businessman in Chicago. He's also interested in moving into the liquor business in New York. " You spoke more facts to Lucca.
"His name is Alphonse Capone." Tommy said up Lucca, instantly making him angry.
"You been talking to that fat fuck?" He asked.
"You see, all the blood relatives you brought with you from New York, they're all dead, Mr. Changretta." Tommy continued.
"And these men here, they work for money, for the highest bidder." Tommy said motioning to the men standing behind Lucca.
"They now have new orders." Tommy told him and Lucca catching on pretty quickly.
"Is that right?" He asked turning to the men behind him.
"Is that right?" He repeated towards them.
"And you, Matteo?" Lucca asked looking at his most trusted since he's been in England. Matteo not making eye contact with Lucca, looking at the floor.
"Hey. Very fucking." Lucca said turning to you and your family. But, reached into his coat pocket and grabbing out his gun Thomas being faster grabbed a crowbar from the ground and smacking Luccas arm so the gun flew out of his hand. Tommy grabbing ahold on Lucca's jacket, but Lucca pushing him back against the piping. Tommy giving Lucca a good head butt making him fall back and giving him a swift punch to the face. But Lucca found the crowbar and smacked Tommy in the stomach with it. Blocking the next swing, but Lucca getting a few good ones in. Tommy got ahold of Lucca, pushing him to the table where there were glass bottles and smashed his face into it. You looked over to the door that slowly opened. The wall blocking your view but quickly the person came in view. It was Arthur. Your eyes widened as you saw him. Looking over at Finn, who as just as surprised as you were. Tears began to form in your eyes as you just stood and watched. Tommy looking up at Arthur and pulled Lucca up making him stand. Polly, didn't look surprised. Arthur raised his hand that had a gun in it to point at Lucca. Tommy stood out of the way and Arthur took his shot at Lucca, right between the eyes.
"Tell your people in Chicago. That Michael Gray will sign the import license to New York. Three hundred barrels of English dry gin a month." Tommy spoke breaking you out of your trance state.
"Leave." Arthur spoke for the first time since walking in. The men filling out of the room.
"Tell your boss what you saw here to today. And tell him...." Arthur said trailing off.
"You don't fuck with the Peaky Blinders." Arthur said looking over at you and Finn now. You ran over to him and jumped into his arms.
"You aren't dead. You aren't fucking dead." You said softly into his neck.
"I'm not baby sister. I'm here." He said.
"You asshole! The both of you!" You said smacking him in the arms and looking at Tommy.
"Listen, We needed to use Arthurs death to win this war. Everyone couldn't know he was actually alive and possibly ruin it." Tommy said.
"Whatever." You said turning back to Arthur and hugging him.
Everyone was back at Tommy's house now celebrating that Arthur was still alive. Bonnie was back by your side. Now you were way more happy then you were before. Having your brother back and find new love with Bonnie.
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bdsmsub67 · 2 years
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theothermaidoftarth · 2 months
@richardsthirdnipple has a post on Cregan x Nettles that got me thinking.
I could see Callum and Sephy as them aesthetically (in a au/modern context).
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Note: I’ve seen Noughts & Crosses and do only mean aesthetically (although if Masali played Nettles I would be over the moon but hotd, like most mainstream media, looks like it’d be too colourist to ever look at her twice).
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prettyfamous · 1 year
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Jack Rowan | 1883 | Jemima Marriott | April 2023
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zanephillips · 1 year
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Jack Rowan and Colin Morgan in Benjamin (2018)
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lya-dustin · 1 year
I love seeing 30+ year old fancasts for Cregan Stark and knowing he is 20 in the books.
To me he looks like Jack Rowan (who played Bonnie Gold in Peaky blinders)
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weclassybouquetfun · 8 months
Taron Egerton is still holding out on his social media break, but at least he is still making moves. Taron has been cast in the film adaptation of Jordan Harper's 2018 crime thriller novel, "She Rides Shotgun".
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In the film Egerton will play, "Nate, a recently-released felon who has made a number of dangerous enemies. After he finally gets out of jail, he vows to make a fresh start, which means cutting off the powerful gang he was working for behind bars. When they vow to get revenge by coming after his family, Nate goes on the run with the 11-year-old daughter he hardly knows, Polly."
Good on ya, Taron.
There has yet to be a date given for the release of his Netflix action-thriller film CARRY ON, directed by frequent Liam Neeson collaborator Jaume Collet-Serra.
Just as there is no release date for CARRY ON, there is also no release date for series 4 of the animated series MOOMINVALLEY. Egerton departed the lead role of Moomintroll ahead of series 3 and was replaced by Jack Rowan (NOUGHTS + CROSSES).
I gave no thought to Rowan taking the role. A gig's a gig. Voicing a cartoon? Easy money. But the role ended up meaning a lot to him.
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Here's a sampling of OG Moomintroll Taron and version 2.0 Moomintroll Jack.
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letterboxd-loggd · 2 years
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Boys from County Hell (2020) Chris Baugh
September 25th 2022
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skruttet · 1 year
Jack Rowan once again talking a bit about landing the role of Moomintroll; pretty much stuff he's already said before but still good to see! And he's knowledgable about UK moomin shops lol!
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