#Japanese mythology I guess
alphashley14 · 1 year
One of Us
A Scooby Doo: Mystery Incorporated/Mystery Skulls Crossover
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Chapter Fifteen
Ricky suddenly felt like a meddling kid again. 
Rather fitting, considering he was now trapped inside the body of a seventeen year old. But this particular bout of deja vu wasn’t the good kind of nostalgia. 
Not so differently from back then, he was frozen, trembling in front of a ghost. But it wasn’t a person in a costume this time. 
And this time, he didn’t have Brad’s bravado to help him feel brave. Judy wasn’t hiding in the shadows to spring a trap. He didn’t have words of wisdom on his shoulder… and Cassidy wasn’t here to catch him, jumping into her arms. 
No - now he was the only thing standing between the new Mystery Incorporated and a monster - a real-live ghost! Ricky’s heart was pounding out of his chest, every instinct he had was screaming, Run! RUN! 
But something else was shouting above the fearful static in his ears, desperate to be heard.
It’s Lewis. Even if he’s dead, even if he’s a ghost, it’s Lewis, and he’s my friend!
He lied to me! Another scarred, paranoid, ever-frightened part of him wailed. 
His next thoughts flew through his head extremely quickly.
It’s a real ghost! Not like the Dead Beats - a dead person walking the Earth!
The Mystery Skulls were upfront that they were keeping secrets.
It was a trap from the start! 
He probably just didn’t want to scare us.
Arthur had to have known about this.
She loved those kids.
I love those kids. 
But it’s Lewis… 
Vivi was saying something. The words passing through his ears were finally registering in his brain. 
Behind him, Daphne was hugging Fred’s arm, Scooby was trembling in Shaggy’s embrace, and Velma was mumbling incoherently, her arms around Scooby’s neck, shaking her head in denial. 
“Calm down, everyone. It’s Lewis. It’s just Lewis. He’s been like this for as long as you’ve known him. He isn’t going to hurt anyone,” Vivi insisted.
“Please… don’t be frightened.” The ghost pleaded. Lewis’ entire skull moved when his expression changed, the black eye holes moving with his brow as if he was drawing his eyebrows together in sadness. But his jaw didn’t move when he spoke on account of the fact that he didn’t have one. Rather, his voice was disembodied, deep, and had an eerie sort of echo to it. 
Lewis moved forward, and Ricky’s heart jumped to his throat. “You stay back!” He spat, holding his arms out protectively in front of Fred. 
And Lewis stopped. 
“I am not going to hurt anyone,” the ghost said. “I would never hurt my friends," Lewis’ voice went back to normal as, in a flash of pink fire, he resumed his mortal illusion.
“L-like guys… it’s him. That’s the ghost from this morning!” Shaggy trembled. 
“Oh! So not only are you dead, you’re also the so-called ‘basement ghost’ that attacked Shaggy!” Fred exclaimed angrily. 
“... Yes. I am, and I’m sorry. I know I apologized as if it was not my doing earlier today Shaggy, but I really am sorry for blowing up at you this morning. You were already so scared and I only made it worse,” Lewis apologized, head down.
“Like, ya think?” Shaggy shouted, putting Scooby down. The shock was wearing off, and all that was left was anger, fear, and confusion. 
“This can’t be happening!” Velma said, nervously pulling at her hair. “It’s impossible. There’s no way. There have to be projectors and special effects somewhere…” 
“It isn’t a trick,” Lewis said sadly. “I am the ghost of Lewis Pepper. No illusions. No masks. Well, I suppose, unless you count this one,” Lewis said as he resumed his skeletal form. “I know I deceived you all. But I didn’t do it out of any ill-intent. People see the true face of my spirit and they’re terrified. Putting on an illusion as if I’m still human allows me to walk among the living as I once did - solving mysteries with my friends… and making new ones too.” 
“Are we, Lewis?” Scooby asked coldly. “Are we friends?” 
“What else was I supposed to do?!” Lewis demanded. Realizing he was getting angry, he opted to resume his mortal illusion rather than let the flames flare any more than they already were, though his eyes remained black. “How do you think our first meeting would have gone if I was honest with you from the start? ‘Hi, I’m Lewis. I like to solve mysteries and I think we’d be great friends. By the way:’” And without saying anything else, Lewis took his head off to prove a point.
“Let’s just calm down everyone,” Mystery said gently. Grumbling, Lewis put his head back on. “I know it’s shocking, but we’re here to have a conversation.” 
“You lied to us,” Fred said. “You’ve been lying to us from the beginning! Why should we believe anything you say now?!” 
“Like, yeah! Why should we?” Shaggy agreed fiercely. Scooby nodded beside him. 
“Because they’re right.” 
Mystery Incorporated turned to Ricky in genuine shock. “They’re what?” They echoed, dumbfounded. 
“I mean how dishonest were they, really?” Mr. E asked, having long-since dropped his arms and relaxed a bit. “Think about it: How many times did Cassidy and I lie to you back then because we thought it was what was best for you? Yeah, we were wrong to do so. But they at least had the courtesy to be honest about the fact that they were being dishonest.” Ricky stepped over to Velma and gently took her wrists in his hands to stop her nervous hair-pulling, then lowered her hands down to her sides. “We all knew we were about to find out something… important,” he said thoughtfully as he smoothed out Velma’s hair and fixed her little red bows where they’d gone askew. “We’ve known for most of today that they were withholding something big. And before then, they’d met you what? Twice?” 
Velma was finally calming down, the new information finding its place in her worldview. Ricky gently straightened her glasses on her face and patted her gently on the back before stepping out of her personal space and turning back to the others. “We shouldn’t turn on them now just because we didn’t like what we learned. Not without at least giving them a chance to explain themselves - it’s not like they’ve betrayed us. Nothing has changed. I mean… come on… It’s Lewis.” 
“But how can we trust a single thing they say?” Fred asked. 
“Because you said the exact same thing to Angel the day she told you her name was Cassidy Williams. And we all regret not listening to her when we had the chance.” 
That shut them up extremely fast. For a moment, no one said anything. 
“So like um… you’re dead?” Shaggy said after a moment, rubbing the back of his neck. 
Lewis sighed, “Yes. I’ve been dead a little over three years now.”
“So um… Jeepers- you really have been like this the whole time we’ve known you?” Daphne asked nervously, still glued to Fred. 
“That’s right,” Lewis nodded. 
“And you can just… switch back and forth between yourself and- I’m sorry… which one is ‘yourself’?” 
“Technically,” the ghost said, resuming his frightening appearance, “This is the real me. It took me a while to be able to make myself look like I once did. And I was only able to perfect the human disguise with practice and after learning some tricks from… a friend.” 
“So then, if you don’t mind my asking,” Velma gulped, “how did you die?” 
“L-like yeah… Like, Mystery said something about muh-muh-murder…” Shaggy gulped. 
Lewis hesitated before he answered, nervously scratching the back of his skull. “That’s… can we save that one for another day?” 
Ricky answered before anyone else could. “Sure Lewis,” he said, glancing over at Mystery. “It was… a very personal question. So take your time.” 
Mystery smiled at Ricky gratefully and gave an encouraging nod.
“Okay then,” Velma said. “So you’re the ‘Master of the House’, huh? Is it because you’re the most powerful spirit in the house?” 
“Sort of,” Lewis said. “The fact is, I sort of… made this house.” 
“The Dead Beats and the suits of Armor are… extensions of me.” 
“Lewis is an extremely powerful spirit,” Vivi explained. “In fact he’s so powerful that there’s a lot of leftover energy just around him at any given moment.” 
“And there was even more of it when I was freshly-dead and couldn’t conserve or control it yet,” Lewis added. “I explained to you all before that the Dead Beats are tied to me, but it’s deeper than that,” a couple of Dead Beats came up around Lewis for a snuggle as he spoke about them. “The fact is, I created them. The Dead Beats were created out of that energy and from my emotions and intentions. As for the suits of armor… you might want to brace yourselves.” 
“Like, what could you possibly tell us that’s more shocking than this?” Shaggy exclaimed, gesturing to Lewis’ entire person. 
“You all seemed surprised to learn that we had a mansion. Or even that the house was here,” Lewis said. 
“Yeah,” Ricky said thoughtfully. “I know my way around real estate in Crystal Cove. But this? A spooky, classy, spacious old place like this in such a convenient remote location… it honestly doesn’t make sense that I didn’t know about it. Not saying I would have bought it, but I definitely would have considered it.” 
“Not just that,” Velma said, “but it occurred to me earlier that this place looks too lived in for the amount of time you’ve been in Crystal Cove.”
“Jeepers - that didn’t even occur to me Velma!” Daphne gasped. 
“Come to think of it,” Fred said, “I would think that my Mayor-Dad would have turned a spooky place like this into a tourist attraction a long time ago.” 
“That’s because as of about a week ago,” Lewis cringed, “it wasn’t here.” 
“Come again?” Velma asked.
“What if I told you that the house you’re standing in - from the foundation to the roof - is a supernatural structure? This entire house is a manifestation of Lewis,” Vivi said. 
“It sort of works like a pocket-dimension. Mostly it exists in the Neitherworld, but Lewis can bring it out of the Neitherworld and set it up on any patch of land with enough space. Think of it like pitching a tent,” Mystery explained. 
“You’ve got to be kidding!” Ricky exclaimed. All of Mystery Incorporated was looking around very closely at their surroundings. But try as they might to see any discrepancy, everything looked so real!
“Wait- you mean you made all of this? Just- made it magically appear?” Daphne cried.
“In a sense… yeah. It’s not as simple or easy as ‘pitching a tent’, as Mystery put it. But yes. Basically. I can move the house wherever I want. I usually leave it in the Neitherworld, but I put it up any time we’re traveling and need a place to stay for a prolonged period of time.”
“Then the suits of armor-” 
“Were created along with the house to serve the purpose of protecting it,” Lewis explained. 
“Fascinating,” Velma exclaimed. “So then… what about the painting ghosts?” 
“I actually didn't create the painting ghosts,” Lewis said. “Over time I’ve sort of… collected them. Think of them like really weird foster dogs.” 
“You’re going to need to explain it better than that,” Daphne said. 
“They’re very weak human spirits,” Vivi explained. “That were either displaced, wandering with no place to haunt, or that we took pity on and decided not to exorcize for whatever reason on a case. Or sometimes we take them in if we need their expertise for whatever reason.”
“Weak spirits are attracted to me because of the same excess power that created the Dead Beats. They can use that power to make themselves more perceivable, and I contain them within the paintings of the house whenever the house is set up in the living world.”
“I know you all have no frame of reference, but I really can’t put it into words how powerful Lewis is compared to most other ghosts. He’s easily in like the top one percent,” Mystery explained.
“For most spirits, outside of the Neitherworld it takes a tremendous amount of energy to even be able to do a simple trick, like appear as an apparition, or to make so much as a single object move. I mean have you ever watched those cheesy ghost hunting shows on TV? Some of those are fake, but a lot of them are real. Apparitions are rare and most investigators freak out if they so much as see a door move. Consider that, then look at what Lewis can do.”
“Like, I have a question,” Shaggy said. 
“Like um… you’re dead. And like, you don’t actually have a body. But you had dinner with us. So… how do you eat?” Shaggy asked. 
Lewis looked surprised, then he busted out laughing at the question. 
“This isn’t a joke! It’s very serious business!” Scooby cried. 
Once Lewis stopped laughing, he explained how an older and more powerful ghost had taught him how to “eat” human food by breaking it down into its barest molecules within his "body" and absorbing its energy. Lewis couldn’t taste nearly as strongly as he could when he was alive, but he could get a hint of the flavor. 
“Like, you mean that you make such amazing food and you can hardly even taste it?” Shaggy cried, dismayed. 
“Sad yet true - makes me love spicy food even more than I used to. Stronger flavor means I can taste it more. And Vivi and Arthur occasionally let me possess them for a little bit so that I can enjoy food properly. I’m lucky to have friends like them.”
“Okay then. For now, I just have one more question…” Fred said, his eyes narrowed. 
Lewis gulped. 
“... How exactly would one go about trapping you?” Fred asked excitedly. “I can’t imagine anything I have working on a real ghost. So how much about vessels or blessed objects is true? Or is there such a thing as ghost traps? Oooh!!! How would one even make a ghost trap-...” 
As Fred went off on his tangent, Lewis smiled, realizing that things were going to turn out alright. Ricky, shaking his head and smiling fondly, sat down on the couch next to Mystery. And the rest of Mystery Inc. resumed their seats as well. 
They talked for at least another twenty minutes before Mystery gently redirected the conversation back to the board and back to the matter at hand. 
“So,” Lewis explained, “this is how my trifecta is broken - I’m dead. So how is my body supposed to get swapped when I don’t have one?” 
“I mean like, yeah. That makes sense.” Shaggy gulped with a shrug. 
“Sorry about what we said earlier by the way,” Fred apologized. 
“It was just… a shock,” Ricky added. 
“Really, it’s fine. Compared to how others have reacted in the past, you actually handled it really well. If I had a nickel for every time someone tried to exorcize me…” Lewis sighed, rolling the lights in his eye sockets that served as his pupils. “So… are we still friends?” 
Mystery Incorporated looked at each other. 
“Yes. We’re definitely still friends,” Daphne said. 
“Totally!” Said Fred.
“Reah!” Said Scooby, wagging his tail.
“But like, I’ve never been friends with a dead guy before. So this is like… totally awesome but also like, super weird.” Shaggy laughed.
“You’re going to need to put up with a lot of questions,” Velma said, adjusting her glasses.
Once the excitement about Lewis being dead calmed down, he resumed his mortal illusion and the Dead Beats fetched all of the living some water. Then it was Vivi’s turn. 
“I would first like to start with where Lewis left off, because he set it up nicely for me to explain how I diverge from the pattern.” 
“Please don’t tell me you’re dead too,” Scooby whimpered. 
“Pffft, no. I’m very much alive and human. That being said, I do have abilities. But before I get into that - after analyzing what we know about the other groups, our current theory is that my divergence has nothing to do with what I can do.
“As you now know, the Mystery Skulls have and have always had four members and not five. However, since learning about the pattern, the boys and I have debated over which role I fit into. It’s as plain as the noses on their faces that Lewis, Arthur, and Mystery each fit into Fred, Shaggy, and Scooby’s roles respectively. Which leaves me in either Velma or Daphne’s spot. But the thing is, it’s really blurry which of them I would fit into, and therefore which of us is ‘missing’. I have traits that could put me into either category. Which has led us to believe that whatever magic is surrounding the pattern has compensated for our lack of a fifth member by putting me into…” 
Vivi licked her thumb and erased the line between the Velma/Cassidy and Daphne/Judy columns in the Mystery Skulls row, then wrote her name in between them. 
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“Both of them!” 
“It’s a longshot, but it definitely makes sense,” Velma said thoughtfully. 
"So that's how my 'trifecta' is technically broken - I intersect between two of them and if Nova-or-whatever tried to swap me, it would probably lead to some crazy four-way swap between myself, Daphne, Judy, and Velma. And who wants to be swapped with Judy? Never even met her, but just from what I've heard, HAH! I sure don't!"
“But that doesn’t answer the new big question of the hour,” Ricky said. “If you’re living and human, then what exactly can you ‘do’?” 
“I suppose I shouldn’t be too surprised that everyone wants to know about that,” Vivi half-laughed, her bat resting lazily on her shoulder. “My truth is kind of a long story - before I get into my abilities, I would like to start off by telling you how and why I have them.
“It all began hundreds of years ago near the end of Japan’s feudal age with my ancestor - Mushi.” 
Vivi took one page out of the folder, holding it to her chest, then dropped the rest open on the coffee table for the others to see. The folder’s contents were a bunch of printed scans of old paintings and documents, all of the same bescarfed warrior of an ancient time featured in the painting in the library.
“As I told Daphne earlier, Mushi was an accomplished warrior of the Onna-musha. What I did not tell Daphne was that while Mushi was strong, she was also gentle, good, and kind. In an era that could be ruthless, she showed mercy defended the weak. She also had a great respect and connection with the Yokai and the spirit world. So much so that one hard winter the spirits saw fit to bless her with a gift.” 
“A gift?” Mystery Incorporated echoed in surprise. 
“But like, what kind of gift can a bunch of like, ghosts and magical creatures and stuff give anybody? They’re like, dead. And like, I don’t think they have money,” Shaggy asked. 
Mystery barked a laugh. “Ha! Do they have money? That entirely depends on which Yokai you look at. Some are poor, some don’t want or need money, and some are quite wealthy. Some are privy to the greed and lust of man, others are above such things. And as far as gifts from the spirits go, Vivi doesn’t speak of any mere trinket. 
“Please understand: in Japanese mythology, (which has a substantial amount of truth to it), every human (or otherwise sentient, human-like mortal being) has a god living inside of them that is their spirit. And when they die, that god is released and can either be reborn into a new life, can pass on into the spirit world or some other afterlife, or can roam the Earth as a ghost for whatever reason. A gift to a living mortal from the gods is a rare and important thing. Sometimes such gifts can be a curse that one would do anything to be rid of. Other times, it’s a blessing the likes of which money cannot buy. And sometimes… it can even be a bit of both.” 
“Fortunately for Mushi,” Vivi interrupted, glaring playfully at Mystery’s smirk, “in her case it was a blessing.” 
“What kind of blessing?” Daphne asked, leaning forward with curiosity. 
“That,” Vivi said, “is what I’m going to show you. If you’ll all follow me right this way…” 
Vivi led them out of the room and a short way through the mansion. All the while, Vivi explained to them how while she was not Mushi reborn into a new life, three years ago, because Vivi had more in common with Mushi than the rest of her family, Mushi’s spirit had seen fit to pass her powers down to her along with some of her memories. 
“So you have superpowers? That’s awesome!” Fred exclaimed.
“Like yeah! Totally cool!” 
“I guess, kind of,” Vivi shrugged, her bat resting across her shoulders. “Along with Mushi’s power, I have her strength and a lot of her muscle-memory, which has allowed me to master a lot that would normally take even a talented martial artist much longer.” 
“Where are you taking us?” Velma asked.
“Outside,” Vivi replied. “It can get kind of destructive if I go overboard and I want my demonstration to be a good one. That, and I don’t want to clean it up.” 
“Why would you need to clean it up?” Ricky asked. 
“You guys don’t do ‘wait and see’ very well, do you?” Vivi laughed. “I suppose until we get there, I can at least tell you-” And Vivi told them about the ease with which Vivi had always been able to sense and understand the supernatural. How she could get a general read of auras and could feel the flow of energy throughout the universe similar to the way Lewis could, being a ghost. 
“That’s part of why we’ve been able to come so far in understanding this curse in the short time we’ve been here,” Vivi explained. “Save Arthur, we can just… sense it. This powerful negative presence in and around everyone and everything in this town and the surrounding areas. But what exactly we’ve been able to observe about it based off of that is another conversation for another time.” 
“Like, is this how you knew I wasn’t Arthur this morning?” Shaggy asked. 
“What do you mean, Shaggy?” Daphne asked. 
“Like, this morning when I woke up Vivi knew that I wasn’t Arthur like, literally immediately. Granted like - I was super freaked about my arm being gone. But like, I still thought it was kinda weird how fast she realized I wasn’t Arthur. And like, speaking of which, can um… can Mystery do that auras thing too? Cuz like, he looked at me this morning and was the first to realize I’d been body-swapped. And it was like, super weird.” 
“I’m not going to spoil what Mystery… can do for you, but let’s just say that when it comes to what I told you about auras, Mystery is a lot better at it than me.”
The dog raised his head proudly and added a bit of a prance to his step.
Just then, they opened a door that led to a beautiful yet spooky conservatory. The glass walls and ceiling, save those attached to the rest of the house, were pink with black iron frames, and featured many of the same skull or heart patterns as the rest of the house. And the plants were… exotic. Velma for one already had a million questions forming, but chose not to ask them yet. Vivi led them through, past a koi pond (but the fish were translucent, glowing, and definitely ghosts), past a small collection of bonsai trees and a plant with rather suspicious-looking flowers, past a seating area, and past a set of black metal tables and chairs. Upon the table was a radio, and one of their songs was playing. 
"-I'm feeling like I'm going cra-zy! 
I'm feeling like I need some more time,
To think it over, with you.
Yeah baby~!
"So just leave me alone,
Sometimes I think I'm all right…
Just needing an escape,
Some time on my own,
Don't act like my time is over!
'Cause no one ever really
Dies dies, dies, dies, dies, dies, dies, dies…"
At those last two lines all six of their guests not-so-subtly glanced at Lewis. 
No kidding.
The music drifted off as they walked away from it, and Vivi opened a set of ornate glass doors into an equally lovely yet macabre courtyard and garden at the back of the mansion, surrounded by a high stone wall and thick black iron gates. 
“I’d say this is enough space.” Vivi said thoughtfully, shifting her weight onto one hip. Mystery And Lewis stood off to one side and Fred, Daphne, Velma, Shaggy, Scooby, and Ricky stood in a row, an air of tense and eager anticipation about them as they watched. 
“When Mushi received her gift,” Vivi began, “it was at the harshest point of a particularly unforgiving and frigid winter. She was in the middle of a sacred forest, separated from her comrades, her horse gone, near-freezing to death but still chasing after the yokai she was hunting. The spirits were impressed by her determination, and they had grown a fondness for her from her years of maintaining their temples and seeing that they were treated with the respect they deserved.” 
Vivi moved her bat from her shoulder and spun it around her arms and around her neck with the practiced ease of a master. “So, to save her life and give her the power to restore order,” There came a sudden chill in the air, as if they were standing in the frozen woods with Mushi, even now. And the bat, still spinning hypnotically around Vivi, began to glow an icy blue. “-They gave her the ability to harness the very cold that nearly killed her. Mushi’s gift, my ability… is cryokinesis.” 
And that was when the bat ceased its dance as the handle landed expertly in Vivi’s hands. She turned around and gave a mighty swing, and a blast of pure cold burst out of the bat and raced across the lawn, leaving spikes of ice in its wake before it finally struck a large, dead bush with such force that with a loud crash like breaking glass, it burst into millions of glittering frozen particles the very same instant it froze. 
Six jaws dropped. Smirking, Lewis and Mystery engrained the utterly priceless looks on their faces in their memories. 
There was a long beat of stunned silence as what they’d just seen hit them. icy glitter drifted down like snow, and Vivi turned back to them and released a breath so cold that they could see it swirling through the air before it dissipated. Then she spun the bat once more as it ceased its glow and let it land back on her shoulder. 
Please stop staring at me with your mouths open and say something, Vivi pleaded inside her head as she covered up her unease with a smile. 
 Then all at once, the six of them exploded. 
“Supernatural-gifts-that-give-you-superpowers” turned out to be somehow an even more shocking, awe-inspiring, and question-worthy revelation than “btw-the-guy-you’ve-spent-most-of-today-with-is-dead”.
Then again, Fred, Daphne, Velma, Shaggy, Scooby, and Ricky had at least been introduced to the concept that ghosts are real before finding out about Lewis, and they’d been telling them about ghosts and having them read texts about them all day. So perhaps that cushioned the shock somewhat. 
And they couldn’t be angry at Vivi because the brunt of the anger and confusion had already been let out on Lewis. 
But, that’s just how it happened. 
Vivi performed a number of tricks for them, at their insistence. And answered questions for almost an hour. Lewis joined in as well, showing them a number of his talents with magic pink fire, making the topiaries come alive, among other things. 
Mystery just watched with a smile, happy to let them have their moment. It would only be a matter of minutes now before they found out about him, and he found himself feeling rather anxious about it. 
Anxiety used to be a rare occurrence for him.
Then again, back then Mystery had never known loss - not that he had much to lose. 
But now, he pondered as he watched his little ones laugh and marvel at their gifts, now I have everything to lose. 
Hiding one’s true self was considered by many of his kind to be a deeply human trait, but the longer Mystery spent in their company the more he realized just how hypocritical that stance was. 
After all, Mystery was far from the only Yokai who, for one reason or another, hid their true form behind an ‘ordinary’ mask for some reason or another. The reason he’d taken on this one a little over twenty years ago just happened to be so that he could protect Mushi’s granddaughter the way she had protected him all of those centuries ago. 
But… the reason he kept it had evolved over the years. First he had just one little one to look after. Then somehow it became three. Then twenty years ago, no matter how hard he’d tried not to grow fond of them from afar… 
Mystery had failed to save four. 
Yes, Mystery decided as he watched the wonder dance across Shaggy's- Ricky Owens’ face, he’s the biggest source of this anxiety. Because once you know what I am, it won’t be long before you piece together that I too was here in Crystal Cove twenty years ago… 
And it’s my fault that you disappeared.
Eventually, inevitably, Shaggy said, “Like Lewis is a ghost and Vivi has superpowers! There’s like, no way Mystery could surprise us any more than this, right?” 
The Mystery Skulls sort of froze and looked directly at each other. 
“... Right?”
“You-u-u totally just jinxed it,” Ricky said, giving Shaggy the side-eye.
And just like that, everyone’s attention was caught and Mystery was in the spotlight. 
None of them had ever seen the little dog look so nervous. 
“Let’s uh… Let’s go inside for this one, Mystery said, leading them back into the conservatory.
He led them to the seating area and placed his front paws on the table to turn the radio off, before returning to them. “I’m going to be very blunt about this with you all, because there’s no beating around the bush.” 
Then Mystery took a deep breath and confessed.
“I’m not a dog.” 
Fred started laughing, but he hastily stopped when he saw the way Mystery was looking at him. 
“Oh. You’re serious.”
“I would argue, but as of today we’ve established that body-swapping, aliens, other dimensions, ghosts, the afterlife, and magical creatures all exist.” Ricky tossed  his arms into the air and laughed, whole-heartedly believing that he was prepared for whatever he was about to find out. “So go on, out with it!”
Had he gotten to know Arthur a little longer than a few hours, he may have been blessed with the following piece of wisdom:
Rule number one of being an expert in the paranormal: never assume you’re an expert in the paranormal. The paranormal will see that as a challenge, and it will find a way to surprise you. Often in a way less-than-pleasant. 
“As you all know,” Mystery began, clearing his throat, “Vivi’s ancestor, Mushi, was a great warrior who was very close to the spirit world. What she didn’t tell you is one of the greatest legends about Mushi - a legend that’s depicted in a painting that’s currently hanging in our library.” 
“I saw that painting! Vivi told me about it!” Daphne said. “It’s of her and the fox spirit, right? Oh- what was it called again?”
“... A Kitsune,” Mystery replied quietly. 
And that’s when Vivi came up behind him and dropped a single picture onto the table - the one she’d removed from Mushi’s file earlier. 
This one was different from the painting. 
They had seen fit to leave the painting up because the artist had missed a few crucial details when making it. Namely, the distinct spot on his back, his mane of black fur… and the unmistakable tufts of red behind each of his ears. 
Mushi wasn’t in this picture.
No - it was of him. 
And it was painted by a friend of hers - a friend that had seen him. 
So such details were not omitted in this one.
They, his children of Nibiru, stared at the picture in stunned silence for several long moments, the cogs in their heads turning as dots connected and they each reached the same conclusion. Then by some unspoken signal, six heads slowly turned to look at him.
Ricky’s eyes were blown as wide as saucers. “No way…” He muttered quietly. 
“I wasn’t always such a good dog,” Mystery confessed, voice hardening as he braced himself for the inevitable. 
And without another word, he stood. 
The transformation happened so fast and with such fluidity that something that should have appeared so unnatural and so wrong… didn’t.
It happened in a flash of red light. They briefly glimpsed Mystery rearing briefly on his hind legs, tossing his magnificent head into the air before the light covered him completely. 
Ricky really shouldn’t have been so shocked after everything else he’d seen today, but all the same he and the kids shot to their feet and stumbled back with shock. 
Then the light cleared. 
And no sight had ever made Ricky feel such awe, wonder, and terror all at once… As the beast that stood where his friend had just a moment before. 
Once more, he felt like a meddling kid again. 
Lewis being a ghost had been a shock. 
Vivi having the powers of a long-deceased warrior had been a surprise. 
But this! 
Seven tails swayed hypnotically to and fro, like a metronome to the beat of six hammering hearts. 
Ricky suddenly felt very small in a world that he was learning was a lot bigger and a lot weirder than he’d ever imagined it was. Hell, even Scooby looked small next to this- 
“Fuh-fuh. Fuhfuhfuh- Fox!” the Great Dane trembled.
Kitsune, He corrected silently. Trickster. Shape-shifter. Liar….. friend…?
I’ve been fooled by an animal who I thought was my friend before, that same paranoid, ever-frightened voice reminded him.
And fooled again, he had been.  
Because Mystery wasn’t “man’s best friend.” 
He was a kitsune. A yokai. A beast of legend!
A monster.
And so, this chapter wraps up in the same way it began!!! Muahaha! Chapter 15 was definitely a fun, albeit difficult and at times frustrating, challenge. Because I mean, this is the reveal that we've waited fourteen chapters for. For real anyone who's been reading this since the beginning be like: "WE DID OUR WAITING! SEVEN MONTHS OF IT! IN AZKABAN!" Also I checked my Ao3 to see when I posted the first chapter of One of Us just for the sake of that joke and wow - has it really been seven months? How time flies. I somehow didn't realize I've been working on this that long. Lol Anyway - I definitely felt a lot of pressure to make the big reveal for each of them as satisfying and worthwhile as possible while also adding to the characters and driving the story forward. And what better way to make Mystery's as dramatic as possible than to leave you on... A CLIFFHANGER?!
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Also if I got anything about Japanese mythology wrong in this chapter, feel free to correct me. I only have like a surface-level understanding of it but I love stories and I love mythology so you would not be annoying me AT ALL if you wanted to refer me to any legends/lore that you think would interest me. And before anyone asks - I haven't forgotten about Arthur and Marcie. I know it's been a couple chapters since we checked up on them but fear not - I have... PART of a plan! Seriously. If all goes according to plan and the characters don't stage open rebellion, then I know what the chapter songs of the next THREE CHAPTERS of One of Us are going to be. This doesn't happen to me often. Let me enjoy it. 😆 And again - If you notice things or have predictions/opinions, PLEASE SHARE THEM. The reason why I'm not saying more is BECAUSE I like hearing your thoughts! I like having conversations! I'd love to talk about this fic and SDMI or Mystery Skulls with anyone who wants to!
Lastly, I just wanted to give a big shout-out to nikicherry1234 and spiraleel-blog for the amazing fanart they've done of this story. I love ALL OF IT and I can't even put into words how touched I am that you loved it enough to put hours of your time into drawing it. 🥹
Chapters 1-14 of One of Us are presently posted on Archive of Our Own.
Chapter 15 should be posted on Ao3 tonight or tomorrow morning.
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scarabeeart · 1 month
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Some old art I thought I would post here cause its pretty standalone and I still like the designs I did!
My take on the Japanese story, Momotaro, in the Lego Monkie Kid style
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yoshizora · 2 months
in the Homeric Hymn to Demeter, Hekate hears the sound of Persephone crying as she's taken to the underworld and comforts Demeter when she realizes what happened to her daughter, and then later celebrates with her when Persephone is returned. i gotta wonder if ZUN was aware of that version of the story when he chose to put Hekate in Touhou; Hekate, or Hecatia, who had once witnessed a mother grieving the loss of her child and consoled her, would find a thread of familiar sympathy for Junko, whose son was killed, offering a far deeper connection than a common grudge against Houyi which i think is super fascinating! but unlike Demeter, Junko can never get her child back, and so Hekate consoles her by promising to help in her revenge against Chang'e (and delivering vengeance upon someone who wasn't even directly responsible for the transgression is such a Greek God thing to do anyway).
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bitterflames · 2 months
lowkey obsessed with kuro and shiro mujou. they're literally the 黑白无常 heibai wuchang of chinese folk religion, but re-imagined in a heian period japan setting so now they're shinigami, who were possibly themselves influenced by western concepts of the grim reaper (and kuro mujou's design reflects this, with his scythe). they're on like triple layers of folk religion psychopomp/death personification and i love it.
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marinerainbow · 9 months
I made a night dimension creature. The Eatier. Inspired by the Japanese myth of the Baku.
The Eatier is considered one of the most powerful and dangerous animals in the night dimension. Specifically among the nightmaren. Because the eatier is the only natural predator of nightmaren, and considered a death wish to attempt to hunt one down. Strong enough to even give the first levels NiGHTS and Reala a fight of their lives and withstand most attacks, yet sentient and kind-hearted, and intuitive; allowing them to know what are true threats to the nightopians and visitors they defend.
As their name implies, the eatiers (pronounced EH-TEE-EARS) devour nightmaren. They were supposed to be way for the Night Dimension to remain balanced, and ensure no nightmaren tried to truly harm a visitor. But ever since Wizeman came into power, eatiers have been on the hunt more and more, catching any harmful nightmaren and offering refuge to any nightopian and visitor they they come across. Wizeman of course, wants these creatures destroyed. But everyone in Nightmare knows that they'd be lucky just to survive an encounter with an eatier, let alone damage it. So these night creatures are thriving.
As one can guess, the Baku was my main inspiration for the eatier. So was the tapir, the animal the Baku was based on. But I was also inspired by the giant anteater with its claws and giant tail, and the moose with its size and absolute level of "do not fu*k with me"
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I wish so badly I could draw the eatier for you guys so you can see how I imagine they look! Hopefully you guys can get a decent image of their appearance with the animals I provided.
Some interesting things to know about eatiers...
An eatiers fur will change color based on what kind of nightmaren is most common in their diet. For example, one that eats mostly snips would have a mostly white coat with rainbow gradient.
When NiGHTS first rebelled, they did their best to avoid the eatiers. Though it was soon enough revealed to them that eatiers can sense what is in someone's heart when they flew into one carelessly, but wasn't harmed.
My OC Prism is close with an elder eatier named Mercedes. The two have fought along side each other a few times, and she has even sheltered and transported Prism when her wings have been damaged in battle (which happens a lot).
Some of Reala's scars were from a run-in with Mercedes. He doesn't need to be reminded of how lucky he was.
Please tell me what you guys think! ^^
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r--kt · 2 months
Do you like Kakashi's dogs? Let's talk about why there are eight of them.
another example of naruto's ✨cultural code✨
contents | the eight dog warriors chronicles · legacy · eight confucian virtues. also look at the cuties love them sm
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Naruto Vol. 10 CH 90
[ one dog is wonderful, I'm saying as the owner of a sweet little york terrier. two dogs are good, they won't be bored together. three dogs? yeah, cool! how are you going to walk them though? four? yes... look, maybe we have to draw the line h- wha- EIGHT? Excuse Me!? ]
surely, it's worth starting with the fact that eight is a lucky number in Japanese culture — everybody watched Hachi. of course, this is not the only cultural detail where the eight is mentioned. I want to pay special attention to a thing that I didn't know about until I googled it, and this is clearly what Kishimoto was doing homage to with Kakashi's eight ninken.
The Eight Dog Warriors Chronicles
Better known as Nansō Satomi Hakkenden. and it's not just some kind of book, it's a novel, consisting of 106 booklets written by Kyokutei Bakin in XIX century. Hakkenden is considered the largest novel in the history of Japanese Literature. this is one of the main representatives of the gesaku genre, which includes works of a frivolous, joking, silly nature. further I will emphasize a few more times how damn popular this work is and how often it is reflected in culture.
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here are some illustrations for these books
now let's talk about the plot. It's weird, but it's weird at samurai-dogs-story level so stay here.
In brief, the story tells about the commander Satomi Yoshizane, whose native lands were attacked by the army of a man, whose forces surpassed those of Satomi, and the samurai in despair swore to a dog named Yatsufusa that the dog would get his beloved daughter Fuse as a wife if he chewed that man's throat. surprisingly, the dog not only understood the owner, but also fulfilled his wish! after that the commander refused to keep the promise. however, Fuse, true to her word of honor, went with Yatsufusa to the mountains and became his wife. upon learning that his daughter was pregnant, Satomi, in a rage, sent a samurai to kill Yatsufusa and bring Fuse home. she stood up for the dog anyways and died with him. at that moment, eight pearls with hieroglyphs that denoted the foundations of Confucian virtue burst out of her womb. (...cheers for mythology, I guess)
Soon, eight dog warriors who were Fuse's spiritual children were born in different parts of Awa province. after going through hardships, they got together and became vassals of the Satomi clan, then won the battle, and soon reached peace.
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some more illustrations made by Utagawa Kuniyoshi. from left to right: Inukawa Sōsuke (the dog warrior), Inumura Daikaku (the dog warrior), Princess Fuse (their mother).
the novel mainly tells about each individual warrior dog and his shenanigans in a funny adventurous way. huge fame has led to excerpts from Hakkenden being staged at the Kabuki Theater and mentioned in the anime and manga, such as Inuyasha, Dragon Ball, as it turned out, Naruto and so on. there's also a lot of films and video games.
The eight virtues
these are loyalty, filial piety, benevolence, love, honesty, justice, harmony, and peace.
they relate more to Chinese culture, but basically Hakkenden was inspired by it too. since I did not read the whole novel, I would still like to mention at least the values on which it is based, and which were embedded in the symbolism of this story. It's quite interesting to apply this to Kakashi's dogs. gives them more weight and depth.
It is also interesting to note that the reason why Fuse gave birth to dogs was also that her father was cursed earlier in the story in a way that his descendants would become depraved like dogs. in Japanese culture, dogs embody the duality of character: the same mentioned filth and depravity, and devotion and bravery. so as samurai. but this is a different conversation, more related to Kakashi and his dog poetry.
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Did you get here? Here's an additional discovery for you✨
Pakkun's name (パックン) is derived from the Japanese onomatopoeia “pakupaku” (パクパク) which reflects the sound of munching.
Kakashi, that's very sweet of you.
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thank you for reading this to the end ♡
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chaos0pikachu · 5 months
Is BL Being Overly Influenced by Modern Western Romance Tropes?
Short answer: No. anyways, in the following essay I will explain that James Cameron is a weeb...
(okay fine~~ lets actually do this)
TLDR: discussing what media globalization is, how fandom can distill it down to only American/European cinema, showcasing how a lot of current BL is influenced by countries within it's own proximity and NOT "the west" but each other, also James Cameron is still a weeb
I had seen a post that basically proposited that BL was being influenced by modern western romance tropes and had used things like omegaverse and mafia settings as an example. I found this, in a word, fucking annoying (oh, two words I guess) because it's micro-xenophobic to me.
It positions western - and really what we mean by this is American/European countries, we're not talking about South American countries are we? - cinema as the central breadbasket of all cinema in and of itself. Inherently, all following cinema must be in some way, shape, or form, influenced by American/European standards, and as such America/European countries are directly responsible for cinema everywhere else, and these places - namely non-white countries - do not influence each other, nor have their own histories in regards to storytelling or cinema and do not, in turn, also influence American/European film making either.
Now like, do I think all of that~~ is intentionally malicious thinking on behalf of folks in fandom? No, so chill out.
I do, however, think a lot of it is birthed from simple ignorance and growing up in an environment where ~The West~ is propagated to be central, individual, and exceptional as opposed to the monolith of "Asia" - by which we mean China, Korea, Japan don't we? How often in discussions of Asian countries is Iran, India, or Saudi Arabia brought up even tho they are all Asian countries? - or the monolith that is South America - in which some folks might believe regions like the Caribbean and/or Central America belong to, but nope there both North America.
Anyway, what we're talking about here is the concept of "media globalization":
"The production, distribution, and consumption of media products on a global scale, facilitating the exchange and diffusion of ideas cross-culturally." (source)
"The media industry is, in many ways, perfect for globalization, or the spread of global trade without regard for traditional political borders. [...] the low marginal costs of media mean that reaching a wider market creates much larger profit margins for media companies. [...] Media is largely a cultural product, and the transfer of such a product is likely to have an influence on the recipient’s culture." (source)
Typically when I see fandom discussing what falls under MG the topic is usually focused on how "the west" is influencing Thai/Korean/Chinese/Japanese media.
Enter, Pit Babe.
Surely Pit Babe was influenced by Supernatural right? Omegaverse is huge in the west - love it, hate it, meh it - it originated in the west - specifically via Supernatural after all.
Omegaverse has been popular in Japan and China for almost a decade, if not longer. The earliest omegaverse manga I can think of is Pendulum: Juujin Omegaverse by Hana Hasumi which was released in 2015, almost a decade ago.
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(what if you added furries into omegaverse? WHAT IF?? - Japan)
There's countless popular omegaverse manga too, and the dynamics only moderately resemble the ones we're familiar with in the west. Juujin is part omegaverse and part furry/beastmen - the alphas are all beastmen the omegas are humans - while something like Ookami-kun Is Not Scary only slightly resembles omegaverse dynamics as a hybrid series - beastmen are really popular in Japan in part b/c of historical mythology (you see the combination of romantic Beastmen and Japanese culture & folklore in Mamoru Hosoda's work The Boy and the Beast and Wolf Children).
Megumi & Tsugumi (2018) is so popular they're an official English edition published by VIZ's imprint SuBlime and that's a straight up omegaverse story.
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(look at the omega symbol on the cover loud and proud baby)
So if Pit Babe was influenced by anything, it certainly wasn't "the west" it was Japan, Korea and China. Because those countries have a thriving omegaverse sub-genre going and have had such for 10 plus years now. Supernatural is popular in Japan, yes, and that may be where Japan and Japanese fans originally found omegaverse as a fictional sub-genre.
Japanese fans took the sub-genre, bent it, played with it, and evolved it into their own thing. As such, other countries in their proximity, like Thailand, China, and Korea who read BL and GL manga, found it and were like "hey, we wanna play too!"
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(is that an omegaverse yuri novel I spy?? yes, yes it is)
When I watched the Red Peafowl trailer, it had more in common with Kinnporsche, History: Trapped, along with films and shows like: Jet Li's The Enforcer, and Fist of Legend, Donnie Yen's Flash Point, Raging Fire, and Kung Fu Jungle, Han Dong-wook's The Worst of Evil, Kim Jin-Min's My Name, Lee Chung-hyeon's The Ballerina, Baik's Believer & Believer 2, Yoshie Kaoruhara's KeixYaku, popular Don Lee films The Gangster, the Cop and the Devil and Unstoppable alongside BL manga like Honto Yajuu and Bi No Isu (probably one of the most well known yazuka manga to date).
Like, we're seeing a rise in mafia based BLs and people think that's because of "western influence" and not the absolute insane success of kinnporsche??? Especially in countries like China, Korea, Taiwan, Philippines and other Asian countries???
Mafia films and gang shows aren't even that popular here in America/Europe; don't get me wrong, they still get made and exist, but the last full length film was The Irishman which did not make it's budget back, and while Power is still on-going it's not a smash hit either. The heyday of Breaking Bad, The Sopranos, The Wire, Goodfellas, and Scarface are long gone. And if you've watched any those shows or films they have very little in common with Kei x Yaku, Kinnporsche, or Red Peafowl in tone, or style.
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(who knew martin just wanted to make his al pacino/robert de niro fanfic come to life all these years?)
Another example, The Sign, which is clearly taking inspiration from Chinese costume dramas: Ashes of Love, Fairy and Devil, White Snake (and it's many adaptions), Guardian, & Ying Yang Master Dream of Eternity. Alongside Hong Kong and Korean cop and romance shows like Tale of the Nine-Tailed, Hotel Del Luna, Director Who Buys Me Dinner, First Love, Again, and previously mentioned cop dramas.
Like, I know y'all don't think Twins is influenced by, what, American sports classic Angels in the Outfield?? Gridiron Gang?? Rocky?? Nah that shit is inspired by the popularity of sports manga like Haikyuu!!, Slam Dunk, Prince of Tennis (which even has a Chinese drama adaption), and the like. And also probably History 2, & Not Me but I'm like 87% sure Twins is just Haikyuu fanfic.
So like, does this mean that there's NO history in which American and European cinema influenced these countries? What, no, obviously that's not true, American/European totally have had media influence on countries like Korea, Japan, etc.
Astro Boy by Osamu Tezuka considered "the father of manga" was inspired by Walt Disney's work on Bambi. Another more recent and prominent example is director Yeon Sang-ho and his film Train to Busan.
"And it was Snyder’s movie [Dawn of the Dead, 2004], not the 1978 original, that filmmaker Yeon Sang-ho recalled as his first encounter with the undead. “That was when I started my interest in zombies,” Yeon said, in an email interview through a translator from South Korea. Even today, he added, “it’s the most memorable and intense zombie movie I’ve ever seen.”" (source)
HOWEVER, the global influence doesn't stop there. It's not a one-way street. Yeon Sang-Ho was inspired by Zack Synder's Dawn of the Dead, a remake of George Romero's own work, but Yeon Sang-Ho's work has inspired countless Korean film makers to make their own zombie media; following Train to Busan there's been: Kingdom (2019 - current), All of Us Are Dead (2022), Zombie Detective (2020), Zombieverse (2023), Alive (2020), Rampant (2018).
And hey, wouldn't you know it now we're starting to see more zombie media coming out of places like Japan (Zom 100 the manga, movie, and anime) and High School of the Dead.
Do you know what Domundi's series Zombivor (2023, pilot trailer only) reminds me of? It's NOT The Walking Dead (which is the only relevant zombie media America has created in the last decade) it's Korea's All of Us Are Dead (2022). Comparing the trailers, the settings, the tone, it's clear where Zombivor is pulling inspiration from: Korean zombie cinema. NOT American zombie cinema.
In fact a lot of Domundi's shows - Cutie Pie, Middleman's Love, Naughty Babe, Bed Friend - are all very clearly inspired by Korean filmmaking, specifically that of romantic kdramas from the 2016 - 2020 era. Not always in story, but rather in technique.
This is media globalization. It's not simply ~The West~ influencing non-American/European countries but countries who are often more close in terms of: proximity, culture, and trade are going to have more influence on each other.
It is far more likely that Aoftion (Naughty Babe, Cutie Pie, Zombivor) was influenced by watching Train to Busan, All of Us Are Dead, and other Korean zombie shows and films than a single episode of Walking Dead.
My point isn't that this goes one way only, but rather it is very literally a global thing. This includes American and European film makers being influenced by non-American and European cinema.
Martin Scorsese, Steven Spielberg, Darren Aronofsky, Christopher Nolan, the Wachowski sisters, George Lucas and James Cameron have all been influenced by Japanese film making, especially the works of Akira Kurosawa, Satoshi Kon, and Mamoru Oshii.
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John Wick's entire gun-fu sub-genre is heavily influenced by classic Hong Kong action films, specifically John Woo films. Legend of Korra, The Boondocks, Voltron, Young Justice, My Adventures with Superman are all obviously inspired by Japanese anime but animated by a Korean animation studio (Studio Mir). Beyond that, the rise in adult animated dramas like Castlevania, Critical Role Vox Machina, and Invincible to name a few are very clearly taking inspiration from anime in terms of style. The weebs that were watching Adult Swim's Inuyasha, Bleach, and Dragon Ball Z have grown up and are now working in Hollywood.
Okay so like, what's the point of all this? What's the issue? Since American/European cinema does influence et all cinema does any of this really matter?
I take contention with this line of thinking because it centers "the west" and our supposed individual importance way to much. Declaring definitively that "BL is being influenced by western tropes" and then including tropes, narratives, and film making styles that aren't inherently western and actually have major roots in the cinema of various Asian countries, removes the existence of individual history these countries have which are rich, varied, and nuanced. It removes the "global" part of globalization by declaring "the globe" is really just America and Europe.
It distills these countries down to static places that only exist when American/European audiences discover them.
BL doesn't exist in a vacuum you can trace the development of Korean BL to the development of Korean het dramas almost to a T. You can also trace their development to the queer history of each country and how Thailand interacts culturally with China, Japan, Korea, etc and vice versa. It also ignores the history of these countries influencing American cinema as well. Don't mistake "the globe" for only your sphere of experience.
Anyway James Cameron is a damn weeb y'all have a good night.
Check out other posts in the series:
Film Making? In My BL? - The Sign ep01 Edition | Aspect Ratio in Love for Love's Sake | Cinematography in My BL - Our Skyy2 vs kinnporsche, 2gether vs semantic error, 1000 Stars vs The Sign | How The Sign Uses CGI | Is BL Being Overly Influenced by Modern Western Romance Tropes?
[like these posts? drop me a couple pennies on ko-fi]
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So in the Octavinelle manga, Yuu is named after the Sanzu river. Now this makes me wonder what afterlife associated name will the next manga Yuu have
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I’m not a fan of it, but this could technically support the “Yuu is dead in their original world” theory (especially considering that this is a pattern continued from Yuuken and Yuuka, the previous two manga!Yuus). (Because why do all of their names have connections to the afterlife??? 😭)
Yuuken’s surname, Enma, could be a reference to Yama, who is the master of hell in both Hinduism and Buddhism. Meanwhile, Yuuka’s surname, Hirasaka, is the same as that of Yomotsu Hirasaka. In Japanese mythology, this term is used to refer to the boundary between the living world and the underworld. Now we have Yuuta Mito, whose name (when written) is 宥太 三途. The 三途 portion is the same as the “Sanzu River” (三途の川), which is basically the River Styx in Japanese Buddhism.
It is also odd that all three manga!Yuus are also in circumstances where they happened to be at a crosswalk or passing in front of a large vehicle before they are whisked away into Twisted Wonderland (though this could just be the usual isekai trope)… and waking up in a coffin… Now that I think about it, I think Crowley also vaguely implied “parting from the former world” and moving “onto the next one” in the prologue, though to be fair, that statement is so vague it could literally mean anything 🤡
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I guess two was a coincidence, but three is a suspicious trend and a concerning pattern… (not to mention they also stay in Ramshackle, where spirits unable to move on also reside.)
Well, I guess if Yuu is dead then it resolves them having to go home because there’s literally nothing for them to return to— 💀Easy solution for not leaving Twisted Wonderland tbh/j
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neil-gaiman · 1 year
Dear Mr. Gaiman, I saw your Wired interview on mythology support on YouTube, and I would like to ask a question regarding mythological studies if I may: being a British white man as you are, is it okay to study Christianity's mythologies like it's a set of story elements that can be treated as decorationa of commerical products like video games, comic books and novels, or is Christianity something that cannot be toyed with with a light attitude for a Westerner? I'm East Asian myself (my first language is Mandarin and my family is Buddhist) and in East Asia mythological elements are talked about like material to be used in video game design or storytelling, and I know that that can be troubling for the truly Christian communities. So basically what I'd like to ask you is your view on the propiety of using biblical references in commercial fiction or products, especially with regards to taboos like the names of demons, which is often seen in Japanese video games and popular media. Is it okay to view such usage as harmless to the audience such as children or teens?
Good question. I don't know. I was a Jewish kid who was a scholarship kid at a Church of England school, the kind with chapel services every morning, so I was more familiar with High Church Protestant songs and services than with Jewish ones. I was top of the class, always, in religious studies, even though for me they were all just more mythology.
I suspect that my attitude was "if I have to learn this then it's mine to use". If they didn't want me to use it, they were free not to teach it to me.
When Terry Pratchett and I wrote Good Omens, we put a lot of Christianity into it, with me being the one that had actually read the Revelation of St John of Patmos, and made notes on what we needed to include. Good Omens began as humorous look at The Omen, which was itself a mass market film about the coming of the Christian End Times, so we felt one of us needed to have read it for research. Good Omens was also inspired by a particularly antisemitic moment in The Jew of Malta, John le Carre's spy novels and most of all by Richmal Crompton's William books.
I would need a deep dive into what you mean by "harmless" before I could hazard a guess as to whether it was that or not and whether fiction should be harmless or not.
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not-terezi-pyrope · 2 months
"Let's make games and media about other mythologies and pantheons other than Norse or Greco-Roman" is a take I really, really get, but the unfortunate reality is that most Western media conglomerates are pretty culturally white, and can you imagine the appropriation shitshow that would result from them portraying indigenous mythologies instead of the two pantheons that people can at least somewhat ascribe to Western European tradition? Ancient Egyptian seems the next most "safe" due to cultural penetration and time remove, and even that sparks discourse when it's done. Honestly I'm surprised that Disney even mostly got away with Moana, and that hardly went without critique. I think the execs that don't want bad press are well aware of this and are afraid to wade in.
I mean the obvious answer is for them to just hire people who can boast more claim to the tradition in question, but unfortunately it doesn't tend to work that way en masse, and also, even if they did do that, there would be a continent who would complain anyway. Own narratives are frequently called out as bad rep, usually by people who don't know the provenance (but sometimes even when they do!), and it'd be even worse with a big corporate name from the west attached.
Anyway buy foreign art I guess, but under current trends the big multi-billion God of War equivalent about African tradition is unlikely to come soon, I guess. Kind of an unfortunate side effect of the representation and appropriation discourse that makes certain kinds of narrative more scarce.
(A possible exception to all this might be, for instance, Japanese spiritual tradition, as there are plenty of Japanese media products that do well in the West. But this proves the point, because for instance I can think of examples of video games and films that feature oni, etc, whereas I can't for the less widespread or internationally exposed traditions that I describe).
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What Would They Name Their Children? (Headcanons)
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A/N: Fun fact, my great grandmother was named after Olga of Kyiv. And another fun fact, my grandparents met each other at Niels Bohr institut in Copenhagen.
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Warnings: None💚
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Leo would want to honor his Japanese heritage, in the memory of his father. With a great knowledge of not just Japanese culture and language, but mythology and history, Leo would have more than just a few name ideas for his future children. His future partner may very well have to keep him in check, helping him sort through the all.
For Boys:
Kenji, meaning either “strong and vigorous” or “intelligent second son” in Japanese.
Asahi, meaning “morning sun”, “rising sun” or “sunrise” in Japanese.
Kangiten, the Japanese god of bliss.
For Girls:
Haru, meaning “springtime” in Japanese.
Sanyu, meaning “happiness” in Japanese.
Amaterasu, the name of the Shinto goddess of the sun.
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Raph likes strong names. Names that make people think of strong warriors and brave leaders. For that to happen, it needs to be names that most people would know, and be able to recognize with at least a little ease. It won’t work if Raph chose a name no one had heard of before.
For Boys:
Thor, after the Norse god of thunder.
Zeus, after the Greek god of lightning and king of the gods.
Anu, also known as the Sky Father and the King of Gods in ancient Mesopotamia.
For Girls:
Boudicca, after the queen of the Iceni tribe, who led the rebellion against the Roman forces that invaded Britain.
Olga, after Olga of Kyiv, who avenged the murder of her husband at the hands of the Drevlians, while protecting her son.
Lagertha, after the Norse shieldmaiden from Norway.
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It would be no surprise to anyone, that Donnie would name his children after some of the great minds that he found himself looking up to. Just like Leo, Donnie would have so many names lined up and ready to go, that his future partner would have to help him sort them all through, before setting on the ones that they would find fitting.
For Boys:
Charles, after Charles Darwin.
Deodatta, after Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate.
Niels, after Niels Bohr.
For Girls:
Rosalind, after Rosalind Franklin.
Barbara, after Barbara McClintock.
Emilie, after Emilie du Chatelet.
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The names Mikey has lined up for his future children, changes quite a bit in reasoning. Some of them mean something to him, in the sense that he finds the meaning of the name very important. Others are important to him, due to pop culture or, well, food. A simple man with simple thoughts I guess.
For Boys:
Keanu, because of Keanu Reeves of course. Duh.
Ace, from Latin, meaning “one”, “someone who excels” or someone of a high rank.
Bodhi, a Sanskrit name meaning “enlightenment” or “awakening”.
For Girls:
Cherry, which both could be referring to a meaning of “dear one”, but also the fruit.
Clementine, meaning everything from “merciful”, “gentle” and “mild” to the small citrus fruit.
Éowyn, because of Lord Of The Rings, of course.
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alphashley14 · 1 year
One of Us
A Scooby Doo: Mystery Incorporated/Mystery Skulls Crossover
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Chapter 16
“Do not be afraid.” 
Those were Mystery’s first words, after the stunned silence dragged on at such a pace that it grew to be unbearable. 
Thus far, this wasn’t the worst reaction he’d ever gotten to revealing his true form. At least no one had screamed, run, or thrown a spear at him yet. 
Mystery drooped his ears, lowered his tails, and lowered his head submissively, trying to appear as non-threatening as possible. 
I’m like Lewis, Mystery told himself, no matter how much he knew it was a lie. Please realize I’m like Lewis. I’m your friend. I’m a good boy. I’m just as you’ve always known me. Please. 
Vivi walked up to Mystery helpfully and gave him a scratch behind the ears. 
“Sooo… yeah. We decided to save the best for last,” she joked. But her actions said something else: See? I’m petting him. It’s safe. He’s a friend. 
But alas, fear was wafting through the air, curling deliciously into Mystery’s nostrils. It was almost enough to make his mouth water. In another life, he would have done all he could to chase that feeling. But coming from them, his Children of Nibiru, the kids he was supposed to protect… it just felt wrong.
“I was born this way, and this is how I shall die,” Mystery said, laying down with his paws stretched out in front of him, seven tails curling around his body. “I am what is known as a kitsune - a type of yokai descended from Annunaki. My kind are gifted shape-shifters. So like Lewis, I assume an acceptable form so that I may walk among humankind. I’m sure you know very well that dogs are much more acceptable human companions than foxes - a fitting form for the guardian spirit of the Yukino family.” 
“So l-like um… this definitely explains a lot.” Shaggy said with his signature nervous laugh. 
“You’re a kitsune?” Velma asked slowly, visibly pale. 
Oh no. Which of the legends has she heard? “I am,” Mystery said gently with a nod. 
“Uhm… what kind?” 
“Leave it to you to know the old tales,” Mystery chuckled. 
“Just answer the question,” She said quickly.
“I am the son of a yama and a tengoku. As for me, I am a mori-”
“That’s not what I meant, and you know it,” Velma said accusingly. 
“Why does it matter, Velma?” Daphne asked. 
“Because he may or may not be capable and likely to kill us all!” 
“K-k-kill us?” Scooby trembled. 
“‘Capable’ and ‘willing’ are two entirely different things, Velma.” Mystery said gently. “Scooby’s teeth and claws are perfectly capable of ruining flesh. Fred could kill too if he wished, with his multitude of traps and weapons. Or Lewis or Vivi, with their powers. But they never would, because we are friends. Yes - I am a nogitsune. But I consider each of you to be friends and allies, and have placed you under my protection. So yes - I could kill you all, Velma. But that would be extremely unlikely. I would sooner die.”
“Hold on. Just- hold on,” Fred said, standing up and nervously rubbing his neck. “Let’s pretend for a second that most of us here aren’t familiar with Japanese folklore and start from the beginning. Please.”
Mystery sighed. “I am a kitsune - a fox spirit and a yokai, which is a japanese subclass of demon. What most people don’t know however, is that my people were originally animal descendants of the Annunaki. But not like Scooby and Professor Pericles. When Annunaki breed with mortal animals, the first few generations of descendants retain some of their ancestors’ traits and abilities. Usually, these disappear as the Anunnaki blood is watered down through generations of mating with regular animals. But some of their earliest descendants, my ancestors included, did not want this to happen. Sooo…” 
“Sweet home Alabama?” Velma guessed. 
“Precisely,” he sighed. “But not just that. Our bloodline also intersected with the native Yokai who already lived in Japan and we became adept with the magic of this world. The result was a new species: the kitsune. A creature part-mortal and part-god, descended from the wild foxes of Japan, the gods of Japan’s spirit world, and the gods of another. This is how I fit and diverge from the pattern. I can talk, and I am a descendant of the Annunaki. But biologically, I am a much closer descendant than Scooby or any of the others, and my blood is intermixed with that of other gods.” 
“We know it’s a bit much. Everyone following along?” Lewis asked. 
“So far, yeah. But what did Velma mean by different types?” Fred asked. 
“And what’s that got to do with killing us?” Ricky asked. 
“All kitsune are essentially divided into two diametrically opposed… camps. The zenko, and the nogitsune. Zenko, also sometimes called Inari Foxes, are benevolent to mankind and serve the god Inari. They serve the gods, perform good deeds, and are physically incapable of ever harming a human. Then there are nogitsune, also called the yako. We are… more complicated.” 
“By ‘more complicated’, you mean ‘evil’. And you’re one of them.” Velma said. 
Mystery nearly growled at her, but he stopped himself. Still, everyone flinched at his slightly bared fangs. Mystery took a step back, took a deep breath, and explained himself. 
“All that you know is what you have read in your books. Against what many of the old stories say, and what many of the so-called ‘good spirits’ spread around… the world is much more complicated than good and evil. Yes - I confess. I am a nogitsune. My mother was one, and my father abandoned his place in kitsune society and became one to run into the wilds with her. Really, it was quite the scandal. But they weren’t evil, and neither am I. However…  They were mischievous. And they hurt people… and there was a very long period in my life where I did too. 
“But then, I met Mushi. She could have killed me. Maybe she should have. But instead she showed me mercy and treated me with respect. I bound myself to her and her family, and before I knew it… I fell in love. With her and her family, then with all of mankind. So yes. I am a nogitsune. But that does not make me evil. Rather (just like humans, really) I have the freedom to choose the sort of fox I want to be. I can be good. I could be evil… and when necessary, I can walk the gray areas to protect those who are worth dying and killing for. 
“The time of the samurai and the onna-musha is over. I may be among the last, but I am not the first of my kind to ally myself with a warrior or to grant them my power. Think about it. As pure as they are, an Inari Fox would be of little help in battle. They are incapable of causing harm to humans. You need a yako for that - like me.” 
Quietness settled over the conservatory as the kids processed what they’d been told and made up their minds about what they thought about it. 
“I think… I get it,” Scooby said. And he walked over to sit beside Mystery. The dog giggled, looking up at the kitsune. “Wow, you really are big.” 
And that was certainly true. The tips of Scooby’s ears didn’t even come up to Mystery’s shoulder. 
“Like, if Scoob’s cool with it, then so am I. Like, so long as you don’t like, kill us.” Shaggy gulped. 
“Nonsense - I find each of you uniquely delightful. And I see no reason why we should ever become enemies.” Mystery said, eyes twinkling behind his spectacles, tails thumping against the floor.
“Alright. You’ve been good to Vivi, Lewis, and Arthur for this long. So I guess I don’t have much choice but to believe you. But I still can’t say I trust you. Not completely,” Velma said. 
“I expect no less,” Mystery said fondly. 
“Well then gang, I guess we’re friends with a kitsune, now.” Said Fred. 
“Yeah…” Ricky mumbled. “Friends…” 
“So then,” Velma said, “You’re a nogitsune. But which of the thirteen types did you say you were again?” 
“And uh… go over it like most of us don’t know much about Japanese mythology,” Daphne reminded him. 
“There are thirteen different kinds of kitsune that each correlate with a different chakra,” Mystery explained. “I won’t go into all of them, but I am what would be known as a Mori - a kitsune of the forest. I have the same powers as most of my kind, but I have some abilities that correspond to plants, trees, moss, fungi, earth, animals, etc. that the other 12 types don’t have.” 
Fred prompted, “And those powers would be…?”
“Shapeshifting, obviously.” Mystery said, and in a flash he changed back into the little dog they’d all gotten to know. “As I said before, I usually take on this form because dogs fit well as companions alongside a human society. You should know from experience Ricky, that something more exotic-” and they gasped as he transformed into a large white moluccan cockatoo, then flew over their heads to land on the back of the sofa behind Ricky. “- Tends to attract a bit more attention.” 
He fluffed up his red and black mohawk, then stretched out his wings to show off his black wingtips. “Don’t get me wrong though, the form I would be most comfortable in aside from my own is a fox,” and the bird became a normal-sized, one-tailed fox stretched across the back headrest. “But alas, thanks to your fairytales and legends, people don’t tend to find those too trustworthy-” and the fox hopped down onto the seat, then onto the floor and turned back into a dog. “-So a dog suits me just fine.” 
Then Mystery walked back over to where he’d been sitting originally and resumed his true form. “Apart from shapeshifting, there’s my foxfire of course,” he continued. He raised his paw, and conjured a magnificent ball of crimson flame, smirking smugly at the awestruck expressions of his audience. “Fire is as dual as we are. It’s only fitting that we kitsune be so well-adapted to it. Capable of providing warmth or pain. Fostering life or destruction. Leading men to salvation, or luring them to their deaths. That is the purpose of foxfire.” And with a flex of his claws, he extinguished it. 
“As Shaggy has already observed, I am also capable of observing and manipulating auras and energies. Let’s see… I can also cast magic spells and have knowledge of runes and potions. There’s also the casting of illusions, the manipulation of dreams, possession, manipulation - though that one is more of a learned skill,” he said with a teeny bit of pride, “- and not one that I would use on any of you,” he paused to assure them. “And… without going into all of the little things I can do with those basic abilities, that’s it.” 
And that’s when Ricky finally snapped. “That’s it? That’s IT, he says!” Mr. E roared, and he shot to his feet and stormed past Mystery. 
Lewis made a move to stop him as he passed, but Mystery stopped him, “Let him go.” 
And he watched sadly as Mr. E flung open the ornate back doors and stomped into the gardens. 
“Rut’s up with him?” Scooby asked.
“Like, no kidding. Did I miss something?” Shaggy asked. 
“Yeah. What was that about?” Said Velma.
“I was afraid of this,” Mystery groaned with drooped ears. 
“What do you mean by that? I mean, he was fine with Lewis being a ghost. Whatever happened to ‘at least they were honest about being dishonest’?” Asked Daphne.
“Emotions often contradict each other. Emotions and logic contradict each other even more often. Though in this case, not trusting me is actually the logical thing to do,” Mystery said with a shake of his head. “Don’t forget: the pain that followed the last time a talking animal - specifically one whom he considered a friend - lied to Ricky about his true nature.” 
Mystery Incorporated looked at each other, then cringed in unison with a chorus of “Yeeeah…” “Yikes,” “Ouch,” and “Oooohhh…”  
“Poor Mr. E,” Daphne said thoughtfully. “I didn’t think of it that way.” 
“Most wouldn’t,” Mystery said. “But I’ve had about a thousand years to observe humans and learn their ways. I won’t be so arrogant as to say that I’m usually right, but if I didn't acquire some level of emotional intelligence after all of this time, then what kind of trickster spirit would I be?” 
“You need to talk to him,” Lewis said.
“I think not. At least not now,” Mystery said. “Give him a bit to himself to process. Children, one of you,” Mystery said, turning to Mystery Incorporated, “If you wouldn’t mind…” 
Through his anger, Ricky was in fact aware that he was being stupid. 
Fuck, why did I storm out? He groaned to himself, absentmindedly petting the head of the purring Dead Beat in his lap. Three of them had come out after him a minute or two after his dramatic exit - courtesy of Lewis, he imagined. 
Damn it. How was he going to go face everyone after walking out like some overly dramatic soap opera character? 
Well, it’s long-since gotten dark and all of the yard lights are on… 
“I’m going to have to go back in eventually, aren’t I?” He groaned. The three Dead Beats around him made noises of agreement and nodded. 
Or I could just stay out here and let the darkness swallow me, he considered.
The latter seemed less daunting than the former at this point.
Just then, he heard a distinct squeeeak as the back door opened. The Dead Beats made a couple happy noises at the newcomer and one of them zipped over to say hello.
“Uh, hey? Mr. E? Or um… Ricky? Sorry - still getting used to that. How’re you doing?” 
“I’m uh… I’m fine, Daphne.” He said, glancing back but not looking at her. He heard the click of her heels as she crossed the stone patio, then she sat down in the chair beside him, holding the third Dead Beat like a cat in her arms. They didn’t talk for about a minute, and Ricky stubbornly looked out over the illuminated gardens to avoid looking at her. Out of shame, not her own wrongdoing. He hoped she knew that. 
“Hey guys,” Daphne said to the Dead Beats, “I uh… kind of want to have a word in private for a minute so no offense but could you…?”
The Dead Beats chirped affirmingly, then zipped back into the conservatory. 
And then they were alone. And it was quiet.
“Are you sure you’re fine?” Daphne finally asked.
“Nope,” Ricky replied way too merrily. “I’ve just gotten so good at pretending otherwise that at this point it’s just easier. Next question please.” 
“Are you mad?” 
“Furious, but not at you. Or Fred, Velma, Shaggy, or Scooby. Or even the Mystery Skulls. It’s fine though. I’ve been angry for over 20 years. Why stop now?” He sighed, resting his chin on his palm.
“So… you’re mad at Professor Pericles?” 
“You’re surprised that I’m mad at Professor Pericles?” 
“Not really. Out of everyone angry with Professor Pericles, you definitely have the most reason to. I was actually fishing for whether or not you’re mad at Mystery.” 
“Did he put you up to this?” 
“He wants to talk to you, but gets why you’d be upset with him. So he asked one of us to talk to you first on his behalf. He’s worried about you. But… he’s not the only one worried. I’d be checking on you even if he didn’t.”
“Well… thanks.” 
“So are you mad at him?”
“No. Maybe…? No. Just-” He scoffed with frustration. She’s going to think I’m so fucking stupid, he thought. 
“He reminds me of Professor Pericles.” 
“Oh,” said Daphne. “So… you’re upset because he reminds you of Pericles? And you hate Pericles?” 
“Not exaaactly. But- Kind of? Will you judge me if I tell you?” 
“I don’t know,” Daphne said. “I think that the big problem between us- that is, between you and my friends and I, is that we haven’t talked. It’s been over a year since you started sending us your clues. But we never said anything. And things have gotten so much better in just a day because we finally actually said something. So… whatever you have to say, I want things to keep getting better. So I’m listening.” 
Ricky sighed, “Thanks Daphne. So… I guess I’ll say something, then.” He looked up at the starry indigo sky, bouncing one knee, composing his thoughts before he began. “Mystery has reminded me of Pericles from pretty much the moment I met him. But… in all of the best ways. He’s… wise, patient, supportive, and just- always seems to know exactly what to say. In other words, he reminds me of the Pericles I used to think I knew.”
“Oh. So… like the way he was when you were a kid?” 
“Yeah. But… without all of the bullshit that I know I should have recognized as red flags. And now that I know what he is, it makes sense as to why he reminds me of Pericles. Only now, I also see all of the worst ways he reminds me of Pericles.”
“First off: his age. I told you all earlier today how much older than the rest of us Professor Pericles was. But Mystery? From my limited knowledge of kitsune, he is hundreds of years old, Daphne. Do you have any idea what the implications of that are? How much he’s seen and done? The skills he’s perfected? The things he’s had time to learn and experience? He’s so much smarter, wiser, and more powerful than any of us. I didn’t know to be afraid of that when I was a kid. But I do now… it’s scary.” 
“I… can definitely get that,” Daphne shuddered. 
“And beyond that,” Ricky said, “A kitsune is a trickster spirit, Daphne. By definition. How am I to know what’s real when it comes to him?” 
“I get it. Pericles revealed that he’d been using you all along, and he chose the treasure over you. So now you don’t know if you can trust Mystery.” 
“In a nutshell… basically.” 
“Well… Mystery decided to show you his real self without betraying you first. He’s trying to be honest. That says a lot, doesn't it?” 
“Uuugh, and I know that, but just- it was all so overwhelming, learning all of that. All those thoughts at once. So of course it only occurred to me after I stormed out. Which is why I haven’t come back in… because I know how stupid I was.”
“I don’t think it’s stupid.” 
Ricky jumped out of his skin and whirled around. “Chhheese and crackers, Fred! Make some noise when you move! You gave me a heart attack! Wait a minute- how long have you all been standing there?” 
All four other members of Mystery Incorporated were standing behind them. 
“Long enough,” Velma said. “And Fred’s right: it’s not stupid. Those are perfectly valid concerns to have, all things considered.” 
Scooby padded over and sat beside him. “So uh… what are you going to do?” He asked. 
Ricky sighed, reaching over to give the dog a pat. “I don’t know,” he admitted. “I don’t know how I feel about all this or if I trust him, so I really don’t know what I should do next. Or how I’m going to show my face indoors again.” 
“Like if it helps man, like Mystery is just as stressed about what he’s going to say to you,” said Shaggy. 
“Really? Why?” 
“He feels really bad about turning into a bird. Something about ‘his mischievous side came out too much’,” said Fred. 
“No shit,” Velma added under her breath.
“That’s probably true,” Ricky shrugged. 
“So… it’s dark out. And it’s getting colder. Ready to go back in?” Daphne asked. 
“As I’ll ever be,” Ricky sighed. 
Walking back into the conservatory, Ricky realized that he’d missed just how grand it was. The sun had gone to bed and where one world was now sleeping, another was waking up. And the house of the dead was as alive as ever. Three chandeliers in the same style as the room’s metal frame hung from the ceiling, sconces attached to the walls and every other vertical frame held floating mystical lights, and the ghost fish in the koi pond and the artificial brook shimmered so bright it was as if the water itself was aglow. 
Seeing the lights shining through the dark, it made Ricky wonder how he’d ever failed to see the magic. 
“You okay?” 
Ricky jumped, looked around for the source of the voice, then looked up.
“Okay. Lewis, I’m still getting used to the whole ‘ghost’ thing as it is, but you doing that is not helping.” 
“... Sorry,” the ghost apologized, floating back down to eye-level in his true form. “Seriously though, is everything good?” 
“No, but… it never was. As for us though, yeah. We’re good. Mystery though… ehhh… I need to talk to him.”
“He figured as much,” Lewis sighed. “This way, he’s waiting for you.” 
Vivi spared Ricky an encouraging smile before leading Mystery Inc. back into the manor. And Ricky followed Lewis deeper into the conservatory. Wordlessly, the ghost pointed down a lit, dense green path, where ahead on an unseen radio, a song was quietly playing. He patted Ricky on the shoulder, then disappeared into thin air. 
Ricky gulped, and stepped into the brush. 
“Tears that I cried... I've been hol-din’ on…”
He came to realize after a few steps that he was walking into a sort of indoor natural area, complete with big, twisting Japanese maples and cherry trees. 
“… I've been hold-in’ on~…”
Fallen crimson leaves and pink petals covered the ground atop trodden mossy cobblestones like a multicolored carpet. 
“… I've been hol-din’ ooo-on~…”
Finally, he moved a large fern leaf out of the way, and before him was a hidden oasis within the conservatory - a small clearing among the trees and bushes, at the center of which was a rather curious bonsai tree. 
“I~ won't let them take you away from me! My love~”
Notably, the tree was dead. Or at least very close to it. With a couple of rather pitiful orange petals hanging limply on the edge of each branch that may very well have once been pink. And the bark- Ricky may have been mistaken but he could have sworn it was green. 
“I'll be your protection, and I'll fight for you endlessly!”
And yet in spite of this, the pitiful plant was the most revered thing Ricky had seen in the whole conservatory. It was planted directly into the ground with the richest, darkest soil and a ring of pink, orange, and white stones lovingly placed around it. And there were three giant pink necklaces placed around it with candles, burning incense, and Japanese blessings inscribed upon paper. 
“I~ won't let them take you away from me!"
"(Won’t let them take youu!)”
Ricky tilted his head, curious. 
“I'll be your protection, and I'll fight for you endlessly!”
But where was- 
“I worried you wouldn’t come.” 
Ricky jumped and inhaled sharply through his teeth. “Oooookay then. This is just going to be a regular thing now? You people talking out of nowhere and scaring me out of my skin?” Ricky asked, looking up at the source of the voice. 
Mystery was draped like a leopard across a large, thick tree branch. His head rested upon his crossed paws and his seven tails hung down, swaying gracefully yet playfully to and fro. 
As he stood, the kitsune laughed in a way that was not quite human; animal-like, high-pitched and a little silly, like a hyena- no. Like a fox. Then he bounded down to a lower branch and bounced to the ground to stand beside Ricky.
“Apologies. It’s been a while since I last revealed my true form to a human,” Mystery said with a dip of his head. “I suppose I need to get used to ‘easing people into it’ again. My manners aside… I really am glad you came.” 
“Why wouldn’t I?” 
“You are upset with me,” the creature said sadly, ears drooping. “If you had wished to avoid me for a while, I would have understood.”
“Don’t apologize,” Ricky sighed, rubbing his temples. “Yes - I’m surprised. But I understand why you kept this from us. Really, it’s me. Not you.”
“Still. I should have been more mindful of your… experiences.” 
“If you’re referring to you turning into a bird, yeah - that might have been crossing a line,” Ricky grumbled. 
“Believe it or not, I do realize how much I have in common with Pericles,” The kitsune growled, baring his teeth. “And I hate it. But let me assure you… my hatred for him runs deep. And I’ll die before I make the same mistake he did.” 
And there it was again - that intuition. Just like Pericles. Or perhaps he’d just been alive long enough that he could guess. Dealing with basically immortal beings was kind of a new thing to Ricky.
“What mistake?” Ricky asked, clearing his throat.
“Isn’t it obvious? You. Or rather - what he did to you. And your friends.” 
“No offense, Mystery. But…” It then occurred to Ricky that Mystery may find what he was about to say extremely offensive. 
“In my miiiind~
“I thought it was just an illusion.”
“Do not be concerned with my feelings,”
“I wished for something like thiiis,”
“-Whatever you have to say, I am ready and willing to talk about it.” 
“Now I just can’t run.”
Ricky sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. “Just- you’re a kitsune, Mystery."
“I~ won't let them take you away from me! My love~”
"I’m not… deeply familiar with Japanese mythology, but I know enough to know that your kind are tricksters. Agents of chaos. I’m probably being ignorant,” he apologized, running a hand through his hair.
“I'll be your protection, and I'll fight for you endlessly!”
“How am I to know which of the stories are true? But from what do I know, I guess, shouldn’t you sort of… respect what he did?” Ricky asked, hugging himself. 
“I~ won't let them take you away from me!"
"(Won’t let them take youu!)”
“I mean to me (and to most people really) it was horrible. But at the end of the day, he took what he needed from his pawns, used them up, took a calculated risk, and got what he wanted. I was a naive, trusting, meddling, stupid kid.”
“I'll be your protection, and I'll fight for you endlessly!”
“I mean, heh- if you look at it from a tactician’s standpoint, I was almost asking to get hurt-”
The kitsune surged forward so fast it made Ricky stumble back and fall upon the soft moss. 
“I~ won't let them take you away from me! My love~”
The change had been jarringly abrupt. When speaking of Mystery’s own kind in such a way, the kitsune had been fine. But the moment Ricky had started talking about himself, an animalistic sort of rage had crept in. And now, Mystery stood before Ricky as every bit the beast he was. Tails lashing, hackles raised, eyes glowing red, ears flat against his skull, teeth bared inches in front of Ricky’s face. 
“Do not be ashamed that your fate was put into the talons of a FOOL, Ricky Owens!” The kitsune barked.
“I'll be your protection, and I'll fight for you endlessly!”
“HE was supposed to look after you. You were a CHILD, and the one who should have protected you fffailed!"
“I~ won't let them take you away from me!”
“He grew so distracted by something as frivolously human as GOLD that he failed to see the value in what he already had!”
As Mystery got the words out, the fur laid flat on his back and his eyes ceased their glow. 
“I'll be your protection, and I'll fight for you endlessly!”
“I will not make the same mistake, boy. Unlike him, as your elder I see fit to look after you. Upon my tails, I swear it.” 
Mystery darted back, pacing agitated to and fro between the walls of fauna. 
And as the music came to an end, Ricky took deep breaths to slow the racing of his heart, processing what had been said. 
I see fit to look after you…
“You and your friends were more precious than any treasure,” Mystery said, his voice losing that deep echo as he calmed down. “You and Cassidy still are. He is the one who should be ashamed for failing to see that.” 
There was a moment of tense silence when Mystery was done talking, broken only by the babbling of the brook. Ricky opened and closed his mouth fruitlessly searching for words. “I- um- thank you?” 
“I need you to say it, Ricky.” 
“Say what?” 
“You were a child.” 
Ricky scoffed, “I was a kid yeah, but I was seventeen. Hardly-”
“A child,” The Kitsune repeated, eyes flashing. He took a deep breath, and let it out slowly. “Ricky,” he said with forced calmness, “I think we can both agree that… Fred, Daphne, Velma, and Shaggy are children.”
“Of course. What’s that got to do with-” 
“Shaggy is the second-oldest, and he only recently turned seventeen,” Mystery said pointedly, pausing to let that sink in. “They are children. And they are no older than you were. So. You were…” 
“... a child,” Ricky admitted quietly. 
“You were a good kid, Ricky.” 
“I- I was a g-good kid…” Damn it, why was his throat closing? 
“-And he took advantage of that.”
He knew all of this already! So why were his eyes filling with- “... and he took advantage of that.” 
They didn’t speak for several minutes. To his credit, Ricky didn’t sob. But he did cry, tears falling silently with the occasional gasp, shudder, or sniffle. Mystery just laid there and let Ricky get through it, leaning against the kitsune’s large shoulder. And when there was a sizable wet spot in Mystery’s white fur, Ricky sniffed and moved away, trying to get ahold of himself. “S-sorry,” He croaked, hoarse from the effort of holding his sobs in. “Heh, I- I don’t know what’s wrong with me,” He chuckled, trying to laugh it off.
“That’s because there is nothing wrong with you,” the kitsune said gently, pulling Ricky back in and enveloping him in his warm, soft tails. “I learned a rather fun fact about you humans recently,” he said, licking the tears from one of Ricky’s cheeks. “Did you know… that human beings have three different kinds of tears? Basal tears form the wet coating of your eye and reflex tears flush things out. Like say, having a bug fly into your eye.” And he swatted Ricky playfully in the face with one of his tails. 
“Hey…” Ricky said in mock-warning, rubbing his watering eyes.
The kitsune chuckled. “And then… There are tears of emotion. That’s what these are,” Mystery said, collecting a tear from Ricky’s cheek with the tip of one long claw. “These are the ones I find interesting. You see, aside from magical creatures, human beings are the only species on Earth who burst into tears when they’re in pain. Whether that pain be external or in here,” he said, gesturing to Ricky’s heart with his nose. “But there’s more than just water in these tears. They purposefully have proteins in them that make them fall slower, dry slower, and stick to your face.”
“What’s your point?” 
“That these tears were never meant to be hidden. When you cry - when these tears fall… they were meant to be seen. Humans are such social creatures. Don’t you see? You evolved this way because you were never meant to carry your burdens alone.” 
“How would you know?” Ricky grumbled bitterly, resting his forehead on his knees. “If only humans have them, then how many tears have you shed?”
“I have cried a thousand lifetimes worth,” the kitsune murmured. “Descendants of the Annunaki have the gift of humanity. Which means that just like humans… we are corruptible. But we are capable of growth and change at all stages of our lives as well.” 
“So what’s your point? That Pericles can cry too? That I should try to change him?” 
“No.” The kitsune snarled. “If a miracle happens and he changes his stars, it shall be his own doing. You are not responsible for fixing Professor Pericles, nor do I think anyone could. The point I was trying to make… was actually about myself. You see- there is a reason I have such a deep hatred for that bird. Why I am so disgusted and angry at what he has done. It’s because-” And reluctantly he admitted, “In another life… I may have been the same. And you would have been right about me.” 
“What do you mean?” 
“I meant what I said before. I wasn’t always a good boy, Ricky. In fact, there was a time when I was just as bad as Professor Pericles. Probably worse, even.” 
Ricky gulped. “Oh yeah? Is that so?” 
“It is so,” the kitsune said sadly. 
“Then… if you want me to trust you, then why would you tell me that?” 
“That is a rather curious thing to do, isn’t it?” The kitsune chuckled. “It’s certainly contradictory to my goal. Hardly the tactical thing to do. I suppose that it is because most of the relationships I’ve built throughout my life have been founded upon lies - at least at first. And from now on I wish to begin with honesty when I can. So, before you and the kids, I wish to lay my sins bare.” 
“Is this… why you seemed so keen to give me a chance?” Ricky asked. “Because you also changed your ways once?” 
“Partly,” the kitsune shrugged. “But even at your worst Ricky Owens, I have seen evil. And you’re not it.” 
“Then, if I may ask… what changed? For you, I mean?” 
“Mushi,” Mystery said sadly yet fondly. “But that is a long story, and one I wish to repeat only once. And as it happens, this place is a rather good place to begin. Come. There’s someone I would like you to meet.”
The kitsune stood and walked over to the dead bonsai in the center of the oasis. Ricky wiped his eyes on his sleeve and crawled over a few feet on his hands and knees to watch. 
“I assume you noticed this when you walked in,” Mystery said. 
“Yeah,” Ricky gulped to clear his throat. “What is the deal with that tree? It’s dead, isn’t it?” 
“Seemingly. Apparently… Probably. But hopefully not completely.” 
And then the kitsune dug with one massive paw around the base of the tree, disturbing as little as possible. And when he had uncovered the roots, he beckoned Ricky over with a gesture of paw and tail. “Come, and look upon a consequence of my past.” 
Crouching, Ricky came forward and was so surprised by what he saw that he recoiled. 
Mystery hadn’t uncovered the tree’s roots. Rather, the tree was attached to the top of a wooden head. And his digging had uncovered a sad, dead face with empty, soulless eye sockets and tear-mark cracks down each side. 
“What is that?” Ricky asked, wrinkling his nose. 
“This is my daughter,” Mystery replied sadly, unbothered by Ricky’s reaction. “Her name was Shiomori.”  
Nearing 10:00 at night was not the most opportune time the plane could have touched down on California soil. And it was nearly 11 by the time she left the airport.
But as antsy as she was to rush, stealth - not speed - was the goal, here. If Professor Pericles knew she was coming- if he even realized she was alive, then it would cost her a huge advantage that he’d already proven could cost her life. 
And if she could help it, Cassidy Williams would like to go a lifetime without ever coming that close to dying again. 
Weirdly enough, it wasn’t all bad. In a lot of ways Angel was grateful for the experience. It had reminded her just how much she loved being not-dead. More importantly than the little things though… seeing her reflection in the reaper’s scythe had rather annoyingly put some things in perspective for Cassidy that she’d been denying hard for over fifteen years. 
Namely: She was in love with Ricky Owens. 
Fuck, fuck, fuck, she was in love with Ricky Owens. 
She used to ask herself why. She used to try to convince herself that she didn’t love him anymore. That the asshole who’d put her heart through the ringer wasn’t the same person as the adorable, awkward boy she’d fallen for. She used to try reasoning with herself that she could move on if she just forced herself to start over with someone else, no matter how many dates ended and relationships failed because no matter how nice they were they just were. Not. Him. 
... Why did she only stop doing that the moment she realized she had to die? 
There would have been a sort of purpose to Angel’s death: giving up her life to save those wonderful, stupid, meddling kids of hers. But as the Kriegstaffebots closed in and the clock neared zero, one regret stabbed at her heart like a thorn. 
It’s true what they say. About your life flashing before your eyes. Most of Cassidy’s life had come to her in flashes of color and memory. But he struck her mind like a bullet train, and in what would have been- should have been her final moments, she fell in love with him and had her heart broken into a thousand little pieces all over again. 
Except… those weren’t her final moments. 
Cassidy still wasn’t exactly sure how she’d survived. Everything after Moby disappearing under the waves got kind of blurry and she couldn’t string together even a semblance of how she’d gotten from point A to point B. What she did know was that for all intents and purposes, she should be dead. It honestly didn’t make a lick of sense that she wasn’t. Cassidy still didn’t have an explanation for it. 
Neither had the Mystery Skulls, before she had sent them to Crystal Cove. She would have come with them, but the attempt on her life had left her battered and bruised and with a badly dislocated shoulder. Even after popping it back into place it had taken weeks for the swelling to go down. In her condition at the time she would have just been a burden. 
But that was a mystery Cassidy wasn’t the slightest bit worried about at the moment. She was all healed up now and all that mattered was that Professor Pericles had tried to kill her, but she’d survived and now she was back in California and on her way to kick some tail! Woo-hoo baby!
…And she was in love with Mr. E. 
There was that, too. 
Cassidy didn’t know why that seemed so damn important, but no matter how hard she tried to think about the kids, the planispheric disk, the Mystery Skulls, or about Pericles, Brad, and Judy, all she could seem to think about was her last phone call with Vivi. 
Ricky’s in trouble. 
Those words kept ringing through her ears on loop and she hadn’t been able to relax since she’d heard them. 
Cassidy had thought once, that if there was one person whom Pericles might have a soft spot for, who was off-limits and may actually be safe with him, it would be Ricky. 
Wow, she’d been naive. But then again, Pericles loved to surpass her expectations of how rotten he was. If she had a nickel for every time he’d proven her wrong, she’d be able to rebuild K-Ghoul. 
Angel wished that Vivi had just come out and told her whatever-the-hell was going on. But Vivi had given her an abbreviated, vague, and clearly cushioned version in an attempt to keep her from worrying. And in doing so had done just the opposite, because in a haze of ambiguity, it seemed like now all Angel could do was worry. 
He wasn’t hurt. He was safe. Vivi had said that, right? Nope. She’d said he was sort of safe, and that he was kind of not hurt. 
Cassidy wanted to scream. WHAT DOES THAT EVEN MEAN?!
If he wasn’t hurt, then why couldn’t she get visions of every possible way he could be hurt out of her head? Was he in the hospital? Had he been shot? Poisoned? In an accident? God, there were any number of things that feathery lunatic could have done to him. 
And it was all so frustrating because even though she loved him so much she thought her heart might cave in from the weight of it, Mr. E had made it abundantly clear that he didn't love her anymore. Not to mention Angel wasn’t sure whether he had anything to do with her assassination attempts. Had her Ricky… really tried to kill her? She just couldn’t see it. Or maybe she just hoped not so much that it was blinding her. Still, the factory hadn’t been Destroido property.
So maybe Ricky hadn’t had anything to do with it. 
Both Pericles and the kids thought she was dead, now. 
Did Ricky think so too?
Maybe he had been… sad to learn of her death. 
Maybe he didn’t even know. 
Maybe he was even looking for her. 
She was so fucking scared of the answer to those questions. And she was so fucking angry that if Ricky’s stupid, handsome, scowling face was in front of her right now, she didn’t know if she’d tackle him in a hug, kiss him, or smack the shit outta him. 
Whatever the truth was, and whatever was happening back in Crystal Cove, Ricky wasn’t with their old group anymore. He was with the Mystery Skulls and the new Mystery Incorporated.
The question was… what had happened to drive him there? It would have taken something big to snap Ricky out of his codependency. And it scared her to imagine what that could have been. 
She wouldn’t be so naive as to wonder (or hope) if it had happened over her. 
But on the other hand, she didn’t know what she’d do if it had happened because Pericles had… hurt Ricky in some way. 
Wait- no. That isn’t true, Angel realized as she flung a leg over her new motorcycle - courtesy of Kingsmen Mechanics. It didn’t matter if Ricky didn’t love her. If Pericles had harmed so much as a single hair on Ricky’s head, she was going to pluck, baste, and boil that bird alive. 
As for uh… them, Cassidy really didn’t know what she was going to say to Ricky, but she supposed it largely depended on what he had to say to her. And she had a whole night to figure out the possibilities. 
But as uncertain as the road ahead was, as she revved up her engine there was one thing Cassidy Williams knew for sure. 
She loved Ricky Owens. She was done denying it or fighting it. And even though he’d made it abundantly clear that he didn’t love her back, (and shit, did that hurt) Angel knew her heart wouldn’t be able to bear it if anything happened to him. 
This time, she was going to protect him.
She would fight for him. For them. Endlessly.
Hehehehe. At LAST, I am soon to arrive at the point where I can ACTUALLY WRITE RICKIDY! 😍✍️ Oooh, the chapter song for this one turned out to be so much more meaningful and on-the-nose than I thought it was! I've never written alongside music before but now I see why people do it. Mystery and Ricky's conversation flowed so well because it was written in time with the song. Seriously, in the future I'm going to make an entire post about my song choice for Endlessly, because there are some things about it that I can't say without spoiling parts of my master plan. So, this chapter turned out to be mostly about Mystery, which is good because as a character I kind of felt like I haven't done as much with him as I could at this point, so finally it's starting to hint at how important to this story he's going to be. Makes sense tho that he'd make his true debut late - what sort of sneaky trickster spirit would he be otherwise? Lol Speaking of sneaky, Shiomori managed to burrow her way in here. Tbh I wasn't expecting that. She wasn't on the original guest list for this fic but now that I've thought of how to include her, I can't NOT do it. I think Mystery must have invited her. She didn't exactly RSVP but ya know what? Happy to have her. Will she have a major role in the fic? Or is she a tool used to tell Mystery's backstory and make references to the events of the msa music videos? Only time will tell. Who knows what my brain will be doing by the time I get to that point? I sure don't. And lastly of course, her return is long overdue but Angel, the QUEEN 👑, has made her debut!!! I’ve been SO EXCITED to write that part it’s not even funny. And I’ve had the vision of what’ll happen next time we see her in my head since some of the earliest imaginings of this fic. GOD, I cannot WAIT to show it to you!!! 🤩
I would like to give a huge thank you to @lesbian-duck-lord for helping me out with this chapter. I got super stuck on how the conversation at the beginning went and I swear the writer's block looked like the walls from Attack on Titan. But talking to that magnificent person was a HUGE help. Seriously they are so good at characterization. Busted a hole in that wall like the colossal titan. (Yes my brain works in references. Why do you think I write crossovers so much?!) And with this shout out, now you're tagged in this post. So you'll know immediately that Chapter 16 is out!!! Thanks again, Duck!
I would also like to take this moment to congratulate whoever the like, ONE person was who guessed the next chapter song correctly on my recent poll. Because only like two people voted for it, and the other one was me. (I had to put a vote down in order to see the votes as they came in.)
22% of you thought the next song would be Fake (which IS a great song, and I DO have a very specific plan for that one), and Hellbent, Every Note, and Freaking Out tied for second place. Funnily enough, I do also have plans for both Hellbent and Every Note. And joke's on you - I already used Freaking Out! You fell right into my trap! Ha!
I jest of course. It actually rather delights me that only one of you guessed right. How I do love hitting you all with a curveball. 😏
Chapters 1-15 of One of Us are presently posted on Archive of Our Own.
Chapter 16 should make it to Ao3 sometime in the next two days or so. Probably tomorrow tho. Because I'm impatient.
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plague-of-insomnia · 1 year
Is Sebastian “Evil”?
Recently, I saw a post by @puppyfan9000 about Sebastian, commenting on whether or not he is evil, suggesting he’s more like a lion, who preys on animals for survival and not because they’re “evil.”
I guess I had not fully appreciated how many people apparently view Sebastian through the lens of Christian demonology and dogma and thus view him as evil, some apparently going as far to say he’s the villain of the series. (Yana has said he’s the protagonist, actually, but go off, I guess.)
While I can’t ofc know what Yana had in mind with Sebastian when she created him, I do feel like the manga does a good job of pointing out that demons are not innately good or evil, and the truly “evil” ones are humans themselves.
(This is gonna be a bit long so I’ll go ahead and tuck the rest under a read more.)
Shinto Kami & Three Natures
One of the cores of Shinto belief is the kami, sometimes translated as “god,” though I think “deity” is better since the former often has an association with “good” in the western mindset.
The thing about kami is they aren’t good or evil; they exist outside those human parameters. They’re more like a force of nature than what we in the west might view as demonic or godly.
And each kami has 3 natures, or mitama:
aramitama - rough and wild
nigimitama - gentle and life supporting
sakimitama - nurturing
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[SS from Handbook of Japanese Mythology by Michael Ashkenazi]
Think of these three as different colored liquids all contained within a vessel. Each kami has a diff amount of each, with one or more of these natures dominating in different situations and at different times.
Connected to this, the line between a “god” or “kami” and a “demon” (so many words you can use here, including akuma, or even yokai) is fluid in Shinto belief.
A kami can “fall” and “devolve” into a baser yokai or “demon” if they become impure (purity is a big part of Shinto belief and ritual), and/or if their aramitama nature becomes more dominant.
Even so, these beings aren’t considered “evil” in the same sense that a Christian views Satan as “evil.”
Just as the destruction caused by a hurricane can’t be called “evil,” the behavior of a kami or other spirit likewise is neither good nor evil. It simply is.
Yana has described him as “without shame or moral sense” but I think this is a bit misleading in translation (though the original Japanese is lost so I can’t say for sure what she said exactly). I think what she means isn’t “he’s evil” but that “he exists outside the framework of human morality.”
Humans Vs Demons in the Manga
I feel like to call Sebastian evil is to miss the fundamental message of the manga: that humans (and formerly human creatures like shinigami) are far more demonic than demons.
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Ciel says that almost verbatim, depending on the translation (and if you’re talking about the manga vs the anime) at the end of the circus arc, and Seb replies that is something that sets humans and demons apart.
Sebastian doesn’t kill for the sake of killing. He only kills on command/when necessary to execute (ha) Ciel’s orders/goals. More than once he’s expressed either his distaste at Ciel’s desires, and while Ciel calls him a beast, he takes offense to that.
From Sebastian’s perspective, humans are interesting because they are more complex than demons, who seem to be driven largely by their hunger and not much else.
Recall that Sebastian hesitated to burn down Kelvin’s manor with all the children inside, and it confuses him enough he even questions Ciel about it later. Likewise, while he does kill everyone involved in the Green Witch arc, that was far less about his being “evil,” and more about his doing the job that Ciel ordered him to do while giving him a chance to get his own “revenge” for nearly losing his meal due to the effects of the gas.
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I think the closest thing to “evil” Sebastian gets in the manga is when he first makes the contract with Ciel and tries to trick him by making him believe his brother is alive, since he can’t actually resurrect the dead. But I feel it’s telling that is “day one” Sebastian and he has certainly grown and changed since then.
The Ripper Arc: The First Evil
The first true arc is the ripper arc, and I think it’s important because it shows us early that while Sebastian is a literal hellspawn, it wasn’t a demon involved in the serial murders but rather a human—Madam Red—and someone who was once human—Grelle.
Grelle then kills Red in cold blood because she’s become “boring,” which, as far as we know, Grelle never regretted or felt remorse over.
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I’m not quite sure if I would even call Grelle evil, but the point is clear: humans, and former humans, are more demonic than demons.
We see it again and again, with the cult, with Kelvin, with the German military in the GWA, with Undertaker and the Aurora society— perhaps it is telling that Sebastian is the only known demon in canon (no, season 2 of the anime is not canon), because it really forces us to see that even the worst of Sebastian’s actions pales in comparison to the depravity of human beings.
If we do wanna look at non-canon, the first season of the anime featured an Angel, a being that is normally associated with being “good,” who becomes so twisted and obsessed with “purity” that they let their aramitama nature take hold and commit great evil in their quest for purification. Even so much as to try and ally with a demon and offer Sebastian any souls he wishes in exchange for Ciel.
So once more we see a non-demon character being the evil one— and Pluto, who is technically a demon, isn’t “evil.” He only “becomes evil” when Ash/Angela break his mind and force him to attack the city.
Ignoring Ciel’s Commands
Finally, I think it’s important to point out that despite promising to always fulfill Ciel’s orders, there have been several times in the manga that he has disobeyed in order to protect Ciel.
One example happens in the circus arc. Ciel’s asthma flares from the harsh conditions at the circus, but he’s determined to go out regardless. But they’re stopped by Agni and Soma.
Agni then gives Sebastian a harsh lecture that makes him realize that simply always following Ciel’s orders isn’t enough if doing so puts his life at risk. So he goes against Ciel’s wishes and not only makes him rest, but let’s him sleep as long as he needs to.
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Later, during the Weston arc, when confronted by Undertaker again, Sebastian ignores Ciel’s orders to try and catch him because he learned from his experiences on the Campania and doesn’t want to risk putting Ciel in danger again.
If Sebastian were truly such an evil being, an embodiment of sin, then why would he care about Ciel’s health? Yes, he’s cultivating his soul for optimum yumminess, but harvesting him a bit early wouldn’t really affect him that badly.
Though Sebastian says that he’s doing it because of the terms of their contract or because he’s “taken great pains” to cultivate Ciel’s soul and doesn’t want him stolen, I don’t think that is entirely the truth. While he ofc doesn’t want to lose his meal, I think it’s more than that.
No, he protects Ciel because he wants to. He keeps him safe and out of harm because he chooses to. And demon or not, I don’t think someone like Agni could call an evil being his friend.
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justwannabecat · 4 months
Trick or treat 👁👁🎃
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@skittykittybean @grievingangelhopefuldemon @vesselofmanythings
Wait holy fuck when did you guys get here
I guess take this? It’s been sitting unfinished for a while, so I’ll just…
“Why would we want to stay away from the Reikai?”
“Well, I don’t know if you’ve heard of Japanese mythology, but most of the many, many creatures pictured throughout are absolutely terrifying.”
“So? You’re stronger than they are. I thought we established that when you fought those demons.”
Danny paused. His mouth opened and closed, no noise escaping. Finally he found the words he was looking for. “Ah. I… didn’t do a very good job at explaining power balance in the Realms. That’s my bad, I guess.”
“What are you saying?” Tim asked, dread already creeping into his tone.
“Well… Many of the creatures that live here do so on the basis of belief. Ghosts are somewhat believed universally, therefore no matter where we go, we are always very strong. However, other creatures are strongest in their own subsection. Like, Kitsune are ridiculously powerful. I might be able to defeat like, six or seven tails. But if we were to go through their territory, their power nearly doubles, and suddenly I can barely scrape by handling one with two tails. Get it?”
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tobiasdrake · 1 month
I've often wondered what would happen if you used the Dragon Balls to resurrect someone that's been reincarnated?
While it has a fuckton of original fantasy elements to it, the spiritual mythology of Dragon Ball is rooted in Japanese Buddhism. Upon death, you are taken before Enma-Daio, a real mythological figure who governs the cycle of birth, death, and rebirth known as samsara.
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Fun fact, it's commonly believed that Goku was rewarded for his good and meritorious deeds by being allowed to keep his body and go train under Kaio. But actually, Enma-Daio was against letting Goku go to Kaio because of his good and meritorious deeds.
Enma's position was basically, "This guy's earned a full ride to The Good Place and you want to throw that away on a risky death-hike that will probably land his ass in Hell!? Are you out of your goddamn mind?"
He reluctantly acquiesced, but he wasn't happy about it.
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You really want to go dumbass yourself into Hell then whatever. No skin off my back, I guess.
Hell, or Jigoku as it's known in Japanese Buddhism, is a bit complicated. There are various "planes", so to speak, of Jigoku not unlike the circles of Dante's Inferno but with one particular key difference.
Under samsara, the afterlife is a transient experience. For everyone, good and bad alike, save for those who manage to break free from the karmic cycle. This is the ultimate goal.
Note that while we never see Jigoku for ourselves in the manga, it does show up in the anime - Along with two more real mythological figures.
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This is Gozu and Mezu, a pair of oni who serve the role of dragging people into Jigoku. Fun fact, this episode is actually based on two separate misadventures of the Monkey King Sun Wukong, who Goku is meant to be an adaptation of. Understanding the assignment, Toei drew a lot of inspiration from Journey to the West when writing Goku-centric filler episodes.
In any case, time spent in Jigoku is limited, determined by the extent of one's negative karma. There are a few references to the transient experience of being dead, predominately for villains. The most prominent is, of course, the fate of Majin Buu.
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In gratitude to Goku for the great service he's performed, Enma-Daio made that happen. He rushed Buu through the cycle, allowing him to be reborn on Earth and with his power intact.
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Post-God Merger Piccolo also brings up the karmic cycle when Vegeta, in a rare moment of self-reflection, seeks spiritual clarity from him.
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Vegeta's going to Jigoku to expend the bad karma he's accumulated over his life, and then he too will be born again as a new incarnation.
This is the system of life and death that forms the foundation of Dragon Ball's mythology. You die, you expend the good or bad karma you've accumulated in life, and then you are reborn to go another round.
Complicating the matter is that not only does reincarnation exist within this mythology but. Uh. So does resurrection.
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There are restrictions, of course. Shenron cannot revive someone who has already died before.
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And a mass-revival under a shared condition has a time limit of one year.
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But there's no such limitation on single revivals. At least, it's never established that there is one. The time to bring it up would probably have been Goku's afterlife training for one year in preparation for the Saiyans' arrival.
So. That. Raises an interesting question.
What would happen if you had Shenron resurrect someone whose soul is presently occupying another body in the mortal world?
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yamayuandadu · 6 months
The fabrication of a storm god: Susanoo, Taishakuten (Indra) and their histories
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When I found this ask in my inbox recently, I initially admittedly wanted to only give a short, dismissive response. After all, the similarity between these two is completely superficial. And, truth to be told, it’s more a vague similarity between how they are presented as “storm gods” by questionable online sources than between their actual roles. However, I quickly realized that would not accomplish much. The best way to counter misconceptions is to show reality is more interesting - and in the case of complex figures with long histories, this requires time and effort. The response, like the recent Tamamo no Mae one, kept growing as a result, and evolved into a fully blown unplanned post. Under the cut, you will find a brief examination of the origin of the erroneous notion that Susanoo was ever understood a “storm god”, as well as a summary of his character  character, the main deities linked to him in the Japanese “middle ages”, and finally his fate after the Meiji restoration. In the second half, I deal with the Japanese reception of Indra. While not actually related to Susanoo, he is nonetheless a complex deity worth exploring, even though it feels like he’s not particularly appreciated by hobbyists and his central role in medieval cosmology hardly gets acknowledged.
Victorian confabulations and Meiji mirages: the fabrication of a storm god
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Susanoo vanquishing Yamata no Orochi, as depicted by Yoshitoshi Tsukioka (wikimedia commons)
Contrary to what you might have seen in numerous online sources of dubious quality, Susanoo is not a “storm god” (let alone a “thunder god” more specifically). Nothing to that effect shows up in standard points of reference like Encyclopedia of Shinto, and even Wikipedia despite arbitrarily putting him in the weather god category only musters a single 2000 paper which I’ve never seen cited in subsequent Susanoo research as “evidence” of a weather connection. 
The most recent in depth treatments of Susanoo in English are a section of Bernard Faure’s monograph Rage and Ravage and David Weiss’ The God Susanoo and Korea in Japan’s Cultural Memory: Ancient Myths and Modern Empire. The former at no point makes any claims pertaining to the weather while discussing him. The latter notes the view that Susanoo was a “storm god” enjoyed some popularity in the late nineteenth century because of the influence of the now long abandoned school of “nature mythology”, in which deities are only ever representations of natural phenomena. This theory was originally formulated by Edward Burnett Tylor, who basically admitted no actual Japanese sources ever present him as a “storm god”, but that this character is nonetheless evident in his vibes (obviously not how he phrased it, but his study deserves no more dignified summary). Tylor’s nonsense was subsequently taken up by a certain Edmund Buckle, who randomly connected his forerunner’s oc with Indra because I guess all weather gods are basically interchangeable (there’s an interesting point to be made about how they’re the one group of male deities who are often treated in poor quality scholarship the way goddesses usually are). By 1899, the theory reached Japan, where it caused a prolonged academic debacle. However, it seems supporters of this view, much like in the west, were the followers of the long since abandoned notion of “nature mythology”. Among the theory’s opponents were researchers such as Masaharu Anesaki. As far as I can tell, it’s essentially irrelevant today.
The oldest available information about Susanoo’s actual character comes from the Kojiki and the Nihon Shoki. I don’t think that needs to be discussed here in detail. Even though I often overestimate other people’s familiarity with mythology I think it’s fair to say everyone with just a passing interest in Japan knows at least the basics of the myths about his conflict with his sister Amaterasu, his banishment, and subsequent victory over the serpent Yamata no Orochi. It will suffice to say the oldest recorded mythical image of him is that of an ambivalent deity, a heroic monster slayer on one hand, a transgressor and exile on the other. This polarity remains a core part of him for the rest of his history. The other early sources dealing with Susanoo are various fudoki, regional records. They indicate that in the eighth century he already was connected with diseases. Later on in the Heian period, he also came to be associated with purification. Or to be more precise - he came to be viewed as the archetypal target of purification, in a way. His misdeeds from classical mythology became examples of deeds requiring such ceremonies, performed variously by courtly ritual specialists like the Nakatomi clan, Buddhist clergy, or onmyōdō masters. He also functioned as a jinushi, a “landholder deity” of often ambivalent character tied to a specific location, and an araburugami, a “raging god” defined by causing havoc out of hubris (as opposed to malice).
Gozu Tennō and others: the network of medieval Susanoo Susanoo’s character developed through the Japanese “middle ages” in no small part through associations with other deities, typically caused by his incorporation into Buddhism.
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A composite Susanoo-Gozu Tennō, as depicted by Sadahide Utagawa (Östasiatiska Museet, Stockholm)
The single most important figure he came to be linked with was by far Gozu Tennō, the “Bull-Headed Heavenly King”. While religious and literary texts present him as a deity from India, the guardian of the Jetavana monastery, and he was even furnished with an artificial Sanskrit name, Gomagriva Devaraja, his origin is actually uncertain. It’s possible he was inspired by a misreading of a passage from the travelog of the Chinese monk Faxian (c. 337-442). He visited Jetavana in the early fifth century, and reported that there was a statue of a bull next to the monastery’s door, before moving on to describing the supposed first image of the Buddha, which according to him was made from legendary “ox-head sandalwood” and impervious to fire. Confusion between these two passages might have led to the creation of an ox-headed deity. Other proposals are present in scholarship too, but ultimately the matter remains unclear. What is evident is that Susanoo and Gozu Tennō shared many similarities: the latter also was an archetypal “raging deity”, and he too was linked with pestilence. An argument can be made that he was the disease spirit par excellence in medieval Japan, in fact. When properly worshiped, he was supposed to protect the faithful from illnesses, as expected from a deity of this variety. They also shared an association with foreign lands: Gozu Tennō primarily with India, but also with China and Korea, while Susanoo just with Korea, due to a Nihon Shoki episode where he travels to the kingdom of Silla. Yet another point of connection is that both were simultaneously recognized as manifestations of Yakushi (the “medicine Buddha”). Therefore, it comes as no surprise that at the Gion shrine in Kyoto, and in many other locations across Japan, the two were identified fully.
However, the link was at times conceptualized differently than as interchangeability between the two. For instance, Kaneyoshi Ichijō’s treatise Kuji Kongen (公事根源; “Roots of Court Administration and Ceremonies”) Gozu Tennō is merely an “acolyte” (warawabe, 童部) of Susanoo. Granted, this author eventually came to view them as identical himself, which shows how fluid medieval theology could be.
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A humorous depiction of Susanoo and Kushinadahime serving pieces of Yamata no Orochi prepared like grilled eel (Ōta Memorial Museum of Art; reproduced here for educational purposes only)
The identification between Susanoo and Gozu Tennō also extended to their wives, respectively Kushinadahime and Harisaijo (波梨采女), as evident for example in the Shaku Nihongi. The latter was regarded as a daughter of the dragon king Sāgara. Things are made slightly awkward by the Nihon Shoki Sanso, where she is a manifestation of Yamata no Orochi (one of the multiple cases of putting a positive spin on the snake). Susanoo in the guise of Gozu Tennō thus effectively marries his nemesis. The marriage itself is a subject of a number of myths. According to Hoki Naiden (簠簋内伝), an onmyōdō manual, the “heavenly emperor” (Taishakuten, one would presume, based on information I’ll discuss later) de facto played the role of a matchmaker between Harisaijo and Gozu Tennō. When the latter was lamenting that due to his monstrous, yaksha-like form - he had the head of a bull - he will never find love, a bird sent by the celestial ruler informed him that it would be appropriate for him and Sāgara’s daughter to get married. This suggestion then evidently works out just fine, and the couple subsequently have eight children, the Hachiōji (八王子, “eight princes”) over the course of thirty seven years.
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Hyōbi (wikimedia commons)
There are multiple slightly divergent traditions about the identities of the children. The most notable variable is that a goddess named Jadokkeshin (蛇毒気神; also read Dadokuke no kami; “deity of poisonous snake breath”) sometimes appears among them, sometimes is treated as an independent deity serving Gozu Tennō, and sometimes takes the role of his spouse (in at least one case with Harisaijo quite literally relegated to the role of his ex). She is also identified with the astral deity Hyōbi (豹尾, “leopard tail”) and by extension with Ketu.
Another figure who was closely linked with Susanoo in the middle ages was Matarajin. This tradition was associated with Gakuen-ji. In a local legend, Susanoo started to be called Matarajin after being buried underneath it. I won’t dwell much on Matarajin here since I already wrote a lot about him, and will write even more in the near future, so it will suffice to say the two share a connection to diseases. In Matarajin’s case it is the most pronounced in the “ox festival” still held in modern times at Kōryū-ji.
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Shinra Myōjin (wikimedia commons)
Connections between Susanoo and Matarajin’s fellow Tendai old man disease-related deities Sekizan Myōjin and Shinra Myōjin are documented too. Bernard Faure argues that in fact it was Shinra Myōjin who first developed such an association, and it was only transferred to Matarajin as well because of the numerous analogies between them. 
A distinct tradition regarding Susanoo developed in the theology of Ise (“Ryōbu shintō”), which as expected was Amaterasu-centric (but also Dainichi-centric!). He came to be linked with Mara and Devadatta as a representation of “fundamental ignorance”, with the conflict between him and Amaterasy gaining an additional Buddhist dimension. At the same time, in the noh play Dairokuten (第六天), which deals with Jōkei’s pilgrimage to Ise, Susanoo appears to protect this monk from Mara. Evidently, in this context Susanoo and Amaterasu are hardly opposed to each other, seeing as the former de facto intervenes on behalf of the latter. 
While the notion of rivalry between the siblings obviously did not vanish in the middle ages, and in fact new myths about it started to circulate (in one Matarajin assists Susanoo), it can be argued that it was ultimately the new conflict between Amaterasu and Mara that was central to many medieval theologies. While she and Susanoo could be portrayed as antagonistic, there is a case to be made that there were more similarities between medieval ideas about them than there were differences. That was not meant to last, though.
Later developments
The tradition of associating Susanoo with assorted medieval deities first came under criticism in the eighteenth century. Sadakage Amano, an early proponent of kokugaku ("national learning", an early Japanese nationalist ideology) ideas, wrote a treatise dealing with this matter, Gozu Tennō Ben (牛頭天王辨, “Clarification on Gozu Tennō”). Its core premise is that monks and shrine priests alike are deceptively trying to present “foreign” deities as identical with “native” ones. This point was further developed in the nineteenth century by another kokugaku big name, Atsutane Hirata. 
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Hirata's self portrait (wikimedia commons)
He reaffirmed that presenting Susanoo and Gozu Tennō as related deities was a nefarious plot, and blamed Kibi no Makibi for starting it. He argued that Makibi spent too much time in China and as a result forsake a pristinely Japanese way of thinking (whatever that wouldn't entail). As a result, when he heard the legend of ox-head sandalwood, which was believed to grow on the mythical continent Uttarakuru and cure diseases, he turned it into a deity, who he subsequently brought to Japan. Then he identified him with Susanoo to increase his prestige.
Was that the historical truth? Kibi no Makibi was an envoy to China and spent around 20 years on the mainland, that much is undeniable. However, the only connection between him and Gozu Tennō I was able to track down is a local legend pertaining to Mount Hiromine in which he meets this deity in a dream, though.
Ultimately like most of Hirata’s writing, his theory consists virtually entirely of confabulations, mostly motivated by extreme levels of xenophobia. Rather ironic for a movement which originally largely developed among the most hardcore neo-Confucian thinkers in Japan. Granted, that’s hardly the only baffling thing about them. The best way to understand what was going on in the heads of kokugaku proponents is to recall how contemporary marble bust profile pic “the west has fallen” trads or Bible literalist creationists function, and adjust that image for the specifics of the Edo period. 
Still, kokugaku theories, nonsensical as they were, kept developing, and finally gained government support after the Meiji revolution. In 1868, the Council of State proclaimed that shrines can no longer use “inappropriate” names to refer to their deities. Gozu Tennō was the only example brought up directly, in part possibly because with the reestablishment of the power of the emperor and the rise of the imperial cult it was viewed as suspicious that a deity unrelated to the imperial court had the moniker of tennō (written with different signs, though). The edict also contains a blanket ban on any name with the element gongen. As a result of the new policies numerous locations had to be renamed, and for the most part the history of Gozu Tennō came to an end. He and his peers eventually came back into the spotlight in the second half of the twentieth century as subjects of scholarly inquiries, and the field of study of medieval and early modern Japanese religions is now booming, with entire monographs and articles published in multiple languages each year, but that’s another story.
The history of Susanoo obviously did not end in the 1860s, though. What followed was probably the single darkest page in it, an era of intense efforts to make him identical with Dangun, the legendary founder of Korea. The goal was explicitly to justify Japanese colonial control over Korea through faux-spiritual means. Since Japanese colonial domination of Korea is a relatively recent and deeply serious historical issue compared to what I cover most of the time, I feel it would be inappropriate to deal with it in the same article as medieval literature which ultimately lacks much of a tangible impact on the modern world, so I hope you won’t mind I don’t go deeper into the detail here. 
With the matter of Susanoo now settled, let’s move on to Indra. The two were never associated with each other, but the latter developed an equally vibrant network of roles and associated deities around him as Susanoo after being transmitted to Japan.
From Indra to Taishakuten
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A typical Hindu depiction of thousand-eyed Indra (wikimedia commons)
Indra has a long and complex history, so long he is in fact attested a handful of times in bronze age cuneiform already as one of the notoriously mysterious non-Hurrian Mitanni deities (sic), invoked as personal deities of the royal house in a lengthy treaty oath. This makes him one of the very few “bridges” between my two major normally disconnected interests (the “cuneiform world” on one hand, and East Asian religions and art on the other).
The biggest early text corpus dealing with Indra are the Vedas, where he is the single most frequently mentioned deity, with quite literally hundreds of hymns praising him. Naturally, he remained a part of the history of Hinduism later on, and today he is still well known thanks to his role in popular epics like Ramayana. His relevance is not limited to this system of beliefs alone, though. He has a small (negative) role in the Avesta (see here), and he was embraced by various schools of Buddhism across much of Asia. 
In early Buddhism, the prestige of Indra was not particularly great. This obviously reflects the fact that the formative years of Buddhism were also a period of Indra’s relative decline as an actively worshiped god back at home at the expense of deities central in contemporary Hinduism like Vishnu and Shiva. However, he surprisingly regained some of his original prestige thanks to developments which occurred outside of India. This is well documented in East Asia in particular. I’ll only cover his Japanese reception here - therefore, through most of the rest of the article I will use his Japanese name, Taishakuten (帝釈天), accordingly. Buddhism emphasizes not Indra’s warlike side and his battles with asuras, let alone a connection with the weather, but rather his role as a heavenly ruler. He keeps epithets related to his 1000 eyes, but to the best of my knowledge this is not really reflected in Buddhist art, especially not in Japan. Another role retained by him in Buddhism is that of a directional deity, the protector of the east.
Something that’s worth highlighting is that asuras in general just aren’t that big of a deal in Japanese Buddhism. Outside of enumerations of non-human sentient beings, only Rahu and Ketu have a substantial role, and that’s more because they’re astral deities rather than because they’re asuras. Otherwise the entire category is about as opaque as mahoragas (when you look up “mahoraga” online 99% results are a Jujutsu Kaisen character, as it turns out, which speaks volumes about their general obscurity) and the like. Hard to make opposition to them the focus of a major deity when even gandharvas have a bigger role to play.
I can only think of a handful of major references to battles between Taishakuten and asuras in Japanese literature: an offhand comment in Heike Monogatari (courtesy of Kenreimon-in), a passage from the Taiheiki where Jōkei (who you already met earlier in this article) has the privilege to watch the parties involved reenact the conflict for his benefit, and a myth cited by Annen with no source provided, possibly invented by him. The innovation is that Marici (Marishiten) is a major combatant on the side of the devas, something with no parallel in any other source, whether Buddhist or Hindu. Rahu is singled out among the asuras as an enemy of Taishakuten, but that’s hardly unparalleled.
The conventional image of Taishakuten
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A conventional depiction of Taishakuten (wikimedia commons)
For the average Japanese person through much of the country’s history, the most frequent exposure to Taishakuten were standardized oath formulas (kishōmon). These followed a strict hierarchy of deities: Taishakuten, Bonten (Brahma) and the four heavenly kings first, then king Enma, Godo Daishin (Wudao Dashen), Taizan Fukun and other underworld officials (sometimes assisted by astral figures), then kami and representations of Buddhas tied to specific localities (for example the great Buddha of Tōdai-ji), and sometimes various religiously significant historical figures like prince Shotoku or Buddhist patriarchs. Obviously, Taishakuten’s elevated position reflects his role as a heavenly ruler - the “heavenly emperor”, tentei (天帝).
The residence of Taishakuten is the heaven of the thirty three devas (忉利天, Tōriten, a calque from Sanskrit Trāyastriṃśa). It is located on Mount Sumeru, the center of the world according to Buddhist cosmology. Sources from the Heian period indicate the existence of a belief Taishakuten’s heaven is unique in that women could be reborn in it after death without first reincarnating as men. This distinction was otherwise only attributed to the pure land of Maitreya. Note it was not Taishakuten himself who was responsible for guaranteeing that, though, but rather the bodhisattva Fugen, who was particularly popular among Heian court ladies.
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Karai Tenjin (wikimedia commons)
Taishakuiten’s major position in the Buddhist-influenced cosmos is also evident in literary compositions focused on other deities. For example, in the Dōken Shōnin Meidoki (道賢上人冥途記, “Record of Dōken Shōnin’s Experience of the Other World”), a version of the legend of Michizane, his revenge is supported by Taishakuten, who gives him a new name, Nihon Dajō Itoku Ten (日本太政威徳天). This is meant to show his banishment was a religious transgression, and we also learn that the emperor responsible for it, Daigo, fell into hell as a result. However, esoteric Buddhism is  also credited with calming Michizane down - as he explains himself, “bodhisattvas (...) were there, and they enthusiastically propagated the esoteric teachings. Because I liked these teachings very much, one-tenth of my deeply seated enmity from my past was reduced.” This obviously goes against the more common legend where being enshrined pacifies Michizabe entirely. In the Dōken version he announces that the enshrined deity, who he calls Karai Taiki Dokuō (火雷大気毒王; “King of Fire-Thunder and Poisonous Air”), is merely his messenger #3 (#1 and #2 are not mentioned).
The closest thing I can think of to Taishakuten being associated with the weather in Japanese sources occurs in a version of the Michizane legend, too: in another variant, Michizane states it was Taishakuten alone who permitted him to enact his vengeance and entrusted him with commanding 105000 thunder gods (in the Dōken Shōnin Meidoki there are 168000 attendants instead, “poisonous dragons, evil demons, deities of water and fire, thunder and lightning, the director of the wind, the master of the rain, and other poisonous, harmful, and evil deities”) and causing disasters. 
From emperor to heaven to controller of fate
Due to his prominent cosmological role Taishakuten is also described in many sources as a  controller of fate responsible for determining the lifespans of living beings. Sometimes, in this capacity he basically overlaps with king Enma - for example, Shishi Yaloan, a Buddhist encyclopedia from the eleventh century, states that he also possesses a mirror in which he can check on his subjects. A local tradition from Tateyama states that he lives on the Taishaku Peak of Mt. Tate, simultaneously regarded as an entrance to Buddhist hell. However, while Enma and the other kings of hell generally stay there, Taishakuten takes a more proactive role, seeking information about the good and bad deeds of the living. Initially, it was believed that a survey of the whole world was conducted on his behalf by the four heavenly kings, but by the tenth century, a belief that he performs it himself every four months himself developed.
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The famously unconventional depiction of Taishakuten from Shibamata Taishakuten, still distributed today in the form of ofuda (wikimedia commons)
In the Edo period, Taishakuten as a controller of fate developed a connection with deities associated with the tradition of kōshin nights. In this context he became the deity the three worms living in every person’s body report their good and bad deeds to. Temples associated with him, like Shibamata Taishakuten (famous among other things for its unconventional images of the eponymous deity), were historically a popular destination for pilgrimages tied to kōshin celebrations.
While the fate connection ultimately came to the forefront in Japan, it would be unfair to say it entirely superseded the original heavenly role. As a matter of fact, it was the fact that Taishakuten was a “heavenly emperor” (tentei) that made him such a good fit for kōshin.
The elusive "emissary of Taishaku" As early as in the Muromachi period, yet another deity came to be viewed as responsible for Taishakuten's survey of the world in a variant tradition: one of the so-called “ambulatory deities” (遊行神, yugyōjin; “ambulatory” as in “wandering”, not in the medical sense) , Ten’ichi(jin) (天一神; also read Nakagami), literally “the first deity of heaven”. He was regarded as a “vassal” of Taishakuten and the commander of the Twelve Heavenly Generals. Each of his cyclical surveys of the world lasted 44 days (four times five days for each of the main directions and then four times six for the intermediate ones). That was followed by sixteen days during which he reported the vices and virtues he recorded to Taishakuten in heaven, with his own underling Nichiyū(jin) (日遊神; “playing sun deity”) descending to earth instead. During Tenichi’s absence, which started with a day referred to as Ten’ichi tenjō (天一天上), directional taboos pertaining to various astral deities, which normally had to be countered with a practice known as “changing directions” (方違え, katatagae), did not apply.
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Taishaku Shisha (top right) and his peers accompanying Dakiniten (wikimedia commons)
Another interesting thing about Ten’ichi is that he was identified with an elusive deity known simply as Taishaku Shisha (帝釈使者), literally “emissary of Taishaku”. At first glance this doesn’t really sound interesting - after all, Taishaku Shisha’s name sounds exactly like what Ten’ichi does - but completely unexpectedly, the former actually belongs to the entourage of Dakiniten. His attributes make him resemble officials of the underworld, though he is never portrayed as menacing, always as benign, and his duty is to report the good and bad deeds to his superiors, much like Ten’ichi does. He additionally functions as a god of wisdom, which according to Bernard Faure might reflect Dakiniten’s link to the bodhisattva Monju, famous due to an association with this concept.
Curiously, while Taishaku Shisha is at least nominally a member of a group of four “acolytes” of Dakiniten alongside Tennyoshi (天女子; “heavenly maiden”; holds a bow), Shakunyoshi (赤女子; “red maiden”; holds a halberd and a “seduction jewel”, aikei-gyoku, 愛敬玉) and Kokunyoshi (黒女子; “black maiden”; holds a sword and a black jewel), he is sometimes described as de facto separate from them. Perhaps the fact his very name links him with another deity has something to do with that. Also, he is absent from the origin myth of the three maidens, who according to Hoki Naiden flew to Japan from India. According to Bernard Faure, it is possible his roles overlapped in part with Dakiniten’s own emissaries, the tengu Tonyūgyō (頓遊行; brings happiness) and Suyochisō (須臾馳走; brings longevity).
Dakiniten, “demon kings” and Amaterasu: the network of Taishakuten
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Dakiniten (wikimedia commons)
Taishakuten’s connection with Dakiniten goes beyond the figure of Taishaku Shisa. The Mizōukyo (未曽有經) contains a myth according to which a fox once tricked Indra into accepting the animal as his master is recorded. It serves as an explanation for the notably fox-like Dakiniten’s elevated role in the royal ascension rite devised by Shingon priests (it was still performed in the 19th century, emperor Meiji was the first to abstain from it). In folk beliefs Taishakuten was also sometimes assigned the role of the “master of the foxes”, which normally belonged to her instead.
The link to these animals according to Bernard Faure might have reflected a more ambivalent perception of Taishakuten than usually expected. The other possible piece of evidence in favor of this interpretation is a poem which proclaims that he and Tsuno Daishi, the demonic manifestation of Ryōgen, look “like brothers”. The latter is a complex figure, but it will suffice to say here that historically he was sometimes perceived as a “demon king” (魔王, maō). On the other hand, the original holder of this title, the “Demon King of the Sixth Heaven” (in other words, Mara) was said to offer his blood to Taishakuten on “blood-shunning days” (地幅, chi-imbi). In practical terms, this meant a religious prohibition on the drawing of blood, acupuncture and moxibustion on a specific day, different each month. I need to stress here that even though figures such as Dakiniten and the “demon kings” obviously originated in the realm of demonology - respectively as a flesh-eating, vital essence-stealing demon and as the tempter of the Buddha - they eventually developed much more complex and nuanced characters. Therefore, it is not unexpected major deities appear in association with them. In the middle ages, even Amaterasu was frequently linked with them. Funnily enough, in contrast with Susanoo Amaterasu does have a connection to Taishakuten as well. Tenshō Daijin Kuketsu (天照大神口決; “Oral Transmission.Pertaining to the Great Goddess Amaterasu”) from 1328 states that she corresponds to him - but also to Bonten, Shōten (Ganesha), the kushōjin (倶生神; these would take a bit to explain), king Enma and Godō Daijin. Granted, another roughly contemporary treatise, Reikiki, instead proclaims Taishakuten, the “heavenly emperor” (tentei; just like in the later kōshin tradition) the “kami-body” of Toyouke, the outer shrine Ise deity. However, these matters ultimately go beyond the scope of this response. Stay tuned for my article about medieval Amaterasu to find out more!
Ryūichi Abe, Women and the “Heike Nōkyō”: the Dragon Princess, the Jewel and the Buddha
Bernard Faure, The Fluid Pantheon (Gods of Medieval Japan vol. 1)
Idem, Protectors and Predators  (Gods of Medieval Japan vol. 2)
Idem, Rage and Ravage (Gods of Medieval Japan vol. 3)
Gerald Gromer, A Year in Seventeenth-Century Kyoto. Edo-Period Writings on Annual Ceremonies, Festivals, and Customs
Takuya Hino, The Daoist Facet of Kinpusen and Sugawara no Michizane Worship in the Dōken Shōnin Meidoki: A Translation of the Dōken Shōnin Meidoki
Nobumi Iyanaga, Medieval Shintō as a Form of 'Japanese Hinduism': An Attempt at Understanding Early Medieval Shintō
William Lindsey, Religion and the Good Life: Motivation, Myth, and Metaphor in a Tokugawa Female Lifestyle Guide
Fabio Rambelli, Before the First Buddha: Medieval Japanese Cosmogony and the Quest for the Primeval Kami
Hiroo Satō, Wrathful Deities and Saving Deities in: Fabio Rambelli and Mark Teeuwen (eds.), Buddhas and Kami in Japan. Honji Suijaku as a Combinatory Paradigm
Idem, The Emergence of Shinkoku (Land of the Gods) Ideology in Japan in: Henk Blezer and Mark Teeuwen (eds.), Challenging Paradigms. Buddhism and Nativism: Framing Identity Discourse in Buddhist Environments
David Weiss, The God Susanoo and Korea in Japan’s Cultural Memory: Ancient Myths and Modern Empire.
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