#and he CAN NOT keep a SQUISHY HUMAN SAFE during a fight like that
justwannabecat · 4 months
Trick or treat 👁👁🎃
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@skittykittybean @grievingangelhopefuldemon @vesselofmanythings
Wait holy fuck when did you guys get here
I guess take this? It’s been sitting unfinished for a while, so I’ll just…
“Why would we want to stay away from the Reikai?”
“Well, I don’t know if you’ve heard of Japanese mythology, but most of the many, many creatures pictured throughout are absolutely terrifying.”
“So? You’re stronger than they are. I thought we established that when you fought those demons.”
Danny paused. His mouth opened and closed, no noise escaping. Finally he found the words he was looking for. “Ah. I… didn’t do a very good job at explaining power balance in the Realms. That’s my bad, I guess.”
“What are you saying?” Tim asked, dread already creeping into his tone.
“Well… Many of the creatures that live here do so on the basis of belief. Ghosts are somewhat believed universally, therefore no matter where we go, we are always very strong. However, other creatures are strongest in their own subsection. Like, Kitsune are ridiculously powerful. I might be able to defeat like, six or seven tails. But if we were to go through their territory, their power nearly doubles, and suddenly I can barely scrape by handling one with two tails. Get it?”
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thealphavoidofficial · 5 months
Wait so did Amaya lay an egg or-
Im sorry just genuinely confuse
No no it’s ok!
So it’s kind of like this:
So my interpretation of how Krangs reproduce is asexually, they can choose whether they want to or not, they keep their eggs in a warm area so it can develop. Amaya wasn’t the one who layed the egg, Orodox was, and before he went for the final fight on the Krang during the 1st invasion he gave it to his beloved to keep safe, and as we both know, he didn’t make it back.
How Krang eggs start out are small hand sized transparent balls, which are liquid and squishy in nature, which soon develop in more ostrich sized eggs with a protective fleshy shell, when green vein start to appear it means it will hatch soon, however if in a cold area, like Widows was after the Hidden city and it’s realms appeared, the eggs hatch process will suspend and completely freeze in place, this leaves the egg vulnerable for attack.
Widows was frozen for 1000 years before Avian found it and took it to his home to study, and with that warmth, unfroze the process and Widow hatched a day after :)
As for how Widow became Half Human, there is a way to do this, if a DNA sample of another species is taken and put into the egg in it’s more transparent state, it will absorb the DNA and merge with it.
Hope this helps, I’ll try make a Krang Egg ref tomorrow :)
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silverstream2 · 8 months
More Baul and Modeus headcanons
-They're both pretty physically affectionate with one another, especially for demons. Partly due to Sparda’s influence (*insert "cuddle bug" pun here*), and partly because of how they were raised. They were meant to fight as a pair, equals but also opposites. Sometimes they bicker and fight, or even go their own ways, but its easy for them to click once they get back together. Unless something major happens, some major disagreement, like what happened with who gets Sparda's power, and all that.
Might just headcanon them being physically affectionate as a normal demon thing, for them? At least for their type of demon, anyway. It's about scent marking and sharing body warmth, that kind of thing. Which probably translates to "cuddle your tiny, squishy human friend and wrap them in your coat to keep them Warm" whenever it gets cold out, especially if the human is a child. Baul is probably the one most likely to do this, tbh- Modeus probably knows more about Personal Space by now, but Baul is just like. Running more on instincts? "Must keep Friend Warm, must protect Friend from harm, must make sure Friend smells like me/my group". "Must protect the younger members of the group, must keep them Warm, must make sure they are Fed and Safe". Constantly carries around snacks and hand sanitizer (the harsh smell makes his nose burn, but keeping the human young clean is Important) and tissues, especially during the colder seasons.
That, and Baul's main reference to "what level of physical affection is acceptable" is way out of date, and also based on humans that were his comrades in arms- which tends to be a high stress thing, where you're more okay with physical affection than you might otherwise be, because its comforting. Like, Baul still does the whole "affectionate headbutt" thing that soldiers do, largely because you can't really hug someone while they're wearing armor and a helmet, but you CAN knock your helmets together to show affection. Which is sweet, but also not really a thing normal humans do in society anymore (with a few exceptions).
-I doubt Dante would be down for cuddling with the guy that tried to kill him and take his soul, but maybe??? Idk. Maybe after they beat the shit out of one another a couple of times, and Baul helps with the whole Sid thing, and maybe the whole Order thing, too, Idk. I headcanon that Dante has his own "cuddle bug" demon instincts, just not with Modeus and Baul. Definitely with Nero, tho, and Abbie and Trish.
-The lads are hairy, in their human forms. Their demon forms are covered in fur, it looks like, in canon (or at least as canon as the DMC anime can be considered), so I'm gonna headcanon that whatever part of the Underworld they're from is probably cold, or has cold seasons. This also means they've got thick body hair, in their humans forms. I'm playing with the idea of them growing winter coats, tbh, and that maybe translating over into them growing more hair/body and facial hair when it gets cold? Like. Modeus' hair gets so long and thick he just straight up braids it and uses it as a scarf (Baul: "Somebody is going to strangle you with that one day, brother, and I am going to laugh when that happens."), and Baul's hair grows out so much it looks like a lion's mane (Modeus: "You look like a dandelion."). Baul would probably grow facial hair, Modeus I don't think could stand it. Might change that last bit later on, Idk.
It might make more sense for Baul to be adapted to a winter environment, and Modeus to be adapted for a forest one? Just because Baul has white fur and hair and Modeus has brown hair and fur. Maybe wherever they were born/lived in the Underworld was between an ice plane and a demonic jungle (like the kind we see Echidna create/live in)? Might go some ways to explaining why a pair of twins would have such different fur coloring.
They also like to cuddle and stay indoors, preferably wrapped in a blanket or in bed, or at least in warm clothing, when it gets cold out. All their demon instincts tell them to stay somewhere safe in their territory/den, warm, with as much food as they can gather.
Also because they're both inhuman, and old as balls, so their ideas of what's socially acceptable for public displays of affection, especially for men, are kinda skewed and/or out of date. Modeus is probably more versed in it than Baul is, just because Modeus has been in the Human Realm more/longer than Baul has, but tbh, I'm still not sure how much either of them would care about following society's rules. Toxic masculinity is bullshit, and all that.
-(For the AU where they both live past Episode 10 of the anime) They both kinda adopt/bond with Patty, in their own ways. Modeus we already saw in the anime, but Baul I think would be fond of her, too. "She's all vinegar. And frills. I like her. Tough little kid."
Baul's still always nervous around kids, especially little kids. They're just so small! And fragile! And he doesn't really know what to do with them. He's gotten better at it, to be fair, after 2,000 years, especially with Modeus' and Dante's help, but they still make him nervous. He's always worried he'll make a mistake around them and hurt them, or scare them, or make them cry. (That and demon parents- those that don't just abandon or eat their young- tend to be ferociously protective of their young, so Baul's always halfway expecting that from human parents.)
With Patty, all of that kinda translates into Baul awkwardly trying to protect her- which mostly means she has him wrapped around her finger. Dante and Modeus calling her out on it and giving Baul advice helps her not go mad with power.
Tbh, I think Baul would help Sid with summoning Abigail, if Sid threatened Patty or Nina (Patty's mom) first. It'd help that Baul also is like, 90% confident that Dante could defeat Abigail, or Sid, if Sid absorbed Abigail's powers. Because if Dante could defeat Mundus, could make himself and even his brother Modeus look like weaklings, then something like Abigail, and especially someone as weak as SID, wouldn't be a problem for him.
-Baul's love language is acts of service and physical affection. For physical affection, this mostly manifests in gentle, loving headbutts, hugs (he's a big guy, so he'll just pick you up or hunch himself over you, engulfing you in his arms and squeezing you in a hug), cuddling (platonic or otherwise), head pats or combing his fingers through your hair (please do likewise to him, he loves that shit- its a sort of demon preening thing), and hand holding. Also sparring and helping you stretch. Even if he's stronger than you, he's still proud of you for training and trying to improve. Especially if you do it scared. (That's one of the things he likes about Abbie- she's terrified of demons, including him, and she still stands up to him/them and fights anyway. Its like a sort of verbal Defeat Means Friendship kind of thing.)
Acts of service can be basic stuff, doing chores or running errands for you, but mostly it manifests as him offering to kill demons/people for you. Like, that person made you cry? They were abusive assholes to you? Would you like them maimed or dead? No? How about biting? Is he allowed to bite them for you? Would that make you feel better? What do you need?
(This also means that Baul kinda wants to punch Vergil, once they get to the whole Qliphoth thing, because Vergil makes/made his friend Abbie sad. Baul and Modeus both want to slap Vergil for what he did to Temen-ni-gru, since putting that seal in place cost Gwen her life and had such a negative effect on Sparda- that was the first time they'd seen him cry and be depressed- not to mention what it cost humanity, and how hard the humans had to work to get their world to the point it is now. But that's a more distant thing- the difference between seeing an alive friend cry over a broken heart, and somebody stomping on your old friend's grave.)
He's not very good at like. Emotional stuff. Like TALKING about his emotions or offering comforting words. Even using sign language, he still fumbles. Mostly he just tries to hug you better. But he does try. Modeus is better at comforting words, so Baul will go ask him for advice, and try and learn how to be better at it.
Like. He tends to get pretty emotionally attached/devoted to people... not exactly easily, but fairly quickly.
-I'm not sure if Baul and Abbie could be friends, tbh. It depends on how much Baul is willing to let go of his whole "kill Dante to get Sparda's power" thing. If Baul did let it go, tho, then I could see them being friends after the whole thing with Patty and Sid. Modeus and Baul probably spent that whole mission trying to get Patty and Nina out of the burning building and protecting them from demons- and since Baul was needed for the ritual, he probably had more time to interact with Patty, too. Like I said, he'd go along with Sid, but he'd try to make sure Patty was okay, too. Try to keep her calm, reassure her that everything will be alright, all that.
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dodo-begone · 3 years
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It's the Cat's Life for Me
Pairing: Ranboo x Reader, Tommy x Reader, Tubbo x Reader, Purpled x Reader
Request: Can I have your take on the yandere boys (purpled, ranboo, tommy, and tubbo) with a cat hybrid reader? Don't overwork yourself and remember self care! <3
Word count: 1.6k words
A/n: This all platonic, nothing romantic. Also oops i didn't make it yandere- misread it.
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He’d definitely be excited to meet you, especially since you’re a hybrid. He’s an enderman hybrid and you are? Oh a cat hybrid! That’s really cool! You two should hang out a few times- it’ll be great.
When he realizes and puts the pieces together, he gets ultra excited. Most cats don’t like water, right? So does that mean you don’t like water or- oh you definitely don’t like water! Or water in that way. Maybe water period- you know what he shouldn’t and won’t try that again.
Now you two playfully threaten each other with water. You, at least, would have a squirt bottle at the reader for whenever the moment is right. Ranboo does the same. Think old wild west style shoot off. That’s what happens.
There has to be loads of cuddle sessions with purring. Specifically to calm one of you down. Or both of you. Doesn’t matter, works all the same.
I don’t care what Mojang said; endermen can and will be fluffy.>:( They have to be. So you just pet each other to help calm down. Either be pet or pet, that is the question. Honestly it’s a “whatever you think works best for you bud” thing.
So I already mentioned how you helped with his anxiety. But I want to go slightly more in depth with it. Anytime he seems like he’s panicking, and you get his permission, you just flop on him and purr up a storm. The combination of weight, sound, heat and feeling is very comforting to him. You’re like a living weighted blanket!
Also you totally nap on him during this time, making it impossible for him to stand up and do anything. Just designated chill time.
When this man enderwalks, it’s a whole cute show. Just an enderman hybrid, slightly hunched and walking around the server, muttering stuff in a different language. Then you got that cat hybrid that’s following him and occasionally rubbing against him. Especially if they think he’s about to get into trouble.
Sometime he’ll just pick you up and carry you around with him. It’s the equivalent of a child picking up the family cat and walking around with it. He isn’t properly holding you so you do that cat slinky thing where they just elongate like a slinky. You aren’t pleased but you can’t get out of his grasp.
Okay kinda following the headcannon that Tommy has wings here. But when he finds out you’re a cat hybrid? Oh man this is so cool! What cat things can you do? Do you know? Want to find out? Want to commit science with him?
He will drop you from great heights and free fall with you. It’s a fun activity only the two of you can enjoy together.
Before you hit the ground, he’ll do his best to grab you and land. Other times aren’t that fortunate so you just land on the ground yourself. Mostly on your feet but there were a few times Tommy messed you your angle. He’ll always make sure you’re okay by the end.
Like any bird, he will love to annoy you. There is no safe place. Look away or don’t pay attention when he’s talking? Grab and gentle yoink the tail. Loves to just attack your tail when you’re relaxed or least expect it.
Once he realizes what effect catnip has on you, it’s game over. He can get you to do whatever he wants! After you play, rub, eat and sniff the catnip. And if he can get and keep your attention. Maybe this was a mistake…
Will absolutely get you cat toys. You don’t enjoy them, yet you do. It’s Tommy’s way of patronizing you but they’re also so fun. Man what a conundrum....
His favorite toy to get you is a laser pointer. Easy entertainment for everyone! Plus it’s his secret weapon. Admittedly his newest. It was something he should’ve realized ages ago. But now? Oh it’s his new best friend- besides you of course.
Losing an argument? Pull out the laser pointer? Wanting you to do something because he’s too lazy? Point that little red dot at a point where you pouncing on it gets his job done.
Play fighting is a very common occurrence between the two of you. Happens right out of the blue. You two could literally be chilling on a hill and then you two are wrestling aggressively on the ground.
Tommy also tries to spook you. Is it effective? Sometimes. Usually not. But when he’s able to get you to jump and just bolt away screaming? Man those are the best reactions! You jump so high too!
Aw man, here comes another fuzzy duo!! You two can easily chill out with each other. It’s incredible. You both calm down together. And just chit chat so much. Emotional support friend? Sure.
You’re so good with Micheal too. Micheal just wants to pet you so much. Big cat? But also human? Good friend? Cool friend? Soft and fuzzy friend!! You’re like a giant talking cat to him, for lack of a better description. You can do human stuff. You just got some animal features.
Another duo that will just cuddle. Bring in Ranboo and Micheal while you’re at it. Make it a family cuddle session!! The little group will see two people cuddling and go “I must join”.
I feel he has an area to grow plants in Snowchester. He just has to. So you know what that means? He’ll grow you stuff! Load of cat grass and some catnip along with other greenery that you like to much on. He makes sure they aren’t poisonous to cats- wait how much of that will apply to you? Do you know?
Okay so you two play fight, but much less aggressively than you and Tommy would. You two also include Micheal. Very gentle play fighting then. Like ultra.
You two fight with what your instincts are telling you. Mostly acting out on the funny animal behaviors that’ll make Micheal laugh or just to have fun with it.
He will get you so many soft things. Just so much. Soft blankets, fluffy pillows and so much else man. Especially trying to get the squishy and soft stuff so you can knead it. Honestly a very endearing sight. You purr so heavily doing it.
Now you two will do gentle headbutts of affection. Very gentle, mind you. You two are very wary of the horns that peak through Tubbo’s fluffy hair. Sometimes the two of you won’t gently butt heads, but butt your heads against other body parts like the upper arm or shoulder. To grab attention and show affection.
Now this relationship is going to be mildly different from the get go. There won’t be an innate sense of “what’s right” or how hybrids function as a being/person. See, Purpled is a human. You are a cat hybrid. Two very different species. The backgrounds and some of the body language is different, but you two manage quite well.
So he’ll treat you differently than the other hybrids. Well, only a wee bit. He’lll treat you like the others but in a different way, with a different tone to his actions. It’s very sweet, but you tell him it’s not necessary. He still does it.
One of the cat-like things he found out was that you don’t like water. People usually like water and some cats like water, yet you’re like a majority of cats. You despise getting wet. Attempts at smacking anything that’s getting you wet was what clued him in on this. Specifically when he accidentally did it. Oops.
You two can’t swim together. Napping is really out of the question because he has work and sleeping doesn’t seem like the most interesting activity. Although relaxing, it isn’t too productive.
Activities are hard to come by; stuff you’d want to do with Purpled is stuff he definitely doesn’t want to do and vise versa. After a standstill on what to do, you two started to get creative with the ideas.
Building super tall buildings? Although not safe for Purpled, you can easily take the fall. Along with that, Purpled is more than happy to build tall things. You can’t tell me otherwise because this man built a whole ufo.
Sometimes he’ll even bring you on his mercenary missions. It’s a cool way to hang out and have some more one-on-one time and you two get to work together. A very pog situation.
He tries to give you a part of the money; 50-50 for you guys. But you deny. It was his job, you just came around. Although not too happy about it, because you two worked together on this, he’ll concede. After all, he can just slowly slip the money into your house.
On these trips you not only provide companionship but you also are more than ready to work. Maybe playing coy and cute for a patron at a bar to lure them out and away from the public eye to be executed by Purpled. Or it could be a simple distraction of someone running by. Maybe you’re able to pickpocket the target and get what’s needed. You’re a cute and fuzzy swiss army knife
He loves to get on higher surfaces than you and try to pick you up. Even if it’s only enough to just get your feet on the ground. You do the little cat extension thingy and he thinks that’s super cool and funny. So he’ll do it often. Though you try to object, claiming to not enjoy the process at all. Yet that smile and giggles say otherwise.
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Could you do Himbo king Riptide with the oxygen loss?
But first
Thank you for giving him the best possible nickname and bestowing upon him the GREATEST of all titles he is forever the Himbo King in my heart oh my GOSH.
Part One: Here!
Part Two: Here!
Part Three: Here!
Part Four: Here!
Part Five: Here!
Part Six: Here!
Part Seven: Here!
Part Eight: Here!
Part Nine: Here!
Part Ten: Here!
Part Eleven: Here!
Part Twelve: You're Here!
·Having often been dismissed or even mocked for his struggles understanding things that come so easy to others, he was relieved when you met him and were entirely accepting, turning his curiosity for earth to fondness for you in particular. For your part, you simply found his sweetness absolutely charming from the very beginning. While he also has a bit of a mischievous streak, that only contributed to the appeal, and the aquatic Autobot had you smitten fast. Now you're inseparable and everyone knows it. Today you're hanging out by the oil reservoir to chat, complete with some drinks to enjoy as you do so, though they're somewhat forgotten by the snuggle happy Riptide. Not being one for quiet contemplation doesn't stop him from enjoying mostly wordless cuddling sessions in the peaceful chamber.
·You're gaining a static charge thanks to his enthusiastic and cat like nuzzles against you, but you couldn't care less, especially because you know silent affection means he's quite content. A little kiss on his nasal crest earns you a growling purr, and when his optics meet your eyes you can see he's trying to think of something suave to say. The effort alone is sweet enough for you to willingly wait as long as he needs. Unfortunately, he doesn't get the opportunity to finish. There's a very mood ruining tremor that turns into a ground shaking quake, one that sends the reservoir turning over until a wave of oil is sent your way. Thankfully the bot you're dating is able to react on the spot, transforming into a boat and balancing you on his back until the ship grows still and the wave returns to the tank, at which point Riptide reverts to bipedal mode and holds you above the mess.
·Knowing that things aren't supposed to just tumble about, he tries to message someone for an explanation but finds he can't reach anyone. That immediately worries him, but not for his own sake. On instinct, he looks to your tiny form in his hands, knowing that any trouble will prove disastrous for your squishy self. Even if this is just a technical problem, you might get hurt, and he can't let that happen! He has to get you somewhere safe... The challenge of figuring out where is what's difficult, as the entire ship could be dangerous, and he's not accustomed to going away from potential trouble... You can see the panic growing on his face as you catch your breath, and a reassuring request to share the problem coaxes him into speaking.
·You listen diligently as he lays out the problem, his optics growing more worried as he explains the need to assist clashing with his priority to you, and admittedly the concern is touching. Had he been by himself, no doubt he'd have just fearlessly charged for the problem to help. Putting your own mind to the predicament, the possibility of a solution to all present issues becomes clear; the medical bay. No sooner have you posited the destination than he begins acting on it, cheerily praising the sense of it as he holds you close and starts moving. Despite being your proud protector, he doesn't mind leaving planning like this to you, as in fact it makes you and him a kind of dynamic duo. Now that the plan has been set, it's his job to be the muscle and keep you safe...
·There's a kind of comfort to be found in Riptide's arms, even with everything being so tense and quiet around the ship. Between his speed, strength and dedication, there's very little in the universe that could threaten you in his company. It makes you appreciate every moment being held so close to his warm frame. The big bot certainly notices you snuggling close in the silence, and he fights the urge to be talkative as he holds you closer, letting your small form settle naturally against his spark. Somehow he doesn't feel so on edge with you nearby. In fact, not much is scary at all with you in his life, and as an MTO he's spent a lot of time afraid. There's been so much fighting and death from the first day he awoke, and now he feels there can truly be something else for a change, even in moments like this.
·He knows enough about irony to realize that the ambush he walks right into is very ironic. Thankfully, he's honed his reflexes more than well enough to both dodge the first incoming hit and to move into a protective stance around you without hesitation. Outnumbered, he moves swiftly from the center of the circling aliens, each as big as he is but far slower. Shoulder checking one to facilitate an escape, he has just enough time to spot a little alcove a small distance ahead, and for your sake he makes an immediate decision. With a command for you to run, he releases you from his cupped palms and turns to fight off the attackers. All he can do is hope you understand and that he can fight off this many bad guys at once. Knowing that he has to, for both your sakes, doesn't help him as much as he thinks it should.
·Though you're more than a little rattled by the rush of action, you've learned enough in the past few months to recover from such things quickly, and the command for you to run is all you need to get moving. Loud sounds of combat fill your ears as you take off, but you don't stop. Cover is needed before you can check on your partner, instinct tells you. A shot from an energy weapon nearly takes away your hope of seeing him again when it hurls dangerously close. Heat singes your hair and makes you stumble, but you still manage to hobble behind a corner and into a human sized alcove. Only then, burned to a very uncomfortable but not dangerous degree, do you look back at Riptide. To your relief, he's managed to turn the tide of battle and is finishing off the last enemy with his bare hands, sharp dentae bared as he fights like a bot twice his size.
·From his own perspective, Riptide thought everything was a blur after he saw you stumble from a close encounter with blaster fire. Uncertain if you'd even gotten up, or what injuries you might have suffered, he'd gone into a rage assuming the very worst. The alien who'd taken the shot had been the first to go, their weapon crumbling in his servos to burn them with its acidic ammo, but pain hadn't been much of an obstacle in the face of worry. It had almost seemed like one blink of his optics had been all that passed between the start and end of the bloodshed. As soon as the last threat had been dealt with, his focus had shifted fearfully back to you, or at least where he'd last seen you. His spark almost sang to see you looking right back at him. Wincing from injuries he had been too preoccupied to feel before, he smiled through it all before kneeling to welcome you back to his arms in a careful embrace.
·Despite the burning afflicting your arms and face, bright pink blood was your first concern, especially that which dripped from a fist sized crater in his chest. Fussing over him without a care for yourself, you were lifted in a gentle hand as he tried to walk while reassuring you. Frankly, the discoloration to certain parts of your skin seems far more pressing a concern from his perspective, as he's never seen it look so flushed or give off so much heat. Suggesting that you take it easy the rest of the way to the medbay, he points out your still rapid breaths as a sign you need to relax. Even if he doesn't understand "breathing" he's seen it often enough to figure out you only speed it up when stressed. You find yourself surprised upon realizing you are indeed quite out of breath even now.
·Something lurches in his spark when he sees a disturbing slouch to your entire body, as if the adrenaline has finally faded and something awful is hitting you without its shield. Dizzy and quite exhausted, you lay yourself down in the palm holding you gently to try and regain some semblance of concentration, but find the allure of sleep to be growing by the second. Your brush with death must have taken a lot out of you... It's impossible to ignore how nice it is to relax and close your eyes. Even the pain of your injuries is so much more bearable when consciousness slips further away, and you suddenly can't think of many reasons to resist, even as your partner starts insistently asking why you want to sleep.
·Riptide goes right back to panicking as you start to power down in his arms no matter how he requests you stay awake. Tears start dotting his optics as the worst of possibilities run rampant through his mind, forcing him to run despite his own injuries to get you help before it's too late. What if you suffered some human injury he didn't know was possible during the fight? What if he couldn't get you to help in time? What if this was all his fault? Pleading for you to stay awake, he ignores the pain in his body as he continues to make himself run, half uncertain he's going the right way in his panic. Thinking borders on impossible with the hurt and grief warring inside of him. All he knows is that he can't lose you, and in the back of his processor a wicked bit of loathing taunts him for messing up in ways that a smart bot never would have.
·Limping into the medical bay, he brushes off immediate concern for his own injuries to hold you up and plead for somebot who knows how to fix you. The medics react quickly, having trained to treat humans with you on board, and First Aid informs him of a breakdown in the ship's atmospheric controls. Not understanding the finer details of the issue, he's nevertheless able to figure out you were in a kind of danger he wasn't even aware of. Seeing you be stabilized and bandaged makes him happy for only the shortest of moments. It hardly seems any of this could have happened if you had been with a bot who was smart enough to grasp these things. From the ambush to the delay just in getting you here, it isn't hard to conclude he's responsible for your suffering...
·Having not truly lost consciousness until the medics put you under to recover, you know where you are when wakefulness stirs your limbs, but that doesn't stop you from feeling a touch confused. Accustomed to waking in the presence of one particular bot, you stretch out your hand in a blind search for a familiar presence. A warm digit presses into your palm without delay. Opening your eyes to a beloved face partially obscured by an oxygen mask, you're relieved to see the injuries he endured protecting you have been patched up to the best of Autobot medical ability, leaving little more than a few bandages to mark their presence. However, the usually perky bot is looking absolutely distraught. Grey optics make it clear to you he's been crying. Without a pause, you ask him if he was hurt worse than initially thought, or if something terrible happened to someone else.
·At your concern he sheds more tears, both touched by your words and feeling wholly undeserving of their compassion. He can't help but say how all of your troubles are his fault, as anyone who was actually smart would have taken you here right away. They also would have been able to avoid walking right into an ambush, something only bots as slow as himself would do, because he's just so dumb. At his last word you grab his digit insistently, unable to stand up and stop such talk as you usually do when teasing gets to him. Hearing you say that such talk simply isn't true, that you adore him and he made the decisions that likely saved your life in addition to fighting off a team of aliens... Your words help, as they always do. Though he's still quite rattled at the idea of nearly losing you.
·Gesturing to his still healing wounds, you assure him that you're afraid as well, because there's a lot out there capable of hurting you both. But, together, you stand a chance. That gives him pleasant pause. Recalling how he'd compared the two of you to a kind of dynamic duo, he smiles and leans in to you as he does when seeking cuddles. Careful of your own bandages, you let him snuggle close and pet his crest just the way he likes, encouraging him to relax. Forming a protective wall around you, he's able to get some much needed rest alongside you, looking far more peaceful at the prospect of always having you beside him.
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thiswasinevitableid · 3 years
for mermay, 24 indruck nsfw?
Here you go! 24 was Lighthouse, and I made it a continuation of this space mermay fill. NOTE: this fill contains oviposition.
Communication Log between Lieutenant of the Amnesty and Chief Astrobotantist Duck Newton.
Joseph: Storm is forecasted to last four days at least. We won’t be able to land on Atlantia to pick you up until it passes.
Duck: Roger that. We should be fine here; ‘Drid says the storms are dangerous for spacecrafts and travel but not for buildings. I’ll keep testing the specimens we found in the meantime.
Joseph: if it gets too dangerous, let us know and we’ll try to get an emergency retrieval ship to you.
Duck: Will do. Duck out.
Atlantia, one of the four moons of the planet Oceana, is off limits to most. It’s home to precious minerals that the residents of the moon Aquaria have been known to go to war over, fighting to see who controls the territory in which the substance resides. To avoid these conflicts, the whole moon was declared a public resource, and all but the native Atlantians must acquire elaborate permits to visit. Outsiders are practically forbidden.
Unless said outsider is married to one of the most valuable individuals in the whole lunar system and said individual is suddenly very willing to throw his weight around for the sake of his beloved’s research.
Indrid’s negotiations were only able to secure permission for him and Duck, not the rest of the Amnesty, and so Duck spent the better part of two weeks scouring the plant life and trying to discern if the mineral make-up of the soil produced plants more likely to contain the curative properties he’s searching for. When the storm picked up, rendering the surface of the moon unsafe, Indrid apologized profusely for not foreseeing the change in the futures. Duck pointed out that it was sudden enough that the two of them had already arrived at the pick-up spot before the storm turned violent.
Of places to be sheltering during a storm, an Oceanic Beacon is at once an excellent and terrifying choice. It’s a combination of a lighthouse and landing strip, alerting travelers to the presence of land and the location to dock their craft. Because light from the beacon has to reach a massive distance into the sky and across the waves, the building lives beneath a dome of specially engineered, see-through glass. A storm has never so much as cracked one. But it means that Duck has a perfect view of the gigantic waves washing over them which, while awe-inspiring, makes his lizard brain certain he’s about to drown.
So he spends most of his time in the terrestrial rooms researching to keep his mind off the weather. Except for when Indrid swims up from the heavily fortified subaquatic portion of the lighthouse to visit him. Then he devotes every last bit of his energy to his husband. Most of the Aquariads he meets are shocked to discover he’s not only happy to be married to the eerie, formidable seer, but that he actively misses him when he’s out on his missions.
“The others are not too worried I hope?” Indrid swims to him as he comes down the stairs from the communication pad.
“Nope.” Duck pulls off the top of his uniform, “once you knew we had food to last over a month if we had to, I got a hell of a lot calmer too.” He drops into the pool, water carrying a hint of heat, as Indrid curls the celestial expanse of his tail around his waist. Duck is a strong swimmer, but Indrid’s ability to carry him to and fro without getting so much as winded makes him want to feign helplessness and spend his days in those undulating scales.
“In that case, sweet one, care to join me for a swim before dinner?”
Duck smiles, “You know it, sugar” and draws the alien in for a kiss as the lights of the beacon make gemstones of the salt spray on the glass.
Two days down, two to go, and Indrid wishes he could enjoy their little impromptu second honeymoon to it’s fullest (he’d taken Duck on a proper one his first visit back after joining the others on their expedition). His body has other plans; it seems to have caught on to the fact his partner keeps coming and going, and that if he wishes to have offspring with said partner, he needs to be ready (never mind that he and Duck cannot have offspring through any sort of biological means). So when Duck’s scent fills his nose and his laugh floods his ears, his body decides to fill his ovipositor.
Thus, he’s spent the last three days increasingly uncomfortable, the weight noticeable in his abdomen. His initial plan was to excuse himself early in the evening when they got home and masturbate until they were all released. But the beacon, while spacious, has very few rooms closed off, and the water is so clear that there are a high number of futures in which Duck catches him in the act.
Which is why, as the human sleeps a very safe distance from the edge of the pool (“‘Drid, if I fall in the worse that’ll happen is I get a hell of a wake up call” “yes but I cannot bear even the slightest risk of you drowning”), Indrid is squirming in an attempt to get comfortable. He doesn’t even realize he’s chirping in frustration until Duck murmurs his name.
“It, it is nothing sweet one, go back to sleep.”
“Darlin, your spots are goin’ green.” Duck indicates the flickers of sickly chartreuse in the water, “you feelin sick?”
“No. Or, ah, not in the sense you are thinkingoh, ohhh” he sighs, rubbing his face against Duck’s palm as the human gauges whether he’s feverish, “but I am achy and restless.”
“And hot, christ ‘Drid, there are med supplies here right? I mean, I got some in my bag, but they’re for humans-”
“I am not sick. It’s this” He rolls onto his back so Duck can see his cock straining to emerge.
“Sugar, you know you can ask for help with that any time.” Duck’s smile is sweet sin.
“No, it’s” Indrid whines as the tip emerges, the bulge of the first egg painfully obvious.
“Oh. Huh. Kinda figured you weren’t due for that again for a year or so. Not sure why; guess I just assumed Aquariads had a matin season.”
“Unfortunately it can happen quite often. If, if you do not mind, I will excuse myself and deal with it. It’s to the point where the eggs need to come out sooner rather than later.”
“Sure. Or, uh, if you want, I could, uh, help you out?”
The widening of Indrid’s eyes and the shock of orange that travels up his tail and fin suggests Duck has just done something remarkable.
“Surprise you, sugar?” He tucks a strand of silver hair the behind the aliens fanned out ear.
“Yes. There, there were no futures where you offered, why in the name of the deep did you?” His colors have turned nervous, but Duck spots occasional bursts of desire.
“Because” He sits up, patting his lap so his husband will rest his head in it and let Duck rub the knots in his neck, “you’re my ‘Drid; I wanna help you out, make you feel good too. And uh, I gotta admit, I been a little curious about it. Plus that holo-porn compendium you sent me while I was gone time before involved it a lot and it seems like it could be fun.”
“So you did watch it” Indrid looks up, grinning.
“Course I did. Gotta learn how to please my Aquariad husband.” He teases, kissing Indrid’s forehead.
“You need no help in that area whatsoever. I could not ask for a finer husband, human or otherwise.” Indrid kisses Duck’s belly through his thin shirt, then pauses, “you are not offering this out of a feeling of obligation, right?”
“Right. I want to do this with you, ‘Drid. Cross my heart.”
Red eyes skate up to his face, “In that case, disrobe and get in the water at once.”
Duck sinks into the clear depths the instant he’s naked, Indrid swimming back only long enough for him to get in before crowding him against the edge of the pool.
“My love.” Indrid purrs, kisses so languid and gentle they almost disguise the heat in his fingertips as gropes Duck’s ass, the force with which his tail forces his legs apart.
“You know itAHhh, fuck, fuckin love that” he groans as the tendriled tip of his cock teases Duck’s own, “so, uh, this gonna be that different from the way we normally do this?”
“For starters, I will not cum until all the eggs are deposited.” Indrid’s fin flickers pink, “and it will be more intense on your end, not only because of the stretch but because I have to be rather, ah, vigorous in order to make sure they all come out.”
“As opposed to all those times you don’t fuck me like there’s no tomorrow.” Duck snickers, wrapping his legs around the dark scales to help ease Indrid’s cock into him.
“It’s not my fault you are the most delectable, ah, ‘piece of ass’ I have ever seen. Did I use that correctly?”
“Yep” Duck tips his head back, allowing Indrid to kiss it as he pauses his thrust so his tendrils can stroke his G-spot before continuing deeper, “you been watchin earth porn for ideas?”
“Indeed. I also found some featuring an actor who looks rather like you, and watched it an embarrassing amount during your absences.” He chirps as he bottoms out and Duck toys with the sensitive band in his fin as Indrid positions them so the bottom half of his tail is flat against the wall, which lets him keep Duck pinned to it.
“You are going to squirm, and I do not want you doing so and coming off my cock.”
“Seem mighty confident you’re gonna get that reaction.” Duck nips his ear.
Indrid’s sharp-toothed grin takes on a hungry glint, “The futures tell me so. But since you seem to doubt them…”
“AhFUCK!” Duck’s back bangs into the wall as Indrid pulls halfway out and then drives back into him, “fuckyeah, sugar that feels so fuckin goodOHwhatthefuck” the bumps in Indrid’s cock are moving, the ones towards the base of the shaft grinding on Duck’s dick as they do.
“Nmmmm, I told you I was pent up, oh, oh yes, yes sweet one, get ready to take the firstAHhhnnn.”
“Jesusfuck” Duck bucks his hips as the first egg pushes into him. It’s not hard like a birds egg, more soft and squishy, but all the same his body convulses as it registers something inside him. His brain, however, sends a moan from his mouth because as alien as the sensation may be, the fact it’s Indrid doing it makes him wetter and harder than he’s been in weeks.
Better still is the look on Indrid’s face, his head tipped back in bliss as he fucks him. It’s only when he looks down that Duck sees the tears threatening his eyes.
“You, I, I’ve, you are letting me lay in you, letting me mate with you, no, no one has ever let me do this before.”
The heat spiking through him on the word mate changes to fierce affection at the thought that Indrid was denied such closeness, or any closeness, for so long.
“Oh darlin, c’mere” he guides the alien into a kiss, then moans as another egg presses into him. Indrid swallows the sound down, keeps Duck in the kiss until the pressure has subsided.
“Such a lovely little mate.”
“Do my best.”
Indrid rubs their cheeks together, “That is why this has been so frequent, you know. I am so very enamored with you that the primal parts of my system want nothing more than to fill you with my eggs, keep you here pampered and fucked out until we have a whole little school swimming about the house. I, ahhhn, I could even look after them on my own while you are away. Or, or if we decide that is not for us I want to lay in you every day so no one else will ever dare to think you could be theirs.”
“Not a fuckin chance, fuck, darlin” his thighs tighten around his tail as another egg pulses out of the tip, “it’s so fuckin hot when you talk like that.”
“Really? I was afraid I was babbling. OhOHohdear, ah, this is unexpected.”
“Not in a bad way, but I am so aroused the eggs are going to start coming out more quickly. Which means, my darling husband, I suggest you hold on.”
“Way ahead of youUUUshit, fuck” his hands switch from gripping Indrid’s shoulders to thrown around them for dear life as Indrid bounces him roughly on his dick. There’s not pause between the fourth and fifth egg and he’s starting to feel full, squirms when the sixth egg almost pushes Indrid’s cock free.
“I, I told you so.” Indrid purrs, hands holding tight to Duck’s ass as another egg emerges, “but you are not going anywhere, little human. You are, nnng, staying right here, taking every last one of them, because you are my mate and if I want you full to burst you will be.”
“Holy fuck, ‘Drid” Duck buries his face in his husbands neck as his cock shifts backwards. The tip opens wider, covering all of Duck’s folds as the tendrils return to his dick, “fuck, fuck, sugar I’m gonna cum.”
“Yesss” Indrid growls, tail rippling as he forces the next egg into place, “that’s it, sweet one, cum for me, cum while I stuff you full, my perfect, perfect, wonderful one.”
Duck can’t even get words out as his orgasm races through him, muscles spasming in new ways around the eggs. He whines as Indrid continues bouncing him, eggs shifting and keeping his muscles from relaxing, tendrils keeping a rapid tempo on his dick.
“Oh, ohohohoh I am close, ohyes, Duck, my sweet Duck, you take me so well, take a little more, be a good mate and take the last one, take my cum, you are going to hold all of it until I am satisfied that you are mine AH, ahhhhyes” he trills and Duck grunts as he’s stretched wider by the last egg and flood of cum. Indrid clings to him, chirping and trilling as his tail twitches, until his cock retracts. Then it’s just the storm and the sound of their joint panting as Indrid swims them weakly backwards to a shallow section of the pool.
“Here” the alien guides Duck to recline half out of the water, “if you spread your legs and relax, most of them will fall out on their own.”
“Gotcha.” Duck can neither keep his eyes open nor stay upright, so Indrid adjusts so the human is resting atop him, back against his chest. One by one, the eggs slip out dissolving in the water after a few moments. The last two prove stubborn and Indrid massages his abdomen, cooing about how wonderfully he did, until they too slip away.
“Thank you.” Indrid murmurs, nestling his chin on his shoulder.
“Any time, darlin. Or, uh, maybe not too many times back to back. Not sure my junk can take it. Still, better we did that than tryin it up my ass. Woulda lead to some awkward med records and my crew never lettin me live it down.”
“Do not be so sure. I suspect Joseph would have been envious.”
Duck snorts a laugh, looking over his shoulder in surprise.
“I read his sexual preferences on those forms they made you each submit.” Then he smiles like a sunrise welcoming Duck home, “but I think I made the right choice, don’t you?”
“Yeah, sugar, I do.”
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firaknight · 3 years
Ok my brain wants to talk about Kracko today so I’m gonna!
Kracko is one of many. He’s a sentient cloud being that has the powers of a god. Weird that he’s such a pushover most of the time, right? Well, those aren’t the Kracko. There’s other Kracko out there!! If clouds clump together enough, there’s a chance one can form. Other planets even have one (See: Planet Towara boss fight)!! The original, real, genuine Kracko lives in Cloudy Park! He’s hidden at the top of a really dangerous mountain that’s known to have the most fucked up weather patterns of anywhere on Popstar. There’s a shrine up there he calls home and people go visit him a lot!
While the mountain is dangerous, there’s a path that’s usually very clear that people take. Kracko himself carved it during a fit of rage and it tends to be mostly free of the abnormal weather patterns. It leads directly up to the shrine and its traveled quite often! People leave little talismans on the trees as they pass. The talismans have inscriptions of hopes and wishes from the people who travel along the path. While Kracko can’t grant wishes, he can manipulate weather, so he does pay special attention to talismans relating to that.
It’s also customary to take newborns up to the shrine. Think of it like baptism. People take their newborn child along the path and up to Krackos shrine and ask for his blessing. That child will have his protection whilst in the boundaries of Cloudy Park and will hopefully be exempt from his fits of rage (more on that later). He’s usually very calm and courteous when brought a newborn, since they’re small and fragile and probably scare easily and he doesn’t want to frighten them. However, he wasn’t like this when Ado showed up.
Ado brought Adeleine with her when she fled her home planet, and, while Adeleine wasn’t a brand new baby, she was still little and deserved a chance at habit Krackos blessing, so she carried her up to the shrine. Now, keep in mind that, while Kracko has been alive for thousands of years, he’s never once met a human. Not a single one. This meant that he was more than freaked out at the sight of one entering his shrine. He wasn’t mad! Not at all! But a weird squishy being that’s tall and big and haS A BABY??????? Yeah that’s frightening. Once he realized that baby Adeleine just a little sweetie, he warmed up to her almost instantly. Literally picked the child up and out of Ado’s hands and just floated around to room like a joyous goofball with an excitedly squealing child on him. After that day, Kracko dedicated every second he could get (when he was pissed off) to making sure that Adeleine was happy.
At first, it was small things, like slowing down lightning so she wouldn’t be scared during a thunderstorm, but it quickly grew to “I’m going to give my entire life up for this kid if I have to.” She gets to be a bit older and decides to go run into the forest to play! Problem being that she’s an easy target for predatory creatures like Pacto, which are big enough to swallow her whole if one wanted to. She gets spotted by one and absolutely can’t outrun it. Ado is far enough away to not hear the commotion, but Kracko notices. He may be all the way up in his shrine, but he can just sense when someone’s in danger. Almost immediately, a thunderstorm rolls in and he uses this as a cover to scope the forest, spotting little Adeleine running from a group of Pacto. Without a second thought, he strikes them down with lighting (despite the fact that he could’ve hit her by mistake if he wasn’t careful), flies down between Adeleine and the Pacto (just in case the lighting didn’t do the trick), and then promptly picks up Adeleine and flies her back home. This tends to happen a lot when she’s little.
After the events of Crystal Shards, Adeleine stays on Ripple Star for a few years before returning home to work on art and be closer to friends. Kracko is overjoyed to have her back and adjusts wind patterns and weather to make sure her first few day back are lovely. He now also has a habit of straight up redirecting weather when she’s painting. It’s about to rain? Cool lemme poke a fat hole in the clouds so this kid doesn’t get rained on. It’s cloudy? Lemme break the clouds so more light shows through. Kid wants to paint a storm? Lemme aim one at the stormy barrier around Cloudy Park and maintain a very specific bolt of lightning for an hour so she can paint it. Its pouring rain and she needs to run an errand? Sure thing I’ll just break a hole in the clouds above her and manipulate said hole and clouds so the hole is always over her and she doesn’t get rained on. High winds? Not in my territory :)
He also becomes super protective of her. Susie comes to invade and mechanize Cloudy Park during Robobot (she wants the resources and data since Cloudy Park is a secluded floating island that’s hard to get to) and gets a few Robobot Armors in to try and get things under control. Adeleine steps up to help alongside Ribbon and gets her ass kicked by one of the Armors. It’s at this point that Kracko hits an anger point he’s never hit before. He destroys every single Robobot Armor that made it past his barrier and then goes after Susie, who’s making her way through the barrier and into Cloudy Park. She doesn’t even make it halfway before Kracko ups the strength of the barrier and chases her out. She sustains serious damage to her Business Suit and crash lands not far from Nutty Noon. Kracko proceeds to chase her all the way back to Dreamland and give her a couple extra warning lightning strikes to make sure she knows to stay the fuck out. Adeleine winds up being fine, she’s just got a few bad scratches and a nasty bruise, but she’s otherwise ok! Kracko carries her up to his shrine to keep her safe and stops her from leaving unless he’s positive that there’s nothing that could do her harm (the leg from the Access Ark is just across from Nutty Noon, meaning they’re in harms way 99% of the time).
Moving on from that: Kracko tends to have a bad temper. When he’s angry, he forms impenetrable thunderstorm clouds and rains lightning on Cloudy Park. Said anger comes from losing to Kirby so often but sometimes it’s from other things, like Susie trying to invade his territory. Adeleines house has been struck more times than she can count, but repairs take no time at all. Kracko tends to feel bad for striking homes (he gets blinded by rage and doesn’t realize what he’s hitting half the time. He tries to aim for desolate areas but his blinded rage can take him elsewhere) and works to help by keeping work-hindering weather at bay until said work is done.
Also, to elaborate on the barrier thing:
Cloudy Park has a huge barrier of clouds surrounding it. The clouds hold it up and stop it from plummeting into the land below, and it serves as a barrier to outsiders. Kracko is the one that formed those clouds and maintains them, putting some of his energy into keeping them around. The clouds are usually so thick you can’t see where you’re going, and Kracko uses this to confuse intruders into turning themselves around and coming right back out the way they came. Stops him from having to fight anyone and keeps his bad temper at bay. However, some threats are persistent and don’t leave so easily. Susie and the Robobot invaders were one of these threats. This leads Kracko to use a defense system in the barrier: storms. He fuels his energy into the clouds in the barrier and creates storm clouds out of them. Lightning jumps from cloud to cloud and thunderclaps sound from every part of the barrier. High winds also tend to show up that can push most beings away if they’re not careful. If the threat still persists, Kracko takes on the threat himself. He blends in with the clouds, with only a spike or an eye being visible in the stormy mass. He rains lighting and high speed hail upon the threat until they back off. If the threat even so much as slows down, Kracko ups the force of his attacks until he’s chased the threat out completely. He occasionally takes on a different move: warping the entirety of Cloudy Park to a different location. Kracko may be fierce, but he knows when he’s beat. If he feels his territory is in danger, he can use the clouds and innate magic of the land itself to physically warp the landmass that is Cloudy Park to a different location. He only does this under extensive threat like the Dark Matter invasions. Both times he moved were when he believed that Cloudy Park was at risk of being overtaken by Dark Matter. The warp is fast, taking less than an hour to do. The barrier of clouds around the island fully encase it, creating a sphere of clouds around the landmass. The clouds begin to spin and close in, high winds usually following, and then everything warps. Cloudy Park is physically warped to a new, temporary location. The first time it was the Rainbow Islands, and the second was to the outer reaches of White Wafers, hidden amongst mountains as a secondary protection. While this move usually takes Cloudy Park to safety, it leaves Kracko incredibly weak for a while. The landmass floats very close to the ground (sometimes floating in water to alleviate the stress on Kracko) and the barrier of clouds are weakened to a point where just about anything could get through. Kracko also must return to his shrine to rest and regenerate lost magic used in the warp. It can take days to fully heal up and it leaves Cloudy Park vulnerable to threats. Dark Matter took advantage of that and broke through the weakened defenses to wreak havoc on the landmass. Both times were just a day after the warp. Had the Dark Matter waited a few more days to strike, Kracko could’ve kept Cloudy Park safe.
The warp back is far less taxing, as it’s simply returning Cloudy Park to its original location. Magic is tied to the land that keeps it connected to its origin crater (the crater left from the land rising up out of the ground) and its incredibly easy to find with the right magic prowess. Kracko has such prowess and it’s very very easy for him to warp back. He simply follows the magic that connects the two and uses it as padding for the warp. It takes the magic stress off of him and makes it go faster. The warp home takes maybe 30 minutes at most, but usually less if Kracko is in good health. Once the warp is done, Cloudy Park usually returns to its origin crater and rests there for a day. Magic regenerates incredibly fast when this is done and it allows Kracko to focus on healing up. Since the 2 lands are tied by magic, a naturally occurring barrier forms over the land while Kracko is down to keep it protected while he heals so he doesn’t have to try and maintain his barrier. This connection can’t be done unless one land is weaker than the other. Think of it like trying to stick two of the same magnets together. It doesn’t work. Cloudy Park works the same. If both lands are at full health, they can’t stick together. If Cloudy Park is weakened but the origin crater it came from is at full health, or vice versa, they can stick together.
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blancheludis · 4 years
@whumptober2020​, Day 6, “Get it out”
Characters: Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, JARVIS, Bruce Banner Tags: Hidden Injury, 2012 Avengers, Hurt Tony, Team as Family Words: 4.129
During a battle, Tony is injured by getting stabbed with a piece of his own armour. He hides it, of course he does, because he always dealt with these things alone. He has not counted on JARVIS and the bots ratting him out, however, and much less on Steve actually rushing to his side. Maybe he's more a part of the team than he thought. 
Once the doors of the workshop close behind Tony, breathing gets that much harder. Away from prying eyes, he does not have to stand so tall anymore, does not have to concentrate on making well-timed quips and generally live up to the invincible part of his name. He does not have to pretend he is one wrong movement away from passing out. Right now, there is only quiet, the flashing red of the alarm inside the HUD, and the pulsing pain in his abdomen, threatening to overwhelm him.  
Tony is not quite sure what hit him. The outside of the suit looks fine – apart from the obvious dents, but it does not have any glaring holes in it. They were fighting a group of AIM soldiers, but they did not seem to be particularly well-equipped. Although Tony has to admit that a few spectacularly devastating things have come out of their lab before. So, they either created a missile able to penetrate the suit without leaving much trace on the outside, or Tony almost killed himself with his own creation again by leaving exploitable weak points.
It does not matter. He is not dead and now that he is home he can sit down and sleep this off. Nobody has to know and once his brain is not flushed by adrenaline anymore, he can try to reinforce the places where the suit has failed him.
Taking as deep a breath as the pain allows, Tony takes a step forward. He will not have gained anything from collapsing right inside the door to the workshop. It is agony. Every little movement sends new shocks through his body until it feels like he is burning. The flashing red inside the HUD intensifies as if Tony does not notice he has a serious problem right now. But there is a first-aid kit stashed somewhere and he is already halfway to the assembly station. While Tony would like nothing more than to lie down and sleep for a week or two, he needs to get the suit off first. He opens the face plate, relieved at the sudden lack of flashing red.
Another step, and JARVIS pipes up, sounding at once too formal and too urgent. His kid is worried. “Sir, if I might advise you to –”
“I won’t go to medical for a scratch,” Tony cuts him off and tries to put some authority in his tone, which is hampered by how little air he manages to get into his lungs.
“That scratch comes from a piece of your suit that has pierced your skin and runs approximately three inches deep,” JARVIS reports as if he thinks words will make Tony see reason. After an expectant pause, he adds, “With a considerable piece of metal still inside you.”
Bless modern technology, Tony thinks. What does he need the medical team for when his AI can diagnose him just as well, if not better? JARVIS knows him and does not needlessly prod him only to arrive at a conclusion Tony knew beforehand.  
What a way to go, though, impaled on his own suit. The press would certainly call it poetic justice, and Tony might be inclined to agree with them. He does not plan on dying, though. A lot of trouble is still ahead of them and the team still needs him if they want to stand a chance against the army closing in on them from space.
With a last shaking step, Tony gets on the platform and steadies himself by grabbing one of the robotic arms. “Well, then we need to get it out.”
Tony does not need a medical doctorate to know that is not the best of ideas, not without proper preparation. He believes in JARVIS’ abilities, though.
“Let me alert someone at least,” JARVIS all but pleads. “Dr. Banner –”
“- is not that kind of doctor. Weren’t you listening to him?” Tony asks and manages half a smile. He knows perfectly well that Bruce would be put out if he ever found out Tony refused to call him in for help, no matter his constant protest that they have trained professionals for that.
“And yet he’s more proficient at stitching people back together than you are,” JARVIS argues, sounding like he is one wrong word away from open rebellion.
“He’s not more proficient at stitching me back together, though.” And that, in Tony’s opinion, is the absolute truth. He does not make it easy on people – or AIs – he knows, but he takes care of himself and tries not to be too much of a problem for other people. That is just human decency. Especially considering how many issues he has.
When JARVIS resorts to quiet disapproval, Tony almost feels bad, but he is too miserable to let anybody else in. “It’s okay, JARVIS, I’ll be right as rain in a minute.” He just hopes they will not be called out for another mission any time soon. The pain might get better once the metal is out, but he will still have a hole in his side, which will make moving, much less fighting, a tad difficult. “Now, get the suit off.”
The robotic arms stay still and Tony thinks for the thousandth time that he needs to create a better system for that. A suit of armour is nice to have, but he needs an easier way to get out of it without ruining the suit than stepping on the platform in his workshop and hoping that his AI is in the mood to indulge him.
“It’s highly inadvisable to just rip out the piece of metal inside you.” If JARVIS had a foot, Tony is sure he would stomp angrily.
“I’m sure that’s still better than leaving it in,” Tony answers, trying to remain standing. “I don’t have the best of immune systems, if you remember.” He pats the arc reactor gently.
Tony is half-convinced that JARVIS is playing for time. The longer he waits, the more likely it is that Tony will collapse, and then he will not have any other choice but to call for help. Well, that only makes Tony fight harder to stay conscious. Worse than handing himself over to medical is being handed over while he does not know what is happening to him.
“At least get the rest of it off,” he suggests, wondering why his kids have to be so stubborn.
Nothing happens for another long moment. Then the machine whirs to life, slower than usual. Tony is sure JARVIS works as gently as he can and yet the process hurts. The removal jostles him, pressing against bruises and the pulsing wound in his abdomen. Waves of black roll through Tony’s vision and it is all he can do to stay upright.
When the chest plate is lifted, the dented pieces cling to each other, tugging on Tony’s abdomen in a way that has hot red pain shooting through him, making his knees buckle. JARVIS catches him with the robotic arms, the chest plate clattering carelessly to the ground.
“I really must insist –” JARVIS’ voice sounds from far away, barely audible over the ringing in Tony’s ears.
Still, Tony shakes his head, or maybe the world is just spinning in front of him. He is not sure what is happening anymore. Then familiar beeping reaches him as JARVIS has the robotic arms deliver him into the fretful hold of DUM-E.
“Hey there, buddy,” Tony mutters. It ends in a groan as a chair is pushed against the backs of his knees and he involuntarily falls into it. Manhandled by his own kids. It is probably for the best. Even sitting down, it is hard to stay upright instead of falling right down to the floor.
This is okay, he tells himself over and over again. A mantra to cling to. He has had worse. It just hurts. Looking down at himself, he sees the dented piece of the suit. It is not even bleeding much.
“I am sure you are aware it will start bleeding the moment you try to move that piece.”
Sluggishly, Tony blinks up at the ceiling, wondering when JARVIS learned to read his mind. That could come in handy – at least when JARVIS is not admonishing him.
“I must insist you allow me to call someone,” JARVIS goes on, sounding almost frantic now.
Tony wonders whether he really looks that bad. It almost feels okay now. The pain is dulled, almost like a second heartbeat. He could just go to sleep and wake up when everything is over.
“Just get it out,” Tony says. He is tired and just wants to get this over with. Sitting up straighter despite the pain, Tony clarifies, “Butterfingers, get the firs-aid kit. U, hold me. And DUM-E, get it out.”
This is probably not the best task to give to DUM-E, whose motor control is leagues behind Butterfingers’, but he is Tony’s oldest and least likely to rebel, if only because Tony never programmed any common sense into him.
Closing his eyes, Tony grabs the sides of the chair and braces himself for more pain – only nothing happens, nothing even moves. He glints and finds all his bots looking at him, DUM-E at least with an air of shame.
“JARVIS,” Tony bites out between clenched teeth. He does not have the energy to do everything himself. “Could you please not keep the bots from doing what I tell them to do?”
“My first priority is your well-being, sir,” JARVIS answers stiffly.
“And that means getting this damned metal spike out of my body, yes?” Tony snaps and glares at his bots.
“In a safe manner. I will not watch you bleed out right in front of me.”
If Tony were in less pain, he might acknowledge the trace of fear in JARVIS’ voice, but he does not have many alternatives to dealing with these things himself. There is no way he could go to Medical without the rest of the team finding out and they do not need the reminder that Tony is just a rather squishy human in a tin can. He does not know how Clint does it, who always comes out of fights with scrapes and bruises, unenhanced as he is. But Steve does not doubt his abilities as much as he does Tony’s.
“I won’t –”
Tony is interrupted by the door opening – which should not happen because he is sure that he ordered a complete lockdown. He always does when he comes home injured or when he needs to repair some serious damage done to the armour.
Drained and weary, he is unable to react quickly, does not even manage to really straighten in the chair. When he tries, fire spreads through his abdomen that has him flinch, unsettling his entire balance. It is all he can do not to slide right to the ground. And thus, barely hanging on to consciousness – and the last scraps of his dignity – Tony has to watch Captain America himself hurry into his workshop, his face already drawn into an unhappy frown.  
This is it, he guesses. He does not have the energy for another shouting match about all the things he has done wrong, so he will likely say something unforgiveable just to get it over with or pass out. In Tony’s head, there is no way this will end with him still on the team. Irresponsible as he is, endangering the actually useful members of the team – he can already see where this is going.  
“Cap, to what do I owe the honour?” Even to his own ears, Tony sounds strained, and his lips feel ready to crack when he pulls them into an estimate of a grin. It is a poor attempt at keeping up appearances, but Tony is too much of a Stark not to try.
Steve’s face grows considerably darker. “Don’t waste your energy, Tony. What were you thinking?”
These words should warrant a harsher voice and yet there is something careful to the way Steve moves. He comes closer, the bots getting out of his way without a fuss, and studies the way Tony is curled around the last piece of armour on his body.
“I thought we’d all take a nice post-mission shower and then meet up for dinner,” Tony says conversationally, doing his best to pretend Steve cannot see his shame. He is offering them an out. It would be easy for Steve to nod and leave, to let Tony himself deal with this mess. That is not how this works, however.
Steve looks like he will start yelling any minute now, and the familiarity of it relaxes Tony a bit, despite the pain. Some things will never change, and Steve’s disapproval of him and everything he does is one of them.
Then, Steve seems to think better of it and steps even closer, crouching down right in front of Tony. He reaches out as if to touch Tony’s side but his hand keeps hovering over the dented piece of armour.
“How bad is it?” Steve asks in a clinical tone.
Before Tony can even open his mouth to answer something dismissive, JARVIS speaks up, making him feel like he has been deemed unworthy to be a part of this conversation any longer.
“My preliminary scan shows that no vital organs or large blood vessels were hit, but there was considerable blood loss. Which will get worse when we try to mobilize the piece of the armour.” JARVIS sounds just as disapproving as Steve and in his haziness, Tony can just imagine the old Jarvis coming back from the dead only to appear right next to Steve, watching him with the same pinched expression.
In response, Steve pulls away his hand as if burned, as if his mere proximity might do more damage. Tony might be imagining things, though, since black is creeping in on his vision until he sees everything around him as if through a long dark tunnel.
“What hit him?” Steve asks, still with that worry.
Once again, Tony is too slow to keep the catastrophe from unravelling, and has to listen to JARVIS say, “It was blunt force that pushed parts of the suit inside Sir.” The honorific feels like a terrible mockery, considering that JARVIS is blurting out how irresponsible Tony was. What if he got a teammate hurt because he put himself out of commission and could not be there to help? “It is a stability issue of the seams that has been ignored in favour of more manoeuvrability.”
The glare Steve sends at Tony is enough to make his pulse race from more than the pain. They will have an argument about this later, Tony knows, and it will be ugly. If he is not thrown off the team altogether. Certain weak points have to be accepted if he wants to remain at peak usefulness. He is not sure where the difference is to Clint jumping off buildings every opportunity he gets without confirming someone is close by to catch him. The purely human members of the team have to take some risks at times – and they usually deal with it just fine.
Tony looks at where he knows one of JARVIS’ cameras is located and mouths, “Traitor.” Then he pushes himself away from Steve only to have the chair collide with Butterfingers, who is still right behind him. The unexpected jostling drives a whimper to his lips that he is too slow to swallow. He closes his eyes in shame, wishing this was just a bad dream.
“All right,” Steve says as if he has only just made up his mind about what he will do. “Can we move him to Medical or do we need to get a team here?”
“I’m perfectly fine with –” Tony bites out, his voice coming out much quieter than he wanted. It does not even surprise him anymore when he is ignored.
“I advise not to move Sir too much, although the piece should be removed in a sterile environment,” JARVIS says, no doubt thinking of Tony’s suppressed immune system. He has dealt just fine with that before. He does not need them to hold his hand through something he has done by himself a thousand times.
“Let’s get him a stretcher, then,” Steve decides and gets to his feet, although he keeps hovering over Tony as if he is just waiting for him to fall.
It is too much. The pain, the impending doom of Steve telling him he has outlived his usefulness, people deciding over his head what to do with him – Tony has enough.
“I’m not an invalid, damn it,” he snaps, glaring at Steve with all the energy he has left. “I can speak for myself and I can walk if I have to. I just fought a battle with you.”
Perhaps he should not have reminded them of the fight because Steve’s expression falls at that before settling into another frown.
“While injured,” he replies shortly. “That alone makes me doubt your mental capacity at the moment.”
This is so unfair. If Tony had bowed out of the fight just because of a scratch, he would have gotten a lecture about abandoning his team. Now that he kept on fighting, he is called irresponsible. Tony always knew that Captain America would disapprove of him but this is like dealing with Howard all over again and being unable to ever do anything right.
“Cap,” Tony tries but is cut off harshly.
“Don’t test me right now, Tony. I will not lose one of my team to his stubbornness. It’s bad enough that you didn’t tell anyone you are hurt.” The words do not quite fit the stormy expression. Then again, Steve has that helper syndrome where even losing just Tony would make him feel bad. “Why would you insist on going through this alone?”
The question hangs in the air between them for a minute, leaving Tony stunned with the desperate note clinging to the words. Then, Steve turns around abruptly and brings some distance between them before snapping at the air, “Where are you, Bruce? We need a med team up here immediately.”
Still stunned by the outburst, Tony is glad that Steve’s attention is not on him anymore. Otherwise, he might have just made a rather embarrassing admission like What if you decide to throw me off the team if you’re reminded how easily I’m hurt? or, worse, It’s better to hide than to find out nobody cares.
Tony does not believe that last thing, not really. He might not be a full-fledged member of the team, but they would care and they would help. Some lessons are hard to unlearn, however, and Tony has never been allowed to be vulnerable before.
“Steve,” Tony says, although he is not sure how to continue. He feels the urge to thank Steve. For coming. For not starting to yell immediately.
He does not come that far, however, because Steve whirls around to him and cuts him off. “No, I don’t want to hear any stupid excuses.”
That is more like it. Disappointment wars with relief in Tony’s chest. In the end, the familiar scorn is better than treading into the unknown and hoping for things to change. So, Tony swallows the words rising up in his throats and leans back in the chair. This time, he is prepared for the pain and keeps his face impassive. He is getting tired of this, and since his input is apparently not needed, he might as well close his eyes for a moment and get some rest.
“Tony? Are you –” A few hurried steps and Tony feels Steve right back at his side, sounding worried again. “I mean, is it getting worse?”
Tony is not sure. The pain is bearable when he does not move. His thoughts are very slow, which is not at all what he is used to, but that could just be the exhaustion.
“I’m fine,” he says because what else is there to do? “Everything’s fine.”
He keeps his eyes closed, does not want to see Steve, does not want to face reality at the moment. The darkness is pulling him under and he does not fight it. What for? Help is on the way, JARVIS and Steve will not let him do anything on his own. Might as well pass out and not have to face the fear of other people’s hands all over him.
“Stay with me, Tony,” Steve’s voice sounds from a distance.
That sounds like a bad idea. Staying with Steve means shame and arguments. No, he will stay like this and do his best to miss all the excitement. He might not like things happening to him that he is not fully aware of but it sounds nice to wake up once everything is over and he is alone again. He could –
Pain shoots through him, more acute than before, that makes him snap up his head and blink against the sudden light. He is not sitting in his workshop anymore. Instead, he is lying down, tight straps over his chest and legs, and the ceiling is flying by. Panic rises in him and he does not have any energy left to fight it.
“We’re here, Tony,” Bruce’s voice reaches him, calm and familiar, right before his face appears like a dark blob above Tony.
Only a second later, Steve shows up on the other side. “They’ll take care of you.”
“Don’t –” Tony says, but his mouth is too dry to continue.
Don’t watch, he means. Don’t let them take out my heart. Don’t let them put another battery in me.
“We’ll stay with you,” Steve says and it sounds like a promise, like he understands Tony’s fear, although they have never talked about his time in that cave. “We’ll be here when you wake up.”
Those two things are not the same, Tony wants to point out, but darkness comes creeping back in from the corners of his vision.
“Hold –” you to that, he wants to say.
Instead, the last thing he feels before unconsciousness claims him is something grabbing his hand and holding on tight.
When Tony wakes up, he is in his room. At first, he thinks he dreamt up all the excitement, his fantasy spurred into motion by blood loss and exhaustion. Some part of his incorrigible heart keeps wishing to be saved, no matter how much he fights it.
Then he hears the familiar beeping of a heart monitor and feels the pressure of bandages around his abdomen. That alone is a clear indicator he got outside help. If he had done this one his own, DUM-E would have gotten tangled up in the bandages until Tony decided a band aid would have to be enough. And he would have passed out in the workshop. Maybe he would have gotten to the couch. But his bed? Never.
Shame wells up inside him, but he stomps down on it. There is no use in dwelling on something he cannot change anymore. Now, he must soldier on and deal with the consequences.
When Tony opens his eyes fully and looks around, he is greeted by the strangest sight. On the sides of his bed sit Bruce and Steve, both asleep and looking like they would desperately need a bed of their own. Worse, Steve is still in his uniform, which means he really has not left Tony’s side since finding him in the workshop.
That thought does strange things to Tony’s stomach, which he cannot dully blame on his hole in his abdomen. He distantly remembers them promising they would stay with him, but that is just what people tell those who are injured and would rather jump off the rood of the tower than get actual, medical help. They were not meant to actually do that.
Opening his mouth, Tony means to clear his throat, to say something, to send them off to bed. Before he can get a single sound over his lips, however, his eyes fall on his hand. Specifically, his hand that is held by Steve.
Oh. Tony’s mind is blank, wondering what to make of that.
As it is, the lights around him dim a bit more, just enough to catch Tony’s attention. JARVIS, then, telling him that everything is all right – and probably admonishing him to shut up and let things be.
Later, Tony will blame it on exhaustion, but he complies without a second thought. With one last glance at their intertwined hands, Tony closes his eyes.
Maybe he is not in as much trouble as he thought. Or, in any case, a different kind than expected.
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triplejy2k · 3 years
Custom Monsters (How to make your players actually enjoy fighting a complex boss) P2
So previously I mentioned the Biometal Slime being the boss of the dungeon, well that’s partially true because it went through a transformation off-screen. Meet the Biometal Abberation, an enemy so complex that it takes up an entire fucking page of a google doc to explain all of its powers properly.
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This mf has some pretty nutty abilities, all designed around the idea of making a boss that can “deal with” an optimized party with maximum efficiency without being TOO bullshit. (Feel free to DM me asking for the stat blocks and icons for the slimes and this guy if you want to use em in a campaign)
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The main idea behind this boss fight is that it spawns a set amount of extra clones over the fight (clone spawns near player that broke the health threshold meaning that they end up EVERYWHERE). Mana Discharge was essentially designed to be able to also slow down the fight 2 times to allow both it and its minions to trigger Targeting Systems’ effects constantly during a fight on the squishies. I’m really proud of Targeting Systems, like almost unreasonably so, mainly due to the fact that I wanted to be able to pressure the Psion PC to worry about keeping themselves safe from dying due to constant pressure on the enemy turn as well as having a way to hurt other players while the tank had the boss on lockdown. Having “reactive armor” like Serrated Flesh is really important for your tankier enemies or glass cannon 1 round type monsters because it allows them to take hits and cause chaos and rather than making your players unable to hit foes, which honestly in a game like DnD where you can use most attacks once per fight and once per day kind of sucks. One thing I learned that players hate is bosses/enemies that are fully resistant to forced movement, cause it fully prevents funny shenanigans and party attack setups. 
The party managed the fight very well, however the Warforged had an idea. You see he was fighting the boss next to a massive well, of which they did not know how far the bottom was down there. So when he decided to push the boss into the well it sank down into the darkness. The party began laughing... then the boss reappeared right behind the bard out of a pool of magic sludge. To describe what happened next requires a bit of formatting and explaining of the parties setup.  Damian is a hexblade with incredibly high damage attacks, to the point where if he can crit he easily can take off 80 ish health at the stage of the campaign they fought this thing at Sylvia is a bard and has the ability to boost the base value of a d20 roll by 3 if she does a basic attack.  Cal is a psion that has a ton of crowd control and forced movement abilities Vectr is the parties tank and has a really high strength value. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lHVqoiG0CUU I also humbly request you listen to this while reading because it captures the mood of this moment PERFECTLY.
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What followed the bosses rather abrupt shift was Cal moving them into a better position between the party, VECTR throwing Damian because Damian’s base movement was not fast enough to reach the boss on his own, Sylvia boosting Damian’s attack to be a guaranteed crit, and then Damian subsequently killing the boss upon dealing 73 damage to it and then action pointing to deal an additional 24 damage to finish it off. 
Both the parties reaction, and my own, can only be captured as the hype of describing one of the hypest attacks I have had the privilege of being able to describe. “Damian jumps into the air and performs a massive Blazing Doom of The Void on the boss, then spins and slashes his blade down the Biometal Abberation, bisecting it in half exposing metal refuse and what appears to be human bone and its form collapses to the cold flagstones and pools of magical refuse”.
This was a fucking awesome encounter and I still have so many more to rant about. 
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magneticmage · 3 years
I'm in the mood for it (plus it's Disability Pride month) so here are all my disabled ocs;
Under cut for Length
Additional Notes; Please do not judge me too harshly. While I have a few of these disabilities (most notably PTSD, anxiety-depression, and visual impairments) myself and personally know people who have some others, every person and their experiences are unique. I try my best to give these disabilities the space and gravity they deserve in my writing, but it is difficult for ones that I have no personal experience with. In addition, I am still learning and only human. If I have done something wrong or phrased something badly at any point now or in the future, let me know and I will do my best to fix it/do better. Apologies for the abrupt disclaimer but there we go.
On the the List!
Selene Argent=Has PTSD, one prosthetic eye, and some physical scars on face and torso. I'd safely say she counts.
Baldur's Gate;
Sable Shades=Is an albino and was rendered mute at birth. He sunburns extremely easily and is near-sighted. He also often communicates through sign language.
Roan Roarke=Beyond some minor PTSD symptoms (increased anxiety and stress levels) surrounding fires, he's perfectly fine.
Faenerys Elendir=Has PTSD from her time imprisoned particular involving whips and brands as torture implements.
Rune Mistsea=Post-lycanthropy encounter, he is notably more short-tempered around the full moon along with a distinct craving for meat and violence. Otherwise, nothing else of note.
Lucine Mistsea=Beyond a notable paranoia issue when it comes to demons and cambions (but not fellow tieflings), she's fine.
Lyr(e/a/an) Lovemoor=Autistic. Too much light and noise and surrounding activity is draining and makes them short-tempered with occasional blowouts/meltdowns. Has a Thing about certain textures (very much hates slimes and oozes and squishy things for this reason, likes silks and furs and leathers). Has a fascination for all things shiny and glittery (gems and currencies are a special interest). Also often fidgets with their daggers.
Saga Musehart=Was rendered blind due to torture at the hands of prison guards. She also lost a hand (initially) and a forearm (later due to infection) and wears a prosthesis.
Cei Gloomdraft=Autistic or at least neurodivergent of some kind. Might have some ADHD, it's not quite clear yet in the few pieces I've written so far to help develop her.
Mass Effect;
(Solo Shepard Canon)
Annette Shepard=Has some lingering PTSD symptoms from surviving a raid on Mindoir, then thresher maws in Akuze, and then being spaced at the beginning in Mass Effect 2. She also suffers from some survivor's guilt Post-Virmire due to losing Ashley, and then all of Mass Effect 3 puts such a huge burden on her that she's fighting off some severe depression and despair from all the losses. She's got an old war injury in her shoulder that acts up from time to time, occasionally making her biotics misfire a barrier. She's on immuno-suppressant drugs to prevent her body from rejecting her Cerberus-added cybernetic implants and upgrades, and also some antidepressants for depression and anxiety symptoms for said lingering PTSD symptoms. Girl's a walking disaster-fire mentally but she keeps on surviving and she still looks for the good in life as it comes, so there's that.
(Shepard Siblings)
Joanna=Like Roscoe and Riley, she's also on immuno-suppressants to prevent cybernetic implant rejection. Notably, she's the most well-adjusted of the three mentally, although the losses and struggles of ME 3 start to take their toll due to depression. She spends an awkward month on the Normandy adjusting to the new medication while adjusting the amounts needed. In addition, she also goes through a whole existential crisis come the Citadel DLC about if she is really Joanna Shepard or a clone (which Riley, Roscoe, and the Normandy crew snap her out of). Her survivor's guilt is much less pronounced than Riley's though she does start the early stages of a martyr complex (it's a source of frequent and well-humored debate between Riley and Roscoe if it was already there or not) about the of Thane's death. But she does her best and keeps on going.
Roscoe=Definitely mentally ill. He's got some trauma around abandonment that starts to get fully addressed around ME 2 in part due to Jack and Miranda and is mostly resolved around ME 3 though naturally scars remain. It often manifests as anger, depression, and even callousness. Like Joanna's and Riley, he is on immuno-suppressants to prevent the potential rejection of his cybernetics. He's also got an old wound from Torfan in his abdomen that acts up under stronger pressures like before a rainstorm or different gravity levels as well as drastic temperature changes such as cold (he HATES Noveria for that reason in particular though it isn't the only one, man). Beyond all that, he's very strong-willed and gives no fucks to shit.
Riley=Much like Annette except a bit more well-adjusted due to a larger support network and character drive. Has notable flashbacks/triggers around batarians, thresher maws (this one includes panic attacks once the direct danger has passed), and hardsuit complications (they always makes sure that their helmet and everything is in working and optimal order). Has survivor's guilt from their losses on Mindoir and Akuze but between meeting Talitha and Toombs in ME 1, they confront and deal with it, beginning to heal from it. Even on Virmire with the loss of Honora and all the failures of ME 3, they do better at handling it though it still remains to varying degrees. Like Joanna's and Roscoe (and Annette again), they're on immuno-suppressant drugs to prevent issues with their body rejecting the cybernetics, with the additional ones of antidepressants to help manage some of their anxiety-depression symptoms. They also have some degree of chronic pain (maybe some kind of cystic fibrosis?) due to past overuse of their biotics that damaged part of their nervous system and occasionally causes it to misfire for no reason, often causing intense pain. Rarely and only if the pain isn't treated with extensive biotics-free rest periods and numbing agents in the form of more pills, the biotics will manifest and they'll accidentally move shit around, including themself a few times. This is most notable in ME 3 due to the nature of the larger and longer combat sequences with shorter and shorter rest times between. Though they manage as best they can with the help of their crew and family, it is still a struggle and they notably stop joking about retiring when they're dead and seem to consider it more seriously around ME 3 but save the final decision for the end of the Reaper Wars.
(Shepard Family)
Honora Hartford=She had an eating disorder when she was younger that left some lingering issues with her health but overall she's fine up until her death.
Riley's deceased siblings were overall healthy though Payton had Down's Syndrome and Brooklyn had ADHD. Harley had moderate asthma and used an inhaler.
Clover has anemia quite often and takes iron pills daily
The rest of the Shepard cousins don't have any disabilities to much knowledge though I am still fleshing them out.
Sara and Scott Ryder have some lingering damage from their cryopod accident and the Kett leader fucking with them, but otherwise they are okay.
Asher has ADHD while Shiloh struggles with a mild form of chronic fatigue. Evander, Rebecca, and Lucas are all able-bodied.
Dragon Age;
(Fereldan Wardens)
Lynera Mahariel=Dunno if this counts, but am putting it here anyways since it affects her overall health. Occasionally suffers from a type of sleep paralysis that is mixed with night-terrors. It doesn't appear to have a rhyme or reason as to when it occurs beyond perhaps stress and it's only every few months. However, it often leaves her completely drained for at least a week afterwards. She also occasionally has insomnia post-terrors as well which she self-medicates with sleeping draughts. She also has crippling period pains that appear to be consistent with ovarian cysts on her left side (though she later has it removed by Catriona once it ruptures due to injury). She also suffers from bouts of depression during Origins but that could be due to the extenuating circumstances she was under at the time.
Isemaya Tabris=When overly stressed, being exposed to strong amounts of concentrated Taint in a short period of time, or sometimes simply for no apparent reason, she suffers from intense migraines that are often treated with herbal painkillers and lying still in a dark and quiet room. Also due to a past injury to her left eye by humans, she has a harder time seeing on that side but is not completely blind.
Catriona Surana=She seems to be autistic due to her ability and predilection to hyperfocus on various studies (often Blight and magic-related but other areas do occur) as well as her obliviousness to social cues (she didn't realize she was liked by her suitors until Cale outright told her and by then she had decided she liked them already). Notably, she adapts a bit better Post-Origins due to Alistair and Leliana's influences but it still happens.
Cale Amell=Had some minor amnesia surrounding the exact events leading to his magic manifestation but later learned it was because he had set his eldest brother Azul on fire and believed he killed him as Raven helpfully supplied (Azul had instead faked his death as Cale discovers around the time of Awakening).
Fion Cousland=Briefly suffers from a minor alcohol addiction but has treatment while he is still in the functional phase courtesy of Catriona. Since then, he heavily monitors his intake and even helps Oghren get treatment for his own. He also occasionally has painful muscle twinges due to an injury that stretches from his temple to his eye and ear down to his neck on the right side. This is most notable in bad weather or when he is sick.
Barran Aeducan=Suffered from a superiority-inferiority complex towards his siblings growing up though it has greatly lessened with time and experience. It is mostly gone by the time of Inquisition though prominent traces still remain.
Tatha Brosca=She is hard of hearing and has manged to cope by learning to lip-read (not always successful, however, especially with languages she is not familiar with) in Origins and a pair of hearing "horns" designed for her by an admiring Smith caste man by Awakening. She often jokes that now she has even more in common with her Bronto companion, Salroka, due to their shared horns.
Vireth Mahariel=Suffers from epilepsy and often treats it with various herbal remedies, though it is not completely effective and large amounts of intense stress on his body make it worse. He also begins to develop cataracts around the time of Act 2 of Dragon Age 2, though the cause is unknown (presumed genetics or simply age at the moment).
Elthorn Tabris=Has a stutter speech impediment.
Alaros Surana=Unknown at the moment as I haven't written too much about him.
The Amell Siblings=Probably doesn't count but Azul gets motion sickness, especially on boats. Raven, Carmine, and Reed are all perfectly healthy and fine, however the latter two are the ones I've written least at the moment. Marigold has asthma that she treats with herbs.
Aelynne Cousland=Nothing comes to mind. She does have some old injuries (mentally and physically) she acquired from the attack on Highever by Arl Howe that color her later interactions with the family during the Fereldan Civil War.
Valda Aeducan=Has a notable visual impairment that is corrected with glasses, albeit there is nothing to be done for her slight colorblindness (she has a hard type distinguishing between greys, greens, and blues).
(Orlesian Wardens)
Dion Caron=Suffers from sleep apnea that is eased by a special breathing herbal-incense infused mask he wears as well as whomever in his group is on watch to check on him periodically to ensure he still breathes (most often this is either Victoire-Ainsley or Garam). He also snores and coughs due to this. Loudly.
Victoire-Ainsley Caron=Nothing of note.
Isenna Andras=She's an albino and so burns and rashes in intense light and heat. She also has a lame leg that cannot be fixed with magic and so wears a reinforced brace to aid her walk. This creates a noticeable limp.
Garam Kader=Alcohol makes him sick and he suffered from intense gender dysphoria before paying a huge sum to have an ex-Tevinter magister turned fellow Warden help him transition.
Jasper, Skye, and Violet Hawke are perfectly healthy. Albeit with some diet restrictions due to various allergies.
Gray Hawke=He is diabetic and so often has to monitor his energy levels to ensure his health. It's part of the reason he doesn't actively endanger his life like his siblings (not that he won't, just less often in comparison). He acquires a truly impressive diet regime and treatment plan upon becoming a nobleman of the Amell family, allowing him much more freedom than before.
Aurore and Marcel de Serault both suffer from mild hemophilia. Marcel also has a lyrium drug addiction he is trying to break (and is actually doing quite well via weaning himself off it) due to a brief stint as a Templar while serving the Chantry.
Armashok Adaar=Poor eyesight that cannot be fully corrected by glasses and later loses an arm due to the Anchor. He also lost a few fingers and some right hand mobility due to pre-nquisition injuries as a mercenary. He also wears a brace on his left shoulder. He wears a prosthetic eye and replacement arm.
Ransley Trevelyan=Like Cullen, he is working on breaking his own lyrium addiction from his time as a Templar and, like the other Inquisitors, loses his arm due to the Anchor. He had it replaced with a prosthetic arm for his shield side.
Paeriel Lavellan=She loses an arm alongside all the other Inquisitors, but takes the loss much harsher due to her archery skills suffering. While she will wear a prosthesis in battle or when hunting, she doesn't wear it in her day-to-day life, instead preferring to make due as needed. She also has anxiety.
Naranka Cadash=She loses her Anchor-wielding arm and gains a crossbow-and-dagger prosthetic one courtesy of her Inner Circle, much to her delight. She also suffers from some damage to her reproductive tract due to past injuries and is uncertain if she could have children.
(Inner Circle)
Kara Adaar=Beyond an intense hatred of slavery due to being kidnapped and almost sold when she was younger before being rescued by her father, she's perfectly healthy. She does require bedrest for her periods though.
Emilyse Trevelyan=She suffers from some PTSD from her abuse at Templar hands in the Circle, though she begins to recover towards the end of Inquisition.
Samrel Lavellan=Has dyslexia and uses reading aids and memory devices.
Pyrmar Cadash=He might have some PTSD from his Carta days due to a notable cave-in that lasted for a few days before his rescue.
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thetravelerwrites · 4 years
Monster Match #24: Bugul Noz
The Traveler's Masterlist
For: @voxnipop​: Hi there! I'm Ariel (Voxni on Kofi). I'm female-presenting agender, and use they/them pronouns. For a brief description, I'm a software engineer and genre-fiction writer. I love learning new languages and skills in my free time. Physically, I am clearly the designated nerd in a family of badasses. Tall, pale, and soft with curly red hair and thick thick glasses. (Compared to the rest of my tattoo-ed, super-athletic family. I love them though, do their taxes for them every year lol.) Always down for a fight to defend my family or friends, but thankfully as a super-soft sweet female-bodied person in the Southern US, most people disengage quickly after that.
In a partner, I honestly want to feel valued and protected. I know my default is to take control and basically be the protector and nurturer, but I'd like someone who reciprocates that care that I give. Intelligence isn't all that important as much as sweetness, and also maybe the ability to cook? I'm living that takeout lifestyle haaaard. Physically, I have a slight preference for larger partners, but I'd be pretty excited to see whoever the match happens with! No preference on SFW vs NSFW, whatever you feel more inclined/simpler to do. Thank you, and hope you hit your goal soon!
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You’ve been matched with a Bugul Noz!
In Breton beliefs, the Bugul Noz, or "Night Shepherd"), is a fae-like being who lives in the woodlands of Brittany. He is the last of his kind and is said to be incredibly ugly, which causes him distress. His appearance is so awful that even woodland animals avoid him, and he sometimes cries out to warn others nearby of his approach, so that he won't frighten them and that they’ll go home. He is called the night shepherd because it is generally not safe in forests late at night, when he is most active. The Bugul Noz is not malicious (indeed, rather kind and gentle), he is always alone because of his hideous visage.
Rather than being a spirit to be feared, he’s said to, "fulfill a beneficial office, in warning human beings, by his coming, that night is not made for lingering in the fields or on the roads, but for shutting oneself in behind closed doors and going to sleep. This shepherd of the shades would then be, take it altogether, a kind of good shepherd. It is to ensure our rest and safety, to withdraw us from excesses of toil and the snares of night, that he compels us, thoughtless sheep, to return quickly to the fold."
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It was the baleful moaning that alerted you, making the hairs stand up on your neck.
When you first heard the sound, you were spooked but unsure what you could do. You only had your bag, which had a map, compass, and a cellphone that had no service. You’d gone hiking before and never had a problem, but it only took one wrong turn in the woods to lead to disaster.
You didn’t work out much, as you kind of enjoyed being squishy, but walking along hiking trails was your favorite form of exercise because you could take it in your own pace and sit to sketch if you were tired.
You’d gotten lost while hiking during your vacation in France and night had rapidly come upon you. You eventually found yourself in some sort of ravine with a sheer cliff face preventing you from leaving. You followed it until you’d become tired, finding a cave-like cliff hollow to shelter under.
It was then that a gigantic brown bear decided to come back to what you realized was its den, and panicked. It reared up on its hind legs and bellowed at you, and you shrieked in reply.
“Oh, god, please don’t let me die,” You prayed. “All I wanted was a vacation in Europe before I became a serious adult! Please let me live to see the Louvre!”
You heard the moaning again, but it wasn’t coming from the bear. The bear came down from its hind legs and looked behind itself. It stiffened, and then jumped as if startled. The moaning grew louder, and the bear grunted, shying away from whatever it was. Apparently deciding that a fight with whatever it was looking at wasn’t worth it and moved on.
After a moment of waiting for the bear to return, you cautiously stood up. It was still dark out, the stars were clear and bright, but not enough to illuminate the way out.
“Hello?” You called to the darkness. “Who’s there?”
“Est-ce que tu vas bien?” The voice called. It was deep and scratchy, like someone who had a cough.
“I’m sorry,” You said. “I don’t speak much French.”
“Parlez vous anglais?” They asked.
“Angl--English! Yes, I speak English,” You replied, relieved.
“My English… not good,” They said in a very heavy regional French accent. “Follow, s'il vous plaît. Lead you to trail.”
“I can’t see you,” You said.
“C'est pour le mieux,” They replied. “Come now. Not far.”
“How can I follow you if I can’t see you?”
They were quiet for a moment. “Sing?”
“You’ll sing?” You asked, slightly amused.
“Oui,” They said. “Ça va?”
“Okay,” You said, unsure whether or not this was a better option than the bear. “Lead the way.
The… person… began to sing in French a song you didn’t know. Their voice was coarse, but they could carry a tune, and you could follow it well enough to be able to join them for the refrain.
“Singing est très jolie,” They said during a pause in the song.
“Thanks,” You said, smiling. “I like your voice, too.”
“Merci,” They replied with a happy, sing-songy tone. “Sing alone often. Nice to have… partenaire.”
“Do you live out here?” You asked as you walked.
“Oui,” They said. “Près de.”
“Close?” You asked. “I don’t want to impose, but I’m very tired and thirsty. I ran out of water hours ago. I just want to rest for a little while and have a drink and I can manage.”
They were quiet, and for a moment you wondered if they had understood you. You opened your mouth to rephrase it more simply when they said, “Juste une minute.”
“Thank you. Uh… Merci,” You said.
You followed their humming until you reached a hut made of stones. It looked old, like centuries old. It looked like someone had been keeping it up by replacing the old crumbling stones with newer ones. There was a simple door made of sticks and vines.
“Il y a un puits sur le côté de la maison,” They said. “Water. Must draw bucket. Go in. Sit. I get.”
Inside, there was a small fire inside a stone circle on a dirt floor. There was a rudimentary chair sitting next to it, and a simply carved table next to it with a bamboo cup. At the farthest end was a straw and large leaf pallet that you assumed they used for sleeping. Maybe it was an old man who shunned modern society and made his life out of leading lost people out of the woods. That would be noble.
Well, it was much better than your worst imaginings, which were running rampant in your head at the moment.
There was a thump at the door and you heard their voice again.
“Water,” They said. “Outside. You drink. I wait.”
You opened the door slowly, and there was a bucket sitting on the ground full of water. Though you couldn’t tell in this light, it looked clean enough, and you were too thirsty to complain.
“Where are you?” You asked.
“Here,” They said, though you couldn’t see them. “Go now?”
“Why won’t you let me see you?”
“Ugly,” They said. “Scare you.”
You laughed. “That’s silly. You won’t scare me.”
“I scare toutes les choses,” They said sadly. “Best no see. Get you home.”
“If you say so,” You said. “Okay, I’m ready.”
They began to sing again, and you followed the sound of their voice until you eventually came upon a trail. You laughed in relief and rushed to it.
“Go west,” They said. You heard shuffling, as if they were moving away.
“Wait!” You called. “What’s your name?”
“Auberi,” They said. “Be safe.”
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You made it back to the town where you were staying as dawn broke. There had been a search team out looking for you, and they were relieved to hear you were alive and unharmed for spending an entire night in the woods.
You insisted you were fine, but they called an ambulance anyway. At the hospital, you asked the nurse, “Have you heard about someone living out in the forest?”
“Que voulez-vous dire?” She asked. “Did you see someone else out there?”
“Not see,” You said. “Heard. There was a person out there who led me out of the woods, but they wouldn’t let me see their face. They sang a song and I followed their voice out of the woods.”
“Ah,” The nurse said with a knowing smile. “You must have met le Bugul Noz.”
“The what?”
“Night Shepherd,” She translated. “It’s a kind creature that helps keep people and animals safe, but it’s said to be so ugly that it scares everything away from it. Not even animals will go near it if they see it. It is lonely and cries because no one will be friends with it.”
“Is the Night Shepherd real?” You asked.
“It’s a fairy tale,” The nurse replied. “But who’s to say it is real or not?”
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A week later, you went hiking on the same trail, with a GPS this time in case you got lost again, and went searching for the Night Shepherd. You tried to sing the song they had, but you could only remember the refrain, so you sang that over and over, hoping it would draw their ear.
After a few hours of nothing, you sat down on a large stone and sighed unhappily. Perhaps you had hallucinated the voice, but how would you have hallucinated a song you’d never heard in a language you barely knew?
“Lost again, petit oiseau?” You heard the rough voice say.
“Auberi!” You said, jumping up and looking around only too see nothing but forest. “I’ve been looking everywhere for you?”
“Moi?” They said, sounding surprised. “Pourquoi?”
“I heard a story from the nurse after I made it out of the forest,” You said. “About a creature so ugly that no one would stay with it. Is that you? The night shepherd? Le Bugul Noz?”
They sighed heavily. “Oui,” The admitted. “Je suis.”
“Is that why I heard you crying before you drove off the bear?” You asked gently. “You are lonely, aren’t you?”
They were silent.
“You saved my life,” You said earnestly. “No matter what you look like, I want to thank you for that. Please, can I see you?”
“Je ne veux pas te faire peur.”
“I don’t understand.”
“Scare you,” They said. “Don’t want.”
“You won’t,” You said. “Come out, please? I have a gift for you.”
“Not ask for gift,” They said. “Just want safe.”
“I know,” You said. “But I brought you one anyway. Please? Please let me see you.”
There was a large breath followed by a deep, heavy sigh that blew the low branches around. Then the saplings in the low brush were moved aside as the creature came out into the light.
They were hunched and crooked, with a long neck like a horse, complete with a main of tangled, coarse tan hair. They had three pairs of arms, one of which worked in tandem with their feet to propel their large body forward. They were covered in the same coarse fur as their mane, only shorter and curlier. Their face was flat and revealed a dark hole that seemed to lead to nowhere. They had no visible eyes or ears, but they seemed to hear and see just fine. There was a long tail stretched out behind them that dragged the ground as they walked. You had no way to determine their gender, so you didn’t try.  
They were certainly unusual, but you didn’t think they were ugly.
“Not running?” They asked, their head turning in surprise. You had no idea where the voice was coming from, as they had no mouth, just the dark maw in the middle of their face.
“Not running,” You said. “I told you, you saved me. As far as I’m concerned, you’re as handsome as a prince.” You reached up to touch them, and they shied a little in fear, but allowed you to put your hand on their neck. You stroked their hair and scratched their skin, and there was a strange guttural purring sound from the maw.
“I’m going to be in the village for another month,” You said. “And I came to France to learn about it’s art, it’s culture, and it’s people. You’re part of that. I think I’d like to spend my month with you.”
They leaned their head against your cheek, and there was an odd hollow whistling from the maw, but it wasn’t so bad.
“Teach you all my songs,” They said. “We sing together, petit oiseau?”
“I’d love to sing with you, Auberi.” You said, laughing and snuggling against them.
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To get your own Monster Match, buy me a Kofi!
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My Masterlist
The Exophilia Creator’s Masterlist
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bnha-ra · 4 years
How would canon class 1A handle monsters? Or handle the monster version of themselves?
Woah! That was quick! It hasn’t even been 10 minutes! XD But I think I’d have a few ideas for this!
Okay, so, SN is for Supernatural and C is for Canon/Classic!
Here we go:
SN!Aoyama and C!Aoyama I feel wouldn’t really react to each other, SN!Aoyama would probably be a little cocky, I mean, “I can do magic, have the most fabulous wings and fly! And all you have is a pretty little naval beam? How cute~”
C!Aoyama Does really like his fairy self that much.
SN!Ashido and C!Ashido probably find each other really cool! SN!Ashido is amazed by the acid that C!Ashida is able to create acid from her hands, C!Ashido is amazed about how SN!Ashido can perform magic and fly! SN!Ashido is also so small! So cute! C!Ashido introduces SN!Ashido to modern society while SN!Ashido talks about life in the forest.
SN!Asui and C!Asui find each other and their word’s amazing. While C!Asui is probably amazed by the fact that SN!Asui can perform magic and that she can shapeshift into different creatures! SN!Asui would be amazed by C!Asui’s reality Heroes? Villains? Humans are the only species? She finds it really interesting!
After getting over the fact that SN!Iida is a fucking horse, C!Iida will probably start to ask questions about SN!Iida’s world. What are the rules in their society, what their legal system is like, etc. (some questions that would confuse SN!Iida because what the fuck is a legal system) though, once C!Iida is calmed down, they both talk about each other’s world, SN!Iida probably explains the history between humans and monsters as well. (People in class probably try to persuade them to race each other)
C!Uraraka finds SN!Uraraka adorable! She’s so small and cute! She can do magic! She can fly! That’s so cool! All the while SNUraraka! is the same! C!Uraraka is big and cute! She has magic (They see Quirks as magic at first) too! She can fly just like SN!Uraraka can! But is a little confused about how C!Uraraka gets sick from her flying? Hasn’t she gotten used to it by now? 
Ummm, what? C!Ojiro is probably a little intimidated by SN!Ojiro, his tail makes him so much taller and it’s so long, really powerful, I mean, C!Ojiro’s tail is pretty strong too but SN!Ojiro’s tail is crazy strong! Though the intimidation eventually fades away and they’re friendly towards one another
“YOU HAVE MAGIC?!” “YOU CONTROL LIGHTNING!?” “What!? No! My Quirk is electrification! You know, like electricity?” “What’s electricity?” “Bro-”
Their two brain cells can’t handle this! They’ll self-destruct!
Nah, just kidding. They find each other pretty cool! SN!Kaminari thinks that C!Kaminari literally shooting lightning out of his body is amazing! C!Kaminari thinks that the fact that SN!Kaminari uses his magic through music is the coolest thing ever! Instant buddies!
C!Kirishima is also a little intimidated by SN!Kirishima at first. I mean, SN!Kirishima can turn into rock, breathe fire, fly, not to mention he’s a fucking dragon. I mean come on, how cool is that! However, he quickly gets over it when SN!Kirishima mentions that they want to become a forest guardian (sorry, left this part out!), C!Kirishima talks about his want to become a hero, they both bond over manliness.
C!Koda and SN!Koda bond over animals! C!Koda introduces SN!Koda to his bunny and SN!Koda talks about all the different animals that are in his universe to C!Koda. SN!Koda goes on to show what more he can do with his magic while C!Koda watches in awh!
I feel C!Sato gets a little nervous when SN!Sato mentions that he’s a werewolf because in modern society werewolf are depicted as humans that shift into huge, dangerous beats during full moons. Tough C!Sato calms down after SN!Sato explains that he’s fully aware in his wolf form and wouldn’t hurt anyone! C!Sato explains his sugar Quirk to SN!Sato then the change to the topic of cooking/baking and C!Sato shows him modern food and how to cook it.
I think that C!Shouji would be in a mix of awe and nerves because while they’re similar in many ways SN!Shouji is literally a descendant of god-like beings that used to roam their (SN) world, C!Shouji just has a cool Quirk. SN!Shouji would probably ask a few questions about the modern world though and they have a discussion about their two realities
C!Jiro would probably be a bit disappointed a first because she’d probably want to be something more edgy like a vampire or werewolf but when she sees SN!Jiro’s abilities first hand she’d quickly get over it. SN!Jiro would probably be interested about C!Jiro’s Quirk, ask questions about it, then C!Jiro would most likely introduce SN!Jiro to modern music and instruments.
I feel C!Sero would find it cool enough that there’s another version of him from another universe, I think he would be ecstatic that his counterpart is part spider! (I headcanon that C!Sero really likes arachnids!) SN!Sero would probably be interested in his tape, thinking it was webbing and would probably ask why it comes out of his elbows instead of his wrists (Yes I imagine when SN!Sero is in his human form his webbing comes out of his wrists like Spider-Man, leave me alone!) and why it looks like that. They’d probably go off into a conversation about their abilities as well.
They chat about their mutual fondness about darkness and the arcane. SN!Tokoyami takes about his duties as a demi-deity while C!Tokoyami discusses heroism and his want to become on. SN!Tokoyami is intrigued by C!Dark Shadow while C!Tokoyami looks up at SN!Dark Shadow in awe. (Because that’s a big fucking dog)
They’re hesitant about one another a first, C!Todoroki thinks SN!Todoroki is merely a quirk user trying to trick him somehow while SN!Todoroki thinks it’s some spell-caster trying to trick him, or worse, one of his father’s henchmen trying to drag him back to the Lower Realm. The appearance of the others and their counterparts calm them both down though. They’ll be neutral about each other, but eventually, they’ll start to ask each other questions.
They’re both so excited! C!Hagakure finds SN!Hagakure’s powers are so cool! SN!Hagakure thinks the same about C!Hagakure’s Quirk! They both bond really quickly, C!Hagakure wants to show SN!Hagakure around their modern society and SN!Hagakure wants to show C!Hagakure the forest that she had grown up in! Oh, they both become so hyped!
Just a lot of shouting. Come on, it’s Bakugo we’re talking about. They’ll probably start a fight with each other too to see who’s stronger. That’s all, we all know how that’s gonna end.
It’s just fucking chaos.
They are both so excited! C!Midoirya shows his counterpart all of his hero journals and SN!Midoirya shows C!Midoirya all of his monster journals. They both gush about All Might and the differences between them, they probably compare Quirk and magic together, it’s an awesome experience for those two!
Two outcomes: C!Mineta would probably mention how grotesque SN!Mineta is and then get chased by SN!Mineta with a club or they both bond over their disgusting perverse thoughts and tricks. Either way, ew.
Probably instantly dive into a conversation about the differences and the similarities about their worlds, compare their lives and whatnot. They act neutral to each other but they’re both actually really excited, I mean, what an opportunity, meeting yourself from a different reality, it’s amazing! They also bond over their shared hate of Mineta. SN!Yaoyorozu shows her magic and C!Yaoyorozu shows her Quirk. SN!Yaoyorozu probably tries to teach C!Yaoyorozu how to use magic.
As soon as they see each other’s its game over. C!(Name) is gonna explain memes to SN!(Name) and get her to learn a bunch of stupid shit while SN!(Name) is gonna teach C!(Name) all the pranks that they can perform using the nature around them. They introduce their own versions of Squishy, talk about their experiences with losing their parents, but it’s mostly gonna be the most chaotic meetup in existence. Seriously,
run while you still can.
Also, Class 1A handling just normal monsters? They should be okay as long as they are friendly! Most monsters are friendly! They’re just nervous around humans because humans aren’t really fond of their kind! Showing you trust a monster means that they have nothing to worry about! Although, not everyone monster is easy to get along with, some hold a grudge against humans because of huntsman, but their Quirks should keep them safe, as they are seen as magic, so they’ll just be mistaken for Wiccan or maybe a deity of some kind.
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gamerwoo · 5 years
Chan: Fear the Ghoul
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Characters: Chan x reader (gender neutral)
Genre/warnings: ghoul au, horror, angst, eating people, implied smut, implied death
Word count: 1,873
Summary: My poison is blossoming and the pain is worsening this night. Why my sincerity avoiding the truth?
Tag list: @exo-chan-kai @purpleseleva @mntax @squishy-yamdumplings @linophobia @fullsun-donghyuck @greenmetalroof @svtbitch
Fear Masterlist
It was one date. One date with a friend from school that Chan thought was really cute. He brought you to the movies. He bought you any snack you wanted but didn’t have anything for himself, even when you offered. He said he didn’t like popcorn or M&M’s.
One date turned into two. You went out bowling with Chan. You wanted a fighting chance, so you asked to go bumper bowling with the smaller bowling balls. He still absolutely destroyed you, but he bought you pizza to make up for it. He didn’t eat any of it, though, so you took the rest home. He said he ate before the date because he didn’t like bowling alley pizza.
Two turned into three. He needed a date for his aunt’s wedding so he asked you. He even bought a tie to match what you were wearing, which you thought was cute. The two of you danced all night with you picking at some cake and small foods in between. Chan drank coffee to stay awake but that was really all. At the end of the night when he drove you back to your dorm, he kissed you before you went into the building.
Three turned into four. Four turned into so many more than Chan wasn’t expecting. But he wasn’t expecting to start falling so hard for you, either. You had just been friends, he didn’t think this would happen. But when you asked him on that first date, he didn’t want to say no. Unfortunately for him, that one date opened up a whole can of worms that he couldn’t contain.
And almost a year later, here you were: still dating, and mostly staying at his apartment instead of your own.
Truthfully, it was selfish of him to stick around you, especially as often as he had been. You were unaware of it, but it wasn’t good for you to be near Chan. Most of the time, he was fine. But there were nights where you’d be sleeping over at his place and wake up in the middle of the night to him just...gone. Whenever you asked, Chan always said he just had to go get some fresh air. You trusted him enough to not assume he was cheating, either, so you always just left it alone.
“You have to tell them eventually,” Joshua advised one night when they were out after eating.
Chan sighed, shoving his hands in his pockets, “Yeah, I know.”
“If you don’t, something bad might happen,” the older boy continued. “At least then you can communicate better when you’re hungry or something. Then they can take precautions to--”
“I know, Josh,” he snapped, running a hand through his hair that was messy from eating and from the cold breeze outside as they walked down the empty streets.
Josh turned his head to look down at him, studying his expression. He always seemed so tense whenever anybody brought you up. He obviously knew why -- you were just a human, which was very dangerous in this situation -- but he didn’t get why Chan didn’t just fix the problem.
“What’s holding you back?” he wondered.
“Huh?” Chan looked up at him, his eyes already back to normal now that he was done eating.
“Why don’t you just tell _____?”
Chan scoffed, “Yeah, because telling them that I’m a ghoul that could eat them would go so well. I know they’d just run away and never want to see me again.”
“Next month will be a year you’ve been together. I think they’ll give you more of a chance to explain yourself than that. It’s obvious _____ loves you as much as you love them.”
Chan stopped walking, turning to look up at Josh. He knew his friend meant well, but he also knew that ghouls were horrifying to humans. A ghoul was stronger and faster than a human, not to mention deadly. He could easily overpower and kill you, and every second of it would be agony for you. He knew if he told you what he was, you would leave.
It was selfish of him to stick around you, but also to let you stay by him.
“I’ve kept it a secret for this long,” he stated. “I can keep doing it. Anything it takes to make sure that they stay.”
As Chan began to turn down a different road to go back to his apartment, Joshua called after him, “You can do the same job for years, but accidents will still happen.”
Everything was perfect for when Chan would come back to his room. You got takeout, you bought a cake, and you were even dressed in the outfit that Chan seemed to favor over everything else you wore. You were sure everything was going to go great for your one year anniversary.
Chan, however, was nervous. He knew he had to feed tonight. He was dumb to go this long without eating anything, especially around you. But you had been upset recently with exams, so Chan didn’t want to ditch you in the middle of the night in case you woke up -- nightmares came along with the stress for you. He didn’t have time during the day because of class, but it was also just not safe to eat during the day anyway. So it left Chan essentially starving and having to do everything in his power to hold himself back from doing anything.
As soon as Chan was through the front door, you were running from the living room to meet him. As he kicked off his shoes, you wrapped your arms around him from behind, giving him a tight hug around his waist. You were oblivious to the way Chan tensed and froze at your actions.
“Happy anniversary!” you sang.
He tried to sound normal even though every part of his body was tense, “Happy anniversary, baby.”
“I ordered food and brought home a cake,” you told him as he continued to kick off his shoes. “We can eat and then do whatever you want.”
Chan would sometimes make an effort to force a little bit of human food down before throwing it back up. He only did it when he felt it had been ‘suspiciously long’ since he’d eaten in front of you, but he also did it on special occasions like this where he felt it would be rude if he didn’t. He could’ve made an excuse that his professor bought pizza for the class since it was a later one, but this was your anniversary. If he didn’t at least eat any cake, he was afraid of upsetting you.
“That sounds perfect,” he looked at you over his shoulder with a soft smile that, if you looked closer, looked more strained than happy.
But you were so wrapped up in the happiness of knowing you were with Chan with a whole year that you didn’t notice.
While Chan always loved being so close to you, he hated it tonight. You wanted to celebrate being together in more physical ways afterwards, and while Chan wanted you too, he knew that he could snap at any second. He also knew you’d understand if he said he was tired and would make it up to you in the morning, but he was still afraid of somehow getting caught. So he went with it even though he may have been a little rougher with you than normal.
He didn’t even try going to sleep afterwards as you cuddled up next to him. He tried his best to only breathe through his nose, keeping his head turned away from you even though your scent seemed to surround him. It was pure agony waiting for you to fall asleep so he could sneak out to find something to eat.
Once he was positive you were asleep, he quickly and quietly got up and snuck out of the bedroom. He threw on his clothes that had been discarded in the living room before sliding on his shoes and leaving the house. He moved as quickly as he could through the silent building, not bothering to wait for the elevator as he went to the stairs and leaped down the flights to go faster.
Finally outside, he looked both ways down the sidewalk before he heard a noise behind the apartment building. He sniffed the air, smelling human down the alleyway. So he decided to see who was behind the building, assuming that somebody was taking out their garbage judging from the sounds. As he made his way down the narrow path, he let his ghoul instincts take over, his eyes shifting to their black and red instead of brown.
As he got closer to where the sound had come from, he realized the person was gone now. Presumably, they had gone back inside, but either way, it meant Chan was without the meal he desperately needed. He would have to go find--
His head whipped around at the voice and the scent that were all too familiar to him, and his mouth watered.
You had noticed him leave and followed him out. You definitely trailed behind him from how quickly he had moved, but you wanted to see where he was going. It was your anniversary, so you thought maybe you could join him on his walk. You even brought along a blanket, wrapped tightly around your body.
However, as soon as Chan looked at you, you gasped and took a few steps back. You knew what those eyes meant, but you didn’t know how Chan could possibly be a ghoul. You’d been with him for a year and never picked up on it.
Before you could say anything else, he ran and lunged at you, tackling you to the ground. Deep down, he knew that you were somebody important to him. He knew he wasn’t supposed to attack you. But he had let himself go too long without eating, and he couldn’t stop himself now.
“Ch-Chan, please don’t,” you whimpered as you tried to push him off.
But he was far stronger than you were and didn’t even budge, pinning your wrists down by your head. He leaned down as he straddled you, his hot breath hitting your face. His beautiful face that you loved to stare at was now menacing to you as he looked at you like a delicious meal -- which, to him, you were now.
Chan wanted to feel something -- anything. But he was so hungry that all of his emotions were gone. All he wanted was to eat. He wanted to be able to force himself away and tell you to run as far as you could. He wanted to at least tell you he was sorry and that he loved you. But all he could do was lean down and sink his teeth into you.
As he ripped your flesh off of your body, your screams and cries could be heard in the cold night. He knew that no doubt, people would come running to see the commotion. As soon as they’d see a ghoul, he would be as good as dead.
Just like you were.
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signaturedish · 4 years
In an AU: somehow I end up being the unofficial (kinda) pet squishy of Decepticons. Only kinda because I continuously escape somehow, no matter how many holes they patch. Became their pet via endless compliments, clever pranks, and somehow building a 'nest' in the oddest of places. The autobots also like me, but are mostly confused about the time I was spotted climbing out of a decepticon, while another 'con guarded, in the middle of a fight. I also do do some minor repairs. - Optical Admirer
Oh my gosh, you’d be like a feral squirrel that begrudgingly worms your way into the Decepticons’ hearts. Mostly because they don’t know how to get you out of their attic. I love this idea way too much excuse me while a run away with it:
This would be such a fun episodic-type thing. Every con at the beginning thinks you’re their little secret who they sneak snacks too during break hours. The hilarity that ensues when you keep causing problems and everyone thinks they’re the boy from ET hiding their cute alien friend from everyone else...
Once you’re the official mascot (complete with honorary Decepticon name and position because they’re dorks), Soundwave makes you the most state of the art human cage.
It’s monstrous. Huge and full of human necessities he carefully researched to provide you with quality care- including cloth bedding, a water dish, and even an exercise wheel. The worry warts of the team- Thundercracker and Soundwave in particular- are very concerned and confused that you keep breaking out of your safe haven with five different locks.
There’s a search protocol before every battle where the Decepticons have to do a quick check to find out where you’re hiding (because you’re always hiding) and when one finds you stubbornly scrubbing mud out of a rushed weld-job they casually step out of the fight and start chewing you out.
The first time this happened extremely worried Autobots tried rushing to the rescue before you got squished and were shocked at how ferociously the other Decepticons pushed back to keep you far away. Ironhide still has a dent, he didn’t know Knockout could bite.
Eventually Ratchet listens in to get enough of the standard ‘you are tiny and helpless and- yes, yes, not a child- but consider! We are giant robots with laser cannons and you are tiny!’ speech to realize what’s going on and join in.
Autobot humans are super weirded out at how feral you are, Autobot human caretakers are painfully familiar with the Struggle (tm) and casually ‘drop’ offerings as close as they can get to you and your selected Decepticon during skirmishes.
You curse the day they dropped a construction helmet because now the Decepticons know how many safety regulations you break crawling into their circuitry for repairs and always raise a fuss if you aren’t padded properly.
The helmet was painted purple and has a Decepticon insignia on it, you hate it a little less.
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kryptored · 5 years
Glomp (pt.4)
Squishy and velvety
Adrien was highly baffled of this new development with Plagg. One night, he vehemently refuses to come close to him. The next, he’s “just experimenting,” or so he claims to be doing. This so called experiment? Kneading on his cheeks. Fascinating, really.
“What is it, kid?”
“Not that I’m complaining, but…what started this?”
“Oh, you mean this?” The kwami replies with matching enthusiastic kneads to his left cheek.
“Yeah, that. I thought you wanted nothing to do with cuddles?”
“Now, wait just a minute. One, this isn’t me wanting to cuddle you. Not ever, really. Two, who said I was doing this for pure enjoyment on my part? I need answers, and you just happen to be the only one I’m allowed to be seen with.”
“I feel insulted.”
“As you should be. Your cheeks are as hard as rocks!” Adrien lets out a whimper.
“They are not!” His eyes travel to the kwami floating in front of him, hands slowly lifting to touch his cheeks. His fingers consciously poke them, as if trying to reassure himself that they were not indeed rocks. “I would’ve been less insulted if you actually called them ‘chiseled,’ but rocks? I think not.” He pouts in indignation, but Plagg doesn’t take notice of it.
“Say what you want, kid. But they aint as soft you think they were.”
“And I’ll ask you again – what brought this on?”
“Eh,” Plagg subtly tilts his head away from his holder, “just got bored and curious. Also, I don’t want to get rusty with my kneading.”
“What – kneading – you don’t get rusty with kneading!”
“That’s what you think, but you’re not a cat.”
“You’re a kwami that happens to look like a cat.”
The kwami floats to the couch in front of the TV, lounging at one of the pillows where a box of Camembert was placed at. He takes a piece and bites into it, humming in satisfaction. Adrien, on the other hand, is still bewildered of the actions of his kwami and keeps his sight on him while he takes a seat on the opposite side of the couch. He grabs the remote on the coffee table and turns on the TV, flipping from channel to channel to find a good show to watch at such an hour (it was pretty late, but he’s used to it at this point).
Almost half an hour passes by, with Adrien fully engrossed in the show while Plagg has now moved and curled up on his right shoulder. The black cat-sprite also has his eyes glued to the lit-up screen in front of them, but his attention isn’t as absorbed as the blond. In fact, his thoughts are running wildly.
‘Big bug is definitely made up of dough. All that flesh couldn’t possibly be as human as everyone believes.’ Plagg’s eyes shifts to his holder’s face, or to what he is able to see from his angle. Suddenly, an idea comes to him. An idea so devious, so mischievous, he can’t help but allow the grin to spread across his velvety cheeks. If one were to look at him now, they would think him deranged with how wide his grin is, eyes and canine teeth glinting in the dimly lit room of his chosen. ‘This will be fun.’
The next morning while Adrien is busily putting his clothes on, Plagg floats right behind him where he is within hearing range. “You know, Adrien, last night had me thinking.”
“And did it hurt much?”
“I’m going to choose to ignore you being a smart mouth.” This gives the teen a laugh and a corner of his mouth lifts. “I’m glad you find this amusing. Anyway, back to what I was saying. Since you’re not the softest of dough out there,” the teen grunts in disagreement, “I do think there’s someone who is.”
“Oh? And who exactly does?” He has his back to Plagg, so it prevents Adrien from seeing the dangerous smirk plastered on his kwami’s face. “Do pray tell, who is the special person I must fight the title for?”
“Oh, just pigtails girl.” This stops Adrien from rummaging inside his bag, gradually turning back to the kwami.
“Yeah. Why, you jealous?”
“N-no! I just wasn’t…expecting that.” His eyes drop to the floor.
“I mean, I wouldn’t know just how soft they really are,” a lie, “but that’s what I think.” Plagg is confident to admit that when squinting hard enough, he sees the miniscule blush spreading across his holder’s face. The seed is planted, he now only needs to wait for it to grow into a fruitful harvest.
Skip to class hours, and Plagg once again finds himself inside big bug’s bag (heh, I had too much fun with alliteration) with Tikki. They’re both curled up against each other, enjoying the comfort of each other’s presence and taking a (cat) nap. He hears the teacher announce that she’s leaving the room for a few minutes to talk to someone, leaving the class to talk amongst themselves. Their murmurs gradually become louder like the buzzing of bees. He glances at the ladybug kwami, who is currently deep into dreamland. He carefully detaches himself away from her side, guilt twinging within him when he sees Tikki try to make up for the lack of warmth he was once providing her.
Promising to make it fast, his head pokes out of the small opening and peeks up to watch his plan unfold. Down to where he is, he sees Marinette talking excitedly to someone standing beside her with bright red hair, the previously akumatized Evillustrator, their sketchbooks opened and in full display in front of them. He then looks to the other side where his holder is, who actually looks to be surreptitiously stealing glances at big bug. It wasn’t too noticeable that the screeching banshee from the opposite row would call him out for it, but it was if one knew to look out for them. 'Plan is progressing.'
Akuma attack. Hawkmoth had no sense of taking a breather and thought of making another akuma during lunch break. This, of course, did not exempt Collège Françoise Dupont seeing it has become an infamous akuma – targeting school, much to the chagrin of staff and students. Outsiders, however, didn’t think too much and assumed that the villain terrorising their villain is just too fond of the school out of pure convenient manipulation.
Adrien, who is still highly entranced and distracted by the sight of his dearest friend’s cheeks, snaps out by just a second before flying debris hits them, accidentally tripping backwards and falling inside the open janitor’s closet with Marinette safely tucked in his arms. Before the chaos began, they had been standing close to each other nearby by ‘pure coincidence’ (which was the model secretly and subtly following around his friend) in front of the open closet. Neither of them notices something whizz in and out of the door as it closes, an object from the outside most likely hitting it from the outside with a loud thump. The impact and close physical contact between them allow Adrien to throw whatever personal space may have been allowed before the chaos and – softness. If someone were to ask Adrien what the first thought that came to him about the softness called Marinette’s cheeks, it would be, “like a squishy toy, so irresistible to touch and squeeze!”
Irresistible they were, not to mention the very thought of them had been – ahem, Plagging him since this morning, the teenager could no longer keep his impulse in check and reaches out. He does so ever so slowly, it makes the girl in his company catch him in the act. Him with his hand caressing the skin that almost felt similar to the rich velvet from the finest fabric store his father would sometimes bring him along with (which was rare). Completely absorbed with the sensational (get it? Hahaha…haha…ha) distraction his friend unwillingly provides, he –
“Adrien? W-what are you doing?” 'Gosh, even her voice sounds so soft.' “A-Adrien? Hey, are you okay? You’ve been acting distracted the whole day.”
It takes a few more fond nuzzlings of his hands to her cheeks before he wakes up from the hazy diversion, and he shakes his head for a clear mind. “U-uh, yeah. I’m fine. Okay. I-I’m s-so sorry, Marinette.” the model stammers, his blush taking over his entire face in quick succession. He suddenly realizes that his actions were far more…intimate than he’d ever initiated with her, with anyone! “I-uh… I don’t know what came over me, Mari! I really don’t –”
“H-hey, hey! It’s okay, really. Believe me, Adrien, I wasn’t e-expecting that, myself. But don’t beat yourself up with it, okay?”
“O-okay, Mari.”
Both teens are trying to look anywhere than the person they’re stuck with inside the janitor’s closet, and all they can do while they straighten up is convince themselves that the peeling paint from the walls and the dirty mop water in the bucket is far more interesting.
“So… an akuma, huh?” Adrien asks, but the voice in his mind says, ‘well that was a stupid question, you big dumdum.’ At this point, he doesn’t even question why the voice sounds like Plagg.
“Uh…yeah.” His good friend answers. His eyes eventually find the courage to look up, and he sees her holding tightly onto the strap of her purse. They’ve opted to not turn on the only source of light inside the closet, so he can see as far as the darkness and the night-vision he’d acquired from his miraculous (not that Marinette needed to know he was Chat Noir) provides him. Still, he can perfectly see how uncomfortable his friend is acting. what, with the way she’s currently switching the weight of her body from her right to left foot, her shoulders stiff, and – sweet mother of cats, the way she was pouting and puffing her cheeks like the hamster squishy he bought was litterally making her look paw meow apurrable than ever befur. ‘Wow, that’s the most puns I’ve made in a single sentence.’ A feat, and all in the name of the squishy and velvety – “A-Adrien?”
“Y-yeah?” He cringes when he hears the crack in his voice, cursing puberty silently and clears his throat. “I mean – yeah? Something wrong?”
“N-nothing, I’m just wondering if Chat Noir will be able to handle the akuma.”
“What about Ladybug?”
“I just have a feeling that she’ll be delayed today.”
“I dunno, Mari. Chat Noir might be stuck somewhere, too.” 'Like in a janitor’s closet with a cute friend.' He hears Marinette hum, unsure if she’s in agreement or not. He sees her step closer to the door, wary of her surroundings to avoid knocking over anything and making any noise to attract the akuma rampaging nearby. She leans her head on the door, listening for signs of the akuma’s presence.
“It sounds pretty quiet outside, but I can’t be too sure. We didn’t really get to find out what kind of akuma they were.”
“You’re right. Do you think we should take a peek at least?”
“Yeah, just let me find the door knob.” He sees her hand slowly going down to where the door knob is, and carefully takes hold. She steadily twists it, only for the door to remain closed. “It… I don’t think it’s locked, but something’s definitely blocking the door from opening.”
Cats Almighty, he’s feline screwed at the meowment. Not that he doesn’t enjoy Marinette’s company, but an akuma needs to be stopped as soon as pawsible. And in order to do that, transfurming without outing himself was mandatory. But if they had no way of getting help from someone outside without risking them getting caught, he’ll have no choice but to do it in front of her and expose himself. He feels Plagg scurrying in his overshirt pocket, but ignores him.
“Okay, Marinette?” she looks up from the turning of the door knob, eyes looking troubled.
“Right now, we’re stuck inside the janitor��s closet and we can’t exactly risk calling or texting for help from our friends without endangering them. So, I’m going to do something that I’m trusting you to keep to yourself. Can you do that?”
Her eyes widen, hearing the determination in his request. “Uh…okay. You can trust me.”
“Alright, Plagg – ”
“Is here to make his famous biscuits!” The kwami says, bursting out from Adrien’s overshirt and barreling himself towards the big bug in civilian in a blur of black.
Both of them come to a standstill, neither of them uttering a word to each other. Plagg, on the other hand, was all too busy to get his nubby paws onto the acclaimed dough. Adrien Agreste, who also goes by as Chat Noir, has just been outed by the very being who provides him the privilege of a superhero identity. Not that he was already planning it, but this didn’t really make it better.
“P-Plagg! What are you doing?” He gestures to his kwami’s behaviour. Without saying a word, the kwami does nothing but carry on with the kneading (which was completely adorable, he has to admit) and turns his head to face his holder. And with all the self-satisfaction a cat-sprite could ever have, he grins ever so widely with teeth showing, eyes narrowing in mischief. Adrien has never seen his kwami look more pleased with himself until now. Plagg, in a show of defiance, goes ahead and turns his head back to Marinette.
“What’s up, big bug? Did you miss me?”
The girl in question is frozen in shock, mouth gaping and hands tightening their grip on her purse’s strap. “U-uh… I don’t know what you’re talking about, Plagg.”
Adrien looks to be pondering about something; something that his kwami said. “Wait… you know Plagg?”
“What?! No, I don’t! I don’t know a Plagg or any other kwami!” She realizes her slip-up too late and puts a hand on her mouth, as if it would prevent anymore secrets to come out. Marinette’s eyes are opened wider now, which Adrien is willing to mirror on his own face.
“M…M’lady?” he watches as the girl he now knows as Ladybug start to crumble, trembling in anxiety and eyes widely looking anywhere but him. He sees his kwami cackling as he continues with his kneading, and a small red head with antennae is peeks up from inside Marinette’s purse, big blue eyes glaring at his kwami.
Before he can even ask what ladybug’s kwami’s name is, a red blur shoots out from the purse and tackles the cat-sprite.“I can’t believe you just instigated that, Plagg! And stop hogging Marinette’s cheeks! I was the one who introduced them to you, so scram!”
Marinette’s face has never been redder until now.
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Drunk Punch Love: Chapter 7
Emotional Baggage
Udina and Anderson tried to convince Shepard to wear her N7 uniform to the memorial, to be an easily recognizable figurehead. But of all the "figurehead" shit they made her do the past week, this was the one she refused.
This memorial wasn't about her and her suit of armor. It was about those who weren't so lucky at the end of the battle.
This was about Ash.
So, Shepard wore simple black pants and a button up shirt. She didn't want to stand out at all. Not today, not when she was the one who made the call that meant Ash couldn't be here. The main memorial was held in the Presidium- Udina and Anderson wanted people to be inspired by the up and coming reconstruction.
But afterwards, Anderson let her and the crew use his apartment as a more personal funeral for Ashley. She appreciated it, because they couldn't make it back to Earth for the one her parents were putting together. Though, she wasn't sure her parents would want her there. That, or they'd say the words "noble sacrifice" or "hero" too much and Shepard would have to find the nearest bar to burn that out of her brain.
No, they all just needed to remember her as a team. The past few months had changed all of them, and Ash was a huge part of that.
Of all people, Wrex was the first to talk about the Gunnery Chief. "Williams was an asshole when I met her, and maybe she was still an asshole by the time she was gone. But somewhere in between, we took a lot of shots together. It woulda been nice to take a few more with her."
Everyone clapped at the short speech, and even though it was only a handful of people, it was nice. Much like Ash would've preferred, there was an open bar and implied dancing later. Shepard really didn't feel like dancing, but if Ash goaded her, she would've.
But Ash wasn't here, was she?
Yeah, that one hurt like a motherfucker when she swallowed it down, watching Tali pull the rest of her crewmates get pulled into swaying to Ash's favorite songs. The unofficial wingwoman now became the leader, at least for one night.
Anya knew she wasn't being a great participant in the memories, but she had already done a rousing, Councilor edited speech about Ash and the others during the big memorial. Right now, she was spent and all she wanted to do was remember that Ash loved these people and she'd love this party and damn did she wish she was here.
While she didn't mean to leave as early as she did, Anya didn't know if she could keep up the strong hero facade much longer. Saren was gone and it was time to finally experience all the pain and feelings that had been gnawing at her heels. And she had to stop running.
But before she could slip out the door, someone grabbed her arm.
Anya looked up and two bright blue eyes were glaring down at her. "You said I'd get to help."
Staring back at Garrus Vakarian, his voice low and his grip firm, Anya couldn't keep fighting. Nodding, she let him walk out with her. They stopped by Flux to grab a bottle of classic Russian vodka before heading to the empty Normandy to do the whole feelings thing in her room.
She really didn't need the whole crew accidentally seeing her turn into an absolute disaster when they came back. She didn't even really want Garrus to see her like this, but the damned turian insisted. So, might as well prep him for the firing squad.
When they got into her room, Anya stopped dead the second the door closed behind them. She couldn't look at him, but she could already feel the pressure build on her face as she pictured the last time she heard Ash's voice. Whispering, she said, "It should've been me."
Anya wrapped her arms around her shoulders, felt the tears run down her cheeks. It only burned worse. She got to cry about this shit, and Ash- "It always should've been me. There were better soldiers on Akuze that deserved to survive more than I did, but my Commander chose me to head back because of my tactical cloaking abilities. I got to run because I could hide. And with Ash, I should've made sure that mission was complete, not left it to a soldier who had so much less baggage to give the world. And the council. Why do I always end up alive when everyone else ends up dead?"
Garrus walked around her, stood in front of her, but she still wouldn't look. He seemed desperate not to push her, so he kept his hands to himself and tried to keep things simple. "Sounds like you're really struggling with that survivor's guilt."
"Of course it's survivor's guilt. Because I keep surviving and people I love keep dying. Hell, I don't even need to love them. It doesn't matter. If I love them, if I push them away, even if I fucking hate them. They're dead. People die in the military, I get it. But I've been on fifty missions where someone didn't come back. Twenty of them, it was more than one. Three of them, I was the only one left alive. I've watched more friends die than friends I have alive, by a painfully wide margin. I don't know if I can keep doing this, but everyone just keeps looking up to me like I'm some hero when really I'm just always the only one left."
This time, he stayed quiet. After a prolonged silence, he stepped forward and pulled her into his arms. They were gentle and warm and more than she deserved. But she pressed her face into his shirt and balled her fists against his chest, holding onto the fabric like it was a lifeline. "Survivor's guilt is hard, but it's starting to feel like I'm the one killing people, Garrus. And I don't know if I can live with that."
"I can't change what hurts, and I can't bring those people back. But I can say that you don't bring people together because you're some angel of death. You bring them together because you're willing to fight the fights everyone else calls a lost cause." Anya finally looked up at him, with all his sharpness and angles and alien features, and only found someone that made her feel safe. The only person that really made her feel safe. Garrus continued, "You got a jaded C-Sec officer who probably would've gotten fired to drop everything and help stop the bad guy that he thought no one would stop. You did something I used to think might be impossible. You're hurt, and you're still a squishy human, but you're also still a hero that people would follow into hell."
Taking a deep breath, Anya added, "Yeah, but sometimes I wish they'd stop following me. And I think she could've been a better hero."
Garrus didn't say anything. Not because he agreed, because the way he tilted his face and eyes when she said that said otherwise. But because she was pretty sure he also knew that she didn't care if he disagreed with her.
Instead, he stepped back and picked up the vodka. "You didn't seem to need this to get out the feelings. Still wanna go for it?"
Anya shook her head, figuring if she could cry without the booze, there was no point risking it. "Nah. I'll save nectar from the motherland for a different occasion." Grabbing the bottle out of his hand, she put it on her shelf. She had no clue when she'd ever take it down, but she didn't really want to know.
"What made this time different?"
Turning back towards him, her eyebrows raised. She didn't know what he meant by that. "Hmm?"
"I mean what made you have to break down."
She didn't mean to laugh, not in such a sarcastic, dark way. But when she let out a snort and stopped, she thought she might as well tell him the truth. "I always break down afterwards. The only difference this time is that you were here, wanting to help put the pieces back together. I always used to do it by myself."
His eyes met hers and she couldn't tell what he was thinking. There was something sad and deep and soulful in the way he was looking at her. And then he started stepping towards her, and she didn't mean for her dumb heart to race or for her face to flush, but they did. Garrus probably just pitied her, just feeling bad about her sad life. But then he stopped mere inches in front of her and asked, "Why did you do it alone for so long?"
"Because until you, I didn't believe anyone when they said they wanted to help me."
If she didn't know better, she'd say things felt very warm in between them, almost electric. And the way he was looking down at her, it felt like he was so close, and she knew she shouldn't even think about leaning closer, but everything about him made her feel like...
Well, it made her feel like she had a home. And she hadn't felt that way in years.
But just as she closed her eyes and accepted the consequences of whatever was happening, her door pinged open and Joker walked himself over to her bed and laid down. Both her and Garrus jolted and just stared at him while he did it, but he seemed too drunk to give a damn.
The confused turian gestured to their pilot and asked, "Do I need to know something about you two?"
Anya was ready to throw Joker out the fucking airlock. "Yes. I mean, no. Nothing like you think." She tried to run a hand through her hair, but her damn bun was in the way. Right. She had put it up to be formal at the memorial. Pulling out the ties and pins, she then got the proper stress relief. Anya explained, "When at the Academy, Joker's condition meant he couldn't stay in the dorms like everyone else just in case he had a bone break. My mother taught when he went there, so he stayed with us. He's like my younger cousin, and he has a bad habit of hijacking my room whenever he gets drunk so that I can help make sure he didn't break himself. Or be there to help if he did."
Garrus tried to stay straight-faced, but even he wound up laughing. "So this has happened before?"
"Unfortunately. Even on this ship. I'm kinda surprised I haven't had to explain it until now."
They both just stared at the passed out Joker until Garrus sighed, seemed to accept the state of things, and sat down on her couch. On the left side, like he did every movie night. Anya tried to be casual sitting next to him, but her heart palpitations were still struggling to calm down. He had this perplexed look on his face. "So your mom was a teacher? I thought she was Navy."
"Not by choice. I was trying to rebel by not joining the Alliance. She was making a point to keep me close to it, even taking in a very enthusiastic flight student, to try to convince me otherwise. When she finally got her way after a few months, she left Joker and I the apartment and went back to being a Captain. She's a soldier, through and through."
"So you weren't kidding when you said she pushed you to be like her. Like my father pushed me."
"Absolutely not. And I've become everything she could ever dream, despite my attempts to just be a good person and not get too much attention."
"Sounds like one hell of a childhood. Is it a Russian thing? You talk about that Earth region you're from a lot and it seems... very intense."
"Not quite, she just happens to be a terrible stereotype of a super intense Russian women. But she's not all vodka and muscles and "for the motherland". She fell in love with an American, after all. John Shepard. Also an Alliance pilot, before he died. I think it's why she took such an unnatural liking to Joker."
"My father did that with my childhood friend, Panek. Always brought him with us on field trips to his office or military bases. Said he reminded him of his brother, a reckless young soldier who got himself killed during the Skyllian Blitz."
"And what happened to Panek?"
"Let's just say he was probably a bit too much like my uncle." Garrus leaned into the couch and, despite the loss that tinged his face, he almost seemed nostalgic talking about it all. Anya liked to hear him talk. "But my family isn't all difficult military men. I have Solana, my sister. I've mentioned her before. She's the responsible one, got into politics and interplanetary relations more than military, but she is also the pestering kind. Speaking of, I'll have to message her after this. Haven't done that this week and if I don't, she;ll give me hell."
When he laughed, it was filled with familial love and admiration and years of memories. Anya almost wished she had more of a traditional family. Before the Citadel, she couldn't remember the last time she heard from her mom. Was it when she got Spectre? Was there any time in between? And she definitely couldn't remember the last time they met face to face. But with all her musings, Garrus was giving her this serious look and said, "I already know Joker and you clearly don't talk like... Well, I see you're a different kind of close. But does him being around help?"
"Yeah. Even though I don't really know how to talk serious with him, I do know he'd do anything for me. Sure he might break his ribs in the process, but that's part of the charm."
"What was it like, having Joker as a roommate?"
"Absolutely insane. Picture how sarcastic he is now, but buried in an exhausting zeal for flying Alliance ships. I would wake up at 4 am, at least once a week, to him training or studying, even when he was piss drunk like tonight. My favorite time was when, totally plastered, Joker woke up my mother to try to give him access to the flying sims because he "needed to be prepared in any scenario". She let him, but then she also started making him do oddball scenarios for "just in case". And trust me, nothing is as terrifying and funny like Joker flying a ship and getting perfect marks while completely naked."
Even though Garrus didn't have a drink, he looked about ready to spit one out. His eyes darted back and forth from the passed out drunkard on her bed to Anya. "He did that?"
"Yeah. Any dare mom threw at him, he did every single one. He and my mom were always just trying to one up each other, but neither of them would ever fucking budge. I don't think I ever laughed so much in my life, seeing them prank and push each other to the edge. But he did convince me to join the Alliance, so what do I know, he's clearly more than just a good laugh."
"What did convince you? I don't think I ever knew you didn't want to be a soldier."
Anya shrugged, knowing this was weird waters of her past. "I don't exactly advertise it, not when I ended up the first human Spectre. Don't think people would love knowing it wasn't my childhood dream. I just wanted something different. I didn't know what, but I think I just didn't want to be my mom. I think seeing someone like Joker still excel in the Alliance made me think that maybe there was a place for me. I mean, hell, guy wanted to pilot while drunk and they still loved him."
Garrus pressed his talon to his temple and chuckled under his breath. He could barely believe it, she could tell, but she didn't blame him. Sometimes she could barely believe her academy days with Joker, either. But then his bright blue eyes flicked up and her whole body was frozen still under his gaze. "It's nice to hear you have history. And not just military history." Then his arm extended towards her and she knew she was holding her breath, which she shouldn't, but he just poked the soft flesh of her wrist. "I told you that you were just a squishy human."
"Oh, and you aren't squishy? You practically begged to help me talk out my feelings."
"You're definitely squishier."
Anya was more than ready to play the verbal sparring game with him; honestly, it was nice. She hadn't done much... fun in awhile. With a smirk and proper snark, Anya countered, "I don't know. When you get uppity about temperatures..."
"That's a biological thing. What about you and that childhood cat you talk about? You get all wistful."
"Crackers was a very special boy, but at least he was a living being. I've definitely caught you sleeping with your sniper rifle, and you got pretty upset when it got a scratch a month ago."
Garrus cut his eyes, and looked ready to start throwing some real shots at her. Anya leaned into her knees and was ready. This fight was on. "You cried last movie night."
Okay, she didn't expect that one, and got aftershock emotion thinking of Saving Private Ryan. But she kept it together and gave a weak ass rebuttal. "No I did not!"
"So that tear I saw was what? Space rain?"
Anya was grasping for straws. "It was a very dramatic, emotional final scene. You probably were so caught up in it that you imagined me crying, because that would be an acceptable response. If I did cry, which I didn't."
"Now you're just lying to me."
"It's pretty squishy of you to be getting so bothered by if I cried during a movie or not."
Garrus glared at her, looking like he wasn't sure if he wanted to continue. Anya was pretty sure she just gave the most annoying, pre-teen answer she ever could. But was it annoying enough to get him to back off before she managed to get even more annoying? Finally, Garrus said, "You're impossible."
Anya didn't mean to smile so wide at him, which only seemed to annoy him more.
After all that, she tried to soothe his ego a little and nudged his shoulder with hers. "Only because every dumb thing I do with you turns me into a shameless goofball. I still can't believe I danced with you."
The genuine smile on his face was not what she expected. "Yeah. That was nicer than I expected."
It was a little too nice. She felt her insides warming up, and her heart pumping a little fast, thinking of how close they were, and even how close they were a few minutes ago, before Joker came in. Maybe they were about to-
Nope, Anya had to diffuse that train of thought and fast. She jeered, "Well, you thought it was a sex ritual, so-"
"Will you ever let that go?" Garrus crossed his arms. Good. Back to best friend banter, as things should be.
There was a long pause after that. They sat right next to each other and the air got still again, like there was something charging up. It started to make Anya's skin itch. But then Garrus leaned back into the couch and asked her, like it was simple, "So, how are you feeling?"
She stared into her hands and tried honesty. "Still a little raw. It's going to take awhile for it not to hurt so much. But it's better. You helped make it better."
"I'm happy I could."
That's when she looked up at him, trying to be her white knight of emotional trauma. Sure, she was a fucking mess, but he had scars, too. And she wasn't just going to let him lean back there and bottle anything up, either. She put her hand on his knee and tried to show him how serious she was. "Are you doing okay? Sure, I'm the Commander, but Ash was your teammate, too. And I did make some tough calls."
He almost looked like he was about to crack a joke, but then he sighed and leaned forward, closer to her. Garrus said, "As fine as one can be before a war. I wasn't close to Ash, because she was kinda squeamish about the whole turian thing, but she was getting better at the end. It would've been nice to get to know her. It does make me feel like I need to do more to help the galaxy, now that Saren's gone. I need to be more than just a rogue C-Sec officer." With them both leaning on their knees, he turned his face and they locked eyes. He looked so vulnerable and honest, things she admired so much in him. At least, because that's how he was with her. "Thanks for asking, Shepard."
So the least she could do was keep herself honest for him, too, when it came to the important stuff. Anya smiled at him and said, "If you're willing to carry my emotional baggage, I can be here for yours."
She didn't mean to do this, but again they were close, and again she remembered that maybe he could be something more than a friend. And they weren't leaning in or anything, but looking at his face in her room, just being there for each other? It just meant so much. She didn't want having him by her side to ever end, friendship or not.
But just as she was about to say something dumb and sentimental, Joker sat up and walked over to her bathroom and started puking. The mood, whatever it was, was definitely killed. With a grimace, they both stood up and Anya said, "I should probably take care of that."
"And I'd probably just get in the way. Call it a night?"
"Calling it. But it was a good one." Then they heard another gag and stream of vomit into her toilet. Patting Garrus' shoulder, Anya couldn't say out loud how much she didn't want him to leave. If she didn't know any better, he was looking at her a little lingering, too. But maybe he was just concerned about how'd she do, post funeral and taking care of Joker. So she reassured him, "I can take care of us and I'll be okay. It's practically muscle memory at this point."
He laughed while he walked out of her door. "Alright. Goodnight, Shepard."
"Goodnight, Garrus."
From the bathroom, Joker yelled, "Night, Garrus!"
"Night, Joker." In the doorway, they looked at each other, and Anya almost wanted to say it. Just ask him to come back in, give him a datapad game to play, they could spend more time together once Joker would stop puking. Anything. She just wanted him to stay. But instead, Garrus gave her a flimsy salute and said, "See you tomorrow."
And she let the door shut behind him.
Anya walked back into her bathroom and took Joker's hat off so it wouldn't fall into any of his alcohol overdose. While it was nowhere near poisoning, Joker clearly drank more than he should. She sat down next to him and waited on standby for any emergencies. In a moment of clarity, he turned his face to look at her, all groggy. "You and Garrus a thing?" Before she could set him straight, he started laughing and shook his own head. "What would you guys do with all those ass sticks? That's too many sticks, Anya. Also you bruise easy and he's a walking hawk dinosaur. Nah, that'd be silly."
Right. It would be silly.
Interspecies awkwardness, or something.
That didn't stop her from thinking about how every time she was with him, things felt right.
She grabbed a water bottle from under the sink (preparation for this eventuality) and handed it to him. "Drink up. We don't need our pilot hungover."
"I could do it."
"I know you could. But I still prefer you sober."
"Fair enough."
And so she helped her pilot get his shit together, because it was the least she could do when she was still struggling to figure out hers.
Just a heads up, I’m only posting every day to catch up to where I’m currently at in the AO3 version of this story (which went through an intermission and is 6 chapters into ME 2 already) 
Hyped that you guys seem to enjoy! 
Thanks so much for reading, and double thanks to my lovely patrons:
Danyell Jones
Amy Connolly
If you'd like to support the story, please go check out my bio for more info :) (Hint: patreon.com/gracejordan)
Also I tweet funny things sometimes: @Steph_Marceau 
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