#amputation mention
askcometcare · 1 month
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awakefor48hours · 11 months
Raine and Eda 🤝 Ballister and Ambrosius
Arm-chopping is a love language
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bringthekaos · 5 months
Here is my prediction: Viktor will cut at least one of his arms
I meeeeean. That’s all but a given, at this point, with this cheeky little left arm shot in Bridging the Rift.
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But I do think the real question is: will he amputate both arms? Cuz his whole schtick with modding himself is seizing back control of his body, seizing back his autonomy from this terminal illness. And the Hexcore being able to manipulate him by causing pain in the limbs it augmented? I foresee that being an issue for him. Unless he finds a way to come to a more amicable arrangement with the Hexcore, then I can see him amputating the purple core-augmented limbs too (which are his right hand and right leg). So maybe not his whole right arm, but possibly that hand.
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[ID: there’s something about characters fated to lose their arms, that i appreciate]
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venacoeurva · 2 years
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How he lost his leg (and obtained a cooler, stabbier one)
-Please do not reupload, edit, or use.-
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thatsprettylane · 8 months
Jax finding out about the timelines and learning that yes, he does lose his arms in every one: This is some bullshit!
Kuai Liang: >;(
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cepheusgalaxy · 5 days
oh! that one's interesting
17 - What’s something you’ve learned about while doing research for a fic? (from this ask game)
Here's a small list:
Dijon and Paris (France) are somewhat close to each other
HRT is usually only like, legal after 16yo (in my country)--this one was funny because I did quite the search about trans stuff before I figured I was trans myself all because I had this trans oc ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
What a binder is (again, for Kaiki XD)
That another term for fainting is "syncope"
Some star signs have association with the seasons of the year
There is a classification of stars based on the amount of heat they have
People with albinism often have some kind of visual impairment
Back in the Medieval Ages in Germany, there was a guy named Iron Hand Götz who lost a hand in battle but got an iron prosthetic so he could "continue his duties". Apparently it was a really useful one
A lot of prosthetics evolved, some centuries ago, because of the techniques clock makers used!
Oldest prosthetic we are currently aware of is a toe that was found in an egyptian tomb
Greatest jump in prosthetics development was after WWI... because lots of people were needing them
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atypical dysphoria culture is not actively trying to get your leg removed, but if it were to get run over by a car or something, well, you wouldn't necessarily be opposed to amputation
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420technoblazeit · 2 years
‘me and you are the level headed ones, usually’ bitch he cut his boyfriend’s arm off
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painsandconfusion · 1 year
Good morning, knife for Alec.
Maybe this knife isn't all that impressive to a man such as he, but hunting knives scare the fuck out of me and so does he so this is basically his knife form in my eyes.
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Should I be telling him my fears? Probably not, but also he could easily find them out if he wanted to, so yeah, have a freebie.
Alec likes this knife VERY much and thinks the flattery attempt was cute.
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anachrosims · 2 years
These Curseforge+EA rules about their ModSquad CC make me want to make CC that specifically breaks those rules.
I’m going to add blood rugs to this set. And a bloody tarp for battlefield surgeries. And a bone saw for amputations.
(Those will be in Part 2 of the Campaign series.)
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awakefor48hours · 9 months
Me every episode: is Fionna about to lose her arm?
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So you're an ex-TR captive, huh?
You... and one of your firstborns? ... 
I've heard stories about those damn rocket facilities for almost all my life...
I've heard about how they catch you... Beat you...     Trap you...    Put you to sleep...
Then they take you to these places, and from there on, you're usually never heard from or seen again.
I've heard that once you're in, once you cross these fancy metal doors...
You've officially entered the living-plan version of hell.
A place where escape is almost nothing but a distant dream and torture and torment seem endless
I've heard of how they treat their captives and the tactics and tools they use to get you to obey, like suppressive behavioral callers that they clamp firmly around your neck or limbs and emit unbearable pain when you try to escape or do anything to annoy or piss them off.
or denying you food and water because "you didn't behave."
But that's not the worst of it; the worst is that some of these facilities catch you because they want something from you specifically.
They'll do things like take you from wherever they're holding you and take you to rooms where from there they'll strap you to a surface, drugging you beforehand of course so you don't struggle as much and do things to you...
(The Pikachu steps closer to the Sylveon.)
Miss...   I'm not sure how you managed to escape or how you managed to do so with your child and with all your pieces.
But you are very lucky, Miss Inaris.
You and your kid.
I hope you, these two little babies, and your other two kids, wherever they are right now, get the best out of life and never have to deal with those sick and twisted monsters again. EVER.
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…they determined that that wasn’t entirely true when I bit a scientist’s finger off.
First part: here
Next part: here
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kim-poce · 1 year
6. For the Country and For the People: Gift
CW: amputation (mention and threat), implied past torture, war.
Vitor knew, well, thought he knew what would happen if he was captured. He knew only pain and humiliation was ahead the moment he was dragged from his sister’s side into enemy territory. General Matir was ruthless, and his hatred for Vitor's home country was known all over the two kingdom’s since before the beginning of the war. Not much is talked about the enemy king, but no days goes but without bloody rumors about the general being spread within the soldiers.
Yet Vitor —thought he had— braced himself for it. He would not bend under torture, he would not let go of his pride and dignity. He knew there was going to be pain, but he had decided to go through it, to show Matir that the Sapphire Family isn’t to be taken lightly.
Foolish. To think he had the power to decide either to break or not was utterly and completely foolish. Naive, even. Like a child who doesn’t know how hard life truly is, one that thinks the world will take them by the hands and walk down the path of flowers.
“Hey hey hey,” General Matir said, his joyful voice going through the pain waking Prince Vitor up.
He shuddered. It had been a couple days since he could no longer control his body reaction, and it had been so much longer since that the sound of that voice was enough to make his blood run cold. He let out a low groan, afraid that the enemy man would take his painful silence as rudeness, if he was lucky General Matir would think he is in too bad shape to utter words.
“Do you still think she is coming?” Matir mocked, “If a finger wasn’t enough do you think a couple more will do?”
“You don’t?” he laughed, grabbing the prince’s chin up. Watching the so lovely fear on his face, in truth he wanted Princess Alice there, but she was a bitch hard to reach, even using her brother as a bait wasn’t enough. Vitor paid the price for her arrogance, is paying; this is far from over. “Alice is such a cold person, right?”
Vitor gritted his teeth. How dare he call her name so lightly? But in less than a second his expression changed back to fear, pain and despair.
“You are a coward,” Matir said and spat on the prince’s face, “No wonder there is not even a small noble faction aiming to put you in the throne. But isn’t that a good thing? Your miserable last days won’t change a single thing to your ~so~ beloved people.”
Vitor cried. He had no strength to deny the mean remark and in truth… in truth it wasn’t a lie. He wasn’t a child born to take the throne; before he was even born it was already set in stone and Princess Alice would be the one to inherit the title. He never envied her, she was always too busy and he was born to make their parents less lonely, as if they picked who to drop the responsibility on and who to drop the love. He was loved. He didn’t need the throne.
It was true that the kingdom wouldn’t suffer too much with his death, not even if he was tortured for years before its mercy. His parents —the king and the queen— will be heartbroken, but they will step down from the throne and drop all the responsibility on Princess Alice; they will be fine. His sister will be sad, but she will get over it, she is strong. She always was. And even —he swallowed hard— if he was to be sent back piece by piece, she would still pick the country’s well being before him. He always loved it about her, he isn’t sure anymore.
“So, let’s test it?” General Matir asked, grabbing his wist this time, eyeing the gap where his finger —and his ring— used to be. “This one is broken, right? If I’m to give something to ~her noble highness~ it must be a good one, correct? Answer me.”
Vitor groaned, “p-please, no- please, p-p-p- AAHHH” his screams filled the air when one of his fingers was broken, he tried to cower away but it was useless. He tried to breathe the pain away, at least enough to stay awake throughout the talk. He doesn’t want more punishments, he doesn’t want more pain.
“So,” General Matir grabbed the other wrist, twisting it painfully and opening a sick smirk. “I think I just found the perfect gift for your beloved betrayer of a sister.”
@rose-pinkie, @latenightcupsofcoffee, @extemporary-username, @blu-jay-2779
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springfallendeer · 1 year
There's an ask in my askbox asking me to write a Yandere Sun/Moon x reader fic
and like
I'm totally down to write it. I do enjoy a good dark, twisted fic.
But my rule for that sorta prompt is to send it in off anon or even in DMs
and also I don't know if I should go soft yandere where its just the reader being locked up in a room
or if I should go the more intense route where limbs have been broken, if not flat out removed, to assure that the reader cannot escape. Because they're a precious doll that cannot be allowed to wander off.
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strawberrybabydog · 2 years
I won't go anonymous here but have you heard of Xenomelia?
(In my understanding and definition) It's neurological and deals with
1) Delusions of having a fictional illness
2) Having sensory issues and affiliation to a fictional illness
3) Or having a fictional illness because of other conditions/combined traits from neurodiversity or chronic pain etc.
I have Xenomelia and I wanted to know if you ever heard of it outside of places like Tumblr or Discord.
(also how are you feeling? You seemed like pretty cool pup so I'm also here to say Hi.)
xenomelia as in BIID? i've heard of it but as far as i understand it's not a delusion or even a mental illness, it's a problem with the nervous system. as far as im aware its a desire for amputation or paralysis as well, i've never heard of it in reference to delusional illnesses (i'm not doubting your experience here, just relaying what i've heard about it)
i've only heard of it once or twice and always from this blog. it's not something i've seen talked about commonly if ever though
i'm okay-ish but im on day 6 of influenza rn. havent gotten better in 4 days, and i accidentally made my partner catch it again so. LOL. ive been better but i'm generally okay. worst part about getting sick for me is the way it impacts my mental illness tbh /lh
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