#Keanu Reeves fanfiction
greenmanalishi · 1 year
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tag list: @illiana-mystery, @iobsessoverfictionalmen, @eclecticwildflowers
Warnings: swearing maybe but it’s really fluffy
“Heading to work?” John asked as I came outside. I smiled over at him as I pet our dog.
“Yeah. Short day today. They called me in for something but didn’t elaborate.” I shrugged as I walked over and kissed him on the cheek.
“Sounds good.” He hugged me tightly. “Want me to pick something up for dinner?” I shook my head.
“I got it. Just text me what you have a taste for later.” John smirked and I pushed his chest. “Johnathan! You perv!” I laughed. John started laughing along with me.
“You love me though.” I nodded as I cupped his cheeks.
“you know I do.” I pulled him close and kissed him. John hummed against my lips before the dog bumped into his leg.
“alright. Alright. Here. Go get it.” John laughed as he pulled away to throw the ball again. “Have a good day at work. I’ll get some stuff done around here. Maybe call out arelio to look at the car.” I nodded as I broke away from him to get into the mustang.
“by the way,” I smiled up at him. “Thanks for trusting me with your baby.” John smiled at me before waving as I drove off. I preoccupied myself with texting John to make the day go by faster. When I finished, I drove over to get the pizza John ordered. Pulling into the driveway, I was glad to see the light on in the kitchen. “John! I’ve got pizza!” I called as I walked in the house.
“In here!” He called back. I made my way into the living room and put the pizza on the coffee table before taking off my shoes. I wandered into the kitchen to grab something to drink and plates. John already had the plates and smiled at me. I froze in the doorway.
“Johnathan!l I exclaimed as I took him in. “What did you do?” John put the plates on the counter and walked over. He put his hands on my hips and leaned in to kiss me. I put a hand on his chest to stop him.
“hey.” He whined. I shook my head as I ran my fingertips over his cheek.
“what did you do?” I murmured. John smiled and captured my hand, turning to kiss it.
“you don’t like it?” He asked, his smiled falling a little.
“I never said I didn’t. It’s just,” my eyes roamed over his face. “Strange. You’ve had a beard for as long as I’ve known you. You can’t just shave and expect me to not be surprised by it.” John laughed as he kissed my hand again.
“But it’s a good surprise right?” I nodded as I finally let him kiss me.
“yeah.” I agreed, cupping his cheek. “I miss the stubble though.” I smirked at him. John kissed me again.
“it’ll grow back.” He promised. Taking my head, he led me back to the living room. “Now come on. Before it gets cold.”
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dyysania · 8 months
being julian mercer’s coworker and sneaking in the break room nearly every day for a kiss. but sometimes, it gets a bit further than that.
you giggled as julian slyly shut the door and locked it with the spare key, knowing he had a bad day since he was desperate today.
“mmh, baby, i missed you.” he sighs, leaning down a little to kiss you and pick you up. his hands rested comfortably on the plush of your outer thighs as he kissed you deeply. your arms wrapped around his shoulders, hands flat against his neck.
“you’re having a bad day, aren’t you?” you said before you both pulled away, panting, and he nodded licking his lips as he slowly put your feet back on the ground.
and that’s how you found yourself with your legs wrapped around his neck, hands gripping the table as hard as you could. he groaned into your cunt every now and then, as you gasped for air, yet trying to remain quiet.
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fics-not-tragedies · 5 months
January 2024 Music Prompts: Day 1
Own My Mind ♫ Måneskin
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Own My Mind ♫ Måneskin x John Constantine
I'm prayin' at your altar if you know what I mean.
One moonlit evening, Constantine found himself in the centre of a web of dark magic. A malevolent force, whose origins were hidden in the whispers of the underworld, had unleashed a demonic presence on the unsuspecting city. The streets echoed with the eerie laughter of the creatures that lurked in the shadows.
Amidst the chaos, Constantine discovered an ancient altar, its malevolence penetrating the very foundations of the city. The air crackled with malevolent energy as he confronted the demonic force that sought to devour the soul of the metropolis.
"Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus, omnis satanica potestas, omnis incursio infernalis adversarii, omnis legio, omnis congregatio et secta diabolica…" Constantine murmured, a defiant challenge to the malevolent entity that lurked in the supernatural realms.
As he recited ancient incantations and wielded a weapon forged from celestial steel, Constantine sensed a mysterious presence — an ethereal force drawn to the fervour of his quest. Unseen eyes watched him from the shadows, mesmerised by the determination and courage emanating from the demon hunter.
With each incantation, Constantine's surroundings seemed to quake with an otherworldly energy. The demonic laughter died away and was replaced by an eerie silence, as if the air held its breath in anticipation of the impending clash between light and shadow.
At the heart of the spiritual battlefield, Constantine's gaze caught sight of a figure cloaked in shadow — a ghostly presence lingering at the edge of the supernatural fray. The being, drawn by the resonance of the demon hunter's fervent prayers, watched him with an intensity that reflected a strange fascination.
"Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus, omnis satanica potestas, omnis incursio infernalis adversarii, omnis legio, omnis congregatio et secta diabolica…" Constantine repeated, the words a rhythmic chant that reverberated through the metaphysical realms.
As the incantations intensified, the shadows parted, revealing the ghostly entity that had been drawn to Constantine's request. A subtle change occurred — a dance of cosmic energies that blurred the line between hunter and hunted.
Constantine, his senses attuned to the supernatural currents, met the enigmatic gaze of the spectral being. The air quivered with unspoken understanding — a connection that transcended the dichotomy of good and evil. In that suspended moment, the demon hunter and the spectral being found themselves connected by a cosmic thread woven from the essence of the mystical battlefield.
The demon, sensing the shift in the balance of power, backed away from the combined force opposing it. The city, once caught in the clutches of evil, heaved a sigh of relief as the supernatural storm subsided. Constantine took one last look at the ghostly creature with a weary but victorious expression on his face.
"Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus, omnis satanica potestas, omnis incursio infernalis adversarii, omnis legio, omnis congregatio et secta diabolica…" he uttered once more, this time directed at the enigmatic presence that hovered in the aftermath of the battle. “And tell boss Constantine said ‘hi’, you fuck” Constantine added, showing a middle finger to the dark forces who lurked around him.
The city, freed from the clutches of demonic influence, attained a new serenity. Constantine, the demon hunter, and the spectral being, an enigma woven into the fabric of the supernatural, shared a moment of unity — a testament to the complexity of the spiritual battlefield and the unspoken connections that transcend the realms of light and shadow.
After the supernatural storm, as the city heaved a sigh of relief, Constantine and the spectral being stood face to face. The air crackled with lingering energy and their eyes met in a silent exchange of gratitude and appreciation. Without words, a magnetic pull drew them closer together until their lips met in a passionate kiss.
“You saved the altar” the being murmured against his lips, placing her hands on his chest.
“It was bombed once… and I don’t have any heavy arms on me.”
“That’s good, Constantine” she touched his lips gently, tracing them with her fingers before kissing him again.
“I’m prayin’ at your altar…” he breathed, moving his lips to the being’s neck, gently squeezing her hips and pushing her closer to the altar, “if you know what I mean.”
“Oh, I sure know what you mean, John Constantine.”
The boundaries between the hunter and the mystical being blurred, and in this unspoken union the city witnessed a union that overcame the dichotomy of good and evil. The night, once shrouded in malice, gave way to the dawn of a city reborn, where prayers and mysteries lingered in the air like the echo of an ancient hymn, and the kiss between Constantine and the spectral being came to symbolise a love that transcended the boundaries of the constant fight between good and evil and the balance he kept willing to restore.
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Safe Place {K.R.}
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Pairing: Keanu Reeves x Reader
Word count: 1 K
Summary: You're having a hard time - at the verge of depression -, and Keanu shows you how much he loves you.
Requested by @nyctophilic0vitnir
{Keanu Reeves Masterlist}
“Alright.“ Keanu says, getting up from the armchair. “Give me the phone.“ His tone is gentle, yet demanding. It's the voice he uses when you're in self-destruction mode. It's when he's taking over.
“Ke wants to speak with you.“ You tell your brother-in-law before passing the phone to Keanu.
You don't even try to understand the conversation, but the mention of your grandfather's name and the word money comes up a lot.
After a while, you decide to go upstairs, to the master bedroom, and sit on the armchair placed on the covered balcony. Everything is a mess. Your job has become a nightmare ever since the company's branch was absorbed into another, and the new bosses are turning even the simplest of things into huge obstacles. And your family? They're fighting among themselves over the will of your late grandfather, who has been dead for only three months.
It doesn't matter where you go, something makes your life a living hell. And it's getting to you, it's dragging you down that hole away.
One of the scariest things is when you feel as if you're floating as if you're brain has detached from your body. It's a symptom of depression, one that almost got you killed in the past when a car almost ran you through. It didn't even scare you... You just kept walking.
“(Y/N).” His voice, calming, and sweet, snaps you out of your state. That's when you notice the tears, wiping them off as he pulls the sliding glass door open. ”Hey.” Keanu kneels before you, warm hands on your knees. “Don't cry, Beautiful. They don't deserve it.”
They don't. But you're not crying for them. “I can't do this, Ke... I feel like my life is crumbling apart. My job, that I used love, is chaotic. The bosses hate us, and then my family... Damn it, they didn't even wait for my grandfather's body to grow cold before making a mess about his will. I didn't even know they could do that.” Covering your face with both hands, you let the sobs take over.
“Shh... Come here.” Keanu's arms embrace and lift you. He carries you inside, placing you down carefully down on the bed. “It'll be alright. Cry if you must, let it out.”
And that's what you do. As Keanu cradles you, you cry on his chest, sobs shaking your body. It takes a while for you to calm down, for the tears to dry out on your cheeks. For that time, Keanu doesn't say anything. He just sits there, holding you, being your anchor, as usual.
“I can't do this anymore...” You mutter, breaking the silence. “I don't want to lose myself again, not when we just got married, not when we should be happy, enjoying each other...”
“Look at me.” He asks, index finger under your chin, pulling your face toward his. “This isn't about me. We just got married, yes, and I intend to keep the vows I made. I'll take care of you, always.”
“But you can't. You can't just fix my life for me...”
“No, but I can advise you. I can hold you... I can punch your brother-in-law in the face...” That makes you chuckle, which brings a smile to his face.
“What's your advice then?”
“Quit your your job. Or try applying for a new space. The old branch has enough employees, and more would want to follow. You know how the market works, and I'm here if you need some investment.” That makes you think, and consider the possibilities.
“Would take a while... We'd have to get signatures from those willing to go, then collect proof that the current space isn't enough for everyone...” You sigh. “Would be bureaucratic...”
“Better to deal with that and have a possibility of moving than staying there. Or you could just resign.”
“I can't... I don't want to, it's just... Ugh.” Hiding your face in the crook of his neck, you close your eyes. “I don't wanna fall into that hole again...”
“I won't let you. Hear me?” Rubbing your back and arm, Keanu places a kiss on the top of your head. “I'll call Rony. Tell him I can't go out with the guys today.”
“Ke, you don't have to.”
“I know. But I want to.” He says as he moves to get up. “Today will be about you. I'll cook your favorite dish, and...” His voice fades as he goes to the bathroom, and soon enough you hear water. “...we'll take a nice, warm bath together. No cellphones, no interruptions. Just you and me.” Keanu comes back to the bed, leaning down to place a soft, warm kiss on your lips. “Actually, the entire weekend will be about us. I'll turn the router off, disconnect the landline...”
The idea makes you smile. “You weren't kidding on no interruptions, huh?”
“Not at all.” He picks you up, carrying you to the bathroom. “I'll read to you, your favorite book. And we'll test those recipes you've been wanting to for a while.”
“Sounds like paradise.” That was one of the many things that made you fall for Keanu, how he creates the perfect bubble word only for the two of you, shutting out everything else. His company is everything you need.
Keanu helps you undress, and you step inside the tub when the water is perfect, waiting for him to do the same before getting comfortable in his arms. “I love you, you know that right?” You say after a while, your words soft, and the burden on your shoulders easing as you start to relax. “No man has ever been so kind, so understanding...”
“And I'll try to be better every passing day.” He says, making you turn toward him and capturing your lips with a kiss.
Keanu turned this house into a home, a safe place, where you can hide in his arms and forget everything that happens outside these walls. So you let him love you back into sanity, pouring life back into you. With him, you feel strong enough to face anything.
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penwieldingdreamer · 6 months
Right, so as I got the message today, that I'm just trying to gain publicity for a "book" I haven't even touched in a while and slandering the name of Doctor Mike, because of said thing I started and only wrote a chapter that was super sweet imo when I had time and inspiration to start writing again after having had tumblr to only read other stories, I'll be taking a break and not continue to write my RPFs for a while.
Don't want to slander other celebrities to gain publicity as I was so friendly reminded of.
Work is getting crazy write now, really starting with the 2nd business and I'll be concentrating on that one, though I'll still be here, probably just not writing for another while 🙈. Sorry to all that were looking forwards to new chapters or works.
Love you guys, Merry Christmas 🎄 and happy holidays 💖
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greenmanalishi · 3 months
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Safe - John Wick x Fem!Reader
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Summary: John comes home from work and he is wounded, and as his worried wife, you help him.
Warnings: swearing, oral m!receiving, blood/gore, talk of violence, mainly fluff.
You sit alone in your large kitchen, biting your nails and shaking your leg as you anxiously wait for your husband to come home.
His profession was extremely dangerous. Every time he went out you didn’t know if he was alive. Whenever you heard a car pass by your house, you wondered if it were the police coming to inform you that your husband had passed.
You knew that you had to make certain sacrifices that came with being married to The John Wick, the Boogie Man, as they call him.
You hear the door unlock, and your breath hitched. Running to the door, you are met with John. You wrap your arms around his neck, holding back tears as you nuzzle your face into the crook of us neck. “Oh, John…”
His hands weakily wrap around your waist. “Y/N…” he sighs, resting his chin atop your head.
Your hand trails down the chest of his suit. You find the red substance of blood on his white shirt. “You were shot?”
“Stabbed,” he says. “Not too bad. I’ve been though worse,”
You sigh. “Yeah, just stabbed.” You say sarcastically. “What if next time you get stabbed even worse, or shot, and you don’t make it through?” You question.
John gives you a saddened look. “I’m sorry, Y/N. You have a right to be mad, and worried.”
You give him an angered gaze, but it slowly fades as you hear the sincerity in his voice. You lean up to kiss him. “You’re right,” you say.
You take him to the kitchen where you strip him of his suit jacket and button up shirt. “This is going to sting,” you say. “I know,” he replies.
The wound was shallow, but it was still gushing a fair amount of blood. Once you were able to slow down the bleeding, you begin to clean it. John lightly hisses as you disinfect his wound.
You quickly bandage it neatly, then reward him with a warm kiss on his lips. “You have to stop this, John,”
“I know,” he says again. “I- I can retire, if you want.”
“Will you really do that for me?”
“Of course, baby. You are more important than work.”
You smile softly. “If you think it’s the best, then you can. I will support whatever you do,” you say. “Will you be safe?” You ask.
“We are safe. We will always be safe.”
“No, will you be safe?”
John pauses for a concerning amount of time. “I will be safe.” He says. “And if anybody comes after you, or me, I will kill them.”
“John,” you say like a disappointed mother. But, you couldn’t help but smile. You loved your mass murderer husband.
“That’s the spirit, love,” he smiles and gives you a kiss.
“You should go wash up,” you tell him. His face was cut, as well as his hair slicked back with sweat.
“Join me?”
“Very funny,” you laugh before sending him up to the bathroom to clean off the sins of the night. “Be mindful of your bandages,”
“Yes, ma’am,” John chuckled.
John finds his way to the master bathroom. He strips the rest of his clothes and got into the shower. His bandage inevitably got wet.
He ran his hands through his hair, feeling as the heterogeneous mixture of sweat, styling gel and water ran down his back. It felt so releiving to wash himself of the stress and torment of his job.
He used a musky scented soap to wash off the sweat and grime he had accumulated through the night. He exited the shower, wrapped a towel around his waist before redressing his wound.
John left the bathroom, towel still lazily around his waist. You were in bed, reading a book as you awaited for your husband to join you.
You couldn’t help but look at his chiseled abs and cutting hip bones. Of course, you also couldn’t ignore his broad shoulders and tattoo covered back.
“Y/N. You’re starring,”
“Oh,” you say. “Sorry,” you laugh, and he smirks. “Is it such a crime to appreciate my husbands body?”
“No. Just funny to call you out on it,” he says. He grabs a pair of sweatpants and slipped them on.
“Come lay down, babe,” you pull back the comforter in the empty space for him to fill. He slowly lays down, and he groans as his aching back hits the bed.
“Are you really going to retire?” You ask as your hand gently rests on his chest. You slowly draw circles on his skin, avoiding any bruised areas.
“Anything for you,”
You smile, and he slowly leans in to connect your lips in a gently kiss. “I will love you forever…” he murmurs agaisnt your lips. “I will love you when I’m below the ground, and I will love you after the earth ceases to exist…”
You rest your forehead against his, shakily sighing. “I love you, too. Always and forever…”
John kisses you again, hungerly needing your touch and presence against his skin. He gently grips your hair as he hums against your soft, pillowy lips.
His hand reaches for your waist, pulling your laying body closer to his. He squeezes your flesh though your sleep shirt. You whine at the tight squeeze.
Johns lips trail off yours, adventuring down your jaw to suck hot sores on your neck. His hand on your waist moves up, dangerously close to your chest. He cups your breast with his sore and bruised hands through your shirt, gently massaging it in his palm. He knew just how to make you fold.
“John-“ you whisper.
“What, love?”
“Not tonight. You need to heal.” You tell him.
He rests his head on your shoulder, sighing softly. “You’re right,” he whispers. “It’s just so hard to keep my hands off you.” He glances down at his lap, seeing the tent growing in his sweatpants.
“Yes, baby?” You reply.
“I- um. I know you said I have to heal. But, what am I supposed to do about that?” He asks, moving away from the crook of your neck to show the erection in his pants.
You think for a moment, keeping your eyes fixated on his bulge. “I didn’t say I wouldn’t use my hands or my mouth on you,” you tell him, and he grins.
You reach for the waistband of his sweatpants, slowly pulling them off his thighs. Johns cock springs out from his pants. He was hard and throbbing just by touching your breasts.
You grasp his length. His breath hitched at the sight of your hand around his dick. You slowly begin stroking him. You hover above him, letting a string of spit slowly dripping down onto his tip.
“Oh-“ he mumbled as the warm liquid touches his pulsating crown.
You gently kiss the tip, your hand still stroking his shaft slowly.
You whimper against his cock at the sound of his voice. You knew you had to resist him. You couldn’t risk opening his wound and causing him any pain. Hopefully an orgasm would help his aching body in some way.
You slowly take in his length. You suck the tip, humming at the salty taste of his pre-cum. You knew he wasn’t going to last too long. He never lasted long when you sucked him off.
“Just like that, baby,” he praised, “don’t stop- fuck. Don’t stop-“
You didn’t stop, and you weren’t going to stop until you pleasured him to your full ability.
You take in more of his cock. John shivered at the sight of his erection engulfed in your mouth.
“I’m close- shit. I’m gonna cum. Fuck.” He moans.
You began sucking him faster. You felt as your lips glided over the thriving veins on his cock, but always focusing on the tip. He loved it when you toyed with his tip.
His hips shudder, causing you to gag. “Sorry, baby,” he quickly says. You don’t reply, gagging again. You didn’t care if you gagged on his cock. You loved it, because you knew that you were doing good.
His hips jerk up again. He grips your hair, moaning your name as you quickly and steadily suck his cock. He began chasing his release.
“Fuck!” He moans. His eyes roll back, head hitting the pillow as his cum shoots into your mouth. You always loved the taste of his cum.
You finish him off with your hand, swallowing all his arousal as you did. Cum continued to shoot out, going all over your hand as he bucked his hips into your palm.
You happily licked it off, humming at the salty, yet at the same time, sweet taste.
“Fuck. Thank you, baby…” he whispers. The pleasure helped ease some of his pain.
“Anything for you,” you smile. You kiss him, and he tastes his own cum off your lips.
“Can I return the favour?” He asks, toying with the elastic band of your sleep shorts.
You shake your head. “Not tonight. You can in the morning once you have some rest,” you tell him. He frowns, but obeys.
“Okay,” John says. He fixes his sweatpants, and you grab a tissue off the night stand to wipe the spit and cum off your hand, and a bit of the white fluid that got on his stomach. John reachs over to turn off the bedside lamp, groaning as his body was strained to make the reach.
“Goodnight, baby…” you lay your head on his chest, yet again mindful of the bruises and cuts.
“Goodnight. I love you…” John whispers
“I love you too…”
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treedaddymcpuffpuff · 5 months
Beneath Miles of Stone - Part six - John Wick x Plus Size Fem Reader
Summary: John has been in prison for nine months. He’s content to stay if it means appeasing the high table and keeping peace between the owners of each continental. However, he meets someone who erases that willingness. Peace be dammed.
TW: gore ; violence against women ; death ; vomiting
“This actually looks great,” she says while covering up the slash in his gut with less gauze than it usually needs. “It’s much smaller.”
He hums. It feels better, too. Her magic touch has given him the ability to breathe and eat and move without horrible pain.
She remembers when she first saw him and thought he had pale skin, but she realizes now that that sallow color was because he was in agony and probably dancing tiptoes around sepsis. He turns more golden-toned by the day as he heals.
“Bet you can’t wait to get out of here and move around more,” she comments, pulling his shirt back down. He savors the feeling of plump, gentle fingers brushing his skin.
While the thought of a good stretch and a couple hundred crunches to bring back his wasting body does sound good, he dreads the thought of not being able to see her again. He would have to start fights on purpose - accrue broken limbs and bloody wounds - just to get back down here. It doesn’t sound so bad. He’s used to getting the shit beat out of him, after all, and, if it’s on his own terms, staying handcuffed to a bed and injured is a fair trade for seeing his nurse.
“I would like to feel the sun,” he says, honest enough.
She places her hand on his shoulder. Even through the cotton fabric of his shirt, he feels the comfort of her skin. He leans a bit into her touch. “You will,” she says softly.
What good is feeling the sun, though, if she is still underground?
It’s 4PM. She’s usually asleep right now, but she picked up an afternoon shift and plans to work 16 hours until 7 AM the next morning. Usually, pick up shifts are the shittiest ones, but John is her patient again and she has an easy assignment. Plus, free lunch today for all staff and no Benny.
You can’t get much better than this.
She sits down to chart with her deli sandwich by her side, and notices that no one is in the hallway, which is strange for this time of day. It’s a bad idea, to just shrug that off, but she finds herself lolled into a false sense of security.
It’s the shiny red hue that catches her eye. Everything is so white and grey in here that it’s hard to miss the bright liquid puddling on the floor around a corner. She blinks, rubs her eyes, convinced that it’s a trick of sleep deprivation at first.
She gets up, pushes in her chair out of habit and because she’s afraid to walk over and look.
See enough dead bodies - stuff enough of them in bags while you’re busy and overworked - and it becomes natural not to balk at them. This is not the kind of dead body she’s used to.
It’s a guard, she can tell by the dark blue uniform, but his face is bludgeoned  in so much that he’s unrecognizable. A spike of brown hair sticks up from the black and purple viscera that is his face.
Blobs of pale flesh dot the floor around his body.
She fights the urge to vomit on his corpse, swings around the corner and presses her back to the wall with her hand over her mouth so she doesn’t have to look or scream.
It takes her a moment of holding back bile to remember that there’s a code button on the desk at the nurse’s station. She tries to run to it but her feet feel like anchors and she doesn’t make it two sluggish steps before there’s a gun pressed to her face.
“Hello nurse,” the rogue inmate greets. “I think you should sit.”
She looks at the blood speckled floor, hesitates, he taps the barrel on her cheek. “Sit.”
It’s cold down here, but she barely feels it, too consumed by the adrenaline that comes with having a gun level with your brain.
She hears loud shouting from somewhere down the hallway. The man with the gun kneels down beside her, shading himself behind the desk. “Shut up, or I’ll fucking kill you,” he hisses, droplets of sour spit landing on her cheek.
More shouting, gun shots, yelling. Footsteps running in the opposite direction. 
The guard gets on his heels to peak over the counter, and she watches the gun bob sideways in his hand. There’s barely enough time to contemplate taking it before he’s trying to haul her up by the arm.
“Come the fuck on!” He hisses as she tries to stand quickly on slow, shaking legs and stumbles forward.
“What the fuck are you doing?!” There’s another inmate. The only thing she notices about this one is that he’s bigger.
“This is called leverage,” the man holding her arm tells the other, jerking her again.
“That’s called liability weighing you down.” The other one doesn’t have a gun that she can see.
“So kill her?”
Her heart blips.
“I don’t give a shit.”
“I got keys.” This from another prisoner behind them.
The two others look at him like he’s an idiot.
His eyes widen when he sees her. “Thought you locked them all up?”
“We had to kill one,” gunman says, looking directly at her. “They got violent.”
It would be comical if she were watching this in a movie. Three prisoners bumbling around and arguing about what to do with a stray nurse.
“I think we should use her, they’re not gonna shoot us if we’re holding the gun to her head.”
“If she were a tiny girl, I’d say sure,” the other argues, “but making sure she stays with you is more trouble than she’s worth.”
“So lock her up,” third inmate shrugs.
“Too much time. Give me the gun and I’ll kill her.” The bigger of the three tries to reach for the gun but gets the barrel pointed at his head instead.
“Get your own,” he growls.
John grabs the biggest one by the back of the neck and smashes the front of his neck with heavy metal. His whole body folds in half, and, as he goes down, his face smashes off John’s knee.
Her eyes are focused on the blood pouring from his nose and mouth instead of the fight happening between John and the other men.
He twists a wrist until it breaks, grabs the gun, and then her attention is back on the fight when the shot goes off into the guys head. As quick as the bullet is out of the barrel, John is aiming at the other man and pulling the trigger. The gun clicks empty. He uses it to hit the other man in the face while the metal tube clears his feet out from under him.
The original gunman tries to grab him, but he’s too quick. He brings the metal to his temple and smashes again.
She watches him join his colleagues on  the red concrete.
Then she mistakenly looks up at her savior and remembers why you never meet your heroes.
Handcuffed to that bed, he had begun to seem so docile and helpless. Standing here in front of her with blood - not his own - splattering his face, he is tall, broad, angry, unchained, transformed into something bestial.
She feels herself hit the wall without realizing she’s been backing away from him.
Blood pounds so hard in her ears she has to focus when he talks, but something about the way he speaks tells her that she needs to listen like her life depends on it.
The commanding baritone of his voice captures her like a deer in headlights.
He says her name and grips the metal in his hand harder. Her eyes dart from the makeshift weapon back to his face. She tries to swallow the dryness in her mouth.
“Are you okay?”
“What?” She squeaks, gripping at the wall.
“Are. You. Okay?” John takes a few steps toward her and she cowers under his massive shadow.
“I.. I don’t know.”
He loses patience, stalks up to her. She braces for impact by screwing her eyes shut and turning her head.
Leaden, calloused fingers touch her face without harmful intent, spreading a  feeling into her skin that makes her shiver despite the furnace of his touch. She opens her eyes, looks up at him, and sees he is focused on her left cheek where a bruise is almost faded away.
“Tell me,” he presses, using three fingers on her chin to turn her eyes level with his own.
“I’m okay,” she whispers.
Loud shots pop down the hallway. Two prisoners round the corner with guns in their hands, running so fast they hit the opposite wall and tumble into one another.
John’s head snaps to the commotion. The two men lock eyes with him. She tries to shrink back into herself, become invisible, but it doesn’t work and they see her, too. Here she is, caught in the middle of a prison riot in her baby blue scrubs, a fragile case of soft meat ready to be pulverized.
“Is that your hostage?” One of the men asks, motioning toward her with the gun.
John turns around to face them while pressing her back into the wall behind him.
He smells like sweat and metal and damp earth. She becomes sandwiched between his balmy body and the freezing wall, overwhelmed and unable to breathe with any sort of stability.
“Can we borrow her?” The other asks. Neither of them stop walking toward John. She can’t see around or above him but she hears the thick footsteps of them getting closer.
Five guards run around the corridor, guns raised.
He is perfectly still, her human shield, almost as if he is building up or waiting for something. She tries to stay just as still as him while tucked behind his body like a coward.
“Put your weapons do-“ the security guard can’t finish his sentence before a bullet bites into the flesh of his shoulder.  Messy shot from one of the inmates. Blood rains, and John moves.
Most of the things he does are too fast for her to see, but the crunch of bone is unmistakable when he twists an inmate’s arm around until it snaps and grabs the gun from his limp hand.
The man screams, drops to his knees. His companion swears, scrambles, points his weapon at John, but there’s  already a palm slammed into the bones of his nose. Another sickening crack. She fights the urge to vomit.
It’s like the guards have as much trouble seeing his movement as she does, because they are dropping and screaming and wild-eyed. It’s hard to understand what’s happening to them until she sees blood flowing and spurting from bullet holes in lower limbs.
Eleven men on the ground, and John still stands unharmed.
Ringing ears, the steady roll of hot blood, screaming. Bodies.
Loud, sudden sirens rip her from the heavy descent of shock. She snaps back into reality when John grabs her arm and pulls.
A millisecond later, he tosses her into a treatment room, slams and locks the door. Gunshots ring in muffled sequence behind her.
She wonders what is wrong with her, why she can’t find moving legs underneath her. She feels slow again, almost like she’s trying to get somewhere important in a dream and unconscious gravity is weighing her down with debilitating force.
She slides down to the floor, puts her head in her hands, the room tilts and distorts around her. She shuts her eyes as tight as she can, but she still feels like she’s riding a tiny boat in a huge, angry ocean. She leans to the side and vomits from sea sickness.
Bile splatters up from the floor onto her scrubs and hair and skin.
She puts her head down to stop the spinning, folds into her own body for some kind of comfort. At least she doesn’t realize that she’s crying right now.
John presses himself into an alcove, reloads, thinks. It takes a second. He catches his breath. How does he get her out of here? He can’t leave her in the infirmary. Someone with enough force can easily break down the door that she’s behind and get in. If he drags her along while he fights through the prison, that’s still her neck on a silver platter no matter if he’s confident he can protect her or not.
He could barricade himself in the room with her, wait for things to settle, but he doesn’t know how long this will last. He guesses two to three days at most before enough people are dead that the police can infiltrate and kill the rest. Too much waiting for something to go wrong. This has to be quick. If he didn’t have to keep one eye on the door he left her behind, he could easily incapacitate everyone in here in decent time. If he brings her with him, he can’t do things efficiently or quietly. It will have to be succinct, sparing, a running sprint - he will hurt her from the manhandling he will have to use in order to keep her major organs and arteries safe.
At least she’ll be alive.
No more disabling shots, now. He can’t afford them. Lethal hits: head, femoral, mesenteric, radial arteries.
He exits from the bloodbath into her clean room, shuts the door, leans down and grabs her shoulders. He measures. Carrying her, although viable, would slow him down and make him sloppy. He calls her name, makes her look at him.
Sick stains the corner of her mouth and her clothes and she looks like she already got the piss beat out of her.
“John,” she says like a tiny, terrified child, huddling away from him.
He grimaces. Her shell-shocked stare makes his heart burn. He pulls her into his lap, smooths her hair. She resists initially because of fear, but easily gives and sobs into his chest. He holds her to quell the screaming child. He understands this cry all too well.
“Listen to me,” he tells her, and immediately she quiets.
His voice captivates the chaos, brings her down into the atmosphere. She clutches at him, urging him to keep talking, tell her it’s going to be okay.
“I’m going to get you out. But you have to stay beside me, keep calm, and do as I say.”
“What about you?” She asks. “Are you getting out?”
He looks at her incredulously, baffled by the concern she still has for him despite everything she has just seen him do.
He doesn’t know why it takes him this long, why the realization just hits him now. Sitting here with her holding onto him like he’s the only thing securing her to the earth, and It’s right there in her face, as clear as spring water. She is completely infatuated with him.
He tilts his head down at her, studies the look on her face, memorizes it, tucks it away for later, then does something irrational and born from basic instinct and ancestral need.
She doesn’t understand why he’s wiping the vomit off her mouth until his lips touch hers. She stills, pulls back for a minute, but he grabs the side of her neck and holds, takes. She gives. There is no prison, no violence, no fight here once her mouth agrees with his own.
He tastes like copper and sweat. His tongue is as much of a weapon as his hands are. It pushes past her lips and tangles in her mouth.
Life pulses weak and out of focus, a dying heart in the background of their embrace, until he releases his grip and she pulls away.
Her heart tries to run out of her chest, and she’s not sure if it means to flee toward or away from him.
She’s suddenly very aware of her body invading his space. He is solid and strong; lean, long thighs supportive under her bottom. She still feels self-conscious, though, wonders if he thinks she’s too heavy and is just too polite to say so. At the same time, she’s clinging to him so tightly that she thinks he’s the only thing holding her down to earth.
He cradles her cheek in his palm, keeps her eyes on him. “You follow me, you listen to me, you let me put you where I want you. Understand?”
She nods, eyes wide, brought back into the present by his pressing tone.
“What are you doing?” He asks, urging her to repeat his demands.
“Following you, listening to you, going where you want me to go.”
“No,” he says, “staying where I put you.”
She looks confused.
“If I put you on my back, you stay there. If I shove you into a corner, you stay there, if I pull you, you keep up, even if your feet drag and your body hurts. You move how I move you.”
“I’ll slow you down.”
“You will if you don’t listen to me,” he corrects.
“Just leave me-“
He cuffs her on the cheek, not enough to hurt, enough to stop her from talking and startle her.
But it does hurt, the faintest sting on her already sensitive skin, and she recoils, scared. He pulls her back. “Do you understand me?” He punctuates her name. 
“Yes.” It is a quiet whimper from her mouth. 
It’s hard to watch people die, even more difficult if the person you admire is doing the killing. He’s been through this, what she experiences now. Reluctance to kill turns into blood lust while trust and reliance turn into trepidation.
Even though they are traveling up, it feels like a journey to hell. He murders easier than he breathes. Limbs are twigs, heads are targets, and she feels like a suitcase that he has to carry around a busy airport
She wishes this were a quick blur, but instead the fighting and the screaming seem to move in slow motion. John does what he says he’s going to do, and she experiences every bit of his raw strength as he pulls and pushes her body. At one point she feels envious of the dying men because at least they only get a few seconds of his fury before it ends.
And as much as he attempts not to hurt her, he fails. Still, when they get out into the dying wintery sun, she holds onto him. Bruises are forming on her arms and her collar, her light blue scrubs are scuffed with dirt and blood, and her face turned from crying to stoic and lightless a long while ago.
He takes her phone from her pocket while they sit on the curb and his warm arm wraps around her shoulders while he dials 911. Her blunt nails dig through his shirt into skin as she clings.
“You did good,” he says. “You’ll be okay.”
She hears him, but she’d rather cling harder than answer. She’ll only be okay if he stays with her.
He cringes in her silence, pulls her closer, ass numbing on the freezing wet sidewalk.
He grabs her ruddy blue hands and tucks both under one of his own. As the city sun goes down and leaves them in shadow, her shivering increases. Just as he’s about to carry her to warmth, the ambulance and police arrive outside the prison.
She knows he has to go, so she holds him tighter. He untangles her hands, kisses her on the head, and then he’s gone like he never existed in the first place.
She looks for him in the crowd of people that surround her and flash lights into her eyes and ask her if she’s okay. She searches even as she’s being loaded into the back of an ambulance. As they drive away, she watches them bust down the prison doors and wonders where John Wick has gone.
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ruskaroma · 1 year
could you do a little drabble of an au of the reader and jw on their wedding night and tbe reader is like pure and naive and loosing her virginity to john 🤭🤍🪷
oh my god.. can i shake this up a little bit?
arranged marriage with john wick.
let’s say you’re the only child of a very powerful mob syndicate, and all your parents wanted is the best for you, so they don’t want you going around fucking with other guys that are below they’re status because it might ruin the reputation they’ve worked so hard to achieve.
so they kept you isolated.
you’re homeschooled, the only friends you have are the maids, the children of those maids and gardeners, you rarely go outside – and if you do, you have a bunch of bodyguards following you around everywhere you go.
of course, you don’t question it. you know your parents only want the best for you, and you know how dangerous it is to live in a world like this. you can’t exactly blame your parents.
when you turned 20, your father introduced you to a man named john wick.
he’s the definition of tall, dark, and handsome you keep reading about in the books. late forties or mid fifties, you don’t exactly know. you just know that he’s a lot older and probably knows better.
your father had explained how you’re going to be marrying john and you were beyond ecstatic upon hearing the news. having a companion in life could open up to so many different opportunities. it didn’t matter that you just met this man. there’s so much time to learn about each other as you two plan for the wedding.
you didn’t ask your parents why they’re suddenly letting you marry a man because simply don’t care. too naïve for your own good. you didn’t know that your parents are only paying their debt to john and you were the only thing in their life that they could just simply give away.
fast forward to the night of your wedding day, let’s say that you aren’t expecting john to be so... rough during your lovemaking.
his actions are rough but his words are soft. it’s confusing you. you thought honeymoons are supposed to be sweet and slow, yet here you are getting fucked on the bed like some kind of cheap whore as john pulls your hair from behind and whispers filthy praises in your ear like there’s no tomorrow.
“my pretty little wife,” john grunts, snapping his hips against your ass, burying his cock so far deep into your little cunt that you could feel it in your stomach. you drool, stumbling over your words. “my wife got the best pussy – so fucking tight and pink. i bet you’ve never let anyone touch you like this before, hm? only me? only your husband?”
“y-yes – yes, john, o-only you!” you sob, clutching the bedsheets in your first as your pussy clench around his dick. “f-feel so full, j-john, feel s-so full – so big.”
“that means you’re doing a great job, baby,” he praises, letting go of your hair to drop his head on your neck, peppering kisses all over as his beard tickles your skin. “my little wife is taking my cock so well. you’re gonna have to get used to it, baby, because i can assure you that i’ll be fucking your sweet little cunt every single day that i come back home. gonna get you so nice and full again like this.”
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feinv · 3 days
inspired by @iovesia (she is one of those insanely talented writers you accidentally find on this goofy app)
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john wick who despite being the most feared assassin in the entire underworld, is the sweetest gentleman to you.
john wick who is so rough with his actions, but gentle with his words. he is gripping your waist so firmly you can already feel red fingerprints tainted on your soft skin. he is biting down on your shoulder to muffle the groans that have been building up in his throat, leaving crescent shaped teeth marks. he is leaving red and purple bruises all over your neck, all over your body, pain and pleasure mixing together and overfilling your senses.
john wick who first eats you out like a starved man, using tongue and fingers in a way that makes you lightheaded, forgetting your own language and how to form words. he would be knuckles deep into you before having his tongue circling and lapping on your juices, his beard all soaked and as wet as you are.
john wick who then is thrusting so hard and deep into you that you swear you are about to black out. he hits that sweet spot over and over again, sending you into oblivion, not giving you a second to catch a breathe: hard, fast, and unforgiving. he manhandles you around by adjusting your body to his own liking, finding new positions to make you feel things you didn’t even know you were capable of feeling.
john wick who doesn’t plan on stopping even when you come more than two times, overstimulating and edging you again…again…and again, pressing his big hands on your hips and stomach to prevent your attempts of breaking from his grip. his mouth will then be latching on your nipples, biting and sucking down on them not so gently, pinching them harshly and making your whole body flinch.
john wick who has been mouthing nothing but delicate praises in your ear that entire time. “you are doing so good, sweetheart. such a good girl for me. taking me so well. fuckin’ beautiful.”
he can’t control himself. not when you involuntarily clench and pulse around him. not when you release those breathless moans and sweet whimpers. he wouldn’t be able to contain himself anymore and would absolutely snap his hips into yours with an animalistic rhythm, savoring the filthy sounds you make and pressing down his palm over the area where your belly bulges from him.
“i love you so much. so goddamn much, my sweet angel…” following up with him swearing that you are a literal goddess and he is most definitely in heaven, all while slamming harder and deeper.
john wick who always fucks you good and leaves you sore, while simulataneously showering you in sweet nothings and treating you like you are the only girl in the world. (you are for him!!)
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requests are open :)
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©️ feinv, 2024.
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fics-not-tragedies · 9 months
All Drabbles Masterlist
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All drabbles I've ever written are listed below gathered in the type of prompt or the event for which they were wrote.
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6lostgirl6 · 1 year
yandere john wick with “I would never hurt you. You know that, right?” he just gives off such over protective/possessive energyyy 🤭
Your Protector
Pairing: Yandere!John Wick x Fem!Reader
TW: Yandere themes, toxic themes, mentioned stalking, kidnapping, possessive behavior, obsessive behavior, pet names, dubious kissing (at first), slightly suggestive. Reblogs are highly appreciated!!
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It was infatuation and obsession that drove him to take such drastic measures. Ever since he saw you, he was absolutely convinced that you were meant for him. His second chance at happiness and love since the passing of his wife, Helen.
It was also fear, fear that if he didn't kidnap you, you would be somehow hurt or even killed. John has spent many nights without sleep, worried over your safety. He knew that if he didn't take action, something was bound to happen.
You never met him before, never spoke with him, and it was a shock when he finally kidnapped you. A complete stranger. The last thing you could remember was walking home from another late-night shift and being grabbed from behind. In a millisecond, your mouth was covered by a cloth and your vision went black.
When you finally came to, you realized you did not recognize your surroundings. You were resting in a lavish guest room and you were still trying to wrap your brain around what was happening. While you were gathering your bearings, a man appeared. He was standing over you by the side of the bed.
"Good morning, sweetheart." The man said with a smile, greeting you in an affectionate tone. "I hope you slept well."
At first glance, he was a very attractive man and of great wealth. His towering stature, long black hair and wearing a seemingly expensive black tailored suit.
“Who are you?” You asked in fright, staring at him with wide eyes.
“W-What’s going on?” You scooted back against the headboard, trying to maintain some distance between you and the man. “What do you want?” You continued to stare at him, fearful of what he might do. 
His gaze held a disturbing mixture of kindness and menace as he looked down at you. "Don't be afraid, I'm not going to hurt you." He paused for a moment, as if weighing his next words carefully. "I just want to make sure that we're together. Forever."
“Who are you?” You were confused, having not ever met this strange man before in your entire life. You thought that this man was clearly delusional, could be mistaking you for someone else. He wanted the two of you to be together, but you could not understand the reasoning behind it. You needed to figure out who he is and hopefully find means of escaping. 
"I'm John Wick," he says simply, leaning over you. He has this strange, almost otherworldly quality about him that's difficult to explain. A sense of danger, but not necessarily violence. He's calm and collected, but you also feel the threat of his presence. It's like looking into the eyes of a predator, one who's just been waiting for the right moment to strike. It's terrifying, yet compelling at the same time.
Noticing your fear, he slowly moved to sit on the edge of the bed, bringing himself a little more to your level of height. However, he still continued to tower over you. With slight hesitation, he reached out and placed his hand on your cheek, his thumb brushing gently against your cheekbone. It's a gesture of familiarity and affection, yet there's a sense of darkness and danger to it.
"Don't be afraid, sweetheart." He said with a small smile, his intense dark-brown eyes locking onto yours. It was almost hypnotic, the way he was looking at you. Almost as if he truly knew you and for quite some time too. It left you feeling conflicted, complicated emotions infiltrating your heart.
His touch that was so gentle against your cheek, prompted your cheeks to grow a little warm. His affection was breaking down your resolve and leaving you quite nervous. Not nervous as if you were fearing for your life for feeling anxious, but rather the form of butterflies forming in your stomach and your heart in your throat. 
The warmth creeping onto your face seems to embolden John, and he leans in closer to you, his hand still resting on your cheek as the other trails its way down your thigh. He stared at you, his dark eyes taking in every detail of your appearance.
"You're so beautiful.” He whispers, his warm breath fanning across your face. There's an intensity to him that's almost frightening. He appeared like a wild animal, one that could snap at any moment. It was undeniable that there was something primal about him, something you can't help but be attracted to.
You couldn’t reply, unable to form any coherent sentences from the intensity and electrifying touch of his hand on your thigh. Slowly, you were feeling less uncomfortable but rather shy from his affectionate touches. However, your walls were starting to return when you remembered that you didn't even know this man.
“John…why are you doing this? You don’t even know me.”
"Because you're mine." He replied, his gaze was intense and there was undeniable heat in his voice. It was more than enough to make you feel a little dizzy. Almost as if you were falling into some dark abyss. There's no question that this man is dangerous, but you can't help feeling drawn to him. He exudes a primal, dangerous energy that is almost addictive, and you find yourself craving more of his attention and touch.”And I do know you, I know everything about you, (Y/N).”
You glanced towards the door, noticing that it was left open. Your logical side was screaming for you to wake up and understand that you were involved with something, someone, extremely dangerous. In that second, you were broken out of your spell. 
You hesitate before launching yourself from the bed in an attempt to escape.
John's smile fades as you attempt to flee, his expression turning dark and deadly. Without even seeming to move, he blocks the door, his body looming over you like a shadow of death. 
"Don't." He says, his voice low and dangerous. “You'll only make this harder for yourself, sweetheart." His eyes are cold and calculating, but there's also a strange desire behind them. 
One that's both terrifying and alluring.
With wide eyes, you backed away, feeling small in comparison to his looming figure and his predatory stance. The size difference between you two was incredible. You continued to keep your distance, placing yourself between furniture. 
With slow and deliberate steps, he follows you around the room, seemingly getting closer with each passing moment. He had the patience of an animal on the verge of a hunt. You can feel his eyes on you, tracking your every move. When he speaks again, his voice is calm, but there's something dangerous hidden beneath the surface. He's like a calm sea hiding the storm underneath. 
"You can't get away from me, sweetheart." He begins to move closer again, this time grabbing your wrist and holding it tight, his grasp like iron. "You belong to me."
“Yeah, right!” You struggled, trying to rip your wrist away from his grasp, he could only stare at you in slight amusement and anger. “I don’t belong to you or anyone! Nothing you will ever do will make me think otherwise!”
He raises an eyebrow and smirks at you, before he replies. 
"Alright then." 
Without warning, he pulls you towards him, kissing you passionately. His body is firm and strong, holding you tightly in his arms. His kiss is passionate and intense, like he's pouring all of his feelings and desires into it. The kiss was passionate and borderline possessive, trying to make you submit and accept him as your lover and protector. His grip around your wrist and waist is tight, becoming a little painful. You’re completely at his mercy and helpless in his arms.
You gasp from the sudden kiss, feeling intense emotions swirling within you and making your heart skip a beat. After a small moment, you began to return the kiss, thoughts of escaping melting from your mind. He also seemed to relax more into the kiss, it turning softer and loving, feeling that you were slowly but surely returning his affections. He pulls away after a moment, staring at you with a hungry and passionate gaze. 
"Are you convinced?" He asks, his voice low and husky, his gaze very heated and full of immense desire. He's still holding you tightly in his arms, not letting you go anywhere. He simply couldn't get enough of you. It's adamant that this animal has a lot of pent-up desire and passion. Now, he was looking forward to releasing it all onto you.  
"Y-Yes..." You muttered, your brain currently in a state of mush. You simply looked up at him with wide eyes, your cheeks warm from the intensity of his affections.
Slowly, he released your wrist, bringing his hand up to caress your cheek, his thumb brushing just underneath your eye. His touch was gentle and even a little soothing. He looked into your eyes, his heated stare now full of softness towards you. “I would never hurt you. You know that, right?” His voice, similar to his touch, was also full of softness. 
“Y-Yes…” Your resolve was completely demolished, he has successfully twisted your feelings around and made your heart scream out for more of his attention. Thoughts of finding a way to escape barely crossed your mind, your logical side slipping further away from your grasp. 
You simply didn’t care. 
"Good." He whispers, his voice was husky once more, full of want and desire for you.
With another powerful pull, he brings you into another kiss, one that is even more passionate than the first one. Knowing that you finally submitted left him with an animalistic excitement. He's hungry for you, almost starving for your touch and affection, and you can barely keep up with his ravenous desires. His excitement continued to grow, his grip on you tightening as he held you in his arms.  
"You're mine now, my love."  He continues, his eyes glistening with desire. 
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Spam Liking W/O Reblogging = Blocked
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imajinxnation · 1 month
my request is a fluffy John wick x reader tickle fight 👉🏽👈🏽\ _( #* u *#)\_
Who Knew??
John Wick x FEM!Reader
SUMMARY // You were just trying to be sweet.. but found something even better..
TW // Fluff, Suggestive, Cussing..
Omgggg this is so fukkin cute!!
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John had had a long day, and you knew the moment he got home that he wasn't in a particularily good mood, so you did what any other loving girlfriend would do; you decided to pamper him. Now, to clarify, the moment you suggested to John a day of relaxation for himself, he looked at you as if you were the most insane individual in the world.
To which you only responded with a roll of your eyes and a very annoyed glare back. He deserved a day off and to relax, whether he thought so or not, you would give him his relaxation anyways. After the life he had lead before you two got together, he deserved every bit of peace he could get, and if that meant oiling up your hands and rubbing his back for 30 minutes.. well, let's just say, you weren't complaining..
And this leads us to where you are now, your slick, oily hands rubbing his scarred and tattooed back as he lay on the couch, towels underneath him so the oil didn't stain the couch. Usually, John is a fairly quiet man, in both pain and pleasure, but this is what got a rise out of him.. Your hands kneading into his tense shoulders and back, rubbing out the painful knots in his muscles with your thumbs got him groaning and moaning like you had never heard before, which was making your panties wetter than the ocean..
At one point, you had accidentally grazed his side and he twitched away, tensing at the tickling sensation of your finger tips on his sensitive flesh. You stopped immediately, thinking something was wrong.
"Are you alright, Honey? Did that hurt?" You ask, concerned.
John sucks in a shakey breath at your question, wondering whether he should tell you the truth or not.
"..No.." he says simply, deciding to just leave it at that, not wanting to give you another advantage to him.
You raise a brow in suspicion and experimentally drag your oily fingers along his side, make him flinch away, a small, huffy laugh coming out through his nose. It clicks in your head at that moment; the infamous, deadly, pencil-stabbing, Baba Yaga.. is fucking ticklish.
You're glad that John can't see your face, because then he would be able to see the face of Satan smirking down at him, ready to attack him with your slick fingers.
John's eyebrows furrow as he realizes how long you've stopped, the silence making him uneasy. And he was right to be uneasy, because not two seconds later, your fingers were tickling and digging into his sides and ribs. For the first time in John's entire life, he yelps and laughs uncontrollably as you poke and prod at his flesh, teasingly, and mischieviously.
"Oh! (Y/n)- STOP! OH MY GO-D FUCKING STOP!" He exclaims between laughs, unable to remove you from him due to how weak he felt at the moment, and how hard he was laughing.
"Nuh-uh! Make me!" You giggle, tickling him harder, making him laugh even harder.
Eventually, he pulled himself from your grip, falling off the couch and onto the floor on his back, the oil covering his skin sticking to the floor. John calms down quickly, sitting up and glaring at you, a gleam of fire and mischief in his chocolate coloured eyes. Your eyes widen as you realize what he's about to do and you hop over the back of the towel covered couch, trying to run away from his incoming retaliation.
Obviously, you're no match for John Wick, because he catches you in no time, tackling you to the floor in the middle of your hallway, pulling up your shirt to reveal your own stomach and ribs. He digs his fingers into your soft flesh, tickling and squeezing your sides, stomach and ribs. You scream and squeal, trying to push him off with weak, jelly-like arms, squirming and laughing underneath him, tears forming in the corner of your eyes as you laugh your head off.
"I-I'M SORRY! I SURRENDER, JOHN, I SURREN-DER!" You cry out, barely intelligable due to your laboured breaths and giggles, tears streaming down your face in jovial laughter.
John lets out the most genuine laugh you've ever heard from him and finally stops, but leans down to give you one last shock. He shakes his head and blows a raspberry on your stomach, making you squeal one last time. He climbs off of your body and sits on the hallway floor in front of you, letting you catch your breath for a few minutes before you sit up aswell.
"Wow.. why didn't you tell me?" You ask, out of breath and smiling hysterically.
"This.. this is exactly why I never said anything, you mischievious little she-devil!" John grins back teasingly.
"Oh God.. now I gotta mop the floor, we covered it in oil!" You laugh, majority of the oil on your hands now on the floor.
"Yeah.. You'll be doing that, seeing as this is your fault!" John laughs back.
You pout playfully, but smile immediately after.
"Alright.. understandable. By the way.. your laugh is adorable," you grin and get on your knees, leaning foreward to kiss him gently.
John chuckles breathily, kissing you back softly in pure bliss.
Who knew the Baba Yaga could have such a sweet laugh..
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sydneighsays · 27 days
More quick Jee doodles 🎉
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beansricejc · 4 months
THE CLIENT - John Wick x F!Reader
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my masterlist.
synopsis: you go to some extreme measures to make sure you get your rent paid on time.
⚠️ warnings ⚠️: DUB/NON con, s3x work, cursing, sugar daddycore, implied violence, brief descriptions of violence, misleading job descriptions, good & bad name calling, chasing, financial / emotional manipulation, DEAD DOVE: DO NOT EAT! MINORS DNI! 4379 words.
author’s note: I am so sorry about not being active, I’ve been meaning to take this off of the back burner for some time now. If you follow me you probably have noticed that this is based off of a short blurb I uploaded a few months ago. I’ve been avoiding writing because of several anon hate messages I’ve gotten about Fake It, and it put a huge damper on my writing process. but I’m back and I hope you all enjoy!
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This economy is shit.
That's the sentence you continue to repeat in your brain. Should you have to work more than your full time accounting job at that stupidly high skyscraper downtown? Absolutely not, but your rent was bumped up by 15%, and a mere 40 hour work week won’t cut it anymore.
“Can you work nights?” The temp agent asks from across his desk. The florescent lights of his office (that is desperately in need of an update) are giving you a headache. The pot of coffee on the table in the corner is starting to burn.
“Yeah. Anytime after 6.” You quickly answer, your leg that’s crossed on top of the other is bouncing. The worker nods his head and clacks his vintage looking keyboard in front of his computer monitor.
The thick silence in this small space might kill you.
The worker’s eyes squint at his screen, before they trail back to you, seeming to give your face and your body a look over.
“Do you have any experience with housekeeping?” The worker asks, which makes your head tilt. Your printed and slightly crumpled resume is right there in front of him. Idiot.
“I mean, not houses, but when I worked retail I would have to clean the store from time to time.” You tell him and raise your eyebrows.
He nods and continues to stare at you. Creep.
“There’s an opening for a private housekeeper gig a bit north. You wouldn’t be tied to an agency, the client would pay you directly.” The man informs you. “Can, can I just do one thing first? Usually our employers, uh, they typically request pictures of their applicants.” The temp agent stammers and grabs his smartphone from his desk drawer. “Let me just…”
You don’t have any time to decline, since the flash is already going off in your direction.
“Uh- I’ve never heard of anything like that.” you question while the man types on his phone.
“Have you been employed through a temp agency before?”
“Well, not exact-“
“Then clearly you’re unfamiliar with how this works.” He interjects before setting the device down. “The pay is very good, although the employer hasn’t told me specifics. 3 nights a week after 6:30. 3 to 4 hour shifts. Does that work?” the worker asks and pushes up his glasses.
You feel a bit dumbfounded, and you have a strange suspicion that this man is gaslighting the hell out of you. But what can you do? You’re about to be 3 weeks late on rent.
“Yeah, that’s fine.” You mumble out.
It wasn’t fine. You hate the fact that instead of being able to snuggle up with your dog and watch reruns of New Girl, you have to pick up a second job.
“Great. I’ll have him give you a call.” was the last thing the man told you before you left the building. Secretly, you hope whoever this ‘employer’ is, they just forget about contacting you.
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Hours later, you’re putting groceries into your fridge when your phone starts to vibrate in your pocket. You answer of course.
“Hi, is this, uh…” a deep male voice on the other line asks, accidentally mispronouncing your first name. Chuckling, you quickly correct him. “My mistake, forgive me. Ah, I heard you’re looking for a job?”
Your eyes bulge and you suddenly straighten up as if the man is having a face to face conversation with you. There was no way he was already calling you! Totally unprepared, you cleared your dry throat.
“Yeah, yep, that’s me.” you answer his question. His voice is so sultry. The man is clearly older than you, and it’s clear that he thinks before he speaks.
“Perfect. Pay is 1200 an hour, and if you swing by around 6:45 tomorrow that would be great. Can I email you my address?” The man offers online. You frown and choke on the water you were sipping.
“Woah, woah, excuse me. You said… 1200 an hour?” You repeat his payment offer.
“Yeah, is that a problem? All in cash.”
You almost have a heart attack.
“Nope, nope no problem at all.”
“Excellent. And, by the way, wear something, comfortable.” He says over the phone. You frown.
“Comfortable?” You question.
“Yeah. Comfortable.” He replies.
In hindsight you should have thought this through. You should have seen this coming, since men are disappointing and so vile. And you even know that you’re an idiot for agreeing.
So you do, and end the call.
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6:45 comes faster than you thought it would. Your finger presses the door bell, and as you look around the neighborhood he’s in, the only thing you can think of? This dude is in a completely different tax bracket than you.
As for the comfortable clothing, you opted for some leggings and a long sleeve tee shirt that accidentally accentuates your waist and chest. You didn’t think anything of it. Did you think $1200 an hour was a bit off? Totally. But the guy was probably desperate for someone to clean this enormous house up.
You’re completely wrong.
The large door creaks open, and you come to face a man, middle aged, with long dark hair that seems to be tied in the back. A man bun? Really. You don’t say anything about it. Instead you smile and give the classic:
“Hi! You had a cleaning scheduled for 6:45?”
The words are bubbly and of course higher pitched. Like any customer service job, you’ve trained yourself to fake a smile and a friendly voice.
His rugged features surprise you. The way his jaw clenched and unclenched, his dark beard that grows on his face. The way his thin brown eyes trace over your body as he pressed his lips together. As if you were on display, only for him.
You couldn’t deny that he was handsome. But you’re not here for that. You’re here to work.
Are you?
“Yeah, you’ll do.” The man nods and allows you to enter his domain.
What the fuck did that mean? You don’t allow him to see the way your eyebrows scrunch up at his remark.
His house that reeks of modern contemporary architecture, the bachelor pad vibes were insane in this place. Regardless, the home seemed almost empty, even though it wasn’t. The vast size of it makes it so every little noise is able to bounce off the walls.
“Do you want something to drink?” Your new boss asks. He looks down at you with little to no expression on his handsome features. Despite the lack of emotion, a tinge of determination lingers in his narrowed brown eyes. “Call me John, by the way. Mister Wick will make me feel like a senior citizen.”
You just laugh. He already knows your name. Of course he does, why didn’t you expect otherwise? That temp agency definitely gave it to him.
“John it is.” You test out the name on your tongue; the simplicity of it is so right for him.
But something doesn’t sit right with you. It’s as if your body is subconsciously ringing all of the woman alarms that you should listen to.
Oh but you could use the cash! It’s the uneasy pit in your gut that churns and twists, attempting to pry yourself out of the situation.
Of course you ignore it.
“Right. So. There’s this particular spot I need help cleaning.” John’s hand guided you by the small of your back, you didn’t even notice how close he was standing to you. As if John were nothing but a ghost in the wind.
He leads you right in the living room, where a large crimson stain has set itself into the oak flooring. Your eyes widen, instinctively backing away, forgetting that John was directly behind you. Your shorter body runs into his, and he sets his strong hands on your shoulders.
Oh my god. A serial killer hired you. Or at least a murderer. The sheer size of the blood stain definitely was a fatal amount to lose. It’s as if someone had taken a liter of blood and dumped it onto his expensive flooring.
“I’m sure you can understand why this is such a lucrative deal, right?” John’s voice rumbled into your right ear. Chills trickle down your spine, caused simply from his touch and his murmur. But this is bad. You need to leave. You can’t just clean up murder messes for a living!
“I, I don’t know if I can-“
“Oh I know you can. Say, are you a good multi-tasker?” John asked, his grip on your shoulders becoming a bit tighter. It feels possessive almost. You should have listened to your woman warnings your body gave you.
Your canine teeth dig into your soft tongue.
“I mean, yeah.” You squeak out to answer the man who’s paying you. A throaty laugh leaves his mouth.
“Oh, good to hear.”
The scent of his cologne enters your nose. Tobacco, ginger, cocoa even. It’s intoxicating, the way his smell lingers in the air; and how it’ll imprint itself onto your own clothes and skin. You can’t let this man’s Dior Sauvage distract you from getting the fuck out of this house.
“Listen, I don’t-“
“2156, 45rd Avenue. Apartment 5. Right?” John suddenly asks. Those chills that ran down your spine seem to be more sinister than you initially realized. You turn around and glare up at him.
“How do you know that?” You immediately question him with a brash voice.
John lets out a deep chuckle, his handsome smile is so stupid. You don’t want to be attracted to him.
“You should take the job. I could buy your building, your rent could go down significantly.” John smirked down at your trembling form. “But, I’ll need you to be good at more than just cleaning.” His voice grumbles into your ear. His hot breath sticks to your neck. His voice is deep and almost off putting, in a good way. God the way he speaks. The way he looks you over with those pretty brown eyes.
Your mouth lets out a gasp as you suddenly feel his large hand reach around and grab one of your breasts. His unwanted touch feels like fire against your clothing. Your body tries to squirm.
“Shh, dear, let me touch you. I like it more if there’s less of a reaction.” John whispered, you feel his erection grow as he presses his groin into your ass.
“Woah, WOAH!” You yell, shoving him away. Surprisingly he backs away, with his hands in the air. There’s a smirk that plays on his rugged face, as he bites his tongue and lets his eyes devour your body.
“Really? You want to refuse me? Do you know who I am, little girl?” John chuckled, taking a few steps forward.
“You know what? I think I’m good on the job, you’re a fucking weirdo.” Is all you have to say to that. His rugged face has the meanest scowl you have ever seen in your life.
The tension in the air is so uncomfortable, and you want to punch yourself for not listening to your gut. The churning. The accelerated heart rate.
This was all wrong, that creepy temp agent had set you up with some gig that was clearly not legitimate in the slightest, of course it was too good to be true. Men only want one thing, and you don’t know how you didn’t manage to connect the dots.
You grimace at the thought of what he just did to you as your legs sprint towards the door.
“Not so fast, little one.” John growls, it seems he’s got you pinned against his entryway door. Your face is pressed against the wood, and you cry out in pain from the abrupt slam of your body.
“What if I bought your apartment building, and raised your rent? That’s why you have this job, right? That’s why a pretty thing like you waltzed into that temp agency and expected some help. God, I’m glad that agent sent me a picture. Do you know how much I came looking at your confused face?” John huffs out, biting his lip and moaning at the thought. His brown eyes roll to the back of his head for a split second as he recalls the orgasm he had, just thinking about you.
When he was hunched over in his shower, canines digging cuts into his bottom lip and drawing blood as John fucked into his balled up fist. When he whimpered your name like a pathetic needy bitch, the noise bouncing off of the bathroom walls to remind him of what a sick piece of shit he is. The mere idea of him taking advantage of a woman in a predicament like this made his balls ache in excitement. His toes would curl on the wet bathtub floor just imagining you being his good little fuck toy.
The ragged tone in his breath and voice make John sound desperate, deprived even.
“God I want you to swallow my cum so bad, I bet you’d look like a good girl, taking me in your mouth, huh? You wanna swallow daddy’s load?”
You elbow him right in the chest, but fall to the wooden floor while you do so. Too bad you’ve always been a clumsy bitch.
You groan as the pain shoots up your spine. And you panic. This absolute dilf of a man was a freak! And by the looks of all of that blood on his floor, a monster. A serial killer maybe! What the fuck was the point of listening to all of those podcasts if you didn’t take the god damn hints John had shown several times?!
John doesn’t hesitate to wrap his arms around your waist, lifting you up as you kick, scream, struggle, he even gives your left asscheek a swift smack just for fun. You let out a yelp.
“Here’s what I’m going to do. I’m going to go into the other room, and I’m going to buy your building. All I have to do is make a call. And you, cutie, get to make a decision.” John chuckled. “You leave, and I’ll have a group of men take out all of your shit from your place; and replace your doorknobs. Or,” John grabs your waist, your hand swats him away as you give him a glare. John sighs and gives you a smile, ruffling your hair with his large hand. “Or you let me have my way with you; while you clean up my little mess. And you won’t have to worry about paying a thing ever again.” John whispers. The man takes a step back, biting his lip at the sight of you being scared of him, before leaving and going into the other room.
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You groan, tears brim your eyes as you contemplate your choices. Seeing the vast wealth displayed by just his household furnishings, you figured he wasn’t bluffing. The sting from holding back the cry hurts like a bitch, realizing you have no choice in the matter.
“God dammit.” You mumble, grabbing the cleaning supplies. You can’t help but wonder how the hell this much blood got on this asshole’s floor anyhow. Maybe you didn’t want to know. Either way, baking soda would do the trick here; with some water and dishwasher fluid.
So you get to work, scrubbing and finishing away the blood stain from the wooden floor. It wasn’t nearly as easy as it sounded.
Your stomach churned as you hear him approaching, his Oxford shoes clicking on the ground.
“Oh, good girl.” John snickered from above, you looked up at him with an icy stare, only to see something you certainly didn’t expect.
John and his hand, expertly stroking his hard cock to the sight of you cleaning.
John’s a good size. Bigger than average. Not something straight out of some unrealistic porn video online. The 7 inch long and slightly girthy dick in his grasp twitched, while it dripped precum from the pink shaded tip.
You start to feel something stir in you. This is wrong. You know it’s wrong. But fuck. His lip bite, the way he stroked himself to the sight of you, it’s not like he was ugly or anything. Quite the opposite.
He’s everything every woman dreams about in a man. Dark, brooding, with chiselled features and a symmetrical face. His olive skinned forehead is slick with sweat, definitely from being all hot and bothered at the sight of lil’ ol’ you.
Realistically, there could be worse out there to have fuck you.
“No no, little one. Keep cleaning,” John takes in a sharp breath. “Don’t mind me. Just pretend that this is normal, don’t be distracted. This will be your new normal. You’ll do various tasks around my house, and you let me touch you however I want.”
Now despite what your brain is telling you, the churning in your stomach drifts into butterflies. This isn’t right. In fact, it’s fucking vile. But why is your breath caught in your throat? Why does your head feel like it’s spinning?
You’re too much in your head at the moment, and you don’t notice the sound of a switchblade opening. With one quick motion, you can feel your leggings slice open. Before you have time to gasp, next comes your thong, he’s cutting the fabric and peeling it from your body.
John pressed the soaked cloth to his large nose, taking in a deep breath to get a whiff of your essence. Chills run down his spine as he grows even harder, your pure femininity smells absolutely divine to him.
“Oh you’re so wet for me, you like this, don’t you? You bad fucking girl,” he laughs. Your yelp escaped your dry lips as one of his long fingers swiped your moist entrance, pushing one in to test the waters. Your soft grunt of surprise and disdain covers your pleasure as you continue to try to clean up this stupid blood stain on the wooden floor.
You have to wonder, what the fuck happened here? Your mind goes haywire, imagining the man behind you potentially taking a life in the very spot that you’re in. How did he do it? A gunshot wound? Cutting someone’s throat? Torture? Tying them up by their feet to hang upside down, only to stab their jugular and letting gravity do its job? And why exactly are you thinking of it while John adds another finger, pumping the long calloused digits into your soaking cunt.
You catch yourself backing up against him, moaning a bit as you bite your lip to punish yourself for it. You’re not supposed to like this! What the fuck are you doing?
A suit jacket is tossed aside out of the corner of your eye, as a deep throaty chuckle echoes from the walls of his large house.
“Oh? So I’m right. You do like it.” John chuckles, pulling his fingers out. You let out a whine, almost angry that he would stop fingering you all of a sudden. John slaps your folds with the tip of his cock just for fun.
Your whine is replaced with a sharp squeal, his large hands grip the roots of your messy hair, pulling your head back as his fat tip eases into your pussy. The burn of your head and the burn of his dick throws you in a loop, especially at the sight of John.
John. This perverted, sick and despicable example of a human being, who’s eyes look so soft as he inches in and out of you. There’s a wicked smirk on his face when your eyes shoot to his lips, nothing that the cut up remains of your thong are in his mouth.
And you’re not sure if it’s hot or nasty. The obscene view of him damn near chewing on your underwear has you… well, fucked up. But it’s the way he begins to snap his hips against your ass that makes you forget about it. The other hand whacks your right asscheek, earning another yelp from you.
“You’re a fucking pig!” you sputter out, trying your best to show absolutely revulsion to the way he’s fucking you.
John can see through you like a piece of cling wrap.
You’re not making any progress in cleaning the blood stain, as he thrusts harder into you. You mew loudly while he takes his hand in your hair and instead presses your pretty little face into the floor. Your cheeks and nose throb as scratches embed themselves into your skin, as if you hardly notice. The way John’s cock feels as he has his way with your fluttering cunt is too good to even put into words. You have to remind yourself to breathe while he speaks to you.
“Fuck, you take me so well, princess. I didn’t take you for a good little slut, who’s my slut?”
Gritting your teeth, his tip brushed your cervix, and that will certainly give you an aching feeling tomorrow. You don’t want to admit anything to this monster. But his fist tightens at the roots of your hair, sending pain down your scalp right as his other hand reaches your clit and draws quick circles on it.
“I asked you something, sweetheart. Now fucking answer me.”
“I’m your slut! I’m your slut!” You repeat out, shame fills your belly as you give in to John’s desires, and he giggles in return.
“What an obedient girl you are.” John praises, his thrusts become slower, more passionate even, as if he’s rewarding you for answering him. Somehow, the slower and more sensual movement of his dick feels even better, especially with John incorporating those finger movements on your clit.
“Stop fuckin’ cleanin’, you’re doing a shit job anyway.” John grunts, swatting the brush out of your tiny hands and flipping your body over like a ragdoll. I mean, he’s not wrong, he just doesn’t have to be a dick about it.
“You think you can take me? You’ve been doin’ a good job so far. Better than cleaning, you got a talent for letting me fuck you like this.” John’s words are almost garbled and incoherent but you’re too afraid to shake your head. Before you can even respond, he shoves your cut up panties into your mouth, covering your lips with those calloused large hands, much to your dismay.
You muffle loudly, an attempted “What the fuck?!”, but he only snickered before pumping his cock back into your cunt, lifting your legs so your ankles could have resembled earmuffs on him. Your eyes roll back. He’s so fucking deep, John’s hand moved from your mouth to your throat, restricting your oxygen intake by squeezing as he fucks into you. Using you as his little play thing. Your sticky sweat coated flesh smacks against another, sending the sound throughout the house, along with your softened moans and whimpers.
“Your cunt belongs to me. Got it, bitch?” John asks, these things he is saying to you are fucking terrible, but you can’t help but be excited when they come out. You nod and bite down on what used to be your thong as he continued to rub your wet nub and fuck you hard. Your sharp fingernails dub themselves into his bare thighs, which will definitely leave marks later.
John hisses, but continues plowing into you nonetheless.
“Cum for me. Do it before I change my mind.” John ordered. Say less.
He didn’t have to ask you twice. While your eyes cross, your pussy pulses around his dick, as you become undone under him. Your walls flutter and you whimper loudly, your climax unraveling and finally giving you that oh so satisfying release. John grunts over you.
“That’s it, cum for me, who’s making you cum?” He asks.
“You are! Shit- you are, John,” you mumble into your underwear as your cock drunk state leaves you unable to adjust your body.
John laughs at your undoing, pulling your thong out of your teeth and slipping out of your cunt. It doesn’t take long for him to use his immense strength to lift you up onto your knees, as he gives his slick cock a few jerks with his hand.
In a state of euphoria, you don’t question the man who just gave you a mind blowing orgasm. Your lips part, and he bites his lip as the tip of his dick reached the back of your throat. Your eyes widen as he moans, fingers gripping into your hair once more as he fucks into your mouth a bit more. It doesn’t take long before he climaxed, spurts of cum that you’re forced to take and swallow, like the naive little thing you are.
The things a girl will do to make sure rent is paid in full.
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The next few days are certainly something. There are scratches on your face and some light bruising here and there on your body from your, ahem, shift, with John the other night. A male coworker even asked if you had a sprained ankle or something from the way you were walking into the office the next morning.
How embarrassing.
And now you find yourself, checking your mail and getting your rent bill in for the upcoming month. You roll your eyes, tearing the envelope open as your little dog jumps up on your leg, excited that you have arrived home. You aimlessly scratch his head, setting the invoice on your kitchen counter before feeding your pet a scoop of food, and grabbing the checkbook.
It’s almost like it slipped your mind that John had actually acquired your apartment building.
John does many things, but he doesn’t bluff.
Your eyes scan the piece of paper as it hits you like a brick.
Thank you for your business. Please send your payment of: $0.00 by March 1st, 2024.
What the fuck?
The stack of a few thousand dollars stares at you from your desk, and you swallow the lump in your throat. Your mouth dries up when the words in scribbled writing at the bottom read:
See you next week, pretty girl.
xoxo, J.
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