#Kyogo DIE
My Kimetsu Academy Au Headcanons - Shinazugawa Kyogo
Previous Headcanons Link: Part 1
{} = Small character details/notes
() = My deeper thoughts or smth
Shinazugawa Kyogo - Like his canon self he did hurt his family at one point. He was a part of the police force but back when the kids were younger he went through a series of events that caused him to go off the rails for a bit.
He failed to save someone from dying and his older brother passed away around the same time. He was receiving countless pressure from co-workers and the media. They were destroying his character and painting him as the fault for what happened to the civilian.
All of these events caused him to delve into drinking and gambling.
This lasted for a few months and caused him to miss the birth of his youngest son. {Something he deeply regrets currently.} He didn’t realize the harm he was causing his family until the day he threw a bottle at Genya and Sanemi. The two received their facial scars from that incident.
It was at that moment that he realized the damage he was causing to himself and his family. In order to prevent himself from causing his family more harm he decided to start living with a friend until he could sort himself out. {A long process of rehab and therapy later…and I mean much later.}
He eventually moved back in with his family. It took some time for his kids and his wife to trust him again but they got there. His oldest children Sanemi and Genya took longer to forgive him? than the younger ones. They were most weary of him but they did forgive him at some point in the future. But not without threatening to get rid of him if he were to slip up again. {Forgive but never forget.}
Kyogo eventually got promoted to police chief despite the horrendous media backlash he received in his youth. He currently has a great relationship with his kids and wife. 
{Alcohol is banned from their home.}
(Just so we’re clear, I don't like Canon Kyogo, that bitch can kiss my ass and die. In my AU Kyogo is meant to be a flawed character that made bad life choices. Just because he had reasons for his mistreatment of his children and abuse of alcohol it doesn’t mean it was okay. Kyogo didn’t get forgiven in an instant nor did he have to be forgiven.)
In my AU Kyogo didn't beat his wife or kids. He drank at home and went out to gamble sometimes so he mostly neglected his children. (Which is still not okay.) He had never laid a hand on them or injured them until the night he threw the bottle at Genya and Sanemi.
To make up for his past transgressions, Kyogo {In the present.} dotes on his children. He doesn’t make it a show to publicly display his affections; he just does it in his own way. {Ex.) He puts in the effort to make characters for his kid’s bentos, gives them extra money, pats them on the head, and cuddles with them.} I legit have no idea if this counts as doting behavior, I'm basing this off my own experiences with a closed-off parent. T-T
Yes. He very much still does this to his first and second born. Sanemi doesn’t let him cuddle him, just head pats if anything but Genya lets his dad dote on him a bit more whenever he visits home. {Especially since he moved in with Sanemi. The white-haired bastard has been cold to Genya recently and the baby doesn’t know why.}
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nerosdayinanime · 1 year
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Shinazugawa head family! (whos still alive at least, minus Kyogo)
I dont have anything like. history/folklore/origin myth for them yet but present-time the Shinazugawa clan is generally known as barbaric and merciless in their endeavors and lifestyle. They train children from the moment they learn to walk and expected to give their life to help the clan, Kyogo as clan head (was) the latest link in the long line of war-mongers who thought that more land = better and used the clan as fodder to get more riches & reputation.
Said reputation was not improved by the clan's kekkei genkai, an ability to consume chakra and absorb it for their own use. the 'consumtion' is infamously mistaken as just plain cannibalism, because the most common method of getting another's chakra is from the source. Users who have the kekkei genkai have englarged fangs, slit pupils, and when the ability is activated, dark sclera. Those who carry the gene for it (even if they dont have it) have sharper canines and their pupils can stretch to slits.
the Kochos were in some deep shit with a lightning-natured clan & agreed to a marriage alliance in turn for protection, thus Shizu got stuck with him. It was almost good at first because Kyogo thought he could trust her with his back, but he decided she was too weak to do that and she turned into a glorified paper pusher.
Shizu was still a hard worker and did her damn best to make life even a little bit easier for those she saw, and when she had children she tried to shield them from the horrors the best she could. when she couldn't she'd at least be there to comfort them.
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Teiko was the first child to die- she was being trained by Shizu as a medic since Kocho are well versed in iryo-jutsu, but Kyogo had her sent with a patrol group in one of the more contested areas and she was killed in the fight.
Koto was second- he was brought to a border battle and was subsequently killed in action.
Shuya was last- he was sent on a mission with Sanemi and a few other clansmen, it went south very fast and Sanemi couldn't save him.
When Sanemi got home after that to give a mission report, Kyogo completely waved it off as the usual casualties and was generally disrespectful and dismissive about it. Sanemi finally snapped. He started laughing & Kyogo told Shizu to get her kid under control, but she was still in shock processing that another of her children were killed. When he slapped her Sanemi went into a fit of rage and enhanced his muscles with chakra and sent his fist right through his chest.
After all that chaos was processed and settled out, Sanemi was then the new clan head. He his mother and a few trusted advisors set about fixing a lot of shit wrong with the clan and set about improving relations with the surrounding clans.
Kumeno were wary about the sudden change in authority but weren't adverse to Sanemi being head, Kocho were very glad that 1 they were still allied even tho Kyogo's dead 2 they still get protection & 3 that they're trying to change the deeply violent & toxic culture within the clan
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racingliners · 1 year
tagged by @robholdingprotocol, tysm mika!! 💖
Rules: 🎶 Put 5 songs you’re listening to at the moment, then tag 5-10 followers to do the same 🎶
mainly been listening to instrumentals/scores while I’ve been studying, but I have been dabbling into some of my other playlists now and then!
Feet Don’t Fail Me Now - Joy Crookes
You Only Live Twice - Royal Philharmonic Orchestra
Another Way to Die - Royal Philharmonic Orchestra
Violent Thing - Ben Dolic
Night on The Yorktown - Michael Giacchino
tagging (only if you want!!): @dieschwartzman @jabbubab @vettelracing @kyogos @gingervivilou @scrumandf1 and @alpinierre
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gorotic · 1 year
I would die for you I would lie for you kewp it REALL with you my babbuuuyyy ahhhhh wooooo
im listening to that album riht now and did you know he released the deluxe??? its literalyl just remixes that've already been released ]my clown ass thought there would be songs that were scrapped for the original album completed or redone on this but no! theres not. the daft punk kyogo starboy remix is the one i like the best but its okay im fine
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bostrichidae · 9 months
runaways au chapter 1: gray
so this is chapter 1 of that au i came up with a little while ago! yes i'm actually committing to writing something. this will never happen again
uhh cw for: blood, murder, sanemi's backstory, somewhat graphic descriptions of dead people, su!c!dal thoughts, more blood, self hatred, mentioned past child abuse, even more blood, and um. he's a bit messed up in the brain. but dw a "therapist" (giyuu) will arrive soon
chapter starts under the break
His vision filled with gray.
Not a single color.
Not the purple of his brother’s yukata, not the yellow of Mother’s kimono, not the vivid hues of the sky as the sun rose.
Not the red of the blood dripping from his arms and face.
Only cold, unfeeling gray. Like the knife he used to kill her.
Gray like the robe of his father.
Only gray.
He should be seeing something. Something bright. The sun is coming up. His brother is with him. So is Mother. But something is wrong.
Mother is not awake. Her body is crumbling. Why is her body crumbling? Why had she killed them? Was that even Mother?
His brother is sobbing, holding onto Mother’s body. He doesn’t hear any of it, the ringing in his ears and his own heartbeat drowning out everything else.
One word cuts through the noise.
No, he wasn’t a murderer. He was just protecting them, he was killing a threat, he didn’t want to kill Mother, he didn’t mean to.
This isn’t what he wanted.
Something was building up in his eyes. A pressure of sorts.
Tears. He was tearing up. Mother was lying dead on the ground as Genya desperately clutched at her crumbling body. And Sanemi had killed her. This was his fault. He was dangerous. He didn’t want Genya to be hurt by him again. Genya was all he had left.
If Genya were to be safe, then Sanemi could no longer be with him.
So he ran.
Genya was calling out to him. Sanemi didn’t hear it, but he was fully aware of it. Salty tears dripped into his facial wounds, but there was no pain. There was only the cold numbness.
Numb, just like the gray that clouded his vision. The trees did not shine green. The pale sky did not appear blue. There was only gray. The blood that dripped into his eyes was not red. Why wasn’t it red? It was always so red when it flowed from Mother’s arms. When Sumi cut her hand on a broken glass bottle. When the bodies of five of his little siblings lay dead on the floor, fresh blood seeping into the wooden boards.
He tripped over a root, his face making contact with the dirt.
And all the pain came rushing back to him.
His face stung with a thousand cuts full of dirt, his arms feeling even worse. The muscles of his right hand ached as his grip of the knife slowly loosened. 
His siblings were dead. Sumi, Hiroshi, Teiko, Koto, and Shuya. He would never see them again. Never hear their laughs as Sumi and Hiroshi chased each other in their small yard. They were just… gone. At least they had Mother with them in the afterlife. Mother. He had killed Mother.
Oh shit.
No. No no no.
He WAS a murderer.
This was his fault. If he’d never gone out to look for Mother, then maybe…
Damn it.
If he could’ve been just a little faster, a little stronger;
If Sanemi was a better person, maybe he could’ve saved them.
But he wasn’t. Sanemi was just like his father, Kyogo. A useless bastard with no reason to live. And just like Kyogo, he was going to die alone. He had no purpose.
But the thought of death was comforting. Maybe, if he died right then and there, he could atone for his sins and see his siblings again. After all, there was no one left.
Sanemi’s hand shook as he gripped the knife like a vice. It would be so easy. He deserved to die. His right hand, the one with the knife, slowly made its way up to his neck. He was trembling like a leaf in the wind, heavy breathing giving way to hyperventilation. The blade inched closer to his skin, and Sanemi’s eyes drifted shut.
But no matter how hard he tried, he just couldn’t do it. Something was stopping him. Someone.
A crying boy, with a scar mirroring his own, desperately clutching to Mother as she faded.
His sweet little brother.
If he died, who would protect Genya? If he died, what would happen to him? Even if they couldn’t be near each other, Sanemi still loved his brother with all his heart. Even if Genya hated him for what he had done.
Even if Sanemi didn’t deserve to, he had to live. He had to do it for Genya. And in that moment, Sanemi swore he would do whatever it took to keep his little brother out of harm’s way. Even if it meant pushing him away. Even if Genya hated him for it. He would do anything to ensure Genya would never be hurt again.
The knife fell from his hand, and Sanemi collapsed onto the ground. The tears still would not stop, but he didn’t care. He had a new purpose- or rather, a twisted version of his previous one. He would keep Genya safe. He would kill those creatures for him. Because if Sanemi didn’t kill them, who would? 
Sanemi knew what he had to do.
This was the last thought that came to him before he drifted to sleep, his physical and emotional exhaustion eventually getting the better of him.
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feyenoord-1908 · 9 months
Feyenoord loot Atlético Madrid, Lazio Roma en Celtic voor groepsfase Champions League
Atlético Madrid, Lazio Roma en Celtic zijn de tegenstanders van Feyenoord in de groepsfase van de Champions League, het toernooi waarin de Rotterdammers na zes jaar terugkeren. Dat heeft de loting van donderdagavond in Monaco uitgewezen. Feyenoord gaat spelen in Poule E.
Feyenoord was ingedeeld in Pot 1, en liep zo ploegen als Bayern München, Paris Saint-Germain en titelverdediger Manchester City mis. Met clubs als Real Madrid, Internazionale en Arsenal bleven er echter genoeg grootmachten over. Onder het oog van algemeen directeur Dennis te Kloese werd Feyenoord dus aan die andere ploeg uit Madrid gekoppeld.
De eerste wedstrijd wordt door Feyenoord op woensdag gespeeld. Of dat uit of thuis is, wordt later bekendgemaakt.
Voor David Hancko was het de eerste keer dat hij naar de Champions League-loting keek terwijl zijn club daar onderdeel van was. "Het wordt moeilijk, maar we wonnen hier vorig jaar van Lazio", laat hij weten in een eerste reactie. "Celtic en Atlético zijn ook grote clubs, maar we gaan uiteraard het beste van onszelf laten zien. Laten zien dat we verder zijn dan vorig jaar."
Atlético Madrid stond drie keer in de finale van de Champions League, maar verloor ze allemaal. In 1974 van Bayern München, in 2014 en 2016 van stadsgenoot Real. Wel won Atleti deze eeuw al drie keer de Europa League en eveneens drie keer de UEFA Supercup. De laatste was in 2019, sindsdien bleef Europees succes uit voor de ploeg van Diego Simeone.
De laatste keer dat Feyenoord en Atlético Madrid elkaar tegenkwamen, is nog niet gek lang geleden. 8 augustus 2021, de traditionele openingswedstrijd in De Kuip. In de eerste helft ging Yannick Carrasco volledig over de schreef, door na te trappen bij Tyrell Malacia en vervolgens Orkun Kökcü bij de keel te pakken. Na de wedstrijd kreeg Arne Slot nog een flinke duw te verwerken van trainer Simeone.
Atlético werd in 2021 voor het laatst kampioen van Spanje. Namen als Jan Oblak, Axel Witsel, Álvaro Morata en Antoine Griezmann prijken op de loonlijst van de ploeg uit de Spaanse hoofdstad. Hetzelfde geldt voor Memphis Depay, die op schitterende wijze scoorde in de eerste competitiewedstrijd van dit seizoen, tegen Granada.
Ook Lazio Roma is een nog niet zo oude bekende van Feyenoord. De Italianen waren vorig seizoen tegenstander van de Rotterdammers in de groepsfase van de Europa League. De uitkomst is welbekend: in Italië kreeg Feyenoord met 4-2 op de broek, in De Kuip verzekerde Feyenoord zich van groepswinst door de enige en dus winnende treffer van Santiago Giménez.
Beide ploegen komen elkaar nu dus weer tegen, dit maal in de groepsfase van de Champions League. Lazio werd vorig seizoen tweede in de Serie A, op grote afstand van kampioen Napoli. Die tweede plek was wel de beste eindklassering van Lazio in ruim twintig jaar. Het laatste optreden in de Champions League dateert uit begin 2021, toen Bayern München te sterk was in de achtste finale.
Qua spelers komt Feyenoord nagenoeg dezelfde selectie als vorig seizoen tegen, al zijn er natuurlijk wel een paar wijzigingen. Zo vertrok sterkhouder Sergej Milinkovic-Savic na acht jaar in Rome naar Saudi-Arabië. Lazio versterkte zich dan weer met aanvaller Gustav Isaksen van FC Midtjylland, die ook bij Feyenoord op het lijstje stond.
De vierde ploeg in Poule E is dus Celtic. De éénvoudig Champions League-winnaar is de laatste jaren vaste klant van het miljoenenbal. Afgelopen seizoen werd het voor de 53ste keer kampioen van Schotland. Feyenoord kent de club natuurlijk uit het verleden. In 1970 wonnen de Rotterdammers hun enige Europacup 1 door Celtic in de finale met 2-1 te verslaan.
Bij de Schotten staat routinier Joe Hart op doel, maar de ogen zijn vooral gericht op spits Kyogo Furuhashi. De makkelijk scorende Japanner heeft een neusje voor de goal. Met twee doelpunten en een assist in de competitie dit seizoen is hij de belangrijkste speler voor de ploeg uit Schotland.
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mysticdragon3md3 · 1 year
Date Masamune Daley Wong Motoko Kusanagi Jakotsu Toru Shiro & Saya Monou Toya Kinomoto & Yukito Tsukishiro Tomoyo Daidouji Subaru Sumeragi & Seishiro Sakurazuka Utena Tenjou & Anthy Himemiya Juri Arisugawa & Shiori Takatsuki Suletta Mercury & Miorine Rembran Kenjiro Hato Sailor Uranus & Sailor Neptune Fatora Venus & Alielle
Have these poor otaku not heard of Date Masamune? Famously bisexual historical figure with MANY anime and videogame portrayals? Half his dialogue with Sanada Yukimura in "Sengoku Basara" (2009-2011) is just flirting. Heck, last year, I saw a little kids' anime with a Date Masamune cat whose whole gimmick is having a crush on the male main character cat! I just watched episode 6 to refresh my memory, and Masamunya is daydreaming about marrying Nyanpire!
And what about Daley Wong? He is canonically gay. Do otaku these days not know about "Bubblegum Crisis"???? That was standard issue anime watching when I got into anime! A fundamental scifi series! It even got a remake, "Bubblegum Crisis 2040", which didn't change Daley's openly gay status.
Motoko Kusanagi from "Ghost in the Shell" is canonically gay. The movies may skip over that, but the longer format series usually show her girlfriends or have her coworkers mention what a womanizer she is. I'm a little confused about that episode where she talked about having a childhood crush on a boy---the one who was hesitant about getting a prosthetic body because they weren't dexterous enough to make origami cranes at the time---while the rest of the series seems to portray her as a lesbian. So I'm not 100% sure if she's gay or bi.
There's also Jakotsu from Inuyasha. Not a regular character, but part of the Shichinintai (Band of Seven) who were reoccurring antagonists for several episodes until they were defeated. Maybe a little stereotypey, but a canonically openly gay anime character.
CLAMP has several gay couples. Unfortunately they do like to use them for tragedy, unrequited love, and the "bury your gays" trope.
We've got "X" (series known as "X/1999" in English localization) with Toru and Saya. A lesbian couple so in love that when it was prophesied that Toru would die, giving birth to the Sacred Sword at the Togakushi Shrine, Saya found a loophole, married the Shinto priest at Togakushi Shrine to ensure she would constantly be at that location, and thus became the one who died instead of Toru, giving birth to the Sacred Sword. I think the anime changed things so that Saya said she fell in love with her husband Kyogo Monou instead, or downplayed her feelings for Toru, or something I'm misremembering, but I grew up with CLAMP's manga, and that's what I go by. Besides, the plot later explains that the whole reason Saya's spirt ended up in the Sea of Tears is because she married a man she didn't love, while fully knowing that she was in love with another woman instead.
"Cardcaptor Sakura" has several queer couples. We've got Toya and Yukito. The teacher Toya dated before Yukito, could see the future, and she specifically broke up with Toya because she foresaw he would fall in love more deeply with Yukito in the future. And when she and Toya met again, she asked Toya if he was happy (being with Yukito), and he said yes. Unless I'm misremembering, the manga also has a panel or 2 explaining that Tomoyo was coincidentally repeating her mother's unrequited sapphic crush on Sakura's mother, by she herself having an unrequited sapphic crush on Sakura. But I just checked the Wiki and there was apparently a lot of weird editing mistakes in the manga that made Tomoyo seem straight, and then CLAMP had to use several interviews and future manga issues to clear up that Tomoyo's crush was actually on Sakura. O.o
I've had "Tokyo Babylon" on my shelf for years, but haven't finished the manga or the anime disks that I bought. lol But from my understanding, that whole series is steeped in the crush between the male leads, Subaru and Seishiro. And then it culminates in "X", because that series was a crossover continuation of several CLAMP series. During "Tokyo Babylon", Seishiro has this hidden omen running in his family about being destined to be killed by the person he loves the most. Within "X", Seishiro is killed by Subaru.
And how can we forget "Revolutionary Girl Utena"? Even if the series doesn't outright state them as gay, the whole series is built around their romance and then the movie has them out-right kiss. And it's not an accident situation or an animation that happens for only 2 frames, or something. It's an actual, romantic kiss, center-frame, as the resolution of that movie. Also Juri and Shiori are doing some unrequited things that I can't remember. But I remember Shiori being kind of toxic in the movie, like she was trying to make Juri jealous?
Speaking of Utena, "Gundam: the Witch From Mercury" is often compared to following Utena's outline, right down to the sapphic couple at the center. The series is still going, and I haven't been able to watch all the episodes so far, but if they truly homage Utena, they will advance from all their romance tropes between Suletta and Miorine, into hopefully an outright declaration of queer love. Here's hoping. <3
Can we count Kenjiro Hato from "Genshiken: Second Generation"? Because I don't know if they're "canonically" queer or not. Do we count them as "canonically" queer if they don't state they're queer? So much of that series is Hato still trying to figure out how they feel about crossdressing, about Harunobu Madarame, and being a fudanshi. I can't remember if Hato ever came to terms with any conclusions about themself. I can't remember if Hato ever definitely stated being in love with Madarame, or just spent all that time not quite understanding their own feelings. Is Hato a trans egg? Or is Hato genderfluid? Or did they just never figure that out about themself? Does Hato still identify as "male" by the end of the series? I don't remember! (But I'm sorry the series framed how Yoshitake treated you as a joke, because that was really uncomfortable.)
And how did I forget Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune? So famously gay, that when the first English dub tried to censor their relationship for the localization, it just turned into awkward "cousin loving cousin" dubs.
Almost forgot Princess Fatora and Alielle from "El Hazard: The Magnificent World". One of the first isekai genre series I watched. Fatora doesn't appear for most of the series, since she is a prisoner of the antagonists. But her girlfriend, Alielle, is in most of the OAV series. I remember them being very clearly lesbians, and after Fatora is rescued, I think they spent a lot of the sequel series chasing around the other girls in the cast.
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pepirandom · 3 years
What are your favorite kny characters and what are your least favorites?
O this is unexpected and welcoming!
um its not a surprise but my 3 fav characters are Genya, Mitsuri and Gyomei, as per demons i would say Douma, Gyokko and Daki (plus Guytaro)
Least favorite MMMMMM yea first place Kyogo, Muzan cus yeah and this Slasher dude like why do you exist jsbjasjasj
YEAH i thinks thats it THANKS FOR THE ASK ANON!
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thatringboy · 2 years
i am no good with literature (and English isnt my first language) so a lot of nuance often goes over my head and while i enjoy your writing a LOT, could you give me a run down on the ”depths” of your au characters?
You are 100% fine and your english is better than mine sometimes lol (and I never pass up a moment to talk about FS&S)
The most simple way to describe my characters is that they are all fouls for each other, meaning that they all are “two sides of the same coin”. The easiest example of this would be Nezuko and Sanemi
Both of them lost their father and little siblings by demons, being just too late to save them and the surviving family members were irreversibly changed. To save themselves from drowning in survivor’s guilt and vengeance, they become the best Demon Slayers they can be
Of course, we know this is where their stories diverge. Nezuko had already lost her mother by now and had experienced the grief and trauma that came with that. And she had Tanjiro (+ a new life goal) to cushion the fall. Nezuko made herself busy by training to distract herself from her losses, but we see that even now, 2 1/2 years later, that she still carries her family with her.
Sanemi is different. He grew up around the dangers of demons and had strong, involved parents. He is the eldest son, the heir to the Shinazugawa name that his father married into and he is the Tsugoku to his mother, the Wind Hashira. Yet he comes home from Final Selection to find all but one of his little siblings dead and his father a demon. He kills his own father, only realizing later that his father had no blood on his face and his mother Shizu, who had gone through the recent trauma of discovering Sun Breathing, resents him for it. Shizu becomes a hermit in her own home and Sanemi’s last living brother Genya is permanently scarred and often is berated by his mother as she fails to accept all her losses
On top of all those losses, only a few months after finally becoming a Hashira, Sabito - the lover of his childhood crush - dies and Giyuu also shuts himself off from the world. Sanemi is made leader of the Hashira in Sabito’s place just as Genya hits puberty and the age to begin his training. The brothers discover that Genya isn’t even strong enough to swing a sword properly, meaning that his prospects in the family business just vanished
So Sanemi has survivor’s guilt + the guilt of killing his father + the daily verbal abuse from his mother + the responsibility of leading the Pillars + being a shield for Genya and he’s only 20
In comes Nezuko Kamado, a girl with survivor’s guilt + guilt of letting her brother become a demon + grief of loosing her mother at a vulnerable age + the responsibility of keeping Tanjiro’s demonic side in check + a burning desire to kill the King of Demons. She’s only been a Demon Slayer for a month maybe and she had already faced a Lower Moon and was just pardoned by the Master for letting a demon live. Sanemi meets her again two months later on the Mugen Train and she’s asking about Fire Breathing, which is suspiciously close to Sun Breathing. She tells him her life story and he realizes how close it is to his own
Then Akaza puts the two of them into the dream realm and they relive their trauma violently. Then Sanemi battles Rui and loses brutally. Then Nezuko screams about how by not letting any civilians die, Sanemi was actually the victor. He calls her over and gives his speech about how even though Nezuko feels like she’s losing everything all over again, she would be okay because she’s a stronger version of Sanemi
Nezuko won’t know what this means until she meets Shizu and Genya
The nuance, the depth of these characters is how similar their trauma is and how one choice changed everything. Nezuko protected Tanjiro from Shinobu and saved him while Sanemi killed Kyogo before realizing his innocence. The theme of Sun, Wind & Ice (Part 1) is the duality of man and living with trauma (which is the overall theme of the entire au) and this is found in all I said above
Of course, not every character has the same story. Inosuke is a foil for Nezuko and Zenitsu because while they lost their families to demons, Inosuke is aware that he has no major loss motivating him and that is his motivator
Douma and Tanjiro are also foils. Tanjiro is a demon who has his human memories and has to chose to fight his primal urges to protect people. Douma is a human raised by demons to be an assassin who chooses to protect the Kibutsuji family for no other reason than he sees them as a safer insurance option (at least that’s what he tells himself)
Rui is a foil for many characters. He’s a foil for Sanemi who refused to join his demon family despite how he grieves for his own. He’s a foil for Nezuko and how spider demons have appeared in nearly all of her major battles and are responsible for some of her trauma. He’s a foil for Shinobu who lost her two sisters to the spider father demon that only Nezuko could kill (and other reasons that would be spoilers to delve into)
Even the two wives/matriarchs of the au are foils. Rei, the Master’s wife, is snarky and witty, unafraid to challenge her husband and present new ideas to him. Then there’s Amane, the wife of the King of Demons. She was raised to be his wife since she was an infant and this is reflected in her stone cold persona and unyielding loyalty to her husband. Similar yet oh so different
There are many more foils in my writing that deserve their own separate essay, but I really hope that this helps explain what you are confused about
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thesabersin · 4 years
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This is a Demon Skayer OC I created, named Kyogo Shiba. |Age| Formal: 15 Actual Age: 55 years |Origin| Kyogo Shiba used to be a demon slayer, and used to slay demons using the art called Breath of Lava. One day, while fighting a powerful demon, one of his allies were about to get decapitated by the hulking monster's claws. That was when Kyogo stepped in and pushed his ally aside, while blocking the attack from the demon at the same time. However, his defense wasn't enough, and he was thrown back by the demon and was hit by a large boulder, where he ended up getting knocked out. While he was knocked unconscious, his allies were finally able to defeat the powerful demon and went to recover Kyogo. Little did they know, when Kyogo blocked the attack from the demon, he scrapped it's large fingers with his sword, and it's blood flew onto a cut on his forehead. While one his allies were carrying him to find some help, he felt something sharp and pinch the back of his neck. He turned around to see horns that have grown on Kyogo's head. Utter shock struck everyone as they realized that their fellow demon slayer, has become a demon. Kyogo awoke and started to act ramped, attempting to attack his allies. Eventually, one of them was able to pin him to the ground. They then started to cry out to Kyogo, pleading him to remember who he is. After a while of begging and crying, Kyogo was finally able to regain his memories. When he got up, he looked at his hands, and saw that they have gotten more pale. He then touched his face and felt something unnatural. That's when he realized that what he was feeling, were horns, which meant that he was a demon. Horrified, he ran away from his allies, never to see them again. After becoming a demon, his life became a dark place. He was lonely, and depressed, and because he was a demon, he wasn't allowed to go out in the sun anymore, which made his life miserable. Time after time, he would witness tragic events where innocent people would be attacked by demons, and then turned into demons themselves. A few times, he would see those same demons be hunted and killed by the cruel demon slayers, who take pleasure into killing "those rotten creatures" Overtime, a hidden hatred for demon slayers started to grow within him. Combined with the despair he was living in, he was only getting angrier, and his hatred grew stronger. One day, he finally gave in to the weight in his heart, and saw Demon slayers as nothing more but unforgivable people who see tragedies, as monsters. He hated how demon slayers had no sympathy for these creatures who were forced to live like this. He understood that these demons needed to be killed, but he was frustrated on how demon slayers only kill demons, not because they need to, but because they believe they deserve to die. He hates how they scoff irrationally at these poor creatures instead of keeping their mouth shut at least. After years and years of living in hell, letting the anger build up, and constantly seeing the things he hates, he decided to make a choice that would change his life forever. He would become a demon who hunts demon slayers. He would search for demon slayers and watch how they slay demons. If they mock the demons or shout angry words at them, he would swoop in and confront them, and ask why they wanted to become a demon slayer. If they give him a poor answer, like saying they wanted to kill demons because they deserve to die, then he would kill them by decapitating them with his sword. If they gave him a valid reason, like saying that they want to protect people demons, then he would let them go. If they give him a reason that's sort of in the middle, like saying words that show you their reasoning, but also shows you their pure hatred for them, then he would let them live, but not after marking them on their forehead with this word. 偽this means fake or false in Japanese. Symbolizing how they aren't worthy of being a demon slayer. One of the problems he had after becoming a demon was that he had partially forgotten his martial art, Breath of Lava. So he had to rely on his basic swordsmanship skills to kill other demon slayers. However, after exchanging in a fight with Tanjiro, he manages to regain his memories and awakens Breath of Lava. Despite having a grudge against demon slayers, he's still willing to kill other demons without hesitation. The only difference is that he has a better understanding of the demons he kills, and doesn't mock them while he's about to slay them. Kyogo's existence was eventually acknowledged by the public, calling him "The Demon Slayer Slayer" or "The Demon Demon Slayer". |Personality| When he was human, Kyogo had a personality similar to Tanjiro's, having a very kindhearted and warm personality, and was respectful to his superiors. He was very mindful and cautious in dire situations, and was very calculated, being able to predict his enemies move and was able to quickly adapt and find their weaknesses. He's very responsible, and possesses leadership abilities, including a leader like mindset. He has such great determination and wont stop at nothing to achieve his goal. He isn't really prideful, and actually has an inferiority complex, believing that his abilities aren't enough to accomplish some tasks, and always points out the flaws within other people. When fighting demons, he's always tenacious and determined to defeat his foe, but he doesn't start spouting insults while in battle. He has some respect for some demons, whether if they gave him a good fight, or if he new they had a sad backstory to how they became a demon. He's very sympathetic, even to demons, and has such empathy to everyone, even to the people he hates. He's very understanding and always listens to people, and when someone's distressed, he would do his best to comfort them. He always tries to control his emotions and tries his best not to get angry, but when he does get angry, it's usually over justified reasons, and he would try to reason with the problem instead of shouting or insulting others. This all changed when he became a demon. Now he always wears a serious look on his face, and is always serious about things. Although he's not as kindhearted as before, he does know when to be more gentle or soft in some occasions. He's straight forward, blunt, bold, and is usually calm and nonchalant. He isn't afraid to insult others if he has a bad impression of them, and he insults people while retaining his calm and nonchalant attitude without showing any signs of irritation, although he does get slightly irritated from time to time. Unlike before, he doesn't have a problem with showing his inner emotions, whether it's anger, frustration, irritation, animosity, or hatred. He doesn't immediately show respect for someone, where as they have to earn it. If the person he meets acts pathetic or pitiful, he immediately loses all respect for them, and disregards them for the sad creature they are. When he gets angry, he starts shouting and screaming and starts to insult, scoff, or mock people who are the source of his anger. He acts very passionate and prideful in an angry fashion when he's fighting someone, always keeping that unstoppable determination within him. When his intense rage is pushed beyond it's limits, he goes berserk and becomes out of control. Screaming non stop and rapidly attacking his opponent while showing no signs of stopping. Despite all of this, there is a soft side of him that never left him. When he gets emotional, he starts to cry softly. Inside of that shell of internal anger and hatred of a demon, is the despair of a suffering man. All this time, he's hated being a demon. He wishes to take back all of the blood he's shed, and wants redemption for the sins he's committed. He wishes he could meet his friends again, he wishes he could be human again, he wishes he wasn't the one suffering, and forced to live in despair. This side of him is exposed when he's forced to confront himself in front of Tanjiro, where he cries out his inner feelings. |Powers and Abilities| With the combined power of being an ex demon slayer and being a demon himself, Kyogo has a wide range of powers and abilities. Super Strength: Kyogo possesses inhuman strength, being able to smash concrete with his fist and can even crush a persons skull. He has enough strength to knock someone back a few feet, or even punch them hard enough that they're organs will explode. Super Speed: Kyogo is extremely fast. He's fast enough to be on par with Tanjiro, and can doge or maneuver around large attacks that any normal human would find impossible to do. He's fast enough to quickly dash to a long distance within a second, and can even bounce around trees by constantly jumping on them. Super Reflexes: His reflexes are a little better than Tanjiro's so to speak. He can quickly doge attacks that are coming at him within a blink of an eye, and can even doge attacks that are coming at him from his blind spots. This is due to his super senses. He's also good at predicting someone's attacks. Super Senses: With the combination of his demon form and his past training, his senses have gone beyond anyone's senses within the demon slayer universe. This includes enhanced hearing, enhanced smell, enhanced sense of touch, and enhanced eye sight. Out of all of his powers and abilities, his enhanced senses are by far the most powerful abilities he has. With his hearing, if he were to close his eyes, he can actually use it for echolocation. His sense of hearing is so good, that even in pure darkness, he's still able to see everything with his hearing. By listening to the vibrations bouncing off of his surroundings, he can easily figure out the shapes of the things around him. He can also listen to things that are miles and miles away from him, and still know the shape of them. His hearing is so sharp that he can hear the sound of a fly landing on a leaf from miles away, and he could still tell it's shape. He can even tell what someone is thinking or planning by listening to their heartbeat, or their blood flow. He can even see someone's internal organs just by listening. With his enhanced smell, he can tell the difference in smell even if the smell is mixed with so many other smells. His sense of smell is actually better than Tanjiro's, as he's able to smell the shape of something just by redirecting the smell that's being produced by the object or being. Like Tanjiro, he can read people's emotions just by smelling them, but his sense of smell is more unique, as he's able to not only sense someone's emotions, but their own thoughts. He's also capable of smelling someone's internal organs, and can see if they have injuries. With his enhanced sense of touch, he can feel the vibrations within the air, just like Inosuke, except much more advanced. If he were to keep his eyes closed, he would still be able to see the everything in his surroundings in such clear vision, as if his eyes were always open. What's interesting is that the limit to how far he can detect vibrations is unknown, since vibrations within the air are constantly touching other vibrations, and Kyogo can follow these vibrations to far lengths until he finds what he needs. He's also capable of seeing someone's internal organs by feeling the small vibrations being created by the persons organs. And finally, his enhanced eye sight. With this, he can actually see the vibrations within the air, or even the trail of smell something leaves behind. He's able to see at almost microscopic level, and can see even the smallest reflection off of the smallest things, like seeing light bounce of a grain of dirt. Since he can see the vibrations within the air, this also means that he sees in a 360 perspective. He can also read someone's thoughts by closely examining their expressions, or examining their small body movements. He can even see small internal injuries or even see right through them. Flexibility: Kyogo is very flexible, being able to lift his leg all the way to his head without any tension, or rap the back of his head entirely with his arms. Regeneration: Kyogo possesses amazing regeneration. His regeneration is so fast that he can regenerate cut off limbs in an instant. Enhanced Endurance: Kyogo possesses immense endurance, where he can take a beating that leaves him soaked in blood, with 5 broken ribs and a split ulna, and still have the will and energy to keep fighting at 100%. Enhanced Stamina: Kyogo can prolong a fight for hours without showing signs of giving up, and can sprint for miles beyond miles and never get tired. |Blood Demon Arts| Red Core Burst: He concentrates all of his power within his arm, and then his arm and hand starts to glow orange like lava, while cracking at the same time, exposing the bright hot magma within him. He then punches his target which creates a powerful shock wave that destroys his surroundings. This attack is almost instant kill. Magma Blood Burst: This attack involves Kyogo shooting hot lava out of his hands like a fire hose. The problem with this is that in order to use it, it needs to break through his own skin, which can ultimately cause permanent scaring, or even do fatal damage to himself. However, he manages to overcome this flaw when he evolves during a fight with the pillars and his regeneration becomes stronger. Melting Floor: Kyogo places his hands on the ground, and stores up all of his power into his hands, heating them up to the point where the entire ground, including his surroundings, starts to melt at such incredible speed. Instant Burning Blows: His arms start to glow and crack up, and then he starts to throw extremely fast consecutive punches at his opponent. Each punch is very strong, but not nearly as strong as Red Core Burst. Kyogo can increase his body heat to the point where he'll melt his surroundings. |Breath of Lava techniques| 1st Style: Shallow Lava Strike Kyogo creates a single concentrated slash. 2nd Style: Falling Molten Slash Kyogo jumps over and behind his opponent before slicing them non vertically. 3rd Style: Eruption Split Kyogo creates a large downward slash that splits the ground. 4th Style: Magma Ring Outburst Kyogo spins around while swinging his sword around in various directions to create 360 attack. 5th Style: Exploding Rising Strike Kyogo creates a large upward slash with a large radius. This form can be used with no footing.6th Style: Whirling Lava Kyogo spins around twice to slice two opponents 6th Style: Whirling Lava 6 fold: An enhanced version of the 6th Style, where Kyogo spins around 6 times to slash up multiple enemies. 7th Style: Double DevastationKyogo creates two slashes. One above and one below. 8th Style: Volcanic Rush Kyogo charges at his opponent while creating consecutive slashes. 9th Style: Bouncing Blast Disaster Kyogo jumps around his surroundings while constantly slashing his opponent.10th Style: Total Devastation Kyogo's sword starts to glow like magma, and then unleashes a barrage of extreme attacks that are so powerful, they destroy his surroundings. 11th Style: Spinning Calamity Burst: A style created by Kyogo himself, where he uses two swords and charges at his opponent while spinning on his side at the same time, using two of his swords to spin him around.
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waha-no-baka · 5 years
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Hanazakari no kimitachi e # Bloc Technique Titre original : 花ざかりの君たちへ, Hanazakari no kimitachi e Autres titres : hana kimi, parmis eux Genre : comédie, lycée, amour, amitié Auteur : Nakojo Hisaya dans le manga hana kimi ou parmis eux (dispo en france) Réalisation : Matsuda Shigeruchi, Tsuzuki Junichi, Sato Genta Pays d’origine : Japon Chaine de diffusion : Fuji Television Nombre de saisons : 1 Nombre d’épisodes : 12 épisodes un SP une emission Durée : 54 minutes Date de diffusion : 3 juillet 2007 – 18 septembre 2007 (2008 pour le SP) Site Web officiel : Musique : Opening : Ikenai Taiyou – Orange Range; Ending : Peach – Ai Ōtsuka # Mon Synopsis Ashiya Mizuki , une jeune japonaise de 16 ans vit avec ses parents aux USA. Quand elle apprend que Sano Izumi, un champion de saut en hauteur dont elle est réellement fan ne sautera plus, elle fuit au Japon pour integrer le même lycée que lui afin de le remotiver. Seulement le lycée en question est un lycée pour monsieur… Mais bon, ça ne va pas la déranger !!! Puisqu’elle va se travestir en gars et se faire passer pour tel… Et au final, elle va partager la chambre de son idole et vivre une vie de lycéen pas tout a fait normal… Oui, dans ce lycée, ça ne se passe pas vraiment normalement :/ Trois dortoirs s’affrontent pour avoir des privilèges……. Ce qui n’aidera pas Ashiya a garder son secret… Et surtout pas Nakatsu Shuichi qui va commencer a développer des sentiments…. # Mon Avis Un triangle amoureuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuux !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! \o/ Bon l’histoire est pas bien compliquée mais au final y’a pas mal de rebondissements, d’humour… Les personnages sont attachants et amusants. L’ambiance est délirantes, des petites touches d’effets spéciaux augmentent cette touche humour :p j’ai pas lu le manga donc je peux pas trop dire si c’est mieux ou pas mais je me suis vraiment amusée a suivre cette histoire…. Les combats entre dortoirs donnent des défis bien marrant :p Je le conseille a tous quoi !!!! A j’ajoute qu’il y a très peu de filles dans ce drama !!! plaisir pour les yeux les filles :p # Avis d’Hikari Trop délire Hana Kimi!! XD Je regarde pas souvent les dramas (plutôt « au passage » quand mes soeurs visionnent) mais celui-là j’ai bien aimé. L’histoire paraît simplette comme ça mais c’est tellement drôle XD En plus j’adore l’actrice, elle joue super bien (La première fois je l’avait vu dans le rôle de Nobuta, le gros changement avec Mizuki! Oo) # Distribution Principaux Maki Horikita – Ashiya Mizuki Shun Oguri – Sano Izumi Tôma Ikuta – Nakatsu Shuichi Dortoir 1 Yuma Ishigaki : Tennouji Megumi, leader du dortoir 1 Mitsuomi Takahashi – Daikokucho Mitsuomi Kouhei Takeda – Kitahanada Kouhei Ryohei Suzuki – Akashi Souichiro Yuuichi Sato – Tetsukayama Shota Ryo Hayakawa – Gotenzan Sakyo Kouji Matsushita – Shojaku Ren Sousuke Nishiyama – Shichido Souma Tatsuya Hagiwara – Ishikiri Hiroto Dortoir 2 Maki Horikita : Mizuki Ashiya Shun Oguri – Sano Izumi Tôma Ikuta – Nakatsu Shuich Mizushima Hiro – Nanba Minami, leader du dortoir 2 Ryo Kimura – Senri Nakao Okada Masaki – Sekime Kyogo Yusuke Yamamoto – Kayashima Taiki Shunji Igarashi – Noe Shinji Junpei Mizobata – Saga Kazuma Hiromi Sakimoto – Kyobashi Shota Chiyo – Yodoyabashi Taichi Ryo Tajima – Ranzan Jyo Enoku Shimegi – Tannowa Kyoichi Hikaru Okada – Takaida Mutsumi Jun Ikeda – Kamishinjo Itsuki Keisuke Shibazaki – Minase Manato Dortoir 3 Nobuo Kyou – Himejima Masao Oscar,leader du dortoir n3 Keisuke Kato – Yao Hikaru Toshihiko Watanabe – Imamiya Noboru Yuta Takahashi – Shijyo Haruki Shouichi Matsuda – Kuzuha Junnosuke Naoki Miyata – Saiin Tsukasa Yasuhisa Furuhara – Ogimachi Taiyou Naoya Ojima – Kaizuka Kouhei Kouta Suzuki – Uenoshiba Souta Yuuya Nakata – Katahiranotsuji Ken Hiroshi Kawakami – Korien Genji Hibari Four Mayuko Iwasa – Hanayashiki Hibari Madoka Matsuda – Kishizato Juri Mirei Kiritani – Amagasaki Kanna Manami Kurose – Imaike Komari Airi Taira – Abeno Erika Personnel du lycée Takaya Kamikawa : Umeda Hokuto, médecin du lycée Seiko Matsuda – Tsubaki, principale du lycée Susumu Kobayashi – Yoshioka Takashi Ukaji – Sawatari, secrétaire de la principale Autres Mahiru Konno – Hara Akiha Yuu Shirota – Kagurazaka Makoto Yoshinori Okada – Ashiya Shizuki Shunsuke Daito – Sano Shin Tags : #drama #Hanazakari_no_kimitachi_e #hana_kimi #parmis_eux #comédie #lycée #amour #amitié #Nakojo_Hisaya #Matsuda_Shigeruchi #Tsuzuki_Junichi #Sato_Genta #Fuji_Television Lien vers la fiche : http://bit.ly/2tg3JOW http://bit.ly/2GfWpeZ
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wendyalice-archive · 6 years
Classicaloid OC
(I do not have art skills so I cannot draw him but I do have this little moron and may one day add him into something, sometime, somewhere, so here he is. XD)
Name: Alexander Scriabin
Other Handle He Goes By: “Lord and Creator of Unending Darkness and loyal servant to the Dark Gods.”
People who call him that outside of himself: 0
Birthday: December 25
Physical Age: 17
---- Hair: Chestnut Brown but wears a black wig (He won’t die his hair).
---- Hair Length: Natural hair dusts his shoulders but the wig goes down to his waist.
------ Eye Color: Silver-Gray. He tries and fails to get red eyed contacts, mostly because he scares vendors away by being creepy.
------ Eye Bandage: Will sometimes cover up his left eye, no real reason other than it’s connected to Chunnibiyo/Occult style.
------- Height: 5′7
------ Weight: 140 pounds
------ Extra Nonsense: He has very pale, ghostly skin and takes great pride in it. He will leave the house with an umbrella if it’s too sunny or put on his very thick, black cloak to maintain it. He takes great care of his hair (some lingering personality to the actual Scriabin) which is why he won’t die his hair. His nails are usually well taken care of and, while he’d like them to be longer and more claw like, he has conceded to the fact that he needs to be able play piano, so he needs to make sure they’re short enough so he won’t break them. Also, he likes to bless the “Dark And Terrible Gods” for the fact that, in this life, he was given longer, spindly hands instead of the small ones he had in his previous life.
Personality: An Occult loving fanatic, Scriabin remembers his incarnated self with some form of clarity. Through his more powerful memories surround the mysticism of his old life, which he has taken to mean he must the fulfill the destiny his old life couldn’t: Create the End of the World through song. However, unlike his predecessor, he is unfortunately very enamored with the Gothic culture and spends most of his time looking into most of it along with Occult teachings and chasing Cryptids around, forgoing any progress on finishing Mysterium.
He is rather crazed with his hobbies but is a rather nice person. If you can look past his rather morbid fascinations, he mostly desires to be close to these darker interest to be close to his old life, in a somewhat misguided way. If you happen to be in his presence for a while, he’ll try to give you little things or tell you some of his more recent findings in spooky folklore. If you spend enough time, he’s something like a cat, he’ll hand you little dead things or creepy souvenirs as tokens of his affection. He is very friendly and likes hanging out with people....it’s just people don’t necessarily like hanging out with him.
History: Unknown as of yet. He figures he was another Classicaloid created by Kyogo but he seems to not have any memories of that....
What Kind of tenant would he be at the Otowa house: He would engage in all the events with the group, mostly because for being Occult Fanatic, he does like being outgoing a bit, as long as he can “slink back into the darkness”, and would get into the usual shenanigans of the rest. He does pay the rent....but not the full rent. He can’t seem to find a job, and in some places he’s tried, because he usually scares the employers or actual customers. He does find money on the ground a lot, or he finds things while he’s out looking for ghosts, so he will pay Kanae half the rent accumulated from all his findings or in the somewhat valuable things he finds. Kanae is not thrilled but at least he pays something.
Clothing: His usual black cloak although he does wear some gothic lolita he’s been able to find??? No one’s really sure how he found it, but he exclusively wears it only around the house. When he’s out, he tends to wear a plain black shirt and pants, some running shoes as well in case he’s gotta chase some lovely critters.
Musik Style: Electroswing.
Musik Color: Oddly enough, an Eerie pink-purple color. He hates it at first but accepts it after a while.
Musik Phrase: Пусть моя темная музыка пробудит демонов (Which Google translate swears to be the Russian Translation of “Let my dark music awaken the demons.”)
EDIT: Musik Ability: He of course has the usual stand ability that I’ve mentioned in my own theories (His happen to be Demons that jump from people’s heads in one of his Musik scenes) but his main ability is Digestive Assimilation through Dark Matter constructs (Yes even the ability has an edgy title.) Essentially, different Musiks have him create different Dark Energy Constructs that, for lack of a better way to explain, “eat” things. In the story down below, he played Flammes sombres (Avec une grâce dolente) which essentially had him create Dark Matter balls that touched the tools the Vandals brought and “ate them.” Obviously this scared the vandals pretty good.
Extra Trivia:
------- He was once able to pay his rent in full when, in the summer, he was hired to help with someone’s “test of courage” attraction. It became hugely popular and he actually made friends with the man who ran it and his wife. They treated him well and when some vandals were going to wreck it, he defended it and gave a lovely Musik event to save them. The couple was extrememly grateful and sort of thought Scriabin was a ghost himself? XD But eventually summer came to an end and they had to pack up, but they promised to a rather teary Scriabin that they would invite him back next summer. Scriabin promised himself that when he ended the world, he would definitely make sure they ascended to heaven first.
------- Disappointed he can’t grow facial hair. At all. Sometimes, when he feels particularly bad, he’ll wear a fake one and pretend. It’s also black like his wig and is a handlebar mustache because he is a ridiculous, dramatic child.
------ Would 100% date any creature, monster, or phantom. Gender is not a factor. For regular humans, gender is still not a factor but they must “WISH TO BE ONE WITH THE NIGHT AND JOIN THE DARK FORCES AND THEIR HELLISH CRUSADE.”
------- Reads Horror stories and Gothic literature in his spare time. He would play horror games if he wasn’t terrible at them (which is what happens when you run TOWARDS the monster, you bloody moron)
------- He screams and cackles a lot, it’s not really to be spooky though. He’s just a loud boy.
------- Paints his nails and will put make up on sometimes, depending if he feels like it.
------ Speaking of, he cares deeply about his appearance to odd degrees. His clothes can look like he rolled out of bed, but he brushes his wig and cleans his face and keeps his hair underneath, nice and washed and healthy.
EDIT: ------- Added due to some fun shenanigans had because of the Classicaloid OC discord, if you’re a force of darkness, he is an anime masochist for you.
May add more later, maybe a picture if I’m not deeply embarrassed over my artwork. So this is my loser, he is a loser.
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lovedreaming · 7 years
how mujik is connected to the soul.
(and yes for the record i’m going to spell “Musik” as Mujik from now on because in the original japanese it’s called “mujiku” PLUS i always felt like that was how people pronounced it.)
first bach says, “Music is a manifestation of the passions deep in the heart. In fact, you could say it is the soul itself.”
and when beethoven fights bach, he refers to his mujik as “True music--true expression of the soul--Musik made from the whole of who I am.”
and now i can’t unsee it and so here’s what i wrote.
the soul is the source of creativity and the conduit of mujik users’ supernatural power; in other words, mujik comes from the soul. the mujik dimension, a blank slate reservoir of unlimited power, is shaped entirely by the souls that act upon it, so it can also be accurately referred to as the soulscape. when classicaloids access the soulscape, they are traveling outward and traveling inward at the same time--it is a place where the self and the externals are inherently connected. and as i (probably) said before, the soulscape’s infinite magical energy is fueled by the infinite creativity of human souls. why creativity? and why are arts such a good channel for the soulscape? caring about creation and caring about creation’s meaning are what makes our souls human rather than animal, and so the powers connected to what make us most human are the most powerful of all. 
this would explain not only why the classicaloids seem to have superhuman strength (since the soulscape’s unlimited energy is channeled through them) but also why liszt was spontaneously able to carve the merleopon and penis statues. because the soulscape is not just a place for music users--it is for any act that is creative, and sculpting is a creative act. therefore, liszt can spontaneously gain a talent for sculpting from the mujik dimension/soulscape.
in addition, so long as one is inspired, one can always rely on it as a place from which to draw strength. the classicaloids could 10000% make new compositions and channel their powers through those, since everything is connected to the same force of human desire to invent. 
oh yeah and did i mention this also factors into the classicaloids’ creation? as my friend @oktova and i were discussing, the literal souls of the composers were probably “streamed” into their artificial bodies through music. which means when one has a strong enough creative impact on creative forces in the world, one’s soul can be “stored” there by sheer artistic influence, and then retrieved. which would mean, by extension, that even if you somehow managed to kill a superhumanly strong classicaloid body, they will never actually die because their influence on creativity is far too strong. as long as someone is willing and able to provide a new body for them, they will live again. and as long they can influence the art world by six degrees of artistic separation (and by that i mean their influence as composers), their souls will never fade from the soulscape. their genius literally makes them unkillable.
music would probably be the most effective channel of the soulscape, because 1) music was associated with heavenly spheres by the ancient greeks and by j.s. bach & others in his time, more than any other art form. as we all know, heaven >>>>>>> everything. and 2) as franz liszt said, music is the universal language and expresses what words and even other art forms cannot. in fact, he and his art son wagner both sought in their own ways to bring together music with other arts, wagner going further than liszt’s symphonic poems by pursuing “total art” and doing Literally Every Single Fucking Thing(TM) for all of his music dramas. now, one could debate forever whether this opinion about music is actually true, because it is after all a subjective opinion. but because of my personal beliefs, i will side with liszt and wagner and make this the official headcanon:
music is the most powerful channel of the soulscape because it is the universal language, as well as the most basic unifier of magic and the soul.
plus, have a nifty little extension headcanon: any skill can be spontaneously learned through the soulscape, but creative skills are the most common.
this means theoretically a stage 3 mujik user could LITERALLY CONTROL SOMEONE’S SOUL THROUGH MUJIK. THEY COULD TRAP SOMEONE ELSE’S SOUL IN THEIR OWN THROUGH MUJIK. THEY COULD MANIPULATE MULTIPLE PEOPLES’ SOULS THROUGH MUJIK AND EVEN THE ENTIRE COURSE OF HISTORY by making that strong an imprint on others’ souls the musical dimension. in fact, given the soul-origin nature of music and mujik, a stage 3 mujik user’s control of others would most likely go DIRECTLY to the soul unless the user directed it elsewhere.
tl;dr these shitfucks are INCREDIBLY OP. no wonder kyogo doesn’t want to take responsibility for them lmao.
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ugearsmodels-blog · 6 years
History of Toy Robots
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Times have certainly changed - just look at what kids are playing with these days. While toy cars and dolls may still keep youngsters entertained, popular playthings of the new generation include video games, remote control toys, and toy robots. The origin of toy robots can be traced back to the development of robots. One of the earliest robots was an automaton invented by Frenchman Jacques de Vaucanson in 1738. He made a self-automating mechanical duck that was able to eat and digest grain, flap its wings, and excrete. In Japan, Hisashige Tanaka created an assortment of extremely complex mechanical toys, some of which were capable of firing arrows, serving tea, or even painting a Japanese character. In the 1930s, Westinghouse Electric Corporation built a humanoid robot. The robot, called Elektro, was exhibited at the World's Fair during 1939 and 1940. From 1948 to 1949, William Grey Walter of the Burden Neurological Institute at Bristol, England developed the first electronic autonomous robots. Named Elmer and Elsie, these "turtle robots" could sense light and contact with external objects. They were also capable of finding their charging station when their battery power ran low. The first truly modern robot that was digitally operated, programmable, and teachable was invented by George Devol in 1954. His robot was called the Unimate, which he sold to General Motors in 1960. In 1961, it was installed in a plant in Trenton, New Jersey to lift hot pieces of metal from a die casting machine and stack them.
In 1985, the Tomy Kyogo Company created the Omnibot 2000, a toy robot that could be controlled with a hand-held remote control or through programs stored on magnetic tape. In the late 1990s, AIBO the robotic dog was introduced by Sony. AIBO was capable of autonomously navigating a room and playing ball using its sensor array. Other pet robots soon followed.  Here's more information about yougears have a look at the webpage.
Tiger Electronics created the Furby in 1998, a pet toy that could communicate with its owner. In 2001, Omron released the robotic cat NeCoRo as a competitor to AIBO. It had Mind and Consciousness (MaC) technology, enabling it to generate feelings.
Toy robots have certainly come a long way from Jacques de Vaucanson's mechanical duck over two centuries ago. They are a more common sight nowadays, and it is without a doubt that we will continue to see more of toy robots in the years to come.    
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everybodyhateskyogo · 7 years
@seizingfate.       ╳ GUESS WHO’S BACK. BACK AGAIN.
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             ❝happy deathday to you~                       happy deathday to you~             happy deathday, dear BEETHOVEN…                    happy deathday to youuuu~~~!❞
that is, if he even got the date right--march 26, was it?--after all, part of having literally zero sense of adult responsibility usually ended up in missing important dates like the day your children bit the dust. not that he’d actually take notice if beethesloid actually died; he was a Loid, not an Otowa, and kyogo wuold have an easier time making new ‘loids than he would new otowas. mm. he was getting kinda hungry right now. best to cut the conversation short as soon as possible so he could get on to lunch…or maybe, on a whim, he could take beethes with him.
yeah, that sounded like a good idea. just as long as his “son” didn’t ask too many questions.
       ❝cheer up, man. swear to god, you look like              you just saw someone die…oh wait.❞
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