aroworlds · 2 months
I thought Trans Day of Visibility a good time to mention that I have a post collecting my stories with trans aro protagonists. I often feel disconnected from the aro community in that the (albeit very limited!) representation we celebrate and bond over largely depicts cis aros. Characters who seldom encompass, because they are cis, much of how I experience being aromantic.
In order to be seen as aro, I must push my transness into the shadows. The reverse is true in trans-centred fiction, where acceptance--by ourselves and/or others--is often demonstrated via a character's experiences of romantic relationships and love. Time and time again, I must choose which part of me to celebrate and which part to ignore: I can only be transgender or aromantic in the stories about which my communities express delight.
So this is a list of aro stories about gender and trans stories about aromanticism, because we deserve recognition as trans and aro.
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Ranking all the Driver logos of the 2023 F1 grid
My ranking of the logo designs of the grid, doing main drivers only. Ranked based on the graphic design quality. A good logo is simple and recognizable.
Not bringing any driver biases into this, if your logo sucks you're on the bottom.
Starting at number 20 and counting up to 1! Let's go!
20. Kevin Magnussen It's hard to find his official logo, but this seems to come up the most. While initials with driver number is a good idea, the font kills it. Having a brush-like font makes it too complex and messy. It doesn't look bad but it's not logo material
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19. Esteban Ocon
I'll be honest I don't even know what's going on in the middle there. But this is more of a simplified signature, that isn't what you want in a logo. If the E and O were bolder with that swoop we might be on to something, but instead we have this mess.
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18. Zhou Guanyu
This logo is at least clear, however it is still burdened by being a little too complex. Plus it reminds me of Monster Energy font which isn't helping. The split in the Z is lost when viewed at a distance. This could be good with a little more polishing but for now it's trying to do too much.
This is an example of having elements that don't add anything, this would be the same or even improved without the border lines.
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17. Lewis Hamilton
Getting controversial here. While this is a nice logo, and there is thought put behind it. This could be anything. There is nothing specific to the driver here. It's too abstract. Now as a 7-time world champion he can make this logo synonymous with himself. But this logo feels impersonal. This could be a car or computer logo for all I can tell.
Additionally the excess of lines in the detailing makes it unnecessarily complex.
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16. Fernando Alonso
This logo suffers from a lot of the same problems as Esteban's. It's better because that bold arrow is distinctive and makes it stand out. But it's over doing it with the excess of squiggles. I think if it were just the A with the arrow making the line through this would be a top 10 design, but it tries to do too much.
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15. Nico Hulkenberg
For some reason it's really hard to find what this man's logo even is. Some sources have it as just his name in block letters. Regardless just the driver number is lazy. It's fine, however it really has no thought put into it.
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14. Carlos Sainz
Another number logo. This one beat out Hulkenberg just a bit because there is more stylization put into the numbers. The sleek design looks like a track. So for a number logo this one is the best, but it is still just a number logo.
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13. Logan Sargeant
It was really hard to find a high quality image of this one. I don't dislike it. The logo is clean. I like the way the letters run into each other, but it feels a little lazy for an initials logo. The font is also something that I could probably find on any PC so it lacks that customization Furthermore it is without an element of personalization. This is basically doing the bare minimum for an initials logo.
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12. Yuki Tsunoda
This one is similar to Dani's. It has bold blocking which makes for a good clean logo. It's inspired by a Japanese symbol for luck. Simple, clean lines, recognizable at a distance, this is a pretty good one.
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11. Daniel Riccardo
Don't get me wrong I do like this one. It's unique and definitely stands out from the rest. However it suffers from a little too much abstraction. Yes if you look closely you can make out a D and an R, but it isn't clear. So good logo, but went a bit too far in some areas.
I feel like some people might disagree with me here, but just because it looks cool doesn't mean it's necessarily a good logo.
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TOP 10!
Beyond here I think all of these are great logos, it's just a matter of nitpicking.
10. Valtteri Bottas
This one is just sleek. The single line ending in that nice curve is so good. The V blending into the lowercase B is so smooth. A lot going on in such a simple design. It's on the more abstract end for initials but it's not pushing it too far. The looping effect it has for directing the eye is really effective.
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9. Lance Stroll
This is really good for a clean initial logo. Simple, bold with a little bit of stylization. It's doing a lot more than Logan's(same initials) The only thing that bothers me about it is the gap, I like it, but it seems a little off in my opinion. But over all this is a good example of a nice initial logo.
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8. Oscar Piastri
Another one I had a really hard time getting a quality image for. This is another good example of an initials logo with a personal touch. Love the simple lettering and the dashes connecting the two letters. This has way more custom touches which is why it stands out compared to Logan's.
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7. Alex Albon
Now this is just satisfying to look at. Double initials really work here. It's about what I'd expect from a double A situation, nothing super innovative, but they made something really nice with it. The use of blank space between the letters also creates a nice through line for the eye.
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6. Sergio Perez
This one is a little complex but it makes up for that fact because it does something that a lot of logos struggle with. It incorporates the driver's number(there are better examples higher on the list).
I am happy that someone saw the potential to sneak the driver number into the initials, that's easy to do with number 11 and it's pretty effective here.
If the 1's weren't hollow this would be even higher, remove the serifs and fill in the 1s and this is top 2 easy, but for now it's number 6.
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5. Max Verstappen
This is a really clever combo of Max's initials. M and V sharing similar design elements really lends itself nicely to this concept. The logo takes advantage of that perfectly creating something simple and recognizable.
The symmetry is also very satisfying in this one. It's a really good example of how lettering can be combined with geometric shapes to great results.
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4. Pierre Gasly
This is just a great design. The simple letters that are connected fitting within an invisible geometric shape, beautiful. This is just satisfying to look at. It's simple, has the letters that are obvious, has a high level of custom appearance and is a really sleek design.
This one is essentially tied with the number 3 spot. I had a hard time choosing because they are both such good designs. The reason this is in number 4 is only because it's a little less pleasing to the eye but that is subjective. So it's effectively a tie.
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3. Charles Leclerc
This is fantastic logo design. It's helped by the fact that the letters get to mirror each other in a really nice way. It does a similar thing to Pierre's having a simple geometric shape outline the whole thing.
The negative space mirroring the positive space is what set it a part just a little, that's a really sophisticated design choice and is visually satisfying. It helps create a nice flow that compliments the lettering.
It's sleek, bold, the letters are clear, this is what a logo should look like. The bold outline helps it stand out even more while not overly complicating the design.
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2. Lando Norris
At first glance Lando's is very similar to Lance's, however it is so much better. It almost mirrors itself and has nice motion to it almost creating a swirl.
However the real genius of this design comes into play with the negative space between the initials. It creates the number 4! A super clever way to incorporate the driver's number into the initials as well. Making use of all the space in a logo while only using 2 lines, now that is just good design work right there.
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1. George Russell
There were a lot of close ones on this list, but George's is the clear winner. This is a logo where I see it and I'm just impressed. It's so simple but they somehow managed to combine his initials with his driver number. Brilliant! This is the kind of design that not anyone could come up with.
Sometimes you see just the number, sometimes it's the initials. Either way it works, they almost created an optical illusion in the best possible way. This is beyond clever and is such a good example of what good graphic design can do.
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That's my list! Hopefully you had fun reading.
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booksteacupandreviews · 3 months
25 Books for Women's History Month
Hello readers! Happy International Women’s Day to all readers. As we celebrate International Women’s Day, I’m thrilled to recommend 25 Books for Women’s History Month. It’s been a while since my last women’s fiction recommendation post and I have come across some compelling and remarkable books featuring strong women, written by women authors that sure needs mention to mark the occassion. This…
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lucithornz · 8 months
List of things I learned writing chapter 20:
All my friends think I'm crazy
I have gained the ability to find any sentence in this chapter in under a second(new super power unlocked woooo)
The timeline can live in my head and everything is still fine(see Syl)
This was a reasonable thing to attempt
I might be getting a handle on this whole smut/omegaverse thing
Should be a fun update tomorrow XD
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shadlad24 · 2 years
Episodic Ficlet #19: Precious
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“I mean, come on. If you didn’t do it, then who…?”
The pair stared up at the sky for a few beats.
Xena broke the moment with a playful full-body shudder and then exclaimed, “So, I lied to you last week!” just before realizing that wasn’t quite what she’d wanted to say nor how.
Gabrielle whirled around to face her friend, eyes glaring and hands clapped over her ears once more. “Honestly, the Olympians-” but she tapered off at the look on the woman’s face.
Xena retreated toward Argo. Her fidgety hands had trouble opening the saddlebag nearest her, and when she saw what was inside, she hesitated. Bright blue eyes flitted up to green-blue ones that were draining confusion and filling with wonder. The warrior princess hitched an awkward smile onto her face, untied the bag from Argo’s saddle horn, and then thrust the gift into Gabrielle’s hands. “Um, well, ah- What I was trying to say is that I was really coming back by Potidaea last week because I didn’t want to miss your birthday. This is from me… and the Amazons, but mostly me.”
Never breaking her visual lock on the brunette, the girl slowly undid the rope around the top of the velveteen sack. 
Xena piped up once more. “Well, don’t look at me! See what I got you!” Her face nearly cracked from the effort of maintaining her grin.
“Oh, it’s beautiful! …But-” The blonde got cut off by Xena grabbing the new staff from her and assembling it. 
“See? It’s collapsible! Much more convenient for you, so you never have to go anywhere without a weapon! …To… To keep you safe. Because you’re precious, and I don’t ever want anything to happen to you.” There! Xena triumphed internally. I said it, and now she won’t be able to complain that I- 
“What did you say?” Gabrielle asked, unable to believe the final, speedily spoken sentence she’d heard.
“I- I said… Um…” Xena closed her eyes, put her hands on Gabrielle’s shoulders, and took a deep breath. But before she could open her mouth again, she got crashed into and nearly suffocated by her little companion. The woman froze for a moment, remembering how the girl had similarly held onto her in the well and then smiling from the understanding that, then, it had been from frightened survival instinct; now, it was an expression of joyful appreciation. Peacefully, she lay her cheek on top of orange hair before hugging Gabrielle back.
“It’s okay; you don’t-”
Xena shook her head but did not lift it. “No, I do have to say it. It’s important to you. …A-and me too. You- You’re- You’re very precious …to me. And I would hate for the light you bring into my life to be dimmed, let alone go out.” Images of Gabrielle announcing she was going to the Athens Academy; hanging from a collapsed bridge; trembling with Thersites’s knife at her throat; lying facedown by the side of the Alconian Lake; cringing within Sinteres’s cruel grasp, twice; frozen in the path of a fast-approaching cart of sharpened trees; waving, teary-eyed, as she turned toward Potadeia; strewn facedown in the dirt yet again mere hours ago; wincing with Mael’s knife at her throat; and nearly plunging to her death in the well made Xena squeeze Gabrielle just as hard as Gabrielle was squeezing her. Her voice wavered when she demanded, “You need to be more careful! I can’t lose you, Gabrielle! Do you hear me?” She wanted to shake the girl but could not get either one of them to loosen their grips on each other.
Gabrielle smiled just as softly as she promised, “I will, Xena. You’ll see! With this new staff, the world will have to watch out of me!”
“It’d better!” the warrior princess grumbled.
Silence reasserted itself for quite some time.
“Ah!” Xena shook her head and released Gabrielle to swipe at her eyes before the girl could see their water. “Anyway, happy birthday, kid,” she said gruffly.
But Gabrielle knew that the harsh tone only came from the tears and lump in her friend’s throat. Still not opening her eyes and giving her hero one last squeeze, she replied, “Thank you, Xena.”
700 words. Also, if you didn’t know, then nineteenth episodes are always Gabrielle’s birthday, and my tracing of Gabrielle’s staffs has further led me to believe that her main one was a gift from Xena. What do you guys think? Either way, happy birthday, Gabrielle, and happy pride, everyone! 😆 
Check the Directory / the Google Doc if you want a full listing of my posts, or go here if you’d like to read the ficlets all in one place. Thanks! / You’re welcome! 🤣
Also-also, a disclaimer for my friend: Yes, that “kid” at the end is very intentional. It re-establishes distance between Xena and Gabrielle because Xena had gone too far with her transparent compliments and so had to dial it back. So, there! Heh
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fluffypotatey · 2 years
character slander (derogatory) i 100% support
king uther
the joker
any of batman's rogues gallery (except the sirens and mr freeze)
lex luthor (trolling is also supported)
severus snape
pEtah PETtigrEW
janus/the white witch
lucius malfoy
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crownprinceknut · 2 years
Aliencore Aesthetic - A Study
Muted neons - especially blue, cyan, green, magenta, and purple.
Clothes - in aforementioned colours
Backpacks/mini backpacks
Bucket hats
Chunky tennis shoes
Combat boots
Denim jackets with novelty patches/pins (alien/space themed)
Graphic t-shirts (alien/space themed)
Mid-thigh shorts
Novelty earrings (alien/space themed)
Novelty socks (alien/space themed)
Straight-cut jeans
Interests and Motifs
90s technology
Aliens/alien abductions/alien sightings
Area 51
Blurry photographs/film - Polaroid
Crop circles
Midnight to 4 a.m.
Night vision
Novelty patches (alien/space themed)
Roswell NM, USA
Lava lamp
MP3 players
Polaroid camera
Tape recorder
Wire earbuds
Buzzfeed Unsolved (2016 - 2021)
The Computer Wore Tennis Shoes (1969) -dir. Robert Butler
MythBusters (2003 - 2018)
Welcome to Night Vale (2012 - Present)
Similar to:
If you have any recommendations/edits please message me.
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knicknacc · 1 year
I got bored and typed Bjork's albums like they were PokeMon
• Debut - Normal • Post - Electric • Homogenic - Flying/Dragon • Selma Songs - Normal/Dark • Vespertine - Ice • Medulla - Dark/Water • Drawing Restraint 9 - Dark/Steel • Volta - Fire/Fighting • Biophilia - Rock/Electric • Vulnicura - Ghost/Poison • Utopia - Bug/Fairy • Fossora - Ground/Grass
anyway that's just my interpretation, critique or change around whatever you want
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5 Ways to Add Writing Time to Your Day
Have you ever found yourself wishing you had more hours in a day to write? I know I have, so here are 5 things you can do to add that extra hour every day.
by Amanda Jakle Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. If you choose to buy using these links, not only do you get a great product, but I also get a small commission at no extra cost to you! Have you ever found yourself wishing you had more hours in the day to write? I know I have. Most writers do, in fact. If you’re anything like me, you have a bajillion and five distractions around…
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fallahifag · 3 months
goodnight everyone (:
do your daily click
spreadsheet of families in Gaza you can help today
donate to:
Buy an e-sim
Help diabetics in Gaza
Help Gaza Children
Sudan Tarada Initiative
Help a Sudanese family escape conflict
Darfur Women Action
Ramadan for Sudan
Period products in Sudan
Sudan Emergency Appeal
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hualianisms · 8 days
verified ways to donate to gaza directly
Help a Palestinian family directly:
gazafunds.com - Donate directly to a Palestinian family in urgent need of evacuation, medical attention, rebuilding homes/businesses or more. Site run by Palestinians, all GFMs verified (full list here). Spotlights 1 stagnant GFM at a time. (*If you can't decide who/where to donate, just go to gazafunds.com & donate to the 1 GFM they show you!)
masterlist of 200+ verified Palestinian families' GFMs: Operation Olive Branch
Help provide tents: (*emergency as Rafah is being bombarded as we speak)
The Sameer Project: Currently providing tents & transport for families in Rafah who urgently need to evacuate to Deir Al Balah. Has a team on the ground in Gaza who have supplied tents to 1% of the displaced population in Rafah. Run by Palestinians. (paypal) (gfm)
@helpgazachildren: Currently helping Palestinians in a refugee camp in Rafah flee the Rafah invasion to Khan Younis. Funds go directly to Hussam, a Palestinian in Rafah who hosts a refugee camp. Funds will cover the cost of tents & transport fuel. Managed by a Palestinian @.fairuzfan. (gfm)
Food, cash & essentials:
Care for Gaza: Palestinian charity on the ground in Gaza distributing food, cash, medicine & other essentials to displaced families. Proof of their work found on their Twitter. (paypal) (gfm)
We Feed Gaza: Team of Palestinian volunteers in the heart of Gaza distributing food & water to 344+ families. More details & proof in their gfm. Vetted & promoted by LetsTalkPalestine. (gfm)
Direct Aid for Gaza: A Palestinian activist on the ground in Gaza distributing food, cash & other essential supplies to displaced families. Proof of their work found on their twitter. (paypal) (gfm)
Water (*only 2 weeks left to donate!):
Gaza Municipality's water campaign: The official Municipality of Gaza needs help rebuilding the water infrastructure in Gaza City to restore access to clean water & waste management services for the people of Gaza.
guide to buy & send esims to gaza (highly needed, esim supply very low)
Crips for eSims for Gaza: If you don't know how to buy esims, don't have enough $ for an esim plan, or don't have the capacity to manage them (e.g. topping up regularly), you can donate any amt to this team of volunteers who pool funds to buy & maintain gaza esims regularly (see their financial accountability document).
Medical Aid:
Gaza Wound Care (urgent): Palestinian doctors in central Gaza treating injured/sick children & mothers in neglected displacement camps far from hospitals. Facing a severe shortage of medicines, medical equipment, and supplies. They need funds for their current campaign to battle infectious diseases in refugee camps. (paypal) (gogetfunding) (gfm)
international charities: Palestine Red Crescent Society, Palestine Children's Relief Fund, Medical Aid for Palestinians
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aroworlds · 1 year
On the fourth day of Aro Week, I’m here for my fellow loveless aros: a collection post of my short stories with either loveless aromantic protagonists or protagonists whose experiences of attraction, closeness or connection aren’t contextualised with that overly-used four-letter word.
Because I am a loveless allo-aro, many stories contain allo-aro protagonists. Likewise, as a loveless allo-aro who generally considers myself non-partnering, many stories depict the experiences of non-partnering aromantics.
(“Non-partnering” and “loveless” are, of course, no more synonymous than “loveless” and “never experiences any shape of attraction”. I’ve just been writing the stories I want to read!)
Please check the content info section for more information about advisories, references and language use.
I have more themed fiction collection posts, including:
Allo-aro protagonists
Autistic aromantic protagonists
Transgender and non-binary aromantic protagonists
Banner description beneath keep reading:
[Image description: a handdrawn illustration of a green meadow foreground with green and yellow pine trees growing against a mint-hued sky. Scene is overlaid with the grey gradient/green/light green/green/grey gradient stripes of the loveless aromantic pride flag. The text Aro Worlds Fiction sits across the image in a black, antique handdrawn type, separated by two ornate Victorian-style black dividers.]
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shorelinnes · 27 days
BDS added this section to their boycott page and I think people really need to read it:
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please remember, pushing unorganized boycotts without carefully fact-checking every company in the list can be actively HARMFUL to the boycott movement.
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homoqueerjewhobbit · 5 months
Wow, this "gender free" fashion brand sure doesn't have any AMAB models.
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lucithornz · 1 year
Ongoing list of places I have written fanfiction. In case anyone ever doubts my commitment to the craft. Or just needs evidence that I write compulsively.
A boat
A plane(first class and coach)
The summit of a mountain(multiple times)
A car(I wasn't the driver)
In bed next to my sleeping SO(on my notes app)
At Thanksgiving dinner(under the table while family argued politics)
A national park visitor center
Doctor's/Dentist's office
During surgery(minor, they let me hold my phone to type shit)
A volcano(3 different volcanoes many many times)
The wilderness
A Car Toys
While on hold with the IRS
The edge of a cliff
Next to a rattlesnake(he was just vibing in the sun)
Psychiatrists office while being tested for autism(I feel like the results are self evident)
A tent
A glacier
In line at Costco
The side of the highway
Adding this to my get to know the author links so you people know the type of crazy you follow <3
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funds for indigenous communities affected by the canada wildefires *updated*
grassy narrows first nations (ontario) needs funds for an escape route
odawa first nations (quebec-ontario) is raising funds for evacuees
algonquins of barriere (mitchikanibikok inik in alberta) lake mutual aid request 
you can drop donations for the odawa first nations at 815 st laurent blvd in ottawa
you can drop off food donations for mitchikanibikok inik at the ramada plaza in gatineau; you can also email info/@/health.rapidlake.com with mutual aid donations. please note that the maniwaki native friendship center is now closed to donations
if you’re directly affected, the pueblo action alliance has developed a guide for DIY filtration for the smoke
updates (as of 6 june 2023):
donate funds for evacuees from little red river cree nation (via kahkakow)
k'atl'odeeche first nations needs funds to rebuild homes and businesses lost (via aelabee)
i’ll update this as i find more fundraising initiatives and please free to share your own. reblogs with anything than sharing resources/mutual aid requests/fundraising opportunities get blocked. 
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