#Les Marquises
mellowchouchou · 2 years
Jacques Brel - Les remparts de Varsovie Les Marquises (1977)
Lyrics & Translation:
Madame promène son cul sur les remparts de Varsovie Madame promène son cœur sur les ringards de sa folie Madame promène son ombre sur les grand-places de l'Italie Je trouve que Madame vit sa vie
Madame promène à l'aube les preuves de ses insomnies Madame promène à cheval ses états d'âmes et ses lubies Madame promène un con qui assure que madame est jolie Je trouve que Madame est servie
Tandis que moi tous les soirs Je suis vestiaire à l'Alcazar
Madame promène l'été jusque dans le midi d'la France Madame promène ses seins jusque dans le midi de la chance Madame promène son spleen tout au long du lac de Constance Je trouve Madame de circonstances
Madame promène son chien un boudin noir nommé Byzance Madame traîne son enfance et change selon les circonstances Madame promène partout son accent russe avec aisance C'est vrai que Madame est de Valence
Tandis que moi tous les soirs Je suis barman à l'Alcazar
Madame promène son cheveu qui a la senteur des nuits de Chine Madame promène son regard sur tous les vieux qui ont des usines Madame promène son rire comme d'autres promènent leur vaseline Je trouve que Madame est coquine
Madame promène ses cuites de verre en verre, de fine en fine Madame promène les gènes de 20 000 officiers de marine Madame raconte partout que l'on m'appelle Tata Jacqueline Je trouve Madame mauvaise copine
Tandis que moi tous les soirs J'suis chanteuse légère à l'Alcazar
Madame promène ses mains dans les différents corps d'armée Madame promène mes sous chez des demi-selles de bas quartiers Madame promène carosse qu'elle voudrait bien me voir tirer Je trouve que Madame est gonflée
Madame promène banco qu'elle veut bien me laisser régler Madame promène bijoux qu'elle veut bien me faire facturer Madame promène ma Rolls que poursuivent quelques huissiers Je trouve que Madame est pressée
Tandis que moi tous les soirs Je fais la plonge à l'Alcazar
Madame promène son cul sur les remparts de Varsovie Madame promène son cœur sur les ringards de sa folie Madame promène son ombre sur les grand-places de l'Italie Je trouve que Madame vit sa vie
Madame promène à l'aube les preuves de ses insomnies Madame promène à cheval ses états d'âmes et ses lubies Madame promène un con qui assure que Madame est jolie Je trouve que Madame est servie
Tandis que moi tous les soirs Je suis vestiaire à l'Alcazar
Madame promène l'été jusque dans le midi d'la France Madame promène ses seins jusque dans le midi de la chance Madame promène son spleen tout au long du lac de Constance Je trouve Madame de circonstances
Madame promène son chien un boudin noir nommé Byzance Madame traîne son enfance et change selon les circonstances Madame promène partout son accent russe avec aisance C'est vrai que Madame est de Valence
Madame promène l'été jusque dans le midi d'la France Madame promène ses seins jusque dans le midi de la chance Madame promène son spleen...
Madam walks her ass on the ramparts of Warsaw Madam walks her heart on the corny of her madness Madam walks her shadow on the main squares of Italy I find that Madam lives her life
Madam walks at dawn the proofs of her insomnia Madam takes her moods and whims on horseback Madam walks a jerk who assures that Madam is pretty I find that Madame is served
While me every night I'm in the locker room at the Alcazar
Madam walks the summer to the south of France Madam walks her breasts to the south of luck Madam walks her spleen all along Lake Constance I find Madam of circumstances
Madam is walking her dog, a black pudding named Byzance Madam drags her childhood and changes according to the circumstances Madam carries her Russian accent everywhere with ease It's true that Madam is from Valence
While me every night I'm a bartender at the Alcazar
Madam walks her hair which has the scent of Chinese nights Madam casts her gaze over all the old people who have factories Madam walks around with her laughter like others carry around their Vaseline I think Madam is naughty
Madam walks her glass-to-glass binges, from fine to fine Madam walks the genes of 20,000 naval officers Madam says everywhere that they call me Tata Jacqueline I find Madam a bad friend
While me every night I am a light singer at the Alcazar
Madam walks her hands in the different army corps Madam takes my money to half-saddles in the slums Madam walks a carriage that she would like to see me pull I find that Madam is swollen
Madam walks banco that she wants to let me settle Madam carries jewelry that she wants me to charge Madam walks my Rolls that some bailiffs are chasing I find that Madam is in a hurry
While me every night I do the dishwashing at the Alcazar
Madam walks her ass on the ramparts of Warsaw Madam walks her heart on the corny of her madness Madam walks her shadow on the main squares of Italy I find that Madam lives her life
Madam walks at dawn the proofs of her insomnia Madam takes her moods and whims on horseback Madam walks a jerk who assures that Madame is pretty I find that Madam is served
While me every night I'm in the locker room at the Alcazar
Madam walks the summer to the south of France Madam walks her breasts to the south of luck Madam walks her spleen all along Lake Constance I find Madam of circumstances
Madam is walking her dog, a black pudding named Byzance Madam drags her childhood and changes according to the circumstances Madam carries her Russian accent everywhere with ease It's true that Madam is from Valence
Madam walks the summer to the south of France Madam walks her breasts to the south of luck Madam walks her spleen...
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goats-of-bandcamp · 4 months
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lescarnetsdehaku · 8 months
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1833 Mean Girls
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dandanjean · 2 years
Au cœur de l’Océan Pacifique, l’archipel des Marquises en Polynésie française fait office de bout du monde sauvage. Des pitons de basalte, des pics abrupts qui plongent dans une mer intense… Certaines de ses îles sont encore inhabitées. Ce sont ces paysages que découvre Jacques Brel. À bord de son voilier, alors malade, il fera ici son ultime escale. Les Marquises, Ultime escale de Jacques Brel
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lightofwintersun · 15 days
I can't help but see the parallels
When I came out into society, I was fifteen. I already knew that the role I was condemned to, namely to keep quiet and do what I was told, gave me the perfect opportunity to listen and observe. Not to what people told me, which naturally was of no interest, but to whatever it was they were trying to hide. I practiced detachment. <..>. I became a virtuoso of deceit. It wasn't pleasure I was after, it was knowledge. I consulted the strictest moralists to learn how to appear, philosophers to find out what to think, and novelists to see what I could get away with. And in the end, I distilled everything to one wonderfully simple principle: win or die.
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morfyddclarkdaily · 5 months
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Morfydd Clark Playing Cécile Volanges for National Theatre Live Scene from the play “Les Liaisons Dangereuses”
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digitalfashionmuseum · 8 months
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Oil Painting, 1786, French.
By Élisabeth Vigée-LeBrun
Portraying the Marquise de Puysegur in a milkmaid costume.
Raclin Murphy Museum of Art.
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technicolor-overcoat · 3 months
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snork mimimimimi . Or something
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chicinsilk · 11 months
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US Vogue June 1956
Alongside the famous Thoroughbred "Rising Fast" and the no less famous Australian jockey, Bill Williamson, a model wearing a red worsted Jasco suit. By Marquise. John frederics hat.
Aux côtés du célèbre pur sang "Rising Fast" et du non moins célèbre jockey australien, Bill Williamson , un modèle portant un tailleur rouge en laine peignée Jasco. Par Marquise. Chapeau de John frederics.
Photo Laurence Le Guay
vogue archive
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dixvinsblog · 3 months
Fables et fabulistes : Marie-Amable Petiteau, marquise de la Ferrandière - LES SOURIS ET LE VIEUX CHIEN.
Deux souris qui trottoient dans un appartement,Regardoient un vieux chien couché bien mollementSur le duvet d’une élégante chaise,D’un air jaloux, en le considérant,Elles disoient tout haut : Comme il dort à son aise !Combien cet animal est plus heureux que nous !Il se défend des chats, des voleurs et des loups,Et si nous évitions les piéges qu’on nous dresse,Malgré nos ruses, notre adresse,De…
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meerawrites · 6 months
Character intro: Marquise de Merteuil
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Inspired by: in this case, the Glenn Close adaptation of our Marquise de Merteuil, with a dash of Kathryn Merteuil (Cruel Intentions).
Character summary: she/her, white-French, bisexual. The ultimate femme libertine and gaslighter, a bad person with at least understandable (or sympathetic) motivations. Though, not a vampire, be warned, she bites.
Fun Fact: I especially love Glenn Close’s adaptation of the Marquise, in the book, my source material I am extremely critical of her, though I understand her rage.
As genre commentary: I wanted to write a somewhat sympathetic antagonist, obviously I don’t condone her behaviour, but, she’s fascinating.
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mellowchouchou · 2 years
Jacques Brel - Voir un ami pleurer Les Marquises (1977)
Lyrics & Translation:
Bien sûr, il y a les guerres d'Irlande Et les peuplades sans musique Bien sûr, tout ce manque de tendre Il n'y a plus d'Amérique Bien sûr, l'argent n'a pas d'odeur Mais pas d'odeur vous monte au nez Bien sûr, on marche sur les fleurs Mais, mais voir un ami pleurer Bien sûr, il y a nos défaites Et puis la mort qui est tout au bout Nos corps inclinent déjà la tête Étonnés d'être encore debout Bien sûr, les femmes infidèles Et les oiseaux assassinés Bien sûr, nos cœurs perdent leurs ailes Mais, mais voir un ami pleurer Bien sûr, ces villes épuisées Par ces enfants de 50 ans Notre impuissance à les aider Et nos amours qui ont mal aux dents Bien sûr, le temps qui va trop vite Ces métros remplis de noyés La vérité qui nous évite Mais voir un ami pleurer Bien sûr, nos miroirs sont intègres Ni le courage d'être juifs Ni l'élégance d'être nègres On se croit mèche, on n'est que suif Et tous ces hommes qui sont nos frères Tellement qu'on n'est plus étonnés Que par amour ils nous lacèrent Mais voir un ami pleurer
Of course there are the wars of Ireland And the peoples without music Of course, all this lack of tenderness There is no more America Of course money has no smell But no smell goes to your nose Of course we walk on the flowers But, but to see a friend cry
Of course there are our defeats And then death which is at the very end Our bodies are already nodding Surprised to still be standing Of course, cheating women And the murdered birds Of course our hearts lose their wings But, but to see a friend cry
Of course these exhausted towns By these 50-year-old children Our inability to help them And our loves who have a toothache Of course, the time that goes too fast These subways full of drowned The truth that avoids us But to see a friend cry
Of course, our mirrors have integrity Nor the courage to be Jewish Nor the elegance of being niggers We think we're wicked, we're only tallow And all these men who are our brothers So much so that we are no longer surprised That out of love they lacerate us But to see a friend cry
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goats-of-bandcamp · 8 months
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lescarnetsdehaku · 1 year
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"For all the men I've had in my life, I don't think I've ever loved any"
The Marquise knows everyone, but does anyone really know her?
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vidiadal · 4 months
— Your face looks familiar to me. Have we met before?
— No, this is the first time I've seen you.
— You have a mole under your left shoulder blade.
— Nothing will be hidden from your attentive gaze.
— Yes, I know you from head to toe.
— And how many do I have?
— Five. Ah, Madame de Merteuil, we definitely know each other.
— For me, all men in tuxedos with butterflies are the same.
— I was without them that time. I can take it off.
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I'm starting to rate the Cyrano de Bergerac versions based on whether or not they make me desire him carnally by the end of the play
#Cyrano#Cyrano de Bergerac#I talk too much#I should probably delete this later#'desire carnally' in a broad sense#Like‚ conceptually. The vibes of 'desire carnally'#But yes#I'm joking of course but also I'm dead serious. By the end of the play ideally I have to understand why so many characters#would choose to live‚ die and be haunted for life for the main three. I have to see the charm in the three of them#Their wit‚ their sweetness‚ their passion‚ cleverness‚ cunning and kindness#The flaws that make them who they are and also what makes them loveable and unforgettable precisely for who they are#By the end of a production I want to see Christian not for the pretty face the marquises‚ Roxane‚ de Guiche or Cyrano see at first#but the man Cyrano still mourns by the end. I want to see not only the beauty of Roxane that makes everyone love her at first sight#but also her wit‚ cunning‚ cleverness and poetic mastery‚ her fiery and valiant personality‚the charm that makes the love for her constant‚#grow deeper and more intense no matter the years#By the end of a production I want to almost forget about Cyrano's nose. I want his voice and his demeanour to be what is most memorable#I want to know him and see him clearly for who he is and thus love him for his faults despite his faults#I want to be as baffled and frustrated as Le Bret‚ Christian and Roxane are by the fact that he is blind to his charm and charisma‚#and how attractive that makes him. And for bonus points I want to see clearly that the three of them are very much like each other#and value and love in each other many of the characteristics they themselves possess‚ even if they are blind to their own
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