#Loki in disguise
loki-ioki · 9 months
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N's true form in my mlp au. Full name is Natural Harmony but still prefers to just be called "N". I have yet to draw his disguised form
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artthoufruity · 7 months
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And remember kids if you ever think "marvel wouldn't do that" oh yes they would
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jimintomystery · 7 months
On Monday, Marvel put out a new Loki trailer, previewing the final two episodes of the season. The trailer briefly shows Mobius living out a normal life, presumably as he did before he was recruited into the Time Variance Authority.
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Since then the Loki fandom, famed for its carefully considered reactions, has gone from debating whether Mobius is married/divorced/widowed to wondering if Mobius is secretly Thor. (Or Balder.) This is all based on approximately three seconds in a trailer for two episodes.
Apparently word got around that Mobius's real name is "Don," which could make him Don Blake. In the comics, Don Blake was the human alter ego of Thor. (Or Balder, in the other comics. This is confusing.) I have absolutely no idea how anyone decided Mobius is named "Don" in the first place. It's the same kind of logic that gave us "Someone said 'the devil' in WandaVision, so Mephisto is the next Thanos."
At issue here is, as usual, Lokius. If Mobius has a family life outside the TVA, you see, then he might not be willing or able to consummate his fanon romance with Loki. Or, if he's somehow a variant of Loki's adoptive brother, it would get real awkward for Lokius shippers who have insisted that it's wrong to pair Loki up with Sylvie because they ought to have more of a sibling dynamic. (Loki, who once fucked a horse, could not be reached for comment.)
Anyway, the next episode of Loki drops later tonight, and there's doom and gloom in the fandom about the possibility that Lokius has been Thorki all along. I've already seen someone denounce this "twist" as homophobia and queerbaiting. Because, you see, Disney deliberately designed this show to get fans to infer an mlm relationship, and now Disney is going to dick around with said relationship just to spite those fans, which wouldn't increase their profits by one cent, but for some reason they're bound and determined to do it anyway? I need to lie down.
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lovelycatdraws · 4 months
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Little man
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worstloki · 1 year
and the way Thor is so casual about looking like somebody else, it's clear that loki has turned him into others or other girls often
Thor: not this again. Loki with his strange habit of turning me into women and then checking me out -_-
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kennings can be such a tender thing
they can also be kind of rude
#norse mythology#read a thought that kennings are used so abundantly because people were that familiar with the stories#haven’t been the same since#i’ll be reading a poem and they’ll call loki ‘thor’s friend’ one line and randomly ‘the coward’ in the next#love all the different names…#they called thor ‘the giantess’s friend’ which is Different. in a good way#whenever i read kennings for sigyn i lose my mind a little#i i need more poetry. and prose as well. i need it all. i need to learn every ancient language and also some modern ones immediately.#‘gold is called- [lists ninety things]” hel YEAH it is tell me all about it#‘here is how to periphrase xyz’ and then you tell me a story explaining why?? thank you snorri this is all i need in life#shout out to that one guy who interchangeably used ‘loke’ ‘loptur’ and ‘loðurr’ in his poem. and then also called utgard-loki ‘loke’-#—in the second half. inclusion of lodurr (who is often regarded as a Different Guy) really packed it in xD but the translators clarified-#-‘Asa-Loki’ in the annotations which was nice#i like when they use odin-names to mean ‘god’#or when they use anyone’s name in other context to mean warrior#and how that poet uses several random jotun-names interchangeably to refer to it utgard-loki’s disguise#anyway#kennings are cool#define them by their relationships and feats and stories i am SO here for it#ALSO THEY USED ‘sons of goats’ TO MEAN. YOU GUESSED IT. GOATS
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godsofhumanity · 2 years
*after Baldr's death* Freyja: This isn't your fault, Hodr. It's Hel's. Freyja: And Loki. I blame him, too. Hodr: What did Loki do? Freyja: I'm sure he did something.
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awclintno · 3 months
@glcriouspvrpose 🎭 for one of our characters/both to disguises themselves on a mission
Clint liked going undercover. He'd always had a knack for pretending to be someone he wasn't, and he was good at making conversation. Even in a fancy place like this gala, or ball, or whatever rich people called it. Maybe he should've paid more attention during the briefing. But that's what partners were for. Speaking of which -- "Where are you?" Clint whispered into the microphone hidden at his collar. "I expected to find you schmoozing with the target ten minutes ago." The man they were watching, a probable Hydra operative, high-up the ladder, was hard to get close to. He was surrounded by a circle of beautiful 'dates' and then a ring of security guards to boot. Clint felt a tap on his shoulder. "Finally," he sighed, turning around to face a -- a total stranger. "Finally you walk into my life," he said, grinning at the cheesy line so the woman in front of him wouldn't take too much offense. "Don't tell me a pretty lady like you came here all alone?"
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xtinyslip · 11 months
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“go right ahead. don’t let me stop you.” mobius had made sure he wasn’t near the entrance of hope’s fancy party. he was debating whether letting her know he was here or not. the truth was he was exhausted with all of this. living out of his car wasn’t fun but it was comfier than the beds at the tva. he just hated how up in the air everything was. of course, he wanted to be in loki’s life... if the other still wanted that but it felt wrong to ask loki to invest his time in him when he might still be facing life in prison. then, he’d still gone and kissed the other and that was the last he’d seen or heard of them. great. it was all just great. taking a sip from his beer bottle, he glanced at the other once more. “you really don’t want to be caught out here with me...” @bejcwcled
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artthoufruity · 7 months
Mobius isnt a thor variant but have fun guys. always a pleasure
Thanks apparently omnipotent anonymous god
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woulddieforloki · 1 year
this song is so Brodinsons-coded
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alexa-santi-author · 7 months
The day you get your first 5-star review on Amazon is a very good day indeed. 😊
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purple--queen · 8 months
just for a moment i through bred is sylvie
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lovelycatdraws · 5 months
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My special meow meows
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reachexceedinggrasp · 2 years
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~The Dread Pirate Davey Crandall~
#Double Crossbones#Donald O'Connor#no one cares I realise that but I'm not going to stop this is for me#Anne Bonny catching him lol#the flynning#that earring#when I say this film is ridiculous I mean it in the best possible way#silly and cheesy and totally detached from reality#I've said it before and I will say it again: flawless no notes#my single complaint is that there's only one song and it's not very catchy#Davey should have sung a sea shanty with the pirates at some point come on#also his main wig situation is atrocious#it's like just some fringe pinned to his real hair??? v. non-committal attempt to give the illusion of length#but the braids with the black hat and the immaculate white ringlets go a long way to making up for this#not over that disguise#his eyes are the only thing that give it away like otherwise you would never imagine#not to drag up a tag ramble from years ago or anything but this def. emphasises once again the importance of eyebrows#the dark eyebrows and probably the eyeliner are what make him look SO different even more than the wig#yes I'm still on this ready and willing to re-litigate the lack of care taken in Loki's sequel appearances ALWAYS OKAY#my rant about $200 million movies with no continuity and shitty wigs is EVERGREEN#this is a lowish budget movie from 1950 and I'm still complaining about wigs#although they're mostly legit better than the mcu offerings AM I WRONG#the beard also makes him look older but for real it's the eyebrows that put it over
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dramatisperscnae · 7 months
"Care for a reading, sir?" That would appear to be a child attempting to entice Loki into getting a tarot reading. @personae-obscura ((One unaware baby Seer for our favourite Norse trickster))
The sudden question had him blinking in surprise, glancing down at the child who'd approached him. Scrawny, clearly living off the streets, but with sharp blue eyes that - if Loki was any judge - noticed far more than most people might think. Offering…tarot, by the look of things. He paused, studying her for a moment before checking his pocket watch - Loki had yet to actually like wearing wristwatches; there was something just soothing about the action of opening and closing a proper pocket watch.
Time enough for a short reading before he needed to be back at the shop.
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"…Why not?"
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