#Luke FosterxMC
kiserusmoke · 7 years
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↳ Inspo.
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kiserusmoke · 7 years
i request a fluffy luke x mc where she tries to warm him up bc he's always so damn cold,,, give him some hot cocoa,,, a couple blankets,, damn gloves,,, kiss his fingers a lil, tyvm — u know EXACTLY who
Wow, I wonder who this could possibly be @yoosungshoodie​ 
AO3 Link
Summary: Luke could feel the heat of her breath fading from his slender digits, and he looked down at his upturned palm. His hands would often be described as cold and clammy to those who knew him, almost laughingly stereotypical for a doctor. If you asked him several years ago, he never thought that such extremities would know anything of warmth. Yet, as she returns to his side and presses a warm to-go cup in his hand, he knows that this could not be farther from the truth. 
Luke Foster was never a warm man. This became evidently clear when she came into his life, the contrasting temperatures of their skin like fire and ice whenever he held her flush to his body. She would giggle and playfully complain that he could never warm her in the winter, but her laughter seemed like it contained enough warmth for the two of them. He would merely smile and wrap his arms around her, feeling more of her soft skin against his own. They turned to this routine often, especially when the skies became a muted shade of gray and the sound of rain pelting the roof filled their living room. Luke would often pull her close to his chest and rest his chin on her shoulder, choosing to stare out the window of the gray world in front of him.
When she wriggled free from his grasp, he felt slightly hurt until she returned with a bundle of fabric in her arms. Taking a seat back in his lap, she wrapped the fluffy blanket around Luke and herself. The familiar warmth surrounded Luke again, only heightened when she snuggles into his chest and kisses his nose. “You looked cold, so I thought I’d warm you up!” she said happily, burying her face into his chest like she belonged there. With a smile, Luke realized she did.
Luke Foster was never a man who celebrated holidays. Growing up with a family who always had their own personal schedules, holidays seemed more like nuisances than a cause to bring family together in celebration. While most families gathered around a Christmas tree, Luke gathered around his medical texts in his college dormitory. He was used to such a life, which is why he found it all the more amusing that he was being towed around a Christmas tree lot by his tiny, energetic fiancee. Her gloved hand grasped his much larger one as she guided him through the lot, a look of pure determination on her face. “Are you planning on staring down every tree we see?” he asked curiously, his brow cocked slightly at her expression. She looked over one shoulder, a smile breaking on her face before trudging through the lot once more. “Perhaps”. Luke could only chuckle and match his pace with hers as she continued her quest. He noticed the way her breath showed under the lights of the tree lot, a sure sign that winter was upon them. Luke frowned slightly, worrying that her slight frame meant she was more susceptible to catching a cold. Before he could let his worries get too ahead of him, she turned and met his eyes with a look of concern. “Oh! You forgot your gloves, didn’t you?” she asked quizzically, taking both of his hands in her own. She brought them close to her face, breathing on them with her warm breath. The slightly tickling sensation brought a smile to Luke’s face, and he watched her in amusement until her brows knitted together in frustration. “This isn’t helping” she muttered, scanning the grounds with her eyes. They lit up when she spotted a nearby coffee stand, and she whirled around to face Luke again.
“Wait here just a second, okay?” she asked before bolting towards the stand. Luke could feel the heat of her breath fading from his slender digits, and he looked down at his upturned palm. His hands would often be described as cold and clammy to those who knew him, almost laughingly stereotypical for a doctor. If you asked him several years ago, he never thought that such extremities would know anything of warmth. Yet, as she returns to his side and presses a warm to-go cup in his hand, he knows that this could not be farther from the truth. He meets her eyes with a smile as he brings the cup to his lips. A sweet, rich taste fills his mouth when he does, the hot chocolate warming him from the inside out. She looks at him proudly, her own lips curling into a smile. “I knew you’d like it” she said happily before spinning on her heels and continuing her quest. Luke follows her for a while until she stops and points at an Evergreen tree, it’s branches full and nearly double her height. “That’s the one!” she cries, motioning for a nearby worker to help her carry it. Luke’s eyes grow wide at this notion. He makes his way over to her, intending to help, until she shakes her head feverishly. “No way, I got this! Just hold your cocoa” she replies with a smile. And so, much to his disdain, Luke watches as she and a worker haul the tree onto the roof of their car. He couldn’t be too terribly upset, however, with the warmth of his drink and his fiancee’s love for him radiating throughout his body.
Luke Foster was never a man who slept in.
However, when rousing from sleep Christmas morning, he found her snuggled up in their duvet with a tranquil smile on her face. Something about the sight beckoned him back to bed, back to the warmth of their shared space of coziness. So, with quiet movements and a smile gracing his lips, Luke gently pulled back the duvet and crawled in next to her. She subconsciously snuggled closer to his frame, and Luke could feel the heat of her body as her shoulder pressed into his bare chest. He carefully draped an arm over her and kissed her temple, and for a while they stayed like that. Soon, her eyes fluttered open and she began to stir in his grasp.
“Good morning” he murmured, unable to contain his happiness as such a normal moment such as this. She looked at him with eyes unfocused from sleep before leaning in to give him a light peck.
“Merry Christmas” she mumbled, her voice still scratchy with sleep. She tumbled out of bed and walked over to his side, reaching out much like a child who wants something. Amused, Luke takes her hand and she leads him to the living room. Their tree, decorated in hues of red and gold, is glittering in the far corner next to the couch. She nudged him towards the couch and he sat patiently, awaiting her next move with a bemused smile adorning his lips. “I’m going to make coffee” she said groggily, stumbling towards the kitchen. Luke had to fight the urge to chuckle at her behavior, instead he leaned down and plucked a neatly wrapped present from underneath the tree. The white and gold wrapping paper shone from the lights adorning the tree, and Luke couldn’t help but wonder if she would like what he picked out. He sheepishly tucked the box into his lap just as she returned with two steaming mugs. His and Hers, the words printed in cursive along the cup in a vibrant red. He smiled and thanked her as he took a sip, watching her bend down and pick up a vibrantly wrapped present. Taking a seat next to him on the couch, she snuggled up to his side and sipped her coffee before turning to him with a smile.
“Are you ready to exchange presents?” she asked, the sparkle already returning to her eyes from the sudden jolt of caffeine. Luke laughed and nodded, holding out the parcel to her. They swapped boxes and placed their mugs down side-by-side on the coffee table. She motioned to the present in his hand.
“You first”.
Luke cautiously unwrapped the box, not wanting to tear such a thoughtfully wrapped gift. With nimble fingers, he untied the bow and lifted the lid. He was greeted with a surprising sight: a pair of leather gloves were nestled neatly amongst the colorful tissue paper. Luke carefully picked up the gloves and admired them, the dark brown hue catching the light of the tree. He felt yet another smile creep onto his face, and he turned towards her.
“They’re the same color as yours” he said softly, his thumb tracing over the leather with great care. She nodded enthusiastically.
“Yep! Now we match!” she replied, practically bouncing in her seat. He gently placed the gloves back into the box and reached out, winding his fingers into her hair and pulling her in for a kiss in lieu of a reply. They parted just enough for Luke to speak, his thumb now tracing across her cheek.
“It’s your turn” he whispered, his eyes falling downward towards the package in her lap. She beamed at him as they parted, and she unwrapped the gift with the same amount of care as Luke did only moments before. She gasped when she saw what was inside, and she took them out of the package with both hands.
“You got us matching travel mugs?” she asked, her eyes shining with joy. Luke nodded sheepishly.
“I remembered when you got me cocoa at the tree lot. Now we can both go out with something warm to drink” he replied, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly. He was still insecure of the gift, worried she would think it was a childish notion. However, those worries were soon dashed when she leaned in to give him another soft kiss.
“They’re perfect, I love them” she whispered between playful pecks. She giggled when he wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her into his lap. He gave her another kiss, this one achingly sweet. “I’m so glad. Merry Christmas” he breathed, never feeling more warmth than he did in this moment.
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kiserusmoke · 7 years
MmmmMmmmm how about some luke w an mc that gets diagnosed w a terminal illness :-)
4:23 AM
Warning: Character death
LukexMC angst. AO3 Link.
It wasn’t the news that Luke had wanted to hear, not by a long shot. He would much rather be hit by lightning or have his body dragged into the sea. The word of her diagnosis sat like an anchor on his chest, a chain wearing the nape of his neck down, pulling him under the water. At night, he found its weight so crushing he woke up gasping for breath. He had to silence his choking and sputtering as to not wake her, as sleep was vital in her recovery efforts. Luke had to force down a humourless laugh at the thought, for years of medical school taught him that this was not something you could merely sleep off. 
When his hands weren’t comforting her, his arms became a temporary home for her ailing body. Carrying her around the house became part of the routine; an action that was once deemed romantic became a necessity as she could no longer walk on her own. Her body, once a haven of warmth and soft skin, grew feverish as the months went by. Luke didn’t realize he’d miss the heat when she became a cold and frail being, as if her bones were made of ice. Their shared bed became a mountain of blankets as she required more, until you could hardly see her delicate frame beneath the layers. With the medical equipment rolled into the room and countless wires hooked onto her body, it was as if the bed became a focal point of the entire house. Luke rarely left her side unless absolutely necessary, mostly to replenish supplies. Some days he wondered why he kept trying, as he knew her medicine was merely liquid coursing through her veins that had little effect on her condition. Each time he administered the treatment, he watched in agony as the searing pain scrunched up his fiancee’s face. His only solace was that he could stroke her hair and fit her tiny body against his own afterwards, one of the only ways he knew how to comfort her. He remembers a time when, after a particularly grueling round of treatment, he attempted to slip out to let her rest. Packing up the supplies as silently as he could, he switched off the bedside light when a small hand reached out to touch his wrist. The touch, noticeably weaker than it had been in recent months, brought his eyes to hers. They were swimming with a mixture of emotions Luke couldn’t quite explain, but he sensed her love just the same with two simple words.“Please stay?”That was all Luke needed to hear, he thought, as he climbed into bed beside her. She looked over her shoulder at him, giving a soft smile before closing her eyes to rest. It was a smile that, in better times, he could write sonnets about. This wasn’t one of those times, Luke reminded himself as he gently stroked her hair. There was nothing poetic about the way her lips, once pink and kissable, resembled more of a purplish hue. Nothing was lyrical about the ribs he could count on his lover’s body, no beauty in the notches between the vertebrae of her spine that rippled underneath her skin as she tossed and turned at night. The weeks became progressively worse after that night. He had gone downstairs to prepare something easy and bland on her failing stomach, and he returned to an empty bed. He swiftly set down the tray in hand and called her name, making his way towards the bathroom. It was there where he found her, curled up on the cool tile of the bathroom floor. With a shout, he crouched down and wrapped his arms around her frame. Her skin was clammy and damp with sweat, and she shook underneath his touch. Through broken sobs, she told Luke she was scared of death. For the first time in his life, Luke was as well.She wasn’t the only who changed over time. Luke, with all of his normality with his fiancee at his side, began to revert back to old habits. He knew she has portions of dinner stashed away in the freezer, but not even her cooking whet his appetite. The familiar click of a prescription bottle opening took the place of coffee brewing in the kitchen. Nights were reserved for watching her sleep, jumping up at every shuddering breath or coughing fit she took. On the occasions that Eisuke or Soryu would visit, it was not uncommon to find him asleep at his desk in the middle of the day. His sandy locks sprawled over notes comparing her condition to cases he’s seen in the past. His own body was fighting him, but all he could do was focus on the one withering away in the bed next to him.
He awoke at 4:22AM, the sky not yet giving away to dawn passed the curtains left slightly open. Luke rubbed the back of his neck and stood up stiffly from his desk, making his way to her bedside. He looked at her ashen face as he stoked his thumb against her jutted out cheekbones. Just as his long fingers began to work his way into her hair, the EKG machine to his left began the continuous drone that only meant one thing: she was flatlining. As if his body was moving of its own accord, he reached down and charged up the defibrillator by the bed. Ripping away blankets and sheets, he placed the cold device to her chest and delivered one, then another shock to the heart.
After a handful of more attempts with no result, Luke flung the device to the side. He barely reacted when it crashed into the wall, instead turning his attention to other forms of resuscitation. He breathed into her nose and mouth and pumped his hands against her chest, desperate to make the machine produce any other sound. He only faintly registered the sensation of wetness as they fell onto his hands, the repetitive motion making his tears rain down like a storm. He wasn’t sure how long he kept this cycle up, but it was only when his arms were screaming and his legs began to give out that he finally stopped to look at her face.
He knew that there would be nothing but the stillness of death gracing her features, but a part of him still hoped to see a ghost of a smile or a sparkle in her eye. When neither came, Luke turned his attention to the still-screaming machine to his right. Blinking back tears, he switched it off and looked at the clock on the beside table. It read 5:14, the glowing white iridescence of the numbers burning forever into his memory. With one final look at her face, Luke turned towards his desk and pulled out a single sheet of documentation. Under the allotted section, Luke scrawled the numbers into the paper before reading aloud.“Time of death, 4:23AM” he said quietly, though there was nobody but him to hear it; the words echoed in the room as still as the death inside of it.
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kiserusmoke · 7 years
Special Delivery 
@maidofstars​ a little LukexMC fic for you! This was my first time writing Luke, so I hope I did his character justice. I had so much fun writing this!
@catchthespade​ @bolt8826​
MC blinked several times as her eyes adjusted to the bright light. Rubbing her pupils, she slowly sat up in bed. She absentmindedly groped the side of the bed, looking for her fiancé. She arched a slender brow when she found nothing but crumpled sheets. With a sigh, she swung her legs off the side of the bed and padded towards the kitchen. Rubbing the back of her neck, she gathered up two mugs and started the coffee maker. As the pot began brewing, she could hear soft rustling coming from the living room. MC shook her head with a smile as she poured the caffeinated drink into their respected mugs, then she carried them into the next room.
There, surrounded by an almost comical number of medical textbooks and notes, was Luke. His blonde hair hung in front of his face as he peered down on an open book, and MC watched as he absentmindedly dragged his finger across the coffee table. Being careful not to disrupt his reading, she carefully maneuvered her way through the piles of books until she reached her fiancé. With steady hands, she set his coffee down on one of the few free spaces of the table. She then began gathering up the paperwork that had slipped onto the floor. As she bent down to work, Luke suddenly seemed to sense her presence.
“Oh, MC!” he replied. Without even looking at him, MC knew his expression matched that of a wide-eyed child. She hastily grabbed the notes and peeked out from the other side of the table. Sure enough, Luke’s eyes were wide and sparkling, his lips parted slightly in surprise.
“Good morning” she replied with a smile. Placing the notes on the table, she got up and took residence next to Luke on the couch. Picking up her own mug that was left haphazardly near the edge of the table, she took a sip. “You’re up early. Have you been in here long?”
Luke gave a small shrug and straightened out his back. MC could hear an audible pop as his joints shifted under the sudden change of posture.
That answers my question she thought, as she watched Luke scan the room. She bit back a grin at his expression; he looked around as if he was in a foreign place instead of his own home. Finally, his eyes landed on the mug in the center of his notes.
“You made me coffee?” he asked curiously, his eyes still fixated on the steam wafting from the drink. MC reached out and gingerly stroked Luke’s hair near the base of his neck.
“I thought it would be a nice change of pace. Plus, it has more caffeine than your usual tea” she explained, pinning most of her focus on how soft his honey locks felt between her fingertips. Expecting him to protest, MC braced for his next words. However, she was surprised when Luke turned to her and gave her a soft peck on the lips, pulling back with an ear-to-ear smile.
“Thank you for thinking of me” he replied, reaching out to give her hand a squeeze before reaching for the mug. He inhaled the scent of the liquid before tipping his cup back, taking a small sip. As he brought the cup back down, the corners of his mouth twitched into a grin.
“I see what Eisuke’s always saying” he replied, turning to face his research once more “you really do make the best coffee”.
An hour or so passed with the two of them relaxing and reading on the couch, draining their cups and making light conversation. While Luke was absorbed in yet another textbook, MC carefully checked her phone. Noticing a message from the person she has been eagerly waiting for, she slipped off the couch. Gathering the now-empty mugs, she headed towards the kitchen with something like nerves building up in the pit of her stomach.
I hope this goes well MC thought, placed the dishes into the sink for washing. Wiping her hands on a nearby dishrag, she headed towards the door to their backyard. Peeking through the curtain, she spotted the exact person she had been expecting.
Cracking the door open just enough for her body, MC slipped outside and softly shut the door behind her. She turned to face a very awkward looking Soryu.
“Thanks for coming out all this way” she said, giving him a soft smile. MC struggled not to laugh at how uncomfortable the mobster looked, wearing a bulky coat in the middle of summer.
“Whatever. Can you just take it so I can take off this damn coat already?” he replied, an irritated expression gracing his sharp features. With an eager nod, MC holds out her hands and approaches Soryu. Reaching into his coat, he brings out the special delivery and places it into MC’s waiting embrace. She notices for such an aggressive man, his movements are that of a gentle and kind person. MC holds the delivery close to her chests and bows slightly. He rips off his coat, eager to feel the breeze against his skin. MC watches Soryu walk towards his car, before turning to face MC again.
“This… was a pretty nice idea. Thanks for doing this for him” he called out. He didn’t wait for her reply, choosing instead to climb into his car and driving off.
MC juggles the surprise for Luke in one hand as she reaches for the door with another. Taking a deep breath, MC creeps back into the house. With slow steps, MC makes her way back to the living room. Luke, still pouring over his research, doesn’t even acknowledge her presence. MC smiles, noting that her plan was about to pay off. Tiptoeing over to the coffee table, MC gingerly places the kitten in the center of Luke’s work, her paws stretching out to meet the surface.
It takes Luke a moment to register that his view is now overshadowed by something. Cocking his head slightly, Luke looks up and meets the bright blue eyes of the delicate creature in front of him. In a state of shuck, Luke snaps his head up to meet MC’s eyes.
“I wanted to surprise you. I know we’ve talked about it for a while…” she began, but trailed off when she saw his eyes begin to shine with tears. Frantic, MC begins to backpedal. “Oh no, I’m sorry! I shou-“ but her words are cut off once again.
Taking the kitten in one hand, Luke stands and strides towards MC. He cradles the animal close to his chest, and his free hand winds into MC’s rich locks. He brings their lips together in an achingly sweet kiss, and MC swears she can taste the salty tears that are no-doubt running down Luke’s face. Breaking free from the kiss, Luke begins to laugh. MC swears the sound could rival the honey she could taste on his lips.
“I can’t believe you planned this for me” he said, wiping his tears with the back of his hand. The small gray and white kitten mewed softly, and Luke brings her close to his face.
“Don’t think I forgot about you,” he replied, his voice as soft as if he were talking to a newborn. He cuddles the kitten close, and flashes MC another smile.
“I’m so happy you like her” MC replied, finally finding her voice Luke stole from her in his kiss. Luke reaches out and tucks a strand of MC’s hair behind her ear.
“Looks like I have two great girls in my life” he mused softly. In that moment, MC knew they had a great future with their new family ahead of them.
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kiserusmoke · 7 years
Toujours ma princesse
For @maidofstars​ as a (very belated) birthday gift. I hope your day was as special as you are to me, and I hope you like this little Luke fic!
The low hum of the jet made their silence all the more comforting. Luke leaned back slightly as he glanced over at MC. She was perched on the edge of her seat to get a better view out the window. A thin champagne flute was resting on her bottom lip, obviously meant to be drunk out of before the scene outside caught her attention. Luke couldn’t help but notice the way she crossed her legs and leaned forward ever so slightly to get a better view. Sometimes he wondered how he managed to land such a beautiful girlfriend. Just as Luke felt the heat rising up into his cheeks, MC looked over at him with surprise.
“Are you sure you’re feeling okay? I hope you don’t have motion sickness,” she asked, her voice dripping with concern. She reached out and gripped his hand, giving it a light squeeze. Luke found himself relaxing under her touch, and he smiled back at her.
“I’m fine, don’t worry about me” he replied, his thumb tracing over her petite hand. She beamed back at him.
Taking another sip from her glass, she set the flute down and shook her head. “I still can’t believe Eisuke let you borrow his jet,” she said with a chuckle. Luke only squeezed her hand in response, knowing this was merely the beginning of her night of surprises.
Luke waited impatiently as MC was getting changed in the next room over. Having already done the same, Luke found himself fidgeting at the cufflinks of his dark blue suit, smoothing his hands over his waistcoat, and buttoning and unbuttoning his jacket coat. Anything to ease the anticipation mounting in his chest.
Looking around, Luke took in his surroundings. The grand hall was adorned with flags from centuries ago, showing pride for a family long gone that once walked these grounds. Luke wondered what it would have been like to live amongst them, with her by his side. Surely she would be royalty, with a face like that. Before his thoughts could get too carried away, the sound of a heavy door creaking open caught his attention. Turning around, the doctor was nearly knocked off his feet.
MC took a nervous step into the room, one hand still clasped on the door. Her hair was pulled up and away from her face, a dozen or so crystal hairpins scattered throughout her brown tresses.  Her cornflower blue gown moved swiftly with every step, making her look more like a flower in the wind than a person. She gave him a shy smile before making her way towards him.
Taking a deep breath, MC rested her hand on his forearm and looked into his eyes. “You really do look like a Prince,” she breathed, and Luke couldn’t help but be dumbstruck for a moment.
How can she say I look good when she’s this heavenly? he thought, the corner of his eyes crinkling in affection. He found himself beaming at her in response.
“I guess that means you’re my Princess, right?” he asked, taking her small hand in his. The scarlet blush creeping onto her cheeks gave him the only answer he needed, and he escorted her through another set of doors. Luke listened to her gasp at the new surroundings.
The ballroom was vast, with marble flooring and walls covered in golden-toned wallpaper. Off to the right, a string quartet and a grand pianist were already in position, obviously awaiting the couple’s arrival.
“Shall we dance?” Luke asked, his free hand already making its way to MC’s waist. Her eyes widened and she shook her head slightly.
“I don’t know how to dance very well” she replied, her voice barely above a whisper. Luke rubbed his thumb across her delicate hand.
“I told you I’d teach you how to dance after that play we put on, didn’t I? So just follow my lead,” he murmured as the music began to fill the room. With careful movements, Luke began his waltz.
It only took several moments for MC to catch up with Luke’s steps, and soon they were twirling across the marble floors. Anyone watching them would think they were professionals, but Luke knew their synchronization was only due to their close connection to each other. The only thing better than having MC in his arms, Luke mused, was looking at her joyous expression as they danced. Time seemed to stop as the pair danced to song after song, and all too soon night came.
Taking a minute to breathe, Luke rested his hand on the small of her back and led her to a balcony. The soft breeze cooled off the couple, as they took in the scenery before them. While MC was focused on the vast, rolling green hills in front of them, Luke found himself unable to take his eyes off of her. With every bite of the lip and every hand that reached down to smooth the satin of her dress, Luke drank in her every move. He faintly wondered if she felt like a Princess as much as she looked like one. He leaned on the balcony railing and spoke to her, his eyes suddenly turned to the sky.
“I have one more surprise for you, MC” he said softly, a small sense of nervousness behind his words.
Oh God, I hope she doesn’t find this too much.
Before MC could reply, the sky was light up in pink. Luke could see MC’s head snap up out of the corner of his eye, and he beamed. Taking one last look to ensure the fireworks were being properly displayed, he turned towards her. He was relieved to find her smiling.
“Happy Birthday, MC” he said softly, as she tore her eyes away from the view. The smile she gave him rivaled the luminosity of the light show before them, and Luke cupped her face in his large hands.
“You will always be my Princess,” he whispered, before capturing her lips in an achingly sweet kiss. The pink and purple sky was the perfect backdrop for the two of them, as they kissed, looking all the more like a fairytale come to life.
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kiserusmoke · 6 years
Author Notes: Chapter 1 of Through The Looking Glass, a KBTBB Drabble Collection in collaboration with @catchthespade. AO3 Link. 
Luke/MC. Light Angst. 
The twinkling lights of the city below illuminated on Luke’s fair features as he stared at the window. Hues of yellow, orange, and green mingle with the night air to create a calming atmosphere, but the mood is lost on Luke. His mind could not be further from the sight in front of him, his fingers ghosting across the cool glass doing nothing to tether him to the present moment.  
With a sigh, he turns and faces the empty hotel bed. There was no familiar movement of her frame, no chestnut locks peeking out from underneath white sheets. Luke’s large hand palmed the pristine covers, searching for a warmth he knew wasn’t there.
New York is lonely when your mind is exactly 6,737 miles away.
It was true, work was immensely important to Luke. At one point in time, it was everything; but now those times are gone and Luke can only focus on the fact that his fiancee is in another country waiting for him. The thought makes him feel like he’s jumping out of his own skin, taking every ounce of restraint not to jump on a plane and return home.
Luke thinks a nice shower will help him with his nerves. (It doesn’t).
He thinks about the distance between them as he flops down on the bed, his still-damp hair turning the sheets underneath him nearly translucent. He closes his eyes and inhales deeply, thinking he might catch a whiff of her perfume if he tries hard enough.
(He doesn’t).
A half hour and one ragged sweater pulled over his head later, and Luke is seated at the nondescript desk facing the wall opposite of the floor-to-ceiling windows on his hotel room. His slender finger taps lightly on the wood, steeling his nerves before ghosting over the laptop in front of him. It was a present from her one Christmas, when she insisted that they videochat during his business trips away. Luke was never one for technology, but now it felt more like a lifeline. One directly to her.
The subtle blue glow of the screen illuminates his features, drawing unnatural shadows across his face. It takes him a minute to connect to the hotel’s Wi-Fi and navigate his way to the app before hitting her contact name. The chime of Luke’s laptop connecting fills the room, echoing off the walls and mingling with the sound of Luke taking a deep breath. For a moment, he wonders if she’ll answer, regretting not checking the time over there before calling.
It’s only when her face appears on the screen that he relaxes, his own face breaking out into a smile.
“I missed you” he says softly.
(Suddenly, the girl that was 6,737 miles away feels closer than ever).
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