topazshadowwolf · 1 month
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Hello there, you! I have not failed to notice you going through my fics. And apparently, you didn't just stick to my Dadmare stuff, either, @chiyannad XD The Great and Wonderful Doctor W.D. Gaster and The Door?! I haven't updated it in aaaaages. Still, happy to see you enjoying my new and old works, so thanks for that.
Now, about Lyra. I am hesitant to say "OC" as an original character to me is a wholly original and not tied to a fandom. Lyra is a fan character designed to be part of the UTMV of at least HNBD. Though anyone is welcome to use her for their own creations.
Those stories you see her in are set in the future. Balance, or Lyra, will appear in HNBD, but she will be more of a side character who will play a big role... I needed someone to be a Balance/Order keeper. And I wanted someone who wasn't a Sans. So, I picked a Toriel and decided to repurpose a Toriel from an abandoned AU idea that came up years ago in Soriel Discord for her origins. In time, I will tell her story, but fewer readers are interested in her than in Dadmare, thus focusing on Dadmare.
After years of writing Soriel, I should have known that my brain would insist she should kiss a Sans. Over time, I accepted that I would be shipping her with someone. Past me thought if she were to fall for a Sans, it would be Dream. My brain did not get that memo, as she somehow fell for Nightmare. And... yeah... it will make sense when she finally starts playing her role in HNBD. That said, I still hold to no ships being in that fic. The most you will see is a budding friendship.
Anyway, her history will be part of a FuzzyNight fic, as she would only reveal it to anyone if she were in a close enough relationship. So, you gotta wait. I did write a start to that fic and referenced her home life..., but I will eventually put all my little FuzzyNight fics on AO3 so they are better organized.
As for a reference:
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That first one is by me. The next two were commissioned from @tamagoneko and the last one was commissioned from @skeleplatypus
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slylock-syl · 4 months
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Valentine's Day Crackship Event collab with @codeyspace!~ ✨ Event hosted by @creators-lounge~
We both had Toriels on hand and more or less went "why not"! XD
I did the line art, shading and some effects, and Codey did the sketch, colors and background~
It was super fun working with you Codey!! 💜💜 :D
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somegrumpynerd · 9 months
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Started reading The Bad Wingmen by @topazshadowwolf and @paddie-ut and it utterly possessed me for a few days so I needed to draw some of my favourite bits
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lovetale-redemption · 2 years
LOVEtale Chapter 8A (Part 13)(2/2) : Buried shards
DA: https://www.deviantart.com/sinnerblastersans/art/LOVEtale-Ch-8A-Part-13-Buried-shards-126-918534995
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Music: https://youtu.be/W5DNK1Ycd-U
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Music: https://youtu.be/wC38_SBEgzc
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🖤❤️🤍♥️In this post we will put the latest alternate universe of Subtertale called:
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😇🪽🪽-Subterkamytale History:🪽🪽😇
The story of: Subterkamytale takes place on the Earth...where the Reapertale characters...I mean gods reign over humans and monsters and where the gods, monsters and humans live peacefully in the Earth.
In Subterkamytale the monsters are new monsters that have similarities with the monsters in Undertale.
However, the peace that exists on Earth is threatened when a radical group of humans began to spread hatred towards the gods and fear towards monsters, triggering a devastating war between humans and monsters.
The devastating war ended with the overwhelming victory of the humans, the monsters were expelled and exiled in the underground, where they were locked by a magical barrier imposed by the humans.
The story continues with the original gods, that is, the gods of Reapertale, since...the gods, witnessing how the population of humans and monsters began to spread, the balance of life was being broken since there were too many mortals living on Earth...and that in addition to that, humans and monsters had destroyed the peace on Earth, they decided to do something to regain balance and to recover the peace, they decided to create a God with the power to kill: Sans and Papyrus.
The gods, after creating their God with the power to kill, decided to send their two: Emissaries and semi-goddesses of mercy: Lyra and Frisk to the Earth.
Frisk in this Au is in charge of teaching mercy to humans and she will do everything possible to recover the peace that was on Earth.
Lyra in this Au is in charge of restoring the hope that the monsters lost and she will look for a way to free them from the underground.
🪽🪽😇Subterkamytale characters:🪽🪽😇
(Before starting with the characters of this Au, tell you that All the gods of this Au including the demigoddesses: Frisk and Lyra...and finally including Chara are divine/spiritual beings.
Therefore they do not have a physical or established form, they can take on multiple forms (one of those forms is their human form with which they can go to earth without mortals discovering their identity as gods), and "Death/Sans and Papyrus" takes on multiple faces/appearances, and the "Sans" we know in this Au is one of them).
-Emissaries and semi-goddesses of mercy:
Frisk and Lyra.
In Subterkamytale Frisk keeps the six human souls that are emissaries of the same character but corrupted by darkness and hatred.
-Beloved acolyte of faith/The Corrupt former Goddess that corrupts souls/former Goddess of Hope alongside Asriel and princess of the gods:
She slowly became an outcast, as humanity grew with the hatred of gods and fear of monsters, she remained firmly well.
Over time, Chara had also suffered harassment and abuse from the humans who began to hate gods and fear monsters, which would have caused Chara to steadily begin to or she new eternal mission is: corrupt the souls of humans even more.
Deep down, she never wanted to disappoint the gods she loved so much...especially Toriel, Chara sought solace in her love for the gods more and more so she forged a friendship with his brother Asriel, Chara and Asriel became inseparable.
Chara once managed to steal Sans's scythe which she uses to take Toriel's life or so she thought... since Lyra before being sent to Earth saves Toriel from being killed.
She dislikes Sans quite a bit but without actually hating him.
She has a great hatred for humanity, yet she appreciates without loving monsters.
She appreciates the humans who use the hatred that Chara uses to further corrupt they souls.
Chara also she dislikes Lyra a little but without hating her for save Toriel.
-Goddess of life and queen of the gods: Toriel.
She brought life to the world and created humans and monsters, all of them are her creation and her children, she learned that Asgore, Gerson and Gaster propose the creation of death.
Toriel, disgusted by this decision, fled the divine sphere and hid in isolation on Earth, where if it had not been for Lyra saving her, she would have been killed by Chara when she lowered her Guard before Chara.
-Gods of death: Sans and Papyrus.
Subterkamytale Papyrus and Sans' appearance and clothing are the same as Reapertale Sans and Reapertale Papyrus.
Papyrus is the kind and compassionate side of death while Sans is the not kind or compassionate side of death.
The two take care of souls truly corrupted and completely contaminated by hatred.
The two also take care of all the souls of the Earth, both human and monsters, obviously.
Sans and Papyrus can manipulate a Soul, that means they can harvest souls, that is, take the souls of mortals.
Everything Sans and Papyrus touch dies instantly.
Sans has two clocks with sand of souls where in one of those clocks he observes the life of each living or mortal being, that is, human and monster, and in the other clock he observes how much time they have left to live. His watches are black and the souls inside are the same color as the 6 human souls but the souls inside the watches are not the 6 human souls.
His brother Papyrus also has a single clock that allows him to observe the lives of mortals and when they will appear where he wait them.
Papyrus also carries most of the burden as he takes responsibility for organizing events and maintenance on Earth while Sans takes the role as judge of souls.
Finding Chara's corrupted soul, Sans tries to end her suffering but she is more cunning and steals one of his scythes.
Sans has a big addiction to coffee.
Sans and his brother Papyrus have black wings.
Sans uses his black scythe as a weapon, Chara stole a another scythe from him.
Papyrus uses a smaller black scythe than Sans.
Every time Sans kills or takes some healthy and pure soul, Sans becomes very weak and his soul decreases a little.
Sans can fight other gods without receiving serious damage, also in this Au the gods cannot kill each other.
-Goddess of fortune: Muffet.
-God of the home: Grillby.
-Goddess of knowledge: Alphys.
Alphys is quite shy and saved Mettaton's soul with her magic.
-Goddess of war: Undyne.
She mistakes Frisk for Chara so she attempts to destroy her corrupted soul but she is stopped by Sans clarifying that she is not the one she is looking for.
-God of the heaven and king of the gods: Asgore.
Asgore was aware of the imbalance that Toriel's love generated and he made a decision that had to be made but no one blames Toriel and that is simply because he decided that way.
Asgore realized that due to the imbalance, human beings are taking advantage of life and therefore are victims of darkness and apathy, death was necessary to take advantage of life and he understands that what Toriel did was with love but In the end Asgore made a difficult decision but he did so with humility and sadness.
He is a kind and gentle god and king...but he does what is necessary.
-God of hope/now demi-god of hope and prince of the gods: Asriel.
He and his sister Chara were the gods of hope but Chara stopped being the goddess of hope.
Asriel is the eldest son of the gods: Toriel and Asgore and Chara's brother, he wanted to protect Chara since she believed in him.
When Asriel died, his soul was corrupted and divided into two parts:
-One part created a being that possessed the capricious magic, faith and broken hope and broken dreams of Asriel called: Flowey.
In this Au Flowey is the embodiment of despair and bitterness.
Flowey became Chara's partner and Flowey and Chara are not friends.
-The other part unfortunately began to break but thanks to the determination of Lyra and Frisk since they knew that Asriel died...that part did not break and Asriel returned to life.
Now Asriel is a demi-god just like Lyra and Frisk.
He is a human who, upon losing his life due to being killed by a human after protecting several monsters and humans from the attack of the human that killed him, his soul was used to turn him into a crystal golem.
-God of wisdom: Gerson.
He has a great indifference towards human beings and has an admiration towards monsters.
-God of magic: Gaster.
Gaster was in charge of creating and ending death in its entirety, giving them magic, however due to the fact that Gaster had never created anything before there were unpredictable consequences and two gods of death were created instead of one, Sans and Papyrus...both with the title of God of death as two sides of the same coin.
Both...I mean Sans and Papyrus are made of a mixture of magic, wisdom and darkness.
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silly4sillypoll · 1 year
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(I’m aware this is kinda a mess but I promise it’ll get neater as time goes on)
please let me know if anyone is either misspelled or goes by a different name than what I put down
And please send any pictures you may have of your sillies here! It not only makes my job much easier but it also spreads propaganda >:)
Polls will begin Afternoon 4/19
vvv Lineup in text form underneath here vvv
Sweet Cap’n Cakes (DELTARUNE) VS Sans x Toriel (UNDERTALE)
Jevil x Spamton (DELTARUNE) VS papyrus x Mettaton (UNDERTALE)
Sonic x Espio VS Sonic x Knuckles (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Doctor Robotnik x Agent Stone (Sonic the Hedgehog) VS Vanessa Carlyle x Wade Wilson (Deadpool)
Roger x Jessica Rabbit (Who Framed Roger Rabbit) VS Daffy Duck x Bugs Bunny (Looney Tunes)
The Joker x Batman (LEGO Batman Movie) VS The Joker x Pinkie Pie x Rainbow Dash (mlp)
Spider-Ham x Spider Noir (Spider-man: Into the Spider-verse) VS Pinkie Pie x Cheese Sandwich (My Little Pony)
Troy Bolton x Sharpay Evans (Highschool Musical) VS Junkrat x Roadhog (Overwatch)
King Bowser x Luigi VS Princess Daisy x Princess Peach (Mario)
Lord Zuko x Sokka (Avatar: The Last Airbender) VS Bolin x Korra (Legend of Korra)
Kamishiro Rui x Tenma Tsukasa (Project Sekai) VS Normal Oak x Harmie Unworthy (Dungeons and Daddies) 
Questionette x Borbra Luddington (Smile For Me) VS You x Your Blorbo(s) (Your Shows)
Diamond x Pearl (Pokemon Adventures) VS Ethan/Hibiki x Lyra/Kotone (Pokemon Heartgold and Soulsilver)
Luz Noceda x Amity Blight VS Edalyn Clawthorne x Raine Whispers (The Owl House)
Dave x Jack (Dayshift at Freddy’s) VS Dr Bubby x Dr Harold Coomer (Half-Life: but the AI is Self-aware) 
4 x X (Battle for BFDI) VS Light bulb x Test tube (Inanimate Insanity)
Sportacus x Robbie Rotten (Lazytown) VS Bill and Ted (‘s Excellent Adventure)
Monkey D. Luffy x Zoro (One Piece) VS Seahawk x Mermista (She-ra)
Harry Du Bois x Kim Kitsuragi (Disco Elysium) VS Link x Prince Sidon (LOZ: Breath of the Wild)
Puss x Kitty Softpaws (Puss in Boots) VS Scar x Grian (3rd Life SMP) 
Jessie x James (Pokemon) VS Puyo Puyo x Tetris (Real life???) 
Fubuki Tenjoin x Jun Manjoume (Yugioh GX) VS Kakashi Hatake x Maito Gai (Naruto)
Josuke x Okuyasu VS Jolyne x Foo Fighters (Jojo's Bizarre Adventure)
Soldier x Zhanna (Team Fortress 2) VS Vash the Stampede x Nicholas D. Wolfwood (Trigun)
Koichi Zenigata x Lupin III VS Daisuke Jigen x Lupin III (Lupin III)
Redson x Mei Dragon x MK (LEGO Monkie Kid) VS Spongebob x Patrick (Spongebob)
Zagreus x Hypnos (Hades) VS Aziraphale x Crowley (Good Omens)
Shiver x Frye x Bigman (Splatoon) VS Apollo Justice x Klavier Gavin (Ace Attorney)
Kim Wexler x Jimmy Mcgill (Better Call Saul) VS Dr. Gregory House x James Wilson (House)
Tom Wambsgans x Greg Hirsch (Succession) VS Troy Barnes x Abed Nadir (Community)
Terezi Pyrope x Vriska Serket VS Dave Strider x Karkat Vantas (Homestuck) 
Equius Zahhak x Nepeta Leijon VS Gamzee Makara x Tavros Nitram (Homestuck) 
Last edited 4/19
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ivyprism · 8 months
Undertale AU Characters
Undertale - Grillby, Riverperson and Frisk: Grillby (Grillbz), Riverperson (or RP), and Frisk
Underfell - Grillby, Riverperson, Undyne, and Frisk: Tyrian, Rivulet, Neve, and Tart
Underswap - Chara: Pudding
Swapfell Amethyst - Chara: Custard
Horrortale - Aliza
Dancetale - Frisk: Mooncake
Fellswap Amaranth - Grillby, Muffet, Fuku Fire, Undyne, Alphys, Asgore, Toriel, Asriel, Goner Asriel, Monster Kid/Temmie, Frisk, Chara, Napstaton, Hapstablook, Asgore’s Mother and Father, Toriel’s Mother, and Father: Vulcan, Eclair, Enya, Fujiko, Beryl, Elric, Alexandra, Victor, Nicole, Micah/M, Farin, Clare, Ryder, Hendrix, Theodora, Cedric, Octavia, and Claudius.
Swapfell Glaucous - Grillby, Muffet, Undyne, Alphys, Asgore, Toriel, Napstaton, Hapstablook, Chara, Frisk, MK/Temmie, and Asriel: Thyme, Candy, Rosette, Athena, Delray, Madeline, Xavier, Blake, Truffle, Strudel, Waffle/Cream, and Louis.
Mafiatale - Asgore and Toriel: Clyde and Pearl
Mafiafell - Asgore and Toriel: Harvey and Opal.
Mafiaswap - Asgore and Toriel: Lex and Garnet
Alluretale - Asgore, Toriel, Frisk, Chara, Asriel/Flowey, Monster Kid, Mettaton, Napstablook/Napstaton, Grillby, Muffet, Undyne, and Alphys: Heath, Joy, Honey, Aero, Graham/Gram, Toffee, Espresso, Latte, Whiskey, Mocha, Dagger, and Citrine
Allurefell - Grillby and Muffet: Vermouth and Sherry
Angels Fall - Undyne, Alphys, Asgore, Toriel, Napstaton, Mettaton, Grillby, Muffet, Frisk, Chara/Temmie, Asriel/Stuffy, and Monster Kid: Dina, Mieko, Alastair, Brea, Neo, Myles, Helios, Pastry, Halo, Cherub/Cece, Theodore/Theo, and Malachi.
The Mermaid Mercenary - Undyne: Blyze
Final Boss AU - Toriel, Asgore, Frisk, Chara, Flowey, Undyne, Alphys, Mettaton, Napstablook, Grillby, Muffet, and Monster Kid: Adrienne, Caderyn, Lowen, Moss, Griff, Valda, Dian, Ceol, Lalo, Ardere, Honoré, and Emery
The Visitor - Frisk: Vett
The Melody of the Universes - Asgore, Toriel, Asriel/Flowey, Chara, Frisk, Monster Kid, Muffet, Grillby, Mettaton, Napstaton, Alphys, and Undyne: Caprice (likes to be called Reese), Aria, Piper/Pip, Caprice, Symphony, Brio, Sonata, Jazz, Chord, Rhapsody, Allegra, and Lyra
Old AU - Grillby, Muffet, Fuku Fire, Undyne, Alphys, Toriel, Asgore, Asriel/Flowey, Monster Kid, Frisk, Chara/Stuffy, Napstaton/Napstablook, and Mettaton: Flint, Sherbert, Stella, Oriel, Della, Tara, Theodoric, Asher/Grey, Marlowe, Angel (also goes by Gem), Haven/Lyric, Kai, and Apollo
The Pirates of Vividus - Undyne, Alphys, Asgore, Toriel, Asriel, Chara, Frisk, Monster Kid, Grillby, Muffet, Mettaton, and Napstablook: Rivule, Exos, Typhos, Crystal, Marble, Flair, Illume, Fye, Sonus, Dusk, Aeranas, and Terberis
Royal - Undyne, Alphys, Asgore, Toriel, Asriel, Chara, Frisk, Monster Kid, Grillby, Muffet, Mettaton, and Napstablook: Ocea, Intris, Fernis, Tera, Entros, Rane, Hayle, Lec, Tinder, Vapora, Theuros, and Noxis
The Wandering SOULs - Chara and Temmie: Sailor and Quest (Q)
The Duet of Medieval and Modern - Toriel, Asgore, Asriel, Chara, Frisk, Monster Kid, Alphys, Undyne, Mettaton, Napstablook, Grillby, and Muffet: Celastrina, Aglias, Clodius, Papillon, Frey, Ellis, Diana, Louise, Herod, Riff, Ignatius, and Dulcie
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the Astral Plane Au ask blog
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this is my first ever ask blog officially doing, im excited to share this au that i made. i think it is unique because of how it is, this au is in the past.
there are characters you can ask, you can ask them about them, what’s happening and so on with the questions.
ill give a little thing of what this au is about 👍
this au is in the past, astra, astra is the person/skeleton that remembers only some people of his/this past in the au. and the reason behind that— well, why don’t you ask him yourself?
the characters that are able to be asked questions are:
astra (sans) the “old” version
nova (papyrus)
the human lunar (frisk)
luna (toriel)
orion (asgore)
victor (gaster)
lyra (alphys)
delta (mettaton)
atlas (flowey)
if you want you can ask me questions too!
about the lore, what they like to do, and so on, if you don’t know what to ask the characters and such
have fun
also the character sheets will be posted with this so you have an idea what they look like 👍
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GALAXYEXPLORES!TALE MY AU @teensadventuresstudio
Well this is my galaxyexplores!tale au, I know there are several aus with this Space theme, but this multiverse does not follow the story of the original undertale, in fact it is a non-linear open UNIVERSE full of adventures and things happening at the same time, this universe is the storehouse of magic weapons of my muitverse its main objective is to create objects, weapons, armor and other things the most magical, as if it were a great intergalactic market, I based it mainly on the Planet of the treasure so much so that Plêiades has the same personality by Jim Hawkins, and this multiverse is divided into 4 planets and I'll tell you about each one of them ^^:
Planet Cybertroya
Name of Inhabitants: Beryanos
Representative: Mettton and his assistant Meow Byite (meow meow)
this planet has a very interesting magnetism in addition to being very rich in electricity, the compotes of the planet is composed of copper, gold and silver, the abyssants were the wreckage of robots left as sulcata on this planet, one of these was mettaton and My Byite they began Seeing that the planet's metal was useful, and exposing the multiverse more, they discovered how to make machines and even their own citizens, Mettaton liked his world so much that he decided to open a place to host robots and other inhabitants who wanted to rest a little, the city is big and very futuristic and advanced with several products created by mettaon, its commerce is interstellar
planet Terra
name of the inhabitants: Terralings
rep: kris
citizens of planet Terra we are human beings, only very advanced, they discovered a way to live without harming nature but of course they did not leave their food omnivorous, they receive visitors all the time and are great consumers of other planets, they provide many Useful or even simple things like crafting projects, fashion, rustic design and even interstellar security, the planets have come to a consensus that humans have great skill as war fighters which left them charged as great soldiers to keep the peace. between planets and resolve conflicts.
planet Feratrinuz
names of inhabitants: Ferinuz
representatives ; the couple Toreil and Asgore
different from the Undertale universe, Agore has always been very friendly with humans and never ended with Toriel they have 3 children Ursa, Asriel and Toroe, Ursa is the daughter heir to the throne a beautiful goat with pink horns, her hair is white and soft,
your planet is interesting because it is super slow, they have a period for dorimrie and hibernate, your planet only has 3 seasons Rainy, Winter and Infernal Heat, yes it has autumn and spring, but they last very little at most 3 months, they use to plant and harvest on these days and gather food for the 4 years of infernal heat or infernal cold and also in the changing of the seasons they celebrate the Royal Exchange, where they change the guards for the determined periods of cold and humid heat, all in their respective roles, they are the main manufacturers of great special armor and intelstellar magic
carnarito planet
name of inhabitants: Cratos]
Ruled by: Atares and his wife Lyra (and care for his brother Pleiades)
the cratos live in a very crude society, let's say they have 2 species of males the alphas and the omegas, the omegas are more ineligible but weak and they don't have their genetics modified, the alphas are seen as leaders in the plant but they are more brute force that head, the problem is that when the Alphas arrived in evolution they took care of the females, the females preferred them, since the omega males they were excluded and betrayed as weak and inute, it is very rare to see a female marry an omega , then the omegas began to reproduce with other breeds, but there came a point that they evolved their genetics and now their genetics (as well as male cats) began to take over the future genetics of females, 99% were from the father and 1% from the mother (only as a genetic basis for creating the fetus and to determine whether the child would be born XY or XX) so this species was seen as a parasite in the entire universe, because it could annihilate species from other planets, now there is a law that if you are going to marry With a Cratos you need to make sure you want to keep it tenderly and accept this fate of your genetics of your species of your family being eradicated forever.
well presented the universe... I will show the species little by little, I'm almost finished with some but I'm busy to show it to you so I'm going to show this peroangem that I finished later I explain more about the species and I continue to draw the others
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age: 25
bull sign
pronouns: he/him
The older brother of Atares (and also Plêiades is the family's shame for being omega....)
- broke up with him 2 times and is now single
- realist
- hate pepoles uses his "DIVERSITY" as a cane to take advantage of everything.
- speaks truth and hurts when he speaks
Pleiades nad my au :@teensadventuresstudio
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topazshadowwolf · 6 months
Will Lyra still be helping out with the boys when they’re older or…?
does dream know?
HNBD Lyra considers the boys Nightmare's sons. Regular FuzzyNight Lyra knows the boys are Nightmare's sons and figures she is adopting them into her life by forming a relationship with her NightStar. Gooptales Lyra let Nightmare play the single father of a group of small children for a while, but no more. She will stay and help him raise his boys and continue to stay with him long after they are adults again. She will be their mother. ... And will likely cry when they first call her "mom."
As for Dream...
Nightmare stood outside of the cottage, permission to be in the OmegaTimeline given by Core when Lyra asked. It was a surprise visit. One that Lyra set up without telling Dream that he would be there. Also, without telling the positive skeleton there were four tiny skeletons with them.
Not that Dream was unaware of the condition of his... his sons... But the Guardian of Positivity was not informed on how they went from henchmen who acted like sons to just... sons. Nor, were the children aware they had an uncle. An Uncle that Lyra was insisting the children needed to get to know.
She knocked on the door as Nightmare shifted, unsettled about being here after... well... that day. Each tiny skeleton child with them was held off the ground and protectively by a tendril. He could feel Dust's subtle breathing as he slept, Killer's excited wiggling, Horror's stillness as he passively watched, and Cross's hand as he gently petted the limb holding him. Nightmare was about to back down when the door opened.
"Lyra," Dream greeted with a smile, but he then paused as he looked at Nightmare. "And Nighty... I will be honest, I did not think I would see your... well... them again."
Nightmare folded his arms and frowned, "I had not planned on you seeing them either." A light elbowing from Lyra made him sigh and add, "But I know I can not hide them away forever... And as my... as they are mine, Lyra has reminded me that they also become part of your family." After a moment, Lyra nudged Nightmare one more time, and he knew what she wanted him to say. With a long-suffering sigh, Nightmare finally added, "And... they may benefit from having their... Uncle Dream in their lives."
Dream's eye sockets and eyelights grew, stars forming within as he struggled to contain his aura as he was filled with annoying positive emotions. "I'm an uncle?" He asked, excitedly, then quickly moved, "I am sorry, please, come inside."
As the children play with Blue and Stretch, their self-declared cousins, Nightmare would explain what happened. Dream would have the scientists he knows there look into finding a cure too, but no luck. They reach the same conclusion as Sci.
Still, Dream is more than happy to watch the boys for a while... just a while. They are a handful! An adorable handful, but no wonder Lyra and Nighty bring them over now and then. One, they are trying to build a relationship and need to have a moment to themselves now and then, aka date nights (Dream hopes he is invited to the wedding). Two, at times, the two need a chance for a good long, sleep. A good rest in which they don't have to worry about kids waking up before them and getting into mischief.
And the best part of being an uncle? Spoiling the kids and then shipping them back off home to their parents once they start to get unruly.
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chronsart · 2 years
art - chronsart - art process - digital art - creature design - chrontorial - sketchbook - horns - hands - sculpt - friend art - derp - dream - grayscale - mask - before and after - pen - 3DSart - speedpaint - screencap redraw
oc Characters List: illovalus - Teiran - Snowjumps - Raige - Lyra - Galo - Demitrius - Ninras - Ieya - raige - dorge - Itelomiyn - Amara - Zack - Ghost - Alutal - Zil - Rakthiya - Kaelan - Remnant -
Sapient: mermaid - octopeople - dragon - dragonoid - Treanemirrnum - ant people - Bird People - facelessones - reptillian - sphinat - skeleton - horse - unicorn - robot - spiderdog - Zeijoto (Arctic Wolf People) - skeleton - wolf people - Lephan - Uen - bat dog - snake centipede - Animals - Bird - rok bird - Worm Dog - Vicore - Cigriff - dragon ferret - Cat - Void Cat - Big Lizard - Olgadon -
(original) Story Project Masks The Ghost from the Void
Undertale - Gaster - Sans - Papyrus - Undyne - Toriel - Dragonfell Skelefrisk - Start Reading - Comic - wips - extras - model sculpting process - 2016-2017 - This is the 2nd version. The Keeper of the Void - A03 fic - Demitale (collab) Underworld gods (collab) A Wish at the End of the World
Plant Shop 🌱 (closed for winter) Gardening Plants: Wandering Dude - Spider Plant - Panda Plant - Sun Flower -
2016 - 2018
Chrons Rambles
WIP. The internet is on fire alot, and people move platforms so much that its a struggle to invest in sites. But, I'm not leaving Tumblr anytime soon because its actually comfy here, so... I just want to have this Index to build on overtime when i can.
Clean up my tags and make a system to finding things easier. I have some projects and head world stuff and plant notes that I like to ramble about occassionally and I'd like to have a good base line for discovering that stuff.
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The queen herself 😌✨
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sqwarkdemon · 5 years
A list of characters I won’t/can’t draw
I feel like I need to make this now, cus I’m getting requests from people that mean well, but they have characters I won’t draw. I’m not blaming any of you btw, this isn’t an angry post! It’s my fault I didn’t make this sooner.
So, here’s  a list of characters I won’t (or can’t) draw for one reason or another. I’m going to try to justify it as best I can as to not make it sound like I’m being a pick asshole.
Characters I won’t/can’t draw:
Jessica Rabbit: I honestly didn’t think about this one until it was requested, but it’s mainly because I watched a lot of ‘Who Framed Rodger Rabbit’ as a kid, and while I think she’s a cutie I just can’t bring myself to draw her. She’s too ingrained into my childhood.
Lola Bunny: While I’m confident in my anthro skills now, I also watched a lot of ‘Space Jam’ as a kid, so again she’s ingrained into my childhood. 
Anything Disney: Again, childhood. Also I’m pretty sure most of them aren’t over 18. Don’t @ me.
Anything Star Wars: Same reasons as above.
Anything under Fox Network: So no Simpsons, Futurama, Family Guy, American Dad, South Park, ect ect.
Anything Adult Swim: No, I will not draw Summer. Or Beth. ...or rick... stop asking me.
Anything Kingdom Hearts: I can’t draw most of these characters cus they’re underage. I might draw Aqua though.
Anything Darling in the Franxx: My second most requested character to draw is Zero Two, and I’m sorry to all DITF fans but I HATED DITF. For that reason, I just can’t bring myself to draw Zero Two. She’s just... uninspiring to me. Cute, but not something I’d want to draw. Sorry. I might draw the one that gets pregnant though. Maybe. No promises.
Anything FNAF: Just not my jam. Sorry.
Anything Bendy and the Ink Machine: Again, not my jam.
Anything Adventure Time: Not my jam either.
Loud House: No.
Pokemon (creatures): I’ll draw a Gardevoir and I’ll draw Gjinkas, but drawing anthro Pokemon isn’t my jam either.
Anything Undertale. No preggo/stuffed/big titted Toriels pls. I like seeing it, just not drawing it. Makes me feel dirty.
My Little Pony: Again, not my jam. I’ll draw humanized versions, maybe? But don’t hold your breath on that.
Harry Potter: It’s too close to my childhood, I wouldn’t feel comfortable drawing them.
Any mechs: I can’t do them justice, and I’ve got no attachment whatsoever to any mech franchise minus Gurren Lagan.
Rainbow Six: Just ain’t my thing.
Character’s I’m on the fence about:
Bulma: She’s a character that, again, I’ve had deeply ingrained into my childhood but it’s not like I don’t want to draw lewd art of her. It’s just challenging.
Android 18: Again, same deal. I could probably draw preggo Android 18, but I’d need to be in a special mood for it.
DDLC Girls: DDLC is a troubling one because I love the character designs but I never want to play it. I’ve seen and heard enough about that game to know I never want to play it. However, I love Sayori’s design and I’ll 100% draw more Sayori in the future. Natsuki, probably. Monika, maybe. Yuri? Probably not. Sorry for the adamant DDLC fans who are waiting. I promise I WILL draw all 4 girls together someday.
Pokemon girls: I probably won’t draw the following Pokemon girls: Crystal (Kris), Leaf, Lyra, Jasmine, Mira, Iris, Bonnie, Selene, Lillie, Anime Serena, Lana, Acerola, Hapu, or other Anime girls under 18. I WILL draw: Misty, Erika, Sabrina, Whitney, Clair, May, Roxanne, Flannery, Winona, Phoebe, Glacia, Lovrina, Dawn, Cheryl, Marley, Gardenia, Maylene (?), Fantina, Candice, Cynthia, Hilda, Bianca (older version), Elesa, Skyla, Fennel, Rosa, Roxie (?), Game Serena, Shauna (?), Viola, Korrina, Valerie, Zinna (?), Mallow, and Wicke.  So there’s your choices.
Digimon: I’ve only ever watched the earlier series, so I have no attachment to other characters. I also don’t want to draw anthro digimon. I’ll draw (Tri & DATM) Sora though, she’s a cutie. 
If there’s a character you’re unsure of, please drop me a note and I’ll see. I know this looks like a long list but when you consider what I WILL draw the list is much, much longer.  So that’s it.  I’m just saying this now cus saying to people that I don’t want to draw that specific character bums me out and I feel guilty.
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Canon and official dialogue for Subtertale Toriel in the First meeting with Toriel.
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This dialogue happens after this: [With a sinister smile Subtertale Flowey dodges Toriel's fireball, after which Subtertale Flowey retreats into the shadows, leaving Lyra and Toriel alone.]
Subtertale Toriel: What a heartless creature, attacking a poor, innocent little girl. Ah, don't be afraid my little girl. I am Toriel, the guardian of the Ruins. I pass by here every day to see if a human has fallen. And you, my dear girl, are the first human to have fallen underground in quite some time. Come my child! I will guide you through the Ruins. Here.
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kintypes list, updated
Chera, noncanon Zora warrior from Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
Daughter of Illiron, a river Zora, and Lorelai, an ocean Zora
Mostly a dark blue color, with darker gray stripes. Belly and face areas were a darker tan.
I had black eyes with white pupils
Had a distinctive white “pearl” on my forehead, along with many bioluminescent “stars”
Had a dorsal fin and hammerhead shark-like crest similar to Sidon’s, but shorter and wider than his
Orphaned at a young age; taken in by King Dorephan
Very close to Mipha and Sidon
2 timelines:
Timeline 1: was too late to save Mipha from Waterblight. Lived until Link’s return and helped he and Sidon calm Vah Ruta; then later went with Link to fight Calamity Ganon. Was named the new Zora Champion.
Timeline 2: same as first, except that I 1) confessed feelings to Mipha and entered a relationship for an unknown amount of time and 2) died to save her from Waterblight. Remained as a ghost to watch over Mipha and Sidon, probably until the Calamity was defeated.
Looking for Sidon, Illiron, Lorelai, King Dorephan, Link, Zelda, Riju, Teba, Yunobo, Urbosa, Daruk, and Revali
Jyn Erso from Rogue One
Same as source, except there was several years between Rogue One meeting and Scarif
I was Rey’s mother. I left her on Jakku with a former comrade before Scarif
Looking for Rey, my parents Galen and Lyra, and my team: Cassian, Bodhi, Baze, Chirrut, and K-2SO
Elsa and Anna from Frozen
OUAT-verse, except that Kristoff was killed by Hans before I was put in the box and eventually sent to Storybrooke
Looking for: Kristoff
Squire of Undyne from Undertale
A husky-like dog monster
Trained with Undyne since we both were children
Faced Frisk on a No Mercy Run and died
Looking for: Undyne
Asriel Dreemurr from Undertale
I remember screaming at Frisk during our battle
Died permanently the moment that Frisk set foot outside the Underground
Looking for: Toriel, Asgore, Frisk, and Chara
Violetpaw from Warriors: A Vision of Shadows
Had feelings for Needletail
Eventually became mates with Ivypool
Looking for: Alderheart, Twigpaw, Hawkwing, Ivypool
An unnamed younger Pokemon trainer
From Sinnoh
Friends with Champion Cynthia
Traveled with a Garchomp, a Joltik, and a Vaporeon
Died saving Joltik from an avalanche
A centaur of Narnia
Had a white body with pale gold patches
Wielded a sword and lance
Fought in the battle against the White Witch
Lived to see the Pevensies crowned
A siren of Lake Michigan
A selkie princess
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A little Sneak Peak.
You guys will now get a little Sneak Peak of who’s side the different characters are on. At least at the start. I will group them into GriffinRebels= the good people. DragonGuard= the evil people Both sides= both sides
Griffin Rebels= Frisk, Jack, Lyra, Mikaila, Alex, Anna, Luke, Papyrus, Sans and Azela DragonGuard= Undyne, Asgore, Toriel, Asriel And Gaster. Both sides= Mettaton, Muffet, TEMMEH, Chara and napstablook
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