hipsters-watch-tv · 1 year
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trashponcho · 1 year
with these revelations I am OBSESSED with little, rotting Karna who is directly subservient to The Hungry One.
I have no idea what it means but-
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turnersverse · 2 months
with the exception of you i dislike everyone in the room.
a/n: this is my first fic and i have no idea what i'm doing so please bear with! please feel free to leave any feedback bc the last time i wrote was over a year ago sooooo ...
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you discover alex's true feelings for you after finding his notebook he is always writing in but never shows anyone
friends to lovers, alex and reader have been friends for about 10 years !
you'd been in the studio all day with the band, even though you weren't apart of it you would often help with some of the guitar parts, seeing as you played it yourself. the monkeys already had about 4 songs for their new record, and you had a feeling this album could boost them to worldwide fame.
you were sat next to jamie, who was plucking at random strings on his guitar, his face scrunched up in concentration as he worked out in his brain the arrangement of notes. matt and nick were stood behind alex, who was hunched over his notebook that he wrote anything to do with the monkey's music in.
"al, mate, we need the lyrics. i don't know what i'm doing over here." jamie said, still looking at his guitar.
"just write a riff or something, i dunno." alex mumbled, before adding. "and can you two stop breathing down my neck? all i'm going to be able to write is how nick o'malley's annoyingly hot breath was gliding over the back of my head."
matt and nick just laughed as alex glared at them, nick starting to purposefully blow air at alex.
"right, stop it now." alex frowned, standing up from his seat. "i'm going for a smoke." and with that he left the room.
"he's got loads of songs in that stupid little book, he just doesn't want us to see them. i have a theory that he's just gonna start a solo project." matt said, sitting down on the sofa next to you. nick still hovered by alex's previous seat, looking between the notebook and the other three.
"no, nick, you can't." you said, knowing what nick was planning on doing.
matt caught on quickly, "i mean, it wouldn't hurt. al's not gonna know..."
"yeah but if he doesn't want us to see them, he'll have a good reason for it." you argued. jamie sighed and stood up, walking to the door.
"i'll go speak to him." the guitarist said before leaving the room.
you sat back, more comfortably, on the sofa. "why don't one of you write something? 'r u mine' is fairly based on the drums."
matt just scoffed, "yeah, i'll write summat, and then alex will come up with some lyrics that won't fit it at all." this had happened just the other day with jamie, who had written 'the best riff of his life' (as he'd called it) before alex showed the rest of the band the lyrics to a song he'd called 'mad sounds', which was much slower than what jamie had come up with.
"lets just have a peak.." nick said, inching closer to the notebook.
"nick, no." you said firmly.
"nick, yes!" matt said, a stupid grin on his face. the drummer looked at his mate, and a look was exchanged between the two. before you could even register their plan, matt had pinned your arms behind your back as nick grabbed the notebook.
you gasped in shock, looking between the two lads. matt was laughing whilst nick flicked through the book, until he stopped. you watched as his eyes scanned the page, before he spoke up. "hey, this is really good."
"let us see then." matt said, and nick handed the notebook to matt. you glanced over, although you knew your best mate would be fuming if he found out, the anticipation had got to you. scribbled at the top of the page were the words 'stop the world i wanna get off with you'. you read through the lyrics, finding that the song was obviously some sort of love song.
"that is really good." you said quietly, a few lyrics sticking out to you. a few phrases you'd heard before. matt hummed, and started tapping the floor with his foot. he flicked to the next page, where alex had written the guitar part.
"oh yeah." matt nodded, "this is similar to the tune we did the other day. 'why'd you only call me when you're high?'"
nick nodded, "yeah i noticed that. dunno who the lyrics are about but its pretty good." as he mentioned the lyrics, matt glanced at him, a certain look in his eyes.
you caught that, confusion written on your face. alex was your best mate, if something was going on, he'd tell you. but you felt like you were missing something here.
just as nick was about to say something, alex and jamie walked back into the room. you, matt and nick all looked between each other and alex, your eyes saying 'uh oh'. alex glanced at matts lap and saw the book.
"what the fuck?" he stormed over to matt and snatched his precious notebook up.
"alex, its good!" matt said, raising his arms up in defence.
"i dont want to do that one." he said angrily.
"why not?" you added in, looking at alex.
alex sighed, looking at you before sitting in the seat he had been in before. "lets just do something else."
"no, lets do this." nick said, his hands now on his hips.
"i wanna see." jamie said, walking to alex and picking up the notebook. alex didnt stop him, he just sat watching jamie's reaction.
after a few moments, jamie looked up with a smile, "this is really good."
"thanks." alex mumbled.
"we could do it. we could do a bit of.." matt stood up and went to his drums, picking up his drumsticks and drumming a bit of a beat. "we could do a bit of that."
alex nodded in approval, "yeah. i wrote the guitar as well. its on the next page."
matt smiled, now knowing that alex had given in as jamie flicked to the next page and looked at the guitar part. "yeahhhhh." he said, nodding his head. he put the notebook down and picked up his guitar, strumming the parts he remembered. everyone in the room collectively nodded, as nick picked up his bass and started playing stuff that would go along with the main guitar.
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the band finished up in the studio 3 hours later, with a demo recorded for the album. alex had offered for you to go round his for tea, and you had gladly accepted. this was something the two of you did often; you would get together and order some sort of takeaway and spend most of the night talking. this had been a sort of tradition ever since alex bought his first house, and you and him spent the first night in there talking until the sun rose.
alex put out his cigarette before unlocking his car as you finished locking up the building. you got into the passenger side, flicking the radio on when alex started the car.
'starman' by david bowie was playing, a song you had always been fond of. you hummed along the the melodies as alex sat in a comfortable silence.
"i was thinking of covering summat for the album." alex spoke up, his accent prominent in his words.
"yeah?" you glance over at him, knowing he probably had an idea of what he wanted to cover by the tone of his voice.
"i was thinking that poem, the one you really like."
"what, 'i wanna be yours'?"
alex nodded. "yeah. thought it would be nice."
you nodded, a small smile on your face. "if you could pull it off. whats all this about though, with the new song and that? a new lover maybe?" you said, wiggling your eyebrows at alex.
"what? no!" he said, looking at you and then back at the road. "stop wiggling your eyebrows at me, you knob."
you just laugh in response, shaking your head as you turned your attention to the road. after a few moments, alex spoke up again.
"did you like the song though? i thought the lyrics were a bit.. i dunno.. cheesy."
"i think it's really good, al. it's similar to the stuff you wrote for 'suck it and see', in a way." you commented, holding back the other thoughts you had.
"yeah, i havent been feeling very.. romantic, lets say, since me and alexa broke up." alex said quietly, knowing that for the past 10 years, there probably hadn't been a single day he hadn't felt that way.
the two settled into a comfortable silence for the remainder of the journey back to alex's house. when they arrived, alex unlocked the door and you went straight to his living room, grabbing 'your' blanket from the back of the settee before settling in the corner of his l-shaped sofa, where you always sat. alex came back into the room with two cans: a can of carling and a pre-mix malibu and pineapple. he passed the latter to you, a quiet 'thank you' leaving your lips.
"chinese or pizza?" alex said, holding up the menus he had also collected from the kitchen.
you hummed, thinking for a moment. "pizza. usual order?"
alex nodded, reaching for his phone to order the food. you got comfy in your seat, pulling the blanket over your legs. you took the tv remote off the coffee table and flicked through the channels, not really reading what was on as something else plagued your mind.
"alright, cheers mate." alex said as he ended the call. "pizza will be here in 45 minutes."
you nodded, your eyes still focused on the tv screen. alex came and sat down next to you, pulling some of the blanket on to his lap and watching you try to find something to watch.
"that sounds good." he said to a true crime series you had stopped your scrolling to read the description of. you clicked on it and placed the remote back down on the coffee table, now concentrating on the series.
alex watched you for a few moments before watching the tv as well. he felt as if something was off with you. usually you would rest your head on his shoulder. he also felt like you'd been a lot quieter today, which you never are.
"are you okay?" he spoke up, watching you turn to look at him.
"uh, yeah." you said quickly, turning your attention back to the screen.
sighing, alex reached for the remote and paused the series. "no you're not. whats up?"
you pull your legs up to your chest, avoiding eye contact. "nothing, its just.." you trail off.
"just..?" alex said, waiting for you to continue.
you sigh, just deciding to spit it out. "the new song.. the lyrics."
alex felt his heart drop, knowing that you knew. "yeah?"
"'with the exception of you i dislike everyone in the room'. you said that to me. at the 'suck it and see' release party." you say, quietly.
"y/n.." alex said, praying silently for you to look at him. "i'm sorry."
you look up at him, confusion written all over your face. "why are you sorry?"
"i dunno, i'm sorry for letting my silly old heart feel like this. i understand if you don't feel the same. but every word in that song is true. the meaning of it all.. and i've always felt this way. thats not the only one as well. so many songs have been inspired by you, and how i feel for you. i'm so, so sorry if you don't reciprocate these feelings, but i can't hide them anymore." alex said, and you could see it all in his eyes. the desperation for you to feel the same, the fear of rejection, the look of love.
you didn't know what to do. you knew you felt the same, and it scared you. it scared you that you'd always loved alex, but could never bring yourself to do anything about it. you never dreamed he would feel the same until today.
"please say something." alex said quietly, watching you.
"i feel the same way." was all you could say at first. you watched as the look in alex's eyes completely changed, how it softened.
"it scares me alex, because i dont want to lose you. i can't lose you. you're my best friend, but i've always felt more. i've always longed to be the one you write songs about. the one you kiss goodnight and wake up beside every morning. but i'm so, so scared. i'm scared i'll ruin it all and i'll lose you. i'm scared of love." you say quietly. the next thing you knew, alexs arms were around your waist, pulling you to his chest.
you clutched onto him, relishing in the feeling of being in his arms. "don't feel like that. don't be scared. you'll never lose me." alex said softly.
you look up at him, watching as his gaze flickered between your eyes and lips, your breath stolen away as he closed the gap between you and met your lips with his. and in that moment, you knew that had been where you were wrong. as your lips fit alex's perfectly like a puzzle. you knew you were made for each other, soulmates both platonically and romantically.
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another little a/n: i didn't really know where i was going with this, and i'm sorry if the endings shit😪
p.s if you noticed the miles reference ily
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i-keepmyideals · 6 months
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BRO IM AKDMDJDJDJSMC 🧎🏽‍♀️🧎🏽‍♀️🧎🏽‍♀️
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gozuforce · 10 months
I wish I had witnessed the technical difficulties in their "citation needed" or "two of these people are lying" days. Allthough I really enjoy what they are doing now, it's on a different more laid back level than those two chaotic series.
I really recommend it to anyone curious about humoristic trivia games. Tom Scott is a pretty good host, both in leading contestants and on his own, but matt grey, chris joel and especially gary brannan are simply too good at derailling any conversation.
highlights include:
the prizes at the end of most episodes of "citation needed" being crazy convoluted wordplays and alliterations
fish tank and people tank
a goose and a train
the chocolate war
a pope infestation
"and the wheel lands on... france"
tom scott awarding points for someone simply paraphrasing what he just said
Gary occasionnal throwing some of the wildest sounds a man can produce with his mouth
the tale of Henricus, the drunkard gaul prophet who came to rome
that time matt stated "I'm telling you, that's not mine" and Tom still went and picked his proposition
gary trapped in an endless giggle fit.
multiple instances of tom crossing off gary's proposition immediately, and being wrong half the time.
"so you think they just transported a flipping corpse to the house of Commons?"
Juan Pujol and Jack Churchill both being grandiose WWII mad lads in their own ways
the whole "hagia Sophia" debacle, from Tom being mocked by the commenters for not knowing it, to the terrible description which almost made me think I was mistaken, to the final twist ending
that one time one of the liers was accidentally closer to the truth than the one who was supposed to have picked the article
Tom being certain an airoport he actually went to didn't exist
Gary being a massive "old timey official documents" nerd, but also the man with the grossest jokes of the crew
on that point, "♪ have you ever seen your granny [...]"
hugging a penguin
"are you done?"
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dragonsdendoodles · 4 months
MPHFPC Incorrect Quotes Masterlist 1
Because I like organizing things :)
next list statistics
No Murder in Walmart
Sitting on the Floor
Stop Undressing Him
You Never Let Me Do Anything
Upside Down Chip Bag
Thumb Condom
Jacob Knows Everything
Lemon Drop Cookie
I Didn't Get My Permit
Suck It
Cocoon Boy
Something to Complain About
A Day of Sensory Issues
Cool Guy Stuff
Watch Me
Egg Shortage
Forgotten How to Fingers
The Last Thing You Registered
That's a Cockatoo, Actually
Can I Cut You?
What's the Point
No Thank You
Caffeine and Sugar
Attention Disorder
I Wonder How Painful It Would Be
Daddy Issues
Like Children
Not Short
The Power of Salt
Today's Just Out For My Blood Evidently
No Coffee Fuck Off Part 1
Crazy Religious People
I'm Causing You Pain
Cunt is My WORD, Jacob
Mini Cooper
Dumb Joke
Power Wash
Jelly Beans?
Attention Whore
Five-Second Rule
Only a Little Bit Satanic
And Whose Fault is That?
You Gotta Dab When You Leave
Bean Water Part 1
*cough* it broke and Levi doesn't wanna fuck with it right now
Bean Water Part 2 (Soy Sass) Yelling It's Your Birthday. Full Circle Mop Juice? An Irish Lad Sugar or Glass Pain in the Ass You Haven't Eaten All Day You're Gonna Papercut My Eyeball! Oh! Helping It's Still 10 pm Have You Lost Object Permanence? NOT a Bean Macaroni You've Met Me That's What She Said British Football No Coffee Fuck Off Part 2 Stop Tickling Me No Comfort Pull Door Not a Child Basically Cake Hugging Lobotomy Hazard to Society You're Just Weak Breakfast of Champions Gifties You Almost Got Me Arrested Cocaine, Obviously Temperature Gun Is That Cheese or Skin? Anarchy Spoons Chip Box Chips Headcanon for Christians The Fuck Word Knives Last Name The Gays Are Coming I Want the Floor
Currently Unposted:
Go to College Since You're Old, and Deaf You've Never Seen a Chalkboard? You Like Trains? Testing Pillows Cheese Part 1 Cheese Part 2 Good Place to Get a Rock I Can Commit War Crimes Matte Black Range Rover Homophobic That's Called Death 10-4 Humidity Pilot Jumping Enoch Stop Drinking Water Okay, Millard Eating You Jelly We Like Murder 12:30 Part 1 12:30 Part 2 Fidget Toy of the Day Gay Month is Dead You Have a Boyfriend? Millard's Book I Prefer "Blessed", Thanks Migraine Are You Crazy? You Dumb Whore I Want a Challenge Spite Debt is Better Not Country Fancy Boy Stop Acting Dead You're Only 5'6 You Are a Smoothie Gaytor Last One at the Table New Nike Motto Even More White Sleep In Dodge Charger Pride Support Group Smudgy Pen Speaking British No Textbooks I Look So Gay Kind of Correctly North Dakota Peanut Allergy It's Fucking Labor Day Light the Hotel on Fire You Know What Else is Weird? Enoch You Do Share Credit Score Wasteful Flannel Bisexual Not an Advocate That is So Real Universal Flannel Who WINKS Anymore? Honest Cars Exploding Watch Your Pronouns Dead Things Chronically Straight Great Liquid Personal Taste Boyfriend Privileges 1:07 Cigarettes? Nerds Gummies I Want a New Brother Out of Character That's Because You're Old Foaming? Big Fork Trigonometry Boy Voice Anxiety Squishy Swedish Fish I'm a Ginger, What Do You Think Oh My God, it's a Man Lengthed Pi Older Than Three Slap-able Catboy Homosexual French Boy and Homosexual Bitch Boy Icing Gremlin 1 and Gremlin 2 No Murder at Walmart: The Sequel Tomatoes No More Husband, Horace The Flu Part 1 Triceratops Loving Murder You Know I Don't Colossal Mess Not All Men Habit of Handling Corpses You're Gay What Color is the Rainbow? Skillet The Flu Part 2 Olives Mad at Me SMART-Smart Spaghettios Smug Mac and Cheese Ooo, Yummy You're Also Nice to Me Dressing, But Crunchy 5'11 Gasoline
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ordinaryschmuck · 6 months
And now here's a current ranking of the Modern Doctors
This is just based on the ones I've seen. I've just recently started watching the classic Doctor Who episodes and will give more of an official ranking another time....Anyways...
#13. No offense to the actress. She nailed the goofy, eccentric scientist who will fight with her last breath...but never had any good material to work with. It's a shame that she never had a good head writer, really...
#9. His appearance was off-putting, but he set out to justify both his and the revival's existence, doing FANTASTIC at it when bringing The Doctor bringing the modern era. I just wish he didn't look so...early 2000s.
#12. He started off too cynical, but really grew on me as his run went on. Peter Capaldi got to live the fan's dream, wanting to be a companion but ended up as The Doctor and having the time of his LIFE with it. He got the quips, the hilarious moments, and the speeches that made his Doctor great. I absolutely loved his final speech before the regeneration, saying the things that The Doctor and a true fan would want the next one to be...It's a shame that 13 wasn't a lot of those things, but she at least tried her best. And so did 12.
#10/14. Might as well lump these two together because they're basically the same. David Tennant's IRRADIATING charm where he could say anything and I'd be smiling. Plus, his off-the-wall maniac energy was a delight, and you can tell Tennant had the time of his life with every scene he's in, stealing the show at every opportunity. It was great to see him as Ten, it was a great surprise to have back as Fourteen, and it really is brilliant to use him as this transitional Doctor before the next guy takes over. Got to draw fans back in after five years of crap before making The Doctor Black (which some are likely already upset about for dumb reasons).
And #11. My GOODNESS, #11. He's just so...GOOFY, and I love it! Matt Smith has Tennant's enjoyment in the role turned up to eleven (ha), with him being this mad lad that brought a ton of humor but still a lot of heart and badassery. He'll leave you chills as he intimidates an enemy and leaves you laughing as he treats his bowtie as the most important thing in the universe. I couldn't get enough of him, and 11 will always be how I picture The Doctor no matter what face he takes next.
Speaking of new faces, 15 is already off to a great start. I just love how he's almost always smiling, as if he's experiencing life for the first time with new eyes and is having the time off his life with every facet of it. I can't wait to see 15 in a leading role and we get to see how well he'll do for this new age of Doctor Who. I'll be waiting with every episode, and it feels SO GOOD to finally say that again.
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forabeatofadrum · 2 months
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Hello and happy Easter to the ones who celebrate. I'm currently wearing baby chicken 🐥 clips in my hair. Also a happy trans day of visibility. A great day for eggs 🐣. Thank you @you-remind-me-of-the-babe for the tag.
I'm glad people are enjoying Just Some Guy, because again, I am having a blast writing it. I also love that people appreciate John Johnson being here, so for today's Six Sentence Sunday, have Six Moments Of John Johnson The Metaphysical Goalie (Johnson: Am I even a metaphysical goalie in this universe, since I do not play hockey???):
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(Johnson: I only exist when necessary, like now to make metaphysical comments.)
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(Johnson: Look, brah, I cannot derail canon. I must make sure no one believes Simon in order for the narrative journey to work out!)
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(Johnson: I still don't know what was up with that, because the author didn't want to ask around in the Carry On Discord, which is fine by me. Gives me the possibility to be a bit more metaphysical!)
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(Johnson: A lot happened in 5th year. This is also why the author is STILL working on the 5th chapter. There's a lot of canon to cover. That, plus Matt's own basic life.)
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(Johnson: Fuck I miss Samwell. #GotYourBack #GoWelliesGO!!)
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(Johnson: Will it, though? This fic is being written out of order. It's clear that this line is of the last chapter, but again, it's still being written. So is the fic really almost over? Do I experience time in the linearity created by the order of the chapters, or by the order of writing? Do I even experience time, since I do not exist? What is existence even?)
Ah, John Johnson, what a mad lad.
And now, the weather (Johnson: lol): @quizasvivamos @coffeegleek @caramelcoffeeaddict @raenestee @tectonicduck @nightimedreamersworld @urban-sith @thnxforknowingme @captain-aralias @cerriddwenluna @bookish-bogwitch @confused-bi-queer @that-disabled-princess @special-bc-ur-part-of-it @larkral @cutestkilla ​ @wellbelesbian ​ @artsyunderstudy ​ @martsonmars ​ @facewithoutheart ​ @shrekgogurt @rockitmans @bitbybitwrites @whatevertheweather @theotherhufflepuff @shame-is-a-wasted-emotion @esilher @kurtsascot @blackberrysummerblog @nightimedreamersghost
(Johnson: I guess I am just some metaphysical chess player in this universe.)
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ludinusdaleth · 11 months
cr is abolutely w i l d for its 11 person table but it feels like it's been leading up to this for so long and i absolutely love it. matt you mad lad i salute you dm'ing this
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sleepyowlwrites · 8 months
unusual associations tag
freshly poached from Breezy, who never puts locks in their hoard @blind-the-winds
Rules: pick as oc and answer their associations (I guess)
I'm doing R and Savannah (from Youth) because I was thinking about them at work today
Seasoning: R is mint. He's mostly chill but a little bit spicy if you bite into too much of him. Savannah is sweet and sour sauce - what is that - because uh she is.
Weather: R is a blustery day but it's not cold, exactly, and the sun is out. You're fighting the wind but you're happy about it. Savannah is the boiling heat of midsummer. You're dying but you're happy about it.
Color: R is brick red, but according to Savannah he's orange. He's loud, he draws your eye, and he never shuts up. Savannah is pink, and she's adorable, and she'll fight you.
Sky: R is the pale, pale blue right before the sky turns red at sunset. Savannah is the effervescent aurora in all its cotton candy glory.
Magical power: R is projected thermography, which is great considering his terrible memory. Savannah is colorized telepathic empathy, which is great considering her tendency to suck at secrets.
House plant: R is a sunflower that is too tall for your low ceilings. Savannah is an orchid that is not the color you thought it'd be.
Weapon: R is flirtation, and if that fails, fists. He's a crappy fighter, though. Savannah is intimidation, and if that fails, fists. She's better than R.
Subject: R is history, which again, the irony. Savannah is athletics.
Social Media: R gets insta, because he needs to have visual representation of what he did yesterday. Savannah is tumblr. She's a tumblr girlie and you're not even mad.
Makeup product: R is eyeliner maybe? Dramatic lad. Savannah is the funkiest eyeshadow.
Candy: R is dark chocolate covered candied orange peels. Savannah is nerds rope.
Fear: R fears being overlooked, and also being perceived. You know. Mortifying experience. Savannah could stand to be a little more afraid.
Ice cube shape: R is actual cubes. Savannah is like. I dunno. Mickey mouse. Something gimmicky.
Method of long distance travel: train for both. They really like riding on trains, or the metro, or trolleys.
Art style: R is that guy that does the troubled birds. Adrian somebody. Matt Adrian. Savannah is that guy that does the blocky color landscapes that are nonsense up close but super cool far out. Uh.
Mythological creature: R is a changeling, but instead of being a faerie he's just another human, but he's convinced he's special forever because he has this funny mark on him. He is special! He's a failed changeling. Savannah is a mermaid, and yes I'm saying that because she loves to swim.
Piece of stationary: R is a postcard and Savanah is a tiny note in a tiny envelope.
Celestial body: R is Pluto, because he doesn't know if he deserves to be in the gang or not. Savannah is a supernova, because she deserves to be.
@oh-no-another-idea @akindofmagictoo @iparisaltanwing @livvywrites @flock-from-the-void @nikkywrites or anybody!
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I do! And its here on ao3 as well.
"Pssst," A voice cut through his slumber. He turned onto his side, flailing one arm at whoever was hissing at him to make the noisemaker go away and leave him the fuck alone, dragging the plaid with him so he could get back to sleep.
"Go away,"
"Mattie," Jack said. "Wake up already; I need to ask you a question!"
"Can it wait? I've got a headache,"
"You just had a headache. The Cooper's lad says you have more headaches than his wife trying to get out of a shag. And that's not my fault, so wake up!"
Matthew snorted. All sleep left him. Jack had a… habit of repeating everything he heard without understanding it. He turned onto his back and threw an arm over his eyes, trying to block out the daylight from the cracks in the heavy green velvet curtains of his father's study. Jack would figure out economic panics at some point. But, Matthew supposed, he was awake now.
"Come on, Mattie; I have questions!"
"You aren't even allowed to be in here," Matthew pointed out. That had been the whole bloody point of his escape into the study, to begin with.
"You are!" Jack huffed.
"I'm older."
They'd had this argument a thousand times. Matthew didn't answer, so Jack launched into his counterargument. It was unfair that Mattie got access to the space! It was horse shit Mattie wasn't awake and answering questions. The leather groaned as Matthew rolled onto his back, switching the arm he draped over his eyes as his left shoulder ached. Jack was still talking, making his argument as to why Matthew should be conscious.
"Jack," Matt sat up, braving the dull light.
"What? It isn't fair! You're older, but I'm growing faster. It's not my fault your economy sucks a soft-boiled egg!"
"Jack. I'm awake. Ask the bloody question."
"Oh." Jack blinked. "Okay. Good morning, by the way."
"Morning," Matthew replied, shaking his head. Jesus. "What did you want to ask?"
Jack clambered onto the couch and burrowed into Matt's side, pulling his elder brother's spare arm around himself. He was quiet and still for a moment, and Matthew thought that particular enough to frown.
"What's the matter?"
"I forgot my question." Jack gave a sheepish grin. "Sorry."
Matthew sighed. He'd been woken up for nothing. There was no shutting Jack up when he got into a curious mood. And that was most of the time because when didn't Jack have questions? Jack had questions morning, noon and night. They'd sit in the parlour for tea, sit down at the table for dinner, go for a turn about the gardens or the great hall, or take out the horses. Where they were or what they were doing didn't matter. Jack would babble on with questions so fast there was no need to answer one before he was onto another.
What were the charterists mad about? Why did birds fly? Why did he have to sit still? Why do things burn? Why was Matthew French? Why didn't Aunt Brighid write? Did the French really get cholera licking each other? Why should they be English if the Queen's family all spoke German? Why does alcohol make people feel funny? Why didn't the moon get mouldy if it was made out of cheese?
Thoughts clattering to a halt, the image of home flooded through him, unbidden. It was raining at home in Halifax too. His gase flicked to the window. Ah, right, that was why Jack was on the hunt for information. Father had ordered everyone indoors today. No letting the young ones run wild in the paddocks when they'd be knee-deep in the mud and become ill. Jack was bored. And when he was bored, he was even more inquisitive than usual.
Jack tugged his arm. The throb in his skull had at least dulled to an ache that further abated when he pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed, admitting defeat. But he was looking away from Matt.
"Where's Father?"
"Drunk," Zee chirped, and Matthew startled. She had appeared in the doorway without him even hearing when the swish of her skirts should have been as loud enough to alert him, but he really was out of it. Oh God, were both of them on the same mission? He sat up. Jack could be distracted but Zee? She was a bloodhound. And she never forgot anything.
"What is it?"
"Have you seen the head?"
"The what?" Matthew sat straight on the sofa, nearly knocking his skull into Jack's. He was staring up at Matt, practically vibrating with either cold or excitement. In England, it was likely to be both. Zee was right at his elbow.
"Oh, right! That's what I wanted to ask. Olly's head." said Jack. "The one that Father says he keeps up on the mantle in that fancy box," He pointed at the carved mahogany box on the mantel, etched with what he'd bet was Uncle Rhys spell work, but they didn't talk about that.
"He didn't tell you that," Zee said, clambering onto the chair Jack had used to climb over the back of the Chesterfield to harass him. "You heard it in the scullery, which means it's bird shit,"
"Still," Jack shrugged and jabbed a finger at Matt. "He would know if it's real or not. Now tell us!"
Matt frowned at them and decided to lie. "No. I haven't." He grabbed Jack tightly under the armpits so he couldn't wriggle away and set him down on the sofa where he couldn't make nearly as much mischief as he could standing on a chair. There were too many breakable things in the study. He wasn't even supposed to be in here.
"Liar," Zee said, rounding the arm of the sofa and clutching the skirts of her plaid dress, sat down. She could always be trusted to be less destructive than the wee Tasmanian devil. Matthew swung his gaze at her and glared.
She lifted her chin and stared right back. "You've seen it. So if it isn't in the box, show us the box."
"Eleanor–" Matt sighed, and pinched the bridge of his nose. His head was pounding again.
"You know its in there." She said. "Just tell the truth."
"Yeah! Father lets you in here," Jack said excitedly. Matthew sighed and smoothed Jack's unruly hair.
"It's in that box, yes." He admitted. "Do you want to see it?"
They were suddenly still. Matthew clenched his jaw. Arthur had made him look at it. Back then, before the house had been Jack-proofed, it had been displayed behind glass. The horrible shrunken skull with tight, parchment-mummified skin and a grinning jaw that wiggled when the display cloche over its base moved at all. It was a French flag over his land back then. Arthur had only closed one hand over his neck and made him look. The implication had been clear. That's where you'll end up, too, my boy, if you're not careful.
"Is it… a real head?" Zee whispered, wide-eyed with awe. "I've seen those at home. Did Father have it tanned and stuffed and all?"
He didn't respond.
"At home… the head is powerful." She said carefully, as if translating a concept she'd never spoken about into English was difficult. Perhaps it was. Matthew didn't know what to say to that. He was thinking, mind spinning, when Jack's babbling saved him.
"Why's he call it Olly?" Jack asked, oblivious. Matthew had to take a moment to compose himself.
"When he lived, his name used to be Oliver. He was a very… powerful man." Matthew said very quietly. "He was a tyrant."
"Why'd he give Father his head then?"
"He didn't,"
"Then why's Father got it?" Zee asked. They drew nearer, and Matthew stood, pulling them with him, needing out of that room, away from that box and its half-forgotten contents. He walked them to the door, remembering a day when he had been the problem, the opponent, the obstacle in father's way.
"Because he made father his enemy."
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zimthandmade · 7 months
Funny little question, do you think any of the wammy boys would like Heavenly (the band)? If so, what song? (Im only asking this because i’ve been super obsessed with them for like the past 3 days and i’ve been playing their music non stop. My favourite song is Modestic and Sperm Meets Egg, So What? :D)
Oh nice, thanks for input! Haven't heard of them! I don't think any of them would be particularly interested in their music but I can imagine this is the stuff that runs in the radio while Matt is busy fixing up some devices he found on a junkyard.
Speaking of - anybody got some musical inspiration for the Death Note lads? Any songs or bands you headcanon them listening or just music that reminds you of a certain character? I have this absolutely chaotic playlist to get in the headspace for drawing over on spotify if anybody wants a glimpse of madness haha
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white-poppie · 2 years
Melanin Goddesses
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Request: hiiiiiii. I would like to ask you if you can make a headcanon of the Wammy boys reacting to their S/O Fem with brown skin and very thick thighs. If you have time and it doesn't bother you. Since your headcanons are so cool.
A/N: Hey there! I don't write for Matt when it comes to Wammy boys because I don't know his personality at all. Forgive me for that. The reader you described is literally me- wtf. Ps: I am a person of colour/ Indian/ too (just adding this before anyone gets mad.) Literally don't ask me what I wrote, I have no idea.
Warnings: Little suggestive for Mello.
Death Note (デスノ一ト)
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This boyo has no interest in any physical characteristics. He only looks for personality, intelligence, maturity and understanding.
But he would be lying if he said that your melanin skin and thick thighs aren't a cherry on top.
He is literally so pale, so he was really entranced by the colour difference.
He thinks of you as some beautiful deity who ascended from heaven.
The first time he saw you wear shorts in front of him; he had a weird urge to bite your thighs??? (A/N: L what?)
He has always wanted to try resting his head on your lap to see whether it would be comfortable, but he is scared of making you uncomfortable.
You shuddered as you felt someone bear holes on your thighs. You looked up from your phone and saw L squinting at them.
"Something wrong, L?" you asked.
He shook his head but kept staring at your thighs.
"Uhh..is there something on my legs?" you mumbled, feeling very conscious.
L looked up at you and blinked, feeling bad for making you uncomfortable, "No, I just want to rest my head on your lap."
You stared at him for a few seconds before cracking a smile, "go ahead."
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Near is childish yet mature at the same time.
Therefore, I conclude the above-mentioned statement by deducing the fact that this lad would rest his head upon your legs while he talks about the most disturbing conspiracy theories, darkest cases etcetera. (My thesis is ready lmao.)
He mindlessly traces shapes on your arms, thighs...basically, anywhere he has access to, it makes him so relaxed 🥺
Overall it is all about emotional connect with him.
Near was laying on your tummy. your thighs rested on his shoulders as you two watched Howl's moving castle.
"Howl and Sophie are literally made for each other, "you sighed.
"But technically speaking, isn't Sophie like...60?" near replied while thinking and drawing circles on the exposed flesh of your thighs.
"I mean, yes, but he is a magician and she does, slowly, turn back to normal," you answer.
"Yeah," Near closed his eyes and turned around, burying his face in your chest, " 'm sleepy."
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1 word: simp.
You know how that one audio that goes: "I Just Shot My Shot at this Lil Fine, Wonderful, Succulent, Lovable, Incredible, Cinnamon Chocolate!" Yep, that's him when he looks at you.
Unlike the other people, he will absolutely not hesitate to just randomly pick you up and put you on his lap.
Love-bites everywhere he can get his hands on!??! o//o
The kind of guy who would just randomly ask, "crush my skull between your thighs."
Also, he squeezes the flesh of your thighs to get your attention.
When he is driving, his hand is always resting on your thigh when it is not on the gear.
He just loves teasing you so much and seeing you get all worked up.
"Pay attention to me, babe, I am telling you something, aren't I?" Mello huffed, sitting in front of you.
"I am almost done with my-" your remark was cut short, by him squeezing your thigh.
"Mello," you warned.
"I am sorry, it's just too squishy!" he pouted and you had to leave your work in the middle just to listen to him ranting about this new chocolate flavour.
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Death Note (デスノ一ト)
Tags:  @rintaroubby​​ @nanaseishiro​​, @akumicchi​​, @navaratna​  @idowritingandstuff​​, ​ @denkis111​​, @jazzylove​​,@maybeleftoverjourneys​, @lordmypantsaresocool​​, @futuristicallykawaiiturtle​​, @kristaline2dmensimp​​, @repostingmyfavs​​​​,
Also Check out: L'appel du vide
Synopsis: Your husband, Hanma Shuji is dead! You team up with Tachibana Naoto, Chifuyu Matsuno, Ryuguji Ken and Mitsuya Takashi, you go on a journey full of betrayals and twists. Can you find out what really happened to your husband?
Requests are open (*3*)  Reblog/like to give the author a hug (´;︵;)  
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toaster-is-babey · 2 years
So, i drew some more Pond child au lads
Poor tom, the little gremlin mans got himself into some trouble in a snowglobe. And just a little story of sorts as well. Keep in mind, i probably will make a lot of mistakes so please bear with me :') i just write for fun.
Tord has been upto no good again smh
Ain't he a stinker?
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It was a rather frigid night, Edd let ot a little sigh as Ringo wriggled out of her Christmas costume that Edd had bought, chewing at it and scratching it up, using her back claws to tear it up even more.
"Oh why won't you wear it? We bought it just for you yknow" he said, gently petting her, Ringo let out a little trill as she rubbed up against Edd's hand, making the brit melt.
"Oh i could never stay mad at you" he chuckled as he lifted her up and put her in the hood of his sweater as he made his way to the kitchen, looking in the fridge with a tired sigh, "Matt I told you not to keep unwrapped food in here " He said, his nose scrunching up as he took old food out of the the fridge and tossed it into the bin with a scoff before grabbing a can of cola.
Matt on the otherhand was lazing on the couch, book in hand, just sipping some black coffee on the sidelines as one of those cheesy Christmas movies played in the back, "what in the- unwrapped food? What one earth are you talking about? Isnt the fridge mostly empty? It was clean when I was last in it" he sighed as he glanced up from his book. "I'm not that messy, not enough to leave unwrapped food in the fridge" he said, almost sounds offended at the accusation.
"yeah, but you are messy, your room says it all yknow? But in the fridge man? Really?" He said, soon sat himself next to the ginger lad, "just dont leave your fast food like that it makes the fridge smell off" he said with a sigh as he flipped through the channels on the telly. Ringo let out a little chirp as she sprawled out a bit, still in Edd's hood as she let out a little mewl and nuzzled Edds cheek as she sat on his shoulder, purring and trying to get comfy again
Matt looked over to the rather small Kitten, "I still dont know why you wasted money on getting her a costume she won't wear, that was - " he sighed though was soon cut off from some thumping and the pompff of snow falling from the roof right outside the living room window.
"what the devil-" Matt uttered out as he set his coffee down and book aside.
Edd perked up a bit, sipping his cola briefly,
"oh damn- did i forget to close the lit to the bin?" He frowned a bit, making his way over to the front door, gently his body a little tense as he held a boot tightly in one hand and using his free hand to make sure Ringo didn't fall. He swiftly open the door, letting out a grunt as he tossed his boot at whatever had been making the ruckus.
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That ruckus had turned out to be their lanky roomate, Tord! The Norwegian face planted in the snow upon the boot making impact woth his head, though he quickly jumped back up, trying to get the snow out of his shirt and jacket, "Gahh! -- fuck man! -" he yelled out. Boy he looked like crap. His nose almost as red as Rudolph's, though he looked as nasty as the Grinch.
"What the hell's with the boot!? This- freak- he uh I caught him already in that lawn decorations uh thingy- i was just tried to get the weirdo to leave our things alone i just set em all up for the holidays" he said, sneezing aggressively, causing him to stumble a little, just wiped his nose.
"We don't really decorate here Tord- we told you that already-" Matt couldn't help but let out a snort as he watched these event unfold, though he grew a bit worried upon seeing Tom in the snowglobe lawn decorations. "He can breathe in there right? " He said, looking to put on his boots. Though groan soon escaped his lips
"Oh come on Edd you threw My boots out at him?" Matt said, trying to keep his tone low, and calm as not to make his friend anxious. He sighed, "Tord you better stop mucking around and get him out of here before either he runs our of air or freezes! last thing we need is a death on our hands " he said
Tord let out a disgustingly exaggerated sniffle and snort as the made a mocking expression directed at Matt as he begrudgingly made his way to the snowglobe, "hm.. " he mumbled as he poked at the fake snowglobe, only to have a grumpy brit hit the plastic with his fists, nearly falling over in the spherical space, unplugging the lawn decoration, causing the snowglobe to deflate around the brit, filled with a bit more panic now, Tord frowned,
"ah goddamn it - " he said, feeling Matt glare daggers at him, Tord rolled his eyes, pulling out an old pocket knife, as he tore the decoration up, pulling out this strange creature that was Tom.
Tom dug his hands in the snow, pulling himself out as he soon just laid in the snow, clutching his chest, his eyes still white with confusion and mild embarrassment. It turns out it'd been true. Tom was more or less curious about these silly decorations and wanted to know more about these unnecessary holiday customs
"Tom!- what were you doing out here? You could have hurt yourself yknow- and thats a mess none of us would rather deal with" he said, helping Tom up and brushing him off, his brows furrowed wearily, "Tord that was very irresponsible of you to put tom in that-that silly decoration? " He said, just giving tom a pat on the back, " go on in buddy, we'll sort this out. " He said, gently nudging Tom forward. The skrunkly male sighed softly as nodded giving edd an awkward nudge back, mimicking him an almost content, happy look rested on Toms face as he trudged through the snow and shook himself off, getting show and Water everywhere at this point
Tord blinked a little, "oh come on! He got himself in that situation! I was just putting up decorations I bought because I didnt think you were serious about tom being a killjoy about the holidays! " He said before sneezing again, groaning as the snow stained red,
" oh to hell with you all,you all get me so worked up i-" he grumbled, his face red with anger and annoyance,
"He was drinking! Drunk people are dumb and do stupid shit!" he hissed as he stumbled through the snow, making his way back into the house, pushing past Matt, shivering to the point his teeth were chattering.
to be continued (?)
Anywho, I'm all out of energy, hope y'all enjoy this little writing thing i may or may not add to. Reblogs and likes are appreciated:>(⁠*⁠´⁠ω⁠`⁠*⁠)
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literateish · 2 years
books i’ve read in 2022.
the complete list of the 68 books i read this year.
i set my goal as 52 books to read in 2022 (one book per month) and i’m very happy that i achieved that! in 2021 i read 26 books, which was very impressive for me, so the fact that i’ve read more than twice that this year is incredible.
a quiet kind of thunder by sara barnard
the wife of bath by geoffrey chaucer
the diary of a young girl by anne frank
always by morris gleitzman
crooked kingdom by leigh bardugo
the spanish love deception by elena armas
the ballad of songbirds and snakes by suzanne collins
mary barton by elizabeth gaskell
do androids dream of electric sheep by philip k dick
the lonely londoners by sam selvon
the love hypothesis by ali hazelwood
it ends with us by colleen hoover
one last stop by casey mcquiston
fun home by alison bechdel
the mad women’s ball by victoria mas
ugly love by colleen hoover
twelfth night by william shakespeare
aristotle and dante discover the secrets of the universe by benjamin alire saenz
aristotle and dante dive into the waters of the world by benjamin alone saenz
they both die at the end by adam silvera
heartstopper by alice oseman
normal people by sally rooney
one day in the life of ivan denisovich by aleksandr solzhenitsyn
my policeman by bethan roberts
delilah green doesn’t care by ashley herring blake
all your perfects by colleen hoover
confess by colleen hoover
the perks of being a wallflower by stephen chbosky
one true loves by taylor jenkins reid
beach read by emiky henry
red, white, and royal blue by casey mcquiston
call me by your name by andre aciman
humans by matt haig
how to stop time by matt haig
a man called ove by fredrik backman
you and me on vacation by emily henry
find me by andre aciman
still life by sarah winman
a court of thorns and roses by sarah j maas
a court of mist and fury by sarah j maas
a court of wings and ruin by sarah j maas
a court of frost and starlight by sarah j maas
a court of silver flames by sarah j maas
book lovers by emily henry
sorcery of thorns by margaret rogerson
malibu rising by taylor jenkins reid
the poppy war by r. f. kuang
forget me twice by carina taylor
love on the brain by ali hazelwood
finding audrey by sophie kinsella
pride and prejudice by jane austen
felix ever after by kacen callender
ariadne by jennifer saint
cemetery boys by aiden thomas
the hunger games by suzanne collins
mary and the wrongs of woman by mary wollstonecraft
it happened one summer by tessa bailey
oh whistle and i’ll come to you my lad by m. r. james
a room of one’s own by virginia woolf
the strange case of dr jekyll and mr hyde by robert louis stevenson
the picture of dorian gray by oscar wilde
dracula by bram stoker
silence of the lambs by thomas harris
northanger abbey by jane austen
frankenstein by mary shelley
story of your life by ted chiang
before i do by sophie cousens
heart of darkness by joseph conrad
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heather1815 · 2 years
Matt you absolute mad lad! I swear if his strategy pays off I will eat my hat!
Also Edd wearing the gas mask kinda scares me 😬 makes me think of darth Vader.
Also how is it Matt isn’t on some kind of watchlist like I imagine Edd and Tom being on?
Brilliant job with the new chapter! Very much looking forward to the next one! 😁
Matt used to be on a watchlist when the war first started five years ago. Tord sent soldiers to secure them, but they went missing - nobody could find them, and they kind of faded into obscurity. Ford had also managed to hack the Red Army systems and delete any trace of Matt and Edd from them, so no one would come hunting after them. Eduardo's orders.
But yeah, I am really excited for what comes next! Matt's chapters have been a delight to write :D
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