batwynn · 1 year
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The ocean is very big, and very deep. Sometimes big things come up from that deep.
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sterekcraptrash · 1 year
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sketch dump
this time the one that got turned into stone was stiles and derek’s just floating around i guess 
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I probably should be far less inclined to like Owen Hunt but I was raised in a military family so my weakness in fictional characters does tend to be extremely competent military or ex-military men (of whatever service, it doesn't really matter)
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drewsaturday · 14 days
if i could stand to rewatch grey's anatomy i probably would end up in some variation of meredith/addison/mark hell actually. idk why it's taken me so long to put that together
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tobias-hankel · 2 years
"Garcia, I appreciate it, but I don't need a 10 Ways To Woo A Genius PowerPoint."
"Garcia, I appreciate it, but I don't need a 10 Ways To Woo A Genius PowerPoint." Spencer said with a sigh, leaning further into Garcia’s office sofa.
“Not for you, for him! We just need to find a way to show it to him.” Garcia said, pulling up PowerPoint on her computer.
“We don’t even know if Morgan likes me, let alone if he is even trying to Woo me.”
Garcia spun around in her chair, “Really? I thought you were a genius,” Garcia said with a smirk.
“Yes, really,” Spencer said playfully narrowing his eyes at Garcia, “I have liked him since I joined the BAU, just because we have been hanging out more doesn’t mean he likes me back.”
Garcia spun back around to face her computer and started typing while reading what she was typing out loud, “Number one, be to the point and straight forward with the genius. He won’t be able to see how your flirting is anything more than friendly.”
Spencer froze, “Wait, flirting? Morgan has never flirted with me.”
Garcia turned her chair slightly to look over at Spencer, dumbfounded, “Pumpkin… He calls you Pretty Boy.”
“And he calls you Baby Girl! That doesn’t mean anything,” Spencer shot back.
“Have you heard Derek call other women pet names before?” Garcia asked and Spencer thought for a moment. He had a lot actually. Morgan often calls women names like sweetheart or gorgeous. He has even called Prentiss ‘princess’ before, so Spencer nodded his head yes.
“Okay, and have you ever heard him call another man a pet name like he does with you?” The thought almost made Spencer laugh. If he called Hotch ‘hot stuff’ or Rossi ‘silver fox’, that would be ridiculous but for some reason when Morgan called Spencer pretty boy, it just felt right. Spencer shook his head no after a moment and Garcia said, “Yeah, because he is only flirting with you when he does it.”
“No… But…” Spencer takes a moment to think about how Morgan acts with him. How he is always touching him, hugging him, bringing him coffees or snacks, asking to hang out, calling him pretty…. And it hits him. “Oh my God… He is flirting with me.”
Garcia turns to face her computer again and backspaced through what she had just typed out, I should have made this list 10 Tips To Help A Genius Figure Out When He Is Being Flirted With. Garcia said with a laugh.
“Instead can you make a list called 10 Tips To Help A Genius Ask Out The Flirter. I think I’ll need some help with that.” Spencer said with a shy but determined smile.
I'm a slow writer but feel free to drop me a 5 sentence ask or a prompt in my ask box 🖤 Btw, I don't always go in order.
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hale-doll-house · 2 years
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EPISODE 29: Mer-Boyfriend? In which Derek comes to the rescue of a mer-dude in distress, and gets rewarded for it! 💖😆🧜
(I know I don’t say this nearly enough, but HUGE thanks to all of you loyal fans who reblog my little comics! It means a lot to me, and I love reading your comments and tags!!) 
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nicollekidman · 1 year
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top ten meredith grey moment 
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emmettland · 2 months
(mer logan anon) i imagined derek as a fellow mer creature! maybe like a whale shark or another big predator like an orca. or a very concerned pirate on cassius's ship 🤔
hmm...i could see the concerned pirate. i usually have a hard time with mer whumpees having mer caretakers because imo, any human whumper with a weapon is going to have the advantage if they're not in the water, and Cassius isn't about to let himself be dragged into the ocean xD
so maybe down-on-his-luck Derek joins Cassius' crew out of desperation, not a fan of the captain, and then sees what torment this poor mermaid is being put through. i like to think he sees Logan as a wild animal at first before realizing, through stolen conversation when Cassius ins't around, that Logan is A Person, just with different biology.
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quantobono · 1 year
definitely not me craving for a surgeon!levi x resident!reader... yeah caught me redhanded, I'm watching the last season of grey's anatomy... I was thinking slow burn like really slow, kinda enemies to lovers (actually scratch kinda I want me and Levi to really hate each other), a lot of banter and a lot of smut yes... at first I was thinking Levi as a neurosurgeon BUT I actually envision him better in cardio??? like the "(not so)heartless" surgeon specialized in fixing hearts??? OR EVEN AS A PEDIATRIC (I actually don't like children but idk I can see that too, I'd fold tbh)??? wow I would gulp this shit down my throat like fucking coke with ice during the hottest day of the year
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batwynn · 10 months
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Nothing bad ever happens when you're making grilled cheese, right? Previous Next pages
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peonyblossom · 6 months
meredith is so polyamorous wtf
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freereeferrick · 1 year
This ao3 tag describes my feelings towards derek shepherd after going through a gay awakening with my comfort show tbh
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rosegreys18 · 2 years
Looking for Sexy Meredith Grey Fanfics
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chicleeblair · 1 year
Title: I Think I'll Go to Boston (Grey’s Anatomy, 3K, One-Shot)
Rating: K/G
Summary: Meredith Grey left Boston over two decades ago. Twice since then, she almost returned. This time, she’s going for the right reasons.
 Mentioned: Meredith Grey/Nick Marsh, Past: Meredith Grey/Derek Shepherd, Meredith Grey/Andrew DeLuca, Meredith Grey/Sadie Harris
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softysofao3 · 1 year
I've watched a LOT of videos from Bernadette Banner(check her out, she's awesome), and now I want to write a Victorian Meredith/Addison AU fic
There's just something about them gently removing all of that clothing of each other that feels good in my heart 💞
But that would require absurd amounts of research so I'm not doing that
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skywitchmaja · 2 years
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christina & izzie batting derek away from meredith
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