#Minty Answers
mintytealfox · 2 months
I love the way you draw sad Norty especially when he's looking at Alice he looks like a pup
BAHAHAHAHAHA the sweetie goes full soft for Alice HEH 💞💞💞
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mintcrows · 2 years
Where on earth is your icon from??
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its a darkest dungeon rev parody i commissioned from @viktormaru :) (and i added a little hat) (and the text) (and the other text too)
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mintys-musings · 10 months
waddles in your inbox and holds out a bowl hello good minty do you have any himeru and/or arashi hcs you have to share pretty please…
hello hello nonnie~ i do !! i havent talked much abt arashi on this blog which is a crime- so imma talk abt my fave transmasc/transfem duo ~
NSFW under cut ~
established very repressed because of maintaining image reasons, but i also think he's just secretly very perverted anyway. like he hard stares whenever someone he's attracted to is wearing anything revealing or tight fitting. public sex is obviously a no, but he often notices when a surface is at a perfect height to rail someone and just... mentally makes note of it...
on the more "vanilla" end of kinky— but still relatively kinky to those who are new or aren't as knowledgeable on the subject. basic restraints, blindfolds, etc. It wouldn't take a lot of convincing for him to try something new though.
that said— he would never ever admit it, but HiMERU's into cuckholding/voyeurism. he has fantasies of his partner being a free use slut, but would never request that of them unless they bring it up first.
btw boy pussy meru with a huge strap and large cis cock meru both apply to these. only difference is that if he has a pussy he would like to sit on your face. prefers fingers over a full cock in him, but isn't opposed so long as there's protection
unless it is the first time he's having sex with his partner or it's an important day (anniversary, birthday, etc), prepare to be sore and marked up by love bites. he has a lot of pent up sexual frustration to dole out
arashi has the most sensitive nipples it's so cute to just flick em and watch her squirm. she gets so embarrassed from how hard it makes her that she tends to cover her face.
more fond of semi-clothed sex than naked sex. mostly because she spends time getting herself dolled up if she knows she's getting some that night. appreciate her beauty! she took a long time picking out what lingerie set to wear (she has plenty btw)! arashi also just thinks it's hot that you can't even wait to fully take off her clothes to fuck.
while she can top or bottom depending on who she's with, arashi kind of wants her partner take the reins every now and then. yes, she's a knight who will love her partner to no end, but at heart she also likes to be treated like a princess once in a while 💚✨
big fan of recieving head. not only does it make her feel powerful, she loves watching her partner go down on her. constantly cooes praises at them and lovingly plays with their hair.
pretty vanilla~ but thats not bad~ intimacy is very important to her during sex and, in her eyes, all the extra stuff can get in the way of that. sex is a way for her to express her love and trust, after all. that being said, she would be most open to dom/sub dynamics and orgasm control.
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baddmintonsart · 23 days
putting kyris in the blender
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minty364 · 4 months
Danny's dog name should be Laika the Space Dog
I love this idea!
that name is perfect and I love it!
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here’s a thing I did with procreates mirror feature.
again I just want to post some of my art because I’m scared of posting my things and I want to be a bit bolder.
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baddminton · 2 years
she is trying to escape
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minty-spice · 1 year
katniss and peeta's relationship (slow burn) is *chefs kiss* in catching fire. good luck!
haha thank u!!! can’t wait to revisit that arc when i start cf :3
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dreamintkat · 1 year
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eggymints · 2 months
Light Seele being canonically down to hide a body is such a hilarious contrast to her morally upright 🥺 vibe. Like right according to Veliona she did find Bronya murdering her kidnappers kinda hot but that’s different who wouldn’t enjoy the sight of one’s devoted girlfriend covered in blood
seele has always been a little unhinged and we respect that <3 veliona just represses majority of those extreme emotions/tendencies and acts in her place for that (? or smth)
theyre also like, child soldiers or smth so i can't blame seele for needing to murder and kill stuff
and TRUUUU bronya killing will always be hot she knows everythang....
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konigbabe · 1 year
Leon's hair looks so soft
i just wanna run my hands through it; to braid it (can we also talk about how he shakes his head to get rid of the water like a puppy)
Having Leon splayed on the couch, lying on his back; head on your stomach, both of you facing the television. It’s comforting–the quietness of the situation, just the TV playing, you and Leon silently watching. Like a moment frozen in time, the world outside the room ceases to exist, and all that matters is the warmth of his body against yours and the soothing sound of his breathing. 
The soft glow of the TV illuminates his features, casting shadows across his face and highlighting the curve of his lips as he smiles at something on the screen. You can feel the rise and fall of his chest with each breath, a reassuring rhythm that lulls you into a sense of peace. 
It's a moment of pure intimacy, where words are unnecessary, and the silence speaks volumes. Like two puzzle pieces fitting perfectly together, you and Leon are in perfect harmony, comfortable in each other's presence.
He hums occasionally as your fingernails scratch his scalp; the softness of his hair slipping between your fingers. You absent-mindedly start braiding his hair, your fingers weaving through the silky strands with practised ease. It's a small gesture of affection, one that Leon appreciates, and he lets out a contented sigh as you continue.
As you braid his hair, you feel Leon's hand reaching up to hold yours, intertwining his fingers with yours. 
"You know, I could get used to this," he says softly, his voice low and warm. 
You look down at him, a smile spreading across your face. 
"Used to what?"  
"This," he gestures towards the two of you, "just being here, like this. It's nice." 
You nod in agreement, feeling a sense of contentment wash over you. 
"Yeah, it is."
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mintytealfox · 3 months
What do you think about norton's 5th birthday rewards? (Like the portrait and it's clues etc.)
HEH I can finally sit down and slam down some thoughts!! 😈😈 THE PORTRAIT:
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In film the direction a person is facing or going is a tell, and going from right to left (he is facing left here so its assumed he is moving right to left) that signifies negative/bad orz it pushes more negative feeling. Doesn't help that his shadow is right leaning hard up-left, giving a feeling of powerful increasing negative orz
Now the lighting! his back is to the light as he faces the darkness and that darkness is mainly shown as his alter's shadow. This makes me think that he is really leaning into that side of himself and leaving who he was behind orz
He isn't looking forward he looking more towards the 'camera'/off to the side a bit, which makes me think there is a chance that he could see something that makes him about-face/turn around towards the light, cause the light hasn't all together abandoned him, its there. Its within view even on the upper corner of the map within his sight, more so than the dark majority of the map, he isn't really looking there at the dark, he is looking up and off to the side a bit.
It makes me think that the map is his plans but the light has other ideas and catching his attention 👀
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This message makes me DIE 😭😭and that is all I have to say about it.....just kidding LOL IMMA TEAR IT TO BITS HERE WE GO
The fact that what he desires above all else is freedom ;; cause that is what the sky usually means in media FREEDOM ;;
He wants:
-the fresh air -the ability to feel the sun -and to feel the breeze -to hear the trees leaves rustling and birds chirping -being allowed to rest when he needs to ;;
All he knows is darkness ;; waking up before the sun, going underground, coming back home after the sun has already set. He only knows night life, tired life. When people are exhausted and get drunk and start showing the worst parts of themselves when they think everyone is already asleep and wont see them acting in such a way. He only knows a cruel, sad, back breaking world ;; Then down in the mines its just deep, dank, all you can hear are eerie sounds and clanking of pick axes and the occasional noise from animals brought down into the mines to check for poison air. Senses constantly on alert for any potential cave-ins or other dangers and to top it off, Norton having to deal with bullying 🙃
and even after ALL that, ALL he can think about, and truly wants, is to see the sky during the day and enjoy it
Then here is Benny's letter to Norton's dad, about the dreams he has if gold is found and all the lavish ideas that Benny thinks those riches will bring. That dream and what Benny believes money will give then enters Norton's mind. "Money is the key to freedom", and there begun the spiral orz He turned to doing anything and EVERYTHING to reach for that 'promised' freedom that he can have if he gets the money required. ;; Everything around him becomes a means to get to that desired freedom. Then once he reaches that freedom he is FREE TO BE WHO HE REALLY IS ;; So the thought process of "I have to be whatever is required now, so I can be my true free self later" ;; but that isn't how that works orz
I have found that misery is similar to money. Misery loves company, and with money there is never enough (if you don't have a healthy relationship with money) That is where the greed creeps in for Norton. He is obviously making some money, it is said that his employers were very pleased with his work. He even moves up to prospector instead of just a miner, or at least he was working on the side in secret as a prospector cause bro is LOOKING HARD for that gold. (And you can tell he knows what he is doing cause he just has to check out the area and he KNOWS that gold is not going to be there and officially crosses those areas out). So if he wasn't officially a prospector he could have become one EASY. A Prospector searches for the GOOD GOOD not just gold, we are talking valuable substances that the earth makes, especially O I L. Gold is fine and dandy but OIIILLLLLLLLLLLLLLL is where its at! If Norton wasn't so distracted by finding gold (which would have been taken by the owner of the mine anyways cause honestly why would the world be fair and let the person who found it keep it) BU T OOIIILLLLLLLLLLLLLLL can be found on land that isn't owned by anyone 👀He would need to find an attorney pretty damn quick BUT IT WOULD BE HIS and most, if not all, of the money going to HIM OH MY GOSH NORTON IS SMART!! He could have figured out a way to track down an area where oil could be found, he did that for GOLD he can absolutely do that for OIL as well and he would have wound up richer than most aaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Norton knows how to sell his abilities and these people (those employers) already love his work ethic and what he can do. All he would have to do is say "I can do such and such and I have proof" those employers might trust him and say 'alright how much you need to finish this plan to get that mineral 'gold mine'. People LOOOVVEEEE the prospect of getting more money and are willing to risk it all for that reservoir of significantly MORE cash/income. So they would invest in Norton and Norton would provide and he would get his massive cut of cash along with those who invested in him LIKE HE COULD HAVE HAD AN ENTIRE OPERATION SIMPLY BECAUSE HE IS FANTASTIC AT WHAT HE DOES AAHHHH but as we all well know that is not how it went down orz aahhhhhh
He was completely blinded in that pursuit of gold and keeping it for himself that he lost himself, lost his way and even lost track of what he truly wanted, to be free. You don't need a ton of money to be free. You need enough, of course, but not heaps and heaps of it orz I think he would have been more than sufficiently happy being an actual prospector and finding mineral deposits and selling them off. Bro would ADORE being an explorer, studying the land and finding the earth's riches and moving on to find the next mineral deposit, making bank as he travels and people paying even more for his good and successful work. GOSH DANG IT 😭😭😭😭
but this is me getting all wishful thinking and living in 'ideal world' land. Setting off to find his first mineral deposit would have been risky but bro has survived worse and he is stubborn, able to live off the land, and studious enough that I haven't the slightest doubt that he would find good areas that would catch people's attention, it would take time but he could do it. There is the risk of people taking advantage but with what he has seen and learned he would likely be ready for it and end up taking advantage of THEM H A R D E R LOL
but these are just my thoughts and getting all wishful at the end here to balance out the EMO STUFF NetEase is tossing out lol
Gosh DANG I just want bro to be happy -CRYYYYY-
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mintcrows · 1 year
do u do comissions!! id love to get my avian dnd character drawn by u!
yee theyre open! i forgor to share them here
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if you have any question you can always dm me or if you have anything else in mind you can always ask :)
im leaving my t.o.s. below the line just as a formality lmao
i take ocs, non-very-complex robots, anthros and furries and wont draw nsfw.
be mindful im not the best with romantic stuff, i will need you to have an idea already so we can work it out.
you CANT use the drawing for any commercial purpose, nft, crypto or ai shit
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mintys-musings · 9 months
ACTUALLY IT'S PREVIOUS ANON WAIT. What do you think their first time was like
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waaaaaaaaugh ;u; it makes me so happy knowing people like my himeniki stuff ~ I’m very normal about them.
In fact— I’m so normal that when I was writing my response, I realized I was getting too specific for it to be a ramble, but anything less didn’t feel right. So... I ended up just writing a really long one shot... ^^;;; (sowwy nsfw week also hit me so uhh this got pushed aside a lil) Just to be clear— I do think in terms of Niki ships, if HiMERU is involved, he would be Niki’s first. Yes this includes HiMERinNiki. If he isn’t involved and it’s a monogamous ship, it’s whoever Niki is shipped with.
I’m very sorry. I had too many thoughts for it to be contained to a casual ramble. nonnie feel free to ask me for anything else I prommy i will properly respond and it wont take 200 years.
Anyway :)
Hold Me Tight, Love (or that time HiMERU did what "HiMERU" actually wanted for once)
Summary: HiMERU just wanted some fresh air. Niki wanted to keep him company
Tags: inexperienced!Niki, blowjobs, there is penetration, talk of HiMERU’s eating habits (just to be safe- also its not in depth), barely lightly proofread but mostly pure instinct on my end, hand holding
Word Count: 4000 (if you just wanna read the smut part skip to where theres a ~~~)
NSFW under cut~
Whenever his unit finished a performance in the Bee Hive, HiMERU couldn’t help but think that the club lived up to its name as he watched the swaths of people that packed the venue.
Having a regular venue to perform at brought comfort to all of the Bees— Whether any of them wanted to admit it or not. Plus, all that rapport they’ve built up so far has granted the idols some special privileges other places could not. One of those being a little room to themselves on the second floor overlooking the first. No one could see in through the glass from the bottom, but they could see out. A perfect hideaway.
“Kyahaha! Job well done, Bees! Let’s eat!”
Rinne’s loud proclamation was accompanied by him flicking a shot glass of soju into a mug of beer.
Food and drinks (non-alcoholic and alcoholic alike) covered the table in front of the idols. Yes. The unit was not only well compensated for their performances, but also well fed.
Once the green light was put up, mostly everyone dug in. Niki was already chewing on the club’s offerings of yakitori and fried gyoza like he hadn’t snuck granola bars on stage to eat between sets. Kohaku was trying to get his plate away from Rinne, who stacked spicy chicken wings on it so he “doesn’t get them mixed up with the normal ones.”
The only one not as ravenous or lively was, of course, HiMERU. The blue-haired man just sat there, sipping on a can of cola. He had already had his fair share of food this afternoon when Niki had invited him to try out some new dishes he had come up with. Despite HiMERU’s plans to only sample one small sliver of food, he had ended up eating a full course meal without realizing. Quite the problem for someone like HiMERU who tended to follow a meal plan. As a way to balance his sudden deviation, he held back on dinner for tonight.
It can’t be helped, I suppose. Shiina’s cooking is hard to pass up.
His golden eyes shifted to the chef in question. Niki was downing an unreasonable amount of gyoza, at the moment, eyes glued to the oldest and youngest member of the unit bickering away over whether peppercorns were spicy. For once, Niki wasn’t the one going toe to toe with Rinne about a food related matter. It was almost comical, really.
As everyone was distracted, HiMERU took this opportunity to get some much needed fresh air. The sounds of music were clear in that small hideaway for only a brief moment as he snuck out of the door. It didn’t benefit HiMERU to stick around the entire time, no. But he would only be a few minutes. He had been around the others all day and in this building for a non-insignificant amount of time just preparing for the live. He needed air. He needed some peace.
The crisp, night air hit his face as soon as he opened the side door to the Bee Hive. He closed the heavy door behind him and leaned against the railing of the few steps that bled into the back alley. It was nice to get some alone time. Something as precious as that was hard to come by for HiMERU— Especially at and around ES where he was bound to run into someone who knew “HiMERU” and would need to act accordingly. He took a few deep breaths and stared at weathered brick wall in front of him.
A few minutes. And he would go back to the others.
“There you are~!”
HiMERU whipped around as soon as he heard the door open, only to be met with sharp, blue eyes staring back at him.
Niki closed the door behind him as he stepped onto the tiny landing. In his hand was the very plate he was eating from earlier, now with only a few sticks of yakitori.
“You weren’t eating with the rest of us... Was it Rinne-kun? I understand how atmosphere might affect appetite.” Niki stood next to HiMERU, offering up the plate. “... It’s grilled. I’m sure you know that. But the glaze itself is pretty light so it won’t sit in your stomach uncomfortably when you sleep.”
Whenever someone stared at HiMERU so expectantly, it was hard for him to really push them away. And in the time he has gotten to know Niki, HiMERU has become rather weak for the chef in particular.
With a soft smile and a sigh, he took one of the skewers from the plate. “Thank you, Shiina,” he said, “HiMERU just needed some fresh air.”
“Ah~ What a relief. I was worried, y’know? We just finished a live so our body needs some energy. Even if it’s kinda late. You still use up calories in your sleep, after all~”
Niki smiled up at HiMERU. To HiMERU’s surprise, Niki didn’t look like he was just going to hand over the plate and leave.
HiMERU tilted his head at the chef. “HiMERU is aware of that. You should head inside, though. It’s cold out.”
“Eh? But I came here to share food with you.” It was as simple as that to Niki. He leaned up against the railing as well, balancing the plate precariously on the metal pole.
So much for HiMERU’s alone time. But it was fine. Niki made for good company.
Swept up in light chatter, the unit mates ate the remaining sticks of grilled chicken. Well— Niki ate most of it. HiMERU still got at least two down before Niki’s own instincts took over. HiMERU watched Niki go on about a new brine he wanted to test on some leftover meat in the cafeteria, his eyes wandering across his face with a mild curiosity. He studies his features as he spoke, drifting to Niki’s more cat-like eyes and down to his lips that were stained from the glaze. He even had a stray bit of meat left on the corner of his lips.
Most of the culinary jargon went over HiMERU’s head, if he was honest, but it was endearing to see Niki so passionate.
Everything about the chef, really, was endearing to HiMERU. Though in the beginning, he found Niki’s lack of care towards his own duties as an idol rather troublesome, by now HiMERU had gained a new perspective on it. He even respected how he managed to juggle being both a chef and an idol even when one was forced upon him by the man they call a leader. It was an interesting feat. HiMERU wondered if Niki would agree.
And it wasn’t like Niki was bad at being an idol. If anything, HiMERU would call him a near natural if it wasn’t for Niki’s lack of an internal counter when dancing. Niki had practically everything else though. The vocals, the sheer charisma— God, the charisma— Niki’s charm took HiMERU by surprise every time they hopped on stage togeth—
“Hm?” He blinked slowly, like a cat might. “Yes?”
“You’re staring.”
The softness of Niki’s voice pulled HiMERU to the present. He stood up a bit straighter and cleared his throat. He hadn’t realized he had let his guard down so much he started zoning out.
“Aha...~ Sorry. I must’ve been talking too much—“
“No. Not at all.” HiMERU was quick to shut down any self-deprecating comment Niki was about to make. “... You have something on your face.”
Without waiting for a reply, HiMERU reached over and tilted Niki’s chin upward with his pointer finger, brushing away a stray crumb of food at the corner of his unit mate’s mouth with his thumb. He watched as Niki’s eyes went wide with the gesture, lips parting slightly to let out a single noise.
Neither dared to move.
There was a mental game of chicken being played where neither party wanted to move. A spell had been cast. The world was still.
It would never be clear on HiMERU’s face that he was thinking of anything in particular. He had always held himself to the standard of needing to act in accordance to what HiMERU would do. Not himself. But in this moment, he was conflicted. His true desires would be counter to anything that would further HiMERU’s career and counter to any other option that would be “safe.”
In a lone alleyway, under the cover of shadows, with the moon and stars as witness, desire triumphed safety.
Niki’s lips were soft.
That was all HiMERU could register as his hand moved from Niki’s chin to cup his jaw. And for a moment, he feared that the chef did not reciprocate. Alarm bells were ringing in his head— I have made a mistake. And, out of panic, he pulled away just as he felt equal pressure on his lips.
“HiMERU apologi—“
His words were stifled quick. He was backed up against the railing by the force of Niki leaning in for another kiss. Their teeth nearly clashed as HiMERU got his bearings and actually kissed back.
Inhibitions and doubts pushed to the side, HiMERU turned the tables so now Niki was pressed against the brick wall of the building. Their lips moved in sync with one another. Their hands were all over each other. Their bodies melded together like this was the way it was always meant to be. All the time spent dancing around each other’s feelings, kind conversations in the cafe, brushing hands, longing looks— All of it just heated the idols’ want for one another.
The way Niki’s breath hitched and the little whimper that escaped him as they grew more passionate only served to make blood rush down to HiMERU’s groin. He could feel Niki rut against his thigh slightly, almost rhythmically to the tempo of the muffled song playing inside the Bee Hive.
The Bee Hive...
Before either of them could get carried away, they pulled apart for air. Both of them were left panting, staring into each other’s eyes with a carnal desire.
“HiMERU thinks we should go somewhere more private.”
His words come out much more desperately than he’d desire.
“Yeah... Yeah...” Niki seemed to be in a daze himself, still unconsciously moving his hips against HiMERU’s body.
After a quick text to the remaining two bees saying that HiMERU felt tired and that Niki decided to escort him back to the dorms, the two set off on a quick hunt for the nearest love hotel.
The two were back at it in no time.
Clothes were flying off of the both of them— A comical Kisses trailed along each bit of exposed skin. Every beauty mark. Everything. They couldn’t help themselves. Eventually, HiMERU was leaned back against the headboard with Niki in front of him on his knees. Both of them only had their boxers left as a barrier.
HiMERU was once again taken by Niki’s boyish charm, admiring every stray freckle and mole that was once hidden by clothing. He couldn’t help but chuckle slightly at how wide-eyed and flustered Niki was. Though the chef’s hands were resting at the elastic of HiMERU’s boxers, Niki seemed to be hesitating. Or at least in deep thought.
Cupping his cheek, HiMERU made Niki look at him.
“Are you okay?” HiMERU asked.
Niki nodded, his usual smile returning accompanied by a flush of pink to his cheeks. “I’m okay. Just... Nervous. I’ve never... I mean I’ve wanted to— I mean...”
It was rare to see Niki so shy like this. It made him that much more adorable in HiMERU’s eyes.
A kiss. Just to calm the nerves. HiMERU pulled down his own boxers himself. Niki’s face went wildly red. And while normally HiMERU would chastise staring so blatantly... He’d make an exception this time since it made him feel good.
“That’s alright. HiMERU will guide you. Don’t worry.” He did his best to assure his friend— Lover? They didn’t really talk this through. But that would be later. Right now, he coaxed Niki out of his final layer of clothing.
Bare in front of each other, HiMERU held back from folding Niki in half and prepping him hastily with the love hotel’s lube. All this time, HiMERU had been... Suppressing his urges to say the least. It’s been long enough that HiMERU thought he would be immune to such immense horny thoughts. But now it was hitting him like a train. His dick twitched in the cold air of the room as if signaling its own needs.
Niki wasn’t fairing any better, it seemed. He looked painfully hard already, tip gleaming with precum. The man was even drooling slightly like he was looking at his next meal.
Well... Maybe that was because HiMERU was going to end up in his mouth.
Niki was so eager to try, at least. His hand gently wrapped around HiMERU’s base as if to gauge how he’d fit his girth in. Sparkling blue eyes bore into HiMERU with an unspoken request. HiMERU should’ve expected this out of Niki, but he didn’t think the virgin would take initiative like this.
“You...” HiMERU took a deep breath before nodding. “Fine. Just be mindful of your teeth. HiMERU will tell you what to do.”
Beaming, Niki nodded and quickly shimmied down to dick level. Niki’s oral fixation wasn’t anything new, but in this context, HiMERU felt a bead of precum form at his tip.
The moment HiMERU gave Niki a nod, there wasn’t a moment of hesitation. Niki engulfed the tip into his warm, awaiting mouth and lavished it with his tongue. Even with just the tip, Niki’s mouth was rather full.
HiMERU let out a soft groan as he realized that Niki would be rather good at this. He guided Niki’s hand to stroke whatever wasn’t in his mouth, eyes glowing with appreciation as Niki followed his instruction.
“Spit on it,” he said, “And move your head in time with your hand.”
It was a little cute having to tell Niki what to do.
Niki followed, allowing his drool to roll down HiMERU’s shaft. The mix of saliva and pre made it easy for Niki’s hand to pump him at a nice pace. HiMERU’s slender fingers threaded through Niki’s locks in order to guide his head up and down as he liked.
Moans and grunts escaped both parties as each got used to the respective sensations. HiMERU was on cloud nine with how quickly Niki caught on. His mouth felt like heaven. It took all his might to not force Niki’s head down so his dick would slide down the chef’s throat. Though now that the thought was in his head, he’d have to do it if the opportunity presented itself later down the line.
No— Instead, HiMERU watched with his mouth agape as Niki gave head like a champ.
He couldn’t resist bucking his hips lightly into Niki’s inviting mouth every now and again, watching as his partner’s eyes would widen in shock each time but no less took what was given. Niki’s cheeks were puffed out in what the other could only interpret as a pout.
Niki’s eyes peered up at HiMERU’s panting, sweaty form as he opened his mouth and let his lover’s cock pat his tongue a few times. He kissed down the length, leaning to rest his cheek against HiMERU’s thigh. He looked dazed as he leisurely pumped his hand around him.
Hand moving from his long, dark grey hair to his chin, HiMERU smeared the spit along Niki’s lips with his thumb with a smile. “Everything alright, Shiina?” He asked to check in. As much as he wanted his cock stuffed back between his lips, he let Niki take his time.
His lover responded with a hum, kissing his thumb before dragging his tongue along the tip of HiMERU’s cock. Niki’s hips rutted lightly against the bed to satiate himself. “You taste... Nice.”
High praise.
HiMERU’s lips curled into a small smile. He could tell Niki was too shy to actually ask for what he wanted so he took matters into his own hands. “HiMERU hasn’t been very fair, hm? Lay down.”
Niki followed.
His palms slid under Niki’s thighs to push them up to his chest. “Hold them there for—“ HiMERU paused, looking down at his unit mate’s flustered appearance. Fingers digging into his soft skin, he spared a tender kiss to the chef’s lips. “Hold them there for HiMERU. Please.” His voice was strained as he fell into old habits.
Of course, Niki obliged. He held his legs perfectly in place as HiMERU fished the lube out from one of the hotel’s baskets to use.
In HiMERU’s mind, nothing would be quite as hot compared to how Niki looked as he prepared him. As his finger pressed against his hole gently to ease it in, Niki let out the most adorable whimper. A pure melody.
“Ngah~ HiMERU-kun~” Niki whined, blunt nails digging into the backs of his own thighs.
“Just relax, Shiina.” HiMERU muttered, fully concentrated on the task at hand. “It’ll get better in a moment...” He trails off again, pressing the pad of another finger to Niki’s tight hole. The lube felt cool on his fingers, but it was immediately contrasted by the warmth of his lover’s insides. “... HiMERU promises it’ll feel better.”
His free hand moved to attend to Niki’s stiff cock. It was leaking so much precum that HiMERU would’ve thought he came if he wasn’t looking. Either way, it just made stroking him that much easier.
HiMERU took his sweet time preparing his lover. Delving his fingers in and out, HiMERU was given quite the show of Niki writhing against the sheets, biting his lip to keep from making a fool of himself with all the noises he was making. His hole was clenching around HiMERU’s fingers like his life depended on it. Even when HiMERU knew Niki was properly prepared, he still kept going to coax more reactions out of him. The hand moving up and down Niki’s cock was agonizingly slow. He studied each reaction as he ran his fingers over the other’s tip.
Niki was nervous, that much was sure. But the way Niki’s lashes fluttered every now and then as he got more and more used to the feeling of being filled was such a beautiful sight. The blue-haired man was far too entranced by his lover drooling and whining right in the palms of his hands.
It all came to a head when Niki heaved out a breath and grabbed HiMERU’s wrist. “HiMERU-kun, please... I can’t take it. I’m ready. I promise.” A mewling cat simply putty in his hands.
HiMERU blinked a few times, all too lost in how nice Niki was sounding to remember the actual task at hand for a moment.
Niki’s voice was practically strained with want. And who was HiMERU to deny such a kind plea?
With some shifting around, HiMERU was pressed up against Niki’s awaiting hole.
“... You’re sure about this?” HiMERU asked. As much as he wanted nothing more than to bury himself into Niki, both his own hesitancy and his respect for his unit mate made him check once more.
Niki laced his fingers with HiMERU’s. It was such a soft gesture that HiMERU nearly melted on the spot.
“I’m sure, ‘meru,” he said. “I trust you.”
Both of them let out their own soft moans of pleasure as HiMERU pushed in. HiMERU even cursed, hunching over to press his forehead to Niki’s shoulder. “Warm...” He grunted.
He thrust inch by inch in, doing his best to keep it soft and gentle. How long had it been since he fucked someone like this? Someone he cared about, no less. HiMERU could feel a bead of sweat roll down his temple. All the time he’s spent suppressing his urges was kicking him in the ass during what is supposed to be a gentle first time for Niki.
Niki’s lips met HiMERU’s neck to soothe himself as they both rocked in sync. His grip on HiMERU’s hands tightened ever so slightly. The heat from the chef’s body radiated against his own.
The room was alight with soft moans and grunts as the two made love for the first time.
One of HiMERU’s hands let go of Niki’s, much to the chef’s whining.
Niki’s voice came out in a cute squeak as HiMERU timed his thrusts to each stroke of his cock. The both of them had been holding back so much this whole time. Niki himself was far too embarrassed from how ready he was to come even earlier that he’s been holding it in. His pretty blue eyes glistened with tears from how close he was.
HiMERU knew Niki was close and had been for some time. He could feel how his dick twitched in his hand. “C’mon, Shiina,” he mumbled. He allowed himself to speed up, his hips snapping to Niki’s like it was the last thing he would do. “It’s okay. Go on. Come for me.”
His words and Niki’s climax came before either of them could fully register it. Niki’s shy moans got louder and louder, dizzy and overwhelmed with pleasure. “Mnngh~! HiMERU-kun!” He gasped.
Cum splattered across his abdomen and HiMERU’s fingers, but HiMERU hadn’t stopped moving. His eyes shone with an unabashed lust as he raised his hands to lick up the essence spilled. The sight of which made Niki whine with embarrassment.
Niki’s whines turned to more moans as HiMERU continued to plow into him. Given that Niki was thrown deep into a pit of ecstasy, he had no problems now going as harsh as he wanted. His hand found Niki’s shaft once more, playing a nice game of overstimulation with the poor chef beneath him who was scrambling to hold onto him.
“Ghh—!” Niki’s cries went unheard.
HiMERU was ruthless, peppering Niki’s face with kisses as he let out all his pent up lust.
“I’m sorry, Shiina. I can’t help it when you look so sexy under me. You’re gripping my cock so tightly... You want me to keep fucking you like this into the night?” His words flowed out of his mouth freely and without shame in short gasps. “You’re so pretty. Wish I could take a picture...”
A part of him was tempted, but that would open a whole new can of possible bad decisions.
Niki didn’t have the mind to respond in anything but the lovely sounds of moans and whimpers. His back arched as he felt HiMERU twitch in his tight hole.
HiMERU pressed his lips roughly onto Niki’s as his thrusts lost their rhythm. He focused purely on driving himself as harshly as he could into his lover.
With one last pump of his hips, HiMERU pushed himself flush against Niki. His balls emptied themselves of their seed, filling Niki enough to make him shudder.
Once again, the world was still as the two caught their breath. HiMERU didn’t bother pulling out just yet. Instead, he very carefully adjusted both of them to they could lay intertwined in each other’s embrace.
Niki was exhausted, but satisfied as he snuggled up to HiMERU. His eyes were drooping slightly as the high started to settle down.
“That felt nice...” He muttered. “... But now I’m hungry...”
HiMERU let out a breathless chuckle, kissing the crown of Niki’s head. “I’m— Excuse me. HiMERU is pretty sure we can order food here... Let’s rest first for a moment. HiME— I—“ He sighed. The inner conflict was back.
“... I’ll order us something in a minute. How’s that sound?”
“Mhm... Anything’s fine with me. Thank you.” Niki responded in kind, a soft smile on his face as he basked in the afterglow.
The two shared a kiss, tender and sweet.
In these moments... These are for me. Just me. I can let myself have these moments with Shiina.
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baddmintonsart · 2 years
Hello! 3, 10 and 20 for Syldreth? :D
3. Do they have any bad habits?
Ohh Syl is definitely an impulse buyer. Like there is no way for him to save gold bc he WILL spend it on dumb shit. Or he'll find some way to justify buying it lol
10. What's their favourite food or drink?
This one I haven't thought Abt a ton mostly bc idk food lore of elder scrolls AKDKKGKS but I feel like Syl is a pretty picky eater and probably only likes a few things
he defs likes skooma quite a bit tho lol
20. Glass half full, or glass half empty?
During the events of Morrowind definitely half empty that shit sucks AKDKKGKKS
Though I'm sure he'll find that things get better in time at lease
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minty364 · 3 months
I saw on your post with soulmate Jason/Danny that you were thinking of putting it on AO3, I tried to look for your name but couldn't find it as I'm a bit more active on it then here and was wondering if you went by a different name or if I didn't type something correctly?
You’re right I do have an AO3 account but I haven’t posted anything on it yet. Honestly just posting on here makes me nervous because I’m unsure about the things I’ve made, not just fanfic but personal stuff too and it’s been kind of a struggle putting myself out there.
My plan is to update and clean up older parts and eventually posting to AO3 more finished stories.
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So, here are my OCs. They’re going through some redesigns I’m not 100% happy with how they’ve turned out but if anyone has any questions about them let me know.
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baddminton · 1 year
THANK YOU🥺💕🍓💞💕💚❤️💚❤️
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